
fluent操作界面中英文对照Read 读取文件:scheme 方案journal 日志profile 外形Write 保存文件Import:进入另一个运算程序Interpolate:窜改,插入Hardcopy :复制,Batch options 一组选项Save layout 保存设计Grid网格Check 检查Info 报告:size 尺寸;memory usage内存使用情况;zones 区域;partitions划分存储区Polyhedral多面体:Convert domain变换范围Convert skewed cells 变换倾斜的单元Merge 合并Separate 分割Fuse (Merge的意思是将具有相同条件的边界合并成一个;Fuse将两个网格完全贴合的边界融合成内部(interior)来处理,比如叶轮机中,计算多个叶片时,只需生成一个叶片通道网格,其他通过复制后,将重合的周期边界Fuse掉就行了。
注意两个命令均为不可逆操作,在进行操作时注意保存case)Zone 区域:append case file 添加case文档Replace 取代;delete 删除;deactivate使复位;Surface mesh 表面网孔Reordr 追加,添加:Domain 范围;zones区域;Print bandwidth 打印Scale 单位变换Translate 转化Rotate 旋转smooth/swap 光滑/交换Define Models 模型: solver 解算器Pressure based 基于压力Density based 基于密度implicit 隐式, explicit 显示Space 空间:2D,axisymmetric(转动轴),axisymmetric swirl (漩涡转动轴);Time时间:steady 定常,unsteady 非定常Velocity formulation 制定速度:absolute绝对的; relative 相对的Gradient option 梯度选择:以单元作基础;以节点作基础;以单元作梯度的最小正方形。

1、face pemeability(面渗透性)
2、Porous Medium Thickness(多孔介质的厚度)
3、Pressure-Jump Coecient(压力阶跃系数)
多孔介质里fluent做了大量简化主要设置孔隙率粘性系数和阻力系数孔隙率由材料提供商直接提供粘性系数和阻力系数可通过压力降与速度降的几组实验得出这在fluent 帮助文件里有说如果不用很精确或没有实验条件可由达西定律近似得出。
回答是的如果要精确模拟多孔介质内的情况一定要UDF 。
因为FLUENT中自带的设置模型过于简单所以如果你想得到精确解就一定要UDF 目前很多课题组专门做FLUENT 多孔介质编程方面的研究非常复杂如果你跟本人一样多孔介质只是模拟的一小部分建议还是简化处理不然会相当麻烦。

2、在Fluid面板中,选中Porous zone选项,如果忽略多孔区域对湍流的影响,选中Laminar zone。
3、首先是速度方向的设置,在2d中,在direction-1 vector中填入速度方向,在3d中,在direction-1 vector和direction-2 vector中填入速度方向,余下的未填方向,可以根据principal axis得到。
另外也可以用Update From Plane Tool来得到这两个量。
随后的Power Law Model 中两个系数是另一种描述压力降的经验模型,一般不使用,可以保留缺省值0。
5、最后是Fluid Porosity,这个值只在模型选择了Physical Velocity 时才起作用,一般对计算没有影响,这个值要小于1。
1、速度方向的改变:原case:1、0、0 和0、1、0 y=0截面的速度矢量图修正case:-0.7366537、0.06852359、0.6727893 和0.6694272、-0.06727878、0.7398248 y=0速度矢量图2、修改Porosity值为0.5 原case,y=0截面修正case,y=0截面:修正case,且打开solver面板中的Physical Velocity选项:最后比较一下有多孔介质和无多孔介质对流场的影响。

[转]fluent中多孔介质porous media设置问题
选中porous zone与laminar复选框,再点击porous zone标签即出现一个带有滚动条的界面;
porous zone设置方法:

我做的多孔介质的简单例子(均为k-e RNG所做))模型仿真结果多孔介质定义的方法(2008-12-14 20:28:12)不知道怎的,这些日子都跟多孔介质干上了1. Define the porous zone.2. Define the porous velocity formulation. (optional)3. Identify the fluid material flowing through the porous medium.4. Enable reactions for the porous zone, if appropriate, and select the reaction mechanism.5. Set the viscous resistance coefficients and the inertial resistance coefficients , and define the direction vectors for which they apply. Alternatively, specify the coefficients for the power-law model.6. Specify the porosity of the porous medium.7. Select the material contained in the porous medium (required only for models that include heat transfer). Note that the specific heat capacity, , for the selected material in the porous zone can only be entered as a constant value.8. Set the volumetric heat generation rate in the solid portion of the porous medium (or any other sources, such as mass or momentum). (optional)9. Set any fixed values for solution variables in the fluid region (optional).10.Suppress the turbulent viscosity in the porous region, if appropriate.11. Specify the rotation axis and/or zone motion, if relevant.fluent中多孔介质porous media设置问题(2008-12-13 20:08:07)标签:杂谈分类:CFD计算流体力学经过痛苦的一段经历,终于将局部问题真相大白,为了使保位同仁不再经过我之痛苦,现在将本人多孔介质经验公布如下,希望各位能加精:1。

上图为在多孔区内,沿中心线的压强变化。可以看出, 穿过多孔区的压力降约为450Pa.
△Py, △Pz分别是x,y,z三个方向的压力降。△nx, 别是多孔介质在x,y,z三个方向的真实厚度。
n z分
对于多孔介质流动,FLUENT仍然解标准能量输运方程,只是修改 了对流项和时间导数项。对对流项的计算采用了有效对流函数,时间 导数项则计入了固体区域对多孔介质的热惯性效应。 多孔区域的有效热传导率keff是由流体的热传导率和固体的热传 导率的体积平均值计算得到:
多孔介质是由多相物质所占据的共同空间,也是多相物质共存 的一种组合体,没有固体骨架的那部分空间叫做孔隙,由液体或气 体或气液两相共同占有,相对于其中一相来说,其他相都弥散在其 中,并以固相为固体骨架,构成空隙空间的某些空洞相互连通。
在GAMBIT中将多孔区单独 设置,但其性质仍为fluid.在 fluent的边界条件设置多孔区 的参数,方向设置如下图。多 孔区porous two的粘性阻力设 为1e+10;其余多孔区粘性阻 力设为1e+13,如右边两图所 示。
在多孔介质区域,由于粘性阻力的存在,流体在多孔区内有 较大的压降如第一图所示;porous two的粘性阻力系数是其他多 孔区的千分之一,故流体几乎不会通过porous one和porous three,而全部由porous two通过,如第二图和第三图所示。
Fluent 必备 专业英语

gauge pressure (表压力)mach number (马赫数)X component (X分量)Turbulence Specification Method(湍流指定方法)Turbulence Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter(湍流强度和水利直径)Intensity and viscosity ratio 湍流强度和粘度比Mean Mixture Fraction(平均混合物分数):燃料混合物(包括惰性成分)与氧化剂(包括惰性成分)的质量比Turbulence Length Scale:湍流尺度;Volume Fraction:体积分数;Under-Relaxation Factors:松弛因子;vector:介质,矢量;optical thickness:光学厚度;Second Order Upwind:二阶精度;adiabatic:绝热;Coordinate:坐标Internal Emissivity:内部发射率;Mixture Parameters:混合参数;Slip Velocity:滑动速度;Interaction with Continuous Phase:相互作用的连续相;mean diameter:平均直径;Continuous Phase Iterations:连续相位迭代;Tracking Paramete:追踪主要技术参数;Particle Radiation Interaction:粒子辐射的相互作用;Spread Parameter:传播参数;Stochastic Model:随机模型;Stochastic tracking:随机跟踪;Binary Diffusivity:扩散系数discrete random walk model:离散随机游走模型;thermal conductivity:导热系数;Absorption Coefficient:吸收系数;Injection Properties:射入流属性;Vaporization Temperature:汽化温度;Particle Emissivity:粒子发射;Swelling Coefficient:膨胀系数;normal to boundary:垂直于边界;Granular 粒状FLUENT专业英语【全】Aabort 异常中断, 中途失败, 夭折, 流产, 发育不全,中止计划[任务] accidentally 偶然地, 意外地accretion 增长activation energy 活化能active center 活性中心addition 增加adjacent 相邻的aerosol浮质(气体中的悬浮微粒,如烟,雾等), [化]气溶胶, 气雾剂, 烟雾剂ambient 周围的, 周围环境amines 胺amplitude 广阔, 丰富, 振幅, 物理学名词annular 环流的algebraic stress model(ASM) 代数应力模型algorithm 算法align 排列,使结盟, 使成一行alternately 轮流地analogy 模拟,效仿analytical solution 解析解anisotropic 各向异性的anthracite 无烟煤apparent 显然的, 外观上的,近似的approximation 近似arsenic 砷酸盐assembly 装配associate 联合,联系assume 假设assumption 假设atomization 雾化axial 轴向的Bbattlement 城垛式biography 经历bituminous coal 烟煤blow-off water 排污水blowing devices 鼓风(吹风)装置body force 体积力boiler plant 锅炉装置(车间)Boltzmann 玻耳兹曼Brownian rotation 布朗转动bulk 庞大的bulk density 堆积密度burner assembly 燃烧器组件burnout 燃尽capability 性能,(实际)能力,容量,接受力carbon monoxide COcarbonate 碳酸盐carry-over loss 飞灰损失Cartesian 迪卡尔坐标的casing 箱,壳,套catalisis 催化channeled 有沟的,有缝的char 焦炭、炭circulation circuit 循环回路circumferential velocity 圆周速度clinkering 熔渣clipped 截尾的clipped Gaussian distribution 截尾高斯分布closure (模型的)封闭cloud of particles 颗粒云cluster 颗粒团coal off-gas 煤的挥发气体coarse 粗糙的coarse grid 疏网格,粗网格coaxial 同轴的coefficient of restitution 回弹系数;恢复系数coke 碳collision 碰撞competence 能力competing process 同时发生影响的competing-reactions submodel 平行反应子模型component 部分分量composition 成分cone shape 圆锥体形状configuration 布置,构造confined flames 有界燃烧confirmation 证实, 确认, 批准conservation 守恒不灭conservation equation 守恒方程conserved scalars 守恒标量considerably 相当地consume 消耗contact angle 接触角contamination 污染contingency 偶然, 可能性, 意外事故, 可能发生的附带事件continuum 连续体converged 收敛的conveyer 输运机convolve 卷cooling wall 水冷壁correlation 关联(式)correlation function 相关函数corrosion 腐蚀,锈coupling 联结, 接合, 耦合crack 裂缝,裂纹creep up (水)渗上来,蠕升critical 临界critically 精密地cross-correlation 互关联cumulative 累积的curtain wall 护墙,幕墙curve 曲线custom 习惯, 风俗, <动词单用>海关, (封建制度下)定期服劳役, 缴纳租税, 自定义, <偶用作>关税v.定制, 承接定做活的cyano 氰(基),深蓝,青色cyclone 旋风子,旋风,旋风筒cyclone separator 旋风分离器[除尘器]cylindrical 柱坐标的cylindrical coordinate 柱坐标dead zones 死区decompose 分解decouple 解藕的defy 使成为不可能demography 统计deposition 沉积derivative with respect to 对…的导数derivation 引出, 来历, 出处, (语言)语源, 词源design cycle 设计流程desposit 积灰,结垢deterministic approach 确定轨道模型deterministic 宿命的deviation 偏差devoid 缺乏devolatilization 析出挥发分,液化作用diffusion 扩散diffusivity 扩散系数digonal 二角(的), 对角的,二维的dilute 稀的diminish 减少direct numerical simulation 直接数值模拟discharge 释放discrete 离散的discrete phase 分散相, 不连续相discretization [数]离散化deselect 取消选定dispersion 弥散dissector 扩流锥dissociate thermally 热分解dissociation 分裂dissipation 消散, 分散, 挥霍, 浪费, 消遣, 放荡, 狂饮distribution of air 布风divide 除以dot line 虚线drag coefficient 牵引系数,阻力系数drag and drop 拖放drag force 曳力drift velocity 漂移速度driving force 驱[传, 主]动力droplet 液滴drum 锅筒dry-bottom-furnace 固态排渣炉dry-bottom 冷灰斗,固态排渣duct 管dump 渣坑dust-air mixture 一次风EBU---Eddy break up 漩涡破碎模型eddy 涡旋effluent 废气,流出物elastic 弹性的electro-staic precipitators 静电除尘器emanate 散发, 发出, 发源,[罕]发散, 放射embrasure 喷口,枪眼emissivity [物]发射率empirical 经验的endothermic reaction 吸热反应enhance 增,涨enlarge 扩大ensemble 组,群,全体enthalpy 焓entity 实体entrain 携带,夹带entrained-bed 携带床equilibrate 保持平衡equilibrium 化学平衡ESCIMO-----Engulfment(卷吞) Stretching(拉伸) Coherence(粘附) In terdiffusion-interaction(相互扩散和化学反应) Moving-observer(运动观察者)exhaust 用尽, 耗尽, 抽完, 使精疲力尽排气排气装置用不完的, 不会枯竭的exit 出口,排气管exothermic reaction 放热反应expenditure 支出,经费expertise 经验explicitly 明白地, 明确地extinction 熄灭的extract 抽出,提取evaluation 评价,估计,赋值evaporation 蒸发(作用)Eulerian approach 欧拉法facilitate 推动,促进factor 把…分解fast chemistry 快速化学反应fate 天数, 命运, 运气,注定, 送命,最终结果feasible 可行的,可能的feed pump 给水泵feedstock 填料fine grid 密网格,细网格finite difference approximation 有限差分法flamelet 小火焰单元flame stability 火焰稳定性flow pattern 流型fluctuating velocity 脉动速度fluctuation 脉动,波动flue 烟道(气)flue duck 烟道fluoride 氟化物fold 夹层块forced-and-induced draft fan 鼓引风机forestall 防止fouling 沾污fraction 碎片部分,百分比fragmentation 破碎fuel-lean flamefuel-rich regions 富燃料区,浓燃料区fuse 熔化,熔融gas duct 烟道gas-tight 烟气密封gasification 气化(作用)gasifier 气化器generalized model 通用模型Gibbs function Method 吉布斯函数法Gordon 戈登governing equation 控制方程gradient 梯度graphics 图gross efficiency 总效率hazard 危险header 联箱helically 螺旋形地heterogeneous 异相的heat flux 热流(密度)heat regeneration 再热器heat retention coeff 保热系数histogram 柱状图homogeneous 同相的、均相的hopper 漏斗horizontally 卧式的,水平的hydrodynamic drag 流体动力阻力hydrostatic pressure 静压hypothesis 假设humidity 湿气,湿度,水分含量identical 同一的,完全相同的ignition 着火illustrate 图解,插图in common with 和…一样in excess of 超过, 较...为多in recognition of 承认…而,按照in terms of 根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面incandescent 白炽的,光亮的inception 起初induced-draft fan 强制引风机inert 无活动的, 惰性的, 迟钝的inert atmosphere 惰性气氛inertia 惯性, 惯量inflammability 可燃性injection 引入,吸引inleakage 漏风量inlet 入口inlet vent 入烟口instantaneous reaction rate 瞬时反应速率instantaneous velocity 瞬时速度instruction 指示, 用法说明(书), 教育, 指导, 指令intake fan 进气风扇integral time 积分时间integration 积分interface 接触面intermediate 中间的,介质intermediate species 中间组分intermittency model of turbulence 湍流间歇模型intermixing 混合intersect 横断,相交interval 间隔intrinsic 内在的inverse proportion 反比irreverse 不可逆的irreversible 不可逆的,单向的isothermal 等温的, 等温线的,等温线isotropic 各向同性的joint 连接justify 认为Kelvin 绝对温度,开氏温度kinematic viscosity 动粘滞率, 动粘度kinetics 动力学Lagrangian approach 拉格朗日法laminarization 层流化的Laminar 层流Laminar Flamelet Concept 层流小火焰概念large-eddy simulation (LES) 大涡模拟leak 泄漏length scale 湍流长度尺度liberate 释放lifetime 持续时间,(使用)寿命,使用期literature 文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 文献lining 炉衬localized 狭小的logarithm [数] 对数Low Reynolds Number Modeling Method 低雷诺数模型macropore 大孔隙(直径大于1000埃的孔隙)manipulation 处理, 操作, 操纵, 被操纵mass action 质量作用mass flowrate 质量流率Mcbride 麦克布利德mean free paths 平均自由行程mean velocity 平均速度meaningful 意味深长的,有意义的medium 均匀介质mercury porosimetery 水银测孔计, 水银孔率计mill 磨碎,碾碎mineral matter 矿物质mixture fraction 混合分数modal 众数的,形式的, 样式的, 形态上的, 情态的, 语气的[计](对话框等)模式的modulus 系数, 模数moisture 水分,潮湿度molar 质量的, [化][物]摩尔的moment 力矩,矩,动差momentum 动量momentum transfer 动量传递monobloc 单元机组monobloc units 单组mortar 泥灰浆mount 安装,衬底Monte Carlo methods 蒙特卡罗法multiflux radiation model 多(4/6)通量模型multivariate [统][数]多变量的,多元的negative 负Newton-Rephson 牛顿—雷夫森nitric oxide NO2node 节点non-linear 非线性的numerical control 数字控制numerical simulation 数值模拟table look-up scheme 查表法tabulate 列表tangential 切向的tangentially 切线tilting 摆动the heat power of furnace 热负荷the state-of-the-art 现状thermal effect 反应热thermodynamic 热力学thermophoresis 热迁移,热泳threshold 开始, 开端, 极限tortuosity 扭转, 曲折, 弯曲toxic 有毒的,毒的trajectory 轨迹,弹道tracer 追踪者, 描图者, (铁笔等)绘图工具translatory 平移的transport coefficients 输运系数transverse 横向,横线triatomic 三原子的turbulence intensity 湍流强度turbulent 湍流turbulent burner 旋流燃烧器turbulization 涡流turnaround 完成two-scroll burner 双涡流燃烧器unimodal [统](频率曲线或分布)单峰的,(现象或性质) 用单峰分布描述的validate 使…证实validation 验证vaporization 汽化Variable 变量variance 方差variant 不同的,变量variation 变更, 变化, 变异, 变种, [音]变奏, 变调vertical 垂直的virtual mass 虚质量viscosity 粘度visualization 可视化volatile 易挥发性的volume fraction 体积分数, 体积分率, 容积率volume heat 容积热vortex burner 旋流式燃烧器vorticity 旋量wall-function method 壁面函数法water equivalent 水当量weighting factor 权重因数unity (数学)一uniform 不均匀unrealistic 不切实际的, 不现实的Zeldovich 氮的氧化成一氧化氮的过程zero mean 零平均值zone method 区域法。

广东省深圳市宝安区沙井辛养社区西部工业园 TEL:+86-755-3366-8888 FAX:+86-755-3366-0612Fluent计算多孔介质模型资料这是一个多孔介质例子,进口速度为0.01m/s,组份为液态水和氧气,其中氧气从多孔介质porous jump 渗透过去,如何看氧气在tissue中扩散的。
porous jump的face permeability1 a=e-8 m_2thickness 设为0.0001pressure jump coefficient为默认porous zone设置如下:direction vector 1, 1,viscous resistance 100 eachinertial resistance 100 eachporosity 0.1边界条件设置如下:Ab – wall - defaultBc – wall – defaultBe – porous jump – face permeability 1e-8, porous medium thickness0.0001Cd – outflow rating – 0.5De – wall – defaultDefault interior – interiorDefault interior001 – interiorDefault interior019 – interiorEf – wall - defaultFg – outflow rating – 1Fluid - porous zone - direction vector 1, 1, viscous resistance 100 each,inertial resistance 100 each, porosity 0.1Gh- wall - defaultHi – wall - defaultHk - porous jump same conditions as otherIj – outflow – 0.5Jk – wall – defaultKl – wall – defaultLa – velocity inlet – 0.01 m/s, temperature 300K, 0.5 mass fraction O2 Lfluid – porous zone - direction vector 1, 1, viscous resistance 100 each,inertial resistance 100 each, porosity 0.1Pipefluid – fluid – default (no porous zone)Models – species transport – water and oxygen mixtureVariations – different boundary conditions at top and bottom (outflow, wall ect)注意,其中porous zone在gambit中设置为fluid,在fluent中设置为porous zone边界条件设置如下:Ab – wall - defaultBc – wall – defaultBe – porous jump – face permeability 1e-8, porous medium thickness0.0001Cd – outflow rating – 0.5De – wall – defaultDefault interior – interiorDefault interior001 – interiorDefault interior019 – interiorEf – wall - defaultFg – outflow rating – 1Fluid - porous zone - direction vector 1, 1, viscous resistance 100 each,inertial resistance 100 each, porosity 0.1Gh- wall - defaultHi – wall - defaultHk - porous jump same conditions as otherIj – outflow – 0.5Jk – wall – defaultKl – wall – defaultLa – velocity inlet – 0.01 m/s, temperature 300K, 0.5 mass fraction O2 Lfluid – porous zone - direction vector 1, 1, viscous resistance 100 each,inertial resistance 100 each, porosity 0.1Pipefluid – fluid – default (no porous zone)Models – species transport – water and oxygen mixtureVariations – different boundary conditions at top and bottom (outflow, wall ect) 注意,其中porous zone在gambit中设置为fluid,在fluent中设置为porous zone。

目录前 言 (1)第二十一章 凝固和熔化的建模(6.0版本) (2)23.1凝固和熔化模型的概要和局限性 (3)23.2凝固/熔化模型的理论 (4)23.3使用凝固和熔化模型 (5)第二十四章 通过创建界面来显示和预报数据 (14)24.1 使用界面 (14)24.2 区域界面 (15)24.3 分割界面 (16)24.4 点界面 (18)24.5 直线和斜线平面 (21)24.6 平面 (25)24.7 二次曲面 (29)24.8 等值面 (31)24.9 剪切面 (33)24.10 变换表面 (35)24.11 分组、重命名和删除表面 (37)《数值计算与工程仿真》增刊版权归清洁能源技术论坛所有。
在翻译期间,得到“清洁能源技术论坛”各位会员的大力支持,具体的翻译工作如下:wangujunli21章第一、二节1-8页bruce21章第三节9-14页summered 24章第一至三节1-7页jordanupc 24章第四至五节8-15页(后由vvvms代替完成)jdaa0524 24章第六至七节 16-23页(后由xunbao 代替完成)xiongbin24章第八至九节 24-29页xamaomm 24章第十至十一节 29-34页本次工作由jackywzq、bitzhangjie、caohuali和sfsm编辑整理完成,本次工作还得到了“清洁能源技术论坛”论坛的brightsun、caoqx、gaojm等几位版主的大力支持,在此对他们付出的心血和汗水表示衷心感谢。

ANSYS TurboGrid IntroductionRelease 14.0ANSYS, Inc.November 2011Southpointe275 Technology Drive Canonsburg, PA 15317ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008.ansysinfo@(T) 724-746-3304(F) 724-514-9494Copyright and Trademark Information© 2011 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.ANSYS, ANSYS Workbench, Ansoft, AUTODYN, EKM, Engineering Knowledge Manager, CFX, FLUENT, HFSS and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. ICEM CFD is a trademark used by ANSYS, Inc. under license. CFX is a trademark of Sony Corporation in Japan. All other brand, product, serviceand feature names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Disclaimer NoticeTHIS ANSYS SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION INCLUDE TRADE SECRETS AND ARE CONFID-ENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS OF ANSYS, INC., ITS SUBSIDIARIES, OR LICENSORS.The software productsand documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc., its subsidiaries, or affiliates under a software license agreement that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, compliance with exporting laws, warranties, disclaimers, limitations of liability, and remedies, and other provisions.The software productsand documentation may be used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions of that software license agreement.ANSYS, Inc. is certified to ISO 9001:2008.U.S. Government RightsFor U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD licenses).Third-Party SoftwareSee the legal information in the product help files for the complete Legal Notice for ANSYS proprietary software and third-party software. If you are unable to access the Legal Notice, please contact ANSYS, Inc.Published in the U.S.A.Table of Contents1. ANSYS TurboGrid Overview (1)1.1.Valid Decimal Separators (1)2. Using the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher (3)2.1. Starting the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher (3)3. ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench (5)3.1.The ANSYS Workbench Interface (5)3.1.1.Toolbox (6)3.1.2. Project Schematic (7)3.1.3.View Bar (8)3.1.4. Properties View (8)3.1.5. Files View (8)3.1.6. Sidebar Help (9)3.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options) (9)3.1.8. Using Workbench Input Parameters and Workbench Output Parameters (9)3.2. Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGrid (9)3.3. Known Limitations of ANSYS TurboGrid Running in ANSYS Workbench (11)4. ANSYS TurboGrid Help and Conventions (13)4.1. Accessing Help (13)4.2. Using the Help Browser Index (14)4.3. Using the Search Feature (14)4.4. Document Conventions (14)4.4.1. File and Directory Names (14)4.4.2. User Input (14)4.4.3. Input Substitution (14)4.4.4. Optional Arguments (14)4.4.5. Long Commands (15)4.4.6. Operating System Names (15)5. Contact Information (17)Index (21)iiiRelease 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information ivof ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Chapter 1: ANSYS TurboGrid OverviewANSYS TurboGrid is a powerful tool that lets designers and analysts of rotating machinery create high-quality hexahedral meshes, while preserving the underlying geometry.These meshes are used in the ANSYS workflow to solve complex blade passage problems.The ANSYS TurboGrid online product documentation is divided into five major areas:1.ANSYS TurboGrid IntroductionA brief introduction, listing of new features, and detailed information about the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher2.ANSYS TurboGrid Tutorials 3.ANSYS TurboGrid User's GuideInformation about the user interface and workflow4.ANSYS TurboGrid Reference GuideDetailed information about menu items, command actions, syntax, and so on.5.Installation and LicensingHelp on using ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench is provided in ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Work-bench (p.5) and in the TurboSystem > ANSYS TurboGrid section of the ANSYS Workbench help.1.1.Valid Decimal SeparatorsIn ANSYS TurboGrid, only a period is allowed to be used decimal delimiters in fields that accept floating-point input. If your system is set to a European locale that uses a comma separator (such as Germany),fields that accept numeric input will accept a comma, but an error will be returned. If your system is set to a non-European locale, numeric fields will not accept a comma at all.ANSYS Workbench accepts commas as decimal delimiters, but translates these to periods when passing data to ANSYS TurboGrid.1Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information 2of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Chapter 2: Using the ANSYS TurboGrid LauncherANSYS TurboGrid can be run in two modes:•ANSYS TurboGrid stand-alone, which refers to ANSYS TurboGrid running as a stand-alone application independent of the ANSYS Workbench software.•ANSYS TurboGrid Workbench, which refers to ANSYS TurboGrid running as a component inside of theANSYS Workbench software.This is described in ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench (p.5).ANSYS TurboGrid stand-alone has the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher, which makes it easy to run all the modules of CFX without having to use a command line.The launcher enables you to:•Set the working directory for your project •Start CFX and ANSYS products •Access various other tools, including a command window that enables you to run other utilities •Access the online help and other useful information •Customize the behavior of the launcher to start your own applications.The launcher automatically searches for installations of CFX and ANSYS products including the license manager. Depending on the application, the search includes common installation directories, directories pointed to by environment variables associated with CFX and ANSYS products, and the Windows registry.In the unlikely event that a product is not found, you can configure the launcher using the steps outlined in Customizing the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher in the TurboGrid Reference Guide .This chapter discusses:2.1. Starting the ANSYS TurboGrid LauncherFor more information about the launcher, see The ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher Interface in the TurboGrid Reference Guide and Customizing the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher in the TurboGrid Reference Guide .2.1. Starting the ANSYS TurboGrid LauncherYou can run the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher in any of the following ways:•On Windows:–From the Start menu, go to All Programs > ANSYS 14.0 > Meshing > TurboGrid 14.0.–In a DOS window that has its path set up correctly to run ANSYS TurboGrid, enter cfxlaunch (otherwise, you will need to enter the full pathname of the cfxlaunch command).•On UNIX, enter cfxlaunch in a terminal window that has its path set up to run ANSYS TurboGrid.To run ANSYS TurboGrid, start the launcher, set the working directory, then click TurboGrid 14.0.3Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information 4of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.Chapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchNoteThis chapter assumes that you are familiar with using ANSYS TurboGrid in standalone mode,as described in Using the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher (p.3), and that you are familiar withANSYS Workbench.This chapter describes using ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench.The following topics are discussed:3.1.The ANSYS Workbench Interface3.2. Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGrid3.3. Known Limitations of ANSYS TurboGrid Running in ANSYS WorkbenchFor an example workflow that includes the use of ANSYS TurboGrid, see TurboSystem Workflows in the TurboSystem User Guide .For information about using ANSYS Workbench journaling and scripting with ANSYS TurboGrid, including a special note about playing older journal and session files, see Using ANSYS Workbench Journaling and Scripting with TurboSystem in the TurboSystem User Guide .3.1.The ANSYS Workbench InterfaceTo launch ANSYS Workbench on Windows, click the Start menu, then select All Programs > ANSYS 14.0 > Workbench .To launch ANSYS Workbench on Linux, open a command line interface, type the path to “runwb2” (for example,“~/ansys_inc/v140/Framework/bin/Linux64/runwb2”), then press Enter .The ANSYS Workbench interface is organized to make it easy to choose the tool set that will enableyou to solve particular types of problems. Once you have chosen a system from the Toolbox and moved it into the Project Schematic , supporting features such as Properties and Messages provide orientinginformation.These features and the status indicators in the system cells guide you through the completion of the System steps.The figure that follows shows ANSYS Workbench with a TurboGrid component system open and the properties of cell C2 (Turbo Mesh ) displayed:5Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.The following sections describe the main ANSYS Workbench features.3.1.1.Toolbox3.1.2. Project Schematic3.1.3.View Bar3.1.4. Properties View3.1.5. Files View3.1.6. Sidebar Help3.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options)3.1.8. Using Workbench Input Parameters and Workbench Output Parameters3.1.1.ToolboxThe Toolbox shows the systems available to you:Analysis SystemsSystems that match the workflow required to solve particular types of problems. For example, the Fluid Flow (CFX) system contains tools for creating the geometry, performing the meshing, setting up the solver, using the solver to derive the solution, and viewing the results.Release 14.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.6Chapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchThe ANSYS Workbench Interface Component SystemsSoftware elements upon which Analysis Systems are based. For example, the CFX component system contains Setup (CFX-Pre),Solution (CFX-Solver Manager), and Results (CFD-Post).The Results component system contains only Results (CFD-Post).Custom SystemsSystems that combine separate analysis systems. For example, the FSI: Fluid Flow (CFX) > StaticStructural system combines ANSYS CFX and the Mechanical application to perform a unidirectional (that is, one-way) Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis.Design ExplorationSystems that enable you to see how changes to parameters affect the performance of the system.NoteWhich systems are shown in the Toolbox depends on the licenses that exist on your system.You can hide systems by enabling View > Toolbox Customization and clearing the checkbox beside the name of the system you want to hide.To begin using a system, drag it into the Project Schematic area.3.1.2. Project SchematicThe Project Schematic enables you to manage the process of solving your problem. It keeps track ofyour files and shows the actions available as you work on a project. At each step you can select the operations that process or modify the case you are solving.When you move a system from the Component Systems toolbox to the Project Schematic, you willsee a set of tools similar to the following:Each white cell represents a step in solving a problem. Right-click the cell to see what options areavailable for you to complete a step.Chapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchFor example, in a TurboGrid system:•Edit launches ANSYS TurboGrid.•Transfer Data To New > CFX adds a new CFX component system that uses the mesh from the Turbo Mesh cell.3.1.3.View BarYou control which views are displayed by opening the View menu and setting a check mark besidethe view you want to display. If you minimize that view, it appears as a tab in the View Bar and thecheck box is cleared from the View menu.3.1.4. Properties ViewThe Properties view is a table whose entries describe the status of a system.These entries vary between system cells and are affected by the status of the cell. Some entries in the Properties area are writable; others are for information only.To display the Properties for a particular cell, right-click the cell and select Properties. Once the Properties view is open, simply selecting a cell in the Project Schematic will display that cell's properties.The properties specific to the Turbo Mesh cell of the TurboGrid system are documented in ANSYS Help > TurboSystem > ANSYS TurboGrid.3.1.5. Files ViewThe Files view shows the files that are in the current project.The project files are updated constantly,and any “save” operation from ANSYS TurboGrid will save all files associated with the project.3.1.6. Sidebar HelpIn addition to having a visual layout that guides you through completingyour project, you can also access Sidebar Help by pressing F1 while themouse focus is anywhere on ANSYS Workbench. Sidebar Help is a dynam-ically generated set of links to information appropriate for helping youwith questions you have about any of the tools and systems you currentlyhave open.3.1.7. Shortcuts (Context Menu Options)You can access commonly used commands by right-clicking in most areas of ANSYS Workbench.These commands are described in the section Context Menu Options in the ANSYS Workbench help.The only context menu command that is specific to the Turbo Mesh cell is the Edit command, which opens ANSYS TurboGrid.3.1.8. Using W orkbench Input Parameters and W orkbench Output Parameters For information about using and managing Workbench input parameters and Workbench output parameters in ANSYS TurboGrid, see Object Editor in the TurboGrid User's Guide and Expression Editor Dialog Box in the TurboGrid User's Guide .3.2. Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGridIn ANSYS Workbench, you can create a CFD simulation of a pump impeller that has the following schematic:Example Workflow involving ANSYS TurboGridChapter 3: ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS WorkbenchIn this example, the pump impeller is generated in BladeGen, has fillets added in BladeEditor, and is meshed in ANSYS TurboGrid.The pump diffuser is generated in BladeGen and is meshed in ANSYS TurboGrid. Both meshes are used in a CFD analysis.To set up this schematic, you can follow this general procedure:unch ANSYS Workbench.2.Save the project to a new directory.3.Add a BladeGen system by double-clicking BladeGen in the toolbox, under Component Systems.Alternatively, you can drag a BladeGen system from the toolbox to the Project Schematic.4.Add a Geometry system to the BladeGen system by any one of the following methods:•Double-click a Geometry system in the toolbox to add a Geometry system to the schematic, then drag from the Blade Design cell to the Geometry cell to connect the systems.•Drag a Geometry system from the toolbox to the Project Schematic, then drag from the Blade Design cell to the Geometry cell to connect the systems.•Drag a Geometry system from the toolbox to the Blade Design cell.•Right-click the Blade Design cell and select Transfer Data To New > Geometry.5.Optionally rename the system.You can enter a name for a system when you first create the system.You can also initiate a rename operation by right-clicking the upper-left corner of the system and selecting Rename from theshortcut menu.6.Continue adding systems until the schematic is complete.7.Edit each cell in sequence, starting from the upstream cell, and use the associated software to providethe required data.For example, after editing the Blade Design cell to provide a geometry, edit the Turbo Mesh cell to create a mesh in ANSYS TurboGrid.8.Save the project when finished.Known Limitations of ANSYS TurboGrid Running in ANSYS Workbench ImportantSaving a project enables you to re-open the project on the machine that originally createdit.To make the project available on another machine, you need to use File > Archive tocreate a project archive.To open the project on a different machine, run File > RestoreArchive on that machine.3.3. Known Limitations of ANSYS T urboGrid Running in ANSYS W orkbench •The Units settings in the ANSYS Workbench menu have no effect on the units used in ANSYS TurboGrid.•The mesh is always saved in the “Combined in one domain, one file” mode and in the user-preferred length unit.•Session playback is not supported in ANSYS TurboGrid running in ANSYS Workbench.•ANSYS TurboGrid in ANSYS Workbench does not support the use of filenames or project names that contain either the "$", ”#”, or "," characters anywhere in their file path.•If you play a journal file on a platform that is different from the one used to record it, you might en-counter a problem. For example, a journal file recorded on Windows and played on Linux can result ina different number of outlet points being generated.This can happen due to different amounts ofround-off error, and can lead to errors being generated.•If an upstream or downstream adjacent blade is specified for computing inlet or outlet locations and an error occurs while loading/refreshing the geometry then the inlet/outlet locations will not be computed based on the adjacent blade. Once the cause of the original error is fixed, closing and reopening Tur-boGrid will fix this problem.•If the number of blades in an upstream geometry is changed then TurboGrid may produce some er-ror/warning messages when it is opened.This is not indicative of a real issue. Closing and re-opening TurboGrid will result in everything being updated correctly.Chapter 4: ANSYS TurboGrid Help and ConventionsThis chapter discusses:4.1. Accessing Help4.2. Using the Help Browser Index4.3. Using the Search Feature4.4. Document Conventions4.1. Accessing HelpYou can access the online help in the following ways:•Select the appropriate command from the Help menu of the ANSYS TurboGrid Launcher or ANSYSTurboGrid.Depending on the command you select, you will see help in either online format or PDF format.A PDF file will be opened in Adobe Reader if possible, otherwise it may (with uncertain results) be opened in Xpdf, Gpdf, KPDF, or Evince, depending on which of these viewers have been installed.•Click a feature of the ANSYS TurboGrid interface to make it active and, with the mouse pointer over thefeature, press the F1 key for context-sensitive help (that is, the online help opens at the appropriatepage for the feature under the mouse pointer). Not every area of the interface supports context-sensitive help.For information on using the ANSYS Help Viewer, see:•Using Help •Index Navigation •"Using Help: Searching".You can access the ANSYS TurboGrid documentation in PDF form in <CFXROOT>\..\common-files\help\en-us\pdf\ on Windows and in <CFXROOT>/../commonfiles/help/en-us/pdf/on Linux.The documentation is also available in PDF format on the ANSYS Customer Portal (at ht-tp:///customerportal/index.htm).PDF Name Description Booktg_in-tr.pdf How to run ANSYS TurboGrid.ANSYS TurboGrid Introduc-tiontg_user.pdf How to use ANSYS TurboGrid.ANSYS TurboGrid User’sGuidetg_ref.pdf Complete details for CFX Command Language,CFX Expression Language, Command Actions,and line interface mode.ANSYS TurboGrid ReferenceGuidetg_tutr.pdfA set of tutorials that demonstrate the workflowin ANSYS TurboGrid.ANSYS TurboGrid TutorialsChapter 4: ANSYS TurboGrid Help and Conventions4.2. Using the Help Browser IndexThe Index tab of the help browser enables you to search for index terms and display the associated topics.To find a topic using the index, type the first few letters of a keyword in the field at the top.The list scrolls to the relevant index entry as you type.Results from the Help index will not be exhaustive, so you should consider using the Search function as well.For information on the ANSYS help viewer index, see Index Navigation in the Using Help section.4.3. Using the Search FeatureThe Search tab of the help browser enables you to perform searches through the online help.For information on the ANSYS help viewer search function, see Using Help: Searching in the Using Help section.4.4. Document ConventionsThis section describes the conventions used in this document to distinguish between text, computer file names, system messages, and input that you need to type.4.4.1. File and Directory NamesFile names and directory names appear in a plain fixed-width font (for example,/usr/lib). Note that on Linux, directory names are separated by forward slashes (/) but on Windows, backslashes are used (\). For example, a directory name on Linux might be /CFX/bin whereas on a Windows system, the same directory would be named C:\CFX\bin.4.4.2. User InputInput to be typed verbatim is shown in the following convention:mkdir /usr/local/cfx4.4.3. Input SubstitutionInput substitution is shown in the following convention:cfx5 -def <def_file>you should actually type cfx5 -def, and substitute a suitable file name for <def_file>.4.4.4. Optional ArgumentsOptional arguments are shown using square brackets:cfxlaunch [-help] [-verbose] [-display <display>]Here the arguments -help,-verbose, and -display are optional, but if you specify -display, you must then specify a suitable display server (represented by <display>).Document Conventions 4.4.5. Long CommandsCommands that are too long to display on a printed page are shown with “\” characters at the ends of intermediate lines:mount -r -F hsfs \/dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdromOn a Linux system, you may type the “\” characters, pressing Enter after each. However, on a Windows machine you must enter the whole command without the “\” characters; continue typing if the command is too long to fit in the command prompt window and press Enter only at the end of the complete command.4.4.6. Operating System NamesWhen we refer to objects that depend on the type of system being used, we will use one of the following symbols in the text:<os> refers to the short form of the name which ANSYS CFX uses to identify the operating system in question.<os> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory dependon the operating system but do not depend on the release of the operating system or on the processor type.Wherever you see <os> in the text you should substitute with the operating system name.The correct value can be determined by running:<CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5info -os<arch> refers to the long form of the name which ANSYS CFX uses to identify the system architecturein question.<arch> will generally be used for directory names where the contents of the directory depend on the operating system and on the release of the operating system or the processor type. Wherever you see <arch> in the text you should substitute the appropriate value for your system,which can be determined by running the command:<CFXROOT>/bin/cfx5info -archChapter 5: Contact InformationTechnical Support for ANSYS, Inc. products is provided either by ANSYS, Inc. directly or by one of our certified ANSYS Support Providers. Please check with the ANSYS Support Coordinator (ASC) at your company to determine who provides support for your company, or go to and select About ANSYS> Contacts and Locations.The direct URL is:/customer/public/sup-portlist.asp. Follow the on-screen instructions to obtain your support provider contact information.You will need your customer number. If you don't know your customer number, contact the ASC at your company.If your support is provided by ANSYS, Inc. directly,Technical Support can be accessed quickly and effi-ciently from the ANSYS Customer Portal, which is available from the ANSYS Website () under Support> Technical Support where the Customer Portal is located.The direct URL is:ht-tp:///customerportal.One of the many useful features of the Customer Portal is the Knowledge Resources Search, which can be found on the Home page of the Customer Portal.Systems and installation Knowledge Resources are easily accessible via the Customer Portal by usingthe following keywords in the search box:Systems/Installation.These Knowledge Resources provide solutions and guidance on how to resolve installation and licensing issues quickly.NORTH AMERICAAll ANSYS, Inc. ProductsWeb: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.Toll-Free Telephone: 1.800.711.7199Fax: 1.724.514.5096Support for University customers is provided only through the ANSYS Customer Portal.GERMANYANSYS Mechanical ProductsTelephone: +49 (0) 8092 7005-55Email: support@cadfem.deAll ANSYS ProductsWeb: Go to the ANSYS Customer Portal (/customerportal) and select the appropriate option.National Toll-Free Telephone:German language: 0800 181 8499English language: 0800 181 1565International Telephone:Chapter 5: Contact InformationGerman language: +49 6151 3644 300English language: +49 6151 3644 400Email: support-germany@UNITED KINGDOMAll ANSYS, Inc. 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经过痛苦的一段经历;终于将局部问题真相大白;为了使保位同仁不再经过我之痛苦;现在将本人多孔介质经验公布如下;希望各位能加精:1..Gambit中划分网格之后;定义需要做为多孔介质的区域为fluid;与缺省的fluid分别开来;再定义其名称;我习惯将名称定义为porous;2..在fluent中定义边界条件define-boundary condition-porous刚定义的名称;将其设置边界条件为fluid;点击set按钮即弹出与fluid边界条件一样的对话框;选中porous zone 与laminar复选框;再点击porous zone标签即出现一个带有滚动条的界面;3..porous zone设置方法:1定义矢量:二维定义一个矢量;第二个矢量方向不用定义;是与第一个矢量方向正交的;三维定义二个矢量;第三个矢量方向不用定义;是与第一、二个矢量方向正交的;如何知道矢量的方向:打开grid图;看看X;Y;Z的方向;如果是X向;矢量为1;0;0;同理Y 向为0;1;0;Z向为0;0;1;如果所需要的方向与坐标轴正向相反;则定义矢量为负圆锥坐标与球坐标请参考fluent帮助..2定义粘性阻力1/a与内部阻力C2:请参看本人上一篇博文“终于搞清fluent中多孔粘性阻力与内部阻力的计算方法”;此处不赘述;3如果了定义粘性阻力1/a与内部阻力C2;就不用定义C1与C0;因为这是两种不同的定义方法;C1与C0只在幂率模型中出现;该处保持默认就行了;4定义孔隙率porousity;默认值1表示全开放;此值按实验测值填写即可..完了;其他设置与普通k-e或RSM相同..总结一下;与君共享Tutorial 7. Modeling Flow Through Porous MediaIntroductionMany industrial applications involve the modeling of flow through porous media; such as filters; catalyst beds; and packing. This tutorial illustrates how to set up and solve a problem involving gas flow through porous media.The industrial problem solved here involves gas flow through a catalytic converter. Catalytic converters are commonly used to purify emissions from gasoline and diesel engines by converting environmentally hazardous exhaust emissions to acceptable substances.Examples of such emissions include carbon monoxide CO; nitrogen oxides NOx; and unburned hydrocarbon fuels. These exhaust gas emissions are forced through a substrate; which is a ceramic structure coated with a metal catalyst such as platinum or palladium.The nature of the exhaust gas flow is a very important factor in determining the performance of the catalytic converter. Of particular importance is the pressure gradient and velocity distribution through the substrate. Hence CFD analysis is used to design efficient catalytic converters: by modeling the exhaust gas flow; the pressure drop and the uniformity of flow through the substrate can be determined. In this tutorial; FLUENT is used to model the flow of nitrogen gas through a catalytic converter geometry; so that the flow field structure may be analyzed.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:_ Set up a porous zone for the substrate with appropriate resistances._ Calculate a solution for gas flow through the catalytic converter using the pressure based solver. _ Plot pressure and velocity distribution on specified planes of the geometry._ Determine the pressure drop through the substrate and the degree of non-uniformity of flow through cross sections of the geometry using X-Y plots and numerical reports.Problem DescriptionThe catalytic converter modeled here is shown in Figure 7.1. The nitrogen flows in through the inlet with a uniform velocity of 22.6 m/s; passes through a ceramic monolith substrate with square shaped channels; and then exits through the outlet.While the flow in the inlet and outlet sections is turbulent; the flow through the substrate is laminar and is characterized by inertial and viscous loss coefficients in the flow X direction. The substrate is impermeable in other directions; which is modeled using loss coefficients whose values are three orders of magnitude higher than in the X direction.Setup and SolutionStep 1: Grid1. Read the mesh file catalytic converter.msh.File /Read /Case...2. Check the grid. Grid /CheckFLUENT will perform various checks on the mesh and report the progress in the console. Make sure that the minimum volume reported is a positive number.3. Scale the grid.Grid Scale...a Select mm from the Grid Was Created In drop-down list.b Click the Change Length Units button. All dimensions will now be shown in millimeters.c Click Scale and close the Scale Grid panel.4. Display the mesh. Display /Grid...a Make sure that inlet; outlet; substrate-wall; and wall are selected in the Surfaces selection list.b Click Display.c Rotate the view and zoom in to get the display shown in Figure 7.2.d Close the Grid Display panel.The hex mesh on the geometry contains a total of 34;580 cells.Step 2: Models1. Retain the default solver settings. Define /Models /Solver...2. Select the standard k-ε turbulence model. Define/ Models /Viscous...Step 3: Materials1. Add nitrogen to the list of fluid materials by copying it from the Fluent Database for materials.Define /Materials...a Click the Fluent Database... button to open the Fluent Database Materials panel.i. Select nitrogen n2 from the list of Fluent Fluid Materials.ii. Click Copy to copy the information for nitrogen to your list of fluid materials. iii. Close the Fluent Database Materials panel.b Close the Materials panel.Step 4: Boundary Conditions. Define /Boundary Conditions...1. Set the boundary conditions for the fluid fluid.a Select nitrogen from the Material Name drop-down list.b Click OK to close the Fluid panel.2. Set the boundary conditions for the substrate substrate.a Select nitrogen from the Material Name drop-down list.b Enable the Porous Zone option to activate the porous zone model.c Enable the Laminar Zone option to solve the flow in the porous zone without turbulence.d Click the Porous Zone tab.i. Make sure that the principal direction vectors are set as shown in Table7.1. Use the scroll bar to access the fields that are not initially visible in the panel.ii. Enter the values in Table 7.2 for the Viscous Resistance and Inertial Resistance. Scroll down to access the fields that are not initially visible in the panel.e Click OK to close the Fluid panel.3. Set the velocity and turbulence boundary conditions at the inlet inlet.a Enter 22.6 m/s for the Velocity Magnitude.b Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method dropdown list in the Turbulence group box.c Retain the default value of 10% for the Turbulent Intensity.d Enter 42 mm for the Hydraulic Diameter.e Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet panel.4. Set the boundary conditions at the outlet outlet.a Retain the default setting of 0 for Gauge Pressure.b Select Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter from the Specification Method dropdown list in the Turbulence group box.c Enter 5% for the Backflow Turbulent Intensity.d Enter 42 mm for the Backflow Hydraulic Diameter.e Click OK to close the Pressure Outlet panel.5. Retain the default boundary conditions for the walls substrate-wall and wall and close the Boundary Conditions panel.Step 5: Solution1. Set the solution parameters. Solve /Controls /Solution...a Retain the default settings for Under-Relaxation Factors.b Select Second Order Upwind from the Momentum drop-down list in the Discretization group box.c Click OK to close the Solution Controls panel.2. Enable the plotting of residuals during the calculation. Solve/Monitors /Residual...a Enable Plot in the Options group box.b Click OK to close the Residual Monitors panel.3. Enable the plotting of the mass flow rate at the outlet.Solve / Monitors /Surface...a Set the Surface Monitors to 1.b Enable the Plot and Write options for monitor-1; and click the Define... button to open the Define Surface Monitor panel.i. Select Mass Flow Rate from the Report Type drop-down list.ii. Select outlet from the Surfaces selection list.iii. Click OK to close the Define Surface Monitors panel.c Click OK to close the Surface Monitors panel.4. Initialize the solution from the inlet. Solve /Initialize /Initialize...a Select inlet from the Compute From drop-down list.b Click Init and close the Solution Initialization panel.5. Save the case file catalytic converter.cas. File /Write /Case...6. Run the calculation by requesting 100 iterations. Solve /Iterate...a Enter 100 for the Number of Iterations.b Click Iterate.The FLUENT calculation will converge in approximately 70 iterations. By this point the mass flow rate monitor has attended out; as seen in Figure 7.3.c Close the Iterate panel.7. Save the case and data files catalytic converter.cas and catalytic converter.dat.File /Write /Case & Data...Note: If you choose a file name that already exists in the current folder; FLUENTwill prompt you for confirmation to overwrite the file.Step 6: Post-processing1. Create a surface passing through the centerline for post-processing purposes.Surface/Iso-Surface...a Select Grid... and Y-Coordinate from the Surface of Constant drop-down lists.b Click Compute to calculate the Min and Max values.c Retain the default value of 0 for the Iso-Values.d Enter y=0 for the New Surface Name.e Click Create.2. Create cross-sectional surfaces at locations on either side of the substrate; as well as at its center.Surface /Iso-Surface...a Select Grid... and X-Coordinate from the Surface of Constant drop-down lists.b Click Compute to calculate the Min and Max values.c Enter 95 for Iso-Values.d Enter x=95 for the New Surface Name.e Click Create.f In a similar manner; create surfaces named x=130 and x=165 with Iso-Values of 130 and 165; respectively. Close the Iso-Surface panel after all the surfaces have been created.3. Create a line surface for the centerline of the porous media.Surface /Line/Rake...a Enter the coordinates of the line under End Points; using the starting coordinate of 95; 0; 0 and an ending coordinate of 165; 0; 0; as shown.b Enter porous-cl for the New Surface Name.c Click Create to create the surface.d Close the Line/Rake Surface panel.4. Display the two wall zones substrate-wall and wall. Display /Grid...a Disable the Edges option.b Enable the Faces option.c Deselect inlet and outlet in the list under Surfaces; and make sure that only substrate-wall and wall are selected.d Click Display and close the Grid Display panel.e Rotate the view and zoom so that the display is similar to Figure 7.2.5. Set the lighting for the display. Display /Options...a Enable the Lights On option in the Lighting Attributes group box.b Retain the default selection of Gourand in the Lighting drop-down list.c Click Apply and close the Display Options panel.6. Set the transparency parameter for the wall zones substrate-wall and wall.Display/Scene...a Select substrate-wall and wall in the Names selection list.b Click the Display... button under Geometry Attributes to open the Display Properties panel.i. Set the Transparency slider to 70.ii. Click Apply and close the Display Properties panel.c Click Apply and then close the Scene Description panel.7. Display velocity vectors on the y=0 surface.Display /Vectors...a Enable the Draw Grid option. The Grid Display panel will open.i. Make sure that substrate-wall and wall are selected in the list under Surfaces.ii. Click Display and close the Display Grid panel.b Enter 5 for the Scale.c Set Skip to 1.d Select y=0 from the Surfaces selection list.e Click Display and close the Vectors panel.The flow pattern shows that the flow enters the catalytic converter as a jet; with recirculation on either side of the jet. As it passes through the porous substrate; it decelerates and straightens out; and exhibits a more uniform velocity distribution.This allows the metal catalyst present in the substrate to be more effective.Figure 7.4: Velocity Vectors on the y=0 Plane8. Display filled contours of static pressure on the y=0 plane.Display /Contours...a Enable the Filled option.b Enable the Draw Grid option to open the Display Grid panel.i. Make sure that substrate-wall and wall are selected in the list under Surfaces.ii. Click Display and close the Display Grid panel.c Make sure that Pressure... and Static Pressure are selected from the Contours of drop-down lists.d Select y=0 from the Surfaces selection list.e Click Display and close the Contours panel.Figure 7.5: Contours of the Static Pressure on the y=0 planeThe pressure changes rapidly in the middle section; where the fluid velocity changes as it passes through the porous substrate. The pressure drop can be high; due to the inertial and viscous resistance of the porous media. Determining this pressure drop is a goal of CFD analysis. In the next step; you will learn how to plot the pressure drop along the centerline of the substrate.9. Plot the static pressure across the line surface porous-cl.Plot /XY Plot...a Make sure that the Pressure... and Static Pressure are selected from the Y Axis Function drop-down lists.b Select porous-cl from the Surfaces selection list.c Click Plot and close the Solution XY Plot panel.Figure 7.6: Plot of the Static Pressure on the porous-cl Line SurfaceIn Figure 7.6; the pressure drop across the porous substrate can be seen to be roughly 300 Pa.10. Display filled contours of the velocity in the X direction on the x=95; x=130 and x=165 surfaces.Display /Contours...a Disable the Global Range option.b Select Velocity... and X Velocity from the Contours of drop-down lists.c Select x=130; x=165; and x=95 from the Surfaces selection list; and deselect y=0.d Click Display and close the Contours panel.The velocity profile becomes more uniform as the fluid passes through the porous media. The velocity is very high at the center the area in red just before the nitrogen enters the substrate and then decreases as it passes through and exits the substrate. The area in green; which corresponds to a moderate velocity; increases in extent.Figure 7.7: Contours of the X Velocity on the x=95; x=130; and x=165 Surfaces11. Use numerical reports to determine the average; minimum; and maximum of the velocity distribution before and after the porous substrate.Report /Surface Integrals...a Select Mass-Weighted Average from the Report Type drop-down list.b Select Velocity and X Velocity from the Field Variable drop-down lists.c Select x=165 and x=95 from the Surfaces selection list.d Click Compute.e Select Facet Minimum from the Report Type drop-down list and click Compute again.f Select Facet Maximum from the Report Type drop-down list and click Compute again.g Close the Surface Integrals panel.The numerical report of average; maximum and minimum velocity can be seen in the main FLUENT console; as shown in the following example:The spread between the average; maximum; and minimum values for X velocity gives the degree to which the velocity distribution is non-uniform. You can also use these numbers to calculate the velocity ratio i.e.; the maximum velocity divided by the mean velocity and the space velocity i.e.; the product of the mean velocity and the substrate length.Custom field functions and UDFs can be also used to calculate more complex measures ofnon-uniformity; such as the standard deviation and the gamma uniformity index.SummaryIn this tutorial; you learned how to set up and solve a problem involving gas flow through porous media in FLUENT. You also learned how to perform appropriate post-processing to investigate the flow field; determine the pressure drop across the porous media and non-uniformity of the velocity distribution as the fluid goes through the porous media.Further ImprovementsThis tutorial guides you through the steps to reach an initial solution. You may be able to obtain a more accurate solution by using an appropriate higher-order discretization scheme and by adapting the grid. Grid adaption can also ensure that the solution is independent of the grid. These steps aredemonstrated in Tutorial 1.。

Tutorial 7. Modeling Flow Through Porous Media IntroductionMany industrial applications involve the modeling of ow through porous media, such as _lters, catalyst beds, and packing. This tutorial illustrates how to set up and solve a problem involving gas ow through porous media.The industrial problem solved here involves gas ow through a catalytic converter. Catalytic converters are commonly used to purify emissions from gasoline and diesel engines by converting environmentally hazardous exhaust emissions to acceptable substances.Examples of such emissions include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and unburned hydrocarbon fuels. These exhaust gas emissions are forced through a substrate, which is a ceramic structure coated with a metal catalyst such as platinum or palladium.The nature of the exhaust gas ow is a very important factor in determining the performance of the catalytic converter. Of particular importance is the pressure gradient and velocity distribution through the substrate. Hence CFD analysis is used to designe_cient catalytic converters: by modeling the exhaust gas ow, the pressure drop andthe uniformity of ow through the substrate can be determined. In this tutorial, FLUENTis used to model the ow of nitrogen gas through a catalytic converter geometry, so that the ow _eld structure maybe analyzed.This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:_ Set up a porous zone for the substrate with appropriate resistances._ Calculate a solution for gas ow through the catalytic converter using the pressurebased solver._ Plot pressure and velocity distribution on speci_ed planes of the geometry._ Determine the pressure drop through the substrate and the degree of non-uniformityof ow through cross sections of the geometry using X-Y plots and numerical reports.许多工业应用都涉及通过多孔介质(如过滤器,催化剂床和填料)的流动模型。

当使用这个模型的时候,多孔介质将运用于网格区域,流场中的压降将由输入的条件有关,见Section 7.19.2.同样也可以计算热传导,基于介质和流场热量守恒的假设,见Section 7.19.3.通过一个薄膜后的已知速度/压力降低特性可以简化为一维多孔介质模型,简称为“多孔跳跃”。
见Section 多孔介质模型的限制和假设多孔介质模型就是在定义为多孔介质的区域结合了一个根据经验假设为主的流动阻力。
7.19.2 多孔介质模型动量方程多孔介质模型的动量方程是在标准动量方程的后面加上动量方程源项。
源项包含两个部分:粘性损失项(达西公式项,方程7.19-1右边第一项),和惯性损失项(方程7.19-1右边第二项)(7.19-1)式中,si是i(x,y,z)动量方程的源项,是速度大小,D和C 是矩阵。

当使用这个模型的时候,多孔介质将运用于网格区域,流场中的压降将由输入的条件有关,见Section 7.19.2.同样也可以计算热传导,基于介质和流场热量守恒的假设,见Section 7.19.3.通过一个薄膜后的已知速度/压力降低特性可以简化为一维多孔介质模型,简称为“多孔跳跃”。
见Section 多孔介质模型的限制和假设多孔介质模型就是在定义为多孔介质的区域结合了一个根据经验假设为主的流动阻力。
7.19.2 多孔介质模型动量方程多孔介质模型的动量方程是在标准动量方程的后面加上动量方程源项。

7.19.6 User Inputs for Porous MediaWhen you are modeling a porous region, the only additional inputs for the problem setup are as follows. Optional inputs are indicated as such.1. Define the porous zone.2. Define the porous velocity formulation. (optional)3. Identify the fluid material flowing through the porous medium.4. Enable reactions for the porous zone, if appropriate, and select the reaction mechanism.5. Enable the Relative Velocity Resistance Formulation. By default, this option is already enabled and takes the moving porous media into consideration (as described in Section 7.19.6).6. Set the viscous resistance coefficients ( in Equation7.19-1,or in Equation 7.19-2) and the inertial resistance coefficients ( in Equation 7.19-1, or in Equation 7.19-2), and define the direction vectors for which they apply. Alternatively, specify the coefficients for the power-law model.7. Specify the porosity of the porous medium.8. Select the material contained in the porous medium (required only for models that include heat transfer). Note that the specific heat capacity, , for the selected material in the porous zone can only be entered as a constant value.9. Set the volumetric heat generation rate in the solid portion of the porous medium (or any other sources, such as mass or momentum). (optional) 10. Set any fixed values for solution variables in the fluid region (optional).11. Suppress the turbulent viscosity in the porous region, if appropriate.12. Specify the rotation axis and/or zone motion, if relevant.Methods for determining the resistance coefficients and/or permeability are presented below. If you choose to use the power-law approximation of the porous-media momentum source term, you will enter thecoefficients and in Equation 7.19-3 instead of the resistance coefficients and flow direction.You will set all parameters for the porous medium inthe Fluid panel (Figure 7.19.1), which is opened from the Boundary Conditions panel (as described in Section 7.1.4).Figure 7.19.1: The Fluid Panel for a Porous Zone Defining the Porous ZoneAs mentioned in Section 7.1, a porous zone is modeled as a special type of fluid zone. To indicate that the fluid zone is a porous region, enablethe Porous Zone option in the Fluid panel. The panel will expand to show the porous media inputs (as shown in Figure 7.19.1).Defining the Porous Velocity FormulationThe Solver panel contains a Porous Formulation region where you can instruct FLUENT to use either a superficial or physical velocity in the porous medium simulation. By default, the velocity is set to SuperficialVelocity. For details about using the Physical Velocity formulation, see Section 7.19.7.Defining the Fluid Passing Through the Porous MediumTo define the fluid that passes through the porous medium, select the appropriate fluid in the Material Name drop-down list in the Fluid panel. If you want to check or modify the properties of the selected material, you can click Edit... to open the Material panel; this panel contains just the properties of the selected material, not the full contents of thestandard Materials panel.If you are modeling species transport or multiphase flow,the Material Name list will not appear in the Fluid panel. Forspecies calculations, the mixture material for all fluid/porous zones will be the material you specified in the SpeciesModel panel. For multiphase flows, the materials are specified when you define the phases, as described in Section 23.10.3.Enabling Reactions in a Porous ZoneIf you are modeling species transport with reactions, you can enable reactions in a porous zone by turning on the Reaction option inthe Fluid panel and selecting a mechanism in the ReactionMechanism drop-down list.If your mechanism contains wall surface reactions, you will also need to specify a value for the Surface-to-Volume Ratio. This value is the surface area of the pore walls per unit volume ( ), and can be thought of as a measure of catalyst loading. With this value, FLUENT can calculate the total surface area on which the reaction takes place in each cell bymultiplying by the volume of the cell. See Section 14.1.4 for detailsabout defining reaction mechanisms. See Section 14.2for details about wall surface reactions.Including the Relative Velocity Resistance FormulationPrior to FLUENT 6.3, cases with moving reference frames used the absolute velocities in the source calculations for inertial and viscous resistance. This approach has been enhanced so that relative velocities are used for the porous source calculations (Section 7.19.2). Using the Relative Velocity Resistance Formulation option (turned on by default) allows you to better predict the source terms for cases involving moving meshes or moving reference frames (MRF). This option works well in cases withnon-moving and moving porous media. Note that FLUENT will use the appropriate velocities (relative or absolute), depending on your case setup. Defining the Viscous and Inertial Resistance CoefficientsThe viscous and inertial resistance coefficients are both defined in the same manner. The basic approach for defining the coefficients using a Cartesian coordinate system is to define one direction vector in 2D or two direction vectors in 3D, and then specify the viscous and/or inertial resistance coefficients in each direction. In 2D, the second direction, which is not explicitly defined, is normal to the plane defined by the specified direction vector and the direction vector. In 3D, the third direction is normal to the plane defined by the two specified direction vectors. For a 3D problem, the second direction must be normal to the first. If you fail to specify two normal directions, the solver will ensure that they are normal by ignoring any component of the second direction that is in the first direction. You should therefore be certain that the first direction is correctly specified. You can also define the viscous and/or inertial resistance coefficients in each direction using a user-defined function (UDF). The user-defined options become available in the corresponding drop-down list when the UDF has been created and loaded into FLUENT. Note that the coefficients defined in the UDF must utilize the DEFINE_PROFILE macro. For moreinformation on creating and using user-defined function, see the separate UDF Manual.If you are modeling axisymmetric swirling flows, you can specify an additional direction component for the viscous and/or inertial resistance coefficients. This direction component is always tangential to the other two specified directions. This option is available for both density-based and pressure-based solvers.In 3D, it is also possible to define the coefficients using a conical (or cylindrical) coordinate system, as described below.Note that the viscous and inertial resistance coefficients aregenerally based on the superficial velocity of the fluid in the porous media.The procedure for defining resistance coefficients is as follows:1. Define the direction vectors.To use a Cartesian coordinate system, simply specify the Direction-1 Vector and, for 3D, the Direction-2 Vector. The unspecifieddirection will be determined as described above. These directionvectors correspond to the principle axes of the porous media.For some problems in which the principal axes of the porous mediumare not aligned with the coordinate axes of the domain, you may notknow a priori the direction vectors of the porous medium. In suchcases, the plane tool in 3D (or the line tool in 2D) can help you todetermine these direction vectors.(a) "Snap'' the plane tool (or the line tool) onto the boundary of theporous region. (Follow the instructions inSection 27.6.1 or 27.5.1 for initializing the tool to a position on anexisting surface.)(b) Rotate the axes of the tool appropriately until they are alignedwith the porous medium.(c) Once the axes are aligned, click on the Update From PlaneTool or Update From Line Tool button inthe Fluid panel. FLUENT will automatically set the Direction-1Vector to the direction of the red arrow of the tool, and (in 3D)the Direction-2 Vector to the direction of the green arrow.To use a conical coordinate system (e.g., for an annular, conical filter element), follow the steps below. This option is available only in 3D cases.(a) Turn on the Conical option.(b) Specify the Cone Axis Vector and Point on Cone Axis. Thecone axis is specified as being in the direction of the Cone AxisVector (unit vector), and passing through the Point on Cone Axis.The cone axis may or may not pass through the origin of thecoordinate system.(c) Set the Cone Half Angle (the angle between the cone's axis andits surface, shown in Figure 7.19.2). To use a cylindrical coordinate system, set the Cone Half Angle to 0.Figure 7.19.2: Cone Half AngleFor some problems in which the axis of the conical filter element is not aligned with the coordinate axes of the domain, you may notknow a priori the direction vector of the cone axis and coordinates ofa point on the cone axis. In such cases, the plane tool can help you todetermine the cone axis vector and point coordinates. One method is as follows:(a) Select a boundary zone of the conical filter element that isnormal to the cone axis vector in the drop-down list next to the Snap to Zone button.(b) Click on the Snap to Zone button. FLUENT will automatically"snap'' the plane tool onto the boundary. It will also set the Cone Axis Vector and the Point on Cone Axis. (Note that you will still have to set the Cone Half Angle yourself.)An alternate method is as follows:(a) "Snap'' the plane tool onto the boundary of the porous region.(Follow the instructions in Section 27.6.1 for initializing the tool to a position on an existing surface.)(b) Rotate and translate the axes of the tool appropriately until thered arrow of the tool is pointing in the direction of the cone axisvector and the origin of the tool is on the cone axis.(c) Once the axes and origin of the tool are aligned, click onthe Update From Plane Tool button inthe Fluid panel. FLUENT will automatically set the Cone AxisVector and the Point on Cone Axis. (Note that you will still have toset the Cone Half Angle yourself.)2. Under Viscous Resistance, specify the viscous resistancecoefficient in each direction.Under Inertial Resistance, specify the inertial resistance coefficient in each direction. (You will need to scroll down with the scroll bar to view these inputs.)For porous media cases containing highly anisotropic inertial resistances, enable Alternative Formulation under Inertial Resistance.The Alternative Formulation option provides better stability to the calculation when your porous medium is anisotropic. The pressure loss through the medium depends on the magnitude of the velocity vector ofthe i th component in the medium. Using the formulation ofEquation 7.19-6 yields the expression below:(7.19-10) Whether or not you use the Alternative Formulation option depends on how well you can fit your experimentally determined pressure drop data to the FLUENT model. For example, if the flow through the medium is aligned with the grid in your FLUENT model, then it will not make a difference whether or not you use the formulation.For more infomation about simulations involving highly anisotropic porous media, see Section 7.19.8.Note that the alternative formulation is compatible only with the pressure-based solver.If you are using the Conical specification method, Direction-1 is the cone axis direction, Direction-2 is the normal to the cone surface (radial ( )direction for a cylinder), and Direction-3 is the circumferential ( ) direction.In 3D there are three possible categories of coefficients, and in 2D there are two:∙In the isotropic case, the resistance coefficients in all directions are the same (e.g., a sponge). For an isotropic case, you must explicitlyset the resistance coefficients in each direction to the same value.∙When (in 3D) the coefficients in two directions are the same and those in the third direction are different or (in 2D) the coefficients inthe two directions are different, you must be careful to specify thecoefficients properly for each direction. For example, if you had aporous region consisting of cylindrical straws with small holes inthem positioned parallel to the flow direction, the flow would passeasily through the straws, but the flow in the other two directions(through the small holes) would be very little. If you had a plane offlat plates perpendicular to the flow direction, the flow would notpass through them at all; it would instead move in the other twodirections.∙In 3D the third possible case is one in which all three coefficients are different. For example, if the porous region consisted of a plane ofirregularly-spaced objects (e.g., pins), the movement of flow between the blockages would be different in each direction. You wouldtherefore need to specify different coefficients in each direction. Methods for deriving viscous and inertial loss coefficients are described in the sections that follow.Deriving Porous Media Inputs Based on Superficial Velocity, Using a Known Pressure LossWhen you use the porous media model, you must keep in mind that the porous cells in FLUENT are 100% open, and that the values that you specify for and/or must be based on this assumption. Suppose, however, that you know how the pressure drop varies with the velocity through the actual device, which is only partially open to flow. The following exercise is designed to show you how to compute a valuefor which is appropriate for the FLUENT model.Consider a perforated plate which has 25% area open to flow. The pressure drop through the plate is known to be 0.5 times the dynamic head in the plate. The loss factor, , defined as(7.19-11)is therefore 0.5, based on the actual fluid velocity in the plate, i.e., the velocity through the 25% open area. To compute an appropriate valuefor , note that in the FLUENT model:1. The velocity through the perforated plate assumes that the plate is 100% open.2. The loss coefficient must be converted into dynamic head loss per unit length of the porous region.Noting item 1, the first step is to compute an adjusted loss factor, , which would be based on the velocity of a 100% open area:(7.19-12) or, noting that for the same flow rate, ,(7.19-13)The adjusted loss factor has a value of 8. Noting item 2, you must now convert this into a loss coefficient per unit thickness of the perforated plate. Assume that the plate has a thickness of 1.0 mm (10 m). The inertial loss factor would then be(7.19-14)Note that, for anisotropic media, this information must be computed for each of the 2 (or 3) coordinate directions.Using the Ergun Equation to Derive Porous Media Inputs for a Packed BedAs a second example, consider the modeling of a packed bed. In turbulent flows, packed beds are modeled using both a permeability and an inertial loss coefficient. One technique for deriving the appropriate constants involves the use of the Ergun equation [ 98], a semi-empirical correlation applicable over a wide range of Reynolds numbers and for many types of packing:(7.19-15)When modeling laminar flow through a packed bed, the second term in the above equation may be dropped, resulting in the Blake-Kozenyequation [ 98]:(7.19-16) In these equations, is the viscosity, is the mean particlediameter, is the bed depth, and is the void fraction, defined as the volume of voids divided by the volume of the packed bed region. Comparing Equations 7.19-4 and 7.19-6 with 7.19-15, the permeability and inertial loss coefficient in each component direction may be identified as(7.19-17) and(7.19-18) Using an Empirical Equation to Derive Porous Media Inputs for Turbulent Flow Through a Perforated PlateAs a third example we will take the equation of Van Winkle et al. [ 279, 339] and show how porous media inputs can be calculated for pressure loss through a perforated plate with square-edged holes.The expression, which is claimed by the authors to apply for turbulent flow through square-edged holes on an equilateral triangular spacing, is(7.19-19) where= mass flow rate through the plate= the free area or total area of the holes= the area of the plate (solid and holes)= a coefficient that has been tabulated for various Reynolds-numberrangesand for various= the ratio of hole diameter to plate thicknessfor and for the coefficient takes a value of approximately 0.98, where the Reynolds number is based on hole diameter and velocity in the holes.Rearranging Equation 7.19-19, making use of the relationship(7.19-20)and dividing by the plate thickness, , we obtain(7.19-21)where is the superficial velocity (not the velocity in the holes). Comparing with Equation 7.19-6 it is seen that, for the direction normal to the plate, the constant can be calculated from(7.19-22)Using Tabulated Data to Derive Porous Media Inputs for Laminar Flow Through a Fibrous MatConsider the problem of laminar flow through a mat or filter pad which is made up of randomly-oriented fibers of glass wool. As an alternative to the Blake-Kozeny equation (Equation 7.19-16) we might choose to employ tabulated experimental data. Such data is available for many types offiber [ 158].fraction of dimensionless permeability of glass woolwhere and is the fiber diameter. , for use inEquation 7.19-4, is easily computed for a given fiber diameter and volume fraction.Deriving the Porous Coefficients Based on Experimental Pressure and Velocity DataExperimental data that is available in the form of pressure drop against velocity through the porous component, can be extrapolated to determine the coefficients for the porous media. To effect a pressure drop across a porous medium of thickness, , the coefficients of the porous media are determined in the manner described below.If the experimental data is:then an curve can be plotted to create a trendline through these points yielding the following equationwhere is the pressure drop and is the velocity.Note that a simplified version of the momentum equation, relating the pressure drop to the source term, can be expressed as(7.19-24)or(7.19-25)Hence, comparing Equation 7.19-23 to Equation 7.19-2, yields the following curve coefficients:(7.19-26)with kg/m , and a porous media thickness, , assumed to be 1m in this example, the inertial resistance factor, .Likewise,with , the viscous inertial resistancefactor,.Note that this same technique can be applied to the porous jump boundary condition. Similar to the case of the porous media, you have to take into account the thickness of the medium . Your experimental data can be plotted in ancurve, yielding an equation that is equivalent to Equation 7.22-1. From there, you can determine the permeability and the pressure jumpcoefficient.Using the Power-Law ModelIf you choose to use the power-law approximation of the porous-media momentum source term (Equation 7.19-3), the only inputs required are the coefficients and . Under Power Law Model in the Fluid panel, enter the values for C0 and C1. Note that the power-law model can be used in conjunction with the Darcy and inertia models. C0 must be in SI units, consistent with the value of C1.Defining PorosityTo define the porosity, scroll down below the resistance inputs in the Fluid panel, and set the Porosity under Fluid Porosity .You can also define the porosity using a user-defined function (UDF). The user-defined option becomes available in the corresponding drop-down list when the UDF has been created and loaded into FLUENT. Note that the porosity defined in the UDF must utilize the DEFINE_PROFILE macro. For more information on creating and using user-defined function, see the separate UDF Manual.The porosity, , is the volume fraction of fluid within the porous region (i.e., the open volume fraction of the medium). The porosity is used in the prediction of heat transfer in the medium, as described in Section 7.19.3, and in the time-derivative term in the scalar transport equations for unsteady flow, as described in Section 7.19.5. It also impacts the calculation of reaction source terms and body forces in the medium. These sources will be proportional to the fluid volume in the medium. If you want to represent the medium as completely open (no effect of the solid medium), you should set the porosity equal to 1.0 (the default). When the porosity is equal to 1.0, the solid portion of the medium will have no impact on heat transfer or thermal/reaction source terms in the medium.Defining the Porous MaterialIf you choose to model heat transfer in the porous medium, you must specify the material contained in the porous medium.To define the material contained in the porous medium, scroll down below the resistance inputs in the Fluid panel, and select the appropriate solid in the Solid Material Name drop-down list under Fluid Porosity. If you want to check or modify the properties of the selected material, you canclick Edit... to open the Material panel; this panel contains just the properties of the selected material, not the full contents of thestandard Materials panel. In the Material panel, you can define thenon-isotropic thermal conductivity of the porous material using auser-defined function (UDF). The user-defined option becomes available in the corresponding drop-down list when the UDF has been created and loaded into FLUENT. Note that the non-isotropic thermal conductivity defined in the UDF must utilize the DEFINE_PROPERTY macro. For more information on creating and using user-defined function, see the separate UDF Manual.Defining SourcesIf you want to include effects of the heat generated by the porous medium in the energy equation, enable the Source Terms option and set anon-zero Energy source. The solver will compute the heat generated by the porous region by multiplying this value by the total volume of the cells comprising the porous zone. You may also define sources of mass, momentum, turbulence, species, or other scalar quantities, as described in Section 7.28.Defining Fixed ValuesIf you want to fix the value of one or more variables in the fluid region of the zone, rather than computing them during the calculation, you can do so by enabling the Fixed Values option. See Section 7.27 for details. Suppressing the Turbulent Viscosity in the Porous RegionAs discussed in Section 7.19.4, turbulence will be computed in the porous region just as in the bulk fluid flow. If you are using one of the turbulence models (with the exception of the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Model), and you want the turbulence generation to be zero in the porous zone, turn on the Laminar Zone option in the Fluid panel. Refer to Section 7.17.1 for more information about suppressing turbulence generation.Specifying the Rotation Axis and Defining Zone MotionInputs for the rotation axis and zone motion are the same as for a standard fluid zone. See Section 7.17.1 for details.。

《FLUENT全攻略》目录第1章 FLUENT 软件介绍1.1 FLUENT软件概述 (1)1.2 软件安装与启动 (4)1.3 FLUENT用户手册 (7)1.4 FLUENT 文件读入与输出 (16)1.5 FLUENT 中的单位制 (28)1.6 FLUENT 的计算策略 (31)1.7 FLUENT 的计算方式 (32)1.8 例题:方腔流动计算 (34)1.9 本章小结 (47)第2章 FLUENT 的计算步骤2.1 问题概述 (50)2.2 处理网格 (51)2.3 计算模型 (54)2.4 定义材料性质 (56)2.5 定义边界条件 (57)2.6 求解过程 (60)2.7 显示计算结果 (64)2.8 启用二阶精度离散格式 (69)2.9 调整网格 (72)2.10 总结 (79)第3章 GAMBIT 网格划分基础3.1 对连续场的离散化处理 (80)3.2 网格生成技术 (81)3.3 复杂外形网格生成 (84)3.4 用GAMBIT 生成网格的步骤 (85)3.5 GAMBIT 的图形用户界面 (87)3.6 GAMBIT 菜单命令 (88)3.7 用GAMBIT 创建基本二维几何模型 (90)3.8 二维网格划分 (98)3.9 定义二维网格区域类型 (105)3.10 网格文件保存和输出 (106)3.11 三维建模 (107)3.12 CAD/CAE 接口 (123)第4章 FLUENT对网格文件的操作4.1 网格的拓扑结构 (130)4.2 网格划分的要求 (142)4.3 载入网格 (144)4.4 非正则网格 (152)4.5 检查网格 (157)4.6 报告网格的统计数据 (160)4.7 修改网格 (163)4.8 将网格分区用于并行计算 (181)第5章 适应性网格技术5.1 使用适应性网格 (195)5.2 网格适应过程 (198)5.3 边界适应 (205)5.4 梯度适应 (209)5.5 各向同性适应 (213)5.6 区域适应 (216)5.7 体积适应 (220)5.8 y+和y*适应 (223)5.9 管理适应记录 (226)5.10 适应性控制 (231)5.11 用光滑和交换的方式改善网格 (233)第6章 求解技术6.1 数值格式回顾 (239)6.2 离散化 (242)6.3 多重网格法 (244)6.4 使用求解器的基本步骤 (245)6.5 选择离散格式 (246)6.6 选择压强-速度关联算法 (248)6.7 设置亚松弛因子 (249)6.8 改变库朗数 (249)6.9 引入FAS 多重网格 (250)6.10 设置求解极限 (251)6.11 初始化 (252)6.12 流场求解 (255)6.13 监视计算收敛过程 (260)6.14 用动画显示解 (266)6.15 在计算过程中执行命令 (268)6.16 收敛性和稳定性 (270)第7章 FLUENT的物理模型7.1 基本流动模型 (273)7.2 湍流模型 (276)7.3 活动变形区域中的流动计算 (280)7.4 化学反应模型 (291)7.5 燃烧模型 (300)7.6 PDF 输运模型 (305)7.7 弥散相模型 (308)7.8 多相流模型 (318)7.9 固化与熔化模型 (326)7.10 气动噪声模型 (328)7.11 热交换模型 (333)7.12 本章小结 (344)第8章 边界条件8.1 边界条件问题回顾 (345)8.2 流动的入口和出口 (349)8.3 压强入口边界条件 (354)8.4 速度入口边界条件 (360)8.5 质量流入口边界条件 (364)8.6 通风入口边界条件 (368)8.7 进气风扇边界条件 (370)8.8 压强出口边界条件 (371)8.9 压强远场边界条件 (375)8.10 出流边界条件 (377)8.11 通风出口边界条件 (379)8.12 排气风扇边界条件 (380)8.13 壁面边界条件 (381)8.14 对称边界条件 (396)8.15 周期性边界条件 (397)8.16 轴边界条件 (400)8.17 流体条件 (401)8.18 固体条件 (403)8.19 多孔介质条件 (404)8.20 风扇边界条件 (417)8.21 散热器边界条件 (421)8.22 多孔跃升边界条件 (424)8.23 无反射边界条件 (425)8.24 用户自定义风扇模型 (426)8.25 换热器模型 (432)8.26 边界型函数 (442)8.27 将变量的值设为固定值 (447)8.28 定义质量、动量、能量和其他源项 (448)第9章 材料性质9.1 物性参数设定简介 (450)9.2 密度 (461)9.3 粘度 (465)9.4 导热系数 (472)9.5 比热 (479)9.6 辐射特性 (480)9.7 质量扩散系数 (483)9.8 其他物性参数 (487)9.9 操作压强 (489)9.10 真实气体模型 (491)第10章 移动与变形区域流动计算10.1 移动区域模拟方法概述 (502)10.2 旋转坐标系中的流场计算 (502)10.3 MRF 模型 (508)10.4 混合面模型 (511)10.5 滑动网格模型 (516)10.6 动网格模型 (522)第11章 为数据显示、报告创建表面11.1 应用表面 (540)11.2 区域表面 (541)11.3 分块表面 (541)11.4 点表面 (543)11.5 线和耙表面 (544)11.6 平面 (546)11.7 二次曲线表面 (549)11.8 等值面 (550)11.9 折叠表面 (550)11.10 改变表面形状 (552)11.11 分组、改名、删除表面 (553)第12章 图形及可视化技术12.1 生成基本图形 (555)12.2 调整图形显示方式 (574)12.3 控制鼠标功能 (578)12.4 修改观察方式 (579)12.5 构建场景 (581)12.6 动画技术 (583)12.7 柱状图与XY插值曲线 (585)第13章 计算报告13.1 边界通量的计算 (593)13.2 边界上作用力的计算 (595)13.3 计算投影面积 (597)13.4 表面积分 (598)13.5 体积分 (603)13.6 柱状图报告 (605)13.7 参考值设定 (606)13.8 关于算例设置的摘要报告 (609)第14章 TECPLOT 简介14.1 TECPLOT 基本功能 (611)14.2 TECPLOT 数据格式 (616)14.3 TECPLOT 读入FLUENT 文件 (626)14.4 TECPLOT 绘图环境设置 (628)第15章 TECPLOT 实战15.1 绘制XY 曲线 (636)15.2 绘制矢量图 (639)15.3 绘制等值线图 (641)15.4 绘制流线图 (645)15.5 绘制散点图 (648)15.6 绘制三维流场剖面图 (650)第16章 场函数定义16.1 节点和单元的值 (657)16.2 速度报告选项 (658)16.3 定制场函数 (659)第17章 并行处理17.1 并行处理简介 (663)17.2 启动求解器的并行版本 (664)17.3 使用并行的工作站网络 (666)17.4 检查并改进并行计算性能 (670)第18章 用户自定义函数18.1 概论 (673)18.2 写用户定义函数(UDF) (676)18.3 通译和编译及连接用户定义函数(UDF) (735)。

FLUENT软件操作界面中英文对照下面是FLUENT软件操作界面中常见的英文和对应的中文翻译:1. File(文件)- New(新建)- Open(打开)- Save(保存)- Save As(另存为)- Import(导入)- Export(导出)- Print(打印)- Exit(退出)- Undo(撤销)- Redo(重做)- Cut(剪切)- Copy(复制)- Paste(粘贴)- Delete(删除)- Select All(全选)3. View(视图)- Axes(坐标轴)- Legend(图例)- Axis Title(坐标轴标题)- Title(标题)- Zoom In(放大)- Zoom Out(缩小)- Reset(重置)- Pan(平移)4. Mesh(网格)- Generate(生成)- Convert(转换)- Refine(细化)- Smooth(平滑)- Check(检查)- Display(显示)5. Solve(求解)- Initialize(初始化)- Iterate(迭代)- Monitor(监控)- Residuals(残差)- Convergence Criteria(收敛准则)6. Boundary Conditions(边界条件)- Inlet(进口)- Outlet(出口)- Wall(壁面)- Symmetry(对称)- Periodic(周期性)- Pressure Inlet(压力进口)- Pressure Outlet(压力出口)- Velocity Inlet(速度进口)- Velocity Outlet(速度出口)7. Materials(材料)- Define(定义)- Create(创建)- Delete(删除)8. Models(模型)- Turbulence(湍流)- Heat Transfer(传热)- Chemical Reactions(化学反应)- Multiphase(多相流)- Discrete Phase(离散相)- Radiation(辐射)9. Results(结果)- Residuals(残差)- Plots(图表)- Animations(动画)- Reports(报告)- XY Plots(XY图)- Contours(等值线)- Vectors(矢量)- Streamlines(流线)10. Run(运行)- Calculation Activities(计算活动)- Solution Initialization(解的初始化)- Solution Calculation(解的计算)- Monitoring(监控)- Result Calculation(结果计算)- Grid Display(网格显示)。

多孔介质在fluent中的操作方法网络上传版本预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制如何在Fluent中实现多孔介质双能量方程(LNTE)How to use Non-equilibrium Thermal equation (LNTE) model forPorous media in Fluent Software●请参照本人发表的文章:●Please refer to the following papers:1)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Wang Zhi–Q iang,Leng Yu,Tan He–Ping.Thermal and chemical reaction performance analyses of steam methane reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,39(2):718-730,2014关键词:Porous, Solar, Hydrogen, Methane, Reforming, P1 approximation, radiative heat transfer2)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,Tan He–Ping,Zhang Xiao-Feng,MaoQian-Jun,Heat transfer analyses of porous media receiver with multi–dish collector by coupling MCRT and FVM method,Solar Energy,93:158–168,2013关键词:Solar, Porous, dish concentrator, Receiver, Monte Carlo3)Wang Fu–Qiang*,Shuai Yong*,T an He–Ping,Yu Chun–Liang,ThermalPerformance Analysis of Porous Media Receiver with Concentrated Solar Irradiation,International Journal of Heatand Mass Transfer,62:247–254,2013关键词:Solar, Porous, dish concentrator, Receiver, Monte Carlo一、说明1、模型此例基于稳态、层流、对称模型。
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7.19 Porous Media ConditionsThe porous media model can be used for a wide variety of problems, including flows through packed beds, filter papers, perforated plates, flow distributors, and tube banks. When you use this model, you define a cell zone in which the porous media model is applied and the pressure loss in the flow is determined via your inputs as described in Section 7.19.2. Heat transfer through the medium can also be represented, subject to the assumption of thermal equilibrium between the medium and the fluid flow, as described in Section 7.19.3.A 1D simplification of the porous media model, termed the "porous jump,'' can be used to model a thin membrane with known velocity/pressure-drop characteristics. The porous jump model is applied to a face zone, not to a cell zone, and should be used (instead of the full porous media model) whenever possible because it is more robust and yields better convergence. See Section 7.22 for details.7.19.1 Limitations and Assumptions of the Porous Media ModelThe porous media model incorporates an empirically determined flow resistance in a region of your model defined as "porous''. In essence, the porous media model is nothing more than an added momentum sink in the governing momentum equations. As such, the following modeling assumptions and limitations should be readily recognized:•Since the volume blockage that is physically present is not represented in the model, by default FLUENT uses and reports asuperficial velocity inside the porous medium, based on thevolumetric flow rate, to ensure continuity of the velocity vectorsacross the porous medium interface. As a more accurate alternative,you can instruct FLUENT to use the true (physical) velocity inside the porous medium. See Section 7.19.7 for details.•The effect of the porous medium on the turbulence field is only approximated. See Section 7.19.4 for details.•When applying the porous media model in a moving reference frame, FLUENT will either apply the relative reference frame or the absolute reference frame when you enable the Relative VelocityResistance Formulation. This allows for the correct prediction of the source terms. For more information about porous media, seeSections 7.19.6 and 7.19.6.•When specifying the specific heat capacity,P C, for the selected material in the porous zone,C must be entered as a constant value.P•7.19.2 Momentum Equations for Porous Media •Porous media are modeled by the addition of a momentum source term to the standard fluid flow equations. The source term iscomposed of two parts: a viscous loss term (Darcy, the first term on the right-hand side of Equation 7.19-1 ) , and an inertial loss term(the second term on the right-hand side of Equation 7.19-1)(7.19-1)•where is the source term for the th ( , , or ) momentum equation, is the magnitude of the velocity and and areprescribed matrices. This momentum sink contributes to the pressure gradient in the porous cell, creating a pressure drop that isproportional to the fluid velocity (or velocity squared) in the cell. •To recover the case of simple homogeneous porous media(7.19-2)where is the permeability and is the inertial resistance factor, simply specify and as diagonal matrices with and , respectively, on the diagonals (and zero for the other elements).•FLUENT also allows the source term to be modeled as a power law of the velocity magnitude:(7.19-3)•where and are user-defined empirical coefficients.In the power-law model, the pressure drop is isotropic and theunits for are SI.Darcy's Law in Porous Media••In laminar flows through porous media, the pressure drop is typically proportional to velocity and the constant can be considered to bezero. Ignoring convective acceleration and diffusion, the porousmedia model then reduces to Darcy's Law:•(7.19-4)••The pressure drop that FLUENT computes in each of the three ( , , ) coordinate directions within the porous region is then ••••(7.19-5)•••••where are the entries in the matrix inEquation 7.19-1, are the velocity components in the , ,and directions, and , , and are the thicknesses of the medium in the , , and directions.•Here, the thickness of the medium ( , , or ) is the actual thickness of the porous region in your model. Thus if the thicknesses used in your model differ from the actual thicknesses, you must make the adjustments in your inputs for .•Inertial Losses in Porous Media••At high flow velocities, the constant in Equation 7.19-1 providesa correction for inertial losses in the porous medium. This constantcan be viewed as a loss coefficient per unit length along the flowdirection, thereby allowing the pressure drop to be specified as afunction of dynamic head.•If you are modeling a perforated plate or tube bank, you can sometimes eliminate the permeability term and use the inertial loss term alone, yielding the following simplified form of the porousmedia equation:•(7.19-6)••or when written in terms of the pressure drop inthe , , directions:•(7.19-7) ••Again, the thickness of the medium ( , , or ) is the thickness you have defined in your model.•7.19.3 Treatment of the Energy Equation in Porous Media•FLUENT solves the standard energy transport equation (Equation 13.2-1) in porous media regions with modifications to the conduction flux and the transient terms only. In the porous medium, the conduction flux uses an effective conductivity and the transient term includes the thermal inertia of the solid region on the medium:•(7.19-8)••where•= total fluid energy= total solid medium energy= porosity of the medium= effective thermal conductivity of the medium= fluid enthalpy source term••Effective Conductivity in the Porous Medium••The effective thermal conductivity in the porous medium, , is computed by FLUENT as the volume average of the fluidconductivity and the solid conductivity:•(7.19-9)••where•= porosity of the medium= fluid phase thermal conductivity (including the turbulent contribution, )= solid medium thermal conductivity••The fluid thermal conductivity and the solid thermalconductivity can be computed via user-defined functions.•The anisotropic effective thermal conductivity can also be specified via user-defined functions. In this case, the isotropic contributionsfrom the fluid, , are added to the diagonal elements of the solidanisotropic thermal conductivity matrix.7.19.4 Treatment of Turbulence in Porous MediaFLUENT will, by default, solve the standard conservation equations for turbulence quantities in the porous medium. In this default approach, turbulence in the medium is treated as though the solid medium has no effect on the turbulence generation or dissipation rates. This assumption may be reasonable if the medium's permeability is quite large and the geometric scale of the medium does not interact with the scale of the turbulent eddies. In other instances, however, you may want to suppress the effect of turbulence in the medium.If you are using one of the turbulence models (with the exception of the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model), you can suppress the effect of turbulence in a porous region by setting the turbulent contribution to viscosity, , equal to zero. When you choose this option, FLUENT will transport the inlet turbulence quantities through the medium, but their effect on the fluid mixing and momentum will be ignored. In addition, the generation of turbulence will be set to zero in the medium. This modeling strategy is enabled by turning on the Laminar Zone option inthe Fluid panel. Enabling this option implies that is zero and that generation of turbulence will be zero in this porous zone. Disabling the option (the default) implies that turbulence will be computed in the porous region just as in the bulk fluid flow. Refer to Section 7.17.1 for details about using the Laminar Zone option.7.19.5 Effect of Porosity on Transient Scalar EquationsFor transient porous media calculations, the effect of porosity on thetime-derivative terms is accounted for in all scalar transport equations andthe continuity equation. When the effect of porosity is taken into account, the time-derivative term becomes , where is the scalar quantity ( , , etc.) and is the porosity.The effect of porosity is enabled automatically for transient calculations, and the porosity is set to 1 by default.7.19.6 User Inputs for Porous MediaWhen you are modeling a porous region, the only additional inputs for the problem setup are as follows. Optional inputs are indicated as such.1. Define the porous zone.2. Define the porous velocity formulation. (optional)3. Identify the fluid material flowing through the porous medium.4. Enable reactions for the porous zone, if appropriate, and select the reaction mechanism.5. Enable the Relative Velocity Resistance Formulation. By default, this option is already enabled and takes the moving porous media into consideration (as described in Section 7.19.6).6. Set the viscous resistance coefficients ( in Equation7.19-1,or in Equation 7.19-2) and the inertial resistance coefficients ( in Equation 7.19-1, or in Equation 7.19-2), and define the direction vectors for which they apply. Alternatively, specify the coefficients for the power-law model.7. Specify the porosity of the porous medium.8. Select the material contained in the porous medium (required only for models that include heat transfer). Note that the specific heat capacity, , for the selected material in the porous zone can only be entered as a constant value.9. Set the volumetric heat generation rate in the solid portion of the porous medium (or any other sources, such as mass or momentum). (optional) 10. Set any fixed values for solution variables in the fluid region (optional).11. Suppress the turbulent viscosity in the porous region, if appropriate.12. Specify the rotation axis and/or zone motion, if relevant.Methods for determining the resistance coefficients and/or permeability are presented below. If you choose to use the power-law approximation of the porous-media momentum source term, you will enter thecoefficients and in Equation 7.19-3 instead of the resistance coefficients and flow direction.You will set all parameters for the porous medium inFigure 7.19.1:The Fluid Panel for a Porous Zone Defining the Porous ZoneAs mentioned in Section 7.1, a porous zone is modeled as a special type of fluid zone. To indicate that the fluid zone is a porous region, enablethe Porous Zone option in the Fluid panel. The panel will expand to show the porous media inputs (as shown in Figure 7.19.1).Defining the Porous Velocity FormulationThe Solver panel contains a Porous Formulation region where you can instruct FLUENT to use either a superficial or physical velocity in the porous medium simulation. By default, the velocity is set to Superficial Velocity. For details about using the Physical Velocity formulation, see Section 7.19.7.Defining the Fluid Passing Through the Porous MediumTo define the fluid that passes through the porous medium, select the appropriate fluid in the Material Name drop-down list in the Fluid panel. If you want to check or modify the properties of the selected material, you can click Edit... to open the Material panel; this panel contains just the properties of the selected material, not the full contents of thestandard Materials panel.If you are modeling species transport or multiphase flow,the Material Name list will not appear in the Fluid panel.For species calculations, the mixture material for allfluid/porous zones will be the material you specified inthe Species Model panel. For multiphase flows, the materialsare specified when you define the phases, as described inSection 23.10.3.Enabling Reactions in a Porous ZoneIf you are modeling species transport with reactions, you can enable reactions in a porous zone by turning on the Reaction option inthe Fluid panel and selecting a mechanism in the ReactionMechanism drop-down list.If your mechanism contains wall surface reactions, you will also need to specify a value for the Surface-to-Volume Ratio. This value is the surfacearea of the pore walls per unit volume ( ), and can be thought of as a measure of catalyst loading. With this value, FLUENT can calculate the total surface area on which the reaction takes place in each cell bymultiplying by the volume of the cell. See Section 14.1.4 for details about defining reaction mechanisms. See Section 14.2for details about wall surface reactions.Including the Relative Velocity Resistance FormulationPrior to FLUENT 6.3, cases with moving reference frames used the absolute velocities in the source calculations for inertial and viscous resistance. This approach has been enhanced so that relative velocities are used for the porous source calculations (Section 7.19.2). Using the Relative Velocity Resistance Formulation option (turned on by default) allows you to better predict the source terms for cases involving moving meshes or moving reference frames (MRF). This option works well in cases withnon-moving and moving porous media. Note that FLUENT will use the appropriate velocities (relative or absolute), depending on your case setup. Defining the Viscous and Inertial Resistance CoefficientsThe viscous and inertial resistance coefficients are both defined in the same manner. The basic approach for defining the coefficients using a Cartesian coordinate system is to define one direction vector in 2D or two direction vectors in 3D, and then specify the viscous and/or inertial resistance coefficients in each direction. In 2D, the second direction, which is not explicitly defined, is normal to the plane defined by the specified direction vector and the direction vector. In 3D, the third direction is normal to the plane defined by the two specified direction vectors. For a 3D problem, the second direction must be normal to the first. If you fail to specify two normal directions, the solver will ensure that they are normal by ignoringany component of the second direction that is in the first direction. You should therefore be certain that the first direction is correctly specified.You can also define the viscous and/or inertial resistance coefficients in each direction using a user-defined function (UDF). The user-defined options become available in the corresponding drop-down list when the UDF has been created and loaded into FLUENT. Note that the coefficients defined in the UDF must utilize the DEFINE_PROFILE macro. For more information on creating and using user-defined function, see the separate UDF Manual.If you are modeling axisymmetric swirling flows, you can specify an additional direction component for the viscous and/or inertial resistance coefficients. This direction component is always tangential to the other two specified directions. This option is available for both density-based and pressure-based solvers.In 3D, it is also possible to define the coefficients using a conical (or cylindrical) coordinate system, as described below.Note that the viscous and inertial resistance coefficients aregenerally based on the superficial velocity of the fluid in theporous media.The procedure for defining resistance coefficients is as follows:1. Define the direction vectors.•To use a Cartesian coordinate system, simply specify the Direction-1 Vector and, for 3D, the Direction-2 Vector. The unspecifieddirection will be determined as described above. These directionvectors correspond to the principle axes of the porous media.For some problems in which the principal axes of the porous mediumare not aligned with the coordinate axes of the domain, you may notknow a priori the direction vectors of the porous medium. In suchcases, the plane tool in 3D (or the line tool in 2D) can help you todetermine these direction vectors.(a) "Snap'' the plane tool (or the line tool) onto the boundary of theporous region. (Follow the instructions inSection 27.6.1 or 27.5.1 for initializing the tool to a position on anexisting surface.)(b) Rotate the axes of the tool appropriately until they are alignedwith the porous medium.(c) Once the axes are aligned, click on the Update From PlaneTool or Update From Line Tool button inthe Fluid panel. FLUENT will automatically set the Direction-1Vector to the direction of the red arrow of the tool, and (in 3D)the Direction-2 Vector to the direction of the green arrow.•To use a conical coordinate system (e.g., for an annular, conical filter element), follow the steps below. This option is available only in 3D cases.(a) Turn on the Conical option.(b) Specify the Cone Axis Vector and Point on Cone Axis. Thecone axis is specified as being in the direction of the Cone AxisVector (unit vector), and passing through the Point on Cone Axis.The cone axis may or may not pass through the origin of thecoordinate system.(c) Set the Cone Half Angle (the angle between the cone's axis andits surface, shown in Figure 7.19.2). To use a cylindrical coordinate system, set the Cone Half Angle to 0.Figure 7.19.2:Cone Half AngleFor some problems in which the axis of the conical filter element is not aligned with the coordinate axes of the domain, you may notknow a priori the direction vector of the cone axis and coordinates ofa point on the cone axis. In such cases, the plane tool can help you todetermine the cone axis vector and point coordinates. One method is as follows:(a) Select a boundary zone of the conical filter element that isnormal to the cone axis vector in the drop-down list next to the Snap to Zone button.(b) Click on the Snap to Zone button. FLUENT will automatically"snap'' the plane tool onto the boundary. It will also set the Cone Axis Vector and the Point on Cone Axis. (Note that you will still have to set the Cone Half Angle yourself.)An alternate method is as follows:(a) "Snap'' the plane tool onto the boundary of the porous region.(Follow the instructions in Section 27.6.1 for initializing the tool to aposition on an existing surface.)(b) Rotate and translate the axes of the tool appropriately until thered arrow of the tool is pointing in the direction of the cone axisvector and the origin of the tool is on the cone axis.(c) Once the axes and origin of the tool are aligned, click onthe Update From Plane Tool button inthe Fluid panel. FLUENT will automatically set the Cone AxisVector and the Point on Cone Axis. (Note that you will still have toset the Cone Half Angle yourself.)2. Under Viscous Resistance, specify the viscous resistancecoefficient in each direction.Under Inertial Resistance, specify the inertial resistance coefficient in each direction. (You will need to scroll down with the scroll bar to view these inputs.)For porous media cases containing highly anisotropic inertial resistances, enable Alternative Formulation under Inertial Resistance.The Alternative Formulation option provides better stability to the calculation when your porous medium is anisotropic. The pressure loss through the medium depends on the magnitude of the velocity vector ofthe i th component in the medium. Using the formulation ofEquation 7.19-6 yields the expression below:(7.19-10) Whether or not you use the Alternative Formulation option depends on how well you can fit your experimentally determined pressure drop data to the FLUENT model. For example, if the flow through the medium is aligned with the grid in your FLUENT model, then it will not make a difference whether or not you use the formulation.For more infomation about simulations involving highly anisotropic porous media, see Section 7.19.8.Note that the alternative formulation is compatible only withthe pressure-based solver.If you are using the Conical specification method, Direction-1 is the cone axis direction, Direction-2 is the normal to the cone surface (radial ( ) direction for a cylinder), and Direction-3 is the circumferential ( ) direction.In 3D there are three possible categories of coefficients, and in 2D there are two:•In the isotropic case, the resistance coefficients in all directions are the same (e.g., a sponge). For an isotropic case, you must explicitlyset the resistance coefficients in each direction to the same value.•When (in 3D) the coefficients in two directions are the same and those in the third direction are different or (in 2D) the coefficients inthe two directions are different, you must be careful to specify thecoefficients properly for each direction. For example, if you had aporous region consisting of cylindrical straws with small holes inthem positioned parallel to the flow direction, the flow would passeasily through the straws, but the flow in the other two directions(through the small holes) would be very little. If you had a plane offlat plates perpendicular to the flow direction, the flow would notpass through them at all; it would instead move in the other twodirections.•In 3D the third possible case is one in which all three coefficients are different. For example, if the porous region consisted of a plane ofirregularly-spaced objects (e.g., pins), the movement of flow betweenthe blockages would be different in each direction. You wouldtherefore need to specify different coefficients in each direction. Methods for deriving viscous and inertial loss coefficients are described in the sections that follow.Deriving Porous Media Inputs Based on Superficial Velocity, Using a Known Pressure LossWhen you use the porous media model, you must keep in mind that the porous cells in FLUENT are 100% open, and that the values that you specify for and/or must be based on this assumption. Suppose,however, that you know how the pressure drop varies with the velocity through the actual device, which is only partially open to flow. The following exercise is designed to show you how to compute a valuefor which is appropriate for the FLUENT model.Consider a perforated plate which has 25% area open to flow. The pressure drop through the plate is known to be 0.5 times the dynamic head in the plate. The loss factor, , defined as(7.19-11)is therefore 0.5, based on the actual fluid velocity in the plate, i.e., the velocity through the 25% open area. To compute an appropriate valuefor , note that in the FLUENT model:1. The velocity through the perforated plate assumes that the plate is 100% open.2. The loss coefficient must be converted into dynamic head loss per unit length of the porous region.Noting item 1, the first step is to compute an adjusted loss factor, , which would be based on the velocity of a 100% open area:(7.19-12) or, noting that for the same flow rate, ,(7.19-13) The adjusted loss factor has a value of 8. Noting item 2, you must nowconvert this into a loss coefficient per unit thickness of the perforated plate. Assume that the plate has a thickness of 1.0 mm (10 m). The inertial loss factor would then be(7.19-14)Note that, for anisotropic media, this information must be computed for each of the 2 (or 3) coordinate directions.Using the Ergun Equation to Derive Porous Media Inputs for a Packed BedAs a second example, consider the modeling of a packed bed. In turbulent flows, packed beds are modeled using both a permeability and an inertial loss coefficient. One technique for deriving the appropriate constants involves the use of the Ergun equation [ 98], a semi-empirical correlation applicable over a wide range of Reynolds numbers and for many types of packing:(7.19-15) When modeling laminar flow through a packed bed, the second term in the above equation may be dropped, resulting in the Blake-Kozenyequation [ 98]:(7.19-16) In these equations, is the viscosity, is the mean particlediameter, is the bed depth, and is the void fraction, defined as the volume of voids divided by the volume of the packed bed region. Comparing Equations 7.19-4 and 7.19-6 with 7.19-15, the permeability and inertial loss coefficient in each component direction may be identified as(7.19-17) and(7.19-18)Using an Empirical Equation to Derive Porous Media Inputs for Turbulent Flow Through a Perforated PlateAs a third example we will take the equation of Van Winkle et al. [ 279, 339] and show how porous media inputs can be calculated for pressure loss through a perforated plate with square-edged holes.The expression, which is claimed by the authors to apply for turbulent flow through square-edged holes on an equilateral triangular spacing, is(7.19-19) where= mass flow rate through the plate= the free area or total area of the holes= the area of the plate (solid and holes)= a coefficient that has been tabulated for variousReynolds-number rangesand for various= the ratio of hole diameter to plate thicknessfor and for the coefficient takes a value of approximately 0.98, where the Reynolds number is based on hole diameter and velocity in the holes.Rearranging Equation 7.19-19, making use of the relationship(7.19-20)and dividing by the plate thickness, , we obtain(7.19-21)where is the superficial velocity (not the velocity in the holes). Comparing with Equation 7.19-6 it is seen that, for the direction normal to the plate, the constant can be calculated from(7.19-22)Using Tabulated Data to Derive Porous Media Inputs for Laminar Flow Through a Fibrous MatConsider the problem of laminar flow through a mat or filter pad which is made up of randomly-oriented fibers of glass wool. As an alternative to the Blake-Kozeny equation (Equation 7.19-16) we might choose to employ tabulated experimental data. Such data is available for many types offiber [ 158].dimensionlesspermeabilityof glass woolwhere and is the fiber diameter. , for use inEquation 7.19-4, is easily computed for a given fiber diameter and volume fraction.Deriving the Porous Coefficients Based on Experimental Pressure and Velocity DataExperimental data that is available in the form of pressure drop against velocity through the porous component, can be extrapolated to determine the coefficients for the porous media. To effect a pressure drop across a porous medium of thickness, , the coefficients of the porous media are determined in the manner described below.If the experimental data is:then an curve can be plotted to create a trendline through these points yielding the following equationwhere is the pressure drop and is the velocity.Note that a simplified version of the momentum equation, relating the pressure drop to the source term, can be expressed as(7.19-24) or(7.19-25) Hence, comparing Equation 7.19-23 to Equation 7.19-2, yields the following curve coefficients:(7.19-26)with kg/m , and a porous media thickness, , assumed to be 1m in this example, the inertial resistance factor, .Likewise,with , the viscous inertial resistancefactor, . Note that this same technique can be applied to the porous jump boundary condition. Similar to the case of the porous media, you have to take into account the thickness of the medium . Yourexperimental data can be plotted in ancurve, yielding an equation that is equivalent to Equation 7.22-1. From there, you can determine the permeability and the pressure jump coefficient .Using the Power-Law ModelIf you choose to use the power-law approximation of the porous-media momentum source term (Equation 7.19-3), the only inputs required are the coefficients and . Under Power Law Model in the Fluid panel, enter the values for C0 and C1. Note that the power-law model can be used in conjunction with the Darcy and inertia models.C0 must be in SI units, consistent with the value of C1.Defining PorosityTo define the porosity, scroll down below the resistance inputs inthe Fluid panel, and set the Porosity under Fluid Porosity .。