中西饮食文化的差异 论文

























1. 饮食习惯1.1 中华饮食文化中国是一个拥有五千年文明历史的古老国家,因此其饮食文化也流传至今。




1.2 美国饮食文化美国是一个移民国家,拥有多元化的饮食文化。





2. 饮食习惯的差异中美饮食文化存在一些差异,主要表现在以下几个方面:2.1 食材选择在食材选择上,中美两国由于地理环境和文化差异而存在不同。



2.2 烹饪方式中华饮食文化注重食物的原味,烹饪方式多样。



2.3 用餐方式中国人通常以米饭或面食为主食,搭配多样的菜肴,采用筷子进行进食。







中西⽅饮⾷差异论⽂1 摘要:饮⾷⽂化是跨⽂化交际中⾮语⾔⽂化的重要组成部分之⼀。



关键词:中西⽅饮⾷⽂化⽂化差异形式和礼仪观念结构 ⼀、引⾔ 饮⾷⽂化是跨⽂化交际中⾮语⾔⽂化的重要组成部分之⼀。



⼆、中西⽤餐形式和礼仪的差异 中国⾃古以来的礼仪就有以和为贵的思想观念,以和为贵的思想体现在从古⾄今中国⼈在开席时都有⼀家⼈在⼀起就餐的观念,体现了中国传统的饮⾷礼仪。









Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 1 IntroductionAs the economy and culture developing rapidly, having dinner is not only for people basic physical need, but also the important skill in social communication. Good manners and courtesy have become increasingly common understanding of the public. With the deepening of reform and opening up policy in China and the strengthening of communication between China and West, people have a great number of opportunities to have dinner with foreigners. A lot of table manners, such as arriving time, seat arrangement, and order of serving dishes, tableware, behaviour and communication, reflect different culture and life-style in nations or countries. There are many differences of table manners between China and western countries.It is extremely important for people to understand these differences to avoid making mistakes and promote the development of humanity culture and achieve interpersonal harmony in both countries.1Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 2 Literature ReviewIt is a common sense that different countries have different cultures. Table manners, as a kind of social customs, are deeply influenced by culture and vary in many different kinds of areas. China has characteristic table manners with a long history, and western countries also have their own table manners. To some degree, having good table manners is a symbol of a nation’s civilization and an expression of a person’s moral cultivation.2Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 3 Cultural Differences of Table Manners3.1 Arriving TimeAs we all know that Chinese people often arrive half an hour later than the predicted time and the host also seems to have prepares for that. When they are waiting for other guests, the host always arranges some games so that the guests who come earlier would not feel boring. While in western countries, people do things strictly and all the activities begin on time. People should arrive at the party on time especially the formal banquets. It is considered as impolite and contempt for the host and other guests if one arrives 10 minutes later.3.2 Seat ArrangementIn Chinese table manners, seating arrangement is the most important part. The seat of honor, reserved for the banquet’s master or the highest status’s guest, is in the center facing east or facing the door. And the other higher position guests sit closer tothe master of the banquet. The lowest position guests sit furthest from the seat of honor. If it is a round table, the one facing the door is the guest of honor. The seats on the left hand are second, and then in turn fourth and sixth and so on. The guests on the right hand are the same.While in western countries, it is different. When the hostess announced dinner is ready, male host will lead guests to the table in turn, and the hostess walks behind them. Some host will also place name card on the table to show the seat.3.3 Order of Serving DishesChinese meals usually begin with appetizers. There are often four or five kinds of appetizers, such as, cold meats, preserved eggs, smoked fish and vegetable relishes. All these food are arranged beautifully on separate dishes or on one large platter. Then the hot food should be served. There is an important rule to serve the whole duck, chicken and fish, which is don’t put the head and tail to the major seat. After the hot dishes, then comes the main course, rice. At last, desserts and fruits are provided to help digestion.In western countries, the first dish is appetizer as well. The second dish is soup. The third dish is fish dish. Meat and poultry dishes is the fourth dish, which also known as the main course. And the most representative is beef and steak. Salad can be a kind of side dish, which can be arranged either after or with the meat dish. The sixth dish is dessert, such as pudding, ice cream, cheese, fruit and so on. The final drink is coffee with cream or tea with sugar.3Differences of Table Manners between China and West3.4 TablewareChinese people mainly use bowl, chopsticks and spoons. Chopsticks are the most important tableware in China. While in serving English meals, they use so much tablewares with different kinds and sizes. There are different kinds of glasses, spoons, plates, bowls and knives. The main tablewares in western are knives, forks, spoons, glass and napkin.3.5 Behaviour and CommunicationWhen on the dinner table, Chinese people talked a lot and enjoy the delicious food at the same time, which means the hospitality and sincere of hostess. Because they believe that the lively atmosphere on the dinner table reflects the cheerful of guests and the warmth of family. While in western, during the dinner, people talked little and cut their own food in the plate quietly.4Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 4 Main Factors Causing the Differences4.1 GeographyThe geographical location and the environment lead to the differences between Chinese and western cultures. People in different places will have differentbehaviours and cultures.4.2 TraditionWith thousands of years of Chinese traditional culture, we believe that we should take care of others and cooperate with others. Chinese people use cheap chopsticks as tableware which can reflect Chinese collective consciousness. In the book Culture on Dinner Table, Mr. Yi Zhongtian said that the core thought of Chinese culture is group consciousness while the western core thought is individual consciousness. The western culture, to be self-centered, the boundary between people is very clear and they usually do not allow mutual interference. That makes western table manners without sharing a plate of food. Knife and fork also can reflect individual consciousness, and noble west of life.4.3 CustomPeople from different countries have different cultures and customs, especially in the aspects such as greeting, thanks, apology, flattery, and making telephone calls. When Chinese invited guests to have dinner, the host always picks food for guests and tries his best to make guests eat and drink more. While in western countries, the host would just let their guests help themselves and they would never carry food to their guest’s bowl.5Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 5 Trend of SyncretismNowadays, an increasing number of western restaurants appear in many cities in China and an increasing number of people like to have meals in it. People have gradually learned western table manners in their daily life. It is obvious that the Chinese diet conception is sensible, and the western diet idea is rational. Now, the difference seems to become blurred with the strengthening of communication between China and West and the development of science. Instead of paying attention to the color, flavor and taste of the food, Chinese people, like the westerners, pay more attention to its health and nutrition. This dissemination and development of western style food has unavoidably made great influence on Chinese food and beverage industry, which made Chinese style food trade change in the aspects of managing concept, management mode, productive means, personnel cultivation and so on.6Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 6 ConclusionSocial background, historical and cultural differences lead to the differences between Chinese and Western table manners. To some extent, table manner is a reflection of the kind of lifestyle, and the formation of habits which can not be obtained in a short period of time. It is actually a kind of historical and cultural sedimentation and extension. Knowing the differences, people can easily understandthe culture of each other. In face of these differences, we should comprehend and respect their habits and culture and remember that every culture is equal to the other. Only recognizing cultural differences between China and West and making a reasonable and effective integration, can we establish a social cultural etiquette system of contemporary China and reach the ideal harmonious society.7Differences of Table Manners between China and WestReferences[1] 易中天. 餐桌上的文化[J]. 当代学生, 2004(10).[2] 杨柳,田丹丹,苑富山. 中美餐桌礼仪刍议[J]. 从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异[J]. 硅谷, 2008(18).8。


















































































中西饮食文化差异英语作文篇1The Food Culture Difference Between China and West Studying food cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject. It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and western cultures.Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives. It has special status in the Chinese culture, and it also has a great distinction between China and the west. As one of the world ancient nations, China’s diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinese civilization. But in western countries, ancient thinkers devoted less attention to the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did.The differences in concepts, targets, patterns, attribution and nature had reflected the different dietary culture in the different state characteristic.Differences in ConceptsChinese diet is a sense of beauty diet and pays attention to the "color, flavor, taste " regardless of the nutrition . Chinese people hanker on a diet is just the “mood”that is difficult for one to say anything. Evenusing the "color, flavor, shape and implement "which people often said to make the" realm "reification, is still difficult to crown all.中西饮食文化差异英语作文篇2The major differences of eating culture between the West and Chinaa.The use of tablewareAs we all know, chopsticks is our traditional tableware. We use chopsticks and spoon mostly and cups,plates,bowls and saucers are essential.The western use knife and fork.to eat..Their knifes can be divided into consumption knife, meat knife, friet knife, butter knife, fish knife and so on. The also have many kinds of forks like consumption fork, fish fork, and lobster fork.b.The way to cookChina has very rich kind of cooking methods, such as braising, quick boiling, scaling, stewing, gradual simmering, slow red cooking, steaming, decoction and so on, up to more than thirty kinds. Besides, the dishes cooked with these methods are numerous. That is why Chinese feel it is very interesting to cook, while the Westerners emphasize too much on scientific diet and the collocation of nutrition. They cook according to scientific disciplines all the time, which is mechanized and monotonous, therefore without any joy.c.The order of saving dishesIn a Chinese banquet cold dishes are the first served, next the hot dishes and the main course come with the following of soup, then follows the main food or desserts. Fruits often come the last. In a western banquet the serving order is different. The first course of Western dinner is appetizer. Appetizers have specific flavors, mainly salty or sour. They are few in amount but high in qualities. Different from Chinese dinners, the second course of Western dinner is soup. Western soup can be divided into four kinds, clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cool soup which can be divided into more kinds. The third course of a Western dinner is non-stable dish. Usually, aquatic products, eggs, bread is called non-stable dish. The fourth course of Western dinner is the main course, which contains meat and bird species. The fifth course of Western dinner is dishes made of vegetables. Westerners often eat raw vegetables, so vegetables are often made into salad. The six course of Western dinner is dessert, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese and fruits. The last course contains beverage, coffee or tea.中西饮食文化差异英语作文篇3The Western diet culture differenceWestern diet due to geographical characteristics, influence ofclimate factors such as environment, customs, appears in the ingredients, flavors, cooking methods, different degrees of differences in eating habits. It is because of these differences, diet has a strong regionalcharacter. Differences between Chinese and Western culture makes a difference of Chinese and Western food culture, and this difference from the West in ways of thinking and policy. Chinese focus on "Heaven", Westerners focus on "people-oriented".Nutrition and delicious(营养与美味)Due to West philosophy thought of different, Westerners Yu diet heavy science, heavy science is emphasizes nutrition, so Western diet to nutrition for highest guidelines, eating like for a bio of machine added fuel, special emphasizes food of nutrition components, protein, and fat, and carbohydrates, and vitamin and the various inorganic elements of content is match expedient, calories of supply is right, and these nutrition components is can for eating who full absorption, has no other side effects. Knowledge of these problems are cooking, and how color, fragrance and taste of the dishes, it is first requested. Sanhedrin Premier diet in Western countries--France, its food culture in many ways and weapproximate, but access to nutritional problems, will open the distance between the two sides.Five flavors mixed with the operation aimed at the pursuit of delicious cooking in China, during the processing of the hot frying and slow fire attack for a long time may cause destruction of the nutritional components of food. France is also the pursuit of delicious cooking, butat the same time not forgetting "nutrition" that premise, consistently delicious is that they do not care nutrition for the taking. Especially modern cooking trends occurred in the 1960 of the 20th century, with special emphasis on health, diet, to the pursuit of light oil, emphasized the use of fresh raw materials, stressed during the cooking process to maintain original nutrition and taste, so vegetables are eaten raw. So that the Western diet nutrition is universal。






一. 引言中西文化历来是世界文化的两大派系,而饮食在两个文化中部占有非常重要的地位。




二. 中西方饮食文化的差异1. 饮食观念的差异中国人的饮食强调感性和艺术性,追求饮食的口味感觉,而不注意食物的营养成分,多从“色、香、味、形”等方面来评价饮食的好坏优劣,追求的是一种难以言传的意境。







这种价值理念的差别形成了中餐过分注重饭菜色、香、味的特点,而西方人则自始至终坚持着从营养角度出发,轻视饭菜的其他功能2. 饮食内容的差异中国自古就是农业大国,饮食结构以谷类即淀粉为主,肉吃的较少,粮食较多,再以蔬菜搭配,蔬菜可以说占主导地位。



The Differences Between Chinese and Western Food Dietetic Culture中西饮食文化的差异College of MinshengHenan UniversityMay 2011AcknowledgementThere are a lot of people who help me to contribute to the completion of this thesis. Firstly, my deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Zhu Taiyin , my teacher for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has led me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent ad illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers, who lead me into the world of English. They instructed and helped me a lot in the past four years.Last, owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.[Abstract]: This thesis explores the differences between Chinese and Western food dietetic culture. The food dietetic culture plays an important role in the world culture. The differences between Chinese and Western culture created the differences between Chinese and Western food dietetic culture. Different countries have their own food dietetic cultural. In different cultural contexts, both in concept, objects, manner, tableware, etiquette and nature, these differences are obvious. But as the communication and integration of the international, Chinese and western food culture will be developed in common communicate. This will play a significant role to promote the communication of culture in the world.[Key Words]:intercultural communication; food dietetic culture; culturedifferences[摘要]:本篇论文探讨了中西方饮食文化的差异.饮食文化在世界文化中起着非常重要的作用.中西方文化的差异带来了中西饮食文化的差异,不同的国家有自己不同的饮食文化特点.在不同的文化背景下,无论是在观念,对象,方式,餐具还是礼仪等各方面,这些不同都是显而易见的.但是,随着国际的交流与融合,中西饮食文化业将会在交流中共同发展,这对全世界范围内的文化交流将起到促进作用.[关键词]: 跨文化交际; 饮食文化; 文化差异ContentsAbstract (Engl ish) (i)Abstract (Chinese) (ii)Introduction (1)Chapter One Chinese and Western Food Dietetic Culture (3)1.1 Characteristics of Chinese food dietetic culture (3)1.2 Characteristics of the Western food dietetic culture (3)Chapter Two Differences in the performance of Chinese and Western Food (5)2.1 Differences between Chinese and Western diet concept (5)2.2 Differences between Chinese and Western diet objects (6)2.3 Differences between Chinese and Western diet manner, tableware andetiquette (7)2.3.1 Diet manner (7)2.3.2 Diet tableware (8)2.3.3 D iet etiquette (9)2.4 Differences between Chinese and Western diet nature (9)Chapter Three Reasons for the differences between Chinese and Western food dietetic culture (11)3.1 The impact of the geographical environment (11)3.2 The impact of the economic system (11)Conclusion (14)Bibliography (15)IntroductionWith the deepening of the international communication, in different countries or cultural background, the communication of people are increasing all the time, and the communication between them is called intercultural communication. Intercultural communications gradually becomes an indispensable content of people's life. Due to the differences of regional, different nations and countries form different cultures. People with different cultural backgrounds behavior or habits is endless and same, they have their social statute or habits, reflected in the political economy, education religion, culture , art and so on. America famous newly chemical representative figure White is called “father of cult urology”, he put the culture as a kind of special and objective social phenomenon, and as a complete system (White, 1949). So specially, what is culture? Chen Huawen once lists cases to illustrate the connotation and importance of culture; he said “culture is like air and water that permeates every corner of our lives, people are enjoying the culture achievements that were created by predecessors in every time, also, people are inventing new culture in every moment. Our progress is the result of the culture creation and developing.”(Chen Huawen, 2001:2) When people are communicating under the different culture background, the language and non-language factors which influence of message effect are make communication hen culture. If foreign language learners are lack of knowledge for its behavior and function, it will appear inappropriate behavior, resulting in the communication barriers, and it is difficult for effective cross-cultural communication, as a result causes of communication error.The diet is the first need for human’s survival and development; also it is the one of the basic form of social life. However under the different cultural background, having different diet idea and diet custom, then finally form the different diet culture. Food culture is an important part in the intercultural communication. Understand the differences between Chinese and western diet culture and its origin, for foreign language learners, not only increase the understanding of the target language culture,but also improve the success rate of intercultural communication, avoid the misunderstandings and communication barriers just because of the inappropriate way or behavior .In Sun Weixue’s book <<culture of America>>, he once pointed out any country in the world should carry out cultural exchanges and publicity actively, this is not only benefit to their native culture, but also spread the culture in worldwide .(Sun Weixue, 2004) This paper expounded from various of the differences between Chinese and western food dietetic culture, enhance mutual understanding and facilitate communication.Chapter One Chinese and Western Food Dietetic Culture 1.1 Characteristics of Chinese food dietetic cultureChina is one of the most ancient countries on the world, it has the long history of 5000 years, and created innumerable splendid civilization. In this culture, it makes China contain more expansive and profound diet. It has experienced several thousand years of history development, and has become one of the most important Chinese traditional cultures of department.Because of the district difference in our land, it gradually formed four major cuisines that is Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Shandong cuisine and Chaozhou cuisine. This four major cuisine have different features, but in common is with making complex fastidious, the product methods are very complex, and have a great diversity of taste and dishes, this is amazing. Because of our vast land, there are differences in climate, products and custom in every place. For a long time, on food was formed many flavor. Our country has been have the saying of “ south rice north noodles”, in the taste, it has the differences that “sour in east, hot in west, sweet in south and salty in north", it mainly have four flavor about Bashu, Qilu, Haiyangn and Yuemin. ( Zou Guangwen, 1998) On the other hand, all the year round, according to season for eat is a feature in China’s cooking. Since ancient times, our country has been according to season changes to taste, and dishes. Winter taste strong, summer flavor cleaner; in the winter more braised stews, summer more cold.In the long-term development, evolution and accumulation process, Chinese people gradually formed its own unique food folk from many aspects, such as diet structure, food production, food utensils, nutrition healthy and diet aesthetic, this created a diet with unique flavor of the Chinese food culture, become a pearl of the world food culture.1.2 Characteristics of the Western food dietetic cultureRational westerners pay more attention to the nutrition and survival. Due to the different philosophical thoughts of Chinese and western, westerners in diet takes thescience, takes the science about nutrition, so the nutrition is the supreme principle in the western diet.Eating like a biological machine add fuel, especially about the food's nutrition composition, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and all kinds of inorganic element content,( Dang Binghua, 2010) whether calorie supply properly, and whether these nutrients can be fully absorbed, and presence of other side effects, and dishes color, fragrance and taste is the second requirement. Even in the west’s leading power –France, even though in many aspects the diet culture is similar with our diet, but a contact to nutrition, both sides will the gap. While French cook also pursued delicious, but also adhere to the “nutrition” this one major premise, they don’t agree with pieces of nutrition and beg delicious.In the culture of diet, westerners have the culture descent of nomads and sailing nationality, they hunting, breeding, aided by acquisition and planting, they eat more meet, the eating, wearing and using are took of animals, even the western medicine are made from animals to take. Pay more attention to animal protein and fat intake, in the structure of diet, also with animal figurines in the majority, it is mainly dishes, beef, chicken, pork, mutton and fish. So the meat diet has been very high in proportion. In modern times, planting proportion is increasing, but the proportion in meat still higher than Chinese.Chapter Two Differences in the performance of Chinese andWestern food dietetic2.1 Differences between Chinese and Western diet conceptChinese people are thinking highly of eat. “B read is the staff of life”, this old adage explained that we see eating as important as days. Because our national for thousands of years are in the low level of productivity, people always do not have enough to eat, so they would have a unique food culture that eating is very important.I think this is probably from a survival to needs. Li Xiaohong pointed out: “I f a culture put ate as primary, so it will appear two phenomena: on one hand will put the food function to acme, not only survive, but also use it to maintain healthy, this is also the culture basis that “diet cures more than the doctors”. On the other hand, the excessive attention to eat, it can make the person praise highly of delicious pursuit.”(Li Xiaohong, 2010: 33)In China, the pursuit of delicious reached almost acme, Chinese living overseas to open restaurants for industry in the world, it has become our settlement fundamental.Unfortunately, when we put the pursuit of delicious as the first requirement, we are neglecting the most fundamental nutritional value of food. Many of our traditional foods are through hot fried and long time boil, cover the dish nutrients to sabotage, many nutrients are loss in the machining process. As a result of nutrition problem, in fact touched on the Chinese culinary culture to the greatest weakness. Folk have saying, “It is of great importance of eating and whether the food is delicious or not depends on taste”, this is the pursuit of delicious make us ignore the real meaning of dinner.European is represented the western, also, his culture has a long history. In the middle ages, the European culture has very perfect, during this period; the old western food culture has been formed. Its main features are: most food with flour primarily, raw material also more abundant, its production method is simple, but also in China pays much attention to taste.China's five mixed cookery aims to pursue delicious, its processing process of hot fried and long time of fire, this can make dishes nutrients were damaged. (Lin Lirui, 2009) In western countries, especially in 1960s, appearing the emergence of modern cooking thought, with particular emphasis on health care, reduce weight, thus less oil, emphasize the pursuit of light by fresh materials, emphasizing the cooking process of nutrients and maintain the original taste, so the vegetables are basically raw. So says the heavy nutrition in western diet is universal.2.2 Differences between Chinese and Western diet objectsWesterners believe that cuisine is the longing, so only eat of meat, chicken this "hard food"; While Chinese cuisine is "taste". So the Chinese cooking with makings also show great randomness, many westerners as something is the outcast, this in China are excellent raw material, foreign chefs can't handle this things, but to a Chinese chef hands, this can turn decayed for magical. It serves to show the Chinese diet in the wide randomness of materials.According to the survey of western plant scholars, Chinese eat vegetables have more than 600 specious, it is six times more than the west. In fact, in the Chinese dishes, vegetarian dishes are common food, only in holidays or volunteers at the higher living standards, it can enters the usual diet, so since ancient times, we will have saying of "food feed", food feed is the dominant statement in our usual diet. The Chinese make plant as the main dish, and has a lot of contact with the advocacy of Buddhism. Their think the animal is "the life", but plants the laws of nature "not to work", therefore, advocates the vegetarianism. (Yang Naiji, 1993)Westerners in introducing the food characteristic of their own country, they feel more attention about reasonable collocation of nutrition than China. They have more developed food industry, such as canned, fast food. Although the taste is common, saving time and the nutrition is good. So in common, human body of their country is stronger than Chinese: tall, long legs, broad shoulders and developed muscle; But Chinese appears narrow skinny, short legs and the color is yellow. Someoneaccording to the obvious differences in characteristic of western diet object, the Chinese character known as the plants, the Western character known as animals.2.3 Differences between Chinese and Western diet manner, tablewareand etiquette2.3.1 Diet mannerChinese and Western food is quite different from the way that such differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, any of the feast, whatever the purpose, there will be only one form, that is, we were sitting around, sharing one seat. The banquet must use the round table; this formally has created one kind of unity, politeness, altogether the interest atmosphere. The delicacy delicacies put on table of people's centers, it not only is the object which table of people appreciates, tastes, also is a table of people sentiments exchange intermedium. People propose a toast of each other for food, vegetables, in the face of good things, reflects the mutual respect between people, the virtues of comity. Duo Xiaoping said that: “A lthough from the health perspective, this kind of food have obvious deficiency, it meets the general mind of happy in our national, reflects the influence thoughts to offspring about Chinese classical philosophy, facilitate the emotional communicated of collective, and yet difficult to reform”.( Duo Xiaoping, 2005: 12)Freedom westerner is individual serving when they eating, the first is the point of all the food, they can eat what something, and it also showed respect for the West on the personality. After serving up, people eat the entire various one and their random add spices, the second course dish to eat after eating, before and after the two never mixed vegetables to eat. The most popular form of buffet in western is individual eating, incompatible interference, and lack of the emotional appeal for chat with each other.In the western-style banquets, food and wine are very important, but in fact it is setoff. The core of banquet in friendship, through the conversation with neighbors, in order to achieve the friendship. If the companionship of party is compared withdance, then it can be said that Chinese banquet is like collective dance, and western banquet is like dancing between women and men. Therefore, the purpose of companionship is obvious between Chinese banquet and western banquet, only Chinese banquet more reflected in all guest, and western banquet more reflected the friendship between adjacent guests. And Chinese food is more obvious differences between them were western popular buffet. This method is: we need display all the food, should not fixed in his seat to eat, you can walk freedom, this method in favor of the emotional communicated between individuals, not speak all the words on the table, this also showed respect for the personality and self.Therefore, in the final analysis is differences between perceptual and rationality. However, the difference seems to be with the development of science and become blurred. More and more Chinese no longer only paying attention to food color, fragrance and taste, they pay more attention to its health and nutrition. Especially after the experience of SARS. Also, because of people are more and more busy with job, they think when doing the Chinese food is too much trouble, not equal convenient to come a hamburger and so on. So in dietary the differences were not too clear.2.3.2 Diet tablewareIn the space of diet tableware, the differences are more obvious. As we know, Chinese people including some Asian countries, use chopsticks, spoon, when they have a meal also use bowl to fill. But how about westerners? They are fill food use plate, to use a knife and fork to eat, there are specialized spoon to drink soup. Chopsticks and knife, fork as two kinds of representative tableware for the east and west, they affected the different lifestyle of eastern and western, representing two kinds of different wisdom.As we know the emergence of a knife and fork is much later than chopsticks, it was originally the ancient nomadic origin and the European lifestyle; they carry knives for live, and often cooked the meat, then cut off to eat. After settle the city, the knives and forks into the family kitchen, at this time, people just do not have to carry them. However, only about the 18th century, there was found the fork for fourfork. Therefore, western people using a knife and fork, just four or five hundred years of history. Compared with the simple chopsticks, the type of knife and fork much more, knife and fork belong to the special tools, but because of this "special" often show "great wisdom appears stupid", so they are often ignored by their people.Different people have different views, it is difficult to draw the conclusions that the relationship of thinking method between chopsticks and knife and fork. However, there is scientific basis of use of chopsticks is better training your thinking ability. From a physiological point of view, Hu Wenzhong has made a study of chopsticks, he found that when you eating with chopsticks, it affect the human body of thirty joints and fifty muscles, there by stimulating the activity of brain systems,it brings agility and quick thinking.(Hu Wenzhong, 1999)And there is no doubt that the chopsticks have the scientific principles.2.3.3 Diet etiquetteIn etiquette, both in the west and Chinese are even more different. In ancient China, during people have the dinner, they have a set of unnecessary and over elaborate formalities. When people eat together, not just eat their own interests. If you eat with others, you must check the hands clean. Do not put extra food into the pot, and do not post occupied food. After dinner, guests should pack up and move the dishes on the table, take them to the master, then the master get off, you should request them do not work, then the guests sit down again. Some of this ritual is essential in modern manners. In the west banquet, the master generally folder the dish only once for the guests, and the remaining self-consumption by the guests, if guests do not eat, you should not let them to eat, according to the habit of Chinese, people are not frequently provide guests to drink and take the food. When people eating, do not make the noise, but the guests should pay attention to appreciate the food by the master. If talking to people, only overstated with your neighbors, do not talk to people with the distance.2.4 Differences between Chinese and Western diet natureFrom the different concepts, the western diet tends to scientific and rational, Chinese food tends to artistic and emotional. After cooking the delicious food, diet was originally designed to supply a life-sustaining nutrition.Li Mingying said: “the focus of the western diet custom raw diet is just an extension of utility, and customs of the Chinese diet's emphasis on flavor, put the food into the art. We can see the point from two different diet concepts, the western diet is increasing normalization, and the Chinese diet is more randomness. ( Li Mingying, 1997: 03)Chapter Three Reasons for the differences between Chineseand Western food dietetic culture3.1 The impact of the geographical environmentChina is the closed continental geographical, this environment limited the thinking of the Chinese people within the local community, they good at summing up the experiences and lessons from their predecessors, they like “history as a mirror”, and their spatial awareness is weak. (Bian Haoyu, 2004) This mentality of inward-looking led to the Chinese people have the personality of stability and quiet, they lack of curiosity about the new things, and also they lack of interest in the unknown things. So the Chinese diet food is more have the regional characteristics, different places have the different favorite food to eat, the north have the lower temperature than south, especially in the winter, the weather is very cold, so in the diet of the north, a large proportion of fat and protein in the food, especially in pastoral areas, the food of pastoralists is majority of milk and meat, also they like eating noodles. And the food diet of southerners is based on the plant, the residents have the habit of drinking soup and eat porridge, no matter if the food has been put on, they must be the first to eat soup, drink soup before eating a bit, after fond, they also have another bowl of soup to drink, this to be considered as eating a meal. And they mainly eat rice.The majority of western countries are in the open ocean environment of geography, they developed industry and seafaring, since the ancient Greece, they have valued the study of natural objects, and they exploring the mysteries of the natural heritage. At the same time, the marine environment, mountain tsunami, unrest, this all constitutes the personality of the western nation pay attention to the space expansion and military conquest. So westerners have a scientific attitude of the food diet, this also very standard and arbitrary, and they like to eat the meat food.3.2 The impact of the economic systemMarx once said: “Ideas of consciousness is initially directly with peopleproduce the material activity, and people's physical contact and the reality of language intertwined production.” (Marx, 1972: 89) This point of view clear expressed the symbiotic isomorphism relations between the cultural and economic activity. Peter, Koslowski also said that, “the most important ec onomic behavior is decided by the cultural, their cultural engraved with cultural cachet.”(Peter, Koslowski, 1999: 229) The real economic growth depends on the culture. The traditional economy of China is a typical self-sufficient economy. People are more law-abiding and conservative, because they can live for the whole life rely on a piece of land. And their culture is more introverted. Moreover, China’s ancient civilization originated in the river basin, it belongs the agricultural civilization, "agricultural civilization character" inspired the Asian emphasis on ethics, and the principle of life is “harmony, and love for the high”. In the ancient China, people are still more poor rather than the western countries, at that time, the lower people just required eat their fill and wear the warm clothes, the Chinese people in the old ancient, because without something to eat and drink, a lot of people and children are being starved to death. You can not image the horror in that time. Followed the progress and development of the social, people have been get the basic meet in terms of food, they do not worried just because they have not enough food to eat, on the other hand, people are paying attention to the nutrition of diet food, and trying to convince themselves to eat more healthy, more nutrition, so now there have been many so-called food therapy.The ancient Greek civilization of the west is originated in the Aegean coast, belongs to the Marine civilization, besides Europe's farming is not far as China's agriculture as important in ancient society, so the Europeans like to explore the world, and their cultural is more comparative extroversion. Lai Anfang is mentioned in the book of <<An outline introduction to Britain and America>>, “pursuit of freedom and eq uality has been the guiding principles and goal of the western culture.”(Lai Anfang, 2004: 229) And through the industrial revolution, the western countries is early enter into the industry economy, "industrial civilization character" contributed to thewesterners have stronger struggle spirit and legal consciousness to protect one’s own interest. These also can manifest in their eating habits.ConclusionThe differences between Chinese and Western food dietetic culture is obvious, and they have their own strengths. Followed the economic globalization and the accelerated flow of information changes, Chinese and western food culture will be continued integration in the collision, complement each other in the fusion. Chinese food now has begun focus on food, nutrition, health, the science of cooking, western food also begun to develop from the realm of Chinese food’s color, smell, taste and meaning. Chinese and western food culture will be developed in common communicate. This will play a significant role to promote the communication of culture in the world.BibliographyLeslie ,White. 1949. The science of culture. New York: Random.Peter, Koslowski. 1999. Post-modernism culture. Ludwig Maximilian Muenchen University. 卞浩宇,2004, <<论中西饮食文化的差异>>。



英语论文中西方饮食文化差异AbstractWith the continuous development of globalization, cultural exchanges between the East and the West have become increasingly frequent. Food, as an important part of culture, reflects the differences between Eastern and Western cultures to a large extent. This paper aims to explore the differences in food culture between Eastern and Western countries, including the historical background, dietary habits, ingredients, cooking methods, and table manners. By examining the cultural factors behind these differences, we can gain a deeper understanding of the rich diversity and uniqueness of Eastern and Western food cultures.IntroductionFood is not only a source of nutrition but also a carrier of culture. It reflects the values, beliefs, and customs of a society. The cultural differences between Eastern and Western countries are evident in their respective food cultures. In this paper, we will examine the differences in food culture from various aspects, ranging from historical factors to table manners.A. Historical BackgroundThe development of food culture in Eastern and Western countries is closely related to their historical background. Eastern countries, such as China and Japan, have a long history of agriculture, which shapes their food culture characterized by rice as a staple food and the use of chopsticks for eating. In contrast, Western countries, such as France and Italy, have a long history of animal husbandry and the cultivation of wheat. This influencestheir food culture characterized by bread and pasta as staple foods and the use of forks and knives.B. Dietary HabitsThe dietary habits of Eastern and Western countries also differ significantly. Eastern countries emphasize balance and harmony in their meals. They believe in the concept of yin and yang, and their meals typically consist of a combination of grains, meat or fish, vegetables, and soy products. In contrast, Western countries tend to have more varied and individualistic eating patterns. They often have three main meals a day, with a focus on meat, dairy products, and a wide range of fruits and vegetables.C. IngredientsThe choice of ingredients in Eastern and Western cuisines is another area where differences can be observed. Eastern cuisines heavily rely on soy sauce, soybean oil, and various fermented products, such as miso and soybean paste. These ingredients contribute to the umami taste that is prominent in Eastern dishes. In contrast, Western cuisines commonly use butter, cream, and various cheeses to enhance flavors. Moreover, the use of herbs and spices, such as basil, thyme, and oregano, is prevalent in Western cuisines, adding depth and complexity to dishes.D. Cooking MethodsThe cooking methods employed in Eastern and Western cuisines also differ significantly. Eastern cuisines often involve stir-frying, steaming, and boiling, which are quick and efficient methods that retain the natural flavors and textures of ingredients. In contrast, Western cuisines often involvebaking, grilling, and roasting, which allow flavors to develop through caramelization and browning. Slow cooking methods, such as stewing and braising, are also commonly used in Western cuisines to tenderize meats and enhance flavors.E. Table MannersTable manners and etiquette also vary between Eastern and Western cultures. Eastern cultures, such as China and Japan, emphasize the importance of communal dining and the sharing of dishes. Meals are often served family-style, and it is considered polite to take small portions and try a bit of everything. In Western cultures, individual plates are more common, and each person's meal is often separate and portioned individually. Additionally, the use of utensils differs, where chopsticks are used in Eastern cultures and forks, knives, and spoons are used in Western cultures.ConclusionIn conclusion, the differences in food culture between Eastern and Western countries can be attributed to their historical background, dietary habits, choice of ingredients, cooking methods, and table manners. These differences reflect the values, beliefs, and customs of each culture. By understanding and appreciating these differences, we can promote cultural exchange and enhance mutual understanding between Eastern and Western societies.。



浅谈中西方饮食文化的差异摘要: 本篇论文主要探讨了中西方饮食文化的差异。











关键词: 差异文化饮食文化引言中美饮食文化的差异在一定程度上会引起文化误区。















中西饮⾷差异论⽂1 中国⼈对于饮⾷的要求很⾼,但并不在营养⽅⾯,⼤部都在⼝味、形式上,对于⼝味的追求表现出中国⼈的调和思维,⽽烹饪也追求这种调和之美。






⼀、⽤餐⽅式的差异 在⽤餐⽅式上,中国与西⽅社会存在着巨⼤差异。





An Analysi s to the Differences between Chinese and Western Food CulturebyLi GengheClass 1,Grade 09Tutor:Foreign Languages College ofCapital Normal UniversitySep 21,2009摘要本文旨在通过分析中西方饮食文化的差异以及在全球化的影响下两种饮食文化的相互互补和兼容来了解饮食文化的方方面面以及通过它来指导我们的餐饮实践活动,在提高认识的基础上扬长避短,改善饮食结构,提高饮食质量。




关键词:饮食文化;中西;差异AbstractThis paper aims to understand the complicated aspects of food culture and to guide the catering things in restaurants and so on. In order to achieve this goal, this paper makes an analysis in detail to the differences of food culture between the Chinese and Western as well as the mutual supplementation and compatibleness of the two food cultures under the globalization. In the basis of improving our ability of realization, we should enhance the strong points and avoids weaknesses, improving diet structure, advancing the diet quality and ensuring everyone to have healthy diet in their daily life. The study conducted of the differences of food culture in the macroscopic field of cross-cultural communication also can promote the mutual understanding between the people of the East and West. It could promote the exchange and make people enjoy the different feelings through the different diet. In order to make out a more scientific study conclusion which has a strong persuasive power, this paper makes a thorough analysis with the contrasting method to the differences of the two different food cultures. And this is carried out in the following five aspects: cooking criteria, cultural characteristics, food objects, eating habits and table manners. From this, I summarize their respective characteristics, the good and bad points and the different historical origins as well as finally initiate a dining approach to unify them together. This article is divided into five parts.Key Words: Food cultures; The Chinese and Western; DifferencesTable of Contents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ I II Outline............................................................................................................................................. I V I. Introduction of Food Culture . (1)A. Characteristics of Chinese Food Culture (2)B. Characteristics of the Western Food Culture (3)II. Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Food (4)A. Different Cooking Criteria: ‘Norms’ and ‘Casual’ (4)1. Norm and Exactness in Western Cooking (4)2. Flavor and Liberty in Chinese Cooking (5)B Different Cultural Characteristics: ‘Individuality’ and ‘Harmony’ (6)1. Westerners’ individuality (7)2. Chinese Harmony (8)C. Different Food Objects (9)D. Different Eating Habits (10)E. Different Table Manners (12)III. Underlying Causes (13)IV. Significances to the Hotel Catering Departments Based on the Study (14)V. Conclusion (16)References (18)OutlineThesis Statement: The differences between Chinese and Western food culture are derived from the differences in their ways of thinking and philosophy of life, and ever since the ancient times, Chinese and Western food culture’s collision and exchange have largely promoted the progress and development of human society to some degree, making the food culture become an important part of world culture.I.Food Culture IntroductionA.Characteristics of Chinese Food CultureB.Characteristics of the Western Food CultureII.Analysis to the Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western FoodA.Different Cooking Criteria: ‘Norms’ and ‘C asual’1、Norm and Exactness in Western Cooking2、Flavor and Liberty in Chinese CookingB.Different Cultural Characteristics: ‘Individuality’ and ‘H armony’1、Westerners’ Individuality2、Chinese HarmonyC.Different Food ObjectsD.Different Eating HabitsE.Different Table MannersIII.Underlying CausesIV.Significances to the Hotel Catering Departments Based on the StudyV.ConclusionAn Analysis to the Differences betweenChinese and Western Food Culture The differences between Chinese and Western food culture are derived from the differences in their different ways of thinking and Philosophies of life: Chinese people pay attention to the harmony and unite between Heaven and Man; while Westerners focus on people-orientation;Chinese sitology uses food to express feeling and message and the meaning is too deep and hard to describe. However, the Western interpretation of food is that it has to be kickshaw, and has its own style.Ever since the ancient times, Chinese and Western food culture’s collision and exchange have largely promoted the progress and development of human society to some degree, making the food culture become an important part of world culture.I.Introduction of Food CultureFood culture refers to the technical, scientific and artistic aspects in the process of the food production and food consumption, the development and utilization of food ingredients in specific social groups , as well as the diet-based customs, traditions, ideology and philosophy, in a word, the sum of all the food things of a combination of the way, process, function of food production and consumption(张亚红, 2009).The study on food culture is extremely rich in content. Generally, it can be chosen from two aspects: the first is, the whole analysis and research aiming at specific groups of food culture phenomenon and the second is the specific analysis and research on acertain area of the food culture phenomenon.A.Characteristics of Chinese Food CultureThe diet is actually the content of our daily life, but why do we say that it contains specific culture? This is because the diet has a special status in the Chinese culture. And it is also different between China and the West. Chinese people's diet starts as early as in the Qin Dynasty. At that time, the typical diet primarily consists of the miscellaneous grains, in addition to some supplementary food such as vegetables and meat. Certainly this kind of diet relates to our Chinese first religion Buddhism a lot which advocates vegetarian diet. And the rice is the staple food, but the vegetable is to get food down. The rice is not delicious, so people must eat the vegetable which is more delicious than rice to get the rice down. And this urges Chinese cooking to make the unsavory food to become the delicious food, which gradually becomes the most important goal of cooking. Moreover the technology of diet processing in Chinese cooking is first-class, thus manifesting the characteristics of Chinese culture. The Chinese cooking's diet process technology is first-class in the world, thus it has manifested the Chinese culture characteristic.All these enable the Chinese diet culture to have the following characteristics. First, the Chinese cooking technology has developed a lot and many things which do not look like eatable food in the W esterners’ eyes can become the food rich in the appearance, the fragrance and the taste under the Chinese chef's careful cooking. Second, Chinese recipes are widespread, and everything that can be eaten will be fullused. and everything that can be eaten will be fully used. The West botanist, the Chinese eat more than six times types of vegetables than the Westerners. Third, For the Chinese people, the pursuit of eating is just to pursue best happiness of life, food becoming the first requirement.B.Characteristics of the Western Food CultureIn the Western diet, meat always has a high proportion because the diet was initially base mainly on animal husbandry. In the modern times, although the proportion of crop cultivation has been increasing, the proportion of meat in the diet is still much higher than that of China. As the natural delicious taste of meat, for the Westerners there is no need of too much decoration for food, limiting the development of cooking. Europeans mostly use tools to show their affluence, for instance, the number of kinds and luxury become the content to care about. Moreover, they will not make the pursuit of eating which is easy to satisfy to be the pursuit of the best happiness.We take Europe and America as a representative for the West, for its culture similarly has a well-established and long history. To the middle ages, the European culture had grown up, and during that time the old West’s diet culture had already formed. Its main feature was: the bread flour was the staple food, raw material was also very rich, their manufacturing method was simpler than that of China, but they also paid great attention to the taste.II.Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and WesternFoodThere are distinctive food cultures in different nations and countries, with strong national character and diversity of features. Food Product, due to the geographical features, the climate of the environment and the customs and so on, will appear great difference in the raw materials, taste, cooking methods and eating habits. The comparison of the differences between Chinese and Western food culture will be from the following five areas: different cooking criteria, different cultural characteristics, different food objects, different eating habits and different table manners.A. Different Cooking C riteria: ‘Norms’ and ‘C asual’1.Norm and Exactness in Western CookingWesterners emphasize science and nutrition, so the whole process of cooking is in strict accordance with the scientific norm. The use of recipes is an excellent proof to this. In the Western recipes the measurement is calculated by grams and in the surface the recipe seems to be scientific. Westerners are always holding recipes to go to buy food and make dishes, but compared to Chinese cooking, it isa very mechanical thing, so in front of complex circumstances it is oftenpowerless. And this consistency has led to a drawback of Western food-the lack of features.When people are in different places, when you want to taste the local cuisine, definitely no one would choose foods like Kentucky Fried Chicken,because Fried Chicken requires not only the ingredients according to recipes, but also the temperature of the oil, fried chicken, and the time. The process must be strict in accordance with specifications, so the world's KFC taste is the same. In addition, the standardized cooking requires preparing ingredients, adding the spices accurate to grams, cooking time accurate to seconds.As the production of standardized Western dishes, it makes cooking into a mechanical work. There is no creativity. Steak, fried chicken and salad are always taking the same kinds of forms,so cook’s work has become an extremely monotonous mechanical work, like an automated assembly-line worker, or even by a robot to act in his place.Moreover, a dish in different regions, different seasons and for different people has the same taste. There is no change. Even in high-leveled banquet, the diet has no more elegant table tools and more luxurious decoration, but the dish is still the same kind.2.Flavor and Liberty in Chinese CookingWhat the Westerners can not understand is that the Chinese cooking does not pursue the accurate standardization, but respect randomness. Looking carefully at China's recipes, you will find that the amount of raw materials to prepare and the amount of spices to add are just vague concepts, such as "a spoon", "bowl", "little bit" and so on, but how much is actually “a spoon, ‘a bowl”and “a little”,there is no specific criteria. Chinese cooking, not only pays attention to the major cuisines having their own flavor and characteristics, but also the same dish of the same cuisine willhave some changes for the different spices used in the match with a variety of different side dishes according to individual hobbies and characteristics. Sometimes, to make the same dish, the same chef will do some adjustments according to different seasons different occasions and the different identities, tastes and requirements of different people. It may even change because of our own emotional Change. It uses different spices to cook a "Mapo tofu" for the guests in Sichuan and Su Zhou. Another example is “Braised F ish”, in winter the dish should be dark in color and the taste should be strong, while in summer it should be light in both color and taste. For people in Jiang Su and Zhe Jiang provinces, braised fish can be seasoned with sugar, but for the Chuanxiang customers, it should be made spicier. From this,we can see that without the randomness changeable Chinese cuisine, we will lose its unique charm. The randomness of the food processing infinitely expands Chinese recipes. A variety of raw materials, cutting techniques, spices and cooking methods make a cross-combination which can make one material into a dozen or dozens of dishes. Xingjian’s "All sheep seats," Guangdong's "all-fish seats and Beijing's "a whole duck" are the best proofs of this. The most commonly used raw material--- chicken, in a Cantones e chef’s hands, will be made into dozens or even hundreds of courses of dishes. This arbitrariness creates a dazzling array of dishes in Chinese cuisine.B Different Cultural Characteristics: ‘Individuality’ and ‘H armony’The master of Taiwan Guoxue Mr. Qian Mu,(金炳镐,1999), in the preface of "Modern Chinese Academic Lun Heng" writes, “Cultures differences, it is not thesame as the academic. China attaches importance to harmony, while the Western emphasize the difference."Eastern and Western culture differences also affect their own food culture. Chinese and Western food culture clearly reflects this cultural identity of "harmony" and " individuality respectively "(金炳镐,1999).1.Westerners’ individualityContrast to oriented "flavor" of Chinese food, Western food is a rational concept. The color, smell, taste, shape, and nutrition must be assured that a day’s intake of calories, vitamins and protein and so on should be given attention to. In a word, nutrition comes first. The concept of eating with the West as a whole philosophy is to adapt the system. At a banquet, you might pay attention to food containers, the use of materials, and the colors of the dishes, but no matter how high-end luxurious, the steak from Los Angeles to New York has only one flavor, no art at all. In a main course, there is no mixture of different materials, chicken is chicken, steak is steak, Even if it has been a mixed dish, it is also carried out in the plate For example, in a "French lamb chops," there are mashed potatoes on one side next to Hill lamb chops and green beans being cooked in the other side of the distribution plus a few film Tomato into it. There is a sharp contrast in color, but the tastes of raw materials are separate, with its own flavor. Even if it is a matched dish, it is just like “1+1=2”, very simple and perspicuity. What have been discussed above has manifested this kind of social culture of Westerners' individuality.2.Chinese HarmonyChinese have always been regarding "and" and "harmony" as the most beautiful realm, and this idea of 'harmony' embodied in the cooking is reflected in the "five flavor harmony". That is, cooking food needs to make “five flavor harmony” on the basis of retaining the natural tastes of raw materials, using the basic law of five element theory to guide the reconciliation, which not only accords with the timing, but also with the season in order to cook out delicious dishes.. So, in Chinese food almost every dish needs two or more of the raw materials and a variety of spices to reconcile in the cooking. Even home-style cooking is generally reconciled with meat and vegetables, such as the Jiu Huang Chao Rousi, pineapple Sweet and sour pork, tomatoes, scrambled eggs and ribs winter melon soup. Chinese people regard “to cook dish”as "cooking" which means combine cooking and blending into one for a beautiful taste. Here we put stress on the measurement and the overall co-ordination. It contains a wealth of dialectic thinking of Chinese philosophy. Everything is measured according to the wonderful taste and the coordination. The frequent changes within the degree lead to the richness of Chinese cuisine and its varieties. The key reason why Chinese food has its own unique charm is that it has its wonderful taste. However, the generation of the delicious taste lies in the wonderful reconciliation of the initial taste of food, the cooked flavor after heating, the ingredients and excipies, as well as the sauce flavor of harmonic integration. Therefore, the Chinese cooking is not just as simple as a "1 +1 = 2" thing, but "1 +1" is equal to "3" or more.C.Different Food ObjectsThe Westerners have the traditions of nomadic and seafaring nations, leading their living mainly on fishing and hunting and supplementary on the cultivation they have more meat food and all they need in their daily life are taken from animals and even the refining materials of medicine are also taken from animals. They pay more attention to the intake of animal protein and fat, and their diet structure mostly consists of animal dishes, mainly beef, chicken, pork, mutton and fish. Therefore, meat has a high proportion in the diet. In modern times, the crop farming has been increasing a lot, but the proportion of meat in the diet is still higher than that of Chinese people.According to a survey of Western Botanist, there are more than 600 kinds of vegetables for Chinese people, six times more than in the West. In fact, in Chinese cuisine, the vegetarian is a common food. Meat dish becomes a common diet only in the holidays or in affluent families, so ever since ancient times there is a saying of "vegetarian food" which leads a dominant position in everyday diet. The Chinese make the plant-based dishes to be the main dishes, which has many ramifications with the Buddhists advocacy. They regard animals as "beings," while plants as "no soul", therefore, they advocate vegetarianism. In introducing the characteristics of the Western diet, the Westerners put more emphasis on nutrition than the Chinese. They have relatively well-developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food and so on. Although the taste is monotonous, it can save time, and it is rich in nutrition, so generally the people in their countries can grow stronger than the Chinese people:They have tall height, long legs, wide shoulders and muscular body, while the Chinese have diminutive body, narrow shoulders, short legs and weak constitutions. According to the fact that the Western diet is significantly different in the characteristics of the food objects from the Chinese diet, someone called the Chinese plant character, and the Westerners the animal character.The differences of the diet content between the Chinese and the Western are also reflected in that The Westerners like to eat cold dishes, from the cold dish platter, salad to cold drinks, the table strewn with cold dish. However, the Chinese people like hot food, in addition that a few samples in the front of the main dishes are cold, the main course is hot. In the Chinese view, the hot food getting cold will lose much flavor. In order to get the delicious taste of food we should eat hot food. As the saying goes, “Food when hot has three delicacies.”D.Different Eating HabitsIn the way of having dinner, in China, no matter what the banquet is, people tend to sit around to enjoy the food placed in the middle of the table which are not only the subjects for people at the table to enjoy, but also a medium to share their feelings. At the table, the Chinese people would like to urge somebody to drink and zugreifen with each other, happily. It seems harmonious and joyful. But it is largely different for the Westerners. When they get together to dinner or host a party, they are less enthusiastic than Chinese people, and between the guests and the host the atmosphere is more casual. Westerners pay more attention to the independence of the individual, so theyeat separately. There’s no joy chatting with each other at the table. Chinese food served on the table pays attention to a rich variety of dishes, generally 8 or 10 dishes, 12 plates, with diversity in species, from the cold plate to the main course, to the soup, to dessert, to the fruit, and it also pays attention to the order. The Western banquets are based on cattle, sheep, pork chops and other staple food. The variety is less and people do not pay attention to the serving order. And the differences on the dining tools are much more apparent.As we all know, the Chinese people, including the yellow race of people in some other Asian countries, use chopsticks or spoon to eat with the bowl filled with rice, while the Westerners use plate to serve food, a knife and fork to cut to eat, and special soup spoon to have soup. Detailed analyzing, Chinese chopsticks are the main tableware, supplemented by spoon and various shaped cups, plates, bowls, and plates. Chinese cooking pays attention to the shape, size, and color of utensils coordinated with the dishes, what is so called "Beautiful utensils", and treats the diet as the arts from which to get a kind of beautiful art enjoyment. Mostly Westerners use metal knife and fork, mainly including stainless steel or silver-plated, silver and other tableware, as well as a variety of cups, plates, and cup, dish that carry out different uses and cannot be mixed. But the Western Food does not emphasize the art beauty on the dishes or tableware like what Chinese do. Its type of tableware and shape of dishes are relatively monotonous. In short, the Westerners focus on the content of food, while the Chinese stress the appearance or styles and the feelings or experience from it.In summary, chopsticks and knife and fork, as two kinds of most representative Dining tools of East and West, have a far-reaching effect on the lifestyle of both East and West, representing two different kinds of intelligence.E.Differences Table MannersThe table manners are greatly different between East and West. In ancient China, during the meal there was a set of complicated etiquettes.A quote said in the book of Rites • Qu Kee, (596 AD),“when all people have a dinner together, you cannot eat only caring about yourself and ignoring others. Before you have a dinner with others, you must check your hands clean. Do not put the extra rice back into the pot, do not possess the food you specifically like, and do not winnow the hot meals. After dinner, guests should get up to pack the tableware to the owner, and at the same time the owner gets up, ask the guests not to work, and then the guests sit down again”.Some of these rituals are also necessary in modern times. In the West banquet, the host helps the guest to food for only once, and then asks them to help themselves. If the guests do not want to eat any more, don’t persuade them to eat any more, which is like the Chinese people's habit of urging somebody to drink and zugreifen frequently. It is not allowed to make a noise while eating the food, but the guests should pay attention to appreciate the meals that the owners prepared (张亚红,2009). If you want to talk with people, you can only talk with the ones beside you but not the distant ones.III.U nderlying CausesThe differences in social development, traditional culture and thought, and life customs create differences between Chinese and Western food culture. There are two major characteristics of Chinese culture. The first one is the pursuit of applicable things without all non-useful things. Historically, all of the practical technologies were very advanced, such as agricultural science and technology and medicine, while the non-practical things can not be well-developed. The second one is that Chinese culture shows unique characteristics of love. The core of Confucian thought “Hell’s Angel" has far-reaching impact on China's traditional culture.However, in the Western culture, In the progress of conquering the nature and fostering a scientific awareness, the West pay special attention to the development of rational thought. Rationality has become typical of Western culture. Rationality means that in the process of the exploration of nature we make sober reflection, analysis and rigorous logic reasoning, and seek to act in line with the objective laws of nature. At the same time in the process of understanding the nature, people continue to understand themselves. Another major feature of Western culture is that they focus on personal dignity., taking the individual as a center. The interests of everyone are clear enough. Everyone has his own living space, without mutual interference.Cultural differences affect the differences in diet. The idea is that whenpeople eat the food production and consume in the process of forming ideas, they are impacted greatly by natural sciences, humanities, especially philosophy.Different philosophical thought and the resulting formation of cultural spirit and ways of thinking will produce a different concept of diet. China's food concept reconciles five flavors; the Western diet idea is prominent personality, which is mainly because of Chinese and Western countries‘philosophical thought and hence arises from the formation cultural spirit and ways of thinking.IV.Significances to the Hotel Catering Departments Based on theStudyThe study of Chinese and Western food culture differences can not only make us better understand the eating characteristics of the Western nations, but also sum up our own diet characteristics in order to get others to make up our own weaknesses and learn from all the scientific and advanced concepts, put aside our culture in the dross, improve and enhance the quality of our diet. At the same time by means of such wrap-up and research, we can carry forward the Chinese nation's fine cultural traditions of food, which has been continuously updated and developed. These are the significances from the macroscopic sense. While in the microscopic sense, the study of the differences between Chinese and the Western food culture is conducive to China's tourist hotels catering to guide the design and development of food products. Based on Chinese and Western food culture differences, tourism and hotel catering departments should note the following points:(1)The design and development of food product should be nutrition-based,paying attention to a reasonable nutrition match. The initial motivation of eating is to sustain human survival and development. Protein, fat and vitamins are the basic materials of life to maintain normal metabolism of people. So, in the design of food products, we should adopt a scientific attitude, reasonably equipping human body with all the necessary nutrients. Whether Western or Chinese food, we must achieve this point, especially in making Western food.(2)We should achieve a perfect combination of the dining environment with thediversification of food products. China’s to urist hotels in the development of food products should pay attention to combine the Chinese and Western food cultures. As far as the restaurant is concerned, there should be Chinese and Western restaurants, style halls, banquet halls, as well as self-service restaurants, which offer a variety of dining establishments. Dishes listed in the menu should also be diverse to meet the different needs of Chinese and foreign guests. Chinese guests rarely have Western food as their main dinner, while Western guests can not always eat Chinese food in China, so star-rated hotels should not only supply Chinese food, but also supply formal Western food.(3)We can develop Chinese food specialty products to attract tourists. Chinesefood culture has a long history and is renowned in the world, with many foreign tourists coming here especially. We not only consolidate and maintain the old products, but also develop new special products, and constantly open。



中西方饮食文化差异篇一:中西方饮食文化异同比较中西方饮食我文化异同比较[摘要]: 在悠悠历史长河中,中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学造就了中西方文化的差异,本论文通过主要介绍中西方各自不同的风俗,地理,材料,观念,习惯的差异而造成的中西方不同的饮食文化差异。












(二)中西方烹饪方式的差异中国饮食“蒸、煮、焖、炖、煨、烧、爆、烤、煎、炒、烹、炸、拌” 等样样精妙。






Chinese and western two because by different social and cultural, historical and cultural and social background of influence, resulting in two different cultures of generation, table manners culture industry so arises at the historic moment, table manners culture is part of the diet culture, Chinese and western diet culture of different cultural differences between Chinese and western nations is an important component. Every country and every area of each nationality they are consciously or unconsciously in food in the revealed himself deep cultural background. This paper elaborates on table manners cultural differences between Chinese and western table manners, analyzes the cultural differences between the concrete manifestation and origins.关键词: 跨文化交际; 饮食文化; 餐桌礼仪; 文化差异进入21世纪以来, 跨文化交际已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的内容。

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Hunan Information Science V ocational CollegeGraduation ThesisSubject: A Comparison of Food Culture BetweenChina and Western CountriesName: Tang WenStudent No.: 1103020239Specialty and Class: Business English,Class 2Department: Department of Hunan and ArtsSupervisor: Fang leiyiDate:2014-3-16ContentsIntroduction (1)1.Introduction to Diet Idea (2)1.1Diet Idea in Western Countries (2)1.2Diet Idea in China (3)2.The Differences of Diet Object Between China and Western Countries (3)2.1Materials of Food (3)2.2Differences of Diet Object (4)2.2.1Chinese Food Advocates.. Vegetarianism (5)2.2.2Western Food Pay Attention to Nutrition (5)3.The Different Method Of Diet (6)3.1Dinning Way (6)3.2 Table Ware (6)3.3 Dinning Etiquette (7)4.The Future Prospects Of Chinese and Western Diet (8)Conclusion (9)Bibliography (10)Acknowledgements (11)摘要在悠久的历史文化中,中西方不同的思维方式和处世哲学造就了中西文化的差异,从而造就了中西方饮食文化的差异。







关键词:文化;中餐;西餐;饮食方式,思维方式,口味,烹饪AbstractIn the long history of culture,Chinese and western different way of thinking and philosophy make the differences between Chinese and western culture,so as to make the differences between Chinese and western food culture. due to the geographical ,climate environment,customs and habits,the influence of such as will appear in raw material,taste,cooking method,eating habits on the different degree of difference.because of these differences,food and beverage products with a strong regional.the Chinese food to feed an ideographic,to love,its profound and unpredictable.China and the west diet culture difference from Chinese and western different way of thinking and philosophy,In china,cooking is an art.In the west,cooking is a kind of labor.Key word: culture;Chinese food;western food;Dietary mode;mode of thinking;test;cookingIntroductionBecause of different culture ,history, geography , etc, this is what produces the differences between Chinese and western food culture .with the speeding up of world economic globalization process, the contact between Chinese and western is more and more frequent, as an important entry point to open the Chinese and western people’s communication, to discuss china and the western diet culture difference becomes verry important.but scholars to research .concerning the food culture has not been given enough attention.Understand the difference between Chinese and western culture,helps to cultivate the ability to adapt in cross cultural communication of people to effectively avoid communication due to diet cultural differences and misunderstanding on both sides.China and western diet culture differences exist between what difference?whether the differences and what is the relationship between western and Chinese living habits and traditional culture? The future prospects of Chinese and western diet? For this,we launched and investigation.1、The Two Different Diet IdeaEastern and western countries had a different culture in different continents. In different culture, the notion of eating and eating way and thinking model appear more obvious.1.1 Diet Idea in Western CountriesChinese people pay attention to taste,westerners pay attention to nutrition. Pay attention to the “taste”of china, the west is a rational diet idea.No matter the food color, fragrance,taste,shape how to, and nutritional must be guaranteed, pay attention to how many calories a day intake,vitamins,protein and so on.Even the taste same ,also must continue to eat--because nutritious.This diet idea with western whole philosophy system is adapted. Metaphysics is the main characteristic of western philosophy.western philosophy concept, the object of study for things the concept is often metaphysical theory of things. Metaphysical academic coherent with each other, they form the metaphysical philosophy.this philosophy to western culture with life and make it in the natural science, psychology and methodology realized the development by leaps and bounds. But in other ways, this philosophy advocated greatly played the role of obstacles, such as food culture. On the banquet, can pay attention to tableware,pay attention to the materials, pay attention to service,in the form of exquisite dishes of raw materials, color collocation; but no matter how luxury, from Los Angeles to New york, the steak is only a kind of taste, no art to speak.As dishes,chicken is chicken, steak is steak, even if have a match, it is in session, comparative and bright color, but irrelevant, all kinds of raw materials on the taste,is simple and clear.1.2 Diet Idea in ChinaThe Chinese diet has its unique charm, the key lies in its taste. And delicious, is to reconcile, add the flavor of the sauce ingredients and auxiliary materials, and harmonic, woven and coordinate together. Unfortunately, when we put the pursuit of delicious as the frist requirement, we have ignored the nutritional value of food, a lot of our traditional foods are through hot fried and long time Tun cooking,make the nutrition ingredient of the dish, many nutrients are loss in the machining process.so,when it comes to nutrition problem, in fact just touch the biggest weakness of the Chinese diet culture.2、The Differences of Diet Object Between China and WesternCountriesWesterners with nomads, sailing nation’s cultural heritage, give priority to with fishing and hunting, breeding, to collect. Planting is complementary, hun vegetable more, eat, wear, use all to the animal. So westerners tend to eat the whole piece of meat, whole chickens. Chinese cuisine is taste is given priority to, so the Chinese cooking in materials also look great randomness: many westerners as a waste, are excellent raw materials in china, foreign chefs can’t handle things, one to a Chinese chef hands, can be changed decayed for magical.2.1 Materials of FoodBecause of the different philosophical thoughts of Chinese and western, westerners pay attention to science diet, heavy science is the pursuit of nutrition.So western diet nutrition as important, especially for food nutrients, protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and all kinds of inorganic element content is tie-in and reasonable, whether these nutrients for dieters absorbed adequately, with or without other side effects.These questions are cooking in the university, and dishes color,aroma, taste,is secondary. Western diet leading countries-France, its diet culture while approximation with us in many ways, but when it comes to the nutritional problems, then the distance between both sides.Although we pay attention to diet therapy, eat the right food, nourishment,attention to diet to preserve one’s health,but cooking is in pursuit of delicious as the first requirement, cause many nutrient loss in the machining process. In recently, chefs in our country, cooking contest,the somebody else in a foodnutrition ingredient lists, we come up with this material. The people asking questions, also gaping,Westerners eat vegetables raw, not only the raw tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage, onion, broccoli,broccoli are eaten raw. So their “salad” like a plat of rabbit fodder, make us hard to accept. Modern Chinese also nutrition care, know vegetables upon heating, vitamins will be destroyed, so we advocate using a very quick.It has decreased the content of vitamin, but not completely loss, but the taste is more than rabbit fodder delicious.so,china’s modern cookery pursuit nutrition and taste the best balance of give attention to two or more things this,of course, also belong to a kind of “golden mean”.2.2 Materials of FoodWesterners belive that food is to appease hunger, so eat large pieces of meat, such as the whole piece of chicken “hard food”. And China’s cuisine is “taste”, so the Chinese cooking in materials also show great randomness:many westerners as outcast, are excellent raw materials in china, foreign chefs can’t handle things, one to a Chinese chef hands, it can be changed decayed for magical. It serves to show the Chinese diet in materials of the breadth of arbitrariness.2.2.1Chinese Food Advocates VegetarianismAccording to the survey of western plants scholar, Chinese people eat the plants of the more than 600, six times more than in the west. In fact, in the Chinese dishes, vegetarian dishes are common food, meat only on holidays or higher living standards, to enter the usual diet, so since ancient times has the say of “food feed”, food feeddominated in the ordinary diet structure. Chinese is given priority to with plant food, and Buddhist preach have thousands of silk connection. They regard animals as “creatures”, the plant is “no spirit”, so, advocate vegetarianism.2.2.2Western Food Pay Attention to NutritionWhen westerners introduce their diet characteristics, feel more attaches great importance to the reasonable collocation of nutrition than china, have more developed food industry, such as canned, fast food, taste the same, but saves time, and good nutrition, so the human body in their 3.1 Dinning Waycountries generally robust than the Chinese:tall, long legs, broad shoulders and developed muscle; But the Chinese are generally thin, narrow shoulder short legs, color yellow. Someone according to object obvious difference, called the Chinese plant character, westerners called animal character.3 The Different Method Of DietIn the final analysis or perceptual and rational differences. However, these differences seems to be along with the development of science and become blurred. More and more Chinese people with no longer only pay attention to food color, aroma, taste, and pay more attention to its health and nutrition. Especially after SARS, Also, people because more and more work, they think Chinese food is too much trouble to do it, better to do western food. So, the western food culture of our influence is very big.3.1Dinning WayOn the dining way. In china, no matter what good things come to an end, it is all round and round round, sharing one seat, delicious food in the middle of table, it is both a table people enjoy object, and to communicate the feelings of medium. At the dinner table, the Chinese people are like vomiting-inducing toasts to each other, clip vegetables, toast, very harmonious life. And is different, when they get together for dinner or treat vomiting-including toasts, food is not as enthusiastic, Chinese and less polite between guest and host. Westerners pay more attention to the independence of the individual, while westerners diners in cattle, sheep. Pork is the staple food,etc.3.2 Table WareIn terms of tableware, differences are more obvious. As known as, Chinese people including some Asian countries, using chopsticks, spoons, have a meal also use bowl; While the westerners, using plate.edge knife and fork to eat, drink soup there are specialized spoon. Chopsticks and knife or fork as the most representative east and west two kind of tableware, chopsticks ,knife and fork has affected the eastern and western different way of life, representing different two kind of wisdom.3.3 Dinning EtiquetteIn etiquette, both of Chinese and western more different. In ancient china, the table during a meal, you have a set of red tape. “Rites,qu”: “eat not to dullness and total rice don’t choose the hand, do not put a meal,..not solid, not young rice,..single food, guest since the kneeling before, and rice together with grant phase, hot to the guest, and then the guest sit down. “Main idea od the passage is mai nly: everybody when having a meal together, can’t you eat. If to have dinner with others, must check the hands clean. Don’t put the extra rice to pan, don’t specifically designed for the food, also not to winnow the hot meals. After dinner, the guest should went forward to pick up the plates on the table, to master, mater followed up, treat people don’t work, and then the guest to sit down. Some of these etiquette is necessary in modern manners. On western banquet, host to the guest clip only commonly a dish, the remaining eat independently by guests, if guests don’t inconvenience hard also let people to eat, don’t frequently vomiting-inducing toasts for the guests, according to the habits of the Chinese food. When to eat, don’t make noise, but the guests sh ould pay attention to praise host prepares food. If talking to people, can only talk to the neighbor’s, don’t talk with distance. So, in the final analysis or perceptual and rationaldifferences. However, these differences seems to be along with the development of science and become blurred. More and more Chinese people with no longer only pay attention to food color, aroma, taste, and pay attention to health and nutrition. Especially after SARS. Also, people because more and more busy job, think Chinese food do up much trouble, as to a hamburger and convenient. So on food differences is not too clear.4 The Future Prospects Of Chinese and Western DietFor the Chines, we was born began to taste Chinese food, and thus more or less tired of Chinese diet. At the same time, now,we are in the form of economic globalization, the entry of a western diet, make we have fresh, get used to western-style fast food, western food or western fast food, however, the Chinese concept of diet and habits, after all, there is much difference with the west, which determine the Chinese diet in people’s idea of the foundation position in our country, it will never change ,because of the western intervention. But with the development of the society, the gradual improvement of the living standard, western food will be more and more popular in china, but ,it can only be “seasoning”, most people life will not always have Chinese western food as staple food a day.ConclusionBegan at birth for the Chinese, our taste of Chinese and western diet, so more or less will be tired a little of attention to diet, at the same time, we are in the form of economic globalization, the western diet in china make we have fresh, gives us desire into western fast-food restaurants. Go to eat western food must understand what is the difference between western food and Chinese food.what to eat, how to eat. In order not to let oneself all, also have to understand the western wany of eating and dining etiquette. Only from this perspective, a brief talk about Chinese and western diet culture difference, hope for us Chinese to understand the western diet culture is a little significance.Bibliography[1]徐先玲,李组状.西方饮食文化[M]北京; 中国戏剧出版社,2005.[2]徐先玲,李组状.中方饮食文化[M]北京; 中国戏剧出版社2005.[3]张茗阳.食物改变[M].上海;学林出版社2003.[4]张起钧.烹饪原理[M].北京;中国轻工业出版社,2000.[5]刘枋,吃的艺术[M].山东;山东画报出版社2003.AcknowledgementsAs acknowledgements for my paper, only I —the writer is responsible for the shortcomings. I much acknowledges my thanks to all my teachers, especially to Miss fang leiyi, my supervisor, who has provides me support, critical ideas and careful suggestions.I also want to thank my family who always give me time, encouragement and secretarial services, especially my parents.Finally, my classmate and friends, who provided thoughtful and thorough reviews of my paper, must be acknowledged.。
