
人教版英语九年级全册Unit1-6 Section A reading 2b 部份原文及翻译

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section A2b課文原文:How Can You Become a Successful learner?Everyone is born with the ability to learn. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.如何成为一个成功的学习者?每个人都生来就有学习的能力。
Creating an interest in what they learn对所学的東西创造兴趣Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something they are interested in. For example, if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English. This way they will not get bored.研究表明,如果你对某事感兴趣,你的大脑会更加活跃,而且你更容易长时间地关注它。

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.
人教版九年级英语全一册全册教学 课件
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own
人教版九年级英语全一册全册教elong to Carla.
人教版九年级英语全一册全册教学 课件
人教版九年级英语全一册全册教学 课件
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?
人教版九年级英语全一册全册教学 课件
Unit 6 When was it invented?
人教版九年级英语全一册全册教 学课件目录
0002页 0051页 0202页 0276页 0319页 0398页 0421页 0479页 0529页 0562页
Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! Unit Notes on the Text Unit Grammar Unit Vocabulary Index
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
人教版九年级英语全册 Unit 10 SectionB(3a-selfcheck)课件

You’re not supposed to kiss or hug with people.
Going out with people
You should make a going-out plan with friends. It's important to arrive at the meeting place on time. You should tell the host where you are going and who you are going with.
Dear Mark, You must be excited about coming to China soon. Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese customs. When you’re eating at the table, it’s impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food. You’re supposed to lay them on your plate or bowl. It’s polite to accept it when the host adds food to your plate or bowl. Don’t point at anyone with your chopsticks. Don’t make any noise when you eat your soup.
your fruit and eat it with a with your hands except bread.
Unit+10+Sec Grammar+Focus+课件+2023-2024学年人教版英语九年级全册

Is it important to be on time? Yes, it's important to be on time.
语法详解 一、be supposed/expected to do sth. 的用法
be supposed/expected to do sth. 意为“应该做某事”,表示劝告、义 务、责任等。
A. learn
B. to learn
C. learning
D. learned
A young woman at the train station meant giving a hand. She 1 a
passenger with a question which would be no problem in Chinese, “What's
( A )9.A.powerful ( C )10.A.calm
B.more powerful B.calming
C.the most powerful C.to calm
二、短文填空 Doing exercise is very important for a happy and healthy life. So people
your problem?” But this question is impolite in English, and 2 passenger
became angry. In this situation, the young woman 3 say, “May I help
you?” or “How can I help you?”
(A)4. A. of (B)5. A. speaker (A)6. A. to use
人教英语九年级全一册Unit 9 A晨读听写

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.满分:100分学号________ 姓名___________ 得分________ 批改人___________Section A重点单词★写出下列单词(每空1分,共20分)1. 更喜欢v. ________________2. 歌词n. ________________3. 澳大利亚(人)的adj.澳大利亚人n. _______________4. 电子(设备)的adj. ________________5. 推断;料想v. ________________6. 平滑的;悦耳的adj. ________________7. 空闲的;不用的adj. ________________8. 导演;部门负责人n. ________________9. 情况;实情n. ________________10. 战争;战争状态n. ________________11. 粘贴;将……刺入v. ________________12. 悲哀;沮丧adj. ________________13. 对话;对白n. ________________14. (故事、电影等的)结尾;结局n. ________________15. 纪录片n. ________________16. 戏;剧n. ________________17. 大量;众多pron. ________________18. 关闭;关上v. ________________19. 超级英雄n. ________________20. 有才智的;聪明的adj. ________________★写出下列单词变形(每空1分,共21分)1. music—____________ (n.)—____________ (adj.)2. direct—__________ (n.导演)—___________ (n.方向)3. document—________________ (n. 纪录片)4. intelligent—__________________ (n.)5. shut—_______ (过去式过去分词)—__________ (现在分词)6. stick—________ (过去式)—_________ (过去分词)7. end—_________ (n.)8. sad—__________ (同义词)9. free—_________ (同义词)10. play—__________ (同义词)11. Australia—_______________ (adj.)12. think—__________ /__________ /__________ (同义词)13. prefer—___________ (现在分词)—___________ (过去式)14. electricity (n. 电)—______________ (adj. 电子的)重点短语★写出下列短语。

Unit 1如:W h y n o t g o s h o p p i n g ?★重点单词1.te x t b o o k n. 教科书;课本2.c o n v e r s a t i on n. 交谈;谈话3. a l o u d a d v. 大声地;出声地④L e t 's+ d o s th.让我们做⋯⋯吧。
如:L e t' s g o s h o p p in g⑤S h a l l w e / I + d o s t h ? 我们/我⋯⋯好吗?如:S h a l l w e / I g o s h o p p i n g ?4.p r o n u n c i a t i o n n.发音;读音5.s e n t e n c e n. 句子6.p a t i e n t a d j. 有耐心的n. 病人7. e x p r e s s i o n n. 表达(方式);表示2.t o o ⋯t o... 太,而不能如:I 'm t o o t i r e d t o s a y a n y th i n g.我太累了,什么都不想说。
8. d i s c o v e r v.发现;发觉9.s e c r e t n. 秘密; a d j. 秘密的 3. b e /g e t e x c i te d a b o u t s t h.对⋯⋯感兴奋1 0. o v e r n i g h t a d v. 一夜之间;在夜间4. e n d u p d o i n g s t h. 以 ....结束1 1. g r a m m a r n.语法如:T h e p a r t y e n d e d u p s i n g i n g.1 2. r e p e a t v. 重复;重做晚会以唱歌而结束。
1 3. n o t e n. 笔记;记录v. 注意;指出1 4. p a r tn e r n. 朋友;伙伴1 5. p a t t e r n n. 模式;方式 5. e n d u p w i t h s t h. 以⋯⋯结束1 6. p h y s ic s n. 物理;物理学如:T h e p a r t y e n d e d u p w i thh e r s i n g i n g.1 7. c h e m i s t r y n. 化学晚会以她的歌唱而告终。
初中英语 Unit1课文及单词表人教版九年级全一册

Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 【Vocabulary】textbook /tekstbuk/ n.教科书;课本p.1conversation /kɔnvəs eɪʃn/, n.交谈;谈话p.2aloud /əlaud/ adv.大声地;出声地p.2pronunciation /prənʌnsieIʃn/ n.发音;读音p.2sentence /sentəns/ n.句子p.2patient /peiʃnt/ adj.有耐心的n.病人p.2expression /ikspreʃn/ n.表达(方式);表示p.3discover /dIskʌvə (r)/ v.发现;发觉p.3secret /si:krət/ n.秘密;adj. 秘密的;p.3look up 查阅;抬头看p.3grammar /græmə (r)/ n.语法p.3repeat /ripi:t/ v.重复;重做p.4note /nəut/ n. 笔记;记录v.注意;指出p.4pal /pæl/ n.朋友;伙伴p.4physics /fiziks/ n.物理;物理学p.4chemistry /kemistri/ n.化学p.4memorize /meməraiz/v.记忆;记住p.4pattern /pætn/, /pætən/ n.模式;方式p.4pronounce /prənauns/ v.发音p.5increase /Inkri:s/ v.增加;增长p.5speed /spi:d/ n.速度v.加速p.5partner /pa:(r)tnə (r)/ n.搭档;同伴p.5born /bɔ:n/ v.出生adj. 天生的p.6be born with 天生具有p.6ability /əbiləti/ n.能力;才能p.6create /krieit/ v.创造;创建p.6brain /brein/ n.大脑p.6active /æktiv/ adj.活跃的;积极的p.6attention /ətenʃn/ n.注意;关注p.6pay attention to 注意;关注p.6connect /kənekt/ v.(使)连接;与⋯⋯有联系p.6connect … with把⋯⋯和⋯⋯连接或联系起来p.6overnight /əuvə (r)nait/adv.一夜之间;在夜间p.6review /rivju:/ v. & n.回顾;复习p.6knowledge /nɔlidʒ/ n.知识;学问p.6lifelong /laiflɔŋ/adj.终生的;毕业的p.6wisely /waizli/ adv.明智地;聪明地p.6【Section A-2d】Jack: Annie, I’m a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.Annie: That doesn’t sound too bad.Jack: But I’m a very slow reader.Annie: Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Don’t read word by word. Read word groups.Jack: But I don’t understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary.Annie: Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think.Jack: That sounds difficult!Annie: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster you’ll be.【课文翻译】杰克:安妮,我有点紧张,我必须读完一本书,以便下周一作报告。

人教版新目标九年级全册英语单词默写(英译汉)connect /k ?nekt/ v.Unit 1 How can we become good lear nerstextbook /tekstbuk/ n.conversation /k ?nv?se ??n/, n.aloud / ?laud/ adv.pronunciation /pr ?n?nsieI ?n/ n.sentence /sent ?ns/ n.patient /pei ?nt/ adj. n.expressi on /ikspre ?n/ n. discover /dIsk ?v? (r)/ v. secret /si:kr ?t/ n. adj.fall in love withgrammar /gr ? m? (r)/ n.repeat /ripi:t/ v.note /n ?ut/ n. v.pal /p ? l/ n.pattern /p ? tn/, /p ? t?n/ n.physics /fiziks/ n.chemistry /kemistri/ n.partner/pa:(r)tn ? (r)/ n.pronounce /pr ?nauns/ v.in crease /In kri:s/ v.speed /spi:d/ n. ability / ?bil?ti/ n. brain /bre in/ n.connect •-withare overnight / ? U v? (r)nait/adv.review /rivju:/ v. & n.knowledge /n ?lid ?/n.wisely /waizli/ adv.Annie / ? ni/Alexander Graham Bell 格雷厄姆?贝尔p.6Un it 2 I thi nk that moon cakesdelicious!Ian tern /l ?n t? (r)n/ n.stranger /streind ?? (r)/ n.relative /rel ?tiv/ n.put onpound /pa und/ n.folk /f ?ulk/ adj.goddess /g ?des/, /gA:d@s/ n.steal /sti:l/ v. (stole /st ?ul/, stolen /st ?ul?n/) lay /lei/v. (laid /leid/, laid) lay outdessert /di 'z?:(r)t/ n garde n /ga:(r)d n/ n. admire/ ?dmai ? (r)/ v. tie /tai/ n.haunted /h ?:ntid/ a.warn /w ?:(r)n/ v.prese nt /prez nt/ adj.n.ghost /g ?ust/ n.pay atte nti on to spread /spred/ v. n.trick /trik/ n. postcard /p ?ustka:(r)d/ n.pard on /pa:(r)d n/ in terjwashroom /w ??ru:m/, n.bathroom /ba: (Tu:m/ n. quick/kwik/adj.rush /r ??/ v. &n.suggest /s ?d ?est/ v.staff /sta:f/ n.grape /greip/ n.central /sentr ?l/ adj.mail /meil/ v. n.east /i:st/ adj.fascinating /f ?sineiti ?/ a.convenient /k ?nvi:ni ?nt/ a. mall/m ?:l/ n.clerk /kla:k/, /kl3:rk/ n.corner /k ?:(r)n ?(r)/ n.polite /p ?lait/ adj.politely /p ?laitli/ adv.speaker /spi:k ?(r)/ n.request /rikwest/ n.choice /t ??is/ n.direct ion /direk ?n, dairek ?n/ n.correct /k ?rekt/ adj.direct /direkt, dairekt/ adj. whom/hu:m/ pron.stamp /st ? mp/ n. Kevin /kevi n/ 凯文(男名)address / ?dres/, / ?dres/ n.treat /tri:t/ n.spider /spaid ?r)/ n.Christmas /krism ?s/n.fool /fu:l/ n. v. adj.lie /laI/ v. (lay /leI/, lain /leI n/) novel /n ?vl/, /na:vl/ n. eve /i:v/ n bookstore /bukst ?:(r)/ n.dead /ded/ adj.bus in ess /biz n ?s/ n.punish /p ?nis/ v.nobody /n ?ub?di/, /n ?uba:di/ pron.warmth /w ?:(r)m “ n.Macao /m ?kau/Chia ng Mai /t ? ? n m al/, /d ?a: nm aI/ Halloween /h ?l?ui:n/St. /seint/ Valentine '/v ? l?ntainz/ DayClara /kla:r ?/, /kler ?/ 克拉拉(女名)p.10 Santa /s? nt?/ Claus /kl?:z/ 圣诞老人p.14Charles /t ?a:(r)lz/ Dicke ns /dik ?nz/查尔斯?狄更斯(英)p.14 Scrooge /skru:d ?/ 斯克鲁奇n.(非正式)吝啬鬼Jacob /d ?eik?b/ Marley /ma:(r)li/ 雅各布?马利Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? restroom /restru:m/ n.Tim /tim/蒂姆(男名)Un it 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. humorou /hju:m ?r?s/ a.silent /sail ?nt/ adj.helpful /helpfl/adj.from time to timescore /sk ?:( r)/ n. &v.background /b ? kgraund/ n.in terview /Int ? (r)vju:/ v.Asian /ei ?n, / a.deal withdare /de ?/, /der/ v.private /praiv ?t/ adj.guard /ga:(r)d/ n.require /rikwai ?(r)/ v.British /briti ?/ adj.speech/spi:t ?/ n.ant / ? nt/ n.in sect /i nsekt/ n.in flue nee /influ ?ns/ v. &n.seldom /seld ?m/ adv.proud /praud/ adj.be proud ofabsent / ? bs ?nt/ adj.fail /feil/ v.exam in ati on /igz ? minei ?n/ n.boarding /b ?:(r)di ?/ school in pers onexactly /igz ? ktli/ adv.pride /praid/ n.take pride ingrandson /gr ?ns?n/n.general /d ?enr?l/ a. n.introduction /intr ?d?k?n/ n.Paula /p ?:l?/Alfred / ? Ifrid/Billy /bili/Candy /k ? ndi/ 坎迪(女名) p.27 Jerry /d ?eri/ 杰里(男名);杰丽(女名)p.28chopsticks /t ??pstiks/ n.Emily /emili/ 埃米莉(女名)p.28Unit 5 What are the shirts makde of? material /m ?ti?ri?l/ n.coin /k ?i fork /f?:k/ n.blouse /blauz/ n.sliver /silv ?/ n.glass /glas/ ncotton /k ?tn/ n. steel /sti:l/ n.grass /gras/ n.leaf /li:f/ n (pl. leaves /li:vz/ ) n. produce /pr ?dju:s/,v. widely /waidli/ adv. process /pr ?uses/, v.France /fra:n s/, /fr( ns/no matterlocal /l ?ukl/ adj.even though brand /br ? nd/ n.Un it 6 When was it inven ted? heel /hi:l/ n.electricity /ilektris ?ti/ n.scoop /sku:p/ n.style/stail/ n.project /pr ?d?ekt/ n.pleasure /ple ??(r)/ n.zipper /zip ?(r)/ n. (= zip)daily /deili/ adj.website /websait/ n.pioneer /pai ?ni?/ n.list /list/ v. n.mention /men ?n/ v.by accide ntnearly /ni ?li/, /nirli/ adv.boil /b ?il/ v.(女名)avoid / ?v?id/ v.product /pr ?d?kt/ n. handbag /h ? ndb ? g/ n mobile /m ?ubail/, /m ?ubl/ a Germany/d ??:(r)m ?ni/ n.surface /s ?:(r)fis/ n.postman /p ?ustm ?n/ n.cap /k ? p/ nglove /gl ?v/ ninternational /int ?(r)n??n?l/ adj. competitor /k ?mpetit ?(r)/ n.paint /pe int/ v.its /its/ adj.form /f ?:(r)m/ n.clay /klei/ n.balloon /b ?lu:n/ n.scissors /siz ?(r)z/ n. (pl.)lively /laivli/ a.fairy /fe ?ri/, /feri/ tale /teil/ nheat /hi:t/ n.polish /p ?li?/ v.complete /k ?mpli:t/ v.Korea /k ?ri:?/saint/seint/ n.take placedoubt /daut/ n.without doubtfridge /frid ?/ n.translate /tr ? nsleit/ v.lock /l ?k/, /la:k/ v. earthquake / ?:(r) 0kweik/n. sudden /s ?d?n/ adj.all of a sudde nbiscuit /biskit/ n.cookie/kuki/ n.in strume nt/in strum ?nt/n. crispy /krispi/ adj.sour /sau ?(r)/ adj.by mistakecustomer /k ?st?m? (r)/ n. Canadian /k ?neidi ?n/ a. /n divide /divaid/ v.divide ... i ntopurpose /p ?:(r)p ?s/ n. basket /ba:skit/ n.the Olympics / ?ulimpiks/ look up tohero /hi ?r?u/ n.Berlin /b ?:lin/ NBA (Natio nal Basketball Associatio n)国家篮球协会(美国职业篮球联赛) p.46中国篮球协会(中国职业篮球联赛) p.46 Chelsea/t ?elsi/ Lanmon /l ? nm ?n/切尔西?兰曼p.42Jayce /d ?eis/ Coziar /k?uzia:/ 杰斯?克里亚p.42Jamie /d ?eimi/ Ellsworth /elzw ?:(r)杰米?埃尔斯沃恩p.42Julie /d?u:li/ Thompson /t?mps ?n/惠特科姆?贾德森p.42Thomas /t?m ?s/ Watson /w?ts?n/ LGeorge /d??:(r)d ?/ Crum /kr?m/James /d ?eimz/ Naismith /naismi (/詹姆斯?奈史密斯Un it 7 Teen agers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. smoke /sm ?uk/ v. n.pierce /pi ?s/, /pirs/ v.lice nse /lais ns/n. (= lice nee)safety /seifti/ n.earring /i ?ri?/ n.cry /krai/ v. & n.field /fi:ld/ n.smell /smel/ n. v. Whitcomb /witk ?m/ Judson /d ??ds?n/朱莉?汤普森托马斯?沃森~n乔治?克拉姆hug /h ?g/ n. &v. lift /lift/ v.talk backawful / ?:fl/ adj. tee n /ti: n/ n.poem /p ?uim/ n.bedroom /bedru:m/ n.community /k ?mju:n ?ti/ n.keep away fromchanee /t ?a:ns/ n.make one 'own decisionman age /m ?ni d ?/ v.「society /s ?sai ?ti/ n.un it /ju: nit/ n.educate /ed ?ukeit/ v.get in the way ofprofessional /pr ?fe??il/ a.enter /ent ?(r)/ v.support /s ?p?:(r)t/ v. &n.Picasso /pik ? s?u/ / 毕加索(西班牙画家) Un it 8 it must bel ong to Carla.truck /tr ?k/ n.rabbit /r ?bIt/ n.whose /hu:z/ adj. &pron.attend / ?tend/ v.valuable /v ?lju?bl/a.pink /pink/ adj.picnic /pik nik/ n.somebody /s ?mb?di/ pron. anybody /enib ?di/ pron.noise /n ?iz/ n.policeman /p ?li:sm ?n/ n.laboratory /l ?b?r?tri/ n.coat /k ?ut/ n.sleepy /sli:pi/ adj.pocket /p ?kit/ n. 0alien /eili ?n/ n.suit /sju:t/, /su:t/ n.express /ikspres/ v.not only - - but alsoBritain /britn/ n. (= Great Britain) receive /risi:v/ v leader /li:d ? (r)/ n.midsummer /mIidsm ?(r)/ n. medical /medikl/ adj preve nt /prive nt/ v.energy /en ?(r)d?i/ n.burial /beri ?l/ n.honor / ?n?/v. (= honour) n.ancestor / ?nsest ?(r)/ n.victory /vikt ?ri/ n.enemy /en ?mi/ n.period /pi ?ri?d/ n.mystery /mistri/ n. Stonehenge /st ?unhend ?/ Carla /ka:(r)l ?/ J. K. Rowling /r ?uli?/ J. K. Victor /vikt ?(r)/Jean /dZ= ?i: n/Paul Stoker /st ?uk?(r)/wolf /wulf/ n.to.prefer /prif ?:(r)/ v.Lyrics /liriks/ n. (pl.)Australian / ?streili ?n/ a.n.electronic /ilektr ?nik/ a.suppose /s ?p ?uz/ v.smooth /smu: e/ adj.spare /spe ? / adj.case /keIs/ n.in that casewar /w ?:(r)/ n.director /direkt ?/ n.dialogue /dai ?l?g / n. (=dialog)documentary /d ?kjumentri/n.drama /dra:m ?/ n.ple nty /ple nti/ pron.ple nty ofshut / ??t/ v. (shut, shut)superhero /su:p ?(r)hi ?r?u/ n.horror /h ?r?/ n.thriller / 9il@(r)/ n.intelligent /intelId ??nt/ a.sense/sens/ v.n .pain /pe in/ n.reflect /riflekt/ v.perform /p ? (r)f?:(r)m/ v.amazing / ?meizi ?/ a.pity /piti/ n.in totalmaster /ma:st ? / n. v. praise /preiz/ v. & n.national /n ??nl/ adj.recall /rik ?:l/ v.Un it 9 I like music that I can dance total /t ?utl/ n. a.wound /wu:nd/ n.World War IITitanic /tait ?nik/Carme n /ka:(r)me n/Dan /d ? n/ Dervish /d ?:(r)vi ?Unit 10 You're supposed to shake han custom /k ?st?m/ n.bow /bau v.kiss /kis/ v. &n.greet /gri:t/ v.value /v ?lju:/ v. n.everyday /evridei/ adj.drop bycapital /k ?pitl/ n.noon /nu:n/ n.mad /m ? d/ adj.get madmake an efforttraffic /tr ? fik/ n. somewhere /s ?mwe ? / adv.except /iksept/ prep. conjelbow /elb ?u/ n.gradually /gr ?d?u?li/ adv.suggestion /s ?d?est??i/ n.Brazil /br ?zil/Mexico /meksik ?u/ds. Cali /ka:li/Colombia /k ?l?mbi?/ )Lausanne /l ?uz? n/ )Norway /n ?:(r)weiMaria /m ?ri: ?/Katie /keiti/Sato /sa:t ?/Marie /m ?ri:/Teresa /t ?ri:z?/Lopez /I ?upez/Marc /ma:(r)k/ LeBIa nc /I ?bla:?/Un it 11 Sad movies make mecry.the more …the more …go out of one 'waypassport /pa:sp ?:t / n.chalk /t ??k/ n.blackboard /bl ? kb?:(r)d/ n. northern /n ?:(r)e(r)n/ adj. coast /k ?ust/ n.seas on /si:z n/ n.knock /n ?k/ v.eastern /i:st ? (r)n/ adj.worth /w ?:(r) “adj.manner /m ?n ?(r)/ n. empty /empti/ adj.basic /beisik/ adj.make ... feel at homegranddaughter /gr ?nd?:t?(r)/ n. behave /biheiv/ v. leave outfriendship /frend ?p/ n king /ki ?/ n.prime /praim/ adj.minister /minist ?(r)/ n.prime min isterfame /feim/ n. pale /peil/ adj.quee n /kwi: n/ n. examine /igz ?min/ v nor/n ?:(r)/ conj. &adv.n either ... nor palace /p ? ?s/ n.exchange /ikst ?eind ?/ n. &v.power /pau wealth /wel ?(r)/ n. “ n.grey /grei/福m on?n/ ncancel /k ? nsl/ v.weight /weit/ n.shoulder / ??jld ?(r)/ n. goal /g ?ul/ n. disbelief /disbili:f/ n.above / ?b ?v/ adv.prep.burn /b?:(r)n/ v. (burnt /b?:(r)nt/, burned /;burnt, burn ed)coach /k ?ut? / n.kick /kik/ v.teammate /ti:meit/ n. courage /k ?rid? / n. rather /ra:e?/ adv. rather tha n pull /pul/ v.pull togetherrelief /rili:f/ n.nod /n ?d/ v.agreement / ?gri:m ?nt/ n. fault /f ?:lt/ n.disappoint /dis ?p?int/ v.Bert /b ?:(r)t/Holly /h ?li /Unit 12 Life is full of the un expected. backpack /b ? kp?k/ n.oversleep v.(overslept , overslept)give ... a liftmiss /mis/ v.unexpected / ?nikspektid/ a.block /bl ?k / n.till /til/ conj. &prep.west /west/ adv. adj. n. cream /kri:m/ n.boss/b ?s/ n. pie /pai/ n.course /k ?:(r)s/ n.bea n /bi: n/ n.market /ma:(r)kit/ n.costume /k ?stju:m/ n embarrassed /imb ? r?st/ adj announce / ?nauns/ v.hoax /h ?uks/ n.discovery /disk ?v?ri/ n. lady /leidi/ n.officer / ?fis?/ n. believable /bili:v ?bl/ adj. embarrass ing /imb ? r?si ?/ a. New Zeala nd /nju:zi:l ?nd/ Italy /It ?li/alive / ?lalv/adj.take offMars /ma:(r)z/Orson / ?:(r)s ?n/ Welles /welz/ Carl /ka:(r)l/worker /w ?:(r)k ?(r)/ n.stare /ste ?/ v.Un it 13 We're tryi ng to save the earth!litter /lit ?(r)/ v.bottom /b ?t?m/n.fisherman /fi ?gr)m ?n/ n.coal /k ?ul/ n.public /p ?blik/ adj. n.ugly / ?gli/ adj.advantage / ?dva:ntid ?/ n.cost /k ?st/, /k ?:st/ v. n.woode n /wud n/ adj.plastic /pl ?stik/ adj. n.make a differe neeshark / ?a:(r)k/ n.fin /fin/ ncut offmethod /me 0?/ n.cruel /kru: ?l/ adj.harmful /ha:(r)mfl/ adj./ma:(r)k/ Jason /d ?eis ?n/ Kenecosystem /i:k ?usist ?m/ n. low /l ?u/ a industry /ind ?stri/ n. law /l ?:/ n.sta ndard /st row /r ?u/ n. in atransportation/t ? nsp ?:(r)tei ?n/ n.ion /i nstr double /d shall / ??napkin/n ?pkin/ n. upside dow nreusable /ri:ju:z ?bl/ adj.可再次使用的afford / ?f?:(r)d/ v.Unit 14yousurvey /s ?:(r)vei/recycle /ri:saikl/ v.row keyboard /ki:b in structchain It ?ein/ n./ken/ Hayes /heiz/ Jessica /d ?esik ?/gate /gelt/ n. bottle /b ?tl/ n. make a mess graduate /gr ? preside nt /prezid ?nt/ n. d?ueit/ v. keep one 'cool oursinspiration ahead / ?hed/ adv./insp ?rei ?n/ responsible /risp ?ns?bl/ adj. be resp on sible for n. metal separate/sep ? reit/adj. v./metl/ n. wing /wi ?/ n. Brian /brai ? n/creativityLuke /lu:k/ Griffin /grifin//kri:eitiv ?ti/ n. I remember meetin 9 all of Trent /trent/in Grade 7WildAidn./waildeid/ ?nd ?(r)d/ n .WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) Mark?:(r)d/ n. ?k?n/ n.?bl/ v. adj.l/ modal v./au ?(r)z/ pron.senior/si:ni ?(r)/ a. senior high (school) text /tekst/ n. level /levl/ n.degree /digri:/ n manager /m ?overcome / ?uv?(r)k?m/ v.(overcame , overcome)nid ??(r)/ n. believe ingentleman /d ?entlm ?n/ n. graduation /gr ? d?uei ?n/ n. cere mony /ser?m?ni/ n. congratulate /k |?ngr ? t?uleit/ v. thirsty / (3:(r)sti/ a.none /n ?n/ pron.task /ta:sk / n.THANKS !Il致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。
Unit+10+Section+A+(Grammar+Focus-4c) 人教版九年级英语全册

He is expected to come to the party today. You are not expected to be late for class. It is important for me to study . It is kind of you to help me.
eg:The painting is worth 3,000 yuan.
3. be worth+名词 意为“值得…”。it is worth the trouble
eg:I think it's worth our work.
Sumt supposed to play on the street because it’s really dangerous 孩子们不应该在街上玩耍,因为太危险了。
2. 当主语是事或物时 be supposed to的主语是事或物时,意为“本该;本应”,用于表示某事 本应该发生而没有发生。 It is supposed to be an off-season for vegetables , but you seem to have enough here . 按说现在是蔬菜的淡季,可是你们这里供应还不错。
Are you supposed to be on time
when you meet your friends?
Are you supposed to call your 02 friends before you goTwtootohfemiry

_n_o_v_e_l _b_u_s_in__es_s_ _w_a_r_n_ _p_r_e_se_n_t_ _sp__re_a_d_
【百变词汇】 1. aloud 大声地; 出声地adv.
→_lo_u_d_ adv. 大声地 adj. 大声的 → _lo_u_d__ly_ adv. 响亮地 2. pronunciation 发音; 读音 n. → _p_r_o_n_o_u_n_c_e_ v. 发音 3. discover 发现; 发觉 v. →_d_i_sc_o_v_e_r_y_ n. 发现 4. expression 表情; 表示; 表达方式n. → _e_x_p_r_e_ss_ v. 表达
_b_it_b__y_b_i_t _in__st_e_a_d_o_f_ _p_u_t _o_n_ _b_e_s_i_m_i_l_a_r_t_o_. _. _. _w_a_s_h__a_w_a_y_ _sh__o_o_t _d_o_w_n_ _fl_y_u_p_ _c_a_ll_o_u_t_
30. 摆开; 布置 31. 捉弄某人 32. 与……分享…… 33. (作为)结果 34. 盛装打扮 35. 关心; 在意 36. 最终成为; 最后处于 37. 唤醒; 叫醒 38. 不但……而且……
→_s_t_ra_n__g_e adj. 陌生的
→ _d_e_a_th_ n. 死; 死亡 → _d_ie_ v. 死; 死亡 →__tr_a_d_i_t_io_n_a_l_adj. 传统的 → _a_d_m_i_r_a_t_io_n_ n. 羡慕 →_p_u_n_i_s_h_m_e_n_t_ n. 惩罚 →_w_a_r_m_ adj. 温暖的
课本原句 The more you read, the faster you’ll be. 你读得越多, 你就会(读得)

Unit 1★重点单词1.te xtb o o k n.教科书;课本2.co n ve rs a ti on n.交谈;谈话3.aloud adv.大声地;出声地4.pronunciation n.发音;读音5.sentence n.句子6.patient a dj.有耐心的n.病人7. e x p res s i o n n.表达(方式);表示8. d is co ve r v.发现;发觉9.secret n.秘密;adj.秘密的10.overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间11. grammar n.语法12.repeat v.重复;重做13. n o t e n.笔记;记录v.注意;指出14. pa r tn e r n.朋友;伙伴15. pa tte rn n.模式;方式16. p h y s ics n.物理;物理学17. ch em istry n.化学18. pa r tn e r n.搭档;同伴19.pronounce v.发音20. increase v.增加;增长21. speed n.速度v.加速22. ab i l ity n.能力;才能23. brain n.大脑24. active adj.活跃的;积极的25. attention n.注意;关注26. connect v.(使)连接;与.............. .有联系2 7. review v. & n.回顾;复习★重点短语1.have conversation with sb. 同某人谈话2.t o o ••- to ••- 太 ..... 而不能3.the secret to ...................................... 的秘诀4. b e a fra id of doing sth. / b e a fr a id t o d osth. 害怕做某事5.look up 查阅6.repeat o u t loud 大声跟读7.make mistakes in 在.............. 方面犯错误8.connect ................ w i th ••- 把......... 和..... 连接/ 联系起来9.get bored 感至U厌烦10. be stressed out 焦虑不安的11. pay a tt e n ti o n to 注意;关注12. depend o n 取决于;依靠13. the ab i lity to do s th.. 做某事的能力★重点句型1.提建议的句子:①What/how about + d o i n g sth? 做............ 怎么样?如: W hat/How about going shopping?②Why don't y o u + d o sth? 你为什么不做 .... ?如: Why don't you g o shopping?③Why n o t+ d o sth? 为什么不做............. ?如:Why not go shopping?④Let's + do s th. 让我们做............ 吧。

2.学生分享自己的看法,教师总结并引出本节课的主题:“How can we become good learners?”。
1.教师呈现本节课的核心词汇和短语,如"attitude", "efficient", "memorize", "take notes", "summarize"等,引导学生学习和掌握。

4b Complete the survey. Then ask two other students.
What makes You Student Student 2
you ...?
want to cry 使人不舒服的
feel like
…使某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to) e.g.The music makes us happy.
The rainy days make us sad.
The loud music makes me want to dance
注意:当make 用于被动语态时,必须带不定式符号to. 如: We were made to work all night.
“make + sb. / sth.+ _a_d__j_.__
(使得某人 / 某物……)”
2. “make + sb. / sth.+_d_o__ sth.
(使得某人 / 某物做某事)”。
◆ make + sb./sth. + adj. 意为“使得某人/某物……”。
A: What makes you angry? B: When people throw rubbish on the
the teacher handed back our exams. That made me nervous.
But I found out that I didn’t do too badly. That made me very

初中英语单词大全(带音标)million/'miljn/n.百万medical/'medikl/a.医学的;医疗的research/ri's:t j/n.研究;调查tie/tai/n.领带worry/'w A ri/n.烦恼;忧虑whatif如果…将会怎么样pimple/'pimpl/n.小脓疱;丘疹energetic/,en'd3etik/a.精力充沛的;有活力的confident/'k o nfidnt/a.自信的;有把握的permission/p'mi j n/n.允许,许可;准许herself/h:'self/pron.她自己bother/'b o d/v.打扰;使恼怒not...intheslightest/'slaitlist/一点也不,根本不annoy/'n o i/vt.(使)烦恼,使生气fairly/'f£li/adv.相当地;还算plenty/'plenti/pron.大量;充足plentyof足够的;很多的getalongwith与…相处circle/'s:kl/n.圈子;阶层listener/'lisn/n.听者;收听者knowledgeable/'n o lid3bl/a.知识渊博的;有见识的represent/,repri'zent/vt.代表;表示let...down使失望或沮丧comeupwith提出;想出rest/rest/n.其余;剩余的部分aid/[eid/n.帮助;救助;援助;救护first-aid急救nearby/'ni'bai/a.附近的;近处的shelf/j elf/n.架子;搁板comeout发表;(书等)出版cover/'k A v/v.覆盖;遮掩press/pres/vt.压,按;挤deep/di:p/a.深的downstairs/'daun'sts z/adv.在楼下;顺楼梯而下correct/k'rekt/a.正确的;准确的;对的burn/b:n/v.烧伤;烧坏knee/ni:/n.膝盖pain/pein/n.疼痛hurt/h:t/v.感到疼痛;受伤offer/'o f/v.提供refuse/ri'fju:z/v.拒绝;回绝helpful/'helpful/a.有帮助的;有用的treat/tri:t/vt.对待burn/b:n/n.火,热或酸所造成的伤害或伤痕unit5belong/bi'l oq/vi.属于belongto属于author/'o:0/n.作者,作家picnic/'piknik/n.野餐hairband发带possible/'p o sbl/a.可能地;也许drop/dr o p/v.掉下,落下;放弃symphony/'simfni/n.交响乐,交响曲optometrist/o p't o mitrist/n.验光师;配镜师crucial/'kru:f l/a.关键的;至关重要的makeup形成;组成;构成final/'fainl/a.最后的;最终的anxious/聞k J s/a.焦虑的;担忧的;不安的worried/'w A rid/a.焦虑的;烦恼的owner/'un/n.物主;所有者Oxford/'o ksfd/n.牛津大学;牛津(英国城市OxfordUniversity/'o ksfd,ju:ni'v:sti/牛津大学chase/t J eis/v.追逐;追赶sky/skai/n.天空helicopter/'helik o pt/n.直升机creature/'kri:t j/n.生物;动物catch/k至t j/v.捕获;赶上unhappy/,人n'h至pi/a.不高兴的;伤心的extremely/ik'stri:mli/adv.极其,非常interview/'intvju:/n.采访;面试;会见noise/n o iz/n.噪音;喧闹声;嘈杂声wind/wind/n.风neighbor/'neib/n.令8居footstep/'fut'step/n.脚步声;足迹garbage/'ga:bid3/n.垃圾;废料mystery/'mistri/n.神秘的事物;谜director/di'rekt/n.主管;主任monkey/'m Aq ki/n.猴子escape/i'skeip/vi.逃脱;逃走bark/b a:k/v.狗叫smell/smel/v.嗅,闻;发出…气味finger/'fi qg/n.手指lift/lift/v.举起,抬起;提升stone/stun/n.石头,石块ant/至nt/n.蚂蚁ocean/'u j n/n.海洋dishonest/dis'o nist/a.不诚实的pretend/pri'tend/vi.假装useup用完,耗尽attempt/'tempt/vt.企图,试图unit6prefer/pri'f:/vt.更喜欢;更喜爱lyric/'lirik/n.抒情诗;歌词gentle/'d3entl/a.轻柔的;柔和的dislike/dis'laik/vt.不喜欢remind/ri'maind/vt.提醒;使记起heart/h a:t/n.心;内心string/stri q/n.线;细绳sink/si q k/vi.下沉;沉没YellowRiver黄河fisherman/'fi j mn/n.渔民,渔夫latest/'leitist/a.最近的entertainment/,ent'teinmnt/n.娱乐;乐趣;快乐feature/'fi:t j/n.特点;特征photography/f't og rfi/n.摄影;照相gallery/'g至Iri/n.画廊,美术馆photographer/f't og rf/n.摄影师display/dis'plei/v.展览;陈列ondisplay展览;陈列photograph/'fut g r a:f/n.照片;相片interest/'intrist/v.引起关注;使感兴趣class/kl a:s/n.班级;等级;课whatever/w o t'ev/pron.无论什么,不管什么miss/mis/vt.遗漏;错过suggest/s'd3est/v.显示;间接表示;暗示energy/'end3”n.活力;力量okay/'u'kei/a.好的(=0K)pro/pru/n.赞成的观点con/k o n/n.反对的观点honest/'o nist/a.诚实的;真诚的course/'k o:s/n.课程suit/sju:t/vt.适合;使感到满意suitsb.(fine)(口语)很合某人的意;对某人很合适expect/ik'spekt/vt.预料;期待sweet/swi:t/a.甜的taste/teist/v.品尝;尝起来tobehonest(作插入语)老实说;说实在的bebadfor对…有害actually/'至kt j uli/adv.实际上;说实在的fry/frai/vt.油煎;油炸mainly/'meinli/adv.主要地;首要地stayawayfrom与保持距离beinagreement意见一致itself/it'self/pron.它自己laboratory/l'b o rtri/n.实验室type/taip/n.种类;类型cancer/'k至ns/n.癌症barbecue/'b a:bikju:/n.烧烤;烤肉野餐increase/in'kri:s/v.增加;增大risk/risk/n.风险;危险biscuit/'biskit/n.饼干main/mein/a.主要的exclamation/,ekskl'mei j n/n.感叹语tag/t至g/question附加疑问句contraction/kn'tr至k J n/n.缩略语;缩略形式tasty/'teisti/adj.味道好的;味美可口的vegetarian/ved3i't£rin/n.素食主义者shock/J o k/vt.使震惊unit7tiring/'tairi q/a.引起疲劳的;累人的educational/,edju:'kei j nl/a.教育的;有教育意义的peaceful/'pi:sful/a.和平的;平静的;宁静的fascinating/'f至sineiti q/a.迷人的;吸引人的thrilling/'8riliq/a.毛骨悚然的;令人激动的takeiteasy从容;轻松;不紧张Florida/'fl o rid/(美国)佛罗里达trek/trek/v.旅行;长途跋涉Amazon/'至mz o n/(南美洲)亚马逊河jungle/'d3Aq gl/n.热带丛林fall/f o:l/n.瀑布Niagara/nai'至gr/Falls/f o:lz/(北美洲)尼亚加拉大瀑布touristy/'turisti/a.适宜游览的;游客很多的spotlight/'sp o tlait/n.公众注意的中心consider/kn'sid/v.考虑;认为;思考lively/'laivli/a.活泼的;充满生气的sight/sait/n.名胜;风景including/in'klu:di q/prep.包含;包括tower/'tau/n.塔,塔楼Eiffel/'aifl/Tower(法国)埃菲尔铁塔cathedral/k'8i:dr1/n.大教堂(天主教)NotreDameCathedral/notr'deim,k'0i:dr1/(法国)巴黎圣母院church/t j:t j/n.教堂convenient/kn'vi:nint/a.方便的;便利的underground/'A nd g raund/adv.在地下general/'d3enrl/a.一般事物;一般原则ingeneral通常;大体上;一般而言wine/wain/n.酒;葡萄酒translate/tr至ns'leit/v.翻羽译pack/p至k/v.把打包;把装箱light/'lait/adj.轻的eastern/'i:stn/adj.东部的;来自东部的provide/pru'vaid/vt.提供;供应;供给firm/'f:m/n.公司spot/sp o t/n.场所,地点Confucius/kn'fju j js/孔子(中国哲学家,教育家)sail/seil/v.航行;在上航行Pacific/p'sifik/n.太平洋finding/'faindi。

九年级上册英语书答案篇一:人教版九年级英语课本全册答案人教版九年级上册英语课本Unit1答案Section A1b2a 1,2,4,52b3a 1. The teacher spoke too quickly and Wei Fen did not understand her most of the time,but she was afraid to ask questions because of her poor pronunciation.hid behind her textbook and never said anything. Wei Fen,thesecret to language learning is listening to some thing interesting. 3b language,expressionswords4aSection B1c1d the new words an English language club pal2c writer doesn?t think that everyone is born with the ability to learn well.is because studies show that if you are interested insomething,your brain is more active and it is easier for you to pay attention to it fof a long time,You will also not get it or lost it:If you stop doing something,you will forget how to do makes perfect:If you dosomething again and again,you will become very good at it. learn from mistakes,and they are not afraid of making mistakes. notes by writingdown key words or by drawing mind maps. Look for ways to review what has been learnt,e g,read the notes every day or explain the information to another student.Self Check1 develop,take notes,practice,remember,until,everything,prepare,worry about2 2,6,4,1,5,7,3人教版九年级上册英语课本Unit2答案Section A1a1b2a Kong Dragon Boat Festival 2b3b 4,2,5,1,7,6,33c4a think that the Lantern Fsetival is beautiful.don?t know wheth he will come home for the festival. believe that the Water Festival is the mosrt fun.wonder if the mooncakes are delicious. exciting the races were!an interesting city(Hong Kong is)!Section B1b is popular in North America celerate Halloween onOctober 31. Yu thinks it is a fun festival.1c ,turn off,windows up,cartoon,give 2b usually think adout gifs,Christmas trees and Santa Claus. Dickens weote A Christmas Carol. true spirit of Christmas is the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to the people around us.Self Check1 between,and;lay;relatives;spresd,around;give out;business2 delicious the mooncakes are! fun will the festival be?boring this concert is! excitedIam! loud music the band played!人教版九年级上册英语课本Unit3答案Section A1b some stamps office Street a dictionaryStreet2a (2)Turn left.(1)Go to the second floor.(4)The supermarket is between the flower store Strseet2a (2)Turn left.(1)Go to the second floor.(4)The supermarkt is between the flower store and the bookstore.(3)Go past the bookstore.3a she was afreid./ Because she thought the ride looked pretty scary.She was glad that she tried it,and she found the ride fun.2. A rock band plays there every evening.restaurant is always busy,so they should get there early to get a table.Section B1c Conversation 1:a good restaurantConversation 2:public restoomsConversation 3:a good museum,history,science,children?s,art,computer2b Paragraph 1:When you visit a foreign country,it is important to know how to ask for help politely.Paragraph 2:Good speakers change the way they speak in different situations.Paragrph 3:Usually polite questions are longer.Paragrph 4:However,it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations.2cSelf Check,plan ,direct人教版九年级上册英语课本Unit4答案Section A1b ,glasses ,short hair ,curly2a Checked:frienly,brave,outgoing,silent,quiet,active2b In the past:,outgoing ,music,pianoNow:,soccer,swim3a 2,3,13b out careful4a used to watch a lot of didn?t use to watch a lot of movies.mom used to have curly didn?t use to have straight hair. used to mom used to have curly didn?t use to have straight hair. used to read books on Europan history. He didn?t use to read books on African culture. used to teach British English. She didn?t use to teach American English.Section B1c Checked: didn?t use to like tests.篇二:九年级英语_新人教版__教材课后作业答案九年级Unit14Section A3a. 1. It’s a poem.2. Missing junior high school time.3. I think the writer is a student who will graduate.3b. rings fear pass understand cool ours4a. 6 1 3 5 4 2Section B2b. 1. It’s a speech.2. The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it.3. It is for the graduating students of the school.2c. 1. They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.2. They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.3. They should thank the important people in their lives —their parents, teachers and friends—because these are the people who have helped and supported them.4. Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them.5. They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and notforget where they came from.2d. 1. none2. set out3. are thirsty for4. attend5. be proud of3b. The one person from my junior high school days thatI will never forget is Mrs. Wang, my English teacher in Grade7.When I first started Grade 7, I was shy and did not dare to speak to anyone. My English was not very good and I felt nervous when I had to answer questions in class. I would have problems speaking even though I knew the answer. I felt quite unhappy with myself.One day, Mrs. Wang spoke to me after class. She encouraged me to speak slowly. She also told me that she believed I could speak well if I practice more. I was touched by what she saidand it made me work harder on my speaking skills.Mrs. Wang continued to encourage me and I became even more confident. I improved so much that I won an English speech contest that year! I will always be grateful to Mrs. Wang for her advice and support.Self check1. I felt most excited when our class won the first prize in the schoolsports meeting.I was happy when our math teacher praised me and I worked harder than before.I felt worried when our teacher told us that she was giving us a surprise test.I was sad when I had a fight with my best friend and we didn’t talk to each other for a week.I was tired after staying up late at night to study.I felt proud when our class won the first prize in the school sports meeting.I felt shy on the first day of Grade 7 and didn’t dare to talk to anyone.2. believe remember be was thought realize have made share am look/am lookingUnit13Section A1a. noise pollution—loud music, planes, building houses, mobile phones (machines, crowds, vehicles)Air pollution—cars, factories, smoking, building houses (burning, power plants, nuclear waste disposal)Water pollution—rubbish, littering, ships, factories (sewage, industrial waste, pesticides)3a. southern China70 millionOver 90 percentWildAid and the WWF3b. 1. when2. so3. but4. although5. if4a. Have…taken, helped, considered, had…had, took, think, came, trying, wait4b. may/might, must/have to, can/should/could, can/should/could, have to, can/should/could, can/could, can/could, would/ can/ could4c. take your own shopping bags when you go shoppingTurn off the lights when you leave the roomReduce the use of air conditioners in summerGrow more plantsDon’t use itemsSection B2a. It is about how people can think of creative ways to use things that areno longer wanted.2b.2c. 1. pulled down2. put to good use3. built, out of4. set up5. known for6. not only, but also2d. rethink reuse unusual recycling building creative specially recently environmental importance protection inspiration篇三:九年级上英语书答案Module1Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world?活动4活动5根据自己的实际情况回答,此题略。
Unit 1 词汇运用专项练习 人教版九年级全一册英语(含答案)

Unit 1 词汇运用专项练习人教版九年级全一册英语(含答案)Unit 1一、根据句意、中文提示及首字母填写合适的词。
1.Lily had a short XXX.2.Tom is just a child。
so you should be patient with him.3.Can you make a XXX “if”?4.Please read loudly so that I can hear you.5.The two words look the same。
but their ns are different.6.Do you know the most popular n in 2015?7.Could you tell me your secret for a long happy life?8.Bob improves his English by doing grammar exercises.9.It is well known that XXX 1492.10.XXX’t know the meaning of the new word。
Can you tell him?11.My XXX.12.The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.13.Mary will be my partner in the next dance.14.Jessica is from XXX.15.Why do you make so many mistakes?16.Tom is a naughty boy。
He often comes up with XXX.17.When we finish studying a text。
it is XXX it.18.XXX and has a vast knowledge of history.19.As my English skills are poor。
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shake hands.
Section A 3a-3c
Learning aims
1.掌握本节单词及短语: relaxed, value, capital, noon, mad, effort; be relaxed about, drop by, after all, at noon, get/ be mad at, make aБайду номын сангаас effort...
always make plans
Language points
1. Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time. 在我们国家, 我们对时间相当宽松。
1)在这里relaxed是形容词, 意为“宽松的, 不加以约束的”, 后面常接介词about。be relaxed about 反义词组为“be serious about”
customs about
being on time it’s OK to be late
it’s important to be on time
visiting a friend’s house
drop in whenever they like
always call first
making plans don’t usually with friends make plans
They think it’s very important to be on time.
3b Listen and read the passage again ,then complete the chart with your partner
Ideas and
without doing
Before reading
let’s talk about the pictures. Here are two persons. One is a girl, and the other is a boy.
The girl is_T_e_re_s_a__L_o_p_e_z_who comes from_C__a_li_, _C_o_lo_m__b_i.a.
2.阅读短文,获得相关的信息的能力。通过 阅读练习,来提高阅读能力。
3. 了解不同国家的不同的时间观念, 加强 对中国文化的理解。
1. 对......随意______________________ Preview
2. 慌慌张张,东b奔e西re跑la_x_e_d__a_b__o_u_t_.._._____ 3.晚到一点儿___________r_u_s__h_a__ro__u_n_d_ 45..重在视我时们间 日常__生__a活_v_l中ai_tl_t_ul__ee__/__t_ha___eb__t_i_ti__m__l_ae__t_e________________ 6. 顺便访问 _________i_n_o__u_r_e_v__eryday lives 7. 计划做某事 __d_r_o_p__b_y__________
In Colombia.
Answer the questions according to the passages in 3a. 1. Is it OK if people in Colombia arrive a bit late for a
friend’s dinner? Yes, it is.
4. What are you supposed to do if you want to visit your
friends in Switzerland? I am supposed to make plans.
5. What do people in Switzerland think of time?
of clocks
and watches.
What do you know about Colombia?
It’s in South America.
It is famous for its coffee.
In which country is it OK to be 15 minutes late for dinner?
2. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.
8. 毕竟、终究 _m__a_k__e__p_l_a_n_s__t_o__d_o= plan to do
9.在正午 ______a_f_t_e_r_a_l_l__ 10. 大动肝火_a_t__n_o_o_n___________ 11. 竭尽全力做某g事e_t_m__a_d_____________ 12. 没做某事________m__a_k_e__a_n__e_ff_o_r_t to do ...
2. Who are pretty relaxed about time, Colombians or Swiss
3. Colombians usually make plans to meet friends, don’t
they? No, they don’t.
Marc Leblanc is a_s_t_u_d_e_n_t_from _L__au__s_an__n_e_, _S_w_i_tz_e_r_la_n_d_.
What do you know about Switzerland?
It’s in Europe.
My parents are relaxed about my clothes.
我的父母对我的服装不加约束。 2)relaxed还可以意为“放松的, 轻松自在的”。 You look very relaxed. Aren’t you busy now? 你看上去非常自在,难道你现在不忙吗? relax v. 放松 relaxing adj. 使人放松的,令人感到轻松的