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译翻文课文全册Βιβλιοθήκη 6 第和册 5 第读精语英学大到 不 得 却候 时 的及 得来 还 在“ � 吗由 自 有子 孩 个 这。养培或练训到受能可不他�特扎莫的没埋被 个一成写描被�市城某非北于逛闲常经�年少伯 里帕休克埃?圣家作国法在 �由自的峰顶就成人个 到达是它。险危的它失丢有们我�石基之由自种 四述上是也�由自种五第着在存还时同此与 。着斗奋而由自些这为地各 界世和土本国美在然仍民移老新的列行其入加来 后及以代后的者荒拓些这今如。由自的仰信教宗 及以论言、惧恐除消�穷贫离脱�是们它。惜珍 外格然仍天今们我由自。斯茅列普和敦斯姆詹到 来�洋重涉远前年多百三在�由自的在存不已国 祖的己自们他在找寻了为者荒拓期早群小一 拉阿的俐伶明聪得长却衫烂衣破个一�里品作的
taht dias netfo si tI .taht od ot yenom eht ro emit eht evah stneduts weF .meht fo sdnah s'eno gnihsaw ot stnuoma hcihw ,yrtnuoc gnikaeps-hsilgnE na ni sraey eerht ro owt dneps dluohs stneduts taht tseggus nac enO .noitulos eht gnidivorp naht reisae si melborp eht gninifeD .unem tsav a morf yad nevig a no tae ot ekil tsom dluow uoy hsid eht esoohc ot naht dnik yna fo doof teg ot reisae hcum si tI .ksat tluciffid erom a semoceb thguat eb dluohs tahw gnitceles ,weiv fo tniop s'rehcaet eht morf ,nosaer emas eht roF .noitacilppa fo dleif etaidemmi ssel a evah os dna dootsrednu fleseno gnikam ot lativ sa ton era egaugnal a ni sretnuocne eno serutcurts xelpmoc erom eht taht noitingocer eht si gnicneirepxe era srehcaet dna stneduts htob tahW .eurt ton si siht esruoc fO ".wonk I ssel eht ,nrael I erom ehT" :htiw eseht retnuoc ot denilcni leef thgim stneduts siH ".ti yas uoy taht yaw eht s'tI .yas uoy tahw t'nac uoy tub retaw ot esroh a dael nac uoY" :sa hcus seugaelloc sih ot sbrevorp gnitouq ni egufer ekat yam ,elbacilpxeni eht nialpxe ot gniyrt ot decuder yltneuqerf ,trap sih rof ,rehcaet ehT .tsrif ta meht reffo ot elba saw eh ecnadiug tnedifnoc emas eht meht evig ot rehcaet eht rof yllufepoh tiaw llits srehto elihw ,tsugsid ni pu evig emos taht gnisirprus yldrah si ti secnatsmucric hcus nI .noitacided dna emit nevig ,evorpmi ot niatrec si hsilgnE rieht taht dna ycneulf sdrawot ssergorp gnikam llits era yeht taht meht ecnivnoc ot drah si tI .stxetnoc tnereffid ni sgninaem tnereffid htiw sesarhp detpecca dna déhcilc ,smoidi fo yteirav gniredliweb a fo tsisnoc ot sraeppa won wenk yeht thguoht yeht egaugnal eht esuaceb gnilggurts meht sees eH .skoobtxet cisab fo epocs eht edistuo sllaf hcihw egasu dna yralubacov hsilgnE fo aera dehcuotnu tsav eht htiw detnorfnoc nehw etatiseh ,ecitcarp otni thguat neeb dah yeht gnihtyreve gnittup ni dedeeccus yeht esuaceb ,hcaet ot ysae erew ohw stneduts taht sdnif eH .stluser suoivbo ssel ecudorp ot raeppa stroffe sih nehw detartsurf semoceb ,oot ,rehcaet eht taht tuo tniop ot noitalosnoc hcum mees ton yam tI .os od ot raeppa ton seod relpmis emoceb ot thguo hcihw ssecorp a taht revocsid ot detnioppasid dna desirprus yllarutan era stnedutS .dootsrednu neeb evah egaugnal eht fo snrettap dna serutcurts cisab eht ecno tluciffid ylgnisaercni emoceb ot smees hsilgnE gninrael yhw snosaer eht etaicerppa ot stneduts rof naht srehcaet rof reisae ylbaborp si tI

A surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients. Indeed, without basic research skills and the ability to present research results clearly and completely, an individual will encounter many obstacles in school and on the job. The need for some research-writing ability is felt nearly equally by college students in all fields, engineering and science as well as business and the humanities. Graduate study often makes great demands on the student's research-writing skills, and most professions continue the demand; education, advertising and marketing, economics and accounting, science and engineering, psychology, anthropology, the arts, and agriculture may all require regular reporting of research data.


大学英语第六册unit1AThe Pursuit of Happiness(The Pursuit of Happiness)The right to pursue happiness is promised to Americans by the US Constitution, but no one seems quite sure which way happiness runs. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift conceived of happiness as "the state of being well-deceived", or of being "a fool among idiots ", for Swift saw society as a land of false goals.It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of false goals. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to Heaven when we possess enough.And at the same time the forces of American business are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them — and to create them faster than anyone's budget can satisfy them. For that matter, our whole economy is based on addicting us to greed. We are even told it is our patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying things.Look at any of the magazines that cater to women. There advertising begins as art and slogans in the front pages and ends as pills and therapy in the back pages. The art at the front illustrates the dream of perfect beauty. This is the baby skin that must be hers. This, the perfumed breath she must breathe out. This, the sixteen-year-old figure she must display at forty, at fifty, at sixty, and forever. This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure. This is the cream that restores skin, these are the tablets that melt away fat around the thighs, and these are the pills of perpetual youth.Obviously no reasonable person can be completely persuaded either by such art or by such pills and devices. Yet someone is obviously trying to buy this dream and spending billions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market is not running out of customers, but what is it they are trying to buy?Defining the meaning of "happiness" is a perplexing proposition: the best one can do is to try to set some extremes to the idea and then work towards the middle. To think of happiness as achieving superiority over others, living in a mansion made of marble, having a wardrobe with hundreds of outfits, will do to set the greedy extreme. To think of happiness as the joy of a holy man of India will do to set the spiritual extreme. He sits completely still, contemplating the nature of reality, free even of his own body. If admirers bring him food, he eats it; if not, he starves. Why be concerned? What is physical is trivial to him. To contemplate is his joy and he achieves complete mental focus through an incredibly demanding discipline, the accomplishment of which is itself a joy to him.Is he a happy man? Perhaps his happiness is only another sort of illusion. But who can take it from him? And who will dare say it is more false than happiness paid for through an installment plan?Although the holy man's concept of happiness may enjoy considerable prestige in the Orient, I doubt the existence of such motionless happiness. What is certain is that his way of happiness would be torture to almost anyone of Western temperament. Yet these extremes will still serve to define the area within which all of us must find some sort of balance. Thoreau had his own firm sense of that balance: save on the petty in order to spend on the essential.Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau's idea of the petty. The active discipline of raising one's perception of what is eternal in nature would have been his idea of the essential. Time saved on the petty could be spent on the essential. Thoreau certainly didn't intend to starve, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts.Effort is the essence of it: there is no happiness except as we take on challenges. Short of the impossible, the satisfactions we get from a lifetime depend on how high we place our difficulties. The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it claims to be effortless.We demand difficulty even in our diversions. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game; a game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary addition of difficulty. It is easier to win at chess if you are free to change the rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. If we could mint our own money, even building a fortune would become boring. No difficulty, no fun.Those in advertising seem too often to have lost their sense of the pleasure of difficulty. And the Indian holy man seems dull to us, I suppose, because he seems to be refusing to play anything at all. The Western weakness may be in the illusion that happiness can be bought. Perhaps the oriental weakness is in the idea that there is such a thing as perfect happiness.Happiness is never more than partial. Whatever else happiness may be, it is neither in having nor in being, but in becoming. What the writers of the Constitution declared for us as an inherent right was not happiness but the pursuit of happiness. What the early patriots might have underlined, could they have foreseen the happiness-market, is the cardinal fact that happiness is in the pursuit itself, in the pursuit of what is engaging and life-changing, which is to say, in the idea of becoming. A nation is not measured by what it possesses or wants to possess, but by what it wants to become.(Words: 1,005)追求幸福美国宪法赋予美国人民追求幸福的权利,但是似乎谁也说不清幸福跑到哪里去了。

大学英语精读第六册课后翻译(精选五篇)第一篇:大学英语精读第六册课后翻译1在我住宅区经常看到一位白发老人手持夹具和大塑料袋.捡起包糖纸.香蕉皮之类的垃圾.In our neighborhood a white-haired old man is often seen wielding tongs and a big plastic bag picking up trash like candy wrappers and banana skins.2他就是大家敬重的李大爷.退休前他是一家大公司的高级管理人员.经常忙得不亦乐乎.The old man is Grandpa Li respected by all.A senior executive of a big company before he retired, Grandpa Li used to live a terribly busy life.3按说现在他可以享受退休生活了.可他不愿意在家闲着不做事.他该怎样适应退休生活呢?李大爷遇事从不拖拉.他当即决定从帮助老伴削土豆皮.打扫厨房之类的家务活干起.Now he was supposed to enjoy his retirement, but he hated to stay idle at home.How would he adapt to his retired life? Never putting off anything, Grandpa Li resolved there and then to start by helping his wife with such housework as peeling potatoes and cleaning up the kitchen.4除此之外.他还尽自己最大努力帮着把住宅区搞好.李大爷完全相信.他的努力会结出果实.Besides that, he does all he can to help turn round things in the neighborhood.Grandpa Li accepts on faith that his efforts will yield fruit.5他对生活的乐观态度常常会感染队友.在队里造成一种积极向上的气氛.His optimistic attitude toward life tended to spread to his teammates, and created a positive atmosphere within the team.6搜寻外星人或许有可能为我们了解宇宙起源提供新的线索.The search for extraterrestrial intelligence may throw new light on the origins of the universe.7他妻子把他们所处的窘境跟他说了.然后让他仔细想想他们剩下的可能有的几种选择.His wife told him the dilemma that they were in, and then left him to ponder the few options left to them.8她为招待会所挑选的食物.音乐和装饰品全都显示她高雅的情趣.Her choices of food, music and decorations for the reception all showed her exquisite taste.9你今后出国旅行的机会即便有.也很可能极少.我觉得这次你应该尽量争取去.Your opportunities to travel abroad in future might very well be so few, if any, that I think you should make every effort to go this time.10高考落榜的消息对我简直是个沉重打击.The news that I had failed in the college entrance examination was nothing less than a heavy below to me.11我开始怀疑自己要当作家的理想是否能够变成现实.我还担心父母得知这一消息后会对我大发雷霆.I became doubtful whether my dream to be a writer could ever be translated into reality.And I was afraid my parents would get furious with me when they learned about my failure in the examination.12但结果他们连眉头也没有朝我皱过.反倒鼓励我自学成才.It turned out, however, that they didn’t so much as frown at me.Instead, they encouraged me to become self-educated.13他们对我说.只要我努力学习.只要抱有条条大路通罗马的信念.我伯理想一定能实现.They told me that my dream would certainly come true so long as I worked hard and had the conviction that all roads lead to Rome.14说实话.他们的鼓励话语对我恢复信心帮助极大.到心情好一点时.我在社区图书馆接了一份工作.To tell the truth, their encouraging words did a great deal to revive my confidence.When I found myself in a better mood, I took a job at the neighborhood library..15我在业余时间广泛阅读.越读越渴求获得知识.During my spare time I read extensively.The more I read, the more I hungered for knowledge.16有一天.写作的冲动在我胸中翻腾.但当我试着写时.什么也写不出来.One day, the impulse to write surged up with me.But when I tried to writ, nothing would come.17我发现要写作.仅有愿望是远远不够的.I discovered that mere desire was far from sufficient for writing.18我得在现实生活中了解人们.这样才能熟悉他们.进而描写他们.I had to learn about people in real life so that I could know them wellenough to write about them19起初.我打算先准备生物课的考试.而后再做论文.但后来决定还是将做的顺序倒过来为好.At first I planned to prepare for my biology test first and then work on my research paper, but later I decided that I had better do it the other way around.20就预测地震而言.科学家能做的似乎微乎其微.不过城市规划设计师却可以在减轻地震造成的损失方面有点作为.When it comes to predicting earthquakes, there seems very little scientists can do, though city planners can do something to reduce the damage caused by earthquakes.21去年夏天洪水期间.不得不动员全国的力量来救灾.During last summer’s flood, the whole nation had to b e mobilized for relief efforts.22鉴于她对生活的消极态度.她不可能在改革管理部门的事情上给予支持.Given her passive attitude towards life, she is not likely to provide any support in terms of management reform23凭她的创见和组织能力.我认为她不是我们的负担而是我们委员会的一份宝贵的财富.With her creative mind and organizational ability, she is, I believe, not a liability but rather a great asset to our committee.24一天夜晚.罗杰所住的那个社区发生了一件未遂谋杀案.One night, there was an attempted murder in the community where Roger lived.25无人知道是谁干的.但警方怀疑罗杰.因为他的作奸犯科的历史在县法院有案可查.此外.警方眼里.罗杰被列为该县最危险的人物之一.必须小心对付.No one knew who did it, but the police suspected it was Roger because his criminal history was on record in the county court did, in addition, in their eyes, he was ranked among the most dangerous men in the county and must be dealt with cautiously.26于是他被传下个星期五到庭受审.他已失业数月.不用说.他请不起律师.但他希望有人愿意通过电话给他提供免费咨询.以便他能在庭上自行辩护.So he was summoned to appear in court the following Friday.Being out of a job for months, needless to say, he couldn’t afford a lawyer, but he hoped thatsomeone would be willing to give him some free legal advice over the phone so that he could defend himself in court.第二篇:大学英语精读2课后翻译第三版Unit1 翻译1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

现代大学英语精读6课文翻译《1(10课》)-4. 我的猪舍设在房屋后面一座旧果园的最南端。
5. 下午四点钟光景,我开始发现猪有点不对劲儿。
”6. 达默隆先生五分钟之后便打来电话。
”7. 我感谢了达默隆先生。
8. 五点过后不久,我想起那晚有人邀我们赴晚宴,要是我给猪喂药,就没有时间了。

翻译:Sometimes it has a good understanding of the useful behavior of etiquette; and with other people's art. For example, if you walk into a expensive restaurant, you'll see a few knives, a fork and a spoon next to you. A normal meal may include soup, fish, meat, fruit or dessert or cheese. The spoon will be on the outside, your right hand. The fish knife and fork will be the next; the spoon and fork of the knife are left on the left side of the plate and the left side of the plate. You need a fish knife, fish, a meat knife, and another knife of fruit or cheese, so be sure to pick them up in the right order.In some expensive dinners, the guests have a finger bowl to use their dirty fingers to wash in the water. On a famous occasion, Queen Victoria gave a state dinner to a visiting monarch. No finger bowl is what it is, the guest picked it up and drank some water in it. Queen Victoria didn't want to let her guests, so she drank a little from her finger bowl. The other guests follow the example of the queenOn another occasion, President Grover, the president of the Cleveland, gave the leaders of American society to eat together. There was no problem at dinner until the servant of coffee was brought. The guests were a little surprised when the president was carefully stirred in sugar and cream coffee. They were surprised when he poured some coffee. They know that in some ordinary families, men sometimes pour hot drinks in a dish and drink a liquid cooler. However, they do not want the president to do this because it is considered very impolite. Do not want the president to embarrass, the guests put sugar and milk or cream of coffee, and then pour into some of the saucerAt this point, the president picked up the plate and put it onthe floor. The president's dog sat quietly at the table, waiting for it to drink coffee. The saucer, begin to drink happy. At the same time, unpleasant guests don't know how to use their saucers to fill the coffee! This time, there is nothing to do with the president to prevent embarrassment.大学英语精读6课文翻译2他们是在三十年代末一对夫妇,他们看明白无误地结婚了。
现代大学英语精读6 paraphrase 原文+译文版

Lesson one1.Virtue is, indeed must be, self-centered.(para4)正确的行动是,确实也必须是以自我为中心的。
By right action, we mean it must help promote personal interest.The essentials are familiar: the poverty of the poor was the fault of the poor. And it was because it was pr oduct of their excessive fecundity…..(para5)他的基本观点为人熟知:穷人的贫穷是他们咎由自取,贫穷是热门过度生育的结果The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children.Poverty being caused in the bed meant that the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration. (para6)贫穷源于过度生育意味着富人不应该为产生贫穷和解决贫穷承担责任The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem.It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God(para8)这是自然规律和上帝的意志在起作用。
It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature or to human society.It declined in popularity, and reference to it acquired a condemnatory tone.(para9)然而在20世纪,人们认为社会学中的达尔文进化论有点过于残酷,遭到了普遍的质疑,人们提及它都带有谴责的口吻。

大学英语精读第6册全文课文翻译THE QUEST FOR EXTRATERRESTRIALINTELLIGENCEThrough all of our history we have pondered the stars and mused whether humanity is unique or if, somewhere else in the dark of the night sky, there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do, fellow thinkers in the cosmos. Such beings might view themselves and the universe differently. Somewhere else there might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies. In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding, we are a little lonely; and we ponder the ultimate significance, if any, of our tiny but exquisite blue planet.The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species. In the deepest sense, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.In the last few years -- in one-millionth the lifetime of our species on this planet -- we have achieved an extraordinary technological capability which enables us to seek out unimaginably distant civilizations even if they are no more advanced than we. That capability is called radio astronomy and involves single radio telescopes, collections or arrays of radio telescopes, sensitive radio detectors, advanced computers for processing received date, and the imagination and skill of dedicated scientists. Radio astronomy has in the last decade opened a new window on the physical universe. It may also, if we are wise enough to make the effort, cast a profound light on the biological universe.Some scientists working on the question of extraterrestrial intelligence, myself among them, have attempted to estimate the number of advanced technical civilizations -- defined operationally as societies capable of radio astronomy -- in the Milky Way Galaxy. Such estimates are little better than guesses. They require assigning numerical values to quantities such as the numbers and ages of stars; the abundance of planetary systems and the likelihood of the origin of life, which we know less well; and the probability of the evolution of intelligent life and the lifetime of technical civilizations, about which we know very little indeed.When we do the arithmetic, the sorts of numbers we come up with are, characteristically, around a million technical civilizations. A million civilizations is a探寻外星人自从人类有历史记载以来,我们一直在思索着星星,反复考虑是否只有人类存在,或者说在太空深处的某个地方是否存在其他同我们一样在不停地思索着的生命,也就是宇宙中跟我们一起思考的人。

现代大学英语精读第六册的第四课和第九课课文原文纯手工,大家一起努力NettlesOur farm was small-nine acres. It was small enough for me to have explored every part of it. Each of the trees on the place had an attitude and a presence-the elm looked serene and the oak threatening, the maples friendly, the hawthorn old and crabby. Even the pits on the river flats had their flats had their distinct character.The girls as well as the boys were divided into two sides. Each girl had her own pile of balls and was working for paticular soldiers, and when a soldier fell wounded he wou ld call out a girl’s name, so that she could drag him away and dress his wounds as quickly as possible. I made weapons for Mike, and mine ws the name he called. There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion. When Mike was wounded he never opened his eyes. He lay limp and still while I pressed slimy large leaves to hisforehead and throat and-pulling out his shirt-to his pale tender stomach, with its sweet and vulnerable belly button.One morning, of course, the job was all finished, the well capped, the pump reinstated, the fresh water marvelled at. And the truck did not come. There were two fewer chairs at the table for the noon meal. Mike and I had barely looked at each other during those meals. He liked to put ketcup on his bread. His father talked to my father, and the talk was mostly about well, accidents, water tables. A serious man. All work, my father said. Yet- he-Mike’s father-ended nearly every speech with a laugh. The laugh had a lonely boom in it, as if he were still down the well.He had slept in the guest bedroom the night before but tonight he’d moved downstairs to the fold-out sofa in the front room. Sunny had given him fresh sheets rather than unmarking and making up again the bed he had left for me.Lying in those same sheets did not make for a peaceful night.I knew that he wouldn’t come to see, no matter how small the risk was. It would be a sleazy thing to do, in the house of his friends. And how could he be sure that it was what I wanted? Or that it was what he really wanted? Even I was not sure of it. Up till now, I had always been able to think of myself as a woman who wasfaithful to the person who she was sleeping with at any given time. My sleep was shallow, my dreams monotonously lustful, with irritating and unpleasant subplots. All night-or at least whenener I woke up-the crickets wre singing outside my windows. At first I thought it was birds. I had lived in cities long enough to have forgotten how crickets can make a perfect waterfall of noise.The bushes right at the edge of the grass looked impenetrable, but close up there were little openings, the narrow paths that animals or people looking for golf balls had made. The ground sloped slightly downward, and we could see a bit of the river. The water was steel gray, and lookedto be rolling. Between it and us there was a meadow of weeds, all in bloom-goldenrod, jewelweed with its red-and-yellow bells, and what I thought were flowering nettles with纯手工,大家一起努力pinkish-purple clusters, and wild asters. Even the most frail-stemmed, delicate-looking plants had grown up almost as high as, or higher than, our heads. When we stopped and looked up through them we could see something coming, from the direction of the midnight clouds. It was the real rain, coming at us behind the splatter we were getting. It looked as if a large portionof the sky had detached itself and was bearing down, bustling and resolute, taking a not quite recognizable but animate shape. Curtains of rain-not veils but really thick and wildly slapping curtains-were deiven ahead of it. We could see them distinctly, when all we were feeling were light were light, lazy drops. It was almost as if we were looking through a window, and not quite believing that the window would shatter, until it did, and rain and wind hit us, all together, and my hair was lifted an fanned out above my head. I felt as if my skin might do that next.We remained like this until the wind passed over. That could not have been more than five minutes, perhaps onlu two or three. Tain still fell, but now it was ordinary heavy rain. He took his hands away, and we stood up, shakly. Our shirts and slacks were stuck fast to our bodie. We tried to simle, but had hardly the strength for it. Then we kissed and pressed together briefly. This was more of a ritual, a recognition of survival rather than of our bodies’ inclinations. Our lips slid against each other, slick and cool, and the pressure of the embrace made us slightly chilly, as fresh water was squished out of our clothing.The bluest eyeThey have the eyes of people who can tell what time it is bythe color of the sky. Such girls live in quiet black neighborhoods where everybody is gainfully employed. Where there are porch swings hanging from chains. Where the grass is cut with a scythe, where the grass is cut with a scythe, where rooster combs and sunflowers grow in the yards and pots of bleeding hearts, ivy, and mother-in-law tongue line the steps and windowsills. Such girls have bought watermelon and snap beans from the fruit man’s wagon. They have put in the window the cardboard sigh that has a pound measure printed on each of three edges-qo lbs., 25lbs., 50ibs. Cand NO ICE on the fourth. These paticular brown girls from Mobil and Ailen are not like some of their sisters. They are not fretful, nervous, or shrill; they do not have lovely black necks that stretch as though against and invisible collar; their eyes do not bite. These sugar-brown Mobil girls move through the streets without a stir. They are as sweet and plain as buttercake.They go to land-grant colleges, normal schools, and learn how to do the white man’s work with refinement: home economics to prepare his food; teacher education to instruct black children in obedience; music to soothe the weary master and entertain his blunted soul. Here they learn the rest of the lesson begun in those soft houses with porch swings and pots ofbleeding heart: how to behave. The careful development of thrift, patience, high morals, and good manners. In short, how to get rid of the funkiness. The dreadful funkiness of passion, the funkiness of nature, the funkiness of the wide range of human emotions.What they do not know is that this plain brown girl will build her nest stick by stick, make it her own inviolable world, and stand guard over its every plant, weed, and doily, even against him. In silence will she return the lamp to where she put it in the first place; remove the dishes from the table as soon as the last bite is taken; wipe the doornob after a greasy hand has torched it. A sidelong look will be enough to tell him to smoke on the back porch. Children will sense instantly that they cannot come into her yard to retrieve a ball. But the men do not know these things. Nor do they know that she will give him her body sparingly and partially.The cat will settle quietly on the windowsill and earess her with his eyes. She can hold him in纯手工,大家一起努力her arms, letting his back paws stuggle for footing on her breast and his forepaws cling to her shoulder. She can rub the smooth fur and feel the unresisting flesh underneath. At hergentlest touch he will preen, stretch, and open his mouth. And she will accept the strangely pleasant sensation that comes when he writhes beneath her hand and flattens his eyes with a surfeit of sensual delight. When she stands cooking at the table, he will circle about her fingers tremble a little in the pie dough.Junior used to long to play with the black boys. More than anything in the world he wanted to play King of the Mountain and have them pish him down th mound of dirt and roll over him. He wanted to feel their hardness pressing on him. Smell their wild blackness, and say “Fuck you” with that lovely casualness.He wanted to sit with them on curbstones and compare the shapeness of jackknives, the distance and crcs of spitting. In the toilet he wanted to share with them the laurels of being able to pee far and long.He oulled her into another room, even more beautiful than the first. More doilies, a big lamp with green-and-gold base and white shade. There was even a rug on the floor, with enormous dark-red flowers. She was deep in admiration of the flowers when Junior said, “here!” Pecola turned. “Here is your kitten!” he screeched. And he threw a big black cat right in her face. She sucked in her breath in fear and surprise and felt fur in her mouth.The cat clawed her face and chest in an effort to right itself, then leaped nimbly to the floor.。

大学英语精读第六册 Unit 01Phrase & Expressionson the job: while working; at work 在上班,在工作岗位上,忙碌break down into: separate into different kinds; divide into types分为………项,分类a variety (of): a number or collection of different sorts of the same general type多种多样的,品种多样的make up : form as a whole; constitute 组成, 构成as a whole:普遍说来, 一般地说,整体来看under consideration: being discussed; begin given thoughtful attention在考虑中,考虑中as such: as being what is indicated or suggested; in itself or in themselves依其身份、资格或名义等; 本身,take on: begin to have; assume 具有(特征等),呈现,呈现某种特性write up: rewrite in a fuller, better organized way; give a full written account of 整理好写成文章, 全部写出, 详细描写get down: write, record (usu. quickly or with difficulty) 写下; 记下,记录下live by:make a living from(sth.or doing sth.) 靠……谋生live for:have as a reason for living;give most attention to为…而生活, 以…为生活目的,极注意live on:have as one’s only food;live at the cost of(sb.else)靠………为生live out:live till the end of 活过,活到live through:remain alive in spite of or through the time of(sth.)经历过; 经历…而未死,经受过,经历过,熬过live up to: act according to;do(what is expected or promised)根据………做live with:learn to accept(sth.unpleasant);put up with学会接受,忍受get across:(cause to)become understood or accepted 使理解,接受get along:advance;form or have a friendly relationship(with sb.)进展,相处得好,相处融洽get around/round:(of news)spread;move freely,travel传播开,自由移动,走动,旅行get around/round to: find time for(sth.or doing sth.)有时间做get at: mean;reach and discover 意味着,意思是,够得着,发现get by:pass;continue to live,often in spite of difficulties经过,度日, 继续存在get down: record(sth.)in writing 写下; 记下,记录下get down to: begin to give serious attention to 开始认真注意get over: recover from;deal with;control 痊愈,处理,解决,控制get through: reach(sb.)by telephone;finish 接通电话,完成TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English:1.当你面临的某项任务显得太大时,将其分解成若干项较小的、更容易对付的任务也许会有所助益。

现代大学英语精读6(1-10课)课文翻译现代大学英语精读6课文翻译1如何使我们不为穷人的存在而内疚约翰·肯尼斯·高伯瑞(加尔布雷斯)1. 我很愿意严肃地考虑一种人类最古老的活动,这项活动持续了多年,实际上已经超过了几个世纪,那就是尝试怎样使我们不为穷人的存在而内疚。
2. 贫穷和富有从一开始就共生在一起,彼此很不愉快有时还充满危险。
3. 《圣经》提出了最初的解决之道,在现世遭受贫穷的人来世会得到更好的回报。
4. 很长时间之后,即在1776年《国富论》发表的二三十年之后——在英国工业革命开始之后,贫富不均的问题及其解决办法开始具有了现代的形式。
5. 在19世纪30年代,一种新的准则成为使我们不为穷人的存在感到内疚的有效办法,迄今为止它的影响也丝毫没有减弱。

我俨然发现自己开始扮演起猪的朋友和私人医生--- 一个拿着助推器灌肠剂袋子当道具的滑稽角色。
现代大学英语精读第六册 第十课课文及翻译

Jane Austen may seem an odd authority to cite, but Jane Austen has, within her limits, a marvelous insight into the English mind.Her range is limited, hercharactersnever attempt any of the more scarlet sins.But she has a merciless eye for questions of conduct, and the classical example of two English people muddling themselves before they embark upon a wrong course of action is to be foundin theopening chapters ofSense and Sensibility.Old Mr. Dashwood has just died.Hehas been twice married.By his first marriage he has a son, John; by his second marriage three daughters.The son is well off; the young ladies and their mother—for Mr. Dashwood’s second wife survives him—are badly off.He has called his son to his deathbed and has solemnly adjured himto provide for the second family.Much moved, the young man promises, and mentally decides to give each of his sisters a thousand pounds; and then the comedy begins.For he announces his generous intention to his wife, and Mrs. John Dashwood by no means approves of deprivingtheir own little boy of so large a sum.The thousand pounds are accordingly reduced to five hundred.But even this seems rather much.Might not an annuity to the stepmother be less of a wrench?Yes—but though less of a wrench it might be more of a drain , for“she is very stout and healthy, and scarcely forty.”An occasional present of fifty pounds will be better,“andwill, I think, be amply discharging my promise to my father”.Or, better still, an occasional present of fish.And in the end nothing is done, nothing; the four impecunious ladies are not even helped in the moving of their furniture.

NettlesOur farm was small-nine acres。
It was small enough for me to have explored every part of it。
Each of the trees on the place had an attitude and a presence—the elm looked serene and the oak threatening, the maples friendly, the hawthorn old and crabby。
Even the pits on the river flats had their flats had their distinct character。
The girls as well as the boys were divided into two sides. Each girl had her own pile of balls and was working for paticular soldiers, and when a soldier fell wounded he would call out a girl’s name, so that she could drag him away and dress his wounds as quickly as possible. I made weapons for Mike, and mine ws the name he called。
There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, a fanatic feeling of devotion. When Mike was wounded he never opened his eyes. He lay limp and still while I pressed slimy large leaves to his forehead and throat and-pulling out his shirt—to his pale tender stomach, with its sweet and vulnerable belly button.One morning, of course, the job was all finished, the well capped, the pump reinstated, the fresh water marvelled at. And the truck did not come. There were two fewer chairs at the table for the noon meal。

When the task you are facing seems too great,it may be helpful to break it down into certain smaller and easier tasks.1.2如果你不反对的话,我想把我们的实验有关的资料复制一份。
If you don’t object. I want to duplicate the data related to our experiment.1.3史密斯女士刚从波士顿回来,老板立刻要她写一份报告给他。
Miss Smith has just returned from Boston afer a comference,and the boss immediately made her write up a report to him.1.4约翰就是不肯丢弃他的医德,即使这意味亲睹要损失很多钱。
John is unwilling to give up his medical ethics. As such,he will lose a lot of money.1.5每六个月,市场销售调研组花一整天时间来评估其方针和策略。
The marketing investigation team spent a whole day evaluating its guidelines every 6 months.2.0那一年,凯特的生活真是糟透了。
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Problem Section. The first required section of a research report is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned. This section requires a precise statement of the underlying question which the researcher has set out to answer. In this same section there should be an explanation of the significance -- social, economic, medical, psychological, educational, etc. -- of the question; in other words, why the investigation was worth conducting. Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question "What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?" we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance to the health of this segment of the population and might lead to some sort of regulations on such foods.
Research reports are considered formal professional communication. As such, there is little emphasis on a lively style, although, of course, there is no objection to writing that is pleasing and interesting. The primary goals of professional communication are accuracy, clarity, and completeness. The rough draft of any research report should be edited to ensure that all data is correctly presented, that all equipment is listed, that all results are properly detailed. As an aid to the reader, headings indicating at least the major section of the report should be used, and all data should be presented under the proper headings. In addition to their function of suggesting to the reader the contents of each section, headings enhance the formal appearance and professional quality of the report, increase to some degree the writer's credibility by reflecting a logical and methodical approach to the reporting process, and eliminate the need for wordy transitional devices between sections.
The standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections. These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.
Discussion Section. The final required section of a research report is a discussion of the results obtained and a statement of any conclusions which may be drawn from those results. Of primary interest in business and technical research reports is the validity of the results as the bases for company decisions: Will our planned construction project meet federal environmental guidelines and be approved for building? Will this new program attract skilled personnel to our company? Will this new oil recovery technique be financially feasible? Thus, the discussion section of the research report must evaluate the research results fully: were they validly obtained, are they complete or limited, are they applicable over a wide range of circumstances? The discussion section shouldalso point out what question remain unanswered and perhaps suggest directions for further research.
Procedures Section. The second major section of the research report details, with as much data as possible, exactly how the study was carried out. This section includes description of any necessary equipment, how the subjects were selected if subjects were used, what statistical technique was used to evaluate the significance of the findings, how many observations were made and when, etc. An investigation of the relative effectiveness of various swim-strokes would have to detail the number of swimmers tested, the nature of the tests conducted, the experience of the swimmers, the weather conditions at the time of the test, and any other factors that contributed to the overall experiment. The goal of the procedures section is to allow the reader to duplicate the experiment if such were desired to confirm, or refute, your findings.