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Injection Molding

The basic concept of injection molding revolves around the ability of a thermoplastic material to be softened by heat and to harden when cooled .In most operations ,granular material (the plastic resin) is fed into one end of the cylinder (usually through a feeding device known as a hopper ),heated, and softened(plasticized or plasticated),forced out the other end of the cylinder,while it is still in the form of a melt,through a nozzle into a relatively cool mold held closed under pressure.Here,the melt cools and hardens until fully set-up.The mold is then opened,the piece ejected,and the sequence repeated.

Thus,the significant elements of an injection molding machine become :1)the way in which the melt is plasticized (softened) and forced into the mold (called the injection unit); 2)the system for opening the mold and closing it under pressure (called the clamping unit);3)the type of mold used;4)the machine controls.

The part of an injection-molding machine,which converts a plastic material from a sold phase to homogeneous seni-liguid phase by raising its temperature .This unit maintains the material at a present temperature and force it through the injection unit nozzle into a mold .The plunger is a combination of the injection and plasticizing device in which a heating chamber is mounted between the plunger and mold. This chamber heats the plastic material by conduction .The plunger,on each storke; pushes unmelted plastic material into the chamber ,which in turn forces plastic melt at the front of the chamber out through the nozzle

The part of an injection molding machine in which the mold is mounted,and which provides the motion and force to open and close the mold and to hold the mold close with force during injection .This unit can also provide other features necessary for the effective functioning of the molding operation .Moving plate is the member of the clamping unit,which is moved toward a stationary member.the moving section of the mold is bolted to this moving plate .This member usually includes the ejector holes

and moldmounting pattern of blot holes or “T” slots .Stationary plate is the fixed member of the clamping unit on which the stationary section of the mold is bolted .This member usually includes a mold-mounting pattern of boles or “T” slots.Tie rods are member of the clamping force actuating mechanism that serve as the tension member of the clamp when it is holding the mold closed.They also serve as a gutde member for the movable plate .Ejector is a provision in the clamping unit that actuates a mechanism within the mold to eject the molded part(s) from the mold .The ejection actuating force may be applied hydraulically or pneumatically by a cylinder(s) attached to the moving plate ,or mechanically by the opening storke of the moving plate.

Methods of melting and injecting the plastic differ from one machine to another and are constantly being improred .couventional machines use a cylinder and piston to do both jobs .This method simplifies machine construction but makes control of injection temperatures and pressures an inherently difficult problem .Other machines use a plastcating extruder to melt the plastic and piston to inject it while some hare been designed to use a screw for both jobs :Nowadays,sixty percent of the machines use a reciprocating screw,35% a plunger (concentrated in the smaller machine size),and 5%a screw pot.

Many of the problems connected with in jection molding arises because the densities of polymers change so markedly with temperature and pressure.Athigh temperatures,the density of a polymer is considerably cower than at room temperature,provided the pressure is the same.Therefore,if modls were filled at atmospheric pressure, “shrinkage”would make the molding deviate form the shape of the mold.

To compensate for this poor effect, molds are filled at high pressure.The pressure compresses the polymer and allows more materials to flow into the mold,shrinkage is reduced and better quality moldings are produced.Cludes a mold-mounting pattern of bolt holes or “T” slots.Tie rods are members of the clamping force actuating
