
16种常用的数据分析方法汇总2015-11-10 分类:数据分析评论(0)经常会有朋友问到一个朋友,数据分析常用的分析方法有哪些,我需要学习哪个等等之类的问题,今天数据分析精选给大家整理了十六种常用的数据分析方法,供大家参考学习。
常用方法:非参数检验的K-量检验、P-P图、Q-Q图、W 检验、动差法。
1)U验使用条件:当样本含量n较大时,样本值符合正态分布2)T检验使用条件:当样本含量n较小时,样本值符合正态分布A 单样本t检验:推断该样本来自的总体均数μ与已知的某一总体均数μ0 (常为理论值或标准值)有无差别;B 配对样本t检验:当总体均数未知时,且两个样本可以配对,同对中的两者在可能会影响处理效果的各种条件方面扱为相似;C 两独立样本t检验:无法找到在各方面极为相似的两样本作配对比较时使用。
A 虽然是连续数据,但总体分布形态未知或者非正态;B 体分布虽然正态,数据也是连续类型,但样本容量极小,如10以下;主要方法包括:卡方检验、秩和检验、二项检验、游程检验、K-量检验等。


1. 数据清洗:通过去除数据中的错误、缺失和冗余等问题,保证数据的完整性和正确性。
2. 数据集成:将来自不同来源的数据进行整合,创建一个统一的数据集合,便于后续的分析和处理。
3. 数据变换:对原始数据进行变换,使其更适合进行多维分析。
常见的方法包括:1. 主成分分析:通过线性变换将原始数据转换为一组新的正交变量,即主成分,用于表示原始数据的大部分变异性。
2. 因子分析:通过寻找一组潜在因子,将多个观测变量进行组合,得到一个更小的一维或二维因子空间。
3. 独立成分分析:通过寻找一组相互独立的成分,将原始数据进行解耦,找出数据中的隐藏模式和结构。
1. 关联分析:通过寻找数据中的关联规则和频繁项集,揭示出数据中的相互依赖和关联性。
2. 分类分析:通过将数据样本分为不同的类别,找出数据中的潜在分类结构。
1. 聚类分析:通过将数据分为不同的聚类,找出数据中的相似性和簇结构。

表 14-5 对例 14.1 回归分析的部分中间结果
① X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ② X2 , X3 , X4 ③ X1 , X3 , X4 ④ X1 , X2 , , X4 ⑤ X1 , X2 , X3
133.7107 133.0978 121.7480 113.6472 105.9168
对于多变量医学问题,如果用单变量统计方法就要对 多方面分别进行分析,而一次分析一个方面,同时忽视了各 方面之间存在的相关性,这样会丢失很多信息,分析的结果 不能客观全面地反映情况。
多变量统计方法不仅能够研究多个变量之间的相互关 系以及揭示这些变量之间内在的变化规律,而且能够使复 杂的指标简单化,并对研究对象进行分类和简化。
' i
注 意
' i
lii l yy
= bi
si sy
b1lm1 b2lm2 bmlmm lmy
方程组中: lij l ji (Xi Xi )(X j X j ) Xi X j [(Xi )(X j )]/ n liy (Xi Xi )(Y Y ) XiY [(Xi )(Y)]/ n

方差分析和协方差分析协变量和控制变量方差分析(Analysis of Variance,简称ANOVA)是用于比较两个或多个组之间差异的一种统计方法。
在执行方差分析时,我们需要计算组间平方和(Sums of Squares Between Groups, SSBG)和组内平方和(Sums of Squares Within Groups, SSWG),并以此计算F值来进行假设检验。
协方差分析(Analysis of Covariance,简称ANCOVA)则是在方差分析基础上引入了协变量(covariate)的一种分析方法。

统计分析方法汇总目录基本统计分析 (1)正态性检验 (2)单变量均值检验 (3)两独立样本的均值检验 (2)配对(成对)总体均值检验 (2)回归分析 (2)方差分析 (2)列联表检验 (2)多元统计分析 (4)主成分分析 (5)因子分析 (5)聚类分析 (5)判别分析 (5)基本统计分析正态性检验许多计量资料的分析方法要求数据分布是正态或近似正态,因此对原始独立测定数据进行正态性检验是十分必要的。
正态性检验主要有三类方法:一、计算综合统计量如动差法、夏皮罗-威尔克SHAPIRO-WILK 法(W检验) 、达戈斯提诺D AGOSTINO 法(D检验) 、SHAPIRO-FRANCIA 法(W检验) .二、正态分布的拟合优度检验如皮尔逊Χ2 检验、对数似然比检验、柯尔莫哥洛夫KOLMOGOROV-SMIROV 法检验 .三、图示法(正态概率图NORMAL PROBABILITY PLOT)如分位数图(QUANTILE QUANTILEPLOT ,简称QQ图) 、百分位数(PERCENT PERCENT PLOT ,简称PP图) 和稳定化概率图(STABILIZED PROBABILITY PLOT ,简称SP 图) 等.SPSS&SAS规则:SPSS 规定:当样本含量3 ≤N ≤5000 时,结果以SHAPIRO - WILK (W 检验) 为难,当样本含量N> 5000 结果以KOLMOGOROV - SMIRNOV 为准。
而SAS 规定:当样本含量N ≤2000 时,结果以SHAPIRO - WILK (W 检验) 为准,当样本含量N>2000 时,结果以KOLMOGOROV - SMIRNOV (D 检验) 为准。
SPSS过程1、先做直方图看看是否大概符合正态分布,这个不用说了吧,GRAPH-->LEGACYDIALOGS-->HISTOGRAM-->选入变量-->OK.如果距离正态分布的样子太远了,你就不要做下面的工作啦2、ANALYZE-->DESCRIPTIVE STATISTIC-->EXPLORE-->选入变量-->选右上角的PLOTS-->打开后,选中间的NORMALLY PLOTS WITH TESTS -->OK。


常用多变量分析方法在社会科学研究中,主要的多变量分析方法包括多变量方差分析(Multivariate analysis of variance,MANOVA)、主成分分析(Principal component analysis)、因子分析(Factor analysis)、典型相关(Canonical correlation analysis)、聚类分析(Cluster analysis)、判别分析(Discriminant analysis)、多维量表分析(Multidimensional scaling),以及近来颇受瞩目的验证性因子分析(Confirmatory factor analysis )或线性结构模型(LISREL)与逻辑斯蒂回归分析等,以下简单说明这些方法的观念和适用时机。
二、主成分分析主成分分析的主要功能在分析多个变量间的相关,以建构变量间的总体性指标(overall indicators)。
当研究者测量一群彼此间具有高度相关的变量,则在进行显著性检验钱,为避免变量数过多,造成解释上的复杂与困扰,常会先进行主成分分析,在尽量不丧失原有信息的前提下,抽取少数几个主成分,作为代表原来变量的总体性指标,达到资料缩减(data reduction)的功能。
但不同的是,主成分分析是在找出变量间最佳线性组合(linear combination)的主成分,以说明变量间最多的变异量;至于因子分析,则在于找出变量间共同的潜在结构(latent structure)或因子,以估计每一个变量在各因子上的负荷量(loading)。

多元统计分析方法主要包括主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)、聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)、判别分析(Discriminant Analysis)和因子分析(Factor Analysis)等。
以下将介绍其中的几种常用多元统计分析方法:1. 主成分分析(PCA):主成分分析是一种降维技术,通过寻找原始数据中的主要信息,将大量变量转化为较少的几个主成分。
例如,PCA 可以将多个购买偏好变量转化为几个主成分,进一步揭示不同消费者群体之间的共同特征。
2. 聚类分析(Cluster Analysis):聚类分析是将不同样本归类到相似的组中的一种方法。
3. 判别分析(Discriminant Analysis):判别分析是一种统计方法,用于确定哪些变量能够最好地区分不同的样本群体。
4. 因子分析(Factor Analysis):因子分析是一种可以揭示多个变量之间的隐藏关系的方法。

Ui 1 检验统计量为: F = SS 剩余 (n − m − 1)
① 偏回归系数的假设检验--方差分析法 方差分析法
表 14-5 对例 14.1 回归分析的部分中间结果 平方和(变异)
SS回归 SS剩余
回归方程中包含的 自变量 ① X1 , X 2 , X 3 , X 4 ② X2 , X3 , X4 ③ X1 , X 3 , X 4 ④ X1 , X 2 , , X 4 ⑤ X1 , X 2 , X 3
假定因变量Y与 间存在如下关系: 假定因变量 与自变量 X 1 , X 2 ,L X m 间存在如下关系:
Y = β 0 + β1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + L + β m X m + ε
式中,β 0 是常数项, β1 , β 2 ,L β m 称为偏回归系数(partial regression coefficient)。 β i (i = 1,2,L m) 的含义为在其它 自变量保持不变的条件下,自变量 X i 改变一个单位时因变 量Y 的平均改变量。 为随机误差,又称残差(residual), ε 它表示 Y 的变化中不能由自变量 X i (i = 1,2,L m ) 解释的部 分。
ˆ 也就是求出能使估计值 Y和实际观察值
ˆ Y 的误差平方和 Q=Σ(Y −Y)2为最小值
b 的一组回归系数 b ,b2 ,L m 值。 1
方程组中: lij = l ji = Σ( X i − X i )( X j − X j ) = ΣX i X j − [(ΣX i )(ΣX j )] / n
计算 X i 的偏回归平方和(sum of squares for partial regression) U i ,它表示模型中含有其它 m − 1 个自 变量的条件下该自变量对 Y 的回归贡献,相当于从 回归方程中剔除 X i 后所引起的回归平方和的减少量。 偏回归平方和U i 越大说明自变量 X i 越重要。

第一讲计数与统计第一节计数1.1 计数计数就是数(动词)数(名词)。
1.2 简单计数命令FrequenciesFrequencis命令用于简单计数,只要把代表计数特征的变量输入V ariables变量框,点击文件data01为例,将年龄组(mage)输入Variables,点击得如下输出文件表格:表中Valid指有效数据(个数),Frequency指频数,Percent指频率,Valid Percent指有效频率,Cumulative Percent指累计频率。
由于没有缺失数据,所以有效频率Valid Percent 与频率Percent 相同。
如果把数据文件中的第二条到第八条记录中的年龄组值(都是中年,值为2)删去,这时的变量mage 出现7个缺损值,总有效数据为59个。
和以上相同,统计不同年龄组的人数,得到以下的输出表格:与前面的表格比较,发现Percent 与Valid Percent 都有所不同,差别之处在于现在的表格中:59,66FrequencyPercent Valid FrequencyPercent ==也就是有效频率是用频数除以实有总人数得到的。
在生成计数表格时,还可以生成统计图,这只要点击并在Bar Charts (棍图)和Pie Charts (饼图)中选择一个,就可以达到目的。

统计计量丨一文读懂11个常见的多变量分析方法在社会科学研究中,主要的多变量分析方法包括多变量方差分析(Multivariate analysis of variance,MANOVA)、主成分分析(Principal component analysis)、因子分析(Factor analysis)、典型相关(Canonical correlation analysis)、聚类分析(Cluster analysis)、判别分析(Discriminant analysis)、多维量表分析(Multidimensional scaling),以及近来颇受瞩目的验证性因子分析(Confirmatory factor analysis )或线性结构模型(LISREL)与逻辑斯蒂回归分析等,以下简单说明这些方法的观念和适用时机。
#02主成分分析主成分分析的主要功能在分析多个变量间的相关,以建构变量间的总体性指标(overall indicators)。
当研究者测量一群彼此间具有高度相关的变量,则在进行显著性检验前,为避免变量数过多,造成解释上的复杂与困扰,常会先进行主成分分析,在尽量不丧失原有信息的前提下,抽取少数几个主成分,作为代表原来变量的总体性指标,达到资料缩减(data reduction)的功能。
但不同的是,主成分分析是在找出变量间最佳线性组合(linear combination)的主成分,以说明变量间最多的变异量;至于因子分析,则在于找出变量间共同的潜在结构(latent structure)或因子,以估计每一个变量在各因子上的负荷量(loading)。



11个常见的多变量分析方法在社会科学研究中,主要的多变量分析方法包括多变量方差分析(Multivariate analysis of variance,MANOVA)、主成分分析(Principal component analysis)、因子分析(Factor analysis)、典型相关(Canonical correlation analysis)、聚类分析(Cluster analysis)、判别分析(Discriminant analysis)、多维量表分析(Multidimensional scaling),以及近来颇受瞩目的验证性因子分析(Confirmatory factor analysis )或线性结构模型(LISREL)与逻辑斯蒂回归分析等,以下简单说明这些方法的观念和适用时机。
主成分分析主成分分析的主要功能在分析多个变量间的相关,以建构变量间的总体性指标(overall indicators)。
但不同的是,主成分分析是在找出变量间最佳线性组合(linear combination)的主成分,以说明变量间最多的变异量;至于因子分析,则在于找出变量间共同的潜在结构(latent structure)或因子,以估计每一个变量在各因子上的负荷量(loading)。

调查数据分析技术-多变量分析核心技术 - 多变量分析大多数由市场上所收集到的资料都是多元的。
1、多元回归分析(Regression Analysis)在对市场数据的分析中往往会看到变量与变量之间存在一定的相关关系,例如:某产品的价格和社会需求之间,服务满意度与服务之间都有密切的关系,研究变量之间相互关系密切程度的分析为相关分析。
2、因子分析(Factor Analysis)因子分析的基本目的就是用少数几个因子去描述许多指标或因素之间的联系,即将相关比较密切的几个变量归在同一类中,每一类变量就成为一个因子(之所以称其为因子,是因为它是不可观测的,即不是具体的变量),以较少的几个因子反映原资料的大部分信息。
3、主成份分析(Principal Component Analysis)主成份分析的目的是要对多变量数据表进行最佳综合简化。
4、聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)与判别分析(Discriminant Analysis)聚类分析的目的在于辨别在某些特性上相似的事物,并按这些特性将样本划分成若干类(群),使在同一类内的事物具有高度的同质性,而不同类的事物则有高度的异质性。
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Copyright © 2010, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V . All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.aeae.2010.02.014Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 37/4 (2009) 125–136E-mail: Eurasia@archaeology.nsc.ruARCHAEOLOGY,ETHNOLOGY& ANTHROPOLOGY OF EURASIAIntroductionRoutes of the early Caucasoid migrations to Siberia and Eastern Central Asia have become a focus of scholarly interest in recent years since this issue is closely related to that of the Indo-European homelands. Certain archaeologists believe that migrants from the Near East played a major role in the origin of Southern SiberianCRANIOMETRIC EVIDENCE OF THE EARLY CAUCASOID MIGRATIONSTO SIBERIA AND EASTERN CENTRAL ASIA, WITH REFERENCETO THE INDO-EUROPEAN PROBLEM *Measurements of 220 male Neolithic and Bronze Age cranial series from Eurasia were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. The results support the idea that people associated with the Catacomb culture played a major role in the origin of the Afanasyev culture. Okunev people of the Minusinsk Basin, those associated with Karakol, Ust-Tartas, and Krotovo cultures, and those buried in the Andronov-type cemeteries at Cherno-ozerye and Yelovka were of predominantly local Siberian origin. The Samus series resembles that from Poltavka burials. The Okunev people of Tuva and probably Yelunino people were likely descendants of the Pit Grave (Yamnaya) and early Catacomb populations of the Ukraine. The same is true of the Alakul people of western Kazakhstan, who in addition, have numerous af ¿ nities amongst Neolithic and Early Bronze Age groups of Central and Western Europe. The probable ancestors of certain Fedorov populations were the Afanasyev tribes of the Altai, whereas other Fedorov groups apparently descended from late Pit Grave and Catacomb tribes of the Northern Caucasus and the northwestern Caspian. People of Gumugou are closest to Fedorov groups of northeastern Kazakhstan and Rudny Altai, suggesting that Caucasoids migrated to Xinjiang from the north rather than from the west. Describing the gracile Caucasoids of Siberia and Eastern Central Asia as “Mediterraneans” is misleading since they display virtually no craniometric ties with the Near Eastern, Southwestern Central Asian or Transcaucasian groups. The totality of evidence suggests that they were Nordics.Keywords: Indo-Europeans, Indo-Iranians, Tocharians, Southern Siberia, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Bronze Age, craniometry.cultures of the Bronze Age (Grigoryev, 1999; Bobrov, 1994; Kiryushin, 2004), and these theories are supported by those physical anthropologists who claim that all gracile Caucasoids are Mediterraneans, i.e. southerners by origin (see especially (Khudaverdyan, 2009)). Not long ago I expressed a similar view (Kozintsev, 2000).Recently, thanks to the work of a number of craniologists, S.I. Kruts in particular, the craniometric database related to the Bronze Age steppe populations of the Ukraine and Southern Russia has grown manifold. Its statistical analysis has led to the revision of earlier*Supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project 09-06-00184a). A.G. KozintsevMuseum of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences,Universitetskaya Nab.3, St. Petersburg, 199034, RussiaE-mail: agkozintsev@125ANTHROPOLOGY126 A.G. Kozintsev / Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 37/4 (2009) 125–136views. A more detailed craniometric comparison of each gracile Southern Siberian group with all others suggests that there is no reason to speak of migrations to Southern Siberia from the Near East, Southwestern Central Asia or the Transcaucasia, where Southern Caucasoids (Mediterraneans) were distributed (Kozintsev, 2007, 2008).Recently, an article by a group of French geneticists was published (Keyser et al., 2009), which reported on the analysis of DNA extracted from the bone samples taken from Andronov, Karasuk, Tagar, and Tashtyk human remains. Six genes controlling eye and hair color were studied. Most individuals buried in Bronze and Iron Age mounds in Southern Siberia (15 of 23, or 65 %) had light or mixed eye color, and 8 out of 12 (67 %) had fair or chestnut hair. Given that the Bronze Age people of the Tarim Basin (the likely proto-Tocharians), whose bodies are excellently preserved thanks to natural mummi¿ cation (Mallory, Mair, 2000), had the same hair color, and that a Russian admixture alone can by no means account for the depigmentation observed in modern natives of Southern Siberia and Kazakhstan, the conclusion is obvious. The principal source of early Caucasoid migrations to Siberia and Eastern Central Asia was located not in the Near East, but in Europe, moreover not in its southern part but in areas affected by the depigmentation process. Nearly eighty years ago this conclusion was reached by G.F. Debetz (1931), who compared cranial data on the Tagar people with the evidence of Chinese written sources. Apparently, the principal migration route of Caucasoid pastoralists from Europe to the east passed mainly along the steppe belt, and judging from archaeological data, the migration process continued throughout the 3rd millennium BC (Merpert, 1982; Semenov, 1993). But where was the source located? In the Eastern European steppes? In Central Europe?According to a view shared by most specialists, archaeologists and physical anthropologists alike, the Afanasyev culture was closely related to the Pit Grave (Yamnaya) culture, and its appearance in Gorny Altai and on the Middle Yenisei was caused by a migration from the Eastern European steppes. The possible role of Poltavka and Catacomb culture elements, too, has been discussed (Tsyb, 1981, 1984). The idea is supported by new radiocarbon dates indicating the coexistence of Catacomb culture with Pit Grave culture over most of the 3rd millennium BC (Chernykh, 2008). On the other hand, very early dates of the earliest Afanasyev sites in Gorny Altai (mid-4th millennium BC) suggest that the predecessors of the Pit Grave people, speci¿ cally those associated with the Khvalynsk and Sredni Stog cultures, as well as the proto-Pit Grave (Repino) tribes, might have taken part in Afanasyev origins. This suggestion was already made by physical anthropologists (Shevchenko, 1986; Solodovnikov, 2003).With regard to the post-Afanasyev Bronze Age cultures, the traditional idea that the Okunev culture is autochthonous has given place to theories stating that the Pit Grave and Catacomb traditions (Lazaretov, 1997), or those of Afanasyev culture, which were also introduced from Europe, were critical in Okunev origins (Sher, 2006). In terms of physical anthropology however, the presumed European ancestry of the Okunev people of the Minusinsk Basin, according to A.V. Gromov (1997b), pointing to af¿ nities with the Pit Grave and Catacomb people of Kalmykia, is rather indistinct and traceable mostly at the individual level if at all. The analysis of data concerning two independent trait batteries – craniometric and cranial nonmetric – suggests that the af¿ nities of the Okunev people of the Yenisei are mostly Siberian (Gromov, 1997a, b), and the integration of these data demonstrates that the unusual trait combination observed in Okunev crania is rather archaic (plesiomorphic) and may be more ancient than both the Caucasoid and Mongoloid trait combinations (Kozintsev, 2004). According to Gromov (1997b), the Okunev people resembled the Neolithic population of the Krasnoyarsk–Kansk region. The Karakol culture of Gorny Altai is similar to Okunev culture, and craniometric parallels between people associated with these cultures were also noted. However, Karakol crania are believed to exhibit a “Mediterranean” tendency (Chikisheva, 2000; Tur, Solodovnikov, 2005).The Okunev crania from Tuva and the Yelunino crania from the Upper Ob, especially the former, are much more Caucasoid (Gokhman, 1980; Solodovnikov, Tur, 2003; Kozintsev, 2008). This agrees with archaeological facts indicating the affinities of cultures such as Yelunino and Okunev of Tuva with Early Bronze Age cultures of Central and even Western Europe (Kovalev, 2007). The possible Caucasoid ties of other pre-Andronov tribes of Southern Siberia such as Krotovo (Dremov, 1997) and Samus (Solodovnikov, 2005, 2006) have been discussed by craniologists. K.N. Solodovnikov (Ibid.) believes that in all the above pre-Andronov groups, except the Okunev group of the Yenisei, these ties are Southern Caucasoid or Mediterranean which, in his view, is especially evident in the male series.The origin of the Andronov community is one of the pivotal points in Indo-European history. The predominantly Indo-Iranian or Iranian attribution of this community is beyond doubt (Kuzmina, 2007a, b; 2008). The relationship between its two constituents, speci¿ cally the Alakul (western) and Fedorov, which spread in an eastern direction up to the Yenisei, is less clear. The Alakul variety apparently originated earlier, in the 3rd millennium BC (Chernykh, 2008) and the cultures which contributed to its origin were Poltavka, Catacomb, and Abashevo. The origin of the Fedorov variety, which originated later and coexisted with Alakul over most of the 2nd millennium BC, remains obscure (Tkacheva, Tkachev, 2008).A.G. Kozintsev / Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 37/4 (2009) 125–136 127Craniologists have discovered that the Andronov community was markedly heterogeneous. People buried in graves with Alakul or mixed Alakul-Fedorov (Kozhumberdy) ceramics in western Kazakhstan displayed a trait combination which V.V. Ginzburg (1962) described as Mediterranean, and V.P. Alekseyev (1964) as leptomorphic. Ginzburg believed that this combination evidences the af¿ nities of western Alakul people with both the Timber Grave (Srubnaya) populations of the V olga steppes and those of Southwestern Central Asia (the Amu-Darya/Syr-Darya interÀ uve). The second idea was refuted by Alekseyev, who claimed that archaeological data point solely to western (Timber Grave) af¿ nities. Ginzburg ignored the critique and repeated his conclusion in the summarizing monograph (Ginzburg, Tro¿ mova, 1972). In this case, neither he nor Alekseyev used statistical methods and relied on typological assessments.As to the Fedorov populations, most of which display the characteristically “Andronov” trait combination believed to have derived from the Cromagnon variety, G.F. Debetz (1948) claimed that they had originated in the Kazakhstan steppes from whence they moved to the Yenisei. However, V.P. Alekseyev (1961) suggested that the Fedorov people of the Yenisei had descended from the Afanasyev populations of the Altai. Fedorov groups of the Upper Ob and the Altai deviate toward a gracile variety, traditionally described as Mediterranean. The presence of alleged “Mediterraneans” in these regions was explained differently: V.A. Dremov (1997) attributed it to links with the Alakul people, whereas K.N. Solodovnikov (2005, 2007) wrote about the pre-Andronov, speci¿ cally Yelunino substratum. People buried in Andronovo-type cemeteries in the Tomsk part of the Ob Basin at Yelovka II and in the Omsk stretch of the Irtysh basin at Cherno-ozerye I, according to Dremov (1997), differed from other Andronov groups and were autochthonous. Finally, the origin of the early Caucasoid population of Xinjiang, the members of which were buried at the Bronze Age cemetery of Gumugou (Mair, 2005), is a complete mystery (Han Kangxin, 1986; Hemphill, Mallory, 2004; Kozintsev, 2008).The objective of the present article is to explore the issue of early Caucasoid migrations to Siberia and Eastern Central Asia using a large craniometric database, much of which is unpublished.Materials and methodsOnly measurements of male crania were used. The number of the Afanasyev series is nine (six from the Altai and three from the Minusinsk Basin) (Alekseyev, 1961, 1989; Solodovnikov, 2003). The post-Afanasyev material consists of four Okunev series from the Minusinsk Basin (Gromov, 1997b), one Okunev series from Tuva (Alekseyev, Gokhman, Tumen, 1987), the Karakol series (Chikisheva, 2000; Tur, Solodovnikov, 2005), the Yelunino series (Solodovnikov, Tur, 2003), the Ust-Tartas and Krotovo series from Sopka-2 (Dremov, 1997; Chikisheva, unpublished), and the Samus series (Dremov, 1997; Solodovnikov, 2005). Seven Andronov samples were used. Two of them, from western Kazakhstan (Alekseyev, 1967) and from Yermak IV near Omsk (Dremov, 1997) represent mostly the Alakul variety. Fedorov samples come from Firsovo XIV near Barnaul (Solodovnikov, 2005), from other burial grounds on the Upper Ob (Ibid.) and from northeastern Kazakhstan (Ibid.)*, from Rudny Altai (Solodovnikov, 2007), and from the Minusinsk Basin (Alekseyev, 1961; Dremov, 1997). Also, measurements of two series from “Andronoid” burial grounds in Western Siberia at Yelovka II and Cherno-ozerye I (Dremov, 1997) were used, and also those of a Bronze Age series from Gumugou (Qäwrighul), Xinjiang (Han Kangxin, 1986).Unpublished measurements of Bronze Age crania from the Ukraine were kindly provided by S.I. Kruts; sources of data on most groups published by Russian scholars are cited in my previous publications (Kozintsev, 2000, 2007, 2008). Measurements of series from Central and Western Europe and the Near East were taken from a summary compiled by I. Schwidetzky and F. Rösing (1990).The total number of male cranial series representing the Neolithic and Bronze Age populations of Eurasia and used in this analysis is 220. One hundred and twenty-eight of them, mostly from the former Soviet Union, were studied according to the craniometric program employed by Soviet and modern Russian anthropologists. Fourteen traits were taken from it: cranial length, breadth, and height, frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, upper facial height which was measured to the “lower prosthion”, or alveolare, nasal and orbital height and breadth, naso-malar and zygo-maxillary angles, simotic index and nasal protrusion angle. Ninety-two series from Central and Western Europe and the Near East were studied by Western anthropologists. They were measured according to a smaller program from which nine linear dimensions were taken: cranial length, breadth and height, frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, and nasal and orbital height and breadth. Upper facial height was not used in this case to avoid confusion between the “anterior” and the “inferior” prosthion (the difference may be considerable).Measurements were subjected to the canonical variate analysis. Groups were compared pairwise using *Solodovnikov has reduced the size of this series by demonstrating on archaeological grounds that some crania previously believed to be Andronov actually represent other populations.128 A.G. Kozintsev / Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 37/4 (2009) 125–136the Mahalanobis D2 distance corrected for sample size (Rightmire, 1969). After correction, many distances become negative and should be regarded as sample estimates of zero or of small positive values.Creating a general classi¿ cation of all groups was not among the objectives of the present study. All methods aimed at such classification result in distortions. In cluster analysis, the distortions become progressively larger as the distances increase. By contrast, in two-dimensional projections determined by canonical variates or by nonmetric scaling axes, it is the closest ties that are distorted most in order to adequately render the most general pattern of group relationships. The broader the scope of the study, and accordingly, the wider the geographical range of the analysis, the more details are sacri¿ ced for the sake of the general classi¿ cation. These distortions may have contributed to the idea that all gracile Caucasoids are close relatives. While this may be true in a bird’s-eye view, a disregard for details in such a case may lead to a serious misinterpretation.Another advantage of using pairwise distances, rather than graphic methods of dimensionality reduction, stems from the fact that the latter are sensitive to the selection of groups. Thus, the sequence of groups in terms of the expression of Caucasoid versus Mongoloid traits depends on the way these extreme combinations are represented. Distances, by contrast are independent of this factor provided the standard within-group correlation matrix is used, as in this study.ResultsListed below are the smallest corrected D2 values (normally below 1.0), based on the fourteen-trait battery and ranked in an increasing order i.e. in the order of decreasing similarity. Minimal distances based on the nine-trait battery (D2 < 0.3) are given only for those groups which reveal at least one Central or Western European or Near Eastern parallel; these parallels are numbered as in the summary (Schwidetzky, Rösing, 1990). The only exception is the Afanasyev series from Saldyar I. It is quite small and reveals numerous af¿ nities, including early Central and Western European ones, which are not in ¿ rst place.Afanasyev, Ursul, Altai: Afanasyev, Nizhni Tyumechin (–1.12); Catacomb, Don (0.59); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, V olga (0.66); early Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group II according to V.A. Safronov (0.70).Afanasyev, Saldyar I, Altai: Pit Grave, V olga–Ural area (–2.49); Pit Grave, Orenburg region (–2.47); Pit Grave – Poltavka group,Volga–Ural area (–2.42); late Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (–2.35); Afanasyev, Afanasyeva Gora (–2.35) and Karasuk III (–2.30); early Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group II (–2.10); Afanasyev, Minusinsk Basin, pooled (–1.87); Andronov, Firsovo XIV, Upper Ob (–1.82); Pit Grave, Yuzhny Bug (–1.79); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–1.51); early Catacomb, Molochnaya (–1.36); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, V olga (–1.34); Catacomb, V olga and Kalmykia (–1.23 in both cases). Numerous remaining parallels are mostly with Catacomb and Timber Grave groups.Afanasyev, Kurota II, Altai: Poltavka (–1.38); Afanasyev, Saldyar I (0.59); Catacomb, V olga (0.96).Afanasyev, Ust-Kuyum, Altai: late Catacomb, Samara–Orel watershed (–0.42); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.20); Pit Grave, Stavropol area (–0.07); Andronov, Minusinsk Basin (0.51); late Catacomb, Zaporozhye (0.80).Afanasyev, southeastern Altai: Afanasyev, Nizhni Tyumechin (–0.38); Catacomb, Don (–0.18); early Catacomb, Molochnaya (–0.09); Pit Grave, Kakhovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.05); Timber Grave, Yasyrev, Lower Don (0.16); Afanasyev, Saldyar I (0.22); Pit Grave, Yuzhny Bug (0.23); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, Volga (0.24); Pit Grave, Ukraine, pooled (0.47); early Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (0.75); Timber Grave, Krivaya Luka, Lower V olga (0.81); Timber Grave, V olga, pooled (0.86); Timber Grave, V olgograd and Astrakhan regions (0.89); Pit Grave – Poltavka, Volga–Ural area (0.91); Catacomb, Kalmykia (0.95).Afanasyev, Nizhni Tyumechin, Altai: Afanasyev, Ursul (–1.12); Catacomb, Don (–0.86); early Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.76); Timber Grave, Yasyrev, Lower Don (–0.52); Afanasyev, southeastern Altai (–0.38); Timber Grave, Krivaya Luka, Lower V olga (–0.25); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, V olga (–0.07); Pit Grave – Poltavka, V olga–Ural area (0.27); Afanasyev, Saldyar I (0.56); Pit Grave, Ingulets (0.77); Pit Grave, Ukraine, pooled (0.83).Afanasyev, Altai, pooled: Timber Grave, Luzanovka, Volga (0.23); Catacomb, Don (0.29); Timber Grave, Bashkiria (0.79); Timber Grave, Krivaya Luka, Lower V olga (0.96).Afanasyev, Karasuk III, Minusinsk Basin: Afanasyev, Saldyar I (–2.30); Pit Grave, Volga–Ural area (–0.96); Afanasyev, Afanasyeva Gora (–0.54); Timber Grave, Volga–Ural area (–0.32); late Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.25); Catacomb, Volga (–0.22); Pit Grave, Orenburg region (–0.13); Catacomb, Crimea (0.01); Pit Grave – Poltavka, Volga–Ural area (0.24); Potapovka, V olga (0.73); Timber Grave, Yasyrev, Lower Don (0.90).Afanasyev, Afanasyeva Gora, Minusinsk Basin: Afanasyev, Saldyar I (–2.35); late Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (–1.60); Timber Grave, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions (–0.66); Afanasyev, Karasuk III (–0.54); early Catacomb, Molochnaya (–0.46); Timber Grave, Yasyrev, Lower Don (–0.13); Pit Grave, Southern Bug (0.21); early Catacomb, Kakhovka,A.G. Kozintsev / Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 37/4 (2009) 125–136 129Lower Dnieper (0.44); Pit Grave, V olga–Ural area (0.85); Timber Grave, V olga (0.88); Pit Grave, Orenburg region (0.89); Timber Grave, Krivaya Luka, Lower Volga (0.96). The analysis based on the nine-trait set revealed one Western European parallel – with the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium BC) group from Aveyron, France, (0.04), but ties with the steppe populations of the Eastern European Bronze Age are stronger.Afanasyev, Minusinsk Basin, pooled: Afanasyev, Saldyar I (–1.87); Timber Grave, Yasyrev, Lower Don (–0.71); Timber Grave, V olgograd and Astrakhan regions (–0.12); late Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.06); Pit Grave, Orenburg region (0.22); early Catacomb, the Molochnaya (0.24); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, Volga (0.64); Pit Grave, Volga–Ural area (0.65); Catacomb, Kalmykia (0.81); Pit Grave, Yuzhny Bug (0.82); Timber Grave, Volga (0.85); Pit Grave – Poltavka, V olga–Ural area (0.93); Timber Grave, Krivaya Luka, Lower V olga (0.95); Abashevo (0.99).Okunev, Uybat group, Minusinsk Basin: the only close parallel is with Okunev of the Tas-Khaza group (–0.95). Okunev of Chernovaya (1.44), and Karasuk (1.90) rank next.Okunev, Verkhni Askiz, Minusinsk Basin: Neolithic of Krasnoyarsk–Kansk area (–0.07).Okunev, Chernovaya, Minusinsk Basin: the only close parallel is with the Neolithic of Krasnoyarsk–Kansk area (0.36). The least removed among other populations is Okunev, Uybat group (1.44).Okunev, Tas-Khaza group, Minusinsk Basin: the only close parallel is with Okunev of Uybat (–0.95). The least distant among other groups is Karasuk (1.77).Okunev, Minusinsk Basin, pooled:the only close parallel is with the Neolithic of Krasnoyarsk–Kansk area (0.15). The least removed among other groups is Karasuk (3.37).Okunev, Aimyrlyg, Tuva: Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.21); Timber Grave, Saratov region (–0.10); early Catacomb, Molochnaya (0.41); Timber Grave, Ukraine, pooled (0.45); Sapallitepe, southern Uzbukistan (0.67). Nine-trait set: early Catacomb, Molochnaya (–1.21); Tiefstichkeramik (related to Funnel Beaker), Ostorf, Germany, Late Neolithic, late 4th millennium BC (No.106) (–1.15); Afanasyev, Afanasyeva Gora (–0.76); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.53); late Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.39); Afanasyev, Minusinsk Basin (–0.37); Timber Grave, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions (–0.26); Abashevo (–0.26); Sapallitepe, Southern Uzbekistan (–0.02); Yelunino (0.01); Afanasyev, Saldyar I (0.24); Timber Grave, Khryaschevka, Volga (0.29).Karakol: the only parallel is with the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of Ust-Isha and Itkul, Upper Ob (0.98). The least removed among other groups is Yelovka II (3.87), whereas Okunev is much further (7.26).Yelunino:not a single close parallel. The least removed is Okunev of Tuva (1.56), next follow Djarat and Shengavit, Kura-Araxes culture, Armenia, 4th–3rd millennia BC (2.16); the pooled series of Kura-Araxes culture from Georgia ranks third (2.65), and Gumugou, Xinjiang, fourth (3.83). Nine-trait set: Poltavka (–0.13); Okunev of Tuva (0.01); early Catacomb, Molochnaya (0.01); Timber Grave, forest-steppe Volga area (0.22); Mierzanowice, Poland, Early Bronze Age, late 3rd – early 2nd millennia BC (No.173) (0.28).Ust-Tartas, Sopka-2: Krotovo, Sopka-2 (0.72).Krotovo, Sopka-2: Ust-Tartas, Sopka-2 (0.72).Samus:not a single close parallel. The least removed is Poltavka (1.18).Alakul, western Kazakhstan: early Catacomb, Molochnaya (–1.35); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.36); early Catacomb, Verkhne-Tarasovka, Lower Dnieper (0.44); late Timber Grave, V olga–Ural area (0.54); Kemi-Oba, Crimea (0.88). Nine-trait set: early Catacomb, Molochnaya (–1.39); Pit Grave, Ingulets (–0.88); Timber Grave, ground burials, Ukraine (–0.79), Pit Grave, Kakhovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.67); Parkhay II, Turkmenia, Middle and Late Bronze Age (–0.61); Tiszapolgar, Hungary, Chalcolithic, 5th–4th millennia BC (No.197) (–0.38); late Timber Grave, V olga–Ural area (–0.16); Rössen, eastern France, Neolithic, 5th millennium BC (No.43) (–0.09); Globular Amphorae, Germany and Poland, Early Bronze Age (early 3rd millennium BC) (No.192)(–0.07); Timber Grave, Ukraine, pooled (–0.03); Lengyel, Hungary, Neolithic, 5th millennium BC (No.40) (0.07); Meklenburg, Germany, Early Bronze Age, 4th–3rd millennia BC (No.107) (0.07); Aveyron, France, Early Bronze Age, 3rd century BC (No.99) (0.09); Unetice, Germany and Czechia, Bronze Age, 3rd–2nd millennia BC (No.208) (0.09); Linear Band Pottery, Neolithic, 6th millennium BC (No.14) (0.11); Pit Grave, Yuzhny Bug (0.20); Veterov, Austria, Bronze Age, III–II millennia BC (No.205) (0.21).Alakul, Yermak IV, the Irtysh: not a single close parallel. The least removed is the late Pit Grave group of Kalmykia* (1.32).Fedorov, Firsovo XIV, the Upper Ob: Afanasyev, Saldyar I (–1.82); Fedorov, Rudny Altai (–0.04); Catacomb, Kalmykia (0.06); Pit Grave – Poltavka, V olga–Ural area (0.43); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, V olga (0.87); Pit Grave, Orenburg region (0.90); early Catacomb, Molochnaya (0.94).Fedorov, the Upper Ob, pooled: Catacomb, Stavropol area (0.50); late Pit Grave, Kalmykia (0.80); Pit Grave, Stavropol area (0.90).Fedorov, Rudny Altai:Samus (–0.82); Afanasyev, Saldyar I (–0.71); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, Volga (–0.12); Fedorov, Firsovo XIV (–0.04); Pit Grave – *Group III according to V.A. Safronov (Shevchenko, 1986).130 A.G. Kozintsev / Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 37/4 (2009) 125–136Poltavka, Volga–Ural area (–0.02); early Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group II (0.61); Potapovka, V olga (0.63); Fedorov, northeastern Kazakhstan (0.79); late Catacomb, Kakhovka, Lower Dnieper (0.82), Catacomb, Don (0.83); Pit Grave, Orenburg region (0.88); Poltavka (0.99).Fedorov, northeastern Kazakhstan: late Pit Grave, Kalmykia (–1.50); late Catacomb, Yuzhny Bug (–1.44); Fedorov, Minusinsk Basin (–0.67); early Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group II (–0.59); late Catacomb, Kakhovka, Lower Dnieper (–0.47); Potapovka, V olga (–0.13); Catacomb, V olga (0.08); late Catacomb, Krivoy Rog, Upper Ingulets (0.16); late Catacomb, Ukraine, pooled (0.17); Pit Grave, Kalmykia (0.47); Pit Grave, Stavropol area (0.51); late Catacomb, Samara–Orel watershed (0.54); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, V olga (0.57); late Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group IV (0.72); late Catacomb, Zaporozhye, Lower Dnieper (0.74); Fedorov, Rudny Altai (0.79); Khvalynsk, V olga–Ural area (0.88).Fedorov, Minusinsk Basin: Fedorov, northeastern Kazakhstan (–0.67); late Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group IV (–0.09); Pit Grave, Stavropol area (–0.04); late Pit Grave, Kalmykia (–0.03); late Catacomb, Krivoy Rog, Upper Ingulets (0.31); late Catacomb, Samara/Orel interÀ uve (0.39); Afanasyev, Ust-Kuyum (0.51); late Catacomb, Kakhovka, Lower Dnieper (0.57); early Northern Caucasian culture, Kalmykia, group II (0.69); Timber Grave, Luzanovka, Volga (0.72); late Catacomb, Crimea (0.83); late Catacomb, Ukraine, pooled (0.84).“Andronoid”, Cherno-ozerye I, Omsk area: late Krotovo, Sopka-2 (0.91).“Andronoid”, Yelovka II, Tomsk area: not a single close parallel. The least distant is Irmen (1.01); those ranking next are late Krotovo, Sopka-2 (1.49), Cherno-ozerye I (3.42), and Karakol (3.87).Gumugou, Xinjiang: not a single close parallel. The least distant are two Fedorov series – from Rudny Altai (1.26) and from northeastern Kazakhstan (1.28).DiscussionAfanasyevThe results challenge the traditional idea that the sole and direct ancestors of the Afanasyev people were those of Pit Grave culture. Pit Grave af¿ nities rank ¿ rst only in the cases of Saldyar I and Karasuk III. Catacomb parallels are no fewer than those with Pit Grave, and in most instances they are the most pronounced. Every Afanasyev group has close ties with Catacomb groups. By contrast, not all Afanasyev series show close Pit Grave connections: these are absent in two groups of the Altai (Ursul and Kurota II) and in the pooled Altai sample. In half of the Altai series, ties with the Catacomb people of the Don are the most distinct, and the same is true of the pooled Altai group. Afanasyeva Gora and the pooled Minusinsk series are closest to the late Catacomb of the Lower Dnieper, whereas the series from Kurota II in the Altai, is closest to Poltavka. These results are matched by archaeological facts which, according to S.V. Tsyb (1981, 1984), evidence the importance of Poltavka and Catacomb cultures in Afanasyev origins.Strangely, similarities with Timber Grave people are no less numerous. In fact, for the pooled Minusinsk group they are more distinct than those with Catacomb and Pit Grave. The Timber Grave tribes could not have played any role in Afanasyev origins because they lived later; nor do any facts point to a reverse migration of the Afanasyev people or their descendants to Europe. The results can hardly be attributed to a slightly uneven representation of the three Eastern European cultures in the database, where the Pit Grave is represented by 15 series, the Catacomb by 18, and the Timber Grave by 16. More likely, these results testify to the considerable stability and relative homogeneity of the physical type of the Eastern European steppe populations over the Bronze Age despite the succession of cultures and apparently despite microevolutionary trends such as gracilization.Attempts at tracing the origins of this type have so far been unsuccessful. On the one hand, the Pit Grave people of the Lower Dnieper (Kakhovka and Kherson areas), the Catacomb people of the same region (Verkhne-Tarasovka, early group) and those of Kalmykia are similar to the Chalcolithic Khvalynsk population (5th–4th millennia BC). Accordingly, Khvalynsk might have been ancestral for some Eurasian steppe populations of the Bronze Age. Another Chalcolithic series which represents the Sredni Stog culture is more isolated, the least removed from it being various Afanasyev groups of the Altai and the Catacomb people of the Don. All these facts may point to the deep Eastern European roots of the Pit Grave, Catacomb, and partly Afanasyev communities.On the other hand, not all the Eastern European steppe populations of the Bronze Age appear to have been autochthonous. The analysis of a larger number of groups using the reduced trait battery reveals numerous early (4th millennium BC and earlier) Central and Western European parallels for groups such as the Pit Grave from the Ingulets and early Catacomb from the Molochnaya. These ties are especially evident in four gracile early Catacomb groups of the Ukraine, which show 14 close ties with Central and Western European populations and eight with those of Transcaucasia and Southwestern Central Asia. This apparently attests to migration, since the late Catacomb people are more robust, contrary to the normal diachronic trend (Kruts, 1990) and show no such ties. Nor are these af¿ nities shown by the Afanasyev people,。