

CQI-7 16949 part

CQI-7 16949 part

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CQI-7 6月
9 发行版本:01 日期:2003 年 取代版本:无 日期: 无
0 第三版 由认可的机构来管理
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CQI-7 6月
7 发行版本:01 日期:2003 年 取代版本:无 日期: 无
ISO/TS 16949:2002 实施指南
CQI-7 6月
8 发行版本:01 日期:2003 年 取代版本:无 日期: 无
ISO/TS 16949:2002 实施指南
2.0 什么是“新增内容和其差异”
IATF 期望 ISO/TS 16949:2002 的审核员依据顾客导向的过程为基础来执行 审核。这 COP 是由 ISO9001:2000 所倡导,并引用任何组织为了达到顾 客满意,将顾客需求输入已完成顾客特定的和预期的需求(输出)的事实; 这经由管理过程和资源提供两方面,使得产品实现过程与适当支持过程增 加了价值而更趋完善。
请牢记,ISO/TS 16949:2002 是以ISO 9001:2000 作为基础的规范。为了更好的 理解和澄清的意图,在使用本实施指南之前,经由网站来获取国际 标准化组织的更多信息是非常重要的。
下列 IATF ISO/TS 16949:2002 出版品(4 册)可从 AIAG 获得: IATF ISO/TS 16949:2002 技术规范(必要文件) IATF ISO/TS 16949:2002 指南 IATF 质量体系评定检查清单 获得 IATF 认可的规则
一些 ISO/TS 16949:2002 的顾客特殊要求仍然要求使用 QS-9000 中所识别的核心 工具手册。建议当设计和实施质量管理体系时,要取得这些核心工具手册。



ADVISOR 2002安装卸载方法1.ADVISOR 2002安装方法在安装ADVISOR 2002之前,用户需要在电脑上事先安装MATLAB 6.5软件。

1.1 ADVISOR 2002安装步骤1)安装或解压ADVISOR 2002的根目录文件。

单击光盘中提供的ADVISOR 2002安装文件advisor2002_install.exe,出现下图所示对话框;2)选择ADVISOR 2002目录文件的安装位置,单击【Extract】,出现下图所示对话框;3)单击【是(Y)】,创建ADVISOR 2002目录文件。

4)打开MATLAB软件;5)在MATLAB的菜单栏中单击【File】>>【Set path】,出现下图所示对话框;6)在MA TLAB的菜单栏中单击【File】>>【Set path】,出现下图所示对话框;7)单击【Add Folder】,在出现的下图对话框中,找到ADVISOR2002 的根目录文件,如C:ADVISOR2002;8)单击【确定】,则将ADVISOR 2002的目录文件添加到MA TLAB的工作路径中;9)单击Set Path 对话框中的【Save】,然后单击【Close】关闭对话框;10)在MA TLAB的命令窗口键入:advisor,即可打开ADCVISOR软件界面;11)完成。

2.ADVISOR 2002卸载方法ADVISOR2002 的卸载方法比较简单,直接将ADVISOR 2002目录文件删除即可。

3.兼容高版本MATLAB的ADVISOR 2002安装卸载方法兼容高版本MA TLAB的ADVISOR 2002的使用,需要光盘中的补丁文件ADVISOR2002patchforR13.m。

3.1 兼容高版本MATLAB的ADVISOR2002 安装步骤1)将补丁文件ADVISOR2002patchforR13.m,拷贝到ADVISOR2002的目录文件中,如C:ADVISOR2002;2)将MA TLAB的工作路径,修改为ADVISOR2002的目录文件所在路径;3)在MA TLAB的命令窗口键入:ADVISOR2002patchforR13.m,将会看到ADVISOR2002的底层模块不断的更新;4)更新完成后,在MA TLAB命令窗口键入:advisor,即可运行ADVISOR;,保改成“return”,则将第25行的“break”5)如果MATLAB提示出错,则找到出错的文件,一般是“get_cycle_info.m”存后,重新运行ADVISOR即可。





1)安装matlab,在matlab 工作路径(Current Directory)中输入advisor软件所在的位置:D:\S-software\advisor\Advisor2002;2)在matlab,命令输入窗口(command window)输入:advisor命令,然后回车运行软件,会出现以下界面,首先选择合适的单位、然后点击start开始运行软件;3)运行软件后会出现以下界面,界面中主要包括各部件名称(可以修改参数)、车辆的9种动力配置模式(Drivetrain Config)[包括:conventional(传统车辆)、ev(电池电动车辆)、series(并联混合动力) 、custom(自定义)等],参数设定好之后点击右下角的Continue 按钮运行软件;4)点击Continue按钮运行软件之后会出现以下界面,这个界面主要设置试验工况(Drive Cycle)——其中CYC-UDDS图形表示CYC-UDDS工况下速度与时间之间的关系,界面左边浅黄色图表中的数据表示CYC-UDDS工况下一些具体参数,选择好所需要的工况模型之后,设置试验目标(点击界面右边浅黄色按钮)5)点击界面右边浅黄色按钮之后会出现以下界面,可以设置加速时间、最高车速、在一定时间内可以运行的最长距离、在一定距离内所需要的最短时间、最大加速性能、最高车速等。




ADVISOR2002 help 第三章中文使用说明

ADVISOR2002 help 第三章中文使用说明

3.1 ADVISOR的文件结构3.1.1ADVISOR文件系统的数据流如上图所示。





3.1.2 文件位置ADVISOR根目录下(如 c:\ADVISOR 或 c:\Program Files\ADVISOR)有一些子目录;这些子目录下是含有相应文件的数据、图形用户界面和模型子目录。

3.1.3 文件命名规则模型和数据文件的命名都采用一个前缀加一下划线(’_’)且使用的前缀几乎和定义的变量使用的前缀是一样的。




同样在定义变量时以ess_开头;在模块图里则以<ess>作为标示;EX_*.M排放后处理文件(如催化剂等);FC_*.M燃料转换器数据文件;TX_*.M传动系数据文件,包括变速箱(gb)和主减速器(fd);GC_*.M发电机/控制器数据文件;MC_*.M电机/控制器数据文件;PTC_*.M 传动系控制数据文件。

在定义发动机控制、离合器控制和混合控制策略变量时以vc_和cs_开头;而在模块图中则分别以<vc>和<cs>标示;TC_*.M 扭矩合成装置数据文件;VEH_*.M 整车数据文件;WH_*.M车轮/车轴数据文件;除了上述部件数据文件外,还有另一种类型文件也用前缀定义:BD_*.M-----代表Simulink模块图(模型);所有带前缀文件名用大写字母,而变量名则全部采用小写字母,以免相互混淆。


ADVISOR2来自02 学习报告汇报人:韩祥
• 后向仿真一般被用于仿真初期的系统预估, 即对所需开发的电动汽车整车结构及相应 的控制策略进行初步的筛选与评估。 • 前向仿真则是在实车系统组装前,通过对 己基本确定的部件进行详细的设计和动态 模拟,在寻求和优化相匹配的整车控制策 略的原则指导下,适当改进相应部件的设 计参数,以达到使整车性能满足设计要求 的目的。
• ADVISOR可以用来仿真汽车的动力性能和经 济性能。
• 动力性能包括:加速性、最高车速、爬坡 性能 • 经济性能主要指标准工况的燃油经济性。 • 适用于汽车的种类:传统汽车、纯电动汽 车、混合动力汽车、燃料电池汽车 • 适用车型:前轮驱动型
• ASVISOR是提供一个仿真平台,为整车和部 件参数设计和研究提供便捷的方法。如: 设计参数的优化匹配,包括整车或部件参 数。 • 考查传统汽车自动变速器的换挡规律
• 开发用户定义的驱动型汽车的仿真,如后 驱式等。
• 打开Matlab,设置其工作目录。在命令行输 入:advisor,即可到启动界面,按Start按钮 进入主界面:整车参数输入界面。 • ADVISOR有三个界面:整车参数输入界面、 仿真参数输入界面、仿真运行结果界面。
• 以图形化来显示,把多变量在同一图形中 进行对比,对其各总成的能量消耗情况进 行显示,对各部件的效率历程显示出来等。 • 可用性验证:ADVISOR的仿真结果与实验结 果对比。
• 整车参数输入有两种方法:
• 对于表格参数如发动机的万有特性,必须 由其m文件进行修改并加载到ADVISOR中。



0.7 0.68 0.66 0.64 0.62
0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02
0 0
100 0
-100 -200
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 图 4 蓄电池 SOC 值随时间变化图 hc ca/10 nox pm
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 图 5 发动机排放图 tc_trq_out_a
混合动力汽车动力总成各部件特性、参数匹配及控制策略决 定了整车的动力性、燃油经济性、排放特性、制造成本及重量。以某 轿车为原型,设计一种并联式混合动力电动轿车。并联式混合动 力汽车动力总成进行参数选择和仿真计算,如图 1 所示。
2 参数匹配
设计车辆的行驶参数如下:满载总质量 ma= 1500kg,空气阻 力系数 CD=0.32,迎风面积 A=2.6m2,车轮滚动半径 rr=0.282m,传 *来稿日期:2009-09-16
动系机械效率 ηT=0.9,滚动阻力系数 f=0.018,轴距 L=2.4m,质心 高度 h=0.6m。

力ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
耦 合

图 1 并联式混合动力汽车动力系统结构图 基于 CYC-ECE-EUDC 循环工况进行选型的,如图 2 所示。
根据混合动力汽车(HEV)零部件种类、数量和连接关系可将 其动力系统分为三种基本结构类型:串联式、并联式和混联式。并 联式混合动力电动汽车可以采用发动机单独驱动,电力单独驱动 或者发动机和电机混合驱动三种工作模式驱动。故并联式混合动 力电动汽车更适合于市郊和城间及高速公路工况运行,国内外均 已研制开发出实际的样机或产品。



2002-ALM-HL USER MANUAL2002-ALM-HLCONFIGURABLEDUAL TRIP AMPLIFIERWhilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this document, we accept no responsibility for damage, injury, loss or expense resulting from errors or omissions, and reservethe right of amendment without notice.This document may not be reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of thecompany.AUG 20222002-ALM USER MANUALCONTENTS PAGEINTRODUCTION 3 1.0UNPACKING 42.03.0CONNECTIONS 5CONFIGURATION 6 TRIP4.05.0 INPUT RECONFIGURATION AND CALIBRATION 8POINTS 9 TRIPSETTING6.0INSTALLATION 10 7.0SPECIFICATIONS 12 8.02002-ALM-HL USER MANUAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1 The 2002-ALM-HL is a configurable trip amplifier capable of accepting a wide variety of electrical input types and providing two trip action relay outputs.Input signal, trip configuration and power supply information are required to define any unit exactly. This information, together with a unique serial number is printed on the side label of each unit; records of the exact configuration of every product shipped are maintained at the factory.Input Types And Ranges:1.1.1 2002-ALM-HLAccepts either DC voltage or current (i.e. high level) inputs.In general the limits on signals that can be handled with the accuracy specified in section 8 are:FULL SCALE INPUT MIN MAX MIN SPAN NOTESDC CURRENT 50µA 5A 50% FULL SCALE MAX VOLTAGE DROP =0.33VDC VOLTAGE 100mV 60V(using aDivider) 50% FULL SCALE 10K ohm ≤ R in ≤ 10MohmUse 2002-TC FORVin<100mVAll the standard process ranges such as 0-10mA, 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 1-5V and 0-10V are of course covered. Reconfigurable input optionThe user-reconfigurable inputs are as follows: 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA and 0-10mA. Other input ranges can be factory configured, please call with your requirements.1.2 Description of operationThe input stage of the 2002-ALM-HL produces an internal process signal of 0 - 10V DC corresponding tothe input span.The trip set point potentiometers produce set point signals of 0 - 10V DC corresponding to the input span. These signals can be measured between terminal 7 (-ve) and terminal 9 for Set point 1 and terminal 12 for Set point 2. This enables set points to be accurately set without the need for an input simulator. 0-10 V corresponds to 0-100% of the input range.Internal circuitry compares the process signal with each of the set point levels and changes the state of the output relays and indicator LEDs as the signal passes through the set point, the exact action being factory or user configurable (see section 4).A hysteresis band (typically 1% of span unless specifically requested) below each set point ensures chatter-free trip operation.2002-ALM USER MANUALA block schematic diagram of the 2002-ALM-HL is shown in Figure 1.2002-ALM-HLTrip AmplifierInput Isolation789I/V1234561110+-FIG. 1 - BLOCK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FOR THE 2002-ALM-HL TRIP AMPLIFIERRelay 1Relay 2Power Supply +-12Setpoint 1Setpoint 22.0 UNPACKINGPlease inspect the instrument carefully for signs of shipping damage. The unit is packaged to give maximum protection but we can not guarantee that undue mishandling will not have damaged the instrument. In the case of this unlikely event, please contact your supplier immediately and retain the packaging for our subsequent inspection.2002-ALM-HL USER MANUAL2.1Checking the Unit TypeEach unit has a unique serial number label on which full details of the configuration are given (see Figure 2 for example). These details should be checked to ensure conformance with your requirement.Figure 2 Input Connections123789RELAY mon2.Normally Closed3.Normally OpenRELAY mon 5.Normally Closed 6.Normally OpenRELAY 1RELAY 23.0 3.1 3.2 CONNECTIONSThis section details the instrument connection information. These details are also shown on the connections side label on each unit (see figure 2 above).Power SupplyThe power supply is connected into terminals 10 (negative) and 11 (positive). The supply voltage is indicated on the serial number label (Figure 2)APPLICATION OF VOLTAGES HIGHER THAN THAT STATED FOR THE SUPPLY MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE INSTRUMENT.Sensor ConnectionsAll sensor connections are made to terminals numbered 7 and 8 on the instrument. The inputs are connected as described below.3.2.1DC Voltage InputsThe signal should be connected between pins 7 (negative) and 8 (positive).3.2.2DC Current InputsThe signal should be connected between pins 7 (negative) and 8 (positive).4.0 TRIP CONFIGURATION2002-ALM USER MANUAL4.1 Standard (non latching) operationThe action of each trip can be simply described by considering the state of the relevant relay and LED indicator with process signal either side of the trip set point. The options for each trip are as follows:a)Relay energised for process signal above setpointLED on for process signal above set pointb)Relay energised for process signal above setpointLED off for process signal above set pointc)Relay energised for process signal below setpointLED on for process signal below set pointd)Relay energised for process signal below setpointLED off for process signal below set point4.1.2 Thus any combination of fail safe or non fail safe options can be catered for.Factory Pre-Configured UnitsWhere the unit is required for a preset trip configuration this can be requested at time of order and will be carried out free of charge at the factory. In this case the following convention, corresponding to option a to d above, is used for specifying operation:a)RLY x > SP x < LED xb)RLY x > SP x > LED x Where x = 1 for trip 1c)RLY x < SP x > LED x x = 2 for trip 2d)RLY x < SP x < LED xThis information will appear on the serial number side label on pre-configured units (figure 2). It is helpful if this convention is used by the customer when specifying units.4.1.3 DefaultConfigurationIn the event that pre-configuration information is not available, units will be shipped in defaultconfiguration as follows:RLY 1 > SP 1 < LED 1 (case a, section 4.1)RLY 2 < SP 2 > LED 2 (case c, section 4.1)4.1.4 CUser onfigurationIf it is necessary to change the trip action of the instrument the instrument must be removed from theplastic enclosure. This is achieved by gently pressing on both lugs on the side of the black plasticbox beneath the connection terminals, and withdrawing the circuit board from the enclosure.The units may then be configured by changing the switch settings with reference to the diagrams inFigure 3 (see Section 5)2002-ALM-HL USER MANUAL4.2Latching OperationLatching operation of relay 1 can be achieved by connecting link 1. Note that, where latching operation is specified, trip set point 2 is used to set the unlatch threshold such that Relay 2 is not independent. Latching operation is not possible with relay 2.With Link 1 fitted, Relay 1 can be set to energize when the process signal rises above or falls below trip set point 1, in the normal fashion. At the same time LED 1 can be set to be on above or below set point 1. Once relay 1 has become energized it will remain energi z ed so long as either the initial condition which caused the trip is sustained, or whilst relay 2 is de-energi z ed, or both. i.e., relay 1 can only be latched whilst relay 2 is de-energi z ed and can only be unlatched whilst relay 2 is energized . (Note that LED 1 denotes whether the process signal is above or below trip set point 1, not whether relay 1 is energized .)By way of example the latching mode of operation is likely to be used to maintain the process signal between an upper and a lower limit (for instance tank level control) as shown in Figure 4:SET POINT 2SET POINT 1PROCESS SIGNALENENONONRELAY 1RELAY 2LED 1LED 2}}HYSTERESISBANDHYSTERESISBANDFig. 4 - Timing Diagram - Latching Operation Of 2002-ALMTrip 1 is set to option d) (section 4.1) Trip 2 is set to option b) (section 4.1)Trip set point 1 is set to the lower allowable limit Trip set point 2 is set to the upper allowable limitWhen the process signal is below set point 1 relay 1 is energized (latched) and will remain energized until the signal reaches set point 2. At this point relay 1 is unlatched (by relay 2 energizing ). As the process signal reduces relay 2 de-energi z es. As the signal falls below set point 1 relay 1 is energized (latched) again and the cycle repeats.The LEDs can be used to indicate the status as follows:LED1LED2 STATUS OFF OFF Power Fail OFF ON At or below bottom unit ON OFF At or above top limit ON ON Within limits2002-ALM USER MANUAL5.0 5.1 INPUT RECONFIGURATION AND CALIBRATIONThe 2002-ALM-HL has a reconfigurable input. Reconfiguration can be carried out by changing the position of individual switches on the PCB and, for greatest accuracy, recalibrating the 0-10V internal process signal. 2002-ALM-HL Reconfiguration and Calibration(i)Referring to 2002-ALM-HL s witch setting diagram (figure 3), set switches 1 through 8 on switches S1,S2 and S3 as required(ii)Connect voltmeter between connector terminals 7 (-ve) and the Voltage Adjust point shown in Figure 3. iii)Connect a current or voltage source as appropriate to input terminals 7 (-ve) and 8 (+ve)(iv)Adjust Zero pot to give 0.00V on voltmeter at zero scale for 4-20mA range only - zero is automatic for other ranges(v)Adjust Span pot to give 10.00V on voltmeter at full scale(vi)Repeat (iv) and (v) as necessary.Figure 3 User-ConfigurationFor other input types / rangesp lease refer to the user manualTel: +44 (0) 1242 2517942002-ALM-HL USER MANUAL6.06.1e.g.SETTING TRIP POINTSThe trip points can be measured between connection terminal 7 and terminal 9 for Set point 1 and terminal 12 for Set point 2. The measured signal is a voltage between 0 and 10V corresponding to 0-100% of the input range of the unit.2002-ALM-HL Trip PointsSince the 0-10V process signal is linear for this device the trip point is equal to 100% of span multiplied by the set point voltage4-20m iA nputtrip at 16mA input = 75% of spantherefore trip set point = 7.50V2002-ALM USER MANUAL7.0INSTALLATIONFig. 5 - Installation Data & Terminal Positions For 2002-ALMInstallation DataMounting Orientation Connections Insulation StrippingWeightConductor Size Screw Terminal Torque DIN Rail T35Any (Vertical Preferred)Screw Clamp With Pressure Pla t 0.5mm - 4.0 mm 10mm0.4Nm Max.120g (approx.)Terminal No2002-ALM-HL 1 Relay 1 common 2 Relay 1 n/c 3 Relay 1 n/o 4 Relay 2 common 5 Relay 2 n/c 6 Relay 2 n/o7 Process input –ve Setpoint -ve 8 Process input +ve 9 Setpoint 1 +ve (0 – 10Vdc) 10 Power supply –ve 11 Power supply +ve 12Setpoint 2 +ve (0 – 10Vdc)2002-ALM-HL USER MANUALSensata Page 117.17.2 7.3 Installation onto RailsThe instrument is designed to mount directly onto the "Top hat" TS35 standard assembly rail to DIN46277 part 3/EN 50022/BS5584.Mounting ArrangementsIdeally the unit should be mounted in a vertical position, i.e. on a horizontal rail. This is the optimum orientation to minimize temperature rise within the unit. However successful operation is possible in any orientation.Ensure the maximum ambient temperature is less than 55°C. Good airflow around the unit will maximize reliability.Wiring PrecautionsThese units can accept a variety of sensor inputs, some of which produce very small voltages. Therefore it is advisable to adhere to the following rules of good installation practice: (i)Do not install close to switchgear, electromagnetic starters, connectors, power units or motors.(ii)Do not have power or control wiring in the same loom as sensor wires.(iii)Use screened cable for sensor wiring with the screen earthed at one end only.(iv)Take care not to allow cut pieces of wire to fall onto the unit as they might enter via the ventilation holes and cause electrical short circuits. If in doubt, remove the units from the rail until wiring is complete.(v)Use bootlace ferrules on all bare wires.IMPORTANT :The connection terminals are designed for a maximum torque of 0.4Nm. Exceeding this figure is unnecessary and will result in unwarrantable damage to the unit.2002-ALM USER MANUALPage 12 Sensata8.0SPECIFICATIONSAll specifications are at 20 °C operating ambient unless otherwise stated.8.1 Accuracy and Response8.1.1 2002-ALM-HLProcess signal linearity +/- 0.1% full scale Trip point accuracy +/- 0.25% range Hysteresis -1% full scale standard Process signal drift +/- 100ppm full scale/°C Trip point drift+/- 100ppm/°C Signal Response Time (90% of step change) 2ms typical Relay response time10ms typical8.2Power Supply Isolation and Operating AmbientOperating Voltage 24V DC or AC +/- 10% Current consumption * 45mA typical Input to power supply isolation1kV DC Input and power supply to relay contact isolation 2kV RMS AC Operating temperature range 0-55°C Storage temperature range-40 - 100°C Operating and storage humidity range 0 - 90% RH*Both relays energised8.3 EMCEMC BS EN61326LVDStandards EN61010-1。

FOX 2.0 Podium RC2 用户手册说明书

FOX 2.0 Podium RC2 用户手册说明书

2.5 PODIUM-XAFTERMARKET SHOCKOWNER’S MANUAL2.0 PODIUM-RC2 FACTORY SERIES OWNER’S MANUALCONTENTSCONGRATULATIONS (3)CONSUMER SAFETY (3)UNDERSTANDING THE 2.0 COIL-OVER. (4)INSTALLING YOUR SHOCKS (5)READING THE SPRING RATE (5)SETTING THE RIDE HEIGHT (5)ADJUSTING SPRING CROSSOVER (DUAL SPRING ONLY) (7)DUAL-SPEED COMPRESSION (DSC) ADJUST (OPTIONAL) (10)REBOUND ADJUST (OPTIONAL) (10)MAINT EN ANCE (11)REBUILD / SERVICE INTERVALS (12)WARRANTY (12)Reference print standards 604-00-300 rev ACONGRATULATIONSThank you for choosing FOX 2.0 Podium RC2 shock absorbers for your UTV. In doing so, you have chosen the finest suspension products in the world.FOX shocks have been designed, tested and manufactured in the USA for more than 35 years.As a consumer and supporter of FOX products, you need to be aware of the importance of setting up your shocks correctly to ensure maximum performance. This manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to set-up and maintain your shocks. It is a good idea to keep your proof of purchase with this manual and refer to it for service and warranty issues.This manual does not contain step-by-step shock rebuild instructions. Rebuilding should be carried out by an authorized FOX service technician.CONSUMER SAFETYWARNING: Driving a UTV can be dangerous and can result in death or serious injury.Take your responsibility for yourself and others seriously, and read the following safety tips: - Keep your vehicle and its suspension systems in optimal working condition.- Always wear protective clothing, eye protection and a helmet.- Know your limits and drive within them!The Fox 2.0 coil-over shock contains a high pressure nitrogen charge. The shock should only be opened by an authorized FOX technician.WARNING: Opening a nitrogen pressurized shock can be dangerous and can result in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. NEVER attempt to disassemble the damper of your 2.0 coil-over shock. Do not puncture or incinerate the shock absorber or damper portion. Always wear eye protection when installing or adjusting your shock absorber.UNDERSTANDING THE 2.0 COIL-OVER• Body§▪Large diameter 2.0 inch 6061-T6 smooth bore seamless aluminum body allows for greater damping force capability while allowing the shock to run at lower overalltemperatures.§▪Increased oil volume allows for reduced fade and increased durability.§▪Genuine Kashima Coating for less friction and reduced heat.• Spring Adjustmento Preload adjustmento Crossover ring adjustment• High-Speed Compression Adjuster (22 position)o The high-speed compression (HSC) adjuster mainly affects compression damping during medium-to-fast suspension movements such as steep jump faces, harsh flat landings andaggressive whoops. The goal is to run as little high-speed compression damping as possiblewithout bottoming.• Low-Speed Compression Adjuster (24 position)o The low-speed compression (LSC) adjuster primarily affects compression damping during slow suspension movements such as G-outs or smooth jump landings. It also affects wheeltraction and the harshness or plushness of the vehicle (note that low-speed has nothing todo with the speed of the vehicle). Choose an LSC setting that gives good body controlwithout causing excessive harshness or loss of traction.• Rebound damping Adjustment (22 position)o Rebound damping controls the rate at which the shock returns after it has beencompressed. The proper rebound setting is a personal preference and changes with riderweight, riding style and conditions.• PTFE-Lined, Heat-Treated, Alloy Steel Spherical Bearings• Hard-Chrome-Plated Alloy Steel Shaft• Bottom-Out Control Technology:o Bottom-out cup provides additional end-of-stroke compression damping for those really hard hits.§▪Offers up to 30 percent more damping at the final 25 percent of travel. Thisallows the shocks to be tuned to give improved small- bump compliance in theupper portion of the stroke while still maintaining the ability to absorb hugeimpacts effectively.APPLICATIONS Dunes / Race and TrailINSTALLING YOUR S HOCKSYour shock absorber should come supplied with the correct reducers pre-installed to mount the shock to your vehicle.WARNING: Contact FOX if these reducers do not fit correctly. Correct shock mounting is critical for correct operation and for your safety.READING THE SPRING RATEFOX 2.0 coil-over shocks only use quality, high stress race springs. The springs are a shot-peened, heat-treated chrome-silicon material, designed to give maximum travel and minimum weight. They are preset to ensure they don’t sag over time.TIP: The springs are typically labeled: XXXX-XXX-XXXXFor example: 1000-250-0225The first four digits indicate the spring free length: 1000 = 10.00 inchesThe middle three digits indicate the spring free internal diameter: 250 = 2.50 inchesThe last four digits indicate the spring rate: 0225 = 225 lb-inSETTING THE RIDE HEIGHTAll FOX 2.0 coil-over piggyback shocks feature adjustable spring preload. Your vehicle performance is sensitive to ride height variations.P/N 398-00-025-A Tooling: Spanner, Sm Preload WrenchP/N 398-00-393 Tooling: Spanner, Lg Preload WrenchUse a tape measure to measure the height of the lowest point on the chassis rail or skid plate in the front and the rear (as shown below).10 INCHES < RIDE HEIGHT < 12 INCHESVehicles with long-travel suspension typically ride higher than stock to maximize use of the available travel. The optimum vehicle ride height will be determined by exact vehicle configuration and usage. Individual vehicles can vary significantly in weight so it is important to check the ride height when you first install you shocks.FRONTThe FRONT should always be set ½ inch to 1 inch higher than the REAR EXAMPLE:RZR-S 12.25 inches-12.50 inchesREARDecrease spring preload to Decrease vehicle ride height.EXAMPLE RZR-S 11.75 inches-11.50 inchesWARNING: Do not add excessive amounts of preload into the coil spring. Doing so may result in coil-bind, which could lead to spring failure and potential injury or death. To check coil-bind, put several zip-ties around individual coils. If they break or show contact, there is excessive preload. If you are at maximum preload and need more ride height, contact FOX for a stiffer spring.ADJUSTING SPRING CROSSOVER (DUAL SPRING ONLY)The spring crossover point is an important tuning parameter. A softer initial spring rate offers improved traction and hook-up while a higher spring rate deep into travel helps to resist bottoming on jump landings. As a rough guideline, the spring crossover point should be as deep into travel as possible without experiencing excessive bottoming. The crossover point is defined as a percentage of the total shock travel. The factory setting for the spring crossover point is 55 percent. This means that a 5-inch travel shock would have the crossover point at 2.75 inches (5.0 inches x 0.55) into the shock travel.In order to calculate your spring crossover ring placement, you need to know four important pieces of information:1. Metal-to-metal shock travel in inches (measure before spring installation).2. Main spring rate (lb-in) - marked on spring (see Reading the Spring Rate).3. Tender spring rate (lb-in) - marked on spring (see Reading the Spring Rate).4. Desired crossover point (as a percentage).The shock travel is the exposed length of the shaft (including the bump stop) when the shock is fully extended. It may be easiest to measure before you install the shock.SHOCK TRAVELEXTERNAL SPACERSSome shocks use external spacers below the bump stop to limit not include the spacer length as part of the travel.The crossover point is a tunable parameter. it should be between 45and 65 percent.SETTING THE CROSSOVER POINT(shock has been removed from vehicle for display purposes only) note: always w ear eye protection when working with shock absorbers.STEP 1 Set spring preload as described on page 6.STEP 2 Once you have established the correct preload, jack up the UTV and place on a stand to keep the wheel off the ground. The shock should be fully extended.STEP 3 Use a hammer and flat blade screwdriver, to loosen the crossover rings. Always wear eye protection when working with shock absorber.STEP 4Determine the Spring Correction Factor using the following table:STEP 5 Use the following formula to calculate crossover ring placement:Crossover Ring Placement = Shaft Travel (in.) x Crossover Point x Spring Correction Factor EXAMPLE• A 5.2-inch travel shock with a 225 lb-in main spring and an 800 lb-in tender spring.• The crossover point is set at 55 percent.• From the table above, the spring correction factor is 0.220.• From the above formula, the crossover ring placement value is 5.2 x 0.55 x 0.220 = 0.629 inches. IN THE ABOVE EXAMPLE, 55 PERCENT IS WRITTEN AS 0.55..629”You may need a small, flexible ruler or measuring device to accurately determine the crossover ring location.useful way of measuring is to count the threads on theper inch). If you know the crossover ring location, multiplythe spring coupler and crossover ring. In the exampleChanging the spring preload, tender or main spring free-length or rate will mean that you need to reset the crossover ring placement.Adjust the crossover (as shown in the previous page) so that its distance from the spring coupler is equal to the crossover ring placement value calculated in Steptogether once complete with flat-bladed screwdriver and hammer.Remove the UTV from the stand.DUAL-SPEED COMPRESSION (DSC) ADJUST (OPTIONAL)The FOX DSC valve is an option on 2.0 coil-over shocks and gives the ability to externally adjust the damping. The DSC has about 24 clicks of low-speed adjustment and about 22 clicks of high-speed adjustment. The factory setting is 12 / 12. The performance of the shock at this setting is close to the performance of the non- adjustable shock and is a good all-around setting. The DSC valve gives the driver the ability to tune the shock for different terrain / personal preference on either side of this setting (softer or stiffer).LSC (LOW-SPEED COMPRESSION) ADJUSTMENTThe LSC is adjusted using a flat-blade screwdriver in the middle of the adjuster. More damping =stiffer = clockwiseLSC primarily affects the compression damping during slow suspension movements such as G-outs or smooth jump landings. It also affects wheel traction and the ride comfort of the vehicle.Choose a LSC setting that gives good body control (roll in corners, dive under braking, squat under acceleration, etc.) without causing excessive harshness or loss of traction.The graph below shows the typical range of adjustability for the LSC adjuster from full-firm to full-softwith the HSC adjuster held constant at 10 clicks out.HSC (HIGH-SPEED COMPRESSION) ADJUSTMENTThe HSC is adjusted using a 17 mm socket Moredamping = stiffer = clockwiseThe HSC adjuster affects the compression damping during medium-to-fast suspension movements such as steep jump faces, harsh flat landings and aggressive whoops. The goal is to run as little high-speed compression damping as possible without bottoming. The graph below shows the typical range of adjustability for the HSC adjuster from full-firm to full-soft with the LSC adjuster held constant at 10 clicks:LSC ADJUSTMENT RANGE HSC ADJUSTMENT RANGEFOX DSC VALVE PERFORMANCELow-Speed Adjuster dialed full soft to full firm Hi-Speed Adjuster held constant at 10 ClicksFOX DSC VALVE PERFORMANCE Low-Speed Adjuster held constant at 10 Clicks Hi-Speed Adjuster dialed full soft to full firmFOX DSC VALVE PERFORMANCE Low-Speed Adjuster dialed full soft to full firm Hi-Speed Adjuster held constant at 10 ClicksFOX DSC VALVE PERFORMANCEHi-Speed Adjuster dialed full soft to full firm Low-Speed Adjuster held constant at 10 ClicksREBOUND ADJUST (OPTIONAL)The optional rebound adjust feature on FOX 2.0 coil-over shocks gives the ability to externally adjust the shock rebound damping. Adjustments are made using a small flat- bladed screwdriver on the eyelet at the end of the shock shaft.For slower rebound, turn the screw clockwise.The rebound adjuster has about 22 clicks of adjustment. The factory setting is 12 clicks out. The performance of the shock at this setting is close to the performance of the non- adjustable shock and is a good all-around setting.The rebound damping affects how quickly the shock extends (rebounds). This adjustment affects both low- and high-speed rebound damping. It will affect how quickly the vehicle rolls / pitches under acceleration and braking and will also affect how quickly the wheels rebound when travelling through a series of large bumps. The optimum rebound setting is usually found with the minimum damping required to give acceptable chassis control. Excessive rebound damping will typically be felt as the suspension "packing." This can often be seen or felt as the vehicle travels through a series of similar-sized, successive bumps. It works well for the first two or three bumps and then bottoms hard on the third or fourth. This is because the wheels aren't rebounding quickly enough, and the wheels "pack" into compression.For tight, flat surfaces you may like to run more rebound damping for more chassis control. For high-speed open desert running, you may prefer to run less rebound dampening for maximum traction. MAINTENANCEPROPER INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE IS ESSENTIAL TO MAINTAIN THE APPEARANCE AND PERFORMANCE OF YOUR SHOCKS.To avoid corrosion, you should keep the shock and spring clean and free of dirt or water.It is important to keep the shock shaft clean and free of mud. The wiper seal will clean deposits from the shaft but the shock won’t necessarily fully compress every time. This means you could accumulate dirt at the bottom of the shaft and underneath the jounce bumper. Make sure you clean these areas completely to prevent shaft corrosion. Avoid using a high-pressure washer near the shaft seals or adjusters, as this could drive dirt inside the shock.Make sure the ends of the spring and shock threads are clean and free of dirt before adjusting the preload — ring this will make the adjustment easier and reduce wear.Ideally the shocks should be clean around the adjusters when changing the damping setting (if fitted). A small blast of contact cleaner or brake cleaner before making adjustments will keep these parts clean and operating smoothly for years.REBUILD / SERVICE INTERVALSJust like the oil in your car engine, the oil in your shock absorber breaks down over time and must be replaced. The service interval depends on how frequently and severely the vehicle is driven. For optimum performance racing applications the shocks may require rebuilding every 10-20 hours of use. In non-racing environments to keep your shocks performing at optimum performance we recommend at least every 100-200 hrs. of use.WARNING: Shock rebuilds take specialist knowledge and tools. It is essential that this is performed by an authorized FOX technician or service center.WARRANTYAll FOX products have a one-year warranty on defects in materials or workmanship. Please view thefull warranty terms and conditions at /ps-warranty or contact a representative at1.800.FOX.SHOX (1.800.369.7469).SERVICEContact FOX Service Center at 1.813.740.4619 or ***********************to receive a return authorization number before shipping shocks to one of the following service centers:FOX Powersports Service FOX Midwest Service Center130 Hangar Way 13461 Dogwood DriveWatsonville, CA 95076 Baxter, MN 56425。

ESS -2002EX操作_明_(中文)修改

ESS -2002EX操作_明_(中文)修改
6-2.DANGER 危险 禁止分解
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PEERS 2002-04

PEERS 2002-04
Topics: Accelerated Reader Reading Strategies: “Reading With Meaning” Everyday Math-Implementation (2 sites) MathBlack Swamp Scholars: Teacher Evaluation Connected Mathematics-MS MathematicsSIRI: Reading Comprehension - “Strategies That Work” SIRI: Reading Assessment - “Assessments for the Struggling Reader” MSW: Middle School Focus Team MSW: Technical Assistance Visit Focus Team MSW: Leadership Team Administrative Study Table (1 principal – Beth Runnion)
Topics: Project ALIGN: Reading Assessment and Standards-based StandardsLessons Black Swamp Scholars: Math and Science action research— research— Elementary Black Swamp Scholars: Math and Science action research— research— MS/HS Developing a District Wide Technology Plan
Lincolnview 02-03 021 Action Research/Study Table Group 1 Action Research/Study Table Group (Black Swamp) 14 Participants



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支付处理确认报文<cips.601.001.01> (47)5.3.1 报文功能 (47)5.3.2 报文序列图 (47)5.3.3 报文结构(pacs.002.001.05) (47)5.3.4 报文说明 (49)5.4 业务查询报文<cips.301.001.01> (49)5.4.1 报文功能 (49)5.4.2 报文序列图 (49)5.4.3 报文结构(camt.035.001.03) (52)5.4.4 报文说明 (54)5.5 业务查复报文<cips.302.001.01> (55)5.5.1 报文功能 (55)5.5.2 报文序列图 (55)5.5.3 报文结构(camt.036.001.03) (55)5.5.4 报文说明 (57)5.6 业务撤销申请报文<cips.303.001.01> (57)5.6.1 报文功能 (57)5.6.2 报文序列图 (58)5.6.3 报文结构(camt.008.001.05) (59)5.6.4 报文说明 (60)5.7 业务撤销应答报文<cips.304.001.01> (61)5.7.1 报文功能 (61)5.7.2 报文序列图 (61)5.7.3 报文结构(pacs.002.001.05) (61)5.7.4 报文说明 (63)5.8 业务状态查询申请报文<cips.305.001.01> (63)5.8.1 报文功能 (63)5.8.2 报文序列图 (63)5.8.3 报文结构(camt.005.001.05) (64)5.8.4 报文说明 (66)5.9 业务状态查询应答报文<cips.306.001.01> (67)5.9.1 报文功能 (67)5.9.2 报文序列图 (67)5.9.4 报文说明 (70)5.10 通用签名信息业务报文<cips.307.001.01> (70)5.10.1 报文功能 (70)5.10.2 报文序列图 (70)5.10.3 报文结构(camt.998.001.02) (72)5.10.4 报文说明 (73)5.11 通用签名信息业务应答报文<cips.308.001.01> (74)5.11.1 报文功能 (74)5.11.2 报文序列图 (74)5.11.3 报文结构(camt.998.001.02) (74)5.11.4 报文说明 (75)5.12 自由格式报文<cips.309.001.01> (75)5.12.1 报文功能 (75)5.12.2 报文序列图 (75)5.12.3 报文结构(camt.998.001.02) (80)5.12.4 报文说明 (81)5.13 通用处理确认报文<cips.900.001.01> (81)5.13.1 报文功能 (81)5.13.2 报文序列图 (82)5.13.3 报文结构(camt.025.001.03) (82)5.13.4 报文说明 (83)5.14 报文丢弃通知报文<cips.912.001.01> (83)5.14.1 报文功能 (83)5.14.2 报文序列图 (83)5.14.3 报文结构(camt.998.001.02) (84)5.14.4 报文说明 (85)5.15 HVPS金融机构发起汇兑业务报文 (85)5.15.1 报文功能 (85)5.15.2 报文序列图 (86)5.15.3 报文说明 (91)5.16 资金调减申请报文< cips.350.001.01> (91)5.16.1 报文功能 (91)5.16.2 报文序列图 (91)5.16.3 报文结构(camt.051.001.03) (96)5.16.4 报文说明 (97)5.17 资金调整通知报文<cips.352.001.01> (97)5.17.1 报文功能 (97)5.17.2 报文序列图 (97)5.17.3 报文结构图(camt.998.001.02) (98)5.17.4 报文说明 (100)5.18 排队调整申请报文<cips.353.001.01> (100)5.18.1 报文功能 (100)5.18.2 报文序列图 (100)5.18.4 报文说明 (103)5.19 账户余额预警额度设置申请报文<cips.354.001.01> (103)5.19.1 报文功能 (103)5.19.2 报文序列图 (103)5.19.3 报文结构图(camt.011.001.05) (104)5.19.4 报文说明 (105)5.20 余额告警通知报文<cips.355.001.01> (105)5.20.1 报文功能 (105)5.20.2 报文序列图 (105)5.20.3 报文结构(camt.010.001.05) (106)5.20.4 报文说明 (108)5.21 清算账户信息查询申请报文<cips.356.001.01> (108)5.21.1 报文功能 (108)5.21.2 报文序列图 (108)5.21.3 报文结构(camt.003.001.05) (109)5.21.4 报文说明 (110)5.22 清算账户信息查询应答报文<cips.357.001.01> (110)5.22.1 报文功能 (110)5.22.2 报文序列图 (110)5.22.3 报文结构(camt.004.001.05) (110)5.22.4 报文说明 (114)5.23 账户管理通知报文<cips.358.001.01> (114)5.23.1 报文功能 (114)5.23.2 报文序列图 (115)5.23.3 报文结构(camt.004.001.05) (116)5.23.4 报文说明 (118)5.24 资金调整核对报文< cips.701.001.01> (118)5.24.1 报文功能 (118)5.24.2 报文序列图 (118)5.24.3 报文结构(camt.052.001.04) (119)5.24.4 报文说明 (122)5.25 对账申请报文< cips.710.001.01> (123)5.25.1 报文功能 (123)5.25.2 报文序列图 (123)5.25.3 报文结构(camt.060.001.03) (124)5.25.4 报文说明 (126)5.26 跨境业务汇总核对报文< cips.711.001.01> (126)5.26.1 报文功能 (126)5.26.2 报文序列图 (126)5.26.3 报文结构(camt.052.001.04) (127)5.26.4 报文说明 (128)5.27 跨境业务明细核对申请报文< cips.712.001.01> (128)5.27.1 报文功能 (128)5.27.3 报文结构(camt.060.001.03) (130)5.27.4 报文说明 (132)5.28 跨境业务明细核对应答报文< cips.713.001.01> (132)5.28.1 报文功能 (132)5.28.2 报文序列图 (132)5.28.3 报文结构(camt.052.001.04) (132)5.28.4 报文说明 (134)5.29 原报文下载申请报文< cips.714.001.01> (134)5.29.1 报文功能 (134)5.29.2 报文序列图 (134)5.29.3 报文结构(camt.033.001.04) (134)5.29.4 报文说明 (136)5.30 原报文下载应答报文< cips.715.001.01> (137)5.30.1 报文功能 (137)5.30.2 报文序列图 (137)5.30.3 报文结构(camt.034.001.04) (137)5.30.4 报文说明 (139)5.31 系统状态变更通知< cips.801.001.01> (139)5.31.1 报文功能 (139)5.31.2 报文序列图 (140)5.31.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (140)5.31.4 报文说明 (142)5.32 计费清单报文< cips.611.001.01> (142)5.32.1 报文功能 (142)5.32.2 报文序列图 (142)5.32.3 报文结构(camt.086.001.01) (143)5.32.4 报文说明 (148)5.33 参与者信息变更通知报文< cips.901.001.01> (148)5.33.1 报文功能 (148)5.33.2 报文序列图 (148)5.33.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (149)5.33.4 报文说明 (152)5.34 业务权限变更通知报文< cips.902.001.01> (152)5.34.1 报文功能 (152)5.34.2 报文序列图 (152)5.34.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (153)5.34.4 报文说明 (154)5.35 登录/退出申请报文< cips.805.001.01> (155)5.35.1 报文功能 (155)5.35.2 报文序列图 (155)5.35.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (156)5.35.4 报文说明 (156)5.36 登录/退出应答报文< cips.806.001.01> (156)5.36.2 报文序列图 (157)5.36.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (157)5.36.4 报文说明 (158)5.37 强制离线通知报文< cips.807.001.01> (158)5.37.1 报文功能 (158)5.37.2 报文序列图 (158)5.37.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (159)5.37.4 报文说明 (160)5.38 参与者状态变更通知报文< cips.803.001.01> (160)5.38.1 报文功能 (160)5.38.2 报文序列图 (160)5.38.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (161)5.38.4 报文说明 (162)5.39 数字证书绑定通知报文< cips.903.001.01> (162)5.39.1 报文功能 (162)5.39.2 报文序列图 (163)5.39.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (164)5.39.4 报文说明 (165)5.40 数字证书下载申请报文< cips.914.001.01> (166)5.40.1 报文功能 (166)5.40.2 报文序列图 (166)5.40.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (167)5.40.4 报文说明 (168)5.41 系统参数变更通知报文< cips.904.001.01> (168)5.41.1 报文功能 (168)5.41.2 报文序列图 (169)5.41.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (169)5.41.4 报文说明 (171)5.42 间参所属直参变更通知报文< cips.906.001.01> (171)5.42.1 报文功能 (171)5.42.2 报文序列图 (171)5.42.3 报文结构(admi.998.001.02) (172)5.42.4 报文说明 (173)6 支付报文传输平台报文 (174)6.1 通信级确认报文<ccms.990.002.01> (174)6.1.1 报文功能 (174)6.1.2 报文序列图 (174)6.1.3 报文结构 (174)6.1.4 报文说明 (175)6.2 探测请求报文<ccms.991.002.01> (175)6.2.1 报文功能 (175)6.2.2 报文序列图 (176)6.2.3 报文结构 (176)6.2.4 报文说明 (178)6.3 探测回应报文<ccms.992.002.01> (178)6.3.1 报文功能 (178)6.3.2 报文序列图 (178)6.3.3 报文结构 (178)6.3.4 报文说明 (179)7 附录 (180)7.1 参与者发起报文与系统状态对照表 (180)7.2 处理码及处理描述 (181)7.2.1 处理码编码规则 (181)7.2.2 处理码一览表 (183)1引言1.1背景近年来,随着跨境人民币业务各项政策相继出台,人民币跨境业务范围不断扩大,业务量已初具规模,对支付结算标准化服务的要求日益提高。

安捷伦 Lab Advisor 用户手册

安捷伦 Lab Advisor 用户手册

Agilent Lab Advisor 用户手册Agilent Technologies声明© 安捷伦科技有限公司, 2016-2018根据美国和国际版权法,未经 Agilent Technologies, Inc. 事先同意和书面许 可,不得以任何形式、任何方式(包括 存储为电子版、修改或翻译成外文)复 制本手册的任何部分。

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对于因提供、使用或执行本手册或此处包含的任何信息而产生的错误,或造成的偶然或必然的损失,Agilent 不承担任何责任。

如果 Agilent 与用户签订了单独的书面协议,其中涉及本文档内容的担保条款与这些条款冲突,则以协议中的担保条款为准。

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Agilent 根据FAR12.211(技术数据)和 12.212(计算机软件)和 (对于国防部)DFARS252.227-7015 (技术数据 -商品)以及DFARS 227.7202-3(商业计算机软件或计算机软件文档中的权利)来提供软件和技术数据方面的此常规商业许可。







特点:采用MATLAB/simulink语言1.2.ADVISOR如何用安装好软件后,通过在MATLAB中设置ADVISOR路径,即在MATLAB 工作目录中设置:AdvisorPath,在MATLAB命令行输入advisor,通过MATLAB 打开软件。






(1)出现图2所示界面后,在Drivertrain Config (红色框线部分)下拉选项中选择动力传动系统结构,选择EV(即选择纯电动结构)。


行为零部件名称(如黄色框线标记),列为version,type,和对应的参数M 文件(version&type 的区别:version 是针对零部件的分类;type 是针对version 的分类)。



表1变量名称前缀代表的文件类型ACC_*.M 附件负载文件CYC_*.M 驱动循环文件。



ADVISOR2002基础到高级引导教程(原创)By Scofision From NJUST第一部分:软件安装及使用ADVISOR是基于matlab/simulink开发的先进电动汽车软件,主要功能是用于分析,而不是设计,从我对其help的阅读了解,ADVISOR需要且最好安装在matlab6.1上,当然matlab6.5+需要安装补丁(补丁由mathworks提供的),当然还有网传的matlab在更高版本上运行,可信度不高(后面分析,还有弊端),并有人以此为牟利,我和另一个朋友ID:继续潜水,不提倡网上朋友花钱购买那个,而继续潜水也根据他的研究,提供了一种方法可以在高版本上运行,但对于有二次开发需求的朋友,高版本上二次开发貌似还有缺陷,需要继续研究。

上面这个是advisor2002的安装程序包,它其实是一个压缩包类型的文件,Extract T o指,文件展开(安装到)Drivers那个驱动器上。















一般情况下只需要拷贝yxhj目录下面的codelist.ini、indexlist.ini、curr.dat、excurr.dat 和rawtick.dat,就可以补充数据。







clean_oldfile (自带的,需chmod) 将二代扩展行情中不用的一代老数据清除掉不同之处:1.扩展行情主站的版本号为V2.00以上2.运营性使用的二代扩展行情(DTS/dshost)主站必须要得到授权3.二代主站的codelist.ini文件在yxhj目录下4.二代主站的code2name.ini放在tdxbase目录下,并可以通过下载实现自动更新升级时注意点:1.一定请将dshost安装在/tdx/dshost目录下2.二代扩展行情用的历史数据与一代扩展行情主站是一样的,但yxhj不一样3.从一代扩展升级到二代扩展dshost,请killall原来的老程序,使用./clean_oldfile 清除二代行情主站中不再使用的一代数据。



通过这个界面 , 可以输入汽车的 各种参数以对汽车进行定义。界面 左侧为汽车相关图像信息, 右侧为 相关操作区域, 图像信息的显示随 着用户操作的不同会有相应变化。 图中界面左上方为汽车的结构示意 图 , 标识了汽车的整个动力传动系 统结构和能量的传递方向 , 单击图 中的每个汽车部件都会弹出一个对 话框 , 通过它可以读取已经存储的 部件数据 , 也可查看或编辑相应的 m文件;左下方为发动机或传动系统 的某个总成的性能曲线 , 可以根据 自己的需要通过下拉菜单选择要显 示的其中一种曲线 , 图中所示即为 发动机在不同转速和转矩下消耗的 能量曲线。最后 , 用户可以将定义 好的汽车文件进行保存 , 以便以后 仿真时可直接调用。
在此期间,作者只是初步认识了软件 ADVISOR 的使用方法,在此后还要更好的去学习研究!进而 在ADVISOR的基础上进行二次开发,充分利用其中 现有的大部分模型,仅对少数不符合使用要求的模 型进行改造或者重新建模,为我国汽车企业设计电 动汽车提供技术支持的产品。
veh_glider_mass = 1126kg % vehicle width = 1480mm % vehicle height = 1480mm(源文件为英尺,需要转换为英尺。一英寸=2.54厘米)
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

最大行驶速度为120km/h平均速度为32.1km/h,最大加速度为1.05m/s2,最大 减速度为-1.39m/s2
由所给条件需要修改VEH_、MC_、ESS_三个M文件。 VEH_文件修改如下:(在源文件VEH_EV1定义上做相应修改)
veh_glider_mass = 1126kg % vehicle width = 1480mm % vehicle height = 1480mm(源文件为英尺,需要转换为英尺。一英寸=2.54厘米)
% veh_wheelbase=260mm
通过实例介绍ADVISOR的使用过程 实验:基于Advisor的纯电动汽车动力性能仿真 一、仿真模型的建立 1.蓄电池的仿真模型建立
通过这个界面可以选择试验 方案和设定仿真初始条件。 界面右侧上方可以设置仿真 条件, 如道路循环、时间阶 跃、循环次数、 初始条件 等,道路坡度、 是否交互仿 真以及是否进行加速度测试 和爬坡能力测试为可选项 , 用户可以根据需要进行选择 ;右侧下方可以对最多3个部 件参数进行灵敏度分析 , 有 助于研究这些参数对汽车性 能的影响 , 为汽车的设计提 供参考。界面左侧为道路循 环相关信息 , 左侧上方为所 选道路循化的轨迹曲线。
通过这个界面 , 可以输入汽车的 各种参数以对汽车进行定义。界面 左侧为汽车相关图像信息, 右侧为 相关操作区域, 图像信息的显示随 着用户操作的不同会有相应变化。 图中界面左上方为汽车的结构示意 图 , 标识了汽车的整个动力传动系 统结构和能量的传递方向 , 单击图 中的每个汽车部件都会弹出一个对 话框 , 通过它可以读取已经存储的 部件数据 , 也可查看或编辑相应的 m文件;左下方为发动机或传动系统 的某个总成的性能曲线 , 可以根据 自己的需要通过下拉菜单选择要显 示的其中一种曲线 , 图中所示即为 发动机在不同转速和转矩下消耗的 能量曲线。最后 , 用户可以将定义 好的汽车文件进行保存 , 以便以后 仿真时可直接调用。
在此期间,我只是初步认识了软件 ADVISOR 的 使用方法,在此后还要更好的去学习研究!进而在 ADVISOR的基础上进行二次开发,充分利用其中现 有的大部分模型,仅对少数不符合使用要求的模型 进行改造或者重新建模,为我国汽车企业设计电动 汽车提供技术支持的产品。
ADVISOR2002 (高级车辆仿真器)应用指南
王群 2009.8
ADVISOR(Advanced Vehicle Simulator, 高级车辆仿真器) 是由美国可再生能源实验室 NREL(National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 在 MATLAB和 SIMULINK 软件环境下开 发的高级车辆仿真软件。该软件从 1994 年 11 月份开始开发 和使用, 最初是用来帮助美国能源部 DOE (Department of Energy)开发某混合动力汽车的动力系统, 随后功能逐渐扩展, 目前最新的正式版本 ADVISOR2002 可以对传统汽车、纯电 动汽车和混合动力汽车的各种性能作快速分析, 是世界上能 在网站上免费下载和用户数量最多的汽车仿真软件。由于该 软件通过大量的实践被证实具有较好的实用性, 现在世界上 许多生产企业、研究机构和高校都在使用该软件做汽车仿真 方面的研究。
通过实例介绍ADVISOR的使用过程 二、整车动力性能仿真
当前评价整车性能的循环工况主要有ECE-EUDC,UDDS和HWFET,我国 主要以ECE-EUDC循环工况为主。循环周期为1225s,行驶距离为10.93km,