
《国际贸易》英文名词解释International Trade(国际贸易)International trade is the international exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events.Free Trade(自由贸易)The main idea of free trade is that supply and demand factors, operating on a global scale, will ensure that production happens efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to protect or promote trade and growth because market forces will do so automatically.Protectionism(贸易保护主义)In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly.Production Possibilities Curve /Frontier(生产可能性曲线/边界)A Production Possibilities Frontier is a graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce, given the availablefactors of production and the existing technology .Opportunity Cost(机会成本)Opportunity Cost means whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Supply Curve(供给曲线)A Supply Curve is a graph that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied.Demand Curve (需求曲线)A Demand Curve is a graph that describes the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded.Excess Supply Curve(出口供给曲线)Because Excess Supply is a situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, Excess Supply Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the available quantity for export of a product. Excess Supply Curve can be derived from subtracting a supply curve with a corresponding demand curve.Excess Demand Curve(进口需求曲线)Because Excess Demand is a situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied, Excess Demand Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts therelationship between the price and the desirable quantity for import of a product. Excess Demand Curve can be derived from subtracting a demand curve with a corresponding supply curve.Consumer Surplus(消费者剩余)Consumer Surplus means a buyer’s willingness to pay minus the amount the buyer actually pays. Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of participating in a market.Producer Surplus (生产者剩余)Producer Surplus is the amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller’s cost. Producer surplus measures the benefit to sellers of participating in a market.Economies of Scale(规模经济)Economies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost falls as the quantity of output increases.Diseconomies of Scale(规模不经济)Diseconomies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost rises as the quantity of output increases.Constant Returns to Scale(规模报酬不变)Constant Returns to Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost stays the same as the quantity of output changes.Indifference Curve(无差异曲线)Indifference Curve is a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction.The Gravity Model(引力模型)In its basic form, the gravity model assumes that only size and distance(经济规模和距离) are important for trade in the following way:Tij = A x Yi x Yj /Dij 两国之间的贸易规模与经济规模成正比,与两国之间的距离成反比。

国际贸易名词解释1.国际贸易(nale Trade)是指世界各国(或地区)之间商品和劳务的交换活动,是各国在国际分工的基础上相互联系的主要形式,反映了世界各国在经济上的相互联系与依赖的关系。
是衡量一个国家国民经济发展对对外贸易依赖程度的一个指标,可细分为进口与出口对外依存度7.过境贸易(Transit Trade)指贸易货物在运输途中经过一国国境,这些货物既不在该国销售,该国也不参与到贸易当中,只是供给交通的便利,并收取少量费用。
11.要素密集度(Factor Intensity)指产品出产中某种要素投入比例的大小,如果某要素投入比例大,称为该要素密集度程度高。

1. 关税(Tariff)关税是政府对进口和出口商品征收的一种税收。
Tariff is a type of tax imposed by the government on imported and exported goods. It is used as a tool to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Tariffs can be set based on the type and quantity of goods. Common types of tariffs include import tariffs and export tariffs.2. 自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)自由贸易协定是两个或多个国家之间就贸易条件和关税等问题达成的协议。
Free Trade Agreement is an agreement reached between two or more countries on trade conditions, tariffs, and other issues. Free Trade Agreements aim to reduce or eliminate various trade restrictions, including tariffs and non-tariff barriers, in order to promote free trade and economic cooperation.3. 关税壁垒(Tariff Barrier)关税壁垒指的是通过设定高额关税或其他限制措施,以限制或阻碍他国商品进入本国市场的手段。

1. 出口(Export)出口是指将产品或服务从一个国家销售到其他国家。
2. 进口(Import)进口是指从其他国家购买产品或服务引入到本国内。
3. 贸易平衡(Trade Balance)贸易平衡指的是一个国家在一定时期内出口与进口之间的差额。
英语中,"trade balance"是指贸易平衡。
4. 关税(Tariff)关税是指对进口或出口货物征收的税收。
5. 进口配额(Import Quota)进口配额是指限制某些商品进入本国的数量。
英语中,"import quota"是指进口配额。
6. 自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)自由贸易协定是两个或多个国家之间达成的贸易协议,以减少或消除贸易壁垒,促进贸易自由化。
英语中,"free trade agreement"表示自由贸易协定。

国际贸易实务术语总结国际贸易实务术语总结一:贸易术语1. 出口(Export): 指将商品、服务或资本从一个国家出售到另一个国家。
2. 进口(Import): 指从一个国家购买并引入商品、服务或资本。
3.贸易逆差(Trade deficit): 当一个国家的进口超过其出口时,经济上出现贸易逆差。
4.贸易顺差(Trade surplus): 当一个国家的出口大于进口时,经济上出现贸易顺差。
5.关税(Tariff): 是对进出口商品征收的税费,可以用来控制进口、保护本国产业或增加收入。
6.关税配额(Tariff quota): 是限制特定商品进口数量的措施,通常在达到配额后需支付更高的关税。
7.非关税壁垒(Non-tariff barrier): 是指非关税形式的贸易限制,包括配额、进口许可、技术标准等。
8.自由贸易区(Free Trade Area): 是指一组国家通过降低或取消关税和非关税壁垒来促进自由贸易的区域。
9.关税同盟(Customs Union): 是自由贸易区的一种更深度的一体化形式,成员国在对外贸易时实行统一的关税政策。
10.最惠国待遇(Most Favoured Nation treatment): 是指一个国家给予其他国家的最优惠贸易条件,不能对某个国家给予更好的贸易待遇。
二:国际支付术语1.信用证(Letter of Credit): 是银行以买方为指示人,在购买商品后为卖方提供保付款项的文件。
2.跟单信用证(Documentary Letter of Credit): 除了支付任务,还要求卖方提供与货物相关的文件,如提单、装箱单等。
3.保函(Bank Guarantee): 是银行为了保证某人或企业履行合同、支付款项等义务而出具的书面保证。
4.电汇(Telegraphic Transfer): 是一种通过银行电子转账方式进行的国际支付。
5.托收(Collection): 是一种付款方式,出口商通过银行要求进口商支付,银行收取费用并帮助卖方收款。

国际贸易专业术语解释1. “FOB(Free on Board),就是船上交货呀!比如说,你要出口一批货物,在货物装上船那一刻,责任就从你转移到买家啦!这就好像接力比赛,你把接力棒交到对方手里,后面的路就靠他们啦!”2. “CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight),成本、保险加运费哟!好比你是卖家,不仅要负责货物的成本,还要买好保险,把货物安全送到目的地,就像是你给货物买了张一路平安的票呢!比如你卖东西给国外客户,用CIF 术语,你就得把这些都安排好呀!”3. “EXW(Ex Works),工厂交货呀!这就相当于你在自己工厂门口就把货物交给买家啦,之后的事情都由他们搞定,是不是很简单直接?就像你把做好的蛋糕放在店门口,顾客自己来拿走就行啦!”4. “FCA(Free Carrier),货交承运人呢!想象一下,你把货物交给运输公司的那个人,这时候责任就转移啦!就如同你把包裹交给快递员,之后就看快递员的啦!比如你和对方约定 FCA,你把货交给承运人就完成任务咯!”5. “CPT(Carriage Paid To),运费付至呀!就是说你要承担把货物运到指定地点的运费呢!这就好像你给朋友寄东西,你付了邮费一样,只不过这个距离更远啦!比如你要把货物运到某个地方,用 CPT 术语,你得把运费掏了哦!”6. “CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To),运费、保险费付至呢!哇塞,这就不仅要付运费,还要买保险哦!就像你送贵重物品给别人,不仅要付运费让它到对方那里,还要买保险以防万一呀!比如你用 CIP 术语,这些都得安排妥妥的!”7. “DAT(Delivered at Terminal),运输终端交货呀!就是货物到了指定的运输终端,责任就转移啦!好比你送东西到快递驿站,到了那里你就完成任务了呢!比如说你和对方约定 DAT,货物到了那个终端,你就可以松口气啦!”8. “DAP(Delivered at Place),目的地交货呢!这可厉害啦,要把货物送到指定的地点哟!就像你给朋友送礼物,直接送到他家门口一样!比如你用 DAP 术语,得把货物一路护送到目的地哦!”9. “DDP(Delivered Duty Paid),完税后交货呀!这可是最厉害的一个,你要承担所有的责任和费用,包括关税啥的!就像你给别人准备了一份超级豪华大礼包,什么都包了!比如你答应 DDP,那可真得把一切都搞定呀!”10. “L/C(Letter of Credit),信用证哟!这就像是给买家和卖家之间的一个保障,银行做担保呢!比如说买家开个信用证,卖家就放心发货,不用担心收不到钱啦!是不是很靠谱呢?”我的观点结论就是:这些国际贸易专业术语都很重要呀,搞清楚它们,才能在国际贸易中少走弯路,顺利完成交易呢!。
国际贸易名词解释英文及简答论述 期末考试复习

《国际贸易》英文名词解释International Trade(国际贸易)International trade is the international exchange of goods and services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events.Free Trade(自由贸易)The main idea of free trade is that supply and demand factors, operating on a global scale, will ensure that production happens efficiently. Therefore, nothing needs to protect or promote trade and growth because market forces will do so automatically.Protectionism(贸易保护主义)In contrast, protectionism holds that regulation of international trade is important to ensure that markets function properly. Advocates of this theory believe that market inefficiencies may hamper the benefits of international trade and they aim to guide the market accordingly. Production Possibilities Curve /Frontier(生产可能性曲线/边界)A Production Possibilities Frontier is a graph that shows the various combinations of output that the economy can possibly produce, given the available factors of production and the existing technology . Opportunity Cost(机会成本)Opportunity Cost means whatever must be given up to obtain some item.Supply Curve(供给曲线)A Supply Curve is a graph that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied.Demand Curve (需求曲线)A Demand Curve is a graph that describes the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded.Excess Supply Curve(出口供给曲线)Because Excess Supply is a situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, Excess Supply Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the available quantity for export of a product. Excess Supply Curve can be derived from subtracting a supply curve with a corresponding demand curve.Excess Demand Curve(进口需求曲线)Because Excess Demand is a situation in which quantity demanded is greater than quantity supplied, Excess Demand Curve can be defined as a graph that depicts the relationship between the price and the desirable quantity for import of a product. Excess Demand Curve can be derived from subtracting a demand curve with a corresponding supply curve.Consumer Surplus(消费者剩余)Consumer Surplus means a buyer’s willingness to pay minus the amount the buyer actually pays. Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of participating in a market.Producer Surplus (生产者剩余)Producer Surplus is the amount a seller is paid for a good minus the seller’s cost. Producer surplus measures the benefit to sellers of participating in a market.Economies of Scale(规模经济)Economies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost falls as the quantity of output increases.Diseconomies of Scale(规模不经济)Diseconomies of Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost rises as the quantity of output increases.Constant Returns to Scale(规模报酬不变)Constant Returns to Scale means the property whereby the long-run average cost stays the same as the quantity of output changes. Indifference Curve(无差异曲线)Indifference Curve is a curve that shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction.The Gravity Model(引力模型)In its basic form, the gravity model assumes that only size and distance(经济规模和距离) are important for trade in the following way:Tij = A x Yi x Yj /Dij两国之间的贸易规模与经济规模成正比,与两国之间的距离成反比。
国际贸易 名词解释中英文 自己整理

古典贸易理论:机会成本(opportunity cost):生产某种产品而必须放弃的能够生产除此以外最大可获收益的产品的代价。
The amount of another item must be given up in order to release sufficient resources to produce one more unit of a given item.机会成本不变的存在需要两个条件:第一,两种产品生产中所使用的要素比例固定不变,并且可以相互替代;第二,所有产品中使用的同一要素都是同质的。
国际分工(International Division of Labor):指世界上各国(地区)之间的劳动分工,是各国生产者通过世界市场形成的劳动联系,是国际贸易和各国(地区)经济联系的基础。
Division of labor or specialization is the specialization of cooperative labor in specific, circumscribed tasks and roles, intended to increase the productivity of labor.完全分工Complete Specialization: The utilization of all of a nation’s resources in the production of only one commodity with trade. This usually occurs under constant costs. 不完全分工Incomplete Specialization: The continued production of both commodities in both nations with increasing costs.绝对优势(absolute advantage)各国间存在的生产技术上的差别,以及由此造成的劳动生产率和生产成本的绝对差别,是国际分工和国际贸易的基础。

International TradeDefinition of important terms:1. Trade bloc 贸易集团▪ An intergovernmental association of a large free trade area formed by one or more tax, tariff, and trade agreements, which manages and promotes trade activities for ▪specific region of the world.▪ Freely, or cheaply for members ▪ Barriers against non-members2. Non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒A non-tariff barrier to import is any policy used by the government to reduce imports, other than a simple tariff on imports.3. CommodityCommodity is the article of commerce of any kind that is for sale – goods, merchandise or product.4. CIF/CFR/FOB 到岸价/ 成本+运费/ 离岸价CIF: Cost Insurance and Freight (named port of destination)CFR: Cost and Freight (named port of destination)FOB: Free On Board (named port of shipment)5. L/C见176. F.A.Q. 平均良好品质(Fair Average Quality) not particular quality specification but average quality of the current group, recent shipment.7. General average共同海损Loss or damage to a ship or its cargo that is shared among the shipowner and all the cargo owners.8. Constructive total loss(推定全损)may occur if the cargo is NOT actually lost, but is so seriously damaged as to make the goods no longer useful for the purpose for which they were originally intended.9. Neutral packing 中性包装Do not mention the name of the country producing the goods and the name of the manufacturer on the commodity and on the outer and inner packages.10. Liner 班轮The liners run fixed schedules, follow fixed routes and charge standard rates called conference rates.11. Break-even Point 收支平衡点(BEP) is the point where revenues from sales equal all costs.12. Dumping 倾销Dumping is the practice of selling products in foreign country at lower prices than those charged in the producing country13. Bill of Exchange (Draft) 汇票a written order to pay a sum of money to a particular person on a particular date. Drafts are negotiable and may be sold.14. Remittance 汇付Transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through banks.15. D/P 付款交单Documents Against PaymentUnder D/P, the buyer can receive the shipping documents only after he has duly made the payment of the goods.16. D/A 承兑交单Documents Against AcceptanceUnder D/A, the buyer can receive the shipping documents from the collecting bank after he has duly accepted the draft.17. Letter of Credita letter from a bank that allows you to get a particular amount of money from another bank18. Collection 托收Presentation for payment of an obligation and the payment thereof19. Force Majeure 不可抗力unexpected circumstances, such as war, that can be used as an excuse when they prevent sb from doing sth that is written in a contract20. Arbitration 仲裁Arbitration is the judging of a dispute between people or groups by someone who is not involved.21. Counter-offer 还盘A counter-offer is an offer that someone makes, for example, for a house or business, in response to an offer by another person or group.22. Pro forma Invoice 形式发票A document provided prior to or with a shipment of goods (as for export) that describes the items and terms of sale but dose not have the function of a real invoice.23. Forwarder (Shipping agency) 货代A person or organization that dispatches or delivers goodsOne that forwards; especially an agent who performs services (as receiving, transshipping, or delivering) designed to move goods to their destination.Chapter5 选择A. 单选1. The term CIF should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of destinationd. port of exportation2. The term FOB should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of importationc. port of discharged. port of exportation3. The term EXW should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of importationd. port of exportation4. The term DAT should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of loadingc. port of destinationd. port of shipment5. The term FAS should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of destinationc. port of shipmentd. port of exportation6. The term CFR should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of destinationd. port of exportation7. The term DDP should be followed by .a. point of originb. port of shipmentc. port of premised. place of destination8. The term DAP should be followed by .a. point of originb. place of importationc. port of exportationd. port of shipment9. The term FCA should be followed by .a. seller's railway stationb. point of originc. seller's place of shipmentd. buyer's railway stationB. 多选Which of the following are included in the quoted price?1. The quoted price for 3 red zoom roadsters is US $ 6,000 Ex-works, Beijing.a. 3 red zoom roadstersb. freight to dockc. loading chargesd. ocean freightere. marine insurancef. unloading2. The quoted price for 12 “Butterfly” sewing machines is US $ 700 FAS, Dalian.a. 12 “Butterfly” sewing machinesb. freight to dockc. loading chargesd. ocean freighte. marine insurancef. unloading3. The quoted price for 1,000 “Panda” radios is US $10,000 CFR, Tianjin.a.1,000 “Panda” radiosb. freight to dockc. loading chargesd. ocean freighte. marine insurancef. unloading4. The quoted price for 100 pairs of shoes is US $3,000 FOB, Shanghai.a.100 pairs of shoesb. freight to dockc. loadingd. unloadinge. import duties5. The quoted price for 1 tractor is $ 5,000 CIF, Hong Kong.a.1 tractorb. transportation to dockc. loadingd. export chargese. ocean freightf. marine insuranceg. unloadingh. import dutiesChapter 6(B)mineral ore A. sample(C)ordinary garments B. manual(D)fish C. F.A.Q(E)Haier washing machines D. G.M.Q(G)medical apparatus E. famous brand(A)wheat F. specification(H)calligraphic works G. inspection(F)power plant generator H. drawing or diagramChapter 7 判断1. Under FOB, the seller must give the buyer prompt shipping advice as the goods are shipped on board the vessel.2. Demurrage is the extra charges a shipper pays for detaining a freight car or ship beyond time permitted for loading or unloading.3. Dispatch money is a fine imposed on the charter for the delay in the loading and unloading of the goods.4. Unclean B/L can be negotiated and accepted by the buyer and bank.5. A bill of lading is both a receipt for merchandise and a contract to deliver it as freight.6. Order B/L can be transferred with or without endorsement.Chapter 8判断1. In ocean marine insurance, the assured can recover more than actual loss provided that he can provide evidence of further losses contingent on the actual loss.2. In ocean marine insurance, general average is to be borne by the carrier, who may, upon presentation of evidence of the loss,' recover the loss from the insurance underwriter.3. Partial loss or damage is never recoverable with FPA.4. Special additional coverages such as war risk, strikes and so on must be taken out together with FPA and WPA.5. In essence, open policy is the same as the insurance certificate.6. Ocean marine insurance covers ships and their cargo only on the high seas and not on inland waterways.7. Without insurance, international trade is simply impossible to take place.8. Three types of risks are covered by ocean marine insurance, namely the perils of sea, the extraneous risks and the force majeure.9. Ocean marine insurance covers two types of losses, partial loss and total loss.Chapter 10Suppose a contract for the amount of US $ 845, 000 was approved for buyer' s credit up to 80% of the said amount. After disbursement, Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing would issue apromissory note on July 2, 2003 specifying that it is payable at 3 years after the above stated date to the order of Bank of Oslo, Oslo, Norway the sum of 80% of US $ 845, 000 (refundment of loan). Please make a promissory note by filling in the blanks of the following form.Promissory NoteIssued in Beijing the 2nd day of July, 2003On the 2nd day of July, 2006 fixed.We promise to pay against this Promissory Note to the order of Bank of Oslo,Norway the sum of USD 676000 (say Six Hundred and Seventy Six Thousand only). Payable in Oslo,Norway.For Bank of ChinaSignatureChapter 11ExampleEnquiry: 询盘Oct. 08th, 2015 (Enquiry)Dear Sir/Madam, we're interested in TV set model XXX. Please send us a firm offer at a favarable price.Offer: 发盘Oct 10th, 2015 (Firm Offer)Thanks for your inquiry dated Oct. 8th. We offer subject to your reply reaching us by Oct. 20th as follows: TV set model XXX, 1000 sets, packed in export cartons of one set each, shipped in 1X20' container, USD150 per set CFR Karachi, shipment before Dec. 31, 2015, Payment by Irrevocable Sight Credit.Counter-offer: 还盘Oct 13th, 2015 (Counter-offer)Referring to your e-mail of Oct. 10th, we regret to note that the price you offered is too high. We counter-offer USD130 per set CFR Karachi.Oct 16th, 2015 (Counter-offer of counter-offer)Your e-mail of 13th to hand. The best we can do is USD140 subject to your reply to us Oct. 22nd.Acceptance:Oct 16th, 2015 (Counter-offer of counter-offer)Your e-mail of 13th to hand. The best we can do is USD140 subject to your reply to us Oct. 22nd.。

EXW(Ex Works):根据EXW 条款,卖方只需将货物放置于指定的地点(通常是卖方工厂或仓库),买方需要自行负责货物的运输、报关手续、保险等事项。
FCA(Free Carrier):根据FCA 条款,卖方负责将货物交付给指定的承运人或指定地点,并负责完成出口报关手续。
FAS(Free Alongside Ship):根据FAS 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到指定的港口或船边,但不包括将货物装上船的费用和责任。
FOB(Free On Board):根据FOB 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到指定的港口或船边,并负责将货物装上船舶。
CFR(Cost and Freight):根据CFR 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到目的港口,并负责支付货物运输费用,直到货物抵达目的港口。
CIF(Cost, Insurance, and Freight):根据CIF 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到目的港口,并负责支付货物的运费和保险费,直到货物抵达目的港口。
CPT(Carriage Paid To):根据CPT 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到目的地国的指定地点,并负责支付货物的运费,直到货物抵达目的地。
CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to):根据CIP 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到目的地国的指定地点,并负责支付货物的运费和保险费,直到货物抵达目的地。
DAT(Delivered at Terminal):根据DAT 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到指定的终点地点,包括目的国的进口港口或终端装卸设施,但不包括卸货和清关的费用和责任。
DAP(Delivered at Place):据DAP 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到指定的目的地,但不包括将货物卸货和完成清关的费用和责任。
DDP(Delivered Duty Paid):根据DDP 条款,卖方负责将货物交付到买方指定的目的地,并承担货物运输、保险、报关等所有费用和风险,直到货物交付给买方为止,同时也负责支付进口国的关税等费用。

国际贸易中常用的词汇一、货物(Goods)1. Commodity.- 发音:[kəˈmɒdəti]- 词性:名词。
- 含义:商品,货物。
例如:The company deals in various commodities.(这家公司经营各种商品。
)2. Cargo.- 发音:[ˈkɑːɡəʊ]- 词性:名词。
- 含义:(船、飞机等装载的)货物。
例如:The cargo on the ship is very valuable.(船上的货物非常贵重。
)二、贸易方式(Trade Modes)1. Import.- 发音:[ˈɪmpɔːt](名词);[ɪmˈpɔːt](动词)- 词性:名词、动词。
- 含义:进口,进口商品。
例如:The import of cars has increased this year.(今年汽车的进口量增加了。
);We import a lot of electronics from Japan.(我们从日本进口很多电子产品。
)2. Export.- 发音:[ˈekspɔːt](名词);[ɪkˈspɔːt](动词)- 词性:名词、动词。
- 含义:出口,出口商品。
例如:The export of textiles is an important part of our economy.(纺织品出口是我们经济的一个重要部分。
);Our company exports furniture to many countries.(我们公司向许多国家出口家具。
)3. Wholesale.- 发音:[ˈhəʊlseɪl]- 词性:名词、形容词、副词、动词。
- 含义:批发。
例如:They do business in wholesale.(他们做批发生意。
);The wholesale price is much lower.(批发价低得多。
)4. Retail.- 发音:[ˈriːteɪl]- 词性:名词、动词。

国际贸易英语知识点总结一、国际贸易术语(Incoterms)1. FOB (Free on Board)- 含义:卖方在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船只后,卖方即完成交货义务。
- 示例:We offer the goods FOB Shanghai.(我们提供上海港船上交货价的货物。
)- 相关费用:卖方负责将货物运至装运港船上之前的一切费用,包括国内运输、装卸等费用;买方负责从装运港到目的港的运费、保险费等。
2. CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责支付货物成本、保险费和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。
- 示例:The price is quoted CIF New York.(价格报的是纽约港到岸价。
)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物到达目的港之前的成本、保险费和运费;买方负责卸货后的费用,如进口关税等。
3. CFR (Cost and Freight)- 含义:卖方负责货物成本和运费,将货物运至指定目的港。
- 示例:We can supply the goods CFR London.(我们可以供应伦敦港成本加运费价的货物。
)- 相关费用:卖方承担货物运至目的港的成本和运费,买方负责保险费及卸货后的费用。
1. 信头(Letterhead)- 包含公司名称、地址、联系方式(电话、传真、电子邮箱等)。
- 例如:ABC Company.123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001.Tel: +1 - 212 - 1234567.Fax: +1 - 212 - 1234568.Email:*******************.2. 称呼(Salutation)- 如果知道对方姓名,用“Dear Mr./Ms. + 姓氏”,如“Dear Mr. Smith”;如果不知道具体姓名,可用“Dear Sir/Madam”或者“To Whom It May Concern”。

1. import [ˈɪmpɔːt] (n./v.)- 名词:进口;进口商品。
例如:The import of high - tech products has increased in recent years.(近年来高科技产品的进口增加了。
)- 动词:进口;输入。
例如:This country imports a large amount of oil every year.(这个国家每年进口大量石油。
)2. export [ˈekspɔːt] (n./v.)- 名词:出口;出口商品。
例如:The export of agricultural products is an important part of the country's economy.(农产品出口是该国经济的一个重要部分。
)- 动词:出口;输出。
例如:China exports a lot of manufactured goods to the world.(中国向世界出口大量制成品。
)3. tariff [ˈtærɪf] (n.)- 关税;税率。
例如:The government has decided to raise the tariff on imported cars.(政府决定提高进口汽车的关税。
)4. quota [ˈkwəʊtə] (n.)- 配额;限额。
例如:There is a quota on the import of textiles.(纺织品进口有配额限制。
)5. customs [ˈkʌstəmz] (n.)- 海关;关税。
例如:You have to go through customs when you enter a foreign country.(当你进入外国时,你必须通过海关。
1. wholesale [ˈhəʊlseɪl] (n./adj./v.)- 名词:批发。

1. 贸易逆差(Trade Deficit)- 贸易逆差指一个国家或地区的进口超过了出口,导致经常账户出现赤字。
2. 贸易顺差(Trade Surplus)- 贸易顺差指一个国家或地区的出口超过了进口,导致经常账户出现盈余。
3. 关税(Tariff)- 关税是一种国家对进口商品征收的税收。
4. 非关税壁垒(Non-tariff Barrier)- 非关税壁垒是指除了关税以外的其他形式的限制和障碍,如配额、进口许可证、质量标准等。
5. 最惠国待遇(Most Favored Nation Treatment)- 最惠国待遇是世界贸易组织(WTO)成员国给予其他成员国的一种贸易优惠待遇。
6. 自由贸易区(Free Trade Zone)- 自由贸易区是指一组国家或地区为了促进贸易自由化和经济合作而形成的区域。
7. 关务联盟(Customs Union)- 关务联盟是在自由贸易区基础上更深一步的一种经济一体化形式。
8. 保护主义(Protectionism)- 保护主义是一种通过实施贸易限制措施保护本国产业免受外国竞争的政策。

名词解释1.barter trade(易货贸易):the direcrt exchange of goods or services-without an intervening medium of exchange or momey-either according to established rates of exchange or by bargaining.it is considered the oldest form of trade.2.direct trade(直接贸易):goods are transported directly from the production country to the consuming country. In this case, only two parties are involved in the transaction,namely the exporter and the importer.3.entrepot trade:refers to the transaction which involves importing goods from overseas for further processing or assembling and then reexporting the goods abroad. Entrepot trade involves only one party, who is the importer, the processor and at the same time also the exporter.4.invisible trade(无形贸易): 没有实物形态的技术和服务的进出口。

按通则解释该术语只适用于海运与内河运输CIF:1、 CIF术语的含义CIF术语就是指卖方负责租船订舱并按合同规定的装运港与期限将合同货物装上运往指定目的港的船上,并办理保险,支付保险费及运费,负责货物装上船为止的一切费用与风险按通则解释该术语只适用海运与内河运输。
A6、其她义务:(同前)(2)买方义务: B1、接受卖方提供的全套合格单据,受领货物,支付货款。

1. FOB(Free on Board)[ˌfriːɒn ˈbɔːd]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:船上交货(指定装运港),是指卖方在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船只后,卖方即完成交货义务。
2. CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)[ˌkɒst ɪnˈʃʊərəns ænd fre ɪt]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:成本、保险费加运费(指定目的港),指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险并办理货运保险,支付保险费,以及负责租船订舱,支付从装运港到目的港的正常运费。
3. CFR(Cost and Freight)[ˌkɒst ænd freɪt]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:成本加运费(指定目的港),指卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在装运港将货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,负担货物越过船舷为止的一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险,并负责租船订舱,支付抵达目的港的正常运费。
1. T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)[tɪˈleɡræfɪk trænsˈfɜː(r)]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:电汇,是指汇出行应汇款人申请,拍发加押电报\电传或SWIFT给在另一国家的分行或代理行(即汇入行)指示解付一定金额给收款人的一种汇款方式。
2. L/C(Letter of Credit)[ˈletə(r) ɒv ˈkredɪt]- 词性:名词短语。
- 释义:信用证,是指由银行(开证行)依照(申请人的)要求和指示或自己主动,在符合信用证条款的条件下,凭规定单据向第三者(受益人)或其指定方进行付款的书面文件。
3. D/P(Documents against Payment)[ˈdɒkjuments əˈɡenst ˈpeɪmənt]- 词性:名词短语。

国际贸易名词解释1.国际贸易(Internationale Trade) 是指世界各国(或地区)之间商品和劳务的交换活动,是各国在国际分工的基础上相互联系的主要形式,反映了世界各国在经济上的相互联系与依赖的关系。
是衡量一个国家国民经济发展对对外贸易依赖程度的一个指标,可细分为进口与出口对外依存度7.过境贸易(Transit Trade)指贸易货物在运输途中经过一国国境,这些货物既不在该国销售,该国也不参与到贸易之中,只是提供交通的便利,并收取少量费用。
8.转口贸易(Entreport Trade )转口贸易是指一国(或地区)进口某种商品不是以消费为目的,而是将它作为商品再向别国出口的贸易活动。
9.国际分工(International Division of Labor):是指世界各国(地区)之间的劳动分工,是各国生产者通过世界市场形成的劳动联系,也是国际贸易和各国(地区)经济联系的基础。

以下是一些常见的国际贸易术语及其解释:1.EXW(Ex Works): 工厂交货价,指卖方在工厂将货物交给买方,不负责装运和保险。
2.FCA(Free Carrier): 货交承运人价,指卖方在指定地点将货物交给承运人,完成交货。
3.CPT(Carriage Paid To): 运费付至目的地价,指卖方支付货物至目的地的运费,承担运输风险。
4.CIP(Cost Insurance and Freight): 成本加保险费加运费价,指卖方支付成本、保险费和运费,买方承担运输风险。
5.FAS(Free Alongside Ship): 船边交货价,指卖方在装运港船边将货物交给买方,买方负责装船和承担运费。
6.DAP(Delivered At Place): 目的地交货价,指卖方在指定目的地将货物交给买方,不负责卸货。
7.DDP(Delivered Duty Paid): 完税后交货价,指卖方在指定目的地将货物交给买方,并承担所有税费和卸货费用。
8.FOB(Free On Board): 装运港船上交货价,指卖方在装运港将货物装上船并完成交货,买方承担运费和保险费。
9.CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight): 成本加保险费加运费价,指卖方支付成本、保险费和运费,买方承担运输风险和卸货费用。
10.CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid to): 运费和保险费付至目的地价,指卖方支付运费和保险费,并将货物交至承运人或运输代理人,由其负责运输至目的地。
11.FOB(Free On Board): 装运港船上交货价,指卖方在装运港将货物装上船并完成交货,买方承担运费和保险费。
12.FAS(Free Alongside Ship): 船边交货价,指卖方在装运港船边将货物交给买方,买方负责装船和承担运费。

在国际贸易中,有许多常用的英语术语,以下是一些不可不知的国际贸易英语术语:1. Export(出口):从一个国家向其他国家销售商品或提供服务。
2. Import(进口):从其他国家购买商品或接收服务。
3. Trade(贸易):国际间商品和服务的交换。
4. Trade balance(贸易平衡):一个国家的出口和进口之间的差额。
5. Tariff(关税):对进口商品征收的税费。
6. Quota(配额):限制进口商品数量的法规。
7. Subsidy(补贴):政府向国内生产商提供的财政支持。
8. Dumping(倾销):在其他国家销售商品时,以低于市场价格的价格销售。
9. Letter of credit(信用证):银行所提供的付款保证,用于国际贸易中支付货款。
10. Free trade(自由贸易):没有关税、配额等限制的贸易。
11. World Trade Organization (WTO)(世界贸易组织):负责促进全球贸易的国际组织。
12. Foreign exchange rate(汇率):一种货币与另一种货币之间的比率。
13. Exchange rate risk(汇率风险):由于汇率变动可能导致收入和成本的波动。
14. FOB(Free on Board)(离岸价):包括货物在内的费用在出口国的船上转移到买方的所有权交接点。
15. CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(成本、保险和运费):包括商品、保险和运费在内的价格。
16. Bill of lading(提单):货物在货运中承运人向发货人或其代理人发出的一种凭证。
17. Incoterms(国际贸易术语解释):国际商会定义的规定买卖双方责任和义务的贸易术语。
18. LCL(Less than Container Load)(拼箱货):货物无法填满整个集装箱时使用的运输方式。
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(1)Immiserizing growth:the situation where a nation’s terms of trade deteriorate so much as a result of growth that the nation is worse off after growth than before,even if growth without trade tends to improve the nation’s welfare.
(2)H-O theory:the theory that postulates that (a) a nation exports commodities intensive in its relatively abundant and cheap factor and (b) international trade brings about equalization in returns to homogeneous factors across countries.
(3)Factor-price equalization theorem: the part of the H-O theory that predicts,under highly restrictive assumptions,that international trade will bring about equalization in relative and absolute returns to homogeneous factors across nations.
(4)Stolper-Samuelson theorem: it postulates that free international trade reduces the real income of the nation’s relatively scarce factor and increases the real income of the nation’s relatively abundant factor.
(5)Specific-factors model:the model to analyze the effect of a change in commodity price on the returns of factors in a nation when at least one factor is not mobile between industries.
(6)Leontief paradox:the empirical finding that U.S. Import substitutes were more K intensive than U.S. Exports.this is contrary to the H-O trade model,which predicts that ,as the most K-abundant nation,the United States should import L-intensive products and export K-intensive products.
(7)Differentiated products:the somewhat different products(such as automobiles)produced by different manufacturers in the same industry or general product group.
(8)Intra-industry trade:international trade in the differentiated products of the same industry or broad product group.
(9)Product cycle model:the hypothesis,advanced by Vernon,that new products introduced by industrial nations and produced with skilled labor eventually become standardized and can be produced in other nations with less skilled labor.
(13)optimum tariff: the tariff that maximizes the net benefit resulting from improvement in the nation’s terms of trade against the negative effect resulting fro m reduction in the volume of trade.
(14)Terms of trade effect of a tariff: the reduction in the price of the import commodity that results when a large nation imposes an import tariff.
(15)Nominal tariff: A tariff calculated on the price of a final commodity.
(16)Rate of effective protection: The tariff calculated on the domestic value added in the production of a commodity.
(17)Rybczynski theorem: postulates that at constant commodity prices,an increase in the endowment of one factor will increase by a greater proportion the output of the commodity intensive in that factor and will reduce the output of the other commodity. (18)Customs union: removes all barriers on trade among members and harmonizes trade policies toward the rest of the world.
external economies:Economists define external economies as productivity gains and costs reductions that an individual firm reaps from the expansion of other firms in the same industry.
(20)Export subsidies: the granting of tax relief and subsidized loans to potential exporters,and low-interest loans to foreign buyers of the nation’s exports.
(21)Trade gain: the increase in consumption in each nation resulting from specialization in production and trading.
(22)Absolute advantage: the greater efficiency that one nation may have over another in
the production of a commodity.This was the basis for trade for Adam Smith.
Technical barriers to trade TBT
Unreasonable or unwarranted characteristics or specifications (such as the level of performance, packaging, quality, or safety) that a product must meet before being allowed into a country.
(24)Technological gap model
The hypothesis that a portion of international trade is based on the introduction of new products or processes.
(25)重叠需求理论overlapping demands:trade in manufactures is likely to be largest among countries with similar tastes and income levels.
(26)经济一体化Economic integration: the commercial policy of discriminatively reducing or eliminating trade barriers only among the nations joining together.