福特野马汽车价格最低32.8万 性能配置总览





1. 野马E1:
- 建议零售价:10万元人民币
- 电池容量:40 kWh
- 续航里程:300公里
- 充电时间:快充2小时,慢充8小时
- 最大功率:80 kW
- 最高时速:120公里/小时
2. 野马E2:
- 建议零售价:15万元人民币
- 电池容量:50 kWh
- 续航里程:400公里
- 充电时间:快充3小时,慢充10小时
- 最大功率:100 kW
- 最高时速:150公里/小时
3. 野马E3:
- 建议零售价:20万元人民币
- 电池容量:60 kWh
- 续航里程:500公里
- 充电时间:快充4小时,慢充12小时
- 最大功率:120 kW
- 最高时速:180公里/小时
4. 野马E4:
- 建议零售价:25万元人民币
- 电池容量:70 kWh
- 续航里程:600公里
- 充电时间:快充5小时,慢充14小时
- 最大功率:140 kW
- 最高时速:200公里/小时




形容福特野马的句子1. 经典与时尚的完美结合福特野马是一款经典而又时尚的汽车,它通过独特的外观设计和先进的技术,将经典与时尚完美结合,成为了无数人心目中的梦幻座驾。

2. 强劲的动力与激情四溢福特野马不仅外形狂野,它所搭载的强劲动力更是让人瞠目结舌。


3. 出色的操控性能福特野马以其出色的操控性能而闻名于世。


4. 充满个性的外观设计福特野马的外观设计充满了个性和野性,独特的车身线条和大胆的前脸设计让人一眼就能认出它的身影。


5. 宽敞舒适的内饰空间福特野马不仅外观出色,内饰空间同样宽敞舒适。



6. 先进的科技配置福特野马配备了一系列先进的科技配置,如智能导航系统、智能语音控制、倒车雷达等,让驾驶者在驾驶过程中更安全、更便捷。


7. 高安全性能福特野马注重驾驶者的安全,配备了一系列高级安全技术。


福特野马:传奇的继承者1. 野马的历史渊源福特野马可以追溯到上世纪60年代,当时福特公司推出了一款颠覆传统的激进车型,正是这辆车,奠定了福特野马的地位。


2. 创新与突破福特野马在汽车工业中一直以创新和突破而著名。


3. 野马文化的传承福特野马不仅仅是一款车,更是一种文化的传承。



F3DM[紧凑型]14.98-14.98万F3R[紧凑型]5.09-7.98万F6[中型车]5.68-15.98万S8[跑车]15.88-20.68万福莱尔[微型车]2.98-4.4999万G3[紧凑型]标致进口标致207cc[小型车]25.5-29.5万307cc[紧凑型]28.8-39.5万307SW[紧凑型]21.88-26.43万308CC[紧凑型]31.98-36.08万308SW[紧凑型]23.38-26.38万407[中型车]26.98-48.8万407SW[中型车]29.98-52.98万607[中大型]43.9-56万807[MPV]Coupe407[中型车]42-52万东风标致207[小型车]6.76-10.78万307两厢[紧凑型]9.58-16.98万307三厢[紧凑型]9.08-18.26万207两厢[小型车]6.58-10.48万酷威[SUV]29.59-32万大众进口大众CC[跑车]49.8-55.8万R36[中型车]50.8-55万Eos[跑车]38-49万高尔夫GTI[紧凑型]31.5-41万辉腾[豪华型]70.25-228万甲壳虫[紧凑型]18.6-42.5万Multivan[MPV]47-60万Tiguan[SUV]33.8-47.98万途锐[SUV]61-190万夏朗[MPV]33.8-40万迈腾[中型车]37-43.98万尚酷[跑车]28-39万上海大众CrossPOLO[小型车]8.8-13万朗逸[紧凑型]9.68-16.48万POLO劲取[小型车]7.78-11.58万POLO劲情[小型车]7.28-11.98万帕萨特领驭[中型车]15.18-30.88万帕萨特新领驭[中型车]14.28-31.68万桑塔纳[中型车]5-7.98万桑塔纳志俊[中型车]6.95-13.58万途安[MPV]13.98-22.18万一汽-大众宝来经典[紧凑型]10.65-18.29万宝来两厢[紧凑型]9.9-14.18万第六代高尔夫[紧凑型]12.58-18万高尔夫[紧凑型]10.2-14.88万捷达[紧凑型]6.18-9.98万迈腾[中型车]15.55-27.98万速腾[紧凑型]11.78-19.98万新宝来[紧凑型]8.85-15.68万575M Maranello[跑车]318-320万599 GTB Fiorano[跑车]492.8-492.8万612 Scaglietti[跑车]370-569.8万456M GT[跑车]456M GTA[跑车]California[跑车]348.8-348.8万F430[跑车]328-445.8万富奇华翔富奇驭虎[SUV]风神风神S30[紧凑型]6.58-9.98万丰田进口丰田FJ酷路泽[SUV]45-62万考斯特[其它]66-160万汉兰达[SUV]32.98-53.1万海狮[其它]35-125万红杉[SUV]78-131万IQ[微型车]佳美[中型车]陆地巡洋舰[SUV]70-142.8万皮卡[其它]普拉多[SUV]33-72万普瑞维亚[MPV]39-67.5万RA V4[SUV]31.88-39万赛纳[MPV]59-72万海拉克斯[其它]33.8-36.8万Venza[SUV]48-69万广汽丰田汉兰达[SUV]22.38-49.88万凯美瑞[中型车]15.38-28.38万雅力士[小型车]7.2-13.63万四川一汽丰田柯斯达[其它]35-102.53万普拉多[SUV]44.8-68.53万天津一汽丰田花冠[紧凑型]8.78-13.38万皇冠[中大型]26-50.2万卡罗拉[紧凑型]10.08-21.08万锐志[中型车]18.68-35.68万新威驰[小型车]7.88-12.7万RA V4[SUV]17.3-28.85万一汽丰越兰德酷路泽[SUV]62-116万普锐斯[紧凑型]23.78-29.33万福特长安福特福克斯两厢[紧凑型]9.68-15.39万福克斯三厢[紧凑型]9.68-15.19万S-MAX[MPV]17.48-24.588万蒙迪欧[中型车]15.3-22.98万蒙迪欧-致胜[中型车]13.48-23.98万新嘉年华两厢[小型车]6.88-10.98万新嘉年华三厢[小型车]7.39-11.19万进口福特爱虎[SUV]48.2-53.8万E系列商务车[其它]65-138万福莱克斯[SUV]翼虎[SUV]27.8-34.5万野马[跑车]福田福田汽车奥铃[其它]5.98-7.98万传奇X[SUV]风景爱尔法[其它]5.55-11.88万风景冲浪[MPV]8.38-9.58万风景快客[MPV]5.6-9.58万风景快运[MPV]5.45-7.59万风景厢货[其它]5.88-7.08万海狮[其它]6.3-17.5万迷迪[MPV]6.28-8.68万蒙派克[MPV]9.2-16.82万风行风行景逸[紧凑型]7.98-14.58万菱智[MPV]8.98-18.98万菲亚特进口菲亚特博悦[紧凑型]18.08-23.9万德特乐福斯[其它]菲亚特500[微型车]Doblo[MPV]Stilo[其它]领雅[紧凑型]15-18.6万朋多[小型车]12.88-16.66万广汽菲亚特领雅[紧凑型]南京菲亚特派力奥[小型车]5.08-6.88万K 返回顶部凯迪拉克进口凯迪拉克CTS[中型车]35.8-58.8万CTS-V[豪华型]110-110万DTS[豪华型]148-150万帝威[豪华型]83-83万凯迪拉克加长版[豪华型]148-156万凯雷德[SUV]118-136万SRX[SUV]68.6-82.8万XLR[跑车]128-156万凯雷德外交官[豪华型]146-146万上海通用凯迪拉克SLS 赛威[中大型]39.5-82.8万克莱斯勒北奔克莱斯勒铂锐[中型车]15.5-22.7万300C[中大型]23.9-50.9万东南克莱斯勒大捷龙[MPV]29.5-35.9万进口克莱斯勒辉煌[中大型]138-138万300C[中大型]26-59.8万300M[中大型]59.5-59.5万PT漫步者[紧凑型]18-24.8万赛百灵[紧凑型]Q 返回顶部庆铃庆铃竞技者[SUV]13.9-21.7万F重型商用车[其它]39.6-44.8万庆铃皮卡[其它]8.6-12.18万庆铃轻卡[其它]8.36-13.7万全球鹰全球鹰熊猫[微型车]3.35-6.08万奇瑞开瑞开瑞3[MPV]5.58-6.08万优雅[MPV]4.58-5.88万优优[微型车]3.79-4.79万优派[其它]3.4-4.28万优翼[MPV]5.58-6.08万奇瑞A3两厢[紧凑型]6.08-10.08万A3三厢[紧凑型]6.28-10.28万东方之子[中型车]7.98-12.88万东方之子CROSS[MPV]7.68-13.98万风云2代[紧凑型]QQ3[微型车]2.16-5.28万QQ6[微型车]3.08-4.98万A1[小型车]4.38-5.98万A5[紧凑型]4.48-9.58万QQme[微型车]5.15-6.28万旗云[紧凑型]3.58-5.58万瑞虎3[SUV]6.98-11.58万起亚东风悦达起亚福瑞迪[紧凑型]8.88-13.98万嘉华[MPV]17.98-25.98万RIO锐欧[小型车]5.38-11.28万赛拉图[紧凑型]6.98-13.88万赛拉图欧风[紧凑型]6.98-11.68万狮跑[SUV]11.98-23.98万远舰[中型车]11.58-19.38万进口起亚霸锐[SUV]38.5-43.8万欧迪玛[中型车]32-32万欧菲莱斯[中大型]22.28-32.8万全新索兰托[SUV]22.78-28.08万索兰托[SUV]22.28-31.8万SOUL[小型车]狮跑[SUV]22.18-30.8万VQ[MPV]27.5-32.8万R 返回顶部日产东风日产骏逸[MPV]13.08-19.18万骊威[小型车]6.98-11.98万March[微型车]骐达[紧凑型]8.98-16.78万奇骏[SUV]17.78-28.35万天籁[中型车]19.58-39.78万逍客[SUV]13-24万新天籁[中型车]14.88-40.96万轩逸[紧凑型]11.68-18.51万颐达[紧凑型]9.28-14.98万阳光[紧凑型]14.38-18.38万进口日产leaf[紧凑型]旗舰[SUV]93-93万350Z[跑车]58.2-58.2万碧莲[其它]63-93万风度[中型车]31-35万风雅[中大型]51.5-58.5万贵士[MPV]49-68万GT-R[跑车]133-166万美仑奴[SUV]49.8-49.8万途乐[SUV]55-55万西玛[中大型]郑州日产奥丁[SUV]11.98-15.68万D22皮卡[其它]12.48-18.38万帕拉丁[SUV]15.48-29.98万帕拉骐[其它]14.98-14.98万锐骐多功能商用车[其它]10.48-13.98万锐骐皮卡[其它]7.68-12.78万御轩[MPV]12.28-19.28万ZN6493多功能商务车[其它]14.18-19.38万瑞麒瑞麒瑞麒X1[微型车]瑞麒2[MPV]4.68-5.88万瑞麒G6[中型车]瑞麒M1[小型车]3.08-5.98万荣威上汽荣威550[紧凑型]9.68-18.98万X 返回顶部现代北京现代i30[紧凑型]8.98-14.18万名驭[中型车]9.98-13.98万索纳塔[中型车]11.05-16.18万SONA TA领翔[中大型]13.78-22.88万SONA TA御翔[中型车]15.25-22.38万途胜[SUV]11.78-24.18万悦动[紧凑型]7.08-12.98万伊兰特三厢[紧凑型]7.08-12.68万雅绅特[小型车]5.38-10.58万进口现代劳恩斯coupe[跑车]18-33.5万君爵[中型车]24-25万劳恩斯[中大型]35-52万美佳[紧凑型]11.82-11.82万世纪[中大型]46-46万索纳塔[中型车]24.5-24.5万维拉克斯[SUV]33.8-44.8万新胜达[SUV]22.1-30.8万雅科仕[中大型]41-58.3万雅尊[中大型]18-31.08万新雅科仕[中大型]62.7-91万新大地大地魔兽[SUV]源动力[SUV]雪佛兰金杯通用雪佛兰开拓者[SUV]15.58-26万上海通用雪佛兰景程[中型车]9.78-16.38万科鲁兹[紧凑型]9.39-14.89万乐风[小型车]5.25-10.79万新乐骋[小型车]6.39-10.39万新赛欧[小型车]5.48-8.68万新赛欧SRV[小型车]6.18-9.88万上汽通用五菱雪佛兰乐驰[微型车]3.18-5.58万进口雪佛兰CAMARO[跑车]69-148万克尔维特C6[跑车]174-177万雪佛兰[中型车]81-113万EXPRESS[MPV]88.8-88.8万科帕奇[SUV]17.48-37.28万新凯新凯新凯SRV[其它]新凯SUV[SUV]雪铁龙东风雪铁龙C5[中型车]富康[紧凑型]6-8.58万凯旋[中型车]12.68-20.48万世嘉[紧凑型]9.78-16.18万萨拉-毕加索[MPV]10.58-18.88万三厢世嘉[紧凑型]10.48-16.28万新爱丽舍[紧凑型]5.68-10.28万新爱丽舍两厢[紧凑型]6.98-8.48万C2[小型车]6.18-10.68万进口雪铁龙C3[小型车]C3毕加索[MPV]C4毕加索[MPV]27.68-30.98万C4[紧凑型]17.98-24.98万C5[中型车]22.88-44.8万C6[豪华型]53.8-64.88万新雅途南汽新雅途新雅途·优尼柯[其它]。



销售中 销售后
媒体比重 投放波段
媒介策略 投放原则
• • 以专业和影响广泛相结合为原则 专业媒体提高产品地位,大众媒体提高产 品知名度,达到突出产品性价比的目的。
户外广告(楼宇广告、电梯广告等) 广播电台 手机 报纸 其他
• 攀比心态成购车诱因 • 虽然汽车已由身份象征转变为普通消费品 与生活工具,但在消费者潜意识中,攀比 心态依然起着重要影响。有43%受访者表 示购车的主要诱因是周围朋友买车所以也 想买车,其次才是代步等实用功能。
• 随着中国乘用车市场的不断成熟,很多消 费人群对品牌的选择不仅仅停留在产品质 量这些客观的要素上面,他们还越来越注 重品牌个性等更高层次的表现。
• 消费者购车信息来源 • 通过在网上的一些调查显示,消费者 购车时的信息渠道以网络为主,报纸、 亲戚朋友和电视杂志也占有一定的比 例。
• 数据显示,亲戚朋友的评价和试乘试 驾的感觉“非常可信”的认同率最高。
• 亲戚朋友的评价是“顾客忠诚”与否的结 果,只有高满意的客户才会向人推荐自己 购买的汽车,而不满意的客户也会毫不犹 豫的建议自己的亲戚朋友不要购买自己已 经拥有的汽车。
• 2011年3月19日在上海福特公司总部召开 “福特野马中国生产上市新闻发布会”。 (联系国内知名的网站,报纸,杂志对本 次活动进行报道,利用本次活动让中国消 费者对野马及其历史有初步了解。)
• 一星期后,野马将在中国生产的第一辆野马车作 为博物馆的永久收藏品和展示品。
• 参加2011年4月19日上海国际车展



MODEL BODYMustang EcoBoostMustang GTBullittShelby GT350Construction/materials Unitized welded steel body, aluminum hood and front fendersUnitized welded steel body, aluminum hood and front fendersUnitized welded steel body, aluminum hood and front fenders Unitized welded steel body, aluminum hood and front fenders Body style Fastback coupe, convertible Fastback coupe, convertible Fastback coupe Fastback coupe Trim levelsEcoBoost, EcoBoost Premium GT, GT Premium GT350, GT350R Final assembly locationFlat Rock, Michigan Flat Rock, Michigan Flat Rock, Michigan Flat Rock, Michigan ENGINE CONFIGURATIONTypeDOHC Ti-VCT Direct Injection Turbocharged I4DOHC Ti-VCT Dual Fuel Port/Direct Injection (PFDI) V8DOHC Ti-VCT Dual Fuel Port/Direct Injection (PFDI) V8DOHC Ti-VCT Port Fuel Injection (PFI) V8Block/head material High pressure cast aluminum block and head High pressure cast aluminum block and head Die cast aluminum block and head with plasma transfer wire arc cylinder liners Die cast aluminum block and head with plasma transfer wire arc cylinder liners Displacement 138 cu. in. (2,300 cc.)302 cu. in. (5,038 cc.)302 cu. in. (5,038 cc.)315 cu. in. (5,163 cc.)Bore x stroke 3.45 in. x 3.7 in.(87.55 mm x 94 mm) 3.63 in. x 3.65 in. (93.0 mm x 92.7 mm) 3.63 in. x 3.65 in. (93.0 mm x 92.7 mm) 3.70 in. x 3.66 in. (94.0 mm x 93.0 mm)Compression ratio 9.5:112.0:112.0:112.0:1Valvetrain DOHC, four valves per cylinder, twin independent variable camshaft timingDOHC, four valves per cylinder, twin independent variable camshaft timingDOHC, four valves per cylinder, twin independent variable camshaft timingDOHC, four valves per cylinder, twin independent variable camshaft timingValve diameter/lift Intake, 31 mm/8.9 mm; exhaust, 28.3 mm/7.8 mm Intake, 37.7 mm/13 mm; exhaust, 32.0 mm/13 mm Intake, 37.7 mm/13 mm; exhaust, 32.0 mm/13 mm Intake, 38.3 mm/14 mm; exhaust, 32.5 mm/14 mm Pistons Cast aluminum Cast aluminum Cast aluminum Forged aluminum Connecting rods Forged steelForged steelForged steelForged micro-alloyed steel Crankshaft Forged steel cross-plane Forged steel cross-plane Forged steel cross-plane Forged steel flat-plane Turbocharger Twin scroll with overboost N/AN/AN/AIgnition system Distributor-less with coil-on-plugDistributor-less with coil-on-plugDistributor-less with coil-on-plugDistributor-less with coil-on-plugFuel delivery Direct injectionDual-fuel, high-pressure direct injection and low-pressure port fuel injection Dual-fuel, high-pressure direct injection and low-pressure port fuel injection Port fuel injection with twin high flow pumpsEngine control system Powertrain control module Powertrain control module Powertrain control module Powertrain control module Intake manifold Composite shell-welded with runner packComposite shell-welded with runner pack and charge motion control valves Composite shell-welded with runner pack and charge motion control valves Composite shell with scroll design and charge motion control valvesExhaust manifold Three-port integrated into aluminum headTubular stainless steel headersTubular stainless steel headersTubular stainless steel headersOil capacity/grade Six quarts 5W-30 with filter (10,000-mile service interval)10 quarts 5W-20 with filter (10,000-mile service interval)10 quarts 5W-20 with filter (10,000-mile service interval)10 quarts 5W-50 Full Synthetic with filter (5,000-mile service interval, 3,000 for heavy use)Coolant capacity 13.6 quarts (12.88 liters)13.6 quarts (12.88 liters)9.5 quarts (8.96 liters)15.2 quarts (14.4 liters)SAE horsepower 310* @ 5,500 rpm * 460 @ 7,500 rpm *480 @ 7,000 rpm *526 @ 7,500 rpm *SAE torque 350 lb.-ft. @ 3,000 rpm 420 lb.-ft. @ 4,600 rpm 420 lb.-ft. @ 4,600 rpm 429 lb.-ft. @ 4,750 rpm Redline ———8,250 rpmBuild locationWindsor Essex Engine PlantRomeo Engine PlantSDRIVETRAINStandardFront-engine, RWD with limited-slip differential Front-engine, RWD with limited-slip differential Front-engine, RWD with limited-slip differential Front-engine, RWD with limited-slip differentialStandard 6-speed manual Getrag Getrag Getrag Tremec TR-3160Standard wheel/tire dimensions17 in. x 7.5 in. 235/55RHA/S 18 in. x 8.0 in. 235/50RW A/S19 in. five spoke heritagewheel (19 in. x 9 in.)(front) 19 in. x 9.5 in.(rear)); P255/40R19 front,P275/40R19 rear summer-only tiresGT350 19-in. x 10.5-in.aluminum alloy, MichelinPilot Sport Cup 2295/35ZR19, front; 19-in.x 11.0-in. aluminum alloy,Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2305/35ZR19, rearGT350R 19-in. x11.0-in.carbon fiber, Michelin PilotSport Cup 2 305/30R19front, 19-in. x11.5-in carbonfiber, Michelin Pilot SportCup 2 315/30R19 rearINTERIOR DIMENSIONS(inches unless otherwise noted)Mustang EcoBoost Mustang GT Bullitt Shelby GT350WARRANTYMustang EcoBoost Mustang GT Bullitt Shelby GT350 Bumper-to-bumper 3 years/36,000 miles 3 years/36,000 miles 3 years/36,000 miles 3 years/36,000 miles Powertrain 5 years/60,000 miles 5 years/60,000 miles 5 years/60,000 miles 5 years/60,000 miles Corrosion 5 years/unlimited miles 5 years/unlimited miles 5 years/unlimited miles 5 years/unlimited miles Safety restraint system 5 years/60,000 miles 5 years/60,000 miles 5 years/60,000 miles 5 years/60,000 miles Roadside assistance24-Hour/Day24-Hour/Day24-Hour/Day24-Hour/Day。

福特必анг(Ford Mustang)客户价格列表(2015年1月20日起效)说明书

福特必анг(Ford Mustang)客户价格列表(2015年1月20日起效)说明书

FORD MUSTANG - CUSTOMER PRICE LIST Effective from 20th January 2015SERIES RANGE5.0 V8 GTAddition to 2.3 EcoBoost2.3 EcoBoost 5.0-litre V8 quad cam 32 valve engine with induction sound tubePerformance brake system featuring Brembo 6-piston front callipers and2.3 EcoBoost engine with direct injection and twin-scroll turbocharger Electronic Brake PrefillFully independent front and rear suspension Electronic Line Lock (track use only)Limited Slip Differential (LSD)Launch Control (manual only // track use only) Performance brake system featuring 4-piston front callipers and 19" multi-spoke alloy wheels Electronic Brake Prefill"GT" exterior badge on bootlid Selectable Driving Modes - Snow/Wet, Normal, Sport and Track "5.0" exterior badge on front wingsElectronic Stability Control (ESP) with three settings GT front grille featuring vertical power bars19" black 5x2-spoke alloy wheelsXenon High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlampsPower-folding door mirrors with Mustang logo projection puddle lamps SYNC 2 8" colour touchscreen with 9-speaker DAB radio, USB & Bluetooth Tip:connectivity, voice control and Ford Emergency AssistanceThe Custom Pack is available on both 2.3 and 5.0 models and includes Auto headlamps, rain-sensing wipers and auto-dimming rear-view mirror generous levels of additional equipment featuring an enhanced audio Reach & rake adjustable leather steering wheel with integrated controls system, climate controlled seats, reverse parking sensors, 19" alloy wheels 6-way power adjustable front seats, driver's seat with power lumbar adjust in Lustre Nickel and chrome side window surrounds on Fastback models Ford KeyFree system with Ford Power Starter Button and keyless entry Rear view cameraDual zone Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC) Track Apps with accelerometer technology (tack use only) MyColour ambient interior lighting Ford MyKey®Isofix rear seatsFrom £28,995 *From £32,995 *Availability Notes* 'On the road' price includes one years road fund licence, DVLA first registration fee £55 and an estimated £25 for number plates.£1,795MUSTANG RANGE HIGHLIGHTSA GUIDE TO KEY MODEL LEVELS2.3 EcoBoost Fastback Manual From 5.0 V8 GT Fastback Manual From 5.0 V8 Convertible Automatic From Availability Notes* 'On the road' price includes one years road fund licence, DVLA first registration fee £55 and an estimated £25 for number plates.Combining the power and character of the 5.0 V8 with the joy of open-top driving and a 6-speed automatic featuring SelectShift paddle control, this Mustang is the epitome of performance and style.£28,995 *£32,995 *£38,495 *The entry-level Mustang provides thoroughbred levels of performance from its advanced 2.3 EcoBoost engine, a striking exterior with 19" alloy wheels and premium interior ambience featuring a choice of leather trims andSYNC 2 8" colour touchscreen.For unleashed Mustang performance, sound and character, the 5.0 V8 GT is designed to deliver. Highlights include the throaty V8 leveraging 418PS and 524Nm of torque, an enhanced braking performance system and additional GT features such as Electronic Line Lock and Launch Control (track useonly)Recommended On the Road Price £2.3 EcoBoostFastback 2.3 EcoBoost Petrol 6 Speed Manual I 17923,808.3328,570.0028,995.00142.98285.95Fastback 2.3 EcoBoost Petrol 6 Speed Auto L 22824,629.1729,555.0030,495.00182.41364.82Convertible 2.3 EcoBoost Petrol 6 Speed Manual I 18427,141.6732,570.0032,995.00168.41336.82Convertible2.3 EcoBoostPetrol6 Speed AutoL22927,962.5033,555.0034,495.00207.08414.155.0 V8 GTFastback 5.0 V8Petrol 6 Speed Manual M 29926,520.8331,825.0032,995.00196.41392.82Fastback 5.0 V8Petrol 6 Speed Auto M 28127,770.8333,325.0034,495.00205.66411.32Convertible 5.0 V8Petrol 6 Speed Manual M 30629,854.1735,825.0036,995.00221.08442.15Convertible5.0 V8Petrol6 Speed AutoM28931,104.1737,325.0038,495.00230.33460.65Availability NotesØ The CO 2 emissions test figures shown in the table do not express or imply any guarantee of the emissions or fuel economy of a car in the class in question. All the figures are based on tests conducted on vehicles with standard wheels and tyres. Optional or Accessory wheels and tyres mayhave an effect on the emissions or fuel consumption of a vehicle. For further information on CO 2 and fuel performance please refer to our Fuel and Performance section* Not applicable to retail or private car buyers. BIK values are the monthly taxation payment applicable to company car users. BIK values were correct at the time of printing and are based on taxation rates for 2015/16 tax year. P11D value is the sum of Recommended price + VAT & Number plate charge (£25)OPTIONAL FEATURESB a s i c R R P£(E x c l . V A T )T o t a l R R P £ (I n c l . V A T )WheelsN/A N/A N/A N/A □□Part of Pack Part of Pack Additional Options"Shaker Pro" premium audio system with navigation*662.50795.00Climate Controlled Seats (heating and cooling)*412.50495.00Reverse parking sensors*245.83295.00Custom Pack1495.831,795.00KeyS = Standard, O = Option, at extra cost, ─ = Not available, □ = Included in Custom Pack * = not available with Custom Pack (already included)19" Lustre Nickel multi-spoke alloy wheel (as part of Custom Pack)O O OO 5.0 V 8 G T 19"black 5x2-spoke alloy wheel ─S 19" black multi-spoke alloy wheelO 2.3 E c o B o o s tS─O O Includes "Shaker Pro" premium audio system with navigation; Climate controlled seats; Reverse parking sensors; 19" Lustre Nickel multi-spoke alloy wheels; Side windows chrome surround (Fastback only)OCOLOUR AND TRIM2.3 E c o B o o s t5.0 V 8 G TB a s i cR R P £(E x c l . V A T )T o t a l R R P £ (I n c l . V A T )Trim*Ebony Leather O OCeramic Leather - please see below for colour combination availability O ODark Saddle Leather - please see below for colour combination availabilityO OColour and Trim Combinations* (same availability on 2.3 EcoBoost and 5.0 V8 GT)Exterior Body ColourCompetition Orange (Solid)Race Red (Solid)Oxford White (Solid)208.33 250.00 Absolute Black (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Deep Impact Blue (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Guard (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Magnetic (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Ingot Silver (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Ruby Red (Metallic)495.83 595.00 Triple Yellow (Tri-Coat)662.50795.00KeyS = Standard, O = Option, at extra cost, ─ = Not Available*Colours and trims reproduced in this price list may vary from the actual colours due to the limitations of the printing processes used.No cost option No cost option No cost option O ----O O -O O O O OO O -O O O O -O -O O O O Dark Saddle TrimCeramic TrimEbony TrimO No cost option-No cost option OFUEL & PERFORMANCEFastback2.3 EcoBoost Manual Stage VI M6314 (231)43417910.1 (28.0) 6.8 (41.5)8.0 (35.3)2.3 EcoBoost Automatic Stage VI A6314 (231)43422814.5 (19.5)7.3 (38.7)9.9 (28.5)5.0 V8 Manual Stage VI M6418 (308)52429920.1 (14.1)9.6 (29.4)13.5 (20.9)5.0 V8 Automatic Stage VI A6418 (308)52428118.6 (15.2)8.2 (34.5)12.0 (23.5)Convertible2.3 EcoBoost Manual Stage VI M6314 (231)43418410.4 (27.2) 6.9 (40.9)8.2 (34.5)2.3 EcoBoost Automatic Stage VI A6314 (231)43422914.1 (20.0)7.7 (36.7)10.0 (28.3)5.0 V8 Manual Stage VI M6418 (308)52430620.1 (14.1)9.8 (28.8)13.6 (20.8)5.0 V8 AutomaticStage VI A6418 (308)52428919.9 (14.2)8.7 (32.5)12.8 (22.1)'MANUFACTURERS ON THE ROAD' PRICES INCLUDE:VED BandCO 2 Emissions (g/km)*Number Plates (Estimated)£Government First Registration Fee£First Year Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) (Petrol/Diesel)£Total £A up to 10025.0055.000.0080.00B 101 to 11025.0055.000.0080.00C 111 to 12025.0055.000.0080.00D 121 to 13025.0055.000.0080.00E 131 to 14025.0055.00130.00210.00F 141 to 15025.0055.00145.00225.00G 151 to 16525.0055.00180.00260.00H 166 to 17525.0055.00290.00370.00I 176 to 18525.0055.00345.00425.00J 186 to 20025.0055.00485.00565.00K 201 to 22525.0055.00635.00715.00L 226 to 25525.0055.00860.00940.00MOver 25525.0055.001090.001170.00The fuel economy figures quoted in the table below are achieved by following strict EU governed test procedures and are specifically designed to enable customers to compare vehicles from allmanufacturers on a like-for-like basis. Fuel consumption is directly affected by the length of the journey; number of passengers and the amount of luggage carried; individual driving style; road and traffic conditions; weather conditions; vehicle age, mileage, condition and standard of maintenance; use of vehicle features such as air conditioning; and any modifications to the vehicle such as the addition of a roof rack. Your fuel economy will vary based on these and other factors and, for these reasons, many drivers may not achieve the EU fuel economy figures (below) in day-to-day driving, although the vehicle is technically capable of doing so.ØThe declared fuel/energy consumptions, CO 2 emissions and electric range are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008 as last amended. Fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions are specified for a vehicle variant and not for a single car. The applied standard test procedure enables comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers. In addition to the fuel efficiency of a car, driving behaviour as well as other non-technical factors are very important in determining a car's fuel/energy consumption, CO 2 emissions and electric range. CO 2 is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. A guide on fuel economy and CO 2 emissions which contains data for all new passenger car models is available at any point of sale free of charge or can be downloaded under /.The delivery charge is included in the Basic Recommended Retail price and is made on all models for delivery to the Dealer's premises. Where delivery is not made to the customer at the Dealer's premises a further charge may be made by the Dealer.The Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) charged on new cars is based on their engine's CO 2 emissions (expressed in grams per kilometre (g/km). *CO 2 emissions are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008 as last amended.The chart above shows the Bands and the VED which will be levied (effective 1st April 2014). The 1st Mustang deliveries are not scheduled until Q4 2015. Any government-led changes to the First Year VED applicable in the forthcoming taxOTHER PRICING CONSIDERATIONSCustomer Order Price ProtectionFord's Price Protection Plan means that the price you pay is the same as the price on your order as long as you are prepared to accept delivery within three months, and in any event, as soon as your vehicle is available. Your Dealer has full details of the plan. Ford Motor Company Ltd is not liable for changes in price caused by Government changes in tax rates or changes in other applicable legislation.VATVAT is shown calculated at 20%. The total price of a vehicle, including factory fitted options and accessories fitted by the Ford Dealer, will be subject to VAT on retail sale.Price ChangesThis price list is effective from 20th January 2015. The prices in the publication were true and accurate at the time of printing. You should, however, check details with your Dealer as there may have been changes in view of Ford's policy of continuous development. The right is reserved to change prices at anytime. Change to government legislation or tax changes could result in a change to published prices. ILLUSTRATIONS, DESCRIPTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONSThe product information in this publication was correct at the time of going to print. However, Ford's policy is one of continuous product development. The right is reserved to change specifications and colours of the models and items illustrated and described in this publication at any time. For the latest details always consult your Ford Dealer. Throughout this publication, wherever a feature is described as being an 'Option' or'Option Fitment/Pack' etc., you should assume that it will be at extra cost to the base vehicle, unless specifically stated to the contrary. All models and colour combinations are subject to availability.Some images portrayed are of a pre-production model and/or are computer generated, therefore the design/features on the final version of the vehicle may differ in various respects. In addition, some of the features shown on the vehicles may be optional, e.g. metallic paint.Please also note s ome driver assistance features and safety features described in this publication are designed to function using sensors, whose performance may be affected under certain weather or environmental conditions.。



(1)HMI智能人机交互式系统——一体化便捷操控设计领先同级 同级领先的仪表盘彩色液晶屏综合信息显示系统,集音响、蓝牙、行车电脑、倒车雷达等综合信息于一体, 使驾驶员的一切操作皆可轻松通过方向盘控制,不但方便了操作,而且对行车完全大有帮助。 (3)先进倒车影像系统——精准路况显示后顾从此无忧 倒车时,先进的倒车影像系统可将车后状况清晰反馈在中控台液晶显示屏上,帮助驾驶员准确了解后方路况, 免却后顾之忧,让你进退间更显从容自如。 (4)自动前大灯 自动开闭式前大灯,可自动感应外界亮度,自动开启和关闭,不论黑夜白天,令你驾驭更显从容。 (5)电子防眩目后视镜 夜间行车时,后方的强光可能会影响到驾驶员的实现,甚至威胁行车安全。电子防眩目后视镜可自动感应后 方光线强弱,调节镜面颜色,使反射到驾驶者眼中的光线保持适当亮度,不再刺目。
01 车型概况
03 产品更名
02011年3月17日发布的一款新车,是长安福特科技含量最高的车型,蒙迪欧在车身 及内外饰、零部件设计、制作工艺、用料等方面做了232项工程变更。
且2.0升直喷涡轮增压发动机和六速双离合变速器均为福特最新技术,0-100公里/时加速用时8.3秒,综合路 况油耗为7.9升/百公里。
(1)同级最长2850mm轴距 同级最长的2850mm轴距,为驾乘人创造领先同级尊荣空间。 (2)8向电动调节前排乘客座椅——舒适坐姿一键即享 高级包覆式皮质座椅,不论前排乘客的身材怎样,只需轻松按控制键,不费力即可找到最适合自己的坐姿。 座椅和椅背的包裹式设计,能够提供更好得支撑力,避免您因为车辆转弯变道而造成身体摇晃。高级透气打孔皮 质增加散热能力,令夏天乘坐更舒适。 (3)副驾驶座椅后排乘客调节 后排乘客可直接调节副驾座椅前后及靠背角度,人性设置体贴入微。 (4)前排分段可调加热座椅 前排分段可调节加热座椅,为您提供舒适和温暖的驾乘感觉。配合车内空调,寒冬中营造全方位温暖舒适的 乘车环境。 (5)后排手动遮阳帘


迎宾踏板 声控导航系统包 SiriusXM5年交通和旅游环线 方向盘倾斜远近调节 胎压监测 中央扶手 8寸中央触摸液晶屏 AM/FM/CD/MP3带AUD输入 噪音控制系统 trackApps SYNC音响系统 倒车影像
智能卡 后雷达 9个扬声器 四种驾驶模式调节
色彩强化包 前排斗式真皮座椅 6向电动前排座位带腰部支撑 前排座椅通风/加热 后排座椅按比例放倒 前排黑色地毯 主副驾安全气囊 主驾驶膝部气囊
前235/50/18R 后前235/50/18R
氙气大灯 LED日间行车灯 LED雾灯 水波纹效果后转向灯 LED尾灯 环境照明 加热后视镜集成转向接近灯 野马标志投射灯
2016款Mustang白金版 40.98万
前1570mm 后1637mm

福特新 Mustang seventh-generation 产品说明说明书

福特新 Mustang seventh-generation 产品说明说明书

N EWShttps://ford.to/tweetshttps://ford.to/facebookhttps://ford.to/linkedinAll-New Ford Mustang Redefines Driving Freedom with Immersive Digital Cockpit, Advanced Engines and Bold Style • Nearly 60 years after its debut, the all-new, seventh-generation Ford Mustang is the mostexhilarating and fun-to-drive yet, thanks to a completely reimagined driving experience• Immersive digital cockpit inspired by fighter jets features two large customizable digitaldisplays while Ford Power-Up software updates create an upgradable ownership experience• Head-turning design with unique styling for EcoBoost® and GT models, plus even morefactory-backed design options to attract a wider array of customers around the world • New Mustang has two new engines – a 2.3-liter EcoBoost and the Mustang GT’s mostpowerful 5.0-liter Coyote V8 ever – a new Remote Rev feature that provides the ability to rev the car’s engine remotely using the key fob, and an available new Electronic Drift Brake that can quickly turn a novice into a drifting pro, like Vaughn Gittin Jr. DETROIT, Sept. 14, 2022 – Ford once again sounds a wake-up call for sports car lovers around the world with the introduction of the all-new Ford Mustang. The seventh generation is the most exhilarating and visceral yet, from its fighter jet-inspired digital cockpit to new advanced turbocharged and naturally aspirated engines to its edgier yet timeless exterior design. “Investing in another generation of Mustang is a big statement at a time when many of our competitors are exiting the business of internal combustion vehicles,” said Jim Farley, CEO of Ford Motor Company. “Ford, however, is turbocharging its ICE growth plan, adding connected technology, opinionated derivatives, and hybrid options to our most profitable and popular cars – all in the Ford Blue family – on top of investing $50 billion in electric vehicles through 2026.” The new Mustang adds another chapter to an icon, delivering the looks, sound and appeal of the world’s best-selling sports coupe for seven years running*. Whether convertible or coupe, V8 or turbocharged 4-cylinder, manual or automatic, Mustang has options at multiple price points and performance levels. A completely rethought interior Behind the chiseled exterior silhouette of the seventh-generation Mustang lies the most technologically advanced, driver-centric cockpit of any Mustang to date. The fighter jet-inspired cockpit offers the driver two flowing and curved displays that can be quickly customized to show information the driver wants or needs to see. Based on the same Unreal Engine 3D creation tool used in modern video games, the car’s 12.4-inch digital instrument cluster can be customized to display different animated designs and new drive-mode dependent visuals. “We’re taking advantage of every pixel,” said Craig Sandvig, Ford Mustang interaction design manager. “We can be creative in showing necessary driving information and give the drivercontrol of selecting colors, classic Mustang gauges or even a ‘calm’ screen where only minimal details are displayed.”Mustang’s default instrument gauge setting has shifted from traditional, cool blue and light grey tones to an ultra-modern, copper appearance theme also shared with Mustang Mach-E. From there, almost everything in the displays – and the ambient interior lighting – can be configured to selected tones, while instrument clusters adapt to drive mode selection.When choosing personalized drive mode settings, the car’s current setup is displayed on the center stack as real-time graphical renderings. Settings can be adjusted by simply swiping the graphic to rotate the car virtually in true gamified style.This digital instrument cluster can be optionally configured to flow seamlessly into a 13.2-inch SYNC® 4 center stack behind a single piece of integrated glass that’s angled toward the driver. “We knew what customers wanted and designed the most digital Mustang ever while retaining the all-important driver-focused cockpit,” said Ricardo Garcia, Ford interior design manager. “Removing some of these physical buttons, such as radio and climate control, and integrating them into a digital display was popular in research with Millennials, Gen-Z and traditional Mustang drivers alike.”Beyond the screen, an all-new race-inspired flat-bottomed steering wheel provides more space when getting seated.Outside the vehicle, animated welcome lighting greets drivers as they approach and, upon entry, Mustang splash screens come to life. And for those who enjoy the sound of a revving engine, Mustang introduces Remote Rev, providing the ability to rev the car’s engine remotely using the key fob.Mustang has a standard cloth interior featuring all-cloth seats with optional Micro Suede vinyl inserts and black seat belts, while Premium models benefit from upgraded wrapped and accent stitched across the instrument panel and door trim. EcoBoost models feature Ford’s ‘ActiveX’ synthetic leather upholstery with multiple color options, while GT models gain leather seat inserts.Higher series models offer an upgraded, full-leather steering wheel, as well as a choice of color accent stitching and a unique upholstery perforation across the seat inserts, complemented by color-coordinated, asymmetric accent striping on the seat belts.The center console can also incorporate an available wireless mobile phone charging pad while new overhead USB ports are installed above the cockpit, conveniently placed for track cameras and other devices, helping prevent wires from draping across the cabin.The available B&O Sound System is optimized for the car’s interior, contributing to the visceral experience of Mustang ownership. Customers can share the ultimate driving playlist through Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, both of which are fully compatible with SYNC 4.Amazon Alexa Built-In with Ford Streaming allows music and podcasts to be played with simple voice commands. Like the all-electric Mustang Mach-E SUV, the all-new Mustang features Ford Power-Up software update capability.Edgier design with timeless Mustang cues, plus more customizationThe seventh generation adds modern chiseled looks to its heritage-inspired design, which sets out to appeal to the broadest Mustang customer mindset yet.Its low, horizontal brow across the front emphasizes overall frontal width, while the upper grille design shape is influenced by the original 1960s design. The Tri-Bar LED headlamps continue the Mustang’s classic lighting signature. Its sleek roofline, broad sprinting stance and shortened rear overhang are also true to the authentic proportions of the first generation, while the widened rear haunches point to the power over the wheels in true Mustang style.The roofline is optimized for driver entry and exit without removing their helmet on the track, and an extended rear deck houses a new crisp signature tri-bar lighting and redesigned diffuser for improved aerodynamic balance in the rear.Each model in the Mustang lineup carries its own unique front end. GT is differentiated from EcoBoost models by larger, more aggressive grille openings, engineered to allow increased airflow, reflecting the increase in power and performance. The car’s aerodynamics are optimized further with the addition of new hood vents and redesigned front splitter.“Both the EcoBoost and Mustang GT have unique styling cues that deliver on their promise of Mustang Performance,” said Christopher Walter, Ford Mustang design manager. “The new Mustang is more chiseled and edgier, leaning into Mustang’s classic brawniness and timelessness.”Mustang convertible continues its drop-top legacy offering maximum open-air freedom. A simple, one-touch activation with a single-handle center latch opens and closes the fully lined and insulated fabric roof. The compact roof design and independent rear suspension also contribute toward segment-leading trunk space that can accommodate up to two golf bags.The all-new Mustang launches with 11 exterior color options including two new shades, Vapor Blue and Yellow Splash, complemented by new stripe colors and designs. Customers also can choose from three Brembo brake caliper color options: Black, Red and Grabber Blue, plus an all-new lineup of alloy wheels, ranging from 17-inch standard size on base models to 19-inch for GT with optional 20-inch alloy wheels.New for the 2024 model year is the Mustang Design Series, providing further customization options straight from the factory. The Bronze Design Series Appearance Package adds Sinister Bronze alloy wheels with bronze badges, and is available on both EcoBoost and GT models, with or without the optional Performance Pack.Most Advanced and Athletic Engines EverThe way Mustang looks, drives and sounds is key to the experience that makes customers want to get in the driver’s seat and hit the road. The all-new Mustang delivers an even more exciting drive experience with new and advanced engine technologies.It starts with Mustang GT, now powered by an advanced, 5.0-liter Coyote V8 engine. The fourth-generation 5.0-liter is set to deliver the most naturally aspirated horsepower of any Mustang GT thanks to an innovative dual air intake box and dual-throttle body design, that helps minimize induction loss by enabling higher air flow rates.“This is the most athletic and confidence-inspiring Mustang EcoBoost and GT to drive yet,” said Ed Krenz, Ford Mustang chief nameplate engineer. “Whether driving an automatic or manual transmission, thanks to drive modes combined with fine-tuned digital engine, suspension and steering controls, we’re now able to give drivers peak performance everywhere, from their favorite roads to their local track.”Ford has saved the manual transmission for a new generation and the 5.0-liter V8 continues to offer a standard six-speed manual transmission for customers who want an uncompromised connection to eight-cylinder power. Ford’s advanced 10-speed automatic transmission is available, and it almost instantaneously reconfigures its shift patterns to match the selected drive mode.Customers who desire Mustang’s fun-to-drive feeling with fuel efficiency benefits can opt for the EcoBoost model, powered by an all-new, four-cylinder turbocharged 2.3-liter powertrain.The feeling of freedom and confidence Mustang instills in its drivers is amplified when they take control of how the car behaves.On a twisty back road or a weekend track day, the driver can quickly adjust steering effort, engine response, and transmission and electronic stability control settings through six available Drive Modes to create the perfect Mustang at any time. These are Normal, Sport, Slippery, Drag, Track plus a customizable setting with up to six individual profiles, tailored to the driver’s view ahead of them. As each mode is selected, high-fidelity graphics in the digital instrument panel bring the mode to life.Mustang GT and EcoBoost models are both available with an optional Performance Pack, which adds a host of track-focused features, including a front Tower Brace, Torsen® Limited Slip differential and optional MagneRide active suspension, wider rear wheels and tires, and larger, 390-millimeter front and 355-millimeter rear Brembo brakes. The GT Performance Pack adds brake ducts for even more enhanced cooling and a standard auxiliary engine oil cooler. Performance Pack also offers optional Recaro® seats and active exhaust.Mustang GT with manual transmission includes standard rev-matching that helps hold engine RPM when the clutch is engaged. This retains peak torque between manual gear changes, delivering even more precision, thrill and better refinement.Quicker steering ratios and minimal compliance from steering wheel to tire significantly enhances the car’s cornering dynamics, with increased straight-line power.A segment-first electronic drift brake takes new technology to the racetrack, unlocking the rear-wheel-drive drifting capability of Mustang with the visual appeal and functionality of a traditional, mechanical hand brake. The Performance Electronic Parking Brake comes standard with the Performance Pack on all Mustang models, engineered for novice drivers to learn and improve their drift skills while also providing expert drivers with a competition-ready system.More Available Advanced Driver Assistance TechnologiesThe new Mustang comes equipped with Ford Co-Pilot360™ features, including Speed Sign Recognition, Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop-and-Go, Lane Centering Assist, Evasive Steer Assist and Reverse Brake Assist. Another key feature is Active PotholeMitigation, included with the Performance Package, which continually monitors suspension, body, steering and braking input and adjusts suspension response accordingly. Owners can stay connected with their car via the FordPass™ app in other ways, utilizing free remote features such as remote vehicle start and stop, door locking and unlocking, scheduling a start time, locating the vehicle, and vehicle health and status checks. The FordPass app provides important vehicle information available to users, including fuel and oil levels, service history and warranty information. The all-new Mustang goes on sale in the U.S. starting in the summer of 2023 and is assembled at Flat Rock Assembly Plant in Flat Rock, Mich. ###*Based on S&P Global Mobility New light vehicle registrations CYE 2014-CYE 2021, which is compiled from government and other sources and captures 95 percent of global new vehicle volumes in more than 80 countries as reported in February 2022. Sports coupe, as defined by S&P Global Mobility, includes two-door and convertible models. About Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, that is committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for and deepen the loyalty of those customers. Ford designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of connected, increasingly electrified passenger and commercial vehicles: Ford trucks, utility vehicles, vans and cars, and Lincoln luxury vehicles. The company is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, connected vehicle services and mobility solutions, including self-driving technology, and provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 182,000 people worldwide. More information about the company, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company is available at . Contacts:Fixed Income Media Jiyan Cadiz Equity Investment Community Lynn Antipas Tyson Investment Community Karen Rocoff Shareholder Inquiries +1.800.555.5259 or +1.313.300.8397 +1.914.485.1150 +1.313.621.0965 +1.313.845.8540 *************** **************** **************** *****************。



Optional 18 x 8-in. 235/50RW A/S
5.0-liter V8
Aluminum block and heads
Composite shell-welded with runner pack and charge motion control valves
Stainless steel tubular headers
DOHC, four valves per cylinder, twin independent variable camshaft timing
Unitized welded steel body, aluminum hood and front fenders Fastback and convertible Flat Rock, Michigan
3.7-liter V6
2.3-liter EcoBoost® I-4
Aluminum block and heads Aluminum block and head
Turning circle, curb-to-curb
36.5 ft. (17-in. wheels), 37.8 ft. (18-in. and 19-in. wheels), 40.0 ft. (Performance Package and 20-in. wheels)
Four-wheel power disc brakes with four-sensor, four-channel antilock braking system and AdvanceTrac electronic stability control




下面是2008年款新切割游侠福特野马的一些主要功能介绍:1. 引擎性能:新切割游侠福特野马搭载了强大的V8发动机,拥有高达300马力的输出,加速性能出色。


2. 悬挂系统:该车配备了先进的悬挂系统,通过精确的悬挂调校和运动化设计,提供更为稳定和精准的操控性。


3. 转向系统:新切割游侠福特野马采用了电动助力转向系统,提供更轻便的转向操作和快速反应,有助于提升驾驶者的操控感。

4. 安全性能:车辆配备了多项主动和被动安全系统,包括ABS防抱死系统、刹车辅助系统、稳定控制系统等,为驾乘人员提供全方位的安全保护。

5. 内饰设计:车内采用运动化的设计风格,座椅提供良好的包裹性和舒适性。


6. 外观设计:外观极具力量感和动感,流线型车身线条展现出野马的独特魅力。


7. 便利性功能:新切割游侠福特野马配备了多项便利性功能,如智能钥匙、一键启动、倒车雷达、巡航控制等,提供更加便捷和舒适的驾驶体验。

8. 娱乐系统:车辆配备了高品质的音响系统和多媒体娱乐设备,支持蓝牙连接和音频输入接口,让驾驶者可以尽情享受音乐和娱乐。





* H orsepower and torque ratings based on premium fuel per SAE J1349 standard. Horsepower and torque are independent attributes and may not be achieved simultaneously.For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.BODYVehicle type Midsize two-door and four-door rugged 4x4 SUVTrim series Base, Big Bend ™, Black Diamond ™, Outer Banks ™, Badlands ™, Wildtrak ™Option packages Mid, High, Lux, Sasquatch ™ Package Final assembly locationMichigan Assembly Plant, Wayne, MichiganENGINES2.3-liter EcoBoost ® 2.7-liter EcoBoost Configuration Ti-VCT GTDI I-4Ti-VCT GTDI 60-degree V6Displacement 138 cu. in. (2,264 cc)164 cu. in. (2,694 cc)Bore x stroke 3.45 in. x 3.7 in. (87.55 mm x 94 mm) 3.27 in. x 3.27 in. (83 mm x 83 mm)Compression ratio 10.0:110.0:1Fuel delivery Direct injectionPort fuel/direct injectionEngine control system Chassis integrated powertrain control module Chassis integrated powertrain control module Engine block material High-pressure die cast aluminum alloyCompacted graphite ironPistons Lightweight, high-strength cast aluminum with low-friction skirt coating and steel ring Lightweight, high-strength cast aluminum with low-friction skirt coating and steel ring Connecting rods Forged steel Forged steel Crankshaft Forged steelForged steelValve diameter/lift Intake, 32.5 mm/8.9 mm Exhaust, 30 mm/7.8 mm Intake, 32.50 mm/10 mm Exhaust, 28.30 mm/9.0 mmValve lifters Direct acting mechanical bucket Roller finger follower, hydraulic compensating lash adjusters Intake Composite, split plenum Composite Ignition Coil on plugCoil on plugInduction Twin-scroll turbocharger with electrically actuated wastegate Dual mono-scroll turbochargers with electrically actuated wastegate ExhaustCast ironIntegrated cylinder head casting Recommended fuel Regular unleaded 87 octane minimum Regular unleaded 87 octane minimum Oil capacity 6.2 quarts 7.0 quarts Coolant capacity 11.1 liters11.7 litersExhaust system Single catalyst with resonator and single muffler Double catalyst with resonator and single muffler Alternator Standard: Single 240A Standard: Single 240A Battery groupH7 AGM 80 AH 800 CCA H7 AGM 80 AH 800 CCA SAE horsepower (regular fuel)275 @ 5,700 rpm 315 @ 5,500 rpm SAE torque (regular fuel)315 @ 3,400 rpm 410 @ 3,250 rpm SAE horsepower (premium fuel)*300 @ 5,700 rpm 330 @ 5,250 rpm SAE torque (premium fuel)*325 @ 3,400 rpm 415 @ 3,100 rpm Build locationCleveland Engine PlantLima Engine Plant* M aximum ratios with high-capability option packages.For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.DRIVETRAINLayoutLongitudinally mounted front engine with center-mounted transfer case, independent front axles/solid rear axlesTRANSMISSIONSStandard 7-speed (6+1 crawler gear) Getrag manual (offered on 2.3-liter engine only)Optional10-speed automatic (available on both 2.3- and 2.7-liter engines)Gear Ratios7-Speed Manual 10-Speed Automatic Crawler 6.588:1First 4.714:1First 4.283:1Second 2.997:1Second 2.365:1Third 2.149:1Third1.453:1Fourth 1.769:1Fourth 1.000:1Fifth 1.521:1Fifth 0.776:1Sixth 1.275:1Sixth 0.646:1Seventh 1.000:1Reverse-5.625:1Eight 0.853:1Ninth 0.689:1Tenth 0.636:1Reverse-4.885:1Transfer Cases StandardOptional4x4 with part-time engagement electronic shift-on-the-fly, 2.72:1 low ratioAdvanced 4x4 with 4A mode automatic on-demand engagement, 3.06:1 low ratioMaximum crawl ratios*79.92:1 – 7-speed manual with standard ESOF57.19:1 – 10-speed speed automatic with standard ESOF 94.75:1 – 7-speed manual with optional Advanced 4x467.80:1 – 10-speed automatic with optional Advanced 4x4Flat-tow capability Yes Yes Axles FrontRearStandard Dana ™ AdvanTEK ® M190 independent front suspension Dana 44™ AdvanTEK M220 solid rear differential OptionalDana ™ AdvanTEK ® M210 independent front suspension with Spicer ® Performa-TraK electronic lockerDana 44™ AdvanTEK M220 solid rear differential with Spicer ®Performa-TraK electronic lockerCHASSISType Body-on-frame; fully boxed high-strength steel frame with seven cross members, High-Performance Off-Road Stability Suspension (HOSS) System with low-mass independent front suspension, five-link solid rear axle with Panhard rod and outboard coilover springs Suspensions FrontRearStandard Twin forged alloy A-arms with long-travel coil-over springs, HOSS-tuned heavy-duty dampers 220 mm solid rear axle with long-travel, variable rate coil-over springs, HOSS-tuned heavy-duty dampers OptionalBilstein ® position-sensitive dampers with Bilstein position-sensitive dampers with* R equires heavy-duty modular front bumper.For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.BODYTwo-door Four-door Tops standard(varies by trim series)Removable hardtop Removable soft-top Removable hardtopRoof panel weight (pounds)14.0 front left, 15.4 front right 13.6 front left, 14.5 front right, 28.1 mid panel Doors/storage Two removeable frameless doors Four removable frameless doors Available rear storage for four doors Door weight (pounds)Front 62Front 55/Rear 44Modular section Doors, roof panels, front fenders, grille, fender flares, rear quarter panels, bumpersRock rail Standard on Black Diamond and Badlands series dealer installed accessory on all other Bronco series Tube stepsStandard on Outer Banks, available on Big Bend and WildtrakUnderbody protectionBlack Diamond, Widltrak (optional): Five steel underbody shields including engine shield, transfer case shield, fuel tank shield, shin guards and heavy-duty front bash plate*Badlands: Six steel underbody shields including engine shield, transfer case shield, fuel tank shield, shin guards, stabilizer-bar shield and heavy-duty front bash plate*Modular bumpers Heavy-duty powder-coated modular steel front bumper with heavy-duty bash plate standard on Black Diamond and Badlands, available on all other series Washout vinyl flooring with drain plugsStandard on Black Diamond and Badlands series Trail sights with 150-pound tie-down capacityStandard on all Bronco seriesBRAKESFront RearType Four-wheel power disc brakes with four-sensor, four-channel antilock braking system and electronic stability control Boost2.3-liter engine, vacuum brake boost, 2.7-liter engine, electronic brake boost Brake configuration Vented discs, twin-piston floating caliper Discs with single-piston floating caliper, integral electronicparking brake Rotor diameter/thickness 311 mm x 34 mm 308 mm x 24 mm Pad material Non-asbestos organic Non-asbestos organic Caliper type Twin 51-mm floating Single 54-mm floating Pad swept area413 cm 2373 cm2TypeThree-mode rack-and-pinion steering with standard, comfort and sport modes controlled viaTerrain Management System ™ with G.O.A.T. Modes ™(Goes Over Any Type of Terrain)Turning radius (curb-to-curb)35.53 feet (10.83 m)12.13 m (Badlands)/12.15 m (Sasquatch)BANG & OLUFSEN ©2021 and B&O ©2021. BANG & OLUFSEN™ and B&O™ are registered trademarks of Bang & Olufsen Group. Licensed by Harman Becker Automotive Systems Manufacturing Kft. All rights reserved.For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.TECHNOLOGYStandard modes, Base (5): Normal, Eco, Sport, Slippery and SandABS/stability control electric power-assisted steering, and ABSAirbagsFirst-row driver and passenger dual-stage front and seat side airbagsAll rows: Safety Canopy side-curtain airbags with rollover sensors for all rows* D enotes Sasquatch™ PackageFor editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.WHEELSSeries Standard Base 16-inch bright polished silver-painted steel Standard Big Bend 17-inch Carbonized Gray-painted aluminum Standard Black Diamond 17-inch black gloss-painted black steel Optional Black Diamond 17-inch black mid-gloss-painted aluminumStandard Outer Banks 18-inch bright machined black high-gloss-painted aluminum Standard Badlands 17-inch machined Carbonized Gray-painted aluminumOptional Badlands 17-inch black high-gloss-painted aluminum with Carbonized Gray beauty ring, beadlock-capable StandardWildtrak*17-inch black high-gloss-painted aluminum with black beauty ring, beadlock-capableSasquatch Package SeriesOptionalBase, Big Bend, Black Diamond, Badlands17-inch black high-gloss-painted aluminum with warm alloy beauty ring, beadlock-capable LIGHTING/CONVENIENCEBaseBig BendBlack DiamondOuter BanksBadlandsWildtrakHeadlamps Auto on/off LED Auto high-beamS S S S S S Bronco signature LED lighting N/A O N/A S S S LED fog lampsN/A S S S S S Mirror LED approach lamps and LED spotlightsN/A N/A N/A O O O Overhead upfitter switches with six-pre-wired user-defined electrical connectionsO O S O S S Dual-control HVAC automatic temperature control1N/A O O S O S Heated seatsN/A O O S O S Central locking system with keyless entry and push-button start S S S S S S Push button startS S S S S S Intelligent access (lock/unlock)N/A O O S O S Remote start system with FordPass Connect (automatic transmission models only)S S S S S S Power window SSSSSSAccessory ElectricalOne 110V AC 400 watt power outlet (Mid Package and up; rear of center console)Power points (12V) – one (1) center floor console, one (1) cargo areaStandard: Smart Charging Multimedia USB Ports, First Row – One (1) USB-A and one (1) USB-C; Smart Charging USB Ports, Second Row – One (1) USB-A and one (1) USB-C in the back side of the center floor consoleOptional: Lux package – Smart Charging USB Ports, dash board – One (1) USB-A and one (1) USB-CDIMENSIONS/CAPACITIES (Inches)Two-door Four-door WheelbaseAll series100.4116.1 LengthBase173.7189.4Big Bend173.7189.4 Wildtrak173.7189.5 Badlands174.8190.5 HeightBase71.973.0 (soft-top) Big Bend72.972.9 Wildtrak75.275.3 Badlands73.873.9( W hen available roof racks are installed, add 3.6 inches to two-doormodels, 3.4 inches to four-door models for maximum height)Width (with mirrors folded)Base/Big Bend75.975.9 Wildtrak79.379.3 Badlands76.376.3 Track width, front/rearBase/Big Bend/Badlands65.0/65.065.0/65.0 Wildtrak66.9/66.966.9/66.9 Seating capacity Four Five Passenger volume, hardtop (cu. ft.)99103.7 Passenger volume, soft-top (cu. ft.)N/A108.2 Behind first row, hardtop (cu. ft.)52.377.6 Behind first row, soft-top (cu. ft.)N/A83.0 Behind second row, hardtop (cu. ft.)22.435.6 Behind second row, soft-top (cu. ft.)N/A38.3 HeadroomFirst row, hardtop41.040.8First row, soft-top N/A43.3 Second row, hardtop39.840.1 Second row, soft-top N/A41.1 LegroomFirst row43.143.1 Second row35.736.3Hip roomFirst row56.355.9 Second row43.354.8 Shoulder roomFirst row57.157.1 Second row51.856.5Fuel capacity (gallons)16.920.8For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.* R emote start on automatic transmission models only. **Trailer tow capability determined using SAE J2807 standard. †Requires optional Ford Accessories hitch. † Additional options may decrease payload.For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.OPTION GROUP HIGHLIGHTSMid Package equipment group highlights SYNC 4 with 8-inch LCD touch screen/audio system, connected navigation, dual-zone HVAC, front-row heated seats, two-door intelligent access, remote start system,* Ford Co-Pilot360, reverse sensing system, rear passenger power outlet High Package equipment group highlights Includes all Mid Package content plus:SYNC 4 with 12-inch LCD touch screen/audio system and information on-demand panel, 360-degree camera, forward sensing system, additional sound deadening, mirror-mounted LED approach lamps and spotlightsLux Package equipment group highlightsIncludes all Mid and High Package content plus:10-speaker B&O Sound System by Bang & Olufsen, adaptive cruise control and evasive steering assist, heated steering wheel, connected built-in navigation with three years of service, wireless charging pad and dash-mounted USB-A andUSB-C smart charging portsBase 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,3384,2941,2465,5402,9003,0003,500†8,780Big Bend 2.3-literEcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,3444,3041,2365,5402,9003,0003,5008,780Black Diamond 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,4904,5871,0535,6402,9003,0003,5008,780Badlands 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,5764,6991,0215,7202,9003,0003,5008,780Base 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,3534,3141,2265,5402,9003,0003,500†8,480Big Bend 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,3594,3241,2165,5402,9003,0003,5008,780Black Diamond2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,5044,6051,0345,6402,9003,0003,5008,480Outer Banks2.3-literEcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,4024,4131,1275,5402,9003,0003,5008,480Badlands 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,5914,7191,0015,7203,0003,0003,5008,780Base 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,4934,4661,2345,7003,0003,0003,500†8,740Big Bend 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,4994,4761,2245,7003,0003,0003,5008,740Black Diamond 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,6444,7571,0225,7803,0003,0003,5008,840Outer Banks 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,5424,5651,1355,7003,0003,0003,5008,740Badlands 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,7314,8719895,8603,0003,0003,5008,840Wildtrak2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic2,5444,5741,0695,7403,0003,0003,5008,740†Requires optional Ford Accessories hitch.For editorial use only. Information correct at time of publication. Check for updates.Big Bend 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,4774,4661,4545,9203,0903,0703,5008,780Black Diamond 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,6714,8231,1966,0203,1703,0703,5008,780Badlands 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-47-speed manual 2,7574,9371,1626,1003,1703,0703,3408,780Base 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,4924,4761,4445,9203,0903,0703,500†8,480Big Bend 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,4974,4861,4345,9203,0903,0703,5008,480Black Diamond2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,6914,8431,1966,0403,1703,0703,5008,780Outer Banks2.3-literEcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,5434,5771,3435,9203,0903,0703,4408,480Badlands 2.3-liter EcoBoost I-410-speed selectshift automatic 2,7774,9571,1626,1203,1703,0703,3208,780Base 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,6224,6281,4326,0603,2203,0703,500†8,740Big Bend 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,6274,6381,4226,0603,2203,0703,5008,740Black Diamond 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,8214,9951,1246,1203,2703,0703,5008,840Outer Banks 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,6734,7291,3316,0603,2203,0703,5008,740Badlands 2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic 2,9075,1091,0706,1803,2703,0703,3208,840Wildtrak2.7-liter EcoBoost V610-speed selectshift automatic2,6804,7571,3226,0803,2203,0703,4608,840WARRANTYBumper-to-bumper Three years/36,000 miles Powertrain Five years/60,000 miles CorrosionFive years/unlimited miles Roadside assistance24-hour/day (3 years/36 miles)。

福特野马六方位介绍 刘露轲

福特野马六方位介绍 刘露轲













如果你对这个动力不够,我们还有5.0L V8发动机,史上最强V8发动机功率达到了310KW,扭矩达到了530扭矩。



N EWSFor immediate releaseA ll-New 2021 Bronco Two-Door and First-Ever Four-Door Models: Built Wild SUVs with Thrilling 4x4 Capability, Ready for Fun•Built Wild™: Ford Bronco returns as the flagship of a new all-4x4 family of rugged SUVs, witha classic two-door and a first-ever four-door; both are engineered with Built Wild ExtremeDurability Testing, Capability and Innovative Design for segment-leading 4x4 capability, long-term off-road performance and dependability•Thrilling: Bronco features powerful EcoBoost® engines with segment-exclusive 7-speed manual transmission and available 35-inch tires; Bronco excels with available best-in-class94.75:1 crawl ratio, ground clearance, suspension travel and water fording capabilities, plusbreakover and departure angles•Ready for fun: Bronco two-door and four-door models can get you to the trails fast with quick-release stowable roof panels and doors on select versions; available cutting-edge off-road drive technologies and segment-exclusive digital trail mapping allow owners to easily plan, record and share their experiences via an all-in-one app•Infinitely customizable: Bronco launches with more than 200 factory-backed aftermarket accessories for more capability, personalization and style, and with a base MSRP of$29,995DUBAI, UAE, July 14, 2020– Ford today unveils the 2021 Bronco – including a classic two-door and first-ever four-door – the flagship of an all-new family of rugged off-road vehicles.The all-4x4 Bronco brand is Built Wild™ and ready to deliver thrilling experiences with its heritage-inspired style, engineering and smart off-road technology, plus innovative features to help outdoor enthusiasts create adventures in the most remote corners of the world.“We created the Bronco family to elevate every aspect of off-road adventure and equipped them with class-leading chassis hardware and exclusive technologies to raise the bar in the rugged4x4 segment and take people further into the wild,” said Jim Farley, Ford chief operating officer. “They’re built with the toughness of an F-Series truck and performance spirit of Mustang – and come wrapped in one of the most stunning and functional off-road designs that’s true to the original Bronco design DNA.”The all-new Bronco re-enters the scene with an all-4x4 lineup with production beginning in early 2021 and first models arriving in Ford dealerships in the second half of next year. Bronco owners can choose from an extensive lineup of more than 200 factory-backed accessories for maximum personalization, enabling dealers to provide outfitting-on-demand for each customer’s individual adventure needs.Built Wild 4x4 confidenceJust like the first-generation Bronco, nicknamed G.O.A.T., the mission of the all-new 2021 Bronco is to deliver maximum 4x4 go-anywhere, anytime capability and confidence. Bronco incorporates off-road mapping and drive technologies to give novice adventurers as much fun as hard-core off-road experts, while its Built Wild durability makes for lasting performance in the harshest of conditions for generations to come.“Bronco’s advanced four-wheel-drive technology is at the core of its off-road capabilities, and at the heart of it all is Bronco’s exclusive Terrain Management System™ with G.O.A.T. Modes™that is designed to help drivers better navigate any type of terrain,” said Mark Grueber, Bronco consumer marketing manager.Up to seven driver-selectable modes are offered including Normal, Eco, Sport, Slippery and Sand, with Baja, Mud/Ruts and Rock Crawl for off-road driving.Two 4x4 systems are offered on all Bronco models, a base setup and advanced 4x4. The base system utilizes a two-speed electronic shift-on-the-fly transfer case, while the optional advanced system features a two-speed electromechanical transfer case that adds an auto mode for on-demand engagement to select between 2H and 4H. Power is distributed to a Dana™ 44 AdvanTEK® solid rear axle and Dana AdvanTEK independent front differential unit – both with available Spicer® Performa-TraK™ electronic locking differentials for improved traction over rough terrain.Available segment-first Trail Toolbox gives Bronco owners a suite of exclusive technologies to elevate their off-road experience. This includes Trail Control™– cruise control for low-speed trail driving, while Trail Turn Assist tightens off-road turning radiuses through torque vectoring, and the innovative Trail One-Pedal Drive acceleration/braking control makes for more precise and confident slow-mode rock crawling.Segment-leading levels of off-road capability are possible thanks to Bronco’s available best-in-class 11.6-inch ground clearance, maximum 29-degree breakover angle and 37.2-degree departure angle, plus best-in-class water fording capability of up to 33.5 inches. Off-road capability is further reinforced by exposed tow hooks in the front and rear and available heavy-duty modular steel bumpers with integrated Ford Performance accessory winch mount. Bronco’s strategically placed steel shields protect critical hardware. Higher-capability models get an available front bash plate, plus shields for the engine, transmission, transfer case and fuel tank. For those taking on the roughest rocky terrain,Bronco’s available side rock rails are strong enough to support the weight of each side of the vehicle.“Bronco two- and four-door models leverage the company’s Built Ford Tough durability and performance testing and take it even further off-road with Built Wild Extreme Durability Testing in the harshest possible environments, including the brutal trails of the King of the Hammers off-road competition,” said Dave Pericak, director, Ford enterprise product line management, Icons. Thrilling performance borne of Bronco DNAThanks to Bronco’s legendary Baja racing DNA, e ach model brings forth a thrilling off-road experience and delivers it with modern, heritage-inspired style. It all began in a Ford design studio with a life-size digital scan of a first-generation model that served to influence the proportions and design of the all-new Bronco for maximum off-road capability and performance.“Similar to the first-generation model, Bronco’s square proportions, short overhangs and wide stance are optimized for off-road adventure,” said Paul Wraith, Bronco chief designer. “The side profile features a flat, no-nonsense surface with clear-cut edges and robustly flared fenders. Large, open wheel wells are a modular design with a quick-release attachment for simple customization.”All-new Bronco architecture for two- and four-door models is based on a fully boxed, high-strength steel chassis that delivers available best-in-class suspension travel – 17 percent more both front and rear over the closest competitor to thrive in rugged environments.To deliver thrilling high-speed off-roading and overall driving performance, every Bronco comes with an independent front suspension for improved control, confidence and comfort. At the rear, a rugged solid axle design featuring coil springs with five locating links delivers both strength and off-road control. Long-travel position-sensitive Bilstein dampers with end-stop control valves at every corner are available for added off-road durability and reduced harshness.An available segment-exclusive semi-active hydraulic stabilizer bar disconnect design provides maximum articulation and increased ramp angle index for off-camber terrain. This innovative system bests competitors by disconnecting during articulation; it can reconnect under all conditions to improve steering and stability at higher speeds.Segment-first 35-inch off-road tires direct from the factory are available on every trim level of two- and four-door Bronco, while available segment-first beadlock-capable wheels allow customers to elevate off-road capability, regardless of price point.“Race-bred EcoBoost® engines and our segment-first 7-speed manual and available 10-speed automatic transmissions give the all-new Bronco the optimal combination of power, torque and gear ranges to perform in a wide variety of terrains and uses,” said Pericak.Best-in-class projected gasoline-powered horsepower and torque is available with the 2.7-liter EcoBoost V6 engine, which is projected to produce 310 horsepower and 400 lb.-ft. of torque, while the 2.3-liter EcoBoost is targeted to deliver best-in-class four-cylinder torque of 310 lb.-ft. with an expected 270 horsepower.For maximum low-speed rock-climbing capability, a segment-first 7-speed (6+1) manual transmission paired with the available advanced 4x4 system with automatic on-demand engagement generates a class-leading available crawler-gear ratio of 94.75:1. An available segment-first SelectShift® 10-speed automatic transmission makes for easier driving on- and off-road, while offering a maximum 67.8:1 crawl ratio with the available advanced 4x4 transfer case.Ready to head effortlessly into the wildBoth Bronco two- and four-door models make the open-air experience quick, easy and fun. Two-door models come with a standard three-section roof system – left and right front sections and a rear section – molded-in color and an available premium painted modular top with four sections that adds a removable panel over the rear seats and cargo area. Four-door models have four removable roof sections – left and right front panels, a full-width center panel and a rear section. Roof panels on all models can be removed by one person by unlocking the latches from the interior. First-row panels stow away onboard on two-door models.All modular hardtops have rear quarter windows that are removable in three easy steps – snap, push and lift away in a fraction of the time it takes for competitors – without removing the roof panels. By locating the sportbar behind the second row, both Bronco two- and four-door models offer the largest overall open-top view in its class to take in the sunshine or to gaze at the stars at night.A cloth soft top, standard on four-door models, provides easy access to the open air and a unique tilt-up function for quick access to the rear cargo area. For customers who don’t want to choose between a soft or hardtop, the four-door model can be optioned with both.Every Bronco comes with class-exclusive frameless doors that make them easier to remove than what competitors offer. On four-door Bronco models, all four doors can be stored onboard with protective door bags. Exclusive cowl-mounted mirrors maintain sideview visibility when the doors are removed. Trail sights on the front fenders also serve as tie-downs, reminiscent of the first-generation Bronco, have a 150-pound capacity for securing longer items like canoes.High-tech interior designed for the outdoorsInside, all Bronco models are purpose-built and ready for action. The instrument panel is inspired by the first-generation model, with gauges and controls clearly visible and intuitive. Colors and materials are inspired by natural palettes and outdoor gear. With off-road functionality paramount, materials are tough and rugged.A multifunction color LCD instrument panel is front and center with the transmissionshifter/selector and G.O.A.T. Modes controller in the center console. Available grab handles are integrated into the modular instrument panel and center console, while available MOLLE hooks are mounted in the seatbacks. Attachment points are built into the instrument panel to mount a bring-your-own-device rack, with 12-volt power connections to easily mount cameras, navigation units, phones or other devices.Further setting Bronco ahead of the off-road competition is an available segment-exclusive 12-inch SYNC® 4 system with over-the-air updates and seamless integration to the FordPass Performance app with off-road navigation – a Bronco class-exclusive feature that allows owners to easily plan, navigate and share their off-road adventures. The SYNC system also displays the available 360-degree camera system with class-exclusive off-road spotter views to provide additional visibility in technical pursuits such as rock crawling.Bronco’s a dvanced topographic trail maps and more than 1,000 curated trail maps are powered by class-exclusive trail content from NeoTreks’ AccuTerra® Maps, Trails Offroad trail guides and FunTreks trail guides.“The trail mapping system available on Bronco is truly a game-changer in the off-road community,” said Grueber. “It works online or off on either of the navigation-capable 8- or 12-inch SYNC systems, allowing users to select one of hundreds of available curated trail maps to map out and then track, capture and share their adventures with others.”To make post-adventure cleanups simple, fast and painless, select Bronco models come with washable rubberized floors with integrated drains and marine-grade vinyl seating surfaces that resist mildew. Instrument panel surfaces are wipeable, with seamless silicone rubber on the dash-mounted hero switches, while rubber touchpoints protect against dirt and water. Sixavailable upfitter switches mounted overhead are silicone-sealed to protect against the elements and to make customization easy, with pre-wired leads to key accessory points.A modern high-strength steel roll cage with integrated side curtain airbags in the upper structure and seats helps protect passengers from side impacts and complements driver and front passenger airbags. Available Ford Co-Pilot360™ driver-assist technologies plus standard AdvanceTrac® with Roll Stability Control™ and Trailer Sway Control help instill driver confidence. Equipment series redefine customizationAn all-new experiential-based equipment series provides unique flexibility to align capability with the adventure interests of each customer. Seven unique Bronco series are offered, with matched color and trim combinations. When combined with four content packages, numerous available options, 11 color choices and more than 200 dealer-installable accessories, personalizing an all-new Bronco SUV has never been easier.Series range from a base Bronco, a no-frills SUV for those who want to customize their own, to Big Bend™, Black Diamond™ and Outer Banks™ with a variety of options and colors, topping out with Wildtrak™ and Badlands™ for more extreme off-road adventuring. A limited-production First Edition™ will be offered at launch.As with the five generations before it, the all-new 2021 Bronco two-door and four-door models will be built at Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Michigan. More detailed information, including vehicle specs, accessories and full pricing and options, will be provided closer to launch.# # #About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification; mobility solutions, including self-driving services; and connected services. Ford employs approximately 188,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit .Contacts:Rania Al-ShurafaBrand and Product CommunicationsFord Direct Markets Jemma Chalcroft Associate Director ASDA’A BCW00971-50-362-7791 00971-55-614-6441***********************************************。


新车试制小组在底特律选定了 52对有中等收 入的青年夫妇,请他们到福特展厅来品评新车。 白领夫妇对新车造型表示满意,蓝领夫妇则把 野马看作他们所追求的地位和权势的象征。艾 柯卡请他们为新车估价,几乎所有人都估计约 10000美元,并表示家中已有车,将不再购买 这种车。当艾柯卡宣布车价在2500美元以内时, 他们十分惊讶 ,都表示将购买这种能显示身份 和地位的新车。在研究了消费者心理之后,艾 柯卡把车价定在2368美元,并开始设计下一步 的营销策略,为打开野马车市场前四天,公司邀请了报界100多名新闻记者参加从纽 约到边尔本的 70 辆“野马”汽车大赛,这些车飞驰700英里无一发生故障,
证实了野马车的可靠性。于是,几百家报纸都以显著 的位置刊出了关于 “野马”的大量文章和照片表面上看,这只是一次赛车活动,实际上是一次 告知性广告,使“野马”成为新闻界的热门话题。在“野马”车投放市场的 当天福特公司在正式推出“野马”轿车之时,福特在2600种报刊上登了全页 广告,并在数家电视台播出广告短片,广告使用了所谓的“蒙娜•丽莎”手 法:一幅朴素的白色“野马”在奔驰的画面,注上一行简单的字是“真想不 到”,副题是售价2368 美元。由于公关经理的努力,新车照片同时出现在 《时代》和《新闻周刊》封面上,关于这两大杂志的惊人宣传效果,艾柯卡 后来回忆说:“《时代》和 《新闻周刊》本身就使我们多卖出10万辆!”。 福特公司还在全国15个最繁忙的机场和从东海岸到西海岸的200家假日饭店 的门厅里陈列了“野马”。公司选择最显眼的停车场,竖起巨型的广告牌, 上书:“野马栏”以引起消费者的注意,激发人们的购买欲望。同时,福特 公司向全国的小汽车用户直接寄发几百万封推销信,既达到了促销的目的, 也表示了公司忠诚为顾客服务的态度和决心。此外,公司大量上市“野马” 墨镜、钥匙链、帽子、玩具车,甚至在面包销的橱窗里贴上广告:“我们的

福特Ford Mustang GT手册说明书

福特Ford Mustang GT手册说明书

Table of ContentsIntroduction (4)Contact Ford (5)Scheduled Servicing (6)Powertrain Availability Chart (7)Infrequent Usage (8)Scheduled Servicing Plan (9)Scheduled Service Intervals (10)Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor (11)Peace of Mind Inspection Schedule (13)A Service Schedule (15)C Service Schedule (17)Other Maintenance Items (18)Track Use Maintenance Intervals (19)Service Records (20)Notes (52)-3--4-IntroductionAll rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system ortranslation, in whole or part, is not permitted without written authorisation from Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited.Copyright © 2020 Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited.Thank you for buying a Ford vehicle. We trust it meets with your expectations and provides you with many years of enjoyable motoring.We believe very strongly that buying a Ford marks the beginning of an enjoyable experience rather than the end of a transaction.Throughout the world, Ford is recognized as being synonymous with the manufacture of quality vehicles, but with your new Ford, you get more than just the benefit of over 100 years of technological achievement and experience, you also have at your disposal the service expertise ofAuthorized Ford Dealers throughoutAustralia, all fully committed to ensuringyou enjoy your Ford from the day youbuy it.The Owner’s Manual tells you all youneed to know about the operationof your vehicle, together with usefulguidance on economic motoring andgeneral care.The service portfolio contains servicing information for your vehicle. While it may take you a few minutes to read, it will certainly help to derive maximum satisfaction from your new Ford vehicle.The information on the inside back cover of this guide provides you with a record of your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), date of purchase and other important data. Keep this manual in the glove box of your vehicle for reference as the need arises, and for service from an Authorized Ford Dealer.For full details about Ford warranties, please visit: .au/owners/warranties/Contact FordFord Customer Relationship CenterContact the Ford customer relationship center or use the online resources listed below to find the nearest authorized dealer.Telephone13 36 73 (13 FORD)E-mail*****************Website.au/owners/Auto Club Membership with Roadside AssistanceTelephone13 11 11 (except Transit)1800 13 3673 (Only for Transit)Additional information and resources are available online: .au/owners/service/roadside-assistance/These are some of the items that can be found online:• Dealer locator by dealer name, location or city/state.• Owner’s manual.• Maintenance schedules.• Recalls.• Ford extended service plans.• Ford genuine accessories.• Service specials and promotions.Additional AssistanceIn order to help us serve you better, please have the following information available when contacting a Customer Relationship Center:• VIN (vehicle identification number).• Your telephone number (home and business).• The name of the authorized dealer and city where located.• The vehicle’s current odometer reading.-5-Scheduled ServicingMustang Scheduled Servicing-6-Scheduled Servicing Powertrain Availability ChartEngine2.3L EcoBoost.5.0L Ti-VCT V8.Transmission6-Speed Manual Transmission (MT82).6-Speed Manual Transmission (3160).10-Speed Automatic Transmission (10R80).-7-Scheduled ServicingScheduled ServicingRegular maintenance is an essential part of keeping your vehicle operating in a safe, economical and environmentally friendly condition. It can also be a benefit when you sell or trade in your vehicle. Regular servicing for your vehicle is vital because wear and tear are gradual processes. With scheduled servicing, the costs are small and the benefits in safety and economy can be significant.The following sections explain when your vehicle should have service, which service you should have done and the required work at each service. This servicing during the warranty period is a condition of the Ford Express New Vehicle Warranty.Your vehicle requires servicing when the oil change message appears in the information display, every 15,000 km or 12 months, whichever occurs first. For detailed information on mileage intervals and scheduling, refer to the scheduled maintenance section in this manual.Note: Neglect of this servicing requirement may void the vehicle warranty. Vehicles Driven Under Severe ConditionsVehicles that are driven under severe or unusual conditions may require additional servicing. Your service advisor can help you determine the best servicing intervals for your vehicle in line with our requirements.You should complete a C service if you drive your vehicle under one or more of the conditions listed below as per the frequency listed.• When the outside temperature is below 5°C and most trips are less than 10 km.• Driving in stop and go traffic with extended periods of idling.• Towing a heavy trailer, caravan or carrying heavy loads or when carrying high roof rack loads.• Excessive idling such as taxi or door to door delivery use.• Driving in dusty or sandy conditions.A type C service is required if you occasionally operate under one or more of the conditions, for example, for a period of one month, 1,500 km or on a holiday trip.A regular C service is required if you continuously operate your vehicle under one or more of the conditions specified.Infrequent UsageIf your vehicle normally travels less than the required kilometers for a scheduled maintenance in 12 months, we recommend you service your vehicle at least once every 12 months.-8-Scheduled ServicingMustang Scheduled Servicing Plan-9-Scheduled Servicing Scheduled Service IntervalsThe following chart details the service requirements for 15,000 km intervals. Service Type IntervalPeace of Mind Inspection 3,000 km or 2 months after delivery, whichever occurs first.A Every 15,000 km or 12 months, whichever occurs first, or as indicated by the information display.C Every 7,500 km or 6 months after previous service, whichever occurs first, for vehicles driven under severe conditions.-10-Scheduled ServicingIntelligent Oil-Life MonitorYour vehicle has an Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor system that determines when to service your vehicle based on how you use your vehicle. The Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor displays a message in the information display when the system determines that your vehicle requires a scheduled service.The Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor uses several important factors in its calculations to determine if a scheduled service is required prior to the maximum scheduled service interval at which point the message will appear. The message may not appear on the exact planned scheduled servicing interval. Therefore, you should make sure that you do not exceed the 15,000 km or 12 months to perform thescheduled service.If the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED message appears in the information display, it is time for a Scheduled Service. Make sure you perform the scheduled service within two weeks or 800 km of the message appearing. Make sure your dealer has reset the Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor after each scheduled service.If your information display resets prematurely or becomes inoperative, perform the scheduled service interval at six months or 7,500 km from your last scheduled service. Never exceed 15,000 km or 12 months between scheduledservice intervals, whichever occurs first.In line with the market servicing requirements, a scheduled service must be completed when an Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor notification is shown.The following table provides examples of vehicle use and its impact on scheduled service intervals. It is a guideline only. Actual scheduled services intervals dependon several factors and generally decrease with severity of use.When to Expect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED MessageInterval Vehicle Use and Example12,000–15,000 kmNormal Normal commuting with highway driving. No, or moderate load.Flat to moderately hilly roads.No extended idling.Scheduled ServicingWhen to Expect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED Message Interval Vehicle Use and Example8,000–12,000 kmSevereModerate to heavy loads.Mountainous or off-road conditions.Extended idling.Extended hot or cold operation.High engine speeds and loads, engine braking and hard cornering.When to Expect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED Message Interval Vehicle Use and Example4,800–8,000 kmExtremeMaximum load or towing.Extreme hot or cold operation.Extended idling and continuous low speed traffic.Scheduled ServicingTRACK USE MAINTENANCE INTERVALSFollow these maintenance intervals for when you see your vehicle on a track or in a high speed event.Intervals Vehicle use and example One track weekend or approximately Change the engine oil and filter4 hours of track use.Every 800 km Change the rear axle fluid1.1Change the fluid every 800 km or when a message appears in the information display stating that the axle fluid is over temperature.Ford Dealer Logbook Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBrake SystemNo later than 36 months from the date of registration.Service TypeDate:km:Authorised Ford Dealer Logbook Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Logbook Service VerificationBy stamping this service record, you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Brake Systemno later than 36 months from previous brake system service Service TypeDate:Km:Authorised Ford Dealer Log Book Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBy stamping this service record you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Brake Systemno later than 36 months from previous brake system service Service TypeDate:Km:Authorised Ford Dealer Log Book Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBy stamping this service record you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Brake Systemno later than 36 months from previous brake system service Service TypeDate:Km:Authorised Ford Dealer Log Book Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBy stamping this service record you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Cooling SystemNo later than 10 years from the date of registration andthereafter 5 years from previous cooling system serviceService TypeDate:km:Authorised Ford Dealer Logbook Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Logbook Service VerificationBy stamping this service record, you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Cooling SystemNo later than 10 years initially andthereafter 5 years from previous cooling system serviceService TypeDate:km:Authorised Ford Dealer Logbook Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Logbook Service VerificationBy stamping this service record, you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.。

福特 Mustang 车型说明说明书

福特 Mustang 车型说明说明书

MODELMustang EcoBoostMustang GTMustang Dark HorseConstruction/materials Unitized welded steel body,aluminum hood and steel front fenders Unitized welded steel body,aluminum vented hood and steel front fenders Unitized welded steel body, aluminum vented hood and steel front fenders Body style Fastback coupe, convertible Fastback coupe, convertible Fastback coupe Trim levelEcoBoost, EcoBoost Premium GT, GT Premium Dark Horse Final assembly locationFlat Rock, MichiganFlat Rock, MichiganFlat Rock, MichiganENGINE CONFIGURATIONEngine 2.3-liter EcoBoost5.0-liter V85.0-liter V8Configuration Port fuel direct injection turbocharged I-4Dual port fuel direct injection V8Dual port fuel direct injection V8ValvetrainDOHC, Ti-VCTDOHC, Ti-VCTDOHC, Ti-VCTBlock/head material High-pressure cast aluminum block and headCast aluminum block and head with plasma transfer wire arc cylinder liners Steel oil panCast aluminum block and head with plasma transfer wire arc cylinder liners Steel oil panForged connecting rodsDisplacement 137.5 cu. in. (2,300 cc)307 cu. in. (5,038 cc)307 cu. in. (5,038 cc)Bore x stroke 3.30 in. x 4.0 in. (84 mm x 102 mm) 3.63 in. x 3.65 in. (93 mm x 92.7 mm) 3.63 in. x 3.65 in. (93 mm x 92.7 mm)Compression ratio 10.6:112:112:1Induction Twin scroll with overboost Naturally aspirated with dual air boxes and throttle bodiesNaturally aspirated with dual air boxes and throttle bodiesIgnition system Distributor-less with coil-on-plug Distributor-less with coil-on-plug Distributor-less with coil-on-plug DRIVETRAINStandardFront-engine, Rear Wheel Drive with limited-slip differentialFront-engine, Rear Wheel Drive with limited-slip differentialFront-engine, Rear Wheel Drive with limited-slip differentialFuel deliveryPort Fuel & Direct Injection Port Fuel & Direct Injection Port Fuel & Direct Injection Engine control systemPowertrain control modulePowertrain control modulePowertrain control moduleTRANSMISSIONStandard 6-speed manual with rev-matching and no-lift-shift N/AGetrag MT-82Tremec TR-3160Gear ratios:1st - 3.237:1 3.25:12nd - 2.104:1 2.23:13rd - 1.422:1 1.61:14th - 1.000:1 1.24:15th -0.814:1 1.00:16th-0.622:10.63:110-speed automatic Standard with optional SelectShift Optional with standard SelectShift Optional with standard SelectShift 1st 4.696:1 4.696:1 4.70:12nd 2.985:1 2.985:1 2.99:13rd 2.146:1 2.146:1 2.15:14th 1.769:1 1.769:1 1.77:15th 1.520:1 1.520:1 1.52:16th 1.275:1 1.275:1 1.28:17th 1.000:1 1.000:1 1.00:18th 0.854:1 0.854:1 0.85:19th 0.689:1 0.689:1 0.69:110th0.636:10.636:10.64:1Final drive3.15:1 Limited-slip rear axle, 3.55:1 TORSEN Limited-slip rear axle (Performance Package)3.15:1, 3.55:1 Limited-slip rear axle, 3.55:1 TORSEN Limited-slip rear axle (Performance Package with automatic), 3.73 TORSEN Limited-slip rear axle (Performance Package with manual)3.55:1 TORSEN Limited-slip rear axle (with automatic), 3.73:1 TORSEN Limited-slip rear axle (with manual)CHASSIS/SUSPENSIONMustang EcoBoost Mustang GT Mustang Dark HorseConstructionFully unitized steel chassis with fully independent front/rear suspension and perimeter subframe, tower-to-tower brace for Performance Packages. K-brace included on all convertible models, Performance Packages and any model with 20-in. or larger wheels.Front configuration Double-ball-joint MacPherson strut with stabilizer bar and aluminum control arms. MagneRide dampers optional on Performance PackagesDouble-ball-joint MacPherson strut with stabilizer bar and aluminum control arms. MagneRide dampers optional on Performance PackagesDouble-ball-joint MacPherson strut with stabilizer bar and aluminum control arms. MagneRide dampers standardRear configurationIntegral-link independent with coil springs and stabilizer bar. MagneRide dampers optional on Performance PackagesIntegral-link independent with coil springs and stabilizer bar. MagneRide dampers optional on Performance PackagesIntegral-link independent with coil springs andstabilizer bar. MagneRide dampers standard.STABILIZER BAR DIAMETERSPreliminary specifications as of Sept. 22, 2022 and are subject to change. Preproduction model shown. Available starting summer 2023.Mustang EcoBoostMustang GTMustang Dark HorseWHEELSSAFETY/CONTROL SYSTEMSEXTERIOR DIMENSIONSBRAKESTypeFour-wheel power disc brakes with EPB and Electronic Brake Booster and four-sensor, four-channel antilock braking system and AdvanceTrac electronic stability control; drift brake (Performance Package)Four-wheel power disc brakes with EPB and Electronic Brake Booster and four-sensor, four-channel antilock braking system and AdvanceTrac electronic stability control; drift brake (Performance Package)Four-wheel power disc brakes with EPB and Electronic Brake Booster and four-sensor, four-channel antilock braking system and AdvanceTrac electronic stability control; standard drift brakeFront brake configuration/ diameter/thickness/material Standard: 320 x 30 mm vented disc, twin-piston 43 mm floating aluminum calipers;Optional: 390 x 36 mm vented discs, Brembo six-piston 36 mm fixed aluminum calipersStandard: 352 mm x 32 mm vented discs, four-piston 46 mm fixed aluminum calipers;Optional: 390 x 36 mm vented discs, Brembo six-piston 36 mm fixed aluminum calipers390 x 36 mm vented two-piece discs, Brembo six-piston 36 mm fixed aluminum calipersRear brake configuration/ diameter/thickness/materialStandard: 320 x 12 mm solid discs, single-piston 41 mm floating aluminum calipersOptional: 355 x 28 mm vented discs, four-piston 30 mm fixed aluminum calipers Standard: 350 x 26 mm vented discs, single-piston 45 mm floating aluminum calipers Optional: 355 x 28 mm vented discs, four-piston 30 mm fixed aluminum calipers Standard: 355 x 28 mm vented discs, four-piston 30 mm fixed aluminum calipers Pad Material Standard: NAOOptional: Low-metallic Standard: NAOOptional: Low-metallic Low-metallicFront swept area Standard: 467 sq. cm/plate Optional: 768 sq. cm/plate Standard: 576 sq. cm/plate Optional: 768 sq. cm/plate 768 sq.cm/plateRear swept area Standard: 402 sq. cm/plate Optional: 523 sq. cm/plateStandard: 509 sq. cm/plate Optional: 523 sq. cm/plate523 sq. cm/plateSTEERINGTypeSelectable-Effort Electric Power Assisted (EPAS)Selectable-Effort Electric Power Assisted (EPAS)Selectable-Effort Electric Power Assisted (EPAS)Steering modes Normal, comfort, sport Normal, comfort, sport Normal, comfort, sport Ratio15.5:115.5:115.5:1Active featuresOptional MagneRide damping systemOptional MagneRide damping systemMagneRide damping systemMustang EcoBoostMustang GTMustang Dark HorseHEADLIGHTSLED Standard Standard Standard Auto on/offStandard Standard Standard LED daytime running lamps Standard Standard Standard Auto high beamStandardStandard StandardINTERIOR DIMENSIONS(inches unless otherwise noted)Seating capacity Four Four Four Front headroom37.637.637.6Front headroom, convertible 37.637.6—Front legroom, SAE 44.544.544.5Front shoulder room 56.356.356.3Front hip room54.954.954.9Rear headroom, fastback 34.834.834.8Rear headroom, convertible 35.735.7—Rear legroom, SAE fastback 292929Rear legroom, SAE convertible 29.229.2—Rear shoulder room, fastback shoulder room, convertible 44.644.6—Rear hip room, fastback 47.447.447.4Rear hip room, convertible 43.743.7—Passenger volume, fastback 82.8 cu. ft.82.8 cu. ft.82.8 cu. ft.Passenger volume, convertible 79.2 cu. ft.79.2 cu. ft.—Trunk volume, fastback 13.3 cu. ft.13.3 cu. ft.13.3 cu. ft.Trunk volume, convertible10.3 cu. ft.10.3 cu. ft.—。

福特Ford Mustang欧洲版型号技术参数说明书

福特Ford Mustang欧洲版型号技术参数说明书

T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSFORD MUSTANG – EUROPEAN SPECIFICATIONSPERFORMANCE AND ECONOMYFuel consumption (l/100 km WLTP) 1Performance Engine Power (PS) CO 2 (g/km) CombinedMax speed km/h0-100 km/h 0-62 mph (sec)5.0-litre V8 fastback(6-speed manual) 450268 - 27611.8 – 12.12494.65.0-litre V8 fastback (10-speedSelectshift auto) 450 256 - 265 11.2 – 11.6 249 4.35.0-litre V8 convertible(6-speed manual) 450 268 - 276 11.8 – 12.1 249 4.85.0-litre V8 convertible (10-speed Selectshift auto)450 256 - 265 11.2 – 11.6249 4.5 Mach 1 (6-speed manual)460 284 12.4 267 4.8 Mach 1 (10-speed Selectshift auto)46027011.72494.41CO 2 emission and fuel efficiency ranges may vary according to vehicle variants offered by individual markets.The declared WLTP fuel/energy consumptions, CO 2-emissions and electric range are determinedaccording to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EU) 2017/1151 as last amended. The applied standard test procedures enable comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers.BODYConstruction Unitised welded steel body, aluminium bonnet and front wings Body StylesFastback and Convertible; Left-hand and Right-hand Drive Final assembly location Flat Rock, Michigan, USAENGINEConfiguration Aluminium block and headsIntake manifold Composite shell-welded with runner pack and charge motion controlvalves.Shelby GT350 induction system, 87 mm throttle body (Mach 1)Exhaust manifold Stainless steel tubular manifoldValvetrain DOHC, four valves per cylinder, twin independent variable camshafttimingValve diameter/lift (mm) Intake 37.7 /13Exhaust 32.0 /13Pistons Cast aluminiumConnecting rods Forged steelIgnition Distributor-less with coil-on-plugBore x stroke (mm) 93.0 x 92.7Displacement (cc) 5038Compression ratio 12.0:1Engine control system PCMPower 450 PS (331 kW) @ 7000 rpm 460 PS (338 kW) @ 7250 rpm(Mach 1)Torque 529 Nm @ 4600 rpm 529 Nm @ 4900 rpm (Mach 1) Fuel capacity (litre) 61Fuel delivery Dual-injection system featuring low-pressure port fuel injection and high-pressure direct injectionOil system 9.5-litre 5W-20 with filterShelby GT350 air-to-oil cooler, bespoke engine oil filter adaptor (Mach 1) DRIVETRAINLayout Rear-wheel drive with limited-slip differentialTransmission oil cooler and rear axle cooler (Mach 1) TRANSMISSIONStandard 6-speed manual 10-speed Selectshiftautomatic TREMEC TR-3160 6-speed manual (Mach 1)Gear ratiosFirst 3.24 4.70 3.25 Second 2.10 2.99 2.23 Third 1.42 2.15 1.61 Fourth 1.00 1.77 1.24 Fifth 0.81 1.52 1.00 Sixth 0.62 1.28 0.63 Seventh N/A 1.00 N/A Eighth N/A 0.85 N/A Ninth N/A 0.69 N/A Tenth N/A 0.64 N/A Final drive 3.55 3.35 3.55SUSPENSIONFront Double-ball-joint independent MacPherson strut and tubular stabiliser barRear Integral-link independent with coil springs, solid stabiliser bar and mono-tubedampersOptional MagneRide® Damping System with Monotube rear dampers and invertedmonotube front dampers; suspension position sensors and Vehicle DynamicsModule (standard on Mach 1)BRAKESType Four-wheel power disc brakes with four-sensor, four-channel anti-lock brakingsystem and AdvanceTrac electronic stability control.High performance brake booster and dedicated undertray brake-cooling fins(Mach 1)Front 380 mm x 34 mm vented discs, Brembo six-piston 36 mm fixed aluminiumcallipersRear 330 mm x 25 mm vented discs, single-piston 45 mm floating iron callipers, integral parking brakeSTEERINGType Selectable electric power-assisted steering with rack-and-pinion gear Ratio 16:1Turning circle, kerb-to-kerb 12.2 mWHEELS AND TYRES5.0-litre V8 Front: 255/40 R19 tyres, 19-inch x9-inch aluminium wheels Rear: 275/40 R19 tyres, 19-inch x 9.5-inch aluminium wheelsMach 1 Front: 255/40 R19 tyres, 19-inch x9.5-inch aluminium wheels Rear: 275/40 R19 tyres, 19-inch x 10-inch aluminium wheelsDIMENSIONSFastback Convertible EXTERIORWheelbase (mm) 2720 2720 Overall length (mm) 4789 4789 Overall width excluding mirrors (mm) 1916 1916 Overall width including mirrors (RHD) (mm) 2081 (2097) 2081 (2097) Overall width mirrors folded (RHD) (mm) 1957 (1985) 1957 (1985) Overall height (max) (mm) 1382 (1403) 1396 Track, front/rear (mm) 1642/16421594/1646 (Mach 1)1642/1642Minimum ground clearance (kerb) (mm) 144120 (Mach 1)144INTERIORSeating capacity Four Four Front headroom (mm) 955 954Front legroom – maximum (mm)1146 1146 Front shoulder room (mm) 1430 1430 Front hip room (mm) 1395 1395 Rear headroom (mm) 884 906 Rear legroom (mm) 737 742 Rear shoulder room (mm) 1327 1135 Rear hip room (mm) 1203 1111 Loading Width Between Wheelhouses (mm) 1010 1010 Load Opening Width at floor (mm) 640 640 Liftover Height (kerb) (mm) 761 761Cargo volume (litre) 2408 332 2Measured in accordance with ISO 3832. Information provided for base vehicle, except where specified. Dimensions may vary dependent on the model and equipment fitted.WEIGHTS3Represents the lightest kerbweight assuming driver at 75 kg, full fluid levels and 90 per cent fuel levels, subject to manufacturing tolerances and options, etc., fitted.# # #Note: The data information in this press release reflects preliminary specifications and was correct at the time of going to print. However, Ford policy is one of continuous product improvement. The right is reserved to change these details at any time.MagneRide ® is a trademark of BWI Group.About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, that is committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. Thecompany’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for and deepen the loyalty of those customers. Ford designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of connected, increasinglyKerb weight (kg) 3 Gross Vehicle Mass(kg) 5.0-litre V8 fastback (6-speed manual)1744 2105 5.0-litre V8 fastback (10-speed Selectshift auto)1757 2105 5.0-litre V8 convertible (6-speed manual)1807 2150 5.0-litre V8 convertible (10-speed Selectshift auto) 1818 2150 Mach 1 (6-speed manual)1839 2114 Mach 1 (10-speed Selectshift auto)18612150electrified passenger and commercial vehicles: Ford trucks, utility vehicles, vans and cars, and Lincoln luxury vehicles. The company is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, connected vehicle services and mobility solutions, including self-driving technology, and provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 183,000 people worldwide. More information about the company, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company is available at .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 41,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and consolidated joint ventures and approximately 55,000 people when unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 14 manufacturing facilities (10 wholly owned facilities and four unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contacts: Finn ThomasenFord of Europe*****************。



汽车品牌、标志、型号、价格大全德国A4L [ 中型车 ] 27.28万-46.45万A6L [ 中大型车 ] 35.5万-74.26万Q5 [ SUV ] 38.36 万 -56.77 万A1[ 小型车 ] 22.48 万-28.98万A3[ 紧凑型车 ] 25.5万-32.8万A5双门 [ 中型车 ] 52.5万 -67.0万A5掀背 [ 中型车 ] 49.39万 -63.0万A5敞篷 [ 中型车 ] 59.8万 -62.8万奥迪A7 [ 跑车 ] 72.8万万 -95.8A8L [ 豪华车 ] 92.8 万 -249.8万Q5(进口) [ SUV ] 57.7万-67.8万Q7 [ SUV ] 80.0万 -257.8万R8 [ 跑车 ] 232.8万-262.8 万S5 掀背 [ 跑车 ] 71.8万-72.8万S5 敞篷 [ 跑车 ] 84.8万-85.8万S5 双门 [ 跑车 ] 75.8万-99.8万S8 [ 豪华车 ] 198.0 万-198.0万TT [ 跑车 ] 51.9万 -70.8万华晨宝马:3系 [ 中型车 ] 29.98万-49.85万5系 [ 中大型车 ]42.86万-79.76万X1 [ SUV ] 28.2万 -49.8万进口宝马1系敞篷 [ 紧凑型车 ] 36.8万-36.8万1系 [ 紧凑型车 ] 24.2万-37.5万1系双门 [ 紧凑型车 ] 32.0万-32.0万1系 M coupe [ 紧凑型车 ] 59.8万-59.8万3系( 进口 ) [ 中型车 ] 39.58万-62.6万3系敞篷 [ 跑车 ] 58.4万-79.8万3系双门 [ 跑车 ] 49.1万-69.8万宝马系 [ 中大型车 ] 49.26万-77.365万5系 GT [ 中大型车 ] 80.9万-186.0万5系旅行车 [ 中大型车 ]66.66 万 -66.66万6系敞篷 [ 跑车 ] 118.6万-203.9万6系双门 [ 跑车 ] 118.6万-203.9万7系 [ 豪华车 ] 89.8 万 -329.8万6系 Gran Coupe [ 跑车 ] 120.5万 -120.5万M3[ 跑车 ] 106.6万 -123.0万M5[ 跑车 ] 185.8万 -185.8万M6[ 跑车 ] 229.8万 -229.8万X1(进口)[SUV ] 36.7万-55.2万保时捷奔驰X5 [SUV ] 73.0 万 -185.3万X5M[SUV ] 201.8万 -201.8万X6 [SUV ] 103.0万 -206.2万X6M[SUV ] 219.0万 -219.0万Z4 [跑车 ] 57.8 万 -90.6万911 [ 跑车 ] 147.6万-191.3 万Boxster [ 跑车 ] 70.4万 -106.0万Cayman [ 跑车 ] 74.5万-114.8万Cayenne [ SUV ] 89.3万 -207.6万Panamera [ 豪华车 ] 113.98万 -308.8万北京奔驰:C 级 [中型车 ] 30.8万-46.3万E 级长轴距 [ 中大型车 ] 43.8万 -71.0万GLK 级 [ SUV ] 40.8万-55.7万福建奔驰:凌特 [MPV ] 41.8万 -45.8万威霆 [MPV ] 33.9万 -33.9万唯雅诺 [ MPV ] 41.9万-86.8万进口奔驰A 级 [小型车 ] 23.8万 -27.8万SLK 级 [ 跑车 ] 60.8万 -93.8万B 级 [紧凑型车 ] 28.8 万-35.8万C63 AMG [ 跑车 ] 99.8万-138.8万C级旅行 [中型车 ] 42.5万-54.8万CLK级敞篷 [ 跑车 ] 66.6万-91.8万CLS 级 [ 跑车 ] 76.8万-96.8万CLS 级 AMG [ 跑车 ] 177.8万-177.8万E级敞篷 [中大型车 ] 73.8万 -88.8万E级双门 [中大型车 ] 61.8万 -61.8万G55 AMG [ SUV ] 225.8万-225.8万G 级 [SUV ] 169.8万 -225.8万GL 级 [ SUV ] 113.0万-159.8万GLK 级(进口) [SUV ] 44.8万-72.8万ML 级 [ SUV ] 76.0万 -141.8万ML63 AMG[ SUV ] 195.8万-195.8万R 级 [MPV ] 69.8万 -124.8万S级 AMG[豪华车 ] 329.8万-329.8万S 级 [豪华车 ] 93.0万-259.8万S 级混合动力 [ 豪华车 ] 145.8万-145.8万SL 级 [ 跑车 ] 119.8万-199.8万SL 级 AMG[ 跑车 ] 256.8万 -256.8万SLK55 AMG[ 跑车 ] 129.9万-129.9万SLS AMG [跑车 ] 362.8万-362.8万上海大众:Cross POLO [ 小型车 ] 10.6 万-12.59万朗逸 [紧凑型车 ] 11.28万-16.28万帕萨特领驭 [ 中型车 ] 16.98万-30.38万Polo [ 小型车 ] 8.59万 -12.39万Polo Sporty [ 小型车 ] 9.6万-10.8万Polo 劲取 [ 小型车 ] 8.58万-11.28万帕萨特 [ 中型车 ] 19.48万-32.28万桑塔纳 [ 中型车 ] 7.58万-7.58万桑塔纳志俊 [ 中型车 ]8.98 万-12.48万途安 [MPV ] 14.98万-20.08万途观 [SUV ] 18.98万-30.98万一汽 -大众:宝来 [紧凑型车 ] 10.78万-14.68万CC [ 中型车 ] 25.28万 -34.98万高尔夫 [ 紧凑型车 ] 11.89万 -16.78 万高尔夫 GTI [ 紧凑型车 ] 23.58万 -23.58万捷达 [紧凑型车 ] 7.58万-9.88万迈腾 [中型车 ] 19.98万 -33.48万大众速腾 [紧凑型车 ] 13.18万-18.58万进口大众:CC(进口 ) [ 中型车 ] 50.5万-53.68万CrossGolf [ 紧凑型车 ] 28.33万 -28.33万Eos [ 紧凑型车 ] 41.0万 -46.85万高尔夫 R [ 跑车 ] 39.8万-39.8万高尔夫敞篷 [ 紧凑型车 ] 34.98万 -37.98万Golf Variant [ 紧凑型车 ] 23.98万 -28.98万辉腾 [豪华车 ] 75.88万 -253.18万甲壳虫 [ 紧凑型车 ] 20.16万 -30.21 万甲壳虫敞篷 [ 紧凑型车 ] 29.5万 -30.21万旅行车 [ 中型车 ] 34.0万-37.15万迈腾旅行车 [ 中型车 ] 32.48万-37.48万R36 [ 中型车 ] 49.2万-52.8 万尚酷 [跑车 ] 23.58万-36.02万尚酷 R [ 紧凑型车 ] 39.88万 -39.88 万T5 [ MPV ] 43.8 万 -56.8万Tiguan [ SUV ] 34.25万-41.28万途锐 [SUV ] 78.0 万-109.34万夏朗 [MPV ] 30.98万-40.98万57 [ 豪华车 ] 538.0万-538.0万迈巴赫62 [ 豪华车 ] 618.0万-618.0万MINI 斯柯达smart 威兹曼别克福特MINI [ 小型车 ] 22.5 万 -35.9万CLUBMAN [ 小型车 ] 24.5 万-37.9万COUNTRYMAN [ SUV ] 28.8万-41.5万COUPE [ 小型车 ] 31.8万-38.5 万ROADSTER [ 小型车 ] 37.6 万-43.3万CABRIO [ 小型车 ] 35.5 万-41.5 万上海大众斯柯达晶锐 [ 小型车 ] 7.89 万-11.46万晶锐跨界版 [ 小型车 ] 11.59 万-11.59万明锐 [ 紧凑型车 ] 12.34万-18.05 万明锐 RS [ 紧凑型车 ] 21.09 万-21.09万昊锐 [ 中型车 ] 17.19万 -27.13万fortwo [ 微型车 ] 11.5万-22.5万MF4[ 跑车 ] 280.0万 -280.0万MF5[ 跑车 ] 380.0万 -380.0万美国上海通用别克:GL8 [ MPV ] 22.8万-38.8万君威 [ 中型车 ] 18.59万-25.99万君威 GS [ 中型车 ] 28.39万-28.39万君越 [ 中型车 ] 22.69万-32.29万君越混合动力[ 其它 ] 26.49万-28.49万凯越 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.99万-11.79万林荫大道 [ 中大型车 ] 32.99万-42.99万英朗 GT [ 紧凑型车 ] 13.27万-18.97万英朗 XT [ 紧凑型车 ] 12.99万-18.69万进口别克昂科雷 [ SUV ] 52.9 万-59.9万长安福特:福克斯两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.98万 -16.29万福克斯三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.98万 -16.99万嘉年华两厢 [ 小型车 ] 7.99万-11.29万嘉年华三厢 [ 小型车 ] 7.99万-11.19万麦柯斯 S-MAX [ MPV ] 19.48万 -24.58万蒙迪欧致胜 [ 中型车 ] 16.98万-25.68万翼虎 [ SUV ] 26.8万-26.8 万进口福特:悍马Jeep吉普凯迪拉克克莱斯勒林肯欧宝雪佛兰锐界 [ SUV ] 36.98万-42.98万野马 [ 跑车 ] 56.8万-138.8万H3 [ SUV ] 80.0万 -80.0 万大切诺基 [ SUV] 57.59万-119.99万牧马人两门版 [ SUV ] 44.99万-50.99万牧马人四门版 [ SUV ] 47.99万-54.99万指挥官 [ SUV ] 61.99万 -64.99万指南者 [ SUV ] 22.19万 -27.29万自由客 [ SUV ] 23.89万 -27.89万上海通用凯迪拉克:SLS 赛威 [ 中大型车 ] 38.88万-52.8万进口凯迪拉克CTS [ 中型车 ] 36.98万-48.8万CTS Coupe [ 中型车 ] 64.8 万-64.8万CTS-V [ 跑车 ] 110.0万-110.0万凯雷德混动 [ 其它 ] 158.8 万 -158.8万SRX [ SUV ] 42.98万 -57.8万XLR [ 跑车 ] 152.0万-152.0万大捷龙 [ MPV ] 31.9万-35.9万PT 漫步者 [ 紧凑型车 ] 23.99万 -23.99万领航员 [ SUV ] 135.0万 -185.0 万MKS [ 中大型车 ] 109.8 万-109.8万MKT [ SUV ] 119.8万-119.8万MKX [ SUV ] 88.0万-88.0万MKZ [ 中大型车 ] 80.8 万 -80.8 万安德拉 [ SUV ] 26.6万-30.8万赛飞利 [ MPV ] 25.8万-26.9万雅特 [ 紧凑型车 ] 22.5万-28.0 万雅特A+[紧凑型车 ] 25.8万-27.7万雅特敞篷 [跑车 ] 36.98 万-36.98万上海通用雪佛兰:爱唯欧两厢[小型车 ]8.18万-11.18万爱唯欧三厢[小型车 ]8.18万-11.18万景程 [ 中型车 ] 10.88万 -16.19 万科鲁兹 [ 紧凑型车 ] 10.89万 -15.99万科帕奇 [ SUV ] 21.98万 -22.58 万乐骋 [ 小型车 ] 6.99万-6.99万乐风 [ 小型车 ] 8.19万-10.19万迈锐宝 [ 中型车 ] 16.29万-22.99万标致雷诺雪铁龙赛欧三厢 [ 小型车 ] 5.68万-7.93万进口雪佛兰Camaro 科迈罗 [ 跑车 ] 45.58 万 -47.58万科帕奇 (进口 ) [ SUV ] 25.28万 -26.38万斯帕可 [ 微型车 ] 7.78万-8.88 万Volt 沃蓝达 [ 其它 ] 49.8万-49.8万法国东风标致:207两厢 [ 小型车 ] 7.18万 -10.28万207三厢 [ 小型车 ] 7.48万 -10.58万307两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.28万-14.28万307三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.28万-13.28万308 [ 紧凑型车 ] 10.39万-14.19万408 [ 紧凑型车 ] 12.19万-16.99万508 [ 中型车 ] 16.97万-22.97万Cross 307 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.78万 -11.08万进口标致207CC [ 跑车 ] 22.68万-22.68万3008 [ SUV ] 24.68万-26.68万308CC [ 跑车 ] 30.48万-33.88万308SW [紧凑型车 ] 22.88万 -26.38万407 [ 中型车 ] 30.48万-42.53万407Coupe [ 跑车 ] 49.0 万-49.0万407SW [中型车 ] 37.98万-37.98万607 [ 中大型车 ] 47.0万 -47.0万4008 [ SUV ] 21.98万-27.98万RCZ [ 跑车 ] 32.88万 -35.68万风景 [MPV ] 21.28万-25.48万风朗 [紧凑型车 ] 16.58万-19.58万科雷傲 [SUV ] 22.98万 -29.68万拉古那 [中型车 ] 24.98万-28.38万拉古那 -古贝 [ 中型车 ] 35.98万 -35.98万梅甘娜 [紧凑型车 ] 21.5万-21.5万梅甘娜 CC [ 跑车 ] 38.58万-38.58万塔利斯曼 [中大型车 ] 31.88万-48.48万纬度 [中型车 ] 23.98万 -29.28万东风雪铁龙:爱丽舍两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.38万 -8.48万爱丽舍三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.38万 -8.88万C2 [小型车 ] 7.18万 -8.98万C5 [中型车 ] 17.69万-29.89万凯旋 [中型车 ] 14.98万 -17.28万萨拉毕加索 [ MPV ] 12.58万-15.78万世嘉三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 10.68万-14.98万进口雪铁龙:C4 [ 紧凑型车 ] 19.98万-22.98万C4 Aircross [ SUV ] 21.98万-27.98万C6 [ 中大型车 ] 63.98万-63.98万大 C4 毕加索 [ MPV ] 27.68万-30.68万意大利威航 [ 跑车 ] 2500.0万-4300.0万布嘉迪法拉利菲亚特兰博基尼玛莎拉蒂本田458[ 跑车 ] 388.8万-388.8万599[ 跑车 ] 492.8万-492.8万612-OTO [ 跑车 ] 569.8万 -569.8万California [ 跑车 ] 348.8万-348.8万FF [ 跑车 ] 530.8 万-530.8 万500[ 小型车 ] 16.98万-26.88万500 敞篷版 [ 小型车 ] 20.98万-26.18万博悦 [ 紧凑型车 ] 16.39万-20.79万菲跃 [ SUV ] 24.98万-27.48万领雅 [ 紧凑型车 ] 17.1万-18.6万朋多 [ 小型车 ] 14.88 万 -16.66万Aventador [ 跑车 ] 648.8万-648.8万盖拉多 [ 跑车 ] 298.0 万 -490.0万蝙蝠 [ 跑车 ] 438.0万-730.0万GranCabrio [ 跑车 ] 268.8万-278.8万GT [ 跑车 ] 219.8万-237.8万总裁 [ 豪华车 ] 173.0万-247.8万日本广汽本田:奥德赛 [ MPV ] 22.98万-28.28万飞度 [小型车 ] 7.98万-11.98 万锋范 [紧凑型车 ] 9.68万-15.98万歌诗图 [ SUV ] 25.98万 -42.88万雅阁 [中型车 ] 18.68万 -34.28万东风本田CR-V [ SUV ] 19.38万 -26.28 万思铂睿 [ 中型车 ] 23.78万-27.18万思域 [紧凑型车 ] 13.18万-18.58万一汽丰田:花冠 EX [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.28万-11.48万皇冠 [中大型车 ] 32.85万-89.96万卡罗拉 [紧凑型车 ] 12.38万 -19.98万兰德酷路泽 [ SUV] 76.5万-115.9 万普锐斯 [其它 ] 22.98万 -26.98万RAV4[ SUV ] 18.78万 -26.98万锐志 [中型车 ] 20.98万 -32.68万威驰 [小型车 ] 8.95万-12.39万广汽丰田:丰田汉兰达 [SUV ] 24.88万 -42.98万凯美瑞 [中型车 ] 17.98万-27.48万凯美瑞尊瑞混动 [其它 ] 25.98万 -32.98万雅力士 [小型车 ] 8.7万 -10.68万逸致 [MPV ] 14.98万-23.98万进口丰田:埃尔法 [MPV ] 61.44万-74.88万FJ 酷路泽 [ SUV ] 54.3 万-54.3万海狮 [MPV ] 39.1万 -50.3万普拉多 [SUV ] 43.7万-69.8万普瑞维亚 [ MPV ] 46.98万-61.1万ZELAS杰路驰 [ 紧凑型车 ] 25.5万-28.0万CT200h [ 紧凑型车 ] 27.9万 -44.5万ES [ 中型车 ] 39.0万 -65.1万GS [ 中大型车 ] 52.7万 -103.4万GS 混动 [ 其它 ] 94.1万-94.1万GX [SUV ] 116.0万 -116.0万IS [ 中型车 ] 34.5万 -64.5万雷克萨斯IS敞篷 [万跑车 ] 64.5万 -64.5LF-A[跑车 ] 598.8万-598.8万LS [ 豪华车 ] 139.8万-156.8万LS混动[其它 ] 207.3万-207.3 万LX [SUV ] 173.3万-173.3 万RX [SUV ] 49.5 万-94.5万RX 混动 [ 其它 ] 95.4万 -95.4万SC [ 跑车 ] 132.0 万 -132.0万长安铃木:奥拓 [微型车 ] 4.49万-6.29万羚羊 [小型车 ] 4.18万-5.28万天语尚悦 [ 紧凑型车 ]7.98万-12.38万铃木天语 SX4 [ 紧凑型车 ] 8.58万 -13.48万雨燕 [小型车 ] 5.98万-9.38万昌河铃木:北斗星 [微型车 ] 3.68万-5.57万北斗星 e+ [ 微型车 ] 5.03万 -5.8万马自达讴歌日产利亚纳两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.28万 -10.66万利亚纳三厢 [ 小型车 ] 6.28万-10.66万派喜 [小型车 ] 5.49万-6.19万进口铃木:超级维特拉 [ SUV] 24.2万-27.2万吉姆尼 [SUV ] 13.9万-15.8万凯泽西 [中型车 ] 18.88万-24.88万一汽马自达:Mazda8 [MPV ] 21.98万-24.98万Mazda6 [中型车 ] 17.08万-19.98万睿翼 [中型车 ] 17.68万 -24.98万睿翼轿跑车 [ 中型车 ] 19.18万-23.98万长安马自达:2 [ 小型车 ] 8.08 万 -10.53万2 劲翔 [ 小型车 ] 8.18万-10.58万3 经典 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.68万 -14.98万3 星骋 [ 紧凑型车 ] 11.28 万-15.38 万3 星骋两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 11.28万-14.98万进口马自达:CX-7 [ SUV ] 29.08万-29.08万Mazda5 [MPV ] 16.48万-19.18万MX-5[ 跑车 ] 29.98万-29.98万MDX[SUV ] 81.0万-94.0万RL [ 中大型车 ] 68.0万 -82.0万TL [中型车 ] 49.8万 -49.8万ZDX[中大型车 ] 88.8万-88.8万东风日产:楼兰 [SUV ] 48.88万-48.88万玛驰 [小型车 ] 6.99万-9.29万奇骏 [SUV ] 20.78万-26.98万天籁 [中型车 ] 19.08万 -37.18万逍客 [SUV ] 13.98万-21.98万轩逸 [紧凑型车 ] 12.48万-16.78万阳光 [紧凑型车 ] 8.28万-11.28万颐达 [紧凑型车 ] 10.68万-14.98万骐达 [紧凑型车 ] 10.53万-15.68万骊威 [紧凑型车 ] 8.58万-12.98万郑州日产:奥丁 [SUV ] 11.98万-15.48万D22 [ 其它 ] 13.38万 -18.88 万凯普斯达 [ 其它 ] 13.98万-15.28万NV200 [MPV ] 7.98万 -12.78万帕拉丁 [SUV ] 16.48万 -24.98万帕拉骐 [其它 ] 14.98万 -19.38万三菱斯巴鲁英菲尼迪锐骐皮卡 [ 其它 ] 7.98万-12.48万帅客 [MPV ] 6.58万 -11.58万途乐 [SUV ] 139.0万-139.0万御轩 [MPV ] 13.28万-19.28万ZN6493 [ 其它 ] 14.68万-18.88万进口日产:370Z [跑车 ] 63.98万 -63.98万GT-R [ 跑车 ] 150.5万 -150.5万贵士 [MPV ] 66.8万 -66.8 万东南三菱:戈蓝 [中型车 ] 14.98万 -19.98万君阁 [SUV ] 12.98万-17.48万蓝瑟 [紧凑型车 ] 8.58万-10.48万蓝瑟 EX [ 紧凑型车 ] 21.8万-28.5 万翼神 [紧凑型车 ] 11.68 万-16.98万长丰三菱:帕杰罗 [ SUV ] 29.8万-39.86万进口三菱:格蓝迪 [ MPV ] 27.8万-31.8万帕杰罗劲畅 [ SUV] 36.8万-39.8万劲炫(进口) [ SUV ] 19.8万-25.5万蓝瑟翼豪陆神 [ 跑车 ] 49.8万-50.8万欧蓝德劲界 [ SUV] 24.9万-37.4万帕杰罗长轴 [ SUV] 43.5万-62.0万帕杰罗短轴 [ SUV] 58.0万-58.0万伊柯丽斯 [ 跑车 ] 29.8万-33.8万傲虎 [中型车 ] 29.98万 -42.98万驰鹏 [SUV ] 58.78万-58.78万力狮 [中型车 ] 25.48万 -37.98万力狮 wagon [ 中型车 ] 26.48万-28.48万森林人 [ SUV ] 22.98万 -36.98 万XV [ SUV ] 19.98万 -23.28万翼豹两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 20.48万-49.8万翼豹三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 20.98万-33.98万EX [ 中型车 ] 49.8万-65.5万FX [ SUV ] 78.3万 -120.8万G [ 中型车 ] 38.8万 -49.1 万G 级敞篷 [ 跑车 ] 73.41万 -75.41万G 级双门 [ 跑车 ] 66.21万 -66.21万M [ 中大型车 ] 49.8万 -65.8 万QX [ SUV ] 149.8万 -149.8万起亚双龙现代韩国东风悦达起亚:福瑞迪[ 紧凑型车 ]9.88万-13.98万嘉华 [MPV ] 19.58万-24.98万K5 [ 中型车 ] 15.98万-24.98万K2三厢[小型车 ] 7.29万 -10.99万K2两厢[小型车 ] 7.29万 -9.99万RIO [ 小型车 ] 6.98万-10.48万赛拉图 [ 紧凑型车 ]8.98万-13.38万赛拉图欧风 [ 紧凑型车 ] 8.88万 -11.38万狮跑 [SUV ] 15.98万-19.68万秀尔 [紧凑型车 ] 10.38万-12.78万智跑 [SUV ] 16.48万-24.98万进口起亚:霸锐 [SUV ] 39.8 万-39.8万新佳乐[ MPV ] 12.46万-17.98万凯尊 [中大型车 ] 23.5万-29.9万欧菲莱斯 [中大型车 ] 23.9万-30.8万速迈 [跑车 ] 17.18万-20.08万索兰托 [ SUV ] 22.98万 -27.28万VQ 威客 [ MPV ] 27.5万 -29.8万爱腾 [SUV ] 16.98万-24.48万雷斯特[ SUV ] 24.98万 -38.68万路帝 [MPV ] 26.98万-33.98万柯兰多[ SUV ] 17.98万 -25.98万享御 [SUV ] 21.98万-25.98万主席 [中大型车 ] 41.8万-69.8万北京现代:i30 [ 紧凑型车 ] 9.98 万 -14.18万ix35 [ SUV ] 16.98万-24.28万名驭 [中型车 ] 11.48万 -13.98万瑞纳两厢 [小型车 ]7.39万-10.69万索纳塔八 [中型车 ] 16.69万 -24.99万途胜 [SUV ] 16.58万-24.18万瑞纳三厢 [小型车 ]7.39万-10.69万雅绅特 [ 小型车 ] 7.18万-9.78万伊兰特 [ 紧凑型车 ]8.98万-10.38万悦动 [紧凑型车 ] 9.98万-14.68万进口现代:飞思 Veloster [ 跑车 ] 14.98 万-20.58万劳恩斯 [ 中大型车 ]39.0万-57.5万劳恩斯 -酷派 [ 跑车 ] 19.9万-32.5万维拉克斯 [SUV] 39.8万-43.68万新胜达 [ SUV ] 22.86万 -28.68万雅科仕 [ 豪华车 ] 69.9万-125.0万雅尊 [中型车 ] 23.8万-32.8万第11页共19页阿斯顿马丁宾利捷豹劳斯莱斯路虎莲花MG英国DB9 [ 跑车 ] 281.0万 -281.0 万DB9 敞篷 [ 跑车 ] 304.0 万 -304.0万DBS [ 跑车 ] 410.0万 -410.0 万Rapide [ 跑车 ] 368.8万-368.8万V8 Vantage [ 跑车 ] 239.0 万-318.0万V8 VR [ 跑车 ] 249.0万 -249.0万Virage [ 跑车 ] 438.0万-456.0万慕尚 [ 豪华车 ] 568.0 万 -928.0万欧陆 [ 跑车 ] 338.0万-518.0 万雅致 [ 豪华车 ] 498.0 万 -808.0万XF [ 中大型车 ] 63.8 万 -69.8万XJ [ 豪华车 ] 96.8万-254.8万XK [ 跑车 ] 203.0万 -251.8万古思特 [ 豪华车 ] 399.0万-399.0万幻影 [ 豪华车 ] 668.0万 -718.0 万发现 4 [ SUV ] 82.8万-118.8 万揽胜 [ SUV ]149.8万 -268.8 万揽胜极光 [ SUV ]62.8 万-63.8万揽胜运动版 [ SUV ]92.8万 -183.8万神行者 2 [ SUV ] 39.8万 -65.8万卫士 [ SUV ] 74.8万-74.8 万爱丽丝 [ 跑车 ] 69.8万-86.8万Evora [ 跑车 ]124.8万 -368.0万Exige [ 跑车 ] 89.8万-99.8万3 [ 小型车 ] 6.97 万-10.37 万6[ 紧凑型车 ] 12.68万-19.28 万7[ 中型车 ] 15.68万-30.28万5[ 紧凑型车 ] 8.77万-12.87万6 Saloon [ 紧凑型车 ] 12.78万 -18.98万TF [ 跑车 ]24.96万-26.58万第12页共19页汽车车标汽车品牌比亚迪长安长安商用长城自主品牌型号 / 类型/ 车价e6 先行者 [ 其它 ] 36.98万 -36.98万S6 [SUV] 8.99 万-13.09万F0 [微型车 ] 3.69万-4.69万F3 [紧凑型车 ] 5.29万-6.69万F3DM[ 其它 ] 16.98万-16.98万F3R [紧凑型车 ] 5.39 万 -6.99 万F6 [中型车 ] 8.98万-10.98万G3 [紧凑型车 ] 6.29万-7.89万G3R[紧凑型车 ] 5.99 万 -7.39 万G6 [中型车 ] 7.98万-11.58万L3 [紧凑型车 ] 5.99万-8.29万M6 [MPV] 15.08万-23.98万S8 [跑车 ] 16.58万 -20.68万奔奔 i [ 微型车 ] 3.69 万-5.88 万奔奔 love [ 微型车 ] 3.89万-5.89万奔奔 mini [ 微型车 ] 3.69万-4.89万逸动 [紧凑型车 ] 7.39万-9.49 万CM8[其它 ] 4.88万 -6.88万CX20 [ 小型车 ] 4.99万-7.09万CX30三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.38万-7.28万杰勋 [MPV] 10.48万-14.98万杰勋 HEV[ 其它 ] 13.98万-14.98万悦翔两厢 [ 小型车 ] 5.59万-7.19万悦翔三厢 [ 小型车 ] 5.49万-7.29万志翔 [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.98万-11.58万长安之星 [ 其它 ] 3.49万-4.24 万金牛星 [ 其它 ] 4.59万-5.59万长安欧诺 [ MPV] 4.49万 -6.09万腾翼 C20R[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.29万-7.29万C50 [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.8万-9.18万风骏 [ 其它 ] 7.78万-10.98万哈弗 H3 [ SUV] 9.28万 -15.88万哈弗 H5 [ SUV] 9.28万 -17.08万哈弗 H6 [ SUV] 9.58万 -14.18万哈弗 M1[ SUV] 4.29万 -5.69万哈弗 M2[ SUV] 6.79万 -8.99万哈弗派 [ SUV] 31.88万 -31.88 万金迪尔 [ 其它 ] 6.28万-7.18万精灵 [ 微型车 ] 3.69万-4.49万精灵 Cross [ 微型车 ] 4.19 万-4.59万酷熊 [ 小型车 ] 6.39万-8.79万第13页共19页凌傲 [ 小型车 ] 5.49万-8.09万赛酷 [ 其它 ] 6.58万-8.08 万长丰帝豪东风风行东南风神广汽哈飞海马赛铃 [ 其它 ] 6.98万-9.18万腾翼 C30 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.45万-8.35万腾翼 V80 [ MPV] 6.98 万-11.48 万炫丽 Cross [ 小型车 ] 6.09万-6.69万炫丽 [ 小型车 ] 5.99 万-6.39 万DUV[ SUV] 13.98万 -16.98万飞扬 [ 其它 ] 6.88万-9.98万骐菱 [ MPV] 6.98万 -8.68万EC7 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.98万 -10.98万EC7-RV[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.68 万-10.58万EC8 [ 中型车 ] 10.58万-15.98万景逸 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.99万-10.99 万景逸 LV [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.89 万-10.59万景逸 SUV[ SUV] 8.09万-9.89万菱智 [ MPV] 5.68 万 -14.88 万得利卡 [ 其它 ] 6.78万-14.78万菱悦 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.78万-8.89 万希旺 [ 其它 ] 3.68万-4.98万A60[ 紧凑型车 ] 11.88万-13.98万H30[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.98万 -9.38万H30 Cross [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.58 万-9.18万S30[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.98万 -9.38万传祺 [ 中型车 ] 10.98万 -18.98万传祺 GS5[ SUV] 12.38万-22.98万骏意 [ 其它 ] 4.13万-4.48万路宝 [ 微型车 ] 3.38万-5.28万路尊大霸王 [ 其它 ] 5.09万-6.08万路尊小霸王 [ 其它 ] 2.98万-4.2万民意 [ 其它 ] 2.75万-4.63万赛豹 V 系 [ 紧凑型车 ] 8.38万-9.98万赛豹Ⅲ系 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.4万 -8.58万赛马 [ 小型车 ] 5.48万-6.28万中意 [ 其它 ] 3.1 万 -3.29万爱尚 [ 微型车 ] 3.78万-4.58万福美来[ 紧凑型车 ] 7.68万-9.88万福美来VS [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.68 万-9.88万福仕达[ 微型车 ] 2.98万-4.38 万海福星[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.18万-6.88万欢动 [紧凑型车 ] 8.36万-10.26万第 14页共19页红旗华普汇众江淮江铃吉奥金杯普力马 [ MPV] 7.98万-10.98万骑士 [ SUV] 11.38万-15.28万丘比特 [ 小型车 ] 5.39 万-6.89万王子 [ 微型车 ] 2.98万-4.38万盛世 [ 中大型车 ] 34.98 万-68.88万海锋 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.89万-6.19万海尚 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.29万-7.19万海迅两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.19万-5.99万海迅三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.39万-6.99万海域两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 3.99万-4.49万海域三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 4.89万-5.29万伊思坦纳 [ 其它 ] 16.38万-22.68万宾悦 [中型车 ] 9.18万-13.98 万和悦 [紧凑型车 ] 6.18 万-8.68万和悦 RS[ MPV] 6.28万 -8.68 万瑞风 [MPV] 9.99 万 -16.38万瑞风 II[ MPV] 15.98 万-18.68万瑞鹰 [SUV] 7.98 万 -13.68万同悦 [小型车 ] 4.88万-5.68 万同悦 CROSS[ 小型车 ] 5.38万-6.08万同悦 RS[ 小型车 ] 4.88 万-5.68万悦悦 [微型车 ] 4.08万-4.38 万驭胜 [SUV] 14.68万-18.68万全顺 [其它 ] 11.5万-16.58万奥轩 G3[SUV] 8.98万 -8.98万奥轩 G5[SUV] 9.68万 -13.08万奥轩 GX5[ 中型车 ] 13.58万-15.18万帅豹 [ SUV] 11.98万-14.38万帅舰 [ SUV] 7.08 万 -8.58万星旺 [ 其它 ] 2.59万-3.2万大海狮 [其它 ] 13.98 万 -19.98万阁瑞斯 [MPV] 13.78万-24.98万海狮 [ 其它 ] 6.18万-14.88万S50 [ SUV] 8.83 万-13.28万第15页共19页开瑞猎豹力帆理念陆风纳智捷启辰奇瑞优劲 [ 其它 ] 3.18万-3.68万优派 [ 其它 ] 3.48万-4.28万优胜 [ 其它 ] 3.38万-4.23万优胜二代 [ 微型车 ] 3.38万-4.23万优雅 [ 其它 ] 4.18万-5.68万优翼 [ 其它 ] 5.58万-6.08万优优 [ 其它 ] 3.69万-5.39万CS6 [ SUV] 14.68 万 -22.68万飞腾时尚 [ SUV] 7.98万 -12.38万飞腾经典 [ SUV] 9.48万 -12.68万黑金刚 [ SUV] 14.68万-17.98万奇兵 [ SUV] 10.18万-12.68万320[ 微型车 ] 3.65万-5.49万520[ 紧凑型车 ] 4.39万 -5.19万520i[ 紧凑型车 ] 3.99万-4.19万620[ 紧凑型车 ] 5.69万 -7.89万X60[ SUV] 8.0 万-8.69 万S1 [ 小型车 ] 6.98万-9.98万风尚 [ MPV] 7.83万 -10.93万X6[ SUV] 7.98万-11.78万X8[ SUV] 9.99万-18.18万X9[ SUV] 11.15万-16.28万大 7 SUV [ SUV] 18.8万-26.8万D50 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.78万-8.38万A3 两厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.58万-9.58万A3 三厢 [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.78万-10.08万东方之子 [ 中型车 ] 9.58万-13.58万E5 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.98万-8.18 万风云 2两厢 [ 小型车 ] 5.18万-6.08万风云 2三厢 [ 小型车 ] 5.28万-6.18万A1 [ 小型车 ] 3.68 万-5.68万旗云 1 [ 微型车 ] 3.99万-5.49万旗云 2 [ 小型车 ] 4.78万-5.98万第 16页共19页全球鹰荣威瑞麒双环思铭威麟五菱旗云 3 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.78万 -9.38 万旗云 5 [ 中型车 ] 7.58万-10.18万QQ3[ 微型车 ] 3.09万-5.09 万QQme[微型车 ] 5.5万-6.9万瑞虎 [SUV] 8.48 万 -11.58万瑞虎 DR欧版 [ SUV] 9.98万-12.38万GC7[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.19万 -8.99万GX2[ 微型车 ] 5.09万-5.49 万GX7[ SUV] 9.29 万-12.99万新自由舰 [ 小型车 ] 3.89万-4.49万熊猫 [微型车 ] 3.79万-5.89 万新远景 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.09万-6.19万350[ 紧凑型车 ] 8.88万 -12.47万550[ 紧凑型车 ] 9.99万 -18.98万750[ 中型车 ] 16.28万-25.18万750 混合动力 [ 其它 ] 23.68 万-23.68万950[ 中型车 ] 18.89万-31.99万W5[ SUV] 17.18 万-29.88万G3[ 紧凑型车 ] 6.98 万-9.68 万G5[ 中型车 ] 9.98万-15.28万G6[ 中大型车 ] 18.98 万 -25.98万M1 [ 微型车 ] 3.88万-5.78万M5 [ 微型车 ] 4.88万-6.28万X1[ 微型车 ] 5.28万-6.78万SCEO[ SUV] 9.98万 -15.88万小贵族 [ 微型车 ] 3.69 万-4.99万思铭 [ 紧凑型车 ] 11.18万-11.98万H3[ MPV] 13.98万-13.98万H5[ MPV] 16.98万-21.38万V5[ MPV] 9.48万-13.28万X5[ SUV] 10.98万-14.18万宏光 [ MPV] 4.48万 -6.08万荣光 [ 其它 ] 4.66万-6.68万之光 [ 其它]3.4万 -4.83万兴旺 [ 其它 ] 2.98万-3.08万第17页共19页川汽野马英伦汽车一汽一汽吉林一汽通用中华众泰F99 [ SUV] 5.98万-6.78万F12 [ SUV] 5.88万-6.98万金刚 [小型车 ] 4.68万-5.88万金刚 2代 [ 小型车 ] 5.28万-6.28 万金鹰 Cross [ 小型车 ] 5.58 万-6.58万SC5-RV[ 小型车 ] 5.53万-5.93万SC7 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.39万 -7.69 万TX4 [ 中型车 ] 20.8万-22.8万威乐 [小型车 ] 6.68万-7.68万威志三厢 [ 小型车 ] 5.38万-6.88 万威志 V2 [ 小型车 ] 4.69万-5.59万威志 V2 CROSS[ 小型车 ] 5.29万-5.89万威志 V5 [ 小型车 ] 5.29万-5.99万威姿 [小型车 ] 6.38万-7.68万夏利 A+两厢 [ 小型车 ] 3.18万-3.48万夏利 A+三厢 [ 小型车 ] 3.48万-3.78万夏利 N3+两厢 [ 小型车 ] 3.2万-3.4万夏利 N3+三厢 [ 小型车 ] 3.4万-3.8万夏利 N5 [ 小型车 ] 4.39万-4.99万佳宝 V系 [ 其它] 2.69万-4.15万森雅 M80[ MPV] 5.49万-6.89万森雅 S80 [ SUV] 6.79万-8.39万坤程 [ 其它 ] 6.06万-6.66万H530 [紧凑型车 ] 8.58万-10.38万骏捷 [紧凑型车 ]7.58万-12.88万骏捷 Cross [ 紧凑型车 ] 7.68万 -10.98万骏捷 FRV[紧凑型车 ] 5.73万-8.53万骏捷 FSV[紧凑型车 ] 6.58万-9.58万骏捷 Wagon[ 紧凑型车 ] 10.88万-16.58万酷宝 [跑车 ] 12.89 万-18.28万V5 [ SUV] 10.98万-14.58 万尊驰 [中型车 ] 11.28万 -24.98万2008 [ SUV] 4.88万 -5.99万5008 [ SUV] 5.59万 -7.48万江南 TT [ 微型车 ] 2.08 万-2.58万Z200 [ 小型车 ] 4.36万-6.66 万Z200HB[ 小型车 ] 4.96万-7.66万朗悦 [ 紧凑型车 ] 6.98万-8.98万第 18页共19页中兴中誉萨博沃尔沃V10 [ 微型车 ] 3.98 万-5.08万Z300 [ 紧凑型车 ] 5.9万 -7.0万昌铃皮卡 [ 其它 ] 6.39万-6.79万旗舰皮卡 [ 其它 ] 5.39万-5.99万威虎 F1 [ 其它 ] 7.19万-10.98万无限 [ SUV] 7.98 万 -13.43 万迷你巴士 [ 其它 ] 85.8万-85.8万威霆 Vito3[ MPV] 75.8万-75.8万威霆 Vito5[ MPV] 65.8万-65.8万其他9-3 [ 中型车 ] 34.9万-52.9万长安沃尔沃:S40[紧凑型车 ] 20.9万 -30.8万S80L [ 中大型车 ] 36.8 万 -65.99万沃尔沃:C30 [紧凑型车 ] 22.5万-24.98万C70 [中型车 ] 66.1万-66.1万S60[ 中型车 ] 28.28万 -52.98万V60[ 中型车 ] 44.99万-49.99万XC60 [ SUV ] 40.8万 -65.8万XC90 [ SUV ] 59.89万 -81.8万第19页共19页。

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2005款野马GT 是登上224千瓦舞台的第一个主流野马产品,以前这里完全是传奇的Cobra和Boss汽车的天下。


由于采用了全铝结构,野马MOD V8发动机(属于福特组合式发动机系列)比同级铸铁结构的发动机轻34公斤,输出功率比2004款发动机高出30千瓦。



















这款专用的肌肉车(muscle-car)底盘是彻头彻尾的新产品,它配有一款堪称工艺品的前悬架以及精确的、带有潘哈德杆(Panhard rod)的三联后轴。










标配设施空前丰富,包括:一触式升降电动车窗、电动后视镜、无钥匙进入系统(keyless entry)和电动锁、电热后窗和间歇式刮水器。








动力方面,新车搭载了一台5.0L V8自然吸气发动机,最大输出功率超过313kW,峰值扭矩可以达到528Nm,与之匹配的是一台6速手自一体变速箱,或还将配备限滑差速器。
