



中考英语完成句子练习100题(附答案)1.We must work harder to study English from now on.2.Her dream is to ___ she grows up.3.You should learn how to get along with others.4.Planting trees ___.5.He is taking care of his sister.6.The students are discussing the ___.7.No matter how busy she is。

she won't give up learning English.8.___ in the next school sports meet?9.It is very important to know how to look up words in the nary when studying English.10.We often play soccer after school.11.The ten of us will go swimming。

while the rest will play volleyball on the beach.Can you tell me what time you go to school every day?26.Liu Xiang is one of the most ___.27.The people of Meizhou are ___.28.They consider the white cat as a member of their family.29.___.30.___.31.It is impolite to mock people who are in difficulty.32.Thank you for taking care of my dog.33.The manager is busy with his work.___.35.What do you think of that film/movie?36.Miss Liu teaches us Chinese.37.I did not leave until he came back.38.Would you mind turning down the volume of the。





店铺整理了中考英语完成句子练习题,欢迎阅读!中考英语完成句子练习题一1. 这两个姐妹非常相像。

The two __________are ________________.2. 王老师对她所有的学生一视同仁。

Mrs Wang treats ___________ her________________________.3. 并非所有人都喜欢音乐。

______________ the people ________________.4. 羊以草为食。

Sheep _______________________ grass.5. 鲨鱼已经存在很长时间了。

Sharks ____________________a long time.6.她让我等了半小时。

She ______________________half an hour.7. 但愿我把烟戒掉。

I ____________ I ________________________.8. 请你把收音机关小一点好吗?____________you _______your _______, ________?9. 我们需要互相学习,互相帮助。

We _______________each other and __________?10. 他的自行车需要修理。

His bike ____________________________.11. 他是个有能力的人。

He is ________________________________.12. 他终于买了属于他自己的房子。

He bought____________________________.13. 他对这次事故的发生有着不可推卸的责任。

He ___________________________the accident.14. 我哥哥十八岁时参军了。




(一)1.天太热,为什么不考虑把夹克脱掉呢?It's too hot today. Why not your jacket? (consider)2.我必须看完这本书并且在下周作一个报告。

I have to this book and give a report next week. (finish)3.她经常和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。

She often with her mom to watch movies. (stay)4.他们正开始执行这项计划。

They are this plan. (carry)5初中毕业后每个学生都有很多东西可以期待。

Each student can many things after they leave junior high school. (look) 6.英语课上,我们通常被分为几个小组练习对话。

Usually we some groups to practice conversations in English class. (divide) 7.学习怎样礼貌地提出请求很重要。

It's very important to learn how . (make)8.一旦这件事失去控制,更多的人就会遭殃。

Once it is out of control, more people trouble. (get)(二)1.过去当人们处于困境之中时,孔明灯被用作求助的信号。

Sky lanterns ask for help when people were in trouble in the past. (use) 2.你可以通过制作单词卡片来记忆单词。

You can memorize words flash cards. (make)3.要下雨了,运动会要推迟了。



完成句子1.你读得越多,你就会读得越快;________ ________ you read , ________ ________ you’ll be;2.学好英语是要花时间的;________ ________ _________To learn English well;3.因为他糟糕的英语,他面试没通过;He failed the interview________ _______ his bad English;4.当粉丝们看到贝克汉姆时,他们如此兴奋以至叫出声来;When the football fans saw Beckham,they got________ ________ _________ they cried out ;5.通过查字典我能找出生词的意思;I can find the meaning of new words t________ ________ ________ ________ in a dictionary.6.和朋友对话是个好主意,因为这将帮你提高口语;_______ ________ ________ ________ ________have conversations with friends because it will help improve your speaking.7.我认为学好英语有三个好方法;Ithink threr are three good ways _____ ______ _____ ________.8.如果你养成了好的学习方法你没必要紧张;You________ ________ ________________ ________ ________ if you develop smart Study skills.9.如果你为考试做好了充分的准备,那么就没什么可担心的了;If you prepare well for a test ,then there ‘s nothing________ ________ ________.10、他不敢在班上说英语,因为他怕犯错误;He is afraid to speak English in class,because he is ________ ________ ________ ________.11.他只关心他是否能赚更多的钱;He just _____ _____whether he can _____ ______ ______.12.这首歌带我加到我的童年;The song took me ________ ________ my childhood.13.帮助有需要的人是我们的责任;It’sd out duty to help ________ ________ ________.13.我花了大量的时间在练钢琴上,但这使我感觉厌烦;I spend lots of time________ the piano,but it makes me ________ ________.15.不知我是否能用一下你的电话I ________ ________I could use your telephone.16.上周六,我花了大约半小时的时间看这部电影;spendI____________________________________ this movie last Saturday.17.这里的食物美味又便宜;bothThe food here is ____________________________________.18.这个公园是供人们散步的好地方;takeThis park is a good place for people______________.20.我们这些天一直忙着学习如何有礼貌地问询信息;ask forWe are busy________________________politely these days.21.你能告诉我这附近有超市吗ifCould you please tell me____________________ near here22.跟父母说声“我爱你”很有必要;necessary______________________ Say“I love you”to parents.23.迄今为止,他的行为给他自己惹了很多麻烦;causeSo far,his actions_______ for himself.24.老师建议我亲自和父母谈这件事;personThe teacher advised me to talk with my parents about this______________________25.教师应当更多地留意那些成绩差的学生;payTeachedrs should ______________________ the students who get bad grades.26.最后我爸爸做了一个艰难的决定;decisionIn the end,my father______________________ . .27.他似乎在撒谎;it______________________he is telling a lie.28.我怕水,不知道如何游泳;howI am afraid of the water,I don’t know____________________29.别太担忧这些事情,它会让你很紧张的;makeDon’t worry about things so much.It will______________________30.最近几年里,我们城市发生了很大的变化;changeOur city______________________ in the last few years.31.他过去花了太多的时间在网上聊天和打游戏;timeHe used to______________________ and planying games on the Internet.32.康健是一名来自上海的十七岁学生;Kang Jian is a ______________________student______________________ Shanghai.33.他发现了一个很有趣的现象,那不是当地商店里有多商品都是中国制造的;He found ______________________that so many products in the local shops were made in China.34.他在买到篮球鞋之前为什么不得不逛了很多家商店Why did he have to visit many stores ______________________a pair of basketball shoes35.他认为中国如此擅长生产这些日用品真是太了不起了;He thinks it’s great that China is so________ at________ these everyday things.36.没有父母陪同,十八岁以下的孩子不允许看这种演出;Children rnder 18 are not ________ to watch this show________ their parents .37.在德国人们说什么语言What languae________ ________ ________ Germany38.地球表面的大部分被水覆盖;Most of the earth’s surface ________ ________ ________ water.39.这辆车由上海制造;This car ________ ________ ________ Shanghai.40.茶被农民们种在山坡上;The tea______ ______ _______ the sides of mountains by farmers.41.很多交通故因粗心驾驶引起;Many traffic accident ______ ______ _______ careless driving.42.劳拉想学放风筝;Laura wants______ ______ ______ fly a kite .43.郑云在风筝节上看到很多不同各类的风筝;Zheng Yun saw many______ ______ ______ kites at the festival.43.劳拉不知道放风筝会如此令人兴奋;Laura didn’t know ____ ____ ______could be so exciting.44.关于民间或传统艺术,比如剪纸,你知道些什么What do you know______ folk______ traditional art , ______paper cutting45.昨晚家长和学生被邀请参加学校的音乐会;Parents and students______ _____ _____ the school concert last night.46以前人们常常在遇到麻烦时放孔明灯;People ______ _____ _____out sky lanterns when they were in trouble.47.为了制作中国陶制工艺品,黏土被手工捏成各种形状,例如可爱的孩子或中国童话故事和历史故事中的人物形象;To make Chinese clay art ,the clay_______ _______ by hand_______ things such as cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales and stories.48.据说有一位叫神农的中国统治者发现了茶可以饮用;______ _________ ______a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink .49.有一天神农在篝火上烧饮用水;One day Shen Nong was boiling_____ _____ over an open fire.50.一株茶树上的几片叶子落到水里并停留了一段时间;Some leaves from a tea plant_______ ______ the water and remained there for some time .51.人们认为,茶大约在6世纪到7世纪到了朝鲜和日本;It_______ ______ that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries .52.尽管现在许多人了解茶文化在,但是中国人无疑是最懂茶内涵的人;Even though many people now know about tea culture ,the Chinese are _______ ______the ones who best understand the nature of tea .53.人们相信电脑会越来越爱欢迎;____ _____ ____that computers will be more and more popular.54.那个小男孩又一次从自行车上摔下来了;That little boy_______ ______ from the bike again.55.和朋友用英语谈话的目的是更好的学习英语;_______ ______ _____ Talking with friends in English is to learn English better.56.Lily一直梦想成为一位着名的作家;Lily always ______ ______ ______a famous writer.57.这个游戏是一个叫James的人发明的;This game______ ______ by a man ______James58.顾客说它们不够咸;The customer said they ______ ____________ .59.每年这家工厂生产很多有用的东西;Many useful things____ ______ in this factory every year.60.它被无意中发明出来了;It was invented______ ______ .61.鱼上撒的糖太多,太甜了;Tpp ,icj sigar ______ ____________the fish,It’s too sweet.63.这本书是一位名叫莫言的作家写的;The book was written ____ ____ ______ ______Mo Yan.63.几千年以后,“茶圣”陆羽在他的茶经一书里提到了神农;A few thousand years ______ ,Lu Yu,“the Saint of Tea”,______ Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing.64.中国和西方国家之间的茶叶贸易发生在19世纪;The tea trade from China to Western countries______ ______ in the 19th century .65.在6世纪到7世纪,茶被带到朝鲜和日本;Tea ______ ______to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centurise .66.我们的父母劝我们不要独自外出;Our parents______ ______ ______ ______ go out alone.67.突然发生了地震,但幸运的是是,村民们被带到了一个安全的地方;The earthquake happened _______ _______ _______ _______,but luckily the villagers were brought to a safe place.68.我认为不应该允许16岁的青少年开车;I _______ _______sixteen-year -olds should be allowed to drive.69.看到毕加索的这些着名的油画,我真的很兴奋;I’m really excited_______ _______ the famous paintings by picasso.70.我打算带上我的新相机去拍许多照片I’m going to bring my new camera_______ _______ _______ _______ photos71.你认为如果我们不用闪光灯可能被允许拍照吗Do you think we may_______ _______ to take photos if we don’t use a flash72.我很高兴今年史密斯先生选择了美术博物馆作为我们学校旅行的目的地;I’m glad Mr.Smith chose the art museum for our_______ _______ this year.73.我后悔顶嘴,不听妈妈的话;I regret _______ _______ , not listening to mom.74.当我跌倒受伤时,她给我一个拥抱并把我抱起来;When I fell and _______ _______ , she gave me a hug and lifted me up.75.当我还是一个整夜哭闹的小婴儿时,妈妈给我唱歌,陪伴在我身旁;When I was a tiny baby crying_______ _______ , my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.76.父母应该鼓励青少年为他们的社区做社会工作;Parents should _______ _______ _______ _______social work for their community.77.当我两岁的时候跑过田野时,她确保我的安全并使我远离危险;When I was two running through the field, she _____ _______I was safe and kept me from danger.78.去年夏天我有过一次在当地医院参加志愿活动的机会;Last summer I had _______ _______ _______ _______at the local hospital.chance79.做早操对我们的健康有益处; _____ morning exercises _____ _____ _____ our health.good80.教师对工作必须严格要求;Teachers must _______ _______ _______ their work.strict81.他每天花三个小时看电视;It _______ him three hours _____ _____ _____ TV every day.take82.应该允许中学生设计自己的校服Teenagers should____ ____ ___ __ their own clothes.design83.我对跑步是认真的;I’m _______ _______running.84.孩子不应允许学习驾驶;Children shouldn’t be allowed_______ _______ _______ _______.85.她酷爱跳舞,但这一爱好妨碍了她的学习;She loves dancing, but this hobby_______ _______ _______ _______ of her study.86.事实上,在学校考试中,她的成绩总是名列前茅;_______ _______ ,she always _______ _______ in the school exams.87.如果你的好朋友背地里讲你坏话,你会生气吗If your good friend you behind _______ _______ _______ _______ your back, would you be angry 88.这支铅笔不可能是刘颖的;她的钢笔是蓝色的;This pen_____ _____ Liu Ying’s ,Her pen is blue .89.那个年轻女士经学听乡村音乐;That young woman _______ _______ _______ _______90.他对这次的会议似乎忧心忡忡;He seemed to_______ _______ about the meeting.91.这是谁的足球_______ _______Is this92.足球可能还在学校教室里;The football _______ _______ _______in the classroom.93.那本法语书肯定是约瑟夫的;因为他是我们班唯一学法语的;That French book ____ ____Joseph’s. Because he is the only one who ____ ____French in our class.94.那个年轻女士一定是在跑步锻炼;The young woman_______ _______ _______ for exercise.95.老师让我们在三人一组编对话;The teacher asked us ____ _____ ____ conversations in three.96.昨天下午陈可辛接受了当地报纸的采访;Yesterday Chen Kexin _______ _______ _______by the local newspaper.97.汤姆不可能在家,我刚才在图书馆见到他了;Tom _______ _______at home .I saw him in the library just now.98.外边的噪音使这位老太太十分不高兴;The _______outside made the old woman very_______.99.我们都认为隔壁肯定有什么东西正在拜访我们小区;We all think _______ _______ _______something visiting our homes in our neighborhood.100.他喜欢把歌词唱得清晰的选手;He likes the singers _______ _______the songs _______. 101.吉姆喜欢什么样的音乐家_______ _______ _______ _______does Jim like102.我简直无法忍受太喧闹的音乐;I _______ _______music _______too loud.103.大笑两小时是放松的好方法;_______ _______ _______ _______ is a good way to relax. 104.他们正在尽力解决这些问题;They are_______ _______ _______ to _______ the problems. 105.你朋友觉得这首曲子如何How does your friend _______ _______this piece of music 106.这首二胡曲听起来像是某个人在哭泣;The erhu _______ _______ someone _______.107.为了赚钱,他像这样演奏了很多年;To _____ ______ , he _____ in this way for many years. 108.很可惜的是,总共只有五本书被找到了;_______ _______ _______ that only five books _______ _______were found.109.他喜欢不同寻常的衣服;He likes clothes _______ _______ _______ .110.在你们国家,第一次见面时你们应该做什么In your county, _____________ when you meet someone for the first time111.昨晚在保罗家的晚餐怎样____________ at Paul’s house last night112.我一到家就给你打电话;I will call you ____________ .113.我伸出手,令我惊奇的是,她吻了我的双颊;I ____my hand and ____ , she kissed me ______ . 114.那就是日本人所期望的互相打招呼的方式;That’s how people in Japan _______ each other.。




Su Bingtian ran________ ________ in this match.(2)他来自美国,但是他的中文和英语讲得一样好。

He is from America but he speaks Chinese________ ________ ________ English.(3)正如我们所知,中文是世界上用得最广泛的语言之一。

As we know, Chinese is one of_______ ______ ______used languages in the world.(4)我们越经常锻炼,我们身体越好。

________ ________we take exercise,________ ________our health will be.(5)我们相信中国正变得越来越强大。

We believe China is becoming________and________.(6)经过努力,他觉得数学比以前容易了。

He thinks that Maths is________ ________ than before after hard work.(7)这是我读过的最好的一本书。

This is________ ________ book I have ever read.(8)夏天武汉的天气比广州的更热。

The weather in Wuhan is_______ ________ ________ that in Guangzhou in summer.(9)虽然约翰比皮特大两岁,但是皮特看起来年纪更加大。

Though John is________ _______ _______ ________ Peter, Peter looks much older.(10)我的裙子不如我妺的新,所以我要妈妈给我买一条新的。






以下是店铺为大家精心准备的:中考英语完成句子练习题及答案,欢迎参考阅读!中考英语完成句子练习题及答案一11. Has everything ______________________________ (考虑)in your plan?(allow)12. The tower which looks out over the whole city is ________________________ (成为废墟)now. (ruin)13. We are sorry to arrive late, but the car ____________________________ (坏了).(break)14. When and where to build the factory _____________________ (未决定)yet. (decide)15. He said life wouldn’t________________________(值得活) without friendship.(worth)16. She meant to change her job, but it ___________________(并非意味着放弃)her dream. (give )17. At the voice of crying for help, he ________________________(径直朝入口奔去) the entrance. (make)18. George would like to _____________________ (参与)arranging the entertainment. (hand)19. We had this party _______________________________ (纪念)the famous artist.(honour)20. The modern scientific development has ____________________________(使……清楚) this question.(throw) 参考答案11. been allowed for12. in ruins13. broke down14. has not been decided15. be worth living16. doesn’t mean giving up17. made a beeline for18. have a hand in19 . in honour of20. thrown light on中考英语完成句子练习题及答案二11. Last summer I took a course ___________________________(有关如何应对) poisonous gases if any. (deal)12. _______________________ (无论他处于多么困难的境地), he never lost confidence and was always optimistic about the future life. (difficult)13. _____________________ (毫无疑问) the competition is fierce and challenging. (doubt).14. The earthquake destroyed most houses in the village. How are they going to ________ (度过)the winter? (get)15. In 1769, James Cook ______________________________ (占据) New Zealand and since then great changes have taken place there. (possession )16. The sports meeting has to ______________________ (取消) because of the heavy rain.(call )17. The Chinese nation has ____________________________ (产生) many national heroes and revolutionary leaders. (birth)18. Born in England, he ___________________ (有优势) her in spoken English. (advantage)19. The other day I was walking along the beach when______________________(突然) I heard someone calling for help.(sudden)20.Whenever he was absorbed in reading books, nothing can ________________________ (吸引他的注意力) . (draw)参考答案11. on how to deal with12. Whatever difficult situation he was in13. There’s no doubt( that)14. get through15. took possession of16.be called off17. given birth to18. has an advantage over19. all of a sudden /suddenly20. draw his attention中考英语完成句子练习题及答案三11. Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as________________________________________(他长大后成为什么样的人). (grow)12. Come here and I will ____________________________(悄悄地告诉你答案). (whisper)13. Choosing what to eat is no longer as hard as before, butI still________________________. (建议你多吃健康食品) (advise)14. _______________________(只有这样中国才能) stand among the most powerful countries in the world. (only)15. Nowadays all I want to do is to try _______________________. (说服他戒烟) (argue)16. I __________________________(觉得没有必要) to purchaseplenty of food for the Spring Festival. (necessary)17. Society is developing, ______________________________(我们的思想也一样). (think)18. _____________________________(保持健康) can ensure you to do everything well. (fit).19. John ______________________ (太高兴了) that he wanted to find someone to drink with. (delight).20. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks____________________________(好象它是断了一样). (break)参考答案11. what he grows up to be12. whisper the answer in your ear13. advise you to have more healthy food14. Only in this way can China15. to argue him out of smoking16. don’t think it necessary17. so is our thinking18. Keeping fit19. was so delighted20. as if it were broken。



九年级英语完成句子专练1.令我惊奇的是,他已经改变了他的生活_____ my surprise,he has _____ _____ _____ already.2.在最后,全体人员作出了一个艰难的决定。

_____ _____ _____ ,the staff made a diffcult _____.3从今年开始,学生们不再为他们的学习担心了。

From this year on students won't _____ _____ thier study _____ _____.4中国政府要求人们注意保护环境The Chinese government asks people to _____ _____ _____ protecting the evironment.5爸爸已经决定戒烟了Father has _____ _____ _____ _____smoking.6. 尽管我学习不好,但我从未放弃过。

___________I didn’t do well in my lessons, I _________ gave up.7. 鲍勃将跳远的世界纪录保持了多久?How long did Bob __________ the world __________ in the long jump?8. 听到那悲伤的消息,他忍不住哭了。

He couldn’t ________ ________ when he heard the sad news.9. 当我到达火车站时火车已经开走了。

The train ________ ________ when I got to the train station.10. 如果每个人都能为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好。

The world will become much more beautiful if everyone ________ a contribution to ________ the environment.11. 我们应该排队等候上公共汽车。





I _____ _____ _____ _____ my friends from college all the time.2。

我哥哥去游泳了.My brother has _____ _____.3.在过去的十年我们国家取得了巨大进步。

Our country has _____ great _____ in the past ten years。

4.我虽然没时间去旅游,但是仍然觉得这个假期很愉快._____ I had no time _____ travel, I still felt very happy this holiday。

5.为了养家糊口,她不得不放弃了学业._____ _____ _____ support her family, she has to drop school.6.我想阻止她抓那个球,但是她没有听到。

I want to _____ her _____ _____ the ball, but she didn’t hear me。


打电脑游戏不但耗费时间,而且有害健康.Playing computer games not only takes much time but also is _____ _____ _____。


I would like tea _____ _____coffee。



My uncle _____ _____ _____ _____ his hometown for quite a few years.10。

你知道印度人口比美国的还多吗?Do you know that the population of India is _____ than _____ of America?11.你们是怎样处理塑料袋的?How do you deal with _____ _____?12.那个小女孩的父母决定待在家里不出去了。




Now many animals and plant_______ _______ _______ every year.2.他喜欢每天出去散散步。

He likes_______ _______ _______ _______ every day.3.他的书法和我弟弟的一样好。

His handwriting is_______ _______ _______ my brother’s.4.动物白天通常隐藏才树丛里。

The animals usually hide among the trees_______ _______ _______.5.足够的睡眠对我们很重要。

Having enough sleep_______ _______ _______ us.6.我弟弟吃掉了剩下的饼干。

My brother ate_______ _______ _______the cookies.7.菜虫向我挑战赛跑。

Caichong_______ _______ _______ a race.8.我正盼望着你来呢。

I am_______ _______ _______ your coming.9.亚运会将在广州举行,我们为此而自豪。

The Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, we ______ all ______ ____ it.10.父母都不允许我们在考试前看电视。

We ____ _____ ______ _____ watch TV before the exams by our parents.11.今天天气多么好啊!_______ ________ _________ it is!12.我觉得和长者谈话事很有帮助的。

I think _______ ________ to _______ ________ the old people.13.我们当中没有人去过非洲。



中考完成句子专项练习1.你为什么不把它写下来呢?Why don’t you ________it_________?2.我认为每个人都应该有一个笔友并且互相发送电子邮件。

I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to ________ _________.3.祝你玩得愉快。

Just __________ _________4.从北京机场起飞在伦敦降落。

________ ________ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London .5.他的父母亲生病了,他不得不照顾他们。

His parents have been ill and he has to _______ _______them..6.大多数的中国人都听说过希望工程并且都捐资。

Most people in China have ________ ________ project hope and have given money. 7.那究竟是什么?What _______ ________is that?8.突然,我房子中的所有灯都熄灭了。

Suddenly, all the lights in my house ________ ________.9.美国人接触不多,但他们第一次见面时互相握手。

Americans don’t touch people a lot, but they _______ ________ with each other when they first meet.10.让我们找出我们能做什么来保存它们。

Let’s _______ ________ what we can do to save them.11.他们以竹子为主食并且每只熊猫每天需要吃很多。

They mainly_____ _____ bamboo, and each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day .12.例如,熊猫主要吃竹子。




The police have ______________ who stole the woman’s necklace. (find)2.木兰打扮得像一个男孩,代替父亲去参军打仗。

Mulan ____________________ a boy and took her father’s place to fight in the army. ( dress )3.这本书与电脑有关。

The book __________________________ computers. ( have )4.她并没有参与做出此决定。

She didn’t ______________________ making this decision. ( play )5.我们才仅仅完成工作的一部分。

We are still only ________________________ the job. ( halfway)6.你愿意和我们在周一晚上闲逛吗?Can you ___________ with us on Monday night? (hang)7.过去的几年中国发生了巨大的变化。

Great changes _________________ in China in the past few years. (take)8.我们做任何决定之前必须认真思考。

We must ________________ before we make any decision. ( think)9.如今多亏了互联网,我们在家里就能买到我们想要买的东西。

Today,_____________ the Internet, we can do all our shopping from home. (thank) 10.医生叫我躺下休息两天。

The doctor asked me ______________ and rest for two days. (lie)11.你似乎发烧了,为什么不量量你的体温?You seem to have a fever! Why not _________________________ ? (take)12.我总是帮助老师分发试卷。




He often Chinese on weekends.2.我认为水立方和鸟巢一样美丽。

I think that Water Cube is Bird’s Nest.3.爱丽丝擅长跳舞。


Alice . She wants to be a dancer in the future.4.哈利·波特的故事真有意思,我们都喜欢它。

The story of Harry Porter is we all like it.5.北京有许多名胜古迹。

many places of interest in Beijing.6.请继续您的实验吧。

Please your experiment.7.读书不仅能帮助我们获取知识而且能使我们聪明。

Reading books can help us get knowledge make us clever.8.雪与棉花不同。

Snow cotton.9.今天既不冷也不热。

我们去公园野餐吧It is cold hot. for a picnic in a park.10.许多中国人以宇航员杨利伟为自豪。

Many Chinese people Yang Liwei, astronaut.11.虽然史密斯先生对我们严格要求,但是我们都喜欢他。

Though Mr. Smith us, we all like him very much.12.我不喜欢这些T恤衫。


I don’t like these T-shirts. They are too long too short.13.我昨天一到伦敦就给爸爸发邮件了。

I sent an e-mail to Dad I London yesterday.14.这个手机太久了不能用了。

The mobile phone is use.15.奥林匹克运动会每四年举办一次。



中考英语专项练习-完成句子9,10(有答案)(9 )1. 今天多么冷呀!快穿上衣服。

______ ______ it is today! Put on your coat now.2. 踢足球后,他太兴奋了以致睡不着。

After the football game ,he was _____ excited ____ he couldn’t sleep.3. 我们必须在午饭前自己完成这项工作。

The work ____ _____ _____ by ourselves before lunch.4. 今年暑假,你决定去哪里度假了吗?Have you decided _____ ___________ your holiday this summer?5. 爸爸每个周末都来学校接我。

My father comes to my school and_____ _____ _____ every weekend.6. 你帮助我学英语,你真是太好了!______ _______ ______ you ________ help me with English.7. 他听到这个消息后似乎很开心。

He _____ ______ when he heard the news.1. How cold2. so…..that3.must be finifshed / completed4.where to spend / where you’ll spend5. picks me up6. It’s nice of, to7. seemed happy(10)1. 父母经常住阻止孩子们玩电脑。

Parents always __________ their children __________ __________ computer games.2. 学生每天至少要花一个小时锻炼。

It __________ students at least an hour __________ __________ exercise everyday.3. 杭州市一座多么漂亮的城市啊!每年很多世界各地的旅客都来这里。



中考高频完成句子110 题附答案及提示完成句子练习一as soon as…(not) as/so…as…as… as possibleask sb. for sth ask / tell sb (how) to do sth.1、昨天他一写完作业就去游泳了。

He went swimming he finished his homework yesterday.2、我一到家就给你打电话。

I will call you ? I get home_.3、我和她一样忙。

I am she is.4、Lucy 不如Lily 漂亮。

ucy is not Lily.5、我会尽快去看我妈妈的。

I will go to see my mother _ .6、昨天他尽早地洗完了衣服。

Yesterday, he finished doing the washing .7、如果你有问题,请向警察求助。

If you have any questions, please the police .8、请不要再向你父母要钱了。

Please don’t your parents .9、她妈妈问她怎样玩游戏。

Her mother her -.10、请你告诉我怎样解出这道题,好吗?Could you please how to solve this problem?11、我妈妈总是叫我一放学就回家。

My mother is always telling me to go home .12、我爸爸一到上海就去参观东方明珠。

My father will visit Oriental Pearl TV Tower Shanghai.13、我妹妹和我跑的一样快。

My sister runs me.14、Lucy 不如Tom 到校早。

Lucy doesn’t get to school .15、她会尽可能认真写作业的。

She will do her homework .16、你要尽可能努力地学习英语。




Schoollife is like2.在课堂上,尼克尝试又安装了一盏灯。


4.DIY代表do –it-yourself,当你做DIY工作时,你自己制作、修理或装饰东西。



7. 我表弟对魔术很着迷。



models.10.当我在英语方面有困难时,你愿意帮助我吗?11. 我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。

12. 这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。

13.Andrew尝试安装一个更亮的灯在卧室, 但是他犯了一个错误。

14.有了你的支持, 我们一定会赢得这次比赛。





19.桥是用钢建成的, 不是吗?20.爸爸乐意自学如何使用电脑。


22. ---你能提供我一些工具吗?---当然,但你最好使用时小心一点。

---Of course. But you23. 我的新朋友很有幽默感,并且是我们班最有耐心的。

25. 这些足球迷们为他们最喜欢的队伍加油,有他们的支持,这支足球队最终赢得了比赛。

26.当我难过的时候,Nick 总是能让我大笑。





Amy.31. 当他们到达农场时,他们迫不及待地往篮子里装蔬菜。

32. 这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。




初三中考英语完成句子练习题附答案My sister likes to read books .Answer: before going to bed.I will not be able to attend the meeting .Answer: because I have a doctor's appointment.The teacher praised the student .Answer: for his excellent performance in the exam.I'm looking forward to my grandparents this weekend. Answer: seeingThe movie by many people yesterday evening.Answer: was watchedthe weather was bad, we still decided to go to the beach. Answer: AlthoughMy parents always encourage me my dreams.Answer: to pursueThe children a lot of energy, so they need to play outside. Answer: haveI to the gym every morning before work.Answer: goThe concert last night was amazing.Answer: that we went toThe company a new product next month.Answer: will launchShe a cake for her friend's birthday party.Answer: is bakingThe students the teacher's instructions carefully.Answer: listened toI hope you can to my party next week.Answer: comeThe flowers in the garden beautifully in the spring.Answer: bloomThe athlete the world record in the 100-meter dash.Answer: brokeI my phone at home this morning.Answer: forgotMy father usually up early to go for a run.Answer: getsThe new restaurant in town very popular.Answer: has becomeI love novels in my free time.Answer: readingThe teacher asked the students their homework by Friday. Answer: to finishI you to be careful when you're driving.Answer: adviseThe plane off on time and arrived early.Answer: tookThe children were excited the amusement park for the first time. Answer: to visitThe company a big profit last year.Answer: madeI you to be honest with me.Answer: expectThe puppy its tail when it saw its owner.Answer: waggedThe teacher the students for their hard work.Answer: praisedThe artist a beautiful painting of the countryside.Answer: paintedThe weather to be nice this weekend.Answer: looksMy friend and I to the beach next week.Answer: are goingHe his keys in his pocket.Answer: foundThe doctor the patient's health carefully.Answer: monitoredThe students a lot of progress this semester.Answer: have madeThe concert place in the park on Saturday night. Answer: will takeThe scientist a breakthrough in cancer research. Answer: madeThe restaurant a variety of dishes to choose from. Answer: offersThe cat on the windowsill and watched the birds outside. Answer: satThe company a new CEO last month.Answer: hiredThe children excited about the upcoming trip to the zoo. Answer: areI the book last night and really enjoyed it.Answer: readThe teacher the students' essays and provided feedback. Answer: readThe flowers in the vase to wilt after a few days. Answer: beganThe plane at the airport at midnight.Answer: landedThe puppy its owner and jumped up to lick his face. Answer: recognizedThe students the math problems on the blackboard. Answer: solvedThe company a new product line next year.Answer: plans to launchThe movie by millions of people around the world. Answer: has been watchedThe artist a lot of time and effort into creating the sculpture. Answer: putThe weather unpredictable this time of year.Answer: isMy sister an amazing job on her science project.Answer: didThe children fun playing in the park.Answer: hadI to visit my grandmother next month.Answer: planThe dog the ball and brought it back to its owner. Answer: fetchedThe teacher a lot of patience with her students.Answer: hasThe company a lot of money on marketing campaigns. Answer: spendsThe car smoothly on the highway.Answer: droveThe students the class with a song.Answer: endedThe company a strict dress code for its employees.Answer: hasThe weather cold and rainy today.Answer: isThe athlete a gold medal at the Olympics.Answer: wonThe children the playground for hours.Answer: playedI you to be careful when you cross the street.Answer: remindThe restaurant a special promotion for the holidays.Answer: hasThe artist a portrait of his wife.Answer: drewThe weather sunny and warm yesterday.Answer: wasThe company an eco-friendly policy.Answer: hasThe students their teacher for her kindness.Answer: thankedThe car a lot of gas to run.Answer: usesThe children their parents for taking them to the amusement park. Answer: thankedI my friend's house last night for dinner.Answer: visitedThe teacher the students for their creativity.Answer: praisedThe company a lot of positive feedback from its customers. Answer: receivedThe weather cold and windy this morning.Answer: isThe athlete a new record in the long jump.Answer: setThe children excited about the upcoming Christmas party. Answer: areI my car to the mechanic for repairs.Answer: tookThe teacher a quiz to test the students' knowledge.Answer: gaveThe company a lot of research before launching its new product. Answer: didThe weather perfect for a picnic in the park.Answer: wasThe students the science experiment with great care.Answer: conductedThe restaurant a diverse menu to cater to different tastes. Answer: hasThe artist a series of paintings inspired by nature.Answer: createdThe weather unpredictable in the spring.Answer: isThe company a lot of money on improving its services. Answer: spendsThe children excited to meet their new teacher.Answer: wereI my friend's advice and applied for the job.Answer: followedThe teacher the students to work in pairs on the project. Answer: askedThe company a strict policy against discrimination. Answer: hasThe weather hot and humid in the summer.Answer: isThe athlete a lot of practice to prepare for the competition. Answer: didThe children their homework before going to bed. Answer: finishedI my glasses on the table and couldn't find them. Answer: leftThe teacher the students to be respectful to each other. Answer: remindedThe company a lot of effort into training its employees. Answer: putsThe weather chilly and overcast today.Answer: isThe artist a sculpture of a horse out of bronze.Answer: madeThe company a lot of innovation into its products. Answer: putsThe children excited to go on a field trip to the zoo. Answer: areI my friend's birthday party last night and had a great time. Answer: attended。




(add)He the soup.2.我想知道你是否会同意我的意见。

(agree)I wonder if you me.3.当杰克一到达机场我就会给你打电话。

(arrive)I’ll call you as soon as Jack the airport.4.他的两个妹妹在五岁时就会讲英语。

(be)His two sisters speak English at the age of five.5.最近我父亲一直忙于他的新项目。

(be)Recently my father his new project.6.汤姆虽然出生在纽约,但是长大在北京。

(be)Tom New York, but in Beijing. 7.吃大量的蔬菜对我们的身体有好处。

(be)Eating lots of vegetables our health.8.我过去常常害怕当众讲话。

(be)I speaking in front of people.9.昨晚大雪之后,地面上覆盖上了厚厚的积雪。

(be)The ground thick snow after a heavy snow last night.10.在我们回家的路上车子出了故障。

(break)The car on our way home.11.无论发生什么,我都不会改变主意。

(change)I whatever happens.12.北京的天气与深圳的天气完全不同。

(be)The weather in Beijing that in Shenzhen.13.正如我们所知道的,橙子富含维生素C。

(be)As we know, oranges Vitamin C.14.三个月前,利萨的爷爷死于肺癌。

(die)Lisa’s grandpa lung cancer three months ago.15.那块蛋糕被分成了四块,每个孩子得到了一块。

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Come on, children. to have lunch.2. 六点钟了,该吃晚饭了。

It’s six o’clock. supper.3. 莉莉,七点了,该起床了。

It’s seven o’clock, Lily._________________________.4. 她遇到了很大的麻烦。


She is now in great trouble. .5. 都来了,咱们开会吧。

Everyone is here. a meeting.6. 奥运会快来了。

让我们为它做点什么吧!The Olympics are coming . ________________________ something for them.7. 博物馆很近,为什么不走着去呢?The museum is quite near. __________________?8. 干嘛不给他买本英文字典?他太需要了。

____________________ him an English dictionary? He is in great need of it.9. 今天天气很热, 为什么不和我们一起去游泳呢?It's very hot today. ________________________ swimming with us?10. 我今天没有时间去看望他们。

明天怎么样?I have no time to see them today. ?11. 明天是星期天,去参观“鸟巢”怎么样?Tomorrow is Sunday. _________________________ visiting the Bird Nest?12. 我觉得数学和物理一样有趣。

I think maths is ________________________________ physics.13.聚会一小时以后开始,孩子们正忙着打扫教室。

The party will begin in an hour. The children ________________________the classroom.14.他正忙于备战中考。

He the Senior High School Entrance Examination.15.我国体育健儿正忙于准备2008年北京奥运会.The Chinese players the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.16.我一到那儿就把这个MP4给他。

I’ll give him this MP4___________________________I get there.17.你一到上海就给我打个电话好吗?Will you please call me you get to Shanghai?18. 我很高兴他昨天一到那里就给我打电话了。

I’m glad that he called me up he got there yesterday. 19. 这架照相机太旧,不能用了。

The camera is .20. 这些孩子太小了不适合看那部电影。

The children are see that movie.21. 昨天因为交通拥堵,他们开会迟到了。

the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday. 22. 林涛昨天上学迟到了。

Lin Tao _______________________ school yesterday.23. 吃太多的肉对你的身体没好处。

______________________ your health to eat too much meat.24. 尼克,不要睡得太晚。


Don’t sleep too late.your health.25. 多吃水果有益健康。

Eating more fruit ______________________ health.26. 我的电脑坏了,你能帮我修一下吗?________________________________my computer. Could you help me mend it? 27. 我的手机出毛病了,没法用了。

________________________ my cell phone and I can’t use it now.28.你昨晚没有去参加聚会。

你怎么了?You didn’t go to the party yesterday evening. ____________________________? 29. 你看起来累了。

怎么了?You look tired. ________________________________________?30. 今天既不冷也不热,我们去公园野餐吧。

It is ____________________ . Let’s go for a picnic in a park.31. 我每天步行去上班只须10分钟.It _______________________________ to office every day.32. 昨晚我用了两个小时做作业。

________________________________to do my homework yesterday evening.33. 直到我到了国家大剧院,才看见我爸爸。

______________________________ I reached the National Grand Theatre.34. 李明昨天直到妈妈回来才上床睡觉。

Li Ming ___________________________his mother came back yesterday.35. 今天早上直到九点他才起床。

He ____________________________ nine o’clock this morning.36. 她爸爸非常生气,因为她昨天夜里11点才回来。

Her father was very angry because she 11 o’cloc k last night.37. 我父亲总是把业余时间都花在绘画上。

My father often _______________________________.38.很抱歉让你久等了。

I ___________________________ for a long time.39. 这个七岁的小女孩酷爱弹钢琴,以致于她已经坚持练琴两年了。

The seven-year-old girl likes playing the piano _________________________for two years.40. 他过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。

____________________________________he was not interested in his lessons..41. “鸟巢”很美,我们都想尽快去参观。

The Bird Nest is ________________________ all of us want to visit it as soon as possible.42. 我们昨天有那么多的作业,我们用了三个小时才完成它。

We__________________________________ doing it yesterday.43. 他对集邮很感兴趣,为此花费了大量的时间。

He is a lot of time on it.44. 他到车站太晚了,没有赶上那趟火车。

He reached the station__________________________________________.45. 李毅酷爱英语,每逢星期天他都会花很多时间用英语和外国人交谈。

Li Yi with foreigners in English on Sundays.46. 李老师病情严重,但仍坚持工作。


Mrs. Li is seriously ill, but she still keeps working.I’m afraid_____________________________________.47. 我们每天锻炼一小时很重要。

_____________________________________exercise an hour a day.48. 对每个人来说,遵守交通规则很重要。

________________________________________to obey the traffic rules.49. 李雷不但学习好,而且与同学们相处得也很好。

Li Lei___________________________________________.50. 如果你想学好英语,你不仅应该多做阅读,而且还应该坚持用英语和别人谈话。

If you want to learn English well, you should _________________________________ ________________________________in English.中考英语完成句子精选答案1.It’s time2.It’s time for3.It’s time to get up4.Let’s help her5.Let’s have6.Let’s do7.Why not go there on foot/Why not walk there8.Why not buy9.Why not go10.What/How about tomorrow11.What/How about12.as interesting as13.are busy cleaning14.is busy preparing/getting ready for15.are busy getting ready for16.as soon as17.as soon as18.as soon as19.too old to use20.too young to21.They were late for22.was late for23.It’s bad for24.It’s bad for25.is good for26.There is something wrong with/Something is wrong with27.There is something wrong with28.What was wrong with you/What was the matter with you29.What’s wrong/What’s the matter30.neither cold nor hot31.takes me only 10 minutes to walk32.It took me two hours33.I didn’t see my father until34.didn’t go to bed until35.didn’t get up until36.didn’t come back until37.spends all his free time drawing38.am sorry to keep you waiting39.so much that she has kept practising40.He spent so much time playing computer games that41.so beautiful that42.had so much homework to do that we spent three hours finishing43.so interested in collecting stamps that he spends44.too late to catch the train/so late that he couldn’t catch the tr ain45.loves English so much that he spends lots of time talking46.it’s impossible to make him rest in bed47.It’s important for us to48.It’s important for everyone49.not only does well in his lessons but also gets on well with his classmates50.not only read a lot but also keep on talking with others。
