研究生 国际交流英语 视听说 3 听力原文
国科大研究生听说教程听力原文 Unit 3

UNIT 35Tell MeAsking for and Giving InformationIntroductionYou live in a world of information. Every day you ask people something you don’t know and tell them something you know. So if you want to exchange information, you have to learnhow to ask and answer questions.A conversation often depends on questions to keep it going in a direction you want it to 5go. In most casual, friendly conversations between people of equal status, all participantsgenerally do similar amounts of asking and answering. In some situations, however, betweenhigher-status and lower-status people, such as a job interview, the higher-status speakerusually controls the direction of the conversation by asking most of the questions. Varioustechniques may be necessary to get different kinds of information from different people. Most 0people are very polite when they ask strangers about something. If you’re too direct, you mayappear to be rude. In any case, personal questions have to be expressed very politely. Thereare many opening gambits to start a conversation but you must appropriately use eachexpression and they are not all used in the same way.5Part One Listening InDavid: Hi, Kim!Kim: Oh hi, David!David: Uh listen, I was wondering if you could help me. Do you happen to know where 0there’s a good place to buy art supplies?Kim: I’m not really sure. Hey, let me think for a minute. Oh yeah, there’s that new place, Mixed Media—you know, it’s down on Main Street?David: Mm, I don’t know that store—exactly where on Main Street?Kim: Well, you know where the new vegetarian restaurant is—it’s right up the block.5David: Oh yes, I know where you mean now.Kim: Hey, I hope you don’t mind my asking, but are you taking up painting?David: (laughs) Are you kidding? I can’t paint! I’m just asking for my sister’s son. He’s really into it.Kim: Ah...oh, I see. Hey, are you still doing your photography? You’re really good at that.David: Yeah, that’s the one thing I really enjoy.Kim: Hey listen. This may sound like a dumb question, but can you get any good pictures on an automatic?David: No, no, no, now that’s a very interesting question. Automatics are OK, except forspecial effects, or stop action.5Kim: Oh, and it... listen, there’s something else I was wondering about—like, should you do all your own developing?David: Oh no! You don’t have to develop your own. You can get good prints if you send them out.Kim: No kidding! Could you tell me something more about it—like, if I was going to set up a 0darkroom, what would I really be using it for—what kind of equipment would I need?David: Oh well, you’d need your enlarger, and... and chemicals, but actually developing is only cheaper when you’re doing a lot of enlargements.Kim: Oh, I see. Can I ask if you’re making any money at it?David: (laughs) I’m making enough, and... well, it’s tax time, so that’s something I’d rather 5not talk about.Kim: (laughs) I really understand. Well, I got to be getting along now, so, so long!David: Bye!Part Two Better ListeningSection AKim: Have you seen the file on policy number H-124326?5George: No, I haven’t. Have you asked John for it? He’s been working on the H series since Monday.Kim: I’ve asked him. He hasn’t used it. I’ve been looking for that file all morning.George: Have you asked Anne?Kim: Yes, I’ve asked her too. George, have you been filing things again this week? I told you 0to leave the files alone.George: Well, yes, I have.Kim: Let me see what you’ve done.George: I’ve rearranged the files, see? I’ve moved these files to the top drawer, and I’ve put these in the bottom drawer.5Kim: No wonder I haven’t been able to find anything! You’ve messed up everything! It’s going to take me a month of Sundays to get it straightened out again.George: Oh, come on! I understand what I’ve done. It’s simple. I’ve put files we use all the time on the top. The files we don’t use as often come next, and the ones we never useare at the bottom.Kim: George, have you ever learned the alphabet?George: Sure.Kim: Why don’t you just follow the alphabet then, so the rest of us can understand what you’ve done?55Section BTell Me a Little About YourselfA: So, tell me a little about yourself.B: Gee—uh... I don’t know where to begin. What do you want to know?A: Well... Are you originally from around here?B: No, I’m originally from Chicago. I was born there and grew up there and went to school there. I moved here after I graduated from college. How about you?A: Me?B: Yes. Where are you from?5A: I was born right here in Los Angeles and lived here until I finished high school. Then I lived in Denver for several years and moved back here just a year ago.B: I see. How about your family?A: My family?B: Yes. Do you have any brothers or sisters?A: Uh-huh. I have a brother and two sisters. They all live in San Diego. How about you?B: I have a sister. She lives in Cleveland.A: By the way, what do you do?B: I’m a journalist. And you?A: I’m a dentist.5B: A dentist? That’s interesting.Part Four Comprehensive PracticeSection AR: Hello, Clarkson College. May I help you?S: Yes. I’m looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester.5R: Do you want a day or evening course?S: Well, it would have to be an evening course, since I work during the day.R: Uh-huh. Have you taken any courses in data processing?S: No.R: Oh, well, data processing is a prerequisite course. You have to take that course before you 0can take computer programming.S: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it’s not on Thursdays.R: Well... there’s a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven.S: Just once a week?R: Yes, but that’s almost three hours—from seven to nine forty-five p.m.5S: Oh. Well, that’s all right. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last?5R: Mm… let me see...twelve weeks. You start the first week in September and finish... oh...just before Christmas. December twenty-first.S: And how much is the course?R: That’s three hundred dollars, and that includes the necessary computer time.S: Uh-huh. Ok. Uh...where do I register?R: Registration is on the second and third of September between six and nine p.m. inFrost Auditorium.S: Is that the round building behind the parking lot?R: Yes, that’s the one.S: Oh, I know how to get there. Uh, is there anything that I should bring with me?5R: No. Just your checkbook.S: Well, thank you so much.R: You’re welcome. Bye.S: Bye-bye.Section BFranco: Hey, Maria!Maria: Franco! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where’ve you been?Franco: In Florida. I just got back a couple of days ago. Hey, it’s great to see you. You look terrific. I like your hair that way.5Maria: Thanks. You’re looking good yourself.Franco: Are you going this way? I’ll walk with you. Here, let me carry those books for you.So what’ve you been up to? Are you still studying English?Maria: No, not this semester. I don’t have time.Franco: How about the people from our class? Do you ever see any of them?Maria: Yeah, I see Tomiko a lot. And Tony writes once in a while.Franco: Oh, yeah? How is he?Maria: He’s fine. He’s running his family’s restaurant now.Franco: That’s terrific. I bet he’s good at it. What about the others? What ever happened to that tall African woman who looked like a model?5Maria: Oh, you mean Jeannette Kaba?Franco: Yeah. Is she still around?Maria: I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since the course was over. She and her husband were talking about going back to the Ivory Coast, though?Franco: Gee, it’s great to see you.Maria: It’s nice to see you too. So what are you going to do now? Are you going to register at NYU again?Franco: No. I’m going to stay in New York for a little while and then I’m going back to Italy.。

VLS B3 Uint 3II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Chinese students are too shy to say anything in class.M: I think they don’t speak because their culture values modesty, and they don’t want to appear to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius.Q: Why d on’t Chinese students say anything in classroom according to the man?2.ScriptW: The government is doing something at last about sex discrimination in the workplace.Women deserve the same pay as men for the same work.M:Yeah. In the United States, women earn only 70 percent of what men do for the same job.It’s a situation that has to be changed.Q: What does the man say about women?3. ScriptW:I admire Michael Dell. He had a dream to be the world’s largest manufacturer of personal computers, and he has realized that dream.M: And he dropped out of university to become a success. I wonder if there is a lesson in that.Q: What do we learn about Dell from the conversation?4. ScriptM: Successful entrepreneurs are often self-made people who have a vision and know where they are going.W: But do they enjoy life like you and me, or is money their only concern?Q: What are the two speakers’ attitudes toward successful entrepreneurs?5. ScriptW: Do you agree that equal opportunity for all in an educational system is important? M: Yes, but we have to recognize that all of us are not of equal ability.Q: What does the man imply?Keys: 1.C 2.A 3. D 4.B 5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Competition in AmericaScriptAlan: What are you reading, Eliza?Eliza: An article on American competition.Alan: Competition is everywhere and constant. Why so much fuss about it, Miss Knowledge? Eliza:Don’t make fun of me. According to the author, competition is especially important in American life. They’re taught to compete from early childhood. When children play games, they learn how to beat others.Alan: And many girls want to look more attractive than the girls sitting next to them in class. Do you think that way?Eliza:Don’t be silly. Let’s get back to the point. When children are growing up, they compete with one another in their studies.Alan: Isn’t that also true of students in other nations? As we all know, many Asian students kill for a high test score and grab every opportunity to sharpen their competitive edge over others.Eliza:American boys find great pleasure in competing with each other in sports, according to the author.Alan: I do like sports. When our football team beats the other team, I feel great. Makes me want to shout out loud. But isn’t that normal t hroughout the world?Eliza: American people also compete with each other at work and at climbing the social ladder.Alan: But there’s competition in other countries as well.Eliza: You’re right in a sense, but the author says the idea of competing is more deeply rooted in the minds of Americans. They’re even taught that if you lose and don’t feel hurt, there must be something wrong with you.Alan: I hear that some Asians put emphasis on cooperation. Which approach do you think makes more sense?Eliza: It’s hard to say. Anyway, there’s no accounting for different cultures.1.What is the dialog mainly about?2.What is the woman doing?3.What do children learn from playing games according to the woman?4.What does the man say about students’ studies?5.What does the woman say when asked which makes more sense, competition or cooperation? Keys: 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.DTask 2: Americans’ Work EthicScriptFor four hundred years or more, one thing has been a characteristic of Americans. It is called their “work ethic”. Its (S1) roots were in the teaching of the Christian Puritans who first settled in (S2) what is now the northeastern state of Massachusetts. They believed that it was their (S3)moral duty to work at every task to please God by their (S4) diligence, honesty, attention to details, skill, and attitude. To these Puritans, it was a (S5) sin to be lazy or to do less than your best in any task. They and later Americans tried to follow the Bible’s (S6) teachings, “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”Therefore, Americans have for (S7) centuries believed that they were guilty of sin if they did not work as carefully and hard as they could when they did anything. God would punish those who were careless or lazy in their work. (S8) Even as children they were taught,“If it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing well.”But some people have gone beyond the usual sense of diligence. They are especially attracted to the notion of “climbing the ladder” so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth. (S9) In English a new word has been created to describe people who work compulsivelly. The word “workaholic” describes an individual who is as addicted to work as an alcoholic is to alcohol.There are conflicting points of view about workaholics. Those concerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally. (S10) Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive. The American culture values achievement, efficiency, and production, and a workaholic upholds these values.Task 3: Cross-cultural tips on doing businessScriptCountries from around the globe, such as Germany, the U.S., the U.K., and Russia, conduct a lot of business in China-the biggest market in the world. Here are some tips to help you deal more successfully with people from those nations.Firstly, you must be punctual with the Germans. Being even five minutes late makes a poor impression. Being punctual is also very important with the Americans and the British. But while it's important to be on time for business meetings, nobody expects you to be punctual for a social event. Half past seven really means a quarter to eight, or even eight o'clock! With Russians, always be on time, but don't be surprised if your Russian contract is very late! It is not unusual for them to be one or even two hours late!In the business environments of those four countries, it is best to wear formal clothes of dark colors. In Russia, designer clothes are rather common. However, don't be surprised if you go to an office in the U.K. on a Friday and find everyone wearing jeans. Many companies in the U.K. have "dress down Fridays", when people wear casual attire.In conversation, the British and the Americans love humor and talking about sports. The weather is also a good topic of conversation with the British, but you should avoid political talk. With the Russians, say positive things about their country, and avoid making complaints. The Germans, however, prefer to get straight down to business!Remember that with the Germans, once a deal has been agreed upon, you can't change it! With the Americans money is more important than relationships, whereas with the Russians it's important to get to know your contacts well. Also, don't be surprised if a British meeting seems like chaos, with everyone participating and giving opinions!Remember these tips and you will be on your way to a successful international business career!Key1 What is true of the Americans and the British in terms of punctuality?D) They are punctual for business meetings, but less so for social events.2. In which country do people have “dress down Fridays"?A) The U.K.3. What can you infer about the Russians from their conversation?D) They are patriotic.4. How can you do business well with the Russians?A) You should know your contacts well.5. What is the speaker's attitude toward the four nationalities?C) He is neutral to all of them.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Americans glorify individualism.Susan: John, I was looking for you. Where have you been hiding all morning?John: Well, I caught Professor Brown’s lecture on American individualism.Susan: Oh, how did you find it?John: Enlightening. Americans glorify individualism. They believe individual interests rank above everything else.Susan: Sounds interesting. It’s a sharp contrast to the oriental collectivism Professor Wang talked about last semester.John: But you should know that the individualism in the United States is not necessarily an equivalent for selfishness.Susan: Then what does it mean in the States?John: They believe all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals, so they emphasize individual initiative and independence.Susan: There could be something in that. Of course in oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anything else.John: So, it’s all the more necessary for foreigners to understand American culture, or they can’t hope to understand the importance of pri vacy in the West.. Susan:Maybe that’s the reason nuclear families outnumber extended families in the United States.John: Right on! You’re catching on fast!Susan: Now let me ask you a question.John: Shoot. Go ahead.Susan: Why do Americans cherish individualism more than oriental people?John: I don’t know. Anyway, Professor Brown didn’t say.Susan: One reason might be that American children stop sleeping with their parents at an early age. They learn independence early, so it’s deeply rooted.John: Wow, that’s an intelligent guess!MODEL2What do you think are the reasons for that difference? ScriptSusan: Do you find that people in America often walk faster than people in China?Americans always seem to be in a hurry.John: It’s hard t o come to a definite conclusion. Some Americans walk in a leisurely way, and some Chinese hurry all the time. But on the whole, I think you’re right. Susan:What do you think are the reasons for that difference?John: Americans treasure time. For them, time is tangible. It’s a thing. “Time is money.” You can “spend time”, “waste time”, “save time”. You can even “kill time”!Susan:Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle?John:Sure. If you’re 20 minutes late for a business appointment, the other person or persons will be annoyed. They may not trust you anymore.Susan: But as far as I know, English-speaking people may be 15-30 minutes late for a dinner party.John: That’s true. For an informal occasion like that, punctuality is not so i mportant.Also, a boss may keep his employees waiting for a long time.Susan:But if his secretary is late, she’s in trouble. She will probably receive a reprimand.John: How true!Susan: The American workship of time probably led them to create fast foods.John: I agree. And globalization shrinks the differences between cultures. Now people everywhere are rushing, and anywhere you go, you find Kentucky Fried Chicken. Susan: But plenty of Chinese are still making appointments saying, “If I am late, w ait for me.”John: But with more intercultural communication, I think the gap will eventually be bridged, and Chinese will be hurrying everywhere.MODEL3That’s the secret of their success.ScriptChris: Hey Sue, how’s the math class going? Are you h ead of the class?Susan:Are you kidding? There’s a bunch of foreign students in the class---from China somewhere---and they are on top.Chris: Why do you think so many Chinese students excel in math? It’s been my observation that the Chinese students are usually the best.Susan:In class they don’t say much, but they definitely get the best marks.Chris: I think part of it is their work ethic. They never skip class, and they pay attention.Susan:One Chinese student in my class did homework each night until the early hours.He never took a break, watched TV, or went out for a beer.Chris:That’s the secret of their success: hard work and diligence.Susan:It’s so unfair. I could probably do better if I worked harder, but that’s no fun. I think learning should be more fun.Chris:Someone with a knowledge of chess would find a chess tournament fascinating. But if you don’t have the knowledge, then you won’t understand the significance of the moves, and you’ll be bored.Susan:So what you’re saying is knowledge requires hard work, and knowledge makes things interesting.I am not against knowledge; I just want to learn it in an interesting way. What’s more, “Allwork and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”V. Let’s TalkScriptThe International Slavery Museum has opened at Albert Dock, in Liverpool. Many people traveled from all over the world to celebrate the opening on 23rd of August.The museum is a place of reflection, contemplation and education.It tells the story of the cruel acts of the transatlantic slave trade, the stories of the lives of the millions of African people, who were forced from their homelands onto ships that sailed to unknown lands where they were made to work on farms and in mines in harsh conditions without dignity or payment.Liverpool is one of the many British seaports that became very rich from money made transporting goods such as cotton and sugar, produced by African slaves.One of the most important parts of the museum's exhibits are the stories of the lives of people who live all over the world today, whose family history can be traced to the Africans whose lives were changed forever by the transatlantic slave trade.It has taken four years of hard work and planning to organise the creation of the museum, and its opening year is a very significant date because in 2007 we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.This was a law made in 1807; it banned all British people from taking part in the slave trade. Later in 1833 all people who had been forced into slavery to work for British companies were freed.Keyl. It tells the story of the cruel acts of the (l)transatlantic slave trade, the stories of the lives of the millions of African people, who were forced from their homelands onto ships that sailed to (2)unknown lands where they were made to work on farms and in mines in harsh conditions without (3)dignity or payment.2. Liverpool is one of the many British seaports that became very (l)rich from money made transporting goods such as (2)cotton and sugar, produced by African slaves.3. One of the most important parts of the museum's exhibits are the stories of the lives of people who live (l)all over the world today, whose (2)family history can be traced to the Africans whose lives were (3) changed forever by the transatlantic slave trade.4. Because 2007 marks the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.5. A law was made in 1807; it (l)banned all British people from (2)taking part in the slave trade. In 1833 all people who had been forced into (3)slavery to work for British companies were (4)freed.VI.Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: PunctualityT o Americans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other people’s time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology, and maybe an explanation. People who are running late often call ahead to let others know of the delay.Of course, the less formal the situation, the less important it is to be exactly on tome. At informal get-togethers, for example, people often arrive as much as 30 minutes past the appointed time. But they usually don’t try that at work.American lifestyles show how much people respect the time of others. When people plan an event, they often set the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it takes almost an emergency to chance it. If people want to come to your house for a friendly visit, they will usually call first to make sure it is convenient. Only very close friends will just “drop in” unannoun ced. Also, people hesitate to call others late at night for fear they might be in bed. The time may vary, but most folks think twice about calling after 10:00 p.m.To outsiders, Americans seem tied to the clock. People in some Eastern cultures value relati onships more than schedules. In these societies, people don’t try to control time, but to experience it. Many Eastern cultures, for example, view time as a cycle. The rhythm of nature---from the passing of seasons to the monthly cycle of the moon---shapes their view of events. If they have wasted some time or let an opportunity pass by, they are not very worried, knowing that more time and opportunities will come in the next cycle. But Americans often want to jump at the first opportunity. They are unwilling to stand by idly and give up the opportunity.The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed that view of time like this: “Do you love life? Then do now waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of.”1.According to the passage, when people are late in America, what do they do?2.According to the passage, what do Americans do after the time for an appointment isfixed?3.How do people in some Eastern countries view relationships and schedules?4.According to the passage, why aren’t some Eastern people w orried if they let anopportunity pass by?5. What was Benjamin Franklin’s view of time?Keys: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.DTask 2: Our Personal SpacesScriptOur personal space, that piece of the universe we occupy and call our own, is contained within an invisible boundary surrounding our body. As the owners of this area, we usually decide who may enter and who may not. When our space is invaded, we react in a variety of ways. We back up and retreat, stand our ground as our hands become moist from nervousness, or sometimes even react violently. Our response shows not only our unique personality, but also our cultural background.For example, cultures that stress individualism such as England, the United States, Germany, and Australia generally demand more space than collective cultures do, and tend to become aggressive when their space is invaded. This idea of space is quite different from the one found in the Mexican and Arab cultures. In Mexico, the physical distance between people when engaged in conversation is closer than what is usual north of the border. And for middle easterner, typical Arab conversations are at close range. Closeness cannot be avoided.As is the case with most of our behavior, our use of space is directly linked to the value system of our culture. In some Asian cultures, for example, employees do not stand near their bosses; the extended distance demonstrates respect. Extra interpersonal distance is also part of the cultural experience of the people of Scotland and Sweden, for whom it reflects privacy. And in Germany, private space is sacred.Keys: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FTask 3: We don’t know what to do with them.ScriptA Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman, and an American lawyer were passengers on a fast train speeding across the French countryside. As time wore on, the men gradually became friendly with one another, introducing themselves and shaking hands. Eventually, the Russian took out a large bottle of vodka and poured each of his traveling companions a drink. Just as the American businessman was sipping the vodka and praising its fine quality, the Russian hurled the half-full bottle out of the open window.“What did you do that for?” asked the startled American businessman.“Vodka is plentiful in my country,” said the Russian, “In fact, we have thousands and thousands of liters of it---far more than we need.”The American businessman shook his head and leaned back in his seat, obviously baffled by the Russian’s reasoning.A little later, the young Cuban passed around a box of fine Havana cigars. The men enjoyed this treat and made admiring remarks about the pleasures of smoking good Havana cigars. At that very moment the Cuban took a couple of puffs of his cigar and then tossed it out of the open window.“I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year,” the American businessman said. “Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling.”“Cigars,” the Cuban replied, “are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than we know what t o do with.”The American businessman sat in silence for a moment. Then he got up, grbbed the lawyer, and threw him out of the window.Key:1.The Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the open window.2.He answered, "Vodka is plentiful in my country. In fact, we have thousands and thousandsof liters of it-far more than we need."3.The businessman said, "I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year. Yet you threwthat perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling."4.He replied, "Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than we know whatto do with."5.The American businessman sat in silence for a moment. Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer,and threw him out of the window. He did that probably because he thought there were too many lawyers in the United States.希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!Viewing and SpeakingKey1)disappearing 2) kicking 3) tea shop 4) image crisis 5) update 6)compete 7)fast 8)product designers 9) contacts 10)similar 11)want 12)challenge 13) consumer 14) traditional(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)授课:XXX。

研究生视听说听力材料Unit 1 Famous PeopleAs the owner of a small business selling software I find it hard to recruit good people in today‘s tight labor market and having got people on board, there is an equally, if not more difficult task of keeping them happy.Staff turnover is a real problem. Twoyears ago our staff turnover at Epmus plc was out of control. We were consistentlylosing staff across the spectrumfrom clerical workers to senior managers, Butour real worry was the skilled technical people who were leaving us. They comprised a bulk of our work force so we brought in a group of consultants to help usfigure out why they were leaving. It wasn‘t too difficult to see what had gone wrong. Getting new recruits to deal with clients without any specialist training wasn‘t a good idea. We were putting our staff in an unfair position, especially when they had to reach sales targets. Nor was the system of evaluating employee performance only once a year a good idea. It meant we won ' t pick up potential problems early enough. So having conducted our assessment we established a formal plan to retain the people who had worked so hard to recruit and hire. We laid out specific steps for communicating with ourstaff. Firstly, every year we close down the company and invite our entire staff to an off-site meeting. We talk shop and it gives us a chance to reinforce what the company vision is. It is after all essential that everyone is aware of where we are goingand what we have to achieve. Then to build on this ground work, the session managers send e-mail messages every 3 months to describe any modifications there have been to that division, as the process took hold we noticed that doing this quarterly wasn‘t adequate. As a result i now havea meeting once a week with the managers whoare directly responsible to me to review and revise their department goals. However, in my view, communicating the plan of where the company is headed is something let medown on a continual basis ever amid the often chaotic day-to-day undertakings of our fast-growing company. I think that this jogs to the memory or to be incorporated into every CEOs usual interaction with their staff. Our staff turnover ratehas fallen to just over 30 percent this yearwhich we were very pleased with. And thesteps we took might prove useful to other entrepreneurs. There are key things that need to be done. For example, set up meetings every 3 months or so with your most important personnel and use these occasions to provide feedback, and talk about any problems the staff may have. In addition, make sure new recruits are put through a proper 2-week training period and spend time with a mentor who has been formally delegated to look after them and answer their questions.Also when looking to retain staff, don‘t just focus on compensation. Bear in mind that when it comes to keeping people you need to show publicity that you value their contribution. There are also other methods of rewarding staff who stay with you, such as stock options and in the long term our goal is for all employees to be receiving these.Unit 2 Growing PainsYouth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of deep springs of life.Youth means temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. Thisoften exists in a man of 60 more than in a boy of 20. Nobody grows older merely by the number of years. We grow older by deserting our ideals.Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turn the spirit back to dust.Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being‘s heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what‘s next, and the joy of the game of living.In the cente r of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the infinite, so long are you young.When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20; but as long as the aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope that you may die young at 80.Unit 3 Sports and GamesPlay is very important for humans from birth to death. Play is not meant to be just for children. It is a form of freedom and connection that can tap into your creativity, and can allow you the chance to find your inner child and the inner child of others.I have collected the top five benefits of play here.Play can stimulate you to think differently. It can go against all the rules, and change the same old boring way of doing things. Walt Disney was devoted to play, and his willingness to oppose the common wisdom changed the world of entertainment. The next time you are stuck in a fixed and boring way of life, pull out a box of color pencils, modeling clay, glue and scissors, and invite your inner child out and break free. You will be amazed at the way your thinking shifts the new world of discovery.Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What do you think the world would be like-if every human spent time each day in play? I bet just asking you this question has brought a smile to your face. Play creates laughter, joy, entertainment, and a feeling of inner peace. Starting today, try to get 30 minutes each day to engage in some form of play, and watch your joy factor rise!Play is known to reduce stress. Studies show that, as humans, play is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and basic to human existence.With regular play, our problem-solving and adaptive abilities will be in much better shape to handle this complex world, and we are much more likely to choose healthy answers to challenging situations as they arise. It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress and add a feeling of relaxation to our daily living.Play can stimulate the imagination, curiosity (18), and creativity. Research shows that play is both a ?hands-on' and ?minds-on' learning process. It produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning to life through story making, and playing out various possible situations.Unit 4 Culture and Corporate CultureSome of the best American companies today have turned themselves upside down. They‘ve found the old top-down pyramid style management chart doesn‘t work. So they‘ve flipped the pyramid over, giving employees more say in what goes on. And it works, as evidenced in improved sales and earnings.Interested in inverting the pyramid in your operation? Here are some tips:Challenge employees to come up with their own better ways to do their jobs, You may be surprised at how valuable some of their suggestions are.Seek out ideas from everyone, not just those who have a direct involvement with the job,Sometimes good ideas come from unlikely resources.Treat employees with honesty and respect. Don‘t dictate to them if they are not going to have their ideas enacted. Explain the reasons that underline a decision or policy.Spread authority around. If the largest part of the pyramid is to be at the top, the top people should have authority.At one auto plant any worker who sees a problem can shut down the whole assembly line until the problem is solved. By giving employees more control over their work environment and more involvement in running their jobs, you tap into a valuable source of ideas and productivity—and that pays off for everyone.Unit 5 Science and TechnologyRight Reverend Lord HARRIES(Member, House of Lords; Former Bishop, Oxford for the Church of England): Now you ask, what is the relationship between scientific theory and Christianfaith? The simplest way of thinking is to say, well, they're really answering different questions.Science is trying to address the question, how do things happen. And in answer to that, you get the theory of evolution. Things happened over millions and millions of years by a very gradual process through natural causes.PALCA: But Harries says if you ask why did things happen, then you get a completely different answer. It's the why of life that belongs in the spiritual domain. Harries says the problems some religions have with Darwin and evolution come from aliteral interpretation of the Bible. And he says, while the Bible contains profound truths, it's not word for word true.Right Rev. Lord HARRIES: First of all, take the issue of the age of the Earth. I mean, do people really think that the universe is only 4,000 years old where every science - chemistry, paleontology, physics, astronomy- every single science points with huge amounts of evidence to the Earth being billions of years old and the universe being even more billions of years old.So you just have to ask people, what do they make - do they think that the vast majority of scientists in every scientific discipline on Earth are liars?PALCA: In the beginning - in other words, in 1859 when "On the Origin of Species" was published, the church was uncomfortable with Darwin's theories. But clearly, that position has changed.So much so that recently, a spokesman for the Church of England wrote an article saying the church might owe Darwin an apology for its initial resistance to evolution. The Rev. Dr. Malcolm Brown says some people misread his comments to say the church was, in fact, apologizing.Reverend Dr. MALCOLM BROWN(Director of Mission and Public Affairs, Church of England): I suggested than an apology might be owed, which is a slightly different thing. I don't have the authority to make it.My point was that by raising doubts about Darwin at the beginning, by getting our first reaction wrong, even though as the Church of England, we pretty quickly got OK with Darwin, we legitimized,to some extent, later movements, particularly in the States in the early 20th century, to raise creationism as an ideology and make Darwina whipping boy.Unit 6 LiteratureThere are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today is based on the assumption that drama evolved from ritual. The argument for this view goes as follows. In the beginning, human beings viewed the natural forces of the world –even the seasonal changes as unpredictable, and they sought through various means tocontrol these unknown and feared power. Those measures which appeared to bring the desired results were then retained and repeated until they hardened into fixed rituals. As time passed some rituals were explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites. As time passed some rituals were abandoned, but the stories, later called myths, persisted and provided material for art and drama.Those who believe that drama evolved out of ritual also argue that those rites contained the seed of theater because music, dance, masks, and customers were almost used. Furthermore, a suitable site had to be provided for performances and when the entire community did not participate, a clear division was usually made between the ― acting area ‖ and the ― auditorium ‖. In addition, there were performers, and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leader usually assumed that task, wearing masks and costumes often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mimed the desired effect –success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun –as an actor might. Eventually such dramatic representations were separated from religious activities.Another theory traces the theater ' s origin from the humaninterest instorytelling. According to this view tales ( about the hunt , war, or other feats ) aregradually elaborated at first through the use of impersonation, action, anddialogue by a narrator and then through the assumption of each of the roles by adifferent person. A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations if animal movements and sounds.。

VLS B3 Unit 1II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet? Are you taking French writing again? M: Yes I am, but it’s compulsory for us next semester. So I think I’m gong to do marketing as an elective instead.Q: Which class will the man choose as his elective?2.ScriptM:Did you go to that businesses lecture on Friday? I missed it and need to copy your notes. W: I’d say you could borrow my notes, but Sarah’s got them. Be careful not to miss Professor Brown’s seminar; he takes attendance in that.Q: What is the woman telling the man?3. ScriptW: Wow, Steven! In the library! What brings you here?M: I’m enjoying the view. All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for an exam on Monday.Q: Why is the man in the library?4. ScriptW: How’s your group doing with this statistics presentation? Mine’s terrible.M: Yeah, mine too. David and Mike are OK, but Steven doesn’t pull his weight and Suzie’s never around. I don’t see how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realize that this is their last chance.Q: What is the true of Steven and Suzie?5. ScriptW: You took an MBA at Harvard Business School, didn’t you? What’s it like?M: It’s expensive, about . $ 40,000 a year, plus the costs of food and housing. But the teaching is first class. The professors have a lot of practical experience. They use the case system of teaching; that is, you study how actual businesses grew or failed. Q: Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class, according to the conversation?Keys:III. Listening InTask1: On the First DayScript(Voice-over: Harison meets Jenny before the first class.)Harrison: I'm Harrison. Good to meet you.Jenny: Good to meet you. I'm Jenny.Harrison: So, you've bought the books for this biology class.Jenny: Yeah. I think everyone had to before class started. 'Harrison: No. Usually no one does much on the first day because it's still add-drop.Jenny: What's that?Harrison: Changing from class to class to find out which is best.Jenny: Have you had this teacher before? I've heard he is really good.Harrison: He's good if you're a hard worker. He expects a lot.Jenny: Oh, I guess that's good. I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. Maybe I need your help after class.Harrison: You're welcome.(Voice-over: Jenny catches up with Harison after the first class.)Jenny: Harrison, wait up!Harrison: So what do you think of the professor's lecture?Jenny: I think about half of what he said went over my head.Harrison: Don't worry. A lot of what he said is explained in the reading.Jenny: Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over?Harrison: No problem. We don't have class until Wednesday. Here you go.Jenny: Thanks. I just want to make sure I'm prepared for the seminar.Harrison: Yeah. Participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.Key(1)the first day (2)changing (3) really good (4) hard workers (5) went over her head(6) explained (7)notes (8)Wednesday (9) participation (10) educationTask 2: How to select elective courses?ScriptConsider these tips on elective courses and you'll choose those that will serve you best.To begin with, you should select the courses that fit your profession. It is a good idea to choose elective courses closely related to your chosen profession. Potential employers will appreciate every bit of extra training and knowledge that they don't have to give you. For example, you may select elective courses in chemistry, biology or even physics if you are doing a science major. For business majors, select electives in accounting, business administration, and even computing, as you'll never know when these will come in handy in the corporate world.Moreover, you can choose an education that includes many fields of study. If you are taking a heavy load of career-related courses, you may prefer electives that are not directly related to your major. If you receive a well-rounded education, some employers believe that you have better potential. For example, if you have courses in science along with your business degree, you could possibly win a job over someone who majored purely in business with no outside electives.Finally, you can also select a challenging elective course. Part of getting an education is learning how to learn, and elective courses should help you achieve this goal. You need not to memorize all the information from each class, but you should get a better understanding of the world. So, pick elective courses that challenge your belief system and make you look at the world in a different way. For instance, you can consider a philosophy elective if you have been told that you are a little narrow-minded.Key(1) extra training (2) chemistry(3) accounting (4) many fields of study(5) better potential (6) business degree(7) challenging (8) how to learn(9) better understanding (10) narrow-mindedTask3: How to Get Straight A’sScriptIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers.First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation.Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the final examination.Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.”Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A’s, the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author’s message”.1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting to study?2.What did the runner do to score high on the exam?3.What is the good thing all top students agree on?4.What does the speaker mean by “an active reader”?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Key: 1B . DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Y ou’re just going to have study hardNora: Only our first day back at school, and already I feel like I’ve learned a lot. Chris: Only our first day back at school, and I already feel like I’m up to my ears in homework.Nora: You’re going to have to hit the books if you want to keep your grades up. Chris: Tell me about it! I already have two reports, two books reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research project—all due before midterms.Nora: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit would rub off onyou.Chris: Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me.Nora: Forget it! That would be cheating.Chris: All right, all right. I have yet to write a term paper. Can you recommend any articles and books? You’d better find me the exact pages where I can find what I want. Nora: You could borrow ideas from references, but if you quote without giving the sources, you’re plagiarizing.Chris: The quiz next week will be a headache. If you don’t help me, I’ll have to prepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test.Nora: Oh, no! If you’re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. Probably, you will have to repeat the year.Chris: All right, I’ll take your advice. The library is going to be my new home, and in the dorm I’ll be burning the midnight oil.MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?ScriptChris: First period is math with Mr. Woods. I don’t know how am I going to stay awake? Nora: I like Mr. Wood. He’s interesting.Chris: He’s boring! He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game! Who do you have for economics?Nora: Mrs. Jenkins. She’s smart. Students really learn a lot from her.Chris: She’s tough! You have to work hard in her class, or you’ll probably fail. Nora:No pain, no gain.Chris: Nonsense, You could have learned even more with Mr. Sharp. But not many students opt for his class.Nora: What’s wrong with him?Chris: Often, the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+, and he usually fails half of the students.Nora: No wonder he’s got the nickname Mr. Shark. Well, how about PE? What are you doing this semester?Chris: That’s the worst part. In PE, we’re learning t’ai chi. I’m bored to death. Nora: Ha-ha! Not to rub salt into the wound, but our class is playing your favorite sport: basketball.Chris: Oh…that figures! This is going to be a terrible semester.Nora: This is going to be a great semester!MODEL3 Publish or perishScriptChris: Tell us, Professor Grant, What are your primary duties as a professor? Professor Grant: Well,I do a lot of research and writing.It’s rough being an associate professor. It’s publish or perish.Chris: So you spent a lot of time in your office?Professor Grant: Yes, but I also have to prepare class motes, give lectures, hold office hours. Teaching is an important part of being a professor.Chris: With all those responsibilities, you must make a lot of money.Professor Grant: I wish. Actually, I spend a lot of tome applying foe grants to fund my research. Then I can offer assistantships and scholarships to the worthygraduate.Chris: I see why they call you “the boss”. But being a professor sounds pretty competitive.Professor Grant: Actually, I think you were in one of my classes…Chris: Um….I think you’re mistaken, Professor Grant!Professor Grant: No, I remember very clearly now! You owe me an essay!Chris: Sorry, I have too much work to do for the Student Union Newsletter, andI have to work two jobs to pay for school.Professor Grant:So you get an F in this course.V. Let’s TalkInterviewee: It's a really difficult balance to strike, actually maintaining the (1)quality but making sure as many (2)young people as possible and older people as well-there's been a surge inthe number of over 25s applying, and we take many people who are over (3)25. But we've gotto get that balance right. It's going to be terribly (4)difficult for us next year. Hostess: Given the cuts that the (5)government announced a couple of weeks ago, and the numbers that we know in terms of applications, where are you going to draw that line? Are you goingto have to look at cutting intake in order to maintain the (6)quality of the courses? Intewiewee: We're trying not to (7)cut intake at the moment. But what it means is we're going to have to be (8)extra-cautious in the number of offers we make, because we simply cannot (9) affordto go over our quota of the number of places that we can offer. Because if we do, it meansthat we could be fined, or we just simply haven't got enough money to make sure the students'(10)experience is right. So it means that maybe last year we would allow a few (11) morepeople to have an offer. This year is going to be tougher.Hostess: Do you lay some of the (12)blame for the situation at the door of the government?Interviewee: If you look to France, Sarkozy is actually increasing the (13)budget for highereducation. Obama in the . has done the same thing. So we're just slightly (14)puzzled asto why the government seems to- be cutting back on higher education rather than pumpingmore money into what we think is a (15)service that is absolutely vital for the economy. VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1:ScriptHi, everybody. My topic today is “Problems with Our Educational System”.There are a lot of things in our educational system that I don’t agree with. It seems that educators just want to give standardized tests, which focus only on academic performance but neglect students’ abilities and interests in other areas. I think there’re a lot of people who are very intelligent, but haven’t had the opportunities they could’ve had,had they been educated in a broader-minded educational systems. I feel that a lot of courses that students are focused to take in high school are too academic, and, as a result, many kids lost their interest in learning.Educators have failed to recognize various kinds of intelligence. They often exert a lot of pressure on students to be as well-rounded as possible. I think being well-rounded isn’t really possible. And as a consequence some students who are believed to be intelligentcan’t get into good colleges if they, for example, haven’t scored well on the math section, even if they ate brilliant writers.Another thing that disturbs me is that the so-called “weak students”are separated from the rest of the school. Some kids are kept in a separate class id their grades are lower then others. And they’ve very aware of their social position, you know. I think it causes them to act in a way that is not really positive. They’re just acting in a way that they are expected to act. Often their grades go from bad to worse. And that’s pretty sad to me. I think that many of the kids in those classed are intelligent, but never actually realize their potential because of the way they are treated very early on in their education.Key(1) standardized tests (2) abilities and interest (3) interest (4) pressure(5)well-rounded (6) get into good colleges (7) the rest of the school (8) from bad to worseTask 2: The Final ExamScriptAt a university, there were four sophomores taking a chemistry course. They were doing so well on all the quizzes, midterms, labs, that each had “A” so far for the semester. These four friends were so confident that on the weekend before finals, they decided to go up to the University of Virginia and party with some friends there. They had a great time, but after all the hearty partying, they slept all day Sunday and didn’t make it back to school until early Monday morning.Rather than taking the final then, they decided to find their professor after the final exam and explain to him why they missed it. They explained that they had planned to come back in time for the final exam, but, unfortunately, they had a flat tire on the way back, didn’t have a spare, and couldn’t get help for a long time. As a result, they missed the final.The professor thought it over and then agreed they could make up the final the following day. The guys were relieved and elated. The next day, the professor placed them in separate room, hand each of them a test booklet, and told them to begin.They took at the first problem, worth five points. It was a simple question on a chemical reaction. “Cool,” they thought at the same time, each one in his separate room, “This is going to be easy.” Each finished the problem and then turned the page.On the second page was a question worth 95 points: “Which of the tires was flat?”Task 3 Harvard UniversityScriptHarvard University is the oldest institute of highest learning in her United States. Founded 16years after the arrival of the Pilgrim at Plymouth, the university has grown from 9 students with a single master to the present enrollment of more than 18,000students, including undergraduates and students in 10 graduate and professor schools. Over14, 000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculties. Harvard has produces six presidents of the United States and 34 Noel winners.During its early years, Harvard offered a classic academic course based on the model of English universities, but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy. Although many of its graduates became ministers in Puritan church throughout New England, the university never formally affiliated with a specific religious group.Under President Pusey (1953-1971), Harvard started what was then the largest fund-raising campaign in the history of American higher education. It was an million dollar program for the university. The program increased faculty salaries, broadened student aid, created new professorships, and expanded Harvard’s physical facilities.Neil L. Rudenstine took office as Harvard’s 26th president in 1001. As part of an overall effort to achieve greater coordination among the university’s school and faculties, Rudenstine encouraged academic planning and identified some of Harvard’s main intellectual priorities. He also stressed the important of the university’s excellence in undergraduate education, the significance of keeping Harvard’s doors open to students from families of different economic backgrounds, the task of as aping the research university to an era of both rapid information growth and serious fund shortage.1.What is main idea of the passage?2.How many teachers did Harvard have at the very beginning?3.What was the relationship between Harvard University and religion during its earlyyears?4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an achievement of President Pusey’sfund-raising program?5.What did President Rudenstine do?Keys:Viewing and speakingScriptHost: Well, David Lammy, the University Minister, joins me from Westminster. Now thanks for joining us this lunchtime, Mr. Lammy. How do these cuts_ tie in with your much trumpeted commitment to increasing higher education? Interviewee: Well, I think it's important to remind viewers that we will spend well over12 billion pounds on higher education this year and to also say that there will bemore students at university next year than ever before in our history. But what is important is that when they get to university, is that they have good facilities, good buildings, that they have good contact with their lecturers and, for students from poorer backgrounds that they receive a grant. And you know 40 percent of students who are going to university are in receipt of some grants. So we have to plan. . . Host: But there's going to be less money next year. That's the bottom line, isn't it? Interviewee: Er, we are asking universities to make a one percent cut in their teaching grant. That's 51 million out of a total budget of over five billion. Look, I think there are families across the country preparing for Christmas spending a bit less and they're, you know, it's a lot more than one percent that they're, they're feeling.So I think this is reasonable to ask universities if we are to ensure that we can continue to send more young people to university and we remain committed to that. Host: And briefly, what about these two-year degrees? This is a reduction in standards, isn't it?Interviewee: Well, we, we, we. . . It's important in this country that we remember thatstudents aren't just the classic 18- to 21-year-old undergraduates. We want mature students. We want more part-time students and over the last few years we've been growing the number of foundation degree, two-year degrees that ensure that transition into high university and high level skills. That's what we want to support and that's what we're indicating in the grant letter that we've sent to universities over the last few days.Host: OK. David Lammy, thank you so much for joining us.Interviewee: Thank you.Key(1) increasing (2) 12 (3) more (4) facilities(5) lecturers (6) poorer (7) grant (8) one(9)budget (10) less (11) young (12) classic(13) part-time (14) growing。

Unit 1Amy:Good morning, Talia.Talia :Oh, hi. Good morning.Amy:You know, you're working too hard.Talia :I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I don't think he knows it.Amy:Is that a new hairstyle? It's very ... unique.Talia :Very funny. I had to work late last night. I' m tired, I ' m in a bad mood, and I don't care about my hair.Amy:That's probably why you're not a reporter yet.Talia:You think so?Amy:No, I'm just kidding...Talia :You may be right.Amy:Maybe Tony will take you more seriously after you finish the journalism class.Talia :Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. It's tomorrow. What's the homework?Amy:Compare two news stories on the same topic.Talia :That's easy enough to do. Sounds interesting,too. I guess I'll do it after work.Amy:You work too hard.Unit 3Woman’s voice on tape: We’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nick’s voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman’s voice on tape: That’s right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick’s voice on tape: Well, I can really use the money. You’ve got yourself a deal.Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.Tony: How’s it going?Talia: I can’t tell. I hope our expert will be able to figure it out.Tony: Me, too, when will we have the results?Talia: He’s going to call me back this afternoon.Tony: Good.Talia: You know, I’ve been a researcher here for three years. I’ve investigated other scandals. But something he re doesn’t seem right.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: It just doesn’t make sense. Nick Crawford loves soccer. Why would he do something to hurt his career?Tony: That’s a good question. How well do you know Nick Crawford? Is he a friend of yours? Talia: No, not really. I just knew him in college. We had English together for two semesters. Tony: Oh, that’s it?Talia: Well, I got to know him a little. I know that he moved here from England about 10 years ago.I know that he’s smart. And I know that he’s always dreamed of being a great soccer star.Tony: Mm-hmm.Talia: So, why would he risk ruining his career?Unit 4Nick: I know you, don’t I?Talia: Yes. I’m Talia, Talia Santos.Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!Talia: After all these year s, I’m surprised you remember me.Nick: How could I forget you?? We were in an English literature class together, weren’t we? Talia: Tha’s right, the Shakespeare class.Nick: Right, Dr. Custer’s class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work har d.Talia: Oh, gosh, don’t remind me.Nick: We studied together for the final, didn’t we?Talia: Yes, that’s right. As I recall, you did really well on it.Nick: That’s right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.Talia: Very cute.Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?Talia: Not exactly. I’m a researcher now… with Newsline.Nick: Oh, I see. Well, news people aren’t my favourite people right now. I heard there’s a nasty story coming out about me. Something about me throwing a game?Talia: That’s why I’m here.Nick: Too bad. Well, maybe we can meet again sometime, under different circumstances.Unit 5Talia:OK, let’s get this straight. You’re one of the country’s best soccer players…Nick:Well, I have to admit —t hat's true. Of course, some people think that’s not such a great achievement.Talia:Now, for some reason, you sat out one of the biggest games of the year.Nick:Not just for some reason. I sat out because I had a sprained(扭伤)ankle. I could hardly walk, I certainly couldn’t play.Talia:But your coach can’t verify this.Nick:Of course not. You can’t see a sprain on an X-ray.Talia: You can’t?Nick: No.Talia: I see…Nick: You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth. I sat out the first round qual ifying match because I had a sprained ankle.Talia: And not because you took a bribe.Nick: A bride? How can anybody believe such a ridiculous thing?Talia: Then can you explain the tape?Nick: What tape?Talia: Listen to this.Woman’s voice on tape: We’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nick’s voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman’s voice on tape: That’s right. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick’s voice on tape: Well, I can really use the money. You’ve got you rself a deal.Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.Unit 7Talia:There you are! Nick, are you gonna stop lying to me?Tony:Hello, Talia. And how are you? Would you like to have a seat?Talia:No. Actually I prefer to stand.Tony:OK, whatever So now what’s going on?Talia:This! Fifty thousand dollars appeared in your bank account just before the qualifying match. Fifty thousand dollars!Tony:So?Talia:So? So that’s exactly the amount of money they say you accepted fo r throwing that game. Tony:It’s also the exact amou nt of money I got for endorsing a new line of athletic shoes.Talia:Oh, really?Tony:Yes, really. They’re going to be called Kicks. They’re coming out next year. “Kicks:They’re cooler than your old shoes.More comfortable, too.And they’re less expensive than they look. Come and get your Kicks!”Talia:Stop! I get it. Now, what was I saying? Oh, yes. Can I call your agent? I wanna confirm this “endorsement deal”.Tony:Except,I didn’t use an agent. No agent?Talia:What a surprise!Unit 8Talia: Hello. I’m here to see Jackie Baker.Receptionist:Hmmm. I don’t think… I know who you want. Jack Baxter. He’s on the third floor, 301.Talia: No. I’m here to see Jackie Baker, Ms. Jackie Baker.Receptionist:No, definitely not. There's no one here by that name.Talia: This is the Gower Building? 119 Gower Street?Receptionist:Yes. But like I said, there’s no Jackie Baker here.Well, maybe she’s no longer here. Maybe she used to work here.Receptionist:I don’t think so. I’ve been here for ten years. Ten years too long, I might add.… Someone named Jacob Banker used to work here. Funny, he was an architect, not a banker. Anyway, he was on the 2nd floor. Are you sure you’re not looking for Jacob Banker?Talia: No. No. The name is Jackie Baker. She’s a VP at Kicks Shoes.Receptionist: Now I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Kicks Shoes? Hold on a second. I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of Kicks Shoes and they’re not in our directory. Are you sure you’re in the right place?Talia: No. I’m not sure where I am. In fact, I’m not sure about anything anymore.Unit 9Nick : Jackie Baker, pleaseReceptionist: Oh, I'm sorry. But there's no Jackie Baker here.Nick : Do you mind if I look at that?Receptionist: Not at all. Have a look. Let me guess. You're Nick.Nick: That's right, but ... how did you know?Receptionist: Oh, you' re famous!Nick : Oh. Do you follow soccer?Receptionist: Soccer? No, never watch it. I was listening when that woman called you. I overheardeverything.Nick : Well, that's great.Receptionist: She was really angry. Wow!Nick : I know. I know. Say, do you know what time it is?Receptionist :Nearly five. I was just getting ready to leave when you arrived.Nick : It's probably too late anyway. The news is going to be on in an hourUnit 12Nick : Oh, good, you' re here. Coach, I' ve been trying to speak to you since last night. This whole scandal is because ...Coach : Nick, Nick, we' ve been working together for four years now. You' re my best player, and frankly, Nick, I feel like we're family.Nick : Thanks, Coach. Me too.Coach: I'm sorry. I didn't know you've been having money problems.Nick : No, I haven't! I hope you don't believe those lies about me. Trust me, Coach. I have not let you down.Coach : Well, why don't you clear this whole thing up for me, then?Nick : I would love to! The truth is, it's Dean. I know it's him.Coach : Dean? Who are you talking about? Dean Bishop?Nick : Yes. Dean Bishop. His sister is involved, too. They somehow made a phony tape. His sister gave me fifty thousand dollars for a fake endorsement.Coach : And you' re saying they made it look like a bribe for sitting out the qualifying game? Nick : Exactly.Coach : But Dean? And his sister? This is hard to believe. Why would Dean do this to you?Nick : Just think about it. Dean is a great player, but he' s always in my shadow. He wants you to kick me off the team so that he can be the star.Coach : Wow! I don't know what to say. This is incredible. I hate to have to ask, but ... do you have proof?Nick : Not yet. But I' ve been working with Talia Santos at Newsline for the past day or two. I'm hoping she can help.Coach: It may be too late. The Soccer Federation has been calling me for the past two days. They want to suspend you.Nick : But what about Dean Bishop?Coach : He's going to play in the qualifying match. Next to you, he's our strongest player.。

Janet: So where are we now?Andy: This is the West End. It’s famous for cinemas and theatres. I used to work in a theatre near here.Janet: Really? What did you do?Andy: I moved the scenery between acts in the play. If I’m not mistaken, I worked on Pyg malion by George Bernard ShawJanet: If I remember correctly. That was made into a musical film, wasn’t it? My Fair Lady? I remember seeing it on TV.(Phone ringing)Andy: Oh, oh, it’s Joe.(Andy picked up the phone)Andy: Hey!... Yes, we’re on our way…I don’t think we’re that late. Chill out Joe, we’ll be there.(Andy hung up the phone)Andy: Anyway, come on, we’d better get a move on.Janet: How far is it from here?Andy: It’s not far. Maybe five minutes’ walk. Joe gets cross if I’m late.Joe: Hello Janet, hello Andy. Late as usual.Andy: Actually, by my watch, I’m bang on time.Joe: Well let’s get on with it. This is Toby Jenkins, the theatre critic.Toby: Nice to meet you, are you ready to start?Andy: Hang on a minute! Janet, can you check the sound level? Can you hear me ok ,Janet?Janet?Janet: Hi Andy, I can’t hear you. What’s up?Andy: Can you hear me now?Janet: Ouch! Yes, that’s much louder.Joe: Let’s stop wasting time please. Just get on with the interview, will you?Janet: 那么,我们现在在哪?Andy: 这是伦敦西区, 他因影院、戏院而出名.。

视听说I I I原文和答案U n i t2(总8页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--VLS B3Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Now we have satellite and high-powered microscope, it’s easy to think we know everything about the world; but we still don’t understand EI Nino.W: Right. Scientists all over the world over are even uncertain about the cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought—the mysterious EI Nino.Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation2. ScriptM: Everyone is talking about environmental problem: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, holes in the ozone layer. We should think positively. What can we do to improve thingsW: I agree. We could do a lot more to harness the sun’s energy for heating and lighting in our homes. In Japan 43,000 solar roofs were installed in 2002.Q: How do the man and the woman view the environment3. ScriptW: We lived in Beijing some years ago. It was always difficult to keep the house clean with wind from the north blowing sand from the desert at us.M: That’s why the Chinese government has been encouraging people to plant trees along the edges of the Gobi Desert. Now those trees act as wind barriers.Q: What did the government encourage people to do4. ScriptM: Many old refrigerators and cars are environmental hazards because they contain CFCs that destroy the ozone layer.W: Yes, but government or organizations are helping people to safely dispose of old refrigerators or, in the case of cars, to upgrade their air conditioning.Q: What are government departments helping people to do5. ScriptM: Hey, that’s an aerosol spray you’re using on your hair! Build a bomb or set fire to the apartment to kill us quickly instead of making holes in the ozone, so we die of cancer.W: Cool it, man. This spray doesn’t contain CFC s. And you’d better read a little more. In 2003 the hole in the ozone layer shrank by 20 percent, so there’s no reason to panic.Q: What does the man meanKeys: 3. AIII. Listening InTask 1: We should have proper respect for nature!ScriptMartha: Do you think most people in your culture respect natureEd: I think so. Umm…more now than before.Martha: What do you think is the most serious environment problem in the world today Ed: Today…I think damage to the ozone layer is a big problem; and another problem is pollution in big cities and things like that.Martha: How do you learn about environmental problemsEd: Umm…through school. A lot of clubs promote environmental safely, and some TV programs, too. They talk about environmental safely and stuff like that. Martha: Do you think students should learn more about the environment at schoolEd: I think so. So, as they grow older, they can be more aware of all the problems that are going on. And also to prevent more problems from occurring. Martha: If you could create a new law to help the environment, what would it beEd: A new law for the environment Umm…I’d probably say that when people throw away their cigarette butts, they have to throw them into the garbage bin,not just throw them everywhere because it’s just littering and I hate that.So they should be fined if they throw them on the floor on the ground. Martha: That’s a good idea. What do you personally do to help protect the environmentEd: I’ m so against littering. I never litter. If I see somebody litter, I get really angry. So I always throw my trash into the garbage bin.While being interviewed by Martha, Ed said more people in his culture respect nature ever before. When asked about the most serious environmental problem in the world today, he mentioned the damaged ozone layer and the pollution in big cities.Ed learned about environmental problem at school. A lot of clubs and some TV programs promote environmental safely. He believes that students should learn more about the environment at school. Then they can be more aware of all the problems and prevent more problems from occurring.When asked about a new law he would like to create to help the environment, hesaid that when people throw away their cigarette butts, they have to throw them inthe garbage bin. They should be fined if they throw them on the floor.Personally, Ed is so set against littering that he never litters. He always throwshis trash into the garbage bin.Task 2 River pollutionIf you see dead fish floating on the river or notice that the water is discolored and smelly, you know the river has been polluted, and there are four main possible causes for it.First, fertilizer. If large amounts of fertilizer or farm waste drain into ariver, the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in the water increase considerably. Algae use these substances to grow rapidly, turning the water green. This massive growth of algae leads to pollution. When the algae die, they are broken down by the action of the bacteria, which quickly multiply, using up all the oxygen in the water and therefore causing the death of fish.Second, industrial waste. Factories sometimes discharge chemical waste into rivers. Examples of such pollutants include cyanide, lead, copper, and mercury. These substances may enter the water in such high concentrations that fish and otheranimals are killed immediately. Sometimes the pollutants enter the food chain and accumulate until they reach toxic levels, eventually killing fish and other animals.Third, oil pollution. If oil enters a slow-moving river, it forms a rainbow-colored film over the entiresurface, preventing oxygen from entering the water.Fourth, warm water. Industry often uses water for cooling processes, sometimes discharging large quantities of warm water back into rivers. A higher temperature of the water lowers the level of dissolved oxygen and upsets the balance of life in the water.Questions and key1. What is the passage mainly aboutD) The causes of river pollution.2. Why does the river water turn greenA) Because nitrate and phosphate in the water increase.3. What harm does industrial waste causeB) Poisoning.4. Which of the following is true of oil pollutionC) It prevents oxygen from entering the water.5. What harm can warm water in a river bringD) Lack of oxygen.Task3: Curbing Carbon emissionsScriptAlthough it is not an easy task, China is striving to fulfill the promise to cutits carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent in the next 10 years.Zhang Guobao, Director of the National Energy Administration, said, "The government puts great emphasis on seeking harmonious development between cities and the environment, and is readjusting the energy structure by giving priority to the development of clean and low-carbon energies, including hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, and solar power."Government authorities have closed small, coal-fired plants with a total capacity of million kilowatts in the past four years. This year's target of closing 10million kilowatts of capacity will be achieved by August. "We have promised to the international community that 15 percent of our power will be generated from non-fossil sources by 2020," Director Zhang said. At present, non-fossil energy accounts for only percent.China is making efforts to increase the proportion of clean energy in its total energy consumption. Statistics show that China invested US$ billion in clean energy last year, exceeding the United States which invested US$ billion. Thus, China has become the world leader in generating clean energy. Five years earlier, China's investment in clean energy was only US$ billion.However, China's carbon emission reduction target cannot be achieved easily. The shift to a low-carbon economy might be met at a cost to society. For instance, more than 400,000 people were laid off as a result of the shutdown of small coal-fired power plants in the past four years. Many studies indicate that the effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions may delay China's development, affect people's income, and lead to unemployment.Questions and keyl. What is the passage mainly aboutD) Cutting carbon dioxide emissions: China's achievements and problems.2. From four years ago until August this year, how many kilowatts of coal-fired plant capacity willhave been closedD) More than 70 million.3. By 2020, what will be the proportion of non-fossil energy in the total powerin ChinaA) 15%.4. Which of the following is true of the investment by China and the United States in clean energy last yearB) China's investment was almost twice as large as the United States'.5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a problem arising from curbing greenhouse gas emissionsC) Causing more strikes.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Our globe is in dangerJohn: How is your Grandma getting along during this usually hot weatherNora: Over the last few years, Granny has been complaining that the hot, humid weather is killing her. She believes the weather has changed.John: What she means is the climate’s long-term conditions; weather refers only to day-to-day conditions.Nora: Yeah, she says summer is hotter, and winter wetter. But I tried to comfort her, saying, “It’s all in your mind, Granny.”John: She’s right, you know. The greenhouse effect does bring global warming and rain.Nora: How can I explain global warming and greenhouse gases to a 97-year-old Granny John: Tell her the earth now is like a real greenhouse made of glass panels that let in light and trap heat.Nora: Think she’ll want to know that carbon monoxide from earth makes greenhouse gasesJohn: Everybody should know what cause global warming; otherwise we won’t stop it.Nora: I’ll tell Granny not to burn any more wood or coal, or to use spray on the hair.John: OK, joke about it, but it won’t be so funny when the polar icecaps melt and oceans rise.MODEL2 Rainforests will soon be only a memory.ScriptSusan: Hey, Chris, there is an environmental group on campus asking for donations to save the rainforests.Chris: So whatSusan: So what! Don’t you want to save the rainforestsChris: But there’re no rainforests in our country. They need hot, tropical climates. Susan: Come on. A rain forest is any forest where heavy rainfall leads to dense vegetation. Tropical rainforests can be found in hoe, tropical areas, but there are also cool rainforests, including one in southeast Alaska.Chris: How did you know thatSusan: Well, I’ve just read a book on rainforests. You know, 140nillion people live in the world’s rainforests, and 35 percent of the world’s plant and animalspecies exist only in rainforests.Chris: Wow, I’m impressed. So what else have you learnedSusan: Most of the world’s rainforests are in danger of destruction by loggers, farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 1000 acres a minute! Chris: It’s terrible!Susan: Yeah, we’ve got to find a way to save them. Now would you like to give a donationChris: Sure.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Most of the world’s rainforests are in danger of destruction by loggers, farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute!B: What a tragedy! , Many of the world’s plant and animal species exist only in rainforests.A: We really need to save the beautiful forests.B: Yeah, we’ve got to find a way to save them.A: Do you know our mayor is making a call to plant treesB: Yeah, we do have to plant more trees. I hear China doesn’t have a lot of forests compared with many countries.A: That’s true. I’ve just read an article about afforestation. China’s forest coverage rate was last yea, ranking only 130th in the world.B: No wonder we have to plat more trees.A: Don’t lose heart. Progress has been remarkable. In 2000 the rate was just percent.B: Any other good newsA: China has stepped up its tree-planting efforts. Now it’s the world’s planter of trees.B: Wow, I’m impressed.MODEL3 What a terrible sandstorm!ScriptSusan: Hey, John. You’re back. A few days ago, a big sandstorm hit our cityJohn: Oh, that’s bad.Susan: The air was full of dirt and sand and dust. I had to wear a scarf around my head.John: The dust, as I know, comes from Mongolia. And from my reading in science, I’ve heard the dust often comes after a long period of drought.Susan: This is a serious problem in many parts of the world, and unfortunately our city is one of them.John: And if the drought continues, the soil is easily airborne. And then if the wind comes, the soil can be lifted up on the cold are that rises up, and it cantravel very long distances.Susan: Normally, when there’s a wind, it can clear the air, and you have beautiful weather. But when the dust is brought in with the wind, then you can’tbreathe, you can’t see well, and it’s dangerous for driving, or for walking.John: Yeah. You know, when the dust is lifted up it can go as high 3,000 meters. And it’s not just China that has problems, but many other countries. For example,the middle of Australia sometimes has dust storms, and some of the dust goes upvery high, goes across the ocean, and falls down on New Zealand.Susan: Not a very nice neighbor.John: Is there a solution to the problemSusan: We need to plant more trees and grass so that the soil can stay where it is.John: No wonder the government is launching a new afforestation program in a bid t address the environmental problem.V. Let’s TalkMan 1: Well, it's inspirational language which is nice and lovely and fluffy, but doesn't really actually commit anyone to doing anything, and so it'sreally hard to take to the bank. I mean, people's lives are on the linein the developing world where we are seeing the impacts felt first and foremost, And obviously the atmosphere simply can't take the kind of emissions we've beenseeing in the business-as-usual scenario and there's no realcommitment to change that. There's no real commitment to put seriousmoney on the table and that's a big problem.[On-screen text: Wind Farm]This is a great photo op for all the world leaders, but if it's not backed by action, it really doesn't mean much at the end of the day.Man 2: What's in there is very disappointing. It does not constitute a_ a deal. It'sa hollow shell that will need to be filled in, and it has some numbers,it talks about trying to avoid two degrees. That's the same languagethat the G8 used last July. But it lacks anything on emissions cuts as yet that would guarantee that we're actually on the, on track to get there. And the financing commitments... there is a mention of a 1OO-billion-dollar figure and the attempt to raise or mobilize that level of resources, but there's no guarantee that there will be new money, that the money will be real, that there's actually a commitment to get there, or that it will be channeled in new ways, as yet.Key(1) -b (2) - a (3) -h (4) -d(5)-g (6)-e (7)-c (8)-fVI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: The environment and the developmentScriptLi: Hi Professor Wang, I’m Li Lin, a correspondent from the University Newspaper.The staff and students here are getting more and more interested in therelationship between the environment and development. What do you think is the most serious environmental problem at present What measures should we adopt to improve the environment and develop the economy at the same timeWang: There are many environmental problems: air pollution, water pollution, desertification, over-fishing, destruction of natural habitats, acid train,over-consumption of wild animals and plants, etc. But lying at the center ofall those problems, as I see it, is the contradiction between economic growth and the environment.Since the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992, more and more people andgovernments have adopted a new idea; that is, “sustainable development”.This means today’s economic growth should not wipe out he resources andoptions for future generations. Planning and development should ensure notonly economic growth, but also social advancement and environment health. Inother words, some economic behavior must be restricted or controlled.Instilling principles of development into government planning, resourcemanagement and economic policy is the most important step China could take to solve its environmental problems.China has already taken some remarkable steps to reduce damage to theenvironment. For instance, following the huge floods of 1998, the governmentbanned logging in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in order to protectforests and reduce the risk of floods.Still, the basic contradiction between environment and development persists.Much work is to be done before we can achieve the aim of a balance betweeneconomic growth and the environment.Task 2:ScriptA United Nations study says that a thick cloud of pollution covering southern Asia threatens the lives of millions of people. Scientists say the pollution could increase lung disease and cause early deaths. The cloud is also damaging agriculture and affecting rainfall levels. It has affected many countries in southern Asia. The pollution cloud is three kilometers high. Scientists say it can move halfway around the world in a week.The cloud is the result of forest fires, the burning of agricultural waste, and huge increases in the burning of fuels by vehicles, industries and power stations. Pollution from millions of bad cooking stoves hs made the problem worse. Many poor people burn of fuels wood and animal waste in such stoves.Scientists say this combination could be changing winter rainfall levels in Asia. They say rainfall has increased over the eastern coast of Asia. But it has dropped sharply over parts of northwestern Asia. The report says the cloud could reduce rainfall over northwestern Pakistan, Afghanistan, and western China by up to forty percent.Harmful chemicals from the cloud are mixing with rainfall. This acid rain damages crops and trees and threatens public health. Scientists are concerned that the pollution will intensify during the next thirty years as the population of Asia increase to an Estimated 5,000 million people.1.What is the true of the cloud of pollution2.What is NOT the cause of the cloud of pollution3.What does the cloud of pollution bring about4.Why will the pollution intensify in the next 30 years, according to the passage5.What do you think is the best title for the passageKeys:Task 3 Mountain regions face a number of dangers.ScriptMountain people around the world are in great danger of the negative effects of the worsening environment, according to a UN report.As global warming and deforestation accelerate and technology makes wilder places more accessible, environmental and social pressures on the world’s remotest regions increases.The UN has found that many mountainous regions—inhabited by one out of five of the world’s people—are barely recognizable when they are compared to what they ere like 60 years ago. This is mostly because forests were cut to make way for cattle grazing and agriculture.The authors of the UN study expect 98 percent of its mountain areas to experience severe climate change by 2055. Biological losses are expected to be heavy. The mountains of Europe, part of California and the northwest Andes in South America are among the most threatened mountain areas in the world and should be given priority in conservation.The UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problem facing mountain areas because they are inhabited by some of the most vulnerable people. These people could lose their culture and their livelihood with even the smallest shifts in climate.At the same time, many mountain regions are losing people. Thousands of villages in Europe are deserted most of the year. In other areas like Nepal, people are drifting to the cities in search of work.Viewing and speakingScript and keyWeather experts may have found a new problem caused by global warming, one which many people will pay attention to: There are (l)signs that Santa's home in the North may be in trouble because of (2)warmer temperatures.The Finnish town of Rovaniemi on the Arctic Circle, which many Europeans say is the home of Santa Claus, has had its (3)warmest winter in 40 years. As a result, therehas been much less snow than usual-meaning no snowmen, no snowballs, and possibly not enough (4)snow for Santa to ride his sleigh on.More important for local residents, it may mean fewer tourists, as well. Santa'swintry home town normally (5)attracts thousands of visitors each year, and millionsof dollars.Anne Pelttari-Bergman, the town's tourist director, worries that the town could be in (6)trouble if snow levels do not return to (7)normal. She explains: "Snow is really important for us, of course, for Santa Claus, for Christmas tourism, and also for our winter tourism because winter is our (8)best season. It is really important for us."Weather experts and town residents are hoping this warm winter is a (9)one-time thing. Few people can imagine a holiday when even Santa does not have a (l0)white Christmas.11。

country such as Russia or Japan might be next on the chart.
Unit 3
Beauty and Appearance
Analytical Listening
Analytical Listening
Listening 1
beholder n. 观看者;旁观者 Gwen Silva 格温· 席尔瓦(人名) Judith Langlois 朱迪思· 朗格卢瓦(人名) symmetrical a. 对称的 symmetry n. 对称(性) crossed eyes n. 内斜视眼 tattoo v. 给· · · · · · 文身 envision v. 想象;设想
3. What surprises or interests you about this photo?
Think and Discuss
1. Look at the photo and read the caption. Does this advertisement make you want to buy clothing or beauty products? Why or why not? Example Answer 1 Yes, it does because it’s an interesting image of an attractive young man.
cosmetic surgeries in India; Second, I feel a little bit strange that South Korea is not one of the five countries.
(完整word版)英语高级视听说 听力原文 Unit 3 New orleans is sinking

Unit 3 New orleans is sinkingFor 300 years, the sea has been closing in on New Orleans. As the coastal erosion continues, it is estimated the city will be off shore in 90 years. Even in good weather, New Orleans is sinking. As the city begins what is likely to be the biggest demolition project in U.S. history, the question is, can we or should we put New Orleans back together again?Life has been returning to high and dry land on Bourbon Street, but to find the monumental challenge facing the city you have to visit neighborhoods you have never heard of. On Lizardi Street, 60 Minutes took a walk with the men in charge of finishing what Katrina started.Correspondent Scott Pelley reports.Before Katrina, "There would be noise and activity and families and people, and children, and, you know, I haven't seen a child in a month here," says Greg Meffert, a city official who, with his colleague Mike Centineo, is trying to figure out how much of the city will have to be demolished.Meffert, who is in charge of city planning, says it is "very possible" up to 50,000 houses will have to be bulldozed. Right now, most of the homes in the city are uninhabitable.Meffert faces a difficult task. Every time he goes to a house site here, he says, "It's one more knife in me that says, 'She did another one. She did another one,'" explains Meffert, "she" meaning Hurricane Katrina.When you walk through these neighborhoods and you see the houses, you get a sense of the pain of the individual families. But you don't get a sense of what has happened to the city of New Orleans itself.It is estimated that there were 200,000 homes in New Orleans, and 120,000 of them were damaged by the flood.The part of the city known as the lower Ninth Ward received some of the heaviest flooding. The houses are splintered block after block after block, almost as if the city had been carpet-bombed in war.Meffert says that before the storm, New Orleans had a population of470,000-480,000 people. Realistically, he thinks that half of those residents won't be coming back.The possessions of thousands of families, the stuff collected over lifetimes is suddenly garbage, clawed up into mountains in city parks. With so much gone already, should New Orleans pick up right where it was?"We should be thinking about a gradual pullout of New Orleans, and starting to rebuild people's homes, businesses and industry in places that can last more than 80 years," says Tim Kusky, a professor of earth sciences at St. Louis University.Kusky talks about a withdrawal of the city and explains that coastal erosion was thrown into fast forward by Katrina. He says by 2095, the coastline will pass the city and New Orleans will be what he calls a "fish bowl.""Because New Orleans is going to be 15 to 18 feet below sea level, sitting off the coast of North America surrounded by a 50- to 100-foot-tall levee system to protect the city," explains Kusky.He says the city will be completely surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico just 90 years from now.Since this story aired on Nov. 20, there has been considerable discussion about whether New Orleans really is sinking, including on CBS News' blog, Public Eye."That's the projection, because we are losing land on the Mississippi Delta at a rate of 25 to 30 square miles per year. That's two acres per hour that are sinking below sea level," says Kusky.That process could only be slowed, in theory, by massive restoration of wetlands. In the meantime, while Kusky's advice is to head for the hills, some New Orleans residents are hoping to head home.Vera Fulton has lived most of her 81 years on Lizardi Street and returned to her home recently for the first time since being evacuated."When they say 'storm,' I leave. I can't swim and I can't drink it. So what I do, I leave," says Vera, who has lost her home to two hurricanes.Vera is intent on coming back. "I don't have no other home, where I'mThree generations of Fultons, Vera's son Irvin Jr., his wife Gay and their son Irvin, 3rd, live around Lizardi Street.Irvin says his house is "just flat" and he didn't have insurance.That's the dilemma. The only thing they have left is land prone to disaster. They want to rebuild, and the city plans to let them.At Vera's house, Mike Centenio, the city's top building official, told 60 Minutes homes can go up as long as they meet what is called the "100-year flood level."The federal government had set a flood-level, but didn't figure on a levee failure that would flood parts of the city.The official level is several feet off the ground. If people meet the requirement, they can rebuild their homes, despite the fact that we saw, for example, a refrigerator lifted to the top of a carport by the floodwaters.Asked whether allowing people to rebuild makes sense, Centenio says it is "going to take some studying."Right now, he says the flood level requirement is the law.Twelve weeks after the storm hit, no one has an answer to where people should go. An estimated 80,000 homes had no insurance, and for now, the biggest grant a family can get from the federal government is $26,200. Those without flood insurance face an uncertain road ahead, trying to piece their lives and homes back together."I don't think any of us get to be made whole. I don't know of anybody that's even getting back to where they were. It's just a matter of how much you lost," says Meffert.No one wants to risk more losses until the levees are fixed but there is not a lot of confidence in that. There's evidence some of the levee walls may have failed from bad design or lousy workmanship.Fixing them is up to Colonel Richard Wagenaar, who told 60 Minutes, that by next summer, the levees will withstand a Category 3 storm. But for a Category 5 storm, Congress would have to double the levee height to 30Col. Wagenaar says building a 30-foot flood control system around the city could take five to ten years, and cost billions of dollars.Asked whether he would live in New Orleans if the levees were restored to pre-Katrina levels, Col. Wagenaar said he would, after a long pause."There's a lot of long pauses in things I think about these days," Wagenaar added.Another thing that gives you pause is the fact that one of the world's largest pumping systems can't keep the city dry with broken levees.60 Minutes was there in September during Hurricane Rita. Crews were fighting with everything they had, cooling a pump with a hose and a coat hanger. When the station flooded during Katrina, Gerald Tilton dove under water to open valves.Since then, Tilton and his men have been living at the station. "Most of us, our homes have been destroyed but a large number of us are still here doing the job that we get paid to do," says Tilton.Tilton says he hasn't seen his home since the storm hit and only took one thing from the house when he left: his diploma. "I graduated from Tulane last year and that was the one thing that I wanted. I know it might sound crazy."But sharp minds and heroism couldn't stop a second flood.It took another two weeks to dry out and count the losses. Now, inspectors with laptops are identifying ruined houses."Every house in New Orleans is loaded into this database," explains Centineo. The reports are sent instantly to a computer at city hall, where the database is linked to aerial images of every address, both before and after.When the reports are in, they will know how many billions it will take to rebuild, but not where that money is coming from.Mike Centineo showed us, at his house, that you can't appreciate the loss until you walk through the door. He lost pretty much everything in his home. "We've lost a lot. What hurts is family photos. They went under water and I pulled them out to try to salvage what I could," Centineo says.Centineo says he understands, probably better than any building official ever has, what the victims of Katrina are going through. "I'm one of them, that's true, I'm one of them."He is one of about 400,000 people still unable to come home. That's the worst part now, the deflation of the Big Easy.There are too few people to pay taxes or keep businesses going. The world's largest domed stadium doesn't have a football team; In New Orleans, these days, not even the Saints go marching in.Meffert has some clear feelings on whether the nation should commit billions of dollars and several years to protect the city."Is it commit or invest? I mean this is the thing that that people miss. The country has to decide whether it really is what we tell the world what we are. Or are we just saying that? Because if we are that powerful, if we are that focused, if we are that committed to all of our citizens, then there is no decision to make. Of course you rebuild it," says Meffert.。

Have you wished you were better at making a conversation? A great conversationalist is someone who connects with people and makes them feel important. When they talk to you, they make you feel like you're the only person in the room.Becoming a good conversationalist requires knowing three things: first, how to start a conversation; second, how to keep it going; and third, how to end it.Starting a conversation usually means coming up with an opening line or ice breaker. The best kind of ice breaker is one that's positive. A compliment is always a good ice breaker and will usually be appreciated. Any news event is a good ice breaker. The fact is, any opening line will do, as long as it's not negative, and as long as it's not a lie. The best way to entice a person to have a conversation with you is by being sincere and respectful, and letting them know that you are interested in talking to them.Once you've got a conversation going, the best way to keep it going is by asking the other person questions that don't require just a yes or no answer. Ask questions similar to those a reporter might ask to draw a person out; who, what, when, where, why and how questions. You keep asking questions based on the last thing a person says. This is called the "elaboration technique". Once you hit on something you find interesting, keep asking questions in order to get the person to elaborate about the topic as much as possible. A good conversationalist elaborates on the experiences they've had. Instead of saying the party was fun, tell why it was fun. Describe why you had a good time—who was there, what happened, where it was, and how people arranged the party. Go into detail. Description is the best form of communication because it keeps people's interest up and stimulates them.If you started a conversation with another person, and you're having difficulty ending it, there are several signals you can send to the other person that will bring the conversation to its close without hurting anyone's feelings.Breaking eye contact is a discreet signal that the conversation is about to end. Another way to signal is to use transition words like well, or at any rate. You may want to recap all that was said. Whatever you do, don't lie to the other person. If you're not interested in talking to them again, don't mention the possibility of a future meeting just to be polite. That's hypocritical. Instead, you may want to say, "Nice meeting you." And then, leave.Finally, be sure to give the other person a good, firm handshake. The final impression you make can be just as important as the initial one you made.First StoryMy husband and I met in high school. During our senior year, we studies biology together. We talked and laughed a lot during class. One Friday, we Joked that we should go on a date that night. At first, I didn't know if he was serious. He didn't know if I was joking. That night I put on a new dress and waited. He had a more difficult time. He had to knock on the door without knowing if I would be ready or not. But he knocked, and I was ready! That was our first date. This year, we celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary'Second StoryMy husband and I met one day at an airport. It was Christmas day. I was picking up my friend Bernd. He was coming from Germany to spend the holidays with my family. While we were waiting for his luggage, I heard a man speaking in Italian. I decided to say something to him because I speak Italian.I said, "Buon Natale" which means, "Merry Christmas!" When I spoke in Italian, he said, "Mama mia! Why do you speak Italian? Who are you?" He asked me for my phone number. He called me the next day, and we dated for a year. Then we got married. So be careful who you talk to in the airport!Third StoryMy wife and I met through our parents. Our parents arranged our marriage. Before we got married, my wife and I wanted to meet. Our parents arranged our first meeting in a restaurant. That night, we talked about ourselves and what we wanted in our lives. We talked for hours. We shared our hopes and dreams. After a while, we decided that our parents were right! And we got married.Fourth StoryMy wife and 1 met through a matchmaker. I'm an engineer, and in my field, most people are men. I couldn't meet any women at work. So one day I saw an advertisement for a matchmaking service, and I decided to call. The matchmaker introduced me to many nice women. I enjoyed meeting them, but I didn't meet anyone I wanted to marry. Finally, she introduced me to my wife. I decided not to date any other women because I liked her very much. We enjoyed the same things, and we laughed a lot together. We also had the same goals and values in life. My wife and I were married six years ago, and now we have two children. I'm glad I picked up the phone and called that matchmaker!Among married couples in the U.S., one finds a wide range of living patterns. Some older couples still have traditional marriages, with the man as breadwinner and the woman as homemaker. But most younger women today are not content to be full-time homemakers. The women's liberation movement, which swept the country in the 1960s, changed attitudes and behavior forever. Today's young American woman wants marriage, but she also wants her own identity. She wants what men have always had—a marriage that is important but still allows time to pursue individual goals. The maJority of American wives, even those with children, work outside the home- As a result, the older idea that housework, cooking, and child care are "women's work" is being discarded. In the contemporary American marriage, the husband and wife share both financial and domestic responsibilities.Sharing money-making and housekeeping responsibilities provides a better life for the family. Of course, problems can develop in the two-income family if the husband expects his working wife to be the perfect homemaker that his stay-at-home mother was- Also, there may be arguments if the wife expects her husband to help with household chores, but he is unwilling to do so. In most families, the working wife probably still handles the largest share of the housework, cooking, and child care. but she gets some help from her husband.The contemporary American marriage is also characterized by a relationship of equality and shared decision making. Most American women today will not tolerate a husband who considers himself the boss. The American girl is given freedom and education equal to a boy's. After completing her education, she is able to get a job and support herself. She does not need to marry for financial security. She is self-sufficient and will not accept a submissive role in marriage. When husband and wife are able to share decision making and respect each other's viewpoints, their marriage is probably closer than those of past generations. When they battle for dominance, they're likely to end up in divorce court.“Ring out the old, ring in the new,” wrote Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the nineteenth-century English poet. And that's exactly what Americans do every December 31. New Year's Eve is a time for noise and fun- At home or in restaurants, most Americans drink and dine with friends- At midnight on New Year's Eve, bells ring, horns blow, and friends toast each other with champagne. It's also customary to exchange kisses. New Year's Eve festivities often continue until two or three o'clock in the morning. Many people travel from one party to another to celebrate with several different groups of friends The country's most crowded New Year's Eve celebration takes place in New York City's Times Square. Since 1907, the famous ball-lowering ceremony has been a holiday highlight. To celebrate the arrival of the year 2000, an estimated 2 million people crowded into Times Square, and hundreds of million viewed the scene on TV The huge, 1,070-pound lighted crystal ball began its descent from a 77-foot flagpole at 11:59 p.m. and reached the bottom at exactly midnight. Simultaneously, confetti, balloons, and fireworks brightened the night sky. It was the biggest public event ever held in the city.What do Americans do on New Year's Day? Many sleep late because they stayed up all night long. Many watch TV which offers spectacular parades and football games between champion college teams. From ancient times to the present. New Year's customs have been connected with saying good-bye to the past and looking forward to a better future. Therefore, New Year's Day often inspires people to start new programs and give up bad habits. Some people make New Year's resolutions. People talk about "turning over a new leaf", referring to a clean, blank page or a fresh start. Typical New Year's resolutions are to spend less money, give up smoking, begin a diet, or be nicer to others. It's safe to assume that about half of them are forgotten by January 31'It was a cool autumn evening. Mrs. Brown was sitting in her living room, reading. Suddenly, there was a loud knock on her door, then two or three more knocks. Mrs. Brown put the safety chain on her door. Then she opened the door a little and looked out. There stood three children wearing masks and costumes. When they saw her, they all shouted, "Trick or treat! Money or eats!"Mrs, Brown dropped a candy bar into each child's bag."Thanks for the candy," shouted the children as they ran off to ring another doorbell-"You're welcome," said Mrs. Brown. "Have fun, and don't play any pranks."Every year on October 31. Halloween scenes like this occur throughout the USA. American children love to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. If an adult refuses to supply a treat—candy, cookies, fruit, or money— the children may play a trick. Typical Halloween pranks are soaping windows, writing on doors with crayons, overturning garbage cans, sticking pins into doorbells to keep them ringing, throwing raw eggs, and spraying shaving cream on cars and friends.Halloween is celebrated by nearly all American children, and over 70% of adults also participate in some Halloween activity. College students and other young adults may attend masquerade parties or Halloween parades. Many families carve pumpkins and decorate the outside of their homes with the traditional Halloween symbols. Businesses get into the act, too. Store windows display jack-o'-lanterns, scarecrows, and witches. Servers in restaurants and salespeople in supermarkets and bookstores are often in costume. Many nightclubs and bars encourage customers to come in costume by offering prizes for the best disguisesUINT 4 PART 31. W: Some people say that many TV programs are silly, meaningless, or a waste of time. What do youthink of them, Jim?M: It seems to me that some important social issues—like drugs, divorce and so on—are dealt with fairly realistically and a lot of honest talks can be heard in these programs.Q: What does the man think of the TV programs?2. W: How was the lecture yesterday?M: Well... It was a complete drag.W: How come? Many students seem to be interested inJohnson's lecture.M: But the one yesterday was the pits. It bored me to tears.Q: How does the man think about the lecture yesterday?3. W: Frank, what do you think about your college life?M: Generally speaking, my college years are exciting and rewarding, but they are certainly not easy or carefree. Just about all college students face the pressure of making important career decisions and some anxiety about examinations and grades.Q: What does the man think about his college life?4. W: Wow! This is a marvelous room! Whose idea was it to decorate the room like this?M: It was Jane's.W: I never knew she was good at this. She must be very art-conscious.Q: What does the woman think about Jane now?5. W: I've been reading a lot lately about the issue of women's rights, and I find that is a very hot topicnow.M: It depends on which magazine or paper you read. If it's a women's magazine, just about every article has that as a topic in one way or another.Q: What is the man's response to the woman's saying?6. M: Ann, it's good to see you back. Do you remember when we were kids, we used to go swimmingtogether?W: Yeah. I sure do. I really love this town and I have a lot of good memories from here.M: I want to tell you that we take a lot of pride in the gold medal you won and we are behind you one hundred percent.Q: What does the man think of the woman?7. W: How are you doing since you retired four months ago?M; I thought it would be wonderful to be retired. I have looked forward to this day for thirty years, but now I'm considering volunteering.Q: What does the man feel about his retired days?8. W: Well, it seems that Frank has become quite a famous painter.M: Has he? You know I'm a professional artist myself and I question how much talent Frank has. Q: What conclusion can be drawn from the man's comments?UINT 14 SECTION A1、Miyoko: Hi, Wendy!Wendy: Hello.Miyoko: What's wrong? Are you sick?Wendy: Yeah. I have a really bad headache.Miyoko: Oh. I'm sorry- You want some aspirin?Wendy: No thanks. I'm just gonna go to bed and rest.2、Lisa: Hey girl. What's up?Leslie: Not much. What about you?Lisa: Nuthin' special. Hey, are you okay?Leslie: Yeah. I guess I'm Just really sore from going to the climbing gym yesterday.Lisa: Me, too' 1 guess we overdid it. My back is sore, and 1 have a stiff neck.Leslie: Next time, we'd better stretch after we exercise!Lisa: Yes! Good idea.3、Professor Chavez: Hi, Tony. How are you?Tony: Not so good, Professor Chavez. I think I'm coming down with a bad cold.Professor Chavez: Really? What's wrong?Tony: Well, I have a stuffy nose and a cough.Professor Chavez: Do you have a fever? You look a little warm.Tony: Maybe. I feel kinda hot.Professor Chavez: Tony, you should go home and go to bed- You might have the flu that's been going around.Tony: OK. That sounds like a good idea.Professor Chavez: Remember to drink lots of juice and get lots of rest. I hope you feel better soon!4、Stephanie: Hello?Mom: Stephanie, it's Mom.Stephanie: Hi, Mom.Mom: I just called to. see how you were feeling.Stephanie: Thanks, Mom. Actually, I still have a fever.Mom: Did you take some medicine?Stephanie: Yeah. It's helping.Mom: What about your stomach? Is it still bothering you?Stephanie: Yeah-1 still feel sick to my stomach.Mom; Oh honey, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?Stephanie: No thanks, Mom. I feel better just talking to you.5、Brian: Erica, I found that report we were looking for.Erica: Great! Let's take a look at it. Brian: Achoooo!Erica: Oh, Brian, are you still not feeling well?Brian: Yeah. This morning I felt better, but now my head hurts.Erica: Are you getting enough sleep?Brian: 1 slept a lot last night, but I still feel tired.Erica: Listen,Brian. I can handle things here today. Why don't you go home and rest? We can finish this project tomorrow. There's no hurry.Brian: Thanks, Erica. I might just do that.6、Doug; Jenny, wait up!Jenny: Doug! I'm glad to see you. 1 wanted to tell you how much fun I had last weekend.Doug: Yeah. We enjoyed it too. We always enjoy hiking in the mountains. Unfortunately, Mary and I are both scratching like crazy.Jenny; Oh no. Poison oak?Doug: I'm afraid so. We both have a rash on our legs.Jenny: Oh, Doug. That's too bad. Doug: Yeah. We feel really itchy.Jenny: Oh no. we had such a nice day together'Doug: Yeah. We had a good time, too. Next time we'll be more careful1、Doctor: Hello, MicheUe. I'm Dr. Benson.MicheUe: Hi.Doctor: How are you feeling today?Michelle: Not so good.Doctor: Well, what seems to be the problem?Michelle; I have a bad cold.Doctor: I can hear that. How long have you had it?Michelle: About three weeks- Every time I think it's going away, I get sick again.Doctor: OK, Michelle. I'm going to examine you now.2、Doctor: Michelle, we didn't find an infection. That's good. That means that you only have abad cold. That means that you don't need to take any medicine. But I know that youdon't feel very well. I want to ask you some questions, all right?MicheUe: OK.Doctor: Has school been very difficult lately?Michelle: Well . . . not really. I've been drinking a lot of coffee to stay up late to study.Doctor: What about exercise? Have you been able to get any exercise during midterm exam?Michelle: No. I've been studying so much I haven't had time.Doctor: Well, Michelte. It sounds to me as though you've been studying so much that you haven't given your body a chance to get better. When you're sick, you need to payattention to your body. I'm going to give some advice. If you follow my advice, you'llstart to feel better soon. OK?Michelle; OK.Doctor: Well, first, you must sleep more. You need to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night. You cannot study well if you don't get enough sleep –Michelle: I know.Doctor: Next, you have to eat better. Your body cannot work well if you don't give it good food.Try to eat more vegetables and fruits. And limit your coffee to two cups a day. Michelle: OK.Doctor: Finally, you should exercise more. Try to exercise at least three times per week. It doesn't have to be running or aerobics. Walking is an excellent exercise and is easy todo. Michelle: All right.Doctor: Any questions?Michelle: So you think I should sleep more, eat better, and exercise more. If I do those things, I'll feel better?Doctor: And you won't get sick as often, Michelle.Michelle: Thanks a lot. Doctor.Doctor: You're very welcome, Michelle. Take care.Most people know that exercise is important. But many people don't exercise. In this announcement you will hear the five most common reasons why people don't exercise. You will also hear some easy solutions.The first problem? No time. "I don't have any time to exercise. I'm too busy." But you don't need a lot of time to exercise. Short periods of exercise are just as good as long periods of exercise. The solution? You should take two or three short walks every day. For example, ten minutes in the morning, ten minutes at lunch, and ten minutes after dinner.Next, money. "I don't have money to go to a gym. 1 don't have money to buy expensive shoes." No problem. You don't have to spend money to exercise. All you need is a street and comfortable clothes. Our solution? Walk. Don't drive. For instance, walk to the store, to the library, to the bank. Walking is free and easy.The third most common reason is bad weather. "It's raining. It's too hot. It's snowing." Here's a solution. Exercise inside. For example, turn on some music. Dance. Or clean the house. You can go to the shopping mall and walk fast.Fourth, people say they're tired. "I'm too tired to exercise. I'll exercise when I have more energy." But exercise gives you energy. Most people feel too tired because they don't exercise. The solution? Exercise every day. Take a walk. Go for a bike ride. Run around the block. You'll feel great! And you won't feel tired.Finally, some people feel embarrassed. "I feel silly exercising. I don't have a great body." Listen to this solution: Don't feel bad; you should feel great! You're taking care of your body. Little by little, you will feel better. Just do it!You have heard the five reasons why people don't exercise. More importantly, you have heard five solutions to overcome these problems. Now that you have heard this message, go out and exercise! Good luck.。
国际交流英语视听说听力原文 电子版B3U4

Book 3
Making a Living, Making a Difference
Listening 1
A| Most people run away when they see a poisonous snake—but not the Irulas of India. For generations, the Irulas made their living catching wild snakes. The snakes’ skins were sold and made into luxury goods such as handbags and boots. Then in 1972, the Indian Parliament adopted the Wildlife Protection Act, and the basis of the Irulas’ economy was suddenly illegal. Some Irulas got jobs as farm laborers, but many found themselves out of work.
To be continued >>>
Listening 1
The reason I’m telling you all of this is simple: The ideas behind the Irulas’ co-op can be used in many places. After all, the Irulas have found an effective and sustainable way to use wild animals for their own benefit. Instead of being killed, the snakes are staying alive, and they’re benefiting people in more than one way. Now, I know that I’m speaking to a diverse group of people. The different species that you want to protect can’t all be milked for their venom. But what all of you can do is to assess your situation. If endangered animals in your country are being killed and sold, it’s important to understand the reasons—the economic benefits that come from killing the animals. You might find another way, some other way for people to earn even more money than before by not killing the animals.

英语⾼级视听说听⼒原⽂Unit3NeworleansissinkingUnit 3 New orlea ns is sinkingFor 300 years, the sea has been closing in on New Orleans. As the coastal erosion continues, it is estimated the city will be off shore in 90 years. Even in good weather, New Orleans is sinking. As the city beg ins what is likely to be the biggest demoliti on project in . history, the questi on is, can we or should we put New Orlea ns back together aga inLife has bee n retur ning to high and dry land on Bourb on Street, but to find the monumental challenge facing the city you have to visit neighborhoods you have never heard of. On Lizardi Street,60 Minutes took a walk with the men in charge of finishing what Katrina started.Corresp ondent Scott Pelley reports.Before Katrina, "There would be noise and activity and families and people, and children, and, you kno w, I have n't see n a child in a mon th here," says Greg Meffert, a city official who, with his colleague Mike Centineo, is trying to figure out how much of the city will have to be demolished.Meffert, who is in charge of city pla nning, says it is "very possible" up to 50,000 houses will have to be bulldozed. Right now, most of the homes in the city are unin habitable.Meffert faces a difficult task. Every time he goes to a house site here, he says, "It's one more knife in me that says, 'She did another one. She did another one,'" explains Meffert, "she" meaning Hurrica ne Katri na.Whe n you walk through these n eighborhoods and you see the houses, you get a sense of the pain of the in dividual families. But you don't get a sense of what has happe ned to the city of New Orlea ns itself.It is estimated that there were 200,000 homes in New Orleans, and 120,000 of them were damaged by the flood.The part of the city known as the lower Ninth Ward received some of the heaviest floodi ng. The houses are splintered block after block after block, almost as if the city had been carpet-bombed in war.Meffert says that before the storm, New Orleans had a population of 470,000-480,000 people.Realistically, he thinks that half of those reside nts won't be coming back.The possessionsof thousands of families, the stuff collected over lifetimes is suddenly garbage, clawed up into mountains in city parks. With so much gone already, should New Orlea ns pick up right where it was?"We should be thinking about a gradual pullout of New Orleans, and starting to rebuildpeople's homes, bus in esses and in dustry in places that can last more tha n 80 years," says Tim Kusky, a professor of earth scie nces at St. Louis Un iversity.Kusky talks about a withdrawal of the city and explains that coastal erosion was thrown into fast forward by Katrina. He says by 2095, the coastline will pass the city and New Orleans will be what he calls a "fish bowl.""Because New Orleans is going to be 15 to 18 feet below sea level, sitting off the coast of North America surrounded by a 50-to 100-foot-tall levee system to protect the city," expla ins Kusky.He says the city will be completely surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico just 90 years from now.Since this story aired on Nov. 20, there has been considerable discussion about whether New Orlea ns really is sinking, in clud ing orCBS News' blog, Public Eye"That's the projection, because we are losing land on the Mississippi Delta at a rate of 25 to 30 square miles per year. That's two acres per hour that are sinking below sea level," says Kusky.That process could only be slowed, in theory, by massive restorati on of wetla nds. In the mean time, while Kusky's advice is to head for the hills, some New Orlea ns reside nts are hop ing to head home.Vera Fulton has lived most of her 81 years on Lizardi Street and returned to her home rece ntly for the first time since being evacuated."Whe n they say 'storm,' I leave. I can't swim and I can't drink it. So what I do, I leave," says Vera, who has lost her home to two hurrica nes.Vera is intent on coming back. "I don't have no other home, where rm going" Three generations of Fultons, Vera's son Irvin Jr., his wife Gay and their son Irvin, 3rd, live around Lizardi Street.Irvin says his house is "just flat" and he didn't have insurance.That's the dilemma. The only thing they have left is land prone to disaster. They want to rebuild, and the city plans to let them.At Vera's house, Mike Centenio, the city's top building official, told 60 Minutes homes can go up as long as they meet what is called the "100-year flood level."The federal government had set a flood-level, but didn't figure on a levee failure that would flood parts of the city.The official level is several feet off the ground. If people meet the requirement, they can rebuild their homes, despite the fact that we saw, for example, a refrigerator lifted to the top of a carport by the floodwaters.Asked whether allowing people to rebuild makes sense, Centenio says it is "going to take some studying."Right now, he says the flood level requirement is the law.Twelve weeks after the storm hit, no one has an answer to where people should go. An estimated 80,000 homes had no insurance, and for now, the biggest grant a family can get from the federal government is $26,200.Those without flood insurance face an uncertain road ahead, trying to piece their lives and homes back together."I don't think any of us get to be made whole. I don't know of anybody that's even getting back to where they were. It's just a matter of how much you lost," says Meffert.No one wants to risk more losses until the levees are fixed but there is not a lot of confidence in that. There's evidence some of the levee walls may have failed from bad design or lousy workmanship.Fixing them is up to Colonel Richard Wagenaar, who told 60 Minutes, that by next summer, the levees will withstand a Category 3 storm. But for a Category 5 storm, Congress would have to double the levee height to 30 feet.Col. Wagenaar says building a 30-foot flood control system around the city could take five to ten years, and cost billions of dollars.Asked whether he would live in New Orleans if the levees were restored to pre-Katrina levels, Col. Wagenaar said he would, after a long pause."There's a lot of long pauses in things I think about these days," Wagenaar added.Another thing that gives you pause is the fact that one of the world's largest pumping systems can't keep the city dry with broken levees.60 Minutes was there in September during Hurricane Rita. Crews were fighting with everything they had, cooling a pump with a hose and a coat hanger. When the station flooded during Katrina, Gerald Tilton dove under water to open valves.Since then, Tilton and his men have been living at the station. "Most of us, our homes have been destroyed but a large number of us are still here doing the job that we get paid to do," says Tilton.Tilton says he hasn't seen his home since the storm hit and only took one thing from the house when he left: his diploma. "I graduated from Tulane last year and that was the one thing that I wanted. I know it might sound crazy."But sharp minds and heroism couldn't stop a second flood.It took another two weeks to dry out and count the losses. Now, inspectors with laptops are identifying ruined houses."Every house in New Orleans is loaded into this database," explains Centineo. The reports are sent instantly to a computer at city hall, where the database is linked to aerial images of every address, both before and after.When the reports are in, they will know how many billions it will take to rebuild, but not where that money is coming from.Mike Centineo showed us, at his house, that you can't appreciate the loss until you walk through the door. He lost pretty much everything in his home. "We've lost a lot. What hurts is family photos. They went under water and I pulled them out to try to salvage what I could," Centineo says.Centineo says he understands, probably better than any building official ever has, what the victims of Katrina are going through. "I'm one of them, that's true, I'm one of them."He is one of about 400,000 people still unable to come home. That's the worst part now, the deflation of the Big Easy. There are too few people to pay taxes or keep businesses going. The world's largest domed stadium doesn't have a football team; In New Orleans, these days, not even the Saints gomarching in.Meffert has some clear feelings on whether the nation should commit billions of dollars and several years to protect the city. "Is it commit or invest I mean this is the thing that that people miss. The country has to decide whether it really is what we tell the world what we are. Or are we just saying that Because ifwe are that powerful, if we are that focused, if we are that committed to all of our citizens, then there is no decision to make. Of course you rebuild it," says Meffert.。

Listening 1
1. Where is the Three Gorges Dam located? Why was it built? Example Answers The Three Gorges Dam is locatein China’s Hubei Province. The dam was built to produce electricity, enable more shipping on the river, and control flooding.
Book 2
Think and Discuss
Exploring the Theme
Analytical Listening
Sharing Your Ideas
Viewing the World Engaging Further Listening
Analytical Listening
Listening 1
B | Listening for Details. Listen again and complete the notes. Three Gorges Dam (Yangtze River, China) — Dr. Paul Benjamin Size: ________ miles long and ________ 1.4 607 feet tall Reservoir ___________ miles long 410 Workers: more than ___________ 26,000 Benefits / Reasons for Building the Dam: renewable source of energy • provides a ____________________ • control floods on Yangtze: in the 20th century ___________ about 300,000 people were killed larger ships can travel farther up the river • river deeper, so ______________

UINT 1 SECTION CHave you wished you were better at making a conversation? A great conversationalist is someone who connects with people and makes them feel important. When they talk to you, they make you feel like you're the only person in the room.Becoming a good conversationalist requires knowing three things: first, how to start a conversation; second, how to keep it going; and third, how to end it.Starting a conversation usually means coming up with an opening line or ice breaker. The best kind of ice breaker is one that's positive. A compliment is always a good ice breaker and will usually be appreciated. Any news event is a good ice breaker. The fact is, any opening line will do, as long as it's not negative, and as long as it's not a lie. The best way to entice a person to have a conversation with you is by being sincere and respectful, and letting them know that you are interested in talking to them.Once you've got a conversation going, the best way to keep it going is by asking the other person questions that don't require just a yes or no answer. Ask questions similar to those a reporter might ask to draw a person out; who, what, when, where, why and how questions. You keep asking questions based on the last thing a person says. This is called the "elaboration technique". Once you hit on something you find interesting, keep asking questions in order to get the person to elaborate about the topic as much as possible. A good conversationalist elaborates on the experiences they've had. Instead of saying the party was fun, tell why it was fun. Describe why you had a good time—who was there, what happened, where it was, and how peoplearranged the party. Go into detail. Description is the best form of communication because it keeps people's interest up and stimulates them.If you started a conversation with another person, and you're having difficulty ending it, there are several signals you can send to the other person that will bring the conversation to its close without hurting anyone's feelings.Breaking eye contact is a discreet signal that the conversation is about to end.Another way to signal is to use transition words like well, or at any rate. You may want to recap all that was said. Whatever you do, don't lie to the other person. If you're not interested in talking to them again, don't mention the possibility of a future meeting just to be polite. That's hypocritical. Instead, you may want to say, "Nice meeting you."And then, leave.Finally, be sure to give the other person a good, firm handshake. The final impression you make can be just as important as the initial one you made.UINT 3 SECTION BFirst StoryMy husband and I met in high school. During our senior year, we studies biology together. We talked and laughed a lot during class. One Friday, we Joked that we should go on a date that night. At first, I didn't know if he was serious. He didn't know if I was joking. That night I put on a new dress and waited. He had a more difficult time. He had to knock on the door without knowing if I would be ready or not. But he knocked, and I was ready! That was our first date. This year, we celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary'Second StoryMy husband and I met one day at an airport. It was Christmas day. I was picking up my friend Bernd. He was coming from Germany to spend the holidays with my family. While we were waiting for his luggage, I heard a man speaking in Italian. I decided to say something to him because I speak Italian. I said, "Buon Natale" which means, "Merry Christmas!" When I spoke in Italian, he said, "Mama mia! Why do you speak Italian? Who are you?" He asked me for my phone number. He called me the next day, and we dated for a year. Then we got married. So be careful who you talk to in the airport!Third StoryMy wife and I met through our parents. Our parents arranged our marriage. Before we got married, my wife and I wanted to meet. Our parents arranged our first meeting in a restaurant. That night, we talked about ourselves and what we wanted in our lives. We talked for hours. We shared our hopes and dreams. After a while, we decided that our parents were right! And we got married.Fourth StoryMy wife and 1 met through a matchmaker. I'm an engineer, and in my field, most people are men.I couldn't meet any women at work. So one day I saw an advertisement for a matchmaking service, and I decided to call. The matchmaker introduced me to many nice women. I enjoyed meeting them, but I didn't meet anyone I wanted to marry. Finally, she introduced me to my wife. I decided not to date any other women because I liked her very much. We enjoyed the same things, and we laughed a lot together. We also had the same goals and values in life. My wife and I were married six years ago, and now we have two children. I'm glad I picked up the phone and called that matchmaker!UINT 3 SECTION CAmong married couples in the U.S., one finds a wide range of living patterns. Some older couples still have traditional marriages, with the man as breadwinner and the woman as homemaker. But most younger women today are not content to be full-time homemakers. The women's liberation movement, which swept the country in the 1960s, changed attitudes and behavior forever. Today's young American woman wants marriage, but she also wants her own identity. She wants what men have always had—a marriage that is important but still allows time to pursue individual goals. The maJority of American wives, even those with children, work outside the home- As a result, the older idea that housework, cooking, and child care are "women's work" is being discarded. In the contemporary American marriage, the husband and wife share both financial and domestic responsibilities.Sharing money-making and housekeeping responsibilities provides a better life for the family. Of course, problems can develop in the two-income family if the husband expects his working wife to be the perfect homemaker that his stay-at-home mother was- Also, there may be arguments if the wife expects her husband to help with household chores, but he is unwilling to do so. In most families, the working wife probably still handles the largest share of the housework, cooking, and child care. but she gets some help from her husband.The contemporary American marriage is also characterized by a relationship of equality and shared decision making. Most American women today will not tolerate a husband who considers himself the boss. The American girl is given freedom and education equal to a boy's. After completing her education, she is able to get a job and support herself. She does not need to marry for financial security. She is self-sufficient and will not accept a submissive role in marriage. When husband and wife are able to share decision making and respect each other's viewpoints, their marriage is probably closer than those of past generations. When they battle for dominance, they're likely to end up in divorce court.UINT 4 SECTION B“Ring out the old, ring in the new,”wrote Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the nineteenth-century English poet. And that's exactly what Americans do every December 31. New Year's Eve is a time for noise and fun- At home or in restaurants, most Americans drink and dine with friends- At midnight on New Year's Eve, bells ring, horns blow, and friends toast each other with champagne. It's also customary to exchange kisses. New Year's Eve festivities often continue until two or three o'clock in the morning. Many people travel from one party to another to celebrate with several different groups of friendsThe country's most crowded New Year's Eve celebration takes place in New York City's Times Square. Since 1907, the famous ball-lowering ceremony has been a holiday highlight. To celebrate the arrival of the year 2000, an estimated 2 million people crowded into Times Square, and hundreds of million viewed the scene on TV The huge, 1,070-pound lighted crystal ball began its descent from a 77-foot flagpole at 11:59 p.m. and reached the bottom at exactly midnight. Simultaneously, confetti, balloons, and fireworks brightened the night sky. It was the biggest public event ever held in the city.What do Americans do on New Year's Day? Many sleep late because they stayed up all night long. Many watch TV which offers spectacular parades and football games between champion college teams. From ancient times to the present. New Year's customs have been connected with saying good-bye to the past and looking forward to a better future. Therefore, New Year's Day often inspires people to start new programs and give up bad habits. Some people make New Year's resolutions. People talk about "turning over a new leaf", referring to a clean, blank page or a fresh start. Typical New Year's resolutions are to spend less money, give up smoking, begin a diet, or be nicer to others. It's safe to assume that about half of them are forgotten by January 31'UINT 4 SECTION CIt was a cool autumn evening. Mrs. Brown was sitting in her living room, reading. Suddenly, there was a loud knock on her door, then two or three more knocks. Mrs. Brown put the safety chain on her door. Then she opened the door a little and looked out. There stood three children wearing masks and costumes. When they saw her, they all shouted, "Trick or treat! Money or eats!"Mrs, Brown dropped a candy bar into each child's bag."Thanks for the candy," shouted the children as they ran off to ring another doorbell-"You're welcome," said Mrs. Brown. "Have fun, and don't play any pranks."Every year on October 31. Halloween scenes like this occur throughout the USA. American children love to dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. If an adult refuses to supply a treat—candy, cookies, fruit, or money— the children may play a trick. Typical Halloween pranks are soaping windows, writing on doors with crayons, overturning garbage cans, sticking pins into doorbells to keep them ringing, throwing raw eggs, and spraying shaving cream on cars and friends.Halloween is celebrated by nearly all American children, and over 70% of adults also participate in some Halloween activity. College students and other young adults may attend masquerade parties or Halloween parades. Many families carve pumpkins and decorate the outside of their homes with the traditional Halloween symbols. Businesses get into the act, too. Store windows display jack-o'-lanterns, scarecrows, and witches. Servers in restaurants and salespeople in supermarkets and bookstores are often in costume. Many nightclubs and bars encourage customers to come in costume by offering prizes for the best disguisesUINT 4 PART 31. W: Some people say that many TV programs are silly, meaningless, or a waste of time. What doyou think of them, Jim?M: It seems to me that some important social issues—like drugs, divorce and so on—are dealt with fairly realistically and a lot of honest talks can be heard in these programs.Q: What does the man think of the TV programs?2. W: How was the lecture yesterday?M: Well... It was a complete drag.W: How come? Many students seem to be interested inJohnson's lecture.M: But the one yesterday was the pits. It bored me to tears.Q: How does the man think about the lecture yesterday?3. W: Frank, what do you think about your college life?M: Generally speaking, my college years are exciting and rewarding, but they are certainly not easy or carefree. Just about all college students face the pressure of making important careerdecisions and some anxiety about examinations and grades.Q: What does the man think about his college life?4. W: Wow! This is a marvelous room! Whose idea was it to decorate the room like this?M: It was Jane's.W: I never knew she was good at this. She must be very art-conscious.Q: What does the woman think about Jane now?5. W: I've been reading a lot lately about the issue of women's rights, and I find that is a very hottopic now.M: It depends on which magazine or paper you read. If it's a women's magazine, just about every article has that as a topic in one way or another.Q: What is the man's response to the woman's saying?6. M: Ann, it's good to see you back. Do you remember when we were kids, we used to go swimmingtogether?W: Yeah. I sure do. I really love this town and I have a lot of good memories from here.M: I want to tell you that we take a lot of pride in the gold medal you won and we are behind you one hundred percent.Q: What does the man think of the woman?7. W: How are you doing since you retired four months ago?M; I thought it would be wonderful to be retired. I have looked forward to this day for thirty years, but now I'm considering volunteering.Q: What does the man feel about his retired days?8. W: Well, it seems that Frank has become quite a famous painter.M: Has he? You know I'm a professional artist myself and I question how much talent Frank has. Q: What conclusion can be drawn from the man's comments?UINT 14 SECTION A1、Miyoko: Hi, Wendy!Wendy: Hello.Miyoko: What's wrong? Are you sick?Wendy: Yeah. I have a really bad headache.Miyoko: Oh. I'm sorry- You want some aspirin?Wendy: No thanks. I'm just gonna go to bed and rest.2、Lisa: Hey girl. What's up?Leslie: Not much. What about you?Lisa: Nuthin' special. Hey, are you okay?Leslie: Yeah. I guess I'm Just really sore from going to the climbing gym yesterday.Lisa: Me, too' 1 guess we overdid it. My back is sore, and 1 have a stiff neck.Leslie: Next time, we'd better stretch after we exercise!Lisa: Yes! Good idea.3、Professor Chavez: Hi, Tony. How are you?Tony: Not so good, Professor Chavez. I think I'm coming down with a bad cold.Professor Chavez: Really? What's wrong?Tony: Well, I have a stuffy nose and a cough.Professor Chavez: Do you have a fever? You look a little warm.Tony: Maybe. I feel kinda hot.Professor Chavez: Tony, you should go home and go to bed- You might have the flu that's been going around.Tony: OK. That sounds like a good idea.Professor Chavez: Remember to drink lots of juice and get lots of rest. I hope you feel better soon!4、Stephanie: Hello?Mom: Stephanie, it's Mom.Stephanie: Hi, Mom.Mom: I just called to. see how you were feeling.Stephanie: Thanks, Mom. Actually, I still have a fever.Mom: Did you take some medicine?Stephanie: Yeah. It's helping.Mom: What about your stomach? Is it still bothering you?Stephanie: Yeah-1 still feel sick to my stomach.Mom; Oh honey, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?Stephanie: No thanks, Mom. I feel better just talking to you.5、Brian: Erica, I found that report we were looking for.Erica: Great! Let's take a look at it. Brian: Achoooo!Erica: Oh, Brian, are you still not feeling well?Brian: Yeah. This morning I felt better, but now my head hurts.Erica: Are you getting enough sleep?Brian: 1 slept a lot last night, but I still feel tired.Erica: Listen,Brian. I can handle things here today. Why don't you go home and rest? We can finish this project tomorrow. There's no hurry.Brian: Thanks, Erica. I might just do that.6、Doug; Jenny, wait up!Jenny: Doug! I'm glad to see you. 1 wanted to tell you how much fun I had last weekend.Doug: Yeah. We enjoyed it too. We always enjoy hiking in the mountains. Unfortunately, Mary and I are both scratching like crazy.Jenny; Oh no. Poison oak?Doug: I'm afraid so. We both have a rash on our legs.Jenny: Oh, Doug. That's too bad. Doug: Yeah. We feel really itchy.Jenny: Oh no. we had such a nice day together'Doug: Yeah. We had a good time, too. Next time we'll be more carefulUINT 14 SECTION B1、Doctor: Hello, MicheUe. I'm Dr. Benson.MicheUe: Hi.Doctor: How are you feeling today?Michelle: Not so good.Doctor: Well, what seems to be the problem?Michelle; I have a bad cold.Doctor: I can hear that. How long have you had it?Michelle: About three weeks- Every time I think it's going away, I get sick again.Doctor: OK, Michelle. I'm going to examine you now.2、Doctor: Michelle, we didn't find an infection. That's good. That means that you only have abad cold. That means that you don't need to take any medicine. But I know that you don't feel very well. I want to ask you some questions, all right?MicheUe: OK.Doctor: Has school been very difficult lately?Michelle: Well . . . not really. I've been drinking a lot of coffee to stay up late to study.Doctor: What about exercise? Have you been able to get any exercise during midterm exam?Michelle: No. I've been studying so much I haven't had time.Doctor: Well, Michelte. It sounds to me as though you've been studying so much that you haven't given your body a chance to get better. When you're sick, you need to pay attention to your body. I'm going to give some advice. If you follow my advice, you'll start to feel better soon. OK?Michelle; OK.Doctor: Well, first, you must sleep more. You need to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night. You cannot study well if you don't get enough sleep –Michelle: I know.Doctor: Next, you have to eat better. Your body cannot work well if you don't give it good food. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits. And limit your coffee to two cups a day. Michelle: OK.Doctor: Finally, you should exercise more. Try to exercise at least three times per week. It doesn't have to be running or aerobics. Walking is an excellent exercise and is easy to do. Michelle: All right.Doctor: Any questions?Michelle: So you think I should sleep more, eat better, and exercise more. If I do those things, I'll feel better?Doctor: And you won't get sick as often, Michelle.Michelle: Thanks a lot. Doctor.Doctor: You're very welcome, Michelle. Take care.UINT 14 SECTION CMost people know that exercise is important. But many people don't exercise. In this announcement you will hear the five most common reasons why people don't exercise. You will also hear some easy solutions.The first problem? No time. "I don't have any time to exercise. I'm too busy." But you don't need a lot of time to exercise. Short periods of exercise are just as good as long periods of exercise. The solution? You should take two or three short walks every day. For example, ten minutes in the morning, ten minutes at lunch, and ten minutes after dinner.Next, money. "I don't have money to go to a gym. 1 don't have money to buy expensive shoes." No problem. You don't have to spend money to exercise. All you need is a street and comfortable clothes. Our solution? Walk. Don't drive. For instance, walk to the store, to the library, to the bank. Walking is free and easy.The third most common reason is bad weather. "It's raining. It's too hot. It's snowing." Here's a solution. Exercise inside. For example, turn on some music. Dance. Or clean the house. You can go to the shopping mall and walk fast.Fourth, people say they're tired. "I'm too tired to exercise. I'll exercise when I have more energy." But exercise gives you energy. Most people feel too tired because they don't exercise. The solution? Exercise every day. Take a walk. Go for a bike ride. Run around the block. You'll feel great! And you won't feel tired.Finally, some people feel embarrassed. "I feel silly exercising. I don't have a great body." Listen to this solution: Don't feel bad; you should feel great! You're taking care of your body. Little by little, you will feel better. Just do it!You have heard the five reasons why people don't exercise. More importantly, you have heard five solutions to overcome these problems. Now that you have heard this message, go out and exercise! Good luck.。
国际交流英语视听说听力原文 电子版B3U3

Listening 1
Lara: OK, it’s starting. Narrator: Journey to the Tsingy de Bemaraha— Madagascar’s unseen paradise. Doreen: Mom ... what’s this? Narrator: Located in the western part of Madagascar, the Tsingy de Bemaraha is hometo some of the rarestspecies on Earth. Lara: It’s a show that my friend told me about. I really want to watch it. Doreen, could you close that window?
To be continued >>>
Listening 1
Sherry: It really is! Patron: Oh, excuse me. Lara: No problem. Sherry: It’s all limestone, and over time, the stone’s eroded and formed thousands of sharp peaks and very deep cracks and canyons— it’s just incredible. Lara: Wow! It sounds fascinating. Sherry: It really is! You should watch it if you get the chance. I think they’re showing it again on Thursday night. Lara: Sorry ... I need to get this. It’s my daughter. Sherry: That’s OK. Lara: Thanks. Hello?
视听说III Unit 3 原文及答案

Unit 31.ScriptW: Chinese students are often too shy to say anything in class.M: I think they don’t speak because their culture values modesty,and they don’t want to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius.Q: Why don’t Chinese students say in class according to the man?C) They are modest.2.ScriptW: The government is doing something at last about sex discrimination in the work place. Women deserve the same pay as men for the same work.M: Yeah. In the United States, women earn only 70 percent of what men get for the same job. It’s a situation that has to be changed.Q: What does the man say about the women?A) They earn less than men.3. ScriptW: I admire Michael Dell. He had a dream to be the world’s largest manufacture of personal computers, and he has realized that dream.M: And he dropped out of university to become a success. I wonder if there is a lesson in that.Q: What do we learn about Michael Dell from the dialog?D) He succeeded in his career though he did not complete his education.4. ScriptM: Successful entrepreneurs are often self-made people who have a vision and know where they are going.W: But do they enjoy life like you and me, or is money their only concern?Q: What are the two speakers’ attitudes toward successful entrepreneurs?D) The man admires the entrepreneur but the woman does not.5. ScriptW:Do you agree that equal opportunity for all in an educational system is important?M: Yes, but we have to recognize that all of us are not of equal ability.Q: What does the man imply?A)We should acknowledge differences between students.III. Listening InTask 1: Competition in AmericaScriptAlan: What are you reading, Eliza?Eliza: An article on America competition.Alan: Competition is everywhere. Why so much fuss about it, Miss Knowledge? Eliza:Don’t make fun of me. According to the author, competition is especially important in American life. They’re taught to complete from early childhood.When children play games, they learn how to beat others.Alan: And many girls want to look more attractive than the girls sitting next to them in class. Do you think that way?Eliza: Don’t be silly. Let’s get back to the point. When children are growing up, they complete with one another in their studies.Alan: I sn’t that also true of students in other nations? As we all know, many Asian students would kill for a high test score and grab every opportunity to sharpen their competitive edge over others.Eliza:American boys find great pleasure in competing with each other in sports, according to the author.Alan:I do like sports. When our football team beats the other team, I feel great…makes me want to shout out loud. But isn’t that normal throughout the world? Eliza:American people also compete with each other at work and at climbing the social ladder.Alan: But there’s such competition in other countries as well.Eliza:You’re right in a sense, but the author says the idea of competing is more deeply rooted in the minds of Americans. They’re even taught that if you lose and don’t feel hurt, there must be something wrong with you.Alan: I hear that some Asians put emphasis on cooperation. Which approach do you think makes more sense?Eliza: It’s hard to say. Anyway, it’s just culture difference.Question and key:1.What is the dialog mainly about?C) Varies aspects of American competition.2.What is the woman reading?A) Reading an article on American competition.3.What do children learn from playing games according to the woman?C)Competitiveness.4.What does the man say about Asian and American students?B) Competition exacts among both Asian and American students.5. What does the woman think more sense, competition or cooperation?D) It’s difficult to arrive at a definite conclusion.Task2: Americans’ work ethicScript and keyFor 400 years or more, one thing has been a characteristic of Americans. It is called their“work ethic”. Its (S1) roots were in the teachings of the Christian Puritans who first settled in (S2) what is now the northeastern state of Massachusetts. They believed that it was their (S3) moral duty to work at every task to please God by their (S4) diligence, honesty, attention to details, skill, and attitude. To these Puritans, it was a (S5) sin to be lazy or to do less than your best in any task. They and later Americans tried to follow Bible’s (S6) teachings,“If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”Therefore, American have for (S7) centuries believed that they were guilty of sin if they did not work carefully and hard as they could when they did anything. God would punish those who were careless or lazy in their work. (S8) Even as children they were taught, “If it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing well.”But some people have gone beyond the usual sense of diligence. They are especially attracted to the notion of “climbing the ladder”so as to increase their status, financial position, and sense of self-worth.(S9) In English a new word has been created to describe people who work compulsively. The word “workaholic”describes an individual who is as addicted to work as an alcoholic is to alcohol.They are conflicting points of view about workaholics. Those concerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics abuse themselves physically and mentally. (S10) Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are extremely productive. The American culture values achievement, efficiency, and production, and a workaholics upholds those values.Task3: Cross-cultural tips on doing businessScriptCountries from around the globe, such as Germany, the U.S., the U.K., and Russia, conduct a lot of business in China-the biggest market in the world. Here are some tips to help you deal more successfully with people from those nations.Firstly, you must be punctual with the Germans. Being even five minutes late makes a poor impression. Being punctual is also very important with Americans and the British. But while it’s important to be on time for business meetings, nobody expects you to be punctual for a social event. Half past seven is really means a quarter to eight, or even eight o’clock! With Russians, always be on time, but don’t be surprised if your Russian contact is very late! It is not unusual for them to be one or even two hours late!In the business environments of those four countries, it is best to wear formal clothes of dark colors. In Russia, designer clothes are rather common. However, don’t be surprised if you go to an office in the U.K., on a Friday and find everyone wearing jeans. Many companies in the U.K. have “dress down Fridays”, when people wear casual attire.In conversation, the British and the Americans love humor and talking about sports. The weather is also a good topic of conversation with the British, but you should avoid political talk. With the Russians, say positive things about their country, and avoid making complaints. The Germans, however, prefer to get straight down to business!Remember that with the Germans, once a deal has been agreed upon, you can’t change it! With the Americans, money is more important than relationships, whereas with Russians it’s important to get to know your contacts well. Also, don’t be surprised if a British meeting seems like a chaos, with everyone participating and giving opinions!Remember these tips and you will be on your way to a successful international career. Question and key:1.What is true of the Americans and the British in term of punctuality?D) They are punctual for business meetings, but less for social events?2.In which country do people have “dress down Fridays”?A) The U.K.3.What can you infer about the Russians from their conversation?D) They are patriotic.4.How can you do business well with the Russians?A) You should know your contacts well.5.What is the speaker’s attitude toward the four nationalities?C) He is neutral to all of them.IV. Speaking OutMODEL 1: Americans glorify individualism.ScriptSusan: John, I was looking for you. Where have you been hiding all morning? John: Well, I caught Professor Brown’s lecture on American individualism. Susan: Oh, how did you find it?John:Enlightening. Americans glorify individualism. They believe (1) individual interests rank above everything else.Susan:Sounds interesting. (2) It’s a sharp contrast to the oriental collectivism Professor Wang talked about last semester.John: But you should know that the individualism in the United States (3)is not necessarily an equivalent for selfishness.Susan: Then what does it mean in the States?John:They believe (4) all values, rights, and duties originate in individuals, so they emphasize individual initiative and independence.Susan:There could be something in that. Of course (5) an oriental countries the interests of the group are more important than anything else.John:So, it’s all the necessary for foreigners to understand American culture, or they can’t hope to understand the importance of privacy in the West. Susan: Maybe that’s the reason nuclear families outnumber extended families in the United States.John:Right on! You’re catching on fast!Susan: Now let me ask you a question.John: Shoot. Go ahead.Susan: (6) Why do Americans cherish individualism more than oriental people? John:I don’t know. Anyway, Professor Brown didn’t say.Susan: One reason might be that American children stop sleeping with their parents at an early age. They learn independence early, so it’s deeply rooted.John:Wow. That’s an intelligent guess!Model2: What do you think are the reasonsfor that difference?ScriptSusan:Do find that people in America often walk faster than people in China?American (1) always seems to be in a hurry.John:It’s hard to come to a definite conclusion. Some Americans walk in a leisurely way, and some Chinese hurry all the time. But on the whole, I think you’re right.Susan: (2) What do you think are the reasons for that difference?John: Americans treasure time. For them, time is tangible. It’s a thing. “Time is money.”You can “spend time”, “waste time”, “save time”. You can even “kill time”!Susan: (3) Does this strong sense of time affect their lifestyle?John:Sure. If you’re 20 minutes late for a business appointment, the other person or persons will be annoyed. They may not trust you anymore.Susan: But as far as I know, English-speaking people may be 15-30 minutes late for a dinner party.John: That’s true. For an informal occasion like that, punctuality is not so important.Also, a boss may keep his employees waiting for a long time.Susan:But if his secretary is late, she’s in trouble. She will probably receive a reprimand.John:How true!Susan: The American worship of time probably (4) let them to create fast food. John: I agree. And (5) globalization shrinks the differences between cultures. Now people everywhere are rushing, and anywhere you go, you find Kentucky Fried Chicken.Susan: But plenty of Chinese are still making appointments saying, “If I am late, wait for me.”John: But with more intercultural, I think (6) the gap will eventually be bridged, and Chinese will be hurrying everywhere.Model3: That’s the secret of their success.ScriptChris: Hey, Sue, how’s the math class going? Are you head of the class?Susan: Are you kidding? There’s a bunch of foreign students in the class-from China somewhere-and (1) they’re on top.Chris:Why do you think so many Chinese students excel in math? It’s been my observation that the Chinese students are usually the best.Susan: In class they don’t say much, but (2) they definitely get the best marks. Chris: I think part of it is their work ethic. (3) They never skip in class, and they pay attention.Susan: One Chinese student in my class (4) did homework each day until the early hours. He never took a break, watched TV, or went out for a beer.Chris: (5) That’s the secret of their success: hard work and diligence.Susan:It’s so unfair. I could probably do better if I worked harder, but that’s no fun. I think learning should be more fun.Chris:Someone with a knowledge of chess would find a chess tournament fascinating. But if you don’t have the knowledge, then you won’t understand the significance of the moves, and you’ll be bored.Susan:So what you’re saying is knowledge requires hard work, and knowledge makes things interesting. I’m not against knowledge; (6) I just want to learn in an interesting way. What’s more, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.“Ⅴlet’s talkInternational Slavery MuseumScriptThe international Slavery Museum has opened at Albert Dock, in Liverpool. Many people travelled from all over the world to celebrate the opening on 23rd of August. The museum is a place of reflection, contemplation and education.It tells the story of the cruel acts of the transatlantic slave trade, the stories of the lives of the millions of Africans people, who were forced from their homelands onto ships that sailed to unknown lands where they were made to work on farms and in mines in harsh conditions without dignity or payment.Liverpool is one of the many British seaports that became very rich from money made transporting goods such as cotton and sugar, produced by African slaves.One of the most important parts of the museum’s exhibits are the stories of the lives of people who live all over the world today, whose family history can be traced to the Africans whose lives were changed forever by the transatlantic slave trade.It has taken four years of the hard work and planning to organise the creation of the museum, and its opening year is a very significant date because in 2007 we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.This was a law made in 1807; it banned all British people from taking part in the slave trade. Later in 1833 all people who had been forced into slavery to work for British companies were freed.Key:1.It tells the story of the cruel acts of the (1) transatlantic slave trade, the stories ofthe lives of the millions of African people, who were forced from their homelands onto ships that sailed to (2) unknown lands where they were made to work on farms and in mines in harsh conditions without (3) dignity or payments.2.Liverpool is one of the many British seaports that became very (1) rich from manymade transporting goods such as (2) cottons and sugar, produced by African slaves.3.One of the most important parts of the museum’s exhibits are the stories of thelives of people who live (1) all over the world today, whose (2) family history can be traced to the Africans whose lives were (3) changed forever by the transatlantic slave trade.4.Because 2007 marks the 200th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.5. A law made in 1807; it (1) banned all British people from (2) taking part in theslave trade. Later in 1833 all people who had been forced into (3) slavery to workfor British companies were (4) freed.ⅥFurther listening and speakingListeningTask1 PunctualityScriptTo Americans, punctuality is a way of respect for other people’s time. Being more than 10 minutes late to an appointment usually calls for an apology and maybe an explanation. People who are running late often call ahead to let others know of the delay. Of course, the less formal the situation, the less important it is to be exactly on time. At informal get-togethers, for example, people can arrive as much as 30 minutes past the appointed time. But they usually don’t try that at work.American lifestyles show how much people respect the time of others. When people plan an event, they often set the time days or weeks in advance. Once the time is fixed, it takes almost an emergency to change it. If people want to come to your house for a friendly visit, they will usually call first to make sure it is convenient. Only very close friend will just “dropped in”unannounced. Also, people hesitate to call others late at night for fear they might already be in bed. The time may vary, but most people think twice about calling after 10:00p.m.To outsiders, Americans seem tied to the clock. People in some Eastern cultures value relationships more than schedules. In these societies, people don’t try to control time, but to experience it. Many Eastern cultures, for example, view time as a cycle. The rhythm of nature- from the passing of seasons to the monthly cycle of the moon-shapes their view of events. If they have wasted some time or let an opportunity pass by, they are not very worried, knowing that more time and opportunities will come in the next cycle. But Americans often want to jump at the first opportunity. They are unwilling to stand by idly and give up the opportunity.The early American hero Benjamin Franklin expressed that view of time like this: “Do you love life? Then do not waste time, for that is the stuff life is made of.”Question and key:1.When people are running late in America, what do they do?C) They call ahead to inform others of their delays.2.What do Americans do after the time for an appointment is fixed?B) They change it only when there is an emergency.3.How do people in Eastern cultures view relationships and schedules?A) Relationships are more important than schedules.4.Why aren’t some Eastern people worried if they let an opportunity pass by?C) Another opportunity will come in next cycle.5.What was Benjamin Franklin’s view of time?D) It is part of life.Task2: Our personal spaceScriptOur personal space, that piece of the universe we occupy and call our own, is contained within an invisible boundary surrounding our body. As the owners of this area, we usually decide who may enter and who may not. When our space is invaded, we react in a variety of ways. We back up and retreat, stand our ground as our hands become moist from nervousness, or sometimes even react violently. Our response shows not only our unique personality, but also our cultural background.For example, cultures that stress individualism such as England, the United States, Germany, and Australia, generally demand more space than collective cultures do, and tend to aggressive when their space is invaded. The idea of space is quite different from the one found in the Mexican and Arab cultures. In Mexico, the physical distance between people when engaged in conversation is closer than what is usual north of the border. And for Middle Easterners, typical Arab conversations are at close arrange. Closeness cannot be avoided.As is the case with most of our behavior, our use of space is directly linked to the value system of our culture. In some Asian cultures, for example, employees do not stand near their bosses; the extended distance demonstrates respect. Extra interpersonal distance is also part of the cultural experience of the people of Scotland and Sweden, for whom it reflects privacy. And in Germany, private space is scared. Key:1.T2. F3.T4. F5. FTask3: We don’t know what to do with them.ScriptA Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman, and an American lawyer were passengers on a fast train speeding across the French countryside. As time wore on, they gradually became friendly with one another, introducing themselves and shaking hands. Eventually, the Russian took out a large bottle of vodka and poured each of his traveling companions a drink. Just as the American businessman was sipping the vodka and praising its fine quality, the Russian hurled the half-full bottle out of the open window.“What did you do that for?”asked the startled American businessman.“V odka is plentiful in my country,”said the Russian. “In fact, we have thousands and thousands of liters of it-far more than we need.”The American businessman shook his head and leaned in his seat, obviously baffled by the Russian’s reasoning .A little later, the young Cuban passed around a box of fine Havana cigars. The men enjoyed this treat and made admiring remarks about the pleasure of smoking good Havana cigars. At that very moment the Cuban took a couple of puffs of his cigar and then tossed it out of the open window.“I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year,” the American businessman said,“Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling.”“Cigars,” the Cuban replied, “are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than we know what to do with.”The American businessman sat in silence for moment. Then he got up, grabbed the lawyer, and threw him out of the window.Key:1.The Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the open window.2.He answered, “V odka is plentiful in my country. In fact, we have thousands andthousands of liters of it-far more we need.”3.The businessman said, “I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year. Yetyou threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quite puzzling. ”4.He replied, “Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have more of them than weknow what to do with.”5.The American businessman sat in silence for moment. Then he got up, grabbedthe lawyer, and threw him out of the window. He did that probably because hethought there were too many lawyers in the United States.Viewing and speakingReviving the image of tea1.Script and keyVoice-over: Walk down any high street and you can’t help noticing the explosion of trendy coffee shops. The old style of cafes are gradually (1) disappearingto make way for the caffeine culture. As people become espresso fiendsand cappuccino connoisseurs, designer coffees are (2) kicking thetraditional British beverage-tea-off the menu. But there are still a fewoases of calm.[On-screen text: Charlotte Grindling.]Voice-over:Charlotte Grindling is a design guru and a tea fanatic.Charlotte:I’ll have a pot of house blend please.Waitress:OK, and a cream.Charlotte:Yes, thank you. Here we are in a quintessentially English (3) tea shop. I love these places. Look, they even give you a doily. But the problem isthat tea is undergoing an (4) image crisis. You think of your granny, teaat four, the flat cap. But with the explosion of the new coffee shopshitting the high street, the question is: How is tea going to (5) update itsimage?Voice-over:One tea manufacturing company saw a niche in the market for a chain of tea shops to (6) compete with the American-style coffee shops thatdominate the high street. But to compete successfully, they needed a teamachine that made quality tea as (7) fast as the coffee machines makecoffee. They turned to the company Design Bridge for help.David: I’m David.Richard:I’m Richard.David:We work for Design Bridge.Richard:And we design things like that.David:And that.Richard:And that.David:Yeah, and that.Richard: And this one.David:In fact, all of these.Voice-over:David and Richard are (8) product designers.They’re responsible for repackaging many familiar high street brands. Repackaging tea was justone of their briefs and it was because of the (9) contacts that they madewith the tea company that they got the job of designing the tea machine. [On-screen text: David Helps.]David:we met up with our client in a place (10) similar to this, and he said he wanted a tea machine to fit into a load of tea shops he was launching theyear after. So he all spun around and looked at that, and said actually Ithink that’s the sort of thing we (11) want.[On-screen text: Richard Rees.]Richard:The trouble is there it’s a beautiful coffee machine. It’s been around for 30 years, it’s got this gorgeous Italian styling: lots of chrome, lots ofstainless steel, but we weren’t sure whether that style was what weneeded for a tea machine. So that was our (12challenge: What’s the rightstyle for a new tea machine?Voice-over:Faced with creating a new product from scratch, David and Richard would need a design brief. The brief is crucial because they need toknow about the (13) consumer before they can design the product. Thereis a (14) traditional way of finding out what the consumer wants andcreating this design brief.。

Unit 3 New orlea ns is sinkingFor 300 years, the sea has been closing in on New Orleans. As the coastal erosion continues, it is estimated the city will be off shore in 90 years. Even in good weather, New Orleans is sinking. As the city beg ins what is likely to be the biggest demoliti on project in . history, the questi on is, can we or should we put New Orlea ns back together aga inLife has bee n retur ning to high and dry land on Bourb on Street, but to find the monumental challenge facing the city you have to visit neighborhoods you have never heard of. On Lizardi Street,60 Minutes took a walk with the men in charge of finishing what Katrina started.Corresp ondent Scott Pelley reports.Before Katrina, "There would be noise and activity and families and people, and children, and, you kno w, I have n't see n a child in a mon th here," says Greg Meffert, a city official who, with his colleague Mike Centineo, is trying to figure out how much of the city will have to be demolished.Meffert, who is in charge of city pla nning, says it is "very possible" up to 50,000 houses will have to be bulldozed. Right now, most of the homes in the city are unin habitable.Meffert faces a difficult task. Every time he goes to a house site here, he says, "It's one more knife in me that says, 'She did another one. She did another one,'" explains Meffert, "she" meaning Hurrica ne Katri na.Whe n you walk through these n eighborhoods and you see the houses, you get a sense of the pain of the in dividual families. But you don't get a sense of what has happe ned to the city of New Orlea ns itself.It is estimated that there were 200,000 homes in New Orleans, and 120,000 of them were damaged by the flood.The part of the city known as the lower Ninth Ward received some of the heaviest floodi ng. The houses are splintered block after block after block, almost as if the city had been carpet-bombed in war.Meffert says that before the storm, New Orleans had a population of 470,000-480,000 people.Realistically, he thinks that half of those reside nts won't be coming back.The possessionsof thousands of families, the stuff collected over lifetimes is suddenly garbage, clawed up into mountains in city parks. With so much gone already, should New Orlea ns pick up right where it was?"We should be thinking about a gradual pullout of New Orleans, and starting to rebuildpeople's homes, bus in esses and in dustry in places that can last more tha n 80 years," says Tim Kusky, a professor of earth scie nces at St. Louis Un iversity.Kusky talks about a withdrawal of the city and explains that coastal erosion was thrown into fast forward by Katrina. He says by 2095, the coastline will pass the city and New Orleans will be what he calls a "fish bowl.""Because New Orleans is going to be 15 to 18 feet below sea level, sitting off the coast of North America surrounded by a 50- to 100-foot-tall levee system to protect the city," expla ins Kusky.He says the city will be completely surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico just 90 years from now.Since this story aired on Nov. 20, there has been considerable discussion about whether New Orlea ns really is sinking, in clud ing orCBS News' blog, Public Eye"That's the projection, because we are losing land on the Mississippi Delta at a rate of 25 to 30 square miles per year. That's two acres per hour that are sinking below sea level," says Kusky.That process could only be slowed, in theory, by massive restorati on of wetla nds. In the mean time, while Kusky's advice is to head for the hills, some New Orlea ns reside nts are hop ing to head home.Vera Fulton has lived most of her 81 years on Lizardi Street and returned to her home rece ntly for the first time since being evacuated."Whe n they say 'storm,' I leave. I can't swim and I can't drink it. So what I do, I leave," says Vera, who has lost her home to two hurrica nes.Vera is intent on coming back. "I don't have no other home, where rm going" Three generations of Fultons, Vera's son Irvin Jr., his wife Gay and their son Irvin, 3rd, live around Lizardi Street.Irvin says his house is "just flat" and he didn't have insurance.That's the dilemma. The only thing they have left is land prone to disaster. They want to rebuild, and the city plans to let them.At Vera's house, Mike Centenio, the city's top building official, told 60 Minutes homes can go up as long as they meet what is called the "100-year flood level."The federal government had set a flood-level, but didn't figure on a levee failure that would flood parts of the city.The official level is several feet off the ground. If people meet the requirement, they can rebuild their homes, despite the fact that we saw, for example, a refrigerator lifted to the top of a carport by the floodwaters.Asked whether allowing people to rebuild makes sense, Centenio says it is "going to take some studying."Right now, he says the flood level requirement is the law.Twelve weeks after the storm hit, no one has an answer to where people should go. An estimated 80,000 homes had no insurance, and for now, the biggest grant a family can get from the federal government is $26,200.Those without flood insurance face an uncertain road ahead, trying to piece their lives and homes back together."I don't think any of us get to be made whole. I don't know of anybody that's even getting back to where they were. It's just a matter of how much you lost," says Meffert.No one wants to risk more losses until the levees are fixed but there is not a lot of confidence in that. There's evidence some of the levee walls may have failed from bad design or lousy workmanship.Fixing them is up to Colonel Richard Wagenaar, who told 60 Minutes, that by next summer, the levees will withstand a Category 3 storm. But for a Category 5 storm, Congress would have to double the levee height to 30 feet.Col. Wagenaar says building a 30-foot flood control system around the city could take five to ten years, and cost billions of dollars.Asked whether he would live in New Orleans if the levees were restored to pre-Katrina levels, Col. Wagenaar said he would, after a long pause."There's a lot of long pauses in things I think about these days," Wagenaar added.Another thing that gives you pause is the fact that one of the world's largest pumping systems can't keep the city dry with broken levees.60 Minutes was there in September during Hurricane Rita. Crews were fighting with everything they had, cooling a pump with a hose and a coat hanger. When the station flooded during Katrina, Gerald Tilton dove under water to open valves.Since then, Tilton and his men have been living at the station. "Most of us, our homes have been destroyed but a large number of us are still here doing the job that we get paid to do," says Tilton.Tilton says he hasn't seen his home since the storm hit and only took one thing from the house when he left: his diploma. "I graduated from Tulane last year and that was the one thing that I wanted. I know it might sound crazy."But sharp minds and heroism couldn't stop a second flood.It took another two weeks to dry out and count the losses. Now, inspectors with laptops are identifying ruined houses."Every house in New Orleans is loaded into this database," explains Centineo. The reports are sent instantly to a computer at city hall, where the database is linked to aerial images of every address, both before and after.When the reports are in, they will know how many billions it will take to rebuild, but not where that money is coming from.Mike Centineo showed us, at his house, that you can't appreciate the loss until you walk through the door. He lost pretty much everything in his home. "We've lost a lot. What hurts is family photos. They went under water and I pulled them out to try to salvage what I could," Centineo says.Centineo says he understands, probably better than any building official ever has, what the victims of Katrina are going through. "I'm one of them, that's true, I'm one of them."He is one of about 400,000 people still unable to come home. That's the worst part now, the deflation of the Big Easy.There are too few people to pay taxes or keep businesses going. The world's largest domed stadium doesn't have a football team; In New Orleans, these days, not even the Saints gomarching in.Meffert has some clear feelings on whether the nation should commit billions of dollars and several years to protect the city."Is it commit or invest I mean this is the thing that that people miss. The country has to decide whether it really is what we tell the world what we are. Or are we just saying that Because ifwe are that powerful, if we are that focused, if we are that committed to all of our citizens, then there is no decision to make. Of course you rebuild it," says Meffert.。
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Unit2Human MigrationBook 3A |Professor: OK, could someone please turn off the lights? Good, thanks. Now, can everyone see the slide? Good. Now, we’ve been talking about emigration from one country to another. But emigration isn’t always from a country. In this first slide, you see a map of the state of North Dakota—in the U.S. We’re going to focus on this part of the state—western North Dakota. One hundred years ago, North Dakota had something that many immigrants were looking for. What do you think it was?To be continued >>>Listening 1Student: Was it farmland?Professor: That’s right. North Dakota had land, and that land attracted many immigrants from Europe— especially from Norway andGermany. They left their native countries and moved abroad. In North Dakota, they planted wheat, and they built houses and new towns. Nowadays, however, more and more people are leaving North Dakota —especially the rural areas—and moving to other states in the U.S. But before we get to that, let’s look more closely at the reasons immigrants left their original countries and went to North Dakota in the first place.To be continued >>>Listening 1B | &C |Professor: OK, could someone please turn off the lights? Good, thanks. Now, can everyone see the slide? Good. Now, we’ve been talking about emigration from one country to another. Butemigration isn’t always from a country. In this first slide, you see a map of the state of North Dakota—in the U.S. We’re going to focus on this part of the state—western North Dakota. One hundred years ago, North Dakota had something that many immigrants were looking for. What do you think it was? Student: Was it farmland?To be continued >>>Listening 1Professor: That’s right. North Dakota had land, and that land attracted many immigrants from Europe— especially from Norway andGermany. They left their native countries and moved abroad. In North Dakota, they planted wheat, and they built houses and new towns. Nowadays, however, more and more people are leaving North Dakota —especially the rural areas—and moving to other states in the U.S. But before we get to that, let’s look more closely at the reasons immigrants left their original countries and went to North Dakota in the first place.Listening 1To be continued >>>Professor: This second slide shows one important reason—trains. By the early part of the 20th century, trains had arrived in this part of the country, so travel was easier. And when the railroad companiesfinished building, they sold their extra land—and they sold it cheap. The U.S. government was also selling land at low prices, and there were even ways to get land for free! You just had to live on the land for five years, plant some trees, and do a little farming—easy, right? Well, as you’ll see in this next slide, life wasn’t easy. The family that used to live in this house left a long time ago. That’s because after the 1920s, North Dakota had several years of very dry, very windy weather. The economic crisis of the 1930s made things even more difficult, so many farmers had to sell their land and leave.To be continued >>>Listening 1Professor: This next slide is a picture of Corinth in the middle of winter—a town that once had 75 people living in it. One of the six people who still live in Corinth today is a farmer named Melvin Wisdahl. Melvin is 83 years old. And though his two sons are still farmers, Melvin’s grandchildren will probably emigrate. That’s the trend in North Dakota. There aren’t many jobs, and there aren’t many people.But that’s not the whole story. This picture was taken at the North Dakota State University in Fargo. And it looks like a nice place, doesn’t it? In fact, some people are moving to North Dakota, but they’re moving to the larger cities, not to the small towns.To be continued >>>Professor: So, what is happening in the small towns? Well, some people are trying to fight the emigration trend and preserve the old communities. Here, you see the Mystic Theatre in Marmarth, North Dakota. Every year, they invite poets to come here for the Cowboy Poets Weekend. That’s right—a whole weekend of poetry from writers in the Western states—and it’s a big event! Sadly, though, experts think the changes in North Dakota aren’t just temporary, they are permanent. They don’t think these small towns will grow again. Are there any questions?Professor Garcia: All right! Now we’re going to take our discussion of immigration and emigration to a more personal level. I’m going to have you divide into groups of four. Then I want you to tell your group about someone you know who has emigrated—gone to live in another country — temporarily, or permanently. Does everyone have the chart? In the boxes across the top of the chart, you can write the names of the people in your group … OK … here on the left is the information you’re going to need. First, you’re going to write down who emigrated—their name, or their relationship to your classmate. Next, where did they come from? And where did they go to? Then … why did they emigrate? And finally, you’re going to take notes about whether they assimilated … or not!Listening 2B | &C |Emily: OK, let’s get started … Are we all here? Sunisa, Josh, Nasir… Sunisa: And what’s your name?Emily: Sorry! I’m Emily … So, Josh, has your family always livedhere in Chicago? Josh: Well, always since, oh, the 1930s. My grandparents came herefrom Poland, my dad’s parents. Nasir: Really? Why’d they leave?To be continued >>>Listening 2Josh: Have you forgotten your history? Poland was a dangerousplace then. Everyone knew a war was coming, and mygrandparents were lucky enough to get out. They had relatives in Chicago, so they settled in a Polish neighborhood there. Polish church, Polish grocery store, Polish everything. My grandma never really learned English. Emily: So, they didn’t want to assimilate.Josh: Not really. But then the next generation wasn’t interested inPolish customs or anything. My dad and my uncle were crazy about baseball. That’s all they cared about. And mygrandparents were so unhappy when they didn’t marry nice Polish girls!To be continued >>>Listening 2Nasir: What about you? Are you interested in Polish culture? Josh: Well, maybe a little … It would be fun to travel there. But likeProfessor Garcia said, my family is pretty well assimilated. We’re just regular Americans. Though we retain some Polish customs, for example we always eat Polish food on certain holidays …. Sunisa: And, Nasir, you’re from Pakistan, right? Nasir: Yeah, from Karachi. Sunisa: Did you always live there?Listening 2To be continued >>>Nasir: Yeah … but when I was younger, my dad worked in SaudiArabia. He was a water engineer, out in the desert there. It was a really good job, and he could come home for a month every year. Josh: Do you mind if I ask … did he earn a lot of money there? Nasir: Yes, he did. But it was really hard for my mother. Most of theyear she was the head of the family, but when he was home, everything changed. And my little sister was born while my father was working in Saudi. She cried every time he came back because she didn’t remember him. Sunisa: That sounds really tough …To be continued >>>Nasir: It was. But he earned enough to send all of us to goodschools. And then he started his own engineering firm in Karachi. So in the end, it was a positive thing. Emily: Do you think it changed your father, … living overseas likethat? Nasir: Yeah … I think it made him even more Pakistani! After that,he only wore traditional Pakistani clothes, and he never wanted to eat foreign food! Nasir: So, … what about your family, Emily?Emily: Huh! None of them ever did anything interesting … well,except for my Uncle Jack. He emigrated from England to Australia back in the 1950s.To be continued >>>Josh: Cool! You can go see your relatives in Australia!Emily: Mmm, not exactly … Back then, Australia was really tryingto increase its population. If you wanted to settle there, they gave you a very cheap ticket and promised you a job. Uncle Jack was 26, and he couldn’t find a girlfriend. Australia sounded sooo much better than England, so off he went. Josh: And how’d he like it?Emily: Actually … he hated it! It’s so funny. He didn’t like England,but then when he got to Australia, he thought the sun was too hot, and the land was too empty, and the girls were unfriendly … and on and on …Listening 2To be continued >>>Emily: He worked for a mining company for five years, and ofcourse there were no women there. So one day he just got on a ship and came back. He never got married, and his attitude about Australia hasn’t changed. He’s beencomplaining about it ever since. I don’t think he had one positive experience there. Nasir: Well, we read that a high proportion of emigrants actually doreturn home … what did the professor say? Emily: More than half, I think … Sunisa, what about you? Hasanyone in your family emigrated from Thailand?Listening 2To be continued >>>Sunisa: No … actually, my ancestors emigrated to Thailand, fromChina. But that was so long ago that no one reallyremembers, maybe a hundred or two hundred years ago. A lot of Chinese moved to Thailand then. Nasir: Interesting! Do you know why?Sunisa: I’m not sure. I think they probably moved because therewere too many people in China, in that region … I guess there was just no place for them, and they thought life would be better in Thailand. Emily: I hope this isn’t too personal … but is there discriminationagainst Chinese people in Thailand now?Listening 2To be continued >>>Sunisa: Not really. We’re not exactly a separate ethnic group. Somany Chinese married Thais, we’re all mixed together. It’s not like we’re a minority there … Ultimately, we all just became typical Thais, except sometimes our names are a little different.Josh: So, do the people in your family speak Chinese?Sunisa: No! Well, actually, my grandma knows a little bit, but shelearned it from her friend. I think the Chinese in my country assimilated really well. Usually people don’t even know who’s Chinese …Professor Garcia: OK,… everyone, almost finished? Next, I want youto discuss these questions that I’m writing on the board …Listening 2Narrator: It has the look and the sound of Istanbul. But this Turkish community is in Germany. In a country learning how to prosper with a diversity it didn’t want. After the devastation of World War II, Germany needed help to rebuild and so invited Turkish guest workers. Both Germans and Turks believed the arrangement was temporary.Ozcan Mutlu, Member of Parliament, Berlin: But that was a lie. It was a life lie, I say. Because no one returned.To be continued >>>Narrator: Turks like to say that the Germans sent for workers, but got human beings. And the human beings became a vibrantcommunity. Two hundred thousand in Berlin, two million in all of Germany. A third generation of German Turks is now being born, but many Germans still think of them as foreigners.Ozcan Mutlu: This is one reason why these people kept their ties to the home country, and why they still identify themselves as Turks. Narrator: Turkish fears grew when the Berlin Wall fell and the government focused on reunification rather than the needs of minorities.Ozcan Mutlu: Turks say the wall came down, but it came down on the heads of the Turks.To be continued >>>Narrator: There is a rich Turkish cultural tradition in Germany. But though the cultural border between peoples here has grown more distinct, both Germans and Turks are trying to bridge it.This is a pioneering public school called Rixdorfer. Students from both cultures are taught side by side in both languages. The costs are higher than average, but so is the success.Marion Berning, Rixdorfer Elementary School, Berli n: If you put money in the small kids, in the younger kids, you don’t have much problems when they are older.To be continued >>>Narrator: Marion Berning hopes that what she sees here is the shape of the future.Marion Berning : They don’t see the difference between the Turkish and the German. And so they have no problems with foreigners. They are not foreigners. They are kids.Two young women go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the small town of Budesti, Romania—but their clothes say a lot about an important world trend. Along with their traditional Romanian Sunday dresses, the women are wearing fashionable foreign jackets and shoes. People in the women’s families went to live abroad to work, and then came back to their hometown, bringing money and foreign products—like these clothes.More than 2.5 million Romanians have emigrated and are now living in countries such as Spain and Italy. For most of these people, the move is only temporary. They plan to work in a store or factory for several years and then return to Romania. They send money toTo be continued >>>Listening 1their families and keep in contact with them by phone. Often, they live together in a Romanian community with other people who speak their native language.Other Romanians have made a permanent move to Canada or Australia and they will never go back to live in their original country. These immigrants often face difficulties in their new country with language, culture, and negative feelings from the local people. But their children usually learn to speak two languages and become comfortable in two cultures.Listening 1Hmong AmericansThe Hmong are an ethnic minority from Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. In the 1970s, after the war between the U.S. and Vietnam, many Hmong were forced to leave their homes, and a large number of them emigrated to the U.S. to settlepermanently. The Hmong were mostly uneducated farmers in their native countries. When they emigrated to the U.S., manyof them settled together in small towns and started vegetable farms. They retained many of their native customs and did notlearn much English. The Hmong people mainly kept tothemselves, but many of the local people did not like having them in their communities. Today, most young Hmong-Americans are bilingual and well educated, but their parents make sure the family retains the traditional culture and customs.Listening 2To be continued >>>Japanese BraziliansThe first Japanese immigrants came to Brazil in 1908, and today Brazil has the largest Japanese community outside of Japan. Japanese immigrants came to work on coffee farms acrossBrazil. They planned to stay only a few years, make money, and then go home. However, very few returned to Japan. During the 1940s, there were many laws that restricted theactivities and freedom of Japanese Brazilians. Life improved for the Japanese Brazilians in the 1970s. They moved into newfields of business and became very successful. Today, only the oldest people in the community still speak Japanese, and the majority of the youngest generation are of mixed-race.Listening 2During World War II, many Germans emigrated from their country. Then after the war, when the country was rebuilding and the economy was growing, there was a shortage of workers. SoGermany made agreements with several countries to allow workers, mostly men, to live in the country for two years and work atindustrial jobs. After two years, the men were expected to return to their home countries, which included Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey. The guest worker program began in 1955 and ended in 1973, when Germany’s economic growth slowed. In contrast to the economy, the number of foreigners in Germany continued to grow as family members joined the workers. A new agreement among European Union countries also allowed Italians to enter Germany without any special permission. In addition, a second generation had been born, and those babies were still foreigners according to German law.Listening 3。

Unit 1 Let’s Go Somewhere!ListeningAudio Track 3-1-1/Audio Track 3-1-2Leticia: Hello?Paula: Hi, Leticia. It’s Paula.Leticia: Hi, Paula. How are you? Have you finished packing yet?Paula: Almost.Leticia: You must be excited. When’s your flight?Paula: Tomorrow. At 9 a.m. Listen, Leticia, I need your help.Leticia: OK. What’s up?Paula: Well, as you know, I’m going on vacation — for two weeks. Do you think you could water my plants while I’m away?Leticia: Sure. No problem.Paula: Great. They need water twice a week. There’s one plant in the bedroom and one in the kitchen.Leticia: OK … say, how about your dog? Should I feed her, too?Paula: No, that’s OK. I’m putting her in a kennel.Leticia: All right, then, I’ll water your plants … and … oh, how about the mail? Should I pick it up for you?Paula: Actually, I’ve already asked the mailman to stop mail delivery. Thanks for asking, though. Leticia: Well, have a great trip!Paula: Thanks, Leticia. I really appreciate your help.Leticia: My pleasure. Wait a second. I don’t have any keys to your place.Paula: Oh, that’s right. Will you be home around 8 tonight?Leticia: Yeah, I think so.Paula: OK, I’ll drop by … I’ll give you the keys then.Leticia: OK! See you tonight. Bye!Paula: Bye! Thanks again!Audio Track 3-1-3/Audio Track 3-1-4/Audio Track 3-1-5Ashley: Wow, Jun, you look relaxed. Did you enjoy the long weekend?Jun: I sure did, Ashley. Actually, I took a big trip.Ashley: Over the weekend? We only had three days off!Jun: Yep, but I visited four countries in three days.Ashley: What?Jun: I love to fly. You might say I’m an “airplane freak.”Ashley: That’s interesting. … Where did you go?Jun: I visited Korea, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines.Ashley: Sounds like you were busy!Jun: I was. I had only four hours in Seoul, so I had to finish my shopping very quickly. Sometimes I had to run between connecting flights.Ashley: Wait a minute! What about your baggage? Didn’t you have to wait for it?Jun: No, I didn’t have much: only one carryon bag. I t just fits in the overhead compartment. Ashley: So let me get this straight … you spent your weekend in an airplane? Flying around? Jun: Basically, yes. I fly standby.Ashley: Standby?Jun: Yes. As a standby passenger, I don’t have a reservation. At the l ast minute they let me know if there is a seat available. They give me a boarding pass and I get on.Ashley: All this flying must be expensive!Jun: Well, I’m an airline employee. I’m a sales representative for Twin Star Airlines. So I know most of the flight attendants and I can almost fly for free.Ashley: Lucky you!Audio Track 3-1-6Matt: Have you done all the errands?Tina: No, I haven’t finished them yet.Matt: You don’t have to go to the post office. I’ve canceled the mail delivery.Tina: Well, I’ve picked up the plane tickets. But I haven’t taken the dog to the kennel. What about you? Have you washed the dishes?Matt: No, I haven’t cleaned the kitchen. But I watered the plants, and I’ve given our keys to Mrs. Smith.Tina: What about your suitcase? Have you packed it?Matt: Not yet … But don’t worry: there’s still lots of time!Audio Track 3-1-7Steve: Are you almost ready?Jenna: Yes, I think so, but we always forget so many things! Did you get the traveler’s checks at the bank yesterday?Steve: Yes, I did. And I paid the bills, too.Jenna: Well, I changed our voicemail message, and I confirmed all of our flights.Steve: Great! Let’s remember to give the house keys to Mr. Jacobsen so he can come in and water our plants.Jenna: This afternoon I have to stop the mail delivery at the post office.Steve: And could you please take the dog to the kennel?Jenna: Oh, I hate that! He always looks so scared.Steve: And this time, let’s remember to empty the trash before we leave.Jenna: And we’ll give away all th e fresh food. Last year, there were black tomatoes and green meat in the refrigerator after our vacation.Steve: I made a note to myself: unplug the computer!Jenna: And I promise to turn off all the lights. The electric bill was terrible last time.Steve: Maybe we should write a list. Then we can use it again on our next vacation.Audio Track 3-1-8/Audio Track 3-1-9Tips for better packingAre you planning to travel for a weekend or several months, around the country or overseas? Hereare some tips to help you pack your bags.1.Pre-trip planning: • Make a packing list to help you remember everything. Review it about a week before your trip. • Plan a time to go shopping for things you need for your trip. • Don’t pack the night before you travel. You will for get things when you’re in a hurry.2.Tagging luggage: • Before packing, put name tags on valuable items like cameras and cell phones. • Make sure that each piece of luggage, including carry-ons, has a luggage tag on it. • If you know your hotel’s address a nd phone number, put it on your luggage tags.3.Saving space: • Pack small items (socks, belts, etc.) inside your shoes. It uses the empty space and helps the shoes to hold their shape. • Pack your clothes in plastic bags. • If you are traveling with a friend, plan your packing together. Share your alarm clock, toothpaste, or first aid kit.4.Your carry-on bag: • The most important items for your trip (passport, plane tickets, traveler’s checks, credit cards, keys, etc.) should go in your carry-on bag. Alwa ys keep them with you. • Keep your carryon bag small and light. Put bulky, heavy items in your check-in luggage. • Use soft bags, such as backpacks or shoulder bags, for carry-ons. They fit easily under the airplane seat, or into small overhead compartments.5.Other ideas: • Bring an empty bag for souvenirs from the trip. • Remember to pack a few rubber bands, safety pins and plastic bags. They can be very useful. • Bring some snacks such as nuts, cookies or dried fruit. You can eat them if you don’t have t ime for a meal. Sharing food is a great way to meet other travelers.Audio Track 3-1-10/Audio Track 3-1-11/Audio Track 3-1-12Going solo is the way to go!How do you usually travel? Do you go with a close friend or a group of friends? Do you join a tour group? Do you travel with your family?Have you ever imagined “going solo”? In the mid 1990s, it was estimated that 9 million Americans were planning a summer vacation alone. Since then, the number of solo travelers has increased. You may think that traveling alone would be scary or boring. Well, according to people who do it, that’s not exactly true. Solo travelers often have positive experiences: they make new friends, get to know themselves better, and can make their own schedule.There are many different things you can do on a vacation alone. Some solo travelers use the time to learn or practice a sport such as golf, mountain climbing, or scuba diving. Others go and stay on a ranch and learn how to ride a horse. You can pretend to be a cowboy or a cowgirl for a day!You may not believe this, but some travelers like to study on their vacation. They even go to “vacation college” at a university or join a research team as a volunteer worker. It’s hard but satisfying work. You can “play scientist” for a week or two while you help someone with their project.For solo travelers of different ages and genders, there are many travel options. There are tours for women only and for people over the age of 60. And, of course, there are trips for singles who are looking for romance. One company offers trips that focus on fine dining —there is time for sightseeing during the day and for sharing a delicious meal with new friends at night.The next time you take a trip somewhere, why don’t you consider going solo?Bon voyage!Unit 2 Indoors and OutdoorsListeningAudio Track 3-2-1A: How many of the items above are in your home?B: In my home, we have the air conditioner, alarm clock, washing machine, remote control and frying pan.A: Where are they usually kept?B: Well, we keep the remote control in the living room because that’s where the TV is. The air conditioner is in the living room, too. You’ll find the frying pan and washing machine in the kitchen. The alarm clock is in my bedroom because I need it to help me to wake up in the morning.A: Which items are necessary?B: I think all the items I’ve mentioned are necessary.A: Which are luxury items?B: Well, I guess some people would say that the remote control and TV are luxury items, but actually they are becoming popular today.Audio Track 3-2-2/Audio Track 3-2-3Jenna: OK, I think we have two choices. The first place is a little house. It’s located in a fruit orchard.Carson: Really?Jenna: Yeah. And you can eat as much fruit as you want. When it’s in season, of course.Oh … but wait. It says there’s no air conditioner.Carson: That’s OK. It’s on the rainy side of the island. It’s cooler there. We can use a fan. Jenna: You’re probably right … Say. It looks pretty basic. No washing machine or dryer … not even a TV!Carson: Oh no! What are we going to do without a TV! That’s terrible!Jenna: Very funny. I’m just letting you know about the place.Carson: I know. What’s our second choice?Jenna: It’s on the opposite side — the sunny side — of the island. Very fancy place with a big swimming pool. It’s only three blocks from the ocean.Carson: Who needs a swimming pool? I mean, it’s only three blocks.Jenna: I see your point. Well, the pool area also has barbecue grills, beautiful gardens …Carson: You like the second place better. I can tell.Jenna: Well, it does have everything. Washing machine, dryer, TV, VCR, frying pan …Carson: All we need is a toothbrush and a swimsuit … Let’s go with the second choice.Jenna: OK. I’ll call them right now and reserve it. I can’t wait to g o!Audio Track 3-2-4/Audio Track 3-2-5Ashley: Excuse me. I’m trying to get to the City Zoo.José: Oh, let me think. … OK, um, how are you getting there?Ashley: I want to drive, if it’s convenient.José: Well, the directions are easy. See that road over there?Ashley: Yes.José: That’s Second Avenue. Just go straight down Second and turn left at the traffic light. Ashley: OK.José: You’ll be on Church Avenue and it goes straight to the zoo.Ashley: Oh, so it’s not too far.José: No, but the traffic is usua lly heavy. And I don’t think the zoo has many parking spaces available for cars.Ashley: Hmm …José: Maybe you should take the subway.Ashley: Where do I catch it?José: There’s a subway entrance right in front of the park. Take the red line three stops. G et off at the City Zoo stop. It’s pretty obvious.Ashley: Thanks a lot.José: No problem.Ashley: Oh, wait. One more thing. How much does the subway cost?José: Two dollars.Audio Track 3-2-6Realtor: Hello, Mrs. Willis. I think this house is perfect for you. I hope you like it.Mrs. Willis: It’s nice and roomy.Realtor: Yes, there’s a lot of room. It’s a four-bedroom house.Mrs. Willis: Great. I need a room for my home office because I work at home a lot. And I need two rooms for my kids.Realtor: And ther e’s also a big yard.Mrs. Willis: Great! I’d love to have a garden. My kids can play there.Realtor: Shall we go outside and have a look?Mrs. Willis: OK.Audio Track 3-2-7There are several ways to improve life in my city. Our biggest problem is transportation. We really need more ways to get around. I’d like to ride my bicycle to work, but there is too much traffic on the streets. We need safer places for bicycling and walking. Another problem is the parks. We have some nice parks, but we don’t take good care of them and they are often dirty. We need cleaner parks, where children can play and adults can relax. One more problem is nightlife. There’s nothing to do in the evening! We should build a big theater for plays and concerts.Audio Track 3-2-8/Audio Track 3-2-9Take back your street!Two neighbors meet on a city sidewalk. They talk about planting more flowers along their street, or asking the city council to add bike lanes to a busy road. In small but important ways, these people are changing the face of their cities.All around the world, people are speaking up and working hard to make their cities safer and more pleasant for pedestrians. Cities have painted crosswalks on their streets, made streets narrower, put in traffic lights and speed bumps, and made plans to help more kids walk or bike to school. Manypeople have learned from a man from Brisbane, Australia, named David Engwicht. His book Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns has a simple message. He says that in the past, streets belonged to everybody. Kids played there, and neighbors stopped there to talk.But now, streets are just for cars and trucks. People stay inside to get away from the noise and dangerous traffic, and we lose contact with our neighbors. Engwicht says that we should use streets for more than just transportation. People need to take back their streets.Engwicht travels around the world, helping people think differently about pedestrians, streets, and neighborhoods. Besides his books and articles, he gives many speeches. He has worked in neighborhoods from Honolulu to Scotland.While Engwicht was writing his book, he learned about how neighbors in the city Delft, in the Netherlands, stopped dangerous traffic on their street. They put old couches, tables, and planters in the streets. Cars could still pass, but they had to drive slowly. When the police arrived, they saw the value of these illegal actions to make the streets safer. Soon city officials started planning ways to make cars slow down, and “calm” the traffic.Engwicht says we s hould think about streets as our “outdoor living room.” Calming the traffic is just the beginning. In the future, streets will be safe places for children again, and our neighbors will become our friends.Audio Track 3-2-10Creating spacesJin Hee Park is a student at Stanford University in California. She studies hard. “Of course, I came here for the academics,” she says. “But it doesn’t hurt that the campus is so beautiful. I walk around sometimes just to relax.” Alejandro Vega, a banker in New York City, jogs almost every evening after work in Central Park. “I never get bored. The park is so big. I can always find a different path with a new view.”Niagara Falls was on Ross Howard’s list of places to visit in upstate New York. “The footpaths allow you to get a wonderful view. You can even feel the spray from the falls on your face.”What do these three places — Stanford University, Central Park, and Niagara Falls State Park —all have in common? They were all landscaped by Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted (1822–1903) has been called the “father of landscape architecture.”In the 1800s, more and more people were moving to the cities. Some community leaders became worried about the quality of life. They began a beautification campaign. In 1857, a design contest was held for a new park in New York City. Olmsted and his partner, Calvert Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product —the first landscaped public park in the United States. Today, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to this beautiful park.Later in his life, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, including Stanford University. In the late 1860s, he joined the “Free Niagara” movement. Members of the movement wanted to preserve the beauty of Niagara Falls. Despite opposition and pressures from businesses to industrialize the area, Olmsted and others resisted. Olmsted designed footpaths to give visitors better views of the falls. In all his work, Olmsted preferred to preserve the natural beauty of an area.Today, there are pressures again to develop Niagara. On Goat Island, an island in Niagara Falls State Park, there are now souvenir shops. There may be signs that say “No Littering,” but there is still a lot of trash on the island. Most of the animals have disappeared. What would Frederick LawOlmsted say to all this?Audio Track 3-2-11Jin Hee Park is a student at Stanford University in California. She studies hard. “Of course, I came here for the academics,” she says. “But it doesn’t hurt that the campus is so beauti ful. I walk around sometimes just to relax.” Alejandro Vega, a banker in New York City, jogs almost every evening after work in Central Park. “I never get bored. The park is so big. I can always find a different path with a new view.”Niagara Falls was on Ross Howard’s list of places to visit in upstate New York. “The footpaths allow you to get a wonderful view. You can even feel the spray from the falls on your face.”What do these three places — Stanford University, Central Park, and Niagara Falls State Park —all have in common? They were all landscaped by Frederick Law Olmsted. Olmsted (1822–1903) has been called the “father of landscape architecture.”Audio Track 3-2-12In the 1800s, more and more people were moving to the cities. Some community leaders became worried about the quality of life. They began a beautification campaign. In 1857, a design contest was held for a new park in New York City. Olmsted and his partner, Calvert Vaux, won the contest. Central Park was the finished product —the first landscaped public park in the United States. Today, no trip to New York is complete without a visit to this beautiful park.Later in his life, Olmsted designed landscapes for college campuses, including Stanford University. In the late 1860s, he joined the “Free Niagara” movement. Members of the movement wanted to preserve the beauty of Niagara Falls. Despite opposition and pressures from businesses to industrialize the area, Olmsted and others resisted. Olmsted designed footpaths to give visitors better views of the falls. In all his work, Olmsted preferred to preserve the natural beauty of an area.Today, there are pressures again to develop Niagara. On Goat Island, an island in Niagara Falls State Park, there are now souvenir shops. There may be signs that say “No Littering,” but there is still a lot of trash on the island. Most of the animals have disappeared. What would Frederick Law Olmsted say to all this?Unit 3 Life Is All About ChangeListeningAudio Track 3-3-1/ Audio Track 3-3-2Lee: Hi, Ellie.Ellie: Hi, Lee. How are you?Lee: Good. Hey there, Brandon. He’s so cute. And you’re such a good mother.Ellie: Thanks. Everyone says, “It’s not always easy with your first child.” You know, I agree with them!Lee: How old is he now?Ellie: He just turned two a month ago.Lee: Oh, no. … “The terrible twos.” Right?Ellie: Yep. It’s so exhausting … for both of us!Lee: Does he throw things around? And cry a lot more?Ellie: Yes, exactly. Sometimes he hits me. I don’t know. He was so well-behaved before.Lee: It happens to most babies. They turn two and their personality changes.Ellie: It sounds like you have some experience with “the terrible twos.”Lee: I certainly do. My children are five and eleven now. But I still remember when they were young.Ellie: What can I do?Lee: Well, remember that it will pass. … It won’t last forever. Try to be patient.Audio Track 3-3-3/ Audio Track 3-3-4Mandy: My homework assignment is too hard.Mom: What is it?Mandy: I’m doing an oral report on an accomplished woman. I chose Sadako Ogata. I have to present it to the class tomorrow.Mom: Do you know the material?Mandy: I think so.Mom: OK, let’s practice. I’ll ask you some questions.Mandy: OK.Mom: All right then, just why is Sadako Ogata well known?Mandy: She worked for the United Nations as the High Commissioner on Refugees. She worked in that job for ten years and supervised 2,200 people.Mom: Hmmm … What are refugees? I don’t know that word.Mandy: Mom! Come on, you know that word!Mom: Honey, we’re practicing remember? You have to really know this material.Mandy: All right. Refugees are people who leave their countries to escape war or other problems. Mom: Is the refugee issue a big problem?Mandy: Yes. Worldwide there are now about 17 million refugees.Mom: Wow! Last question. Why did you choose Ms. Ogata for your report?Mandy: She’s an incredible woman. She moved to the United States and received a PhD from UC Berkeley. She also got married and had two children. She’s really intelligent and I respect her. Mom: I think you’re going to do a great job tomorrow. Good luck!Audio Track 3-3-5Next year, I’m going to study abroad. I want to study business economics. It will help me in my career. When I’m 23, I may come home to look for a job. Most probably in a bank or an accounting firm. After working for 4 to 5 years, I may have some savings to start a family. At the age of 30, I’d like to be a father. If everything goes smoothly, I’ll retire at the age of 50 and travel around the world.Audio Track 3-3-6Hi Jackie,I’m so e xcited about visiting you! Here are the details. My plane arrives on Friday at 2 p.m. When I get to the airport, I’ll take a taxi, so I’ll arrive at your house at about 3:00. That evening, Jeff and Carol are taking us out for dinner at a nice restaurant. I really want to spend Saturday at the beach. I’m bringing my swimsuit and beach clothes. I looked at the weather forecast on the Internet. The weather is going to be sunny and beautiful. I’ll see you soon!KaitlynAudio Track 3-3-7/ Audio Track 3-3-8Celebrating life changesIn Mexico and some other Latin American countries, girls mark their fifteenth birthday with a celebration called the Quinceanera. In the morning, the birthday girl goes to church with her family and her best friends. She wears a beautiful (and sometimes very expensive!) dress. Later in the day, there is a huge party, with a big cake that matches the girl’s dress, and a night filled with music and dancing.When older people in the United States retire, their friends and coworkers often give them a retirement party to celebrate this life change. On their last day of work, there is a big dinner, with entertainment afterward. People make speeches and tell jokes about the retiree. Guests like to give presents, such as an album of photos of the retiree’s coworkers, or a homemade video of the retiree’s friends.Becoming an adult is a very important life change, and Japan has a special holiday to celebrate this. The second Sunday in January is Coming-of-Age Day. On that day, everyone who had their twentieth birthday in the last year goes to their town’s City Hall for a special ceremony. Everyone dresses up, and many women wear beautiful kimonos. The mayor makes a speech and gives presents to all the new adults.Some kids are afraid to start school, but six-year-olds in Germany can’t wait. For them, Schulanfang is a big holiday. To celebrate a child’s first day of school, parents or friends give the child a Zuckertuete, a big colorful cardboard cone filled with candy and little presents. People take pictures of the kids holding their Zuckertuete, and there is a school party later for the parents, with cake and coffee.Audio Track 3-3-9Coping with life’s stressorsLet’s face it: Life is stressful. Stressful events in our lives are called “stressors.” Some of them are minor, such as uncomfortable air conditioning or a loudly ringing telephone. Others are more serious, such as the death of a spouse. That event tops the list as life’s most stressful event.You might be surprised to learn about the top 20 life stressors. Getting a divorce, for example, is number 2 on the list. And not all stressors are unhappy events. Pregnancy is a happy time for most families. It may also cause stress. Pregnancy is right below retirement on the list of life’s major stress ors. We can’t avoid stress, but we can do something about it. Listen to three people talking about their responses to stress in their lives.Tina Vega, 16Last year was horrible! My family moved to another town. I had to change schools and say good-bye to all my friends. It was really tough. I felt so lonely in my new school. But then one day I decided to enjoy my life: I smiled at everyone and I joined the soccer club at school. Now I havenew friends. I like my new school.Frederick Cho, 42Life is unpred ictable. Three weeks ago I lost my job. I was upset for the first week. I couldn’t do anything. Now I’m looking for a new job. It’s not good to sit around the house. I exercise every day and I’m healthier than I’ve been in years.Hazel Greene, 80My husband and I got married in 1950. He died five years ago. For the first two years I was depressed. I missed him so much because we did everything together. But now I’m feeling better. I think it’s important to stay active and positive. I read a lot and do volun teer work.Audio Track 3-3-10Coping with life’s stressorsLet’s face it: Life is stressful. Stressful events in our lives are called “stressors.” Some of them are minor, such as uncomfortable air conditioning or a loudly ringing telephone. Others are more serious, such as the death of a spouse. That event tops the list as life’s most stressful event.You might be surprised to learn about the top 20 life stressors. Getting a divorce, for example, is number 2 on the list. And not all stressors are unhappy events. Pregnancy is a happy time for most families. It may also cause stress. Pregnancy is right below retirement on the list of life’s major stressors. We can’t avoid stress, but we can do something about it. Listen to three people talking about their responses to stress in their lives.Audio Track 3-3-11Tina Vega, 16Last year was horrible! My family moved to another town. I had to change schools and say good-bye to all my friends. It was really tough. I felt so lonely in my new school. But then one day I decided to enjoy my life: I smiled at everyone and I joined the soccer club at school. Now I have new friends. I like my new school.Frederick Cho, 42Life is unpredictable. Three weeks ago I lost my job. I was upset for the first week. I couldn’t do anyt hing. Now I’m looking for a new job. It’s not good to sit around the house. I exercise every day and I’m healthier than I’ve been in years.Hazel Greene, 80My husband and I got married in 1950. He died five years ago. For the first two years I was depress ed. I missed him so much because we did everything together. But now I’m feeling better. I think it’s important to stay active and positive. I read a lot and do volunteer work.Unit 4 HealthListeningAudio Track 3-4-1A: Has anyone you know ever fainted?B: Oh, yes. He was one of my high school friends. One day he just fell on the floor and lost consciousness.A: What happened then?B: We felt very anxious. So one of us hurried to tell our teacher, and the rest of us waited beside him.A: Was it serious?B: Thankfully, it wasn’t. He recovered before our teacher arrived.A: How lucky!B: Yeah, he really was. He told us that he had been playing online games all night and he hadn’t eaten anything. That’s why he felt lightheaded and fainted.Audio Track 3-4-2/Audio Track 3-4-3/Audio Track 3-4-4Female newscaster (F), Male newscaster (M), Woman (W)F: Well, Jim, our next story is a strange one, isn’t it?M: Yes, Irene, it sure is. It surprised everyone. Almost 200 people on a two-week holiday trip to Saint Martin became sick. They’re calling it the “holiday cruise disease.”F: It sounds scary. What caused it?M: The doctors aren’t exactly sure, but they know it was something in the food the passengers ate.F: OK, give us the details.M: All right, here’s the story: On Friday night, the ship departed around 10 p.m. with 300 passengers on board. By Sunday morning, some people reported feeling lightheaded.They stayed in bed. By that afternoon, more than half of the passengers had severe indigestion. Some of them got very sick. We spoke to one woman about her experience.W: Everyone was complaining. My stomach hurt so much I couldn’t eat anything. It was really terrible!F: What’s the situation now?M: Well, the ship had to return home on Monday —after only two and a half days at sea —and most of the passengers went straight to the hospital then.F: How are they doing now?M: They’re exhausted —many haven’t slept for 48hours — but they’re doing fine.F: That’s good news. It’s too bad they couldn’t enjoy their vacation.M: Yes, it is. And that’s the next problem. The passengers are asking for their money back, but the company doesn’t want to refund the full amount.F: What’s going to happen then?M: Nobody knows. I’ll keep following the story,though, and I’ll have more details for you tomorrow.Audio Track 3-4-5/Audio Track 3-4-6/Audio Track 3-4-7Mom: Have you finished packing?Bill: Almost. I just have to check my tent one last time. I don’t want to forget any of the pieces. Mom: Is that your first aid kit?Bill: Yep.Mom: Well, I see bandages and some aspirin. Where’s everything else?Bill: Like what?Mom: Well, your toothbrush and toothpaste, for example.。
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As you know, one of the first questions when a baby is born is, “Is it a boy or a girl?” We think it’s important to know this because when children grow up, their role in the world depends on their gender—at least to some degree. But nowadays, gender roles are changing, and besides, there have always been a few people who are not average, who do not follow the usual gender pattern.
Mia: Oh, I think it’s going to be great! It’s such an interesting topic—“Gender and Sociology”.
Dylan: Hmmph. I suppose. I can see that Professor Henley is very knowledgeable on the subject. But I can also see that I disagree with her about a lot of things.
Besides the buildings and monuments, we have a lot of art from the time of Hatshepsut. And what’s interesting is that at first, Hatshepsut is shown with female characteristics—she was clearly a woman, but with the clothing and symbols of a king. For example, in one statue, she is seated and has the body of a woman but is wearing the headdress of a king. In later years, we see the reverse. All of the later artwork shows her as a man, with male characteristics. We’renot sure why Hatshepsut had her artists do this, but it may have helped her to keep power. It might have been easier for Egyptians to accept a man as king—or at least someone who looked like a man.
One person from history who did not follow her usual gender role was Hatshepsut. Around 150 years before Tutankhamen ruled ancient Egypt as pharaoh, or king, Hatshepsut ruled for 21 years as the female king of Egypt. That’s right—female king, because there was no such thing as a queen as leader. A few women had filled the role of leader when their sons were too young to rule, but Hatshepsut stayed in power even after her stepson, Tutmose III, was old enough to rule. And she accomplished a lot while she was king! Up and down the Nile River we can still see the monuments and buildings that were constructed or repaired while Hatshepsut was king. It seems that she did not want to be forgotten.
Mia: Such as... ?
B |
Dylan: Well, I think some jobs just aren’t good for women like firefighters for instance.en aren’t brave enough or something?
Dylan: Hey, I never said that! But, well, they aren’t as strong— physically, I mean. Do you think a woman could carry me out of a burning building? Come on, everyone knows men are stronger than women.
Dylan: What’s that?
Mia: It’s from my summer school class. We had to do some research on gender differences, and similarities. OK ... now ... look at this ... This line here shows how it looks if you make a graph of how strong women are, by how much weight they can lift. Here. A small woman can’t lift more than 20 pounds. And a woman athlete can lift 200 pounds. Right?
Listening 2
A Conversation Between Classmates
A |
Mia: Hey, Dylan! Long time, no see!
Dylan: Yeah, it’s been ages! I was gone all summer. I had a job working for my uncle, so I stayed with him in Toronto for two months. What about you, Mia? How’ve you been?
Unit 1 Gender and Society
Analytical listening
Listening 1
A Lecture
A | & B |
OK, so today we’re going to continue on the topic of how children are socialized. We’ll be looking at gender socialization—in other words, how, how children learn their gender roles. Gender is something that we learn— first from our parents, then from our peers, from school, and from the culture we live in. OK, let’s start with our parents. Generally, our gender roles are pretty clear to us by the time we’re around three years old. So how do we, how do we learn these roles so quickly?
Mia: Ha! So, you think you’re stronger than the female athletes in the Olympics, just because you’re a man?
Dylan: Well, no, of course not ...
Mia: Then you can’t say that all men are stronger than all women. Here, let me draw you a graph ...
Mia: Great! I just spent the time right here because I was taking a course in summer school. I want to graduate early.
Dylan: Wow, you’re really working hard! So,... What do you think about this class we’re in?
Our peers, when we’re children—girls and boys around the same age as we are—also teach us about gender roles, and sometimes they’re not very nice about this either. They make fun of children who aren’t following the rules. Can you remember kids from your childhood who didn’t follow the gender rules? Schools continue, schools continue the process of gender socialization. Some schools have separate classes for girls and boys, and, um, of course school uniforms are different— pants for boys, and skirts or dresses for girls. Finally, the culture we live in has a lot to teach us about gender roles.