
一个令人满意的标题,既不要过于概括,以致 流于空泛、一般化;也不宜过于烦琐,使人得不出鲜 明印象,难于记忆和引证。
(1)标题是一种“标记”,而不是句子(也有少数作者使用 句子作标题)。一个句子一般要有主语、谓语、宾语,标题 通常不采用句子形式,比句子简洁,但词的先后顺序很重要, 次序错误是标题写作中常犯的错误。
2.3 绪论一些常用的句型
The experiments (research)on …was carried by …
Recent experiments by …have suggested that …
The previous work on …has indicated that…
The paper is divided into five major sections as follows…
(2)要说明新材料名称,新数据,包括物理常数等。如不 能说明,也要提到这些。提到新的项目和新的观察是很重要 的,哪怕它们对本论文的主旨来说仅仅是附带而已。
(3)在说明实验结果时,要说明采用的方法。如果是新方 法,还得说明基本原理、操作范围和准确度。
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
摘要的目的 摘要的组成部分 摘要的长度 写摘要的注意事项
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
有些作者不主张多用,认为多用存在下列问题: • 占去句首醒目的强调位置,平添一个that主语从句,

科技论文中、英文摘要及关键词的写作要点1 摘要的概念和作用摘要是对“论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述”。
2 摘要的分类2.1 报道性摘要即资料性摘要或情报性摘要。
2.2 指示性摘要即概述性摘要或简介性摘要。
2.3 报道—指示性摘要是以报道性摘要的形式表述论文中价值最高的那部分内容,其余部分则以指示性摘要形式表达。
3 摘要段的内容一般包括研究工作的目的、方法、结果和结论,而重点是结果和结论。

这套框架基本能够依次回答以下问题:Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题?Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题?Results(结果):发现了什么?Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么?Conclusions-结论/总结英文科技论文的基本格式包括:Title-论文题目Author(s)-作者姓名Affiliation(s) and address(es)-联系方式Abstract-摘要Keywords-关键词Body-正文Acknowledgements-致谢,可空缺References-参考文献Appendix-附录,可空缺Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定下面把各个部分的注意事项做如下阐述。
题目最好不超过10 ~ 12个单词,或100个英文字符(含空格和标点),在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,主副题名之间用冒号(:)隔开(3)题目要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色,明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出。

2021年英语四级关于科技的作文Title: The Transformative Power of TechnologyIn the digital age, technology permeates every aspect of our lives, fundamentally altering the way we live, work, and interact. The year 2021 witnessed a surge in technological advancements that have significantly shaped our contemporary society. From artificial intelligence to remote work, technology has catalyzed unprecedented changes, leading to a redefinition of convenience, connectivity, and creativity. This essay explores the profound impact of technology, highlighting its transformative power in three critical domains: education, communication, and health.Firstly, technology has revolutionized the educational landscape, making knowledge more accessible than ever before. Online platforms and digital tools have disrupted traditional learning models, transcending geographical barriers and time constraints. In 2021, the global education sector witnessed a massive shift towards e-learning, facilitated by innovative technologies such as virtual reality, gamification, and intelligent tutoring systems. These advancements not only make education more engaging and interactive but also offer personalized learning experiences, catering to the uniqueneeds and pace of individual learners. Moreover, open educational resources (OER) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) have democratized education, granting individuals from diverse backgrounds access to world-class learning materials and expertise, thus bridging the educational divide.Secondly, technology has redefined human communication, enhancing connectivity and fostering global collaboration. The advent of social media, messaging apps, and video conferencing tools has transformed the way people interact, share information, and build relationships. In 2021, with the ongoing pandemic, the significance of these technologies became even more pronounced. Platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp enabled people to stay connected, facilitating remote work, virtual social gatherings, and even digital protests. These technologies not only reduced the physical boundaries hindering communication but also intensified societal engagement, enabling a broader audience to participate in global conversations and movements.Lastly, technology has significantly impacted healthcare, improving patient outcomes and medical innovations. Advances in telemedicine, artificial intelligence, and wearable health technology have transformed medical practice, makinghealthcare services more accessible, efficient, and accurate. In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of these technologies. Telemedicine, in particular, emerged as a lifeline, allowing patients to consult doctors remotely, reducing the risk of infection transmission and ensuring continuity of care. Additionally, AI algorithms were utilized to predict outbreaks, develop vaccines rapidly, and analyze vast amounts of medical data to improve diagnostics and treatment plans.In conclusion, the year 2021 underscored the integral role of technology in driving societal change. The advancements in education, communication, and health epitomize how technology empowers us, fostering an interconnected world that is more inclusive, responsive, and resilient. As we continue to embrace technological innovations, it is imperative to recognize their transformative power and harness it responsibly to shape a future characterized by accessibility, empathy, and sustainability.。
英语科技论文写作Unit 4

– Use your own words wherever possible. – Avoid including opinions, examples, details and explanations. Do not use such phrases as “as noted in …”, “as shown by …” or “for example, …”. – Eliminate references to tables, figures, or sources found in the references list of the original paper. – Write concise, straightforward English; count every word. – Your abstract must be completely independent of the paper.
– It is an effective practice in preparing your abstract. This is especially important for a descriptive (or
indicative) abstract.
“5 Steps” for Abstract Writing
Likely Mistakes/Common Errors
• Mixed Writing Style
– In this paper, we have given a reason that is why the competitive ability of the national firms is weak. Because the non-national firms can get very cheap labor, under the same technical and economical conditions and the same cost, a non-national firm can produce more output than a national firm does, so it can get much more profit. In this way, the competitive ability of the non-national firm is stronger than the national firms.
研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 4 Key

第四单元参考答案1.1 Pre-reading Qs:1) The method section is the most important aspect of a research paper because itprovides the information by which the validity of a study is ultimately judged.Therefore, the researcher must provide a clear and precise description of how an experiment is to be carried out, and the rationale for the specific experimental procedures chosen. It must be written with enough information so that: (1) the experiment could be repeated by others to evaluate whether the results are reproducible, and (2) the readers can judge whether the results and conclusions are valid.2)overview of the research / experiment, population / subjects, research location,materials, procedure, variables, sampling techniques, statistical treatment, possible restrictions3)When describing actions and situations that happened in the past, or telling astory and expressing actions that follow each other in a story, we normally use the simple past tense. Different tenses can be used depending on reference to the past or recurring present events. To sum up, the majority of verbs are in the past; other forms can also be used if there is a good reason for doing so. Active voice means that if the subject of a sentence performs the action, then the verb used to express this meaning is active. If the subject receives the action of the verb, then the verb is passive. Passive voice is normally used if the agent is arbitrary, not known, or not important, and sometimes “by …”is omitted. In this reading passage, a past passive structure is predominant.1.3.2·Students’ questionnaire include d five sections with 23 questions:1) demographic information2)importance of English in college and professional careers3)perceived language skill needs and problems4)the activities needed in a freshman language course, and5)suggestions for development of course content and materials as well asdemographic information.·The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections with l6 questions, which are parallel to those in the version given to the students except that no demographic information was gathered.Research aim:A Study of perceptions of English Needs in a Medical Context Questionnaire One: The questionnaire given to the medical students consisted of five sections with 23 questions, the topics of which were importance of English in college and professional careers, perceived language skill needs and problems, activities needed in a freshman language course, and suggestions for development of course content and materials as well as demographic information.Questionnaire Two: The faculty questionnaire consisted of four sections with l6 questions, which were parallel to those in the version given to the students except that no demographic information was gathered.Research restrictions:The questionnaires were piloted, and modified according to the feedback from l0 respondents: six medical students and four faculty members.One of the authors, a faculty member at Chung Shan Medical College, selected one required class for each group of students (freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors). (The population size is not big enough and the sampling technique is not so clear.) A poison ivy infection is considered by some to be humorous. But it is not funny at all. A rash that has the intensity of a fresh mosquito bite and lasts for several days is caused by contact with the plant. Poison ivy infection has been studied by scientists for centuries, but no preventive pill or inoculation has been found. The poisonous substance in the plant is called urushiol. After the skin is touched by urushiol, the exposed area will soon be covered by blisters and weeping sores.2.2: The following sentences describe a process of making paper. Use sequentialwords and rewrite them into a cohesive paragraph.Firstly, the logs are placed in the shredder. Then they are cut into small chips which are mixed with water and acid. After that, they are heated and crushed to a heavy pulp which is cleaned. It is also chemically bleached to whiten it. Later, it is passed through rollers to flatten it. Then sheets of wet paper are produced. Finally, the water is removed from the sheets which are pressed, dried and refined until the finished paper is produced.3.1 Read the following sentences. They are all taken from method sections fromdifferent research articles. In each case, determine which information element is represented.1. subjects2. material3. procedure4.overview5. statistical treatment6. procedure and material7. sampling8. research location3.2 Completing sentences1) The questionnaire was administered.2) completed the questionnaire.3) Background information about these participants is presented in Table 2.4) The mean age of the participants was approximately 29 years old.5) the year of working experience was six on the average.3.3Reordering sentences1c 2 e 3 d 4 f 5g 6 b 7 I 8 a 9h3.4 Rewriting sentences(1) Table 2 shows the number of students per level and their Ll languagebackgrounds represented.(2) Two questionnaires administered respectively to the personnel officers andbusiness employees show a similar result in terms of their perception of the use of English in their firm.(3) The scores of the two raters were averaged and entered for statistical analysis.(4) The model used in the experiment was a modified version of the 2009 Testpackage, originally developed by the Morrison Research Institute.(5) Gray (1998) studied the effectiveness of the new schedule, using scores on theStanford Achievement Test as the measure.(6) After the teacher explained the directions, the students began to write.( place modifiers so that they clearly modify what they are intended to modify ) (7) Students achieved better results, although the schedule was in effect for only 1year. (Put the main idea in the main clause )(8) After putting the assignment on the board, the teacher found by checking theroll that three students were absent. (Too many and s )(9) Because many school administrators seem interested in making only simple andinexpensive changes, they have been overly receptive to simplistic solutions.( avoid inserting long modifiers between the subject and the verb )(10) Many people are reluctant to install solar energy systems because of the largecapital investment required. ( avoid using subordinate clauses that modify other subordinate clauses )3.5 Turning notes into a passageA taste test was conducted to determine students’preferences and attitudes toward sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages. Ten people, five male students and five female students, from Science English class 1 were chosen at random to participate in the test. The materials used were thirty straws, two cups, one blindfold, and two containers of Kool-Aid, a popular drink in the United States. One container held four cups of orange Kool-Aid sweetened with one half cup of sugar. The other container held four cups of orange Kool-aid sweetened with 9 packets of Nutrasweet brand artificial sweetener.The steps included in the test were as follows. Ten volunteer students were chosen, five male students and five female students. They were placed into two lines, one for the males and the other for the females. Alternately, men and women completed the taste test. To complete the test a blindfold was first fastened over the eyes of the tester so that he/she could not see. Then the two cups were filled with beverage, one with artificially-sweetened Kool-Aid and the other with sugar-sweetened Kool-Aid. The tester was then asked three questions from a survey and the answers were tabulated. Next, using a straw, the tester took a sip from each cup. Then the final two questions on the survey were asked and the answers tabulated. Finally, the remaining drink was thrown away, and the next tester came forward to repeat the process.4. Writing Project(Omitted)。

LOGO第一章记叙文体的英译与写作第二章法律文体的英译与写作第三章应用文体英译与写作第四章广告文体英译与写作QQ:105448245424学时科技英语(二)EST ⅡREFERENCES:1、张梦井,杜耀文汉英科技翻译指南,航空工业出版社,19962、王运,实用科技英语翻译技巧,科技文献出版社,19923、熊第霖,英文科技写作,国防工业出版社,20011 记叙文体的汉译英1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题1. 2 摘要的英译与写作1. 3 国际会议文献的英译与写作1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题一、科技论文的分类◆按学科的性质和功能⏹基础学科论文⏹技术学科论文⏹应用学科论文◆按照写作目的和发挥的作用⏹学术性论文⏹技术性论文⏹学位论文◆按论文内容所属学科数学论文物理论文化学论文天文学论文机械工程技术论文建筑工程技术论文◆按研究和写作方法理论推导型实(试)验研究型观测型设计计算型发现发明型争鸣型综述型Title标题Abstract摘要Keywords关键词Table of contents目录Nomenclature术语表Introduction引言正文Acknowledgement致谢Reference参考文献Appendix附录Methods方法Results结果Discussion讨论Conclusion结论二、科技论文的一般结构LOGOacknowledgmentReferencesTitle 标题Author 作者Abstract 摘要Introduction 引言4 Summary and conclusion三、论文标题的英译与写作1、标题的作用⏹Generalizing the Text⏹Attracting the Reader⏹Facilitating the Retrieval2、标题的长度(单词总数)及词性⏹标题不宜过长,大多为12个单词以内。

科研论文检索关键词:1疏水缔合聚合物(两亲聚合物、活性聚合物、结构聚合物):疏水单体、合成、表征、流变性1Hydrophobically Associating Water-soluble Polymers/Water-soluble hydrophobically associating polymers (amphiphilic polymerliving polymer/ active polymer???):hydrophobic monomersynthesisrepresentationrheological property/rheological behavior2表面活性剂:界面张力、驱油、乳化、囊泡、粘弹性、(1) Surfactant:interfacial tension/ surface tensionoil-displacementemulsification/emulsifyVesicleviscoelasticity adsorb3聚合物驱:稠油、海上油田、驱油机理polymer flooding :viscous oil/heavy oil offshore oilfield/offshore oil field oil-displacement mechanisms4复合驱:二元、三元、新的化学驱方法(分子膜)、吸附、色谱分离combination flooding: binaryternaryNew method of chemical flooding (molecular film)adsorbchromatograph5聚表相互作用:流变性、界面性质、自组装/自聚集/自组织、溶液结构Polymer−Surfactantinteraction:rheological property/ rheologicalbehaviorinterfacial propertySelf-assembly/self-aggregation /self organizationsolution structure6超分子聚合物体系:自组装/自聚集/自组织、流变性、溶液结构Supramolecular polymer systems:Self-assembly/ self-aggregation /self organizationrheological property/ rheological behaviorsolution structure7压裂液:清洁、缔合、非交联fracturing fluid:Clean fracturing fluid(清洁压裂液) association/ associate uncrosslinked/non-crosslinked8物模实验:可视化、三维、注入性、传导性/传播性、阻力系数、残余阻力系数、非均质、驱油效率Physical model experiment:visualizationthree-dimensionalinjectivityconductivity/tr ansmissibilityresistance coefficient/drag coefficientcoefficient of remains resistance/residual resistance factorheterogeneousoil displacement efficiency1. G. Wang, D. Zhang, Z. Du, P. Li, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.。

英文科技专题文章范文(热门3篇)英文科技专题文章范文第1篇One way to get noticed is Reuben Smith Vaughn, another American college graduate. The most popular majors in this university are English, business and economics. Sitting here, he hears the real Emptiness: Bachelor's degree or above, major in machinery or trade.Our textbook is new international business English published by Cambridge University Press. How do you deal with training, becoming a celebrity and homework? I'm Li San from Jiujiang. I'm a fresh graduate majoring in Business English, with bachelor's degree or above in mining or business English Mechanical or business majors give priority to college education with Japanese as major, plus practical experience in translating business documents for homework.Write a letter to your parents and tell them about your life in college,.中文翻译:一个能引起注意的方法是鲁本·史密斯·沃恩,另一个美国大学的毕业生。

Principle of Choosing Keywords
---Try to avoid: ❖Some words without material meaning
Such as: articles (a/an, the), prepositions (at, in, on, to, above, over, under, below…), conjunctions (and, as well, but, while, yet…), pronouns (I, me, mine, myself, who, this…), adverbs, adjectives, interjections, some verbs (link verbs, modal verbs, auxiliary verb ) ❖Terms that are not commonly used
Such as: research, study, analyze, report, regulation, approach, theory, concept, idea, experimentation, phenomena …
e.g. kinetic study → kinetics
thermal decomposition mechanism → thermal decomposition
Principle of Choosing Keywords
❖The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract, specially repeated in title or abstract.

Writing English Abstracts Writing English Abstracts 科技论文英文摘要写作•英文摘要标题写作特点;•科技论文摘要在词汇、语法和句法三个语言层面的文体特征;•摘要常见的句型或表达方法。
(一) 词汇的文体特征:特1、体现在词义的单一性。
如:maybe,模棱两可隐晦不明等词语如:maybeperhaps,would like to,guess.2、术语以及术语的缩写和代表符号是科技英语文体的另一个显著特征。
例:Location of Buried Optical Service例Location of Buried Optical Service Cables via the EM-Wave Remotely Modulated Optical Signal in the Fiber Abstract—This paper presents the first results Ab t t Thi t th fi t lt and theoretical examination of a method to locate the position of buried optical cables. A traveling EM-wave (RF), generated from above traveling EM wave(RF)generated from above ground, modulates the state of polarization of the light guided by the fiber to be located.The magnitude and phase of this modulation The magnitude and phase of this modulation are detected at the end of the fiber route and the results relayed to the operator. By observing the amplitude of this modulation the lateral the amplitude of this modulation the lateral position of the buried optical cable can be determined. We have demonstrated 18dB signal/noise ratio, at a buried depth of 1.5m, in signal/noise ratio,at a buried depth of1.5m,in wet clay soil, using a radiated RF power of38W t144MH38W at 144MHz.摘要是一种语言精炼、概括原文主题内容的媒介,现已成为检索科技文献的有效手段。

作文中文议论文专四模板英文回答:Introduction:In today's rapidly evolving world, the role of technology in our lives is a topic of ongoing debate. Some argue that technological advancements inevitably lead to progress and a better future, while others express concerns about its potential negative consequences. In this essay,we will examine both sides of this argument to determine whether technology is indeed an unalloyed boon or whetherit carries inherent risks that must be carefully considered. Body Paragraph 1: Technology's Positive Impacts。
Technology has undoubtedly had a transformative impact on human society, bringing numerous benefits. Advances in communication and transportation have made it easier than ever to connect with people and explore different parts ofthe world. Medical advancements have extended lifespans, reduced suffering, and improved overall health outcomes. Technology has also revolutionized the way we work, learn, and access information.Body Paragraph 2: Technological Risks and Concerns。

探索英语科技型作文的写作奥秘In the age of globalization and technological advancement, the importance of English in the field of science and technology cannot be overstated. English, as the lingua franca of the world, plays a pivotal role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and technological advancements. Consequently, writing English technological essays has become an integral skill for students and professionals alike.The essence of writing an effective technological essay in English lies in a combination of clarity, precision, and creativity. Let's delve into the secrets of mastering this craft.**1. Understanding the Topic**The foundation of any essay is a thorough understanding of the topic. When it comes to technological essays, it's crucial to have a firm grasp of the subject matter. This involves researching the topic extensively, understanding the underlying principles, and keeping oneself updated with the latest developments.**2. Structuring the Essay**A well-structured essay is like a well-built house - it stands tall and sturdy. Start with an introductory paragraph that briefly summarizes the topic and sets the context. Follow it up with a few body paragraphs that delve into the details, discussing various aspects of the topic. Conclude with a closing paragraph that summarizes the main points and leaves the reader with a lasting impression.**3. Using Technical Vocabulary**When writing about technology, it's important to use the right terminology. This not only ensures clarity but also establishes the writer's credibility. Familiarize yourself with the specific terminology related to yourtopic and use it appropriately.**4. Incorporating Examples and Case Studies**Examples and case studies bring abstract concepts to life, making them easier to understand. Incorporate real-world examples, case studies, and anecdotes to illustrate your points and make your essay more engaging.**5. Writing in a Clear and Concise Manner**Remember, the aim is to communicate complex ideas in a simple and straightforward manner. Avoid jargon andtechnical language that may confuse the reader. Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively.**6. Revising and Editing**Revision and editing are crucial steps in the writing process. Read your essay aloud to check for flow and rhythm. Look for grammar errors, typos, and instances where you can improve clarity or conciseness. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement.**In Conclusion**Writing English technological essays is not just about putting words together; it's about communicating complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. By following the tips outlined above, you can hone your skills and become a proficient writer in this field. Keep practicing, keep learning, and never stop exploring the wonders oftechnology and the beauty of the English language.**探索英语科技型作文的写作奥秘**在全球化和科技飞速发展的时代,英语在科技领域的重要性不言而喻。


Searching for information on the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it's finding a new recipe, looking up historical facts, or conducting research, the ability to effectively search for information in English is an essential skill. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of search keywords in English and provide tips on how to improve search results.
First and foremost, understanding the importance of search keywords is crucial. Keywords are the terms or phrases that internet users type into search engines to find relevant information. When searching in English, using the right keywords can make a significant difference in the quality and accuracy of the search results. Therefore, it is essential to choose keywords that are specific and relevant to the information you are seeking. For example, if you are looking for information on renewable energy sources, using keywords such as "renewable energy, solar power, wind turbines" will yield more precise results than simply typing "energy."

英语四级作文科技类模板Title: Technology Class Template for CET-4 Writing。
With the rapid development of technology, it has become an integral part of our daily lives. From communication to transportation, from healthcare to education, technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives. In this essay, we will explore the impact of technology on society, the benefits and challenges it brings, and the future trends in technology.First and foremost, technology has greatly improved the efficiency and convenience of communication. With the invention of smartphones and social media platforms, people can easily connect with each other regardless of distance. This has not only strengthened personal relationships but also facilitated business communication and collaboration. In addition, the internet has made access to information more convenient, allowing people to learn and acquire knowledge at their fingertips.Furthermore, technology has revolutionized the way we work and do business. With the advent of automation and artificial intelligence, many repetitive and labor-intensive tasks can now be performed by machines, freeing up human labor for more creative and strategic work. This has led to increased productivity and economic growth. Moreover, e-commerce and online payment systems have transformed the way we shop and conduct transactions, making it more convenient and efficient.In the field of healthcare, technology has brought about significant improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. Advanced medical devices and imaging technologies have enabled healthcare professionals to diagnose diseases more accurately and treat patients more effectively. Telemedicine has also made it possible for patients to consult with doctors remotely, especially in areas with limited access to healthcare services.However, along with the benefits, technology also poses certain challenges to society. One of the major concerns is the impact of automation on employment. As machines andAI continue to replace human labor in various industries, there is a growing fear of job displacement and economic inequality. Additionally, the widespread use of technology has raised concerns about data privacy and cybersecurity. With the increasing amount of personal data being collected and stored online, there is a need for stronger measures to protect individuals' privacy and prevent cyber-attacks.Looking ahead, the future of technology holds even more exciting possibilities. The development of 5G technology is expected to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate, enabling faster and more reliable internet access. The Internet of Things (IoT) will further integrate technology into our daily lives, with smart devices and sensors creating a more interconnected and efficient world. Moreover, advancements in renewable energy and sustainable technology will play a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges and building a more sustainable future.In conclusion, technology has become an indispensable part of modern society, bringing about numerous benefits and challenges. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, it is important to address the ethical, social, and environmental implications of technology and strive for a more inclusive and sustainable future. Only by harnessing the power of technology responsibly can we truly unlock its full potential for the betterment of humanity.。

• 目前超稳迷你型优盘支持Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Mac OS 9.x和Linux 2.4.x操 作系统,符合USB1.1标准。At present it can support such operating systems as …., and comply with/conform to the USB 1.1 standard/in accordance with the USB 1.1 standard.
Keywords (关键词)
• 不要使用过于宽泛的词做关键词 ( 例如:有机化 合物,生态科学,等等 ) ,以免失去检索的作用; • 避免使用自定的缩略语、缩写字作为关键词, 除非是科学界公认的专有缩写字(如: DNA); • 关键词的数量要适中 (1)该刊物Keywords最多允许提供几个? (2)是否有Recommended keywords list?
• However few studies have been done on/ few studies have been published on/few studies have reported on/few researchers have studied/little research has been devoted to/little attention has been paid to /little information has been published concerning/no work has been done on/no systematic research has been dedicated to+论 文将要开展的工作.
• • • • • 要素1 背景、研究领域介绍: 要素2 文献综述 要素3 问题所在、进一步需要研究。 要素4 本文目的、贡献 要素5 本研究的价值 论文大致轮廓

只用填写关键词的作文模板英文回答:In my opinion, using a keyword-based essay template can be a helpful tool for writing an essay. It provides a structure and framework that can guide the writer in organizing their thoughts and ideas. By using keywords, the writer can ensure that they address all the necessary points and avoid going off-topic.Using a keyword-based essay template also helps to improve the coherence and flow of the essay. By having a clear structure, the writer can easily transition between different ideas and paragraphs. This makes the essay more readable and engaging for the reader.Furthermore, a keyword-based essay template allows the writer to focus on the content and ideas rather thangetting stuck on the structure. With the main points already provided by the keywords, the writer can spend moretime developing their arguments and providing supporting evidence. This leads to a more well-rounded and persuasive essay.中文回答:在我看来,使用基于关键词的作文模板可以帮助写作。

学位英语科技自由作文English:The concept of technological freedom refers to the ability of individuals and societies to access and use technology without restrictions or limitations. It encompasses the idea that everyone should have equal opportunities to utilize technological advancements and benefit from them. Technological freedom is crucial in a rapidly evolving world where technology plays a critical role. It enables individuals to exercise their creativity and innovation, fostering economic growth and societal progress. Moreover, technological freedom empowers individuals to express themselves and share information freely, leading to a more democratic and inclusive society. It also enhances global collaboration and cultural exchange, bringing people from different backgrounds together. However, it is important to strike a balance between technological freedom and ethical considerations. With technological freedom, there is a potential for abuse, such as cybercrime, invasion of privacy, and dissemination of harmful content. Therefore, it is essential to establish policies and regulations that protect individuals and ensureresponsible and ethical use of technology. In conclusion, technological freedom is a fundamental aspect of modern society that allows for the unrestricted access and use of technology. It promotes innovation, inclusivity, and collaboration, but must be accompanied by ethical guidelines to safeguard individuals and society as a whole.中文翻译:科技自由是指个人和社会在获取和使用技术方面没有任何限制或限制的能力的概念。
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(2) 非通用的代号和分子式
CF复合材料 → 碳纤维复合材料 ATP → 三磷酸腺苷 NaBH3CN-ZnCL2 →
氰基硼氢化钠, 二氯化锌 ( sodium cyanoborohydrate,
zinc chloride)
对文章进行检索而做的标引,即赋于 某篇文献的检索标识。
要提高检索效率:查全率、查准率, 避免漏检、误检。
从标题、摘要和内容选取揭示其主题 内容,并经优化和取舍而构成的关 键性词汇。
通常为3 ~ 8个
按主题词(叙词)标引 经规范化的词, 但有滞后。
发展、现象等;但半禁用词可以和半禁用词或 实意词组合成关键词。如:理论研究、试验分 析等。
3 无实质意义的词不能作检索词(关键词), 这类词SCI称为全禁用词(Fullstoplist)。 有:冠词、虚词、介词、连词、代词、副词、 形容词、感叹词、某些动词(连系动词、情感 动词、助动词)
学术界约定俗成的一些原则同样适用,如: 同义词、近义词不应并列为关键词; 化学结构式、反应式和数学式原则上不能用 作关键词; 不得用非公知公用的专业术语及其缩写。
行拆分,检索时通过合理的逻辑组合, 可以获得所需的信息,而不会因关键词 的专指度过大而漏检。
DSC • water • polysaccharides 30
而在生物医学随着专业深化与综 合化的发展,有时需用多个词 组合作关键词,如:
如下的关s, DSC and P-V-T measurements, miscibility and composition dependence of the glass temperature
通用代号则可以用, 如:DTA, IR, NMR
(3) 含基本的主题内容
CaO 与SO2反应的热重法研究
原 keywords: 热重分析,硫酸盐化反应, 石灰石
CaO(s) + SO2(g) + ½ O2(g) = CaSO4 (s) KW: SO2 , 石灰石,硫酸盐化反应,
热重 法
(4) 合成、测定、性质、方法、表征、分 析、研究、探讨、关系之类的词过 于 空 泛, 缺乏特指,不利检索,应避 免选用。
合理选用关键词会有利于该篇论 文被检出、引用。通过关键词的 逻辑组合可以清晰提示论文的主 题内容。
关键词不应简单地按在文章中出现 次序排序。例如:
聚氯乙烯-乙丙橡胶-氯丁橡胶三元共混 物的研究
原序:相容性,共混物,聚氯乙稀,乙 丙橡胶,氯丁橡胶
修改:聚氯乙稀,乙丙橡胶,氯丁橡胶, 共混物,相容性
对于那些反映新技术、新学科的新名词术语, 可列为关键词。
(1) 在某些学科(如化学), 通常 不选 “……和……”、 “……的……” 乃至短
kinetic study → kinetics thermal decomposition mechanism → thermal decomposition, mechanism chemical reaction kinetics → chemical reaction, kinetics
可从研究的对象、性质和采取的方法 (手段)选取关键词。
例如: Thermal Degradation of Some Polyimides KW: polyimides
thermol stability thermogravimetry, pyrolysis, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry
发生 优点
稀土 镧、钇
文题:高梁蚜虫发生与气象因素 的关系研究
KW: 高梁蚜虫, 发生, 气象因素
文题:试论动车积宽测流的优越性 KW:动车,积宽测流,优越性
1 关键词必须是能反映文稿内容主要特征的 实意词;
2 无特殊检索意义、不能表征文稿所属学科专 用概念的词不能独立作关键词使用,这类词 SCI称为半禁用词(Semistop)。最常见的 有:概念、规律、理论、报告、试验、学习、 研究、方法、分析、问题、途径、特点、目的、
关键词是非受控词,关键词标引是非受 控标引(自由标引),不一定按规范化 的叙词(descripter)来标引【参见:杨 小玲,高鲁山. 科技论文关键词标引方 法的误导必须纠正. 编辑学报,2002, 14(1):25】。
“这样做既可能保证一定的查全率, 也不在至于由于《主题词表》的更 新速度慢,而找不到新词汇,同时 也可以保证查全率。”【参见:虞 沪生,江珊,马芸. 也谈“关键词” 的标引方法. 中国科技期刊研究, 2002,13(6):558】