科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、产品概述科隆电磁流量计 300(IFC300)是一款高精度、高可靠性的流量测量仪器,广泛应用于工业生产中的各种液体流量测量场合。
IFC300 电磁流量计具有多种规格和型号,可以满足不同管径和流量范围的测量需求。
二、工作原理科隆电磁流量计 300 基于电磁感应定律工作。
2、宽量程比具有很宽的量程比,通常可达 1:100 甚至更高。
科隆流量计IFC300 说明书

IFC 300 WOPTIFLUX 6300 C测量有电导率的流体体积KROHNE © 01.10.2004说明书电磁流量计IFC 300 信号转换器FH & JZ内容软件版本 1.0.x发运的OPTIFLUX 流量计 就可投入使用!包装箱内的流量计传感器 / 一体型按说明书中说明安装。
• 电源连接 (第 1.1 + 1.2 节) 第 6 - 8 页 • 分体型传感器电气连接 (第 1.3 节) 第 9 - 15 页 • 输出 / 输入电气连接 (第 2 节) 第 16 – 28 页 • 启动 (第 3 节) 第 29 页流量计供电,系统就可运行。
• 信号转换器操作 (第 4 节) 第 30 – 41 页 • IFC 300 技术数据 (第 5 节) 第 42 – 48 页内容• 安全特性4• 信号转换器型号和铭牌4• 供货配置5• 系统描述5• 产品性能与保证5• CE / EMC / 标准 / 认证51 电气连接: 电源 6 - 15 1.1 现场安装重要说明请注意 ! 6 - 7 1.2 IFC 300 C, F 和 W 电源连接8 1.3 分体型传感器的电气连接9 - 15 1.3.1 信号电缆 A 和 B及励磁电流电缆 C 说明9 1.3.2 信号电缆A 和 B 的制作10 1.3.3 励磁电流电缆 C 的型号、长度和制作11 1.3.4 传感器接地12 1.3.5 信号电缆长度信号转换器和传感器之间的最大长度13 1.3.6 电源和传感器的连接图 (I 和 II) 14 -152 电气连接: 输出和输入16 - 28 2.1 输出和输入的详细信息请注意 ! 16 2.2 输出和输入 I / O 组合16 - 18 2.3 电流输出19 2.4 脉冲和频率输出20 2.5 状态输出和限位开关21 2.6 控制输入22 - 23 2.7 输出和输入的连接图 (1 - 17) 24 - 283 启动292IFC 30001.10.20044 信号转换器的操作30 - 41 4.1 显示、操作和操作键30 4.2 键的功能30 4.3 KROHNE电磁流量计程序结构31 4.4 可设定的功能表32 - 37 4.5 计数器复位38 4.6 删除出错信息38 4.7 输入方式时显示其它信息38 4.8 状态信息和诊断报告39 - 415 技术数据42 - 47 5.1 IFC 300 信号转换器42 - 45 5.2 KROHNE 传感器选型表46 5.3 流率表46 5.4 测量精度 / 误差限值47 5.5 尺寸和重量48• 流量计返回 KROHNE 测试或修理4901. 10. 2004 IFC 3003安全特性请阅读操作说明书并遵守相关国家标准、安全须知、事故预防规则。
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[11]
![科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[11]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/19e94433591b6bd97f192279168884868762b86f.png)
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、概述二、安装1. 一体型流量计选择合适的安装位置,避免强烈的振动、温度变化和电磁干扰。
2. 分体型流量计选择合适的安装位置,避免强烈的振动、温度变化和电磁干扰。
三、电气连接1. 电源连接注意仪表铭牌上的数据,电源电压和频率范围(50-60 Hz)。
按照正确的颜色编码和端子编号进行接线,并且遵循VDE0110和IEC 664标准规定的净空距和间隙要求。
2. 输出/输入连接注意仪表铭牌上的数据,输出/输入的类型和参数范围。
按照正确的颜色编码和端子编号进行接线,并且遵循VDE0110和IEC 664标准规定的净空距和间隙要求。

一体型和分体型 分体型转换器和传感器之间用专用 电缆
电磁流量计 | 组成部分
一台完成的电磁流量计由三部分组成: 传感器 转换器 电缆连接线
电磁流量计 | 实流标定 仪表常数GK的含义:GK值是表征传感器信号灵敏度的参数,它的定义为:
信号电缆与励磁电缆分开穿管(铁管),可防止干扰,机械损伤,必须采用公司 提供的专用电缆 信号电缆、励磁电缆与电源线分开安装 脉冲输出线应考虑线间分布电容影响,不宜过长
1#——接地屏蔽端 2#、3#——信号端 7#、8#——励磁端 9#——励磁线圈连接中点 11#、12#——电源端
——接地含义: 给信号源参考零电位, 使被测介质与大地相连通 安全性要求(如雷击) 抗外界干扰 接地点离传感器越近越好,绝不能 与其它设备接地点相连接 要求 接地电阻≤10Ω ——接地要求
电磁流量计变送器外壳、屏蔽线、测量导 管及变送器两端的管道都要接地且单独设 置接地点,绝不能接在电机电气等公用地 线或上下水官道上; 转换器部分已通过电缆线接地,毋须再行 接地,以免因电位不同而引入干扰
IFC090 0.3% 2.5~1600mm GK ±125mA
W 密封按键开关 A+ AA- CC- DD-
K·F 按键和磁棒 I+ I I- B1 B┷ B2
A——I C——S.L D——F.P.S.L
2. 励磁线圈电阻
3. 电极噪声

OPTIFLUX 系列及其它技术数据表电磁流量计OPTIFLUX 1300 / 2300 / 4300 / 5300 / 6300 电磁流量计,拥有强大的自诊断功能,有各种安装接口,有各种衬里和电极材料,最高精度可达0.15%,重复性0.06% OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计(IFM 4080 升级换代产品,有自诊断功能)K300 一体型电磁流量计/ K 450K + F 电磁流量计高压电磁流量计科隆电磁流量计经济型K 300(一体型)模拟量K 450(一体或分体型)模拟量(带显示)特殊型OPTIFLUX 4040 C 两线制TIDALFLUX 4110 PF 非满管BATCHFLUX 5015 C 灌装式卫生型常用型W FOPTIFLUX 6300 C1. 性能简介1- 52. 常用产品2.1 OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 电磁流量计62.1 .1I FC 300 信号转换器6- 162.2 OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计172.2 .1I FC 100 信号转换器17- 2021- 22232425263. 经济型30- 313 .2K450K + F 电磁流量计32- 334. 选型与安装4.1传感器口径选择34- 354 .2电极形式 / 材料选择364.3衬里材料的选择374.4传感器在管线上的安装38- 416. 原理及标定证书44目录2.3 OPTIFLUX 2000/4000传感器2.4 IFS / 4000-HP 高压传感器2.5 IFM 3100K +F 电磁流量计2.6 OPTIFLUX 1300夹持型电磁流量计2.7 OPTIFLUX 5300 S W 陶瓷型夹持式电磁流量计2.7.1 OPTIFLUX 5300 FL 法兰型272.8 OPTIFLUX 6300 卫生接口型电磁流量计28- 293.1 K 300 一体型电磁流量计5. 产品选型编码42- 431. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 W(可选 C + F + R)DN 10 ~ 3000OPTIFLUX (一体)(墙挂分体)2100 / 4100 C + W DN 10 ~ 1200详细数据见P 6详细数据见P 17OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )+ / -0.3%±1mm / s (取决于传感器)OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )0.2% - 0.3%(液体中最多含30% 的固体成份)IFM 3100 / 3300 C + W1. 性能简介仪表性能同OPTIFLUX4100,传感器见M 900,见P 24K 300DN 10 ~ 300K 300≤1%详细数据见P 30DN 50 ~ 300M 900+ / -0.3% ±1mm / s(取决于传感器)K 4501. 性能简介DN 10 ~ 450 IFS4000≤0.5%DN 10 ~ 150 OPTIFLUX 1300 OPTIFLUX 10000.3%1. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 5300OPTIFLUX 63001. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 4040TIDALFLUX 4110 PFIFC 300 信号转换器1 图形显示器,背光(白)2 第1 行和第2 行用于显示不同的测量变量,大字体格式显示时只显示一个变量3 第三行显示条形图4 光感应键,无需打开盖就可操作信号转换器5 蓝色条显示:·测量模式时显示仪表位号·设置模式时显示菜单/ 功能名称6 X 指示有键按动7 指示红外线输出工作,此时4 光感应键失效8 连接KROHNE GDC 总线的插座9 光电感应接口,用于无线传送数据(输入/ 输出)IFC 300 显示 / 操作和调整键IFC 300 C 和IFC 300 F 的o 显示器可以隔90旋转2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器使用特点·工厂设置(有二个记忆芯片,一个在机内,另一个在机芯外的底板上)·可以存储3组设定数据,factrory settings 为工厂设定数据用户不能更改(传感器的GK 值、满量程、零点、线圈阻值、温度等)机外底板上的记忆芯片机内记忆芯片·更换转换器时无需设置数据,直接从机芯外的底板上取出工厂设定数据。

流量计使用流速最好在 0.3-15m/s 范围内,此时流量计口径可选择与用户管道口径一致。 使用流速低于 0.3m/s 时最好在仪表部位局部提高流速,采用缩管方式: ★ 异径管的中心锥角不大于 15oC 时,可把异径管视为直管段的一部分。
A 一体型或分离型的选择 B 一体型:现场环境较好的情况下,一般都选用一体型,即传感器和转换器组装成一体。
80 1.8 271.0 400 45.2
100 2.82 424.0 450 57.2
125 4.41 662.0 500 77.6
150 6.63 954.0 550 85.5
200 11.3 1690 600 1.1.0
250 17.6 2650 700 138.0
300 25.4 3810 800 180.0
350 34.6 5190 900 229.0
h) Q内m径ax(m(mm3)/ hQ)min(m3/ h) Qmax(m3/
6780 1000 282.0 42400
8570 1100 342.0 51300
10600 1200 407.0 61000
12800 1400 554.1 83121
15200 1600 732.7 10856 6
材料 含钼不锈钢(Ocr18Ni12Mo2Ti) 哈氏合金 C 哈氏合金 B (HC , HB) 钛 (Ti) 钽 (Ta) 铂(Pt)
耐腐蚀性能 硝酸、室温下 <5%硫酸、沸腾的磷酸、蚁酸、碱溶液、在 一 定耐压氧力化下性的酸亚、氧硫化酸性、盐海、水耐、海醋水酸、耐非氧化怀酸,非氧化性 盐、碱、常温硫酸 海水、各种氯化物和次氯盐酸、氯化性酸(包括发烟硝酸)、 有机酸、碱 除氢氟酸、发烟硫酸、碱外的其余化学介质、包括沸点的盐 酸。硝酸和 <175℃ 各种酸、碱、盐、不包括王水

Signal converter for electromagnetic flowmetersIFC 300All rights reserved. It is prohibited to reproduce this documentation, or any part thereof, withoutthe prior written authorisation of KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG.Subject to change without notice.2 11/2007 • 4000069801 - MA IFC 300 R02 enCopyright 2007 by KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co.KG - Ludwig-Krohne-Straße 5 - 47058Duisburg: IMPRINT3 11/2007 • 4000069801 - MA IFC 300 R02 en 1 Safety instructions (61.1Safety instructions from the manufacturer (61.1.1Copyright and data protection (61.1.2Disclaimer (61.1.3Product liability and warranty (71.1.4Information concerning the documentation (71.1.5Display conventions...................................................................................................81.2Safety instructions for the operator (82)Instrument description..................................................................92.1Scope of delivery..................................................................................................92.2Instrument description.. (102.2.1Field housing (112.2.2Wall-mounted housing (122.3Nameplates........................................................................................................132.3.1Compact version (example. (132.3.2Remote version (example (142.3.3Electrical connection data of the I/Os (example of basic version (153)Installation.. (163.1Notes on installation..........................................................................................163.2Storage...............................................................................................................163.3Installation specifications..................................................................................163.4Transport............................................................................................................173.5Mounting of the compact version......................................................................173.6Mounting the field housing, remote version .. (183.6.1Pipe mounting (183.6.2Wall mounting (193.6.3Rotating the display of the field housing version (203.7Mounting the wall-mounted housing, remote version......................................213.7.1Pipe mounting. (213.7.2Wall mounting..........................................................................................................224 Electrical connections.. (234.1Safety instructions.............................................................................................234.2Important notes on electrical connection.........................................................234.3Electrical cables for remote device versions, notes.. (244.3.1Notes on signal cables A and B (244.3.2Notes on field current cable C (244.3.3Using other signal cables (254.4Preparing the signal and field current cables...................................................264.4.1Signal cable A (type DS 300, construction .(264.4.2Preparing signal cable A, connection to signal converter (27CONTENTS4 11/2007 • 4000069801 - MA IFC 300 R02 en4.4.3Length of signal cable A..........................................................................................314.4.4Signal cable B (type BTS 300, construction..........................................................324.4.5Preparing signal cable B, connection to signal converter......................................334.4.6Length of signal cable B..........................................................................................374.4.7Preparing field current cable B, connection to signal converter...........................384.4.8Prepare signal cable A, connect to measuring sensor...........................................394.4.9Prepare signal cable B, connect to measuring sensor (414.4.10Preparing field current cable C, connection to measuring sensor (434.5Connecting the signal and field current cables (444.5.1Connecting the signal and field current cables, field housing (454.5.2Connecting the signal and field current cables, wall-mounted housing (464.5.3Connection diagram for measuring sensor, field housing (474.5.4Connection diagram for measuring sensor, wall-mounted housing (484.6Grounding the measuring sensor......................................................................494.6.1Classical method.. (494.6.2Virtual reference......................................................................................................494.7Connect power, all housing variants.................................................................504.8Inputs and outputs, overview.. (524.8.1Combinations of the inputs/outputs (I/Os (524.8.2Fixed, non-alterable input/output versions (544.8.3Alterable input/output versions (564.9Description of the inputs and outputs...............................................................584.9.1Current output (584.9.2Pulse and frequency output (594.9.3Status output and limit switch (604.9.4Control input............................................................................................................614.10Electrical connection of the inputs and outputs (614.10.1Field housing, electrical connection of the inputs and outputs (624.10.2Wall-mounted housing, electrical connection of the inputs and outputs (634.10.3Laying electrical cables correctly (644.11Connection diagrams of inputs and outputs (654.11.1Important notes (654.11.2Description of the electrical symbols (664.11.3Basic inputs/outputs (674.11.4Modular inputs/outputs and bus systems (704.11.5EExi inputs/outputs (774.11.6HART ® connection (815 Start-up (835.1Switching on the power......................................................................................835.2Starting the signal converter.. (83 11/2007 • 4000069801 - MA IFC 300 R02 en 6 Operation (846.1Display and operator input elements (846.1.1Using an IR interface (856.1.2Time-out functions (856.1.3Display in measuring mode (866.1.4Display for selection of menu and functions (866.1.5Display for setting of data and functions (876.1.6Display after change of data and functions.............................................................876.2Program structure.............................................................................................886.3Function tables ..(906.3.1Menu A, quick setup (906.3.2Menu B, test (926.3.3Menu C, setup (936.3.4Set free units (1096.3.5Reset counter in Quick Setup menu (1106.3.6Deleting error messages in the Quick Setup menu..............................................1106.4Status messages and diagnostic information (1117)Service.......................................................................................1177.1Spare parts availability....................................................................................1177.2Availability of services......................................................................................1177.3Returning the device to the manufacturer (1187.3.1General information (1187.3.2Form (for copying to accompany a returnedinstrument ....................................1197.4Disposal (1198)Technical data ...........................................................................1208.1Technical data..................................................................................................1208.2Flow tables.......................................................................................................1268.3Accuracy...........................................................................................................1298.4 Dimensions and weights. (1308.4.1Housing (1308.4.2Mounting plate, field housing (1318.4.3Mounting plate, wall-mounted housing (1329)KROHNE Product Overview. (13611.1 Safety instructions from the manufacturer1.1.1 Copyright and data protectionThe contents of this document have been created with great care. Nevertheless, we provide noguarantee that the contents are correct, complete or up-to-date.The contents and works in this document are subject to German copyright. Contributions fromthird parties are identified as such. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of usebeyond what is permitted under copyright requires written authorisation from the respectiveauthor and/or the manufacturer.The manufacturer tries always to observe the copyrights of others, and to draw on works createdin-house or works in the public domain.The collection of personal data (such as names, street addresses or e-mail addresses in themanufacturer's documents is always on a voluntary basis whenever possible. Wheneverfeasible, it is always possible to make use of the offerings and services without providing anypersonal data.We draw your attention to the fact that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. whencommunicating by e-mail may involve gaps in security. It is not possible to protect such datacompletely against access by third parties.We hereby expressly prohibit the use of the contact data published as part of our duty to publishan imprint for the purpose of sending us any advertising or informational materials that we havenot expressly requested.1.1.2 DisclaimerThe manufacturer will not be liable for any damage of any kind by using its product, including,but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.This disclaimer does not apply in case the manufacturer has acted on purpose or with grossnegligence. In the event any applicable law does not allow such limitations on implied warrantiesor the exclusion of limitation of certain damages, you may, if such law applies to you, not besubject to some or all of the above disclaimer, exclusions or limitations.Any product purchased from the manufacturer is warranted in accordance with the relevantproduct documentation and our Terms and Conditions of Sale.The manufacturer reserves the right to alter the content of its documents, including thisdisclaimer in any way, at any time, for any reason, without prior notification, and will not be liablein any way for possible consequences of such changes.11.1.3 Product liability and warrantyThe operator shall bear responsibility for the suitability of the flowmeters for the specificpurpose. The manufacturer accepts no liability for the consequences of misuse by the operator.Improper installation and operation of the flowmeters (systems will cause the warranty to bevoid. The respective "Standard Terms and Conditions" which form the basis for the salescontract shall also apply.1.1.4 Information concerning the documentationTo prevent any injury to the user or damage to the device it is essential that you read theinformation in this document and observe applicable national standards, safety requirementsand accident prevention regulations.If this document is not in your native language and if you have any problems understanding thetext, we advise you to contact your local the manufacturer office for assistance. Themanufacturer can not accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused bymisunderstanding of the information in this document.This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe andefficient use of this device. Special considerations and precautions are also described in thedocument, which appear in the form of underneath icons.11.1.5 Display conventionsThe following symbols are used to help you navigate this documentation more easily:• HANDLINGThis symbol designates all instructions for actions to be carried out by the operator in the specified sequence.i CONSEQUENCEThis symbol designates all important consequences of the previous actions.1.2 Safety instructions for the operatorWARNING!These warning signs must be observed without fail. Even only partial disregarding such warnings can result in serious health damage, damage to the device itself or to parts of the operator ’s plant.DANGER!This symbol designates safety advice on handling electricity.CAUTION!These warnings must be observed without fail. Even only partial disregarding such warnings can lead to improper functioning of the device.LEGAL NOTICE!This symbol designates information on statutory directives and standards.NOTE!This symbol designates important information for the handling of the device.WARNING!In general, devices from the manufacturer may only be installed, commissioned, operated andmaintained by properly trained and authorized personnel. This document is provided to help you establish operating conditions, which will permit safe and efficient use of this device.22.1 Scope of deliveryNOTE!Inspect the cartons carefully for damage or signs of rough handling. Report damage to thecarrier and to your local office.NOTE!Check the packing list to make sure that you have received your complete order.NOTE!Please check on the device nameplates, that the device is supplied according to your order.Check for the correct mains voltage printed on the nameplate. If not, contact your localrepresentative for advice.Figure 2-1: Scope of delivery1 Device in the version as ordered2 Documentation (calibration report, Quick Start directions, CD-ROM with product documentation for measuring sensorand signal converter3 Signal cable (only for remote version22.2 Instrument descriptionElectromagnetic flowmeters are exclusively suitable for measurement of flow rates and theconductivity of electrically conductive liquid media.Your measuring device is supplied ready for operation. The factory settings for the operatingdata have been made in accordance with your order specifications.The following versions are available:•Compact version (the signal converter is mounted directly on the measuring sensor•Remote version (electrical connection to the measuring sensor via field current and signal cableFigure 2-2: Device versions1 Compact version2 Measuring sensor with outlet box3 Field housing4 Wall-mounted housing5 19" rack housing2.2.1 Field housingFigure 2-3: Construction of the field housing1 Cover for electronics and display2 Cover for power supply and inputs/outputs terminal compartment3 Cover for for measuring sensor terminal compartment with locking screw4 Cable entry for measuring sensor signal cable5 Cable entry for measuring sensor field current cable6 Cable entry for power supply7 Cable entry for inputs and outputs8 Mounting plate for pipe and wall mountingNOTE!Each time a housing cover is opened, the thread should be cleaned and greased. Use only resin-free and acid-free grease.Ensure that the housing seal is properly fitted, clean and undamaged.2.2.2 Wall-mounted housing1 Turn cover to the right and open.Figure 2-4: Construction of wall-mounted housing1 Cover for terminal compartments2 Terminal compartment of measuring sensor3 Terminal compartment for inputs and outputs4 Terminal compartment for power supply with safety cover (shock-hazard protection5 Cable entry for signal cable6 Cable entry for field current cable7 Cable entry for inputs and outputs8Cable entry for power supply2.3 Nameplates2.3.1 Compact version (exampleNOTE!Please check on the device nameplates, that the device is supplied according to your order. Check for the correct mains voltage printed on the nameplate. If not, contact your local representative for advice.Figure 2-5: Example of a nameplate for compact version1 Approvals-related information: Ex approval, EC type test certificate, hygienic approvals, etc.2 Approvals-related thresholds3 Approvals-related connection data of the inputs/outputs; V m = max. power4 Approvals-related data (e.g. accuracy class, measuring range, temperature threshold, pressure threshold and viscos-ity threshold5 Approvals-related pressure and temperature thresholds6 Power; protection category; materials of parts in contact with media7 GK/GKL values (measuring sensor constants; size (mm /inches; field frequency8Product designation, serial number and date of manufacture2.3.2 Remote version (exampleFigure 2-6: Example of a nameplate for remote version1 Manufacturer2 Product designation, serial number and date of manufacture3 GK/GKL values (measuring sensor constants; size (mm /inches; field frequency4 Power5 Materials of parts in contact with media6 Field coil resistance7 Approvals-related data (e.g. accuracy class, measuring range, temperature threshold, pressure threshold and viscos-ity threshold2.3.3 Electrical connection data of the I/Os (example of basic version• A = active mode; the signal converter supplies the power for connection of the receiverinstruments•P = passive mode; external power required for operation of the receiver instruments •N/C = connection terminals not connectedFigure 2-7: Example of a nameplate for electrical connection data of the inputs and outputs1 Power (AC: L and N; DC: L+ and L-; PE for ≥ 24VAC; FE for ≤ 24VAC and DC2 Connection data of connection terminal D/D-3 Connection data of connection terminal C/C-4 Connection data of connection terminal B/B-5Connection data of connection terminal A/A-; A+ only operable in the basic version3.1 Notes on installationNOTE!Inspect the cartons carefully for damage or signs of rough handling. Report damage to thecarrier and to your local office.NOTE!Check the packing list to make sure that you have received your complete order.NOTE!Please check on the device nameplates, that the device is supplied according to your order.Check for the correct mains voltage printed on the nameplate. If not, contact your localrepresentative for advice.3.2 Storage•Store the device in a dry, dust-free location.•Avoid continuous direct sunlight.•Store the device in its original packaging.3.3 Installation specificationsNOTE!The following precautions must be taken to ensure reliable installation.•Make sure that there is adequate space to the sid es.•Protect the signal converter from direct sunlight and install a sun shade if necessary.•Signal converters installed in control cabinets require adequate cooling, for example fans or heat exchangers.•Do not subject the signal converter to heavy vibra tions. The flowmeters are tested for a vibration level in accordance with IEC 68-2-3.3.4 TransportSignal converter•No special requirements.Compact versions•Do not lift the flowmeter by the signal converter housing.•Do not use lifting chains.•To t ransport flange devices, use lifting straps. Wrap these around both process connections.3.5 Mounting of the compact versionNOTE!The signal converter is mounted directly on the measuring sensor. For installation of theflowmeter, please observe the instructions in the supplied product documentation for themeasuring sensor.3.6 Mounting the field housing, remote version3.6.1 Pipe mounting1 Fix the signal converter to the pipe.2 Fasten the signal using standard U-bolts and washers.3 Tighten the nuts.NOTE!Mounting materials and tools are not part of the scope of supply. Use the mounting material and tools in compliance with the applicable occupational health and safety directives.Figure 3-1:Pipe mounting of the field housing3.6.2 Wall mounting1 Prepare the holes with the aid of the mounting plate. Additional information refer to Mountingplate, field housing on page 131.2 Use the mounting material and tools in compliance with the applicable occupational healthand safety directives.3 Fasten the housing securely to the wall.Figure 3-2:Wall mounting of the field housingNOTE!Mounting multiple devices next to each other:• a ≥ 600 mm / 23.6"• b ≥250 mm / 9.8"3.6.3 Rotating the display of the field housing versionThe display of the field housing version can be rotated in 90° increments.1 Unscrew the cover from the display and operator control unit.2 Using a suitable tool, pull out the two metal puller devices to the left and right of the display.3 Pull out the display between the two metal puller devices and rotate it to the required position.4 Slide the display and then the metal puller devices back into the housing.5 Re-fit the cover and fasten it by hand.Figure 3-3:Rotating the display of the field housing versionCAUTION!The ribbon cable of the display must not be folded or twisted repeatedly.NOTE!Each time a housing cover is opened, the thread should be cleaned and greased. Use only resin-free and acid-free grease. Ensure that the housing seal is properly fitted, clean and undamaged.33.7 Mounting the wall-mounted housing, remote version3.7.1 Pipe mounting1 Fasten the mounting plate to the pipe with standard U-bolts, washers and fastening nuts.2 Screw the signal converter to the mounting plate with the nuts and washers.NOTE!Mounting materials and tools are not part of the scope of supply. Use the mounting material and tools in compliance with the applicable occupational health and safety directives.Figure 3-4:Pipe mounting of wall-mounted housing33.7.2 Wall mounting1 Prepare the holes with the aid of the mounting plate. Additional information refer to Mountingplate, wall-mounted housing on page 132.2 Fasten the mounting plate securely to the wall.3 Screw the signal converter to the mounting plate with the nuts and washers.Figure 3-5:Wall mounting of the wall-mounted housingNOTE!Mounting multiple devices next to each other:• a ≥240 mm / 9.4"44.1 Safety instructions4.2 Important notes on electrical connectionDANGER!All work on the electrical connections may only be carried out with the power disconnected. Take note of the voltage data on the nameplate!DANGER!Observe national installation regulations!WARNING!Observe the regional occupational health and safety regulations without fail. Only work on the device electrics if you are appropriately trained.NOTE!Please check on the device nameplates, that the device is supplied according to your order. Check for the correct mains voltage printed on the nameplate. If not, contact your local representative for advice.DANGER!Electrical connection is carried out in conformity with the VDE 0100 directive "Regulations for electrical power installations with line voltages up to 1000 V" or equivalent national regulations.NOTE!•Use suitable cable entries for the various electrical cables.•The measuring sensor and signal converter have been calibrated together at the factory! The devices should therefore always be installed in pairs. Make sure that the measuring sensor constants GK/GKL have identical settings (see nameplates.•In the event of separate delivery or the installation of devices that have not been calibrated together, the signal converter must be set to the DN size and GK/GKL of the measuring sensor, refer to Function tableson page 90.44.3 Electrical cables for remote device versions, notes4.3.1 Notes on signal cables A and BObserve the following notes:•Lay the signal cable with fastening elements.•It is permissible to lay the signal cable i n water or in the ground.•The insulating material is flame-retardant to EN 50625-2-1, IEC 60322-1.•The signal cable does not contain any halogens and is unplasticized, and remains flexible at low temperatures.•The connection of the inner shield is carrie d out via the stranded drain wire (1.•The connection of the outer shield is carried out via the shield (60 or the stranded drain wire(6, depending on the housing version. Observe the following notes.4.3.2 Notes on field current cable CNOTE!The signal cables A (type DS 300 with double shield and B (type BTS 300 with triple shield ensure proper transmission of measured values.DANGER!A non-shielded three-wire copper cable is sufficient for the field current cable. If younevertheless use shielded cables, the shield must NOT NOTNOT be connected in the housing of the signalconverter.NOTE!The field current cable is not part of the scope of supply.44.3.3 Using other signal cablesElectrical safety•To EN 60811 (Low Voltage Directive or equivalent n ational regulations.Capacitance of the insulated conductors•Insulated conductor / insulated conductor < 50pF/m•Insulated conductor / shield < 150pF/mInsulation resistance•R iso > 100G Ωx km•U max < 24V•I max < 100mATest voltages•Insulated conductor / inner shield 500V•Insulated conductor / insulated conductor 1000V•Insulated conductor / outer shield 1000VTwisting of the insulated conductors•At least 10 twists per meter, important for screening magnetic fields.NOTE!When other signal cables are used, the following electrical values must be observed.4.4 Preparing the signal and field current cablesThe electrical connection of the outer shield is different for the various housing variants. Please observe the corresponding instructions.4.4.1 Signal cable A (type DS 300, construction•Signal cable A is a double-shielded cable for signal transmission between the measuringsensor and signal converter.•Bending radius: ≥ 50 mm / 2"NOTE!Mounting materials and tools are not part of the scope of supply. Use the mounting material and tools in compliance with the applicable occupational health and safety directives.Figure 4-1: Construction of signal cable A1 Stranded drain wire (1 for the inner shield (10, 1.0mm2 Cu / AWG 17 (not insulated, bare1 Insulated conductor (2, 0.5 mm2 Cu / AWG 202 Insulated conductor (3, 0.5 mm 2 Cu / AWG 203 Outer sheath4 Insulation layers5Stranded drain wire (6 for the outer shield (604.4.2 Preparing signal cable A, connection to signal converter Field housingNOTE!Mounting materials and tools are not part of the scope of supply. Use the mounting material andtools in compliance with the applicable occupational health and safety directives.•The outside shield (60 is connected in the field housing directly v ia the shield and a clip.•Bending radius: ≥ 50 mm / 2"Required materials:•PVC insulation tubing, Ø2.5 mm / 0.1"•Heat-shrinkable tubing•Wire end ferrule to DIN 46 228: E 1.5-8 for the stranded drain wire (1•2x wire end ferrules DIN46 228: E 0.5-8 for the insulated conductors (2, 31 Strip the conductor to dimension a.Trim the outer shield to dimension b and pull it over the outer sheath.2 Cut off the inner shield (10, the stranded drain wire (6 and the shields of the insulated con-ductors. Make sure not to damage the stranded drain wire (1.3 Slide an insulating tube over the stranded drain wire (1.4 Crimp the wire end ferrules onto the conductors (2, 3 and stranded drain wire.5 Pull the heat-shrinkable tubing over the prepared signal cable。
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[7]
![科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[7]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6d6435af6aec0975f46527d3240c844769eaa030.png)
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300==========================一、概述二、安装2.1 安装形式IFC300有四种安装形式可供选择:一体型:信号转换器直接安装在传感器上,合用于非危(wei)险区域。
2.2 安装位置和注意事项请按照本说明书和传感器说明书的要求进行安装,遵守相关的国家标准、安全规范和事故处理规程。
三、操作3.1 操作界面IFC300的操作界面由显示器、操作按键和HART接口组成。
3.2 操作按键IFC300有四个操作按键,分别为:上箭头键:用于向上浏览菜单或者增加数值。
3.3 编程框图IFC300的编程框图如下:3.4 可设定的功能IFC300提供了多种可设定的功能,包括:测量单位:可以选择流速、体积流量或者质量流量的单位,如m/s、m³/h、kg/h等。

科隆流量计modbus通讯⼿册IFC 300Supplementary HandbookSignal converter withModbus interface for OPTIFLUX electromagnetic flowmeters Modbus ER 3.2.xx ( SW.REV.3.2.x )Modbus version 1.1.xSubject to change without notice.KROHNE 09 / 2008IFC 300 ModbusContent1 Importantinformation 3 2 Technicaldata 33 Connection of instruments in bus system 44 Electricalconnection 4 5 Modbus protocol 5 – 16 5.1 General 5 5.2 RTU Frame format 5 5.3 Overview of supported function 6 5.4 Device identification on the Modbus interface 6 5.5 Coilregisters 7 5.5.1 GDC Controls 7 5.5.2 Start calibration function 7 5.5.3 Counter controls 7 5.6 Inputregisters 8 5.7 Holding registers 9 – 12 5.7.1 Counter parameters 9 – 10 5.7.2 Process input filter parameters 11 – 12 5.7.3 Modbus parameters 12 5.8 Calibration procedures 13 – 15 5.8.1 Zero flow calibration 13 5.8.2 Coil temperature calibration 14 5.8.3 Conductivity calibration 155.9 Diagnostics 166 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned instrument 19 1 ImportantinformationThe flow converter with the RS 485 interface card fitted, is able to communicate with an external device (PC or other suitable computer system) using the Modbus protocol. This option allows data exchange between PC or computer and single ormultiple devices.The bus configuration consists of one external device as a master and one or more converters as slaves. For bus operation the device address (menu C5.8.1), baud rate (menu C5.8.2) and settings (menu C5.8.3, C5.8.4 & C5.8.5) must be set in the converter. All devices connected to the bus, must have different unique addresses but the same baud rate and settings.2 TechnicaldataInterface RS 485, galvanically isolatedBaud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or115200 baudProtocol ModbusRTU(available as a separate document on request) Maximum participants on Bus 32 per line, master included(may be extended by repeaters)Coding NRZ bit codingAddress range Modbus: 1 (247)Transmission procedure Half duplex, asynchronousBus access Master / slaveCable Screened twisted pair cableDistances Maximum 1.2 km without repeater.(dependant on baud rate and cable specifications)Technical data of the Modbus interface (according to EIA standards)Kind of signal transmission DifferentialMaximum number of transmitter/receivers 32Maximum voltage on driver output -7 … +12 VMinimum voltage on driver output, max. load U diff > 1,5 VMaximum input current (off state) -20 … +20 µAReceiver input voltage -7 V … +12 VSensitivity of the receiver -200 … +200 mVReceiver input resistance > 12 kOhmShort circuit current of transmission < 250 mA3 Connection of instruments in bus systemsNetwork Biasing ResistorsFor proper operation of Modbus in half duplex mode in single or multi-drop communication, it is recommended that a termination resistor (typically 120 ohm) isapplied to both ends of the data line. The simplest form of termination is line-to-lineresistor across the differential input.In RTU mode the Modus protocol requires quiet periods on the communications bus for synchronisation. It is thereforeimportant that the Modbus is not allowed to ‘float’, i.e. unreferenced to 0V, as this could lead to spurious signals due to noise pick-up. It is therefore necessary to employ biasing resistors at one point on the bus network,normally the “end”.The Modbus converter has two conditions. Default is without termination. To get theactive termination the settings of jumper X5 and X6 on Modbus board must be changed then, see below.4 ElectricalconnectionTerminals A and B of the converter are dependant on the options selected at order.Refer to the Standard Handbook of the converter for connection details.Modbus connectionsTerminals DescriptionD- Signal A (D 0)D Signal B (D 1)C- Common 0 VC Not connectedJumper settings on the Modbus printed circuit boardJumperpositionDescriptionX5 X61 -2 1 – 2with termination2 -3 2 - 3without termination 5 Modbusprotocol5.1 GeneralUsing RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) format, data is transmitted as 8 bit binary characters. There are no special characters to determine the start and end of a message frame, synchronization is achieved by a minimum silent period of at least 3.5 character times before the start of each frame transmission and a maximum silent period of 1.5 character times between characters in the same frame.5.2 RTU Frame formatThe format of the Query and Response frames vary slightly depending upon the command function. The basic form isoutlined below.SilentPeriodSlaveAddressFunctionCodeRegister Start Address orByte Count when requiredNo.of.Points orData bytes when requiredCRC3.5 T 8 bits 8 bits8 bit byte count16 bit addressn × 8 bits 16 bits Silent periodAll transmissions must be preceded by a minimum silent period of 3.5×T, where T is the transmission time of a single character. This can be calculated from the baud rate e.g. at 19.2 kb no parity with 1 stop bit (10 bits), T = 520 µs.Slave addressThis is a single byte slave address which is transmitted first and must be in the range of 1-247. Address 0 is reserved for a broadcast address which all slaves should recognize, and therefore requires no response.Function codeThis is an eight bit code in the range of 1 … 255 although only 126 functions exist as the codes 129-255 represent an error condition. An error condition occurswhen the addressed slave does not accept the command, in which case it responds with the function code + 128, i.e. with its MSB set to 1.Byte countIn general this is only present in frames that are transferring data, and has a value equal to the number of bytes contained in the data field.The data field is limited to a maximum of 250 bytes.Register start addressFor a query command that requires data to be returned, this field will contain the 16 bit start address of the register (or data) to be returned. Note that the converter uses protocol addresses. Therefore the register address listed is the actual number required in the Modbus command. E.g: To access input register 30006, the register start address is 30006dec = 7536hexNumber of pointsFor a query command that requires data to be returned, this field will contain the number of registers to be returned regardless of their bit size.Data bytesContains the data requested. The converter can use big endian format (MSB first) or little endian format (LSB first).This field contains a 16 bit CRC which is calculated on all the data bits of the message bytes.5.3 Overview of supported functionsThe following table shows MODBUS functions supported by RS485 interfaceFunction code hex dec Name Accessto01 01 Read Single Coil Status of calibration functions, Counter status (Start/Stop)03 03 Read Holding Register Cyclic Register04 04 Read Input Register Acyclic Register05 05 Write Single CoilCold Start, Warm Start, Error Reset, Start calibration function, Start / Stop Counter08 08 Diagnostics10 16 Writ Multiple Register Acyclic Register2B 43 Encapsulated InterfaceTransportTransparent Channel, ReadDevice Identification5.4 DeviceIdentificationThe device identification is according to the category regular according to the MODBUS Application Protocol Specification V1.1a. Function code 43 / 14 (0x2B / 0x0E).Device identification on the Modbus interfaceModbusObject IdObject name / Description Type Content converter0x00 VendorName 16 ByteASCII StringKROHNE0x01ProductCode10 ByteASCII StringCG numberproduction0x02MajorMinorRevision7 ByteASCII String0x03Vendor URL32 ByteASCII String/doc/4f493ac69ec3d5bbfd0a7448.html0x04ProductName16 ByteASCII StringConverter0x05ModelName16 ByteASCII StringModbus0x06UserApplicationName16 ByteASCII Stringuser tag, displayed onthe header of thelocal screen5.5 CoilregistersThese function codes are used for access: 0x01 = read input coil 0x05 = write single coilAbreviations in the following tablesGDC General Device Conceptcnt counter5.5.1 GDCControlsCoil address Function1000 write 1 generates a GDC cold start, write of 0 is ignored 1001 write 1 generates a GDC warm start, write 0 is ignored 1002 write 1 generates a GDC error reset, write 0 is ignored 5.5.2 Start calibration functionsModbusprotocolDescription SettingsConverterFct. No.2000 Zerocalibration C1.1.12001 Coil temperature calibration C1.1.8 2002 Electrode factor calibrationwrite 1 = start function0 = -read 0 = - C1. CountercontrolsModbusprotocoladdressDescription SettingsConverterFct. No.3000 Start / Stop Counter 1C3.1.8 /C3.1.93001 Start / Stop Counter 2C3.2.8 /C3.2.93002 Start / Stop Counter 3write:read:1 = start counter0 =stop counter1 = cnt is running0 = cnt is stopped C3.3.8 /C3.3.93003 Reset1 C3.1.63004 ResetCounter2 C3.2.63005 ResetCounter3write:read:1 = reset counter0 = -0 = - C3.3.65.6 InputregistersMeasurement and status values are read only and can be accessed asModbus "Input Registers".Cyclic GDC objects are mapped to Modbus Registers.Also the result of a calibration procedure is accessed by an input register at Modbus Protocol Address 20000. The type are one or more float values.Function code is 04 (0x04).Modbus protocol address Description andSettingsTypeNumberofregisters30000 Flow speed [m/s] float 2 30002 Volume flow [m3/s] float 2 30004 Mass flow [kg/s] float 2 30006 Coil temperature [K] float 230008 Conductivity [S/m]This value may not be measured.Depending on register 31200.0 = off (not measured)1 = conductivity [S/m]2 = conductivity + empty pipe (S) [S/m]2 = conductivity + empty pipe (F) [S/m]30010 Diagnosis valueThis value may not be measured.Depending on register 31216.25 = off (not measured)31 = electrode noise [m/s]28 = flow profile [no unit]21 = linearity [no unit]8 = terminal 2 DC [Volt]9 = terminal 3 DC [Volt]float 230012 Display channel 1Represents the value on the first line of the firstmeasurement screen in SI unitsfloat 230014 Display channel 2Represents the value on the first line of the secondmeasurement screen in SI unitsfloat 230016 Operating time [s] float 2 30018 not used, returns zero float 230020 Counter 1 [m3] or [kg] doublefloat430024 Counter 2 [m3] or [kg] doublefloat430028 Counter 3 [m3] or [kg](This counter is only available for converter with IO 2)doublefloat430032 Long status sensor byte [4] 2 30034 Long status device byte [4] 2 5.7 HoldingregistersSome parameters of the device can be accessed as Modbus holding registers. These registers are mapped to acyclic GDC objects.Function code 03 (0x03) for read operations andfunction code 16 (0x10) for write operations.The holding registers are grouped into different sections: 5.7.1 CounterparametersModbusprotocoladdressDescription andSettingsConverterFct. No.Type Number of registers 40000Counter 1 function1 = sum counter2 = + counter3 = - counter0 = offC3.1.1 byte 1 40001Measurement Cnt 121 = volume flow22 = mass flowC3.1.2 byte 1 40002Counter 2 function,1 = sum counter2 = + counter3 = - counter0 = offC3.2.1 byte 1 40003Measurement Cnt 221 = volume flow22 = mass flowC3.2.2 byte 1 40004Counter3 function,1 = sum counter2 = + counter3 = - counter0 = offC3.3.1 byte 1 40005Measurement Cnt 321 = volume flow22 = mass flowC3.3.2 byte 1Modbus protocol address Description andSettingsConverterFct. No.Type Number of registers41000 Low flow cutoff valueCnt 1 [m3] or [kg]C3.1.3 float 241002 Time constant Cnt 1 [s] C3.1.4 float 2 41004 Set Cnt 1 [m3] or [kg] C3.1.7 float 241006 Low flow cutoff valueCnt 2 [m3] or [kg]C3.2.3 float 241008 Time constant Cnt 2 [s] C3.2.4 float 2 41010 Set Cnt 2 [m3] or [kg] C3.2.7 float 241012 Low flow cutoff valueCnt 3 [m3] or [kg]C3.3.3 float 241014 Time constant Cnt 3 [s] C3.3.4 float 2 41016 Set Cnt 3 [m3] or [kg] C3.3.7 float 241018 Preset counter 1[m3] or [kg]C3.1.5 float 241020 Preset counter 2[m3] or [kg]C3.2.5 float 241022 Preset counter 3[m3] or [kg]C3.3.5 float 2Note: Counter 3 parameters are only available for converter with IO 2 ! 5.7.2 Process input filter parameters Modbusprotocoladdress Description and Settings ConverterFct. No.TypeNumber of registers 42000 Flow direction0 = normal direction1 = reverse direction C1.2.2 byte 1 42001 Pulse filter0 = off / 1 = onC1.2.4 byte 1 42002 Noise filter0 = off / 1 = onC1.2.7 byte 1 42003 Empty pipe0 = off1 = conductivity2 = conductivity + empty pipe (S)3 = conductivity + empty pipe (F)C1.3.1 byte 1 42004 Full pipe0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.4 byte 1 42005 Linearity0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.6 byte 1 42006 Gain0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.8 byte 1 42007Coil current0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.9 byte 1 42008Flow profile0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.10 byte 1 42009Electrode noise0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.13 byte 1 42010Setting of field0 = off / 1 = onC1.3.16 byte 1 42011Diagnosis value25 = off31 = electrode noise28 = flow profile21 = linearity8 = terminal 2 DC9 = terminal 3 DCC1.3.17 byte 1Modbus protocol address Description andSettingsConverterFct. No.TypeNumber ofregisters43000 Limitation low [m/s] C1.2.1 float 2 43002 Limitationhigh[m/s] C1.2.1 float 2 43004 Time constant [s] C1.2.3 float 2 43006 Pulse width [s] C1.2.5 float 2 43008 Pulse limitation [m/s]C1.2.6 float 2 43010 Noise level [m/s] C1.2.8 float 2 43012 Noisesuppression C1.2.9 float 2 43014 Low flow cuttoff value [m/s] C1.2.10 float 2 43016 Limit empty pipe [S/m] C1.3.3 float 2 43018 Limit full pipe [S/m] C1.3.5 float 2 43020 Limit flow profil C1.3.11 float 2 43022 Limit electrode noise [m/s] C1.3.14 float 2 43024 Zero point [m/s] C1.1.1 float 2 43026 Coil resistance Rsp, 20 [Ohm] C1.1.7 float 2 43028 Coil temperature calpoint [K] C1.1.8 float 2 43030 Coil resistance calpoint [Ohm] C1.1.8 float 2 43032 Electrode factor EF [m] C1.1.11 float 2 43034 Conductivity calpoint [S/m] C1.1.11 float 2 43036 Conductivity calpoint [S/m] C1.1.11 float 2 5.7.3 ModbusparametersModbusprotocoladdressDescription andSettingsConverterFct. No.TypeNumber ofregisters 50000Baud rate1200 / 2400 / 3600 / 4800 / 9600 /19200 / (default) / 38400 / 57600 /115200C5.8.2 ulong 2 50002 Slave address C5.8.1 byte 1 50003 Parity0 = even parity (default)1 = odd parity3 = no parityC5.8.3 byte 1 50004Data format1 = big endian2 = little endianC5.8.4 byte 1 50005Stop bits1 = 1 stop bit (parity is used)2 = 2 stop bits (parity is not used)C5.3.6 byte 25.8 Calibrationprocedures5.8.1 Zero flow calibration5.8.2 Coil temperature calibration5.8.3 Conductivity calibration5.9 DiagnosticsThe Modbus interface supports the diagnostic function defined by the Modbusapplication protocol specification.Function code is 08 (0x08).Sub - function codehex dec Name00 00 Return query data 01 01 Restart communication option 04 04 Force listen only mode 0A 10 Clear counters 0B 11 Return bus message count 0C 12 Return bus communication error count 0D 13 Return bus exception count 0E 14 Return slave message count 0F 15 Return slave no response count 10 16 Return slave NAK count (counter not used) 11 17 Return slave busy count (counter not used) 12 18 Return bus character overrun countNotice6 Form (for copying) to accompany a returned instrument。

电磁流量计(科隆)相关问题电磁流量计(科隆)相关问题一、电磁流量计(IFC300)针对波动的调试1、励磁频率line frequency的选择。
在菜单C1.1.13 line frequency进行选择,对于测量煤浆通常设定为:25Hz(1/2工频)。
选择方法:在有流量时,调整原始设定工频(如1/6 1/4 )观察流量的变化情况,变化大时不能用,当遇到明显下降而较稳定时往上退一档。
调试时,C1.2.4 pulse fiter脉冲滤波器和噪音滤波器关闭C1.2.7noise fiter处于关闭off状态。
2、脉冲滤波器C1.2.4 pulse fiter的选择。
选择方法:在有流量时,C1.1.13 line frequency选择原始设定工频(流量指示较恶劣时),C1.2.4 pulse fiter脉冲滤波器开启on,调整C1.2.5 pulse width脉冲宽度和C1.2.6 pulse limitation脉冲限制使流量达到最稳为止,噪音滤波器关闭C1.2.7noise fiter处于关闭off状态。
对于测量煤浆通常设定为:C1.2.5 pulse width脉冲宽度5-8 S, C1.2.6 pulse limitation 脉冲限制0.02-0.05 m/s。
3、噪音滤波器C1.2.7noise fiter的选择。
选择方法:在有流量时,C1.1.13 line frequency选择原始设定工频(流量指示较恶劣时),C1.2.4 pulse fiter脉冲滤波器关闭off,调整C1.2.8 Noise level噪音水平和C1.2.9 Noise suppression噪音抑制使流量达到最稳为止。

科隆电磁流量计 300(IFC300)凭借其先进的技术和卓越的性能,成为众多用户的首选。
接下来,将为您详细介绍科隆电磁流量计 300 的相关信息。
一、产品概述科隆电磁流量计 300 采用了先进的电磁感应原理来测量导电液体的流量。
二、工作原理科隆电磁流量计 300 的工作原理基于法拉第电磁感应定律。
三、产品特点1、高精度测量科隆电磁流量计 300 采用了先进的信号处理技术和高精度传感器,能够实现±02%的测量精度,确保流量测量的准确性。
2、宽量程比该流量计具有宽量程比,可在 1:100 甚至更高的量程范围内准确测量流量,满足不同流量大小的测量需求。
四、技术参数1、测量管径科隆电磁流量计 300 适用于 DN15 至 DN2000 的管径范围。
3、工作压力最高工作压力可达 40MPa。

科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[12]
![科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[12]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45bfbf3ba7c30c22590102020740be1e650ecc8f.png)
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、简介二、产品型号和规格IFC300有四种安装形式可供选择:一体型:信号转换器直接安装在传感器上,适合于非危(wei)险场合。
IFC300的技术参数如下:供电电压:85-265 V AC或者20-90 V DC功耗:<15 VA测量误差:<±0.15% FS ±1 mm/s零点稳定性:与介质特性无关输出信号:4-20 mA(含HART®)、脉冲/频率、状态/限位开关输入信号:控制输入、电流输入显示器:液晶显示器,可显示流速、流量、温度、电导率等参数操作按键:四个按键,用于设定功能和参数温度范围:-20℃至+60℃(一体型)、-40℃至+70℃(分体型、墙挂型、架装型)防护等级:IP67(一体型)、IP66(分体型)、IP65(墙挂型)、IP20(架装型)认证标志:CE、OIML R49/R117-1、MI-001/MI-005(可选)、Ex(可选)三、安装和连接3.1 安装注意事项请确认所供仪表的型号和参数与定单一致,并检查仪表是否有损坏或者缺件。
3.2 安装步骤一体型:将信号转换器与传感器组合在一起,然后将整体流量计安装在管道上,注意流向标志和水平位置。
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[5]
![科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[5]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d5a6cd6b76232f60ddccda38376baf1ffd4fe35b.png)
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、概述IFC300有四种安装形式:一体型(信号转换器直接安装在传感器上),分体型(信号转换器安装在现场型外壳中),墙挂型(信号转换器安装在墙挂型外壳中),架装型(信号转换器安装在19英寸机架内)。
3.1 系统组成信号转换器:用于将传感器的信号转换为流量信号,并提供显示、操作、输入/输出和自诊断等功能。
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[8]
![科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300[8]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/910217bc8662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb694.png)
科隆电磁流量计300说明书 IFC300一、概述科隆电磁流量计300是一种用于测量导电液体的流速、电导率、体积流量和质量流量的高性能信号转换器。
信号转换器的型式和铭牌如下图所示:图1 信号转换器的型式和铭牌图中各项参数的含义如下:型式:表示信号转换器的安装形式、版本和选项。
三、安装3.1 安装前准备核对仪表铭牌确认所供仪表的型式是正确的。

TechnologyIFC300 Modbus/RS485通讯说明文件首先感谢您使用我们的电磁流量计,阅读此说明文件可以帮助你通过Modbus/RS485通讯获取IFC300转换器的测量参数。
1.获取流速Flowspeed[m/s]主机发送:(皆为十六进制数)01 04 75 30 00 02 6B C8**01 代表仪表地址**04代表获取参数命令**75 30代表获取流速**00固定值**02代表返回单精度数据,即4个数据字节**6B C8代表循环冗余码校验(CSC)IFC300响应代码:01 04 04 BD 74 69 10 B0 6E**01 代表仪表地址**04代表获取参数命令**04代表字节数,此处为04,即后面有4个数据字节**BD 74 69 10代表数据区,即流速值**B0 6E代表循环冗余码校验(CSC)由此响应代码可以得出当前流速的代码为BD 74 69 10,通过计算可以得出流速值为-0.06m/s2.获取体积流量Volumeflow[m3/s]主机发送:(皆为十六进制数)01 04 75 32 00 02 CA 08**01 代表仪表地址**04代表获取参数命令**75 32代表获取流量**00固定值**02代表返回单精度数据,即4个数据字节**CA 08代表循环冗余码校验(CSC)IFC300响应代码:01 04 04 3A F2 C4 ED C4 22**01 代表仪表地址**04代表获取参数命令Technology**04代表字节数,此处为04,即后面有4个数据字节**3A F2 C4 ED代表数据区,即流量值**C4 22代表循环冗余码校验(CSC)由此响应代码可以得出当前流量的代码为3A F2 C4 ED,通过计算可以得出流量值为0.0018m3/s 3.获取计数器1Counter 1[m3]01 04 75 44 00 04 AB D0**01 代表仪表地址**04代表获取参数命令**75 44代表获取计数器1**00固定值**04代表返回双精度数据,即8个数据字节**AB D0代表循环冗余码校验(CSC)IFC300响应代码:01 04 08 40 B0 0B 02 33 8B 26 96 0C 2D**01 代表仪表地址**04代表获取参数命令**08代表字节数,此处为08,即后面有8个数据字节**40 B0 0B 02 33 8B 26 96代表数据区,即计数器1值**0C 2D代表循环冗余码校验(CSC)由此响应代码可以得出当前计数器1的代码为40 B0 0B 02 33 8B 26 96,通过计算可以得出计数器1值为4107m3Technology有关IEEE754浮点数的计算规则:4个字节瞬时流量的算法:(浮点数转十进制数)例如:45/29/15/C4/ ,如果要转换成十进制数,可按下列算法:(注:此处c(X)代表45H,此处c(X+1)代表29H,依次类推)符号位si = ((c(X) And 128) / 128)阶码 ex = (c(X) Mod 128) * 2 + (c(X + 1) And 128) / 128尾数 ma = (c(X + 1) Mod 128) / 2 ^ 7 + c(X + 2) / 2 ^ 15 + c(X + 3) / 2 ^ 23 + 1 所以所需求的量 vo = (-1) ^ si * 2 ^ (ex-127) * ma = 2705.36则浮点数45/29/15/C4/代表的值为2705.36。

OPTIFLUX 系列及其它技术数据表电磁流量计OPTIFLUX 1300 / 2300 / 4300 / 5300 / 6300 电磁流量计,拥有强大的自诊断功能,有各种安装接口,有各种衬里和电极材料,最高精度可达0.15%,重复性0.06% OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计(IFM 4080 升级换代产品,有自诊断功能)K300 一体型电磁流量计/ K 450K + F 电磁流量计高压电磁流量计科隆电磁流量计经济型K 300(一体型)模拟量K 450(一体或分体型)模拟量(带显示)特殊型OPTIFLUX 4040 C 两线制TIDALFLUX 4110 PF 非满管BATCHFLUX 5015 C 灌装式卫生型常用型W FOPTIFLUX 6300 C1. 性能简介1- 52. 常用产品2.1 OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 电磁流量计62.1 .1I FC 300 信号转换器6- 162.2 OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计172.2 .1I FC 100 信号转换器17- 2021- 22232425263. 经济型30- 313 .2K450K + F 电磁流量计32- 334. 选型与安装4.1传感器口径选择34- 354 .2电极形式 / 材料选择364.3衬里材料的选择374.4传感器在管线上的安装38- 416. 原理及标定证书442.3 OPTIFLUX 2000/4000传感器2.4 IFS / 4000-HP 高压传感器2.5 IFM 3100K +F 电磁流量计2.6 OPTIFLUX 1300夹持型电磁流量计2.7 OPTIFLUX 5300 S W 陶瓷型夹持式电磁流量计2.7.1 OPTIFLUX 5300 FL 法兰型272.8 OPTIFLUX 6300 卫生接口型电磁流量计28- 293.1 K 300 一体型电磁流量计5. 产品选型编码42- 431. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 W(可选 C + F + R)DN 10 ~ 3000OPTIFLUX (一体)(墙挂分体)2100 / 4100 C + W DN 10 ~ 1200详细数据见P 6详细数据见P 17OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )+ / -0.3%±1mm / s (取决于传感器)OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )0.2% - 0.3%(液体中最多含30% 的固体成份)IFM 3100 / 3300 C + W1. 性能简介仪表性能同OPTIFLUX4100,传感器见M 900,见P 24K 300DN 10 ~ 300K 300≤1%详细数据见P 30DN 50 ~ 300M 900+ / -0.3% ±1mm / s(取决于传感器)K 4501. 性能简介DN 10 ~ 450 IFS4000≤0.5%DN 10 ~ 150 OPTIFLUX 1300 OPTIFLUX 10000.3%1. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 5300OPTIFLUX 63001. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 4040TIDALFLUX 4110 PFIFC 300 信号转换器1 图形显示器,背光(白)2 第1 行和第2 行用于显示不同的测量变量,大字体格式显示时只显示一个变量3 第三行显示条形图4 光感应键,无需打开盖就可操作信号转换器5 蓝色条显示:·测量模式时显示仪表位号·设置模式时显示菜单/ 功能名称6 X 指示有键按动7 指示红外线输出工作,此时4 光感应键失效8 连接KROHNE GDC 总线的插座9 光电感应接口,用于无线传送数据(输入/ 输出)IFC 300 显示 / 操作和调整键IFC 300 C 和IFC 300 F 的o 显示器可以隔90旋转2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器使用特点·工厂设置(有二个记忆芯片,一个在机内,另一个在机芯外的底板上)·可以存储3组设定数据,factrory settings 为工厂设定数据用户不能更改(传感器的GK 值、满量程、零点、线圈阻值、温度等)机外底板上的记忆芯片机内记忆芯片·更换转换器时无需设置数据,直接从机芯外的底板上取出工厂设定数据。

100-230 V AC (允许范围 -15% / +10%)
• 注意仪表铭牌上的数据, 电源电压和频率范围 (50 - 60 Hz)。
• 供电的保护接地 PE 必须连接到信号转换器壳体中 U 型端子上。
• 连接图 I - II 电源和传感器与信号转换器之间的电气连接见第 1.3.6 节。
12 - 24 V DC (允许范围 -25% / +30%) • 注意仪表铭牌上的数据 ! • 在测量过程中, 功能接地 FE 须连接到信号转换器壳体中 U 型端子上。
警告! 小心!
注意! 假如不注意安全容易造成人身伤害,误操作会引起损坏仪表。
小心! 谨防人身伤害和仪表的误操作。 信息和处理
提供的流量计根据合同要求配置,操作数据根据你的订单设置,信号转换器标准配置带显示、操作键和 HART® 接口。
IFC 300 C IFC 300 F
CE / EMC / 标准 / 认证
KROHNE 电磁流量计都能满足下列安全要求:
• EMC Directive 89 / 336 / EEC 和 93 / 68 / EEC 相当于 EN 61326-1 (1997) 和 A1 (1998), A2 (2001)
• Low-Voltage Directives 73 / 23 / EEC 和 93 / 68 / EEC 相当于 EN 61010-1: 2001
• 信号转换器操作 (第 4 节) • IFC 300 技术数据 (第 5 节)
6- 8页
9 - 15 页
第 16 – 28 页

IFC 300
04 / 2006
所订信号转换器的安装形式 所订信号电缆 (只用于分体型 F 和墙挂型 W) 的型式和长度
(缺省: A 型信号电缆,10m 长) 工厂内数据设定的报告 校准报告 快速启动指导, 按所订的语言提供,用于安装、电气连接、启动和对转换器的操作控制。
保护熔断器,断流装置: 熔断器(IN ≤ 16 A)用于保护电源回路,另需安装隔断信号转换器电源的断流 装置
100-230 V 交流电源 (允许误差范围 -15% / +10%) 注意仪表铭牌上的数据, 电源电压和频率范围 (50 - 60 Hz) 电源的保护接地 PE 务必连接到信号转换器接线盒内的端子上 连接图 I - II 用于电源连接及传感器和信号转换器之间的连接: 见 1.3.6
此部分仅适用于 F 型(分体型)
5 盖子,连接传感器的接线端盒
6 励磁电缆接入口
7 信号电缆接入口
8 用于墙上安装或立管安装的安装板 9 连接传感器接线盒盖(5)的锁紧螺丝
IFC 300 C 和 IFC 300 F 的显示面板可以隔 90°旋转 要作这样的调整,拧开电子部分安装腔体的端盖,用螺丝刀或其它合适的工具拉开面板上左右二个金属拉手,在 二个金属拉手间可取出面板,调整到需要的位置后重新插入安装面板。在把显示面板和金属拉手推入电子部件腔 体之前应确定带状电缆带不扭绞。推入后盖上端盖并用手旋紧。 端盖的螺纹应密封并始终涂有油脂; 尤其对于在危险场合(Ex)使用的版本!
电源连接 (适用于所有型式/外壳型式)
电源消耗 • 对于 AC = 22 VA • 对于 DC = 12 W
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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04 / 2006
IFC 300
请阅读本操作说明书,取得适用的国家标准、安全要求和事故处理规程 计量仪表的安装和操作只能由具备资质的人员实施
警告符号: 电击危险
警告! 电击危险,可能会产生严重的烧伤和伤害!
危险场合使用 警告! 的仪表备有专 使用在危险场合的仪表有特殊的规定,为了确保在这样的场合安全使用,请务必遵 用的说明书! 守。接线、安装、操作和维护只能由经过防爆培训合格的人员实施。
12 - 24 V 直流电源 (允许误差范围 -25% / +30%) 注意仪表铭牌上的数据! 为了测量需要,连接功能接地 FE 到信号转换器接线盒内的 U 形夹子上 当连接到功能特低电压时,应准备一个保护分离的设备(PELV) (VDE 0100 / VDE 0106 和/或 IEC
364 / IEC 536 或相关的国家标准) 连接图 I - II 用于电源连接及传感器和信号转换器之间的连接: 见 1.3.6
信号线 / 内层屏蔽
500 V
信号线 / 信号线
1000 V
信号线 / 外层屏蔽
1000 V
芯线 / 芯线 < 50 pF/m 或 15 pF/ft
芯线 / 屏蔽线 < 150 pF/m 或 45 pF/ft
至少 10× 每米 或 3× 每英尺,纽绞对屏蔽磁
此部分仅适用于 F 型(分体型)
5 盖子,连接传感器的接线端盒
6 励磁电缆接入口
7 信号电缆接入口
8 用于墙上安装或立管安装的安装板 9 连接传感器接线盒盖(5)的锁紧螺丝
IFC 300 C 和 IFC 300 F 的显示面板可以隔 90°旋转 要作这样的调整,拧开电子部分安装腔体的端盖,用螺丝刀或其它合适的工具拉开面板上左右二个金属拉手,在 二个金属拉手间可取出面板,调整到需要的位置后重新插入安装面板。在把显示面板和金属拉手推入电子部件腔 体之前应确定带状电缆带不扭绞。推入后盖上端盖并用手旋紧。 端盖的螺纹应密封并始终涂有油脂; 尤其对于在危险场合(Ex)使用的版本!
信号转换器的外形尺寸见 5.5
分体系统 / 只适用于转换器分离的 (F 和 W 型) 分离型转换器的安装
IFC 300 W 的安装: 拆下转换器背面的安装板,安装在墙面或立管上,重新安装上信号转换器,放上垫片和螺母, 轻轻的旋紧,排列外壳,旋紧螺母 尺寸及更多的信息(转换器之间的最小距离): 见 5.5, 尺寸和重量
58 – 59 60 – 63
64 – 70 64 – 67
68 68 69 70
71 71
CE / EMC / 标准 / 认证
本手册描述的由 KROHNE 生产的电磁流量计满足下列安全要求:
• EMC 指令 89 / 336 / EEC 和 93 / 68 / EEC
关联标准 EN 61326-1 (1997) 和 A1 (1998), A2 (2001)
我们提供的电磁流量计专门用于导电流体的流量测量 此仪表也有适用于危险场合使用的选项 在此场合使用需要符合专门的规定,请参阅另附的Ex 说明书 有关电磁流量计适用性和合理使用的责任在用户方 不恰当的安装和操作可能会导致失去保修 其它按照双方签订的买卖合同中的“销售通用条款”执行 如果仪表需要返修,请把信息填写到本说明书末的表格。只有您完整填写此表格并附送给我们才能对流量计进 行检测或维修。
C 和 F (选项)
请核对仪表铭牌确认所供仪表的型式是正确的 见下面的例子,输入/输出的插图见 2.2.
04 / 2006
IFC 300
1 电源连接: 电源供应 1.1 仪表安装的定位和重要注意事项
特别注意 !
电气连接应符合“额定电压 1000V 以下电气动力安装规范”或等效的国家标准
5 技术参数 5.1 IFC 300 信号转换器 5.2 KROHNE 传感器的选用表 5.3 流率表 5.4 测量精确度 / 误差极限 5.5 IFC300 信号转换器的外形尺寸和重量
随退回仪表一起送回的确认报告 (可以复印)
30 – 63 30 31 32
33 – 55 56 56 57 58
• 低压规程 73 / 23 / EEC 和 93 / 68 / EEC
关联标准 EN 61010-1: 2001
• 压力设备规程 97 / 23 / EC
• Ex 规程 94 / 9 / EC (ATEX 100a) 为危险区域使用设计的版本 • 所有仪表具有 CE 标志 • IFC 300 满足 NAMUR 导则 NE 21 / 04 的要求
IFC 300 C
一体型流量计 信号转换器直接安装在传感器上
IFC 300 F
信号转换器安装在现场型外壳中,分体型 通过励磁和信号电缆电气连接到传感器
IFC 300 W
信号转换器安装在墙挂型外壳中,墙挂型 通过励磁和信号电缆电气连接到传感器
IFC 300 R
信号转换器在19“ 机架内,架装型 通过励磁和信号电缆电气连接到传感器(准备中)
IFC 300 F 的安装: 用安装板在墙面或立管上安装 IFC 300 F 尺寸及更多的信息(转换器之间的最小距离): 见 5.5, 尺寸和重量
流量传感器和信号转换器之间的距离越近越好,信号电缆和励磁电缆允许的最长距离 见 1.3.3 和 1.3.5
请使用我们提供的 A 型电缆(普通型 DS 300)或 B 型电缆(自举型 BTS 300),标准长度 10 m / 30 ft
22 - 23 24 - 28
IFC 300
04 / 2006
4 信号转换器的操作控制 4.1 显示器,操作和控制按键 4.2 按键的功能 4.3 KROHNE 电磁流量计的编程框图 4.4 可设定的功能 4.5 复位计数器 4.6 删除出错信息 4.7 特殊测量和诊断的通用指导 4.8 特殊测量 4.9 特殊测量任务和诊断 4.10 状态信息和诊断报告
IFC 300 W (墙挂分体)
3 2
4 5
8 9 10 11
1 带透窗盖子,电子部分安装腔体 2 三个分开的接线端子腔体的盖子,
分别用于电源、和传感器的连接以及输入/输出 的连接
3 锁紧螺丝,左/ 右转 1/2 圈打开/关闭盖子(2) 4 开启盖(1) 的拉杆 5 连接传感器的接线端子腔体,带有单独的盖板 6 输入/ 输出接线端子腔体 7 电源接线端子腔体,带有单独的防电击保护盖板 8 信号电缆接入口 9 励磁电缆接入口 10 二个输入/ 输出电缆接入口 11 电源用电缆接入口
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IFC 300
1.2 将 IFC 300 C, F 和 W 型转换器连接到电源
防护等级 对应于 IEC 529 / EN 6052 的 IP 65 和 67,等同于 NEMA 4 / 4X 和 6,取决于所用型式
额定值: 流量计的外壳用来保护电子设备免受灰尘和潮气的侵扰,应始终保持关闭。所选择的净间 距应满足 VDE 0110 和 IEC 664 污染程度 2 规定,供电回路过电压ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้计符合类别 III 和输入/输出 回路设计符合类别 II 要求
IFC 300
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所订信号转换器的安装形式 所订信号电缆 (只用于分体型F和墙挂型W) 的型式和长度
(缺省: A型信号电缆,10m长) 工厂内数据设定的报告 校准报告 快速启动指导, 按所订的语言提供,用于安装、电气连接、启动和对转换器的操作控制。
您的流量计已按运行要求设定并交付,运行数据按您的订单设置。信号转换器标准配置带有显示器、操作控制 键和一个 HART® 接口。
电源连接 (适用于所有型式/外壳型式)
电源消耗 • 对于 AC = 22 VA • 对于 DC = 12 W
AC: 100 - 230 V (-15% / +10%) PE
DC: 12 - 24 V (-25% / +30%)
警告: 信号转换器必须有良好的接地,以避免对人员产生电击危险。所有的说明、操作数 据和连接图都不适用于危险场合使用的仪表,务必阅读专门的“Ex” 操作手册!
IFC 300
04 / 2006
1.3 分体(墙挂)型传感器的电气连接
1.3.1 A 型、B 型信号电缆和励磁电缆 C 的通用信息
使用我们提供的 A 型双层屏蔽或 B 型三层屏蔽信号电缆可以保证仪表的正常使用
电气安全符合EN 60811
保护熔断器,断流装置: 熔断器(IN ≤ 16 A)用于保护电源回路,另需安装隔断信号转换器电源的断流 装置
100-230 V 交流电源 (允许误差范围 -15% / +10%) 注意仪表铭牌上的数据, 电源电压和频率范围 (50 - 60 Hz) 电源的保护接地 PE 务必连接到信号转换器接线盒内的端子上 连接图 I - II 用于电源连接及传感器和信号转换器之间的连接: 见 1.3.6
1.3.2 A 型和 B 型电缆的剥线
1.3.3 励磁电缆 C 的型号、允许长度和剥线
1.3.4 传感器的接地
1.3.5 信号电缆的长度 信号转换器和传感器之间的最长距离
1.3.6 电源供应及和传感器的连接图 (I 和 II)