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作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2017, 43(8): 1190-1195

http:/// ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: xbzw@ 本研究由国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201503135-16)“作物秸秆能源化高效清洁利用技术研发集成与示范应用”资助。

The study was supported by the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201503135-16).

* 通讯作者(Corresponding authors): 王秀东, E-mail: wangxiudong@; 顿宝庆, E-mail:dunbaoqing@

第一作者联系方式; E-mail: mqy9279@

Received(收稿日期): 2017-01-22; Accepted(接受日期): 2017-04-20; Published online(网络出版日期): 2017-05-11. URL: http:///kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20170508.1007.020.html DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2017.01190


马秋颖1 王 智2 徐道清3 王秀东1,* 顿宝庆2,* 路 明2

1中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所, 北京 100081; 2中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 / 农作物基因资源与基因改良国家重大科

学工程, 北京 100081; 3北京天地日月生物能源有限公司, 北京 100070

摘 要: 积极开发玉米秸秆低成本、高质量收贮模式, 有效提高资源化利用水平, 是推行农作物秸秆以农用为主、多元综合利用的重要途径。本研究在内蒙古自治区以玉米秸秆榨汁存贮模式为研究对象, 基于实际收贮利用成本、秸秆产品收益对该模式资源化利用水平进行分析, 结果表明目前该模式具有良好的经济效益, 成本费用收益率约为

6.70%, 销售利润率约为 6.30%, 并且在收贮过程中能够有效降低秸秆中干物质、糖分和水分的流失, 是一种高效资源化收贮利用模式。同时, 结合该收贮模式在资源化利用方面的优势及我国东北地区玉米秸秆利用现状进行该模式在当地推广可行性探究表明, 该模式具有一定程度上的推广前景。

关键词: 玉米秸秆; 榨汁; 模式; 资源化; 推广

Analysis of High Efficiency Resource Utilization Pattern of Corn Straw

MA Qiu-Ying 1, WANG Zhi 2, XU Dao-Qing 3, WANG Xiu-Dong 1,*, DUN Bao-Qing 2,*, and LU Ming 2 1 Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Beijing 100081, China;2 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Beijing 100081, China; 3

Beijing Tiandiriyue Bio-energy Co., Ltd, Beijing 100070, China Abstract: Actively developing low-cost high-quality utilization of corn straw, and effectively enhancing corn straw resource utilization rate is very important to promote the use of crop straw in agricultural and comprehensive processing. This study armed at the corn straw juice storage and utilization pattern in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and analyzed the cost-benefit of corn straw products based on the actual cost of storage and utilization. The processing and utilization model could effectively reduce the dry matter, sugar and water losses in corn straw, with good economic benefits. The ratio of profits to cost was about 6.70% and the sales margin was about 6.30%. Combined with the advantages and disadvantages of the collection and storage mode in the utilization of resources and the status quo of the utilization of corn straw in Northeast China, we suggest that the corn straw re-source utilization model is feasible in northeast region.

Keywords: Corn straw; Juice; Pattern; Resource utilization; Extension


问题日益突出, 生物质能源的战略地位得到空前提

升, 承载着能源安全、环境质量和农民收入等复杂

而重要的多重战略目标[1]。近年来, 我国玉米年均

种植面积达到0.36亿公顷, 玉米秸秆年均产量达到

2.54亿吨(数据来自: 国家统计局网站), 东北地区

作为玉米主产区, 秸秆资源十分丰富。但是目前随

着秸秆薪炭替代资源增多、收储成本攀升, 不少农

民随意丢弃秸秆、焚烧秸秆; 玉米秸秆短期生物量大且集中的收获特性、东北地区气温低不易腐解的地理特性、农民秸秆还田技术和设备的局限性, 使得秸秆直接还田效率大打折扣。因此保证秸秆薪炭、还田的数量和效率基础上, 积极开发玉米秸秆低成本、高质量收贮模式, 有效提高玉米秸秆资源化利用水平, 既能够增加玉米生产收益, 延长产业链, 带动加工、制造等产业升级[2], 也在一定程度
