

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

The process of communication
Communication :
• Encoding and decoding are of great
significance to successful communication.
• eg.1. liam ru 4 skt • • 2.“You’re a sexy girl.”
Social perception (values, beliefs, attitudes, world views…)
Unit one
• Communication • Intercultural communication
Study the following counication situation, and try to identify types of communication.
• To avoid cultural misunderstandings
• to enhance of students’ cultural awareness
Study area
Verbal Language (word, thought patterns,...)
Nonverbal language (body language, time concept, spatial language, paralanguage, environment…)
Types of communication
• Human communication • Animal communication • Human-animal communication • Human-machine communication • Machine-machine communication


①课本第三页1-Needs and Purposes for Communication
•(1) survival(6) power
ial needs
•(3)personal needs(8) information
•(4) relationships(9) making senseof world
2. intercultural business communication (ICBC)
•--communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture
⑦P31课后练习中的Discussion Questions的前三个问题
•1. to increase the quality of life in the workplace
•2. to contribute to optimum employee moral
•3.to establish the company image
•4.to play a major role in generating profit
⒄P223Defining Business Etiquette and Protocol(礼仪指的是什么。礼节指怎样做)
•Etiquette refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.
•Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.


• Understand the importance of religion in the Middle East • Master some basic ways to develop a better intercultural
Character features
South China: exquisite, euphemistic North China:bold, frank,straightforward
Dietary restrictions: • do not eat pork • do not drink • do not eat blood
• The delegators from Dubai belief in Islamism, and have strong religious concepts. Boar is their totem, they are banned from eating pork.
• Chinese people lack of religious conscious and ignore the important factor when they negotiate with Dubai’s company.
different cultures, customs and religious belief different thoughts or actions conflicts
Verbal behaviors
Different ways of greeting Different responds to praise The main part of considering issues


___The Concise Oxford Dictionary
Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviour, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.
Kinship Education Economy Politics Religion Association Health Recreation
A man’s second nature
A way of overcoming vulnerability
——Bates and Plog
文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获 得的知识、经验、行为、态度、阶级、宗 教、时间观、角色、空间观、宇宙观和艺 术品的集合。
5) Our Definitions
Culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”
文化是一种可习得的、基于群体的认知模 式---包括言语和非言语符号、态度、价值 观、信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。
4)From Intercultural Perspective
“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.”



1.11 全球化思维方式
• 智力资本
– 全球商业头脑 – 认知复杂性 – 国际视野
• 心理资本
– 对多样性的热情 – 追求冒险 – 自信
• 社会资本
– 跨文化移情 – 人际交往的影响 – 外交
1.12 跨国公司管理方向
• 民族中心主义管理
– 民族中心主义管理部门不必考虑职场中的文化差异。所有的 工人将同样对待。
– 沟通是一个过程,文化就是阐述和解释沟通的结构的。沟 通与人们的生活方式有关。当文化产生相互影响时,就要 调整文化以保证有效沟通。进行跨文化商务沟通时,意识 到各种文化符号之间的相似之处和差异是非常重要的。 – 文化主要有三个维度———语言、物理和心理。
1.2 文化
语言维度 (代码/模式) 语言的 非语言的
1.7 亚文化和亚群体
• 亚文化
– 亚文化是具有能在更大的社会范围内或宏观文化中使自己有 别于他人特点的人群所形成的文化。美国的宏观文化由白种 人形成,占人口的64%。美国最大的亚文化群体是西班牙裔 (或拉丁裔),占16%;非洲裔美国人占14%;亚洲裔占 5%;夏威夷原住民和其他的太平洋岛民占0.2%;土著美国 人和阿拉斯加原住民占0.9%。
• 全球化
– 全球化就是通过社会和商业两种途径传播生活方式。
• 全球本土化
– 全球本土化指的是“全球和本土的相互渗透,会在不同地 理区域导致独特的结果”。
• 增长全球化
– 增长全球化指通用的规范和惯例从一个地方向另一个地方 的扩展。换句话说,它就是给一个群体强加上一种新文化。
1.2 文化
• 文化及其维度
• 多中心主义管理



• 适当的作笔记;
• 关注对方的肢体语言
– 面部表情 – 姿势 – 个人空间 – 语音语调
What is culture?
• The term “culture” was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917)in his book,
听众数量 根源(1)观众的数量规模
做别人不敢做的事 做别人不愿做的事 做别人做不了的事
明确目标 以终为始 知彼知已
主题大纲 加味添料 注重细节
• 听到的_2_0_%__ • 看到的_3_0_%__ • 看到并听到的_5_0_%__ • 做过的_7_0_%__
❖ 多媒体 ❖ 适当的幽默 ❖ 人性故事 ❖ 针对性的问题 ❖ 比喻/证据/示范
❖ 实验 ❖ 案例 ❖ 游戏 ❖ 实践演练
呈现形式 用图表说话 PPT制作常识
预演彩排 开场白与结束
❖ 人生的意义 ❖ 成功的标准 ❖ 演讲是为听众,而不是为自己 ❖ 听众最关心什么

跨文化商务交际英语unit 1 text1-Culture and communication参考译文(英汉对照版彭炳铭)

跨文化商务交际英语unit 1 text1-Culture and communication参考译文(英汉对照版彭炳铭)

Text 1 Culture and Communication 文化与交际(翻译官:彭炳铭2019.9.20.)Paragraph 1.The term “culture” comes from anthropologists’ studies of human societies. 文化这一术语出自人类学家对人类社会的研究。

Culture is the particular configuration of behaviors, norms, attitudes, values, beliefs and basic assumptions that differ from society to society .文化是由特定行为、道德规范、态度、价值观、信仰、和基本假说等要素构成,这些要素因社会不同而不同。

This means that culture is not “objective” in the sense that phenomena in the natural world are (or seem to be ) objective.意思是:大自然的现象都是客观的,在这个意义上讲,文化就不是“客观的”。

Culture can look different depending upon who does the looking, when they look and from what direction.1/ 20文化看起来是不同的,这有赖于谁在看、何时看、从什么方向(角度)来看。

This makes culture difficult to grasp. 这就使得文化很难掌握。

Paragraph 2.Culture has been defined in many ways but a classic definition is : 文化的定义是多方面的,但有一个经典的定义是:Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior, acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups … the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values.”【译文】文化包含各种外显和内隐的行为模式,这些行为模式通过符号习得和传播,构成了人类群体与众不同的成就。



①课本第三页1-Needs and Purposes for Communication•(1) survival (6) power•(2) cooperation (7)social needs•(3)personal needs (8) information•(4) relationships (9) making sense of world•(5) persuasion 劝说(10) self-expression用P4—P6 Survival、Co-operation、Personal needs. Relationships.persuasion……回答,不要求全部都写出来,但是至少要答四到五个,理解读懂还要有对这个词的解释②P6掌握交际的概念(Definition)•Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.•Eg: buy computer via Internet•Communication—someone perceives behavior or its residue and attributes meaning to it.Communication has taken place regardless of whether that behavior is conscious or unconscious. Intentional or unintentional.③P10(很重要)交际的过程(the process)1. the components of communication•Message•Sender•Receiver•Channel•Noise•Feedback•Encoding/Decoding2. Models of communication•(1) the linear model•(2) the circular model•(3) the contextualized model④P14 交际的特征(Characteristics)里的黑体标题要看懂• 1. communication is dynamic 动态• 2. communication is irreversible不可撤销• 3. communication is symbolic符号性• 4. communication is systemic 系统性• 5. communication is self-reflective自我反映性• munication is interactive 交互性•7. communication is complex 复杂性⑤P22里的最后一段中影响跨文化交际的主要三个因素Language barriers,different values,different cultural patterns of behavior⑥ICC与ICBC的概念1. intercultural communication (ICC)•--interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.2. intercultural business communication (ICBC)•--communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture⑦P31课后练习中的Discussion Questions的前三个问题⑧P41 关于文化的概念在这页的第五段•Culture is the total accumulation(积累)of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions (习俗)and communication patterns(样式)that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.⑨P42 文化的特点还要解释四个到五个• 1. culture is not innate; it is learned (e.g. sneezing)• 2. culture is transmitted from generation to generation• 3. culture is selective• 4. the facets of culture are interrelated (e.g. women’s movement)• 5. culture is ethnocentric• 6. culture is subject to change⑩P46价值观的概念(definition of value)•One’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life • A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede P46)• A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.⑾P45(重点)values from the core of culture• 1.values form the core of culture• 2. values are the deepest manifestations of culture and most difficult to understand by an outsider. (symbols-heroes-rituals-values, by Hofstede)⑿P48 价值观的分类• 1.universal values (e.g., happy life)• 2.cultural-specific values (e.g.. modesty for Chinese culture)• 3. peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures (subjective culture)⒀P49 价值观是怎样形成的?how to get one’s value?• 1. from one’s family• 2.from school education teachers• 3. from one’s peers• 4. from society at large⒁P59(很重要)hofstede-Bond's Value Dimensions•Individualism vs. Collectivism (P.61)•Power Distance•Uncertainty Avoidance•Masculinity vs. Femininity回答这个题目时要说这个理论是谁写的,叫什么名字,理论是什么(从P60-64四个角度回答)还要解释,还要给例子,比如P62的图表。



第十章 跨文化商务沟通
文化是一个群体在价值观念、信仰、态度、 行为准则、风俗习惯等方面所表现出来的区别 于另一群体的显著特征,是人的思维、行为的 范式,是人们时间经验的积累和表现模式,是 人的行为导向。正是这种文化在群体上的差异 性导致了企业经营国际化时所面临的文化冲突。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
一个民族所使用的语言与该民族所拥有的 文化之间存在着密切联系。在跨文化沟通中, 不同文化之间的差异对于商务沟通语言有明显 的制约关系。
1. 中国 2.美国
3.法国 4.日本
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
(三)跨文化商务沟通的语言沟通策略 1.选择适当的句型 2.善用模糊限制语 3.提高语言的表达效果和灵活性 4.保全面子,维系合作关系 5.保护说话者,减轻其所负责任
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
这种统一的文化不仅具有较强稳定性, 而且
身特有的企业文化和管理模式, 是适应跨国文
一种“统一”的组织文化, 但其缺点是不利于
博采众长, 而且其他文化因遭到压抑而极易使
其成员产生强烈的反感, 最终加剧冲突。
第十章 跨文化商务沟通
2.折衷 所谓折衷是指不同文化间采取妥协与退让



❖ 四大文明古国之一的印度有着鲜明的民族特 色
➢ 官僚主义 ➢ 等级制度——印度自古就有很森严的等级制
度,而且这种与生俱来的等级地位不能像在 中国一样通过考取功名之类的方式得到改变。
第一节 跨文化沟通概述
❖ “地球村”已不再单单是一个概念性的名 词,转瞬间已成为人们生活的一部分,跨 文化沟通也随之成为人们需要面对的问题。
❖ 文化:一个群体所共有的价值观和行为准 则的体系。
❖ 个人空间意识——阿拉伯地区个人距离较小。
❖ 时间观念——在海湾地区,耐心是个重要的 美德。
❖ 宴请——吃饭时,一定要吃很多,以表示你 的感激之情。
❖ 风俗——和其他穆斯林文化一样,左手被认 为是不洁的。吃饭或者给阿拉伯人递东西时, 通常只用右手。
❖ 生意第一
❖ 平等意识和个人主义
❖ 语言和习俗——很少有美国人的外语非常流 利。所以如果你的英语水平不好,就得雇佣 一名翻译,因为别想指望他们会说很好的中 文。
❖ 谈判风格——干脆利落、不兜圈子



• 64% • 16% • 14% • 5% • .9% • .2%
• .9%
White Americans Hispanic Americans African Americans Asian Americans Amer. Indians & Alaskan Natives Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders Others
• The local manager, a Peruvian, replied:
• “Here’s your headcount: we have 30 in the factory, 15 in the office, 5 in the hospital on sick leave, none broken down by sex. If you must know, our problem here is with alcohol.” (Axtell, 1994)
Copyright © 2014 Pearson
cation, Inc.
Globalization, Glocalization, and Grobalization
• Globalization—the worldwide diffusion of practices
• Glocalization—the interpenetration of the global and local
• Melting pot - sociocultural assimilation of people of differing backgrounds and nationalities; implies losing ethnic differences and forming one large society (macroculture)



4. In 1970: ICC was recognized as an independent area of study by the International Communication Association (国际传播学会) 5. In 1972: The first international conference on intercultural communication was held in Japan. 6. In 1983 : Gudykunst ,American well known scholar in ICC, edited the first text on intercultural communication theory, Intercultural
• The focus of this course lies on Intercultural communication (IC)
Course Overview
• Seminar organization • Assessment: • 1)Attendance and participation.
• 3 contact hour per week (lecture) • 6 additional hours per week:
- course book - “fieldwork” (in preparation for presentation)
1.Preview the text :Looking up the new words and expressions before class. 2.Take an active part in class discussions and performances. 3. Choose and read two recommended textbooks on intercultural communication – at least one in English. Books Recommended: [1] Ron Scollon, Suzanne Wong Scollon : Intercultural Communication: A Discourse Approach, 外语教学与研究出版社,2000 [2] 贾玉新:《跨文化交际学》,上海外语教育出版社,1997 [3] 林大津:《跨文化交际研究》,福建人民出版社, 1996 [4] 胡文仲:《文化与交际》,外语教学与研究出版社,1997

跨文化商务交际 Chapter 1 Culture, Communication and Cross

跨文化商务交际 Chapter 1 Culture, Communication and Cross

Culture Focus Case Study 1
This part helps you have a general idea about the cultural diversity in the workplace and communication in high- context culture and low- context culture. Cases are given for your further understanding. And then you are asked to finish the tasks.
Encounter Video Watching
Watch the video “ What Is Culture ” and complete the following tasks.
Encounter Video Watching
Task 1 Work in pairs, and discuss whether the following statements are true or false based on what you’ve
Chapter 1
Learning Objectives
On completion of this chapter you are able to: 1. understand what culture is and what elements culture includes; 2. have an understanding of your own culture; 3. get to know what cross-cultural communication is.
to the understanding of the world.



①课本第三页1-Needs and Purposes for Communication•(1) survival (6) power•(2) cooperation (7)social needs•(3)personal needs (8) information•(4) relationships (9) making sense of world•(5) persuasion 劝说(10) self-expression用P4—P6 Survival、Co-operation、Personal needs. Relationships.persuasion……回答,不要求全部都写出来,但是至少要答四到五个,理解读懂还要有对这个词的解释②P6掌握交际的概念(Definition)•Communication refers to the act and process of sending and receiving messages among people.•Eg: buy computer via Internet•Communication—someone perceives behavior or its residue and attributes meaning to it.Communication has taken place regardless of whether that behavior is conscious or unconscious. Intentional or unintentional.③P10(很重要)交际的过程(the process)1. the components of communication•Message•Sender•Receiver•Channel•Noise•Feedback•Encoding/Decoding2. Models of communication•(1) the linear model•(2) the circular model•(3) the contextualized model④P14 交际的特征(Characteristics)里的黑体标题要看懂• 1. communication is dynamic 动态• 2. communication is irreversible不可撤销• 3. communication is symbolic符号性• 4. communication is systemic 系统性• 5. communication is self-reflective自我反映性• munication is interactive 交互性•7. communication is complex 复杂性⑤P22里的最后一段中影响跨文化交际的主要三个因素Language barriers,different values,different cultural patterns of behavior⑥ICC与ICBC的概念1. intercultural communication (ICC)•--interpersonal communication between members of different cultures.2. intercultural business communication (ICBC)•--communication within and between businesses that involve people from more than one culture⑦P31课后练习中的Discussion Questions的前三个问题⑧P41 关于文化的概念在这页的第五段•Culture is the total accumulation(积累)of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions (习俗)and communication patterns(样式)that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.⑨P42 文化的特点还要解释四个到五个• 1. culture is not innate; it is learned (e.g. sneezing)• 2. culture is transmitted from generation to generation• 3. culture is selective• 4. the facets of culture are interrelated (e.g. women’s movement)• 5. culture is ethnocentric• 6. culture is subject to change⑩P46价值观的概念(definition of value)•One’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what is valuable or important in life • A broad tendency to prefer certain states of affairs over others. (Hofstede P46)• A conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action.⑾P45(重点)values from the core of culture• 1.values form the core of culture• 2. values are the deepest manifestations of culture and most difficult to understand by an outsider. (symbols-heroes-rituals-values, by Hofstede)⑿P48 价值观的分类• 1.universal values (e.g., happy life)• 2.cultural-specific values (e.g.. modesty for Chinese culture)• 3. peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures (subjective culture)⒀P49 价值观是怎样形成的?how to get one’s value?• 1. from one’s family• 2.from school education teachers• 3. from one’s peers• 4. from society at large⒁P59(很重要)hofstede-Bond's Value Dimensions•Individualism vs. Collectivism (P.61)•Power Distance•Uncertainty Avoidance•Masculinity vs. Femininity回答这个题目时要说这个理论是谁写的,叫什么名字,理论是什么(从P60-64四个角度回答)还要解释,还要给例子,比如P62的图表。


5) Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
Learn the notions of Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication.
Learn the differences between Chinese and Western cultures
I. Warm-up Cases II. Culture III. Communication IV. Intercultural Communication V. The Differences between Chinese and
Western Cultures VI. Case study VII. Assignments
I. Warm-up Cases
Please discuss the cases in groups and make a comment on it.
Case 1: Showing Concern In China: Xiao Li (an interpreter): You must be
Case 2 First Offer
A Canadian colleague and I traveled to Guilin with our admirable guide Heping Liu in very hot weather. Sightseeing is a thirsty business. We did not trust the water, and enjoyed excellent beer. We politely offered some to Heping but he refused. We said nothing and drank our beer, while poor Heping watched. On another day, Heping quickly accepted our offer of beer. Questions for discussion In your daily life, do you often accept first offer? If yes, in what situation?

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

跨文化商务交际unit 1 Intercultural communication

Types of Human Communication
• Interpersonal Communication • Intrapersonal Communication (Within) • Mass Communication • Group Communication • Public Communication • Business Communication • Intra-cultural Communication • Intercultural/International Communication
she’s going to stay.
• Can you diagnose Litz’ problem? • Litz’ encoding: • Dick’s decoding:
Cross-cultural Communication
The greatest distance between people is not _s_p_a_ce__ but _c_u_lt_u_re
When we stop communicating, we die ,not in body but in spirit.
Classroom activities
Case study Group discussion Team presentation
The aim of the course
To appreciate and evaluate different cultural systems in order to communicate successfully
cow. 4.A programmer issues commands to a computer. 5. A hen cluck to her chicks. 6. My washing machine receives commands from



跨⽂化商务英语交际跨⽂化商务英语交际Unit 1 introductions“Humans are social animals. To find an individual choosing to live alone in the world is so rare as to confirm that human beings need to live amongst each other and group together.”“Networking begins with introducing yourselves.”“You never have a second chance to make a good first impression.”Reading aloud practiceNo one lives alone in this world. Few people can go without friends. In order to survive or succeed in the working world, we need to group together and form our network of friends and contacts. To get to know people, we always begin by introducing ourselves to each other. Therefore, introductions are important. A good introduction is a good announcement to make others know you well and a proper introduction will give others a good first impression. Studies show that people form their first impression of you within the first few seconds of the meeting –when you are introducing yourselves. Once the first impression is made, it is difficult to change. That’s w hy people say that you never have a second chance to make a first impression. Business cardIt’s a common business practice to exchange business cards with people we meet. It is even considered rude by many when a card is not offered. The business card is a great way for people to remember you as well as tohave contact information especially telephone number and e-mail. On a business card you should include your full name, complete address, affiliation, telephone, fax and e-mail information. Some people also include some information about themselves such as a professional designation or education background. Finally, a corporate logo or symbol can add some color to a card.Information on a business cardBusiness termsconsulting groupaccountantGmbhproduct managerS.A.senior managerconsulting group:also called a consulting firm or company, is a business organization that offersspecialist and professional knowledge or advice onbusiness affairs to companies.consult, consultant, consultancyaccountant:a professional who examines thefinancial accounts of businesses or people account, accountingGmbh:German abbreviation for “company limited ”product manager:a manager whose job is to supervisethe company’s productTalk about yourself.Now look around you. Find someone you do not know and introduce yourself to him/her.Hello. My name’s Helen. I’m from Hong Kong.Hello. My name’s Alice. I’m from Macao. Nice to m eet you, Helen. Nice to meet you, Alice. How are you doing here? Oh, everything is fine with me. Thank you.How about you?I’m fine, too. Thanks.。

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Acquired through socialization
Thus, man is the producer of culture and the product of culture
Reflectio n
Ⅱ. Characteristics of Culture
Chapter 1
Culture & Communication
Learning objectives Understand the definitions of culture. Describe the functions and characteristics of culture. Understand the definitions of communication. Learn business communication. Learn patterns of communication
Ⅰ. What is Culture?
What really binds men together is their culture − the ideas and the standards they have in common. — R. Benedict
1. Define it Yourself
1) From Anthropological Perspective
“Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values”. −Kroeber and Kluckhohn
5. Culture Is Dynamic
Culture is subject to change. It changes through three most common mechanisms:
Diffusion Acculturation
6. Culture Is Adaptive
Kinship Education Economy Politics Religion Association Health Recreation
A man’s second nature
A way of overcoming vulnerability
History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed because of laws, natural disasters, wars, or other calamities.
7. Culture is ethnocentric
It is the belief that your own cultural background is correct. Ethinocntrists believe their culture is the central culture and other cultures are incorrect, ineffective, or quaint.
___The Concise Oxford Dictionary
Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviour, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.
Culture is like an iceberg.
Visibility & Invisibility

Culture Is Our Software
Computer (hardware)& Operating environment (software)
Human (physical selves) & Culture (the software of the mind)
2. Culture Is Learned
Culture is not innate sensibility, but a learned characteristic. Children begin learning about their own culture at home; When Children are growing in the community, their cultural education is advaned by watching, forming their realtionships and taking their place in the culture.
Ⅲ. Useful Terms
1. Cultural Identity
Cultural identity refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. People consciously identify themselves with a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms for conduct.
3. Culture Is Symbolic
People have culture primarily because it enable them to communicate with symbols
4. Culture Is Integrated
For the sake of keeping the culture, fuctioning all aspects of the culture must be integrated.
−−Geert Hofstede
文化是使一个人类群体成员区别于其 他人类群体的思维的总体规划。
3) From Sociological Perspective
“Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception — including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disbelief systems, and behavior”.
More deeply: what the behaviour and customs mean to the people who are following them
In a word:Culture is all about meanings
Hall: Culture is everything and everywhere
Please write down whatever comes to your mind when you hear or think of culture. Try to figure out how they are related to culture.
On the surface: customs and behaviour
1. Culture Is Shared
Members of a culture share a set of ideals, values, and standards of behaviors, and this set is what gives meaning to their lives, and what bonds them together as a culture.
——Bates and Plog
文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获 得的知识、经验、行为、态度、阶级、宗 教、时间观、角色、空间观、宇宙观和艺 术品的集合。
5) Our Definitions
Culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”
2. Aspects of culture
Values and Beliefs
Communication (Verbal & Nonverbal)
Norms of behavior
Arts, music, dance, sport, ect.
3. What is culture like?
什么是文化? 广义的文化乊人类创造的一切物质产品和 精神产品的总和。
狭义的文化专指语言、文学、艺术及一切 意识形态在内的精神产品。