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1. If you ________(feel tired, you _______________ (have to have a rest.

2. Where _______ he _________(see the film if he ________________(have time?

3. If there __________(be fewer trees, there _______________( be more pollution.

4. He _____________(dress more casually as long as he ________________( not work on weekends.

5. If Marcia _____________(live alone, she ___________________( keep a pet parrot.

6. Lana ________________( buy a new dress unless the old one ____________(be out of style.

7. The twins ______________(fight as so as they_______________(argue.

8. If the telephone ___________ (ring , answer it.

9. Peter _____________( send me a beautiful souvenir if he

________________(tour Spain.

10. As long as Mr Green ___________(say I am hard- working, my parents

_____________( feel glad. 11.I ____________(go to the beach if it________________ ( not rain this week.

12. __________they __________( have a match if the P.E. teacher

_____________(be busy?

13.He ___________(write a letter to his grandparents if he __________(get his report card this week. 14.Unless she ____________(get up early, she _____________ ( not catch the early bus.

15. Don’t go out tomorrow if it __________ (rain .


1. 只要你请求他,他会帮你的

________ you ________him, he _________ __________you

2. 如果她早点儿起床,就有时间在家里吃早餐

If she__________ _________a little earlier, she’ll have time to eat breakfast at home.

3. 如果你参加聚会,你将会过得很开心。

If you__________ the party ,you_________ _________ a great time.

4. 除非明天不下雨,否则我们将不去野餐

Unless it __________tomorrow, we _________ ___________ for a picnic.

5. 只要你经常听英文歌,你将会喜欢英语

As so as you often __________ __________English songs, you________


6. 如果他到的晚了会发生什么事情?

What _______________ if he _____________ late?

7. 如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。

If you__________ _________, you ___________ good _____________.

8. 只要他看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

As long as he _________ TV too much, his parents __________ __________ unhappy.

9. 如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。

Everyone ________________ if we _____________ a birthday party __________ him.

10. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。

If it __________ __________ tomorrow, I ______________ go to the park

_________ you.

11. 如果她起得晚了,就会上课迟到的。

She______ ______ _____ _________ class if she ___________________.

12. 除非他没有空,否则他会帮助你的。

Unless he _________________, he _________________ you.

13. 如果 Tom 考试不及格,他就没有机会上高中了。

Tom _________have the ________to go to the high school if he ___________ the exams.

14. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。
