【海洋奇缘经典语录】1.Maui: What's a demi-god gotta do?麦:一个半人半神要做什么呢?2.Maui: Do you know who maui is? Only the greatest demi-god in the all Pacific Islands. With his magical fishhook, he slowed down the sun, pulled islands out of the sea, battled monsters. And I should know, cause I'm Maui.麦:你知道麦是谁吗?不夸张的告诉你,他是太平洋群岛上最最伟大的半人神。
3.Maui: Hey! Let me do this please.麦:喂!该我出场了,你最好停一下。
4.Moana: En...莫阿娜:嗯……Maui: Nothing? Really? What's the demi-god gonna do?麦:说真的,什么感觉都没有吗?那么你让我这个伟大的半人神怎么做呢?【剧情简介】在2000年前的南太平洋小岛上,那里居住着一个爱好航海的波里尼西亚人部落,部落酋长有一个独生女叫莫阿娜,在祖母的鼓励下她一心想去探索临近的岛屿,但她的父亲不许。
=================================MARLIN:Wow.CORAL:Mmm.MARLIN:Wow.CORAL:Mmm-hmm.MARLIN:Wow.CORAL:Yes, MARLIN:. No, I see it. It's beautiful.MARLIN:So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think that we we're gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Huh? [sighs] Oh yeah. A fish can breath out here. Did your man deliver or did he deliver?1CORAL:My man delivered.MARLIN:And it wasn't so easy.CORAL:Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.MARLIN:You better believe they did--every single one of them.CORAL:Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome.MARLIN:So, you do like it, don't you?CORAL:No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. But MARLIN:, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all, but do we really need so much space? MARLIN:Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They'll wake up, poke their little heads out and they'll see a whale! See, right bytheir bedroom window.CORAL:Shhh, you're gonna wake the kids.MARLIN:Oh, right. Right.CORAL:Aww, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them.MARLIN::You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right, we'll name this half MARLIN:Jr. and then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done.CORAL:I like Nemo.MARLIN:Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo but I'd like most of them to be MARLIN:Jr. CORAL:Just think that in a couple of days, we're gonna be parents!MARLIN:Yeah. What if they don't like me?CORAL:MARLIN:.MARLIN:No, really.CORAL:There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you.CORAL:What?MARLIN:You remember how we met?CORAL:Well, I try not to.MARLIN:Well, I remember. 'Excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there's a hook in my lip?' CORAL:MARLIN 2'Well, you gotta look a little closer because it's wiggling'.CORAL:Get away!MARLIN:Here he is. Cutie's here! Where did everybody go?MARLIN:[gasps] Coral, get inside the house, Coral. No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. Just get inside, you, right now.MARLIN:No!MARLIN:Coral! Coral?MARLIN:Coral? Oh!MARLIN:Ohh. There, there, there. It's okay, daddy's here. Daddy's got you. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you...Nemo.=================================NEMO:First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! C'mon, first day of school! MARLIN:I don't wanna go to school. Five more minutes.NEMO:Not you, dad. Me!MARLIN:Okay...huh?NEMO:Get up, get up! It's time for school! It's time for school! It's time for school!It's time for school! Oh boy! Oh boy!MARLIN:All right, I'm up.NEMO:Oh boy--whoa!MARLIN:Nemo!NEMO:First day of school!MARLIN:[gasps] Nemo, don't move! Don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself. I'll do it. All right, where's the break? You feel a break?NEMO:No.MARLIN:Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid is rushing to the area. Now, any rushing fluids? NEMO:No.MARLIN:Are you woozy?NEMO:No.MARLIN:How many stripes do I have?3NEMO:I'm fine.MARLIN:Answer the stripe question!NEMO:Three.MARLIN::No! See, something's wrong with you. I have one, two, three--that's all I have? Oh, you're okay. How's the lucky fin?NEMO:Lucky.MARLIN:Let's see.MARLIN:Are you sure you wanna go to school this year? 'Cause there's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years.NEMO:Come on, dad. It's time for school.MARLIN:Ah-ah-ah! Forgot to brush.NEMO:Ohh...MARLIN:Do you want this anemone to sting you?NEMO:Yes.MARLIN:Brush.NEMO:Okay, I'm done.MARLIN:You missed a spot.NEMO:Where?MARLIN:There. Ha ha! Right there. And here and here and here!=================================MARLIN:All right, we're excited. First day of school, here we go. We're ready to learn to get some knowledge. Now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?NEMO:It's not safe.MARLIN:That's my boy. So, first we check to see that the coast is clear. We go out and back in. And then we go out, and back in. And then one more time--out and back in. And sometimes, if you wanna do it four times--NEMO:Dad..MARLIN:All right. Come on, boy.NEMO:Dad, maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark!MARLIN: 4I highly doubt that.NEMO:Have you ever met a shark?MARLIN:No, and I don't plan to.NEMO:How old are sea turtles?MARLIN:Sea turtles? I don't know.NEMO:Sandy Plankton from next door, he said that sea turtles, said that they live to be about a hundred years old!MARLIN:Well, you know what, if I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him. After I'm done talking to the shark, okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, hold on, wait to cross. Hold my fin,hold my fin.NEMO:Dad, you're not gonna freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you?MARLIN:Hey, that snail was about to charge. Hmm, I wonder where we're supposed to go. FISH KIDSBye, mom!FISH MOMI'll pick you up after school.CRAB KIDCome on, you guys. Stop it! Give it back!MARLIN:Come on, we'll try over there.MARLIN:Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher?BOBWell, look who's out of the anemone.MARLIN:Yes. Shocking, I know.BOBMarty, right?MARLIN:MARLIN:.BOBBob.TEDTed.BILLBill. Hey, you're a clownfish. You're funny, right? Hey, tell us a joke.BOB/TEDYeah, yeah. Come on, give us a funny one.MARLIN:Well, actually, that's a common misconception. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish.BILLAw, come on, clownie.TEDYeah, do something funny.5BOBYeah!MARLIN:All right, I know one joke. Um, there's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea, well he doesn't walk up, he swims up. Well, actually the mollusk isn't moving. He's in one place and then the sea cucumber, well they--I mixed up. There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that I—BOBSheldon! Get out of Mr. Johansenn's yard, now!KIDSWhoa!MR. JOHANSSENAll right, you kids! Ooh! Uuh, where'd you go? Where'd you go? Where, where'd you go? NEMO:Dad, dad...can I go play too? Can I?MARLIN:I would feel better if you go play over on the sponge beds.MARLIN:That's where I would playPEARLWhat's wrong with his fin?TADHe looks funny!SHELDONOw! Hey, what'd I do? What'd I do?BOBBe nice. It's his first time at school.MARLIN:He was born with it, kids. We call it his lucky fin.NEMO:Dad.PEARLSee this tentacle? It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles but you can't really tell.Especially when I twirl them like this.SHELDONI'm H2O-intolerant. [sneezes]TADI'm obnoxious.MR. RAY[singing] Oooh, let's name the zones, the zones, the zones. Let's name the zones of theopen sea.KIDSMr. Ray!SHELDONCome on, Nemo.MARLIN:Whoa, you better stay with me.MR. RAY[singing]..mesopolagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic. All the rest are too deep for you andme to see.MR. RAYHuh, I wonder where my class has gone?KIDS6We're under here!MR. RAYOh, there you are. Climb aboard, explorers. [singing] Oh, knowledge exploring is oh so lyrical, when you think thoughts that are empirical.NEMO:Dad, you can go now.MR. RAYWell, hello. Who is this?NEMO:I'm Nemo.MR. RAYWell, Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question.NEMO:Okay.MR. RAYYou live in what kind of home?NEMO:An anemo-none. A nemenem-menome-nememen-nenemone--MR. RAYOkay, okay, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers!MARLIN:Just so you know, he's got a little fin. I find if he's having trouble swimming, let him take a break. Ten, fifteen minutes.NEMO:Dad, it's time for you to go now.MR. RAYDon't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group. Okay, class, optical orbits up front.And remember, we keep our supraesophogeal ganglion to ourselves...that means you, Jimmy. JIMMYAw, man!MR. RAY[singing]MARLIN:Bye, Nemo!NEMO:Bye, dad!MARLIN:Bye, son! Be safe.BOBHey, you're doing pretty well for a first timer.MARLIN:Well, you can't hold onto them forever, can you?BILLYeah, I had a tough time when my oldest went out at the drop off.MARLIN:They just gotta grow up--the drop off?! They're going to the drop off?! Wh-what are you,insane?! Why don't we fry 'em up now and serve them with chips!?BOBHey, Marty. Calm down.MARLIN:Don't tell me to be calm, pony boy!BOB'Pony boy'?7BILLYou know for a clownfish, he really isn't that funny.TEDPity.=================================MR. RAY[singing] Oh, let's name the species, the species, the species. Let's name the speciesthat live in thesea.NEMO:Whoa.MR. RAY[singing] There's porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa, anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three! Gastropoda, arthropoda, echinoderma, and some fish like you and me. Come on, sing with me. Oh...!MR. RAYJust the girls this time. [singing] Oh, seaweed is cool. Seaweed is fun. It makes it's foodwith the rays of the sun...MR. RAYOkay, the drop off. All right, kids, feel free to explore but stay close. [gasps]Stromalitic cyanobacteria! Gather. An entire ecosystem contained in one infinitesimal speck. There are as many protein pairs contained in this...Come on, let's go.MR. RAYCome on, sing with me! [singing] There's porifera, coelentera, hydrozoa, scyphozoa, anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three!NEMO:Hey guys, wait up! Whoa.TADCool.TADSaved your life!PEARLAw, you guys made me ink.NEMO:What's that?TADI know what that is. Oh, oh! Sandy Plankton saw one. He called, he said it was called a...a butt.NEMO:Whoa.PEARLWow. That's a pretty big butt.SHELDONOh, look at me. I'm gonna go touch the butt. [sneezes] Whoa!SHELDONOh yeah? Let's see you get closer.PEARLOkay. Beat that.TADCome on, Nemo. How far can you go?NEMO:Uh, my dad says it's not safe.8MARLIN:Nemo, no!NEMO:Dad?MARLIN:You were about to swim into open water!NEMO:No, I wasn't go out--but dad!MARLIN:It was a good thing I was here. If I hadn't showed up, I don't know--PEARLSir, he wasn't gonna go.Yeah, he was too afraid.NEMO:No, I wasn't.MARLIN:This does not concern you, kids. And you're lucky I don't tell your parents you were out there.You know you can't swim well.NEMO:I can swim fine, dad, okay?MARLIN:No, it's not okay. You shouldn't be anywhere near here. Okay, I was right. You'll start schoolin a year or two.NEMO:No, dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean--MARLIN:Clearly, you're not ready. And you're not coming back until you are. You think you can dothesethings but you just can't, Nemo!NEMO:I hate you.MR. RAYThere's--nothing to see. Gather, uh, over there. Excuse me, is there anything I can do? I am a scientist, sir. Is there any problem?MARLIN:I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt things. He isn't a good swimmer and it's a little too soon for him to be out here unsupervised.MR. RAYWell, I can assure you, he's quite safe with me.MARLIN:Look, I'm sure he is. But you have a large class and he can get lostfrom sight if you're not looking. I'm not saying you're not looking--FISH KIDOh my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!MARLIN:Nemo! What do you think you're doing? You're gonna get stuck out there and I'll have to getyou before another fish does! Get back here! I said get back here, now! Stop! You take one move, mister. Don't youdare! If you put one fin on that boat..are you listening to me?Don't touch the bo--Nemo!TAD[whispering] He touched the butt.MARLIN:You paddle your little tail back here, Nemo. That's right. You are in big trouble, young man.Do you hear me? Big...big--9NEMO:Aaaah! Daddy! Help me!MARLIN:I'm coming, Nemo!KIDSAaaah!MR. RAYGet under me, kids!NEMO:Ah! Oh no! Dad! Daddy!MARLIN:Oh! Nemo! Unh! Nemo! Nemo, no! Nemo! Nemo! Nemo! No! No! Aah! Nemo! Nemo!DIVERWhoa! Hold on.MARLIN:Oh no. No, no. It's gone, it's gone. No, no, it can't be gone. No, no! Nemo! Nemo! Nemo! No!Nemo! Nemo! No! No, please, no! No, no!MARLIN:Has anybody seen a boat!? Please! A white boat! They took my son! My son! Help me, please!DORY:Look out!MARLIN:Waaaah!MARLIN:Ooh, ooh...DORY:Ohh. Oh, oh. Sorry! I didn't see you. Sir, are you okay?MARLIN:He's gone, he's gone..DORY:There, there. It's all right.MARLIN:He's gone.DORY:It'll be okay.MARLIN:No, no. They took him away. I have to find the boat.DORY:Hey, I've seen a boat.MARLIN:You have?DORY:It passed by not too long ago.MARLIN:A white one?DORY:Hi. I'm Dory.MARLIN:Where!? Which way!?DORY:Oh, oh, oh! It-it went, um, this way! And it went this way! Follow me!MARLIN:10Thank you! Thank you, thank you so much!DORY:No problem.MARLIN:Hey! Wait!============================================================DORY:Will you quit it?MARLIN:What?DORY:I'm trying to swim here. What, ocean ain't big enough for you?MARLIN:Huh?DORY:You got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? Do 'ya? Do 'ya? Do 'ya? You want a piece of me? Yeah,oooh, I'm scared now. Whaat!?MARLIN:Wait a minute..DORY:Stop following me, okay!?MARLIN:What? You're showing me which way the boat went!DORY:A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went this way, it went this way. Follow me!MARLIN:Wait a minute, wait a minute! What is going on? You already told me which way the boatwas going!DORY:I did? Oh no...MARLIN:If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny! And I know funny..I'm a clownfish! DORY:No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry. See, I suffer from short-term memory loss. MARLIN:Short-term memory loss..I don't believe this!DORY:No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family..or at least I thinkit does. Hmmm..where are they? Can I help you?MARLIN:Something's wrong with you, really. You're wasting my time. I have to find my son. [gasps]BRUCE:Hello.DORY:Well, hi!BRUCE:Name's Bruce. It's all right, I understand. Why trust a shark, right? So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late, eh?MARLIN:Nothing. We're not doing anything. We're not even out.BRUCE:Great! Then how'd you morsels like to come to a little get-together I'm havin'? DORY:11You mean like a party?BRUCE:Yeah, yeah, that's right--a party! What do you say?DORY:Ooh, I love parties! Parties are fun!MARLIN:Parties are fun, and it's tempting but--BRUCE:Oh, come on, I insist.MARLIN:O-okay..that's all that matters.DORY:Hey, look--balloons! It is a party!BRUCE:Ha ha ha! Mind your distance, though. Those balloons can be a bit dodgy. You wouldn't wantone of them to pop.BRUCE:Anchor! Chum!ANCHORThere you are, Bruce, finally!BRUCE:We got company.ANCHORIt's about time, mate.CHUMWe've already gone through all the snacks and I'm still starvin'!ANCHORWe almost had a feeding frenzy.CHUMCome on, let's get this over with.=================================BRUCE:Right, then. The meeting has officially come to order. Let us all say the pledge.. BRUCE/ANCHOR/CHUM'I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I mustfirst change myself. Fish are friends, not food'.ANCHORExcept stinkin' dolphins.CHUMDolphins! Yeah, they think they're sooo cute! 'Hey, look at me. I'm a flippin' little dolphin!Let me flip for 'ya! Ain't I a somethin'!'BRUCE:Right, then. Today's meeting is step 5, 'BRING A FISH FRIEND'. Now do you all have yourfriends?ANCHORGot mine.DORY:Hey there!BRUCE:How 'bout you, Chum?CHUMOh, um, I seem to have misplaced my uh, friend.12BRUCE:That's all right, Chum. I had a feeling this would be a difficult step, you can help yourselfto one of my friends.CHUMOh, thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh?BRUCE:I'll start the testimonies. Hello, my name is Bruce.ANCHOR/CHUMHello, Bruce.BRUCE:It has been three weeks since my last fish, on my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup.CHUMYou're an inspiration to all of us.ANCHORAmen.BRUCE:Right, then. Who's next?DORY:Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!BRUCE:Yes, the little Sheila down the front.DORY:Woo-hoo!BRUCE:Come on up here.DORY:Hi. I'm Dory.BRUCE/ANCHOR/CHUMHello, Dory.DORY:And, uh, well, I don't think I've ever eaten a fish.CHUMHey, that's incredible.BRUCE:Good on 'ya, mate!DORY:Whew! I'm glad I got that off my chest.BRUCE:All right, anyone else? Hello, how 'bout you, mate? What's your problem? MARLIN:Me? I don't have a problem.BRUCE:Oh. Okay..BRUCE/ANCHOR/CHUMDenial.BRUCE:Just start with your name.MARLIN:Okay. Uh, hello. My name is MARLIN:. I'm a clownfish--CHUMA clownfish? Really?!13BRUCE:Go on, tell us a joke!CHUMOoh! I love jokes!MARLIN:Actually I do know one that's pretty good. There was this mollusk and he walks up to a seacucumber. Normally, they don't talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke, everyone talks. So thesea mollusk says to the cucumber...NEMO:Daddy!MARLIN:Nemo!CHUMNemo! Ha ha ha! Nemo! I don't get it.BRUCE:For a clownfish, he's not that funny.MARLIN:No, no, no, no. He's my son. He was taken by these divers.DORY:Oh my, you poor fish.CHUMHumans. Think they own everything.ANCHORProbably American.BRUCE:Now there is a father looking for his little boy.MARLIN:Ugh! What do these markings mean?BRUCE:I never knew my father! [sobs]CHUMAw, come here.ANCHORGroup hug.CHUMWe're all mates here, mate.MARLIN:I can't read human.DORY:Well then we gotta find a fish who can read this. Hey, look. Sharks! MARLIN:No, no, no, Dory!DORY:Guys, guys!MARLIN:No, Dory!DORY:That's mine! Give it to me! Gimme! Oww!MARLIN:Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay?DORY:Ow, ow, ow.14MARLIN:I'm so sorry.DORY:You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding?MARLIN:Ohh...DORY:Ow, ow, ow.BRUCE:Dory, are you oka--oohh. Oohh, that's good.ANCHOR/CHUMIntervention!BRUCE:Just a bite!ANCHORHold it together, mate!CHUMRemember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food!BRUCE:FOOD!MARLIN:Dory, look out!BRUCE:I'm havin' fish tonight!CHUMRemember the steps, mate!BRUCE:Just one bite!BRUCE:G'day!MARLIN:/DORY:Aaaaaaaah!BRUCE:Arrrr!MARLIN:There's no way out! There's got to be a way to escape! DORY:Who is it?MARLIN:Dory, help me find a way out!DORY:Sorry, you'll have to come back later. We're trying to escape.MARLIN:There's gotta be a way out!DORY:Look, here's something! 'ESSS-CA-PE'! I wonder what that means. It's funny, it's spelled just like the word 'escape'.MARLIN:Let's go!BRUCE:Here's Brucey!MARLIN:15Wait a minute..you can read?!DORY:I can read? That's right, I can read!MARLIN:Well, then here. Read this now!ANCHORHe really doesn't mean it, y'know! He never even knew his father!CHUMDon't fall off the wagon!MARLIN:Oh no, it's blocked!ANCHORNo, Bruce. Focus!CHUMSorry about--this, mate!ANCHORHe's really--a nice guy!MARLIN:I need to get that mask!DORY:You want that mask? Okay.MARLIN:No, no, no, no, no, no!MARLIN:Quick grab the mask!ANCHOROh no. Bruce?BRUCE:What? [gasps] Swim away! Swim away!DORY:Aw, is the party over?PELICANNice.=================================NEMO:Dad? Daddy?DENTISTBarbara?BARBARAUh-huh?DENTISTPrep for his anterior crown, would you, please? And I'm going to need a few cotton rolls. BARBARAOkay.DENTISTHello, little fella!NEMO:Aah!DENTISTHeh heh heh! Beauty, isn't he? I found that guy struggling for life out on the reef andI saved him. So, has that novocaine kicked in yet?16PATIENTI think so. We're ready to roll.BUBBLESBubbles! [muttering] My bubbles.PEACHHe likes bubbles.NEMO:Aah! Ohh! No! Uhh!JACQUESBonjour.NEMO:Aah!BLOATHeh heh! Slow down, little fella. There's nothing to worry about.DEBOh, he's scared to death.NEMO:I wanna go home. Do you know where my dad is?PEACHHoney, your dad's probably back at the pet store.NEMO:Pet store?BLOATYeah, you know, like I'm from Bob's Fish Mart.GURGLEPet Palace.BUBBLESFish-O-Rama.DEBMail order.PEACHEbay.GURGLESo which one is it?NEMO:I'm from the ocean.GURGLEAh, the ocean. The ocean! Aaah! He hasn't been decontaminated yet! Jacques! JACQUESOui.GURGLEClean him!JACQUESOui.GURGLEOcean!JACQUESOoh, la mer. Bon. V oila. He is clean.BUBBLESWow. The big blue. What's it like?NEMO:Big...and blue?17BUBBLESI knew it.DEBKid, if there's anything you need, just ask your auntie Deb, that's me. Or if I'm not around, you can always talk to my sister Flo. Hi,how are you? Don't listen to anything my sister says, she's nuts! Ha ha ha ha!PEACH[muffled] We got a live one!BLOATCan't hear you, Peach.PEACHI said we got a live one.GURGLEYes!BLOATOh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!DEBWhat do we got?PEACHRoot canal, and by the looks of those x-rays it's not gonna be pretty. PATIENTOwwwwwwwww!BLOATRubber dam and clamp installed?PEACHYep.GURGLEWhat did he use to open?PEACHGator-Glidden drill. He seems to be favoring that one lately.DEBI can't see, Flo.PATIENTYou're getting a little too--aaaaah!!!PEACHNow he's doing the Schilder technique.BLOATOooh, he's using a Hedstrom file.GURGLEThat's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex.BLOATIt's got a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a Hedstrom.GURGLENo, no. K-Flex.BLOATHedstrom!GURGLEK-Flex!BLOATHedstro--! [inflates] There I go. A little help over here.DEBI'll go deflate him.18DENTISTAll right, go ahead and rinse.GURGLEUgh! The human mouth is a disgusting place.PEACHHey, Nigel.NIGELWhat did I miss? Am I late?PEACHRoot canal and it's a doozy.NIGELRoot canal, eh? What did he use to open?PEACHGator-Glidden drill.NIGELHe seems to be favoring that one. Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus... hello.NEMO:[gasps]NIGELWho's this?DEBNew guy. Ha ha ha!GURGLEThe dentist took him off the reef.NIGELAn outie. From my neck of the woods, eh? Sorry if I ever took a snap at you. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. [gasps]DENTISTHey! No, no, no, no! They're not your fish. They're my fish. Come on, go! Go on, shoo! Oh, the picture broke. This here's Darla. She's my niece. She's going to be eight next week. Hey, little fella. Say hello to your new mummy. She'll be here Friday to pick you up. You're her present. Shh, shh, shh! It's our little secret. Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets upI'm going to see a man about a wallaby.BLOATOh, Darla.NEMO:What? What's wrong with her?GURGLEShe wouldn't stop shaking the bag.BUBBLESPoor Chuckles.DEBHe was her present last year.BLOATHitched a ride on the porcelain express.PEACHShe's a fish killer.NEMO:I can't go with that girl! I have to get back to my dad! Aaah! Daddy! Help me! GURGLEOh, he's stuck!GILL19Nobody touch him! Nobody touch him.NEMO:Can you help me?GILLNo. You got yourself in there, you can get yourself out.PEACHGill..GILLI just wanna see him do it, okay? Calm down. Alternate wiggling your fins and your tail. NEMO:I can't. I have a bad fin.GILLNever stopped me.GILLJust think about what you need to do.BLOATCome on.GILLPerfect.BUBBLESYay!GURGLEYou did it!DEBGood squirming! Ha ha ha!PEACHWow. From the ocean. Just like you, Gill.GILLYeah.PEACHI've seen that look before. What are you thinking about?GILLI'm thinking, tonight, we give the kid a proper reception.BLOATSo kid, you got a name or what?NEMO:Nemo. I'm Nemo.=================================MARLIN:Nemo. Nemo. [mutters]DORY:Are you gonna eat that? Careful with that hammer...MARLIN:Huh? No, no! What does it say? Dory!DORY:Sea monkey has my money...MARLIN:Wake up! Get up! Come on! Come on!DORY:Yes, I'm a natural blue...MARLIN:20Get up!DORY:Look out! Sharks eat fish! Aaaaaah!MARLIN:/DORY:AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!DORY:Wow. Dusty.MARLIN:[gasps] The mask! Where's the mask? No! No, not the mask! Get it! Get the mask! Get the mask! Get it!DORY:[singing] Hoo doot doo doot doot doo doot. Whoo-hoo! La la la la la la. Just keeps going on, doesn't it? Echo! Echo! Hey, what are you doing?MARLIN:It's gone. I've lost the mask.DORY:Did you drop it?MARLIN:You dropped it! That was my only chance of finding my son, now it's gone. DORY:Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? MARLIN:I don't wanna know what you gotta do when life gets you down.DORY:[singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do?We swim, swim.MARLIN:Dory, no singing.DORY:[singing] Ho ho ho ho ho ho! I love to swim! When you want to swim..MARLIN:See, I'm going to get stuck now with that song now it's in my head!DORY:Sorry.MARLIN:Dory, do you see anything?DORY:Aaah! Something's got me!MARLIN:That was me. I'm sorry.DORY:[gasps] Who was that?MARLIN:Who could it be? It's me!DORY:Are..are you my conscience?MARLIN:Yeah, yeah. I'm your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you? DORY:Hmm, can't complain.MARLIN:Yeah? Good. Now, Dory. I want you to tell me..do you see anything?21DORY:I see..I see a light.MARLIN:A light.DORY:Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience. Am I dead?MARLIN:No, I see it too. What is it?DORY:It's so pretty.MARLIN:I'm feeling...happy. Which is a big deal for me.DORY:I want to touch it. Oh!MARLIN:Hey, come back. Come on back here.DORY:[singing] I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna swim with you. MARLIN:I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna be your best friend...good feeling's gone. MARLIN:I can't see! I don't know where I'm going!DORY:Haah!MARLIN:The mask!DORY:What mask?DORY:Okay, I can't see a thing.MARLIN:Oh, gee!DORY:Hey, look! A mask!MARLIN:Read it!DORY:I'm sorry, but if you could just bring it a little closer, I kind of need the light. That's great, keep it right there.MARLIN:Just read it!。
海洋奇缘主题曲How far I'll go中英文版
![海洋奇缘主题曲How far I'll go中英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0601fa7d3d1ec5da50e2524de518964bcf84d266.png)
海洋奇缘主题曲How Far Ill Go中英文版I've been standing at the edge of the water我一直生长在海边Long as I can remember, never really knowing why自我能记事起就一直如此不明原因I wish I could be the perfect daughter我希望我能做个好女儿乖女儿But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try但这只会让我受限于这海边无论我多想努力去看看世界Every turn I take, every trail I track每一次我抓住机会去不停尝试辟出蹊径Every path I make, every road leads back跨出的每一步踏出的每一条路To the place I know, where I can not go, though I long to be都为去往那令我无比渴望却无法脱身前往的梦想之境See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me去看那海天相遇的地平线听它在呼唤我名And no one knows, how far it goes虽然没有人知道要走多远才能到达那里lf the wind on my sail on the sea stays behind me当我扬起风帆听那海风不停拂过耳畔One day I'll know, if l go there's just no telling how far I'll go到那刻我就会明白如若出发就不需问路途多远多险Go-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh走下去就会有答案I know everybody on this island, seems so happy on this island我熟悉这岛上的每一个人在这小岛幸福自足的他们Everything is by design独一无二的他们I know everybody on this island has a role on this island我知道他们都有各自的角色责任与这小岛密不可分So maybe I can roll with mine所以也许我也该扮演好我的角色守好本分I can lead with pride, I can make us strong带着身份的骄傲让部族更加强盛I'll be satisfied if I play along 也许一直这样也算完满人生But the voice inside sings a different song但内心深处却有个声音让我乱了分寸What is wrong with me?我做的真的是正确的选择吗See the light as it shines on the sea? It's blinding想去看那海天相遇的地平线它是多么绚丽耀眼But no one knows, how deep it goes但没有人知道要看那一眼需要多少付出和时间And it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me而我似乎时刻都听到它在呼唤着我那就来吧And let me know, what's beyond that line, will I cross that line?让我了解那地平线外的世界告诉我我能否成功跨越See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me去看那海天相遇的地平线听它在呼唤我名And no one knows, how far it goes虽然没有人知道要走多远才能到达那里If the wind on my sail in the sea stays behind me但当我扬起风帆听那海风不停拂过耳畔One day I'll know, how far I'll go我便会知道决心总能战胜困难。
C r azy E ngl i sh 2021.3难词探意1.enchant ed /ɪn ̍t ʃɑːnt ɪd/adj .中魔法的;着了魔的;狂喜的 2.t ent acl e /̍t ent əkl /n.触须3.cul t i vat e /̍k ʌl t ɪve ɪt /v.结交(朋友)Cr ai g Fos t er w as di vi ng i n bi t t er l y col d wat er s of ft he s out her n ⁃m os t t i p of A f r i ca when he saw her —anoct opus hi di ng under a cover of s hel l s and s t ones .E nchant ed,he began f ol l owi ng t hi s i ncr edi bl y shycr eat ur e,t r yi ng t o pr ove he was n ’t a pr edat or by s t ayi ngver y s t i l l i n her pr es ence.For w eeks s he es caped f r omhi m.A nd t hen,af t er 26days ,s he r eached out andt ouched hi m.I n t he new N et f l i x docum ent ar y M y O ct opus Teacher t hi s t ender m om ent m oves you.Y ou never t hought an oct opus t ent acl e wr apped ar ound a hum an hand.Fi l m ed i n 2010,M y O ct opus Teacher i s about Cr ai g Fos t er ’s cul t i vat i ng a uni que bond wi t h an ext r aor di nar y cr eat ur e.Fos t er was abl e t o capt ur e i nt i m at e m om ent s of t hi s oct opus ’s s hor t l i f e by s pendi ng up t o t wo hour s f ol l ow i ng her ever y s i ngl e day f or a year .“I f you gai n t he t r us t of t hat ani m al overa per i od of The i ncr edi bl e t al e海底奇缘江西王影26疯狂英语(新读写)R eadi ngCheck1.W hy di d Fos t er s t ay s t i l li n her pr esence when f ol l owi ng t he oct opus ?A.To have a r est .B.To pr et end t o be a cr eat ur e.C.To pr ove he w as n ’ta hunt er .D.To m eet t he r equi r em ent s off i l m ⁃m aker s.2.W hatcan we know aboutFost er ?A.H e s howed s ym pat hy f or t he oct opus ’s shor t l i f e.B.The under w at er wor l d coul d m ake hi m cal m i n m i nd.C.H e s pent t i m e di vi ng t o di s cover i nt er es t i ng cr eat ur es .D.I tt ook hi m m or e t han t w o year s t o gai n t r us t f r om t he oct opus .3.W hatdi d Fost er l ear n f r om t he oct opus ?A.U nder w at er l i f e i s wonder f ul .B.A f r i end i n need i s a f r i end i ndeed.C.H um ans ar e par t ofnat ur al wor l d.D.H um ans ar e vi s i t or s t o nat ur alw or l d.LanguageSt udyD i f f i cul t s ent enceFos t er has spent t he l as t t en year s di vi ng i n t he A t l ant i c O cean of f t he w est coast of Sout h A f r i ca as a w ay of deal i ng wi t h depr ess i on t hat had bot her ed hi m f or a l ong t i m e.过去十年里,福斯特一直在南非西海岸的大西洋潜水,以缓解困扰他很长时间的抑郁症。
2.真有你的,朝我屁股射暗箭3.我才不要和一个小姑娘去完成什么任务4.Maui: What's a demi-god gotta do?麦:一个半人半神要做什么呢?Maui: Do you know who maui is? Only the greatest demi-god in the all Pacific Islands. With his magical fishhook, he slowed down the sun, pulled islands out of the sea, battled monsters. And I should know, cause I'm Maui.5.麦:你知道麦是谁吗?不夸张的告诉你,他是太平洋群岛上最最伟大的半人神。
Maui: Hey! Let me do this please.6.麦:喂!该我出场了,你最好停一下。
Moana: En...莫阿娜:嗯……Maui: Nothing? Really? What's the demi-god gonna do?7.麦:说真的,什么感觉都没有吗?那么你让我这个伟大的半人神怎么做呢?海洋奇缘剧情简介在很久之前的南太平洋上,作为航海世家后代的Moana Waialiki,为了找寻传说中的神秘之岛,独自踏上了航海之旅。
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海洋奇缘In the beginning... 混沌初开之时there was only ocean... 世界只有一片汪洋until the Mother Island emerged. 直到母亲岛Te Fiti. 特菲提出现Her heart held the greatest power ever known. 特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量It could create life itself. 能够创造生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world. 特菲提创造了世间一切生命But in time... 可不久之后some began to seek Te Fiti's heart. 有些人开始寻找特菲提之心They believed if they could possess it... 他们坚信得到它the great power of creation would be theirs. 就能获得创造一切的强大力量And one day... 有一天the most daring of them all... 这些人中最大胆的一位voyaged across the vast ocean to take it. 跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之心He was a demigod of the wind and sea. 他是主宰风与海的半神He was a warrior. 他是一名勇士A trickster. 一位魔术师A shapeshifter who could change form... 一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力with the power of his magical fish hook. 随意变换形体的变形者And his name... 他的名字叫作was Maui. 毛伊But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble...但是失去了心之后特菲提开始瓦解giving birth to a terrible darkness. 创造出了可怕的黑暗Maui tried to escape... 毛伊试图逃走but was confronted by another who sought the heart.但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人Te Ka! 特卡A demon of earth and fire. 他是土与火的恶魔Maui was struck from the sky... 毛伊被从空中击中never to be seen again. 从此了无踪迹And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti... 而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心were lost to the sea. 一起沉入了大海Where, even now 1,000 years later... 即使在一千年之后的今天Te Ka and the demons of the deep 特卡和深海的恶魔still hunt for the heart. 仍在寻找特菲提之心Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中chasing away our fish... 赶跑我们的鱼群draining the life from island after island... 侵占一座又一座岛屿until every one of us is devoured... 我们所有人都将by the bloodthirsty jaws... 被那嗜血的死亡魔爪of inescapable death! 吞噬殆尽But one day... 但总有一天the heart will be found... 会有人找到特菲提之心by someone who will journey beyond our reef... 那个人将驶过环礁扬帆远航find Maui... 找到毛伊deliver him across the great ocean... 带他穿洋过海to restore Te Fiti's heart... 归还特菲提之心and save us all. 拯救众生Thank you, Mother. That's enough. 谢谢母亲讲到这儿就行了Papa. 爸爸No one goes outside the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁We are safe here. There is no darkness. 这里很安全世上没有黑暗势力There are no monsters. 也没有什么怪兽Monsters! Monsters! 怪兽怪兽- There's no monsters, no monsters.- It's the darkness! - 不不没有怪兽 -黑暗势力来了No, there is nothing beyond our reef,but storms and rough seas. 不 ,环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海I'm gonna throw up. 我要吐了As long as we stay on our very safe island... 只要我们大家都待在这座岛上we'll be fine. 就会很安全The legends are true. 传说都是真的Someone will have to go. 一定有人会扬帆远航的Mother, Motunui is paradise. 母亲莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Who would want to go anywhere else? 谁还想去别的地方呢Moana! 莫阿娜There you are, Moana. 总算找到你了莫阿娜What are you doing? You scared me. 你在做什么吓坏我了What? I wanna's go back. 干嘛我想回去I know, I know. But you don't go out there. 我知道但你不能靠近海边It's dangerous. 那里很危险Moana, come on. 莫阿娜走吧Let's go back to the village. 我们回村子去You are the next great chief of our people. 你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长And you will do wondrous things,my little minnow. 你会做许多了不起的事我的小宝贝Oh, yes. But first, you must learnwhere you're meant to be. 没错但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Moana 莫阿娜驾到Make way, make way 大伙都让开Moana, it's time you knew 莫阿娜你是时候该知晓The village of Motunui is all you need 你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够The dancers are practicing 舞者们在排练They dance to an ancient song 伴着古老的歌曲起舞Who needs a new song, this old one's all we need 要新歌干嘛我们只要这首老歌This tradition is our mission 继承传统是我们的使命And Moana, there's so much to do 莫阿娜还有很多事要做We share everything we make 劳动成果人人共享We joke and we weave our baskets 有说有笑编织篮子The fishermen come back from the sea 渔夫从大海归来I wanna see 我想看看Don't walk away 别走远Moana, stay on the ground now 莫阿娜快快坐下Our people will need a chief 族人需要一位酋长And there you are 就是你There comes a day 终有一天When you're gonna look aroundand realize happiness is 当你回首就会明白真正的幸福Where you are 就在你的所属之地Consider the coconut 瞧瞧这椰子The what? Consider its tree 什么瞧瞧这椰树We use each part of the coconut. 我们充分利用椰子的每一处It's all we need 我们有它已足够We make our nets from the fibers 纤维制成鱼网The water is sweet inside 椰汁清甜可口We use the leaves to build fireswe cook up the meat inside 树叶生火椰肉烹调Consider the coconuts 瞧瞧这些椰子The trunks and the leaves 这树干和树叶The island gives us what we need 小岛给予我们所需*无人离开**And no one leaves**没错我们留在这里**That's right, we stay**这里安全又富饶**We're safe and we're well-provided**未来引导我们之人**And when we look to the future**就是你**There you are**不用担心**You'll be okay**你会学我所学**In time you'll learn just as I did**你必须在所属之地找到幸福**You must find happiness right where you are**我喜欢随海浪起舞伴着潮起潮落**I like to dance with the water the undertow and the waves**海水十分顽皮但我就喜欢它淘气**The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves**村民们可能觉得我疯了**The village may think I'm crazy**或者我的思维漂得太远**Or say that I drift too far**可一旦你知晓所爱这才是真正的你**But once you know what you like. Well, there you are**女儿像爸爸顽固又骄傲**You are your father's daughter stubbornness and pride* *他的教导自有道理但你的心声也许不同**Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside**如果你内心轻喃追随最远的那颗星**And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star**莫阿娜那心声就是真实的你**Moana, that voice inside is who you are*Dad! 爸爸I was only looking at the boats.I wasn't gonna get on them. 我只是看看那些船没打算登船Come on. There's something I need to show you. 来吧我给你看样东西I've wanted to bring you here 从你出生起from the moment you opened your eyes. 我就一直想带你来这里This is a sacred place. 这是个神圣的地方A place of chiefs. 酋长之地There will come a time... 总有一天when you will stand on this peak 你会站在这峰顶and place a stone on this mountain. 给这座山添上一块石头Like I did. Like my father did. 就像我我的父亲And his father, and every chief that has ever been.他的父亲还有每一代酋长都这么做And on that day... 到那一天when you add your stone... 等你把你的石头放上去you will raise this whole island higher. 你就会让这座小岛变得更高You are the future of our people, Moana. 你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜And they are not out there. 他们并非远在天边They are right here. 而是近在眼前It's time to be who they need you to be. 你是时候该成为他们需要的人了*纤维制成鱼网**We make our nets from the fibers**椰汁清凉可口树叶生火**The water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires**大伙一起歌唱**We sing these songs in our choirs**椰肉烹调养活族人**To cook up the meat inside. We have mouths to feed inside* *大家都信任我们没错**The village believes in us. That's right**大家都信任**The village believes**小岛给予我们所需**The island gives us what we need**无人离开**And no one leaves**所以我会留在这里**So here I'll stay**与我的家人族人一起**My home, my people beside me**当我展望未来之时**And when I think of tomorrow**我们相伴**There we are**我会带领大家**I'll lead the way**也需要族人指引我**I'll have my people to guide me**我们会共筑未来**We'll build our future together**就在此地**Where we are**因为每条路都会带你回到**'Cause every path leads ya back to**你的所属之地**Where you are**你会发现幸福就在**You can find happiness right**你的所属之地**Where you are**你的所属之地**Where you are*And every storm, 每次风暴过后this roof leaks, no matter how many fronds I add.无论我铺了多少树叶这屋顶还是漏水Fixed! Not the fronds. 搞定不是树叶的问题Wind shifted the post. 是风把柱子吹偏了That's good pork! 这猪肉真好吃I didn't mean... I wasn't... 不是说你我的意思是What? They are calling me. So I gotta--. Bye! 什么他们在叫我那我先走了You're doing great. 你表现得很好Is it done yet? 好了吗So close. 就快了I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock. 我好奇为什么那只鸡喜欢啄石头He seems to lack the basic intelligence 它看起来好像required for pretty much everything. 已经完全丧失理智了Should we maybe just cook him? 我们能把它给煮了吗Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface. 有时我们的优点隐藏在外表之下Far beneath in some cases. 某些时候还藏得很深But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye.但憨憨一定有我们看不到的过人之处It's the harvest. 这是今天摘的This morning, I was husking the coconuts and... 今早我在剥椰子时发现...We should clear the diseased trees 我们应该砍掉这些病树and we will start a new grove. 然后重新种一片椰子林There. 就在那Thanks, Moana. 谢谢莫阿娜She's doing great. 她做得真棒This suits you. 这活很适合你Chief? 酋长There's something you need to see. 有些东西你得瞧瞧Our traps in the east lagoon... 这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓they're pulling up less and less fish. 捕到的鱼越来越少了Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds. 那我们就换个地方捕鱼We have. There's no fish. 我们试过了还是没有鱼Then we'll fish the far side of the island. 那我们就去岛的另一面捕鱼We tried. 也试过了The windward side. 迎风的那边呢And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel. 还有背风的那边浅滩海峡We've tried the whole lagoon. 整个礁湖我们都试过了They're just gone. 到处都没有鱼Have you tried using a different bait? 你试过用另一种鱼饵吗I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish. 我觉得不是鱼饵的问题完全没有鱼It seems like it's getting worse and worse. 而且情况越来越糟Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.当然我理解你的担心不无道理I will talk to the council. I'm sure we... 我会和长老们商量我确信... What if we fish beyond the reef? 如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢No one goes beyond the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁I know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon... 我明白但如果礁湖里面没有鱼群Moana. - And there's a whole ocean. -莫阿娜 -而海洋那么大- We have one rule. 我们要遵守规矩An old rule, when there were fish. 那是有鱼可捕时的旧规矩A rule that keeps us safe... - But Dad... - 遵守规矩我们才安全 -可是爸爸-Instead of endangering our people 不准你为了能再次靠近大海so you can run right back to the water. 而使我们的族人身陷危险Every time I think you're past this... 我还以为你早放弃了那个念头... No one goes beyond the reef! 谁都不能越过环礁Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad 你不该当着你爸爸的面Standing on a boat. 提出海的事情I didn't say go beyond the reef.' 我说的是出海捕鱼Because I want to be on the ocean.; 又不是要去冒险But you sill do, 但你还是想去He's hard on you, Because Because he doesn't get me.你爸爸生你的气是因为-是因为他不懂我- Because he was you. 是因为他也曾跟你一样Drawn to the ocean. 对大海着迷Down by the shore. 想去海上He took a canoe, Moana.! 莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He crossed the reef. 绕过那片礁石And found an unfogiving sea. 驶入了-片危险的海或Waves like mountains. 哪里的浪像山-样高His best friend beged to be on that 他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海Your dad couldn't save him. 但你爸爸没能教回他He's hoping he can save you. 现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙Sometimes, who we wish we were 有时候我们总想首What we wish we could do 要做些大事It's just not meant to be. 却忘了该做些什么I've been staring at the edge of the water. 我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋Long as I can remember. I 没有尽头的彼方Never rally knowing why. 却不明白为什么I wish I could be the perfect daugher. 也许你希望我听你的话But I come back to the water. 我也曾经努力的尝试No matter how hard I try. 我还是回到这海洋Every tum I take, every trail I track. 每一个转弯每一个路段Every path I make, every road leads back. 每一次选择每一.次失望To the place I know where I cannot go. 不怕多困难那熟悉的地方Where I long to be. 是我的渴望See the line where the sky meets the sea?! 我听到地平线的那- -边It calls me. 呼唤我And no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远f the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆me One dav I'll know 终会知道If I go theres just no telling how far Til go 我要走的路不管有多远也好1 know everybody on this 虽然在这海岛每一个人island seems so happy. on this island 仿佛开心没有忧愁Everything is by design 所有事都被安排1 know everybody on this 虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任island has a role. on this islandSo maybe I can roll with mine. 也许我有自己主张1 can lead with pride. I can make us strong 我可以带领让你们坚强 I'li be satisfied if I play along. 也可以妥协不再有期望 But the voice inside sines a different song 我心中想起另一个声音 What is wrong with me? 我不能自己See the light as it shines on the sea? 那海岸在闪烁很耀眼 Its binding 的光芒But no one knows 谁会知道How deep it goes. 海有多深And it seems like its calling out to me 仿佛它在等待我的回应So come find me 我在这里An let me know. 请告诉我What's beyond that line, wil I cross that line? 我应该期待什么是未来See the line where the sky meets the sea 在那地平线的另一边It calls me 呼我And no one knows 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远1 f te wind in Iuy sail on the sea stays 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行One day TT1know. 总会知道How far I'll go 能走多远Okay,Pua 别担心胖胖1 can do this 相信我There's more fish beyond the reet. 出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more beyond the reef 我相信肯定能的 Not so had 没那么嘛Pua! 胖胖Whatever just happened. 不管发生了什么事 Blame it on the pig 就说是胖胖干的Grandma 奶奶Are you gonna tell dad. 你会告诉爸爸吗?I m his mon 我是他妈I don't have to tell him anything. 不用事事都跟他汇报He was right. 他说得对About going out there 海上很危险It's time to put my stone on the mountain. 我也应该接任酋长了Okay 好呀Well then head on back 那就回村子去Put that stone up there. 把你的石头放上去Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it? 你为什么不劝阻我呢You said that's what you wanted. 你说了那是你想做的事It is. 没错呀When I die. 等我死了I'm going to come back as one of these. 我想要变成一条黄貂鱼Or I chose the wrong tatoo. 不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Why you're acting weird? 你今天怎么怪怪的?I'm the village crazy, lady. 我是村里的怪奶奶啊That's my job. 这才是我嘛If there's something you want to tell me. 如果你有什么话想跟我说Just tell me. 就直说吧Is there something you want to tell me? 您有什么话想跟我说吗? Is there something you want to hear? 你想听我说什么啊? You've been told all our people stories. 我们族人的故事你都已经听过了But one. 可这个除外What is this place? 这是哪儿啊?Do you really think our ancestors stayed with the reef?你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗?What's in there? 里面有什么呢?The answer. 有你To the question you keep asking yourself. 一直在苦苦寻找的答案Who are you meant to be 你想要做什么样的人Go inside. 走进去Bang the drum. 敲敲鼓And find out. 你就能找到答案Bang the drum. 对了敲敲We read the wind and sky. 看太阳高高在上When the sun is high. 风吹散云彩We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze 我们在大海航行迎着风前进 At night we name every star. We know where we are 在夜里数每颗星能找到方向 We know who we are. 知道我是谁Who we are. 我是谁We set a course to find. 定好了目的地A brand new island everywhere we roam. 每一次出行找寻新天地We keep our island in our mind. 家乡的模样放心里And when it's time to find home. 时间到了就回家We know the way.. 千山万水We are explorers reading every sign. 我们去探索每一个符号We tell the stories of our elders. 这里有我们的祖先In a never ending chain. 古老的故事与传承Naeko hakilia. We know the way! 千山万水We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We were voyagers! 我们是航海者Why'd we stop? 后来发生了什么? Maui 是毛伊When he stole from the Mother Island. 在他偷走了特菲提之心后Darkness fell. 黑暗降临到了人间Te Ka awoke. 恶卡苏醒了Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. 海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船To protect our people, the ancient chief 为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令Forbid voyaging. 禁止航海And now we have forgotten who we are 于是人们渐渐忘记了自已是航海者的后代And the darkness has continued to spread. 然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩张Chasing away our fish. 他们赶走了我们的鱼群Draining the life 霸占了From island after island. 一座又一座海岛Our island 我们的岛But one day 但是终有一天Someone will journey beyond our reef 有人会重新扬帆起航Find Maui 找到毛伊Deliver him across the great ocean. 并带他跨越整片大海To restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I was there that day. 那天我都看到了你The ocean chose you! 大海选择了你1 thought it was a dream. 我还以为那只是个梦Nope! 不是梦Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there. 我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里At the bottom of his hook. 在钩形星座的尽头Follow it, and you will find him. 朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊But.. 但是Why would it choose me? 大海为什么会选中我呢?I don't even know how to make it pass the reef 我连怎么驾船出海都不会But I know who docs. 但我知道谁能教我The crops are turning black! 庄稼都变黑了What about the fish? 那鱼呢?This is happening all over the island. Please Please 现在整座岛都是这样. 安静 Settle down! - What are you going to do 请安静- 我们该怎么办? - We will dig new fields.. 我们会开皇更多田地- We will find a way toWe can stop the darkness 找到解决方法的. 我们能战胜黑暗势力Save our island! 拯救我们的小岛There's a cavern boats! 我发现一个山洞里有船Huge canoes! 很大的船We can take them, find Maui 我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊Make him restore the heart 让他归还特菲提之心We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We can voyage again! 我们应该重新出海You told me to help our people. 你说过族人需要我们的保护This is how we help our people! 只有这样才能保护他们Dad? 爸爸What are you doing? 你要干什么?I should've burned those boats a long time ago 我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉 No! Don't! 不不要We have to find Maui 我们必须找到毛伊 We have to restore the heart. 然后归还特菲提之心There is no heart! 根本没有什么心This..this is just a rock! 这就是一块石头No! 不Chief! 酋长It's your mother! 你母亲不行了Mother. 妈妈What can be done? 现在还能做什么? Go. 快去Grandma. 奶奶Go. 快去Not now. 现在不行I can't 我不能You must! 你必须去The ocean chose you 大海选择了你Follow the fish hook. - Grandma. 朝着钩状星座的方向走. 奶奶- And when you find Maui 等你找到毛伊You grab him by the ear! 你就揪着他的耳朵 You say.. 告诉他I am Moana of Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat! 快上船Sail across the sea! 跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fitil 归还特菲提之心I.. can't leave you. 我离不开您There is no way you could go, 无论你在哪里,that I won't be with you 我都与你同在Go! 快去There's a line where the sky meet the sea and he calls me我听见地平线另- 边在呼唤我But no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes. 能走多远All time wondering where I need to be is behind me曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离I'm on my own 全靠自已Towards unknown! 我往前走Every turn I take. Every rail I track 每一一个转弯每一个路段It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back 都是我选择不能有遗憾From a great unknown. 过去多伟大Where I go alone. Where I long to be. 未来独自闯我渴望那里See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me 她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我And yes, I know. 让我知道That I can go. 能走得到There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行So now I 'll know. 终会知道How far Ill go! 能走多远I am Moana Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat. 快上船Sail across the sea! 我要带你跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I am Moana. 我是莫图鲁尼岛Of Motu.. nui. 的莫阿..娜Hei-hei?! 憨憨?It's okay 别害怕You're alright 没事的See? 看到了吧?There we go. 我们走吧Nice water. 多棒的海水啊The ocean is a friend of mine. 大海是我们的朋友Hei-hei? 憨憨Hei-heil 憨憨Stay! 别动Okay. 好了Next stop 下一站Maui 毛伊I am Moana of Motunui. 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜快上船You will board my boat.我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Maa..of.M.t...快上船Board my boat!不Oh, no!不不No .. no... n..no!不No!大海Ocean?你能帮帮我吗? Can I get a little help?糟了No.. no拜托Please.快点儿Come on!救命Help me!救命Please!什么情况What?!我说了我需要帮助I said help me!但你让大浪来袭击我的船? And wrecking my boat?!这也叫帮忙Not helping!就让你被鱼群臭死吧Fish pee in you.. all day!那么So.. ,毛伊? Maui?毛伊Maui!毛伊主宰风和海的半神Maui demigod of the wind and sea我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui!请上船吧You will board my boat!不No!快上船You will board my boat!没错Yeah!我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜Hi, I'm Moana of Motunui快上... - 船-You will board my.. - Boat!这有艘船A boat!老天爷赐给我-艘..The Gods have given me ...毛伊Mau万能的变形者Shape shifter.主宰风和海的半神Demigod of the wind and sea.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜. 男人们的英雄- I am Moana of Mo.. .hero of men 什么?Wha.What?应该说毛伊是万能的变形者 It's actually Maui, shape shifter主率风和海的半神 Demigod of the wind and sea男人们的英雄 Hero of Men不好意思打断你了,从头开始吧人类的英雄 I interupted. From the top.hero of men开始Go!我是莫-等等等等- I am Mo..-Sorry,Sorry,Sorry,Sorry所有人 And women.包括男人和女人所有人才对 Men and women. Both! All这个可不分男女 Not a guy- girl thing你知道的毛伊是所有人的英雄 You know? Maui is a hero to all再来一遍吧 You're doing great什么?What?不我来这儿是.我知道-No! I came here to Of course. of course好吧好吧Yes,yes,yes,yes毛伊对他的祟拜者总是很有耐心的 Maui always has time for his fans.这种用鸟来写字的方式 When you use a bird to write with叫做欧 It's called" tweeting"我明白的英雄可不是想见就能见到的 I know, not every day, you get a chance to meet your hero你可不是我的英雄 You are not my hero!我来这儿也不是为了让你在我的桨上签名 And I'm not here so you can sign my oar我来这是因为你偷走了特菲提之心I'm here because you stole the heart of Te Fiti现在我要你上船And you will board my boat.跟我一-起把它还回去Sail across the sea and put it back!好吧Yeah.听起来你好像不太喜欢我It almost sounded like you don't like me.但这是不可能的因为我已经被困在这里Which is impossible because I Got stuck here一千年了就是为了For a thousand years, trying to get the heart..给你们凡人寻找那颗心As a gift for you, mortals...好让你们拥有创造生命的力量So you could have the power to create life itself 所以我猜你原本想说的是Yeah, so what I believe you're trying to say.谢谢-谢谢?-Is thank you. -Thank you?不用谢- 什么?不You're welcome. - What? No, no, no.我没有我不会I.. I didn't .. I wasn't ..我为什么要说谢谢- 好啦好啦~ Why would I ever say.. I mean.. –Okey okey我知道发生了什么I see what's happening, yeah.面对这伟大的神明很奇妙You're face to face with greatness and it's strange 都不知道该怎么反应You don't even know how you feel.这是很可爱的It's adorable!我发觉人类- -直没有改变Well, it's nice to see that humans never change现在让你开眼界Open your eyes let's begin.要看清楚是我毛伊请冷静Yeg,it's really me,It's Maui. Breathe it in. 我这完美的发型身型I know it's a lot the hair,the body!当你盯着这优质神明When you're staring at a Demigod我只能说一句What can I say?不客气Except you're welcome把汐睛天送你For the tides,the sun,the sky这很简单很容易不客气Hey,it's okay. It is okay. You're welcome.我只是一个普通硬汉子I'm just an ordinary demi-guy,Hey!我用手指把天空托起Hey,what has two thumbs and pulled up the sky当你蹒跚前行有我扶持When you were waddling yay high. This guy!在寒冷夜里When the nights got cold.取暖的火都被偷走Who stole you fire from down below?有我在这里哟You're looking at him,yo!噢是我让太阳升起Oh,also I lasso'd the sun.不客气You're welcome让你多点开心日子To stretch your days and bring you fun.我能把狂风驾驭Also I harnessed the breeze不客气让船航行树叶落地You're welcome,to fill your sails and shake your trees 这不过是小意思不客气So what can I say except You're welcome.我让大地从海中耸立For the islands I pulled from the sea.不需要膜拜的意思不客气There's no need to pray, it's okay. You're welcome.我只是单纯的做我自已I guess it's just my way of being me不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.啊回头想一想Well, come to think of it.我其实可以一-口气的Kid, honestly I can go on and on.把所有大自然的现象都解释I can explain every natural phenomenon.潮汐草地大地The tide, the grass, the ground.都是我毛伊所做的好事Oh.. that was Maui just messing around.我把海鳗狠狠地除掉I killed an eel, I buried is guts.种一颗树让你得到椰子Sprouted a tee, now you got coconuts.明不明白What's the lesson?有没有新启示What is the takeaway.就是当毛伊生气你快点回避Don't mess with Maui when he's on the breakaway你看我皮肤上的印记And the tapestry here in my skin.都是彰显胜利的标志Is a map of the victories I win.我到哪里哪里就出现好事Look where I've been, I make everything过去小气的小毛伊已变好脾气Look at that mean mini Maui just tikitty tappin’还是这句告诉你不客气Well anyway, let me say, You're welcome我把这世界变美丽For the wonderful world you know.这很简单很容易不客气Hey, it's okay.. it's okay. You're welcome我现在想起来我要出行Well, come to think of it, I gotta go.给你机会说声不客气Hey, it's your day to say You're welcome.我要借用你的船Cause I'm gonna need that boat.要扬帆而去远地不客气I'm sailing away... aw ay. You're welcome.我除了源浮什么都最棒Cause Maui can do everything but float.不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.谢谢你And thank you!放我出去Hey, let me out!你这个中鄙的大骗子You lying, slimy, son of a..不用谢You're welcome.不No!我可不想跟着个小孩去特菲提岛I'm not going to Te Fi with some kid. 我还得找回我的鱼钩I'm gonna get my hook.你有一个但我没有毛伊不能没有鱼钩You have yours. And I'm not好了去我背后安静会儿Okay, talk to the back.旅途小点心Boat snack!再见啦讨厌的石头品Good riddance you filthy pile of pebbles!不Oh,no,no,no.别那样看着我Don't look at me like that.那个山洞挺好的她肯定喜欢It's a beautiful cave, she's gonna love it.而且我会好好And I'm going to love you.享用你的In my belly不过得先让你长点肉Now let's fatten you up, drumstick!真是精彩的- -跳啊I could watch that all day.好了这座岛是你的了Okay, enjoy the island!-毛伊号出发-不Maui, out! - No!;停下Stop!; 你必须把那颗心还回去Hey! You have to put back the heart!。
创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX创作者:别如克*海洋奇缘In the beginning... 混沌初开之时there was only ocean... 世界只有一片汪洋until the Mother Island emerged. 直到母亲岛Te Fiti. 特菲提出现Her heart held the greatest power ever known. 特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量It could create life itself. 能够创造生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world. 特菲提创造了世间一切生命But in time... 可不久之后some began to seek Te Fiti's heart. 有些人开始寻找特菲提之心They believed if they could possess it... 他们坚信得到它the great power of creation would be theirs. 就能获得创造一切的强大力量And one day... 有一天the most daring of them all... 这些人中最大胆的一位voyaged across the vast ocean to take it. 跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之心He was a demigod of the wind and sea. 他是主宰风与海的半神He was a warrior. 他是一名勇士A trickster. 一位魔术师A shapeshifter who could change form... 一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力with the power of his magical fish hook. 随意变换形体的变形者And his name... 他的名字叫作was Maui. 毛伊But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble...但是失去了心之后特菲提开始瓦解giving birth to a terrible darkness. 创造出了可怕的黑暗Maui tried to escape... 毛伊试图逃走but was confronted by another who sought the heart.但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人Te Ka! 特卡A demon of earth and fire. 他是土与火的恶魔Maui was struck from the sky... 毛伊被从空中击中never to be seen again. 从此了无踪迹And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti... 而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心were lost to the sea. 一起沉入了大海Where, even now 1,000 years later... 即使在一千年之后的今天Te Ka and the demons of the deep 特卡和深海的恶魔still hunt for the heart. 仍在寻找特菲提之心Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中chasing away our fish... 赶跑我们的鱼群draining the life from island after island... 侵占一座又一座岛屿until every one of us is devoured... 我们所有人都将by the bloodthirsty jaws... 被那嗜血的死亡魔爪of inescapable death! 吞噬殆尽But one day... 但总有一天the heart will be found... 会有人找到特菲提之心by someone who will journey beyond our reef... 那个人将驶过环礁扬帆远航find Maui... 找到毛伊deliver him across the great ocean... 带他穿洋过海to restore Te Fiti's heart... 归还特菲提之心and save us all. 拯救众生Thank you, Mother. That's enough. 谢谢母亲讲到这儿就行了Papa. 爸爸No one goes outside the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁We are safe here. There is no darkness. 这里很安全世上没有黑暗势力There are no monsters. 也没有什么怪兽Monsters! Monsters! 怪兽怪兽- There's no monsters, no monsters.创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX创作者:别如克*- It's the darkness! - 不不没有怪兽 -黑暗势力来了No, there is nothing beyond our reef,but storms and rough seas. 不 ,环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海I'm gonna throw up. 我要吐了As long as we stay on our very safe island... 只要我们大家都待在这座岛上we'll be fine. 就会很安全The legends are true. 传说都是真的Someone will have to go. 一定有人会扬帆远航的Mother, Motunui is paradise. 母亲莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Who would want to go anywhere else? 谁还想去别的地方呢Moana! 莫阿娜There you are, Moana. 总算找到你了莫阿娜What are you doing? You scared me. 你在做什么吓坏我了What? I wanna's go back. 干嘛我想回去I know, I know. But you don't go out there. 我知道但你不能靠近海边It's dangerous. 那里很危险Moana, come on. 莫阿娜走吧Let's go back to the village. 我们回村子去You are the next great chief of our people. 你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长And you will do wondrous things,my little minnow. 你会做许多了不起的事我的小宝贝Oh, yes. But first, you must learnwhere you're meant to be. 没错但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Moana 莫阿娜驾到Make way, make way 大伙都让开Moana, it's time you knew 莫阿娜你是时候该知晓The village of Motunui is all you need 你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够The dancers are practicing 舞者们在排练They dance to an ancient song 伴着古老的歌曲起舞Who needs a new song, this old one's all we need 要新歌干嘛我们只要这首老歌This tradition is our mission 继承传统是我们的使命And Moana, there's so much to do 莫阿娜还有很多事要做We share everything we make 劳动成果人人共享We joke and we weave our baskets 有说有笑编织篮子The fishermen come back from the sea 渔夫从大海归来I wanna see 我想看看Don't walk away 别走远Moana, stay on the ground now 莫阿娜快快坐下Our people will need a chief 族人需要一位酋长And there you are 就是你There comes a day 终有一天When you're gonna look aroundand realize happiness is 当你回首就会明白真正的幸福Where you are 就在你的所属之地Consider the coconut 瞧瞧这椰子The what? Consider its tree 什么瞧瞧这椰树We use each part of the coconut. 我们充分利用椰子的每一处It's all we need 我们有它已足够We make our nets from the fibers 纤维制成鱼网The water is sweet inside 椰汁清甜可口We use the leaves to build fireswe cook up the meat inside 树叶生火椰肉烹调Consider the coconuts 瞧瞧这些椰子The trunks and the leaves 这树干和树叶The island gives us what we need 小岛给予我们所需*无人离开**And no one leaves**没错我们留在这里**That's right, we stay**这里安全又富饶**We're safe and we're well-provided**未来引导我们之人**And when we look to the future**就是你**There you are**不用担心**You'll be okay**你会学我所学**In time you'll learn just as I did**你必须在所属之地找到幸福**You must find happiness right where you are* *我喜欢随海浪起舞伴着潮起潮落**I like to dance with the water the undertow and the waves**海水十分顽皮但我就喜欢它淘气**The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves**村民们可能觉得我疯了**The village may think I'm crazy*创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX创作者:别如克**或者我的思维漂得太远**Or say that I drift too far**可一旦你知晓所爱这才是真正的你**But once you know what you like. Well, there you are**女儿像爸爸顽固又骄傲**You are your father's daughter stubbornness and pride**他的教导自有道理但你的心声也许不同**Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside**如果你内心轻喃追随最远的那颗星**And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star**莫阿娜那心声就是真实的你**Moana, that voice inside is who you are*Dad! 爸爸I was only looking at the boats.I wasn't gonna get on them. 我只是看看那些船没打算登船Come on. There's something I need to show you. 来吧我给你看样东西I've wanted to bring you here 从你出生起from the moment you opened your eyes. 我就一直想带你来这里This is a sacred place. 这是个神圣的地方A place of chiefs. 酋长之地There will come a time... 总有一天when you will stand on this peak 你会站在这峰顶and place a stone on this mountain. 给这座山添上一块石头Like I did. Like my father did. 就像我我的父亲And his father, and every chief that has ever been.他的父亲还有每一代酋长都这么做And on that day... 到那一天when you add your stone... 等你把你的石头放上去you will raise this whole island higher. 你就会让这座小岛变得更高You are the future of our people, Moana. 你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜And they are not out there. 他们并非远在天边They are right here. 而是近在眼前It's time to be who they need you to be. 你是时候该成为他们需要的人了*纤维制成鱼网**We make our nets from the fibers**椰汁清凉可口树叶生火**The water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires**大伙一起歌唱**We sing these songs in our choirs**椰肉烹调养活族人**To cook up the meat inside. We have mouths to feed inside**大家都信任我们没错**The village believes in us. That's right**大家都信任**The village believes**小岛给予我们所需**The island gives us what we need**无人离开**And no one leaves**所以我会留在这里**So here I'll stay**与我的家人族人一起**My home, my people beside me**当我展望未来之时**And when I think of tomorrow**我们相伴**There we are**我会带领大家**I'll lead the way**也需要族人指引我**I'll have my people to guide me**我们会共筑未来**We'll build our future together**就在此地**Where we are**因为每条路都会带你回到**'Cause every path leads ya back to**你的所属之地**Where you are**你会发现幸福就在**You can find happiness right**你的所属之地**Where you are**你的所属之地**Where you are*And every storm, 每次风暴过后this roof leaks, no matter how many fronds I add.无论我铺了多少树叶这屋顶还是漏水Fixed! Not the fronds. 搞定不是树叶的问题Wind shifted the post. 是风把柱子吹偏了That's good pork! 这猪肉真好吃I didn't mean... I wasn't... 不是说你我的意思是What? They are calling me. So I gotta--. Bye! 什么他们在叫我那我先走了You're doing great. 你表现得很好Is it done yet? 好了吗So close. 就快了I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock. 我好奇为什么那只鸡喜欢啄石头He seems to lack the basic intelligence 它看起来好像required for pretty much everything. 已经完全丧失理智了Should we maybe just cook him? 我们能把它给煮了吗Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface. 有时我们的优点隐藏在外表之下Far beneath in some cases. 某些时候还藏得很深But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye.但憨憨一定有我们看不到的过人之处It's the harvest. 这是今天摘的This morning, I was husking the coconuts and... 今早我在剥椰子时发现... We should clear the diseased trees 我们应该砍掉这些病树and we will start a new grove. 然后重新种一片椰子林创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX创作者:别如克*There. 就在那Thanks, Moana. 谢谢莫阿娜She's doing great. 她做得真棒This suits you. 这活很适合你Chief? 酋长There's something you need to see. 有些东西你得瞧瞧Our traps in the east lagoon... 这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓they're pulling up less and less fish. 捕到的鱼越来越少了Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds. 那我们就换个地方捕鱼We have. There's no fish. 我们试过了还是没有鱼Then we'll fish the far side of the island. 那我们就去岛的另一面捕鱼We tried. 也试过了The windward side. 迎风的那边呢And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel. 还有背风的那边浅滩海峡We've tried the whole lagoon. 整个礁湖我们都试过了They're just gone. 到处都没有鱼Have you tried using a different bait? 你试过用另一种鱼饵吗I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish. 我觉得不是鱼饵的问题完全没有鱼It seems like it's getting worse and worse. 而且情况越来越糟Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.当然我理解你的担心不无道理I will talk to the council. I'm sure we... 我会和长老们商量我确信...What if we fish beyond the reef? 如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢No one goes beyond the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁I know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon... 我明白但如果礁湖里面没有鱼群Moana. - And there's a whole ocean. -莫阿娜 -而海洋那么大-We have one rule. 我们要遵守规矩An old rule, when there were fish. 那是有鱼可捕时的旧规矩A rule that keeps us safe... - But Dad... - 遵守规矩我们才安全 -可是爸爸-Instead of endangering our people 不准你为了能再次靠近大海so you can run right back to the water. 而使我们的族人身陷危险Every time I think you're past this... 我还以为你早放弃了那个念头...No one goes beyond the reef! 谁都不能越过环礁Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad 你不该当着你爸爸的面Standing on a boat. 提出海的事情I didn't say go beyond the reef.' 我说的是出海捕鱼Because I want to be on the ocean.; 又不是要去冒险But you sill do, 但你还是想去He's hard on you, Because Because he doesn't get me.你爸爸生你的气是因为-是因为他不懂我-Because he was you. 是因为他也曾跟你一样Drawn to the ocean. 对大海着迷Down by the shore. 想去海上He took a canoe, Moana.! 莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He crossed the reef. 绕过那片礁石And found an unfogiving sea. 驶入了-片危险的海或Waves like mountains. 哪里的浪像山-样高His best friend beged to be on that 他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海Your dad couldn't save him. 但你爸爸没能教回他He's hoping he can save you. 现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙Sometimes, who we wish we were 有时候我们总想首What we wish we could do 要做些大事It's just not meant to be. 却忘了该做些什么I've been staring at the edge of the water. 我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋Long as I can remember. I 没有尽头的彼方Never rally knowing why. 却不明白为什么I wish I could be the perfect daugher. 也许你希望我听你的话But I come back to the water. 我也曾经努力的尝试No matter how hard I try. 我还是回到这海洋Every tum I take, every trail I track. 每一个转弯每一个路段Every path I make, every road leads back. 每一次选择每一.次失望To the place I know where I cannot go. 不怕多困难那熟悉的地方Where I long to be. 是我的渴望See the line where the sky meets the sea?! 我听到地平线的那- -边It calls me. 呼唤我And no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远f the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆me One dav I'll know 终会知道If I go theres just no telling how far Til go 我要走的路不管有多远也好1 know everybody on this 虽然在这海岛每一个人island seems so happy. on this island 仿佛开心没有忧愁Everything is by design 所有事都被安排1 know everybody on this 虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任island has a role. on this islandSo maybe I can roll with mine. 也许我有自己主张1 can lead with pride. I can make us strong 我可以带领让你们坚强I'li be satisfied if I play along. 也可以妥协不再有期望But the voice inside sines a different song 我心中想起另一个声音What is wrong with me? 我不能自己 See the light as it shines on the sea? 那海岸在闪烁很耀眼Its binding 的光芒But no one knows 谁会知道How deep it goes. 海有多深And it seems like its calling out to me 仿佛它在等待我的回应 So come find me 我在这里An let me know. 请告诉我What's beyond that line, wil I cross that line? 我应该期待什么是未来See the line where the sky meets the sea 在那地平线的另一边It calls me 呼我And no one knows 谁会知道创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX创作者:别如克*How far it goes 能走多远1 f te wind in Iuy sail on the sea stays 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行 One day TT1know. 总会知道How far I'll go 能走多远Okay,Pua 别担心胖胖1 can do this 相信我There's more fish beyond the reet. 出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more beyond the reef 我相信肯定能的Not so had 没那么嘛Pua! 胖胖Whatever just happened. 不管发生了什么事Blame it on the pig 就说是胖胖干的Grandma 奶奶Are you gonna tell dad. 你会告诉爸爸吗?I m his mon 我是他妈I don't have to tell him anything. 不用事事都跟他汇报He was right. 他说得对About going out there 海上很危险It's time to put my stone on the mountain. 我也应该接任酋长了Okay 好呀Well then head on back 那就回村子去Put that stone up there. 把你的石头放上去Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it? 你为什么不劝阻我呢You said that's what you wanted. 你说了那是你想做的事It is. 没错呀When I die. 等我死了I'm going to come back as one of these. 我想要变成一条黄貂鱼Or I chose the wrong tatoo. 不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Why you're acting weird? 你今天怎么怪怪的? I'm the village crazy, lady. 我是村里的怪奶奶啊That's my job. 这才是我嘛If there's something you want to tell me. 如果你有什么话想跟我说Just tell me. 就直说吧Is there something you want to tell me? 您有什么话想跟我说吗?Is there something you want to hear? 你想听我说什么啊?You've been told all our people stories. 我们族人的故事你都已经听过了But one. 可这个除外What is this place? 这是哪儿啊?Do you really think our ancestors stayed with the reef?你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗? What's in there? 里面有什么呢? The answer. 有你To the question you keep asking yourself. 一直在苦苦寻找的答案Who are you meant to be 你想要做什么样的人Go inside. 走进去Bang the drum. 敲敲鼓And find out. 你就能找到答案Bang the drum. 对了敲敲We read the wind and sky. 看太阳高高在上When the sun is high. 风吹散云彩We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze 我们在大海航行迎着风前进At night we name every star. We know where we are 在夜里数每颗星能找到方向We know who we are. 知道我是谁Who we are. 我是谁We set a course to find. 定好了目的地A brand new island everywhere we roam. 每一次出行找寻新天地We keep our island in our mind. 家乡的模样放心里And when it's time to find home. 时间到了就回家We know the way.. 千山万水We are explorers reading every sign. 我们去探索每一个符号We tell the stories of our elders. 这里有我们的祖先In a never ending chain. 古老的故事与传承Naeko hakilia. We know the way! 千山万水We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We were voyagers! 我们是航海者 Why'd we stop? 后来发生了什么? Maui 是毛伊When he stole from the Mother Island. 在他偷走了特菲提之心后Darkness fell. 黑暗降临到了人间Te Ka awoke. 恶卡苏醒了Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. 海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船To protect our people, the ancient chief 为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令Forbid voyaging. 禁止航海And now we have forgotten who we are 于是人们渐渐忘记了自已是航海者的后代And the darkness has continued to spread. 然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩张Chasing away our fish. 他们赶走了我们的鱼群Draining the life 霸占了From island after island. 一座又一座海岛Our island 我们的岛But one day 但是终有一天Someone will journey beyond our reef 有人会重新扬帆起航Find Maui 找到毛伊Deliver him across the great ocean. 并带他跨越整片大海To restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I was there that day. 那天我都看到了你The ocean chose you! 大海选择了你1 thought it was a dream. 我还以为那只是个梦Nope! 不是梦Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there. 我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里At the bottom of his hook. 在钩形星座的尽头Follow it, and you will find him. 朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊But.. 但是Why would it choose me? 大海为什么会选中我呢?I don't even know how to make it pass the reef 我连怎么驾船出海都不会But I know who docs. 但我知道谁能教我The crops are turning black! 庄稼都变黑了What about the fish? 那鱼呢?This is happening all over the island. Please Please 现在整座岛都是这样. 安静Settle down! - What are you going to do 请安静- 我们该怎么办? -We will dig new fields.. 我们会开皇更多田地- We will find a way toWe can stop the darkness 找到解决方法的. 我们能战胜黑暗势力Save our island! 拯救我们的小岛There's a cavern boats! 我发现一个山洞里有船Huge canoes! 很大的船We can take them, find Maui 我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊Make him restore the heart 让他归还特菲提之心We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We can voyage again! 我们应该重新出海You told me to help our people. 你说过族人需要我们的保护This is how we help our people! 只有这样才能保护他们Dad? 爸爸What are you doing? 你要干什么?I should've burned those boats a long time ago 我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉No! Don't! 不不要We have to find Maui 我们必须找到毛伊We have to restore the heart. 然后归还特菲提之心There is no heart! 根本没有什么心This..this is just a rock! 这就是一块石头No! 不Chief! 酋长It's your mother! 你母亲不行了Mother. 妈妈What can be done? 现在还能做什么? Go. 快去Grandma. 奶奶Go. 快去Not now. 现在不行I can't 我不能You must! 你必须去 The ocean chose you 大海选择了你Follow the fish hook. - Grandma. 朝着钩状星座的方向走. 奶奶-And when you find Maui 等你找到毛伊You grab him by the ear! 你就揪着他的耳朵You say.. 告诉他I am Moana of Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat! 快上船Sail across the sea! 跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fitil 归还特菲提之心I.. can't leave you. 我离不开您There is no way you could go, 无论你在哪里,that I won't be with you 我都与你同在Go! 快去There's a line where the sky meet the sea and he calls me我听见地平线另- 边在呼唤我But no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes. 能走多远All time wondering where I need to be is behind me曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离I'm on my own 全靠自已Towards unknown! 我往前走Every turn I take. Every rail I track 每一一个转弯每一个路段It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back 都是我选择不能有遗憾From a great unknown. 过去多伟大Where I go alone. Where I long to be. 未来独自闯我渴望那里See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me 她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我And yes, I know. 让我知道That I can go. 能走得到There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行So now I 'll know. 终会知道How far Ill go! 能走多远I am Moana Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat. 快上船Sail across the sea! 我要带你跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I am Moana. 我是莫图鲁尼岛Of Motu.. nui. 的莫阿..娜Hei-hei?! 憨憨?It's okay 别害怕You're alright 没事的See? 看到了吧?There we go. 我们走吧Nice water. 多棒的海水啊The ocean is a friend of mine. 大海是我们的朋友Hei-hei? 憨憨Hei-heil 憨憨Stay! 别动Okay. 好了Next stop 下一站Maui 毛伊I am Moana of Motunui. 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜快上船You will board my boat.我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Maa..of.M.t...快上船Board my boat!不Oh, no!不不No .. no... n..no!不No!大海Ocean?你能帮帮我吗? Can I get a little help?创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX创作者:别如克*糟了No.. no拜托Please.快点儿Come on!救命Help me!救命Please!什么情况What?!我说了我需要帮助I said help me!但你让大浪来袭击我的船? And wrecking my boat?!这也叫帮忙Not helping!就让你被鱼群臭死吧Fish pee in you.. all day!那么So.. ,毛伊? Maui?毛伊Maui!毛伊主宰风和海的半神Maui demigod of the wind and sea我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui!请上船吧You will board my boat!不No!快上船You will board my boat!没错Yeah!我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜Hi, I'm Moana of Motunui快上... - 船-You will board my.. - Boat!这有艘船A boat!老天爷赐给我-艘..The Gods have given me ...毛伊Mau万能的变形者Shape shifter.主宰风和海的半神Demigod of the wind and sea.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜. 男人们的英雄- I am Moana of Mo.. .hero of men 什么?Wha.What?应该说毛伊是万能的变形者 It's actually Maui, shape shifter主率风和海的半神 Demigod of the wind and sea男人们的英雄 Hero of Men不好意思打断你了,从头开始吧人类的英雄 I interupted. From the top.hero of men开始Go!我是莫-等等等等- I am Mo..-Sorry,Sorry,Sorry,Sorry所有人 And women.包括男人和女人所有人才对 Men and women. Both! All这个可不分男女 Not a guy- girl thing你知道的毛伊是所有人的英雄 You know? Maui is a hero to all再来一遍吧 You're doing great什么?What?不我来这儿是.我知道-No! I came here to Of course. of course好吧好吧Yes,yes,yes,yes毛伊对他的祟拜者总是很有耐心的 Maui always has time for his fans.这种用鸟来写字的方式 When you use a bird to write with叫做欧 It's called" tweeting"我明白的英雄可不是想见就能见到的 I know, not every day, you get a chance to meet your hero你可不是我的英雄 You are not my hero!我来这儿也不是为了让你在我的桨上签名 And I'm not here so you can sign my oar我来这是因为你偷走了特菲提之心I'm here because you stole the heart of Te Fiti现在我要你上船And you will board my boat.跟我一-起把它还回去Sail across the sea and put it back!好吧Yeah.听起来你好像不太喜欢我It almost sounded like you don't like me.但这是不可能的因为我已经被困在这里Which is impossible because I Got stuck here一千年了就是为了For a thousand years, trying to get the heart..给你们凡人寻找那颗心As a gift for you, mortals...好让你们拥有创造生命的力量So you could have the power to create life itself所以我猜你原本想说的是Yeah, so what I believe you're trying to say.谢谢-谢谢?-Is thank you. -Thank you?不用谢- 什么?不You're welcome. - What? No, no, no.我没有我不会I.. I didn't .. I wasn't ..我为什么要说谢谢- 好啦好啦~ Why would I ever say.. I mean.. –Okey okey 我知道发生了什么I see what's happening, yeah.面对这伟大的神明很奇妙You're face to face with greatness and it's strange 都不知道该怎么反应You don't even know how you feel.这是很可爱的It's adorable!我发觉人类- -直没有改变Well, it's nice to see that humans never change现在让你开眼界Open your eyes let's begin.要看清楚是我毛伊请冷静Yeg,it's really me,It's Maui. Breathe it in. 我这完美的发型身型I know it's a lot the hair,the body!当你盯着这优质神明When you're staring at a Demigod我只能说一句What can I say?不客气Except you're welcome把汐睛天送你For the tides,the sun,the sky这很简单很容易不客气Hey,it's okay. It is okay. You're welcome.我只是一个普通硬汉子I'm just an ordinary demi-guy,Hey!我用手指把天空托起Hey,what has two thumbs and pulled up the sky当你蹒跚前行有我扶持When you were waddling yay high. This guy!在寒冷夜里When the nights got cold.取暖的火都被偷走Who stole you fire from down below?有我在这里哟You're looking at him,yo!噢是我让太阳升起Oh,also I lasso'd the sun.不客气You're welcome让你多点开心日子To stretch your days and bring you fun.我能把狂风驾驭Also I harnessed the breeze不客气让船航行树叶落地You're welcome,to fill your sails and shake your trees这不过是小意思不客气So what can I say except You're welcome.我让大地从海中耸立For the islands I pulled from the sea.不需要膜拜的意思不客气There's no need to pray, it's okay. You're welcome. 我只是单纯的做我自已I guess it's just my way of being me不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.啊回头想一想Well, come to think of it.我其实可以一-口气的Kid, honestly I can go on and on.把所有大自然的现象都解释I can explain every natural phenomenon.潮汐草地大地The tide, the grass, the ground.都是我毛伊所做的好事Oh.. that was Maui just messing around.我把海鳗狠狠地除掉I killed an eel, I buried is guts.种一颗树让你得到椰子Sprouted a tee, now you got coconuts.明不明白What's the lesson?有没有新启示What is the takeaway.就是当毛伊生气你快点回避Don't mess with Maui when he's on the breakaway你看我皮肤上的印记And the tapestry here in my skin.都是彰显胜利的标志Is a map of the victories I win.我到哪里哪里就出现好事Look where I've been, I make everything过去小气的小毛伊已变好脾气Look at that mean mini Maui just tikitty tappin’还是这句告诉你不客气Well anyway, let me say, You're welcome 我把这世界变美丽For the wonderful world you know.这很简单很容易不客气Hey, it's okay.. it's okay. You're welcome我现在想起来我要出行Well, come to think of it, I gotta go.给你机会说声不客气Hey, it's your day to say You're welcome.我要借用你的船Cause I'm gonna need that boat.要扬帆而去远地不客气I'm sailing away... aw ay. You're welcome.我除了源浮什么都最棒Cause Maui can do everything but float.不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.谢谢你And thank you!放我出去Hey, let me out!你这个中鄙的大骗子You lying, slimy, son of a..不用谢You're welcome.不No!我可不想跟着个小孩去特菲提岛I'm not going to Te Fi with some kid. 我还得找回我的鱼钩I'm gonna get my hook.你有一个但我没有毛伊不能没有鱼钩You have yours. And I'm not好了去我背后安静会儿Okay, talk to the back.旅途小点心Boat snack!再见啦讨厌的石头品Good riddance you filthy pile of pebbles!不Oh,no,no,no.别那样看着我Don't look at me like that.那个山洞挺好的她肯定喜欢It's a beautiful cave, she's gonna love it.而且我会好好And I'm going to love you.享用你的In my belly不过得先让你长点肉Now let's fatten you up, drumstick!真是精彩的- -跳啊I could watch that all day.好了这座岛是你的了Okay, enjoy the island!-毛伊号出发-不Maui, out! - No!;。
海洋奇缘In the beginning...混沌初开之时there was only ocean...世界只有一片汪洋until the Mother Island emerged.直到母亲岛Te Fiti.特菲提出现Her heart held the greatest power ever known. 特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量It could create life itself.能够创造生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world.特菲提创造了世间一切生命But in time...可不久之后some began to seek Te Fiti's heart.有些人开始寻找特菲提之心They believed if they could possess it...他们坚信得到它the great power of creation would be theirs.就能获得创造一切的强大力量And one day...有一天the most daring of them all...这些人中最大胆的一位voyaged across the vast ocean to take it.跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之心He was a demigod of the wind and sea.他是主宰风与海的半神He was a warrior.他是一名勇士A trickster.一位魔术师A shapeshifter who could change form...一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力with the power of his magical fish hook.随意变换形体的变形者And his name...他的名字叫作was Maui.毛伊But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble...但是失去了心之后特菲提开始瓦解giving birth to a terrible darkness.创造出了可怕的黑暗Maui tried to escape...毛伊试图逃走but was confronted by another who sought the heart.但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人Te Ka!特卡A demon of earth and fire.他是土与火的恶魔Maui was struck from the sky...毛伊被从空中击中never to be seen again.从此了无踪迹And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti... 而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心were lost to the sea.一起沉入了大海Where, even now 1,000 years later...即使在一千年之后的今天Te Ka and the demons of the deep特卡和深海的恶魔still hunt for the heart.仍在寻找特菲提之心Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中chasing away our fish...赶跑我们的鱼群draining the life from island after island...侵占一座又一座岛屿until every one of us is devoured...我们所有人都将by the bloodthirsty jaws...被那嗜血的死亡魔爪of inescapable death!吞噬殆尽But one day...但总有一天the heart will be found...会有人找到特菲提之心by someone who will journey beyond our reef...那个人将驶过环礁扬帆远航find Maui...找到毛伊deliver him across the great ocean...带他穿洋过海to restore Te Fiti's heart...归还特菲提之心and save us all.拯救众生Thank you, Mother. That's enough.谢谢母亲讲到这儿就行了Papa.爸爸No one goes outside the reef.谁都不准越过环礁We are safe here. There is no darkness.这里很安全世上没有黑暗势力There are no monsters.也没有什么怪兽Monsters! Monsters!怪兽怪兽- There's no monsters, no monsters.- It's the darkness! -不不没有怪兽 -黑暗势力来了No, there is nothing beyond our reef,but storms and rough seas.不,环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海I'm gonna throw up.我要吐了As long as we stay on our very safe island...只要我们大家都待在这座岛上we'll be fine.就会很安全The legends are true.传说都是真的Someone will have to go.一定有人会扬帆远航的Mother, Motunui is paradise.母亲莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Who would want to go anywhere else?谁还想去别的地方呢Moana!莫阿娜There you are, Moana.总算找到你了莫阿娜What are you doing? You scared me.你在做什么吓坏我了What? I wanna's go back.干嘛我想回去I know, I know. But you don't go out there.我知道但你不能靠近海边It's dangerous.那里很危险Moana, come on.莫阿娜走吧Let's go back to the village.我们回村子去You are the next great chief of our people. 你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长And you will do wondrous things,my little minnow.你会做许多了不起的事我的小宝贝Oh, yes. But first, you must learnwhere you're meant to be.没错但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Moana莫阿娜驾到Make way, make way大伙都让开Moana, it's time you knew莫阿娜你是时候该知晓The village of Motunui is all you need你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够The dancers are practicing舞者们在排练They dance to an ancient song伴着古老的歌曲起舞Who needs a new song, this old one's all we need要新歌干嘛我们只要这首老歌This tradition is our mission继承传统是我们的使命And Moana, there's so much to do莫阿娜还有很多事要做We share everything we make劳动成果人人共享We joke and we weave our baskets有说有笑编织篮子The fishermen come back from the sea渔夫从大海归来I wanna see我想看看Don't walk away别走远Moana, stay on the ground now莫阿娜快快坐下Our people will need a chief族人需要一位酋长And there you are就是你There comes a day终有一天When you're gonna look aroundand realize happiness is当你回首就会明白真正的幸福Where you are就在你的所属之地Consider the coconut瞧瞧这椰子The what? Consider its tree什么瞧瞧这椰树We use each part of the coconut.我们充分利用椰子的每一处It's all we need我们有它已足够We make our nets from the fibers纤维制成鱼网The water is sweet inside椰汁清甜可口We use the leaves to build fireswe cook up the meat inside树叶生火椰肉烹调Consider the coconuts瞧瞧这些椰子The trunks and the leaves这树干和树叶The island gives us what we need小岛给予我们所需*无人离开 **And no one leaves**没错我们留在这里 **That's right, we stay**这里安全又富饶 **We're safe and we're well-provided**未来引导我们之人 **And when we look to the future**就是你 **There you are**不用担心 **You'll be okay**你会学我所学 **In time you'll learn just as I did**你必须在所属之地找到幸福 **You must find happiness right where you are** 我喜欢随海浪起舞伴着潮起潮落**I like to dance with the water the undertowand the waves** 海水十分顽皮但我就喜欢它淘气**The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves**村民们可能觉得我疯了 **The village may think I'm crazy**或者我的思维漂得太远 **Or say that I drift too far** 可一旦你知晓所爱这才是真正的你**But once you know what you like. Well,there you are** 女儿像爸爸顽固又骄傲 **You are your father's daughter stubbornness and pride* * 他的教导自有道理但你的心声也许不同**Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside** 如果你内心轻喃追随最远的那颗星**And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star** 莫阿娜那心声就是真实的你**Moana, that voice inside is who you are*Dad!爸爸I was only looking at the boats.I wasn't gonna get on them.我只是看看那些船没打算登船Come on. There's something I need to show you.来吧我给你看样东西I've wanted to bring you here从你出生起from the moment you opened your eyes.我就一直想带你来这里This is a sacred place.这是个神圣的地方A place of chiefs.酋长之地There will come a time...总有一天when you will stand on this peak你会站在这峰顶and place a stone on this mountain.给这座山添上一块石头Like I did. Like my father did.就像我我的父亲And his father, and every chief that has ever been.他的父亲还有每一代酋长都这么做And on that day...到那一天when you add your stone...等你把你的石头放上去you will raise this whole island higher.你就会让这座小岛变得更高You are the future of our people, Moana.你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜And they are not out there.他们并非远在天边They are right here.而是近在眼前It's time to be who they need you to be.你是时候该成为他们需要的人了* 纤维制成鱼网 **We make our nets from the fibers** 椰汁清凉可口树叶生火**The water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires** 大伙一起歌唱 **We sing these songs in our choirs** 椰肉烹调养活族人 **To cook up the meat inside. We have mouths to feed inside* * 大家都信任我们没错 **The village believes in us. That's right**大家都信任 **The village believes**小岛给予我们所需 **The island gives us what we need**无人离开 **And no one leaves**所以我会留在这里 **So here I'll stay**与我的家人族人一起 **My home, my people beside me**当我展望未来之时 **And when I think of tomorrow**我们相伴 **There we are**我会带领大家 **I'll lead the way**也需要族人指引我 **I'll have my people to guide me**我们会共筑未来 **We'll build our future together**就在此地 **Where we are**因为每条路都会带你回到 **'Cause every path leads ya back to**你的所属之地 **Where you are**你会发现幸福就在 **You can find happiness right**你的所属之地 **Where you are**你的所属之地 **Where you are*And every storm,每次风暴过后this roof leaks, no matter how many fronds I add.无论我铺了多少树叶这屋顶还是漏水Fixed! Not the fronds.搞定不是树叶的问题Wind shifted the post.是风把柱子吹偏了That's good pork!这猪肉真好吃I didn't mean... I wasn't...不是说你我的意思是What? They are calling me. So I gotta--. Bye!什么他们在叫我那我先走了You're doing great.你表现得很好Is it done yet?好了吗So close.就快了I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock.我好奇为什么那只鸡喜欢啄石头He seems to lack the basic intelligence它看起来好像required for pretty much everything.已经完全丧失理智了Should we maybe just cook him?我们能把它给煮了吗Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface有.时我们的优点隐藏在外表之下Far beneath in some cases.某些时候还藏得很深But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye.但憨憨一定有我们看不到的过人之处It's the harvest.这是今天摘的This morning, I was husking the coconuts and...今早我在剥椰子时发现...We should clear the diseased trees我们应该砍掉这些病树and we will start a new grove.然后重新种一片椰子林There.就在那Thanks, Moana.谢谢莫阿娜She's doing great.她做得真棒This suits you.这活很适合你Chief?酋长There's something you need to see.有些东西你得瞧瞧Our traps in the east lagoon...这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓they're pulling up less and less fish.捕到的鱼越来越少了Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds.那我们就换个地方捕鱼We have. There's no fish.我们试过了还是没有鱼Then we'll fish the far side of the island.那我们就去岛的另一面捕鱼We tried.也试过了The windward side.迎风的那边呢And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel.还有背风的那边浅滩海峡We've tried the whole lagoon.整个礁湖我们都试过了They're just gone.到处都没有鱼Have you tried using a different bait?你试过用另一种鱼饵吗I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish.我觉得不是鱼饵的问题完全没有鱼It seems like it's getting worse and worse.而且情况越来越糟Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.当然我理解你的担心不无道理I will talk to the council. I'm sure we...我会和长老们商量我确信... What if we fish beyond the reef?如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢No one goes beyond the reef.谁都不准越过环礁I know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon...我明白但如果礁湖里面没有鱼群Moana. - And there's a whole ocean.-莫阿娜 -而海洋那么大 -We have one rule.我们要遵守规矩An old rule, when there were fish.那是有鱼可捕时的旧规矩A rule that keeps us safe... - But Dad... -遵守规矩我们才安全 -可是爸爸 -Instead of endangering our people不准你为了能再次靠近大海so you can run right back to the water.而使我们的族人身陷危险Every time I think you're past this...我还以为你早放弃了那个念头... No one goes beyond the reef!谁都不能越过环礁Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad你不该当着你爸爸的面Standing on a boat.提出海的事情I didn't say go beyond the reef.'我说的是出海捕鱼Because I want to be on the ocean.;又不是要去冒险But you sill do,但你还是想去He's hard on you, Because Because he doesn't get me.你爸爸生你的气是因为 -是因为他不懂我 -Because he was you.是因为他也曾跟你一样Drawn to the ocean.对大海着迷Down by the shore.想去海上He took a canoe, Moana.!莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He crossed the reef.绕过那片礁石And found an unfogiving sea.驶入了-片危险的海或Waves like mountains.哪里的浪像山-样高His best friend beged to be on that他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海Your dad couldn't save him.但你爸爸没能教回他He's hoping he can save you.现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙Sometimes, who we wish we were有时候我们总想首What we wish we could do要做些大事It's just not meant to be.却忘了该做些什么I've been staring at the edge of the water.我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋Long as I can remember. I没有尽头的彼方Never rally knowing why.却不明白为什么I wish I could be the perfect daugher.也许你希望我听你的话But I come back to the water.我也曾经努力的尝试No matter how hard I try.我还是回到这海洋Every tum I take, every trail I track.每一个转弯每一个路段Every path I make, every road leads back.每一次选择每一.次失望To the place I know where I cannot go.不怕多困难那熟悉的地方Where I long to be.是我的渴望See the line where the sky meets the sea?! 我听到地平线的那 - -边It calls me.呼唤我And no one knows.谁会知道How far it goes能走多远f the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind乘着风迎着浪扬着帆me One dav I' ll know终会知道If I go theres just no telling how far Til go我要走的路不管有多远也好1 know everybody on this虽然在这海岛每一个人island seems so happy. on this island仿佛开心没有忧愁Everything is by design所有事都被安排1 know everybody on this虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任island has a role. on this islandSo maybe I can roll with mine.也许我有自己主张1 can lead with pride. I can make us strong我可以带领让你们坚强I'li be satisfied if I play along.也可以妥协不再有期望But the voice inside sines a different song我心中想起另一个声音What is wrong with me?我不能自己See the light as it shines on the sea?那海岸在闪烁很耀眼Its binding的光芒But no one knows谁会知道How deep it goes.海有多深And it seems like its calling out to me仿佛它在等待我的回应So come find me我在这里An let me know.请告诉我What's beyond that line, wil I cross that line?我应该期待什么是未来See the line where the sky meets the sea在那地平线的另一边It calls me呼我And no one knows谁会知道How far it goes能走多远1 f te wind in Iuy sail on the sea stays乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行One day TT1know.总会知道How far I 'll go能走多远Okay,Pua别担心胖胖1 can do this相信我There's more fish beyond the reet.出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more beyond the reef我相信肯定能的Not so had没那么嘛Pua!胖胖Whatever just happened.不管发生了什么事Blame it on the pig就说是胖胖干的Grandma奶奶Are you gonna tell dad.你会告诉爸爸吗?I m his mon我是他妈I don't have to tell him anything.不用事事都跟他汇报He was right.他说得对About going out there海上很危险It' s time to put my stone on the mountain.我也应该接任酋长了Okay好呀Well then head on back那就回村子去Put that stone up there.把你的石头放上去Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it?你为什么不劝阻我呢You said that's what you wanted.你说了那是你想做的事It is.没错呀When I die.等我死了I'm going to come back as one of these.我想要变成一条黄貂鱼Or I chose the wrong tatoo.不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Why you're acting weird?你今天怎么怪怪的 ?I'm the village crazy, lady.我是村里的怪奶奶啊That's my job.这才是我嘛If there's something you want to tell me.如果你有什么话想跟我说Just tell me.就直说吧Is there something you want to tell me?您有什么话想跟我说吗 ? Is there something you want to hear?你想听我说什么啊 ? You've been told all our people stories.我们族人的故事你都已经听过了But one.可这个除外What is this place?这是哪儿啊 ?Do you really think our ancestors stayed with the reef?你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗 ? What's in there?里面有什么呢 ?The answer.有你To the question you keep asking yourself.一直在苦苦寻找的答案Who are you meant to be你想要做什么样的人Go inside.走进去Bang the drum.敲敲鼓And find out.你就能找到答案Bang the drum.对了敲敲We read the wind and sky.看太阳高高在上When the sun is high.风吹散云彩We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze我们在大海航行迎着风前进At night we name every star. We know where we are 在夜里数每颗星能找到方向We know who we are.知道我是谁Who we are.我是谁We set a course to find.定好了目的地A brand new island everywhere we roam.每一次出行找寻新天地We keep our island in our mind.家乡的模样放心里And when it's time to find home.时间到了就回家We know the way..千山万水We are explorers reading every sign.我们去探索每一个符号We tell the stories of our elders.这里有我们的祖先In a never ending chain.古老的故事与传承Naeko hakilia. We know the way!千山万水We were voyagers.我们是航海者We were voyagers!我们是航海者Why'd we stop?后来发生了什么 ? Maui是毛伊When he stole from the Mother Island.在他偷走了特菲提之心后Darkness fell.黑暗降临到了人间Te Ka awoke.恶卡苏醒了Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back.海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船To protect our people, the ancient chief为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令Forbid voyaging.禁止航海And now we have forgotten who we are于是人们渐渐忘记了自已是航海者的后代And the darkness has continued to spread.然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩张Chasing away our fish.他们赶走了我们的鱼群Draining the life霸占了From island after island.一座又一座海岛Our island我们的岛But one day但是终有一天Someone will journey beyond our reef有人会重新扬帆起航Find Maui找到毛伊Deliver him across the great ocean.并带他跨越整片大海To restore the heart of Te Fiti归还特菲提之心I was there that day.那天我都看到了你The ocean chose you!大海选择了你1 thought it was a dream.我还以为那只是个梦Nope!不是梦Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there.我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里At the bottom of his hook.在钩形星座的尽头Follow it, and you will find him.朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊But..但是Why would it choose me?大海为什么会选中我呢 ?I don't even know how to make it pass the reef我连怎么驾船出海都不会But I know who docs.但我知道谁能教我The crops are turning black!庄稼都变黑了What about the fish?那鱼呢 ?This is happening all over the island. Please Please现在整座岛都是这样 . 安静Settle down! - What are you going to do请安静 - 我们该怎么办 ? -We will dig new fields..我们会开皇更多田地- We will find a way toWe can stop the darkness找到解决方法的 . 我们能战胜黑暗势力Save our island!拯救我们的小岛There's a cavern boats!我发现一个山洞里有船Huge canoes!很大的船We can take them, find Maui我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊Make him restore the heart让他归还特菲提之心We were voyagers.我们是航海者We can voyage again!我们应该重新出海You told me to help our people.你说过族人需要我们的保护This is how we help our people!只有这样才能保护他们Dad?爸爸What are you doing?你要干什么 ?I should've burned those boats a long time ago我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉No! Don't!不不要We have to find Maui我们必须找到毛伊We have to restore the heart.然后归还特菲提之心There is no heart!根本没有什么心This..this is just a rock!这就是一块石头No!不Chief!酋长It's your mother!你母亲不行了Mother.妈妈What can be done?现在还能做什么 ? Go.快去Grandma.奶奶Go.快去Not now.现在不行I can't我不能You must!你必须去The ocean chose you大海选择了你Follow the fish hook. - Grandma.朝着钩状星座的方向走 . 奶奶 -And when you find Maui等你找到毛伊You grab him by the ear!你就揪着他的耳朵You say..告诉他I am Moana of Motunui我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat!快上船Sail across the sea!跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fitil归还特菲提之心I.. can't leave you.我离不开您There is no way you could go,无论你在哪里, that I won't be with you我都与你同在Go!快去There's a line where the sky meet the sea and he calls me我听见地平线另 - 边在呼唤我But no one knows.谁会知道How far it goes.能走多远All time wondering where I need to be is behind me曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离I'm on my own全靠自已Towards unknown!我往前走Every turn I take. Every rail I track每一一个转弯每一个路段It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back都是我选择不能有遗憾From a great unknown.过去多伟大Where I go alone. Where I long to be.未来独自闯我渴望那里See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我And yes, I know.让我知道That I can go.能走得到There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行So now I 'll know.终会知道How far Ill go!能走多远I am Moana Motunui我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat.快上船Sail across the sea!我要带你跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fiti归还特菲提之心I am Moana.我是莫图鲁尼岛Of Motu.. nui.的莫阿..娜Hei-hei?!憨憨?It's okay别害怕You're alright没事的See?看到了吧 ?There we go.我们走吧Nice water.多棒的海水啊The ocean is a friend of mine.大海是我们的朋友Hei-hei?憨憨Hei-heil憨憨Stay!别动Okay.好了Next stop下一站Maui毛伊I am Moana of Motunui.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜快上船 You will board my boat.我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Maa..of.M.t...快上船 Board my boat!不 Oh, no!不不 No .. no... n..no!不 No!大海 Ocean?你能帮帮我吗 ? Can I get a little help?糟了 No.. no拜托 Please.快点儿 Come on!救命 Help me!救命 Please!什么情况 What?!我说了我需要帮助I said help me!但你让大浪来袭击我的船? And wrecking my boat?!这也叫帮忙 Not helping!就让你被鱼群臭死吧Fish pee in you.. all day!那么 So.. ,毛伊 ? Maui?毛伊 Maui!毛伊主宰风和海的半神 Maui demigod of the wind and sea我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜 I am Moana of Motunui! 请上船吧You will board my boat!不 No!快上船 You will board my boat!没错 Yeah!我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜 Hi, I'm Moana of Motunui快上 ... - 船 -You will board my.. - Boat!这有艘船 A boat!老天爷赐给我 -艘..The Gods have given me ...毛伊 Mau万能的变形者 Shape shifter.主宰风和海的半神Demigod of the wind and sea.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜 . 男人们的英雄 - I am Moana of Mo.. .hero of men 什么 ?Wha.What?应该说毛伊是万能的变形者It's actually Maui, shape shifter主率风和海的半神Demigod of the wind and sea男人们的英雄 Hero of Men不好意思打断你了 ,从头开始吧人类的英雄I interupted. From the top.hero of men开始 Go!我是莫 -等等等等 - I am Mo..-Sorry ,Sorry, Sorry,Sorry所有人 And women.包括男人和女人所有人才对 Men and women. Both! All这个可不分男女 Not a guy- girl thing你知道的毛伊是所有人的英雄 You know? Maui is a hero to all再来一遍吧 You' re doing great 什么 ?What?不我来这儿是 .我知道 -No! I came here to Of course. of course好吧好吧 Yes,yes,yes,yes毛伊对他的祟拜者总是很有耐心的Maui always has time for his fans.这种用鸟来写字的方式When you use a bird to write with叫做欧 It' s called" tweeting"我明白的英雄可不是想见就能见到的I know , not every day, you get a chance to meet your hero你可不是我的英雄You are not my hero!我来这儿也不是为了让你在我的桨上签名And I 'm not here so you can sign my oar我来这是因为你偷走了特菲提之心 I'm here because you stole the heart of Te Fiti现在我要你上船 And you will board my boat.跟我一 -起把它还回去Sail across the sea and put it back!好吧 Yeah.听起来你好像不太喜欢我It almost sounded like you don't like me.但这是不可能的因为我已经被困在这里 Which is impossible because I Got stuck here一千年了就是为了For a thousand years, trying to get the heart..给你们凡人寻找那颗心As a gift for you, mortals...好让你们拥有创造生命的力量So you could have the power to create life itself 所以我猜你原本想说的是 Yeah, so what I believe you're trying to say.谢谢 -谢谢 ?-Is thank you. -Thank you?不用谢 - 什么 ?不 You're welcome. - What? No, no, no.我没有我不会 I.. I didn't .. I wasn't ..我为什么要说谢谢 - 好啦好啦 ~ Why would I ever say.. I mean..–Okey okey 我知道发生了什么 I see what's happening, yeah.面对这伟大的神明很奇妙 You're face to face with greatness and it's strange 都不知道该怎么反应 You don't even know how you feel.这是很可爱的 It's adorable!我发觉人类 - -直没有改变 Well, it's nice to see that humans never change现在让你开眼界 Open your eyes let's begin.要看清楚是我毛伊请冷静Yeg, it 's really me, It 's Maui. Breathe it in.我这完美的发型身型 I know it 's a lot the hair, the body!当你盯着这优质神明 When you're staring at a Demigod 我只能说一句 What can I say? 不客气 Except you'rewelcome把汐睛天送你For the tides, the sun, the sky这很简单很容易不客气Hey, it 's okay. It is okay. You' re welcome.我只是一个普通硬汉子I' m just an ordinary demi-guy, Hey!我用手指把天空托起 Hey, what has two thumbs and pulled up the sky当你蹒跚前行有我扶持 When you were waddling yay high. This guy! 在寒冷夜里 When the nights got cold.取暖的火都被偷走Who stole you fire from down below?有我在这里哟You're looking at him, yo!噢是我让太阳升起Oh, also I lasso' d the sun.不客气You're welcome让你多点开心日子To stretch your days and bring you fun.我能把狂风驾驭Also I harnessed the breeze不客气让船航行树叶落地 You're welcome, to fill your sails and shake your trees 这不过是小意思不客气 So what can I say except You're welcome. 我让大地从海中耸立 For the islands I pulled from the sea.不需要膜拜的意思不客气There's no need to pray, it's okay. You're welcome.我只是单纯的做我自已I guess it's just my way of being me不客气 You're welcome.不客气 You're welcome.啊回头想一想 Well, come to think of it.我其实可以一 -口气的 Kid, honestly I can go on and on.把所有大自然的现象都解释I can explain every natural phenomenon.潮汐草地大地 The tide, the grass, the ground.都是我毛伊所做的好事Oh.. that was Maui just messing around我.把海鳗狠狠地除掉 I killed an eel, I buried is guts.种一颗树让你得到椰子Sprouted a tee, now you got coconuts.明不明白 What's the lesson?有没有新启示 What is the takeaway.就是当毛伊生气你快点回避 Don't mess with Maui when he's on the breakaway你看我皮肤上的印记 And the tapestry here in my skin. 都是彰显胜利的标志 Is a map of the victories I win.我到哪里哪里就出现好事Look where I've been, I make everything过去小气的小毛伊已变好脾气 Look at that mean mini Maui just tikitty tappin ’还是这句告诉你不客气 Well anyway, let me say, You're welcome我把这世界变美丽For the wonderful world you know.这很简单很容易不客气 Hey, it's okay.. it's okay. You're welcome我现在想起来我要出行 Well, come to think of it, I gotta go.给你机会说声不客气Hey, it's your day to say You're welcome.我要借用你的船Cause I'm gonna need that boat.要扬帆而去远地不客气I'm sailing away... aw ay. You're welcome.我除了源浮什么都最棒Cause Maui can do everything but float.不客气 You're welcome.不客气 You're welcome.谢谢你 And thank you!放我出去 Hey, let me out!你这个中鄙的大骗子You lying, slimy, son of a..不用谢 You're welcome.不 No!我可不想跟着个小孩去特菲提岛I'm not going to Te Fi with some kid.我还得找回我的鱼钩I'm gonna get my hook.你有一个但我没有毛伊不能没有鱼钩 You have yours. And I'm not好了去我背后安静会儿 Okay, talk to the back. 旅途小点心 Boat snack!再见啦讨厌的石头品Good riddance you filthy pile of pebbles!不 Oh,no,no,no.别那样看着我 Don't look at me like that.那个山洞挺好的她肯定喜欢It's a beautiful cave, she's gonna love it.而且我会好好 And I'm going to love you.享用你的 In my belly不过得先让你长点肉Now let's fatten you up, drumstick!真是精彩的 - -跳啊 I could watch that all day.好了这座岛是你的了Okay, enjoy the island!-毛伊号出发 -不 Maui, out! - No!;停下 Stop!; 你必须把那颗心还回去Hey! You have to put back the heart!。
混沌初开时In the beginning.世界只是一片汪洋There was only ocean.0,0:01:00.10,0:01:03.95然后海岛之母特菲提来到了Until the "Mother Island" emerged.0,0:01:04.28,0:01:05.62人间Te Fiti.0,0:01:06.67,0:01:10.38特菲提之心有着世间最伟大的法力Her heart held the greatest power ever known.0,0:01:10.71,0:01:13.28它能够创造生命It could create life itself!0,0:01:13.85,0:01:17.55于是特菲提创造了人间的一切And Te Fiti share it with the world.0,0:01:20.48,0:01:24.61可是后来有人想要得到特菲提之心But in time, some began to seek Te Fiti's heart.0,0:01:25.06,0:01:27.13他们相信只要得到了它They believed if they could possess it.0,0:01:27.23,0:01:30.40也就有了创造万物的法力The great power of creation would be theirs. 0,0:01:31.04,0:01:32.77有一天And one day...0,0:01:33.70,0:01:36.55这些人中最勇敢的一位The most daring of them all...0,0:01:36.71,0:01:40.75飘洋过海去寻找这颗心V oyaged across the vast ocean to take it.0,0:01:42.51,0:01:46.15他是个主宰风和海的半神He was the demigod of the wind and sea.0,0:01:48.59,0:01:50.10他是个勇士He was a warrior ...0,0:01:51.50,0:01:52.86也是个变形者A trickster!0,0:01:55.23,0:01:58.03他那充满魔力的鱼钩法杖A shape shifter who could change form.0,0:01:58.13,0:02:01.10能让他变化无穷With the power of his magical fish hook.0,0:02:03.11,0:02:07.25他的名字叫毛伊And his name was Maui!0,0:02:17.16,0:02:18.82她的心被偷走了以后But without her heart.0,0:02:19.21,0:02:21.09特菲提开始瓦解Te Fiti began to crumble.0,0:02:21.39,0:02:24.54并释放出了可怕的黑暗势力Giving birth to a terrible darkness.0,0:02:42.99,0:02:44.80在逃跑的路上Maui tried to escape.0,0:02:45.13,0:02:48.34毛伊遇到了火恶魔恶卡But was confronted by another, who sought the heart.0,0:02:51.09,0:02:55.42恶卡也在谋求特菲提之心Te Ka! A demon of Earth and Fire.0,0:03:03.45,0:03:06.14毛伊被从天空击落Maui was struck from the sky!0,0:03:07.50,0:03:09.31从此了无踪迹Never to be seen again.0,0:03:10.50,0:03:12.43他那神奇的鱼钩法杖And his magical fish hook ...0,0:03:12.62,0:03:18.10和特菲提之心一起沉入了大海And the heart of Te Fiti, were lost to the sea.0,0:03:18.89,0:03:22.47即使在一千年后的今天Where even now, a thousand years later.0,0:03:22.68,0:03:27.42恶卡和海里的恶魔依然妄图找到那颗心Te Ka and the demons of the deep still hunt for the heart.0,0:03:27.96,0:03:31.82那些隐藏的黑暗势力仍在四处流窜Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...0,0:03:32.10,0:03:34.19赶走了我们的鱼群Chasing away our fish!0,0:03:34.41,0:03:37.80霸占了一座又一座的海岛Draining the life from island after island!0,0:03:37.90,0:03:39.97迟早有一天Until every one of us.0,0:03:40.17,0:03:44.19我们大家都难逃他们的魔爪Is devoured by the blood-thirsty jaws.0,0:03:44.26,0:03:47.13注定要被他们吃掉Of inescapable death!0,0:03:52.42,0:03:53.72但在那之前But one day...0,0:03:53.93,0:03:55.87会有人把那颗心找回来The heart will be found.0,0:03:56.22,0:03:59.26他将扬帆起航By someone who would journey beyond our reef.0,0:03:59.42,0:04:00.71找到毛伊Find Maui.0,0:04:00.82,0:04:02.94带他跨越整个大海Deliver him across the great ocean...0,0:04:03.20,0:04:05.32归还特菲提之心To restore Te Fiti's heart.0,0:04:05.55,0:04:07.16拯救全人类And save us all.0,0:04:08.25,0:04:09.76好了好了谢谢你妈妈Thank you mother, that's enough.0,0:04:09.88,0:04:10.68爸爸Papa...0,0:04:10.78,0:04:12.87放心谁都不可能离开这的No one goes outside the reef.0,0:04:13.07,0:04:14.33这里非常安全We are safe here!0,0:04:14.74,0:04:17.96这没有黑暗势力这没什么怪兽There is no darkness. There are no monsters.0,0:04:21.26,0:04:22.97- 怪兽!怪兽!- 没有怪兽没有怪兽- Monster! Monster! Monster! - There's no monster... no monsters!0,0:04:23.04,0:04:24.54是黑暗势力It's the darkness!0,0:04:24.92,0:04:27.55什么也没有岛外面只有暴风雨No, there is nothing beyond our reef but storms!0,0:04:27.63,0:04:29.61- 和汹涌的大海- 我要吐了- And rough seas! - I gotta throw up! 0,0:04:29.96,0:04:32.60只要我们大家都待在岛上As long as we stay on our very safe island. 0,0:04:32.78,0:04:33.67就会没事的We'll be fine!0,0:04:33.81,0:04:35.16传说的都是真的The legends are true.0,0:04:35.31,0:04:37.01总得有人去冒险Someone will have to go!0,0:04:37.16,0:04:37.71妈妈Mother...0,0:04:38.00,0:04:39.86莫图鲁尼就是天堂Motunui is paradise!0,0:04:40.07,0:04:41.90谁会愿意离开这?Who would want to go anywhere else?0,0:07:01.90,0:07:02.73莫阿娜Moana!0,0:07:18.28,0:07:21.24你在这干什么莫阿娜真把我吓坏了There you are Moana, what are you doing? You scared me!0,0:07:21.31,0:07:22.69我真想回去那But I want us to go back.0,0:07:22.80,0:07:23.75我知道知道I know, I know...0,0:07:24.14,0:07:25.69以后不要再到海边去了But you don't go out there.0,0:07:26.47,0:07:27.46那里很危险It's dangerous.0,0:07:29.50,0:07:31.00莫阿娜来啊Moana, come on...0,0:07:31.91,0:07:33.12回村子去Let's go back to the village.0,0:07:35.21,0:07:37.91你早晚也会成为一位伟大的酋长You are the next great chief of our people.0,0:07:38.00,0:07:40.94你还会做很多伟大的事我的小宝贝And you do wonderous things, my little Minnow.0,0:07:41.03,0:07:42.37没错不过Oh yes, but first...0,0:07:42.57,0:07:45.39你首先要知道自己是属于哪的You must learn where you're meant to be. 0,0:07:57.69,0:07:58.72她来了Moana...0,0:07:59.64,0:08:01.91大家让开Make way... Make way.0,0:08:02.24,0:08:03.96莫阿娜你明白吗Moana, it's time you knew.0,0:08:04.31,0:08:08.03这地方什么都有物资充裕The village of Motunui is all you need.0,0:08:08.43,0:08:10.13我们舞伴在练习The dancers are practicing0,0:08:10.37,0:08:12.34随着古老的舞曲They dance to an ancient song.0,0:08:12.45,0:08:15.72古老的旋律比新的歌动听Who needs a new song? This old one's all we need0,0:08:15.77,0:08:17.78保护传统是我的使命This tradition is our mission.0,0:08:17.83,0:08:20.21这担子责任不轻And Moana there's so much to do.0,0:08:20.58,0:08:24.32不要被树根绊倒路上小心Don't trip on the taro root. That's all you need.0,0:08:24.57,0:08:26.28分享所有的东西We share everything we make.0,0:08:26.74,0:08:28.57有说有笑做个工具We joke and we weave our baskets.0,0:08:28.77,0:08:31.12捕鱼的船渐渐靠近The fishermen come back from the sea.0,0:08:31.16,0:08:34.39- 它在那里- 不要走失- I wanna see. - Don't walk away.0,0:08:34.81,0:08:36.79莫阿娜你不要忘记Moana stay on the ground now.0,0:08:36.90,0:08:40.77我们未来伟大领袖就是你Our people will need a chief and there you are...0,0:08:40.88,0:08:42.47到那一天There comes a day.0,0:08:43.00,0:08:44.79没人陪伴在你身边When you're gonna look around.0,0:08:45.00,0:08:49.01你就会明白最快乐的是你家And realize happiness is where you are. 0,0:08:49.09,0:08:50.71你看看这些椰子Consider the coconut!0,0:08:51.22,0:08:53.18这一片树林Consider it's tree...0,0:08:53.21,0:08:54.67椰子的每一个部分We use each part of the coconut.0,0:08:54.68,0:08:56.88都有价值That's all we need.0,0:08:57.15,0:08:59.31椰子壳可以做鱼网We make our nets from the fibers.0,0:08:59.34,0:09:01.20椰汁可口又清凉The water is sweet inside.0,0:09:01.37,0:09:03.26椰子树干能把火生We use the leaves to build fires.0,0:09:03.30,0:09:05.06叶子能够做好菜We cook up the meat inside.0,0:09:05.35,0:09:07.05你看看这些椰子Consider the coconuts!0,0:09:07.25,0:09:09.47树干和叶子多的是The trunks and the leaves!0,0:09:09.48,0:09:11.93这小岛给我们所需The island gives us what we need.0,0:09:11.94,0:09:15.05- 不要离去- 就在这里- And no one leaves. - That's right we stay. 0,0:09:15.48,0:09:17.50安全又有丰厚物资We're safe and we're well provided.0,0:09:17.62,0:09:19.45带领我们美好未来And when we look to the future...0,0:09:19.50,0:09:21.61全靠你There you are.0,0:09:21.65,0:09:23.32直到一天You'll be okay.0,0:09:23.63,0:09:25.66你会了解人生意义In time you'll learn just as I did.0,0:09:25.83,0:09:30.94人生的快乐在你的家You must find happiness right where you are!0,0:09:35.99,0:09:38.00我爱随着海浪舞蹈I like to dance with the water.0,0:09:38.16,0:09:40.06高高低低的浪花The undertow and the waves.0,0:09:40.21,0:09:41.99那海水非常顽皮The water is mischievous, ha!0,0:09:42.34,0:09:44.02它脾气没法估计I like how it misbehaves.0,0:09:44.37,0:09:46.48他们都说我太疯狂The village may think I'm crazy.0,0:09:46.53,0:09:48.29也说我不守故址Or say that I drift too far.0,0:09:48.64,0:09:53.48但我很了解自己我有追寻But once you know what you like. Well, there you are.0,0:09:55.12,0:09:56.93有其父必有其女You are your father's daughter.0,0:09:57.48,0:09:59.11我自己注意Stubbornness and pride.0,0:09:59.23,0:10:01.38他的教导虽有道理Mind what he says, but remember.0,0:10:01.58,0:10:03.45你要听从你的心You may hear a voice inside..0,0:10:03.60,0:10:07.78到那时它会呼唤你去追寻那颗星星And if the voice starts to whisper To follow the farthest star0,0:10:07.94,0:10:11.45会明白哪个才是真正的你Moana, that voice inside is who you are0,0:10:15.54,0:10:16.17爸爸Dad!0,0:10:16.69,0:10:18.22我只是在看看那些船I was only looking at the boats.0,0:10:18.34,0:10:19.97我没打算要上去I wasn't gonna get on them.0,0:10:23.94,0:10:24.57来吧Come on.0,0:10:24.97,0:10:26.67跟我一起去个地方There's something I need to show you.0,0:10:29.28,0:10:32.69从你出生时起我就一直想带你来这的I've wanted to bring you here from the moment you opened your eyes.0,0:10:33.63,0:10:35.30这里是个神圣的地方This is a sacred place.0,0:10:35.90,0:10:37.22每代酋长都来过A place of Chiefs.0,0:10:37.86,0:10:39.21总有一天There will come a time0,0:10:39.67,0:10:42.19你也会站在这里给这座山When you will stand on this peak and place... 0,0:10:42.53,0:10:44.41添上一块石头的A stone on this mountain.0,0:10:44.85,0:10:45.75像我一样Like I did.0,0:10:46.10,0:10:47.32我的父亲Like my father did.0,0:10:47.67,0:10:51.03他的父亲每一代酋长都这样做And his father and every chief that has ever been.0,0:10:52.20,0:10:53.39你要知道And on that day...0,0:10:53.81,0:10:55.80当你把石头放上去的时候When you're at your stone.0,0:10:56.28,0:10:59.39这整座岛又会变得高一点You will raise this whole island higher.0,0:11:00.28,0:11:02.38你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜You are the future of our people, Moana. 0,0:11:02.99,0:11:04.68他们不在别的地方And they are not out there.0,0:11:05.77,0:11:07.63就在我们这里There are right here.0,0:11:08.82,0:11:11.32是该你为他们做事的时候了It's time to be who they need you to be. 0,0:11:13.65,0:11:15.54- 椰子可以做捕鱼网- 可以做捕鱼网- We make our nets from the fibers. - We weave our nets from the fibers0,0:11:15.60,0:11:17.48- 椰汁又清凉- 里面有甜蜜椰汁- The water is sweet inside. - The real taste of tree's inside.0,0:11:17.51,0:11:19.48- 我们用叶子把火生- 我们一起来把歌唱- We use the leaves to build fires. - We sing these songs in our choirs.0,0:11:19.77,0:11:21.54- 能够做好菜- 一天忙碌生活- And cook up the meat inside. - We have mouths to feed inside.0,0:11:21.76,0:11:23.85- 村民都相信我们- 对啊- The village believe in us. - That's right! 0,0:11:23.93,0:11:25.85村民都相信The village believe!0,0:11:25.91,0:11:28.14这小岛给我们所需The island gives us what we need.0,0:11:28.16,0:11:31.56不用离去就在这里And no one leaves! So here I'll stay.0,0:11:31.97,0:11:33.78与我们的家人在一起My home, my people beside me.0,0:11:33.99,0:11:35.84我的未来就在这里And when I think of tomorrow.0,0:11:35.86,0:11:38.08我的家There we are.0,0:11:38.11,0:11:39.64我的带领I lead the way.0,0:11:40.02,0:11:41.99也需要你们的指引I'll have my people to guide me.0,0:11:42.24,0:11:44.13一起把未来去建立We'll build our future together.0,0:11:44.16,0:11:46.11我的家Where we are.0,0:11:46.13,0:11:48.05每一条路的终点都是'Cause every path leads you back to.0,0:11:48.09,0:11:50.29我的家Where you are.0,0:11:50.33,0:11:53.87- 在这里最快乐的是- 我的家- You can find happiness right... - Where you are0,0:11:54.01,0:11:57.46我的家Where you are....0,0:12:01.19,0:12:04.52尽管我加盖了很多树叶可每次下雨还是会漏水Every storm, this roof leaks no matter how many fronds I add.0,0:12:04.56,0:12:05.27修好了Fixed!0,0:12:05.39,0:12:06.75不是叶子的问题Knot the fronds!0,0:12:09.26,0:12:10.84是风把柱子吹偏了Wind shifted the post.0,0:12:12.26,0:12:13.43这猪肉真不错That's good pork!0,0:12:16.24,0:12:17.54不是说你Oh, I mean...0,0:12:17.74,0:12:18.42我的意思是No, I wasn't ...0,0:12:18.79,0:12:21.32什么?他们在叫我我得走了What? They're calling me! So I gotta... 0,0:12:21.87,0:12:22.38拜拜Bye!0,0:12:25.48,0:12:26.81你真棒You're doing great.0,0:12:26.86,0:12:28.11还没结束吗?Is it done yet?0,0:12:30.37,0:12:31.54就快结束了So close.0,0:12:46.26,0:12:48.16我很好奇为什么那只鸡I'm curious about that chicken.0,0:12:48.28,0:12:49.47喜欢吃石头Eating the rock!0,0:12:49.50,0:12:52.79它看起来好像已经完全I think he seems to lack the basic intelligence required for0,0:12:52.85,0:12:54.59丧失理智了Pretty much everything.0,0:12:54.92,0:12:56.27也许我们应该Should we maybe just...0,0:12:56.58,0:12:57.58拿它做盘菜?Cook him?0,0:12:58.84,0:13:01.59有时候我们需要透过现象看本质Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface0,0:13:03.68,0:13:04.59不过不一定Far beneath0,0:13:04.73,0:13:06.12能看得到In some cases.0,0:13:06.32,0:13:09.33但我相信它肯定不会像看上去那么傻But I'm sure there's more to Hei-hei than meets the eye!0,0:13:16.67,0:13:17.76这是今天摘的It's the harvest.0,0:13:18.13,0:13:21.30早上我在剥椰子的时候This morning,I was husking the coconuts and... 0,0:13:28.10,0:13:29.10那么...Well...0,0:13:29.22,0:13:34.14我们应该砍掉这些病树we should clear the diseased treesand we will start a new grove.0,0:13:34.64,0:13:35.15就在那儿There!0,0:13:37.83,0:13:38.74谢谢莫阿娜Thanks, Moana.0,0:13:39.12,0:13:40.61她可真棒She's doing great!0,0:13:45.27,0:13:46.47这很适合你This suits you.0,0:13:46.74,0:13:47.33酋长Chief!0,0:13:48.83,0:13:50.23我相信你应该看看这个There's something you need to see.0,0:13:51.24,0:13:52.79这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓Our traps in the east lagoon.0,0:13:53.08,0:13:54.77最近能捕到的鱼越来越少了They're pulling out less and less fish.0,0:13:55.45,0:13:57.91那就换个地方试试Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds.0,0:13:58.36,0:13:59.98试过了还是没有鱼We have. There's no fish.0,0:14:01.49,0:14:03.66那就去岛的那一边试试Then we'll fish the far side of the island.0,0:14:03.68,0:14:04.48也试过了We tried.0,0:14:05.03,0:14:06.24迎风的那边?The windward side?0,0:14:06.26,0:14:07.44还有背风的那边And the leeward side.0,0:14:07.52,0:14:08.75浅礁沟渠The shallows, the channel.0,0:14:09.00,0:14:10.62整个礁湖我们都试过了We've tried the whole lagoon!0,0:14:11.16,0:14:12.90就是找不到鱼They're just... gone.0,0:14:13.66,0:14:15.42好吧你们有没有试过换换鱼饵呢?Well, have you tried using a different bait?0,0:14:15.55,0:14:17.05我觉得不是鱼饵的问题I don't think it's the bait.0,0:14:18.35,0:14:20.35情况好像越来越糟了It seems like it's getting worse and worse.0,0:14:20.45,0:14:22.75当然我能理解你在担心什么Of course I understand you have reason to concern.0,0:14:23.87,0:14:25.40我会和长老们商量的I will talk to the counselor.0,0:14:25.42,0:14:26.78- 我们一定会... - 我们...- I'm sure we ca... - What if...0,0:14:26.98,0:14:28.39为什么不能出海捕鱼We fished beyond the reef.0,0:14:30.30,0:14:32.17从来没有人出过海No one goes beyond the reef.0,0:14:32.29,0:14:34.97我知道但如果礁湖里真的没有鱼了I know! But if there are no fish in the lagoon...0,0:14:35.07,0:14:36.73- 莫阿娜- 还有那么大一片海呢- Moana! - And there's a whole ocean...0,0:14:36.75,0:14:38.35我们要遵守规则We have one rule!0,0:14:38.36,0:14:40.04可那是有鱼的时候制定的规则An old rule when there were fish!0,0:14:40.04,0:14:41.76它能确保我们的安全A rule that keeps us safe!0,0:14:41.79,0:14:43.80- 可是爸爸- 而不是像你说的那样- But dad... - Instead of endangering our people0,0:14:43.81,0:14:45.66让大家以身犯险So you can run right back to the water!0,0:14:52.97,0:14:55.67我还以为你放弃了离岛的念头Every time, I think you're past this.0,0:14:58.08,0:15:00.08所有人都不许离开这座岛No one goes beyond the reef!0,0:15:06.98,0:15:09.40你不该当着你爸爸的面Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad 0,0:15:10.82,0:15:11.95提出海的事情Standing on a boat.0,0:15:12.78,0:15:15.15我说的是出海捕鱼I didn't say go beyond the reef.0,0:15:15.16,0:15:17.27又不是要去冒险Because I want to be on the ocean.0,0:15:17.30,0:15:18.85但你还是想去But you still do.0,0:15:20.81,0:15:23.17- 你爸爸生你的气是因为- 是因为他不懂我- He's hard on you, because... - Because he doesn't get me.0,0:15:23.26,0:15:25.66是因为他也曾跟你一样Because he was you.0,0:15:26.91,0:15:28.31对大海着迷Drawn to the ocean.0,0:15:28.69,0:15:30.03想去海上Down by the shore.0,0:15:30.95,0:15:32.54莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He took a canoe, Moana.0,0:15:33.06,0:15:34.72绕过那片礁石He crossed the reef.0,0:15:35.37,0:15:37.82驶入了一片危险的海域And found an unforgiving sea.0,0:15:38.25,0:15:40.35哪里的浪像山一样高Waves like mountains.0,0:15:41.30,0:15:43.79他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海His best friend begged to be on that boat.0,0:15:44.73,0:15:46.19但你爸爸没能救回他Your dad couldn't save him.0,0:15:49.35,0:15:51.46现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙He's hoping he can save you.0,0:15:53.95,0:15:56.86有时候我们总想着Sometimes, who we wish we were0,0:15:57.56,0:15:59.22要做些大事What we wish we could do0,0:16:01.21,0:16:03.10却忘了该做些什么It's just not meant to be.0,0:16:17.24,0:16:21.44我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋I've been staring at the edge of the water.0,0:16:21.54,0:16:24.34没有尽头的彼方Long as I can remember.0,0:16:24.84,0:16:27.44却不明白为什么Never really knowing why.0,0:16:29.22,0:16:33.24也许你希望我听你的话I wish I could be the perfect daughter.0,0:16:33.84,0:16:36.47我也曾经努力的尝试But I come back to the water.0,0:16:36.57,0:16:39.02我还是回到这海洋No matter how hard I try.0,0:16:41.12,0:16:43.79每一个转弯每一个路段Every turn I take, every trail I track.0,0:16:44.04,0:16:46.79每一次选择每一次失望Every path I make, every road leads back.0,0:16:46.97,0:16:49.39不怕多困难那熟悉的地方To the place I know where I cannot go.0,0:16:49.47,0:16:51.79是我的渴望Where I long to be.0,0:16:52.74,0:16:55.04我听到地平线的那一边See the line where the sky meets the sea?0,0:16:55.34,0:16:57.52呼唤我It calls me.0,0:16:57.99,0:17:00.37谁会知道And no one knows.0,0:17:00.74,0:17:03.54能走多远How far it goes.0,0:17:04.17,0:17:08.84乘着风迎着浪扬着帆If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me.0,0:17:09.09,0:17:12.19终会知道One day I'll know.0,0:17:12.87,0:17:15.99我要走的路不管有多远也好If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go. 0,0:17:16.44,0:17:22.62虽然在这海岛每一个人仿佛开心没有忧愁I know everybody on this island seems so happy, on this island0,0:17:22.77,0:17:25.02所有事都被安排Everything is by design0,0:17:27.17,0:17:33.74虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任I know everybody on this island has a role, on this island.0,0:17:34.19,0:17:36.67也许我有自己主张So maybe I can roll with mine.0,0:17:38.44,0:17:41.47我可以带领让你们坚强I can lead with pride, I can make us strong. 0,0:17:41.69,0:17:44.32也可以妥协不再有期望I'll be satisfied if I play along.0,0:17:44.47,0:17:47.04我心中想起另一个声音But the voice inside sings a different song.0,0:17:47.34,0:17:49.57我不能自己What is wrong with me?0,0:17:52.74,0:17:55.14那海岸在闪烁很耀眼See the light as it shines on the sea?0,0:17:55.24,0:17:57.82的光芒It's blinding.0,0:17:57.99,0:18:00.64谁会知道But no one knows.0,0:18:00.92,0:18:03.77海有多深How deep it goes.0,0:18:04.09,0:18:06.32仿佛它在等待我的回应And it seems like it's calling out to me.0,0:18:06.42,0:18:08.62我在这里So come find me.0,0:18:08.89,0:18:12.17请告诉我And let me know.0,0:18:12.47,0:18:15.69我应该期待什么是未来What's beyond that line, will I cross that line? 0,0:18:15.97,0:18:18.34在那地平线的另一边See the line where the sky meets the sea?0,0:18:18.52,0:18:20.74呼唤我It calls me.0,0:18:20.87,0:18:23.52谁会知道And no one knows.0,0:18:23.87,0:18:26.72能走多远How far it goes.0,0:18:27.02,0:18:31.69乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me.0,0:18:31.92,0:18:34.74总会知道One day I'll know.0,0:18:35.04,0:18:41.49能走多远How far I'll go.0,0:18:47.99,0:18:49.59别担心胖胖Okay, Pua.0,0:18:49.68,0:18:51.19相信我I can do this.0,0:18:52.62,0:18:55.27出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more fish beyond the reef.0,0:18:57.09,0:18:58.71我相信肯定能的There's more beyond the reef.0,0:19:07.46,0:19:08.46没那么糟嘛Not so bad!0,0:19:17.75,0:19:18.75胖胖Pua!0,0:20:10.39,0:20:12.20不管发生了什么事Whatever just happened.0,0:20:13.09,0:20:14.15就说是胖胖干的Blame it on the pig!0,0:20:15.23,0:20:16.23奶奶Grandma!0,0:20:20.82,0:20:22.33你会告诉爸爸吗?Are you gonna tell dad.0,0:20:22.59,0:20:23.54我是他妈I'm his mom.0,0:20:24.01,0:20:25.96不用事事都跟他汇报I don't have to tell him anything.0,0:20:29.83,0:20:30.47他说得对He was right.0,0:20:31.87,0:20:33.06海上很危险About going out there.0,0:20:36.25,0:20:38.65我也应该接任酋长了It's time to put my stone on the mountain.0,0:20:41.48,0:20:41.97好呀Okay!0,0:20:42.69,0:20:44.07那就回村子去Well, then head on back0,0:20:45.40,0:20:46.78把你的石头放上去Put that stone up there.0,0:20:51.90,0:20:53.73你为什么不劝阻我呢Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it?0,0:20:53.98,0:20:55.58你说了那是你想做的事You said that's what you wanted.0,0:20:57.40,0:20:58.01没错呀It is.0,0:21:02.18,0:21:03.40等我死了When I die.0,0:21:04.52,0:21:07.42我想要变成一条黄貂鱼I'm going to come back as one of these.0,0:21:08.56,0:21:10.66不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Or I chose the wrong tattoo.0,0:21:11.33,0:21:12.87你今天怎么怪怪的?Why you're acting weird?0,0:21:13.25,0:21:15.14我是村里的怪奶奶啊I'm the village crazy, lady.0,0:21:15.42,0:21:16.62这才是我嘛That's my job.0,0:21:17.43,0:21:18.94如果你有什么话想跟我说If there's something you want to tell me.0,0:21:18.99,0:21:20.04就直说吧Just tell me.0,0:21:22.22,0:21:23.83您有什么话想跟我说吗?Is there something you want to tell me?0,0:21:24.55,0:21:27.27你想听我说什么啊?Is there something you want to hear?0,0:21:32.25,0:21:35.42我们族人的故事你都已经听过了You've been told all our people stories. 0,0:21:36.08,0:21:37.18可这个除外But one.0,0:21:38.61,0:21:40.13这是哪儿啊?What is this place?0,0:21:40.28,0:21:44.81你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗?Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?0,0:21:56.46,0:21:57.67里面有什么呢?What's in there?0,0:21:58.26,0:21:59.26有你The answer.0,0:21:59.67,0:22:02.59一直在苦苦寻找的答案To the question you keep asking yourself.0,0:22:03.17,0:22:05.58你想要做什么样的人Who are you meant to be.0,0:22:09.14,0:22:10.23走进去Go inside.0,0:22:11.10,0:22:12.23敲敲鼓Bang the drum.0,0:22:13.19,0:22:14.62你就能找到答案And find out.0,0:23:23.94,0:23:24.94对了敲敲Bang the drum.0,0:24:56.91,0:24:59.96看太阳高高在上We read the wind and sky.0,0:24:59.98,0:25:01.53风吹散云彩When the sun is high.0,0:25:01.81,0:25:06.35我们在大海航行迎着风前进We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze.0,0:25:06.70,0:25:11.86在夜里数每颗星能找到方向At night we name every star. We know where we are.0,0:25:12.08,0:25:14.14知道我是谁We know who we are.0,0:25:14.15,0:25:16.39我是谁Who we are.0,0:25:18.96,0:25:20.99定好了目的地We set a course to find.0,0:25:21.40,0:25:26.10每一次出行找寻新天地A brand new island everywhere we roam.0,0:25:28.17,0:25:30.93家乡的模样放心里We keep our island in our mind.0,0:25:31.18,0:25:33.39时间到了就回家And when it's time to find home.0,0:25:33.68,0:25:36.10千山万水We know the way.0,0:25:37.41,0:25:40.51我们去探索每一个符号We are explorers reading every sign.0,0:25:41.04,0:25:43.65这里有我们的祖先We tell the stories of our elders.0,0:25:43.80,0:25:47.05古老的故事与传承In a never ending chain.0,0:25:50.78,0:25:59.96千山万水Nae ko hakilia. We know the way!0,0:26:01.88,0:26:03.18我们是航海者We were voyagers.0,0:26:04.57,0:26:13.11我们是航海者We were voyagers!0,0:26:13.25,0:26:14.08后来发生了什么?Why'd we stop?0,0:26:15.97,0:26:16.71是毛伊Maui!0,0:26:17.70,0:26:19.82在他偷走了特菲提之心后When he stole from the Mother Island.0,0:26:20.22,0:26:21.38黑暗降临到了人间Darkness fell.0,0:26:21.90,0:26:23.30恶卡苏醒了Te Ka awoke.0,0:26:24.09,0:26:27.90海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. 0,0:26:28.20,0:26:30.57为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令To protect our people, the ancient chiefs0,0:26:30.61,0:26:31.73禁止航海Forbid voyaging.0,0:26:32.03,0:26:35.16于是人们渐渐忘记了自己是航海者的后代And now we have forgotten who we are.0,0:26:36.46,0:26:39.54然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩张And the darkness has continued to spread.0,0:26:40.54,0:26:42.26他们赶走了我们的鱼群Chasing away our fish.0,0:26:42.63,0:26:44.10霸占了Draining the life0,0:26:44.61,0:26:47.86一座又一座海岛From island after island.0,0:26:51.56,0:26:52.67我们的岛Our island0,0:26:53.34,0:26:55.42但是终有一天But one day0,0:26:55.71,0:26:58.51有人会重新扬帆起航Someone will journey beyond our reef.0,0:26:58.91,0:26:59.82找到毛伊Find Maui.0,0:27:00.12,0:27:02.93并带他跨越整片大海Deliver him across the great ocean.0,0:27:04.00,0:27:07.69归还特菲提之心To restore the heart of Te Fiti.0,0:27:09.38,0:27:11.81那天我都看到了你I was there that day.0,0:27:12.61,0:27:14.72大海选择了你The ocean chose you!0,0:27:24.01,0:27:26.15我还以为那只是个梦I thought it was a dream.0,0:27:32.26,0:27:33.14不是梦Nope!0,0:27:34.88,0:27:38.38我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there. 0,0:27:38.85,0:27:39.98在钩形星座的尽头At the bottom of his hook.0,0:27:40.92,0:27:43.60朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊Follow it, and you will find him.0,0:27:43.91,0:27:44.38但是But...0,0:27:44.85,0:27:46.71大海为什么会选中我呢?Why would it choose me?0,0:27:47.52,0:27:50.38我连怎么驾船出海都不会I don't even know how to make it pass the reef.0,0:27:51.69,0:27:52.78但我知道谁能教我But I know who does.0,0:28:02.85,0:28:04.06庄稼都变黑了The crops are turning black!0,0:28:04.23,0:28:05.11那鱼呢?What about the fish?0,0:28:05.13,0:28:06.66- 现在整座岛都是这样- 安静- This is happening all over the island. - Please. please.0,0:28:06.67,0:28:07.78- 请安静- 我们该怎么办?- Settle down! - What are you going to do?0,0:28:07.80,0:28:08.85我们会开垦更多田地We will dig new fields.0,0:28:08.87,0:28:11.01- 找到解决方法的- 我们能战胜黑暗势力- We will find a way to... - We can stop the darkness!0,0:28:11.35,0:28:12.55拯救我们的小岛Save our island!0,0:28:12.97,0:28:14.19我发现一个山洞里有船There's a cavern boats!0,0:28:14.59,0:28:15.94很大的船Huge canoes!0,0:28:16.16,0:28:17.93我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊We can take them, find Maui0,0:28:18.20,0:28:19.39让他归还特菲提之心Make him restore the heart.0,0:28:20.02,0:28:21.26我们是航海者We were voyagers.0,0:28:21.73,0:28:22.89我们应该重新出海We can voyage again!0,0:28:26.58,0:28:28.19你说过族人需要我们的保护You told me to help our people.0,0:28:28.42,0:28:30.34只有这样才能保护他们This is how we help our people!0,0:28:31.23,0:28:32.16爸爸Dad?0,0:28:32.18,0:28:33.21你要干什么?What are you doing?0,0:28:33.48,0:28:35.92我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉I should've burned those boats a long time ago!0,0:28:35.93,0:28:36.83不不要No! Don't!0,0:28:37.10,0:28:38.29我们必须找到毛伊We have to find Maui.0,0:28:38.56,0:28:39.71然后归还特菲提之心We have to restore the heart.0,0:28:39.89,0:28:41.10根本没有什么心There is no heart!0,0:28:41.34,0:28:43.40这就是一块石头This...this is just a rock!0,0:28:43.72,0:28:44.20不No!0,0:28:57.61,0:28:58.04酋长Chief!0,0:28:58.67,0:28:59.65你母亲不行了It's your mother!0,0:29:10.27,0:29:10.75妈妈Mother.0,0:29:27.58,0:29:28.39现在还能做什么?What can be done?0,0:29:35.10,0:29:36.18快去Go.0,0:29:36.68,0:29:37.40奶奶Grandma.0,0:29:40.91,0:29:41.59快去Go.0,0:29:42.47,0:29:43.27现在不行Not now.0,0:29:43.86,0:29:44.58我不能I can't.0,0:29:45.23,0:29:46.16你必须去You must!0,0:29:46.87,0:29:49.39大海选择了你The ocean chose you!0,0:29:50.11,0:29:52.11- 朝着钩状星座的方向走- 奶奶- Follow the fish hook. - Grandma. 0,0:29:52.42,0:29:54.69等你找到毛伊And when you find Maui.0,0:29:55.15,0:29:57.39你就揪着他的耳朵You grab him by the ear!0,0:29:58.11,0:29:58.74告诉他You say...0,0:29:59.51,0:30:02.28我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui!0,0:30:02.77,0:30:04.98快上船You will board my boat!0,0:30:05.58,0:30:07.09跨越整片大海Sail across the sea!0,0:30:07.83,0:30:10.97归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti!0,0:30:13.05,0:30:15.75我离不开您I... I can't leave you.0,0:30:16.41,0:30:21.13无论你在哪里我都与你同在There is no way you could go, that I won't be with you.0,0:30:34.53,0:30:35.13快去Go!0,0:30:47.70,0:30:52.88我听见地平线另一边在呼唤我There's a line where the sky meet the sea. And he calls me.0,0:30:53.08,0:30:55.78谁会知道But no one knows.0,0:30:56.01,0:30:59.02能走多远How far it goes.0,0:30:59.54,0:31:04.33曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离All time wondering where I need to be is behind me.0,0:31:04.44,0:31:07.44全靠自己I'm on my own0,0:31:07.73,0:31:10.95我往前走Towards unknown!0,0:31:11.15,0:31:14.14每一个转弯每一个路段Every turn I take. Every trail I track.0,0:31:14.16,0:31:16.87都是我选择不能有遗憾It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back.0,0:31:16.95,0:31:18.44过去多伟大From a great unknown.0,0:31:18.45,0:31:23.05未来独自闯我渴望那里Where I go alone. Where I long to be.0,0:31:31.91,0:31:37.00她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me.0,0:31:37.13,0:31:39.72让我知道And yes, I know.0,0:31:40.02,0:31:43.17能走得到That I can go.0,0:31:43.36,0:31:48.40在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me.0,0:31:48.66,0:31:51.01终会知道So now I'll know.0,0:31:51.16,0:31:58.11能走多远How far I'll go!0,0:32:13.41,0:32:16.48我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana Motunui.0,0:32:16.80,0:32:17.97快上船You will board my boat.0,0:32:18.19,0:32:19.69我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea!0,0:32:20.01,0:32:22.09归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti.0,0:32:22.26,0:32:23.61我是莫图鲁尼岛I am Moana.0,0:32:25.51,0:32:29.05的莫阿...娜Of Motu... nui.0,0:32:41.14,0:32:42.14憨憨?Hei-hei?!0,0:33:04.77,0:33:05.77别害怕It's okay.0,0:33:06.30,0:33:07.30没事的You're alright.0,0:33:07.68,0:33:08.70看到了吧?See?0,0:33:09.77,0:33:10.70我们走吧There we go.0,0:33:11.07,0:33:12.65多棒的海水啊Nice water.0,0:33:12.88,0:33:15.10大海是我们的朋友The ocean is a friend of mine.0,0:33:17.56,0:33:19.56憨憨Hei-hei?0,0:33:19.89,0:33:21.89憨憨Hei-hei!0,0:33:35.89,0:33:37.89别动Stay!0,0:33:43.01,0:33:43.49好了Okay.0,0:33:44.01,0:33:44.69下一站Next stop.0,0:33:45.37,0:33:45.85毛伊Maui.0,0:33:54.13,0:33:56.63我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui.0,0:33:57.02,0:33:59.38快上船You will board my boat.0,0:34:00.52,0:34:03.39我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea.0,0:34:04.02,0:34:05.95归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti.0,0:34:07.02,0:34:11.16我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana... of .. Mo..tu....0,0:34:12.25,0:34:13.13快上船Board my boat!0,0:34:16.47,0:34:17.06不Oh, no!0,0:34:24.22,0:34:25.24不不No ... no... no...no!0,0:34:25.37,0:34:25.77不No!0,0:34:38.03,0:34:38.73大海Ocean?0,0:34:39.45,0:34:42.46你能帮帮我吗?Can I get a little help?0,0:34:45.57,0:34:46.39糟了No... no.0,0:34:48.39,0:34:48.82拜托Please.0,0:34:49.59,0:34:50.33快点儿Come on!0,0:35:01.91,0:35:02.78救命Help me!0,0:35:03.58,0:35:04.17救命Please!0,0:35:49.96,0:35:50.55什么情况What?!0,0:35:51.55,0:35:52.94我说了我需要帮助I said help me!0,0:35:53.26,0:35:55.26但你让大浪来袭击我的船?And wrecking my boat?!0,0:35:55.71,0:35:57.19这也叫帮忙Not helping!。
海洋奇缘英文词汇句子大全角色Moana - 莫阿娜Maui - 毛伊Tamatoa - 塔马托阿Te Fiti - 泰菲提Sina - 西娜Tui - 图伊Tala - 塔拉地点Motunui - 莫图努伊Te Ka - 提卡Lalotai - 拉洛塔伊Tala's Cave - 塔拉的洞穴Realm of Monsters - 怪物王国物品Heart of Te Fiti - 泰菲提之心 Oar - 船桨Kakamora - 卡卡莫拉Hei Hei - 黑黑Pua - 普阿Chief's Staff - 酋长权杖歌曲How Far I'll Go - 我能走多远We Know the Way - 我们知道路Shiny - 闪亮You're Welcome - 你欢迎I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) - 我是莫阿娜(祖先之歌)Know Who You Are - 认清自己关键事件Maui偷了泰菲提之心Te Ka诅咒了莫图努伊莫阿娜踏上寻找毛伊的旅程莫阿娜和毛伊共同对抗塔马托阿莫阿娜将泰菲提之心归还给泰菲提提卡变回泰菲提莫图努伊恢复生机主题勇气家庭自我发现责任牺牲相关词汇Voyaging - 航行Navigation - 航海Legend - 传说Polytheism - 多神教 Demi-god - 半神Shape-shifting - 变形 Sacrifice - 牺牲Redemption - 救赎Renewal - 更新Ancestor - 祖先Identity - 身份。
1.Maui: What's a demi-god gotta do? 麦:一个半人半神要做什么呢?
2.Maui: Do you know who maui is? Only the greatest demi-god in the all Pacific Islands. With his magical fishhook, he slowed down the sun, pulled islands
out of the sea, battled monsters. And I should know, cause I'm Maui.
3.Maui: Hey! Let me do this please. 麦:喂!该我出场了,你最好停一下。
4.Moana: En...
Maui: Nothing? Really? What's the demi-god gonna do?
海洋奇缘英语版优美摘抄:“The ocean is calling.”(海洋在呼唤。
)“You can do whatever you put your mind to.”(只要你有决心,你就能够做到。
)“I’m not a mistake, I’m just me.”(我并不是错误,我就是我。
)“Sometimes you gotta get through your fear to see the beauty on the other side.”(有时候,你得克服恐惧,才能看到另一端的美丽。
)“You may have just saved my life. Thank you.”(你也许刚刚救了我的命。
)“The human world, it's a mess.”(人类的世界,真是一团糟。
)“I don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.”(我不明白,创造出如此美好事物的世界怎么会是坏的。
)“You don’t like it, you can hit the bricks.”(你不喜欢,你可以滚蛋。
)“Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.”(别让任何人让你觉得自己不配得到自己想要的。
)“The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work.”(在这个世界上得到自己想要的,唯一的途径就是努力工作。
Finding Nemo对白赏析
![Finding Nemo对白赏析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f959a2f14693daef5ef73df0.png)
Translation appreciation
• • OK, class. optical orbits up front.
optical: 视力的,视觉的 orbit: 轨道,绕轨道运行 up front: 向前
好了,同学们, 都往前看。
Translation appreciation
• Aw, you guys made me ink. Inkfish 乌贼,墨鱼
hitch a ride 要求免费搭 porcelain 瓷器 express 表达;快递
搭上马桶快递 的便车
可怜的查克斯。 他是她去年的礼物。 死后被丢进了马桶里。
Classic Lines
• You can't hold on to them forever, can you?
• But, dude, how do you know when they're ready?
肖敏 刘玲
《Finding Nemo》
பைடு நூலகம் contents
Translation 获取参数 appreciation
Classic Lines
Translation appreciation
• • • • • • • • • • So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view. 记得么, 卡萝, 当你说你想看到这个海洋的景色的时候... you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you? 没想到我们会搬到海边来住 想过吗? Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. 喔,耶。 这里可是鱼的自由天地啊。breath out:呼气,呼出 Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? 你说你老公我,说话算不算数啊? deliver: (1)传送,投递; My man delivered. (2)履行 实现 算数,行了吧。
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海洋奇缘In the beginning... 混沌初开之时there was only ocean... 世界只有一片汪洋until the Mother Island emerged. 直到母亲岛Te Fiti. 特菲提出现Her heart held the greatest power ever known. 特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量It could create life itself. 能够创造生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world. 特菲提创造了世间一切生命But in time... 可不久之后some began to seek Te Fiti's heart. 有些人开始寻找特菲提之心They believed if they could possess it... 他们坚信得到它the great power of creation would be theirs. 就能获得创造一切的强大力量And one day... 有一天the most daring of them all... 这些人中最大胆的一位voyaged across the vast ocean to take it. 跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之心He was a demigod of the wind and sea. 他是主宰风与海的半神He was a warrior. 他是一名勇士A trickster. 一位魔术师A shapeshifter who could change form... 一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力with the power of his magical fish hook. 随意变换形体的变形者And his name... 他的名字叫作was Maui. 毛伊But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble...但是失去了心之后特菲提开始瓦解giving birth to a terrible darkness. 创造出了可怕的黑暗Maui tried to escape... 毛伊试图逃走but was confronted by another who sought the heart.但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人Te Ka! 特卡A demon of earth and fire. 他是土与火的恶魔Maui was struck from the sky... 毛伊被从空中击中never to be seen again. 从此了无踪迹And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti... 而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心were lost to the sea. 一起沉入了大海Where, even now 1,000 years later... 即使在一千年之后的今天Te Ka and the demons of the deep 特卡和深海的恶魔still hunt for the heart. 仍在寻找特菲提之心Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中chasing away our fish... 赶跑我们的鱼群draining the life from island after island... 侵占一座又一座岛屿until every one of us is devoured... 我们所有人都将by the bloodthirsty jaws... 被那嗜血的死亡魔爪of inescapable death! 吞噬殆尽But one day... 但总有一天the heart will be found... 会有人找到特菲提之心by someone who will journey beyond our reef... 那个人将驶过环礁扬帆远航find Maui... 找到毛伊deliver him across the great ocean... 带他穿洋过海to restore Te Fiti's heart... 归还特菲提之心and save us all. 拯救众生Thank you, Mother. That's enough. 母亲讲到这儿就行了Papa. 爸爸No one goes outside the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁We are safe here. There is no darkness. 这里很安全世上没有黑暗势力There are no monsters. 也没有什么怪兽Monsters! Monsters! 怪兽怪兽- There's no monsters, no monsters.- It's the darkness! - 不不没有怪兽 -黑暗势力来了No, there is nothing beyond our reef,but storms and rough seas. 不 ,环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海I'm gonna throw up. 我要吐了As long as we stay on our very safe island... 只要我们大家都待在这座岛上we'll be fine. 就会很安全The legends are true. 传说都是真的Someone will have to go. 一定有人会扬帆远航的Mother, Motunui is paradise. 母亲莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Who would want to go anywhere else? 谁还想去别的地方呢Moana! 莫阿娜There you are, Moana. 总算找到你了莫阿娜What are you doing? You scared me. 你在做什么吓坏我了What? I wanna's go back. 干嘛我想回去I know, I know. But you don't go out there. 我知道但你不能靠近海边It's dangerous. 那里很危险Moana, come on. 莫阿娜走吧Let's go back to the village. 我们回村子去You are the next great chief of our people. 你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长And you will do wondrous things,my little minnow. 你会做许多了不起的事我的小宝贝Oh, yes. But first, you must learnwhere you're meant to be. 没错但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Moana 莫阿娜驾到Make way, make way 大伙都让开Moana, it's time you knew 莫阿娜你是时候该知晓The village of Motunui is all you need 你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够The dancers are practicing 舞者们在排练They dance to an ancient song 伴着古老的歌曲起舞Who needs a new song, this old one's all we need 要新歌干嘛我们只要这首老歌This tradition is our mission 继承传统是我们的使命And Moana, there's so much to do 莫阿娜还有很多事要做We share everything we make 劳动成果人人共享We joke and we weave our baskets 有说有笑编织篮子The fishermen come back from the sea 渔夫从大海归来I wanna see 我想看看Don't walk away 别走远Moana, stay on the ground now 莫阿娜快快坐下Our people will need a chief 族人需要一位酋长And there you are 就是你There comes a day 终有一天When you're gonna look aroundand realize happiness is 当你回首就会明白真正的幸福Where you are 就在你的所属之地Consider the coconut 瞧瞧这椰子The what? Consider its tree 什么瞧瞧这椰树We use each part of the coconut. 我们充分利用椰子的每一处It's all we need 我们有它已足够We make our nets from the fibers 纤维制成鱼网The water is sweet inside 椰汁清甜可口We use the leaves to build fireswe cook up the meat inside 树叶生火椰肉烹调Consider the coconuts 瞧瞧这些椰子The trunks and the leaves 这树干和树叶The island gives us what we need 小岛给予我们所需*无人离开**And no one leaves**没错我们留在这里**That's right, we stay**这里安全又富饶**We're safe and we're well-provided**未来引导我们之人**And when we look to the future**就是你**There you are**不用担心**You'll be okay**你会学我所学**In time you'll learn just as I did**你必须在所属之地找到幸福**You must find happiness right where you are* *我喜欢随海浪起舞伴着潮起潮落**I like to dance with the water the undertow and the waves**海水十分顽皮但我就喜欢它淘气**The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves**村民们可能觉得我疯了**The village may think I'm crazy**或者我的思维漂得太远**Or say that I drift too far**可一旦你知晓所爱这才是真正的你**But once you know what you like. Well, there you are**女儿像爸爸顽固又骄傲**You are your father's daughter stubbornness and pride* *他的教导自有道理但你的心声也许不同**Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside**如果你心轻喃追随最远的那颗星**And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star**莫阿娜那心声就是真实的你**Moana, that voice inside is who you are*Dad! 爸爸I was only looking at the boats.I wasn't gonna get on them. 我只是看看那些船没打算登船Come on. There's something I need to show you. 来吧我给你看样东西I've wanted to bring you here 从你出生起from the moment you opened your eyes. 我就一直想带你来这里This is a sacred place. 这是个神圣的地方A place of chiefs. 酋长之地There will come a time... 总有一天when you will stand on this peak 你会站在这峰顶and place a stone on this mountain. 给这座山添上一块石头Like I did. Like my father did. 就像我我的父亲And his father, and every chief that has ever been.他的父亲还有每一代酋长都这么做And on that day... 到那一天when you add your stone... 等你把你的石头放上去you will raise this whole island higher. 你就会让这座小岛变得更高You are the future of our people, Moana. 你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜And they are not out there. 他们并非远在天边They are right here. 而是近在眼前It's time to be who they need you to be. 你是时候该成为他们需要的人了*纤维制成鱼网**We make our nets from the fibers**椰汁清凉可口树叶生火**The water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires**大伙一起歌唱**We sing these songs in our choirs**椰肉烹调养活族人**To cook up the meat inside. We have mouths to feed inside* *大家都信任我们没错**The village believes in us. That's right**大家都信任**The village believes**小岛给予我们所需**The island gives us what we need**无人离开**And no one leaves**所以我会留在这里**So here I'll stay**与我的家人族人一起**My home, my people beside me**当我展望未来之时**And when I think of tomorrow**我们相伴**There we are**我会带领大家**I'll lead the way**也需要族人指引我**I'll have my people to guide me**我们会共筑未来**We'll build our future together**就在此地**Where we are**因为每条路都会带你回到**'Cause every path leads ya back to**你的所属之地**Where you are**你会发现幸福就在**You can find happiness right**你的所属之地**Where you are**你的所属之地**Where you are*And every storm, 每次风暴过后this roof leaks, no matter how many fronds I add.无论我铺了多少树叶这屋顶还是漏水Fixed! Not the fronds. 搞定不是树叶的问题Wind shifted the post. 是风把柱子吹偏了That's good pork! 这猪肉真好吃I didn't mean... I wasn't... 不是说你我的意思是What? They are calling me. So I gotta--. Bye! 什么他们在叫我那我先走了You're doing great. 你表现得很好Is it done yet? 好了吗So close. 就快了I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock. 我好奇为什么那只鸡喜欢啄石头He seems to lack the basic intelligence 它看起来好像required for pretty much everything. 已经完全丧失理智了Should we maybe just cook him? 我们能把它给煮了吗Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface. 有时我们的优点隐藏在外表之下Far beneath in some cases. 某些时候还藏得很深But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye.但憨憨一定有我们看不到的过人之处It's the harvest. 这是今天摘的This morning, I was husking the coconuts and... 今早我在剥椰子时发现...We should clear the diseased trees 我们应该砍掉这些病树and we will start a new grove. 然后重新种一片椰子林There. 就在那Thanks, Moana. 莫阿娜She's doing great. 她做得真棒This suits you. 这活很适合你Chief? 酋长There's something you need to see. 有些东西你得瞧瞧Our traps in the east lagoon... 这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓they're pulling up less and less fish. 捕到的鱼越来越少了Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds. 那我们就换个地方捕鱼We have. There's no fish. 我们试过了还是没有鱼Then we'll fish the far side of the island. 那我们就去岛的另一面捕鱼We tried. 也试过了The windward side. 迎风的那边呢And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel. 还有背风的那边浅滩海峡We've tried the whole lagoon. 整个礁湖我们都试过了They're just gone. 到处都没有鱼Have you tried using a different bait? 你试过用另一种鱼饵吗I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish. 我觉得不是鱼饵的问题完全没有鱼It seems like it's getting worse and worse. 而且情况越来越糟Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.当然我理解你的担心不无道理I will talk to the council. I'm sure we... 我会和长老们商量我确信... What if we fish beyond the reef? 如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢No one goes beyond the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁I know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon... 我明白但如果礁湖里面没有鱼群Moana. - And there's a whole ocean. -莫阿娜 -而海洋那么大- We have one rule. 我们要遵守规矩An old rule, when there were fish. 那是有鱼可捕时的旧规矩A rule that keeps us safe... - But Dad... - 遵守规矩我们才安全 -可是爸爸- Instead of endangering our people 不准你为了能再次靠近大海so you can run right back to the water. 而使我们的族人身陷危险Every time I think you're past this... 我还以为你早放弃了那个念头... No one goes beyond the reef! 谁都不能越过环礁Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad 你不该当着你爸爸的面Standing on a boat. 提出海的事情I didn't say go beyond the reef.' 我说的是出海捕鱼Because I want to be on the ocean.; 又不是要去冒险But you sill do, 但你还是想去He's hard on you, Because Because he doesn't get me.你爸爸生你的气是因为-是因为他不懂我- Because he was you. 是因为他也曾跟你一样Drawn to the ocean. 对大海着迷Down by the shore. 想去海上He took a canoe, Moana.! 莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He crossed the reef. 绕过那片礁石And found an unfogiving sea. 驶入了-片危险的海或Waves like mountains. 哪里的浪像山-样高His best friend beged to be on that 他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海Your dad couldn't save him. 但你爸爸没能教回他He's hoping he can save you. 现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙Sometimes, who we wish we were 有时候我们总想首What we wish we could do 要做些大事It's just not meant to be. 却忘了该做些什么I've been staring at the edge of the water. 我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋Long as I can remember. I 没有尽头的彼方Never rally knowing why. 却不明白为什么I wish I could be the perfect daugher. 也许你希望我听你的话But I come back to the water. 我也曾经努力的尝试No matter how hard I try. 我还是回到这海洋Every tum I take, every trail I track. 每一个转弯每一个路段Every path I make, every road leads back. 每一次选择每一.次失望To the place I know where I cannot go. 不怕多困难那熟悉的地方Where I long to be. 是我的渴望See the line where the sky meets the sea?! 我听到地平线的那- -边It calls me. 呼唤我And no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远f the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆me One dav I'll know 终会知道If I go theres just no telling how far Til go 我要走的路不管有多远也好1 know everybody on this 虽然在这海岛每一个人island seems so happy. on this island 仿佛开心没有忧愁Everything is by design 所有事都被安排1 know everybody on this 虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任island has a role. on this islandSo maybe I can roll with mine. 也许我有自己主1 can lead with pride. I can make us strong 我可以带领让你们坚强 I'li be satisfied if I play along. 也可以妥协不再有期望 But the voice inside sines a different song 我心中想起另一个声音 What is wrong with me? 我不能自己See the light as it shines on the sea? 那海岸在闪烁很耀眼 Its binding 的光芒But no one knows 谁会知道How deep it goes. 海有多深And it seems like its calling out to me 仿佛它在等待我的回应So come find me 我在这里An let me know. 请告诉我What's beyond that line, wil I cross that line? 我应该期待什么是未来See the line where the sky meets the sea 在那地平线的另一边It calls me 呼我And no one knows 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远1 f te wind in Iuy sail on the sea stays 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行One day TT1know. 总会知道How far I'll go 能走多远Okay,Pua 别担心胖胖1 can do this 相信我There's more fish beyond the reet. 出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more beyond the reef 我相信肯定能的 Not so had 没那么嘛Pua! 胖胖Whatever just happened. 不管发生了什么事 Blame it on the pig 就说是胖胖干的Grandma 奶奶Are you gonna tell dad. 你会告诉爸爸吗?I m his mon 我是他妈I don't have to tell him anything. 不用事事都跟他汇报He was right. 他说得对About going out there 海上很危险It's time to put my stone on the mountain. 我也应该接任酋长了Okay 好呀Well then head on back 那就回村子去Put that stone up there. 把你的石头放上去Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it? 你为什么不劝阻我呢You said that's what you wanted. 你说了那是你想做的事It is. 没错呀When I die. 等我死了I'm going to come back as one of these. 我想要变成一条黄貂鱼Or I chose the wrong tatoo. 不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Why you're acting weird? 你今天怎么怪怪的?I'm the village crazy, lady. 我是村里的怪奶奶啊That's my job. 这才是我嘛If there's something you want to tell me. 如果你有什么话想跟我说Just tell me. 就直说吧Is there something you want to tell me? 您有什么话想跟我说吗? Is there something you want to hear? 你想听我说什么啊? You've been told all our people stories. 我们族人的故事你都已经听过了But one. 可这个除外What is this place? 这是哪儿啊?Do you really think our ancestors stayed with the reef?你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗?What's in there? 里面有什么呢?The answer. 有你To the question you keep asking yourself. 一直在苦苦寻找的答案Who are you meant to be 你想要做什么样的人Go inside. 走进去Bang the drum. 敲敲鼓And find out. 你就能找到答案Bang the drum. 对了敲敲We read the wind and sky. 看太阳高高在上When the sun is high. 风吹散云彩We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze 我们在大海航行迎着风前进 At night we name every star. We know where we are 在夜里数每颗星能找到方向 We know who we are. 知道我是谁Who we are. 我是谁We set a course to find. 定好了目的地A brand new island everywhere we roam. 每一次出行找寻新天地We keep our island in our mind. 家乡的模样放心里And when it's time to find home. 时间到了就回家We know the way.. 千山万水We are explorers reading every sign. 我们去探索每一个符号We tell the stories of our elders. 这里有我们的祖先In a never ending chain. 古老的故事与传承Naeko hakilia. We know the way! 千山万水We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We were voyagers! 我们是航海者Why'd we stop? 后来发生了什么? Maui 是毛伊When he stole from the Mother Island. 在他偷走了特菲提之心后Darkness fell. 黑暗降临到了人间Te Ka awoke. 恶卡醒了Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. 海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船To protect our people, the ancient chief 为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令Forbid voyaging. 禁止航海And now we have forgotten who we are 于是人们渐渐忘记了自已是航海者的后代And the darkness has continued to spread. 然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩Chasing away our fish. 他们赶走了我们的鱼群Draining the life 霸占了From island after island. 一座又一座海岛Our island 我们的岛But one day 但是终有一天Someone will journey beyond our reef 有人会重新扬帆起航Find Maui 找到毛伊Deliver him across the great ocean. 并带他跨越整片大海To restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I was there that day. 那天我都看到了你The ocean chose you! 大海选择了你1 thought it was a dream. 我还以为那只是个梦Nope! 不是梦Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there. 我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里At the bottom of his hook. 在钩形星座的尽头Follow it, and you will find him. 朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊But.. 但是Why would it choose me? 大海为什么会选中我呢?I don't even know how to make it pass the reef 我连怎么驾船出海都不会But I know who docs. 但我知道谁能教我The crops are turning black! 庄稼都变黑了What about the fish? 那鱼呢?This is happening all over the island. Please Please 现在整座岛都是这样. 安静 Settle down! - What are you going to do 请安静- 我们该怎么办? - We will dig new fields.. 我们会开皇更多田地- We will find a way toWe can stop the darkness 找到解决方法的. 我们能战胜黑暗势力Save our island! 拯救我们的小岛There's a cavern boats! 我发现一个山洞里有船Huge canoes! 很大的船We can take them, find Maui 我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊Make him restore the heart 让他归还特菲提之心We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We can voyage again! 我们应该重新出海You told me to help our people. 你说过族人需要我们的保护This is how we help our people! 只有这样才能保护他们Dad? 爸爸What are you doing? 你要干什么?I should've burned those boats a long time ago 我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉 No! Don't! 不不要We have to find Maui 我们必须找到毛伊 We have to restore the heart. 然后归还特菲提之心There is no heart! 根本没有什么心This..this is just a rock! 这就是一块石头No! 不Chief! 酋长It's your mother! 你母亲不行了Mother. 妈妈What can be done? 现在还能做什么? Go. 快去Grandma. 奶奶Go. 快去Not now. 现在不行I can't 我不能You must! 你必须去The ocean chose you 大海选择了你Follow the fish hook. - Grandma. 朝着钩状星座的方向走. 奶奶- And when you find Maui 等你找到毛伊You grab him by the ear! 你就揪着他的耳朵 You say.. 告诉他I am Moana of Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat! 快上船Sail across the sea! 跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fitil 归还特菲提之心I.. can't leave you. 我离不开您There is no way you could go, 无论你在哪里,that I won't be with you 我都与你同在Go! 快去There's a line where the sky meet the sea and he calls me我听见地平线另- 边在呼唤我But no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes. 能走多远All time wondering where I need to be is behind me曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离I'm on my own 全靠自已Towards unknown! 我往前走Every turn I take. Every rail I track 每一一个转弯每一个路段It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back 都是我选择不能有遗憾From a great unknown. 过去多伟大Where I go alone. Where I long to be. 未来独自闯我渴望那里See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me 她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我And yes, I know. 让我知道That I can go. 能走得到There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行So now I 'll know. 终会知道How far Ill go! 能走多远I am Moana Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat. 快上船Sail across the sea! 我要带你跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I am Moana. 我是莫图鲁尼岛Of Motu.. nui. 的莫阿..娜Hei-hei?! 憨憨?It's okay 别害怕You're alright 没事的See? 看到了吧?There we go. 我们走吧Nice water. 多棒的海水啊The ocean is a friend of mine. 大海是我们的朋友Hei-hei? 憨憨Hei-heil 憨憨Stay! 别动Okay. 好了Next stop 下一站Maui 毛伊I am Moana of Motunui. 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜快上船You will board my boat.我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Maa..of.M.t...快上船Board my boat!不Oh, no!不不No .. no... n..no!不No!大海Ocean?你能帮帮我吗? Can I get a little help?糟了No.. no拜托Please.快点儿Come on!救命Help me!救命Please!什么情况What?!我说了我需要帮助I said help me!但你让大浪来袭击我的船? And wrecking my boat?!这也叫帮忙Not helping!就让你被鱼群臭死吧Fish pee in you.. all day!那么So.. ,毛伊? Maui?毛伊Maui!毛伊主宰风和海的半神Maui demigod of the wind and sea 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui!请上船吧You will board my boat!不No!快上船You will board my boat!没错Yeah!我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜Hi, I'm Moana of Motunui快上... - 船-You will board my.. - Boat!这有艘船A boat!老天爷赐给我-艘..The Gods have given me ...毛伊Mau万能的变形者Shape shifter.主宰风和海的半神Demigod of the wind and sea.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜. 男人们的英雄- I am Moana of Mo.. .hero of men什么?Wha.What?应该说毛伊是万能的变形者 It's actually Maui, shape shifter主率风和海的半神 Demigod of the wind and sea男人们的英雄 Hero of Men不好意思打断你了,从头开始吧人类的英雄 I interupted. From the top.hero of men开始Go!我是莫-等等等等- I am Mo..-Sorry,Sorry,Sorry,Sorry所有人 And women.包括男人和女人所有人才对 Men and women. Both! All这个可不分男女 Not a guy- girl thing你知道的毛伊是所有人的英雄 You know? Maui is a hero to all再来一遍吧 You're doing great什么?What?不我来这儿是.我知道-No! I came here to Of course. of course好吧好吧Yes,yes,yes,yes毛伊对他的祟拜者总是很有耐心的 Maui always has time for his fans.这种用鸟来写字的方式 When you use a bird to write with叫做欧 It's called" tweeting"我明白的英雄可不是想见就能见到的 I know, not every day, you get a chance to meet your hero你可不是我的英雄 You are not my hero!我来这儿也不是为了让你在我的桨上签名 And I'm not here so you can sign my oar我来这是因为你偷走了特菲提之心I'm here because you stole the heart of Te Fiti现在我要你上船And you will board my boat.跟我一-起把它还回去Sail across the sea and put it back!好吧Yeah.听起来你好像不太喜欢我It almost sounded like you don't like me.但这是不可能的因为我已经被困在这里Which is impossible because I Got stuck here一千年了就是为了For a thousand years, trying to get the heart..给你们凡人寻找那颗心As a gift for you, mortals...好让你们拥有创造生命的力量So you could have the power to create life itself所以我猜你原本想说的是Yeah, so what I believe you're trying to say.-?-Is thank you. -Thank you?不用- 什么?不You're welcome. - What? No, no, no.我没有我不会I.. I didn't .. I wasn't ..我为什么要说- 好啦好啦~ Why would I ever say.. I mean.. –Okey okey我知道发生了什么I see what's happening, yeah.面对这伟大的神明很奇妙You're face to face with greatness and it's strange都不知道该怎么反应You don't even know how you feel.这是很可爱的It's adorable!我发觉人类- -直没有改变Well, it's nice to see that humans never change现在让你开眼界Open your eyes let's begin.要看清楚是我毛伊请冷静Yeg,it's really me,It's Maui. Breathe it in.我这完美的发型身型I know it's a lot the hair,the body!当你盯着这优质神明When you're staring at a Demigod我只能说一句What can I say?不客气Except you're welcome把汐睛天送你For the tides,the sun,the sky这很简单很容易不客气Hey,it's okay. It is okay. You're welcome.我只是一个普通硬汉子I'm just an ordinary demi-guy,Hey!我用手指把天空托起Hey,what has two thumbs and pulled up the sky当你蹒跚前行有我扶持When you were waddling yay high. This guy!在寒冷夜里When the nights got cold.取暖的火都被偷走Who stole you fire from down below?有我在这里哟You're looking at him,yo!噢是我让太阳升起Oh,also I lasso'd the sun.不客气You're welcome让你多点开心日子To stretch your days and bring you fun.我能把狂风驾驭Also I harnessed the breeze不客气让船航行树叶落地You're welcome,to fill your sails and shake your trees 这不过是小意思不客气So what can I say except You're welcome.我让从海中耸立For the islands I pulled from the sea.不需要膜拜的意思不客气There's no need to pray, it's okay. You're welcome.我只是单纯的做我自已I guess it's just my way of being me不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.啊回头想一想Well, come to think of it.我其实可以一-口气的Kid, honestly I can go on and on.把所有大自然的现象都解释I can explain every natural phenomenon.潮汐草地The tide, the grass, the ground.都是我毛伊所做的好事Oh.. that was Maui just messing around.我把海鳗狠狠地除掉I killed an eel, I buried is guts.种一颗树让你得到椰子Sprouted a tee, now you got coconuts.明不明白What's the lesson?有没有新启示What is the takeaway.就是当毛伊生气你快点回避Don't mess with Maui when he's on the breakaway你看我皮肤上的印记And the tapestry here in my skin.都是彰显胜利的标志Is a map of the victories I win.我到哪里哪里就出现好事Look where I've been, I make everything过去小气的小毛伊已变好脾气Look at that mean mini Maui just tikitty tappin’还是这句告诉你不客气Well anyway, let me say, You're welcome我把这世界变美丽For the wonderful world you know.这很简单很容易不客气Hey, it's okay.. it's okay. You're welcome我现在想起来我要出行Well, come to think of it, I gotta go.给你机会说声不客气Hey, it's your day to say You're welcome.我要借用你的船Cause I'm gonna need that boat.要扬帆而去远地不客气I'm sailing away... aw ay. You're welcome.我除了源浮什么都最棒Cause Maui can do everything but float.不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.你And thank you!放我出去Hey, let me out!你这个中鄙的大骗子You lying, slimy, son of a..不用You're welcome.不No!我可不想跟着个小孩去特菲提岛I'm not going to Te Fi with some kid. 我还得找回我的鱼钩I'm gonna get my hook.你有一个但我没有毛伊不能没有鱼钩You have yours. And I'm not好了去我背后安静会儿Okay, talk to the back.旅途小点心Boat snack!再见啦讨厌的石头品Good riddance you filthy pile of pebbles!不Oh,no,no,no.别那样看着我Don't look at me like that.那个山洞挺好的她肯定喜欢It's a beautiful cave, she's gonna love it.而且我会好好And I'm going to love you.享用你的In my belly不过得先让你长点肉Now let's fatten you up, drumstick!真是精彩的- -跳啊I could watch that all day.好了这座岛是你的了Okay, enjoy the island!-。