
专利法实施细则中英文【篇一:中华人民共和国专利法实施细则(中英文对照)】中华人民共和国专利法实施细则rules for the implementation of the patent law of the peoples republic of china is hereby promulgated, and enter into forceas of july 1, 2001.第一条根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。
article 1 these rules are formulated in accordance with the patent law of the peoples republic of china (hereinafter referred to as the patent law)第二条专利法所称发明,是指对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案。
article 2 invention as mentioned in the patent law means any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or an improvement thereof.专利法所称实用新型,是指对产品的形状、构造或者其结合所提出的适于实用的新的技术方案。
utility model as mentioned in the patent law means any new technical solution relating to a products shape, structure, or a combination thereof, which isfit for practical use.专利法所称外观设计,是指对产品的形状、图案或者其结合以及色彩与形状、图案的结合所作出的富有美感并适于工业应用的新设计。

专利法实施细则(英文版)Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China(Promulgated by Decree No. 306 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 15, xx, and effective as of July 1, xx)(Translated by the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilof the People's Republic of China. In case of discrepancy, the original version shall prevail.)Chapter I General ProvisionsRule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in aordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).Rule 2 "Invention" in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or improvement thereof."Utility model" in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their bination, of a product, which is fit for practical use."Design" in the Patent Law means any new design of the shape, the pattern or their bination, or the bination of the color with shape or pattern, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.Rule 3 Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be plied with in a written form or in any other form prescribed by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council .Rule 4 Any document submitted in aordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be in Chinese; the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State; where no generally aepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.Where any certificate or certifying document submitted in aordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations is in a foreign language, the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilmay, when it deems necessary, request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.Rule 5 Where any document is sent by mail to the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be deemed to be the date of filing; where the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilreceives the document shall be the date of filing, except where the date of mailing is proved by the party concerned.Any document of the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilmay be served by mail, by personal deliveryor by other forms. Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the document shall be sent to the patent agency; where no patent agency is appointed, the document shall be sent to the liaison person named in the request.Where any document is sent by mail by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the 16th day from the date of mailing shall be presumed to be the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where any document is delivered personally in aordance with the provisions of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the date of delivery is the date on which theparty concerned receives the document.Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement. At the expiration of one month from the date of the announcement, the document shall be deemed to be served.Rule 6 The first day of any time limit prescribed in the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall not be counted in the time limit. Where the time limit is counted by year or by month, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month; if there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month; if a time limit expires on an official holiday, it shall expire on the first working day following that official holiday.Rule 7 Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilis not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit, state the reasons, together with relevant supporting documents, and request the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilto restore his or its rights.Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilis not observed by a party concerned because of any justified reason, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date of receipt of a notification from the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , state the reasons and request the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilto restore his or its rights.Where the party concerned makes a request for an extension of a time limit specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , he or it shall, before the time limit expires, state the reasons to the Patent Administration Department under the State Counciland go through the relevant formalities.The provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Rule shall not be applicable to the time limit referred to in Articles 24, 29, 42 and 62 of the Patent Law.Rule 8 Where an application for a patent for invention relates to the secrets of the State concerning national defense and requires to be kept secret, the application for patent shall be filed with the patent department of national defense. Where any application for patent for invention relating to the secrets of the State concerning national defense and requiring to be kept secret is received by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , the application shall be forwarded to the patent department of national defense for examination, and the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilshall make a decision on the basis of the observations of the examination made by the patent department of national defense.Subject to the preceding paragraph, the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilshall, after receipt of an application for patent for invention which is required to be examined for the purpose of security, send it to the relevant petent department under the State Council for examination. The relevant petent department shall, within four months from the date of receipt of the application, notify the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilof theresults of the examination. Where the invention for which a patent is applied for is required to be kept secret, the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilshall handle it as an application for secret patent and notify the applicant aordingly.Rule 9 Any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the State referred to in Article 5 of the Patent Law shall not include the invention-creation merely because the exploitation of which is prohibited by the laws of the State.Rule 10 The date of filing referred to in the Patent Law, except for those referred to in Articles 28 and 42, means the priority date where priority is claimed.The date of filing referred to in these Implementing Regulations, except as otherwise prescribed, means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law.Rule l1 "A service invention-creation made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs"referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law means any invention-creation made:(1) in the course of performing his own duty;(2) in execution of any task, other than his own duty, which was entrusted to him by the entity to which he belongs;(3) within one year from his resignation, retirement or change of work, where the invention-creation relates to his own duty or the other task entrusted to him by the entity to which he previously belonged."The entity to which he belongs" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law includes the entity in which the person concerned is a temporary staff member. "Material and technical means of the entity" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law mean the entity's money, equipment, spare parts, raw materials or technical materials which are not disclosed to the public.Rule 12 "Inventor" or "creator" referred to in the Patent Law means any person who makes creative contributions to thesubstantive features of an invention-creation. Any person who, during the course of aomplishing the invention-creation, is responsible only for organizational work, or who offers facilities for making use of material and technical means, or who takes part in other auxiliary functions, shall not be considered as inventor or creator.Rule l3 For any identical invention-creation, only one patent right shall be granted.Two or more applicants who respectively file, on the same day, applications for patent for the identicalinvention-creation, as provided for in Article 9 of the Patent Law, shall, after receipt of a notification from the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , hold consultations among themselves to decide the person or persons who shall be entitled to file the application.Rule 14 Any assignment of the right to apply for a patent or of the patent right, by a Chinese entity or individual, to a foreigner shall be approved by the petent department for foreign trade and economic affairs of the State Council inconjunction with the science and technology administration department of the State Council.Rule 15 Except for the assignment of the patent right in aordance with Article 10 of the Patent Law, where the patent right is transferred because of any other reason, the person or persons concerned shall, aompanied by relevant certified documents or legal papers, request the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilto make a registration of change in the owner of the patent right.Any license contract for exploitation of the patent which has been concluded by the patentee with an entity or individual shall, within three months from the date of entry into force of the contract, be submitted to the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilfor the record.Chapter II Application for PatentRule l6 Anyone who applies for a patent in written form shall file with the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilapplication documents in two copies.Anyone who applies for a patent in other forms as provided by the Patent Administration Department under the State Councilshall ply with the relevant provisions.Any applicant who appoints a patent agency for applying for a patent, or for having other patent matters to attend to before the Patent Administration Department under the State Council , shall submit at the same time a power of attorney indicating the scope of the power entrusted.Where there are two or more applicants and no patent agency is appointed, unless otherwise stated in the request, the applicant named first in the request shall be the representative.Rule l7 "Other related matters" in the request referred to in Article 26, paragraph two of the Patent Law means:(1) the nationality of the applicant;(2) where the applicant is an enterprise or other organization, the name of the country in which the applicant has the principal business office;(3) where the applicant has appointed a patent agency, the relevant matters which shall be indicated; where no patent agency is appointed, the name, address, postcode and telephone number of the liaison person;(4) where the priority of an earlier application is claimed, the relevant matters which shall be indicated;(5) the signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency;(6) a list of the documents constituting the application;(7) a list of the documents appending the application; and(8) any other related matter which needs to be indicated.Rule l8 The description of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model, which shall be the same as it appears in the request. The description shall include the following:(1) technical field: specifying the technical field to which the technical solution for which protection is sought pertains;(2) background art: indicating the background art which can be regarded as useful for the understanding, searching and examination of the invention or utility model, and when possible, citing the documents reflecting such art;(3) contents of the invention: disclosing the technical problem the invention or utility model aims to settle and the technical solution adopted to resolve the problem; and stating, with reference to the prior art, the advantageous effects of the invention or utility model;(4) description of figures: briefly describing each figure in the drawings, if any;(5) mode of carrying out the invention or utility model: describing in detail the optimally selected mode contemplated by the applicant for carrying out the invention or utility model; where appropriate, this shall be done in terms of examples, and with reference to the drawings, if any; The manner and order referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be followed by the applicant for a patent for invention or for utility model, and each of the parts shall be preceded by a heading, unless, because of the nature of the invention or utility model, a different manner or order would result in a better understanding and a more economical presentation.The description of the invention or utility model shall use standard terms and be in clear wording, and shall not contain such references to the claims as: "as described in claim ?", nor shallit contain mercial advertising.Where an application for a patent for invention contains disclosure of one or more nucleotide and/or amino acidsequences, the description shall contain a sequence listing in pliance with the standard prescribed by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council . The sequence listing shall be submitted as a separate part of the description, and a copy of the said sequence listing in machine-readable form shall also be submitted in aordance with the provisions of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council .Rule l9 The same sheet of drawings may contain several figures of the invention or utility model, and the figures shall be numbered and arranged in numerical order consecutively as "Figure l, Figure 2, ?".The scale and the distinctness of the drawings shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to two-thirds would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.Reference signs not mentioned in the text of the description of the invention or utility model shall not appear in the drawings. Reference signs not mentioned in the drawings shallnot appear in the text of the description. Reference signs for the same posite part shall be used consistently throughout the application document.The drawings shall not contain any other explanatory notes, except words which are indispensable.Rule 20 The claims shall define clearly and concisely the matter for which protection is sought in terms of the technical features of the invention or utility model.If there are several claims, they shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.The technical terminology used in the claims shall be consistent with that used in the description. The claims may contain chemical or mathematical formulae but no drawings. They shall not, except where absolutely necessary, contain such references to the description or drawings as: "as described in part ?of the description", or "as illustrated in Figure ?of the drawings".The technical features mentioned in the claims may, in order to facilitate quicker understanding of the claim, make reference to the corresponding reference signs in the drawings of the description. Such reference signs shall follow the corresponding technical features and be placed in parentheses. They shall not be construed as limiting the claims.Rule 2l The claims shall have an independent claim, and may also contain dependent claims.The independent claim shall outline the technical solution of an invention or utility model and state the essential technical features necessary for the solution of its technical problem.The dependent claim shall, by additional technical features, further define the claim which it refers to.Rule 22 An independent claim of an invention or utility model shall contain a preamble portion and a characterizing portion, and be presented in the following form:(1) a preamble portion: indicating the title of the claimed subject matter of the technical solution of the invention or utility model, and those technical features which are necessary for the definition of the claimed subject matter but which, in bination, are part of the most related prior art;(2) a characterizing portion: stating, in such words as "characterized in that..." or in similar expressions, the technical features of the invention or utility model, which distinguish it from the most related prior art. Those features, in bination with the features stated in the preamble专利中常用的英语bbs.mysipo./thread-84506-1-1.html中华人民 __国家知识产权局 State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China专利法实施细则 "Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of The People's Republic of Chinathe Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the Penple's Republic of China"专利法 Chinese Patent Law从属权利要求 the dependent claim独立权利要求The independent claim第一次审查意见通知书 Notification of First Office Action 发出了审查意见通知书 issues the Office Action第二次审查意见通知书正文 Contents of Second Office Action 附页 Attached Pages意见陈述书 abservation本通知书 the present detailed action经审查 After examination审查指南 guidelines for patent examination审查员 examiner/Authorized Officer替换页 replacement sheets 修改页 amendment sheets 提前公布 Request for Early Publication修改文本 amended document修改页 amendment sheets意见与建议 ments and suggestions原说明书和权利要求书 initial description and claims 新颖性 novelty创造性 inventiveness实用性 practical applicability申请号 Application number申请人 applicant说明书 The description已授权专利 Issued Patents专利权人 patentee专利性 patentability本领域熟知/公知 it is well known to a person skilled in the art that 背景技术 description of related art必要技术特征 essential technical features additional对比文件 reference document常规技术 "routine techniques/mon knowledge"创造性劳动 creative work等同特征 equivalent feature发明内容 summary of the invention技术 technical solution技术领域 field of the invention技术手段 technical means技术特征technical features 必要技术特征 essential technical features 技术问题 technical problem明显或隐含公开 expressly or impliedly disclose实施方案实施例 embodiment上位概念 generic term 下位概念 specific term限定部分 characterizing portion限定作有 definitive effect下位概念 specific term 上位概念 generic term选择方案 alternative solutions有益效果(unexpected) (advantages ) beneficial effects(results) 主题 subject mattereg.请求保护的主题and furthermore 由此可见 thusin that 由于,在于也就是说 "that is/in other words"Broadly 宽泛地讲同样/同理 similarlyprocess 方法,过程,工艺这样 in this way advantageous 有利的再如 for another example as balance 余量在此基础上 on this basis,in turn 则,反过来,而特别值得强调的是 Deserve special emphasis isdisclose 公开see particularly 具体参见column XX, line XX XX栏,XX行contemplated 预期的,涉及,考虑范围内 Also 并且cross-sectional views 截面图instead of代替portions 一部分 analogous to 类似particular example 具体例子result in导致but alternatively 或corresponded to 一致still somewhat 在某种程度上 about 约to 至Aordingly 因此in principle 原则上literature 文献in reality 事实上cautiously 小心地After characterization 表征之后disadvantage for 不利于term 术语impart 赋予subjected to经过~,易于~,进行~ employ 使用handling 操作overview 综述owing to由于Nevertheless 然而superior to优于Surprisingly 出人意料地 mentioned 描述assume 采用per se 本身1980's 1980年代suitable 合适的suitably 相称地Similarly 同样地confer 提供give rise to得到give显示出delivering 提供regardless of而不论benefits 益处performance 性能seeking to试图convenience 便利性so also 因此so forth 等at times 有时absolutely imperative 绝对必要 alternatively 或者substantially 基本上together with以及~exerts 表现出develop 开发also 同样also covers 还包括likewise 同样conventional method 常规方法 so that 因此,所以,以便followed by 然后,随后vice verse 反之亦然===================== particularly 特别是,尤其in particular 特别是in particular with 特别是more particularly 更特别地,更具体地especially 特别是specifically 具体地desirable 希望is desirable to 希望if desired 若需要,必要时desired 预期undesired 不希望if so desired 如果需要when desired 如果需要in addition 此外additionally 此外moreover 此外furthermore 此外,更进一步 further 此外perferably 优选more perferably更优选most preferably 最优选still more perferably再优选particularly preferred 特别优选 preference is given 优选less preferred 次优选example 实施例,实例specific examples 具体实例embodiment 实施方案therewith 随后thereby从而,以whereby 其中wherein 其中thereto 其中applications 装置is applicable 使用is applicable to 适用typically 通常frequently 通常conventionally 通常among others 除了别的之外,其中among other properties 除其它性质之外 in addition to 除了~之外,还except that XX 除了XXbesides 除了~之外,还cost effective 更加经济mercial XX 商品XXmercial scale 商用规模are mercially available as XX 其在市场上的商品是XX mercially available 商购mercial formulatios 商用制剂marked as medicaments 作为药物上市optionally任选地,选择性地,或者if appropriate 任选地,如果有的话if necessary 任选地if present 如果存在包含 embrace不能够,不能的 incapable从市场上购买得到be purchased from the market 方式 means基本相同的 substantially the same提交 submit中国专利法英文版PATENT LAWOF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINAAdopted at the 4th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress on March 12,1984Amended in aordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress on Amendingthe Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China at its 27th Meeting on September 4,1992Amended again in aordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress on Amending the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China,adopted at its 17th Meeting on August 25,2000TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter I: General ProvisionsChapter II: Requirements for Grant of Patent RightChapter III : Application for PatentChapter IV: Examination and Approval of Application for PatentChapter V: Duration,Cessation and Invalidation of Patent RightChapter VI: Compulsory License for Exploitation of PatentChapter VII: Protection of Patent RightChapter VIII: Supplementary ProvisionsChapter I:General ProvisionsArticle 1. This Law is enacted to protect patent rights for inventions-creations,to encourage invention-creation,to foster the spreading and application of inventions-creations,and to promote the development and innovation of science and technology,for meeting the needs of the construction of socialist modernization.Article 2. In this Law,“inventions-creations” mean inventions,utility models and designs.Article3. The Patent Administration Department Under the State Council is responsible for the patent work throughout the country. It receives and examines patent applications andgrants patent rights for inventions-creations in aordance with law.The administrative authority for patent affairs under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central __ are responsible for the administrative work concerning patents in their respective administrative areas.Article 4. Where an invention-creation for which a patent is applied for relates to the security or other vital interests of the State and is required to be kept secret, the application shall be treated in aordance with the relevant prescriptions of the State.Articles 5. No patent right shall be granted for any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the State or social morality or that is detrimental to public interest.Article 6. An invention-creation, made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs, or made by him mainly by using the material and technical meansof the entity is a service invention-creation. For a service intention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the entity. After the application is approved, the entity shall be the patentee.For a non-service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the inventor or creator. After the application is approved, the inventor or creator shall be the patentee.In respect of an invention-creation made by a person using the material and technical means of an entity to which he belongs, where the entity and the inventor or creator have entered into a contract in which the right to apply for and own a patent is provided for, such a provision shall apply.Article 7. No entity or individual shall prevent the inventor or creator from filing an application for a patent for a non-service invention-creation.Article 8. For an invention-creation jointly made by two or more entities or individuals, or made by an entity or individualin execution of a mission given to it or him by another entity or individual, the right to apply for a patent belongs, unless otherwise agreed upon, to the entity or individual that made, or to the entities or individuals that jointly made, the invention-creation. After the application is approved, the entity or individual that applied for it shall be the patentee.Article 9. Where two or more applicants file applications for patent for the identical invention-creation, the patent right shall be granted to the applicant whose application was filed first.Article 10. The right to apply for a patent and the patent right may be assigned.Any assignment, by a Chinese entity or individual, of the right to apply for a patent, or of the patent right, to a foreigner must be approved by the petent department concerned of the State Council.Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned, the parties shall conclude a written contract andregister it with the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council. The Patent Administration Department Under the State Council shall announce the registration. The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration.Article 11. After the grant of the patent right for an invention or utility model, except where otherwise provided for in this Law, no entity or individual may, without the authorization of the patentee, exploit the patent, that is, make, use, offer to sell, sell or import the patented product; or use the patented process, and use, offer to sell, sell or import the product directly obtained by the patented process, for production or business purposes.After the grant of the patent right for a design, no entity or individual may, without the authorization of the patentee, exploit the patent, that is, make, sell or import the productincorporating its or his patented design, for production or business purposes.。

专利法实施细则(英文版)篇一:专利法实施细则(20XX英文版) ImpLemenTIngReguLATIons oFThepATenTLAwoFThepeopLe'sRepubLIcoFchInA (promulgatedbyDecreeno.306ofthestatecouncilofthepeople'sRepublicofch inaonJune15,20XX,amendedthefirsttimeonDecember28,20XXaccordingt otheDecisionofthestatecouncilonAmendingtheImplementingRegulationso fthepatentLawofthepeople'sRepublicofchina,andamendedthesecondtimeo nJanuary9,20XXaccordingtotheDecisionofthestatecouncilonAmendingthe ImplementingRegulationsofthepatentLawofthepeople'sRepublicofchina)TranslatedbythestateIntellectualpropertyofficeofthepeople'sRepublicofchi na.Incaseofdiscrepancy,theoriginalversioninchineseshallprevail. chapterIgeneralprovisionsRule1.TheseImplementingRegulationsareformulatedinaccordancewiththe patentLawofthepeople'sRepublicofchina(hereinafterreferredtoasthepatent Law).Rule2.AnyformalitiesprescribedbythepatentLawandtheseImplementingRe gulationsshallbecompliedwithinawrittenformorinanyotherformprescribed bythepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil.Rule3.Anydocumentsubmittedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthepatent LawandtheseImplementingRegulationsshallbeinchinese;thestandardscient ificandtechnicaltermsshallbeusedifthereisaprescribedonesetforthbythestat e;wherenogenerallyacceptedtranslationinchinesecanbefoundforaforeignna meorscientificortechnicalterm,theoneintheoriginallanguageshallbealsoindi cated. whereanycertificateorcertifyingdocumentsubmittedinaccordancewiththepr ovisionsofthepatentLawandtheseImplementingRegulationsisinaforeignlan guage,thepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilmay,whenit deemsnecessary,requestachinesetranslationofthecertificateorthecertifying documentbesubmittedwithinaspecifiedtimelimit;wherethetranslationisnots ubmittedwithinthespecifiedtimelimit,thecertificateorcertifyingdocumentsh allbedeemednottohavebeensubmitted.Rule4.whereanydocumentissentbymailtothepatentadministrationdepartme ntunderthestatecouncil,thedateofmailingindicatedbythepostmarkontheenv elopeshallbedeemedtobethedateoffiling;wherethedateofmailingindicatedb ythepostmarkontheenvelopeisillegible,thedateonwhichthepatentadministr ationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilreceivesthedocumentshallbethedateo ffiling,exceptwherethedateofmailingisprovedbythepartyconcerned. Anydocumentofthepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilm aybeservedbymail,bypersonaldeliveryorbyotherforms.whereanypartyconc ernedappointsapatentagency,thedocumentshallbesenttothepatentagency;wherenopatentagencyisappointed,thedocumentshallbesenttothecontactingpe rsonnamedintherequest. whereanydocumentissentbymailbythepatentadministrationdepartmentund erthestatecouncil,the16thdayfromthedateofmailingshallbepresumedtobeth edateonwhichthepartyconcernedreceivesthedocument. whereanydocumentisdeliveredpersonallyinaccordancewiththeprovisionsof thepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil,thedateofdeliveryisthedateonwhichthepar tyconcernedreceivesthedocument. wheretheaddressofanydocumentisnotclearanditcannotbesentbymail,thedo cumentmaybeservedbymakinganannouncement.Attheexpirationofonemon thfromthedateoftheannouncement,thedocumentshallbedeemedtohavebeen served.Rule5.ThefirstdayofanytimelimitprescribedinthepatentLawandtheseImple mentingRegulationsshallnotbecountedinthetimelimit.wherethetimelimitis countedbyyearorbymonth,itshallexpireonthecorrespondingdayofthelastmo nth;ifthereisnocorrespondingdayinthatmonth,thetimelimitshallexpireonthe lastdayofthatmonth;ifatimelimitexpiresonanofficialholiday,itshallexpireon thefirstworkingdayfollowingthatofficialholiday.Rule6.whereatimelimitprescribedinthepatentLawortheseImplementingRe gulationsorspecifiedbythepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestateco uncilisnotobservedbyapartyconcernedbecauseofforcemajeure,resultinginlossofhisoritsrights,heoritmay,withintwomonthsfromthedateonwhichtheim pedimentisremoved,atthelatestwithintwoyearsimmediatelyfollowingtheex pirationofthattimelimitrequestthepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthe statecounciltorestorehisoritsrights. exceptforcircumstancesprescribedinprecedingparagraph,whereatimelimitp rescribedinthepatentLawortheseImplementingRegulationsorspecifiedbyth epatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilisnotobservedbyapa rtyconcernedbecauseofanyotherjustifiedreason,resultinginlossofhisoritsrig hts,heoritmay,withintwomonthsfromthedateofreceiptofanotificationfromth epatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil,requestthepatentad ministrationdepartmentunderthestatecounciltorestorehisoritsrights. whereanypartyconcernedrequeststorestorehisoritsrightaccordingtoparagra phoneorparagraphtwoofthisRule,heoritshallsubmitarequestforrestorationo fhisoritsright,statingthereasons,attaching,ifnecessary,therelevantcertifying documents,andgothroughtherelevantformalitieswhichshouldhavebeencom pliedwithbeforethelossofhisoritsright.wherethepartyconcernedrequestsforr estorationofhisoritsrightaccordingtoparagraphtwoofthisRule,heoritshallpa ythefeeforrequestforrestorationofright. wherethepartyconcernedmakesarequestforanextensionofatimelimitspecifi edbythepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil,heoritshall,b eforethetimelimitexpires,statethereasonstothepatentadministrationdepartm entunderthestatecouncilandgothroughtherelevantformalities.TheprovisionsofparagraphsoneandtwoofthisRuleshallnotbeapplicabletoth etimelimitreferredtoinArticles24,29,42and68ofthepatentLaw.Rule7.whereanapplicationforapatentrelatestotheinterestsofnationaldefense andisrequiredtobekeptsecret,theapplicationforpatentshallbefiledwithandex aminedbythepatentdepartmentofnationaldefense.whereanapplicationforpa tentreceivedbythepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilrela testotheinterestsofnationaldefenseandisrequiredtobekeptsecret,theapplicat ionshallbepromptlyforwardedtothepatentdepartmentofnationaldefencetoca rryouttheexamination.whereitisfoundafterexaminationbythepatentdepartm entofnationaldefencethereisnocauseforrejectionoftheapplication,thepatent administrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilshallmakeadecisiontograntt hepatentrightconcerningnationaldefense. wherethepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilfindsthatana pplicationforpatentforinventionorpatentforutilitymodelfiledwithitrelatesto nationalsecurityorothervitalinterestsotherthaninterestsconcerningnationald efenseandisrequiredtobekeptsecret,itshallpromptlymakeadecisiononhandli ngitasanapplicationforsecretpatentandnotifytheapplicantaccordingly.Thes pecialproceduresfortheexaminationandreexaminationofapplicationforsecr etpatentaswellastheinvalidationofsecretpatentshallbeprovidedforbythepate ntadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil.Rule8.TheinventionorutilitymodeldevelopedinchinaasmentionedinArticle 20ofthepatentLawreferstoaninventionorutilitymodelofwhichthesubstantivecontentsofthetechnicalsolutionweremadewithintheterritoryofchina. whereanyentityorindividualintendstofileanapplicationforpatentabroadfort heinventionorutilitymodeldevelopedinchina,itorheshallrequest,byoneofthe followingmanner,thepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilt oconductconfidentialityexamination:(1)whereanyentityorindividualintendstofileanapplicationforpatentdirectlyi naforeigncountryoraninternationalpatentapplicationwitharelevantforeigno rganization,itorheshallfilearequestforconfidentialityexaminationinadvance withthepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilanddescribeth erelatedtechnicalsolutionindetail;(2)whereafterhavingfiledanapplicationforpatentwiththepatentadministrati ondepartmentunderthestatecouncil,theapplicantintendstofileanapplicationf orpatentinaforeigncountryoraninternationalpatentapplicationwitharelevant foreignorganization,itorheshallfiletherequestforconfidentialityexaminatio nwiththepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilbeforefiling oftheapplicationforpatentinaforeigncountryortheinternationalpatentapplic ationwiththerelevantforeignorganization. wheretheapplicantfilesaninternationalpatentapplicationwiththepatentadmi nistrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil,itorheshallbedeemedtohavesim ultaneouslyfiledtherequestforconfidentialityexamination.Rule9.wherethepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilrecei vesarequestfiledunderRule8oftheseImplementingRegulationsandfinds,uponexamination,thattheinventionorutilitymodelmayrelatetothesecurityorvital interestofthestateandisrequiredtobekeptsecret,itshallpromptlyissueanotific ationofconfidentialityexaminationtotheapplicant.Iftheapplicantfailstorecei vethenotificationofconfidentialityexaminationwithinfourmonthsfromtheda teoffilingitsorhisrequest,itorhemayfile,inrespectoftheinventionorutilitymo del,anapplicationforpatentinaforeigncountryoraninternationalpatentapplic ationwiththerelevantforeignorganization. wherethepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilcarriesoutac onfidentialityexaminationinaccordancewiththenotificationprescribedinthe precedingparagraph,itshallpromptlymakeadecisiononwhethertheinvention orutilitymodeisrequiredtobekeptsecretandnotifytheapplicantaccordingly.If theapplicantfailstoreceivesuchadecisionwithinsixmonthsfromthedateoffili ngitsorhisrequest,itorhemayfile,inrespectoftheinventionorutilitymodel,ana pplicationforpatentinaforeigncountryoraninternationalpatentapplicationwi ththerelevantforeignorganization.Rule10.Anyinvention-creationthatiscontrarytothelawsreferredtoinArticle5 ofthepatentLawshallnotincludetheinvention-creationmerelybecausetheexploitationofwhichisprohi bitedbythelaws.Rule11.ThedateoffilingreferredtointhepatentLaw,exceptforthosereferredto inArticles28and42,meanstheprioritydatewherepriorityisclaimed. ThedateoffilingreferredtointheseImplementingRegulations,exceptasotherwiseprescribed,meansthedateoffilingprescribedinArticle28ofthepatentLaw .Rule12."Aserviceinvention-creationmadebyapersoninexecutionofthetasks oftheentitytowhichhebelongs"referredtoinArticle6ofthepatentLawmeansa nyinvention-creationmade:(l)inthecourseofperforminghisownduty;(2)inexecutionofanytask,otherthanhisownduty,whichwasentrustedtohimby theentitytowhichhebelongs;(3)withinoneyearfromhisretirement,resignationorfromterminationofhisem ploymentorpersonnelrelationshipwiththeentitytowhichhepreviouslybelong ed,wheretheinvention-creationrelatestohisowndutyortheothertaskentrusted tohimbytheentitytowhichhepreviouslybelonged. "Theentitytowhichhebelongs"referredtoinArticle6ofthepatentLawincludes theentityinwhichthepersonconcernedisatemporarystaffmember."materiala ndtechnicalmeansoftheentity"referredtoinArticle6ofthepatentLawmeanthe entity'smoney,equipment,spareparts,rawmaterialsortechnicalmaterialswhi charenotdisclosedtothepublic,etc.Rule13."Inventor"or"creator"referredtointhepatentLawmeansanypersonw homakescreativecontributionstothesubstantivefeaturesofaninvention-creat ion.Anypersonwho,duringthecourseofaccomplishingtheinvention-creation ,isresponsibleonlyfororganizationalwork,orwhoonlyoffersfacilitiesformak inguseofmaterialandtechnicalmeans,orwhoonlytakespartinotherauxiliaryfunctions,shallnotbeconsideredasinventororcreator.Rule14.exceptfortheassignmentofthepatentrightinaccordancewithArticle1 0ofthepatentLaw,wherethepatentrightistransferredbecauseofanyotherreaso n,thepersonorpersonsconcernedshall,accompaniedbyrelevantcertifieddocu mentsorlegalpapers,requestthepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthesta tecounciltoregisterthechangeintheownerofthepatentright. Anylicensecontractforexploitationofapatentwhichhasbeenconcludedbythe patenteewithanentityorindividualshall,withinthreemonthsfromthedateofen tryintoforceofthecontract,besubmittedtothepatentadministrationdepartmen tunderthestatecouncilfortherecord. whereanypatentrightispledged,boththepledgerandthepledgeeshalljointlyre gisterthecontractofpledgewiththepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthe statecouncil.chapter11ApplicationforpatentRule15.Anyonewhoappliesforapatentinwrittenformshallfilewiththepatenta dministrationdepartment underthestatecouncilapplicationdocumentsintwocopies. Anyonewhoappliesforapatentinotherformsasprovidedbythepatentadminist rationdepartmentunderthestatecouncilshallcomplywiththerelevantprovisio ns. Anyapplicantwhoappointsapatentagencyforapplyingforapatent,orforhavin gotherpatentmatterstoattendtobeforethepatentadministrationdepartmentunderthestatecouncil,shallsubmitatthesametimeapowerofattorneyindicatingt hescopeofthepowerentrusted. wheretherearetwoormoreapplicantsandnopatentagencyisappointed,unless otherwisestatedintherequest,theapplicantnamedfirstintherequestshallbethe representative.Rule16.Therequestofapplicationforpatentforinvention,utilitymodelordesig n,shallstatethefollowing:(1)thetitleoftheinvention,utilitymodelordesign;(2)wheretheapplicantisachineseentityorindividual,itsorhistitleorname,addr ess,postalcode,thecodeoftheorganizationorthecitizenidentificationcardnu mber;wheretheapplicantisaforeigner,aforeignenterpriseorotherforeignorga nization,hisoritsnameortitle,thenationalityorthecountryorregioninwhichthe applicantisregistered;(3)thenameoftheinventororcreator;(4)wheretheapplicanthasappointedapatentagency,thenameoftheappointeda gency,theagency'sorganizationalcodeandthename,theprofessionalcertificat enumberandthetelephonenumberofthepatentagentassignedbytheagency;(5)wheretherightofpriorityisclaimed,thefilingdateonwhichtheapplicantfile dtheapplicationthefirsttime(hereinafterreferredtoastheearlierapplication),t hefilingnumberoftheapplicationandthetitleoftheauthoritywithwhichtheapp licationwasfirstfiled;(6)thesignatureorsealoftheapplicantorthepatentagency;(7)alistofthedocumentsconstitutingtheapplication;(8)alistofthedocumentsappendingtheapplication;and(9)anyotherrelatedmat terswhichneedstobeindicated.Rule17.Thedescriptionofanapplicationforapatentforinventionorapatentfor utilitymodelshallstatethetitleoftheinventionorutilitymodel,whichshallbeth esameasitappearsintherequest.Thedescriptionshallincludethefollowing: (1)technicalfield:specifyingthetechnicalfieldtowhichthetechnicalsolutionf orwhichprotectionissoughtpertains;(2)backgroundart:indicatingthebackgroundartwhichcanberegardedasusefu lfortheunderstanding,searchingandexaminationoftheinventionorutilitymod el,andwhenpossible,citingthedocumentsreflecting篇二:中华人民共和国专利法实施细则(中英文对照)中华人民共和国专利法实施细则RulesfortheImplementationofthepatentLawofthepeople'sRepublicofchinai sherebypromulgated,andenterintoforceasofJuly1,20XX.第一条根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。
Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law


[标签:标题]篇一:专利法实施细则(2010英文版)IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSOF THE PATENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Promulgated by Decree No. 306 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 15,2001, amended the first time on December 28,2002 according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, and amended the second time on January 9,2010 according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China)Translated by the State Intellectual Property office of the People's Republic of China. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.Chapter I General ProvisionsRule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).Rule 2. Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be complied with in a written form or in any other form prescribed by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 3. Any document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be in Chinese; the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State; where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.Where any certificate or certifying document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations is in a foreign language, the patent administration department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.Rule 4. Where any document is sent by mail to the patent administration department under the State Council, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be deemed to be the date of filing; where the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the patent administration department under the State Council receives the document shall be the date of filing, except where the date of mailing is proved by the party concerned.Any document of the patent administration department under the State Council may be served by mail, by personal delivery or by other forms. Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the document shall be sent to the patent agency; where no patent agency is appointed, the document shall be sent to the contacting person named in the request.Where any document is sent by mail by the patent administration department under the State Council, the 16th day from the date of mailing shall be presumed to be the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where any document is delivered personally in accordance with the provisions of the patent administrationdepartment under the State Council, the date of delivery is the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement. At the expiration of one month from the date of the announcement, the document shall be deemed to have been served.Rule 5. The first day of any time limit prescribed in the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall not be counted in the time limit. Where the time limit is counted by year or by month, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month; if there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month; if a time limit expires on an official holiday, it shall expire on the first working day following that official holiday.Rule 6. Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the patent administration department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit request the patent administration department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.Except for circumstances prescribed in preceding paragraph, where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the patent administration department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of any other justified reason, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date of receipt of a notification from the patent administration department under the State Council, request the patent administration department under the State Council to restore his or its rights. Where any party concerned requests to restore his or its right according to paragraph one or paragraph two of this Rule, he or it shall submit a request for restoration of his or its right, stating the reasons, attaching, if necessary, the relevant certifying documents, and go through the relevant formalities which should have been complied with before the loss of his or its right. Where the party concerned requests for restoration of his or its right according to paragraph two of this Rule, he or it shall pay the fee for request for restoration of right.Where the party concerned makes a request for an extension of a time limit specified by the patent administration department under the State Council, he or it shall, before the time limit expires, state the reasons to the patent administration department under the State Council and go through the relevant formalities.The provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Rule shall not be applicable to the time limit referred to in Articles 24,29,42 and 68 of the Patent Law.Rule 7. Where an application for a patent relates to the interests of national defense and is required to be kept secret, the application for patent shall be filed with and examined by the patent department of national defense. Where an application for patent received by the patent administration department under the State Council relates to the interests of national defense and is required to be kept secret, the application shall be promptly forwarded to the patent department of national defence to carry out the examination. Where it is found after examination by the patent department of national defence there is no cause for rejection of the application, the patent administration department under the State Council shall make a decision to grant the patent rightconcerning national defense.Where the patent administration department under the State Council finds that an application for patent for invention or patent for utility model filed with it relates to national security or other vital interests other than interests concerning national defense and is required to be kept secret, it shall promptly make a decision on handling it as an application for secret patent and notify the applicant accordingly. The special procedures for the examination and reexamination of application for secret patent as well as the invalidation of secret patent shall be provided for by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 8. The invention or utility model developed in China as mentioned in Article 20 of the Patent Law refers to an invention or utility model of which the substantive contents of the technical solution were made within the territory of China.Where any entity or individual intends to file an application for patent abroad for the invention or utility model developed in China, it or he shall request, by one of the following manner, the patent administration department under the State Council to conduct confidentiality examination: (1) where any entity or individual intends to file an application for patent directly in a foreign country or an international patent application with a relevant foreign organization, it or he shall file a request for confidentiality examination in advance with the patent administration department under the State Council and describe the related technical solution in detail;(2) where after having filed an application for patent with the patent administration department under the State Council, the applicant intends to file an application for patent in a foreign country or an international patent application with a relevant foreign organization, it or he shall file the request for confidentiality examination with the patent administration department under the State Council before filing of the application for patent in a foreign country or the international patent application with the relevant foreign organization.Where the applicant files an international patent application with the patent administration department under the State Council, it or he shall be deemed to have simultaneously filed the request for confidentiality examination.Rule 9. Where the patent administration department under the State Council receives a request filed under Rule 8 of these Implementing Regulations and finds, upon examination, that the invention or utility model may relate to the security or vital interest of the State and is required to be kept secret, it shall promptly issue a notification of confidentiality examination to the applicant. If the applicant fails to receive the notification of confidentiality examination within four months from the date of filing its or his request, it or he may file, in respect of the invention or utility model, an application for patent in a foreign country or an international patent application with the relevant foreign organization.Where the patent administration department under the State Council carries out a confidentiality examination in accordance with the notification prescribed in the preceding paragraph, it shall promptly make a decision on whether the invention or utility mode is required to be kept secret and notify the applicant accordingly. If the applicant fails to receive such a decision within six months from the date of filing its or his request, it or he may file, in respect of the invention or utility model, an application for patent in a foreign country or an international patent application with the relevant foreign organization.Rule 10. Any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws referred to in Article 5 of the Patent Law shall notinclude the invention-creation merely because the exploitation of which is prohibited by the laws. Rule 11. The date of filing referred to in the Patent Law, except for those referred to in Articles 28 and 42, means the priority date where priority is claimed.The date of filing referred to in these Implementing Regulations, except as otherwise prescribed, means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law.Rule 12. "A service invention-creation made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law means any invention-creation made:(l) in the course of performing his own duty;(2) in execution of any task, other than his own duty, which was entrusted to him by the entity to which he belongs;(3) within one year from his retirement, resignation or from termination of his employment or personnel relationship with the entity to which he previously belonged, where the invention-creation relates to his own duty or the other task entrusted to him by the entity to which he previously belonged."The entity to which he belongs" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law includes the entity in which the person concerned is a temporary staff member. "Material and technical means of the entity" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law mean the entity's money, equipment, spare parts, raw materials or technical materials which are not disclosed to the public, etc.Rule 13. "Inventor" or "creator" referred to in the Patent Law means any person who makes creative contributions to the substantive features of an invention-creation. Any person who, during the course of accomplishing the invention-creation, is responsible only for organizational work, or who only offers facilities for making use of material and technical means, or who only takes part in other auxiliary functions, shall not be considered as inventor or creator.Rule 14. Except for the assignment of the patent right in accordance with Article 10 of the Patent Law, where the patent right is transferred because of any other reason, the person or persons concerned shall, accompanied by relevant certified documents or legal papers, request the patent administration department under the State Council to register the change in the owner of the patent right.Any license contract for exploitation of a patent which has been concluded by the patentee with an entity or individual shall, within three months from the date of entry into force of the contract, be submitted to the patent administration department under the State Council for the record. Where any patent right is pledged, both the pledger and the pledgee shall jointly register the contract of pledge with the patent administration department under the State Council.Chapter 11 Application for PatentRule 15. Anyone who applies for a patent in written form shall file with the patent administration departmentunder the State Council application documents in two copies.Anyone who applies for a patent in other forms as provided by the patent administration department under the State Council shall comply with the relevant provisions.Any applicant who appoints a patent agency for applying for a patent, or for having other patent matters to attend to before the patent administration department under the State Council, shallsubmit at the same time a power of attorney indicating the scope of the power entrusted.Where there are two or more applicants and no patent agency is appointed, unless otherwise stated in the request, the applicant named first in the request shall be the representative.Rule 16. The request of application for patent for invention, utility model or design, shall state the following:(1) the title of the invention, utility model or design;(2) where the applicant is a Chinese entity or individual, its or his title or name, address, postal code, the code of the organization or the citizen identification card number; where the applicant is a foreigner, a foreign enterprise or other foreign organization, his or its name or title, the nationality or the country or region in which the applicant is registered;(3) the name of the inventor or creator;(4) where the applicant has appointed a patent agency, the name of the appointed agency, the agency's organizational code and the name, the professional certificate number and the telephone number of the patent agent assigned by the agency;(5) where the right of priority is claimed, the filing date on which the applicant filed the application the first time (hereinafter referred to as the earlier application), the filing number of the application and the title of the authority with which the application was first filed;(6) the signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency; (7) a list of the documents constituting the application;(8) a list of the documents appending the application; and (9) any other related matters which needs to be indicated.Rule 17. The description of an application for a patent for invention or a patent for utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model, which shall be the same as it appears in the request. The description shall include the following:(1) technical field: specifying the technical field to which the technical solution for which protection is sought pertains;(2) background art: indicating the background art which can be regarded as useful for the understanding, searching and examination of the invention or utility model, and when possible, citing the documents reflecting篇二:中华人民共和国专利法实施细则(中英文对照)中华人民共和国专利法实施细则Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China is hereby promulgated, and enter into force as of July 1, 2001.第一条根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。

European Patent Organisation (EPO)Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001)•Bibliographic Entries •TextsSelect Language▼Table of ContentsIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings 第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in oral proceedings第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance第九条一级机构的职责范围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal第十条二级机构的职责范围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appealand adoption of its Rules of Procedure第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人姓名的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers, licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for the registration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements•PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART III OF THE CONVENTION第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications 第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的内容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书内容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract第三十三条文摘的内容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止内容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter IIIRenewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents•PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Chapter IExamination by the Receiving Section第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件内容的补正■Rule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late-filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report 第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report第四十四条检索报告的内容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract第四十七条文摘的确定内容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applicationsand European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chapter IVExamination by the Examining Division第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition第五十五条异议书的内容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TOPART VI OF THE CONVENTION第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal第六十四条申诉书的内容■R ule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TOPART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature, name, seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■Rule 82Irregularities in the notification第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IV Time limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84aLate receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VII Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of informationcontained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution, maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the Contracting States第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人名单的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■Ru le 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring feesConsequence of non-payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents*(of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001)CONTENTSRulePart I: Implementing Regulations to Part I of the ConventionChapter I: Languages of the European Patent OfficeDerogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2(deleted) 3Language of a European divisional application 4Certification of translations 5Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patent application by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventorDesignation of the inventor 17Publication of the mention of the inventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22Chapter IV: Certification of exhibitionCertificate of exhibition 23Chapter V: Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23aChapter VI: Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23bPatentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the ConventionChapter I: Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II: Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27a Deposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29 Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33 Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36 Chapter III: Renewal fees Payment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV: PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I: Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following the examination on filing 39Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II: European search report Content of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III: Publication of the European patent applicationTechnical preparations for publication 48Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49Information about publication 50Chapter IV: Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V: Implementing Regulations to Part V of the ConventionContent of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57a Examination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60Transfer of the European patent 61Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a European patent 62aCosts 63Part VI: Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the ConventionContent of the notice of appeal 64 Rejection of the appeal asinadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66 Reimbursement of appeal fees 67Part VII: Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the ConventionChapter I: Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69 Signature, name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73Costs of taking of evidence 74 Conservation of evidence 75Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III: NotificationsGeneral provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78 Notification by delivery by hand 79 Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81Irregularities in the notification 82Chapter IV: Time limitsCalculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84aExtension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V: Amendments and correctionsAmendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description and drawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89Chapter VI: Interruption of proceedingsInterruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII: Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII: Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95aAdditional publications by the European Patent Office 96Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co-operationCommunications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102Part VIII: Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108Amendment of the application 109Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment 110Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.(1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件。

专利中常用的英语/thread-84506-1-1.html中华人民共和国国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China专利法实施细则"Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of The People's Republic of Chinathe Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the Penple's Republic of China"专利法Chinese Patent Law从属权利要求the dependent claim独立权利要求 The independent claim第一次审查意见通知书Notification of First Office Action 发出了审查意见通知书issues the Office Action第二次审查意见通知书正文Contents of Second Office Action附页Attached Pages意见陈述书abservation本通知书the present detailed action经审查After examination审查指南guidelines for patent examination审查员examiner/Authorized Officer替换页replacement sheets 修改页amendment sheets提前公布Request for Early Publication修改文本amended document修改页amendment sheets意见与建议comments and suggestions原说明书和权利要求书initial description and claims新颖性novelty创造性inventiveness实用性practical applicability申请号Application number申请人applicant说明书The description已授权专利Issued Patents专利权人patentee专利性patentability本领域熟知/公知it is well known to a person skilled in the art that背景技术description of related art必要技术特征essential technical features additional对比文件reference document常规技术"routine techniques/common knowledge"创造性劳动creative work等同特征equivalent feature发明内容summary of the invention技术方案technical solution技术领域field of the invention技术手段technical means技术特征 technical features 必要技术特征essential technical features技术问题technical problem明显或隐含公开expressly or impliedly disclose实施方案实施例embodiment上位概念generic term 下位概念specific term限定部分characterizing portion限定作有definitive effect下位概念specific term 上位概念generic term选择方案alternative solutions有益效果(unexpected) (advantages ) beneficial effects(results)主题subject matter eg.请求保护的主题and furthermore 由此可见thusin that 由于,在于也就是说"that is/in other words"Broadly 宽泛地讲同样/同理similarlyprocess 方法,过程,工艺这样in this way advantageous 有利的再如for another exampleas balance 余量在此基础上on this basis,in turn 则,反过来,而特别值得强调的是Deserve special emphasis isdisclose 公开see particularly 具体参见column XX, line XX XX栏,XX行contemplated 预期的,涉及,考虑范围内Also 并且cross-sectional views 截面图instead of 代替portions 一部分analogous to 类似particular example 具体例子result in 导致but alternatively 或corresponded to 一致still somewhat 在某种程度上about 约to 至Accordingly 因此in principle 原则上literature 文献in reality 事实上cautiously 小心地After characterization 表征之后disadvantage for 不利于term 术语impart 赋予subjected to 经过~,易于~,进行~employ 使用handling 操作overview 综述owing to 由于Nevertheless 然而superior to 优于Surprisingly 出人意料地mentioned 描述assume 采用per se 本身1980's 1980年代suitable 合适的suitably 相称地Similarly 同样地confer 提供give rise to 得到give 显示出delivering 提供regardless of 而不论benefits 益处performance 性能seeking to 试图convenience 便利性so also 因此so forth 等at times 有时absolutely imperative 绝对必要alternatively 或者substantially 基本上together with 以及~exerts 表现出develop 开发also 同样also covers 还包括likewise 同样conventional method 常规方法so that 因此,所以,以便followed by 然后,随后vice verse 反之亦然=====================particularly 特别是,尤其in particular 特别是in particular with 特别是more particularly 更特别地,更具体地especially 特别是specifically 具体地desirable 希望is desirable to 希望if desired 若需要,必要时desired 预期undesired 不希望if so desired 如果需要when desired 如果需要in addition 此外additionally 此外moreover 此外furthermore 此外,更进一步further 此外perferably 优选more perferably 更优选most preferably 最优选still more perferably 再优选particularly preferred 特别优选preference is given 优选less preferred 次优选example 实施例,实例specific examples 具体实例embodiment 实施方案therewith 随后thereby 从而,以whereby 其中wherein 其中thereto 其中applications 装置is applicable 使用is applicable to 适用typically 通常frequently 通常conventionally 通常among others 除了别的之外,其中among other properties 除其它性质之外in addition to 除了~之外,还except that XX 除了XXbesides 除了~之外,还cost effective 更加经济commercial XX 商品XXcommercial scale 商用规模are commercially available as XX 其在市场上的商品是XX commercially available 商购commercial formulatios 商用制剂marked as medicaments 作为药物上市optionally 任选地,选择性地,或者if appropriate 任选地,如果有的话if necessary 任选地if present 如果存在包含embrace不能够,不能的incapable从市场上购买得到 be purchased from the market 方式means基本相同的substantially the same提交submit包含embrace不能够,不能的incapable从市场上购买得到 be purchased from the market方式means基本相同的substantially the same提交submit包含embrace不能够,不能的incapable从市场上购买得到 be purchased from the market方式means基本相同的substantially the same提交submit两者能够适用于相同的技术领域,解决相同的技术问题,并具有相同的预期效果,则认为两者为同样的发明或者实用新型。

European Patent Organisation (EPO) Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001) •Bibliographic Entries •TextsSelect Language▼Table of Contentshttp://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/t ext.jsp?file_id=126545/zcfg/flfg /zl/gjty/200804/t20080415_378153 .html•PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in oral proceedings第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees 第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 第九条一级机构的职责范围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 第十条二级机构的职责范围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appealand adoption of its Rules of Procedure第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply 第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人姓名的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers, licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for the registration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements •PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART III OF THE CONVENTION第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的内容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material 第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书内容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract 第三十三条文摘的内容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止内容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter IIIRenewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents •PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Chapter IExamination by the Receiving Section第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件内容的补正■Rule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late-filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report第四十四条检索报告的内容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract 第四十七条文摘的确定内容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applicationsand European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chapter IVExamination by the Examining Division第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification 第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent 第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition 第五十五条异议书的内容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent ■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent 第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VI OF THE CONVENTION第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal 第六十四条申诉书的内容■Rule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals 第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature, name, seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings ■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand 第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives 第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■Rule 82Irregularities in the notification 第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IVTime limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84aLate receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees 第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions 第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings 第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VIIWaiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of information contained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution, maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the Contracting States第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人名单的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■R ule 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents* (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001)CONTENTSRulePart I: Implementing Regulations to Part I of the Convention Chapter I: Languages of the European Patent Office Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2 (deleted) 3Language of a European divisional application 4Certification of translations 5 Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to thedepartments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patent application by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventorDesignation of the inventor 17Publication of the mention of the inventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22 Chapter IV: Certification of exhibition Certificate of exhibition 23Chapter V: Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23aChapter VI: Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23bPatentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the Convention Chapter I: Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II: Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27aDeposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36Chapter III: Renewal feesPayment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV: PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I: Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following the examination on filing 39 Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41 Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II: European search reportContent of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46 Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III: Publication of the European patent application Technical preparations for publication 48 Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49Information about publication 50Chapter IV: Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V: Implementing Regulations to Part V of the Convention Content of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56 Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57aExamination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60 Transfer of the European patent 61 Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a Europeanpatent 62aCosts 63Part VI: Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the Convention Content of the notice of appeal 64 Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66 Reimbursement of appeal fees 67 Part VII: Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the Convention Chapter I: Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69 Signature, name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71 Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73 Costs of taking of evidence 74 Conservation of evidence 75 Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III: Notifications General provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78 Notification by delivery by hand 79 Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81Irregularities in the notification 82Chapter IV: Time limitsCalculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84aExtension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V: Amendments and correctionsAmendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description and drawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89Chapter VI: Interruption of proceedingsInterruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII: Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII: Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95 Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95a Additional publications by the European Patent Office 96 Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co-operation Communications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102 Part VIII: Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108 Amendment of the application 109 Claims incurring fees Consequence of non-payment 110 Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.(1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件。

专利法实施细则(英文版)篇一:专利法实施细则(2019英文版)IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSOF THE PATENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Promulgated by Decree No. 306 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 15,2019, amended the first time on December 28,2019 according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, and amended the second time on January 9,2019 according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China)Translated by the State Intellectual Property office of the People's Republic of China. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.Chapter I General ProvisionsRule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).Rule 2. Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be complied with in a written form or inany other form prescribed by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 3. Any document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be in Chinese; the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State; where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.Where any certificate or certifying document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations is in a foreign language, the patent administration department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.Rule 4. Where any document is sent by mail to the patent administration department under the State Council, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be deemed to be the date of filing; where the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the patent administration。

European Patent Organisation (EPO) Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001)•Bibliograp hic Entries•TextsSelect Language▼Table of Contentshttp://www.wipo。
/zcfg/flfg/zl/gjty/200804/t20 080415_378153。
html•PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance第九条一级机构的职责范围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal第十条二级机构的职责范围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appealand adoption of its Rules of Procedure 第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人姓名的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers,licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights 第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for the registration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions ■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements•PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART III OF THE CONVENTION 第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application 第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications 第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的内容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书内容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract第三十三条文摘的内容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止内容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter IIIRenewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents •PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION 第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Chapter IExamination by the Receiving Section 第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件内容的补正■Rule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor 第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late—filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report 第四十四条检索报告的内容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract第四十七条文摘的确定内容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication 第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applicationsand European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chap ter IVExamination by the Examining Division 第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition第五十五条异议书的内容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings 第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent 第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VI OF THE CONVENTION第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal第六十四条申诉书的内容■Rule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible 第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature,name,seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence 第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■Rule 82Irregularities in the notification第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IVTime limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84aLate receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VIIWaiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures 第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of information contained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution,maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation 第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the ContractingStates第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人名单的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION 第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■Rule 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non—fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring feesConsequence of non—payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents*(of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001)CONTENTSRulePart I:Implementing Regulations to Part I of the ConventionChapter I:Languages of the European Patent OfficeDerogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2(deleted)3Language of a European divisional application 4 Certification of translations 5Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patentapplication by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventorDesignation of the inventor 17Publication of the mention of the inventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22Chapter IV: Certification of exhibitionCertificate of exhibition 23Chapter V:Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23a Chapter VI:Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23bPatentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the ConventionChapter I:Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II:Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27aDeposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36Chapter III: Renewal feesPayment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV:PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I:Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following the examination on filing 39Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II:European search reportContent of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III:Publication of the European patent applicationTechnical preparations for publication 48Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49Information about publication 50Chapter IV:Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V:Implementing Regulations to Part V of the ConventionContent of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57a Examination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60Transfer of the European patent 61Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a European patent 62aCosts 63Part VI:Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the ConventionContent of the notice of appeal 64Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66 Reimbursement of appeal fees 67Part VII:Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the ConventionChapter I:Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69Signature,name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73Costs of taking of evidence 74Conservation of evidence 75Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III:Notifications General provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78Notification by delivery by hand 79 Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81 Irregularities in the notification 82 Chapter IV:Time limits Calculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84a Extension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V:Amendments and correctionsAmendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description anddrawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89 Chapter VI:Interruption of proceedings Interruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII:Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII:Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93 Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95aAdditional publications by the European Patent Office 96 Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co—operationCommunications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102Part VIII:Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108Amendment of the application 109Claims incurring feesConsequence of non—payment 110Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART IIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART I OF THE CONVENTION Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.(1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件.如上述为第十四条第二款所指人员之一的可以在规定时间内用欧洲专利局正式语言翻译文件。

三一文库()〔专利法实施细则(英文版)〕*篇一:专利法实施细则(2010英文版)IMPLEMENTINGREGULATIONSOFTHEPATENTLAWOFTHEPEOPLESREPUBLICOFCHINA(PromulgatedbyDecreeNo.306oftheStateCouncilofthePeo plesRepublicofChinaonJune15,2001,amendedthefirsttim eonDecember28,2002accordingtotheDecisionoftheStateC ouncilonAmendingtheImplementingRegulationsofthePate ntLawofthePeoplesRepublicofChina,andamendedthesecon dtimeonJanuary9,2010accordingtotheDecisionoftheStat eCouncilonAmendingtheImplementingRegulationsofthePa tentLawofthePeoplesRepublicofChina)TranslatedbytheStateIntellectualPropertyofficeofthe PeoplesRepublicofChina.Incaseofdiscrepancy,theorigi nalversioninChineseshallprevail.ChapterIGeneralProvisionsRule1.TheseImplementingRegulationsareformulatedinac cordancewiththePatentLawofthePeoplesRepublicofChina (hereinafterreferredtoasthePatentLaw).Rule2.AnyformalitiesprescribedbythePatentLawandthes eImplementingRegulationsshallbecompliedwithinawritt enformorinanyotherformprescribedbythepatentadminist rationdepartmentundertheStateCouncil.Rule3.Anydocumentsubmittedinaccordancewiththeprovis ionsofthePatentLawandtheseImplementingRegulationssh allbeinChinese;thestandardscientificandtechnicalter msshallbeusedifthereisaprescribedonesetforthbytheSt ate;wherenogenerallyacceptedtranslationinChinesecan befoundforaforeignnameorscientificortechnicalterm,t heoneintheoriginallanguageshallbealsoindicated.Whereanycertificateorcertifyingdocumentsubmittedina ccordancewiththeprovisionsofthePatentLawandtheseImp lementingRegulationsisinaforeignlanguage,thepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilmay,when itdeemsnecessary,requestaChinesetranslationofthecer tificateorthecertifyingdocumentbesubmittedwithinasp ecifiedtimelimit;wherethetranslationisnotsubmittedw ithinthespecifiedtimelimit,thecertificateorcertifyi ngdocumentshallbedeemednottohavebeensubmitted.Rule4.Whereanydocumentissentbymailtothepatentadmini strationdepartmentundertheStateCouncil,thedateofmai lingindicatedbythepostmarkontheenvelopeshallbedeeme dtobethedateoffiling;wherethedateofmailingindicated bythepostmarkontheenvelopeisillegible,thedateonwhic hthepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCoun cilreceivesthedocumentshallbethedateoffiling,except wherethedateofmailingisprovedbythepartyconcerned.Anydocumentofthepatentadministrationdepartmentunder theStateCouncilmaybeservedbymail,bypersonaldelivery orbyotherforms.Whereanypartyconcernedappointsapaten tagency,thedocumentshallbesenttothepatentagency;whe renopatentagencyisappointed,thedocumentshallbesentt othecontactingpersonnamedintherequest.Whereanydocumentissentbymailbythepatentadministrati ondepartmentundertheStateCouncil,the16thdayfromthed ateofmailingshallbepresumedtobethedateonwhichthepar tyconcernedreceivesthedocument.Whereanydocumentisdeliveredpersonallyinaccordancewi ththeprovisionsofthepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncil,thedateofdeliveryist hedateonwhichthepartyconcernedreceivesthedocument.Wheretheaddressofanydocumentisnotclearanditcannotbe sentbymail,thedocumentmaybeservedbymakinganannounce ment.Attheexpirationofonemonthfromthedateoftheannou ncement,thedocumentshallbedeemedtohavebeenserved.Rule5.ThefirstdayofanytimelimitprescribedinthePaten tLawandtheseImplementingRegulationsshallnotbecounte dinthetimelimit.Wherethetimelimitiscountedbyyearorb ymonth,itshallexpireonthecorrespondingdayofthelastm onth;ifthereisnocorrespondingdayinthatmonth,thetimelimitshallexpireonthelastdayofthatmonth;ifatimelimi texpiresonanofficialholiday,itshallexpireonthefirst workingdayfollowingthatofficialholiday.Rule6.WhereatimelimitprescribedinthePatentLaworthes eImplementingRegulationsorspecifiedbythepatentadmin istrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilisnotobserve dbyapartyconcernedbecauseofforcemajeure,resultingin lossofhisoritsrights,heoritmay,withintwomonthsfromt hedateonwhichtheimpedimentisremoved,atthelatestwith intwoyearsimmediatelyfollowingtheexpirationofthatti melimitrequestthepatentadministrationdepartmentunde rtheStateCounciltorestorehisoritsrights.Exceptforcircumstancesprescribedinprecedingparagrap h,whereatimelimitprescribedinthePatentLawortheseImp lementingRegulationsorspecifiedbythepatentadministr ationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilisnotobservedbya partyconcernedbecauseofanyotherjustifiedreason,resu ltinginlossofhisoritsrights,heoritmay,withintwomont hsfromthedateofreceiptofanotificationfromthepatenta dministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncil,requestthepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCounc iltorestorehisoritsrights.Whereanypartyconcernedrequeststorestorehisoritsrigh taccordingtoparagraphoneorparagraphtwoofthisRule,he oritshallsubmitarequestforrestorationofhisoritsrigh t,statingthereasons,attaching,ifnecessary,thereleva ntcertifyingdocuments,andgothroughtherelevantformal itieswhichshouldhavebeencompliedwithbeforethelossof hisoritsright.Wherethepartyconcernedrequestsforrest orationofhisoritsrightaccordingtoparagraphtwoofthis Rule,heoritshallpaythefeeforrequestforrestorationof right.Wherethepartyconcernedmakesarequestforanextensionof atimelimitspecifiedbythepatentadministrationdepartm entundertheStateCouncil,heoritshall,beforethetimeli mitexpires,statethereasonstothepatentadministration departmentundertheStateCouncilandgothroughthereleva ntformalities.TheprovisionsofparagraphsoneandtwoofthisRuleshallnotbeapplicabletothetimelimitreferredtoinArticles24,2 9,42and68ofthePatentLaw.Rule7.Whereanapplicationforapatentrelatestotheinter estsofnationaldefenseandisrequiredtobekeptsecret,th eapplicationforpatentshallbefiledwithandexaminedbyt hepatentdepartmentofnationaldefense.Whereanapplicat ionforpatentreceivedbythepatentadministrationdepart mentundertheStateCouncilrelatestotheinterestsofnati onaldefenseandisrequiredtobekeptsecret,theapplicati onshallbepromptlyforwardedtothepatentdepartmentofna tionaldefencetocarryouttheexamination.Whereitisfoun dafterexaminationbythepatentdepartmentofnationaldef encethereisnocauseforrejectionoftheapplication,thep atentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilsh allmakeadecisiontograntthepatentrightconcerningnati onaldefense.WherethepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheState Councilfindsthatanapplicationforpatentforinventiono rpatentforutilitymodelfiledwithitrelatestonationals ecurityorothervitalinterestsotherthaninterestsconcerningnationaldefenseandisrequiredtobekeptsecret,its hallpromptlymakeadecisiononhandlingitasanapplicatio nforsecretpatentandnotifytheapplicantaccordingly.Th especialproceduresfortheexaminationandreexamination ofapplicationforsecretpatentaswellastheinvalidation ofsecretpatentshallbeprovidedforbythepatentadminist rationdepartmentundertheStateCouncil.Rule8.TheinventionorutilitymodeldevelopedinChinaasm entionedinArticle20ofthePatentLawreferstoaninventio norutilitymodelofwhichthesubstantivecontentsofthete chnicalsolutionweremadewithintheterritoryofChina.Whereanyentityorindividualintendstofileanapplicatio nforpatentabroadfortheinventionorutilitymodeldevelo pedinChina,itorheshallrequest,byoneofthefollowingma nner,thepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheState Counciltoconductconfidentialityexamination:(1)whereanyentityorindividualintendstofileanapplica tionforpatentdirectlyinaforeigncountryoraninternati onalpatentapplicationwitharelevantforeignorganization,itorheshallfilearequestforconfidentialityexamina tioninadvancewiththepatentadministrationdepartmentu ndertheStateCouncilanddescribetherelatedtechnicalso lutionindetail;(2)whereafterhavingfiledanapplicationforpatentwitht hepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCounci l,theapplicantintendstofileanapplicationforpatentin aforeigncountryoraninternationalpatentapplicationwi tharelevantforeignorganization,itorheshallfilethere questforconfidentialityexaminationwiththepatentadmi nistrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilbeforefilin goftheapplicationforpatentinaforeigncountryortheint ernationalpatentapplicationwiththerelevantforeignor ganization.Wheretheapplicantfilesaninternationalpatentapplicat ionwiththepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheSta teCouncil,itorheshallbedeemedtohavesimultaneouslyfi ledtherequestforconfidentialityexamination.Rule9.WherethepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilreceivesarequestfiledunderRule8ofthese ImplementingRegulationsandfinds,uponexamination,tha ttheinventionorutilitymodelmayrelatetothesecurityor vitalinterestoftheStateandisrequiredtobekeptsecret, itshallpromptlyissueanotificationofconfidentialitye xaminationtotheapplicant.Iftheapplicantfailstorecei vethenotificationofconfidentialityexaminationwithin fourmonthsfromthedateoffilingitsorhisrequest,itorhe mayfile,inrespectoftheinventionorutilitymodel,anapp licationforpatentinaforeigncountryoraninternational patentapplicationwiththerelevantforeignorganization.WherethepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheState Councilcarriesoutaconfidentialityexaminationinaccor dancewiththenotificationprescribedintheprecedingpar agraph,itshallpromptlymakeadecisiononwhethertheinve ntionorutilitymodeisrequiredtobekeptsecretandnotify theapplicantaccordingly.Iftheapplicantfailstoreceiv esuchadecisionwithinsixmonthsfromthedateoffilingits orhisrequest,itorhemayfile,inrespectoftheinventiono rutilitymodel,anapplicationforpatentinaforeigncount ryoraninternationalpatentapplicationwiththerelevantforeignorganization.Rule10.Anyinvention-creationthatiscontrarytothelaws referredtoinArticle5ofthePatentLawshallnotincludetheinvention-creationmerelybecausetheexploit ationofwhichisprohibitedbythelaws.Rule11.ThedateoffilingreferredtointhePatentLaw,exce ptforthosereferredtoinArticles28and42,meanstheprior itydatewherepriorityisclaimed.ThedateoffilingreferredtointheseImplementingRegulat ions,exceptasotherwiseprescribed,meansthedateoffili ngprescribedinArticle28ofthePatentLaw.Rule12."Aserviceinvention-creationmadebyapersoninex ecutionofthetasksoftheentitytowhichhebelongs"referr edtoinArticle6ofthePatentLawmeansanyinvention-creat ionmade:(l)inthecourseofperforminghisownduty;(2)inexecutionofanytask,otherthanhisownduty,whichwa sentrustedtohimbytheentitytowhichhebelongs;(3)withinoneyearfromhisretirement,resignationorfrom terminationofhisemploymentorpersonnelrelationshipwi ththeentitytowhichhepreviouslybelonged,wheretheinve ntion-creationrelatestohisowndutyortheothertaskentr ustedtohimbytheentitytowhichhepreviouslybelonged."Theentitytowhichhebelongs"referredtoinArticle6ofth ePatentLawincludestheentityinwhichthepersonconcerne disatemporarystaffmember."Materialandtechnicalmeans oftheentity"referredtoinArticle6ofthePatentLawmeant heentitysmoney,equipment,spareparts,rawmaterialsort echnicalmaterialswhicharenotdisclosedtothepublic,et c.Rule13."Inventor"or"creator"referredtointhePatentLa wmeansanypersonwhomakescreativecontributionstothesu bstantivefeaturesofaninvention-creation.Anypersonwh o,duringthecourseofaccomplishingtheinvention-creati on,isresponsibleonlyfororganizationalwork,orwhoonlyoffersfacilitiesformakinguseofmaterialandtechnicalm eans,orwhoonlytakespartinotherauxiliaryfunctions,sh allnotbeconsideredasinventororcreator.Rule14.Exceptfortheassignmentofthepatentrightinacco rdancewithArticle10ofthePatentLaw,wherethepatentrig htistransferredbecauseofanyotherreason,thepersonorp ersonsconcernedshall,accompaniedbyrelevantcertified documentsorlegalpapers,requestthepatentadministrati ondepartmentundertheStateCounciltoregisterthechange intheownerofthepatentright.Anylicensecontractforexploitationofapatentwhichhasb eenconcludedbythepatenteewithanentityorindividualsh all,withinthreemonthsfromthedateofentryintoforceoft hecontract,besubmittedtothepatentadministrationdepa rtmentundertheStateCouncilfortherecord.Whereanypatentrightispledged,boththepledgerandthepl edgeeshalljointlyregisterthecontractofpledgewiththe patentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncil.Chapter11ApplicationforPatentRule15.Anyonewhoappliesforapatentinwrittenformshall filewiththepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCouncilapplicationdocumentsintwocopies.Anyonewhoappliesforapatentinotherformsasprovidedbyt hepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCounci lshallcomplywiththerelevantprovisions.Anyapplicantwhoappointsapatentagencyforapplyingfora patent,orforhavingotherpatentmatterstoattendtobefor ethepatentadministrationdepartmentundertheStateCoun cil,shallsubmitatthesametimeapowerofattorneyindicat ingthescopeofthepowerentrusted.Wheretherearetwoormoreapplicantsandnopatentagencyis appointed,unlessotherwisestatedintherequest,theappl icantnamedfirstintherequestshallbetherepresentative.Rule16.Therequestofapplicationforpatentforinvention ,utilitymodelordesign,shallstatethefollowing:(1)thetitleoftheinvention,utilitymodelordesign;(2)wheretheapplicantisaChineseentityorindividual,it sorhistitleorname,address,postalcode,thecodeoftheor ganizationorthecitizenidentificationcardnumber;wher etheapplicantisaforeigner,aforeignenterpriseorother foreignorganization,hisoritsnameortitle,thenational ityorthecountryorregioninwhichtheapplicantisregiste red;(3)thenameoftheinventororcreator;(4)wheretheapplicanthasappointedapatentagency,thena meoftheappointedagency,theagencysorganizationalcode andthename,theprofessionalcertificatenumberandthete lephonenumberofthepatentagentassignedbytheagency;(5)wheretherightofpriorityisclaimed,thefilingdateon whichtheapplicantfiledtheapplicationthefirsttime(he reinafterreferredtoastheearlierapplication),thefili ngnumberoftheapplicationandthetitleoftheauthoritywi thwhichtheapplicationwasfirstfiled;(6)thesignatureorsealoftheapplicantorthepatentagenc y;(7)alistofthedocumentsconstitutingtheapplication;(8)alistofthedocumentsappendingtheapplication;and(9 )anyotherrelatedmatterswhichneedstobeindicated.Rule17.Thedescriptionofanapplicationforapatentforin ventionorapatentforutilitymodelshallstatethetitleof theinventionorutilitymodel,whichshallbethesameasita ppearsintherequest.Thedescriptionshallincludethefol lowing:(1)technicalfield:specifyingthetechnicalfieldtowhic hthetechnicalsolutionforwhichprotectionissoughtpert ains;(2)backgroundart:indicatingthebackgroundartwhichcan beregardedasusefulfortheunderstanding,searchingande xaminationoftheinventionorutilitymodel,andwhenpossi ble,citingthedocumentsreflecting*篇二:中华人民共和国专利法实施细则(中英文对照) 中华人民共和国专利法实施细则RulesfortheImplementationofthePatentLawofthePeoples RepublicofChinaisherebypromulgated,andenterintoforc easofJuly1,2001.第一条根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。

中华人民共和国专利法 2009年01月28日(1984年3月12日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过根据1992年9月4日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第一次修正根据2000年8月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第二次修正根据2008年12月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第三次修正)第一章总则第一条为了保护专利权人的合法权益,鼓励发明创造,推动发明创造的应用,提高创新能力,促进科学技术进步和经济社会发展,制定本法。

European Patent Organisation (EPO)Implementing Regulations to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents (of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation of 13 December 2001)•Bibliograp hic Entries•TextsSelect Language▼Table of ContentsIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTION第一部分适用于公约第一部分的条款■Chapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言■Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings 第一条在书面手续中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 2Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in oral proceedings第二条在口头程序中不使用正式语言的规定■Rule 3(deleted)第三条正式语言的改变■Rule 4Language of a European divisional application第四条专利分案申请的语言■Rule 5Certification of translations第五条译本的证明■Rule 6Time limits and reduction of fees第六条期限和费用的减收■Rule 7Legal authenticity of the translation of theEuropean patent application第七条专利申请译本的法律效力■Chapter IIOrganisation of the European Patent Office第二章欧洲专利局的机构■Rule 8Patent classification第八条专利分类■Rule 9Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance第九条一级机构的职责范围■Rule 10Presidium of the Boards of Appeal第十条二级机构的职责范围■Rule 11Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appealand adoption of its Rules of Procedure第十一条二级机构工作程序的规定■Rule 12Administrative structure of the European Patent Office第十二条欧洲专利局管理机构•PART IIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART II OF THE CONVENTION第二部分适用本公约第二部分的条款■Chapter IProcedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitled第一章申请人或专利权人无资格的规定■Rule 13Suspension of proceedings第十三条审查程序的中止■Rule 14Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application第十四条对撤回欧洲专利申请的限制■Rule 15Filing of a new European patent applicationby the person entitled to apply第十五条提出新的欧洲专利申请的资格■Rule 16Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision第十六条依据判决作出欧洲专利权的部分转让■Chapter IIMention of the inventor第二章发明人的署名■Rule 17Designation of the inventor第十七条发明人的指定■Rule 18Publication of the mention of the inventor第十八条指定发明人姓名的公布■Rule 19Rectification of the designation of an inventor第十九条更正发明人的指定■Chapter IIIRegistering transfers, licences and other rights第三章在登记簿上登记转让、许可和其他权利■Rule 20Registering a transfer 第二十条转让登记■Rule 21Registering of licences and other rights第二十一条许可证及其他权利的登记■Rule 22Special indications for the registration of a licence第二十二条许可证的特别说明登记■Chapter IVCertification of exhibition第四章展出证明■Rule 23Certificate of exhibition第二十三条展出证明书■Chapter VPrior European applications■Rule 23aPrior application as state of the art■Chapter VIBiotechnological inventions■Rule 23bGeneral and definitions■Rule 23cPatentable biotechnological inventions ■Rule 23dExceptions to patentability■Rule 23eThe human body and its elements•PART IIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART III OF THE CONVENTION第三部分适用于本公约第三部分的条款■Chapter IFiling of the European patent application第一章专利申请的提交■Rule 24General provisions第二十四条总则■Rule 25Provisions for European divisional applications第二十五条专利分案申请的提交及条件■Chapter IIProvisions governing the application 第二章专利的申请■Rule 26Request for grant第二十六条专利的请求■Rule 27Content of the description第二十七条说明书的内容■Rule 27aRequirements of European patent applicationsrelating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences■Rule 28Deposit of biological material第二十八条涉及微生物的申请文件的写法■Rule 28aNew deposit of biological material第二十八条之二微生物的重新保藏■Rule 29Form and content of claims第二十九条权利要求书内容和形式■Rule 30Unity of invention第三十条权利要求的不同类别■Rule 31Claims incurring fees第三十一条应当缴纳费用的权利要求■Rule 32Form of the drawings第三十二条附图的格式■Rule 33Form and content of the abstract第三十三条文摘的内容和形式■Rule 34Prohibited matter第三十四条禁止内容■Rule 35General provisions governing the presentationof the application documents第三十五条关于提交申请文件的总则■Rule 36Documents filed subsequently第三十六条申请后提交的文件■Chapter III Renewal fees第三章年费■Rule 37Payment of renewal fees第三十七条年费的缴纳■Chapter IVPriority第四章优先权■Rule 38Declaration of priority and priority documents第三十八条优先权声明及文件■Rule 38aIssuing priority documents•PART IVIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART IV OF THE CONVENTION第四部分适用本公约第四部分的条款■Chapter IExamination by the Receiving Section第一章受理处的审查■Rule 39Communication following the examination on filing第三十九条受理审查后的通知■Rule 40Examination for certain physical requirements第四十条某些形式条件的审查■Rule 41Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents第四十一条申请文件内容的补正■Rule 42Subsequent identification of the inventor第四十二条发明人的最后指定■Rule 43Late-filed or missing drawings第四十三条附图的遗漏或迟交■Chapter IIEuropean search report第二章欧洲专利申请的检索报告■Rule 44Content of the European search report第四十四条检索报告的内容■Rule 45Incomplete search第四十五条不完全的检索■Rule 46European search report where the invention lacks unity第四十六条发明缺少单一性检索报告■Rule 47Definitive content of the abstract第四十七条文摘的确定内容■Chapter IIIPublication of the European patent application第三章欧洲专利申请的公布■Rule 48Technical preparations for publication第四十八条公布的技术准备■Rule 49Form of the publication of European patent applicationsand European search reports第四十九条专利申请及检索报告的公开形式■Rule 50Information about publication第五十条公布的通知■Chapter IVExamination by the Examining Division第四章审查部的审查■Rule 51Examination procedure第五十一条审查程序■Rule 52Grant of the European patent to different applicants第五十二条向共同申请人批准欧洲专利■Chapter VThe European patent specification第五章欧洲专利说明书■Rule 53Technical preparations for publicationand form of the specification of the European patent第五十三条欧洲专利说明书的形式■Rule 54Certificate for a European patent第五十四条欧洲专利证书•PART VIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART V OF THE CONVENTION第五部分适用于本公约第五部分的条款■Rule 55Content of the notice of opposition第五十五条异议书的内容■Rule 56Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible第五十六条不能受理的异议书的驳回■Rule 57Preparation of the examination of the opposition第五十七条异议审查的准备■Rule 57aAmendment of the European patent■Rule 58Examination of opposition第五十八条异议审查■Rule 59Requests for documents第五十九条证明文件的提交■Rule 60Continuation of the opposition proceedingsby the European Patent Office of its own motion第六十条异议程序的自行继续■Rule 61Transfer of the European patent第六十一条专利的转让■Rule 61aDocuments in opposition proceedings第六十一条之二异议程序中提交的文件■Rule 62Form of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings第六十二条欧洲专利新说明书在异议程序中的形式■Rule 62aNew certificate for a European patent第六十二条之二欧洲新专利证书■Rule 63Costs第六十三条费用•PART VIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VI OF THE CONVENTION第六部分适用于本公约第六部分的条款■Rule 64Content of the notice of appeal第六十四条申诉书的内容■Rule 65Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible第六十五条不能受理的申诉书的驳回■Rule 66Examination of appeals第六十六条上诉审查■Rule 67Reimbursement of appeal fees第六十七条上诉费的退回•PART VIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS TO PART VII OF THE CONVENTION第七部分适用于本公约第七部分的条款■Chapter IDecisions and communications of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的决定和通知■Rule 68Form of decisions第六十八条决定的形式■Rule 69Noting of loss of rights第六十九条权利丧失的通知■Rule 70Signature, name, seal第七十条欧洲专利局通知书的形式■Chapter IIOral proceedings and taking of evidence第二章口头程序和审理■Rule 71Summons to oral proceedings第七十一条传讯参加口头程序■Rule 71aPreparation of oral proceedings■Rule 72Taking of evidence by the European Patent Office第七十二条欧洲专利局的审理■Rule 73Commissioning of experts第七十三条专家委员会■Rule 74Costs of taking of evidence第七十四条审理费■Rule 75Conservation of evidence第七十五条证据的保留■Rule 76Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence第七十六条口头程序的记录和审理■Chapter IIINotifications第三章通知■Rule 77General provisions on notifications第七十七条关于通知的总则■Rule 78Notification by post第七十八条经邮局通知■Rule 79Notification by delivery by hand第七十九条直接通知■Rule 80Public notification第八十条公布通知■Rule 81Notification to representatives第八十一条通知代理人和代表人■Rule 82Irregularities in the notification第八十二条通知的缺陷■Chapter IVTime limits第四章期限■Rule 83Calculation of time limits第八十三条期限的计算■Rule 84Duration of time limits第八十四条期限的长短■Rule 84a Late receipt of documents■Rule 85Extension of time limits第八十五条期限的顺延■Rule 85aPeriod of grace for payment of fees第八十五条之一交费期限的延长■Rule 85bPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination第八十五条之二请求审查的延长期限■Chapter VAmendments and corrections第五章修改和更正■Rule 86Amendment of the European patent application第八十六条专利申请文件的修改■Rule 87Different claims, description and drawings for different States第八十七条不同国家的不同权利要求书、说明书和附图■Rule 88Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office第八十八条对申请文件中错误的修改■Rule 89Correction of errors in decisions第八十九条对决定书中错误的修改■Chapter VIInterruption of proceedings第六章程序的中止■Rule 90Interruption of proceedings第九十条程序的中止■Chapter VIIWaiving of enforced recovery procedures第七章放弃强制性收回■Rule 91Waiving of enforced recovery procedures第九十一条放弃强制性收回■Chapter VIIIInformation to the public第八章情报的公布■Rule 92Entries in the Register of European Patents第九十二条在欧洲专利局登记簿上登记■Rule 93Parts of the file not for inspection第九十三条非公开查阅文档■Rule 94Procedures for the inspection of files第九十四条公众查阅的方式■Rule 95Communication of information contained in the files第九十五条文档中有关情报的通告■Rule 95aConstitution, maintenance and preservation of files第九十五条之二文档的保存■Rule 96Additional publications by the European Patent Office第九十六条欧洲专利局的其他出版物■Chapter IXLegal and administrative co-operation第九章法律与管理的协调■Rule 97Communications between the European Patent Officeand the authorities of the Contracting States第九十七条欧洲专利局与缔约国行政当局的联系■Rule 98Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States第九十八条向缔约国法院、主管当局或其中间人查阅文档■Rule 99Procedure for letters rogatory第九十九条委托程序■Chapter XRepresentation第十章代表人■Rule 100Appointment of a common representative第一百条共同代表人的指定■Rule 101Authorisations第一百零一条委托书■Rule 102Amendment of the list of professional representatives第一百零二条登记代理人名单的修改•PART VIIIIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART VIII OF THE CONVENTION第八部分适用本公约第八、第十、第十一部分的条款■Rule 103Information to the public in the event of conversion第一百零三条变更的公告•PART IXIMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART X OF THE CONVENTION■Rule 104The European Patent Office as a receiving Office第一百零四条欧洲专利局的受理资格■Rule 105The European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority orInternational Preliminary Examining Authority第一百零五条对审查的限制■Rule 106The national fee■Rule 107The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase■Rule 108Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements■Rule 109Amendment of the application■Rule 110Claims incurring feesConsequence of non-payment■Rule 111Examination of certain formal requirementsby the European Patent Office ■Rule 112Consideration of unity by the European Patent OfficeImplementing Regulations to the Conventionon the Grant of European Patents*(of 5 October 1973 as last amended by Decision of theAdministrative Council of the European Patent Organisationof 13 December 2001)CONTENTSRulePart I: Implementing Regulations to Part I of the ConventionChapter I: Languages of the European Patent OfficeDerogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in written proceedings 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the language of the proceedings in oral proceedings 2(deleted) 3Language of a European divisional application 4Certification of translations 5Time limits and reduction of fees 6Legal authenticity of the translation of the European patent application 7Chapter II: Organisation of the European Patent OfficePatent classification 8Allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 9Presidium of the Boards of Appeal 10Business distribution scheme for the Enlarged Board of Appeal and adoption of its Rules of Procedure 11Administrative structure of the European Patent Office 12Part II: Implementing Regulations to Part II of the ConventionChapter I: Procedure where the applicant or proprietor is not entitledSuspension of proceedings 13Limitation of the option to withdraw the European patent application 14Filing of a new European patent application by the person entitled to apply 15Partial transfer of right by virtue of a final decision 16Chapter II: Mention of the inventor Designation of the inventor 17 Publication of the mention of theinventor 18Rectification of the designation of an inventor 19Chapter III: Registering transfers, licences and other rightsRegistering a transfer 20Registering of licences and other rights 21Special indications for the registration of a licence 22Chapter IV: Certification of exhibitionCertificate of exhibition 23Chapter V: Prior European applicationsPrior application as state of the art 23aChapter VI: Biotechnological inventionsGeneral and definitions 23b Patentable biotechnological inventions 23cExceptions to patentability 23dThe human body and its elements 23ePart III: Implementing Regulations to Part III of the ConventionChapter I: Filing of the European patent applicationGeneral provisions 24Provisions for European divisional applications 25Chapter II: Provisions governing the applicationRequest for grant 26Content of the description 27Requirements of European patent applications relating to nucleotide and amino acid sequences 27aDeposit of biological material 28New deposit of biological material 28aForm and content of claims 29Unity of invention 30Claims incurring fees 31Form of the drawings 32Form and content of the abstract 33Prohibited matter 34General provisions governing the presentation of the application documents 35Documents filed subsequently 36Chapter III: Renewal feesPayment of renewal fees 37Chapter IV: PriorityDeclaration of priority and priority documents 38Issuing priority documents 38aPart IV: Implementing Regulations to Part IV of the ConventionChapter I: Examination by the Receiving SectionCommunication following the examination on filing 39Examination for certain physical requirements 40Rectification of deficiencies in the application documents 41Subsequent identification of the inventor 42Late-filed or missing drawings 43Chapter II: European search reportContent of the European search report 44Incomplete search 45European search report where the invention lacks unity 46Definitive content of the abstract 47Chapter III: Publication of the European patent applicationTechnical preparations for publication 48Form of the publication of European patent applications and European search reports 49Information about publication 50Chapter IV: Examination by the Examining DivisionExamination procedure 51Grant of the European patent to different applicants 52Chapter V: The European patent specificationTechnical preparations for publication and form of the specification of the European patent 53Certificate for a European patent 54Part V: Implementing Regulations to Part V of the ConventionContent of the notice of opposition 55Rejection of the notice of opposition as inadmissible 56Preparation of the examination of the opposition 57Amendment of the European patent 57aExamination of opposition 58Requests for documents 59Continuation of the opposition proceedings by the European Patent Office of its own motion 60Transfer of the European patent 61Documents in opposition proceedings 61aForm of the new specification of the European patent in opposition proceedings 62New certificate for a European patent 62aCosts 63Part VI: Implementing Regulations to Part VI of the ConventionContent of the notice of appeal 64Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible 65Examination of appeals 66Reimbursement of appeal fees 67Part VII: Implementing Regulations to Part VII of the ConventionChapter I: Decisions and communications of the European Patent OfficeForm of decisions 68Noting of loss of rights 69Signature, name, seal 70Chapter II: Oral proceedings and taking of evidenceSummons to oral proceedings 71Preparation of oral proceedings 71aTaking of evidence by the European Patent Office 72Commissioning of experts 73Costs of taking of evidence 74Conservation of evidence 75Minutes of oral proceedings and of taking of evidence 76Chapter III: NotificationsGeneral provisions on notifications 77Notification by post 78Notification by delivery by hand 79Public notification 80Notification to representatives 81Irregularities in the notification 82Chapter IV: Time limitsCalculation of time limits 83Duration of time limits 84Late receipt of documents 84a Extension of time limits 85Period of grace for payment of fees 85aPeriod of grace for the filing of the request for examination 85bChapter V: Amendments and correctionsAmendment of the European patent application 86Different claims, description and drawings for different States 87Correction of errors in documents filed with the European Patent Office 88Correction of errors in decisions 89 Chapter VI: Interruption of proceedings Interruption of proceedings 90Chapter VII: Waiving of enforced recovery proceduresWaiving of enforced recovery procedures 91Chapter VIII: Information to the publicEntries in the Register of European Patents 92Parts of the file not for inspection 93Procedures for the inspection of files 94Communication of information contained in the files 95Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files 95aAdditional publications by the European Patent Office 96Chapter IX: Legal and administrative co-operationCommunications between the European Patent Office and the authorities of the Contracting States 97Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of the Contracting States 98Procedure for letters rogatory 99Chapter X: RepresentationAppointment of a common representative 100Authorisations 101Amendment of the list of professional representatives 102Part VIII: Implementing Regulations to Part VIII of the ConventionInformation to the public in the event of conversion 103Part IX: Implementing Regulations to Part X of the ConventionThe European Patent Office as a receiving Office 104The European Patent Office as anInternational Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority 105The national fee 106The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office —Requirements for entry into the European phase 107Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements 108Amendment of the application 109Claims incurring feesConsequence of non-payment 110Examination of certain formal requirements by the European Patent Office 111Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office 112PART I IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSTO PART I OF THE CONVENTIONChapter ILanguages of the European Patent Office第一章欧洲专利局的正式语言Rule 1Derogations from the provisions concerning the languageof the proceedings in written proceedings第一条在书面程序中不使用语言的规定(1) In written proceedings before the European Patent Office any party may use any official language of the European Patent Office. The translation referred to in Article 14, paragraph 4,1 may be filed in any official language of the European Patent Office.(1)提出异议者和参加异议程序的第三者都可使用欧洲专利局一种正式语言制定的文件。
2019年实施细则英语word版本 (19页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==实施细则英语篇一:专利法实施细则(201X英文版)IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSOF THE PATENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA(Promulgated by Decree No. 306 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 15,201X, amended the first time on December 28,201X according to the Decision of the State Council on Amendingthe Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, and amended the second time on January 9,201X according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republicof China)Translated by the State Intellectual Property office of the People's Republic of China. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.Chapter I General ProvisionsRule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).Rule 2. Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be complied with in a written form orin any other form prescribed by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 3. Any document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be in Chinese; the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State; where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientificor technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.Where any certificate or certifying document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations is in a foreign language, the patent administration department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.Rule 4. Where any document is sent by mail to the patentadministration department under the State Council, the date ofmailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be deemed to be the date of filing; where the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the patent administration department under the State Council receives the document shall be the date of filing, except where the date ofmailing is proved by the party concerned.Any document of the patent administration department under the State Council may be served by mail, by personal delivery or by other forms. Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the documentshall be sent to the patent agency; where no patent agency is appointed, the document shall be sent to the contacting person namedin the request.Where any document is sent by mail by the patent administration department under the State Council, the 16th day from the date of mailing shall be presumed to be the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where any document is delivered personally in accordance with the provisions of the patent administrationdepartment under the State Council, the date of delivery is the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement. At the expiration of one month from the date of the announcement, the document shall be deemed to have been served.Rule 5. The first day of any time limit prescribed in the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall not be counted in the time limit. Where the time limit is counted by year or by month, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month; if there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month; if a time limit expires on an official holiday, it shall expire on the first working day following that official holiday.Rule 6. Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the patent administration department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit request the patent administration department under the State Council to restore his orits rights.Except for circumstances prescribed in preceding paragraph, where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the patent administration departmentunder the State Council is not observed by a party concerned becauseof any other justified reason, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date of receipt of a notification from the patent administration department under theState Council, request the patent administration department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.Where any party concerned requests to restore his or its right according to paragraph one or paragraph two of this Rule, he or it shall submit a request for restoration of his or its right, stating the reasons, attaching, if necessary, the relevant certifying documents, and go through the relevant formalities which should have been complied with before the loss of his or its right. Where theparty concerned requests for restoration of his or its rightaccording to paragraph two of this Rule, he or it shall pay the feefor request for restoration of right.Where the party concerned makes a request for an extension of a time limit specified by the patent administration department under the State Council, he or it shall, before the time limit expires, state the reasons to the patent administration department under the State Council and go through the relevant formalities.The provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Rule shall not be applicable to the time limit referred to in Articles 24,29,42 and 68 of the Patent Law.Rule 7. Where an application for a patent relates to the interests of national defense and is required to be kept secret, the application for patent shall be filed with and examined by the patent department of national defense. Where an application for patent received by the patent administration department under the State Council relates to the interests of national defense and is required to be kept secret, the application shall be promptly forwarded to the patent department of national defence to carry out the examination. Where it is found after examination by the patent department of national defence there is no cause for rejection of the application, the patent administration department under the State Council shall make a decision to grant the patent right concerning national defense.Where the patent administration department under the State Council finds that an application for patent for invention or patent for utility model filed with it relates to national security or other vital interests other than interests concerning national defense and is required to be kept secret, it shall promptly make a decision on handling it as an application for secret patent and notify the applicant accordingly. The special procedures for the examination and reexamination of application for secret patent as well as the invalidation of secret patent shall be provided for by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 8. The invention or utility model developed in China as mentioned in Article 20 of the Patent Law refers to an invention or utility model of which the substantive contents of the technical solution were made within the territory of China.Where any entity or individual intends to file an application for patent abroad for the invention or utility model developed in China, it or he shall request, by one of the following manner, the patent administration department under the State Council to conduct confidentiality examination:(1) where any entity or individual intends to file an application for patent directly in a foreign country or an international patent application with a relevant foreign organization, it or he shall file a request for confidentiality examination in advance with the patent administration department under the State Council and describe the related technical solution in detail;。

IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONSOF THE PATENT LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (Promulgated by Decree No. 306 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on June 15,2019, amended the first time on December 28,2019 according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, and amended the second time on January 9,2019 according to the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China)Translated by the State Intellectual Property office of the People's Republic of China. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.Chapter I General ProvisionsRule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).Rule 2. Any formalities prescribed by the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be complied with in a written form or in any other form prescribed by the patent administration department under the State Council. Rule 3. Any document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall be in Chinese; the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State; where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.Where any certificate or certifying document submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations is in a foreign language, the patent administration department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.Rule 4. Where any document is sent by mail to the patent administration department under the State Council, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be deemed to be the date of filing; where the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the patent administration department under the State Council receives the document shall be the date of filing, except where the date of mailing is proved by the party concerned.Any document of the patent administration department under the State Council may be served by mail, by personal delivery or by other forms. Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the document shall be sent to the patent agency; where no patent agency is appointed, the document shall be sent to the contacting person named in the request.Where any document is sent by mail by the patent administration department under the State Council, the 16th day from the date of mailing shall be presumed to be the date on which the party concerned receives the document. Where any document is delivered personally in accordance with the provisions of the patent administration department under the State Council, the date of delivery is the date on which the party concerned receives the document.Where the address of any document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement. At the expiration of one month from the date of the announcement, the document shall be deemed to have been served.Rule 5. The first day of any time limit prescribed in the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations shall not be counted in the time limit. Where the time limit is counted by year or by month, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month; if there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month; if a time limit expires on an official holiday, it shall expire on the first working day following that official holiday.Rule 6. Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by thepatent administration department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit request the patent administration department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.Except for circumstances prescribed in preceding paragraph, where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the patent administration department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of any other justified reason, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date of receipt of a notification from the patent administration department under the State Council, request the patent administration department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.Where any party concerned requests to restore his or its right according to paragraph one or paragraph two of this Rule, he or it shall submit a request for restoration of his or its right, stating the reasons, attaching, if necessary, the relevant certifying documents, and go through the relevant formalities which should have been complied with before the loss of his or its right. Where the party concerned requests for restoration of his or its right according to paragraph two of this Rule, he or it shall pay the fee for request for restoration of right.Where the party concerned makes a request for an extension of a time limit specified by the patent administration department under the State Council, he or it shall, before the time limit expires, state the reasons to the patent administration department under the State Council and go through the relevant formalities.The provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Rule shall not be applicable to the time limit referred to in Articles 24,29,42 and 68 of the Patent Law.Rule 7. Where an application for a patent relates to the interests of national defense and is required to be kept secret, the application for patent shall be filed with and examined by the patent department of national defense. Where an application for patent received by the patent administration department under the State Council relates to the interests of national defense and is required to be kept secret, the application shall be promptly forwarded to the patent department of national defence to carry out the examination. Where it is found after examination by the patent department of national defence there is no cause for rejection of the application, the patent administration department under the State Council shall make a decision to grant the patent right concerning national defense. Where the patent administration department under the State Council finds that an application for patent for invention or patent for utility model filed with it relates to national security or other vital interests other than interests concerning national defense and is required to be kept secret, it shall promptly make a decision on handling it as an application for secret patent and notify the applicant accordingly. The special procedures for the examination and reexamination of application for secret patent as well as the invalidation of secret patent shall be provided for by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 8. The invention or utility model developed in China as mentioned in Article 20 of the Patent Law refers to an invention or utility model of which the substantive contents of the technical solution were made within the territory of China.Where any entity or individual intends to file an application for patent abroad for the invention or utility model developed in China, it or he shall request, by one of the following manner, the patent administration department under the State Council to conduct confidentiality examination:(1) where any entity or individual intends to file an application for patent directly in a foreign country or an international patent application with a relevant foreign organization, it or he shall file a request for confidentiality examination in advance with the patent administration department under the State Council and describe the related technical solution in detail;(2) where after having filed an application for patent with the patent administration department under the State Council, the applicant intends to file an application for patent in a foreign country or an international patent application with a relevant foreign organization, it or he shall file the request for confidentiality examination withthe patent administration department under the State Council before filing of the application for patent in a foreign country or the international patent application with the relevant foreign organization.Where the applicant files an international patent application with the patent administration department under the State Council, it or he shall be deemed to have simultaneously filed the request for confidentiality examination. Rule 9. Where the patent administration department under the State Council receives a request filed under Rule 8 of these Implementing Regulations and finds, upon examination, that the invention or utility model may relate to the security or vital interest of the State and is required to be kept secret, it shall promptly issue a notification of confidentiality examination to the applicant. If the applicant fails to receive the notification of confidentiality examination within four months from the date of filing its or his request, it or he may file, in respect of the invention or utility model, an application for patent in a foreign country or an international patent application with the relevant foreign organization.Where the patent administration department under the State Council carries out a confidentiality examination in accordance with the notification prescribed in the preceding paragraph, it shall promptly make a decision on whether the invention or utility mode is required to be kept secret and notify the applicant accordingly. If the applicant fails to receive such a decision within six months from the date of filing its or his request, it or he may file, in respect of the invention or utility model, an application for patent in a foreign country or an international patent application with the relevant foreign organization.Rule 10. Any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws referred to in Article 5 of the Patent Law shall not include the invention-creation merely because the exploitation of which is prohibited by the laws.Rule 11. The date of filing referred to in the Patent Law, except for those referred to in Articles 28 and 42, means the priority date where priority is claimed.The date of filing referred to in these Implementing Regulations, except as otherwise prescribed, means the date of filing prescribed in Article 28 of the Patent Law.Rule 12. "A service invention-creation made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law means any invention-creation made:(l) in the course of performing his own duty;(2) in execution of any task, other than his own duty, which was entrusted to him by the entity to which he belongs;(3) within one year from his retirement, resignation or from termination of his employment or personnel relationship with the entity to which he previously belonged, where the invention-creation relates to his own duty or the other task entrusted to him by the entity to which he previously belonged."The entity to which he belongs" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law includes the entity in which the person concerned is a temporary staff member. "Material and technical means of the entity" referred to in Article 6 of the Patent Law mean the entity's money, equipment, spare parts, raw materials or technical materials which are not disclosed to the public, etc.Rule 13. "Inventor" or "creator" referred to in the Patent Law means any person who makes creative contributions to the substantive features of an invention-creation. Any person who, during the course of accomplishing the invention-creation, is responsible only for organizational work, or who only offers facilities for making use of material and technical means, or who only takes part in other auxiliary functions, shall not be considered as inventor or creator.Rule 14. Except for the assignment of the patent right in accordance with Article 10 of the Patent Law, where the patent right is transferred because of any other reason, the person or persons concerned shall, accompanied by relevant certified documents or legal papers, request the patent administration department under the State Council to register the change in the owner of the patent right.Any license contract for exploitation of a patent which has been concluded by the patentee with an entity or individual shall, within three months from the date of entry into force of the contract, be submitted to the patentadministration department under the State Council for the record.Where any patent right is pledged, both the pledger and the pledgee shall jointly register the contract of pledge with the patent administration department under the State Council.Chapter 11 Application for PatentRule 15. Anyone who applies for a patent in written form shall file with the patent administration department under the State Council application documents in two copies.Anyone who applies for a patent in other forms as provided by the patent administration department under the State Council shall comply with the relevant provisions.Any applicant who appoints a patent agency for applying for a patent, or for having other patent matters to attend to before the patent administration department under the State Council, shall submit at the same time a power of attorney indicating the scope of the power entrusted.Where there are two or more applicants and no patent agency is appointed, unless otherwise stated in the request, the applicant named first in the request shall be the representative.Rule 16. The request of application for patent for invention, utility model or design, shall state the following:(1) the title of the invention, utility model or design;(2) where the applicant is a Chinese entity or individual, its or his title or name, address, postal code, the code of the organization or the citizen identification card number; where the applicant is a foreigner, a foreign enterprise or other foreign organization, his or its name or title, the nationality or the country or region in which the applicant is registered;(3) the name of the inventor or creator;(4) where the applicant has appointed a patent agency, the name of the appointed agency, the agency's organizational code and the name, the professional certificate number and the telephone number of the patent agent assigned by the agency;(5) where the right of priority is claimed, the filing date on which the applicant filed the application the first time (hereinafter referred to as the earlier application), the filing number of the application and the title of the authority with which the application was first filed;(6) the signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency; (7) a list of the documents constituting the application;(8) a list of the documents appending the application; and (9) any other related matters which needs to be indicated.Rule 17. The description of an application for a patent for invention or a patent for utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model, which shall be the same as it appears in the request. The description shall include the following:(1) technical field: specifying the technical field to which the technical solution for which protection is sought pertains;(2) background art: indicating the background art which can be regarded as useful for the understanding, searching and examination of the invention or utility model, and when possible, citing the documents reflecting such art;(3) contents of the invention: disclosing the technical problem the invention or utility model aims to settle and the technical solution adopted to resolve the problem; and stating, with reference to the prior art, the advantageous effects of the invention or utility model; (4) description of figures: briefly describing each figure in the drawings, if any;(5) mode of carrying out the invention or utility model: describing in detail the optimally selected mode contemplated by the applicant for carrying out the invention or utility model; where appropriate, this shall be done in terms of examples, and with reference to the drawings, if any;The manner and order referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be followed by the applicant for a patent forinvention or a patent for utility model, and each of the parts shall be preceded by a heading, unless, because of the nature of the invention or utility model, a different manner or order would result in a better understanding and a more economical presentation.The description of the invention or utility model shall use standard terms and be in clear wording, and shall not contain such references to the claims as: "as described in claim ... ", nor shall it contain commercial advertising. Where an application for a patent for invention contains disclosure of one or more nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences, the description shall contain a sequence listing in compliance with the standard prescribed by the patent administration department under the State Council. The sequence listing shall be submitted as a separate part of the description, and a copy of the said sequence listing in machine-readable form shall also be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the patent administration department under the State Council.The description of an application for patent for utility model shall include the drawings showing the shape, structure or their combination of the product for which protection is sought.Rule 18. The figures of drawings of the invention or utility model shall be numbered and arranged in numerical order consecutively as "Figure 1, Figure 2, ... ".Reference signs not mentioned in the text of the description of the invention or utility model shall not appear in the drawings. Reference signs not mentioned in the drawings shall not appear in the text of the description. Reference signs for the same composite part shall be used consistently throughout the application document.The drawings shall not contain any other explanatory notes, except words which are indispensable.Rule 19. The claims shall specify the technical features of the invention or utility model.If there are several claims, they shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The scientific and technical terms used in the claims shall be consistent with that used in the description. The claims may contain chemical or mathematical formulae but no drawings. They shall not, except where absolutely necessary, contain such references to the description or drawings as: "as described in part... of the description", or "as illustrated in Figure ... of the drawings".The technical features mentioned in the claims may, in order to facilitate quicker understanding of the claim, make reference to the corresponding reference signs in the drawings. Such reference signs shall follow the corresponding technical features and be placed in parentheses. The reference signs shall not be construed as limiting the claims.Rule 20. The claims shall have an independent claim, and may also contain dependent claims.The independent claim shall outline the technical solution of an invention or utility model and state the essential technical features necessary for the solution of its technical problem.The dependent claim shall, by additional technical features, further define the claim which it refers to.Rule 21. An independent claim of an invention or utility model shall contain a preamble portion and a characterizing portion, and be presented in the following form:(1) a preamble portion: indicating the title of the claimed subject matter of the technical solution of the invention or utility model, and those technical features which are necessary for the definition of the claimed subject matter but which, in combination, are part of the most related prior art;(2) a characterizing portion: stating, in such words as "characterized in that... "or in similar expressions, the technical features of the invention or utility model, which distinguish it from the most related prior art. Those features, in combination with the features stated in the preamble portion, serve to define the extent of protection of the invention or utility model.Where the manner specified in the preceding paragraphs is not appropriate to be followed because of the nature of the invention or utility model, an independent claim may be presented in a different manner.An invention or utility model shall have only one independent claim, which shall precede all the dependent claims relating to the same invention or utility model.Rule 22. Any dependent claim of an invention or utility model shall contain a reference portion and acharacterizing portion, and be presented in the following manner:(1) a reference portion: indicating the serial number(s) of the claim(s) referred to, and the title of the subject matter;(2) a characterizing portion: stating the additional technical features of the invention or utility model.Any dependent claim shall only refer to the preceding claim or claims. Any multiple dependent claims, which refers to two or more claims, shall refer to the preceding claims in the alternative only, and shall not serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claims.Rule 23. The abstract shall consist of a summary of the disclosure as contained in the application for patent for invention or utility model. The summary shall indicate the title of the invention or utility model, and the technical field to which the invention or utility model pertains, and shall be drafted in a way which allows the clear understanding of the technical problem, the gist of the technical solution to that problem, and the principal use or uses of the invention or utility model.The abstract may contain the chemical formula which best characterizes the invention.In an application for a patent which contains drawings, the applicant shall provide a figure which best characterizes the technical features of the invention or utility model. The scale and the distinctness of the figure shall be as such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to 4cm x 6cm would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished. The whole text of the abstract shall contain not more than 300 words. There shall be no commercial advertising in the abstract.Rule 24. Where an invention for which a patent is applied for concerns a new biological material which is not available to the public and which cannot be described in the application in such a manner as to enable the invention to be carried out by a person skilled in the art, the applicant shall, in addition to the other requirements provided for in the Patent Law and these Implementing Regulations, go through the following formalities:(1) depositing a sample of the biological material with a depositary institution designated by the patent administration department under the State Council before, or at the latest, on the date of filing (or the priority date where priority is claimed), and submit at the time of filing or at the latest, within four months from the date of filing, a receipt of deposit and the viability proof from the depository institution; where they are not submitted within the specified time limit, the sample of the biological material shall be deemed not to have been deposited;(2) giving in the application document relevant information of the characteristics of the biological material;(3) indicating, where the application relates to the deposit of a sample of the biological material, in the request and the description the scientific name (with its Latin name) and the title and address of the depositary institution, the date on which the sample of the biological material was deposited and the accession number of the deposit; where, at the time of filing, they are not indicated, they shall be supplied within four months from the date of filing; where after the expiration of the time limit they are not supplied, the sample of the biological material shall be deemed not to have been deposited.Rule 25. Where the applicant for a patent for invention has deposited a sample of the biological material in accordance with the provisions of Rule 24 of these Implementing Regulations, and after the application for patent for invention is published, any entity or individual that intends to make use of the biological material to which the application relates, for the purpose of experiment, shall make a request to the patent administration department under the State Council, containing the following items:(1) the title or name and address of the requesting person;(2) an undertaking not to make the biological material available to any other person; (3) an undertaking to use the biological material for experimental purpose only before the grant of the patent right.Rule 26. The genetic resources referred to in the Patent Law mean the material obtained from such as human body, animal, plant, or microorganism which contains functional units of heredity and is of actual or potential value. The invention-creation is developed relying on the genetic resources referred to in the Patent Law means that the invention-creation is developed relying on the use of the heredity function of the genetic resources.Where an application for patent is filed for an invention-creation the development of which relies on the use of genetic resources, the applicant shall state that fact in the request, and fill in the forms provided by the patent administration department under the State Council.Rule 27. Where an application for a patent for design seeking concurrent protection of colors is filed, drawings or photographs in color shall be submitted.The applicant shall, in respect of the subject matter of the product incorporating the design which is in need of protection, submit the relevant drawings or photographs.Rule 28. The brief explanation of application for patent for design shall indicate the title and the use of the product incorporating the design, the essential feature of the design, and designate a drawing or photograph capable of best showing the essential feature of the design. Where a view of the product incorporating the design is omitted or where concurrent protection for color is claimed, it shall be indicated in the brief explanation.Where an application for patent for design is filed for two or more similar designs incorporated in the same product, one of these designs shall be indicated as the main design in the brief explanation.The brief explanation shall not contain any commercial advertising and shall not be used to indicate the function of the product.Rule 29. Where the patent administration department under the State Council deems necessary, it may require the applicant for a patent for design to submit a sample or model of the product incorporating the design. The volume of the sample or model submitted shall not exceed 30cm x 30cm x 30cm, and its weight shall not surpass 15 kilograms. Articles that are easy to get rotten or broken or articles that are dangerous shall not be submitted as sample or model.Rule 30. The international exhibition recognized by the Chinese Government referred to in Article 24, subparagraph (1) of the Patent Law means the international exhibition that is registered with or recognized by the International Exhibitions Bureau as stipulated by the International Exhibitions Convention.The academic or technological meeting referred to in Article 24, subparagraph (2) of the Patent Law means any academic or technological meeting organized by a competent department concerned of the State Council or by a national academic or technological association.Where any invention-creation for which a patent is applied falls under the provisions of Article 24, subparagraph (l) or (2) of the Patent Law, the applicant shall, when filing the application, make a declaration and, within a time limit of two months from the date of filing, submit certifying documents issued by the entity which organized the international exhibition or academic or technological meeting, stating the fact that the invention-creation was exhibited or published and with the date of its exhibition or publication.Where any invention-creation for which a patent is applied falls under the provisions of Article 24, subparagraph (3) of the Patent Law, the patent administration department under the State Council may, when it deems necessary, require the applicant to submit the relevant certifying documents within the specified time limit.Where the applicant fails to make a declaration and submit certifying documents as required in paragraph three of this Rule, or fails to submit certifying documents within the specified time limit as required in paragraph four of this Rule, the provisions of Article 24 of the Patent Law shall not apply to the application.Rule 31. Where an applicant claims the right of foreign priority in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Patent Law, the copy of the earlier application documents submitted by the applicant shall be certified by the authority with which the earlier application was filed. Where, in accordance with the agreement between the patent administration department under the State Council and the said authority, the patent administration department under the State Council obtains a copy of the earlier application documents through electronic transmission or in any other manner, the copy of the earlier application documents certified by the authority shall be deemed to have been submitted by the applicant. Where the right of domestic priority is claimed, if the date of filing and the filing number of the earlier application are indicated in the request by the applicant, the copy of the earlier application documents shall be deemed to have been submitted.。
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中华人民共和国专利法Patent Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaIn case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail(1984年3月12日第六届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过Adopted at the 4th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress on March 12, 1984根据1992年9月4日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第一次修正Amended the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress on Amending the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at its 27th Meeting on September 4,1992根据2000年8月25日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第二次修正Amended the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s congress on Amending the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at its 17th Meeting on August 25, 2000根据2008年12月27日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国专利法〉的决定》第三次修正)Amended the third time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the eleventh National People’s Congress on Amending the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China adopted at its 6th Meeting on December 27, 2008.Table of Contents(Established for the convenience of the reader, the text of the Patent Law does not contain such a table)目录Chapter 1 General Provisions第一章总则(1-21)Chapter 2 Requirements for Grant of Patent Right第二章授予专利权的条件(22-25)Chapter 3 Application for Patent第三章专利的申请(26-33)Chapter 4 Examination and Approval of Application for Patent第四章专利申请的审查和批准(34-41)Chapter 5 Duration, Cessation and Invalidation of Patent Right第五章专利权的期限、终止和无效(42-47)Chapter 6 Compulsory License for Exploitation of Patent第六章专利实施的强制许可(48-58)Chapter 7 Protection of Patent Right第七章专利权的保护(59-74)Chapter 8 Supplementary Provisions第八章附则(75-76)Chapter 1 General Provisions第一章总则(1-21)第一条【立法宗旨】This Law is enacted to protect the legitimate rights of the patentee, to encourage inventions-creations, to advance the exploitation of inventions-creations, to enhance innovation capability, and to promote the progress of science and technology and the development of economy and society.为了保护专利权人的合法权益,鼓励发明创造,推动发明创造的应用,提高创新能力,促进科学技术进步和经济社会发展,制定本法。
第二条【发明、实用新型和外观设计的定义】In this Law, “inventions-creations” mean inventions, utility models and designs.●2.1 本法所称的发明创造是指发明、实用新型和外观设计。
“Invention” means any new technical solution relating to a product,a process or improvement thereof.●2.2 发明,是指对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案。
“Utility model”means any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their combination, of a product, which is fit for practical use.●2.3 实用新型,是指对产品的形状、构造或者其结合所提出的适于实用的新的技术方案。
“Design” means any new design of the shape, the pattern, or their combination, or the combination of the color with shape or pattern, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.●2.4 外观设计,是指对产品的形状、图案或者其结合以及色彩与形状、图案的结合所作出的富有美感并适于工业应用的新设计。
第三条【国家知识产权局和地方管理专利工作部门的主要职责】3.1 The patent administration department under the State Council is responsible for the patent work throughout the country. It receives and examines patent applications, and grants patent right for inventions-creations in accordance with the law.●3.1 国务院专利行政部门负责管理全国的专利工作;统一受理和审查专利申请,依法授予专利权。
3.2 The administrative authority for patent affairs under the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government are responsible for the administrative work concerning patents in their respective administrative areas.●3.2 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理专利工作的部门负责本行政区域内的专利管理工作。
第四条【申请专利时对发明创造保密】Where an invention-creation for which a patent is applied for relates to the security or other vital interests of the State and is required to be kept secret, the application shall be treated in accordance with the relevant prescriptions of the State.申请专利的发明创造涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的,按照国家有关规定办理。
第五条【不能授予专利权的发明创造】5.1 No patent shall be granted for any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws or social morality or that is detrimental to public interest.●5.1 对违反法律、社会公德或者妨害公共利益的发明创造,不授予专利权。
5.2 No patent right shall be granted for any invention-creation where acquisition or use of the genetic resources, on which the development of the invention-creation relies, is not consistent with the provisions of the laws or administrative regulations.●5.2 对违反法律、行政法规的规定获取或者利用遗传资源,并依赖该遗传资源完成的发明创造,不授予专利权。
第六条【申请专利的权利和专利权的归属】6.1 An invention-creation, made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs, or made by him mainly by using the material and technical means of the entity is a service invention-creation.For a service invention-creation, the right to apply for a patent belongs to the entity. After the application is approved, the entity shall be the patentee.●6.1 执行本单位的任务或者主要是利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的发明创造为职务发明创造。