
⼀堂有趣的英语课作⽂13篇 在平平淡淡的学习、⼯作、⽣活中,⼤家都跟作⽂打过交道吧,根据写作命题的特点,作⽂可以分为命题作⽂和⾮命题作⽂。
⼀堂有趣的英语课作⽂1 在星期三的课堂上,我们上了⼀节有趣的英语课。
杨⽼师上课就喜欢BVSG 。
接着,杨⽼师在⿊板上写下BVSG ,回头⼀看,同学们都端端正正地坐着,眼睛盯着⿊板,像⼀排排训练有素的⼠兵。
这是我们的教室⽤英语怎么说? WE HAVE MY classroom 完全正确!⼥⽣加了⼀分,男⽣可不服⽓了,他们嘟囔着,急红了眼。
这节英语课真有趣,我喜欢上英语课!⼀堂有趣的英语课作⽂2 本周星期⼆的⼀节英语课上,从五(4)班教室传出了⼀阵阵欢笑声。
这是怎么⼀回事?⾛进⼀看,教室⿊板上画着⼀⽚美丽的⼤森林,上⾯赫然写着:Little Red Riding Hood’s Story Show。

几天前的一节英语课上,老师在黑板上写了一组英语单词:“raining cats and dogs”,让我讲一讲其中的含义。
我想cats ,dogs是猫和狗的复数形式,表示许多猫,rainning则是下雨,合起来是什么意思呢?我正凝神想着,突然有同学举手回答:“天上掉下来许多猫和许多狗。
老师又说英语和汉语一样,一些单词组合起来有特殊的含义、固定的用法,这就像汉语的成语似的rainnng cats and dogs就是倾盆大雨的意思。
我们的英语老师是幽默的Miss Li。
上课了,李老师和往常一样,在跟大家打过招呼后,就在黑板上写下“Match”——比赛开始了!“‘这就是我们的教室’,用英语怎么说?”“This is our classroom。

一节有趣的英语课作文一节有趣的英语课An Interesting English Class今天我们上了一节非常有趣的英语课。
Today we had a very interesting English class. The teacher used many innovative methods to stimulate our interest in learning English. This class not only allowed us to acquire knowledge but also made us feel the joy of learning.课前老师让我们分成小组每组讨论一个与英语相关的话题。
Before the class the teacher divided us into groups and asked each group to discuss a topic related to English. Our group discussed How to improve English speaking skills. Everyone actively spoke up and offered many useful suggestions such as listening to English songs watching English movies and participating in English corners.接着老师让我们玩了一个游戏叫做单词接龙。



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一句句流利的英语,直让老师连声赞美:“very good!”琅琅的书声飞出了教室,飞到了空旷的操场上,犹如奇妙的音乐,沁人肺腑。
有趣的英语课 作文(精选3篇)


终于轮到我表演了,我扮演了“T om”,轮到我说话时,我精神抖擞地说出了其中的对话,得到了老师的鼓励。

一堂有趣的英语课作文600字英文回答:An engaging English class, in my opinion, is one where students are actively participating and enthusiastic about learning. The teacher should have a warm and welcoming demeanor, and be able to create a positive and supportive learning environment. The lessons should be well-plannedand engaging, and should incorporate a variety ofactivities to cater to different learning styles. The teacher should also be open to feedback from students, and be willing to adapt their teaching methods to meet theneeds of the class.中文回答:我心目中有趣的英语课,是学生们积极参与、对学习充满热情的课堂。

一节有趣的英语课作文300字三年级全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Exciting English LessonYesterday, we had the most fun English class ever! It was so different from our regular lessons where we just read from our textbooks or do worksheets. This time, our teacher Mrs. Smith had a special surprise planned for us.When we walked into the classroom, we saw that she had rearranged all the desks and chairs, making a big open space in the middle. She told us we were going to play a game called "Freeze Dance." I had never heard of it before, but it sounded exciting!Mrs. Smith explained that she would play different kinds of music, and we had to dance however we wanted while the music was on. But as soon as the music stopped, we had to freeze in whatever position we were in and couldn't move until the music started again. Whoever kept moving after the music stopped would be out of the game.At first, we were a bit shy and just kind of swayed from side to side when the upbeat pop song started playing. But Mrs. Smith encouraged us to let loose and really get into the music. Soon, we were all jumping, twirling, and shaking our bodies with big smiles on our faces. It was so much fun!Whenever the music suddenly stopped, it was hilarious trying to hold our crazy dance poses without moving a muscle. Tommy ended up looking like he was trying to catch a fly with his mouth wide open and one leg kicked up behind him. Lily had her arms stretched out like she was flying, and Jake was crouched down like a frog. We all cracked up laughing at each other's frozen positions.After a few rounds of rocking out and freezing, Mrs. Smith switched to playing different genres of music from around the world. We danced to salsa beats from Latin America, traditional drums from Africa, and even some K-pop songs with complicated choreography that we tried our best to follow along with.Not only was the game a total blast, but we were also learning about different cultures and musical styles without even realizing it. Mrs. Smith is so clever with making learning fun!By the end of the class, we were all sweaty and out of breath from dancing our hearts out. I don't think any of us wanted the lesson to end. We kept begging Mrs. Smith for "one more song, please!" even after the bell rang for lunch.On our way out, she winked and said we might have another dance party next week if we were good. I can't wait! English class is usually my favorite part of the school day, but lessons like this make me enjoy it even more. My friends and I spent the whole lunch period trying to recreate our funny frozen poses and giggling about it. I really hope we get to play Freeze Dance again soon.Mrs. Smith is the best teacher ever for finding such a cool way to get us moving, laughing, and learning about other cultures all at the same time. I already can't wait for next week's English class to see what kind of amazing surprise she has in store for us!篇2An Interesting English ClassWow, I had the most exciting English class today! I couldn't wait to tell you all about it. Our teacher, Miss Johnson, always makes learning English super fun.It started off like a normal day. We all came into the classroom and got our materials out while Miss Johnson wrote the learning objectives on the board. But then she told us we were going to play a game to practice our vocabulary words. I love games, so I was really excited!Miss Johnson split us into two teams - the red team and the blue team. I was on the red team with Michael, Emma, and a few other kids. The blue team had Jacob, Sophia, and some others. Miss Johnson explained that we were going to play Vocabulary Freeze Dance.She put on some fun music and we all started dancing around the classroom. When the music stopped, Miss Johnson would call out one of the vocabulary words we had been studying that week. If you were on the red team, you had to make a frozen pose acting out the meaning of that word. If you were on the blue team, you had to use the word in a sentence.The first word Miss Johnson called out was "enormous." I froze with my arms stretched out really wide to show something huge. Emma crouched down tiny to show the opposite of enormous - small. Michael did this crazy over-the-top terrified face frozen in place.Jacob on the blue team said "The dinosaur was an enormous creature that roamed the earth millions of years ago." Great sentence! Sophia said "My grandma's Christmas tree is always decorated with an enormous amount of lights and ornaments." Another good one. We all got points for our team.Then the music started again and we danced until it stopped with the next word - "scramble." This time the red team had to use it in a sentence. Emma said "I scramble to get ready for school each morning." I said "The baby chicks scrambled out of their shells when they hatched." Michael said something silly like "I scramble the eggs for breakfast."For the blue team's turn to act it out, Jacob got all flustered looking and moved his arms around frantically. Sophia just sprinted back and forth across the classroom scrambling her body around. Too funny!We played several more rounds acting out words like "content," "drowsy," and "contaminated." By the end, we were all completely exhausted from dancing and laughing so hard. I loved this game! Not only did it help us practice vocabulary, but we got to be active and creative.After we had caught our breath, Miss Johnson regrouped us all on the carpet. She asked us to turn and discuss with ourneighbors which vocabulary words were our favorites and why. I really liked "drowsy" because it's such a silly sounding word and it reminds me of being all sleepy after thanksgiving dinner. Emma's favorite was "content" because she said her dog always looks so content snuggling on the couch.Then Miss Johnson asked for volunteers to act out their favorite word in front of the class without saying it, while we tried to guess which vocabulary word they were portraying. Michael went first and we all cracked up as he mimed this crazy big sneezing motion for "contaminated." Even though it was hilarious, it definitely helped me remember what that word means!After our fun game and discussions, we got out our vocabulary workbooks and did a few written practice activities to reinforce what we had learned. Seeing and using the words in different ways like this really helps cement them in our brains.As we were packing up to go home, Miss Johnson reminded us that for our homework we should try to use as many of the new vocabulary words as we could in situations at home. She said we could even record ourselves doing it and bring it in to share with the class tomorrow. I can't wait!I just had such a blast in English class today. Who knew learning new words could be so active, creative and enjoyable? Miss Johnson always figures out creative ways to get us up and moving around while we're learning. I feel like the vocabulary words really stuck with me thanks to this fun vocabulary freeze dance game. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome English teacher! I can't wait for our next class.篇3An Interesting English ClassWow, I had the most fun English class ever today! Mrs. Martin always makes our lessons really engaging and exciting, but today was extra special.It all started when we walked into the classroom. Instead of the usual desks in rows, there were tables set up in groups of four. On each table was a big box wrapped in colorful paper. We were all buzzing with curiosity about what could possibly be inside!"Good morning, class!" Mrs. Martin began. "Today we're going to learn about descriptive writing by playing a fun game called 'Mystery Boxes.' Can anyone remind me what descriptive writing is?"Maya raised her hand. "It's when you use lots of details to describe something, like how it looks, feels, smells, and sounds.""Excellent explanation, Maya," Mrs. Martin said with a smile. "Now, in your table groups, you'll take turns pulling an object out of the box without peeking. Then you'll describe it to your teammates using as much detail as possible so they can try to guess what it is!"A buzz of excitement filled the room. I love games like this!Our group went first. Tommy reached his hand into the box and pulled out...a hairbrush? No, wait - it wasn't a regular hairbrush. This one was bright pink and had My Little Pony characters all over it!"Okay," Tommy began, furrowing his brow. "It's made of plastic. It's about six inches long and has a thick base that gets thinner towards the bristles. The bristles feel really stiff and they're bunched together in rows."We were all stumped so far. A regular hairbrush sounded pretty boring."Oh, and it's covered in colorful pictures!" he added. "There are six tiny ponies with big eyes and brushable manes and tails. Some have wings and some have horns.""I know, I know!" Lily exclaimed. "It's a My Little Pony hairbrush!"Tommy grinned and held it up. "You got it!"Taking turns was so much fun. Mike described a slinky that went "boing, boing" when you stretched it. I had to describe a dog squeaky toy in the shape of a taco that crinkled loudly.After we'd all had a few turns, Mrs. Martin called the class back together. "Wasn't that a great way to practice descriptive writing?" she asked. "You all used such wonderful details about texture, color, sound, and more. I was really impressed!"We went around sharing our favorite objects from the mystery boxes. Katie liked the plastic dinosaur that looked "prehistoric and ferocious but also kind of cute." Jayden thought the slimey stress ball that made fart noises when you squeezed it was hilarious.To wrap up, Mrs. Martin had us each draw and describe our dream object to put in a mystery box. I made mine a mermaid tail blanket that "shimmers with every color of the rainbow and has silky soft scales."As we were packing up, I couldn't stop thinking about what an awesome class it had been. Who knew learning could be sofun? I'll never forget the Mystery Box game and all the goofy, imaginative objects we got to explore. English class gets an A+ from me!篇4An Interesting English ClassHooray, it's time for English class again! I always look forward to Mrs. Smith's class because she makes learning English so much fun. As I skip down the hallway towards our classroom, I can't wait to see what exciting activities she has planned for us today.When I arrive, Mrs. Smith is sitting at her desk with a big smile on her face. "Good morning, class! I have a special treat for you all today," she announces in her cheerful voice. We all lean forward eagerly in our seats, wondering what the surprise could be."We're going on a magical adventure...through stories!" Mrs. Smith exclaims. She pulls out a big storybook with a colorful cover. "The Magic Treehouse series by Mary Pope Osborne is filled with adventures about a brother and sister who travel through time by going into a treehouse. Today, we're going tobe reading one of the books and practicing our English skills along the way!"A cheer rises up from the class. We all love reading the Magic Treehouse books and using our imagination. Mrs. Smith opens up the book and starts reading in a dramatic, animated voice that immediately transports us to the magical world within its pages.As she reads, she periodically pauses to ask us comprehension questions like "What do you think will happen next?" and "How is the main character feeling right now?" We raise our hands excitedly to answer, putting the English vocabulary words we've learned into practice.After the story, Mrs. Smith splits us into small groups and gives each group a different creative writing prompt related to the book's plot and setting. My group's prompt is: "Imagine you could travel back in time too. Where would you go and what would you do there? Use as many descriptive words as possible!"We put our heads together excitedly, reminiscing about all the cool time periods and places from the book. After much debate, we decide to write about traveling to ancient Egypt to see the pyramids being built. We take turns contributingsentences, helping each other spell tricky words and looking them up in the dictionary when we're stuck.Once we've finished our rough draft, we read our group story aloud to the rest of the class. The other groups' stories are set in the ice age, medieval England, and the first Thanksgiving. We clap for each other when groups finish presenting their highly imaginative tales.For the last activity, Mrs. Smith shows us how we can make our own "Magic Treehouse" out of a shoebox, craft supplies, and our stories tucked inside. As we're decorating our shoeboxes, she puts on some quiet music and lets us chat with our friends at our group tables.Before we know it, the class is almost over. We come back together on the reading rug one final time to share our "Magic Treehouses" and things we learned or enjoyed most that day."English class was so much fun today!" I pipe up. "I loved reading the adventure story, writing our own creative tale, and making our very own 'Magic Treehouses' to keep.""Me too," Olivia agrees. "I can't wait to read more stories and go on more imaginary journeys like this."I leave the classroom with a big smile, giving Mrs. Smith a wave goodbye. She really knows how to make English class an exciting adventure every time! I can't wait for our next journey into the magical world of books and language.篇5An Awesome English ClassLast week, we had the best English class ever! It was so much fun and I learned a ton.It started out pretty normal. We all came into the classroom and got out our English books and notebooks. Mrs. Thompson, our teacher, was writing the day's agenda on the whiteboard. I was excited because I saw she had written "Special Activity!" which meant we were going to do something different than our usual lessons.After we did the normal routine of the Pledge of Allegiance and going over the calendar and weather, Mrs. Thompson said it was time for our special activity. She told us to put away our books and notebooks because we wouldn't need them. That made me really curious about what we were going to do!Then Mrs. Thompson brought out a big box. She opened it up and started taking out all these funny looking hats, wigs, costumes, and props. There were crazy wigs with bright colors, sombreros, safari hats, and all kinds of other silly headpieces. The costumes had things like superhero capes, overalls, and even a tutu! And the props included things like puppets, fake musical instruments, and PlayFood.As she pulled each item out of the box, Mrs. Thompson would hold it up and say what it was called in English. Like for the sombrero she'd say "This is a sombrero. Can you say sombrero?" And we'd all repeat "Sombrero!" She did that with everything so we were learning the vocabulary words for all the fun dress-up stuff.Once everything was laid out, Mrs. Thompson put us into teams and each team got to pick out their costumes and props. My team chose the crazy rainbow wig, a superhero cape, some PlayFood items like a hot dog and banana, and we shared the puppet. The other teams had the sombrero, safari outfit, tutu, and other props too.Then the real fun began! Mrs. Thompson gave us a situation and we had to act it out using our costumes and props, but we could only speak in English. The first scenario was that we wereat a restaurant ordering food. So my team put on our crazy wig and cape, and I used the puppet as a waiter while my teammates were the customers ordering the hot dog and banana in English.It was so silly and fun to be all dressed up and using our English skills! We did a few more skits like that, being tourists at a zoo, explorers in the jungle, and superheroes saving the day. With each new scenario, we'd trade props with the other teams so everyone got a chance to use everything.I loved using my English in such an engaging way instead of just reading from a book or doing worksheets. The dress-up and acting made it feel like a game and helped me remember the vocabulary words better. I really hope we get to do more fun activities like that in English class!After the skits, we had some time left so Mrs. Thompson played a English music video and we all danced and sang along, still wearing our costumes. It was awesome!I'm so glad English class was so fun and interactive that day. Now when I think of that rainbow wig, superhero cape, or PlayFood banana, it will remind me of the English words for those things. Using my whole body to act out situations in English is way more memorable than just sitting at a desk. I can't wait for more creative lessons like that!篇6An Exciting English ClassHello, my name is Emily and I'm a third-grader at Sunny Hill Elementary School. Today, I want to share with you about the most exciting English class I've ever had! It was last Thursday, and we were supposed to learn about adjectives. But little did we know that our teacher, Mrs. Robinson, had a special surprise planned for us.When we arrived in the classroom, we noticed that all the desks were pushed to the sides, leaving a big open space in the middle. We looked at each other, puzzled, but Mrs. Robinson just smiled mysteriously and told us to take our seats on the floor.Once we were settled, she announced, "Today, we're going to learn about adjectives in a very special way. We're going to play a game called 'Adjective Charades'!" We all cheered excitedly because who doesn't love a good game?Mrs. Robinson explained the rules. She would pick a student to come to the front and act out an adjective without speaking. The rest of us had to guess what adjective they were portraying. If we guessed correctly, we would earn points for our team.The game began, and it was hilarious! Sarah went first and started pretending to shiver and rub her arms. We all shouted out, "Cold! Freezing!" and she nodded enthusiastically.Next, it was Tommy's turn. He puffed out his cheeks and pretended to be really big and strong. "Huge! Gigantic!" we yelled, and he gave us a thumbs-up.As the game progressed, we saw some of the funniest and most creative acts. Jenny pretended to be a delicate ballerina, and we guessed "graceful." Michael acted like a sloth, and we all laughed as we called out "lazy" and "sluggish."One of the most memorable moments was when our friend Jack came up to act out his adjective. He started hopping around like a bunny, and we were all stumped. Finally, someone shouted, "Bouncy!" and Jack nodded happily.By the end of the class, we had learned so many adjectives in such a fun and engaging way. We didn't even realize we were learning because we were having too much fun guessing and acting out the words.As we were packing up our things, Mrs. Robinson said, "See, learning can be fun when you're creative and open-minded. I hope you all had as much fun as I did today."We all cheered and thanked her for the amazing class. I don't think I'll ever forget the day we played Adjective Charades. It was the most exciting and unforgettable English class I've ever had!。


While there is life there is hope.悉心整理助您一臂(页眉可删)一堂有趣的英语课英语作文一堂有趣的英语课英语作文1We got the news before the English Cla that some foreign teachers would visit our cla ss. The teachers, came from a middle school in New York. We felt nervous and excited.The bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the cla room. We each sat on the seats silently. A woman teacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "Hello, nice to meet you! "She said clearly and slowly. Just now I wa #39;t nervous any more. We talked with each other for a while. She thought my English was good. I thanked her and felt very happy.一堂有趣的英语课英语作文2今天是我成为初中生后的第一节英语课。

有趣的一堂英语课500字作文英文回答:I remember one particularly interesting English class I had back in high school. It was a lesson on idioms and expressions, and our teacher decided to make it more engaging by turning it into a game. She divided the class into two teams and gave us a list of common idioms to act out. Each team had to choose a member to act out the idiom while the rest of the team tried to guess what it was.One of the idioms was "raining cats and dogs", and the student from the opposing team had to act it out. It was hilarious to see him pretend to dodge falling cats and dogs while the rest of us were laughing and shouting out guesses. Another idiom was "hit the nail on the head", and the student from my team did a great job miming hitting a nail with a hammer right on target.The game not only helped us understand the meanings ofthe idioms better but also made the class more enjoyableand memorable. It was a great way to learn in a fun and interactive way.中文回答:我记得在高中时有一堂特别有趣的英语课。

⼀堂有趣的课英语作⽂1 Miss Tong, our English teacher, often teaches us in an unusual way, and makes her classes lively and interesting. Once she taught us an American folk song. Its name is Jingle Bells. First she wrote the words of the song on the blackboard. Then she explained every sentence in simple English. After that she sang the song in a sweet voice. We all liked the song and followed her in singing it several times. After we had learned to sing the whole song, Miss Tong asked us to discuss in English what made us happy. We each said what we thought it was: a beautiful flower, an interesting novel, a meaningful job, a moving poem, an exciting trip, and so on. The discussion was so lively that no one kept silent. It helped to improve our spoken English. When we understood the meaning of the song very well, we sang it again and again:“Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh….”None of us felt bored or tired, and all of us learned something from the song and the discussion. It was really an interesting class.⼀堂有趣的课英语作⽂2 今天,谢⽼师告诉我们⼀件激动⼈⼼的事情。


有趣的一堂英语课500字英语作文英文回答:I had an interesting English class yesterday. We were learning about the different parts of speech, and I foundit really fascinating. I especially enjoyed learning about verbs, because they can be used to express so manydifferent things. We also learned about how to use adjectives and adverbs to modify verbs, and I found that really helpful.I think learning about the different parts of speech is important because it helps us to understand how language works. It also helps us to communicate more effectively, because we can use the correct parts of speech to express our ideas clearly.I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to learn about the different parts of speech in English. I think it will help me to become a better writer and speaker.中文回答:昨天,我参加了一堂生动的英语课。
初中英语作文:一节有趣的课 An Interesting Class

初中英语作文:一节有趣的课 An Interesting Class【篇一】一节有趣的课 An Interesting ClassI am in primary school now, I have many lessons to learn from Monday to Friday, my favorite subject is English. Last week, my English teacher gave us a task, she asked us to make the presentation of our favorite English celebrity. I chose Avril Lavigne, she is my favorite singer, I have listened to her songs for many years. When I presented the singer, many of my classmates clapped their hands, because they like her, too. Then we share many things about Avril, I felt so happy in that class, it is so interesting, we talked happily, we share our common interest. I will never forget about that class, it causes my passion to learn English.我现在在上初中,从周一到周五我有很多的课,我最喜欢的科目是英语。
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