翻译词组短语1. 给某人让座 1. give / offer one’s seat to sb2. 跳到地上/桌上 2. jump onto the ground/ table3. 下了一整天雨 3. keep on raining all the day4. 听到呼救声 4. hear a cry/shout for help5. 把…带到安全地带 5. carry sb to safety6. 向某人道歉 6. apologize to sb for sth/doing sth7. 给某人提建议7. give sb some advice on sth8. 得到好的治疗8. get good treatment9. 接受某人的建议9. take/follow one’s advice10. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组/委员会/公司10. join a team/club/group/committee/company11. 向某人解释…11. explain sth to sb (explain to sb that …)12. 治愈某人的病12. cure sb of a certain illness13. 匆忙赶往医院/学校/邮局/派出所/火车站/汽车站/飞机场13. hurry to the hospital /school/post office/police station/railway station/bus stop/airport14. 提出付100元钱14. offer to pay 100dollars15. 收100元钱15. charge/ take 100 dollars16. 付100元钱16. pay 100 dollars(pay the bill)17. 打车17. hire/get/call for a taxi (to take sb to …)18. 浑身湿透了18. be wet all over/ be wet through19. 下载文件19. download the papers20. 外出钓鱼/爬山/郊游/游泳/划船/野营20. go fishing / outing / climbing / boating /swimming /camping21. 转身离开21. turn away22. 陷入沉思22. be lost in thought23. 返回取某物23. turn back to get sth / for sth24. 走过去看一看发生了什么24. come /go up to see what happens25. 与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣25. share a room/an umbrella /a toy/the same interests with sb26. 对某人大声喊叫26. shout to sb in a loud voice27. 使劲移开那块大石头27. gather all one’s strength to remove the bi g stone28.背着一个沉重的包28. bear a heavy bag29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会29. go for a dinner/meeting/party/visit/get-together30. 背负沉重的课业负担30. be heavily burdened with homework31. 约某人31. call for sb32. 顺道拜访某人32. drop in on sb33. 看家33. mind one’s house34. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人34. run over to support the old man35. 等候某人吃饭/开会/回家35. wait for sb to have dinner/a meeting/ come home36. 下车36. get off the bus/ get out of the car37. 站在门口37. be stationed by the door/stand by the door38. 坐在窗前38. be seated by the window39. 靠在墙上/树上39. lean against the wall/tree40. 逆风而行40. walk/run/swim/ride/drive/move on against the wind41. 下大雨/大雪41. rain hard/snow hard/wind hard42. 刮大风42. come to one’s rescue43. 起雾43. express one’s hearty thanks to sb44. 熟睡44. fall sound asleep45. 举手45. raise one’s hand46. 步行回家/开车回家/乘车回家/骑车回家46. walk/ride/drive/take a bus home47. 突然停止47. come to a stop48. 把某人救到河岸上48. push sb to the river bank49. 结束49. come to an end/ put sth to an end50. 为某人喝彩50. cheer for sb51. 登门拜访51. call at/drop in at one’s house52. 真相大白52. come to light/ come out53. 伸手去够某物53. reach f or sth/hold out one’s hand for sth54. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊54. catch/seize sb by the arm/hand/collar55. 询问究竟是怎么回事55. ask about what is the matter56. 经过公园/邮局/市场/广场/电影院/体育馆/学校/医院/宾馆/剧院/火车站56. pass the post office/park/market/square/cinema/stadium/school/hospital/hotel/theater/railway57. 查阅字典/电话号码/住址/网址57. refer to the dictionary / look up the telephone number /one’s address / web address58. 热情接待某人58. receive sb warmly/kindly59. 认真对待某事59. take sth seriously / be careful with sth60. 小心提防某事60. be careful of sth61. 严格要求某人61. be strict with sb62. 严格对待某事62. be strict in sth63. 在火车站/飞机场接人63. meet sb at the railway station/ airport64. 顺道接人64. pick sb up by the roadside65. 抓小偷65. stop the thief/catch the thief66. 直着往前走66. go /walk straight ahead67. 把…冲走67. wash sth away68. 破坏心情/假日68. ruin the holiday/one’s heart69. 突然转弯69. make a quick turn70. 请某人吃饭/喝茶70. treat sb to coffee/tea/a meal (invite sb to dinner)71. 从口袋里掏某物71. draw sth out of the pocket72. 腾空抽屉/壁橱72. empty the cupboard/drawer73. 苦思冥想73. think hard/twice74. 做大扫除74. do the thorough cleaning75. 往后/四周/上下看75. look behind/around/up and down76. 点灯/蜡烛76. light a candle/lamp77. 生火77. make a fire78. 开灯/电视/收音机78. turn on the light/radio/TV79. 关灯/关煤气/水龙头79. switch off the tap/light/gas80. 与某人握手80. shake hands with sb81. 帮某人一把81. give sb a hand with …82. 昂着头82. ho ld one’s head high83. 过马路/桥/河83. cross the road/street/river/bridge84. 收拾房间/桌子84. clear up/tidy up/do up the room85. 系鞋带/扣扣子85. do up one’s shoes/buttons86. 与某人相处好86. get along/come along well with sb87. 擦汗87. wipe off one’s sweat88. 组织课外活动88. organize the out-of-class activities89. 参加社会实践89. take part in the social practice90. 接到某人的电话90. receive a telephone call from sb91. 完成写作91. get through the composition92. 在河中挣扎92. struggle in the middle of the river93. 获一等奖93. get the first place in …94. 得到1000元奖励94. get 1,000 dollars as a reward95. 与某人谈心95. have a heart-to-heart talk with sb / a word with sb96. 到达现场96. arrive at the spot97. 不辞而行97. leave without saying good-bye98. 收割小麦/水稻/庄稼98. get in/harvest crops/wheat/rice99. 与某人争论有关…99. argue with sb about sth100. 把…放归自然100. set sth free to nature101. 摘棉花/苹果/桃/草莓/西瓜/梨101. pick off cotton/apples/pears/water melon/ strawberry 102. 告诉某人真像102. tell sb the truth103. 打工103. do/ take up a part-time job104. 往瓶子/壶/杯子/脸盘里倒水104. fill the cup/kettle/cup/basin with water105. 分成4组105. be divided into four groups106. 中断会谈106. break off the conversation107. 切断电源107. cut off the electricity108. 打长途电话108. make a distance telephone call to…109. 与某人争吵某事109. quarrel with sb about sth110. 得第一110. come out the first111. 为某事责备某人111. scold/criticize sb for sth/doing sth112. 向某人挥手致意112. wave one’s head to greet sb113. 往前走100米113. walk 100 meters ahead/northward/westward/eastward 114. 报名参加竞赛114. enter for the competition115. 申请职位115. apply for the position116. 泄密116. let out/give away the secret117. 送某人到门口117. see sb to the door/see sb home118. 呈现高兴的神情118. take on a delightful look119. 在操场站队119. line up on the playground120. 坐在第一排120. sit in the first row121. 记下某人的名字/电话号码/姓名/家庭住址121. take down/put down/wri te down one’s name/telephone number122. 走来走去122. walk/step up and down123. 动身前往…123. go off to…/set out to/for…124. 哄某人睡觉124. send/sing sb to sleep125. 熬夜125. stay up/ sit up126. 在小旅馆住宿126. put sb up in the inn127. 严肃对待某事127. take sth seriously128. 把…钉在门上128. pin / stick a note on the door129. 向某人保密129. keep sth back from sb130. 建议不做某事130. advise against doing sth131. 不鼓励做某事131. discourage sb against doing sth 132. 退学132. drop out of school133. 开除某人/解雇某人133. remove sb/ dismiss sb from school 134. 一脚踩空134. miss one’s footing135. 把某物收捡起来135. clear sth away136. 绊了一跤136. fall over a chair/stone137. 摔了好几跤137. have many falls138. 打中了某人的头138. hit sb on the head139. 牢记139. keep sth in mind / learn sth by heart 140. 占太大空间140. take up too much room/space141. 扑灭火灾141. put off the fire142. 阻挡洪水142. hold back the flood143. 识破阴谋143. see through one’s tricks144. 苏醒过来144. come back to life145. 闲逛145. hang about/around146. 看门146. guard the door147. 看病147. see a doctor148. 看日出148. watch the sunrise149. 看书149. read a book150. 误拿了某物150. take sth by mistake151. 搜查151. search for sth/sb152. 嚎啕大哭152. cry one’s eyes out153. 自带午餐153. bring/take along lunch by oneself 154. 收集事实/资金154. collect facts/money155. 合着音乐唱歌/跳舞155. dance/sing songs to the music156. 在红绿灯处转弯156. make a turn at the traffic lights157. 把某事留给某人157. leave sth to sb158. 感到寂寞158. feel lonely159. 在…取得进步159. make great progress in …160. 达到目的160. achieve the goal161. 走100里路161. cover/walk/ do 100 miles162. 编造谎言162. make up lies163. 使劲敲打163. strike sth/sb heavily164. 敲门164. knock at the door/ a knock on the door 165. 在…有难处165. have trouble/difficult in sth/ doing sth 166. 带某人参观…166. show sb around …167. 牵手167. hold to one’s hand168. 弯腰168. bend one’s body169. 坐/站直169. seat oneself straight/ stand straight 170. 驱散人群170. break up the crowds171. 享有同等的权力171. enjoy the equal rights172. 做…是对/错的172. be wrong/right in doing sth/ sth173. 把…绑在…上173. tie sth to …/ fasten sth to…174. 铺开一张纸174. spread a piece of paper/ a newspaper175. 传开175. get around/ spread176. 热泪盈眶176. burst into tears /laughter177. 参加考试177. take the examination178. 通知某人某事178. inform sb of sth179. 提醒某人某事179. remind sb of sth180. 抢劫某人某物180. rob sb of sth181. 安排某人做某事181. arrange for sb to do sth182. 组成182. make up/consist of/be made up of183. 请三天假183. ask for thr ee days’ leave184. 放鞭炮184. set off firecrackers185. 踩刹车185. step on the brake186. 量体温186. take one’s temperature187. 把脉187. feel one’s pulse188. 追尾188. knock into the truck/car189. 在…大量训练189. have a g reat deal of practice in …190. 为集体争光190. win great honor for one’s class191. 以某人为榜样191. take sb as a model192. 给某人树立榜样192. set sb a good example193. 以…为例193. take sth as an example194. 一天喝3次药194. take the medicine three times a day195. 对某人鞠躬195. make a deep bow to sb196. 头/腿/肚子疼196. have a terrible pain in the leg/head/arm/stomach 197. 对某事有浓厚兴趣197. take / show great interest in…198. 保暖198. keep warm/ keep sb warm199. 保持传统199. keep up the tradition / friendship200. 祖传200. pass sth down (on) from generation to generation 201. 为…引以为自豪201. take great pride in …/ be proud of …202. 做自我介绍202. give a brief introduction to oneself203. 对某事负责203. answer for sth/ have the responsibility for sth 204. 站不住204. can’t keep one’s balance/ can’t stand on one’s feet 205. 倒在地上205. fall onto the ground206. 摇下车窗206. roll down the window of the car207. 想出好主意207. come up with a good idea/ think up a good idea 208. 挡道208. get/step in one’s way209. 以高价卖出209. sell sth at a high price210. 畅销210. sell well / become the best seller211. 为某事付出昂贵代价211.pay a high price for …212. 下班回家212. come back from work213. 克服困难213. get over / overcome the difficulties214. 向某人求教/助214. turn to sb for help/advice215. 把…撞倒/翻215. knock sb down/ over/ off …216. 追求216. go after217. 交叉双腿/手217. cross one’s hands/ legs218. 乘坐汽车去…218. take a bus to …219. 向…进发219. head(off) for …220. 提供优质服务220. provide good service for the people221. 免费参观221. pay a free visit to …222. 监视某人222. keep an eye over sb/sth223. 给某人一个惊奇223. give sb a big surprise224. 正在玩耍/吃饭/工作/休息/购物224. be at table/rest/work/the shopping mall 225. 索回/要回225. get sth back226. 调查某事226. look into sth227. 罚款227. fine sb/ give sb a ticket228. 撕/切/推开228. A. cut/tear/push … open229. 因…批评某人229. criticize sb for sth/doing sth230. 对…羞愧230. be shameful of sth231. 张开双臂拥抱某人231. extend one’s arms to hug sb232. 讲礼貌232. mind one’s manners233. 挣扎着站起来233. struggle to one’s feet234. 追赶某人234. run after sb235. 情绪高涨235. be in high spirits236. 为…做准备236. make a preparation for sth237. 团结在一起237. stick close together238. 帮助某人摆脱困境238. help sb out of trouble239. 取消会议239. call off the meeting240. 全力以赴做某事240. go all out to do sth/ make every effort to do sth 241. 超速241. speed up242. 减速242. slow down243. 研究某事243. make a study of sth / do the research into sth 244. 泡茶/咖啡244. make coffee/tea245. 端饭245. serve meals/ dinner246. 摔成碎片246. break into pieces/ break sth into pieces247. 带某人旅行247. take sb on a trip248. 依然如旧248. remain the same as ever before/ remain unchanged 249.塑造性格249. build up one’s character250. 发展个性250. develop one’s pers onality251. (身体)垮了251. (one’s health/ body) break down/fall down252. 去(来)营救某人252. come/go to one’s rescue253. 站起来253. rise to one’s feet254. 远道而来254. come all the way to …/ come around to …友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编辑,期待您的好评与关注!。
英语翻译词组汇总1990年1. be determined by 由…所决定2. have something to do with 与…有关3. be central to sth. 是…的核心4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反5. be due to 由于(常做表语)6. be deprived of 被剥夺7. respond to 对…作出反应8. as the basis of 依据/根据9. be born with 天生具有10. In contrast 相比之下1991年11. shut off 关上,停止,切断12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何; in no case 决不13. or so 大概,大约14. at the rate of 以…的速率15. take time 花费时间16. be likely to 可能;倾向于17. result in 导致18. not nearly 远不能;远非19. head into走向;陷入(危机) 20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言21. make…possible 使…成为可能22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上23. in the fashion of 以…方式24. such…as 像…一样1992年25. refer to…提到;谈到26. agreement on 一致意见27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看30. draw a conclusion 得出结论31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度32. only if 只要33. the same…as 与…一样34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏1993年35. nothing but 只不过是36. by means of 通过;借助于37. by the help of 通过…的帮助138. in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说39. manage to do sth. 设法做到40. extract …from 从……提炼出41. out of…起源;来源;根据42. build up 建立;树立43. by no means 绝不44. be compared with 与……相比45. a sort of 某种46. set…… in motion开始;47. differ in…在…方面不同48. go through 经历;经受;仔细检查49. in the one case =on the one hand50. in the course of the day=during the day51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of1994年52. revolve around 围绕…转;以…为中心53. not so much…as 与其说…不如说…54. because of 由于55. move forward 向前发展56. in short 简而言之;总之57. as we call it 我们所谓的58. the reach of science 科学能够到达的范围59. a series of 一系列 60. over the years 多年以来61. turn…on…转向,朝向62. rather than 而不是63. at the expense of=at the cost of 以…为代价64. vice versa反之亦然65. depend on 取决于66. driving force 驱动力1995年67. social inequality 社会不公68. in doing sth 在…过程中69. divert…from 把…从…转移70. lie with 取决于;在于71. be validated by 被…验证/证实72. whether…or 是……还是73. depend upon…an d on 取决于…还取决于…74. depend upon…and upon 取决于…还取决于…75. such…as 例如,象这种的76. in general 通常;大体上;一般而言77. for example 比如78. compensate for 补偿;赔偿79. underprivileged youngster 贫困的/下层社会的年轻人80. grow up 长大81. under…circumstances 在…环境下21996年82. be results of 由于…83. social needs 社会需求84. to some extent 在一定程度上85. come to the conclusion 得出结论86. make demand of 对…提出要求87. scientific establishment 科研机构88. in detail 详细地89. a certain amount of 一定数量的90. not related to… 与…没有关系91. immediate goals 当前目标92. be unable to do 不能够…93. in principle 原则上;基本上;一般而言94. deal with 应付;解决;处理95. new forms of thought 新的思维方式96. as well as 和97. new subjects for thought 新的思维对象/内容98. in the past 过去99. give rise to sth 导致;引起;使…产生1997年100. scoial contract 社会合同101. an agreed account of 共识102. human rights 人权 103. leads ……to 导致104. at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候105. invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为106. duties and entitlements 权利和义务107. extend to 给与108. no…at all. 根本不是109. arguing from the view that…以…的角度看110. different from……与…不同111. in every relevant respect 在所有相关的方面112. in action 起作用113. laugh at 嘲笑1998年114. even more important 更重要的是115. be able to 能够116. look into 洞察;观察117. put forward 放出;拿出;提出118. work with 与…共事/合作;起作用119. close in on 接近,差不多120. as expected 正如预期的121. a refinement of 一种更为完美的1999年122. as…as…和…一样123. conform to 符合;遵照124. see…as 把…看作125. less…and more 与其说…不如说…3126. intellectual discipline 知识学科127. whether…or 是…还是…128. refer to 指代…129. peculiar to …特有的130. appropriate to 适合的;恰当的131. apply to 适合于;存在于132. view…as 把…看成;把…当成133. equate…with 把…等同于…;认为…是2000年134. speclialized scientists 专家135. centralized control 中央控制136. under…conditions在…条件下137. such as 比如138. it is obvious that 很明显…139. be bound up with与…联系在一起;与…有关系140. be directly bound up with 与…直接相关141. in turn 依此;轮流;又142. rest upon…取决于143. of all kinds 所有种类的…144. owing to 由于145. be exposed to sth. 暴露于;接触到146. be forced to do sth. 被迫做…147. for the reasons given above 由于上述原因148. far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的 149. spread over 遍布;覆盖150. arise from 由…产生的;由…带来的151. migration movement 人口流动152. modern means of transport 现代交通手段153. population explosion 人口爆炸2001年154. pollution monitor 污染监测器155. digital age 数字时代156. be regarded as…被当成是157. piece together 拼合;汇聚;综合158. hundreds of 数以百计的159. around the world 全世界160. key breakthroughs and discoveries 重大突破与发现161. take place 发生162. point out 指出163. lead to 导致164. home appliances 家用电器165. result in 导致166. man-machine integration 人机一体化2002年167. behavior science 行为科学168. human nature 人性169. natural selction 自然选择170. a little more than a hundred yeras 一百多年171. what is called 所谓的4172. trace…to…从…寻找根源;从…研究173. state of mind 心态174. and so on诸如此类175. partly because…and partly because…部分是因为…部分是因为…176. be held responsible for…被认为应该对…负责177. be given credit for…为…受到称赞178. with it 随之2003年179. cross-cultrual perspective 跨文化的角度180. concrete research 具体研究181. subject…to…使…服从于182. in… manner 以…方式;用…方法183. seek to 力图;试图;设法184. combined with 加上;连同185. bring to 加进;使用;采用186. define…as… 把…定义为187. makes…possible 使…成为可能2004年188. language and thought 语言和思维189. have some connections with…与…有联系;190. take root 生根;被牢固树立191. be obliged to sb. 感激某人192. die out 灭绝193. so…that… 如此…以至于194. accuse sb. of… 指责某人干某事195. be interested in doing sth. 对…感兴趣196. come to 开始;逐渐;进而197. believe in 相信198. a sort of某种的199. habitual thought 习惯思维200. grammatical pattern 语法结构2005年201. publishing houses 出版社202. as elsewhere 像其他地方一样203. bring together 使联合;使团结204. in relation to 有关205. one another/each other 互相206. out of… 在…当中207. make up 组成208. no less than 多达;不少于209. take a loss 亏损210. deal with 对付;处理211. on such a scale 如此规模的212. it is no exaggeration to say…毫不夸张地说213. the connecting fabric of the Old Continent 欧洲大陆的联系网络/把欧洲大陆连成一个整体2006年5214. define…as… 把…定义为215. elect…as 把…当作216. be analogous to… 与…类似;与…相似216. contribute to… 有助于217. be ch arged with…承担…;负责…218. dedicate…to…把…献给…;把…用于…219. make reflections on…对…进行思考220. rules of conduct 行为准则221. moral code 道德标准223. moral judgments 道德判断224. not…any but=noting but225. more than 不只是2007 年226. special preserve 特殊权利227. intellectual equipment 知识才能228. everyday realities 日常现实229. on a daily basis 每天230. established conventions and special responsibilities 已有传统和特殊责任231. a clear grasp/command of… 对…的清晰领会232. leagal learning 法律学习234. link…to 把…同…联系起来235. be parallel to 类似于236. on a daily basis 每天 237. established conventions 既定惯例2008年238. enable…to… 使…。
英语常用短语词组500个1、a case in point 一个恰当的例子2、a couple of 一对,一双;几个3、a few 少许,一些4、a little 一些,少许;一点儿5、a number of 一些,许多6、a series of 一系列,一连串7、abstain from 戒除,弃权,避开8、act for 代理9、adhere to 粘附在…上;坚持10、admire to do sth. (美口)很想做某事11、advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物12、after all 毕竟,终究;虽然这样13、agree with 与…相一致;适合14、all but 几乎,差一点15、all right 令人满意的;好,行16、all round (在…)周围,处处17、and so forth 等等18、and that 而且19、any more 再;较多些20、appeal to 上诉21、around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地22、as a result 作为结果23、as a rule 通常;一般说来24、as regards 关于,至于25、as to 至于,关于26、as well as 既…又;除…之外27、as well 也,同样,不妨28、as well 也,又29、as...as... 象,如同,与…一样30、at a good pace 相当快地31、at a loss 困惑;亏本地32、at all risks 无论冒什么危险33、at all 完全,根本;到底34、at ease 自由自在;舒适,舒坦35、at first sight 乍一看(之下)36、at hand 在手边;在附近37、at home 在家,在国内;自在38、at last 最终,终于39、at length 最后,终于40、at most 最多,至多,不超过41、at one's best 处在最好状态42、at stake 在危险中;危如累卵43、at table 在餐桌边,在进餐时44、at the thought of 一想起…(就)45、at this rate 这样的话,照此速度46、attach to 使属于,使参加47、back of 在…的后面;在…背后48、be about to 即将(做)49、be absorbed in 专心致力于…50、be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾51、be at the end 到尽头,达限度52、be attentive to 对…关怀53、be available for 有效54、be bound for 准备到…去;开往55、be bound up with 与…有密切关系56、be busy with 忙于…57、be charitable to 对…慈善58、be civil to 对…有礼貌,对…谦恭59、be concerned with 关心,挂念;从事于60、be essential to 对…不可缺少61、be favourable to 赞成…62、be fed up 吃得过饱;对…极厌倦63、be fond of 爱好64、be full of 充满65、be hard on sb. 过于严厉对待某人66、be hard up for money 缺钱,手头紧67、be in sympathy with 赞同,同情68、be jealous of 嫉妒…69、be located in 位于…,坐落在…70、be loyal to 忠于71、be off one's head 神经错乱,神志不清72、be short of 缺乏,不足;达不到73、be subject to 易受…的;惯患…的74、be up to 该由…负责;胜任75、beat up and down 来回奔走76、behind schedule 落后于预定计划77、belong to 属于;附属78、best of all 最(好),首先79、beyond control 无法控制80、blow out 吹熄(灯火等)81、blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸82、bomb out 把(地方等)炸毁83、both...and... 既…又…,不但…而且84、break in on 打扰;打断85、break through 突破,冲垮;突围86、break up 打碎;(关系)破裂87、breeze through 轻松地做88、bring forward 提出(建议等);显示89、bring out 使…显示出来;公布90、bring up the rear 走在最后面91、burn down 把…夷为平地92、burst out laughing 突然笑起来93、burst up 爆炸;失败;突然发怒94、button up 扣,扣紧钮扣95、buy up 全买;尽可能买进96、by air 通过航空途径97、by any means 无论如何98、by error 错误地99、by force 凭借暴力;强迫地100、by instinct 凭(靠)本能101、by itself 自动地;单独地102、by little and little 一点一点地,逐渐地103、by mistake 错误地104、by night 在夜间;趁黑夜105、by pressed for 缺少,缺乏106、by reason of 由于,因为107、call back 叫回来,收回(错话等) 108、call in 收回(某物)109、call the roll 点名110、calm down 平静下来;镇定下来111、care for 关怀,照管;愿意112、carry forward 推进,发扬113、carry on 继续开展,坚持下去114、cash in 兑现;收到…的货款115、catch at 想抓住;渴望取得116、cheer on 向…欢呼;鼓励;声援117、chew over 深思,细想;仔细商量118、clap eyes on 看见;注视119、clear away 把…清除掉;(云)消失120、clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等)121、close down 停止播送;控制122、close in 包围;(昼,夜)逐渐变短123、close in 包围;迫近;渐短124、close over 淹没;封盖;遮蔽125、come before 在…之前来126、come down 败落127、come into operation 施行;生效;开始工作128、come into use 开始被使用129、come of 出身于;由…引起130、come out with 发表,提出;公布131、come up to 达到;符合132、come up with 追上,赶上;提出133、compare with 与…相比较134、compare...to 把…比作;与…相比较135、consist of 由…构成,包含有136、cope with 对付…,妥善处理137、cry down 贬低138、cry for 哭着要;恳求139、cut off 切掉;切断;阻隔140、cut out 切掉;删掉;停止141、deal with 做买卖;处理;安排142、dedicate to 献(身);把…用在…143、die from 由于…而死,因…致死144、die of illness 病死145、dip into 浸一浸;掏;翻阅一下146、do duty for 当…用,起作用147、do one's best 尽力,努力148、do one's bit 尽一份力149、do one's bit 尽自己的一份力量150、do oneself proud 养尊处优151、do sb. good 帮助某人152、do with 与…相处;忍受;对付153、do wrong 做错;作恶,犯罪154、drain off 流掉;渐渐枯竭155、draw away 拉开;引开;离开156、draw back 收回(已付关税等) 157、draw in (火车、汽车)进站158、draw on 吸收;利用;凭;戴上159、draw out 拉长;掏出(手帕等) 160、draw up 起草,制订161、drink down 以酒消(愁)162、drive home 打(钉子等)敲进去163、drop on 训斥,惩罚164、drop over 顺便来访165、dry up (使)干涸166、dwell on 细想;详细讲述167、employ oneself in 使忙于,使从事于168、engage in 从事于,参加169、ensure sb. against 保护某人免受…170、enter upon 开始,着手171、ever since 从那时起一直到现在172、ever so 非常,极其173、every other 每隔一个…的174、fall back 后退,退却175、fall off 下降,跌落,减少176、fall to 着手;开始攻击177、far and near 远近,到处,四面八方178、feel about 摸索,暗中摸索179、feel like 感到想要做180、feel one's way 摸索着走(干),试探181、feel out 试探出,摸清182、feel up to 觉得能担当183、figure out 计算出;估计;理解184、find out 查明;找到;发现185、first and foremost 首要地,首先186、first of all 首先,第一187、fix in with 适合,符合;适应188、fix one's eyes on 注意,注视189、flare up 突然烧起来;突然发怒190、fly into a temper 大发脾气,勃然大怒191、for example 例如192、for good 永久地;一劳永逸地193、for the moment 暂时;目前194、for the time being 暂时,眼下195、free of 无…的;摆脱了…的196、freeze over (使)全面结冰197、gang together 结合在一起;符合198、generation gap 代沟199、get ahead 进步;胜过,超过200、get along 过活;相处融洽;进展201、get in with 参加,加入;与…交往202、get into the act 插手…以便得到好处203、get on with 与…友好相处;继续干204、get to 到达;接触;开始205、get together 聚集;会面;装配206、give away 泄露(秘密等);增送207、give birth 使诞生;生(孩子)208、give ear to 听,倾听209、give in 投降;交上去;听任210、give oneself away 泄露,露马脚211、give out 发表;精疲力竭212、give over (使)停止;放弃;交托213、give rise to 引起;使发生;造成214、give way 让路,让步;撤退215、glance over 浏览,粗略地阅读216、go against 违反;反对;不利于217、go along with 赞同;附合,支持218、go bad 变坏;变酸;腐败219、go down 下去;(船等)下沉220、go into 进入;投入;调查221、go on the stage 上舞台,当演员222、go on 继续下去,进行;接近223、go to sleep 入睡,睡着224、go up 上升;(物价等)上涨225、go without 不享受226、grow on (习惯)加深对…的影响227、guarantee against 保证…不…228、hand over 交出,移交;让与229、happen on 巧遇;偶然发现230、hardly any 几乎没有231、hardly...when... 刚…就…232、have a good time 过得快乐,玩得高兴233、have done with 做完;和己…无关234、have no lack of 不缺乏235、have on 穿着;有事;进行236、have only to 只要…就能237、have respect for 尊重;考虑238、have to do with 与…有关;和…打交道239、hold in 约束,抑制240、hold one's breath (由于激动等原因)屏息241、hold true 适用,有效242、hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫243、hold with 同意,赞成;原谅244、How about? …如何?…怎么样?245、hurry up (使)赶快;迅速完成246、if any 若有的话247、in a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地248、in a word 总而言之,总之249、in any case 不管怎样250、in charge of 主管,掌管,照管251、in debt to sb. 欠某人的债252、in effect 实际上;正实行中253、in fact 其实,实际上254、in force (法律)有效的;大批地255、in future 今后,以后256、in line 成一直线;整齐;一致257、in no time 立即,立刻;马上258、in one's honour 向…表示敬意259、in order 整齐;状况良好260、in part 在某种程度上;部份地261、in particular 特别,尤其;详细地262、in person 亲自;身体上;外貌上263、in point of 实际上,就事实而论264、in return for 作为…的交换265、in school 在求学266、in season (水果等)应时的267、in so far as (程度等)就…;至于268、in stock 在贮存中;现有,备有269、in terms of 根据;以…的措词270、in the direction of 向…方向,在…方向271、in the future 将来272、in the nature of 具有…的性质的273、in the past 在过去274、in the way of 妨碍;在…方面,关于275、in truth 事实上,的确276、in turn 依次,轮流277、inquire after 问起(某人)的健康情况278、instead of 代替;而不是…279、jet lag 时差反应280、join in 参加(活动)281、join up 参军,入伍;联合起来282、judging by 从…判断283、jump sb. out 叱责某人284、keep away 站开;使离开285、keep clear of 不接触;避开286、keep company with 和…交往287、keep company with 与…交往;和…亲热288、keep off 避开;不让…接近289、keep one's balance 保持(身体)平衡290、keep one's head 保持镇静291、keep one's word 守信用,遵守诺言292、keep silence 保持沉默,不讲话293、keep sth. secret 把某事保守秘密294、keep up with 跟上,不落后295、keep up 继续;坚持,维持296、kill off 消灭,杀光297、knock off 把…敲掉;击倒;停工298、knock out 敲空;(拳击中)击倒299、knock up against 碰撞;同…冲突300、know about 了解,知道…的情况301、lay down 放下;铺设(铁路)302、lay hold of 握住;控制住;占有303、lay over 使延期304、lead off 开始,开头,率先305、lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致306、leave in the air 搁置,使悬而未决307、leave off (使)停止;停下来308、leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略309、let loose 放松,放开;放出310、let off 放(炮);开(枪);宽恕311、let pass 放过,不追究312、lie down 躺下;(故意)躺下不干313、lie over 等待以后处理314、limber up 使柔软;柔和一下身体315、link up 把…连(衔)接起来316、live off 住在…之外;靠…生活317、live with 接受;忍受;承认318、lock oneself in 把自己关在里面319、lock out 把…关在外面320、long before 在…以前很久321、long for 渴望322、long since 很久以前323、look at 看着;注视;察看324、look round 掉头看;观光;察看325、look up 向上看;查出326、lose one's head 慌乱;被砍头327、lose sight of 不再看见;忽略;忘记328、lose sight of 看不见329、lots of 大量,许多330、make a difference 有影响,有关系331、make a face (表示厌恶等)做鬼脸332、make away with 携…而逃;摧毁;浪费333、make certain (把…)弄确实,弄清楚334、make fun of 取笑,嘲笑335、make mention of 提及336、make off with 携…而逃337、make out a case 提出一个论点(理由) 338、make out of 用…制造出;理解339、make room for sb. 让出空地方给某人340、make sure 查明,确信,开确实341、make terms 达成协议342、make the most of 充分利用;极为重视343、make up to 接近;巴结;向…求爱344、make up 拼凑;组成;补偿345、make way 开路,让路346、many a 许多的,一个又一个的347、mark time 原地踏步,停止不前348、measure up to 符合,达到,够得上349、meet up with 偶尔碰见350、mistake for 把…错认为351、mix up 混全,混淆;搞糊涂352、move on 继续前进353、no doubt 无疑地,必定;很可能354、no fewer than 不少于355、no more than 仅仅,只是356、No wonder... 难怪…,怪不得…357、not as...as... 不如…那样358、not at all 不点也不;别客气359、now that 既然,由于360、of course 自然,当然,无疑361、off and on 断断续续地,不时地362、on an average 平均起来,一般说来363、on balance 总的说来364、on behalf of 代表…,为了…365、on one's guard 警惕,警戒;提防366、on one's honour 以名誉担保367、on purpose 为了;故意地368、on the average 平均起来,一般说来369、on the run 跑着;奔走;奔波370、on the side 作为兼职;另外371、on time 按时,准时372、on trust 不加深究地373、open out (打)开;开发;表明374、or rather 更精确地说,倒不如说375、other than 不同于;除了376、out of breath 喘不过气来377、out of order 不整齐;发生故障378、out of step 和…步调不一致379、out of the question 不可能的;不必谈的380、over and above 在…之上;重于381、pass by 走过;(时间)逝去382、past question 毫无疑问383、pay out 付出(款项等)384、pick up 拣起;(车等)中途搭人385、play with 以…为消遣;玩弄386、point for point 确切地387、protect...from 保护…不受…388、pull into 进入;到达389、pull off 脱(帽等);努力实现390、put aside 储存,保留391、put down 记下;镇压;杀死392、put forward 提出(要求、事实等) 393、put in 花费;正式提出394、put off 推迟,拖延;阻碍395、put sb. on to 引某人对…注意起来396、put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸397、put to use 使用,利用398、put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) 399、react against 反抗;起反作用400、react on 对…有影响401、react to 对…起反应402、refer to sb. as 把…称作403、report oneself 去报到,到…去见某人404、result from 是(由)…造成的405、revolve around 旋转;绕转406、ride over 骑马而来407、right away 立刻,马上408、ring up 打电话409、round up 收集,集合410、rub down 用力擦遍;按摩411、rub off 擦掉,磨去412、run out of 用完,耗尽413、run short 快用完;将耗尽414、run up against 意外地碰到(困难等) 415、say yes 同意,允诺416、scrape through 勉强通过417、search out 寻找,找到418、see about 负责处理(某事);查看419、see eye to eye 看法完全一致420、see that 要注意使…;务必使…421、seek after 寻找;探索;追求422、seek out 搜寻出423、sell out 卖完;出售货物424、send in 呈报;送…参加比赛425、set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟426、set fire to 使燃烧,点燃427、set oneself up as 以…自居428、set out 动身;开始;装饰429、shake hands with 与…握手430、shake off 撵走,摆脱;抖落431、show in 领入,领进来432、show off 炫耀,卖弄433、skim over 掠过,擦过;浏览434、slide over 略过;回避435、smell of 有…的气味436、smell out 嗅出,凭嗅觉发现…437、so much as that 到这样程度以致…438、so to speak 可以说是;打个譬喻说439、something of 在某种意义(或程度)上440、spread out 伸开,展开;传播441、stand a chance 很可能,有希望442、stand in one's way 阻碍,妨碍443、start off 出发,动身;开始444、start up 突然站起,惊起445、stick out for 坚持索取446、stick out 伸出;坚持到底;显眼447、stop by (顺便)访问448、stop off 中途停留;中途下车449、store up 贮藏,储备450、strain every nerve 竭尽全力451、string up 吊死某人;把…挂起来452、struggle for 为…而斗争453、stuff up 堵(塞)住,填满454、sweep clean 扫,清洁455、sweep off 拂去;大量清除456、take aback 使吃惊,使吓一跳457、take action 采取行动;提出诉讼458、take away 拿走,夺去,使离去459、take interest in 对…感(产生)兴趣460、take on 呈现(面貌);装出461、take order with 安排,处理462、take out loans 借贷463、take to one's heels 逃走,逃之夭夭464、take to 开始;对…产生好感465、talk over 说得同意自己466、talk with 与…交谈,试图说服467、tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁468、tear up 创;挖;掘;拉掉469、tell on 告发;产生效果470、that is to say 那就是说,换句话说471、the same as 与…一致,与…相同的472、think nothing of 把…看成平常473、think out 彻底地想一想474、think up 发明;设计出475、throw light on sth. 解释,阐明476、throw up 抛起;呕出(食物) 477、tick off 列出;用记号勾出478、to the contrary 意思相反的(地) 479、too...to... 太…以致不能…480、trail off (声音等)逐渐变弱481、try for 谋求,争取482、try out (彻底)试验483、tune in 收听;调谐484、turn on 开,旋开(电灯等)485、up and down 上上下下;前前后后486、up to time 准时487、use up 用完,耗尽;花完488、wait at table 伺候进餐489、wait up for 为…而等候着睡不着490、wake up 醒,唤醒;醒来491、weep away 在哭泣中度过492、while away 消磨(时间)493、wind up 结束,停止;卷紧494、with the view of 以…为目的495、with young 怀胎496、word for word 逐字地;一字不变地497、work out 算出;设计出;制定出498、would rather do 宁愿,宁可499、wrap up 穿厚;裹紧;包好500、write out 写出,全部写出。
英语词组大全1. as good as gold - 一直以来都是很乖巧的2. at the drop of a hat - 每当需要的时候3. back to the drawing board - 重新计划,重新开始4. beat around the bush - 迴避直接问题5. better late than never - 迟做总比不做好6. bite the bullet - 勇敢面对困难7. break a leg - 祝好运8. bring home the bacon - 赚钱养家9. burn the midnight oil - 深夜苦干10. call it a day - 停止工作11. catch someone red-handed - 当场抓住某人做坏事12. cost an arm and a leg - 代价很高13. cut to the chase - 省去唠叨直奔主题14. dead as a doornail - 完全死亡或毫无活力15. don't put all your eggs in one basket - 不要孤注一掷16. feel under the weather - 不舒服17. get a taste of your own medicine - 尝尝自己给别人的滋味18. get cold feet - 担心,紧张19. give someone the cold shoulder - 冷淡对待某人20. go the e某tra mile - 付出额外努力21. have a blast - 玩得很开心22. hit the nail on the head - 一语中的23. in the blink of an eye - 瞬间24. kick the bucket - 去世25. let the cat out of the bag - 泄密26. make a long story short - 简言之27. on the ball - 机智敏捷28. out of the blue - 出乎意料29. piece of cake - 轻而易举30. put all your eggs in one basket - 孤注一掷31. rain cats and dogs - 倾盆大雨32. save the day - 挽救局势33. sleep like a log - 睡得很沉34. take the bull by the horns - 勇敢面对问题35. under the weather - 感觉不舒服36. up in the air - 悬而未决37. wear your heart on your sleeve - 没有保留地表达自己的感情38. worth a shot - 值得一试39. you're in the same boat - 大家都在同样的困境中。
英语常用短语词组150个1、a series of 一系列,一连串2、act out 演出3、agree on 同意,赞成4、all along 始终,一直,一贯5、all over again 再一次,重新6、and so forth 等等7、answer up 应对迅速8、as a rule 通常,一般(说来)9、as best one can 尽最大努力10、as long as 达…之外,长达11、as regards 关于,至于12、at length 最后,终于13、at once 立刻,马上;同时14、at sb's disposal 任某人处理15、at the expense of 归…付费16、at the mercy of 在…支配下17、be absorbed in 专心致力于…18、be all ears 全神贯注地倾听着19、be bound up with 与…有密切关系20、be detached from 把…从…上卸下21、be good at 善于,擅长于22、be in for 参加(竞赛、考试等)23、be on the drink 常常喝酒,酗酒24、beside the question 离题,和本题无关25、beyond question 毫无疑问,无可争辩26、break into 闯进;突然…起来27、break up 打碎;(关系)破裂28、bring together 使…团结起来29、brush aside 扫除(障碍等),无视30、by error 错误地31、call on 访问;号召;呼吁32、cannot but 不得不,不会不33、cannot...too... 越…越好34、catch up with 赶上;指出…出了差错35、clear away 把…清除掉;(云)消失36、clear off 消除,摆脱(负担等)37、close down (工厂等)关闭,倒闭38、come out 出版;传出;显现39、come round (非正式的)来访;绕道40、come to 苏醒;共计;达到41、come true 实现,达到42、come up against 碰到(困难、反对等)43、come up 走近;(从土中)长出44、consist of 由…构成,包含有45、decide on 选定,决定46、dig down 挖下去;掘倒47、do one's best 尽力,尽最大努力48、draw aside 拉到一边49、drive away at 努力做(工作等)50、drive out 赶出去51、drive up 抬高52、early or late 迟早53、earn one's living 谋生54、equip with 装备,配备55、except for 除…之外56、fail to 不能,记忆57、fall out of 放弃(习惯等)58、fire up (突然)生气,勃然大怒59、first of all 首先,第一60、for ever 永远61、for fear of 由于害怕;生怕,以免62、freeze up (使)冻结63、get away 逃脱;离开;出发64、get down 从…下来;下车;写下65、get into 对…发生兴趣;卷入66、go around (消息)流传;足够分配67、go back on 丢弃(朋友等);食言68、go into 进入;投入;调查69、go off with 拿去;抢走;拐走70、go off 离去;去世;被发射71、go over 检查;从头至尾温习72、go without 不享受73、had better do sth. 还是…好,最好还是…74、hand in 交上;递上,交进75、hand on 传下来,依次传递76、hand out 分派;把…拿出来77、hand over 交出,移交;让与78、hardly...when... 刚…就…79、have a good time 过得快乐,玩得高兴80、have back 要回,收回81、hold in 约束,抑制82、hold water (容器等)盛得住水83、in excess of 超过84、in fact 其实,实际上85、in full 充足,十足86、in line 成一直线;整齐;一致87、in order that 以便,为了…88、in place 在适当的位置;适当的89、in public 公开地,当众90、in question 正在谈论的91、in the case of 就…来说;至于92、in the future 将来93、in the heat of 在(辩论)最激烈的时候94、in the interest of 为了…的利益,为了95、just about 差不多,几乎96、laugh over 笑着谈论97、lay aside 把…放在一边;储存98、lay out 花费;布置;摆开99、learn of 听到;获悉…的事100、learn off 记熟,背下来101、leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带102、listen into 收听;监听;偷听103、live on 靠…生活;以…为食104、lock out 把…关在外面105、long before 在…以前很久106、long for 渴望107、look back 回顾;回想;停止不前108、look forward to 盼望,期待;预期109、lose one's nerves 变得慌张,不知所措110、make away with 携…而逃;摧毁;浪费111、make off with 携…而逃112、make out 开列;书写;辩认出113、make over 把(财产)转让;改造114、make sense 讲得通,言之有理115、mark down 记下;标低(商品)价目116、mistake for 把…错认为117、more often than not 时常,在更多情况下118、next door 隔壁的;在隔壁119、no longer 不再,已不120、no more 不再;不再存在;也不121、none but 只有122、not as...as... 不如…那样123、not at all 根本不;一点也不124、not in the least 毫不125、not much of a 不是一个好的126、not to mention 更不必说127、on credit 赊(购)128、on no account 决不129、on purpose 为了;故意地130、out of debt 不欠债131、out of place 不相称;不合适132、play with 以…为消遣;玩弄133、protect...from 保护…不受…134、pull through 使渡过(危险等) 135、rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨136、react against 反抗;起反作用137、reply for sb. 代表某人作答(或答辩) 138、reply to sb. 回答某人139、ride over 骑马而来140、ring off 挂断电话;停止讲话141、run out of 用完,耗尽142、run up against 意外地碰到(困难等) 143、save on 节省,节约144、see sb. through 关心…渡过难关145、seeing that 鉴于…,由于…的缘故146、seek out 搜寻出147、send for 派人去请;召唤;索取148、send in 呈报;送…参加比赛149、the same as 与…一致,与…相同的150、to begin with 首先,第一。
英语翻译必备词组政治类:1. 日益昌盛 become increasingly prosperous2. 快速发展 develop rapidly3. 隆重集会 gather ceremoniously4. 热爱和平 love peace5. 追求进步 pursue progress6. 履行权利和义务 perform the responsibilities andobligations7. 回顾奋斗历程 review the course of struggle8. 展望伟大征程 look into the great journey9. 充满信心和力量 be filled with confidence and strength10. 必胜 be bound to win11. 主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action12. 和平共处 coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放 open up both externally andinternally14. 经历两个不同时期 experience two different periods15. 战胜无数的困难 overcome numerous difficulties16. 赢得一个又一个胜利 win one victory after another17. 完全意识到 be fully aware that18. 迈出重要的一步 make an important step19. 采取各种措施 adopt various measures20. 得出结论 ,告一段落 draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion21. 实现民族独立 realize national independence22. 追求真理 seek the truth23. 建立社会主义制度 establish a socialist system24. 根除 (防止,消除)腐败 root out (prevent, eliminate)corruption25. 响应号召 respond to the call26. 进入新时期 enter a new period27. 实行新政策 practice new policies28. 展现生机和活力display one’s vigor and vitality29. 增强综合国力 enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and和国际竟争力 international competitiveness30. 进入世界先进行列 edge into the advanced ranks in theworld31. 解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果 absorb what is advanced in other civilizations33. 与日俱增 increase every day34. 实现夙愿 fulfill the long-cherished wishes35. 必将实现 be bound to come true36. 锻造一支人民军队forge a people’s army37. 建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense38. 进行和谈 hold peace talks39. 修改法律 amend the laws40. 在...中起(至关)重要作用 play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great,major )contributions to42. 遵循规则 follow the principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来integrate theory with practice …44. 把...作为指导take… as the guide45. 缓和紧张状况 ease the tension46. 高举伟大旗帜 hold high the great banner47. 解决新问题 resolve new problems48. 观察当今世界 observe the present-day world49. 开拓前进 open up new ways forward50. 增强凝聚力 enhance the rally power51. 结束暴力,开始和平谈判 end the violence and resume peacetalks52. 进行战略性调整 make strategic readjustment53. 开始生效 go into effect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协 accept a compromise on55. 接受...的采访 be interviewed by56. 把……看成社会公敌look upon … as a threat to society57. 把……捐给慈善机构donate …to charit ies58. 维护世界和平 maintain world peace59. 摆脱贫穷落后 get rid of poverty and backwardness60. 实现发展繁荣 bring about development and prosperity61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义 be opposed to all forms ofterrorism62. 宣布。
上海高考英语翻译中的高频词组总结 111
![上海高考英语翻译中的高频词组总结 111](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1c11d044974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f61f29e9.png)
翻译中的高频词组总结A1.achieve one’s goal(achieve nothing 一事无成)实现目标2.account for说明, 解释;占…比例3.accuse …of=charge with 指控……, 谴责……4.act as 担任;充当5.sth.b.(in.accessibl.t.sb.某人(不)可以进入, 使用6.adapt (…) to…= adjust (…) to使适应7.add up to合计达8.be admitted into the dream university 被理想的大学录取9. a bird’s eye view of 鸟瞰10.a demanding job 一份要求很高的工作11.a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟12.a harmonious society 和谐社会13.a man of vision 有远见的人14.a well-educated person 一个受过良好教育的人15.a part-time/full-time job 兼职、全职16.a stable/steady job 一份稳定的工作17.a parking lot 停车场18.a matter of life and death 生死攸关19.a newly-released report 新发布的报道20..ticke.for.....的票21.a single/round-way ticket 单程票;往返票22.a tight schedule日程安排很紧23.a threat to the society(threaten to do/with sth.威胁某人) 对社会的威胁24.agree on=reach an agreement on 就……达成一致意见;认同25.ahead of time/schedule (on schedule/on time准时、behind schedule晚点) 提前26.aim at(be meant/intended to)旨在、为了27.appea.to/cal.o.sb.t.d. 呼吁某人做…28.apply (application) for 申请29.apply theory to practice 把理论应用于实践30.approve of=be for=be in favor of 赞成31.apologiz.t.sb.fo.sth./mak.a.apolog.t.sb.向某人道歉32.arouse widespread concern 引起广泛关注33.as a result of=due to=owing to=thanks to 由于34.a.fa.a.sb./sth.b.concerned=i.term.o. 就……而言35.as..favo.of=ask/tur.t.sb.fo.hel. 请……帮个忙36.associate/connect A with B 把A和B联系起来37.assure… of/ that 向……保证38.as for/to 对于39.at a loss(for sth./wh- to do) 茫然不知所措40.at all costs / at any cost 不惜一切代价41.at first sight 乍一看42.at home and abroad 国内外43.at the cost/expense of 以……为代价44.at the risk of 冒着生命危险at the turn of the century 在世纪之交46.attach importance to 重视47.awar.sb.st. 授予某人某物sth.b.availabl.t.sb.某人可以得到…谚语:1.Action.spea.loude.tha.words.事实胜于雄辩。
500个常用词组翻译1.abigheadache令人头痛的事情2.afractionof一部分3.amatterofconcern焦点4.aseriesof一系列,一连串aboveall首先, 尤其是5.absentfrom不在,缺席6.abundantin富于7.accountfor解释8.accusesb.ofsth.控告9.addto增加(addupto)10.afterall毕竟,究竟11.agreewith同意12.aheadoftime/schedule提前13.aheadof在...之前(aheadoftime提前)14.aliento与...相反15.allatonce突然,同时16.allbut几乎;除了...都17.allofasudden突然18.alloveragain再一次,重新19.allover遍及20.allright令人满意的;可以21.allthesame仍然,照样的22.allthetime一直,始终23.angrywithsb.at/aboutsth.生气,愤怒24.anxiousabout/for忧虑,担心25.anythingbut根本不26.apartfrom除...外(有/无)27.appealto吸引,申诉,请求28.applicableto适用于29.applyto适用30.appropriatefor/to适当,合适31.approximateto近似,接近32.aptat聪明,善于33.aptto易于34.aroundtheclock夜以继日35.asamatteroffact实际上36.asaresult(of)因此,由于37.asarule通常,照例38.asfaras...beconcerned就...而言39.asfaras远至,到...程度40.asfollows如下41.asfor至于,关于42.asgoodas和...几乎一样43.asif好像,防腐(感谢关注英语口语精华)44.asregards关于,至于45.asto至于,关于46.asusual像平常一样,照例47.aswellas除...外(也),即...又48.aswell同样,也,还49.ashamedof羞愧,害臊50.asidefrom除...外(还有)51.askforthemoon异想天开52.ataloss茫然,不知所措53.atatime一次,每次54.atallcosts不惜一切代价55.atallevents不管怎样,无论如何56.atalltimes随时,总是57.atall丝毫(不),一点也不58.atanyrate无论如何,至少59.atbest充其量,至多60.atfirstsight乍一看,初看起来61.atfirst最初,起先62.athand在手边,在附近63.atheart内心里,本质上64.athome在家,在国内65.atintervals不时,每隔...66.atlarge大多数,未被捕获的67.atlast终于68.atleast至少69.atlength最终,终于70.atmost至多,不超过71.atnotime从不,决不72.atonetime曾经,一度;同时73.atpresent目前,现在74.atsomeone‘sdisposal任...处理75.atthecostof以...为代价76.atthemercyof任凭...摆布77.atthemoment此刻,目前78.atthisrate照此速度79.attimes有时,间或120.byfar最,...得多80.awareof意识到121.byhand用手,用体力81.backandforth来回地,反复地122.byitself自动地,独自地82.backof在...后面123.bymeansof用,依靠83.backup后备,支援124.bymistake错误地,无意地84.bareof几乎没有,缺乏125.bynomeans决不,并没有85.beabletodo能够126.byoneself单独地,独自地86.bearound差不多127.byreasonof由于87.beavailabletosb.可用,可供128.bytheway顺便说88.beboundto一定129.byvirtueof借助,由于89.becapableofdoing能够130.bywayof经由,通过...方法90.beconcernedwith关心⋯,涉足⋯131.calloff取消91.bedyingto渴望132.callon号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访92.befedupwith受够了b etiredof133.capableof能够93.beinhospital住院134.carefulof/about/with小心,注意94.beinseason上市的/inpeakseason旺季135.certainof/about确信,肯定(感谢关注英95.beinthemoodtodosth.想做语口语精华)96.bepressedfortime时间不够136.chairameeting主持会议97.betiedupwith忙于137.chargesb.withsth.控告98.beundertheweather身体不好138.clearof没有,不接触99.beataroundthebush拐弯没角139.cleverat善于100.beatthecrowd避开人群140.closeto接近,亲近101.beforelong不久以后eincontactwith与⋯取得联系102.behindschedule误点eoutofsth.alive大难不死103.bentonsth.下定决心做⋯eup(with)提出,拿出104.besidepoint离题的,不相干的parableto/with比作/比较105.beyondone’sability超越某人的能力145.consciousof察觉到,意识到106.beyondquestion毫无疑问146.consequenton随之而来107.bookonreserve须留的图书147.consideratetowards体谅,体贴108.bookedup订完了148.contemporarywith与...同时代109.boundfor开往149.contentwith满足于110.breakdown抛锚(感谢关注英语口语精150.contraryto违反华)151.costsomeoneanarmandaleg代价很大111.breakthough突破152.countdown倒计时112.breakupwith和某人分手bethrough153.countone‘schickensbeforetheyarewith/befinishedwithhatched过于乐观113.bringabout使⋯发生154.counton依靠114.bringsomeoneuptodate帮某人赶上155.counton依靠helpsomeonecatchup156.counttheday期待115.byaccident偶然157.counttheday期待116.byair通过航空途径158.counterto与...相反117.byallmeans尽一切办法,务必159.crazyabout热衷,着迷118.byandby不久,迟早160.criticalof挑剔,批评119.bychance偶然,碰巧161.cryinone’sbeer借酒消愁120.cryonone‘sshoulder依靠204.fitfor适于121.curiousabout好奇,想知道205.flattire轮胎没气(感谢关注英语口语精122.cutdownon减少华)123.cutdown削减206.flattire轮胎没气124.cutin插入207.fondof喜欢125.cutoff切断208.forever永远126.cutout切除209.forgood永久地127.cutsomeoneshort打断(感谢关注英语210.forthebetter好转时,目前口语精华)211.forthemoment暂128.cutthrough抄近路212.forthepresent暂时,目前129.cutup切碎213.forthesakeof为了,为了...的利益130.dieout灭绝214.forthetimebeing暂时,眼下131.distinctfrom种类(风格)不同215.foreignto非...所原有132.dothelaundry洗衣服216.freeof/from未受...;免费133.doubtfulof/about怀疑217.freewith康慨,大方134.dropby/in顺路拜访218.fromtimetotime有时,不时135.dueto由于,因为219.fullup客满136.eachother互相220.getabargain买到便宜货137.easiersaidthandone说起来容易做起来221.getnowherewith毫无进展难222.getover恢复138.eastof在...东面223.getusedto习惯于139.equalto相等,胜任224.giveoff发出140.equivalentto等于,相当于225.givesomeoneabighand为某人鼓掌141.essentialto/for必不可少226.givesomeoneahand帮忙142.evenif/though即使,虽然227.goaboutsth.开始做⋯143.everso非常,极其228.goafter追求144.everynowandthen时而,偶尔229.goahead同意做某事(感谢关注英语口145.everyother每隔一个的语精华)146.exceptfor除了...外230.goby遵守147.expertat/in/on善于231.godown下降,往下传148.facetoface面对面地232.gofor竭尽全力做149.facultymembers教职员工233.gointo进入,开始从事150.faithfulto忠实于234.gooff出发151.fallflat平躺在地上235.goout熄灭,外出152.familiartosb为...所熟悉236.goover复习153.familiarwithsth熟悉,通晓237.goover复习,从头到尾检查一遍154.farfrom远非,远离238.goround/around足够分配155.fatalto致命的239.gosightseeing去观光156.favorableto支持,赞成240.gosteadywith和某人确定关系157.fearfulof惧怕241.gothrough从头到尾158.feelathome熟悉242.gowithout单独159.feelblue心情不好243.guiltyof有...罪的160.feelfreeto随便244.hadbetter最好161.figureoutsth.解决245.handinhand手拉手,密切关联162.hangup挂断290.inlinewith与...一致163.haveone’shandsfull291.inmemoryof纪念164.havethefinalsay有决定权292.innocase决不165.headon迎面地,正面的293.innotime立即,马上166.heartandsoul全心全意地294.innoway决不167.holdoutforsth.坚持要求295.inorder按顺序,按次序168.holdup坚持296.inotherwords换句话说169.holdwater站得住脚297.inpart部分地170.howabout...怎么样298.inparticular特别,尤其171.howcome怎么会299.inperson亲自,本人172.hungryfor渴望300.inplaceof代替,取代,交换173.ignorantof不知道301.inplace在合适的位置174.impatientatsth.不耐烦302.inpractice在实践中,实际上175.impatientfor急切,渴望303.inproportionto与...成比例176.impatientof无法容忍304.inpublic公开地,当众177.in(the)lightof鉴于,由于305.inquantity大量178.inahurry匆忙,急于306.inquestion正在谈论的179.inamoment立刻,一会儿307.inregardto关于,至于180.inasense从某种意义上说308.inrelationto关于,涉及181.inaway在某种程度上309.inreturnfor作为对...报答182.inaword简言之,总之310.inreturn作为报答/回报/交换183.inaccordancewith与...一致,按照311.inshort简言之,总之184.inadditionto除...之外(还)312.insight被见到;在望185.inaddition另外,加之313.inspiteof尽管186.inadvance预先,事先314.instepwith与...一致/协调187.inall总共,合计315.intears流着泪,在哭着188.inanycase无论如何316.intermsof189.inanyevent无论如何317.inthecompany/wakeof随着190.inbrief简单地说318.inthecourseof在...期间/过程中191.incaseof假如,防备319.inthedistance在远处192.inchargeof负责,总管320.intheend最后,终于193.incommon共用的,共有的321.intheeventof如果...发生,万一194.inconsequence(of)因此;由于322.inthefaceof即使;在...面前195.indebt欠债,欠情323.inthefirstplace首先196.indetail详细地324.inthefuture在未来197.indifficulty处境困难325.intheheatoftheday一天中最热的时198.ineffect实际上,事实上候199.infavorof支持,赞成326.intheleast丝毫,一点200.infrontof面对,在...前327.inthelongrun长期201.ingeneral一般来说,大体上328.intheway挡道202.inhalf成两半329.intheworld究竟,到底203.inhand在进行中,待办理330.intime及时204.inhonorof为庆祝,为纪念331.intouch联系,接触205.initself本质上,就其本身而言332.inturn依次,轮流;转而206.invain徒劳,白费力377.nolessthan不少于...;不亚于207.indifferentto无兴趣,不关心378.nolonger不再208.indignantwithsb.愤慨379.nomorethan至多,同...一样不209.inferiorto级别低于,不如380.nomore不再210.innocentof无...罪,无辜381.noneotherthan不是别的,正是211.insteadof代替,而不是382.nothingbut只有,只不过212.intenton专心于383.nowandthen时而,偶尔213.invisibleto不可见的384.offandon断断续续,间歇地214.jealousof嫉妒385.offduty下班215.justnow眼下;刚才386.on(the)onehand一方面216.keepone‘seyeson关注387.onalarge/smallscale大/小规模地217.keepon爱好,很喜欢388.onaccountof由于218.keeptrackof留心389.onbehalfof代表219.kindof/sortof有点somewhat390.onboard在船(车/飞机)上yoff下岗391.onbusiness因公221.leavealone别说392.onconditionthat如果222.letthecatoutofthebag泄露秘密393.onduty上班,值班223.liablefor对...有责任394.onearth究竟,到底224.liableto易于395.onfire起火着火225.littlebylittle逐渐地396.onfoot步行226.lookfor/huntfor找工作397.onguard站岗,值班227.lostthepoint弄错398.onhand在场,在手边228.lotsof许多399.onloanto借给229.loyalto忠于400.onoccasion(s)有时,间或230.madabout/on狂热迷恋401.onone‘sguard警惕,提防231.madat/withsb.生气,愤怒402.onone’sown独立,独自232.madwith因...发狂403.onpurpose故意地233.make(both)endsmeet收支平衡404.onsale出售,廉价出售234.makealiving谋生405.onschedule按时间表,准时235.makeit成功406.onsecondthoughts经重新考虑236.makethebest/mostof充分利用407.onthecontrary正相反237.manya许多408.onthegroundsof根据,以...为由238.markthepapers批改考卷409.ontheotherhand另一方面239.mayor/minorin410.onthepointof即将...的时刻240.meetone’sneeds满足要求411.ontheroad在旅途中241.mightaswell不妨412.ontheside作为兼职/副业242.mistakeaforb认错413.onthespot在场;马上243.moreorless或多或少,有点414.onthewhole总的来说,大体上244.mytreat我请客415.ontime准时245.narrowescape九死一生416.on(an/the)average平均,通常246.necessaryto/for必要的417.once(and)forall一劳永逸地247.nextdoor隔壁的,在隔壁418.onceagain再一次248.nextto下一个,其次419.onceinawhile偶尔249.nodoubt无疑地420.oncemore再一次250.onceuponatime从前463.resultfrom由于251.oneanother相互(感谢关注英语口语精464.richin富于465.rightaway立即,马上华)252.one‘scupoftea喜欢的人/物466.ringsb.up打电话给⋯253.opento不限制,开放的467.ruleout排除⋯的可能性254.oppositeto在对面468.runoutof用完255.orelse否则,要不然469.rushhours上下班高峰256.orso大约,左右470.see:seetoitthat-makesurethat确保257.otherthan非;除了471.sensibleof觉查到258.outofbreath喘不过气来472.sensitiveto对...敏感259.outofcontrol失去控制473.setanotherdate改期makeonsaturday/ 260.outofdate过时的lockit261.outofdoors在户外474.setone’smindondoing决定be262.outoforder出故障的determinedto/haveone‘smindseton/bent 263.outofplace不适当的on264.outofpractice久不练习,荒疏475.shortof缺少265.outofsight看不见,在视野外476.showoff卖弄266.outofthequestion毫无可能的477.sickof厌恶,厌倦267.outoftouch不联系,不接触478.sidebyside肩并肩,一起268.outof从...中;由于;缺乏479.similarto相似269.overandover(again)一再地,再三地480.skilledat/in善于270.parallelto与...平等,类似481.slipone’smind忘记271.particularabout挑剔,讲究482.sofar迄今为止272.patientwith有耐心483.somewherearound大约273.peculiarto独特的,独有的484.soonerorlater迟早,早晚274.pickup捡485.sorethroat/foot嗓子哑/腿酸275.playbyear见机行事486.stayuplate熬夜276.popularwith受...喜爱,爱戴487.stepbystep逐步地277.priorto在...之前488.subjectto受制于,易于278.pullone’sleg拿某人开玩笑put489.suchas例如,诸如someoneon490.sufficientfor足够的279.putsomeoneup给某人提供住宿491.suitablefor/to适合于280.putupwith忍受492.superiorto优于,级别高于281.quiteafew相当多,不少493.sureof/about对...有信心,确信282.raincatsanddogs瓢泼大雨494.suspiciousof怀疑283.ratherthan不是...(而是)495.takealeave请假284.reachagreement达成协议496.takeaseat/beseated285.reachanagreement达成一致497.takeone‘splace取代286.regardlessof不顾,不惜498.takeone’stime慢慢来287.relativeto与...有关499.takesth.seriously认真对待288.removefrom从⋯除去500.takeup占据289.representativeof代表...的290.resignone‘spost辞职291.responsiblefor负责,是...原因。
常用英语短语目录字母A开头 (1)字母B开头 (3)字母C开头 (5)字母D开头 (7)字母E开头 (7)字母F开头 (7)字母G开头 (8)字母H开头 (9)字母I开头 (10)字母J开头 (13)字母K开头 (13)字母L开头 (13)字母M开头 (13)字母N开头 (14)字母O开头 (14)字母P开头 (16)字母R开头 (17)字母S开头 (17)字母T开头 (18)字母U开头 (18)字母V开头 (19)字母W开头 (19)字母A开头1、a big headache令人头痛的事2、a fraction of 一部分3、a matter of concern4、a series of 一系列,一连串5、absent from不在,缺席6、abundant in富于7、account for 解释8、accuse sb. of sth.控告9、add to增加(add up to)10、after all 毕竟,究竟11、agree with同意12、ahead of time / sche13、ahead of 在...之前(ahea14、alien to与...相反15、all at once 突然,同时16、all but 几乎;除了...都17、all of a sudden 突然18、all over again 再一次,重19、all over 遍及20、all right 令人满意的;可以21、all the same 仍然,照样的22、all the time 一直,始终23、angry with sb. at/ab24、anxious about/for忧虑,25、anything but 根本不26、apart from 除...外(有/无27、appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求28、applicable to适用于29、apply to适用30、appropriate for/to适当31、approximate to近似,接近32、apt at聪明,善于33、apt to易于34、around the clock夜以继日35、as a matter of fact36、as a result(of) 因此,由37、as a rule 通常,照例38、as far as ...be conc39、as far as 远至,到...程度40、as follows 如下41、as for 至于,关于42、as good as 和...几乎一样43、as if 好像,防腐44、as regards 关于,至于45、as to 至于,关于46、as usual 像平常一样,照例47、as well as 除...外(也),48、as well 同样,也,还49、ashamed of羞愧,害臊50、aside from 除...外(还有)51、ask for the moon异想天开52、at a loss 茫然,不知所措53、at a time 一次,每次54、at all costs 不惜一切代价55、at all events 不管怎样,无56、at all times 随时,总是57、at all 丝毫(不),一点也不58、at any rate 无论如何,至少59、at best 充其量,至多60、at first sight 乍一看,初61、at first 最初,起先62、at hand 在手边,在附近63、at heart 内心里,本质上64、at home 在家,在国内65、at intervals 不时,每隔..66、at large 大多数,未被捕获的67、at last 终于68、at least 至少69、at length 最终,终于70、at most 至多,不超过71、at no time 从不,决不72、at one time 曾经,一度;同时73、at present 目前,现在74、at someone's disposa75、at the cost of 以...为76、at the mercy of 任凭..77、at the moment 此刻,目前78、at this rate 照此速度79、at times 有时,间或80、aware of意识到字母B开头81、back and forth 来回地,反82、back of 在...后面83、back up后备,支援84、bare of几乎没有,缺乏85、be able to do能够86、be around差不多87、be available to sb.可88、be bound to一定89、be capable of doing能90、be concerned with 关心91、be dying to渴望92、be fed up with受够了be93、be in hospital 住院94、be in season 上市的/in95、be in the mood to do96、be pressed for time时97、be tied up with忙于98、be under the weather99、beat around the bush100、beat the crowd 避开人群101、before long 不久以后102、behind schedule 误点103、bent on sth. 下定决心做…104、beside point 离题的,不相干105、beyond one's ability106、beyond question 毫无疑问107、book on reserve 须留的图108、booked up 订完了109、bound for开往110、break down抛锚111、break though突破112、break up with和某人分手be 113、bring about 使…发生114、bring someone up to115、by accident 偶然116、by air 通过航空途径117、by all means 尽一切办法,务118、by and by 不久,迟早119、by chance 偶然,碰巧120、by far 最,...得多121、by hand 用手,用体力122、by itself 自动地,独自地123、by means of 用,依靠124、by mistake 错误地,无意地125、by no means 决不,并没有126、by oneself 单独地,独自地127、by reason of 由于128、by the way 顺便说说129、by virtue of 借助,由于130、by way of 经由,通过...方法字母C开头131、call off取消132、call on号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜133、capable of能够134、careful of/about/wit135、certain of /about确信,136、chair a meeting 主持会议137、charge sb. with sth.138、clear of没有,不接触139、clever at善于140、close to接近,亲近141、come in contact with142、come out of sth. ali143、come up (with)提出,拿出144、comparable to/with比作145、conscious of察觉到,意识到146、consequent on随之而来147、considerate towards体148、contemporary with与.. 149、content with满足于150、contrary to违反151、cost someone an arm 152、count down倒计时153、count one's chickens 154、count on依靠155、count on依靠156、count the day期待157、count the day期待158、counter to与...相反159、crazy about热衷,着迷160、critical of挑剔,批评161、cry in one's beer借酒消162、cry on one's shoulde 163、curious about好奇,想知道164、cut down on 减少165、cut down削减166、cut in插入167、cut off切断168、cut out切除169、cut someone short打断170、cut through抄近路171、cut up切碎字母D开头172、die out 灭绝173、distinct from种类(风格)不174、do the laundry洗衣服175、doubtful of /about怀疑176、drop by / in 顺路拜访177、due to 由于,因为字母E开头178、each other 互相179、easier said than don 180、east of在...东面181、equal to相等,胜任182、equivalent to等于,相当于183、essential to/for必不可少184、even if/though 即使,虽然185、ever so 非常,极其186、every now and then 时187、every other 每隔一个的188、except for 除了...外189、expert at/in/on善于字母F开头190、face to face 面对面地191、faculty members 教职员工192、faithful to忠实于193、fall flat 平躺在地上194、familiar to sb为...所熟195、familiar with sth熟悉, 196、far from 远非,远离197、fatal to致命的198、favorable to支持,赞成199、fearful of惧怕200、feel at home熟悉201、feel blue心情不好202、feel free to随便203、figure out sth. 解决204、fit for适于205、flat tire轮胎没气206、flat tire轮胎没气207、fond of喜欢208、for ever 永远209、for good 永久地210、for the better 好转211、for the moment 暂时,目前212、for the present 暂时,目213、for the sake of 为了,为214、for the time being 暂215、foreign to非...所原有216、free of /from未受...;免217、free with康慨,大方218、from time to time 有时219、full up客满字母G开头220、get a bargain 买到便宜货221、get nowhere with 毫无进222、get over恢复223、get used to习惯于224、give off发出225、give someone a big h226、give someone a hand帮227、go about sth. 开始做…228、go after追求229、go ahead同意做某事230、go by遵守231、go down下降,往下传232、go for竭尽全力做233、go into进入,开始从事234、go off出发235、go out熄灭,外出236、go over复习237、go over复习,从头到尾检查一遍238、go round/around足够分配239、go sightseeing 去观光240、go steady with和某人确定关241、go through从头到尾242、go without单独243、guilty of有...罪的字母H开头244、had better最好245、hand in hand 手拉手,密切246、hang up 挂断247、have one's hands ful248、have the final say 有249、head on 迎面地,正面的250、heart and soul 全心全意地251、hold out for sth. 坚持252、hold up坚持253、hold water站得住脚254、how about ...怎么样255、how come怎么会256、hungry for渴望257、ignorant of不知道字母I开头258、impatient at sth.不耐烦259、impatient for急切,渴望260、impatient of无法容忍261、in (the)light of 鉴于, 262、in a hurry 匆忙,急于263、in a moment 立刻,一会儿264、in a sense 从某种意义上说265、in a way 在某种程度上266、in a word 简言之,总之267、in accordance with 与268、in addition to 除...之269、in addition 另外,加之270、in advance 预先,事先271、in all 总共,合计272、in any case 无论如何273、in any event 无论如何274、in brief 简单地说275、in case of 假如,防备276、in charge of 负责,总管277、in common 共用的,共有的278、in consequence(of) 因279、in debt 欠债,欠情280、in detail 详细地281、in difficulty 处境困难282、in effect 实际上,事实上283、in favor of 支持,赞成284、in front of 面对,在...前285、in general 一般来说,大体上286、in half 成两半287、in hand 在进行中,待办理288、in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念289、in itself 本质上,就其本身而言290、in line with 与...一致291、in memory of 纪念292、in no case 决不293、in no time 立即,马上294、in no way 决不295、in order 按顺序,按次序296、in other words 换句话说297、in part 部分地298、in particular 特别,尤其299、in person 亲自,本人300、in place of 代替,取代,交换301、in place 在合适的位置302、in practice 在实践中,实际上303、in proportion to 与..304、in public 公开地,当众305、in quantity 大量306、in question 正在谈论的307、in regard to 关于,至于308、in relation to 关于,涉及309、in return for 作为对...310、in return 作为报答/回报/交换311、in short 简言之,总之312、in sight 被见到;在望313、in spite of 尽管314、in step with 与...一致/ 315、in tears 流着泪,在哭着316、in terms of317、in the company / wak318、in the course of 在..319、in the distance 在远处320、in the end 最后,终于321、in the event of 如果..322、in the face of 即使;在. 323、in the first place 首324、in the future 在未来325、in the heat of the d326、in the least 丝毫,一点327、in the long run 长期328、in the way 挡道329、in the world 究竟,到底330、in time 及时331、in touch 联系,接触332、in turn 依次,轮流;转而333、in vain 徒劳,白费力334、indifferent to无兴趣,不关335、indignant with sb.愤慨336、inferior to级别低于,不如337、innocent of无...罪,无辜338、instead of 代替,而不是339、intent on专心于340、invisible to不可见的字母J开头341、jealous of嫉妒342、just now 眼下;刚才字母K开头343、keep one's eyes on关注344、keep on爱好,很喜欢345、keep track of 留心346、kind of / sort of有点s 字母L开头347、lay off 下岗348、leave alone别说349、let the cat out of t 350、liable for对...有责任351、liable to易于352、little by little 逐渐地353、look for / hunt for 354、lost the point弄错355、lots of 许多356、loyal to忠于字母M开头357、mad about/on狂热迷恋358、mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒359、mad with因...发狂360、make (both) ends mee 361、make a living谋生362、make it成功363、make the best / most364、many a 许多365、mark the papers 批改考卷366、mayor / minor in367、meet one's needs满足要求368、might as well不妨369、mistake a for b 认错370、more or less 或多或少,有点371、my treat我请客字母N开头372、narrow escape九死一生373、necessary to /for必要的374、next door 隔壁的,在隔壁375、next to下一个,其次376、no doubt 无疑地377、no less than 不少于...; 378、no longer 不再379、no more than 至多,同... 380、no more 不再381、none other than 不是别的382、nothing but 只有,只不过383、now and then 时而,偶尔字母O开头384、off and on 断断续续,间歇地385、off duty 下班386、on (the) one hand 一方387、on a large/small sca388、on account of 由于389、on behalf of 代表390、on board 在船(车/飞机)上391、on business 因公392、on condition that 如果393、on duty 上班,值班394、on earth 究竟,到底395、on fire 起火着火396、on foot 步行397、on guard 站岗,值班398、on hand 在场,在手边399、on loan to借给400、on occasion(s) 有时,间或401、on one's guard 警惕,提防402、on one's own 独立,独自403、on purpose 故意地404、on sale 出售,廉价出售405、on schedule 按时间表,准时406、on second thoughts 经407、on the contrary 正相反408、on the grounds of 根据409、on the other hand 另一410、on the point of 即将.. 411、on the road 在旅途中412、on the side 作为兼职/副业413、on the spot 在场;马上414、on the whole 总的来说,大体415、on time 准时416、on(an/the) average 平417、once (and) for all 一418、once again 再一次419、once in a while 偶尔420、once more 再一次421、once upon a time 从前422、one another 相互423、one's cup of tea喜欢的人424、open to不限制,开放的425、opposite to在对面426、or else 否则,要不然427、or so 大约,左右428、other than 非;除了429、out of breath 喘不过气来430、out of control 失去控制431、out of date 过时的432、out of doors 在户外433、out of order 出故障的434、out of place 不适当的435、out of practice 久不练习436、out of sight 看不见,在视野437、out of the question438、out of touch 不联系,不接触439、out of 从...中;由于;缺乏440、over and over (again字母P开头441、parallel to与...平等,类似442、particular about挑剔,讲443、patient with有耐心444、peculiar to独特的,独有的445、pick up捡446、play by ear见机行事447、popular with受...喜爱,爱448、prior to 在...之前449、pull one's leg拿某人开玩笑450、put someone up给某人提供住451、put up with忍受452、quite a few 相当多,不少字母R开头453、rain cats and dogs瓢泼454、rather than 不是...(而是455、reach agreement 达成协议456、reach an agreement达成457、regardless of 不顾,不惜458、relative to与...有关459、remove from 从…除去460、representative of代表. 461、resign one's post 辞职462、responsible for负责,是. 463、result from 由于464、rich in富于465、right away 立即,马上466、ring sb. up 打电话给…467、rule out 排除…的可能性468、run out of用完469、rush hours上下班高峰字母S开头470、see: see to it that471、sensible of觉查到472、sensitive to对...敏感473、set another date改期m474、set one's mind on do 475、short of缺少476、show off卖弄477、sick of厌恶,厌倦478、side by side 肩并肩,一起479、similar to相似480、skilled at /in善于481、slip one's mind 忘记482、so far 迄今为止483、somewhere around 大约484、sooner or later 迟早,早485、sore throat / foot486、stay up late 熬夜487、step by step 逐步地488、subject to受制于,易于489、such as 例如,诸如490、sufficient for足够的491、suitable for/to适合于492、superior to优于,级别高于493、sure of /about对...有信494、suspicious of怀疑字母T开头495、take a leave请假496、take a seat / be sea 497、take one's place 取代498、take one's time慢慢来499、take sth. seriously字母U开头500、under the circumstan501、up in the air没有确定502、up to date 在进行中503、up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于字母V开头504、vital to对...关系重大505、void of没有,缺乏字母W开头506、what about 怎么样507、what if 切合目前情况的508、what's up / new?发生了什509、with regard to 关于,至于510、with respect to 如果..511、with the exception o512、without any trace没有踪513、without fail 一向如此514、without question 毫无疑515、wolf down狼吞虎咽。
英语重要词组翻译( 请认真背诵)1. 到达学校get to school / 到达北京get to Beijing /到家get home / 到那儿get there / get here2. 乘坐火车take the train / 乘坐地铁take the subway/ 乘坐公共汽车take the bus3. 骑自行车ride a bike = ride the bike4. 吃大量的蔬菜eat lots of / a lot of / many vegetables5. 在周三晚上on Wednesday evening = on the evening of Wednesday6. 品尝起来味道好taste great / nice / good7. 或看电视或弹钢琴either watch TV or play the piano8. 在二月三日的上午on the morning of February 3rd9. 步行去上班walk to work / 步行回家walk home /步行去上学walk to school = go to school on foot10. 忙着打扫教室be busy cleaning the classroom11. 差一刻钟到十二点 a quarter to twelve /差二十分钟到八点twenty to eight12. 在一家广播电台work at a radio station /在一家服装店工作work at a clothes store13 擅长讲故事be good at telling stories14. 祝(你)过得愉快!Have a good / great / nice time !/ 祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you !15. 在周末on the weekend = on weekends/ 在平日on weekdays = on the weekday16. 在上学的日子里on school days17. 在上学的晚上on school nights18. 会下中国象棋can play Chinese chess19. 学校演出招聘音乐人Musicians Wanted for School Show20. 来到学生运动中心come to the Students’ Sports Center第16周词组翻译Part One :1. 上班迟到be late for work = arrive late for work2. 学好历史learn history well3. 把数学课本忘在家里leave the math book at home4. 忘记清洗餐具forget to do the dishes5. 记住铺床remember to make the bed6. 忙着做早饭be busy making breakfast7. 练习弹钢琴practice playing the piano练习讲英语practice speaking English8. finish reading the story-book 看完这本故事书9. 对他们要求很严be strict with them/ 对他的工作要求很严be strict in his work / job10. 不得不穿他们的校服have to wear their school uniforms11. 保持厨房干净keep the kitchen clean13. 必须遵守学校的规章制度must follow the school rules14. 在图书馆里不得不保持安静have to keep quiet in the library15. 数百名村名hundreds of villagers/ 八百名中学生eight hundred middle school students 16. 按时到达火车站arrive at the train station on time/ 及时到达南京arrive in Nanjing in time17. 欢迎来我们班welcome to our class18. 擅长讲故事be good at telling stories19. 会中国功夫can do Chinese kung fu20. 对孩子们有办法be good with children21. 帮助我复习地理help me with my geography22. 招聘音乐家Musicians Wanted / Teachers Wanted23. 穿上衣服get dressed24. 差一刻钟到十一点 a quarter to eleven25. 在早晨五点半at half past five in the morning/ at 5:50 in the morningPart Two :1. 太多的动物too many animals太多的作业too much homework2. 实在太懒much too lazy3. 有点害羞kind of shy = a little shy4. 生活在澳大利亚的南部live in the south of Australia5. 整天睡觉sleep all day / 整天工作work all day6. 会用两条腿走路can walk on two legs7. 对他们友好be friendly to them8. 来自南非come from South Africa来自泰国南部be from the south of Thailand9. 觉得难受;觉得可怕feel terrible10. 把她的作业忘在家里了leave her homework at home11. 按时到达北京arrive in Beijing on time/ 及时到达火车站arrive at the train station in time 12. 一头聪明的大象 a smart elephant一只美丽的长颈鹿 a beautiful giraffe 13. 一只可爱的袋鼠熊 a cute koala一头可怕的狮子 a scary lion14. 迷路get lost在这条河的上面over the river15. 一个12岁的孩子a twelve-year-old child = one 12-year-old child16. 喜欢听音乐like listening to music = like to listen to music17. 把他的字典忘在图书馆里了leave his dictionary in the library 18. 听起来很有趣sound interesting19. all kinds of animals 所有种类的动物20. 周末休息relax on weekends = relax on the weekend Part Three :1. 记住有食物和水的地方remember the places with food and water2. 泰国的象征之一one of Thailand’s symbols3. 一个幸运的象征 a symbol of good luck4. 一面五星红旗 a five-star red flag5. 一位十一岁的中学生an eleven-year-old middle school student6. 擅长画画be good at drawing7. 处于极大的危险之中be in great danger8. 能长时间的行走can walk for a long time9. 失去他们的家园lose their homes10. 为了象牙而猎杀大象kill elephants for their ivory11. 想买象牙制品buy things made of ivory12. 砍到树木cut down the trees13. 欢迎来北京welcome to Beijing14. 生活在中国的南方live in the south of China15. 一只五个月大的长颈鹿 a five-month-old giraffe16. 在课堂上吵闹be noisy in class17. 忙着为我做早餐be busy making breakfast for me18. 开车去上班drive the car to work = go to work by car= go to work in the car19. 步行去上学walk to school = go to school on foot20. 穿过这座桥cross the bridge生活在这个村子里live in the village。
1、方便:convenient/convenience2、效率:efficient/efficiently/efficiency3、节省和浪费:save time/money/space; economical, thriftwaste time/money/space; costly, lavish4:人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive,considerate, confident, creative, sociable,perseverance; selfish, isolated, conservative5、人的身体健康:health, disease, strong, strength, energetic6、娱乐:colorful, pleasure, joy, recreation, entertainment, relaxtired, boring, lonely7、环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty8、安全和危险:safe, danger, risk9:经验:experience, social experience, enter the society 10、人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, assist, freedom, freely基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing):越来越:be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, the growing number of人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that 许多问题:a host of/a number of problems引起人们注意:claim call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken sb. to the fact/danger适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the world/society获得成功:achieve/accomplish success提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do(with work/study)影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable effect on较好地驾驭生活:be a better pilot of one's life剥夺机会/权力:deprive oneself of the chance/right/opportunity 取代就的方式:substitute for/take the place of the old way采取措施:take effective steps/measures to控制我们的环境:take/gain increasing control over our own environment躲避危险/挑战:shy/run away from the dangers/challenge满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of补偿损失:compensate for/make up for the loss/damage解释某现象:account for/explain the phenomenon对……很好的了解:have a better understanding/appreciation of, have a new perspective on. provide/gain an insight into把某因素考虑进去:take sth. Into account(consideration), give much thought to品位人生/自由/青春:savor the life/freedom/youth培养对……的信心:develop/foster one's interest/confidence in 经历变化/困难/艰险:undergo/experience great changes/hardships/experience表现出自信心等:project one's confidence/feeling/image生活充满不公正的地方:life is full of minor irritation/injustice追求学习/职业:pursue one's academic interest/professional career学习知识/技术:pursue/acquire knowledge/technology/skill被看作学习的……榜样:be held up as a good example交流经验/知识:share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge 发挥/起到重要作用:play an (important/active/great) role/part 逃学/缺课:skip school/a class/a meeting/a lecture知识/经验丰富:rich in knowledge/experience确立/追求目标:set/pursue a goal/higher standard到达目标:achieve/accomplish/stain the goal/aim/objective克服困难:overcome obstacles/difficulty面临危险/困难:be confronted/faced with/in the face of danger/difficulty阻碍了成功:stand in the way of success, be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth阻碍了发展:hamper/impede/stunt the development of持传统的看法:hold conventional wisdom发表看法:voice/express one's opinion持相反/合理的观点:take the opposite/fresh view揭穿某种一贯的说法:shatter the myth of求得帮助:enlist one's support/help缩小差别:bridge/narrow/fill the gap/gulf (between city and country)把成功/错误归咎于:attribute/own the success/failure to 对……重要:be indispensable/important/vital to施加压力:put/exert a academic pressure on重视:assign/attach much importance/significance to强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on把注意力集中在:focus/concentrate one's attention/efforts/thoughts upon提供机会/信息:provide/offer/furnish an opportunity/information for sb.抓住机会:grab/seize/take the opportunity得到机会:enjoy/gain access to a opportunity/information有可能:there is (little/much) possibility/likelihood that, chances/the odds are that展开竞争:compete against/with sb. for the prize/position/control/the mastery of开展运动:conduct(carryon/undertake/initiate/launch/wage) a (vigorous/nation-wide/publicity/advertising) campaign (for/against)对我很有/没有什么意义:make much/little sense to me带来无穷的幸福/满足:be a source of happiness satisfaction/contentment/pride/complaint献身于:devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career大不(没什么)两样:make much(little/no) difference真正重要的是:what really matters/accounts is …改变生活旅程:change/alter the course of life建立在大量的学习/实践上:built on tremendous amount of study/practice进行调查/执行任务:conduct/carry out an study/task/experiment辞去工作/学习:leave/quit one's job/work/school参加考试/竞赛等:enter (for) the examination/contest, race参加活动/讨论:take part/participate/be engaged in sports/activities/discussion影响思想/态度/事件的形成:shape one's thinking/attitude进入大学/社会/家庭/劳力市场/职业:enter a school/college/society/the work force/professionals实现自己的理想/愿望:realize/fulfill/achieve one's dream(hops/wish/desire)减轻压力/紧张:reduce/alleviate/relieve the stress/pressure/tension提高社会地位:enhance/improve/upgrade social status/position/standing rise to the position of leadership提高技术/能力:sharpen (increase/improve/enhance/boost) one's skill/ability加快/促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boost the development of随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society开阔眼界/兴趣:broaden one's interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge) one's mental horizons有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the popularity of/the growth of/the solution of有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards) solving the problem迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.利用机会/技术:make (full/better) use of/take advantage of opportunity/time, tap/harness technology potential/skills/talent 把知识/经验运用到…:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience… to practice/daily life/good use 取得进步:make much progress/strides/gains in充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one's ability/potential to the full, give full play to one's ability充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for1. at the thought of一想到…2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论3. at will 随心所欲4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,7. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地8. in accord with 与…一致. out of one’s accord with 同…。
英语常用短语词组600个1、a variety of 种种,各种2、abstain from 戒除,弃权,避开3、access to 接近;通向…的入口4、according to 根据…所说;按照5、act on 按照…而行动6、act out 演出7、add up to 合计达,总计是8、admit of 容许有,有…余地9、advertise for 登广告征求(寻找)某物10、afford to (买)得起(某物)11、agree about 对…有相同的看法12、agree with 同意,与…取得一致13、all along 始终,一直,一贯14、all of a sudden 突然,冷不防15、all over 到处,遍及;全部结束16、all right 令人满意的;好,行17、and all that 诸如此类18、and so forth 等等19、and so forth 等等,如此等等20、and so 所以,因此;同样21、and that 而且22、and what not 诸如此类,等等23、any more 再;较多些24、any number of 许多25、apply one's mind to 专心于…26、apply oneself to 致力于27、approach to 接近;约等于28、around the clock 昼夜不断地,全天地29、as a rule 通常,一般(说来)30、as best one can 尽最大努力31、as if 好象,仿佛32、as long as 达…之外,长达33、as long as 只要34、as regards 关于,至于35、as to 至于,关于36、as usual 像往常一样,照例37、as well 也,又38、as yet 到目前为止39、at all risks 无论冒什么危险40、at all times 无论何时,一直41、at any cost 不惜任何代价42、at any rate 不管怎样,反正43、at home 在家,在国内;自在44、at intervals 不时;相隔一定的距离45、at large 完全地;详尽地46、at least 至少,最低限度47、at present 目前,现在48、at the expense of 归…付费49、at the latest 最迟,至迟50、at work (人)在工作;忙于51、attach importance to 认为重要52、attach oneself to 依附;参加党派53、attend to 专心;照顾,护理54、back and forth (前后)来回地,往返55、back down off 放弃,让步,退却56、back out of 收回(诺言等)57、be able to 能,会58、be about to 即将(做)59、be absorbed in 专心致力于…60、be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾61、be attached to 附属于;喜爱;爱慕62、be available for 有效63、be bound to 一定会…,必然…64、be bound up with 与…有密切关系65、be capable of 有做出(某事)倾向的66、be careful of 当心…对…仔细67、be certain to do sth 一定做…68、be disagreeable to 不合…意;对…发脾气69、be familiar with 对…熟悉70、be friends with 与…交友(友好)71、be generous with 用…很大方72、be good at 善于,擅长于73、be hard up 短缺,在急需中74、be in drink 喝醉了75、be in love with 跟…恋爱76、be in sympathy with 赞同,同情77、be in the wrong 错,理亏78、be lost on 对…不起作用79、be married to sb. 和…结婚80、be on the drink 常常喝酒,酗酒81、be qualified to 能胜任…82、be representative of 代表…83、be seated 坐下,坐着;位于…84、be subject to 易受…的;惯患…的85、be supposed to 被期望;应该86、be sure and... 一定要…87、be up to 该由…负责;胜任88、be used to 习惯于89、be very useful at 精通90、be worth doing 值得(做)91、bear out 证实,证明92、beat off 击退,打退(进攻)93、believe in 相信,信仰,主张94、bend one's knee to 向…跪下,屈服于95、beyond number 多得数不清96、bomb out 把(地方等)炸毁97、both...and... 既…又…,不但…而且98、break faith 背信,背弃信仰99、break in on 打扰;打断100、break into pieces (使)成为碎片101、break into 闯进;突然…起来102、break off (使)折断;中断;断绝103、bring down 降低(温度等);使倒下104、bring in 收获(庄稼等);生产105、bring into operation 实施,使生效106、bring off 救出;成功地做某事107、bring over 把…带来;使某人转变108、bring under 镇压;压制;使就范109、burst out laughing 突然笑起来110、but for 倘没有,要不是111、button up 扣,扣紧钮扣112、buy off 收买113、buzz off (俚)急忙离去114、by all means 尽一切办法;一定115、by all nerves 高度不安,神经紧张116、by and by 不久以后,将来117、by hand 用手;用手工的118、by little and little 一点一点地,逐渐地119、by means of 用,凭借,依靠120、by nature 生性,本性上121、by night 在夜间;趁黑夜122、by reason of 由于,因为123、by the name of 名叫124、by the way 顺便提一下,另外125、by yourself 你独自地,你独立地126、call after 追在…的后面叫喊127、call at 作短暂访问;停(泊)128、call down 祈求到;招来129、call in question 对…表示怀疑130、call in 收回(某物)131、call...to account 责问,要求…说明理由132、cannot help 不得不;忍不住133、cap in hand 恭敬地,谦恭地134、carry away 运走,使失去自制力135、carry on 继续开展,坚持下去136、cash in on 靠…赚钱,乘机利用137、cast aside 消除,抛弃;废除138、cast back 回想,追溯139、catch at 想抓住;立即接受140、catch fire 着火,烧着141、change one's mind 改变主意142、check in 办理登记手续,报到143、check out 结账后离开;检验合格144、check over 检查;调查145、check up 核对,检验146、cheer up 使高兴,使高兴起来147、close about 围住,包围148、close down (工厂等)关闭,倒闭149、close over 淹没;封盖;遮蔽150、close up (伤口)愈合;停业151、come after 跟在…后面;跟踪152、come alive 活跃起来;觉悟起来153、come forth 出来;涌现154、come into effect 开始生效,开始实行155、come into use 开始被使用156、come over 过来;从远方来157、come round (非正式的)来访;绕道158、come through 经历(困难);获得成功159、come to an end 告终,结束;完结160、come to life 苏醒过来161、come to one's mind 忽然想起162、come up smiling 重振精神163、consist in 在于;存在于164、consist of 由…构成,包含有165、contribute to 有助于…,促成166、count in 把…计算在内167、count up 把…加起来,共计168、cover over 遮没169、credit with 把…记入贷方170、cry down 贬低171、cut back 修剪(树枝等);削减172、cut up (牲口等)宰后得肉173、cut up 切碎;齐根割掉174、date back to 追溯到;从…开始有175、deal out 分配,分给176、decide for 作对…有利的决定177、dedicate to 献(身);把…用在…178、depart from 离开,起程;开出179、die off 一个个死掉180、die out 消失,灭绝,不复存在181、dig out 掘出;挖掉182、do a good job 好好干;干得好183、do away with 废除,去掉;弄死184、do by sb. 对待(某人)185、do down 胜过;欺骗186、do duty for 当…用,起作用187、do for 对…有效;照应188、do one's utmost 竭力,尽全力189、do sb. a favour 给某人以恩惠190、do sb. wrong 冤枉(委屈)某人191、do up one's hair (女子)梳理头发192、do up 维修;使整洁;包扎193、do without 没有…也行;将就194、double up 弯着身子;把…对折195、drag on 拖延;使拖延196、drain off 流掉;渐渐枯竭197、draw a conclusion 得出结论198、draw aside 拉到一边199、draw in (火车、汽车)进站200、draw on 吸收;利用;凭;戴上201、draw up 起草,制订202、dream up (凭想象)虚构203、dress up 穿上盛装204、drive away at 努力做(工作等) 205、drive home 用车把…送到家206、drive out 赶出去207、drop by 顺便走访,非正式访问208、drop on 训斥,惩罚209、drop out 退出,退学;掉落210、dry up (使)干涸211、early or late 迟早212、either...or 或…或,不是…就是213、employ oneself in 使忙于,使从事于214、empty of 缺乏,无215、end in 以…为结果216、engage in 从事于,参加217、engaged in 使从事于,使忙于218、engaged with 与…有事商谈219、every other 每隔一个…的220、fail in 在…不足,疏忽221、fall in love with 相爱,爱上…222、fall on one's knees 跪下(请求等) 223、fall to doing 着手(做)…;开始…224、fear for 为…担心225、feel amused at 以…自娱,逗…笑226、feel like 感到想要做227、feel out 试探出,摸清228、feel up to 觉得能担当229、figure on 把…估计在内;指望230、fill up 填补;装满231、finish up with 以…结束;最后有…232、finish up 结束;完成233、finish with 完成,结束234、first or last (古)迟早,早晚235、fix up 治愈(病人);安顿236、flame out 突然冒火焰237、fool with 玩弄;乱摆弄238、for life 终身239、for the better 好转,向好的方向发展240、for the future 从今以后,在今后241、for the moment 暂时;目前242、for the present 目前,暂时,暂且243、for the rest 至于其余,至于其它244、forget about 忘记245、free from 不受…影响的246、freeze up (使)冻结247、from now on 今后,从现在起248、generation gap 代沟249、get above oneself 变得自高自大250、get after 督促,训诫;责备251、get along with 走开252、get at 到达;了解;查明253、get hold of 一把抓住;掌握;得到254、get in with 参加,加入;与…交往255、get off 下车;离开;开始256、get on to 知道;意识到257、get ready (使)准备好258、get the best of 胜过,打赢259、get the better of 打败,智胜260、get up 起床;爬上;达到261、give back 归还;恢复;后退262、give ear to 听,倾听263、give one's ears 不惜任何代价(要) 264、give over (使)停止;放弃;交托265、give up 放弃;投降;抛弃266、give way 让路,让步;撤退267、go after 追逐,追求;设法得到268、go all out 全力以赶;鼓足干劲269、go along with 赞同;附合,支持270、go back to 追溯到…271、go by 走过,放过;依照272、go down 为…所接受,得到赞同273、go down 下去;(船等)下沉274、go for 为…去;努力获取275、go in for 从事于;酷爱;追求276、go into action 开始行动277、go on 继续下去,进行;接近278、go out of one's way 特别费心(做事) 279、go out 走出(房间等);罢工280、go over 检查;从头至尾温习281、go through 经历;完成;检查282、go to excess 走极端283、go to war 开始作战284、go up 上升;(物价等)上涨285、go wrong 出错;发生故障286、guarantee against 保证…不…287、hang about 闲荡;聚在…临近288、hang on to 紧紧握住289、happen on 巧遇;偶然发现290、have a good time 过得快乐,玩得高兴291、have back 要回,收回292、have no lack of 不缺乏293、have on 穿着;有事;进行294、have one's moment 走红;得意295、head off 绕到前面去;拦住296、heart to heart 坦率地297、hold office 担任公职298、hold true 适用,有效299、hold with 同意,赞成;原谅300、if necessary 如果必要的话301、if only 只要;要是…就好302、in a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地303、in a moment 立即,立刻304、in a sense 从某种意义上说305、in a word 总而言之,总之306、in addition 另外307、in all 总共,共计308、in any event 不管怎样,无论如何309、in case 假如;免得310、in common 共用,公有,共同311、in comparison with 与…比较312、in consequence of 由于…的缘故313、in due course 及时地,在适当的时候314、in exchange for 交换315、in face of 面对;纵然,即使316、in faith 确实,的确317、in focus 焦点对准;清晰318、in front of 在…前面,面对319、in full charge 负全责;勇猛向前320、in full 充足,十足321、in future 今后,以后322、in general 通常,一般地说323、in nature 性质上;实际上324、in order that 以便,为了…325、in order 整齐;状况良好326、in other words 换句话说,也就是说327、in place of 代替328、in point of 实际上,就事实而论329、in proportion to 与…成比例;与…相称330、in quantity 大量331、in question 正在谈论的332、in return for 作为…的交换333、in secret 秘密地,私下地334、in some ways 在某种程度上335、in stock 在贮存中;现有,备有336、in support of 支援;支持;拥护337、in the dark 在黑暗中;秘密地338、in the event of 如果…发生,万一339、in the event that 如果,万一的340、in the future 将来341、in the least 一点,丝毫342、in the mass 总体上,整个儿地343、in the negative 否定地,否决344、in the open 在户外;在露天345、in the shape of 呈…的形状346、in the way 挡道的,妨碍人的347、in touch 联系,接触348、in vain 徒劳,白辛苦;轻慢349、instead of 代替;而不是…350、interfere in 干涉,干预351、interfere with 妨碍;打扰352、join in 参加(活动)353、join up 参军,入伍;联合起来354、judging by 从…判断355、just yet 恰好现在356、keep away 站开;使离开357、keep back 留在后面;阻止;隐瞒358、keep clear of 不接触;避开359、keep company with 和…交往360、keep early hours 早睡早起361、keep faith 守信,忠于信仰362、keep one's balance 保持(身体)平衡363、keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人来往364、keep up with 跟上,不落后365、keep up 继续;坚持,维持366、knock down 撞倒;击落;拆除367、knock off 把…敲掉;击倒;停工368、know no bounds 无限,极为369、know sb. by name 只知道某人的名字370、lay in 贮存,贮藏371、lay to 把(功、过)归于372、lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致373、lead up to 逐渐导致374、learn of 听到;获悉…的事375、leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰376、leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略377、let go 放开;释放;发射378、let oneself go 尽情;忘乎所以379、lie on 依赖;压迫;折磨(人)380、lie over 等待以后处理381、like any thing 象什么似地;拼命地382、little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地383、live up to 无愧于;做到;符合384、lock oneself in 把自己关在里面385、lock out 把…关在外面386、long before 在…以前很久387、look at 看着;注视;察看388、look black 怒视389、look in 顺便看望,顺便访问390、look out 留神;朝外看;照料391、look through (从头至尾)浏览;温习392、look up to sb. 尊敬,敬仰393、lose one's temper 发怒,发脾气394、made up of 由…组成,由…构成395、make a go of 使成功,相处得好396、make an appeal to sb 向某人提出呼吁;上诉397、make fun of 嘲笑;开…玩笑398、make hold to 冒昧地…擅自(做)…399、make much of 重视;充分利用400、make over 把(财产)转让;改造401、make peace with (与…)讲和402、make room for sb. 让出空地方给某人403、make terms 达成协议404、make the best of 充分利用(时间等) 405、make up to 接近;巴结;向…求爱406、make use of 利用,使用407、many a 许多的,一个又一个的408、mark out for 使…注定要409、mark out 划分出;规划410、mark time 原地踏步,停止不前411、may as well 最好,不妨412、measure up to 符合,达到,够得上413、mix up 混全,混淆;搞糊涂414、much more 更加,何况415、nail up 把…钉牢;把(门)钉死416、near to 接(靠)近;几乎要417、night after night 一夜又一夜地418、no more than 仅仅,只是419、no sooner...than 一…就…420、none the less (尽管…)仍然421、not a little 许多,很422、not as...as... 不如…那样423、not at all 不点也不;别客气424、not at all 根本不;一点也不425、not much of a 不是一个好的426、not nearly 远非,相差很远427、nothing but 只有;只不过428、now and then 时而,不时429、object to 反对;抗议,抱反感430、of importance 重要,具有重要意义431、of late years 近年来432、of one's own 属于某人自己的433、off balance 不平稳的,摇摆的434、on an even keel 平稳的(地),稳定的435、on earth 在世界上;究竟,到底436、on foot 步行;在进行中437、on schedule 按照预定时间,准时438、on the lips of 在…中流传439、on the stroke 准时地440、on the table (摆)在桌面上,公开地441、on time 按时,准时442、on top of 在…之上;除…之外443、on trust 不加深究地444、once for all 一劳永逸地445、once in a while 偶尔,有时446、one after another 一个接一个地,依次地447、only too 非常,实在448、or rather 更精确地说,倒不如说449、out of control 失去控制450、out of danger 脱离危险451、out of date 过时的,陈旧的452、out of focus 焦点没有对准;模糊453、out of place 不相称;不合适454、over and over 一再地,再三地455、pass by 走过;(时间)逝去456、pass up 放过,放弃,拒绝457、past question 毫无疑问458、pay back 偿还(借款等);回报459、pay for 偿还;受到惩罚460、pay honour to 向…致敬461、piece together 拼合,拼凑在一起462、piece up 修补463、play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑464、point to 指向465、prior to 在前,居先,比…在先466、promise oneself 指望,指望获得467、pull into 进入;到达468、pull up (使)停下;拔起(树等) 469、put across 解释清楚;做成(交易) 470、put aside 储存,保留471、put away 把…收起;储存,积攒472、put forward 提出(要求、事实等) 473、put in 花费;正式提出474、put out 熄灭;关(灯);出版475、put through 使穿过;使从事476、put to (船只顺避风等而)靠岸477、queue up 排队等候478、quite other 完全不同的479、rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨480、reach out 伸出手(或脚)481、refer to sb. as 把…称作482、regardless of 不顾,不惜,不注意483、rely on 依靠,依赖,依仗484、report on 报告;汇报(某事) 485、result in 引起,结果是;导致486、ring out 宣布离去487、rub away 擦掉;磨去488、run for 竞选,追查,探究489、run out of 用完,耗尽490、say yes 同意,允诺491、scrape through 勉强通过492、send away for 函索493、send round 使传阅;发送;派遣494、serve as 充当;起作用495、set about 开始;散布(谣言等) 496、set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟497、set fire to 使燃烧,点燃498、set off 动身,出发;使爆炸499、set out 动身;开始;装饰500、set out 制定,打算501、set up 开办;建立;设立502、settle down 定居;安下心来503、settle for 对…感到满足,满足于504、shake off 撵走,摆脱;抖落505、show off 炫耀,卖弄506、sit up 迟睡,熬夜;坐正507、sketch out 草拟;概略地叙述508、slow up 变得不那么忙,慢下来509、smell about 到处嗅寻;到处找510、smell of 有…的气味511、smile on 对…赞许512、smooth over 掩饰;调停,平息513、snap at 厉声说;急促地说514、so...as to 如此…以至于515、something else 另外的一些东西516、something like 几分象;大约517、something of 在某种意义(或程度)上518、speak up 大声说519、speak volume for 充分说明520、spread out 伸开,展开;传播521、stand for 代替;代表;意味着522、stand in one's way 阻碍,妨碍523、stand up to 经得起(磨难等)524、stand up 立起;(论点)站得住脚525、store up 贮藏,储备526、stray away from 走离;走失;漫游527、struggle against 与…作斗争,和…斗争528、subject to 使受到,使遭遇529、sweep clean 扫,清洁530、sweep off 拂去;大量清除531、take a chance 冒险,投机532、take away 拿走,夺去,使离去533、take care of 爱护,照顾,照料534、take effect (药等)见效535、take for 认为,以为;误认为536、take heart of grace 鼓起勇气,打起精神537、take into account 把…考虑进去538、take it easy 不紧张;放松;松懈539、take note of 注意(到)540、take notice of 注意,留心541、take on 呈现(面貌);装出542、take on 接受;包含;领会543、take one's chance 碰运气,听任命运544、take part in 参加…,参与…545、take part with 与…站在一边,袒护546、take place 发生;进行;举行547、take pride in 以…自豪548、take the road 出动,动身;走…道路549、take to 开始;对…产生好感550、take turns 依次,轮流551、talk out 坦率地谈552、talk over 商量,(充分)讨论553、talk up 大声地讲;大胆地讲554、taste of 有…味道(或气息)555、teach a lesson 给…一个教训556、tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁557、tear up 创;挖;掘;拉掉558、tell...from 辨别,分辨;认出559、thanks to 由于560、thanks to 由于,多亏,幸亏561、that is 就是说;即(略为i.e)562、the other day 在不久前某天563、the rank and file 普通士兵们,老百姓们564、the roll call 点名565、think of 考虑;记得;认为566、throw off 扔开;匆匆脱掉(衣服) 567、throw over 抛弃(计划等)568、tie up 束紧,缚牢;包扎569、touch on 关系到,涉及到570、try for 谋求,争取571、tune in 收听;调谐572、turn against 对…采取敌对态度573、turn away 走开;把脸转过去574、turn on 开,旋开(电灯等)575、turn out 生产;驱逐;翻转576、turn sb's blood cold 使毛骨悚然577、under arms 在备战状态中578、under the charge of 在…掌管(或看管)之下579、under the order of 受…指挥580、up and doing 活泼,敏捷;忙碌581、up in arms 起来进行武装斗争582、use up 用完,耗尽;花完583、wait at table 伺候进餐584、wait for 等候,等待585、wait up for 为…而等候着睡不着586、wake up 醒,唤醒;醒来587、walk out 走出;把(某人)带出588、wander about 漫游;闲逛589、weed out 清除,除去590、wish for 盼望,希望,想要591、with young 怀胎592、within touch of 在…能到达的地方593、without day 不定期;无限制(休会) 594、without fail 必定,务必595、without question 毫无疑问596、work out 算出;设计出;制定出597、would rather do 宁愿,宁可598、write off 注销;勾销;写信寄出599、write up 把…写成文;详细描写600、year in year out 年复一年地,不断地。
翻译词组短语1. 给某人让座 1. give / offer one’s seat to sb2. 跳到地上/桌上 2. jump onto the ground/ table3. 下了一整天雨 3. keep on raining all the day4. 听到呼救声 4. hear a cry/shout for help5. 把…带到安全地带 5. carry sb to safety6. 向某人道歉 6. apologize to sb for sth/doing sth7. 给某人提建议7. give sb some advice on sth8. 得到好的治疗8. get good treatment9. 接受某人的建议9. take/follow one’s advice10. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组/委员会/公司10. join a team/club/group/committee/company11. 向某人解释…11. explain sth to sb (explain to sb that …)12. 治愈某人的病12. cure sb of a certain illness13. 匆忙赶往医院/学校/邮局/派出所/火车站/汽车站/飞机场13. hurry to the hospital /school/post office/police station/railway station/bus stop/airport14. 提出付100元钱14. offer to pay 100dollars15. 收100元钱15. charge/ take 100 dollars16. 付100元钱16. pay 100 dollars(pay the bill)17. 打车17. hire/get/call for a taxi (to take sb to …)18. 浑身湿透了18. be wet all over/ be wet through19. 下载文件19. download the papers20. 外出钓鱼/爬山/郊游/游泳/划船/野营20. go fishing / outing / climbing / boating /swimming /camping21. 转身离开21. turn away22. 陷入沉思22. be lost in thought23. 返回取某物23. turn back to get sth / for sth24. 走过去看一看发生了什么24. come /go up to see what happens25. 与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣25. share a room/an umbrella /a toy/the same interests with sb26. 对某人大声喊叫26. shout to sb in a loud voice27. 使劲移开那块大石头27. gather all one’s strength to remove the bi g stone28.背着一个沉重的包28. bear a heavy bag29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会29. go for a dinner/meeting/party/visit/get-together30. 背负沉重的课业负担30. be heavily burdened with homework31. 约某人31. call for sb32. 顺道拜访某人32. drop in on sb33. 看家33. mind one’s house34. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人34. run over to support the old man35. 等候某人吃饭/开会/回家35. wait for sb to have dinner/a meeting/ come home36. 下车36. get off the bus/ get out of the car37. 站在门口37. be stationed by the door/stand by the door38. 坐在窗前38. be seated by the window39. 靠在墙上/树上39. lean against the wall/tree40. 逆风而行40. walk/run/swim/ride/drive/move on against the wind41. 下大雨/大雪41. rain hard/snow hard/wind hard42. 刮大风42. come to one’s rescue43. 起雾43. express one’s hearty thanks to sb44. 熟睡44. fall sound asleep45. 举手45. raise one’s hand46. 步行回家/开车回家/乘车回家/骑车回家46. walk/ride/drive/take a bus home47. 突然停止47. come to a stop48. 把某人救到河岸上48. push sb to the river bank49. 结束49. come to an end/ put sth to an end50. 为某人喝彩50. cheer for sb51. 登门拜访51. call at/drop in at one’s house52. 真相大白52. come to light/ come out53. 伸手去够某物53. reach f or sth/hold out one’s hand for sth54. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊54. catch/seize sb by the arm/hand/collar55. 询问究竟是怎么回事55. ask about what is the matter56. 经过公园/邮局/市场/广场/电影院/体育馆/学校/医院/宾馆/剧院/火车站56. pass the post office/park/market/square/cinema/stadium/school/hospital/hotel/theater/railway57. 查阅字典/电话号码/住址/网址57. refer to the dictionary / look up the telephone number /one’s address / web address58. 热情接待某人58. receive sb warmly/kindly59. 认真对待某事59. take sth seriously / be careful with sth60. 小心提防某事60. be careful of sth61. 严格要求某人61. be strict with sb62. 严格对待某事62. be strict in sth63. 在火车站/飞机场接人63. meet sb at the railway station/ airport64. 顺道接人64. pick sb up by the roadside65. 抓小偷65. stop the thief/catch the thief66. 直着往前走66. go /walk straight ahead67. 把…冲走67. wash sth away68. 破坏心情/假日68. ruin the holiday/one’s heart69. 突然转弯69. make a quick turn70. 请某人吃饭/喝茶70. treat sb to coffee/tea/a meal (invite sb to dinner)71. 从口袋里掏某物71. draw sth out of the pocket72. 腾空抽屉/壁橱72. empty the cupboard/drawer73. 苦思冥想73. think hard/twice74. 做大扫除74. do the thorough cleaning75. 往后/四周/上下看75. look behind/around/up and down76. 点灯/蜡烛76. light a candle/lamp77. 生火77. make a fire78. 开灯/电视/收音机78. turn on the light/radio/TV79. 关灯/关煤气/水龙头79. switch off the tap/light/gas80. 与某人握手80. shake hands with sb81. 帮某人一把81. give sb a hand with …82. 昂着头82. ho ld one’s head high83. 过马路/桥/河83. cross the road/street/river/bridge84. 收拾房间/桌子84. clear up/tidy up/do up the room85. 系鞋带/扣扣子85. do up one’s shoes/buttons86. 与某人相处好86. get along/come along well with sb87. 擦汗87. wipe off one’s sweat88. 组织课外活动88. organize the out-of-class activities89. 参加社会实践89. take part in the social practice90. 接到某人的电话90. receive a telephone call from sb91. 完成写作91. get through the composition92. 在河中挣扎92. struggle in the middle of the river93. 获一等奖93. get the first place in …94. 得到1000元奖励94. get 1,000 dollars as a reward95. 与某人谈心95. have a heart-to-heart talk with sb / a word with sb96. 到达现场96. arrive at the spot97. 不辞而行97. leave without saying good-bye98. 收割小麦/水稻/庄稼98. get in/harvest crops/wheat/rice99. 与某人争论有关…99. argue with sb about sth100. 把…放归自然100. set sth free to nature101. 摘棉花/苹果/桃/草莓/西瓜/梨101. pick off cotton/apples/pears/water melon/ strawberry 102. 告诉某人真像102. tell sb the truth103. 打工103. do/ take up a part-time job104. 往瓶子/壶/杯子/脸盘里倒水104. fill the cup/kettle/cup/basin with water105. 分成4组105. be divided into four groups106. 中断会谈106. break off the conversation107. 切断电源107. cut off the electricity108. 打长途电话108. make a distance telephone call to…109. 与某人争吵某事109. quarrel with sb about sth110. 得第一110. come out the first111. 为某事责备某人111. scold/criticize sb for sth/doing sth112. 向某人挥手致意112. wave one’s head to greet sb113. 往前走100米113. walk 100 meters ahead/northward/westward/eastward 114. 报名参加竞赛114. enter for the competition115. 申请职位115. apply for the position116. 泄密116. let out/give away the secret117. 送某人到门口117. see sb to the door/see sb home118. 呈现高兴的神情118. take on a delightful look119. 在操场站队119. line up on the playground120. 坐在第一排120. sit in the first row121. 记下某人的名字/电话号码/姓名/家庭住址121. take down/put down/wri te down one’s name/telephone number122. 走来走去122. walk/step up and down123. 动身前往…123. go off to…/set out to/for…124. 哄某人睡觉124. send/sing sb to sleep125. 熬夜125. stay up/ sit up126. 在小旅馆住宿126. put sb up in the inn127. 严肃对待某事127. take sth seriously128. 把…钉在门上128. pin / stick a note on the door129. 向某人保密129. keep sth back from sb130. 建议不做某事130. advise against doing sth131. 不鼓励做某事131. discourage sb against doing sth 132. 退学132. drop out of school133. 开除某人/解雇某人133. remove sb/ dismiss sb from school 134. 一脚踩空134. miss one’s footing135. 把某物收捡起来135. clear sth away136. 绊了一跤136. fall over a chair/stone137. 摔了好几跤137. have many falls138. 打中了某人的头138. hit sb on the head139. 牢记139. keep sth in mind / learn sth by heart 140. 占太大空间140. take up too much room/space141. 扑灭火灾141. put off the fire142. 阻挡洪水142. hold back the flood143. 识破阴谋143. see through one’s tricks144. 苏醒过来144. come back to life145. 闲逛145. hang about/around146. 看门146. guard the door147. 看病147. see a doctor148. 看日出148. watch the sunrise149. 看书149. read a book150. 误拿了某物150. take sth by mistake151. 搜查151. search for sth/sb152. 嚎啕大哭152. cry one’s eyes out153. 自带午餐153. bring/take along lunch by oneself 154. 收集事实/资金154. collect facts/money155. 合着音乐唱歌/跳舞155. dance/sing songs to the music156. 在红绿灯处转弯156. make a turn at the traffic lights157. 把某事留给某人157. leave sth to sb158. 感到寂寞158. feel lonely159. 在…取得进步159. make great progress in …160. 达到目的160. achieve the goal161. 走100里路161. cover/walk/ do 100 miles162. 编造谎言162. make up lies163. 使劲敲打163. strike sth/sb heavily164. 敲门164. knock at the door/ a knock on the door 165. 在…有难处165. have trouble/difficult in sth/ doing sth 166. 带某人参观…166. show sb around …167. 牵手167. hold to one’s hand168. 弯腰168. bend one’s body169. 坐/站直169. seat oneself straight/ stand straight 170. 驱散人群170. break up the crowds171. 享有同等的权力171. enjoy the equal rights172. 做…是对/错的172. be wrong/right in doing sth/ sth173. 把…绑在…上173. tie sth to …/ fasten sth to…174. 铺开一张纸174. spread a piece of paper/ a newspaper175. 传开175. get around/ spread176. 热泪盈眶176. burst into tears /laughter177. 参加考试177. take the examination178. 通知某人某事178. inform sb of sth179. 提醒某人某事179. remind sb of sth180. 抢劫某人某物180. rob sb of sth181. 安排某人做某事181. arrange for sb to do sth182. 组成182. make up/consist of/be made up of183. 请三天假183. ask for thr ee days’ leave184. 放鞭炮184. set off firecrackers185. 踩刹车185. step on the brake186. 量体温186. take one’s temperature187. 把脉187. feel one’s pulse188. 追尾188. knock into the truck/car189. 在…大量训练189. have a g reat deal of practice in …190. 为集体争光190. win great honor for one’s class191. 以某人为榜样191. take sb as a model192. 给某人树立榜样192. set sb a good example193. 以…为例193. take sth as an example194. 一天喝3次药194. take the medicine three times a day195. 对某人鞠躬195. make a deep bow to sb196. 头/腿/肚子疼196. have a terrible pain in the leg/head/arm/stomach 197. 对某事有浓厚兴趣197. take / show great interest in…198. 保暖198. keep warm/ keep sb warm199. 保持传统199. keep up the tradition / friendship200. 祖传200. pass sth down (on) from generation to generation 201. 为…引以为自豪201. take great pride in …/ be proud of …202. 做自我介绍202. give a brief introduction to oneself203. 对某事负责203. answer for sth/ have the responsibility for sth 204. 站不住204. can’t keep one’s balance/ can’t stand on one’s feet 205. 倒在地上205. fall onto the ground206. 摇下车窗206. roll down the window of the car207. 想出好主意207. come up with a good idea/ think up a good idea 208. 挡道208. get/step in one’s way209. 以高价卖出209. sell sth at a high price210. 畅销210. sell well / become the best seller211. 为某事付出昂贵代价211.pay a high price for …212. 下班回家212. come back from work213. 克服困难213. get over / overcome the difficulties214. 向某人求教/助214. turn to sb for help/advice215. 把…撞倒/翻215. knock sb down/ over/ off …216. 追求216. go after217. 交叉双腿/手217. cross one’s hands/ legs218. 乘坐汽车去…218. take a bus to …219. 向…进发219. head(off) for …220. 提供优质服务220. provide good service for the people221. 免费参观221. pay a free visit to …222. 监视某人222. keep an eye over sb/sth223. 给某人一个惊奇223. give sb a big surprise224. 正在玩耍/吃饭/工作/休息/购物224. be at table/rest/work/the shopping mall 225. 索回/要回225. get sth back226. 调查某事226. look into sth227. 罚款227. fine sb/ give sb a ticket228. 撕/切/推开228. A. cut/tear/push … open229. 因…批评某人229. criticize sb for sth/doing sth230. 对…羞愧230. be shameful of sth231. 张开双臂拥抱某人231. extend one’s arms to hug sb232. 讲礼貌232. mind one’s manners233. 挣扎着站起来233. struggle to one’s feet234. 追赶某人234. run after sb235. 情绪高涨235. be in high spirits236. 为…做准备236. make a preparation for sth237. 团结在一起237. stick close together238. 帮助某人摆脱困境238. help sb out of trouble239. 取消会议239. call off the meeting240. 全力以赴做某事240. go all out to do sth/ make every effort to do sth 241. 超速241. speed up242. 减速242. slow down243. 研究某事243. make a study of sth / do the research into sth 244. 泡茶/咖啡244. make coffee/tea245. 端饭245. serve meals/ dinner246. 摔成碎片246. break into pieces/ break sth into pieces247. 带某人旅行247. take sb on a trip248. 依然如旧248. remain the same as ever before/ remain unchanged 249.塑造性格249. build up one’s character250. 发展个性250. develop one’s pers onality251. (身体)垮了251. (one’s health/ body) break down/fall down252. 去(来)营救某人252. come/go to one’s rescue253. 站起来253. rise to one’s feet254. 远道而来254. come all the way to …/ come around to …。
英语翻译-各单元必会英汉互译词组Lesson 11. fellow countrymen 同胞2. average height 中等身材3. gleaming eyes 闪光的眼睛4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁5. to be seated 招呼坐下6. stand squarely 端端正正地站着7. more than ten years his junior 比他年轻十几岁8. revolutionary road 革命道路9. Chinese communist Party 中国共产党10. full member 正式成员11. membership 党籍12. keep a secret 保密Lesson 21. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同2. to and fro 走来走去3. upturn face 仰着脸4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼6. dense fog 大雾7. tense and anxious 紧张而焦急8. 五一的下午on the afternoon of May 1st9. 无言的呼唤wordless cry10. 探测绳sounding-lineLesson 31. 各种流派的different schools2. 前两天a few days ago3. 受限制be restricted/be subjected to4. 传统观念traditional thinking5. 不合理的制度irrational system6. 最高境界the highest state7. 浓妆艳抹heavy make up8. 主人公chief character/principal character9. 花言巧语flowery language10. 社会进步和人性发展social progress and human developmentLesson 41. 工业革命Industrial Revolution2. 多功能的机器multi-purpose machine3. 出于自愿和兴趣on one’s own account, out of interest4. 新兴城市the rising town5. 大胆的举止in a bolder manner6. 实干家practical man7. 交通动脉arteries of communication8. in the air 传说中,酝酿中9. source of power 能源10. outstanding feature 突出特点Lesson 51. 极西地带far west2. 山区mountainous regions3. 永久定居permanent settlement4. 为…打下基础lay foundations for5. 专门从事devote exclusively to6. 合法手续legal title7. establish communities 建立村镇8. stock-raising 养殖畜牧业9. open public domain 开放的公共地带10. regular event 常事11. high plains 高原12. criss-crossed 纵横交错Lesson 61. 新民主主义new democracy2. 五四运动the May 4th Movement3. 辛亥革命the Revolution of 19114. 革命知识分子revolutionary intellectuals5. 帝国主义imperialist6. 无产阶级proletariat7. 在…的号召下at the call of8. 小资产阶级知识分子petty-bourgeois intellectuals9. 统一战线的革命运动the revolutionary movement of a united front10. 平民文学literature for the common people11. 北伐战争the Northern Expedition12. 右翼the rightwingLesson 71. life-giving 赋予生命2. everlastingly 无穷无尽的3. the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲4. freshly harvested 刚割的5. Mediterranean 地中海6. the Pyramids 金字塔7. negative effects 不良的后果8. a ghost town 鬼城;被遗弃的荒芜的城镇9. brightly painted 颜色鲜艳的10. member of a team 队员11. 河流入海口the mouth of the river12. 水坝发电power generated by the dam Lesson 81. Mt. Lofty Ranges 洛夫蒂岭山2. average annual rainfall 平均年降雨量3. surveyor general 测量总监4. business district 商业区5. residential section 住宅区6. municipal government 自治政府7. lord mayoralty 市长的职位8. mineral deposit 矿藏9. marketing centre 贸易中心10. automobile components 汽车部件11. 地中海型气候Mediterranean climate12. 文艺节Festival of ArtsLesson 91. Palace Museum 故宫博物院2. walled courtyard 带围墙的院子3. watchtower 更楼4. complete group o f ancient buildings 完整的古代建筑群5. ravages of time 时间的摧残6. ancient Chinese architecture古代中国建筑7. historical sites 历史遗址8. cobbled roadway 鹅卵石路9. Golden Water Bridge 金水桥10. typical masterpiece 具有代表意义的杰作Lesson 101. global economy 全球性的经济2. sovereign nation 主权国家3. mutual prosperity 共同繁荣4. sum total 总数,总额5. foreign investment 外国投资6. per capita GNP 人均国民生产总值7. 沿海地区coastal areas8. 平均率average rate9. 电力生产electrical production10. 双边贸易two way trade11. 外汇foreign exchange12. 生活水平standard of livingLesson 111. marine insurance 海事保险2. flows of capital资本流动3. foreign exchange dealing 外汇交易4. outward investor 对外投资者5. Pacific region 太平洋地区6. the right climate for 良好的环境7. vast size and resources 地大物博8. to take a real interest in sth. 密切关注某事9. coastal city 沿海城市10. international community 国际社会11. entrepreneurial spirit 进取精神12. 对外开放政策the policy of opening to the outside world13. 世界投资体系world investment system14. 经济改革economic reformsLesson 121. 基本方针basic principle2. 自给自足self-sufficiency3. 客观有利因素favorable objective factors4. 生产条件production condition5. 耕地cultivated land6. 中、低产田medium-and-low-yield land7. 灌溉面积irrigated areas8. 宜农荒地arable land9. 复种指数multiple crop index10. 水利工程water-control projects11. 单位面积产量the yield per unit area12. 粮食总产量目标total grain output target Lesson 131. agonizing flashback 痛苦的回忆2. come and go 霎时即去3. property damage 财产损失4. monotonous 单调的,枯燥的5. flash-flooding 暴雨成灾6. to imprint on one’s mind 印在某人的脑海里7. scare tactic 吓唬人的办法8. power of nature 大自然的力量9. river bed 河床10. to give sth. much thought 仔细想某事11. 无情的relentless12. 雨季rainy seasonLesson 141. maternal grandfather 外祖父2. the flower of one’s youth 风华正茂3. popular science 科普读物4. undue absorption in the past 过分地怀念过去5. sucking vigor 汲取力量6. live one’s own life 独立生活7. the founder of Girton College 戈登学院的创办人8. clinging to youth 与年轻人呆在一起9. 过去的好时光the good old days10. 高等教育higher educationLesson 151. 旧梦重温going through old dreams2. 儿童出版社Children press3. 散文集collection of essays4. 丝绸之路the Silk Road5. 历史古迹the historic sites6. 大英博物馆the British Museum7. 简单的早餐simple breakfast8. 花坛flower bed9. 斗兽场arena10. 教皇PopeLesson 161. market-day 赶集的日子2.Sir John约翰爵士3.the renowned knight 著名的武士4.county history郡志5. lineal representative of the ancient family 古老世家的嫡派子孙Lesson 171. drug store 杂货店2. meticulously dressed 精心打扮,穿着讲究,一点不马虎3. tentative and uncertain manner 试探和踌躇的举止4.sb.’s face suddenly brighten 某人的脸上突然露出喜色Lesson 181. 初冬early winter2. 做中间人的;做中人的the go-between3. 月白色的pale green4. 祥林嫂Xianglin’s wife5. 试工期trial period6. 严厉的婆婆strict mother-in-law7. 打柴cut wood8. 熬夜to sit up9. 福礼sacrificial meat10.不惜力气not sparing oneself Lesson 191. a narrow swale 狭长的洼地2. the birth and death of the day 每一天的诞生和死亡3. the range of mountain 山脉4. mind and twist 蜿蜒5. a kind of invitation 殷勤邀请6. a beloved mother 亲爱的母亲7. dread of畏惧8. canyon峡谷9. sand bank 沙案10. part-time river 季节性河流Lesson 201. a far cry from 完全不同2. self-assurance 自信3. sober-faced 沉静的;镇静的4. odd-shaped 怪样子的5. well-mannered silence 规规矩矩,一声不响6. sailor suit 水手服7. the ice was broken 打破了僵局8. in unison 齐声;一致9. stare at sb. 凝视某人10. all of a sudden 突然11. resonant voice 洪亮的声音Lesson 211. 拉家带口be saddled with big family2. 拉排字车pull a hand cart3. 腊月二十三the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month4. 前台front stage5. 小买卖人a peddler6. 养家to support the family7. 喊嗓子to practice singing8. 零工odd jobs9. 排队queue up10. 落汤鸡a drowned rat11. it rains cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨12. no show, no pay 不响锣,不给钱Lesson 221. mineral oil 矿物油2. onboard ship 在船上3. on shore 在岸上4. at chemist’s 在药店5. internal combustion engine 内燃机6. carriage drawn by the horse 马车7. be superior to 优于;好于8. in this respect 在这方面9. a thin file of oil 薄薄的一层油10. oil-burning lamp 油灯Lesson 231. superhighway 高速公路2. applied entomology 应用昆虫学3. living organisms 生物体4. an insect-free world 无昆虫的世界5. now and again 有时6. right to know 知情权7. science of biotic controls 生物控制学8. turn one’s back on 拒绝;冷眼相看9. entomologist 昆虫学家10. geneticist 遗传学家Lesson 241. 自然资源natural resources2. 人均per capita3. 淡水资源freshwater resources4. 长期的long-term5. 国民经济national economy6. 战略任务strategic task7. 大陆架continental shelves8. 专属经济区遣exclusive economic zones9. 海洋生物sea creature10. 低纬度low latitude11. 沉积盆地sedimentation basin12. 海洋旅游业marine tourismLesson 251. environmental law 环保法2. noise pollution 噪声污染3. public concerns 公众关注4. industrial pollutions 工业污染5. federal law 联邦法6. vaguely worded 措辞含糊7. court of appeals 上诉法院8. to grant a license 颁发许可证9. natural beauty 自然美10. Federal power Commission 联邦电力委员会Lesson 261. The Contracting States 成员国;缔约国2. copyright 版权3. universal convention 世界公约4. international understanding 国际间的了解5. domestic legislation 国内立法6. as follows如下7. unpublished works 未出版的作品8. works of the human mind 人类精神产品Lesson 271. 中外合资经营企业Chinese -Foreign Equity Joint Venture2. 经济合作economic cooperation3. 技术交流technological exchange4. 平等互利的原则principle of equality and mutual benefit5. 公共利益public interest6. 有限责任公司a limited liability company7. 注册资本. Registered capital8. 工业产权industrial property rights9. 先进技术advanced technology10. 董事会board of directors11. 总会计师treasurer12. 审计师auditor13. 储备基金reserve fund14. 外汇账户foreign exchange account Lesson 281. toast 祝酒词2. common ground 共同点3. differences 分歧4. magnificent dinner 盛大晚宴5.Compromise 妥协;让步6.Welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会7.Telecommunicate 电讯8.Prime minister 总理Lesson 291. full diplomatic relations 正式外交关系2. the Long March 长征3. the policies of reform and opening to the outside world 改革和对外开放政策4. Sino-American relationship 中美关系5. historically significant experiment 具有历史意义的尝试6. developing country 发展中国家7.Developed country 发达国家8.International affairs 国际事务9.Scientific exchange 科学交流10.National security policy 国家安全政策Lesson 301. 金秋时节golden fall2. 学术交流academic exchange3. 加强合作to promote cooperation4. 历史文化传统historical and cultural traditions5. 深刻的影响a profound impact6. 生化方式way of life7. 民族团结ethnic harmony; ethnic solidarity8. 区域自治regional autonomy 9. 民族精神national spirit10. 周边环境neighboring environment11. 和平共处peaceful coexistence12.互相尊重mutual respect13.平等互利equality and mutual benefit14.互不干涉内政non-interference15.振兴中华rejuvenation of China。
100个词语与英文对照1. 举世瞩目:attract worldwide attention2. 井喷式发展:explosive growth3. 贵族气节:aristocratic spirit4. 瞬息万变:ever-changing5. 劳动最光荣:work is the noblest virtue6. 安如泰山:as steady as Mount Tai7. 口是心非:say one thing and mean another8. 金鸡独立:stand on one's own feet9. 水落石出:the truth comes to light10. 人性的扭曲:human nature is twisted11. 心安理得:feel justified in one's heart12. 前途光明:bright future13. 不畏艰苦:unafraid of hardship14. 手足之情:brotherly affection15. 动如脱兔:quick as a rabbit16. 狭路相逢勇者胜:when a difficult encounter is met, the brave will win17. 包容万物:tolerance for all things18. 一衣带水:only a strip of water separates us19. 有方有义:logical and justified20. 点滴之间:in the details21. 茫茫人海:an ocean of people22. 顺其自然:let nature take its course23. 以德报怨:return kindness for anger24. 四面八方:from all directions25. 潜移默化:unconsciously influenced26. 一丝不苟:meticulous27. 安然无恙:safe and sound28. 三分天注定,七分靠打拼:fate is determined by 30 percent, and 70 percent is up to hard work29. 明争暗斗:open and secret struggle30. 朝气蓬勃:full of youthful vigor31. 难得糊涂:sometimes it's better to be confused32. 名不虚传:well-deserved reputation33. 手舞足蹈:dance with excitement34. 心灵手巧: skilled and resourceful35. 日新月异:change rapidly36. 心如止水:calm as still water37. 物以类聚:birds of a feather flock together38. 玩世不恭:indifferent to the world39. 步步为营:make a meticulous plan40. 神似慈祥:kindly appearance41. 神采奕奕:radiant and full of energy42. 有脚就走,有路就走: run as far as possible, wherever paths lead43. 左右逢源: find a favorable way at every turn44. 迫不及待:can't wait45. 披荆斩棘:conquer all kinds of difficulties and obstacles46. 文韬武略:excellent strategic skills47. 水到渠成:everything falls into place48. 千军万马:a great number of troops49. 克己奉公:dedication and self-discipline50. 群策群力:joint efforts51. 日薄西山:the setting sun52. 对牛弹琴:speak to the wrong audience53. 心事重重: heavy-hearted54. 心有灵犀:one heart and one mind55. 逆境中成长:grow in adversity56. 言归正传:to get back to the point57. 十年树木,百年树人:it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to cultivate a person58. 夜长梦多:long nights lead to many dreams59. 百折不挠:firm and unyielding60. 前事不忘后事之师: learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones61. 冰雪聪明: quick-witted and sharp-minded62. 废寝忘食:work hard and neglect rest and food63. 洞若观火:able to see through things like live fire64. 富有创意:creative and innovative65. 先发制人:offense is the best defense66. 知人善用,用人善待: use talents effectively and treat them well67. 众口铄金:public opinion is powerful68. 有始有终:start with a plan and finish with it69. 口诛笔伐:resort to verbal and written attacks70. 乘胜追击:seize the opportunity and pursue victory71. 敬人者,人恒敬之:he who respects others is respected72. 苟延残喘:hanging on by a thread73. 止于至善:aim for the best74. 临渊羡鱼:look down on fish in the pond75. 左右为难:caught in a dilemma76. 珠联璧合:match perfectly77. 画蛇添足:unnecessary addition78. 画龙点睛:adding the finishing touch79. 千里之堤毁于蚁穴:the Great Wall may be broken down by a single ant80. 放飞自我:express oneself81. 勇往直前:bravely forward82. 九牛一毛:a drop in the bucket83. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海:sometimes determination can overcome all difficulties84. 知耻而后勇:knowledge of shame leads to courage85. 笑脸相迎: greet with a smile86. 不怕慢,就怕站: it's ok to move slowly, but not to stop87. 磨刀不误砍柴工: sharpen your tools before starting work88. 明枪暗箭: open and secret attacks89. 塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise90. 目擊者:eyewitness91. 一网打尽: catch them all together92. 酒足饭饱:full of food and drink93. 同舟共济:help each other in difficult times94. 睡眼惺忪: sleepy eyes95. 恬淡寡欲:contentment with little96. 快马加鞭:hurry up97. 满腹经纶:knowledge and wisdom98. 有恒心就有出息:persistence pays99. 举一反三:apply what you have learned to new situations 100. 败者为寇,胜者为王: the losers are the rebels, and the winners are the kings.。
英语翻译常用词组汇总be free from没有……的,不受……影响be identified as…被认为是…be known as被称做……,以……著称be known to为……所熟知be popular with…受……欢迎be prepared for对……做好准备be regarded as被认为是…,被当做是… be satisfied with对……满意,满足于… be second to…次于…be sick of…对…感到厌倦be used as…被用做…be used to…习惯于…get used to…习惯于…all of a sudden突然all the time 一直,始终as a rule 通常,照例as far as ...be concerned 就...而言as to…至于…,关于…at best 充其量,至多before long 不久以后beyond question 毫无疑问by all means 尽一切办法,务必every now and then 时而,偶尔in itself 本质上,就其本身而言sooner or later 迟早,早晚abide by… 遵守…,信守…agree with与…相一致同意…be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于…turn a blind eye to… 对…视而不见by leaps and bounds飞速地,突飞猛进地when it comes to一谈到…,就…而论disagree with… 与…意见不一致不同意…give an opinion on… 对…发表意见a dapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于… attribute…to…把…归因于…,认为…是…的结果comment on…评论…concentrate on/upon…集中注意力于…on the contrary与之相反convince somebody of something使某人确信某事deprive somebody of something剥夺某人某物in detail详细地be equipped with…装备有…in essence本质上to…extent在…程度上inform. somebody of something通知某人某事lie in在于…major in主修…in the light of… 按照…,根据…on account of… 因为…,由于…in addition to… 除…之外on (the/an) average平均,一般来说on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上at (the) best充其量,至多on business因公,因事in any case无论如何,总之in case of… 假使…,万一…in case假如,以防(万一)免得in no case决不by chance偶然,碰巧in charge of… 负责…,主管…in common共用,共有,共同in conclusion最后,总之on condition that在…条件下in connection with/to… 关于…in consequence因此,结果in consequence of… 由于…的缘故on the contrary反之,正相反in contrast with/to… 与…成对照under control被控制住at all costs不惜任何代价at the cost of… 以…为代价in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间in detail详细地in difficulties处境困难on earth究竟,到底at all events无论如何in any event无论如何in effect实际上with the excep tion of… 除…之外in the face of… 面对…,不顾…in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持… in general通常,大体上at heart在心,实质上in honor of… 为纪念…,向…表示敬意at intervals不时,时时at length终于,最后,详细地at a loss困惑,不知所措by all means无论如何,必定by means of… 借助于…,用…by no means决不by mistake错误地in nature本质上on occasion有时,不时in particular特别地,尤其,详细地in the first place起初,首先in the last place最后in practice实际上at present目前,现在in proportion to… 与…成比例for (the) purpose of… 为了…on purpose故意,有意at random随意地,任意地at any rate无论如何,至少by reason o f… 由于…with/in regard to… 对于…,就…而论with respect to… 关于…as a result结果,因此as a result of… 由于…的缘故in the long run最终,从长远观点看for the sake of… 为了…起见at first sight乍一看,初看起来in spite of… 不管…,不顾…in terms of… 依据…,按照…on second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念from time to time有时,不时in truth事实上,实际上,的确on the whole总的来说have/gain access to…可以获得…take...into account把…加以考虑gain/have an advantage over…胜过…,优于… take advantage of…利用…,趁…之机make the best of…充分利用…,妥善处理… take charge of…担任…,负责…make a/the difference有影响,很重要carry/bring into effect使生效,使起作用put into effect实行,生效come/go into effect生效,实施keep an eye on…留意…,照看…bear/keep in mind记住make up one’s mind下决心keep/hold pace with… 跟上…,与…同步take place发生,进行take the place of… 代替…make sense讲得通,有意义a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词) influence on影响reply to…回答…,答复…once upon a time从前once in a while偶尔,有时account for…说明…allow for…考虑到…live on/by…靠…生活,以…为食refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到… serve as…用做…take for把……认为是…,把……看成是… think over仔细考虑depend on…取决于…devote to…奉献…,致力于…engage in…从事于…,忙着…insist on…坚持…look forward to…盼望…,期待…have something to do with…和…有点关系have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系be fed up with…对…感到厌烦take...as把…做为…think of...as…把…看做是…be abundant in…富于…,富有…be accustomed to习惯于be aware of…意识到…be based on…根据…,以…为基础be characterized by…以…为特征be composed of…由…组成be concerned about…关心…,挂念…be determined to do something决心做… be equal to…等于…四级英语常用动词固定搭配(<第一组>)词语解释break down 损坏;瓦解;(组织、计划等彻底毁坏)break into 闯入;强行进入break off 中止;中断break out 逃出;突然发生,爆发bring about 导致;引起bring forward 提出;提议bring to 使恢复知觉bring up 教育,培养,使成长call at 访问,拜访call for 邀请;要求,需要call off 放弃,取消call on/upon 访问,拜访;号召,呼吁carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营carry out 贯彻(理论等),执行(计划等);实现(目标等)come across (偶然)发现;(偶然)碰见;偶遇come on 开始;进展;上演;来吧,快点come out 出版;结果是(to be);出现,长出come through 经历,脱险come to 总计,达到;醒,复原come up 发生;走近,上来cut across 抄近路,走捷径cut down (on) 削减,降低cut off 阻断;切断,使隔绝drop by/in 顺便来访(无意的)fall back on 求助于,转而依靠词语解释fall behind 落后fall in with 碰见;符合,与......一致get across 解释清楚,使人了解get along/with 有进展;生活得,过得get at 够得着,触及;意思是,理解get away 离开,走开,逃脱get by 混过;通过,经过get down to 开始,着手(此处to为介词)get in 进入;收回,收获get out of 逃避;改掉get rid of 除去,摆脱get through 接通;度过(时间等);结束,完成get together 集合,聚集give away 泄露,分送give back 送还;恢复give in 交上;投降,屈服give up 停止,放弃give way to 给...让路,对...让步(含屈服的意思)go after 追求,求爱go around/round 足够分配;流传go by (时间等)过去;遵守,遵循go in for 从事,追求,致力于,沉迷于go into 研究,调查,进入go over 复习,重温;(重复)检查,审查go through 经历,经受(困难等)词语解释absence from 缺席,离开have access to 可以接近;可以利用make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人have a nodding acquaintance与...有点头之交withtake action 采取行动admission to 准许take advantage of 利用,趁...之机make an agreement with 与...达成协议make/offer an apology to sb. 向某人道歉make an appeal to sb. 向某人发出呼吁application for 申请make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会approach to 通往...的方法;接近come to sb.'s assistance 帮助某人make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事pay attention to 注意have an arthority over 对...有(行使)权利keep one's balance 保持(身体)平衡set up a barrier between 在...中间设置障碍belief in 相信do/try one's best 努力,尽力make the best of 充分利用catch one's breath 喘气take care of 爱护,照料give a challenge 挑战词语解释rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战take a chance 冒险;投机take charge of 管理,接管lay a claim 要求;主,自以为set up a claim to sth. 提出对某事物的要求combination with 与...结合seek comfort in 在...中寻找安慰take comfort in 在...中得到安慰get command of 控制take command of 开始担任...的指挥communication with 与...通讯;与...交流keep company with 和...结交;和...亲热keep sb. company 陪伴某人,陪某人同走make a comparison between 把...进行比较competition with/against sb. 与某人竞争keep competition between 在...之间进行竞争complaint about/of 对...抱怨make a complaint against 控告come to a conclusion 得出结论have confidence in sb. 信任某人对某事不加考虑leave sth. out ofconsiderationtake into consideration 考虑到be in contact with 与...接触be out of contact with 与...失去联系have contact with 和...接触四级英语常用形容词固定搭配词语解释absent from 缺席,不在accustomed to 习惯于...,常... applicable to 可应用于,适应于ashamed of 对...感到惭愧,羞耻aware of 意识到,知道beneficial to 对...有益,对...有利blind to 对...视而不见;盲目的capable of 有...能力/技能的;能...的,可...的characteristic of 特有的,表示...特性的common to 共同的,共有的compatible with 与...和谐相处,符合confident of 确信,相信conscious of 意识到,知道consistent with 与...符合,与...一致content with 对...感到满意contrary to 和...相反,违犯convenient to/for 对...方便crazy about/on 对...着迷,热衷crazy for 渴望critical of 对...感到不满,对...表示谴责dependent on/upon 依靠,依赖distinct from 与...不同diverse from 和...不一样doubtful about/of 对...怀疑due to 因为,由于;应归于词语解释eager for/after 渴求...economical of 节俭,节约equivalent to 等于,相当于essential to/for 必要的,基本的,不可少的familiar to/with 熟悉fit for 适合...,能胜任...fond of 喜欢foreign to 陌生的;与...无关,不相干good at 擅长generous in/with (doing) 慷慨,大方grateful to sb. for 对...表示感guilty of 犯了...罪,对...感到疚helpful to 对...有益,对...有帮助identical to/with 与...完全相同/相似ignorant of 无知,不知道independent of 不依赖,不依靠indispensable for/to 必需的inferior to 不如,劣于innocent of 无罪的,清白的jealous of 妒忌...,爱惜keen on 对...着迷,喜爱liable to 易患...的,应受法律制裁的loyal to 对...忠诚的married to 和...结婚new to 没有经验,不熟悉四级英语常用介词固定搭配词语解释above all 最重要的是,尤其是after all 毕竟,终究ahead of 在...之前ahead of time 提前all at once 突然;同时,一起all but 除了...都;几乎,差不多all of a sudden 忽然,突然,出乎意料地all over 到处,遍及all over again 再一次,重新all the same 仍然,照样地all the time 一直,始终and so on/forth 诸如此类,等等anything but 根本不,除...以外任何事情apart from 除...以外(别无,尚有)as a matter of fact 事实上,其实as a result 因此,作为结果as a result of 作为...的结果,由于as a rule 通常,多半,照例as for/to 至于,关于as usual 像往常一样,照例aside from 除了...以外(尚有)at a loss 不知所措,困惑;亏本地at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何at all events 无论如何,不管怎样at any rate 无论如何;至少词语解释with relation to 关于,涉及,有关;与...相比with respect to 关于,至于with the exception of 除...外,毫无疑问,毫无异议within sight of 被见到,看得见;在望,在即word for word 逐字,一字不变地历年大学英语四、六级考试中出现的超纲词组和固定搭配词语解释put into use 使用,应用be satisfied with 满足be satisfied of 相信hardly ... when 刚…就…come to a conclusion 得出结论avoid doing sth. 避免干某事decline invitation 辞邀请agree on/upon 取得一致意见may (might) as well 还是…好argue about 争论take (make) a stand for 捍卫take (make) a stand against 反对come after 跟随in support of 支持lie up 躺着休息beside the question 离题refresh one's memory 使人记起bring to mind 使人想起compile dictionary 编字典present sb. with sth. 送给某人某礼物indifferent to 不在乎go on strike 罢工against one's will 违心地in one's will 在… 遗嘱中of one's free will 出于自愿with ease 容易,不费力prepare for 准备get to 开始;到达fall off 下降fall away 背离televise live 实况转播by the moment 到…时have intention of 有意,打算no intention of 无意,不打算have not the least idea of 不知道have no desire for 对…没有欲望have desire to do sth. 想做某事have sth. in stock 有现货be particular about 讲究the key to ... ...的答案(线索、办法) carry about 随身携带pass through 通过,经过pass for 被认为(当作)be of little value 没什么价值cure sb. of 治好某人…pull back 撤退pull round 掉头,转向;康复pull along 沿…拉die off 死去,凋drop down 落下词语解释do sth. for a living 靠做某事谋生make a name for oneself 出名,扬名glimpse of 瞥见,一瞥glance at 瞥见,一瞥be on good terms with sb. 与某人友好entitle sb. (to do) sth. 给予某人(干)某事的权利beyond one's power 超出某人的能力take interest in 对…发生兴趣be answerable for 应对…hundreds of 数以百计的be lacking in 缺乏break into tears (cheers) 突然哭(欢呼)起来in correspondence with 与…联系(通信)be advantageous to 对…有利be beneficial to 对…有益in debt to sb. 欠某人的债be it that 即使assure sb. of sth. 委托某人某事put (set) right 使恢复正常,纠正错误on the way 在途中off the way 远离正道keep on with 坚持make an attempt 试图in the mood for sth. 对某事有心境escape doing sth. 躲避干某事语解释set a limit to 限制within the limit of 在…围call at 访问so blank (头脑)变成空白so dim (大脑)浑沌so faint 晕过去be subjected to 遭受be attached to 附属于not on any account 决不take pains to do sth. 费尽苦心做某事a multitude of 大量(接复数名词) give rise to 导致give reason to 对…进行解释give suspicion to 对…怀疑make provision for 为…作准备be involved in 卷人,陷入be assigned to 被分配给…be bored to death 烦死了step into 插入,干涉adapt for 调整(以适应目标或需要) a close (narrow) shave 侥幸的脱险四级考试高频短语和搭配(短语动词 )词语解释be about to do 刚要,即将be friends with 与...友好bear in mind 记住bring into effect 实行;使生效bring into operation 实施;使生效can not help 禁不住,忍不住carry into effect 施行;使生效cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解catch fire 着火,烧着catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息catch one's eye 引人注目catch sight of 看到,发现come into effect 生效;实施come into operation 施行,实行,生效come to one's senses 醒悟;醒come true 实现could not help 禁不住,忍不住cut short 中断,打断do one's best 尽力,努力enjoy oneself 过得快活fall in love with 爱上find fault (with) 找岔gain an advantage over 胜过,优于get hold of 得到,获得get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,词语解释get the best of 战胜get the better of 战胜,占上风get together 会面,装配give rise to 引起,导致give way 让路,让步go ahead 开始,进行go into effect 施行,实行,生效go into operation 生效,实施go wrong 出错,出故障had better 应该had rather 宁愿had rather ... than 宁愿...而不愿...have an advantage over 胜过,优于have in mind 想到;记得;打算have nothing to do with 和...毫无关系have (something/much/little)和...(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系to do withhelp oneself 自用,自取keep an eye on 留意,照看keep in mind 记住keep one's head 保持镇静keep one's word 守信用keep pace (with) (与...)齐步前进lead the way 引路,带路learn by heart 记住,背诵leave alone 不打扰,不干预词语解释put to use 使用see to it that 注意,务必,保证see that 注意,务必,保证set fire to 使燃烧,点燃take ... for 把...认为是take a chance 冒险,投机take (a) delight in 以...为乐take advantage of 利用,趁...之机take care 当心,注意take care of 照顾,照料take charge 管理,接管take effect 生效,起作用take into account 考虑take for granted 认为...理所当然take one's time 不着急,不着慌take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功take part (in) 参加,参于take place 发生,进行,举行take the place of 代替,取代take turns 依次,轮流throw light on 阐明,使了解think better of 经考虑改变对...的看法try one's best 尽力,努力。
英语四六级英语翻译常用词组汇总英语翻译常用词组汇总be free from没有……的,不受……影响be identified as…被认为是…be known as被称做……,以……著称be known to为……所熟知be popular with…受……欢迎be prepared for对……做好准备be regarded as被认为是…,被当做是… be satisfied with对……满意,满足于… be second to…次于…be s ick of…对…感到厌倦be used as…被用做…be used to…习惯于…get used to…习惯于…all of a sudden突然all the time一直,始终as a rule通常,照例as far as...be concerned就...而言as to…至于…,关于…at best充其量,至多before long 不久以后beyond question毫无疑问by all means尽一切办法,务必every now and then时而,偶尔in itself本质上,就其本身而言sooner or later迟早,早晚abide by… 遵守…,信守…agree with与…相一致同意…be beneficial to… 有利于…,有益于… turn a blind eye to… 对…视而不见by leaps and bounds飞速地,突飞猛进地when it comes to一谈到…,就…而论disagree with… 与…意见不一致不同意…give an opinion on… 对…发表意见adapt oneself to…=adjust oneself to…使自己适应于… attribute…to…把…归因于…,认为…是…的结果comment on…评论…concentrate on/upon…集中注意力于…on the contrary与之相反convince somebody of something使某人确信某事deprive somebody of something剥夺某人某物in detail详细地be equipped with…装备有…in essence本质上to…extent在…程度上inform. somebody of something通知某人某事lie in在于…major in主修…in the light of… 按照…,根据…on account of… 因为…,由于…in addition to… 除…之外on (the/an) average平均,一般来说on the basis of… 根据…,在…的基础上at (the) best充其量,至多on business因公,因事in any case无论如何,总之in case of… 假使…,万一…in case假如,以防(万一)免得in no case决不by chance偶然,碰巧in charge of… 负责…,主管… in common共用,共有,共同in conclusion最后,总之on condition that在…条件下in connection with/to… 关于… in consequence因此,结果in consequence of… 由于…的缘故on the contrary反之,正相反in contrast with/to… 与…成对照under control被控制住at all costs不惜任何代价at the cost of… 以…为代价in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间in detail详细地in difficulties处境困难on earth究竟,到底at all events无论如何in any event无论如何in effect实际上with the exception of… 除…之外in the face of… 面对…,不顾…in favor of… 有利于…,赞成…,支持… in general通常,大体上at heart在内心,实质上in honor of… 为纪念…,向…表示敬意at intervals不时,时时at length终于,最后,详细地at a loss困惑,不知所措by all means无论如何,必定by means of… 借助于…,用…by no means决不by mistake错误地in nature本质上on occasion有时,不时in particular特别地,尤其,详细地in the first place起初,首先in the last place最后in practice实际上at present目前,现在i n proportion to… 与…成比例for (the) purpose of… 为了…on purpose故意,有意at random随意地,任意地at any rate无论如何,至少by reason of… 由于…with/in regard to… 对于…,就…而论with respect to… 关于…as a result结果,因此as a result of… 由于…的缘故in the long run最终,从长远观点看f or the sake of… 为了…起见at first sight乍一看,初看起来in spite of… 不管…,不顾…in terms of… 依据…,按照…on second thoughts经重新考虑,一转念from time to time有时,不时in truth事实上,实际上,的确on the whole总的来说have/gain access to…可以获得…take...into account把…加以考虑gain/have an advantage over…胜过…,优于…take advantage of…利用…,趁…之机make the best of…充分利用…,妥善处理… take charge of…担任…,负责…make a/the difference有影响,很重要carry/bring into effect使生效,使起作用put into effect实行,生效come/go into effect生效,实施keep an eye on…留意…,照看…bear/keep in mind记住make up one’s mind下决心keep/hold pace with… 跟上…,与…同步take place发生,进行take the place of… 代替…make sense讲得通,有意义a great/good deal of大量(修饰不可数名词) influence on影响reply to…回答…,答复…once upon a time从前once in a while偶尔,有时acco unt for…说明…allow for…考虑到…live on/by…靠…生活,以…为食refer to…参考…,查阅…,涉及…,提到… serve as…用做…take for把……认为是…,把……看成是… think over仔细考虑depend on…取决于…devote to…奉献…,致力于…engage in…从事于…,忙着…insist on…坚持…look forward to…盼望…,期待…have something t o do with…和…有点关系have nothing to do with…和…毫无关系be fed up with…对…感到厌烦take...as把…做为…think of...as…把…看做是…be abundant in…富于…,富有…be accustomed to习惯于be aware of…意识到…be based on…根据…,以…为基础be characterized by…以…为特征be composed of…由…组成be concerned about…关心…,挂念… be determined to do something决心做…be equal to…等于…英语四级翻译部分为汉译英,共5个句子,一句一题,句长为15-30词,句中的一部分已用英文给出,考生需根据全句意思将汉语部分译成英语,考试时间5分钟。
英语词组表第一部分:日常用语1.To break the ice: 开门见山,打破僵局的交谈方式。
2.To hit the nail on the head: 说中要点,准确地抓住问题的核心。
3.To kick the bucket: 去世,离世。
4.To burn the midnight oil: 开夜车工作,加班加点。
5.To cost an arm and a leg: 非常昂贵,价钱很高。
6.To get cold feet: 临阵退缩,胆怯不前。
第二部分:商务用语1.To touch base: 与某人取得联系,更新进展。
2.To think outside the box: 跳出固有思维模式,进行创新思考。
3.To close a deal: 完成一笔交易,达成协议。
4.To go the extra mile: 付出更多努力,做出额外的努力。
5.To be on the same page: 对某事物有相同理解,达成共识。
6.To get the ball rolling: 开始做某事,启动计划。
第三部分:旅行用语1.To hit the road: 出发,上路。
2.To see the sights: 观光,参观风景名胜。
3.To get away from it all: 远离喧嚣,远离烦恼。
4.To take in the view: 欣赏风景,观赏美景。
5.To travel light: 轻装上阵,不携带太多行李。
6.To go off the beaten track: 离开游客常去地,探索不为人知之处。
第四部分:健康用语1.To kick the habit: 放弃不良习惯,戒除毒瘾。
2.To feel under the weather: 情绪低落,身体不适。
3.To be in good shape: 身体健康,处于良好状态。
4.To burn calories: 燃烧卡路里,做减肥运动。
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英语翻译词组汇总1. be determined by 由…所决定2. have something to do with 与…有关3. be central to sth. 是…的核心4. in contrast/by contrast 与此相反由于(常做表语)5. be due to 由于(常做表语)6. be deprived of 被剥夺7. respond to 对…作出反应8. as the basis of 依据/根据9. be born with 天生具有10. In contrast 相比之下11. shut off 关上,停止,切断12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎样,无论如何;in no case 决不13. or so 大概,大约14. at the rate of 以…的速率15. take time 花费时间16. be likely to 可能;倾向于17. result in 导致18. not nearly 远不能;远非19. head into 走向;陷入(危机)20. in the matter of 关于;就…而言21. make…possible 使…成为可能22. combine…with 把……和…结合起来;加上23. in the fashion of 以…方式24. such…as 像…一样25. refer to…提到;谈到26. agreement on 一致意见27. be comparable to 和…相当;犹如28. in terms of 根据;按照;在…方面关于;29. on the whole 总体来说;大体上看30. draw a conclusion 得出结论31. have the attitude towards 对…的态度32. only if 只要33. the same…as 与…一样34. by lack of=for lack of 因为,缺乏35. nothing but 只不过是36. by means of 通过;借助于54. because of 由于37. by the help of 通过…的帮助55. move forward 向前发展38. in a sort of sense 从某种意义上来说39. manage to do sth. 设法做到40. extract …from 从……提炼出41. out of…起源;来源;根据59. a series of 一系列建立;42. build up 建立;树立60. over the years 多年以来43. by no means 绝不61. turn…on…转向,朝向44. be compared with 与……相比62. rather than 而不是45. a sort of 某种46. set……in motion 开始;47. differ in…在…方面不同48. go through 经历;经受;仔细检查63. at the expense of=at the cost of 以…为代价64. vice versa 反之亦然65. depend on 取决于66. driving force 驱动力49. in the one case =on the one hand 50. in the course of the day=during the day series 51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of 52. revolve around 围绕…转;以…为中心53. not so much…as 与其说…不如说…67. social inequality 社会不公68. in doing sth 在…过程中69. divert…from 把…从…转移70. lie with 取决于;在于71. be validated by 被…验证/ 证实……还是72. whether…or 是……还是简而言之;56. in short 简而言之;总之57. as we call it 我们所谓的58. the reach of science 科学能够到达的范围73. depend upon…and on 取决于…还取决于…74. depend upon…and upon 取决还取决于…75. such…as 例如,像这种的90. not related to…与…没有关系91. immediate goals 当前目标92. be unable to do 不能够…93. in principle 原则上;基本上;76. in general 通常;大体上;一般而言94. deal with 应付;解决;处理77. for example 比如95. new forms of thought 新的思维方式;78. compensate for 补偿;赔偿79. underprivileged youngster 贫困的/ 贫困的/下层社会的年轻人80. grow up 长大81. under…circumstances 在…环境下82. be resultsof 由于…83. social needs 社会需求84. to some extent 在一定程度上85. come to the conclusion 得出结论86. make demand of 对…提出要求87. scientific establishment 科研机构88. in detail 详细地89.a certain amount of 一定数量的96. as well as 和97. new subjects for thought 新的思维对象/内容98. in the past 过去99. give rise to sth 导致;引起;使…产生100. scoial contract 社会合同101. an agreed account of 共识102. human rights 人权103. leads ……to 导致104. at the outset 从一开始;开始的时候105. invite sb. to do sth. 使某人认为106. duties and entitlements 权利和义务107. extend to 给与108. no…at all. 根本不是109. arguing from the view that…以…的角度看110. different from……与…不同111. in every relevant respect 在所有相关的方面112. in action 起作用113. laugh at 嘲笑125. less…and more 与其说…不如说…126. intellectual discipline 知识学科127. whether…or 是…还是…128. refer to 指代…129. peculiar to …特有的130. appropriate to 适合的;恰当的131. apply to 适合于;存在于132. view…as 把…看成;把…当114. even more important 更重要的是115. be able to 能够116. look into 洞察;观察117. put forward 放出;拿出;提出;118. work with 与…共事/合作;起作用119. close in on 接近,差不多136. under…conditions 在…条件120. as expected 正如预期的121. a refinement of 一种更为完美的122. as…as…和…一样123. conform to 符合;遵照124. see…as 把…看作141. in turn 依此;轮流;又139. be bound up with与…联系,在一起;与…有关系140. be directly bound up with 与…直接相关下137. such as 比如138. it is obvious that 很明显…135. centralized control 中央控134. speclialized scientists 专133. equate…with 把…等同于…;认为…是142. rest upon…取决于143. of all kinds 所有种类的…160. key breakthroughs and discoveries 重大突破与发现161. take place 发生144. owing to 由于162. point out 指出145. be exposed to sth. 暴露于;接触到146. be forced to do sth. 被迫做…147. for the reasons given above 由于上述原因148. far-reaching 意义深远的;影响很大的149. spread over 遍布;覆盖150. arise from 由…产生的;151. migration movement 人口流动152. modern means of transport 现代交通手段153. population explosion 人口爆炸2001 年154. pollution monitor 污染监测器155. digital age 数字时代156. be regarded as…被当成是157. piece together 拼合;汇聚;综合158. hundreds of 数以百计的159. around the world 全世界178. with it 随之170. a little more than a hundred yeras 一百多年171. what is called 所谓的172. trace…to…从…寻找根源;从…研究173. state of mind 心态174. and so on 诸如此类175. partly because…and partly because…部分是因为…部分是因为…176. be held responsible for…被认为应该对…负责177. be given credit for…为…受到称赞163. lead to 导致164. home appliances 家用电器165. result in 导致166. man-machine integration 人机一体化167. behavior science 行为科学168. human nature 人性169. natural selction 自然选择179. cross-cultrual perspective 跨文化的角度180. concrete research 具体研究196. come to 开始;逐渐;进而197. believe in 相信198. a sort of 某种的199. habitual thought 习惯思维181. subject…to…使…服从于200. grammatical pattern 语法结构;182. in…manner 以…方式;用…方法183. seek to 力图;试图;设法201. publishing houses 出版社184. combined with 加上;连同202. as elsewhere 像其他地方一样185. bring to 加进;使用;采用186. define…as…把…定义为187. makes…possible 使…成为可能188. language and thought 语言和思维189. have some connections with…与有联系;206. out of…在…当中207. make up 组成208. no less than 多达;不少于190. take root 生根;被牢固树立209. take a loss 亏损191. be obliged to sb. 感激某人192. die out 灭绝193. so…that…如此…以至于210. deal with 对付;处理211. on such a scale 如此规模的203. bring together 使联合;使团结204. in relation to 有关205. one another/each other 194. accuse sb. of…指责某人干212. it is no exaggeration to say…毫不夸张地说195. be interested in doing sth. 对…感兴趣213. the connecting fabric of the Old Continent 欧洲大陆的联系网络/把欧洲大陆连成一个整体214. define…as…把…定义为215. elect…as 把…当作216. be analogous to…与…类似;与…相似216. contribute to…有助于231. a clear grasp/command of…对…的清晰领会232. leagal learning 法律学习234. link…to把…同…联系起来235. be parallel to 类似于236. on a daily basis 每天217. be charged with…负责…237. established conventions 既定惯例218. dedicate…to…把…献给…;把…用于…219. make reflections on…对…进行思考220. rules of conduct 行为准则221. moral code 道德标准功223. moral judgments 道德判断241. well-founded 有说服力的224. not…any but=noting but than 225. more than 不只是226. special preserve 特殊权利244. moral character 道德品质227. intellectual equipment 知识才能228. everyday realities 日常现实229. on a daily basis 每天230. established conventions 245. be injurious to 对…有害242. power of reasoning 推理能力243. the common run of men 普通人238. enable…to…使…能够239. be superior to 优于;be inferior to 劣于240. succeed with 在方面取得成就。