

rose 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花ppt课件

rose 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花ppt课件
• Emily was denied love, the title has an ironic meaning.
Setting, time and major characters
• Setting : The town of Jefferson ---- the county seat of Yoknapatawpha
•Section 1
• Emily's funeral as a big event • the house and her
distinguished family • tax incident & the visit by the
The Gothic House
•Section 2
• Time : no clear time clues, using flashback. • Major characters : Emily, her father and her
lover Homer, the people of the town • Minor characters : Colonel Sartoris , Judge
• A rose for somebody can also mean a kind of memorial, an offering, in memory of somebody.
• A bizarre story of love, death, honor, pride, change and loss.
•Section 4
• widespread rumors in the town • the absolute reclusive life of Emily

a rose for emily.ppt

a rose for emily.ppt

Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England (2002) The hall that inspired the creation of thornfield hall
Wuthering Heights
Southern Gothic is a subgenre of the Gothic style, unique to Amecican literature. Like its parent genre, it relies on supernatural, ironic, or unusual events to guide the plot. Unlike its predecessor, it uses these tools not for the sake of suspense (悬 念), but to explore social issues and reveal the cultural character of the American South.
In an extended sense, many novels that do not have a medievalized setting, but which share a comparably sinister (threatening), grotesque (strange), or mysterious atmosphere have been classed as Gothic.
However, Faulkner spent much of his time observing ordinary townspeople as well, and this is why he was able to capture the voice of the common people of Jefferson in the character of the narrator.

rose 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花 (课堂PPT)

rose 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花 (课堂PPT)
A Picture of Yoknapatawpha County
1. Ca circa .1855: Miss Emily is born to the richest family of slave-owners in town.
2. 1861-1865: the American Civil War, Confederate troops from here commanded by Col. Sartoris.
10. ca.1929-1930: Miss Emily dies at the age of 74.
•Section 1
• Emily's funeral as a big event • the house and her
distinguished family • tax incident & the visit by the
"for his powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel"
The meaning of the title:what does a rose symbolize?
• A rose symbolizing love and a pledge of faithfulness.
• Time : no clear time clues, using flashback. • Major characters : Emily, her father and her
lover Homer, the people of the town • Minor characters : Colonel Sartoris , olonel Sartoris, as mayor of the town , exempts Miss Emily from taxes for life.


1、第26----29节,以小镇人的口吻叙述了爱米丽和她父亲之间发 生的一些事情,从这些叙述中,你能猜测出其父亲的性格特征吗? 他父亲的性格和对待她的方式对爱米丽一生有什么影响?文中两次 提到爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像,有什么特殊的意义吗?
明确:小镇人把格尔里森一家看做一幅画中的人物: “身段苗条……嵌住了他们俩的身影”也许人们认为: 她父亲的性格仿佛太恶毒、太狂暴,使她一生都平添波 折。父亲的专横庇护使年轻的爱米丽失去了正常的情感 生活,逐渐成长为孤傲专制的南方贵族传统的标准继承 者。
•思考: 1、文中提到的小镇为什说是美国南方的呢 ?试着找依据
• 第2节----南北战争无名军人墓 • 第3节-----对黑人妇女下的令 第31、32节-----北方佬
• 2、小说对小镇客观环境的描写极少, 但我们能感受到浓郁的小镇风情,这 种风情是通过什么传达出来的呢?
• 爱米丽小姐是南方贵族的代表,也是被南方贵族传统所 束缚、禁锢的牺牲品,所以作者用“玫瑰花”表达对她 以及和她一样的女性的同情。
叙述视角:在《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中,福克纳巧 妙地使用了“零聚焦”和“内聚焦”叙事视角,并通过两 类视角的转换取得了让人意想不到的效果
• A、时序颠倒的手法

A_Rose_for_Emily PPT演示课件

A_Rose_for_Emily PPT演示课件

• Ca circa .1855: Miss Emily is born to the richest family of slave-owners in town. • 1861-1865: the American Civil War, Confederate troops from here commanded by Col. Sartoris. • 1870:Mr.Grierson, Miss Emily's Father, has the family house built in Gothic revival style • ca.1886:Mr.Grierson dies; Miss Emily's inheritance is only the house; she is over 30. • ca.1887:Homer Barron, Northern construction foreman, arrives; he and Miss Emily start courting. • ca.1888:Homer Barron is seen no more; the smell in the house is • noticed. • 1894: Young Colonel dies. • ca.1919:Young Colonel dies. • ca.1927-1928: The tax delegation visits Miss Emily. • ca.1929-1930: Miss Emily dies at the age of 74.
place him among the rank of the greatest modern writers along with James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.


The author
The Themes The Plots The Background
William Cuthbert Faulkner (born Falkner, September 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962),
also known as Will Faulkner, was an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate from Oxford, Mississippi.
Estelle Oldham (1929–1962)
The details
Atmosphere Suffocating, or Depression Theme Love Tragedy Character Miss Emily is a mysterious and arrogant woman. Emily is totally a tragedy of the old traditions. She is a prisoner of the past, of the social and moral taboos of the South. Not only because she purely a woman, but also the stubborn conventions manacle her that result in her frustrated life
In 1998, the Modern Library ranked his 1929 novel The Sound and the Fury sixth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century; also on the list were As I Lay Dying (1930) and Light in August (1932).Absalom, Absalom! (1936)is often included on Similar lists.

A Rose for Emily 课件

A Rose for Emily 课件

Fiction(小说) novel, storybooks and stories about imaginative people and eventsFiction: invention, imaginationFictional, fictitious(invented, not real)1.Plot: What happened?2.------the arrangement of events that make up a story------a sequence of incidents that bear significant causal relationship to each other.Exposition (background inf, character introduction)Complication (intensification, rising actions)Crisis (moment of great tension), crisis (turning point)resolution(denouement)Why attracted or delighted by plot?(intriguing, intense mystery stories; detective stories)----The writer controls our emotional responses by plot, varying the tempo, preparing us reversals and surprises.----The events are ordered with a view to both the overall meaning and the responses of the readers3.Character: What happened to them?----imaginary peopleWhile reading, we identify with them; we judge them1)major and minor character (role )hero, heroine; protagonist, antagonist2)dynamic and static character (development, change)3)3) Flat character and round character(content of character)扁平人物: one-dimesional; who represents a single characteristic, trait or idea; type character; sometimes distorted to create humor, as caricatures单一,突出,鲜明,某一性格特征始终如一,稳定性极强。



This masterpiece reflects the decline of the southern society and reveals the conflicts Between the two different value systems and two Societies after the American Civil war. Emily is an embodiment of the south, the old and tradition. As an individual, we can only adapt ourselves to the protean environment and should learn to Accept new things. Only when we keep learning everyday can we survive in this world which is full of competition.
away and coming; Emily bought the rat poison.
B. Emily was sick for long, later she was in love.
C. The smell from Emily ’s house (from the rotten
body); Emily ’s hair turning gray, her door closed;
When does it happen? It happened in19 century, after the American Civil War. Where does the story happen? The story is set in the southern town of Jefferson.



探索福克纳独特的文本结构 和富有意义的主题。
深入思考作品对人性、社会 等方面的启示和反思。
该小说设定在美国南方的农村小镇,时间跨度较长,从南北战争结束到20世 纪初。时代背景对于理解小说中人物和事件的发展具有重要意义。
《A Ro se for Em ily》通过揭示死亡与失落、时间与记忆、福音与史诗以及传统与现代等主题,探 索了人性与社会的深层意义。
2 社会角色
作品中的各个角色代表了社会中不同的 角色和立场。3 Nhomakorabea谱与身份证明
4 地方主义
福克纳通过家族的传承和身份的变迁, 展示了南方社会的特点。
小说通过描绘特定的地理环境,传达了 美国南方社会的独特性。
深入了解福克纳的生平和创 作背景,认识他作品的艺术 魅力。
探讨作品中的人性、社会角色、族谱与身 份证明以及地方主义等相关议题。
威廉·福克纳,美国作家,被誉为20世纪最重要的小说家之一。他以诙谐和冷漠的笔调描绘了美国 南方的底层人物和衰落的家族。
《A Ro se for Em ily》是福克纳最著名的短篇小说之一。故事以小镇上一个神 秘女子的一生为线索,探讨了人性、时代变迁和家族的衰败。
小说中探讨了死亡与失落对个体和社会的 影响。
《A Ro se for Em ily》融合了福音和史诗 元素,突出了小说的宏大主题。
福克纳通过时间的错综复杂关系,探索了 记忆对人生的重要性。



福克纳的写作风格独特,语言细腻、 刻画深入,对人物心理和南方社会的 描绘尤为出色。
福克纳的写作技巧使得故事情节紧凑 、引人入胜,人物形象鲜明,为读者 带来了深刻的阅读体验。
小说主题包括孤独、执着、爱情和社会冷漠等,这些主题在故事中交织在一起 ,引发读者深思。
福克纳的语言风格独特,质朴自然,贴近生活,让读者感受到浓 厚的生活气息。
福克纳在《A Rose for Emily》中通过将过去与现在交织在一起, 展现了时间的流逝和变迁。
福克纳通过细腻的描写,构建了一个具体而富有象征意义的场景, 为故事的发展提供了背景和舞台。
福克纳善于运用隐喻和象征手法,通过具体的意象和事物暗示抽象的概念和情感,使作品 更具艺术感染力。
福克纳在作品中运用了大量的方言和土语,展现了当地人的生活 和语言习惯,增强了作品的地域色彩。
福克纳善于运用长句和复杂句,使语言更加丰富和有层次感,同 时表达了人物内心的复杂情感。
Emily成长在一个严格的 家庭环境中,受到父母和 家族长辈的管束和期望。
Emily接受了传统的南方 教育,注重礼仪、文化和 家族荣誉。
Emily与Homer在一次社 交场合相识,两人彼此吸 引,开始秘密交往。
随着时间的推移,两人的 感情逐渐加深,但Homer 的性格和家庭背景让他们 的恋情充满曲折。

a rose for emily 解析ppt课件

a rose for emily  解析ppt课件
The plot of the story evolves around many conflicts: the conflicts between Miss Emily and her father the conflict between Miss Emily and the town, the established codes of conduct the conflict between Miss Emily and Homer Barron, the conflict between the South and the North the conflict between the past and the present.
for his novels and short stories, many of which are set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, a setting Faulkner created based on 3
Lafayette County, where he spent most of his life, and Holly Springs/Marshall County.[1]
Notable work(s) The Sound and the Fury As I Lay Dying Light in August Absalom, Absalom! A Rose for Emily
Nobel Prize in Literature1949
1930s, Faulkner was relatively unknown until receiving the 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature. Two of his works, A Fable (1954) and his last novel The Reivers (1962), won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.[2]

A Rose for Emily《给艾米丽的玫瑰》 PPT

A Rose for Emily《给艾米丽的玫瑰》 PPT

落后、非人性的南方文化在文明的现代化面前崩溃的必然性;文明取 代野蛮、进步战胜落后的不可抗拒性。艾米丽的悲剧除了个人性格的 悲剧外,更多的来自于社会、时代和民族的悲剧,爱米丽之死标志着 南方习俗文化的终结,喻示着一个新的文明时代的开启。
2 Before the Civil War 南北战争之前
Transportation:was easier in the North, which boasted more than two-thirds of the railroad tracks in the country and the economy was on an upswing.
Education:Northern children were slightly more prone to attend school than Southern children.
Between 1800 and 1860, the percentage of laborers working in agricultural pursuits dropped drastically from 70% to only 40%. Slavery had died out, replaced in the cities and factories by immigrant labor from Europe.
1 The Setting -- Jefferson 杰斐逊州
§Jefferson is the county seat of the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County (Faulkner often used this setting in his works)

a_rose_for_emily 课件

a_rose_for_emily 课件

• Emily: A defiant spirit representing the
past against the town’s needs for progress. A voice of the old triumphs over the new. in the present, ready to take his pleasure and depart, apparently unwillint to consider the possibility of defeat neither by tradition(the Griersons) nor by time itself(death).
The Rose in the Title:
Rose , or the funeral “I just want to give her a rose.” (Faulkner) In his later age, Faulkner expresses a lot of pity and sympathy for her. The house: Coquettish decay--flirting with us– but still a eyesore Taxes: the exemption as an act of courtesy of the older generation.
Miss Emily Her Father
• Control her and influence on her; - his repression leads her date a man he would not approve of - take control in the only manner possible



【精品】ARoseforEmily课件《为艾米莉献花》课件一、作者简介威廉•福克纳(William Faulkner,1897—1962)是美国南方文学的代表人物,被誉为“20世纪最重要的小说家之一”。



《为艾米莉献花》(A Rose for Emily)是福克纳于1930年创作的短篇小说,被誉为福克纳代表作之一。


















rose 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花 (课堂PPT)

rose 献给艾米丽的玫瑰花 (课堂PPT)
Niche(壁龛 bìkān)
Key points of the text 1. who is telling the story? 2. Five different images of Emily
reflecting her changes in the story 3. The conflicts in the story 4. The theme of the story
• Emily was denied love, the title has an ironic meaning.
Setting, time and major characters
• Setting : The town of Jefferson ---- the county seat of Yoknapatawpha
What is the image of Emily? (Image 1)
• Small, fat, spare, plumpness, looked bloated like a body, pallid hue, eyes looked like coal pressed into a lump of dough.
• Time : no clear time clues, using flashback. • Major characters : Emily, her father and her
lover Homer, the people of the town • Minor characters : Colonel Sartoris , Judge
Para.34 -42(Emily’s image 5)

a rose for emily.ppt 给艾米丽的玫瑰ppt

a rose for emily.ppt 给艾米丽的玫瑰ppt

A Rose For Emily
William Faulkner
William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897.
Faulkner belonged to a oncewealthy family of former plantation owners. Both parents came from wealthy families reduced to genteel (上 流社会的) poverty by the Civil War.
Why do we need to find the theme?
Trying to sum up the point of a story in our own words is merely one way to make ourselves better aware of whatever we may have understood vaguely and tentatively.
In an extended sense, many novels that do not have a medievalized setting, but which share a comparably sinister (threatening), grotesque (strange), or mysterious atmosphere have been classed as Gothic.
His invention of the mythical Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi, gave him an almost endless source of colorful characters and stories. His greatest novels and short stories are set in Yoknapatawpha. A Rose for Emily happens in Jefferson, a town in this county.

【文学课件】A Rose for Emily

【文学课件】A Rose for Emily

Detailed Study of the Text
Part I
The street used to house only the best families. Then great changes took place: garages and cotton gins were established on the street and their existence wiped out the aristocratic traces in that neighborhood. While the whole street was becoming modern and commercial, only Miss Emily’s house remained the same. Although her house was decaying, it still assumed an air of a stubborn and frivolous girl. The cotton wagons and gasoline pumps were ugly enough, but this house, which was old, in decay, pretentious, and completely out of place, was more unpleasant to look at. This detail shows that the house and its owner share the same character. Miss Emily had lived long and had become a tradition because she represented the aristocracy of the Old South that had lost out in the Civil War. She was a care because she was old, unmarried, and without family, and the people in the town felt they must take care of her. They felt that taking care of her was their duty and obligation. This obligation passed from generation to generation as long as she lived.
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aroseforemily解 析
The author
The Themes The Plots The Background
William Cuthbert Faulkner (born Falkner, September 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962),
also known as Will Faulkner, was an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate from Oxford, Mississippi.
1930s, Faulkner was relatively unknown until receiving the 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature. Two of his works, A Fable (1954) and his last novel The Reivers (1962), won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.[2]
Time After American civil war Place In Jefferson Town Main Figure Emily Grierson, His father, Homer Barron, the villagers, the Negro
When does it happen? It happened in19 century, after the American Civil War.
Faulkner worked in a variety of written media, including novels, short stories, a play, poetry, essays and screenplays. He is primarily known and acclaimed
Estelle Oldham (1929–1962)
The details
Atmosphere Suffocating, or Depression Theme Love Tragedy Character Miss Emily is a mysterious and arrogant woman. Emily is totally a tragedy of the old traditions. She is a prisoner of the past, of the social and moral taboos of the South. Not only because she purely a woman, but also the stubborn conventions manacle her that result in her frustrated life
Notable work(s) The Sound and the Fury As I Lay Dying Light in August Absalom, Absalom! A Rose for Emily
Notable award(s)
Nobel Prize in Literature1949 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction1955, 1963
Where does the story happen? The story is set in the southern town of Jefferson.
A. The town frowned on her affair, the minister going to see her; the female cousins visiting; Emily ordered jewelry, preparing for marriage. Homer Barron going away and coming; Emily bought the rat poison. B. Emily was sick for long, later she was in love. C. The smell from Emily ’s house (from the rotten body); Emily ’s hair turning gray, her door closed; from 40 to 50,giving china-painting. D. Emily lived to the age of 30, and her father died. E. Emily died at 74. F. Since when she was about 60, the tax problem had remained unresolved. Answer: DBACFE
for his novels and short stories, many of which are set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, a setting Faulkner created based on
Lafayette County, where he spent most of his life, and Holly Springs/Marshall County.[1]
Faulkner is one of the most important writers in both American literature generally and Southern Literature specifically.blished as early as 1919, and largely during the 1920s and
In 1998, the Modern Library ranked his 1929 novel The Sound and the Fury sixth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century; also on the list were As I Lay Dying (1930) and Light in August (1932).Absalom, Absalom! (1936)is often included on Similar lists.
William Cuthbert Falkner September 25, 1897 New Albany, Mississippi, U.S.
July 6, 1962 (aged 64) Byhalia, Mississippi, U.S.
Nationality American