Computer Science Journal Rankings(Not official, for reference only.)AREA: Artificial IntelligencePremium:Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence ReviewComputational LinguisticsIEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntlIEEE Trans on Robotics and AutomationIEEE Trans on Image ProcessingJournal of AI ResearchNeural ComputationMachine LearningIntl Jnl of Computer VisionLeading:ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information ProcessingAI MagazineAnnals of Mathematics and AIApplied Artificial IntelligenceApplied IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in MedicineAutonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsComputational IntelligenceComplex SystemsComputer Speech and LanguageComputer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL)Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingConnection ScienceCVGIP: Graphical Models & Image ProcessingCVGIP: Image UnderstandingExpert Systems with Applications: An Intl JnlIEEE Trans on Neural NetworksIEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio ProcIEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A & BIntl Jnl on Artificial Intelligence ToolsJnl of Experimental & Theoretical AIJournal of East Asian LinguisticsKnowledge Engineering ReviewMachine TranslationNeural NetworksNetwork Computing in Neural SystemsPattern Analysis and ApplicationsPattern RecognitionNeurocomputingUser Modelling & User-Adapted Interaction: an Intl Jnl Reputable:Communications of COLIPSComputer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages Computers and Artificial IntelligenceCybernetics and SystemsEngineering Intelligent Systems for EE and CSExpert SystemsEvolutionary ComputationIntelligent Instruments & ComputersIntl Jnl for AI in EngineeringIntl Jnl of Applied Expert SystemsIntl Jnl of Approximate ReasoningIntl Jnl of Intelligent SystemsIntl Jnl of Neural SystemsIntl Jnl of Pattern Recognition & AIIntl Journal of Document Analysis and RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Fuzzy SystemsKnowledge Acquisition JnlKnowledge-Based SystemsKybernetikaNatural Language EngineeringNeural Computing & ApplicationsNetwork SocietyNeural Processing LettersPattern Recognition LettersIEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal ProcSpeech CommunicationsJournal of Neural Network ComputingMinds and Machines: Jnl for AI, Philosopy and Cog. Sc Intl Jnl of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBSHeuristics: Jnl of Knowledge EngineeringEngineering Applications of AIJnl. of Japanese Soc. of AIAustralian Jnl of Intelligent Information Proc SysIntelligent Data AnalysisImage and Vision ComputingJournal of Artificial Neural NetworksNeural, Parallel and Scientific ComputationsRoboticaOthers:AIAA JournalCanadian Artificial IntelligenceJournal of Advanced RoboticsJournal of Artificial Intelligence in EducationJournal of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Automation, and Manufacturing Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and ComplexJournal of Computational AcousticsJournal of Computational NeuroscienceJournal of Computational VisionJournal of Card. ImagingJournal of CyberneticsJournal of Cybernetics and Information ScienceJournal of Design Automation of Embedded SystemsJournal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering SystemsJournal of Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Systems Automation: Research and ApplicationsJournal of Automation and Remote ControlJournal of Intelligent Automation & Soft ComputingJournal of Intelligent Control and SystemsJournal of Intelligent and Robotic SystemsJournal of Intelligent ManufacturingJournal of Intelligent Systems EngineeringJournal of Intelligence SystemJournal of Intelligent TechnologyJournal of Literary and Linguistic ComputingJournal of Machine Vision and ApplicationsJournal of Man-Machine StudiesJournal on Neural and Mass-Parallel Computing and Information Systems Journal of Robotics and MechatronicsJournal of Robotic SystemsJournal of Robotics and Autonomous SystemsJournal of Robotics ResearchJournal of the Robotics Society of JapanJournal of Computational NeurologyInternational Journal of LexicographyJournal of intelligent ComputingInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management International Journal of Speech TechnologyEngineering Design and Automation JournalInternational Journal of Machine Tools & ManufacturingInternational Journal of Corpus LinguisticsJournal of Chinese Information ProcessingAREA: Algorithms, Theory and Related AreasPremium:AlgorithmicaComputational ComplexityDiscrete & Computational GeometryIEEE Trans on Information TheoryInformation & ComputationJnl of AlgorithmsJnl of Computer and System SciencesJnl of the Association for Computing MachinerySIAM Jnl on ComputingMathematics of ORLeading:Acta InformaticaChicago Journal of Theoretical Computer ScienceComputational Logic (TOCL)Designs, Codes and CryptographyJnl of Symbolic ComputationJournal of Automated ReasoningJournal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsJournal of ComplexityJournal of CryptologyJOTA - J. of Optimization: Theory and ApplicationsMathematics of ComputationMathematical ProgrammingOptimization: A J. of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research ORSA Journal of ComputingNordic J of Computing (BIT)SIAM Journal on OptimizationRandom Structures & AlgorithmsTheoretical Computer ScienceReputable:Applicable Algebra in Eng., Comm., and ComputingApplied Maths and ComputationBIT: Computer Science and Numerical MathematicsBulletin of the European Assoc. for Theoretical CSComputational and Applied MathsComputers & Mathematics With ApplicationsCombinatorics, Probability & ComputingEuropean Journal of ORJournal of Computer and System Sciences InternationalIntl Jnl of Foundations of Computer ScienceOthers:Problem Solving TechnologiesJournal of Algebraic CombinatoricsJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Experimental AlgorithmicsJournal of Electronic ImagingIntl J. for Numerical Methods in EngineeringSIAM Journal of Algorithms and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete MethodsSIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsNaval Journal of Operations ResearchJournal of SchedulingElectronic Journal of CombinatoricsJournal of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing Journal of Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceInternational Journal on Mathematical and Computer Models Journal of Global OptimizationJournal of Computational Statistics and Data AnalysisAREA: Hardware and ArchitecturePremium:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIEEE Trans on ComputersIntegration: The VLSI JnlVLSI DesignLeading:IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems IIJnl of Microcomputer ApplicationsMicroprocessing and Microprogramming Reputable:Computer DesignDigital ProcessesElectronics Letters,EUROMICRO JnlJnl of Circuits, Systems and ComputersJnl of Electronics, Information and SystemsMicroprocessors and MicrosystemsSupercomputerIEEE Journal on Computer Architectures for Intelligent Machines Others:Signal ProcessingTechnical Journal of Digital Equipment CorporationThe Linux JournalIBM Application System/400 Technology JournalJournal of System ArchitectureNEC Technical JournalInternational Journal of Computer Aided VLSI DesignMRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor ResearchStandards and Interface JournalInternational Journal of Mini and MicrocomputersJournal of Microelectronic Systems IntegrationUser Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionThe X Resource: A Practical Journal of the X Window SystemHewlett-Packard JournalAREA: DatabasesPremium:ACM Trans on Database SystemsIEEE Trans on Knowledge & Data EngineeringJnl of Intell. Info Systems: Integrating AI and DB TechVLDB Intl JnlDistributed and Parallel DatabasesLeading:Data & Knowledge EngineeringInformation systemsJnl of Systems IntegrationJnl. of Data Mining & Knowledge DiscoveryIntl Jnl of Computer & Information SciencesIntl Jnl of Cooperative Information SystemsIntl Jnl of Intelligent & Cooperative Info. SystemsIntl Jnl of Geographic Information SystemsJournal of Information Processing and CyberneticsGeoinformaticaJournal on Digital LibrariesJournal of the American Society for Information ScienceJournal of Intelligent Information Systems Reputable:Data EngineeringKnowledge and Information SystemsAdvances in Engineering SoftwareInformation & Software TechnologyData BaseData Base ManagementDatabase and Network JournalJournal of Data WarehousingJournal of Combinatorics, Information and System SciencesInternational Journal of Information TechnologyTransactions of Information Processing Society of JapanSIGMOD RecordIEICE Data EngineeringOthers:Journal of Computing Information ScienceJournal of Information Science and EngineeringEuropean Journal of Information SystemsJournal of Databases ManagementDatabase for Advances in Information SystemsData ManagementDatamationGovernment Data SystemsJournal of Database AdministrationJournal of the Association for Education Data SystemsInformation Processing and ManagementJournal of Information Science: Principles and PracticeDatabase Programming and DesignScandinavian Journal of Information SystemAREA: Programming Languages and Software Engineering Premium:ACM Trans on Programming Languages & SystemsAnnals of Software EngineeringIEEE Trans on Software EngineeringJnl of Functional ProgrammingACM Trans on S/W Eng and MethodologyFormal Methods in System DesignLeading:The Jnl of Logic ProgrammingIEE Procs - SoftwareJnl of Software Maintenance: Research and PracticeHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation (previously known as LISP and Symbolic Computation)Software: Practice and ExperienceJnl of Functional and Logic ProgrammingThe Constraints JournalJournal of Logic and ComputationJournal of Programming LanguagesEmpirical Software EngineeringAutomated Software EngineeringFormal Aspects of ComputingObject-Oriented SystemsTheory and Practice of Object SystemsJournal of Object-Oriented ProgrammingIEEE Transactions on ReliabilityFuture Generations Computer Systems: FGCSReputable:Programming and Computer SoftwareScience of Computer ProgrammingJnl of Systems and SoftwareIntl Jnl on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngNew Generation ComputingSoftware Quality JournalSoftware Testing, Verification and ReliabilityComputer LanguagesRequirements Engineering JournalIEE Software Engineering JournalOthers:Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied LogicNotre Dame Journal of Formal LogicJournal of Computer and Software EngineeringJournal of Structured ProgrammingInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer Chinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchJournal of Computing Systems in EngineeringJournal of Symbolic LogicProject Management JournalInternational Journal of Reliability, Quality, and SafetyJournal for Applied Nonclassical LogicThe Journal of Defense Software EngineeringComputer & Control Engineering JournalJournal of Logic, Language and InformationComputer Systems Engineering JournalJournal of Automata, Languages and CombinatoricsThe C Users JournalInformation Design JournalJava Developer's JournalC++ JournalFortran JournalJournal of Scientific ProgrammingLogic Journal of the IGPLJournal of Philosophical LogicJournal of Quality TechnologyInternational Journal of Technology ManagementSoftware Process Modeling and TechnologyJournal of Computers and TranslationJournal of C Language TranslationJournal of Electronic TestingSoftware Engineering NotesAREA: Software TechnologyPremium:ACM Trans on GraphicsACM Trans on Modeling & Computer SimulationComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignIEEE Trans on CAD of Integrated Circuits & SystemsIEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer GraphicsSIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical ComputingMultimedia SystemsPerformance EvaluationJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Leading:Computers & EducationACM Trans on Mathematical SoftwareHypermediaIntl Jnl of Modelling & SimulationIntl Jnl of Shape ModellingIntl Jnl on Computational Geometry & AppsSimulation & GamesSimulation & GamingVisual ComputerComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsSimulationMultimedia Tools & ApplicationsIntl Jnl in Computer SimulationIntegrated Computer-Aided EngineeringInformation RetrievalReputable:Computer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CGComputer & GraphicsIntl Jnl of Applied Software TechnologyJnl of Computational and Applied MathematicsMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematics and Computers in SimulationInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsSimulation Practice and TheoryThe New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & ResTrans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in SimulnComputer Simulation: Modeling & AnalysisTrans of the Society for Computer SimulationJournal of Visual Languages and ComputingEngineering ComputationsSoftware - Concepts and ToolsJournal of Visualization and Computer AnimationThe International Journal of The Eurographics Association Others:Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringJournal of Digital ImagingJournal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and ResearchDigital Technical JournalInterface Journal of New Music ResearchSPIE Journal of Electronic ImagingThe Journal of Electronic CommerceJournal of Graphics ToolsInternational Journal of Information Processing and Management Journal of Library AutomationThe Journal of Computer Game DesignJournal of DocumentationVirtual Prototyping JournalJournal of Computing and Information TechnologySIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.Journal of Computer Aided SurgeryJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignJournal of the Virtual Reality SocietyJournal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and Applications Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsAREA: System TechnologyPremium:IEEE Trans on CommunicationsJnl of Parallel and Distributed ComputingACM Trans on Computer SystemsIEEE/ACM Trans on NetworkingACM Trans on Information SystemsIEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed SystemsDistributed ComputingIEEE Jnl on Selected Areas in CommunicationInternational Journal of Parallel ProgrammingComputer Networks (Previously "& ISDN Networks")Real-time SystemsLeading:NetworksInternet Research - Electronic Networking Applications and Policy Computer CommunicationsJnl of Computer CommunicationsJnl of Network and Computer ApplicationsParallel ComputingMobile Networks and ApplicationsJnl of High Speed NetworksWireless NetworksQueueing SystemsThe Intl Jnl of Supercomputer ApplicationsConcurrency - Practice and ExperienceIEEE Journal of Internet ComputingACM Transactions on Information and System Security Reputable:Computers & SecurityIEE Proc. - CommunicationsIEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Elec., Comm., and Comp.IEICE Trans on CommunicationsMobile Computing and Communicatons ReviewDistributed Systems Engineering JnlIntl Jnl of High Speed ComputingWorld Wide Web JournalElectronic NetworkingIntl Jnl of Communication SystemsSignal Processing: Image CommunicationTelecommunication SystemsInternational Journal of Systems ScienceJournal of CryptographyInternet Security JournalJournal of Networks and Systems ManagementInternational Journal of Wireless Information NetworksAn Interactive Journal of Mobile ComputingOthers:Information & Systems TechnologyJnl of Computer SecurityParallel Processing LettersIBM Systems JournalThe International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking USENIX Computing Systems JournalAT&T Technical JournalJournal of Internetworking: Research and ExperienceFujitsu Scientific and Technical JournalComputer Music JournalJournal of Computer-based InstructionICL Technical JournalInternational Journal of Imaging Systems and TechnologyInternational Journal of Digital and Analog Communication SystemJournal of Supercomputer Application of High Performance ComputingJournal of Decision Support SystemsJournal of Computer Research and DevelopmentBritish Telecommunications Technology JournalThe Journal of Interactive Media and EducationInternational Journal of Time-Critical Computing SystemsInternational. Journal of CAD/ CAM & Comp. GraphicsEducational Communication and Technology JournalThe International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Data Communications and InterfacesJournal of Electronic PublishingWeb JournalMicrosoft Systems JournalJournal of Data & Computer CommunicationJournal of SupercomputingJournal of Imaging TechnologyINESC Journal on Junior Activities in Science and Technology The Journal of Electronic Data InterchangeISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingInternational Journal of CIMInternational Journal of Circuit Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Digital SystemsIVHS JournalJournal Design Automation and Fault Tolerant ComputingJournal of the American Voice I/O SocietyJournal of the Communications Research LabInternational Journal of Construction information Technology Journal of Computer Communication ReviewReal-Time Imaging JournalJournal of Lightwave TechnologyJournal of Advanced Automation TechnologyJournal of Technology TransferTI Technical JournalJournal of Imaging Science and TechnologyJournal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionThe journal of the Interactive Multimedia AssociationTransputer Communication JournalBell System Technical JournalJournal of Combinatorial DesignsJournal of Combinatorial OptimizationJournal of Reliable ComputingJournal of Digital Library ResearchAREA: General Computer Science and Related Journals Premium:Jnl of the American Medical Informatics Assoc (JAMIA)Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A & B)CombinatoricaSIAM Jnl on Discrete MathematicsOperations ResearchLeading:Communications of the ACMACM Computing SurveysProcs of the IEEEInformation Processing LettersIBM Journal of R & DComputers in Biomedical ResearchMethods of Information in MedicineMedical Decision MakingInternational Journal of General SystemsAdaptive BehaviorDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsJournal of Computational BiologyJournal of Molecular BiologyBioinformaticsReputable:Computer JournalComputer Applications in the BioSciences: CABIOS ComputingFuzzy Sets and SystemsIBS Computing QuarterlyInformation SciencesIntl Jnl of Computer Applications in TechnologyIntl Jnl of Computer System Science & EngineeringMedical InformaticsInternational Journal of Medical InformaticsJnl of Computer Science and TechnologyJnl of Computing and InformationJnl of Information ProcessingAustralian Computer JnlJournal on Universal Computer ScienceIEICE Trans on Infomation and SystemsComputer Methods and Programs in BiomedicineComputers in Biology and MedicineFinite Fields and their ApplicationsInstructional Science。
领域顶级国际会议,录取率 25%左右,2 年一次,中国大 陆每年论文数不超过 20 篇
模式识别,计算机 视觉,多媒体计算
15 DCC: Data Compression Conference
领域顶级国际会议,录取率很低,每年一次,目前完全 国内论文极少
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning
ACM MobiCom: International Conference on 无线网络领域顶级会议,录用率约为 10%,每年举行一
Mobile Computing and Networking
ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on
8 Measurement and Modeling of Computer
偏重于建模和测量的重要国际会议,内容覆盖系统和网 络,录用率为 10%左右。
ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Comp
无线网络领域新兴的重要国际会议,内容侧重于 adhoc 网 络。
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
刊物名称(以期刊名称的拼音为序) 总被引频次
中文版 1676
高技术通讯(英文版、中文版) 中文版 540
最新计算机核心期刊目录一览表1.计算机科学与技术英文版: 《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》(双月刊)SCI-E源期刊,中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所2.《计算机学报》(Chinese Journal of Computers) (月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国计算机学会中国科学院计算技术研究所3.《软件学报》(Journal of Software) (月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国计算机学会中国科学院软件研究所4.《计算机研究与发展》 (Journal of Computer Research and Development)(月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所中国计算机学会5.《电子学报》(中文版)(Acta Electronica Sinica)(月刊)电子学报英文版:《Chinese Journal of Electronics》(双月刊)SCI-E检索源期刊,中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊6.《自动化学报》(双月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊期刊外文名: Acta Automatica Sinica创办日期: 1963.01.01主办单位:中国自动化学会、中国科学院自动化所7.《计算机工程》(Computer Engineering)(半月刊)中文核心期刊(已经不被EI检索)主办单位:华东计算技术研究所上海市计算机学会8.《电子与信息学报》(中文版)(月刊)电子与信息学报英文版:《Journal of Electronics》(季刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊原刊名:电子科学学刊9.《信息与控制》(Information and Control)(双月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊10.《控制理论与应用》(双月刊)(Control Theory & Applications)控制理论与应用英文版:《Journal of Control Theory and Applications》中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:华南理工大学11.《控制与决策》(Control and Decision)(月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊12.《系统仿真学报》(JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION)(半月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊编13.《模试识别与人工智能》(季刊) ISTIC收录中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国自动化学会国家智能计算机研究开发中心14.《计算机科学》(Computer Science)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:国家科技部西南信息中心通信地址:重庆市北部新区洪湖西路18号重庆天旭科技信息有限公司《计算机科学》杂志社15.《系统工程理论与实践》(月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊地址:北京中关村东路55号邮编:10008016.《系统工程学报》(Journal of Systems Engineering )(双月刊)中文重要期刊,EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国系统工程学会地址:天津市津卫路92号天津大学18教学楼411室邮政编码:30007217.《系统工程与电子技术》(Systems Engineering and Electronics)(月刊)系统工程与电子技术英文版:《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》(季刊)EI Compendex源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科工集团公司二院中国宇航学会中国系统工程学会18.《小型微型计算机系统》(Mini-Micro Systems)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中科院沈阳计算技术研究所地址:沈阳市和平区三好街100号中科院沈阳计算技术研究所《小型微型计算机系统》编辑部19.《数值计算与计算机应用》(Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications)(季刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所地址:北京市2719信箱《数值计算与计算机应用》编辑部20.《计算机工程与应用》(Computer Engineering and Applications)(旬刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:华北计算技术研究所地址:北京市北四环中路211号北京619信箱26分箱《计算机工程与应用》杂志社邮编:10008321.《计算机应用研究》(Application Research Of Computers)(月刊)中文核心期刊, ISTIC收录主办单位:四川省电子计算机应用研究中心通讯地址:成都市成科西路3号《计算机应用研究》编辑部邮编:61004122.《中文信息学报》(双月刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院软件研究所中国中文信息学会地址:北京8718信箱《中文信息学报》编辑部邮编:100080E-mail:cips@23.《计算机应用》(Computer Appliocations)(月刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中科院成都计算机应用研究所四川省计算机学会地址:成都市人民南路四段九号成都237信箱《计算机应用》编辑部邮编:610041编辑部地址:成都市237信箱《计算机应用》编辑部邮编:610041邮发代号:62-11024.《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》(Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics)(月刊)中文核心期刊,ISTIC收录主办单位:中国计算机学会25.《计算机工程与设计》(Computer Engineering and Design)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科工集团二院706所26.微电子学与计算机(Microellectronics & Computer)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科技集团公司西安微电子技术研究所27.计算机仿真(Computer Simulation)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航天科工集团公司第十七研究所28.计算机应用与软件(Computer Applications and Software)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:上海市计算技术研究所上海计算机软件技术开发中心地址:上海市愚园路546号《计算机应用与软件》编辑部29.微计算机信息(CONTROL & AUTOMATION)(旬刊)中文核心期刊主办单位: 中国计算机用户协会自动控制分会通信地址: 北京海淀区皂君庙14号鑫雅苑6号楼601室邮编:100081 30.微型机与应用(Microcomputer & Its Applications)(月刊)中文核心期刊创办日期: 1982.01.01主办单位:信息产业部电子第六研究所编辑部通信地址:北京市海淀区清华东路25号(927信箱)国内邮发代号: 82-41731.微型计算机(半月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:科技部西南信息中心创刊日期:1980.8出刊日期:每月1日、15日32.数据采集与处理(Journal of Data Acquisition & Processing)(月刊) EI统计源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位: 南京航空航天大学. 信号处理学会.微弱信号检测学会33.中国图象图形学报(Journal of Image and Graphics)(月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院遥感应用研究所、中国图象图形学学会、北京应用物理与计算数学研究所34.机器人(Robot)(双月刊)EI统计源期刊,中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所35.计算机集成制造系统(Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems)EI统计源期刊,中文核心期刊36.航空计算技术(Aeronautical Computer Technique)(季刊) ISTIC收录创办日期: 1971.01.01主办单位:中国航空工业第六三一研究所编辑部通信地址:陕西省西安市太白南路(西安90信箱)国内统一刊号: 61-1276/TP国际标准刊号: 1671-654X国内邮发代号: 52-79出版日期:季末月30日37.微计算机应用(Microcomputer Applications)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国科学院声学研究所编辑出版:《微计算机应用》编辑部国内统一刊号:CN11-2204/TP国内邮发代号:2-304国外发行代号:BM555038.电光与控制(Electronics Optics & Control)(双月刊)中文核心期刊主办单位:中国航空工业洛阳电光设备研究所39.《计算机工程与科学》(Computer Engineering and Science)(双月刊) ISTIC收录主办单位:国防科技大学计算机学院电子计算机与外部设备(Computer & Peripherals)计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering)计算机与现代化(Computer and Modernization)计算机与应用化学 Computers and Applied Chemistry计算机自动测量与控制 Computer Automated Measurement & Control微型电脑应用计算机技术与发展机器人技术与应用说明:检索系统摘引情况选定如下系统:SCI (科学引文索引)中文重要期刊(研究生教育与学位重要期刊)EI(工程索引)中文核心期刊ISTIC (中国科技期刊引证报告统计源期刊) 未注明者为非统计源期刊。
2:供硕士生选择的相关刊物序号刊物名称(以期刊名称的拼音为序) 总被引频次影响因子影响因子学科内排名1 电子学报(英文版、中文版)1676 0.450 电子类第12 高技术通讯(英文版、中文版)540 0.294 综合类第22名3 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报945 0.692 计算机类第5名4 计算机工程1342 0.232 计算机类第19名5 计算机工程与应用2165 0.280 计算机类第14名6 计算机集成制造系统819 0.855 计算机类第3名7 计算机科学712 0.280 计算机类第14名8 J COMPUT SCI & TECH 141 0.330 计算机类第12名9 计算机学报1370 0.921 计算机类第1名10 计算机研究与发展1308 0.806 计算机类第4名11 计算机应用785 0.329 计算机类第13名12 计算机应用研究1073 0.428 计算机类第8名13 计算数学(英)中文版242 中文版0.316 数学类第4名中文版4511 中文版0.935 综合类第1名14 科学通报(英)15 模式识别与人工智能348 0.390 计算机类第10名16 软件学报1598 0.919 计算机类第2名17 通信学报581 0.343 电子类第7名18 系统仿真学报867 0.415 信息类第7名19 系统工程理论与实践1372 0.533 信息类第3名20 小型微型计算机系统746 0.275 计算机类第16名E辑 403 E辑 0.444 综合类第10名21 中国科学22 中国图象图形学报1155 0.616 计算机类第7名23 中文信息学报270 0.635 计算机类第6名24 自动化学报(英文版、中文版)中文版876 0.60125 自然科学进展(英文版)中文版562 中文版0.430 综合类第11名26 计算机测量与控制426 0.406 计算机类第9名27 计算机工程与科学235 0.234 计算机类第18名28 计算机仿真294 0.206 计算机类第20名29 计算机工程与设计218 0.203 计算机类第21名30 微电子学与计算机31 中国科学院研究生院学报13:SCI或SCIE收录的计算机学科刊物清单和查看。
计算机核心期刊新排名:2004部分核心期刊名单(自动化、计算机部分与无线电、电信部分) 自动化、计算机部分1 计算机学报北京中国计算机学会等2 软件学报北京中国科学院软件研究所3 计算机研究与发展北京中国科学院计算技术研究所等4 自动化学报北京中国科学院等5 计算机科学重庆国家科技部西南信息中心6 控制理论与应用广州中国科学院系统科学研究所等7 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报北京中国计算机学会等8 计算机工程与应用北京华北计算技术研究所9 模式识别与人工智能北京中国自动化学会等10 控制与决策沈阳东北大学11 小型微型计算机系统沈阳中国科学院沈阳计算机技术研究所12 计算机工程上海上海市计算机协会13 计算机应用北京中国科学院计算机应用研究所等14 信息与控制沈阳中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所15 机器人沈阳中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所16 中国图象图形学报A版北京中国图象图形学会17 计算机应用研究成都四川省计算机应用研究中心18 系统仿真学报北京航天机电集团北京长峰计算机技术有限公司19 计算机集成制造系统—CIMS 北京国家863计划CIMS主题办公室等20 遥感学报 .北京中国地理学会环境遥感分会,中国科学院遥感应用研究所21 中文信息学报北京中国中文信息学会22 微计算机信息北京中国计算机用户协会,山西协会23 数据采集与处理南京中国电子学会等24 微型机与应用北京信息产业部电子第6研究所25 传感器技术哈尔滨信息产业部电子第49研究所26 传感技术学报南京国家教委全国高校传感技术研究会,东南大学27 计算机工程与设计北京航天工业总公司706所28 计算机应用与软件上海上海计算技术研究所等29 微型计算机重庆科技部西南信息中心30 微电子学与计算机西安中国航天工业总公等计算机类部分期刊杂志投稿信息1、《计算机工程与设计》和《计算机应用与软件》核心,相对来讲比较好中。
2、《计算机应用研究》国家一级期刊,核心,录用率60%, 通知得较快。
8、通信学报(约3个月审稿费: 约300元/篇版面费: 约300元/页)
计算机方面核心期刊计算机方面核心期刊计算机技术1.计算机学报2.软件学报3.计算机研究与发展4.自动化学报5.计算机科学6.控制理论与应用7.计算机辅助设计与图型学学报8.计算机工程与应用9.模式识别与人工智能10.控制与决策11.小型微型计算机系统12.计算机工程13.计算机应用14.信息与控制15.机器人16.中国图象图形学报.A版17.计算机应用研究18.系统仿真学报19.计算机集成制造系统-CIMS20.遥感学报21.中文信息学报22.微计算机信息23.数据采集与处理24.微型机与应用25.传感器技术26.传感技术学报28.计算机应用与软件29.微型计算机30.微电子学与计算机法律1.中国法学2.法学研究3.法学4.法学评论5.中外法学6.现代法学7.法商研究8.法律科学9. 法学家10. 政法论坛11.人民检察12. 河北法学13.法制与社会发展14.政治与法律15.环境法律评论16.比较法研究17.法学杂志18.当代法学19.人民司法20.法律适用21.法学论坛一、程序语言和软件工程权威期刊类:ACM Trans on Programming Languages & SystemsAnnals of Software EngineeringIEEE Trans on Software EngineeringJnl of Functional ProgrammingACM Trans on S/W Eng and MethodologyFormal Methods in System Design著名期刊类:The Jnl of Logic ProgrammingIEEE Procs - SoftwareJnl of Software Maintenance: Research and PracticeHigher-Order and Symbolic Computation (previously known as LISP and Symbolic Computation)Software: Practice and ExperienceJnl of Functional and Logic ProgrammingThe Constraints JournalJournal of Logic and ComputationJournal of Programming LanguagesEmpirical Software EngineeringAutomated Software EngineeringFormal Aspects of ComputingObject-Oriented SystemsTheory and Practice of Object SystemsJournal of Object-Oriented ProgrammingIEEE Transactions on ReliabilityFuture Generations Computer Systems: FGCSProgramming and Computer SoftwareScience of Computer ProgrammingJnl of Systems and SoftwareIntl Jnl on Software Engineering and Knowledge EngNew Generation ComputingSoftware Quality JournalSoftware Testing, Verification and ReliabilityComputer LanguagesRequirements Engineering JournalIEEE Software Engineering Journal其它期刊:Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied LogicNotre Dame Journal of Formal LogicJournal of Computer and Software EngineeringJournal of Structured ProgrammingInternational Journal on Software Tools for Technology TransferChinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchJournal of Computing Systems in EngineeringJournal of Symbolic LogicProject Management JournalInternational Journal of Reliability, Quality, and SafetyJournal for Applied Nonclassical LogicThe Journal of Defense Software EngineeringComputer & Control Engineering JournalJournal of Logic, Language and InformationComputer Systems Engineering JournalJournal of Automata, Languages and CombinatoricsThe C Users JournalInformation Design JournalJava Developer’s JournalC++ JournalFortran JournalJournal of Scientific ProgrammingLogic Journal of the IGPLJournal of Philosophical LogicJournal of Quality TechnologyInternational Journal of Technology ManagementSoftware Process Modeling and TechnologyJournal of Computers and TranslationJournal of C Language TranslationJournal of Electronic TestingSoftware Engineering Notes二、软件技术权威期刊类:ACM Trans on GraphicsACM Trans on Modeling & Computer SimulationComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignIEEE Trans on CAD of Integrated Circuits & SystemsIEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer GraphicsSIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical ComputingMultimedia SystemsPerformance EvaluationJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 著名期刊类:Computers & EducationACM Trans on Mathematical SoftwareHypermediaIntl Jnl of Modelling & SimulationIntl Jnl of Shape ModellingIntl Jnl on Computational Geometry & AppsSimulation & GamesSimulation & GamingVisual ComputerComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsSimulationMultimedia Tools & ApplicationsIntl Jnl in Computer SimulationIntegrated Computer-Aided EngineeringInformation RetrievalComputer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CGComputer & GraphicsIntl Jnl of Applied Software TechnologyJnl of Computational and Applied MathematicsMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematics and Computers in SimulationInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsSimulation Practice and TheoryThe New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & ResTrans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in SimulnComputer Simulation: Modeling & AnalysisTrans of the Society for Computer SimulationJournal of Visual Languages and ComputingEngineering ComputationsSoftware - Concepts and ToolsJournal of Visualization and Computer AnimationThe International Journal of The Eurographics Association其它期刊类:Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringJournal of Digital ImagingJournal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and ResearchDigital Technical JournalInterface Journal of New Music ResearchSPIE Journal of Electronic ImagingThe Journal of Electronic CommerceJournal of Graphics ToolsInternational Journal of Information Processing and ManagementJournal of Library AutomationThe Journal of Computer Game DesignJournal of DocumentationVirtual Prototyping JournalJournal of Computing and Information TechnologySIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.Journal of Computer Aided SurgeryJournal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignJournal of the Virtual Reality SocietyJournal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and ApplicationsJournal of Computational and Graphical Statistics三、数据库权威期刊:ACM Trans on Database SystemsIEEE Trans on Knowledge & Data EngineeringJnl of Intell. Info Systems: Integrating AI and DB TechVLDB Intl JnlDistributed and Parallel Databases著名期刊:Data & Knowledge EngineeringInformation systemsJnl of Systems IntegrationJnl. of Data Mining & Knowledge DiscoveryIntl Jnl of Computer & Information SciencesIntl Jnl of Cooperative Information SystemsIntl Jnl of Intelligent & Cooperative Info. SystemsIntl Jnl of Geographic Information SystemsJournal of Information Processing and Cybernetics Geoinformatica Journal on Digital LibrariesJournal of the American Society for Information ScienceJournal of Intelligent Information SystemsData EngineeringKnowledge and Information SystemsAdvances in Engineering SoftwareInformation & Software TechnologyData BaseData Base ManagementDatabase and Network JournalJournal of Data WarehousingJournal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences International Journal of Information TechnologyTransactions of Information Processing Society of JapanSIGMOD RecordIEICE Data Engineering其它期刊:Journal of Computing Information ScienceJournal of Information Science and EngineeringEuropean Journal of Information SystemsJournal of Databases ManagementDatabase for Advances in Information SystemsData ManagementData mationGovernment Data SystemsJournal of Database AdministrationJournal of the Association for Education Data SystemsInformation Processing and ManagementJournal of Information Science: Principles and PracticeDatabase Programming and DesignScandinavian Journal of Information System。
计算机领域的所有SCI一区期刊,这是最顶级期刊了(2012-10-24 09:41:18)刊名全称小类名称(中文)2008年影响因子HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION 计算机:控制论 2.905 BIOINFORMATICS 计算机:跨学科应用 4.328 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING 计算机:跨学科应用 4.004 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION 计算机:跨学科应用 3.428 MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS 计算机:跨学科应用 3.602 NEUROINFORMATICS 计算机:跨学科应用 2.889 ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 计算机:理论方法9.92 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION 计算机:理论方法 3.736 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS 计算机:理论方法 3.726 JOURNAL OF THE ACM 计算机:理论方法 2.339 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION 计算机:人工智能 5.358 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE 计算机:人工智能 5.96 MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS 计算机:人工智能 3.602 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION 计算机:人工智能 3.736 Journal of Web Semantics 计算机:人工智能 3.023 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON GRAPHICS 计算机:软件工程 3.383 Journal of Web Semantics 计算机:软件工程 3.023 JOURNAL OF THE ACM 计算机:软件工程 2.339 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY 计算机:软件工程 3.958 MIS QUARTERLY 计算机:信息系统 5.183 VLDB JOURNAL 计算机:信息系统 6.8 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION 计算机:信息系统 3.428 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 计算机:信息系统 3.643 Journal of Web Semantics 计算机:信息系统 3.023 VLDB JOURNAL 计算机:硬件 6.8 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS 计算机:硬件 3.726。
三家学会联合发布管理科学高质量期刊推荐列表,并将其命名为FMS期刊列表(Federation of Management Societies of China,缩写为FMS),希望通过三家学会的学术公信力和影响力,引导科研人员聚焦领域重要期刊,提升高质量中文期刊的学术吸引力和学术影响力。
1 计算机学报北京中国计算机学会等2 软件学报北京中国科学院软件研究所3 计算机研究与发展北京中国科学院计算技术研究所等4 自动化学报北京中国科学院等5 计算机科学重庆国家科技部西南信息中心6 控制理论与应用广州中国科学院系统科学研究所等7 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报北京中国计算机学会等8 计算机工程与应用北京华北计算技术研究所9 模式识别与人工智能北京中国自动化学会等10 控制与决策沈阳东北大学11 小型微型计算机系统沈阳中国科学院沈阳计算机技术研究所12 计算机工程上海上海市计算机协会13 计算机应用北京中国科学院计算机应用研究所等14 信息与控制沈阳中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所15 机器人沈阳中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所16 中国图象图形学报.A版北京中国图象图形学会17 计算机应用研究成都四川省计算机应用研究中心18 系统仿真学报北京航天机电集团北京长峰计算机技术有限公司19 计算机集成制造系统—CIMS 北京国家863计划CIMS主题办公室等20 遥感学报.北京中国地理学会环境遥感分会,中国科学院遥感应用研究所21 中文信息学报北京中国中文信息学会22 微计算机信息北京中国计算机用户协会,山西协会23 数据采集与处理南京中国电子学会等24 微型机与应用北京信息产业部电子第6研究所25 传感器技术哈尔滨信息产业部电子第49研究所26 传感技术学报南京国家教委全国高校传感技术研究会,东南大学27 计算机工程与设计北京航天工业总公司706所28 计算机应用与软件上海上海计算技术研究所等29 微型计算机重庆科技部西南信息中心30 微电子学与计算机西安中国航天工业总公等计算机中文核心详细版(2)计算机类中文核心期刊简介在实际工作中,常有些读者在职称评审、投稿、申报项目时,需要查找计算机类中文权威、核心期刊目录或编辑部地址、联系方式等,现汇编、整理了这份“计算机类中文核心期刊简介”,供参考。
计算机类中文核心期刊目录如下:1.《软件学报》(月刊)EI、ISTIC收录主办单位:中国计算机学会中国科学院软件研究所地址:北京8718信箱北京海淀区中关村《软件学报》编辑委员会邮编:100080邮发代号:82-367E-mail:************.cn2.《计算机学报》(月刊)EI、ISTIC收录主办单位:中国计算机学会中国科学院计算技术研究所地址:北京2704信箱中国科学院计算技术研究所《计算机学报》编辑部邮编:100080邮发代号:2-833E-mail: [email=**********.cn]**********.cn[/email]/cjc/cjc.html3.《计算机研究与发展》(月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所中国计算机学会地址:北京2704信箱中国科学院计算技术研究所《计算机研究与发展》编辑委员会邮编:100080邮发代号:2-654E-mail:***********.cnhttp:// 4.《计算机工程(半月刊)》ISTIC收录主办单位:华东计算技术研究所上海市计算机学会地址:上海市漕河泾桂林路418号《计算机工程》编辑部邮编:200233邮发代号:4-310E-mail:***************5.《自动化学报》(双月刊)EI、ISTIC收录主办单位:中国自动化学会中国科学院自动化研究所地址:北京中关村中国科学院自动化所《自动化学报》编辑部邮编:100080邮发代号:2-180E-mail:************* /periodical/zdhxb6 .《模试识别与人工智能》(季刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:中国自动化学会国家智能计算机研究开发中心地址:合肥1130信箱中国科学院合肥智能机械研究所《模式识别与人工智能》编辑部邮编230031邮发代号:26-69E-mail:************7.《计算机科学》(月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:国家科技部西南信息中心地址:重庆市渝中区胜利路132号《计算机科学》杂志社邮编:400013邮发代号:78-68E-mail:*************.cn8.《计算机应用与软件》(月刊)主办单位:上海市计算技术研究所上海计算机软件技术开发中心地址:上海市愚园路546号《计算机应用与软件》编辑部邮编:200040邮发代号:4-3799.《数值计算与计算机应用》(季刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所地址:北京市2719信箱《数值计算与计算机应用》编辑部邮编:100080邮发代号:2-413E-mail:*********************.cn /periodical10.《计算机工程与应用》(旬刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:华北计算技术研究所地址:北京市北四环中路211号北京619信箱26分箱《计算机工程与应用》杂志社邮编:100083邮发代号:82-605投稿信箱:[email=****************]****************[/email][email=*************]*************[/email]/periodical/11.《计算机应用研究》(月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:四川省电子计算机应用研究中心地址:成都市人民南路4段11号附1号《计算机应用研究》杂志社邮编:610041邮发代号:62-68E-mail:[email=*************************************.CN]**************** *********************.CN[/email]12.《计算机工程与科学》(双月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:国防科技大学计算机学院地址:湖南长沙砚瓦池正街47号《计算机工程与科学》编辑部邮编:410073邮发代号:42-153E-mail:[email=***************]***************[/email]13.《中文信息学报》(双月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:中国科学院软件研究所中国中文信息学会地址:北京8718信箱《中文信息学报》编辑部邮编:100080E-mail:****************14.《计算机应用》(月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:中科院成都计算机应用研究所四川省计算机学会地址:成都市人民南路四段九号成都237信箱《计算机应用》编辑部邮编:610041邮发代号:62-110E-mail:****************************.cn15.《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》(月刊)ISTIC收录主办单位:中国计算机学会地址:北京2704信箱中国科学院计算技术研究所邮编:100080邮发代号:82-456E-mail:***********.cn16.《计算机科学与技术》(英文版)(双月刊)SCIE、EI收录主办单位:中国科学院计算技术研究所地址:北京2704信箱邮编:100080邮发代号:2-578E-mail:***********.cn17.《计算机工程与设计》(月刊)主办单位:中国航天科工集团二院706所地址:北京142信箱406分箱《计算机工程与设计》编辑部邮编:100854邮发代号:82-425E-mail:************.cn[email=************.cn]************.cn[/email]计算机类部分期刊杂志投稿信息1、《计算机工程与设计》和《计算机应用与软件》核心,相对来讲比较好中。
以下是全球最著名的计算机科学顶级期刊:1.《ACM Transactions on Computer Systems》(ACM TOCS)主题范围:该期刊关注计算机系统的设计、分析、实现和评估等方面,特别是操作系统、网络、分布式系统、数据库管理系统和存储系统等方面的最新研究成果。
影响因子:3.612发行周期:每年4期最新收录论文:Content-Based Data Placement for Efficient Query Processing on Heterogeneous Storage Systems, A Framework for Evaluating Kernel-Level Detectors, etc.2.《IEEE Transactions on Computers》(IEEE TC)主题范围:该期刊刊登计算机科学领域的创新性研究成果,重点关注计算机系统、组件和软件的设计、分析、实现和评估等方面的最新进展。
影响因子:4.804发行周期:每月1期最新收录论文:A Comprehensive View of Datacenter Network Architecture, Design, and Operations, An Efficient GPU Implementation of Imperfect Hash Tables, etc.3.《IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering》(IEEE TSE)主题范围:该期刊涉及软件工程领域的各个方面,包括软件开发、可靠性、维护、测试等方面的最新研究成果。
以下是其中一些期刊及其所属分区的详细列表:一区(Top期刊):2. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence3. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering5. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing6. Artificial Intelligence7. Journal of the ACM8. Journal of Machine Learning Research9. SIAM Review12. Journal of Cryptology13. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics14. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology15. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems二区:1. ACM Transactions on Information Systems2. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering4. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing6. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology8. Journal of Graphics, GPU and Game Tools11. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems13. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics14. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems15. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 三区:1. ACM Transactions on Database Systems3. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics5. Journal of Visualization6. Journal of Web Semantics7. Cognitive Systems Research10. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology11. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems13. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks14. Journal of Control Theory and Applications四区:1. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing3. Information Sciences4. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics5. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics6. Journal of Information Science and Engineering8. Journal of Web Engineering11. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics12. Journal of Chromatography B14. Journal of Molecular Modeling15. Journal of Web Science16. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism。
计算机类期刊汇总及排名(1)2004年核心期刊名单(自动化、计算机部分)1 计算机学报北京中国计算机学会等2 软件学报北京中国科学院软件研究所3 计算机研究与发展北京中国科学院计算技术研究所等4 自动化学报北京中国科学院等5 计算机科学重庆国家科技部西南信息中心6 控制理论与应用广州中国科学院系统科学研究所等7 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报北京中国计算机学会等8 计算机工程与应用北京华北计算技术研究所9 模式识别与人工智能(EI) 北京中国自动化学会等10 控制与决策沈阳东北大学11 小型微型计算机系统沈阳中国科学院沈阳计算机技术研究所12 计算机工程上海上海市计算机协会13 计算机应用北京中国科学院计算机应用研究所等14 信息与控制沈阳中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所15 机器人沈阳中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所16 中国图象图形学报 A版北京中国图象图形学会17 计算机应用研究成都四川省计算机应用研究中心18 系统仿真学报北京航天机电集团北京长峰计算机技术有限公司19 计算机集成制造系统—CIMS 北京国家863计划CIMS主题办公室等20 遥感学报.北京中国地理学会环境遥感分会,中国科学院遥感应用研究所21 中文信息学报北京中国中文信息学会22 微计算机信息北京中国计算机用户协会,山西协会23 数据采集与处理南京中国电子学会等24 微型机与应用北京信息产业部电子第6研究所25 传感器技术哈尔滨信息产业部电子第49研究所26 传感技术学报南京国家教委全国高校传感技术研究会,东南大学27 计算机工程与设计北京航天工业总公司706所28 计算机应用与软件上海上海计算技术研究所等29 微型计算机重庆科技部西南信息中心30 微电子学与计算机西安中国航天工业总公等============================核心:1、《计算机工程与设计》和《计算机应用与软件》核心,相对来讲比较好中。
杂志推荐1.《Hello, World!》《Hello, World!》是一本针对初学者的计算机科学杂志。
2.《Teen Geek》《Teen Geek》是一个面向中学生的科技杂志,其中包含了关于计算机科学和技术的各种有趣文章。
4.《Robotics Today》《Robotics Today》是一本关于机器人技术和人工智能的杂志。
3. 小型微型计算机系统-
4. 微电子学与计算机
5. 计算机工程
6. 电子计算机外部设备
7. 计算机工程与应用
8. 微型计算机
9. 计算机应用与软件
10. 计算机工程与设计
11. 计算机仿真
12. 计算机集成制造系统
13. 中国科学院研究生院学报
12.《计算机应用研究》 (月刊) ISTIC收录
地址:成都市人民南路4段11号附1号 《计算机应用研究》杂志社 邮编 610041
6.《模试识别与人工智能》 (季刊) ISTIC收录
主办单位:中国自动化学会, 国家智能计算机研究开发中心
地址:合肥1130信箱 中国科学院合肥智能机械研究所,
《模式识别与人工智能》编辑部 , 邮编230031,
15.《计算机应用》 (月刊) ISTIC收录
主办单位:中科院成都计算机应用研究所, 四川省计算机学会
地址:成都市人民南路四段九号 成都237信箱《计算机应用》编辑部 邮编610041
7.《小型微型计算机系统》 (月刊) ISTIC收录
地址:沈阳市和平区三好街100号 中科院沈阳计算技术研究所
《小型微型计算机系统》编辑部 邮编 110004
E-mail:xwjxt@, http://www.
14. 高技术通讯
15. 计算机应用研究
1. 软件学报
1. 《中国科学:信息科学》《中国科学:信息科学》是中国科学院主办的半月刊,是中国顶级的信息科学领域期刊之一。
2. 《软件学报》《软件学报》是中国计算机学会主办的中文核心期刊,涵盖了软件工程与计算机科学研究的多个领域。
3. 《计算机学报》《计算机学报》是中国计算机学会主办的月刊,是中国计算机科学领域的核心期刊之一。
4. 《信号处理》《信号处理》是中国电子学会主办的月刊,也是国内顶级的信号处理和通信领域期刊之一。
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1.AREA: Data Bases
1.International Journal on VLDB 68
2.ACM Transaction on DataBase System 29
3.IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering 139
4.IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15
1.ACM Transactions on Information Systems 27
2.SDM (SIAM DM) 86
3.DMKD (journal) 35
4.ACM Journal on Data Mining(?)
2.AREA: Software Engineering,Programming Languages:
1.IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 60
2.ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 12
3.IEEE Software 149
4.ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 43
1.Software - Practice & Experience 62
2.Empirical Software Engineering 28
3.Automated Software Engineering 18
4.Journal of Instruction Level Parallelism 10
3.AREA: System Technology:
1.ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 10
2.ACM Transactions on Storage 17
3.IEEE Transactions on Reliability 37
1.Future Generations Computer Systems 46
2.Journal of Systems and Software 90
3.The Computer Journal 50
4.ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computer Systems. 20
4.AREA: Security:
1.ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 18
2.IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Secure Computing 28
3.IEEE Security and Privacy 29
4.JSS: Journal of Computer Security 23
1. Computer & Security 29
5.AREA: Architecture
1.I EEE Transactions on Computers 142
2.IEEE Computer 84
3.IEEE Micro 40
1.ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 26
2.ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 46
3.ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 17
4.Advances in Computers 16
6.AREA: Distributed and Parallel Computing
1.ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 21
2.ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 16
3.IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 135
1.Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 118
2.Parallel Computing 62
1.ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 18
1.The Journal of Collaborative Computing 21
8.AREA: Networking
1.ACM-IEEE Trans on Networking 124
2.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 105
1.IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 456
2.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 216
3.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 360
4.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 192
1.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 230
2.IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 78
10.A rea: AI,Machine learning,Neural Networks
1.Artificial Intelligence 48
1.JAIR - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 51
2.JMLR - Journal of Machine Learning Research 96
1.TNN - IEEE Trans on Neural Network 168
2.Neural Computation 110
3.Machine Learning72
4.IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 66
5.Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 30
11.A rea:Pattern Recognition,Vision,graphics
1.TPAMI- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
1.IJCV - International Journal of Computer Vision 84
2.Pattern Recognition 360
3.ACM Transactions on Graphics 165
4.IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Visualization 468
puter Vision and Image Understanding 108
2.Neural Networks 204
3.Bioinformatics 440
4.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 84
12.A REA: Algorithms and Theory
1.SIAM Journal on Computing 68
1.ACM Transactions on Algorithms 70
2.Journal of Cryptology 20
1.Algorithmica 72
2.Theoretical Computer Science 600
rmation and Computation (56)。