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Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just quickly get up and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer.

The Florida High School, the state’s only on-line school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home by computers.

“I’m a lot more comfortable at home,” said Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old who is taking a computer class on line. He thinks (A) the school’s computer lab is so noisy that he can’t study well.”Home is much better,” he says.

Students in this first on-line program take classes in math, American government, chemistry, computer, and Web-page design. They also have to go to regular( 正规的) school to attend other


When a student is ready to begin in class, he or she (B) _______the computer, reads the teacher’s instructions, and begins working on the lesson for the day. What happens if a st udent has a question for the teacher? Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a students is doing? The student and the teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone.

Is it easy for students to cheat on tests(考试作弊) when th ey’re working at home ? (C) The

teachers have already thought about this. They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom.

“You see most of the same things on-line that you see in a regular classroom,” says teacher Linda Hayes.

If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida High School students will be able to take all their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their

high school diplomas(毕业证书) without having to (D) 走进教室。

1.将划线部分(A)改写成the school’s computer lab is _______ noisy for _______ to study well.





(二)阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。1) Penguins live together, but each pair has

their own ground. When a penguin wants to walk through its neighbor’s ground. It must ask for permission (许可) If it doesn’t , they will fight. They also fight for fish. 2) 所有的企鹅都是好父

母。3) The father penguins are perhaps the _____father _______ the world. The mothers are away

for about two weeks after they lay eggs. Then the fathers look after the eggs. If the eggs get cold, there will be no chicks. There is no food . The snow falls and the wind blows, 3) But the fathers don’t move. Father penguins will fight if a father leaves a chick for a minute. They fight because they all think the chick is theirs. Penguins are strange and wonderful birds.

1. 将1)句译成汉语:_______________________________________________________

2. 在2)句译成英语:______________________ _

3. 将3)句空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整,上下文通顺:__________________ ____________________


The mothers aren’t with the eggs which they lay for mor e than ten days


5. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子,



The people in the USA and England both speak English of course. But sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between (1) _________ English and _________ English.

First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don’t say each word separately. They say several words together. Americans may sa y “I dunno” instead of “I don’t know.” Or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What did you say?” However, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually say all the words and keep them separate.

(2)Sound is not only the difference between British English and American English. Words sometimes have different meanings too. Some American words are never used in England. The same thing is true of some British words in America. For example, the vocabulary for cars and driving is very different. Americans drive trucks, but in England people drive lorries.

Many expressions are also different in the two countries. In England, if you are going to telephone your friends, you “phone them up”. In America, you “give them a call”. When you are saying goodby e in England you might say “Cheerio!” In America you might say “See you later.”

There’re also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans usually use the helping verb “do” when they ask a question. They say “Do you have a storybook?” But the Britis h often leave out the helping verb. They say “Have you a storybook?”

All these differences can be confusing (易混淆的) if you are learning English. But most

languages are like this. Languages change over time. When people live in separate places, the languages change in different ways. This is what has happened to English. It can also happen to
