A Red,Red Rose 100首英语爱情诗迻译(八)






A RED, RED ROSEBy Robert BurnsO my luve is like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June;O my luve is like the melodie,That's sweetly played in tune。

As fair thou art, my bonie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry。

Till a' the sea gang dry, my dear,And the rock melt wi' the sun;And I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o' life shall run。

And fare thee weel, my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again, my luve,Tho's it were ten thousand mile!一朵红红的玫瑰罗伯特·彭斯啊,我的爱人象红红的玫瑰,在六月里苞放;啊,我的爱人象一支乐曲,乐声美妙、悠扬。





Rose Rock Sands Seas
a. eternal love b. deep love
c. staunch(坚定的) love
d. passionate love
O my Luve's like a red, red rose
Alliteration (头韵)
直到四海枯竭,亲爱的, 岩石被太阳熔解; 亲爱的,我会永远爱你, 只要生命永不停歇。
你是那么美丽,我的好姑娘, 我爱你那么深切: 我会永远爱你,亲爱的, 直到四海枯竭:
再见吧,我惟一的爱人, 我和你暂时别离! 我会回来的,我的爱人, 即使相隔万里。
Step 3 Appreciation
1. Rhetoric(修辞) simile(明喻) hyperbole(夸张) symbol(象征)
love in the next two stanzas. Finally he vows to his
love that he will _c_o_m__e__again however far he may go.
啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫 瑰 在六月里含苞绽开; 啊,我的爱人像一支乐曲 演奏得甜美而合拍!
You are as pretty, my dear girl, as I deeply love you.
Stanza 3
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear, 山无棱,江水为
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
竭,冬雷震震, 夏雨雪,天地合,
Weel: well, Tho: though



题目:NO.7 A red, red rose原文:O, my Luve's like a red, red rose, 哦,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰花That's newly sprung in June. 在六月里迎风初开O, my Luve's like the melodie, 哦,我的爱人像支甜甜的曲子That's sweetly play'd in tune. 奏得和谐又合拍As fair art thou, my bonie lass, 可爱的姑娘,多美丽的人儿So deep in luve am I, 我是如此深爱着你And I will luve thee still, my dear,我将永远爱你,我亲爱的Till a' the seas gang dry. 直到大海干涸水流尽Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, 直到大海干涸水流尽,我亲爱的And the rocks melt wi' the sun, 岩石被太阳晒作灰尘O, I will luve thee still, my dear, 哦,我将永远爱你,我亲爱的While the sands o' life shall run. 只要我一息尚存And fare thee weel, my only luve, 再见了,我唯一的爱And fare thee weel a while! 让我们暂时的别离And I will come again, my luve, 但我定将回来,我的爱人Tho’it were ten thousand mile 即使相隔万里黄色的都是Scottish,跟英文有点区别,请参照P74。


他为后人留下了300多首歌曲,其中包括这首《A Red, Red Rose》,也叫做《My Love is Like A Red, Red Rose》。

A Red,Red Rose 100首英美爱情诗迻译 (8)

A Red,Red Rose 100首英美爱情诗迻译 (8)

A Red,Red Rose 100首英美英语诗迻译(8)诗人简介罗伯特·彭斯Robert Burns(1759—1796)苏格兰农民诗人,在英国文学史上占有特殊重要的地位。



彭斯个人生活不很顺遂,他的妻子Jean Armour共生了九个孩子但仅存活三人;而他倾心相爱并在许多诗歌名篇中讴歌的Marry Campbell却在他与Jean成婚前死于伤寒。


诗歌选辑(一)Here Is the GlenTune: Banks of CreeHere is the glen and here is the bowerAll underneath the birchen shade,The village-bell has toll’d the hour,O, what can stay my lovely maid?‘Tis not Maria’s whispering call-‘Tis but the balmy-breathing gale,Mixed with some warbler’s dying fallThe dewy star of eve to hail!It is Maria’s voice I hear!-So calls the woodlark in the groveHis little faithful mate to cheer:At once ‘tis music and ‘tis love!And are thou come? And art thou true?O, welcome dear, to love and me,And let us all our vows renewAlong the flower banks of Cree!__________________________________________________________注释1.glen: 峡谷;幽谷2. Cree: 科里(地名)3. bower:凉亭4. birchen:桦树的5. toll’d:原形tolled,鸣钟,省略一个音节使本诗行增至八个音节,从而形成四音步抑扬格6. stay: stop7. Tis:It is8.balmy:温和的;芳香的9. gale: 大风:(诗)微风10. warbler:鸣鸟11. hail:致敬;打招呼12. grove:小树林;果树林13,And are thou come:And have you come?七言译诗科里河畔此处峡谷此处亭,桦树荫下景幽深,忽闻报时村钟鸣,何计挽留心中人?不闻玛丽亚低语,但觉疾风送清香,林莺飞降急促啼,致意暮星沾露凉。



aredredrose诗歌鉴赏英文版In the realm of poetry, the name 'Aredredrose' shines brightly, capturing the essence of beauty and emotion in her verses. Her words dance gracefully across the pages, resonating with readers in a way that is both profound and moving.Aredredrose's poetry is a tapestry of vivid imagery and heartfelt expressions. Each line weaves a story, painting a picture that transports readers to different realms and emotions. She masterfully combines words and metaphors, creating a symphony of emotions that is both enchanting and thought-provoking.One of her most celebrated works, 'Whispers of the Soul,' delves into the depths of human experience. With lyrical precision, Aredredrose explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. Her words act as a mirror, reflecting the innermost thoughts and desires of the soul. Through her poetry, she invites readers to explore their own emotions and embark on a journey of self-reflection.In her poem 'Dawn's Embrace,' Aredredrose captures the beauty of nature in all its splendor. With delicate strokes of her pen, she paints a breathtaking picture of a sunrise, describing the vibrant hues of the sky and the gentle caressof the morning breeze. Through her words, readers can almost feel the warmth of the rising sun on their skin and the serenity that comes with the dawn.Aredredrose's poetry is not limited to joy and beauty alone; she also delves into the depths of pain and heartache. In her piece 'Tears of Silence,' she beautifully captures the raw emotions of grief and longing. Her words resonate with readers who have experienced loss, offering solace and understanding in their darkest moments.What sets Aredredrose apart from other poets is her ability to connect with her audience on a deeply personal level. Her words touch the hearts of readers, evoking a strong sense of empathy and understanding. Through her poetry, she reminds us of the power of language to bring people together and create a sense of shared humanity.Aredredrose's poetry is a testament to the enduring power of the written word. Her verses transcend barriers of language and culture, resonating with readers from all walks of life. Through her evocative imagery and heartfelt expressions, she reminds us of the beauty and complexity of the human experience. In the realm of poetry, Aredredrose's name will continue to shine as a beacon of inspiration, captivating readers withher enchanting verses for years to come. Her words have the power to heal, to provoke thought, and to ignite the flames of creativity in the hearts of those who encounter them. Aredredrose's poetry is a gift that will continue to be admired and cherished by poetry lovers around the world.。

a_red_red_rose_ 诗歌欣赏

a_red_red_rose_ 诗歌欣赏

语言美:运用比喻、拟人 等修辞手法生动形象
意境美:通过描绘自然景 物营造优美意境
情感美:表达诗人对爱情 的向往和追求
形式美:诗歌结构严谨韵 律和谐富有节奏感
诗歌形式:对后世 诗歌创作产生了深 远影响
主题思想:对后世 爱情主题的诗歌创 作产生了影响
语言风格:对后世 诗歌的语言风格产 生了影响
审美体验:诗歌的 优美语言和意境能 够给读者带来审美 体验使人感受到美 的享受。
思想启迪:诗歌中 的思想内涵能够给 读者带来思想启迪 使人思考人生和社 会的问题。
文化传承:诗歌是 一种重要的文化载 体能够传承和弘扬 民族文化使人感受 到文化的魅力。
情感真挚表达诗 人对爱情的执着 和向往
运用象征手法寓 意深刻引人深思
爱情:对心上人的热烈追求和赞美 自然:对自然美景的热爱和赞美 人生:对人生短暂和无常的感慨 自由:对自由和爱情的渴望与追求
自然景色:描绘了美丽的自然景色如红玫瑰、绿树、蓝天等 情感表达:通过自然景色的描绘表达了诗人对爱情的向往和追求 意境深远:诗歌的意境深远让人回味无穷 语言优美:诗歌的语言优美富有诗意让人陶醉其中
浪漫主义:强调情感、想象和自然美 抒情诗:表达诗人的情感和思想 苏格兰诗歌:具有苏格兰地方特色和文化背景 诗歌形式:采用四行诗的形式每节四行共四节

诗歌欣赏:A Red,Red Rose【推荐下载】

诗歌欣赏:A Red,Red Rose【推荐下载】

书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟诗歌欣赏:A Red,Red RoseA RED, RED ROSE By Robert Burns O my luve is like a red, red rose, That’s newly sprung in June; O my luve is like the melodie, That’s sweetly played in tune. As fair thou art, mybonie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, mydear, Till a’ the seas gang dry. Till a’ the sea gang dry, mydear, And the rock melt wi’ the sun; And I will luve thee still,my dear, While the sands o’ life shall run. And fare thee weel,my only luve, And fare thee weel a while; And I will come again,my luve, Tho’s it were ten thousand mile! 一朵红红的玫瑰罗伯特·彭斯啊,我的爱人象红红的玫瑰,在六月里苞放;啊,我的爱人象一支乐曲,乐声美妙、悠扬。




A Red,Red Rose(英汉对照)

A Red,Red Rose(英汉对照)
As you are so beautiful, As fair art thou, my bonie lass. pretty girl 我的好姑娘,你有多么美,
So deep in luve am I;
Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
直到太阳把岩石化作灰尘: 直到大海干枯水流尽,
Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”
always O I will love thee still, my dear,
as long as I live While the sands o’ life shall run.
for a while
Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”
And I will come again, my luve,
though Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.
(李正栓 译)
“A Red, Red Rose” “一朵红红的玫瑰” by Robert Burns
A Pre-Romantic Poet
Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”
love is O My luve’s like a red, red rose,
recently That’s newly sprung in June; come out 六月里迎风初开;
Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”



第15卷安康师专学报Vo l115 2003年9月Journal o f A nkang Teachers College Sep12003A Red,Red Rose译文赏析张哲华(安康师范专科学校英语系,陕西安康725000)摘要:英国农民诗人彭斯的A Red,Red Ro se在我国曾有许多种译文。


关键词:译文、赏析、比较、分析、差异中图分类号:H315.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-024X(2003)03-0093-04 XThe A ppreciation of the translation of A Red,Red RoseZ HA NG Z hehua(The En glish De partment,Ank a n g Teache rs.Colle ge,An kang725000,Shaanxi,China)Abstr act:A Red,Red Rose,of Rober t Bur ns,has bee n tr anslated into many Chinese ver sions.This article c ompares and analyses the four of them to discuss the differences in liter ary translation between English language and Chine se language. Key wor ds:translation;a ppre ciation;compare;analyse;differ ence一、原文A Red,Red RoseO,my luve.s like red,red rose.That.s newly sprung in June;O,my luve.s like a the melodieThat.s sweetly played in tuneAs fair art thou,my bonnie lass.So deep in luve am I;And l will luve thee still,my dear.Till a.the seas gang dry.Till a.the seas gang dry,my dear,And the rocks melt wi.the sun:I will luve thee still,my dear,While the sands O.life shall run.And f are thee weel,my only luve!And fare thee weel a while!And l will come a gain,my luve,Though it were ten thousand mile.二、作者简介罗伯特#彭斯(Robert Burns,1759)1796))))苏格兰著名农民诗人。



A Red, Red RoseO, my Luve's like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June.O, my Luve's like a melodieThat's sweetly play'd in tune.As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will love thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi' the sun!And I will love thee till, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only luve!And fare thee weel, a while!And I will come again, my luve,Tho' it ware ten thousand mile.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰(王佐良译)呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰六月里迎风初开;呵,我的爱人像支甜甜的曲子,奏得合拍又和谐。




A Red,Red Rose 浪漫英诗,带注翻译和英文评析

A Red,Red Rose 浪漫英诗,带注翻译和英文评析

A Red, Red Rose--Robert BurnsO my Luve 's like a red, red rose,That 's newly sprung in June;O my Luve 's like the melodie,That's sweetly play'd in tune!5 As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,10 And the rocks melt wi' the sun;I will luve thee still, my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only Luve,And fare thee weel a while!15 And I will come again, my Luve,Tho' it were ten thousand mile!Notes:1 [luve] (Scottish dialect) love. 3 [melodie] melody 4 [in tune] harmoniously5 [art thou] are you 5 [bonnie] beautiful6 [lass] (Scottish) a girl or a young woman5,6 [As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, /So deep in luve am I] My love is as deep as you are beautiful7 [still] always 8 [a’] all8 [gang] go10 [w’] with12 [While the sands o’ life shall run] As long as I am alive. Sands: time. o': of.13 [fare thee weel] fare you well; farewell, good-bye to you.15 [tho’] thoughNotes from 胡家峦编《英语诗歌精品》(英汉对照)[Robert Burns] (罗伯特·彭斯, 1759- 1796) (also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet,) was a Scottish poet and a lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a "light" Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland. He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement.As well as making original compositions, Burns also collected folk songs from acrossScotland, often revising or adapting them. His poem (and song) “Auld Lang Syne” is often sung at Hogmanay (the last day of the year), and “Scots Wha Hae” served for a long time as an unofficial national anthem of the country. Other poems and songs of Burns that remain well-known across the world today include “A Red,Red Rose;” “A Man's A Man for A' That;” “To a Louse; To a Mouse;” “The Battle of Sherramuir;” “Tam o' Shanter,” and “Ae Fond Kiss.”From 。

a red red rose诗歌鉴赏

a red red rose诗歌鉴赏

a red red rose诗歌鉴赏
"红红的玫瑰"(A Red, Red Rose)是苏格兰著名的浪漫主义诗
人罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)的诗歌。









• And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
• 直到石烂ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ • While the sands o' life?
shall run. • 直到沧海变成桑田。
• Thou' it were ten thousand mile!
• 永份不稗????
• Burns used hyperbole which shows his faithful love to Jean.
• 呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰 花
• That' s newly sprung in June; • 在六月迎风初放;
• O my Luve' s like the melodie,
• 呵,我的爱人像支甜关的曲子
• That' s sweetly play' d in tune.
• 演奏得和谐绵长。
• And fare thee wee18, my only Luve!
• 我的真爱,你是多么关丽! • And fare thee weel a while! • 愿你永远关丽! • And I will come again, my Luve. • 我对你的爱,将, • Thou' it were ten thousand mile! • 永份不稗????
similes. One is to compare his lover to a just-blossoming rose in June, which is a very special and beautiful flower. The first simile shapes a young lady just like the red rose, who has a good figure, a beautiful face, elegant character and a light pleasant fragrance. The other simile is to compare his lover to a sweet melody, which makes him forget everything around him. The two simile describe the young lady’s beauty perfectly as if she was standing in front of the readers and she could be heard just like a sweet melody.


直到四海海水枯, 岩石融化变成泥, 只要我还有口气, 我心爱你永不渝。
and fare thee week,my onlu luve! and fare thee awhile!
and i will come again,my luve, tho'it were ten thousand mile.
暂时告别我心肝, 请你不要把心耽! 纵使相隔十万里, 踏穿地皮也要还。
~ Loving You
红玫瑰 red rose
罗伯特. 彭斯之 Robert Burns
o my luve's like a red,red rose that's newly spring in june: o my luve's like the melodie that's sweetly play'd tune.
吾爱吾爱美而珠, 我心爱你永不渝, 我心爱你永不渝, 直到四海海水枯
till a'the seas gang dry,my dear, and the rocks melt wi'the sun; o i will luve thee still, my dear, while the sands o'life shall run.
吾爱吾爱玫瑰红, 六月初开韵晓风; 吾爱吾爱如管弦, 其声悠扬而玲珑。
as fair art thou,my bonnie lass.
so deep in luve am i: and i will luve thee still,my dear,



A Red, Red RoseO, my Luve's like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June.O, my Luve's like a melodieThat's sweetly play'd in tune.As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will love thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi' the sun!And I will love thee till, my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only luve!And fare thee weel, a while!And I will come again, my luve,Tho' it ware ten thousand mile.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰(王佐良译)呵,我的爱人像朵红红的玫瑰六月里迎风初开;呵,我的爱人像支甜甜的曲子,奏得合拍又和谐。






【情人节诗歌】A Red, Red Rose歌词作者:罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns,1759—1796年),苏格兰农民诗人,在英国文学史上占有特殊重要的地位。


That's newly sprung in June;O my luve is like the melodieThat's sweetly played in tune.As fair thou art, my bonie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi' the sun;And I will luve thee still , my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only luve,And fare thee weel a while;And I will come again, my luve,Tho'it wre ten thousand mile!啊,我爱人像红红的玫瑰,在六月里苞放;啊,我爱人象一支乐曲,乐声美妙、悠扬。


直到四海涸竭,亲爱的,直到太阳把岩石消熔! 我会永远爱你,亲爱的,只要生命无穷。


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罗伯特·彭斯Robert Burns(1759—1796)苏格兰农民诗人,在英国文学史上占有特殊重要的地位。



彭斯个人生活不很顺遂,他的妻子Jean Armour共生了九个孩子但仅存活三人;而他倾心相爱并在许多诗歌名篇中讴歌的Marry Campbell却在他与Jean成婚前死于伤寒。


诗歌选辑(一)Here Is the GlenTune: Banks of CreeHere is the glen and here is the bowerAll underneath the birchen shade,The village-bell has toll’d the hour,O, what can stay my lovely maid?‘Tis not Maria’s whispering call-‘Tis but the balmy-breathing gale,Mixed with some warbler’s dying fallThe dewy star of eve to hail!It is Maria’s voice I hear!-So calls the woodlark in the groveHis little faithful mate to cheer:At once ‘tis music and ‘tis love!And are thou come? And art thou true?O, welcome dear, to love and me,And let us all our vows renewAlong the flower banks of Cree!注:1.glen: 峡谷;幽谷2. Cree: 科里(地名)3.bower:凉亭4.birchen:桦树的5. toll’d:原形tolled,鸣钟,省略一个音节使本诗行增至八个音节,从而形成四音步抑扬格。

6. stay: stop7.Tis:It is8. balmy:温和的;芳香的9. gale: 大风:(诗)微风10.warbler:鸣鸟11. hail:致敬;打招呼12. grove:小树林;果树林13. And are thou come:And have you come?汉语七言译诗科里河畔此处峡谷此处亭,桦树荫下景幽深,忽闻报时村钟鸣,何计挽留心中人?不闻玛丽亚低语,但觉疾风送清香,林莺飞降急促啼,致意暮星沾露凉。




全诗除首句十个音节外基本上为八音节组成的抑扬格四音步,韵律为ABABCDCD EFEF GHGH。

诗歌选辑(二)Highland MaryYe banks, and braes, and streams around The castle o' Montgomery,Green be your woods, and fair your flowers, Your waters never drumlie!There simmer first unfald her robes,And there the langest tarry;For there I took the last fareweelO' my sweet Highland Mary.How sweetly bloom'd the gay, green birk, How rich the hawthorn's blossom;As underneath their fragrant shade,I clasp'd her to my bosom!The golden Hours, on angel wings,Flew o'er me and my Dearie;For dear to me as light and lifeWas my sweet Highland Mary.Wi' mony a vow, and lock'd embrace,Our parting was fu' tender;And pledging aft to meet again,We tore oursels asunder;But Oh, fell Death's untimely frost,That nipt my Flower sae early!Now green's the sod, and cauld's the clay, That wraps my Highland Mary!O pale, pale now, those rosy lipsI aft hae kiss'd sae fondly!And clos'd for aye, the sparkling glanceThat dwalt on me sae kindly!And mouldering now in silent dust,That heart that lo'ed me dearly!But still within my bosom's coreShall live my Highland Mary.注:1.braes:斜坡,山坡2.drumlie: 安静的,静止的3. Simmer:summer4.unfald: unfold5. tarry:停留6. langest:longest7. Fareweel: Farewell8. bloom'd:bloomed9.Wi' mony a vow: With many vows. 10. fu’: full of 11. We tore oursels asunder: We took ourselves apart. 12. nipt:nipped,掐13. and cauld's the clay: and the clay is cold. 14. I aft hae kiss'd sae fondly:(lips)that I have kissed so fondly.15. And clos'd for aye: And closed for ever.16.dwalt:on me: dwelt on me, 降临于,落在17. mouldering:腐朽,腐烂18.core:果心;核心汉语七言译诗高地玛丽两岸坡斜溪水清,环绕蒙哥马利堡,树木苍翠花娇媚,碧水流淌声喧嚣。













诗歌选辑(三)A Red,Red RoseO, my Luve’s like a red, red roseThat's newly sprung in June;O, my Luve’s like the melodieThat's sweetly play’d in tune.As fair thou art, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a' the seas gang dry.Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;And I will luve thee still , my dear,While the sands o' life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only luve!And fare thee weel, a while!And I will come again, my luve,Tho’ twere ten thousand mile.注:1.Luve:(苏格兰语)love;2. melodie:melody旋律3. sprung: spring 的过去式,出现,开花3.bonnie: pretty4.fair thou art: you are beautiful5.a’: all6. gang:go7. wi: with8. sands o’ life: sands of life:生命之沙,指生命。

9. still: always 10. fare thee weel a while:weel,(苏格兰语)well健康的,良好的,此句意为say farewells to be away for a while. 11. Tho’: Though汉语五言译文红玫瑰我爱似玫瑰,六月绽红蕾。






