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Huashan(Mount Hua) is situated in HuayinCity,120 kilometers away from Xi'an. It ispartof the QinlingMountains, which divides not only Southern andNorthernShaanxi, but also Southan

d North China. Unlik

e Taishan, which becamea popularplac

e o

f pilgrimage, Huashan wasnot wellvisitedinthe past be

causeitis dangerousforthe climbers to reach itssumm it. Huashan was alsoan importantplace frequentedby immort ality seekers,as manyherbs grow there especiallysome rare ones. Sincethe installation ofthe cable cars in the1990s,the n umber of visitors hasincreased significantly.


MountHuang is located in the southof Anhuiprovince. Its landscapeis unique, and it is especiallyfamousforitssunr

iseandsea of clouds.In order to appreciate the magnificence ofthis great mountain, onehas tolookup, but toenjoythe beautiful scenery ofMount Huang, onehas to look down. Mount Huang’s humid climateis fit for the growth of tea tree, and it is one

ofthe major teatree growing areas of China. There are also many warm springs in Mount Huang,whose waterishelpful fortheprevention and treatment of skin diseases. Mount Huangis one ofthemajor tourist destinations in china,and is also t he mostpopularsubject ofphotography and traditionalChinese paintings.



Mountain Tai ,2,700mabovesea level and 400squ

are kilometers, which is locatedinthe western part ofChina. It enjoysnot only the magnificent sight, butthe highreputa tion for its historicalculture.Mountain Tai is a place of worship for pilgrims for3,000thousandyears.

Accordingtothe record, it was visited by 72 emperors in

total. Manywriters obtain inspirationand compose poems

and compositions by visiting Mountain Tai. Besides, artists also dra wpaintingshere. Consequently, there area lot ofcultural relics and historicsites.Nowadays,Mountain Tai hasbecomeone of the most well-known tourist attractions in China.


The Yellow River ranks the thirdlongestin Asia and thesi xth longest in the world.The word “yellow” describes the muddy waterof the river.TheYellowRiver,oneof several rivers forChinatolive on,originates from Qinghai,flowsthroughninep rovinces,and finallypours intotheBohai Sea.The river basin isnot only the birthplaceof ancient Chinese civilization,butalsothemostprosperous regionin theearlyhistoryofChina. However,due to the frequent devastatingfloods,ithascaused many disasters.In the pastfew decades,thegovernment has takenvariousmeasures to preventdisasters.

