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1) What will you study in the United States? 你去美国学什么?

2) What is your purpose for the visa? 你的签证目的是什么?

3) What is your academic background? 你的学术背景是什么?

4) How do you know this Univ.? 你如何知道这所学校的?

5) What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

6) What will you do after graduation? Why? 毕业后你准备做什么?

7) What kind of job can you find in the future? 在将来你可以找到什么样的工作?

8) Give me three reasons why you will come back to China? 给我三个回国理由

9) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students don't come back? 你能给我解释一下为什么90%的中国学生没有回来?

10) Why do you choose this Univ.? 为什么选择这所大学?

11) Why do you like your major? 为什么喜欢你的专业?

12) Why do you want to study in USA? 为什么想要去美国学习?

13) Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree? 你为什么想要一个硕士学位或博士学位呢?

14) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?你为什么从这所学校受到资金资助呢?

15) What is the difficult class do you have? 你上的什么课最困难?

16) What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

17) What institution did you attend and what was your major?你上的哪所学校?你的专业是什么?

18) Why do you want go to the United States for further study?你为什么想要去美国进一步的学习?

19) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master's/doctoral degree now?你为什么觉得这是你追求硕士学位或博士学位的时候了?

20)Why do want study…in the US?你为什么想要去美国学习。。。?

21) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate e programs in xx x. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study? 为什么想要去美国学习?

22) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?你的专业是什么?你学习你专业的什么哪一方面?


24) Can it be used to military utilities? 他能被用于军事设施吗?

25) What will you do in USA? 你去美国做什么?

26) What is your ultimate academic goal? 你的最终学术目标是什么?

27) To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Did any other school admits you?你申请了几所学校?它们是什么?还有


28) Why did you choose xxxxxx University? 你为什么选择这所学校?

29) How much do you know about the university?你对这所学校了解多少?

30) Do you have any relatives in the United States?你在美国有亲戚吗?

31) What do your parents do?你父母是做什么工作的?

32) How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?你在美国学习期间如何维持你自己?

33) Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?完成学业后,你打算在美国就业吗?

34) What do you think of the West Development in China?你怎么看待中国的西部发展?

35) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental?你准备签证面试多久了?你是在新东方准备的面试吗?

36) Are you going to study in USA?你是去美国学习的吗?

37) How long have you prepared for GRE? Did you cheat?你准备GRE


38) Are you a worker or a student now?你现在是一名学生还是工人?

39) Where are you from? Where is your hometown?你来自哪里?你家


40) How much will you earn when you come back?当你回来时会挣多


41) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?就你的专业哪所学校做好?其他的呢?

42) What does your major mean?你的专业什么意思?
