

美国教育 PPT课件

美国教育 PPT课件

formed in the second half of the 19th century and can be specifically divided into the bottom-up
structure: primary school, secondary school, and then university. "Rail" is the number of class in
American Education
15-财政2班 魏瑶 王莹 王馨怡
The United States is very strong in education and shoulders huge task of education. To discuss education in the United States is a very complicated problem, because it is a multicultural country. American education is also diverse reflecting on the education, there is no unified national education system in the United States and fifty states have 50 different education system. There is no doubt that mang people pay much attention to the system of American education. The major difference in education system between American and most other countries is that the education of the United States is for everyone in society, not only for a few people. American educational system can be best understood as a kind of social institutions that reflect the basic beliefs and fundamental principles of the nation, rather than simply a kind of skilltraining places where students are prepared to get a job.[1] All in all, the system of American education has its own special features and attract a lot of countries’ attention.



19 Univ Michigan - Ann Arbor USA 美国密歇根大学
20 Univ Washington - Seattle USA 美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)
21 Kyoto Univ Japan 日本京都大学
22 Johns Hopkins Univ USA 美国约翰·霍普金斯大学
(iv)高等教育(higher education) 专科/大学及硕士以上。
幼儿园称为preschool或pre-K,一般都 是私立的为主。有半日课程与全日课程之 分,课程与学费差异很大,以加州L.A.华人 较接受的幼儿园为例:全日课程130~180美 金/周,家长需自行接送。
幼儿园课程内容 (一)语言方面 吸力与成句会话,对书本有兴趣,并能讲故事,了解字母次序和 大小写法,书写姓名,区分颜 色的相似和不同,区分字音和母音, 听习各种文学作品,口述表达、谈阅读感想,拼写字词。
76 Univ Arizona USA 美国亚利桑那大学 77 King\'s Coll London UK 英国伦敦国王学院 78 Univ Manchester UK 英国曼彻斯特大学 79 Univ Goettingen Germany 德国古腾堡大学 80 Michigan State Univ USA 美国密歇根州立大学 81 Univ Nottingham UK 英国诺丁汉大学 82 Brown Univ USA 美国布朗大学 83 Univ Melbourne Australia 澳大利亚墨尔本大学 84 Univ Strasbourg 1 France 法国斯特拉斯堡第一大学 85 Ecole Normale Super Paris France 法国巴黎高等师范学院 86 Boston Univ USA 美国波士顿大学 87 Univ Vienna Austria 奥地利维也纳大学 88 McMaster Univ Canada 加拿大麦克马斯特大学 89 Univ Freiburg Germany 德国佛雷堡大学 90 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem Israel 以色列希伯莱大学 91 Univ Basel Switzerland 瑞士巴塞尔大学 92 Lund Univ Sweden 瑞典兰德大学 93 Univ Birmingham UK 英国伯明翰大学 94 Univ Roma - La Sapienza Italy 意大利罗马大学 95 Humboldt Univ Berlin Germany 德国柏林洪堡大学 96 Univ Utah USA 美国犹他大学 97 Nagoya Univ Japan 日本名古屋大学 98 Stockholm Univ Sweden 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学 99 Tufts Univ USA 美国塔夫茨大学 100 Univ Bonn Germany 德国波恩大学


3. (1)普遍设立公立小学。美国建国后, 标榜以教育培养国家公民,公立小学逐渐增 多。这一方面是由于资本主义工商业的发展 需要有文化的劳动力,另一方面也是劳动人 民为争取教育权而斗争的结果。
(2)引进兰卡斯特导生制。为了解 决普及教育面临的教学资源不足问题,引进 了英国的兰卡斯第特15页导/共生43页制。1818年兰卡斯特
1. 高等教育 (1)出现了州立大学。 独立以后, 南部的佐治亚州和北卡罗来纳州于1785年创 办了州立大学(公立),西部的俄亥俄州和密 执安州继之。由于国会鼓励设立州立大学, 因而各州纷纷仿效。到南北战争前,全国27 个州中有25个州兴办了州立大学。欧洲从中 世纪起,办大学向来是教会的特权,美国由 地方政府兴办大学,是一个挑战传统的创举。
在殖民地时期,北美教育大体上处于 “移植阶段”,表现出三个主要特点。首先 是移植性,表现为各殖民区的教育基本上移 植或沿袭了原居地或宗主国的教育模式。其 次是宗教性,不管是教会办学,还是社区或 个体办学,主要目的之一是为了使儿童信奉 教义,教育内容和方法也充满了宗教色彩。 再次是多元性,由于移植的对象各不相同, 以及各殖民区的社会及宗教状况的差异,各 殖民区的教育在对象、目标、内容、方法和 形式上都有诸多的不同。可以说,美国文化 的多元性在殖民地时期就已开始形成。
(2)各教派为发展其势力,继续争 相设立新的高校。至1860年,全国共有高校 182所,其中属于教会的就有116所。
(3)高校的教学内容发生了巨大变化, 轻古典科目,重实用知识的趋势日益加强。 到19世纪初,物理、天文、地质、地理、气 象、化学、植物等自然科学方面的学科都在 大学课程体系中取得了巩固的地位。政治、 经济、法律、历史等社会科学方面的学科也 逐渐进入大学课程或得到加强。

Education in US美国的教育介绍PPT课件(英文)

Education in US美国的教育介绍PPT课件(英文)

Funding to
• First Formal Educate
• Boston Latin
19th Century
• Beginning of “The Common School
• End of Civil Period”
War • Formal
• Formal Curriculums and Textbooks more widely used
2 Years of Study More Economical
+ Post Secondary Education
Post Graduate
More Specialized Degrees
Special Entrance Requirements
GRE/GMAT/LSAT/MCAT Work Experience Undergraduate Coursework or Major
Special Graduation Requirements
Has various teachers in specialized areas.
Wide array of extracurricular activities
Often called Junior High School
AP and IB courses, or Pre-College classes
More Rigorous
Multiplies Income Potential Exponentially
High School Graduates $27,967 USD Annual Income Bachelor Degree Holders: $47,345 USD Annual Income



国高 机
• 公立中学 允许外籍学生就读的最长期限是一年,只有少 量国际学生以交换生(见高中交换生)的形式就读 。 • 私立中学 国际学生只有在私立中学就读才能在美国接受 全部的高中教育。美国有几百所私立高中对国际学生开发, 本手册中拥有诸多百年名校,这些私立中学无论在教学质 量还是教学设施方面都处于国际领先地位。
大学 考试
• 一:AP是Advanced Placement的缩写。相当于大学一年级的课程,学 生通过AP考试并得到AP学分,能够得到美国大学一年级相应课程的学分 减免。 • 二:SAT是Scholastic Assessment Test的缩写。是美国高中生进入美 国大学所必须参加的考试,其重要性相当于中国的高考,也是世界各国 高中生申请进入美国大学本科学习能否被录取及能否得到奖学金的重要 参考。分为SAT1和SAT2两种考试。 • 三:ACT是American College Test的缩写。美国中西部比较流行的高 考方式。ACT考试比SAT更容易一些,尤其对中国的考生来说,选择AC T考试可能更容易在短期内获得相对满意的成绩。ACT考试包括英语, 数学,阅读,科学四个部分,其中阅读包括社会科学,自然科学,人类 科学的内容,科学部分包括生物科学,物理,化学,地球科学的内容。 • 四:SLEP是Secondary Level English Proficiency的缩写。SLEP Te st是由主管全世界TOEFL的ETS主办,是初中生、高中生的“托福”, 作为进入美国中学时判断英语水平的标准.满分为67分。
• 等教 • 等教 • 高等教
等级 类
• • • •

1. 级学校:1-6年级(6-12岁); 2. 级 学:7-8年级(13-14岁); 3. 学:9-12年级(15-18岁); 4.大学(学 ): 为4年 大学 科, 两年 级学 技术学 ,还 年 “研究 ” “专 业学 ”,为大学毕业学 从 研究 设 。

美国教育英文简单介绍 ppt课件

美国教育英文简单介绍 ppt课件
Public Schools
❖ Public schools are locally controlled.
❖ Firstly, public schools are supported by taxes paid by all people whether or not they have children attending schools.
7th Grade 8th Grade
9th Grade
12 - 13 13 - 14 14 - 15
10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade
High School 15 - 16 16 - 17 17 - 18
IV. Curricula for Students
❖ Credits are earned by attending lectures (or lab classes) and by successfully completing assignments and examinations.
❖ Most schools offer foreign languages. Spanish is the most popular foreign language for Americans .
❖ Class atmosphere is usually relaxed in American schools.
Elementary School
1st Grade6-72nd Nhomakorabearade
3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade

美国教育概况 ppt课件

美国教育概况 ppt课件

美国有2300多所四年制、授学位的学院和 大学。此外还有1800多所两年制学院,叫 做"社区学院"。 英国有228所授学位的大 学和学院,德国有368所,法国有545所, 日本有709所;韩国和加拿大各有大约200 所。澳大利亚有42所,新西兰有31所,南 非有23所。
长春藤院校(Ivy League)的确很有名,许多中国 学生都有志到这七所世界一流的私立大学学习。 其它著名的私立大学有斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)、纽约大学(New York University)和 南加州大学(University of Southern California)。由教会创办的私立大学也为数众多。 其中最有名的有乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)、贝勒大学(Baylor University)、 杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)
1、Harvard University(马萨诸塞州)
Princeton University(新泽西州)
3.Yale University(康涅狄格州)
4.Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
5.California Institute of Technology
美国高校明确地把教育为经济建设的“服 务”与“科研”、“教学”一起列为高等 教育的三大职能。服务体现在课程和专业 设置上就是满足社会需求,开设社会需要 的课程和专业,大到天文地理,小到家政 料理,应有尽有。。

American Education 美国教育PPT

American   Education 美国教育PPT
在应试教育的制约下,传统观念的影响下,采取的是初级阶 段打基础,高级阶段才能做学问的相互脱节的两阶段
Chinese:In restricting the examination-oriented
US: Many kinds of language courses and have "Family Life" course like Sewing, cooking, and enhance self-confidence Chinese:Students in basic education is only one kind of English (except for specialized outside)
学龄前儿童没有强制性的托儿所,不过有政府补助方案来资助低收入家 庭的儿童,所以大部分家庭需要自己付费托儿所的费用。
The United States generally refers to pre-school year ~ 5 grade for children in kindergarten and elementary school
Secondary School 中学教育 (12~18岁):
Contains two years of junior high school (12 ~ 14 years old) and four years of high school (15 ~ 18 years old) 包含2年的初中(12~14岁)和4年的高中(15~18岁) The smooth completion of grade 12 studies, can get a high school diploma. 顺利完成12年级的学业,就可以拿到高中文凭了。



Elementary and Secondary education
• Elementary education refer to grades 1~6,the secondary education generally refers to grades 9~12 which is also called "high school".However,in many districts,secondary education includes both grades 7~9 which is called "junior high school"and grades 10~12 which is called "senior high school".Secondary education in the US also includes vocational schools and technical schools.
The public school
The private school
• The great majority of American students go to public schools ,which are supported by taxpayers and free for
• The rest of students attend private schools,most of which need certain amount of tuition
• There is not a national system of edcuation in the USA .The federal government influences education and contributes financially to its development,but it has no control over education policy and practice across the states.



(1)初级学院(Junior or Community College) (2)文理学院(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences或简称
Liberal Arts College) (3)综合性大学(Comprehensive University,或简称
凡拟投考某种专科学院的学生,通常要先接受二年、三年、 甚至 四年的专业预备性的文理科教育 。
医学博士(M.D.)及法学博士(J.D.),必须接受三 至五年的专科训练,始具备领受此类学位的资格
有些学院,更限制非美国居民或公民入学,为的是不 想为其它国家培训专门人材。
军事学校(Millitary Academies)
American education system
学前教育 (pre-school education) 初等教育(elementary education) 中等教育(secondary education) 高等教育(higher education)
大学前(pre-college)的教育 : 义务(免费)的中小学教育,当然 进入私保立育学学校校就(n读ur的se话ry,sc便ho要o缴l) 付 相当昂幼贵儿的园学(k费ind。ergarden)
小学 (primary school) 初中 (junior high school) 高中(high school)
陆军学校(Military Academy) 海军学校(Naval Academy ) 空军学校(Air Force Academy)



州政府或地方政府资助 州政府领导
按习惯 分类
两年制学 四年制学 综合性大

四年制学学条件简单 ,不限年龄;修业年 限较短,收费低廉。
在美国人看来,每个人都应该有机 会接受最好的教育,以发展个人的 天赋与能力。从19世纪早期开始, 这种义务教育的理想便不断得到群 众的支持。许多政教界的领导人物 指出,美国的繁荣与强大,事实上 是得力于教育之普及。
1830年到1850年间, 伟大的教育家如霍瑞 斯·曼HoraceMann、 巴纳德HenryBarnard 等人就不断地四方奔 走,以求得政府对初 、高中教育的管理与 支持。终于在1852年 ,麻萨诸塞州通过第 一条儿童义务接受教 育的法令。
美国教育制度和大多数其它国家教育制度的一个 主要不同点,是美国的教育为社会上每一个人而 办,不是专为少数人而设。用税款兴办的免费教 育,除了设立一般学校的科目如数学、历史、语 文外,还有缝纫、打字、无线电与汽车修理等科 目。学生可依自己的兴趣、个人未来的计划和才 能,从许多科目中自行选修。美国教育的主要目 的,在于发展每个孩子的才能,不管它高或低到 什么程度,同时给每个孩子灌输公民意识。
• 美国有教者认为,学前教育不是从幼儿园开始的,而应 从家庭开始。因为家庭教育是个别化的,一对一的。
• 美国的幼儿园会有一个学习报告给父母,让父母知道孩 子的学习进展和需要加强的方面。评定一个孩子的表现 是以会不会用剪刀,懂不懂得划或描一条线为标准的。


州政府的教育责权来自于州宪法,也是来自于州立 法机关和法院。它与联邦教育部没有直接的隶属关 系。 州教育委员会是州教育决策机关。它的职责是:对 全州公立学校系统进行监督;依据有关法令确定州 教育政策;在某些州还指派州教育专员,根据专员 的推荐确定人员任免;批准由专员制定的预算;提 供教育咨询服务和教育资料;就本州的教育问题向 州长和立法机关提出建议等。
教学组织形式主要是分级制,也采用其他分 组办法。
职业技术教育 美国职业教育的对象根据1936年《职业教育法》划为四大类: 中学在校生。 想接受职业教育的中学毕业生或肄业生。 早己进入劳动市场一就业、待业或失业,为了保持现有的工作,改善他 们的工作和(或)寻找合适的、有意义的职位而需要继续培训者。 因学术、社会、经济或其他方面的缺陷而难以在常规教育计划中获得成 功者。 职业技术教育的宗旨在于把教学与科学原理、技巧和技术训练结晶合在 一起,帮助表年人或成年人找到工作或搞好他们现有的工作;同时给予 受教育以普通教养,使之成为了解经济的、社交的、热情的、体质好的 和文明的公民;还应对受教育者从事相应工作的能力、态度、习惯和判 断能力进行培养和锻炼。
学制结构 体系
义务教育 制度



As one of the basic contents of social life, education has a close relationship with one nation’s growth. There were many people graduated from Oxford College and Cambridge College between the first English settlers to America in the colonial era of 17th century. It is estimated that there is a college student out of every 40 to 50 families. This immigration of higher education background made them attach great importance to education. And the early immigrants from England needed a kind of culture to help them understand The Bible by themselves because of their devotion to religion. These two factors made the education of America start.
The United States is very strong in education and shoulders huge task of education. To discuss education in the United States is a very complicated problem, because it is a multicultural country. American education is also diverse reflecting on the education, there is no unified national education system in the United States and fifty states have 50 different education system. There is no doubt that mang people pay much attention to the system of American education. The major difference in education system between American and most other countries is that the education of the United States is for everyone in society, not only for a few people. American educational system can be best understood as a kind of social institutions that reflect the basic beliefs and fundamental principles of the nation, rather than simply a kind of skilltraining places where students are prepared to get a job.[1] All in all, the system of American education has its own special features and attract a lot of countries’ attention.

英语主题演讲之美国教育 american education精品PPT课件

英语主题演讲之美国教育 american education精品PPT课件

Colonial Period
• Out of the combination of these two factors, many schools were established long before the founding of the nation itself.
• Harvard college —— 1636
• Religious education exists in both types of education
Business-oriented and trade-oriented education
• Social background : the rank of the middle classes began to swell.
• It assumed utilitarian and practical values.
• Forms: private English schools
the academy
• More democratic type
• Forerunner of ladder system in the 19th century
• 2T.hTehdeeevaerlloypsmeetnttlebresgwaenrien iMntaesnssaeclhyusetts BaryelCigoiloounsy..
• Make education accessible to people living
in the of North America.
• College of William and Mary—— 1693
Government regulation



Education in the United States
Educational Opportunities (18th Century)
n Business-oriented and Trade-oriented for the middle classes
democratic nature ladder system
Education in the United States
1. Colonial Days
Education in the United States
Enormous Attention on Education
Among the first settlers, there was an unusually high proportion of educated men.
Education in the United States
Education in this period was concerned with building a natural aristocracy in contrast to that of Europe.
Education in the United States
Education in the United States
Development in Colonial Days
By the end of 17th century, all colonies had had their public schools set up;
Settlers of the English colonies were in the position to receive education of some kind.


2 1
85% 27%
American Elementary Classroom
Elementary Education in the U.S.
• • •
school system
generally 6-year elementary school system Some of the first 3 years--regardless of grade Almost all elementary students enroll in secondary school.

reading, writing, mathematics, social, science, music, art, sports and other programs… • also create a health class, home economics classes • some schools set up indigenous classes to teach their native language and culture .
English (Language-based, writing, literature, poetry, drama, rhetoric editor, news, etc. Mathematics (Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, computer ...) Science (Physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, earth science, etc.) Social Sciences (The U.S. government, American history, world history, economics, current events, geography, psychology, sociology, etc. ) Arts( Painting, music, dance, performances, etc.) Health and Safety (Health, medicine, nutrition, safety, etc.) Sports …
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Primary school
• American children start school at the age of five years. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is required of all American children enrolled in the American education system. The second year at school is considered the first year of primary school and is referred to as first grade.
Undergraduate school
• Undergraduate school offers either a two-year degree or a four-year degree (bachelor’s degree) in a specific course of major. While most schools that offer a four-year degree will admit students who have not yet chosen a major, all students are required to select a major by their second year at school. Students who complete an associate degree can continue their education at a four-year school and eventually complete a bachelor’s degree.
Grades Universities
• In the US employ a system of continual assessment and they assign grades for each course taken by the students. • All classroom activities like class attendance, examinations or tests, laboratory works/reports, written assignments and other similar activities influence the student’s final grade. • Hence it is very important for the students to attend classes on a regular basis and keep up with the studies and course work.
• Other Vacation Time: Some schools and
colleges may also close their doors for a variety of religious and national holidays. These holidays are short one or two day breaks.
• Thanksgiving: The fourth Thursday in
November and the following Friday.
• Winter Break: Two weeks in late December
and early January. They include time off for Christmas holidays. • Spring Break: One week in March or April.
Secondary school
• Secondary school most commonly consists of a total of seven years, referred to as sixth through twelfth grades. The ninth through twelfth grades are most commonly referred to as high school. Upon completion of twelfth grade, American students are awarded a certificate called the high school diploma so as to be admitted into college or university.
Thanks for listening
• Depending on the university, the academic year starts sometime from late August to mid-September. • Most universities use the semester system where there are two major periods of study in each academic year - Fall and Spring. • There are 16 or 17 weeks of study in each semester. There may also be a shorter optional period of study in the summer.
Credit System
• Students at American universities complete their degrees on accumulation of between 130 and 180 credits. Sometimes the terms “semester/quarter hours” or “units” are also used instead of credits. Each individual course you take each semester earns a specified number (usually three or four) of credits/hours/units. The academic adviser helps the students in planning their course schedule for the academic year.
Graduate school
• Students who have obtained a bachelor’s degree can continue their education by pursuing one of two types of degrees. The first is a master’s degree and the other is PhD( Doctor of Philosophy)
letter grade scale
• • • • • • 100 – 90% = A 89 – 80% = B 79 – 70% = C 69 – 60% = D 59 – 50% = E 49 – 0% = F
• The following is a general percentage “letter grade scale” for classes taken at U.S. colleges: • Letter systems generally run from A to F, with A representing outstanding work and F representing failure. Sometimes these systems are fractional, so that indices such as "2.5" or "A+" or "A-" appear on records,and if you want to apply for the scholarship ,you must get a grade higher than C .
College Education

Examination system Credit System Semester Vacation Grades Universities

Examination system
• Usually a student has to appear in two major examinations: final and mid-term. Mid-term examinations are held half way through the course. The final examinations are given at the end of the semester. They are usually written. The final examinations last from 2-3 hours while mid-term one last for an hour only. In addition to these fixed examinations, professors also sometimes take weekly quizzes. • The final grade is usually based on the instructor's judgment, which takes into account not only the several examinations given, but also written papers, participation in oral discussions, field and laboratory work. A student needs to work very hard to qualify brilliantly in the examinations.stem