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湖南省隆回县第二中学高中英语模块四导学案:Unit1 Period11-15 words and


Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising

Period 11 words and expressions

Originated by Ms.Jiang Revised by Ms Xu and Ms.Yang

Studying task: The new words and expressions

Studying aims: 1. Enrich our Vocabulary

2. Master some key words and expressions

Self education (自主学习):

T ask1: Read and recite all the new words and eopressions on page 68

Task2: Write down the parts of speech of the following key words and their meanings.

corporation multiply design update aspect bargain urge shock react personally ta rget determine analyze poisonous bonus cancer fancy media appeal recommend

Task3: key phrases (Fill in the blanks.)

1. figure 弄清楚

2. advance (事先,提前)

3. appeal 吸引,呼吁

4. put sth (汇集、组装)

5.get sth 把表达清楚

6. die 死于

7. be concerned 对……关心/担心 8. discourage sb doing sth阻止某人做某事

9. have sb/sth mind心里想着某人/某物

Team Work:(合作探究)

1. amazed(a dj.) (v )使大为惊喜 (adj.)令人惊喜的(n.)惊诧

2. dertermine vt (adj.)有决心的 (n.)意志、决心

3. recommend v(推荐) (n.) (推荐)

4. corporation (同义词)

5. design (n.)(设计者)

6. shock (adj.)令人震惊的 (adj.)感到震惊的

7. ananysis (v.)分析 8. p oisonons (n.)毒气

9. senior (反义词) 10. smoker (v.)抽烟(n.)吸烟

Target detection:(目标检测)

1. ---How did yor like Nickis pertormance last night?

---To be honest, his signing didn’t to me much.

A. appeal

B. belong

C. refer

D. occur

2. However hard I tvied to think abort it , What he said didn’t really to me.

A. figure out

B. make out

C. turn out

D. get across

3. His death in a car accident was and we all get .

A. shocking, shocking

B. shocked, shocked

C. shocking, shocked

D. shocked, shocking

4. The noise of the train in the dark night,

A. died out

B. died from

C. died away

D. died off

5. , the result of college Entrance Exam can your future.

A. In the way, determine

B. In a way, determine

C. In the way, be determined

D. In a way, b e determined

Exercises: 完成学海导航P22作业。

Class Group No. Name

Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising

Period 12 Task (1)

Originated by Ms.Jiang Revised by Ms Xu and Ms.Yang

Studying task: Writing an advertisement

Studying aims: 1. To learn how to listen for statistics and descriptions.

2. To learn how to express opinions and give reasons.

3. To master how to use different sentence types correctly. Self education (自主学习):

Skills building 1: Listening for statistics and descriptions.

1. How to read these statistics:


1/2 (a/one half) 2/3(two thirds)

¾(three quarters) 2 1/3(two and a third)

How to read:

2/5 _________ 4 ¾

2. How to read these statistics:


0.3 (zero/nought point three), 6.79 (six point seven nine)

How to read:

0.9 ____________________ 2.15________________


63%(sixty-three per cent)

45.72%(forty-five point seven two per cent)

How to read


Step 1: Completing a bar chart.

Skills building 2: Expressing opinions and giving supporting reasons. How to express opinions?

I (don’t) think/believe… It seems to me that… In my opinion/To m e,…And How to give reasons?

as/because/since/for …

First, … Second ,… Then …(Next, … Finally, …)


1. Work in pairs and talk about your opinions on ads.

2. Try to use different structures to state opinions and give reasons.

3. You can refer to the dialogue on Page 14 as a model.

Step 2: Talking about ads.

A Conduct a survey.

B Role-play.

C Write a report.

Class Group No. Name

Module 4 Unit 1 Advertising

Period 13 Task (2)

Originated by Ms.Jiang Revised by Ms Xu and Ms.Yang

Studying task: Writing an advertisement

Studying aims: 1. To learn how to listen for statistics and descriptions.
