
以下是由店铺整理关于国际商务英语函电试题的内容,希望大家喜欢!Lesson OneI. Translate the following expressions:1.cotton piece goods 6. 另函2.state-operated corporation 7. 供你方参考3.import and export 8. 商务参赞处4.business lines 9. 盼望5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品目录II. Translating the following into English:1.We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化工产品的国营公司).2.We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(一俟收到你方的报价).3.We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国工艺品出口).4.We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建立贸易关系).5.________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.6.______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of cannedgoods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you.2.Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time.3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years business experience.4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world.5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers.IV. Translate the following sentences into English :1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的.名称地址。

Unit 1 Lead-in -- Business LettersExercises:1.The following is a summary of the parts of a business letter. Fill in the blanks by referring to the introduction of this unit, some have been given as examples:2.Suppose you are going to set up your own business, design your own letterhead and then write a simple letter to tell one of your friends about your new business using the letterhead you have just designed (This can be done as a group work: first discusswhat kind of business you would like to be in, then give a full name to your business organization, locate it wherever you like, put any logo or symbol and /or slogan where necessary and finally add any other data you like to your letterhead. Then write a short letter together to tell one of your friends about your new business).3. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out a letter.The following letter is written from the seller to the buyer.(1) Seller : Royal Grosvenor Porcelain Company Ltd.Address : Grosvenor House, Renfrew Road,Oakley Staffordshire OA7 9AHTel : (743069)60591/2/3(2) Buyer : The Colourfloor Co. Ltd.Address : 238 Wilton Road, Axminster AXZ AS(3) Date : March 5, 2004(4) Subject: china(5) The message : ------Unit 2 Memos & E-mailsExercises1.Write a memo to your supervisor in which you request him/her to provide you with aprinter (or other office equipments such as a fax machine, a copying machine, which are necessary for your work) that you can keep in your office permanently.Supply all the details, including a persuasive reason for your request.You are the manager of a small printing company. A new employee, MarkMcCabe, is joining your company on 10th May.Write a short memo to your office administrator with 40-50 words.* saying who is starting work and when;*telling him where Mark McCabe’s desk should be put.*suggesting where Mark McCabe’s desk should be put.3.Reply in a memo: Your company (specializing in mountain bikes) is thinking ofgoing into European market. When your boss phoned you to ask about your opinion, you were away on business. Now you have come back and read the message your secretary took down for you (see the Telephone Message below). Write a short memo to your boss to state your idea, covering the following points:●Your suggestion- yes.●Why exporting is a good idea at this time.●Some objections the other company leaders might have and your answers to theseobjections.●Suggesting having a meeting to discuss it in detail some time this week.4.Draft an e-mail to one of your friends in which you would mention what you havelearned in this unit and tell your friend to drop in our class anytime he/she likes.Unit 3 Identifying Business PartnersExercises:1.Study the sample letters given above and work in pairs to summarize the main pointswhich need to be covered in a letter to establish business relations, with one point already given as an example:* Source of information*****2.Fill in the gaps in the passage with words given below:When a company starts to sell goods in a new market, they often do some ______ research or feasibility study. One way to assess the market _______ is to take a stand at a Trade Fair where companies can exhibit/display samples of their products and see what response they get from _________ customers. This is a form of ________ (or advertising) and the company representative(s) will probably hand out ________ to advertise (or promote) the product further. Another way of __________ (or publicizing) a new product is to place advertisements in magazines or newspapers. A plan to do a lot of advertising of one product is called a _________. Starting an advertising campaign on a new product is known as _________ the product.brochures, market, publicity, launching,promoting, campaign, prospective, potential.3.Translation: Translate the following letter into English; please pay attention to the formality (as this is a business letter, very informal words and expressions should be avoided.).先生们,我们从伯明翰一个朋友处获悉贵公司地址, 特此去函,望与贵公司建立贸易关系。
国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (6)[2页]
![国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (6)[2页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/55ad139527284b73f3425069.png)
Answer Key to Unit 6I. Choose the best answer:1. C2. B3. B4. A5. D6. CII. Translate the following into English:1.Enclosed is Demand Draft for the difference of $89.29. Please let us have youracknowledgement of receipt.2.In order to facilitate the sale of our articles, we are prepared to accept payment byD/P at sight as a special accommodation.3.We have deducted the commission agreed of 5% from the total amount due andenclose a remittance bill for €900 in full settlement of account.4.Due to no direct steamer to Montreal port, we request you to amend the L/C toallow us transshipment.5.Since you have failed to respond to our last two overdue notices, or to arrangeany sort of payment schedule, we are forced to take legal actions.6.We should appreciate it if you would furnish us with reliable informationregarding Messrs. Orkla Company. We wish to know if their financial standing in strong.III. Translate the following into English:(1)Dear ….,Gangtong Group, Inc.Gangtong Group, Inc has approached us, asking if they could represent us in the sale of our laptops in the district of North America. They have referred your bank name to us as a bank reference. We shall appreciate it if you provide us with detailed information respecting its credit standing, business capacity and reputation.Any information you many give us will be treated strictly in confidence.Yours sincerely,(2)Today we received the L/C No. 67 opened by your bank. Upon examination, we found two points inconsistent with the terms of the contract:First, “approximate 400 metric tons” shall be “400 metric ton”. Second, “FOB Huangpu” was miswritten for “FOR Huangpu”.Thus, we request amendment of L/C and please extend the time of shipment and validity to 15th April and 30th April respectively with transshipment allowed.To meet the shipping schedule, please make sure the L/C is correct.IV. Revise the following message to make it more positive:−可以用Thank you for... 开始邮件.−in order to avoid,, we ask for…. 可以用positive attitude 强化沟通效果。

针对贵公司在市场拓展方面的需求,我们提出以下合作建议:1. 产品供应:我公司可以为贵公司提供丰富的产品选择,包括但不限于xxxxx。
2. 市场推广:我们将与贵公司合作,共同规划市场推广战略。
3. 物流配送:我们拥有可靠的物流合作伙伴,能够确保商品的安全快速配送到贵公司。
4. 售后服务:我们将提供优质的售后服务,确保贵公司在使用我们产品过程中的满意度。

Essential Parts 必要部分
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Letter Head 信头 Date 日期 Inside Name and Address 收信人名称地址 Salutation 称呼 Body of the Letter 正文 Complimentary Close 结尾敬语 Signature 落款
位置: 1.称呼和正文之间 2.齐头式靠左,缩格式居中 3.要加下划线 表示的是该信函的主题
1. Re: Your Order No.463 for1,000 Wide-screen TV Sets 2. SHEEP WOOL
位置: 落款之下,左对齐 说明该信件有附件 1. Enclosure 2. Enc. 3. Encl. As Stated 4. Enclosure: Brochure
Close Yours faithfully Faithfully yours Yours (very) truly Very truly yours Yours sincerely/ Sincerely
Occasion Standard and formal closure
Used by Americans
Optional Parts 附加部分
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Attention Line 具体收信人 Subject Line 事由 Reference Notation 案号 Enclosure 附件 Carbon Copy Notation (abbr. c.c.)抄送 Postscript (abbr. P.S.) 附言事由结尾敬语 Nhomakorabea案号
国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (12)[2页]
![国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (12)[2页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d2adbb8ef5335a8103d2206f.png)
Answer Key to Unit 12I. Choose the correct answer:1.Bailey & Sons (was) one of the companies that responded to the invitation.2.Even though our report appeared more lengthy than (theirs,), the reportscontained similar information.3.Neither the bank president nor the loan officers (were) aware of the newguidelines.4.Your leader has recommended (your) moving to a different work team.5.Was it (she) who recommended me for the position?6.Our company is revising ( its) statement of purpose.II. Improve the following sentences to make them more positive and effective:答案不唯一1.责备的语气改掉就可以2.语言可以更加生动些.3.We know 的句式不自然, how can you know…?4.可改成行动指向,避免负面语气。
6.可改成该如何做III. Translate the following into English:1.We will start to operate under the name of " Hengyuan Trading Co.,Ltd."starting April 1.1.From today on, All our documents communicating with the other side,invoices and account numbers, tax numbers carry the name of the new company.2.Please note that this email account will be invalid by the end of this month.3.Prices have kept rising since September and we will not raise prices beforethe end of December.4.I will be transferred to our Shanghai headquarters on April 1.5.Please read through the attached files before we meet next week.IV. Translate the following into Chinese or English:(1)一封信的语气能让读者有积极的回应。
国际商务函电练习题 单证实务

词组翻译:(1) credit standing 信用状况(2) financial status 财务状况(3) be in strict confidence 绝对保密(4) modes of business 经营方式(5) open an account 开立账户(6) 小额交易small business engagement(7) 过额交易overtrading(8) 商业证明trade reference(9) 定额货代standing credit(10) 拖延付款delay payment(1) a trial order 试购订单(2) duplicate order 重复订单(3) outstanding order 未完成订单(4) close business 达成交易(5) order sheet 订货单(6) 第一次订货initial order(7) 存货清单stock lines(8) 接受订单accept an order(9) 取消订单cancel an order(10) 执行订单carry out an order(1) to cable a credit 电开信用证(2) to amend a credit 修改信用证(3) to extend a credit 延展信用证有效期(4) to increase a credit 增加信用证面额(5) recourse repudiation 拒绝偿还(6) 保兑信用证confirmed L/C(7) 可转让信用证transferable L/C(8) 有追索权信用证with recourse L/C(9) 信用证余额credit balance(10) 通过银行开立信用证to establish a credit through a bank(1) waterproof 防水(2) wooden case 木箱(3) In sound condition 完好无整(4) registered trademark 注册商标(5) packing instructions 包装要求(6) standard export packing 标准出口包装(7) 装箱单packing list(8) 以毛作净gross for net(9) 习惯包装customary packing(10) 中性包装neutral packing(11)适合海运的包装seaworthy packing(12)运输标志shipping mark(1) on sb.’s behalf 代表……(2) for one’s account 由某方付费(3) refer sb. to sth. 请……参看,参照(4) refund the premium to you 将保险费退还给你(5) in the absence of definite instructions 没有明确指示(6) 免赔率franchise(7) 保险费insurance premium(8) 办理保险arrange insurance(9) 保险凭证insurance certificate(10) “仓至仓”条款warehouse to warehouse clause (w/w clause)(1) demurrage rate 滞期费率(2) despatch money 速遣费(3) discharging port 卸货港(4) loading port 装货港(5) booking note 托运单(6) freight prepaid 运费预付(7) partial shipment 分批装运(8) 通知书准备就绪notice of readiness(9) 租船契约charter party(10) 唛头shipping mark(11)已装船提货on board bill of lading(12)班轮运输liner transport(13)运费到付freight collect(14)班轮运费表liner’s freight tariff(1) CCPIT 中国国际贸易促进委员会(2) on going into the matter 经调查此事(3) to hold no liability for sth. 不负责任赔偿(4) take up the matter 着手处理这个问题(5) at sb.’s disposal 由某人做主,由某人支配(6) make compensation for sb.’s losses 补偿某人的损失(7) 公正行the public surveyor(8) 不可抵抗force majeure(9) 仲裁裁决arbitration award(10) 无追索权without recourse(11)承担责任assume responsibility(12)国际贸易仲裁委员会foreign trade arbitration commission句子翻译:(1) 将与我们进行贸易往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的财务状况与信誉。
国际贸易函电 函电练习2:交易磋商函电1

Shijia Trading Corp.
函电操作:还盘函1 事件描述:
外方:We are a son company of Washington's Emporium and were newly opened in California. We may place a substantial order if you could agree to T/T at 30 days.
We learn from Thomas Pennie Corporation of New York that you are producing hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality at moderate prices.
Should you be willing to do this we will allow you a discount of 3% as a special concession, in addition of course to our usual trade terms by L/C at sight. At a later date, when your business is firmly established, we shall be very happy to welcome you as one of our credit customers. If you accept our suggestion, as we hope you will, we will arrange for the goods to be delivered to you in within 30 days after the arrival of the relevant L/C.

国际商务函电课后练习第一篇:国际商务函电课后练习Replies to Enquiries and Offers答复询价和报价1.We are pleased to learn from your letter of … that you are interested in our … 从贵方xx日信中得知贵方对我方…产品有兴趣。
2.We have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue asked for in your letter of …应贵方。
3.We have the items in stock and can deliver as soon as we receive your order.本产品我方有存货,一旦收到贵方订单可立即发货。
4.We have received your inquiry of … and wish t o make the following offer.我方收到贵方…日询价,兹报盘如下。
5.The item you requested is presently sold out.Therefore, we can not send you an offer.贵方需要的货物已售完,因此无法给贵方报盘。
6.We will come back to your inquiry as soon as we can make you an attractive offer.一旦可以提供具有吸引力的询盘,将回复贵方的报盘。
7.This is the best offer we can send you.这是我方提供的最好报盘。
8.For this lot we can quote a highly reduced price.对于这批货物,我方的报价可大幅度降低。

国际商务英语函电介词练习一、介词+ 名词1. _______ an order for one hundred pieces or more we allow a special discount of 5% for payment by L/C.A. AtB. InC. OnD. From2. The additional charge will be______ your account.A. withB. ofC. forD. in3. We are pleased to inform you that the item you requested can be supplied ______ stock.A. uponB. outC. inD. from4. We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6, ______ regret that we can not supply the goods _______ the end of May.A. but, byB. and, by D. but, for D. and, for5. ________ compensation trade, we mean to pay for your machines with articles produced.A. WithB. OfC. ByD. For6. ABC company is an old-established firm ______ many year’s experience ______ the trade.A. has, ofB. with, inC. have, inD. with, of7. With this ______ mind, we are writing to inquire if we could now begin discussing the question of sole agency.A. inB. onC. atD. inside8. We are pleased to know that you have planned to come to the Autumn Guangzhou Fair. We wish to discuss with you some other important things if you could come _____ your earliest convenience.A. byB. onC. inD. at9. Will you please remit the extra charges to the Citybank New York ______ our credit?A. byB. forC. crossD. over10. We would appreciate it very much if you could make arrangements before September 15 to charter a ship ______ the terms mentioned in your yesterday’s telex.A. accordingB. asC. onD. at11. Our display is _____ stand 4, where you will find our new range of furniture.A. underB. atC. inD. on12. Please ______ your bank _____ the establishment of your L/C without delay.A. approach, forB. get in touch, forC. approach, so as toD. get contract with, concerning13. an L/C should be open _____ our favor available by documentary draft _____ sixty day’s sight.A. in, forB. in, afterC. on, inD. in, at14. They will compensate you ______ the loss according to the provisions of the insurance policy.A. forB. onC. withD. /15. The cost will go up ______.A. at 5 percentB. by 5 percentC. a 5 percentD. with 5 percent16. Please extend this letter of credit, which expires ______ January 28.A. onB. inC. atD. for17. Prices of vegetable oils have risen steeply _____ last May.A. forB. sinceC. whereD. there18. We should be pleased to send you a sample _____ our own expense.A. atB. inC. againstD. of19. Good harvest this year has made it possible for us to supply walnuts ______ last year’s prices.A. atB. inC. againstD. on20. After studying our prices and our liberal terms, you will understand why we are working _____ capacity to meet the demand.A. onB. toC. forD. of21. Contracts must be renewed on week _____ their expiration.A. onB. againstC. the moment ofD. before22. With computer users linked to the Internet growing ______ every year, business is trying to cash in on the worldwide network.A. at millionB. with a millionC. with one millionD. by million23. You don’t have to worry about the time of delivery because we can supply this item _____.A. with stockB. in stockC. from stockD. to stock24. Every week hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs are setting up sites or “homepages”______ the World Wide Web, a popular part of the Net with user friendly graphics.A. inB. onC. atD. of25. We are willing to renew the agreement on the same terms _____ last.A. likeB. asC. withD. to26. We deal in decorative fabrics ______ different varieties.A. onB. ofC. inD. for27. Goods will be shipped ______ 30 days after receipt of the L/C.A. toB. onC. forD. within28. We can supply this type of machine ______ very favorable terms.A. forB. toC. againstD. on29. Please try your best to ship our order ______ that steamer.A. byB. forC. inD. with30. Your drafts must be accompanied by the following documents _____ our acceptance of the draft.A. onB. againstC. uponD. according二、动词+ 介词1. We have been _______ with that firm for many years.A. making businessB. contactingC. dealingD. supplying2. Some customers requested us to ______ our price because they considered it too high.A. put downB. get downC. take downD. bring down3. CIF stands _______ cost, insurance and freight.A. byB. asC. likeD. for4. The design of the pillowcase is very nice but its color doesn’t ______ to me.A. attractB. appealC. appreciateD. suit5. Failure to observe general terms and conditions of a sales contract would ________.A. result from financial losesB. give rise to disputesC. need to amend the sales confirmationD. give rise to disputes that can be settled by arbitration6. You have previously _______ and we should be glad if you would now quote for the items named below.A. supplied us for glasswareB. supplied glassware with usC. supplied us on glasswareD. supplied us with glassware7. We assure you that any further orders you may ______ will always be carefully attended to.A. place usB. place with usC. make usD. make with us8. We shall be glad if you will ______ the matter at once and let us know the reason for the delay.A. look onB. look ofC. look afterD. look into9. ______ your enquiry of 5th November for a further supply of canned food, we are pleased to quote as follows.A. Replying toB. Replying forC. Replied toD. Replied for10. We have ______ at 30 day’s sight for the amount of the invoice.A. written to youB. called on youC. sent to you by air mailD. drawn on you11. We _____ your letter of Nov. 3 asking us to make a quotation.A. go overB. have readC. refer toD. check up12. It is our usual practice to ______ you at sight as soon as shipment is made.A. adviseB. payC. notifyD. draw on13. The terms agreed ____ Mr. Goodman at the Guangzhou Fair embodied much concession on our part.A. to, byB. from, withC. in, fromD. upon, with14. We regret that it is necessary to complain ______ the non-delivery of the 10 000 tons of sugar under Contract BC – 023.A. concerningB. aboutC. regardingD. with15. We have received orders ______ US$ 1 000 000 since the new product was introduced to the market.A. amount forB. amount toC. account forD. amounting to16. The delayed shipment of the goods on your part ______ our heavy losses.A. resulted toB. arouse fromC. broughtD. resulted in17. Our containers are conformable to the specifications ________ by the International Standardization Organization.A. lie downB. lied downC. lay downD. laid down18. The stipulations of the L/C should _______ those of the contract.A. agree toB. agree inC. agree onD. agree with19. Please check the enclosed fax opening the credit to ensure that it ______ your instructions.A. agreesB. agrees toC. agrees withD. agrees upon20. Kindly advise us of the steamers that call _____ your port every month.A. atB. onC. inD. for21. Your claim for shortage of weight _____ US$ 1 000 in all.A. accounts toB. amounts toC. in accounted toD. is amounted to22. We regret our inability to agree _____ your proposal to pack the goods ______ cartons, because transshipment has to be made at Hong Kong for the goods to be shipped to our port.A. to, byB. with, onC. to, inD. on, in23. We will not be held responsible for any damage which results _____ rough handling.A. fromB. offC. inD. do24. We are waiting ______ your reply ______ our letter.A. /, ofB. for, toC. of, ofD. /, /25. There has been a nation-wide shortage of building materials, _____ which the trade is only just recovering.A. forB. atC. onD. from26. We must apologize _____ you ______ not having given you earlier news about your present order.A. to, aboutB. to, /C. to, forD. /, about27. We very much regret that we cannot accept your claim on the coffee sets from the batch _____ you complain.A. whichB. of whichC. about whichD. on which28. We specialize ______ all kinds of metals and are always ready to buy in large quantities.A. atB. fromC. onD. in29. We hope that you will see your way to grant us your order, and assure you _____ advance ______ its most careful execution.A. in, ofB. by, forC. in, forD. in, at30. In case of any loss or damage, we will ____ a claim _____ your agent at our port.A. put forward, forB. file, withC. ask, withD. lodge, to31. We have lodged a claim _____ the seller for the shortage of shipment ______ S.S.DONGFENG.A. against, exB. with, underC. on, as perD. with, to32. We ______ our readiness to cooperate with you in future business.A. assure youB. ensure youC. ensure you ofD. assure you of33. We should be obliged if you could furnish us _____ a detailed report ______ the financial position, business lines and other aspects of the company.A. for, onB. on, forC. with, forD. with, on34. We suggest that you file a claim _____ the shipping company for all the losses incurred as a consequence of the failure to ship the good _____ Order TC21 in time.A. against, unlessB. for, underC. to, inD. against, under35. for the time being, we cannot commit _______ any fresh orders.A. ourselves toB. us toC. ourselves withD. us with36. We have to hold you ______ your contract.A. forB. atC. toD. in37. You may count ______ our full cooperation in the settlement of this matter.A. forB. ofC. onD. /38. Perhaps the biggest business advantage of the Internet, particularly the Web, is that it enables even small firms to _________ to a global market.A. cateB. cateringC. cartD. cater39. I hope you will try to get the manufacture _______ to set up production.A. upB. throughC. somewhereD. round40. The factories are _______ their production to cope with a mounting demand.A. adding up toB. loweringC. gearing upD. decreasing三、短语介词1. In _____ of quality, our make is superior.A. termsB. termC. connectionD. connections2. We are making you our quotation for shoes __________.A. as followsB. as followingC. as followD. following3. If you are interested, we will send a sample lot _____ charge.A. withinB. forC. inD. free of4. _______ our S/C No. 7904 dated August 8, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by the end of next month..A. With reference toB. Refer toC. ReferringD. With refer to5. We are pleased to say that we are ______ to supply you ______ the goods you want.A. of a position, /B. at a position, /C. in a position, withD. at a position, with6. A 3% discount will be granted only _____ your order exceeds US$12 000.A. depends onB. for conditions thatC. on condition thatD. for condition that7. We are not in a position to make any offer as the goods are _______.A. without stockB. out of stockC. no stockD. not in stock8. _______ heavy commitments, we cannot accept any fresh orders.A. DueB. Owing toC. BecauseD. In addition to9. In our previous letter, the importance of shipment ______ end of November is stressed.A. atB. by theC. byD. near10. _______ crowded orders, we have sold out all the goods schedule for shipment within this year.A. As a result ofB. In result ofC. With the result ofD. As result of11. This agreement shall be canceled in case the second party fails to sell ______ the agreed quantity within six months.A. up toB. toC. atD. with12. the goods under L/C No. 1234 left here ________.A. in a good conditionB. in good conditionC. in good conditionD. in the good condition13. Our clients asked us to bring down our prices because they consider them ______.A. on the high sideB. out of line withC. are running highD. be too high14. We understand the goods can be supplied _____ stock.A. exB. outC. withD. out from15. But _____ these difficulties, there is little doubt that the delivery term would have been observed.A. because b. without C. with D. for16. We have the pleasure of writing to _______ you in the hope of doing business with you _______.A. contact with, in this lineB. get contact, within this line of businessC. contact, in this lineD. get in touch, upon this line of business17. We are gearing our production to your requirements and ________ to offer you substantially.A. will ableB. shall be in the position toC. shall be in a positionD. will be at a position18. One of our clients in Odense is _________ for a parcel of 3000 dozen/sets of Art No. 208 Ladies Pajamas.A. on the marketB. in the marketC. for the marketD. to the market19. In the past years, we have made efforts to develop business ______.A. in this lienB. for thatC. of thisD. on this line20. thank you for your remittance of US$ 2150.00________ the 70% freight due under Invoice No. 22B/96.A. of payingB. pay forC. for paymentD. in payment of21. The discount of 5% agreed on was granted only ______ no balance was outstanding from previous accounts.A. on conditionB. on condition thatC. on thatD. depends on22. We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are ______.A. our of stockB. outside in stockC. without stockD. no stock23. The commodities you offered are ______ line with the business scope of our clients.A. outsideB. out ofC. outD. without24. As we are ______ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C.A. in badly needB. badly in needC. urgent in needD. in urgent need25. Subject to satisfactory arrangements ________ terms and conditions, we should be pleased to act as your sole agent.A. asB. as perC. as ifD. as to26. We are offering firm ______ on the same terms and conditions as the previous contract.A. as followingB. as followsC. as followD. as in followed27. One of our clients is ______ the market _____ Men’s shirts.A. on, ofB. at, withC. in, forD. with, at28. ______ an order for over 500 pieces, we should allow a special discount of 5%.A. In caseB. In case thatC. In the caseD. In case of29. In 2007, he was promoted to be ______ of a liaison office to keep contact with other countries.A. taking chargeB. in frontC. in the chargeD. in charge30. We apologize for the underpayment of US$ 123.00 on your Invoice No. 35/2002. This was _________ a misreading of the amount________.A. due to, dueB. owing to, owingC. due ,due inD. owing to, due to四、名词/形容词(过去分词)+ 介词1. Damage ______ the goods was caused by heavy rain in transit.A. ofB. toC. forD. on2. There is a steady demand here _______ leather gloves of high quality.A. inB. ofC. forD. on3. We would like to express our satisfaction ______ receiving the first order and _______ prompt shipment of the goods.A. to, confirmB. with, confirmingC. at, confirmD. in, confirming4. In case you can make a reduction _____ 5% _____your price, we may strike the deal with you.A. of, ofB. by, byC. of, inD. for, for5. We are sorry to find that the damage _______ the goods was caused by heavy rain during transportation.A. onB. forC. aboutD. to6. There is steady demand here _____ leather gloves _____ high quality.A. for, ofB. to, withC. for, withD. in, of7. To avoid possible dispute ______ quality, both sides should describe the goods clearly.A. onB. inC. ofD. at8. This offer is _______ your reply reaching us before May 5.A. subjectB. subjectedC. subject toD. subjected to9. We have noticed the Dutch producers _____ a joint venture agreement with Chinese firms.A. interestB. are interestedC. are interested inD. interest in10. We _____ the seminar sponsored by you in September last year.A. awareB. aware ofC. are aware ofD. are aware11. Everyone knows that China’s bristles are of superior quality ______ those from other countries.A. withB. toC. forD. than12. Unfortunately, quite a number of the users are dissatisfied _______ your Straw Baskets supplied to Order No. T90.A. toB. withC. onD. above13. Our usual terms of payment are _______ L/C and we hope they will be satisfactory _____ you.A. by, forB. by, toC. for, toD. for, with14. Everyone in this trade knows that China’s bristles are superior _____ quality _____ those from other countries.A. in, withB. in, toC. on, forD. of, than15. The relative L/C should be issued through a third country bank in the United Kingdom _____ the sellers.A. available byB. available toC. acceptable byD. acceptable to。

We write to introduce ourselves as one of the largest exports in China of a wide range of Machinery and Equipment. We enclose a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present, and hope some of these items will be of interest to you.It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquires for any of the items against which we will send you our lowest quotations.We are looking forward to your favorable and prompt reply.Key Points澳大利亚驻华大使馆商务参赞处获悉Nelson & Peterson有限公司拟购买山地车;详细介绍阳光公司的信息和产品信息;寻求建立长期合作关系的客户;表达建立业务关系的愿望。
Nelson & Peterson Co.Ltd56 Flushing StreetSydney, AustraliaDear Sir or Madam,Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Australian embassy in China, we learn that you are in the market for Mountain bike.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can enter into long-term business relations with you.We are specializing in the export of Mountain bike with more than 10 years. Our products enjoyed a high popularity internationally for their high quality, fashionable design and competitive price.To give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet. As to our credit standing, please refer to our bank--- the Bank of China.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Zhao Zijuan敬启者:事由:关于你方新产品移动硬盘一事感谢你方5月8日来函关于移动硬盘一事。

IV. (P36)2.很荣幸从贵国大使馆得知,你公司生产并出口各种皮夹,对此我们希望贵方能寄送商品目录和最新价目表。
We are much honored to learn from your Embassy that you are manufacturing and exporting a variety of leather jackets, for which we would like you please mail us a catalogue and their current prices.7.获悉贵公司是中国手工艺产品的进口商,因此在下冒昧的写信给您,以求增进友谊,促进业务。
We learned that you are importers of Chinese arts and crafts goods, so we take the liberty of writing to you in hope of promoting friendship as well as business.W orkshop 1(P36)(中翻英)Dear Sir or Madam:很荣幸从大阪尚会得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你们是一家大型牛皮箱包出口公司。
Y our name and address have been given to us by the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a large exporter of oxhide suitcases and bags. For your information, now we are especially interested in importing calfskin bags from your country.如果你们能保证价格可行,品质优良,交货迅速,我们将大量进口该产品。

精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)Unit 2 EnquiriesI. Translate the following terms into Chinese1. performance性能2. business concern 商行,企业3. Consulate 领事馆4. rock bottom price 最低价格5. potential customer潜在客户6. Proforma invoice形式发票7. seasonal discount季节折扣8. specifications 规格9. terms of trade 贸易条件10. firm offer 实盘II. Translate the following terms into English.1.商务参赞commercial counsellor2.商会chamber of commerce3.业务状况business status4.现金折扣cash discount5.装运日期date of shipment6.购买purchase7.资信证明reference8.相互的利益mutual benefit9.广告advertisement10.商品commodityIII. Choose the best answer from the four choices.1. If you can accept payment by L/C, we will make you a very competitive (B).A. orderB. offerC. leafletD. attachment2. If your samples meet our requirements, we will A a large order. (A)A. placeB. giveC. sendD. issue3. We may reconsider terms of payment once we had established a .(C)A. trade associationB. trades associationC. trading associationD. traded association4. As requested, we are writing to make you a firm offer : (B)A. as followingB. as followsC. as followedD. as followWe are writing to5. We are writing to you in the hope of setting up business relations with you. (A)A. contactB. get in touchC. contact withD. approach with6. Attached is our catalogue. (D)A. pictureB. illustrationC. picturedD. illustrated7. This article is quoted at f 15.90 dozen CIF London. (B)A. eachB. perC. aD. one8. We wish to offer as listed below. (A)A. firmB. firmlyC. firmingD. firmed9. Owing to unforeseen difficulties, the factory cannot send the goods to us schedule. (C)A.inB. toC. onD. of10. Would you please more information about the fabrics to be processed? (C)A. furnish usB. furnish withC. furnish us withD. furnish theIV. Fill in each of the blanks with a proper preposition.1. If you can produce goods to our design, let us have details of costs.2. May we have your quotation, together with other trade terms?3. The customer asks for a 20% discount off net list prices.4. We enclose an order form for your convenience.5. We hope to interest you in this new kind of glassware.6. If you find in our catalogue anything of interest, please let us know.7. The prices quoted will apply only to orders received on or before 6 April.8. Please quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed inquiry form.9. As requested in your fax of May 12, we return two copies of your Sales Contract No. AC-800 for your file.10. The M. V. Elizabeth is scheduled to arrive on July 25.VI. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1. 我们专营甜食糖果,与全国的食品店有广“泛的联系。

第一章商务函电概况练习答案1.Choose the best choice.1-5 CDAAD 6-10 BACAA2. Fill in the blanks.1. on/ upon2. with3. As4. without5. between6. possible7. with 8. to 9. in 10. by, for3.Rewrite the following sentences.1. 此处bimonthly有歧义:可以是twice a month 或者once two month.故读信者就迷惑了,可以改写为:1.1. We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco.1.2. We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco.1.3. We have a direct sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco.2. We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the item.3. We sent you, by air, 5 samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 204. We appreciate your letter of 5 June.5. We enclose two copies of the file.4. Correction.很显然,这封邮件有很多缺点,首先语句呆板,严重的“生意腔”使邮件毫无生气。

国贸函电练习题ExercisesI. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.ABC company is an old-established firm ______ many years’experience________ the trade.A.has; ofB. with; inC. have; inD. with; of2.Prices of raw materials have risen sharply ______ last May.A.forB. sinceC. beforeD. in3.You may count ______ our full cooperation in the settlement of this matter.A.forB. ofC. onD. in4.There is a steady demand in Europe for leather gloves _______high quality.A.atB. toC. ofD. for5.Please note that Item No. 1-10 can be certainly promisedfor immediate shipment_________ receipt of your order.A.IfB. whetherC. uponD. at6.If you are interested in our latest material, we will be glad to send you a sample________ charge.A.withB. withoutC. freeD. free of7.We are sorry that the goods you ordered are now ________.A.availableB. outside in stockC. no stockD. out of stock8.We are looking forward to ________ from you soon.A.hearingB. hearC. heardD. be heard9.You name and address ________ to us by the Commonwealth Bank.A.have givenB. have been givenC. giveD. given10.As the goods ________ within the scope of our businessactivities, please contactus immediately.A.fallsB. fallC. fellD. falling11.We hope to enter ________ business relations______ your firm.A.into; withB. with; intoC. /;atD. in; in12.We assure you ______ out best service ______ any time.A.for; inB. at; onC. of; atD. with; at13.They are a state-operated corporation ________both the import and export ofmetals and minerals.A.tradingB. doC. dealingD. handling14._____ you ______send us samples of your new products?A.Do; hope toB. Would; pleaseC. Do; wish toD. Will; like to15.__________the recommendation of ABC Co., we havelearned that you are _____market ______”Meiling” brand canned goods.A.At; on; ofB. Upon; in; ofC. On; in; forD. In; at ; for16.We _____ you _____ our e-mail of August 18.A.send; inB. refer; inC. give; toD. refer; to17.We are wholesalers and ______ to handle large quantities.A.of a positionB. in the positionC. at a positionD. in a position18.Will you please quote us prices FOB Shanghai _____ U.S. dollar.A.withB. atC. onD. in19.Could you make us a firm offer _____ 3,000 metric tons _____ fertilizer?A.for; ofB. on; inC. of; forD. for; for20._____ requested, we are enclosing a quotation sheet ______ our silk garments.A.As; aboutB. At; aboutC. At; forD. As; for21.We are making you the following order, subject _____ your acceptance _______us before April 20.A.to; reachB. with; reachingC. to; reachingD. to; arrive22.If you can make us an offer______ competitive price we can sell a large quantity_______ your products ______ our area.A.for; for; inB. at; of; inC. on; for; forD. in; for; at23.While appreciating good quality of your products, we are sorry to say that yourprice appears to be __________.A.in the high levelB. at the high endC. of the high standardD. on the high side24.__________ our S/C No. 19 in duplicate for your signature and please return onecopy for our file.A.Enclose please findB. We are enclosedC. We encloseD. Enclosing please findII. Fill in the missing worlds in the blanks.1.Letter 1We have l_____ from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in your country that you are in the m_____ for Chinese electronic products.We i______ ourselves as a well-establish e______ of all kinds of Chinese goods, especially of Electronic and Hi-fi products. And we would l_____ to enter i_____ business relations with you.Our products are of high q______ and r_______ price, and have long e______ a great fame at home and a______. We enclose a c_______ for your i_______ and some of the items will be of i_____ of you.We look forward to your e____ reply.Yours faithfully,2.Letter 2We t____ you for your e_____ of November 22. Under cover, you will f_____ a brochure giving detailed i______ about our “Flying Tiger” brand motor-boats and the good results we h_____ achieved in tests.As regards trade d______, we will a_____ you 8% off list p_____ with q______ discount of 5% for o_____ over US $ 20,000.Please don’t hesitate to c_____ us if we can be of any f____ help to you.Yours faithfully,III. Translate the following letter into Chinese.1.Letter 1Dear Sirs,Your firm has been recommended to us by the OrientalTrading Co. Ltd. We understand that you have been supplying “Qingdao”brand bottled beer of the best quality to a lot of countries and regions for over 30 years.We are the largest food trading corporation in this country, and have offices or representatives in almost all major cities and towns. We are sure that there is a large demand for various foreign beers in our country. Therefore, we shall appreciate it very much if you will advise us whether you have a mind to establish direct business relations with us.We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market. We assure you of our close cooperation at all times and look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfully,2.Letter 2We thank you for your enquiry of January 2, and are pleased to learn that you wish to establish business relations with us. As per your request, we are now making you, subject to your reply reaching here by February 2, 2012, the following offer: Specifications: “Chrysanthemum” Brand Bath Towel NJO11 Quantity: 27,000 dozenPrice: at U.S $22 per dozen CIF C5% New YorkPacking: one dozen per box, twenty boxes per cartonPayment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sightShipment: to be made in three equal monthly installments beginning from March, 2012We believe that the above terms will be agreeable to you. It is very likely that the market price will rise, and it would be to your advantage to place the order at an early date.We look forward to your prompt reply.Yours faithfully,3.Letter 3敬启者,我们从《对外贸易》杂志10月号上获悉公司的地址。
《国际商务英语函电》(吴雯)教材课后习题答案Chapter 9 Insurance

Chapter11Lesson28I.Translate the following expressionsA.From English into Chinese:1.All risks一切险2.Institute cargo clauses伦敦保险业协会条款3.additional risks附加险4.C.I.C中国保险条款5.be charged to your account由你方支付B.From Chinese into English:1.以CIF价格成交concluded on CIF basis2.向中国人民保险公司投保effect insurance with PICC3.承担额外的保费bear extra premium4.保费收据premium receipt5.为这票货物投保insure the shipmentⅡ.Choose the best answer.B DCD BIII.The following sentences are some opening sentences on insurance.Please translate them into Chinese:1.我们是按FOB价达成交易的,所以由你方去投保。
You should effect the insurance since the transaction is concluded on FOB basis.2.对于按CIF价成交的货物,由我方按发票金额的110%投保一切险。
For transactions concluded on CIF basis,we usually cover the insurance against All Risks for110%of the full invoice value.3.因为这批货不是易碎品,不太可能在运输途中受损,所以平安险就够了。
As the goods is not fragile with less possibility of damage in transit,it is enough to effect insurance against FPA.4.破碎险是一种特殊险别,要额外收保费。

(3) We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you (有幸自荐)with the hope that we may have opportunity to cooperate with you.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
5. Write a letter to a foreign company for establishing business relations covering the following contents:
(3) 承蒙我国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知你公司的名称、地址。
We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s Office of our Embassy in Beijing.
(4) 我方了解到你方是日用化学品制造商。我方有一客户想要购买贵国化妆品,如能立即航寄目前所能提供货物的目录及价格表,我方将不胜感激。
We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals. One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country. We will appreciate it highly if you airmail the catalogue and price list of the goods available at present.

Key to Skills TrainingUnit 1Key to training 技能训练I. Vocabulary and Grammar Using Skills Training.1. B2. C3.C4.A5.A.6. C7.D8.A9.C 10.BII. Please wrtie a business letter in one of three mentioned layouts according to the following message.PACIFIC CO., LTD.Add: POWELL, 234 SAN FRANCISCOCALIFORNIA U.S.A.Tel:+01-21-88995566Fax: +01-21-88995566Oct.10, 2008CA THY CO., LTDAdd: NO.89 YUNSA ROAD HEFEI, ANHUI, P.R.CTel:+86-891-77441235Fax: +86-891-77441236Subject : Establishing business relationsDear Ms. Mark,Thank you for your letter of Oct. 8.We are one of the largest importer of silk products in our city and glad to establish business relations with your company.At present we are interested in Art. No 168 in your catalog sent usBest regards,MICKEYIII. Address the following envelope in Chinese.prehensive Language Using Skills Training.1. obtained2. Ministry3. informed4. importers5. market6. establishing7. general8. interested9. forward 10. qualityV. Business Letters Translation Skills Training.敬启者:感谢贵公司寄给我方和平牌自行车的最新价格单。
国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (1)[2页]
![国际商务函电-练习答案Unit (1)[2页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/befa208e48d7c1c709a14582.png)
Answer Key to Unit 1I. Choose the appropriate word for each sentence:1. creates2. Whom3. lay4. whom5. his6. any otherII. Rewrite each sentences by making it more concise:1.…computation of the annual revenues had been done properly 被动式可改成主动式2.Subsequent to …可改成after3.Prior to …可改成before4.Susan ended the meeting by concluding that ….可改成: Susan concluded that…there were a number of mutually agreeable solutions that could be explored….可改成: a number of… could be explored. 也可改成主动式5.…. there was the issue of quality control that he wanted to emphasize in hisspeech. 可改成: He wanted to emphasize the issue of… in …6.The department must determine its aims and goals so that they can be included inthe annual strategic plan produced by the Company for the year of 2018. aims an goals 可选一, 整个句式可以简洁些.III. Rewrite each sentence for a more positive effect:1.not… unless 的句型改成…if句型。
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We write to introduce ourselves as one of the largest exports in China of a wide range of Machinery and Equipment. We enclose a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present, and hope some of these items will be of interest to you.It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquires for any of the items against which we will send you our lowest quotations.We are looking forward to your favorable and prompt reply.Key Points澳大利亚驻华大使馆商务参赞处获悉Nelson & Peterson有限公司拟购买山地车;详细介绍阳光公司的信息和产品信息;寻求建立长期合作关系的客户;表达建立业务关系的愿望。
Nelson & Peterson Co.Ltd56 Flushing StreetSydney, AustraliaDear Sir or Madam,Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Australian embassy in China, we learn that you are in the market for Mountain bike.We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can enter into long-term business relations with you.We are specializing in the export of Mountain bike with more than 10 years. Our products enjoyed a high popularity internationally for their high quality, fashionable design and competitive price.To give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a sample-cutting booklet. As to our credit standing, please refer to our bank--- the Bank of China.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,Zhao Zijuan敬启者:事由:关于你方新产品移动硬盘一事感谢你方5月8日来函关于移动硬盘一事。
祝好(移动硬盘:mobile HDD)Dear Sirs,Re: Your new product, Mobile HDDThank you for your letter of May 8 concerning your new product, Mobile HDD. We are interested in your product and wish to discuss further about it.We notice that you require payment by letter of credit. However we would like topropose payment by D/A for this first order. We hope to place substantial orders once the demand for this product has been ascertained.We believe our proposal is a reasonable way to test the market and hope you will be willing to cooperate with us.Yours faithfully,敬启者:关于贵方MFT09071号订单和我方3386号销售确认书事宜,我们想指出:上述销售确认书项下商品已备妥待运很长时间了。
谨上Dear Sirs,We refer to your order MFT 09071 and our S/C No.3386. The goods under the above-mentioned S/C have been ready for quite some time. According to the S/C, shipment is to be made before May 25. We sent you a fax two days ago asking you to expedite the relevant L/C, but have not received any reply by now.The shipment date is approaching. We must point out that we shall be unable to effect shipment within the stipulated time unless your L/C reaches us before the end of this week.Yours faithfully,敬启者:贵公司的319号信用证收到,但我们发现它有以下不符点:1. 该交易给予的佣金应该为3%,而信用证要求5%;2. 装船期是八~九月间,而不是8月31日前;请尽快修改信用证,以便我方安排装运。
谨上Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of credit NO. 319, but we noticed it contains the following discrepancies:1.The commission granted for this transaction should be 3%, but your L/C demandsa commission of 5%.2.The shipment should be made during August/September, instead of “on or before 31 August”.Please amend your L/C as soon as possible in order to enable us to effect shipment.Yours sincerely,敬启者:感谢你方8月1日来信,经商榷,我们决定采用内衬防潮纸(damp-proof paper)的纸箱包装,因其轻便,更易于搬运。
Dear Sirs,Thanks for your letter of Aug 1st. After a discussion, we decide to pack the goods in cartons lined with damp-proof paper, as they are light and easy to carry.Please mark the gross weight, net weight and the dimensions on the cartons, and stencil our initials in an ellipse, under which the case number and port of destination should be indicated. As the goods are liable to be damaged by damp, please stencil warning marks like “Keep Dry”etc. on the outer packing.Please arrange accordingly and make shipment on time.敬启者:感谢你方昨天来信,通知我们5月15日为我客户订购的陶器现在已备好待收。
由于该船定于6月25日驶往悉尼,从6月20日起开始在第7号码头装货, 请确保所有的箱子都按正式订单的说明清楚地刷上标志和号码。
Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of yesterday notifying us that the pottery ordered on May 15 for our client is now ready for collection. We are glad to learn that all items ordered have been included in the consignment.Please arrange to send the consignment by road to London to be shipped by S. S. Western Star. Due to sail for Sydney on June 25 and to load at No. 7 Dock as from the 20th, and ensure that all cases are clearly marked and numbered as shown in our official order. Invoices, in triplicate, and your account for transport charges, should be sent to us.You will note from our order that prompt delivery is most important and we rely upon you to make sure that the consignment is delivered to the docks in good time. We have made all necessary arrangements with the shipping company.XXX先生:现随函寄去无锡商检局签发的第20号检验报告,该报告证明所购货物的质量与以前送来的样品相差甚远。