中西文化复习要点 final final

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After taking this course, you should be able to discuss the following cultural topics in English:

1. Concepts(观念) of culture(文化), individualism(个人主义), and collectivism(集体主义)

2. Confucianism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, and social effects of religions

3. Features of one Chinese festival, Lantern festival, Qingming festival, Dragon boat festival, OR mid-autumn festival

4. Major differences between Chinese education and Western education

OR suggestions for China higher education reform

5. Key features of Chinese tea culture, OR major differences between Chinese food and western food

6. Features of one cl othing style you like

7. What are the differences between Chinese language and English language, for example, idioms, color words, OR numbers?

8. Your advice about how to build a good relationship with people

9. Features of one famous tourist site you like in China

10. Business etiquettes, greeting etiquette, OR wedding ceremony

11. Major differences between Chinese love poetry and Western love poetry

12. One Chinese mythology or Greek mythology story and the influence of the story on Chinese or western life/culture

13. Features of one house/architecture style you like








2. 简答与论述题,每题请说明3个要点,要求文化信息准确,观点合理,语言表达较流畅,没有明显的语法错误。书写工整,页面整洁。

复习方法建议:小组学习/讨论, 因中西文化信息量较大,有“OR”可选其一准备。

复习参考资料:1. 课堂笔记等

2. 有关网站。可通过www.google. ca 查询“英语关键词“或“ppt + 英文关键词”

3. 有关书刊,如《中国文化》(英文版)常俊跃等主编

1.Individualism:the quality of being different from other people and doing things in your own

way Collectivism:the political system in which all farms,business and industries are owned by the government or by all the people

Concepts of culture:the beliefs and attitude about sth that people in a particular group or

organization share

2.Confucianism:is an ethical and philosophical system of confucius

Christianity:a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he was the son of God. Buddhism:a religion which teaches that the way to end suffering is by overcoming your desires. Islam:the religion of the Muslims, which was started by Mohammed

Social effects of religions;Any religion have taught you better, lovely side, can help people build up a moral benchmark. And is the spiritual sustenance. But the excessive religious superstition, especially religious supernatural God said, can the obscurantist, hindering the scientific

development and social progress

3.Dragon boat festival:The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the

fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.

4.American teachers, on the other hand, were more knowledgeable than Chinese teachers about

concepts covered in educational psychology texts. Chinese teachers had a better understanding of the mathematical concepts they were teaching than did their U.S. Counterparts。More experienced American teachers were better able to identify important points for teaching fraction concepts。

5.Chinese tea culture:①has a long history of tea and tea culture②help to digest and refresh one's spirit③According to an ancient chinese legend, the emperor sheng nong discovered tea when he was boling drinking water over an open fire

6.I like hippie,because I like popping and I like all about the style,It s snug and cool。

7.Phonology,spoken language,vocabulary,grammar,word order

8.Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain about people. Appreciate people. Solve your own

problems by solving other people’s problems。Be genuinely interested in others.

9.The Great wall The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and

thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD. The wall h as become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.

10.Chinese:match-making,engagement,betrothal presents,meeting the bride,three bow,

drinking wedlock wine。western:①white gown & white veil (stands for purity). The bride should also wear,②With the Wedding March, the bride's father leads her to the altar(圣坛).③Music stops…Minister(神父) will ask: Who permits this woman to be married to this man?

11.Difference on Theme. Difference on Emotion. Difference on Religious Emotion

12Prometheus teaches humans to spin, built, sail and treat an illness.The creator and protector of mankind. Wrath of Zeus because of locked in the Caucasus mountains, daily vultures peck his liver, and then a long, go round and begin again. After Herac was rescued.

13.Georgian style:this form in 300 years ago the British king George Dynasty into the new

continent, for the emerging middle class beloved is characterized by its features are: the characteristics of symmetrical facade, simple type...
