



中国人民大学法学院法律硕士(法学、非法学)研究生学业奖学金实施细则第一条 根据《中国人民大学研究生培养机制改革试行方案》,参照《中国人民大学研究生学业奖学金管理实施细则》的规定,特制定我院法律硕士研究生学业奖学金管理实施细则。

第二条 法律硕士研究生学业奖学金给予品学兼优的学生。




第三条 法律硕士研究生学业奖学金为校级奖励,经费由学校拨付,发放对象为全日制非定向学习的在校法律硕士研究生。

第四条 法学院设立学业奖学金工作小组,由学院主管研究生工作院领导任组长,组员为教师代表、教学管理相关负责人等。


第五条 为了更好地鼓励在学习、科研和实践各个方面表现优异的全日制非定向法律硕士生,保证对参评对象的公平合理性,法律硕士研究生学业奖学金评选分为“学习成绩”、“科研成果”和“综合实践”三大类。




人大法学院奖学金名单 2011

人大法学院奖学金名单 2011

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 学号 2008200339 2008200341 2008200366 2008200381 2008200394 2008200410 2008200419 2008200425 2008200429 2008200432 2008200442 2008200472 2008200487 2008200493 2009000081 2009000090 2009000090 2009000109 2009000114 2009000142 2009000156 2009000167 2009000176 2009000180 2009000197 2009000215 2009100279 2009100284 2009100299 2009100301 2009100305 2009100321 2009100324 2009100329 2009100337 2009100338 2009100352 2009100369 2009100404 2009100415 2009100428 2009100448 2009100455 2009100462 姓名 周雪 付莉 韩春琴 袁如心 李宇星 黄鹏 宋雨晨 翁禾倩 柳洋 辛志伟 李政 高博 庄永鹏 张乐 沈玮玮 王若磊 徐超 李姗姗 赵忠龙 杨巍 郑文睿 高通 杨建国 王安鹏 张开骏 高迎迎 徐晶晶 李燕 安娜 石友竹 严莉莉 孙君炜 孙蕾雨 甄铖 张晓蕊 玄红莲 张莹 王伟 刘晓亮 赵忠斌 卢向前 王文龙 颜卉 唐川云 奖励名称 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生 三好学生





1,良好的学士学位或法学学士学位(LLB / BA / JD);或具有相关学士学位的良好法学硕士学位(LLM / BCL / MJur / MPhil);或相关的同等资格。

2,最低托福iBT 100.(其他TOEFL纸质成绩为600-603或雅思最低7.0将被考虑,但我们更喜欢托福iBT。

)学位要求:完成80,000字论文学习时长:全日制(2年-5年)英语要求1,除了来自澳大利亚,加拿大,爱尔兰,新西兰,英国和美国的母语为英语- 中等机构的申请人之外,所有国际申请人都必须参加英语作为外语考试(TOEFL)。


2,对于研究和课程计划,需要最低托福iBT 100。















新加坡国立大学奖学金一览表学校名称:新加坡新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore所在位置:新加坡,21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077QS排名:43学费:22000 新币录取率:0.436新加坡气候优越风景优美,教育体系完善,学习氛围浓厚,是世界各地留学生的的向往之所。


一、奖学金新加坡国立大学为中国学生设立的奖学金有两种:1、华侨银行国际本科生奖学金(The OCBC International Undergraduate Scholarship)此项奖学金是为学习成绩优秀的中国学生设立,包含学费、生活津贴和其他认可的费用每年共7000美元,另外包含从中国到新加坡的机票以及完成学位课程后从新加坡返回中国的机票,同时华侨银行还会为获得奖学金的学生提供在其银行的实习机会。


2、香港学生本科生奖学金(Undergraduate Scholarship for Hong Kong Students)成绩优秀且为香港居民或具有香港永久居住证的学生可以获得此项奖学金,学生必须获得香港“A Level”学术成绩,奖学金包含学费及其他各种必缴费用、一次性迁居安置津贴200美元、住宿津贴(校外住宿双人间的最低费用)、每年生活补贴6000新元、学期初从香港到新加坡的单程机票、课程结束后从新加坡到香港的双程机票。




【优质】新加坡奖学金的申请技巧和申请的条件-实用word文档 (3页)

【优质】新加坡奖学金的申请技巧和申请的条件-实用word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==新加坡奖学金的申请技巧和申请的条件新加坡留学费用低廉,在中国一般的工薪家庭接受范围内,吸引了很多的人到新加坡留学,其中不少的学生想要申请奖学金,下面是小编给大家带来的有关于新加坡留学的奖学金申请技巧的介绍,希望能够帮助到大家。


”申请新加坡管理大学?Singapore Management University (SMU),高考成绩需在一本线以上,申请新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore (NUS)和南洋理工大学Nanyang Technological University (NTU),高考成绩需达到重点一本线以上。


以新加坡理工学院Singapore Polytechnic (SP)为例,江苏地区考生高考成绩282分以上,语文和英语成绩达到60%,数学成绩达到65%即可报名参加其选拔考试,成绩优异者被录取后可享受政府助学金,个人仅需支付一年1.6万元人民币的学费。






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牛津大学奥列尔学院 +剑桥大学
Hale Waihona Puke 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学留学生及交换生项目









第三章等级设定与金额标准第五条研究生基本奖学金的等级设定与金额标准如下表所示:研究生基本奖学金等级设定与金额标准奖学金等级博士研究生硕士研究生两年制三年制元/年元/年元/年特等奖学金30000 18000 16000 一等奖学金16000 12000 10000 二等奖学金12000 10000 8000注:博士研究生、硕士研究生的特等奖学金用于资助拔尖人才,名额由学校统一掌握,不分配到学院(系),比例不超过5%。









Application MaterialsEnclosed are : ∙ General Information∙ Application Checklist ∙ Application Acknowledgement ∙ Application Form ∙ Application Fee Form ∙ Transcript Request Form ∙ 2 Referee Report FormsThere are two intakes per academic year: one in January and the other in August.Please note that applications must be submitted to the departments by 15 May for the January intake, and by 15 November for the August intake respectively.GENERAL INFORMATION A) Entry Requirements1.Applicants who wish to pursue an MSc/PhD degree at the Faculty of Science must hold a relevant Bachelor degree with honours from National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University. Applicants who graduated from a university outside Singapore must hold an university degree in a relevant field, requiring a minimum of four years of study.2.To be admitted directly to the PhD programme, local graduates should possess either a 1st Class Honours or a 2nd Class Upper Honours degree, and overseas applicants should possess an equivalent CAP, and/or meet the GRE/GATE/TOEFL/IELTS requirements stated below.3. All applicants must submit either GRE or GATE test score. The minimum requirements are Verbal 500, Quantitative 700 and Analytical Writing 3.5.4.As the medium of instruction at NUS is in English, applicants whose native tongue or medium of undergraduate instruction is not English, should submit TOEFL or IELTS score as evidence of their proficiency in the English Language. The minimum TOEFL score is 580 (Paper-based Test) and 260 (Computer-based Test). The minimum IELTS score is 6. Applicants are encouraged to take the TSE (Test of Spoken English) and TWE (Test of Written English).5.Applicants who are not residing in Singapore or would like to do their research in overseas institutions, must spend a period in residence in Singapore for a minimum of 6 months (master’s degree) or 1 year (doctoral degree) during his/her candidature.6.The minimum and maximum period of candidature is as follows:-Graduate Programme (leading to)Minimum Maximum Masters 1 year 3 years Doctoral 2 years 5 yearsResearch candidates may be admitted as full-time or part-time students. The minimum and maximum periods of candidature are the same.FACULTY OF SCIENCEGRADUATE PROGRAMMES APPLICATION INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONSB)Degree Requirementsrequirements1. CourseworkCandidates pursuing higher degrees by research are required to attend and pass examinations in a minimum of 3 modules (2 coursework modules and 1 compulsory seminar module) for MSc and a minimum of 6 modules (5 coursework modules and 1 compulsory seminar module) for PhD. These courses are to be chosen in consultation with their thesis supervisor(s) and/or department(s).2. Thesis/DissertationCandidates must submit, through the supervisor(s) and the Head of Department, his/her thesis/dissertation for examination within the maximum period of candidature. The thesis/dissertation must be on a topic approved by the respective departments and must make some contribution to knowledge and not be a mere collation of existing materials. The thesis/dissertation must contain original work or critical interpretation worthy of publication.3. Any other additional requirements may be specified by the respective departments.C) Scholarship InformationApplicants may indicate on the form if they wish to apply for NUS scholarships. The scholarships are open to applicants to the PhD programme (full-time) only.1. Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarship (available for August intake only)The Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships (“Scholarships”) were established from donations received from the Lee Foundation and are the University’s most prestigious scholarship awards for graduate students. The selection of candidates will take place once a year, in time for the start of the academic year in August. Up to 5 new Scholarships will be given each year. Not all Scholarships will be awarded unless there are candidates of sufficient merit.This bond-free Scholarship is open to students of all nationalities who gain admission to any Ph.D.programme at the University. In keeping with the donor’s wishes, the Scholarships will be awarded to well-rounded individuals showing exceptional promise who have an appropriate balance of intellect and character. Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence, leadership and a commitment to service.Each award covers:- a monthly stipend of S$3,300-tuition, examination fees and other approved fees at NUs-an annual book allowance of S$500- a one-off air travel allowance of 2 return tickets of up to S$4,000 (only for overseas students subject to a maximum of S$2,000 per ticket); and- A one-off laptop allowance of S$1,5002. President Graduate FellowshipThe President Graduate Fellowship (PGF) is awarded to candidates who show exceptional promise or accomplishment in research. A number of Ph.D. research students are selected each semester by the University for the award.The bond-free fellowship is open to students of all nationalities who gain admission to a PhD programme in NUS.Each award covers:A monthly stipend throughout the period of award as follows:International Student S$3,000Singapore Permanent Resident S$3,200Singapore Citizen S$3,300Tuition fees at the University;A one-off air travel allowance for 1 one-way ticket of up to S$750 (only for overseasstudents); andA one-off settling allowance of S$1,000 (only for overseas students)The award is tenable for an initial 1 year and, subject to the awardee’s satisfactory progress, renewable annually up to a maximum of 4 years. For candidates who were transferred from a NUS Research Scholarship to a PGF, the total period of their tenure on both schemes must not exceed 4 years.3. NUS Research ScholarshipsThe University offers Research Scholarships to outstanding candidates to pursue a full-time graduate research degree at NUS.The bond-free scholarship is open to students of all nationalities. Applicants must be university graduates with at least a Class II Honours degree or equivalent and, at the time of award of the Scholarship, must have been offered admission as a candidate for a full-time higher degree by research at NUS.The Research Scholars will be given a monthly stipend and a full tuition fee subsidy. For Research Scholars in a Ph.D. programme, monthly stipends for Singapore citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents and foreigners are currently S$2,500, S$2,200 and S$2,000 respectively.Research Scholars in a Ph.D. programme may be eligible for an additional stipend of up to $500 per month upon passing the Ph.D. qualifying examination, which is normally held 12 to 18 months after registration of candidature.The NUS Research Scholarship does not provide additional assistance towards travel or other costs.The Scholarship is tenable for an initial 1 year and, subject to the Research Scholar’s satisfactory progress, renewable annually up to 4 years for Ph.D. candidates, as determined by the University.D) How to complete the application formsForm1. ApplicationAny omission of information required in the application forms or supporting documents will render the application void and should be avoided. Please complete the application form in English. All supporting documents, if not in English, must be accompanied by copies of the English translation of the documents.Candidates who intend to apply to more than one Department must submit separate sets of application forms. Each set of application form should be accompanied by all the supporting documents.Fee2. ApplicationA non-refundable fee is payable for each application submitted.Online application: S$20 per application (inclusive of GST)Paper application: S$40 per application (inclusive of GST)3. Transcript Request FormAn official transcript of academic records is required from each university attended. You are responsible for requesting your transcript from the university concerned. Please use the transcript request form for this purpose. If you have attended more than one university, you should make photocopies of the transcript request form as required.Transcript must be sent DIRECT by university and all other supporting documents must be CERTIFIED copies. Graduates from this University can submit certified copies of the official transcripts of their academic records with their applications. For foreign graduates, if you wish to submit your transcript together with your application form, the official transcript must beenclosed in a SEALED envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar or his representative.4. Referee Reports Recommendations from 2 academic referees are to be submitted by using the attached referee’sreport forms. You should request your referees to return the forms in a SEALED envelope whose opening bear their signatures across it.5. Application Acknowledgement Letter The acknowledgement letter, with your name and address clearly printed or typed, should bereturned with the completed application form.6. TOEFL, GRE and GATE Scoresheets Applicants can either:(a) Submit TOEFL/GRE/GATE scoresheets certified by their universities with an original stamp; or (b) Request the NUS department to certify their scoresheets if they are in Singapore; or(c) Request ETS to send the scoresheets direct to the Department in which the research will bepursued in. Our institution code is 0677.E) Where to send the formsPlease send the completed application forms and supporting documents to the department applied for at the following address;Department of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S3 14 Science Drive 4 Singapore 117543 Fax: (65) 6779 2486 Email: dbsbox6@.sgDepartment of Mathematics Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S17 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road Singapore 119076 Fax: (65) 6779 5452 Email: askmathpg@.sg Department of Chemistry Faculty of ScienceNational University of SingaporeBlock S83 Science Drive 3Singapore 117543Fax : (65) 6779 1691Email: chmadmin@.sgDepartment of PharmacyFaculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S4 18 Science Drive 4 Singapore 117543. Fax : (65) 6779 1554 Email: phabox2@.sg Department of Physics Faculty of ScienceNational University of SingaporeBlock S122 Science Drive 3Singapore 117542Fax: (65) 6777 6126Email: phygrad@.sgDepartment of Statistics & Applied ProbabilityFaculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S16 6 Science Drive 2 Singapore 117546 Fax : (65) 6872 3919 Email: stabox1@.sgApplication checklistPlease be reminded to include the following documents in your application:For each course you apply, you should enclose……The completed Application Acknowledgement SlipThe completed application fee form and cheque/bank draftThe completed application form(including overseas interview form for applicants residing in P.R. China and India)Supporting documents (to be arranged in the following order)certificateCitizenshipCertified copy of Bachelor's Degree transcript [English Translation] *Certified copy of Bachelor's Degree certificate [English Translation] *Certified copy of Master's Degree transcript – if applicable [English Translation] *Certified copy of Master's Degree certificate – if applicable [English Translation] ** These documents should be sent to us in SEALED envelopes with its flap bearing the security sealof the university and the signature of the Registrar or his representative.scoresheetsTOEFL(for applicants whose degrees are from the Universities where English is not the main medium ofcommunication)GRE / GATE scoresheets2 Referee Reports(these reports should be sent to us in SEALED envelopes whose openings bear the referee’s signature across it)Copy of publication(s) - if applicableOther supporting documents(photocopies of NRIC/Passport, membership of organisations, scholarships/awards received, etc) For Self-Finance applicants, to include the following :Documentary evidence of financial support in the form of a bank statement/a copy of recentpayslip/letter of confirmation from a sponsor or documentary evidence of scholarship or otheraward obtained, must be enclosed.Cheque / BankdraftAcknowledgementFormAPPLICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTRef: Graduate Programmes, Faculty of Science Date :(t o be completed by applicant)AddressAPPLICATION FOR HIGHER DEGREE (BY RESEARCH) &/OR RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPThis is to acknowledge receipt of your application for the above.Please submit the following documents marked with ( √ ) by _________________________________ .□Certified copy of Transcript(s) of your Bachelor's and/or Master's degree (English Translation)□Certified copy of Graduation certificate(s) of your Bachelor's and /or Master's degree (English Translation)□One/Two Referee Report(s)□Original or certified copy of your TOEFL/GRE scoresheet(s)□ A copy of NRIC/Passport/Re-Entry Permit (for Permanent Resident)□Payment via Cheque/Bank/NETS : S$20 (online application) or S$40 (paper application)□Other document(s) :□Please return this letter together with the required documents.We will process your application (after receiving the above documents, if applicable) and you will be informed in writing of the outcome once a decision has been made. Due to the large number of applicants seeking admission, we regret that no telephone enquiries will be entertained. We will notify you on the result of your application by May / October.For HeadofDepartmentG R A D U A T E P R O G R A M M E S∙F A C U L T Y O F S C I E N C E∙S C I E N C E D R I V E2∙S I N G A P O R E117546TELEPHONE (65) 6516 7993 ∙ TELEFAX (65) 6777 4279Application for Graduate Programme with/without Research ScholarshipTo be completed by ApplicantName of Applicant (as it appears in NRIC/Passport and underline Surname/Family name )Source of Advertisement (How did you come to know about the NUS Research Scholarship? Please quote source of advertisement, if applicable )Type of Programme (Please tick √ in the relevant box)PhD (Full-Time)PhD (Part-Time)MSc (Full-Time)MSc (Part-Time)Financial Assistance (Please tick √ in the relevant box)Research Scholarship Self-Finance(Recipients of Research Scholarship must be Full-Time students)(Documentary evidence of financial support (atleast a minimum sum of S$12,000.00) in the form of a bank statement, a copy of recent payslip or a letter of confirmation from a sponsor must be enclosed.)Department / Programme Applying To (Please tick √ in one box only)Departments Biological Sciences Mathematics Chemistry Pharmacy Physics Statistics & Applied Probability Medicinal Chemistry Computational Science and Engineering Specialized Programmes Food Science and TechnologyIf you intend to apply to more than one department, please submit a separate application form, together with another set of supporting documents. A non-refundable fee of S$20.00 (online application) or S$40.00 (paper application) is required for each application.F a c u l t y o f S c i e n c eG r a d u a t e P r o g r a m m e sHome Address :Postal Address :Correspondence address if different from above________________________________________________________________________________________Please state expected graduation date: ________________________(DD-MM-YY): ( ) AgeNoTel(Home): Female Male: Sex(D/M/Y)Birth:TelofNo(Office): ( ) Date:ofBirthFax No : ( ) Place: Date & Place of Issue :NRIC/PassportNo.Email(School): Ethnic Group :AddressEmail Address (Personal): _______________________Citizenship (Please tick √ in the relevant box)Singaporean MalaysianIndiaSingapore PR P R China Others (Specify _______________ )For Singaporean and Malaysian only (Please tick √ in the relevant box)Singapore Pink Malaysian BlueSingapore Blue Malaysian PinkNS - Singaporean Only (Please tick √ in the relevant box)Completed (ORD : ___________ ) DisruptedApplicableNot Serving (ORD : ___________ ) ExemptedMarital Status (Please tick √ in the relevant box)WidowedSingleSeparatedDivorced No. of children ___________________ MarriedName (Mr / Ms) :Home Address :Relationship : Tel No (Home) : ( )Occupation : Tel No (Office) : ( )[ 3 ] ACADEMICQUALIFICATIONS(Attached certified true copies of certificates, degrees,transcripts. Graduates of foreign universities, please usethe attached transcript request form for official transcripts to be sent direct from your universities)From To Institutions Attended Degree Class / Rank[ 4 ] MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONSFrom To Organisation MembershipStatus [ 5 ] SCHOLARSHIPS, PRIZES OR OTHER AWARDS RECEIVEDFrom To Details Organisation Membership Status[ 6 ] WORK EXPERIENCE, INCLUDE PRESENT OCCUPATIONFrom To Name & Location of Organisation Title & Job Description[ 7 ] LANGUAGES(Please tick √ in the relevant box)Spoken WrittenLanguages Fair Good Excellent Fair Good Excellent[ 8 ] TOEFL/GRE/GATE/IELTS SCORESDate GRE ScoreTest Score TestDateTest TOEFL VerbalIELTS QuantitativeGATE AnalyticalTotal[ 9 ] CONFERENCE AND JOURNAL PUBLICATIONSJournals Books Papers : InternationalofNumberJournals ProceedingsLocal(List Details Below and please attached top page of the publication to this application form.)Please list the details by using the following format:-1) for Journal Publications: Authors, Title of the paper, Journal name, Volume, Page number (Year)2) for Conferences: Authors, Title of the paper, Name of the Conference, Place (Date of the conference)[ 10 ] PROPOSED RESEARCHProposed Research Area and Details:[ 11 ] OTHER INFORMATION (Please tick √ in the relevant box)(a) Have you previously applied for admission or been admitted to any postgraduate programme(s) in NUS?NoYes ( Please give details below)Programme(s) applied for ::applicationofYearOutcome of application : Successful / Rejected (please delete accordingly) (b) Will you be receiving financial support from other sources apart from NUS?NoYes (Please give details below)Name of award : Name of Sponsor :Period of award : Length of Bond (if any) : Amount of Award :(c) Do you still wish to be considered for admission if your research scholarship application is unsuccessful?No Yes NAIf yes, you are required to provide documentary evidence of financial support (at least a minimum sum of S$12,000.00) in the form of a bank statement, a copy of recent payslip or a letter of confirmation from a sponsor. The average monthly expenditure for a single foreign graduate student is about S$1,000. (Please refer to page III of this application form.)(d) If you have applied to another department in the Faculty of Science, please state the second departmentwhich you have applied to:_____________________________________________________[ 12 ] REFEREESName: Title:Address:Occupation: EmailAddress:Name: Title:Address:Occupation: EmailAddress:[ 13 ] DECLARATIONHave you ever been convicted of any offence by a court of law in any country or are there any court proceedings pending against you anywhere in respect of any offence?□Yes □NoAre you currently, or have you ever been, charged with or subject to disciplinary action for any type of misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution?□Yes □NoAre you currently, or have you ever been, under investigation or subject to enquiry in respect of any misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution?□Yes □NoIf your answer to any or all of the above questions is yes, please provide a full statement of relevant information on a separate sheet of paper (and attach the relevant documents).I hereby declare that all information provided by me in connection with this application is true, accurate and complete. I understand that any inaccurate, incomplete or false information given or any omission of information required shall render this application invalid and NUS may at its discretion withdraw any offer of acceptance made to me on the basis of such information or, if already admitted, I may be liable to disciplinary action, which may result in my expulsion from NUS. And I hereby authorise NUS to obtain and verify any part of the information given by me from or with any source, as it deems appropriate.Signature : Date :INSTRUCTIONSThe following non-refundable application fee is payable for each programme you apply for:Mode of Application Application Fee Online application S$20 per application (inclusive of GST) Paper application S$40 per application (inclusive of GST)Payment by PostPayment by post can be made by either a cheque or bank draft drawn on a bank inSingapore and made payable to ‘National University of Singapore’. The cheque or bank draft should have the sender’s name, mailing address and programme applied for written on the reverse side .Personal cheques (should be crossed) are accepted only from candidates in Singapore. International applicants are requested to send bank draft and not personal cheques. Please DO NOT send cash by post.Payment by NETSPersonal payment by NETS will only be accepted at the Student Service Centre(located at Level 1, Yusof Ishak House) during 8.30 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday.Applicant’s Copy (To be completed by Applicant)Name of Bank (& Cheque/Bank Draft No):________________________________________Degree Applied For: ____________________________________________________________Department Applied For: ________________________________________________________Name: ________________________________________________Address :______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________Office of Finance CopyName: ________________________________________________________ ) To be completed NRIC/Passport No. (if any): _______________________________________ ) by ApplicantAmount Received (inclusive of GST) : ______________________Faculty/School: Faculty of ScienceCredit to GL account : WBS 530132/C-141-000-005-001APPLICATION FEE FORM(For Graduate Research Programmes)The University usually conducts the Research Scholarship overseas interview for international applicants.These interviews will be held in February (for August Intake) and August (for January Intake), at the following venues:P.R. China India - Shanghai - New Delhi - Beijing - Chennai- CalcuttaFor other international applicants who are not residing in P.R.China or India, the University may arrange a separate interview.We will send you the notification of the date, time and venue of interview to your email address sometime in February (for August Intake) / August (for January Intake). You should, therefore, inform us of any change in your email address.*****PLEASE ATTACH THIS FORM WITH YOUR APPLICATION MATERIALS*****F a c u l t y o f S c i e n c eG r a d u a t e P r o g r a m m e sTRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORMTo: The ApplicantPlease complete this section of the form and send it to the Registrar (or relevant person-in-charge) of the University from which you are requesting your transcript.Applicant’s Name : Date of Birth :Applicant’s Address :University :Date of Enrolment : FromToField of Study :Degree and Date of :ConfermentTo: The Registrar / Person-In-Charge1. The person whose name appears above is applying for our research scholarship and for admission toour higher degree programme.2. The application cannot be considered without an official academic records submitted by your University.This transcript must bear the stamp of your University and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorised person.3. Subject to the rules governing your University, the transcript should include:(a) Date of enrolment;(b) A list of all subjects taken (with dates), and the grades obtained in each subject; (c) Title of degree awarded and date of conferment; (d) Rank in class;(e) Interpretation or explanation of the grades, marks or scores.4. If the transcript is in a language other than English, please provide an official translation.5. Please send the official transcript together with this form to the applicant in a sealed envelope whoseopening bear SECURITY SEALS used by the university/college.F a c u l t y o f S c i e n c eG r a d u a t e P r o g r a m m e sCONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON GRADUATE APPLICANTName of Applicant :Department Applied for :The person named above is applying to undertake research leading to a postgraduate degree. The Division of Research & Graduate Studies, Faculty of Science would appreciate your personal assessment of the candidate's intellectual ability, character and potential. All information provided will be treated in confidence.1. How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity ?< 1 yr Capacity : 1 - 5 years> 5 years2. Among the students at a similar level, how would you rate the applicant ?Exceptional (highest 5%) Average (next highest 25%)Outstanding (next highest 5%) Below Average (lowest 50%)Above Average (next highest 15%)Unable to Judge3. How would you rate the applicant's proficiency in English ?Reading :Spoken :ExcellentExcellentGoodGoodFairFairPoor Poor4. What is your recommendation concerning admission ?The applicant has my highest recommendation.I recommend the applicant with confidence.I recommend the applicant with some reservation.I do not recommend the applicant.F a c u l t y o f S c i e n c eG r a d u a t e P r o g r a m m e s5. Personal report on applicantThank you for providing this report.Referee's Name :Designation :Address :Signature : Date :CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON GRADUATE APPLICANTName of Applicant :Department Applied for :The person named above is applying to undertake research leading to a postgraduate degree. The Graduate Programmes, Faculty of Science would appreciate your personal assessment of the candidate's intellectual ability, character and potential. All information provided will be treated in confidence.1. How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity ?< 1 yr Capacity : 1 - 5 years > 5 years 2. Among the students at a similar level, how would you rate the applicant ?Exceptional (highest 5%) Average (next highest 25%)Outstanding (next highest 5%) Below Average (lowest 50%)Above Average (next highest 15%)Unable to Judge3. How would you rate the applicant's proficiency in English ?Reading :Spoken :ExcellentExcellentGoodGoodFairFairPoor Poor4. What is your recommendation concerning admission ?The applicant has my highest recommendation.I recommend the applicant with confidence.I recommend the applicant with some reservation.I do not recommend the applicant.F a c u l t y o f S c i e n c eG r a d u a t e P r o g r a m m e s。







申请人允许提交在疫情期间获得的托福包含TOEFLiBT®Special Home Edition、TOEFLITP®Plus(至少627分),雅思包含IELTS indicator考试7.0分以上的成绩单。



三、新加坡国立大学法学院下设的硕士专业1、法学硕士LLM(General),法学背景,学制一年,学费29,950新币,托福85分以上或者雅思6分以上;2、企业及金融服务法LLM(Corporate & Financial Services Law),学制一年,学费29,950新币,托福92分以上或者雅思7分以上;3、知识产权与技术法LLM(Intellectual Property & Technology Law),学制一年,学费29,950新币,托福92分以上或者雅思7;4、国际与比较法 LLM(International & Comparative Law),学制一年,学费29,950新币,托福92分以上或者雅思7分以上;5、海商法 LLM(Maritime Law),学制一年,学费29,950新币,托福92分以上或者雅思7分以上;6、亚洲法律研究LLM(Asian Legal Studies),学制一年,学费29,950新币,托福92分以上或者雅思7分以上;7、国际商法 LLM (International Business Law),学制一年,华东政法联合办学,学费17,600新币,托福92以上或雅思6.5。






The Dr Goh Keng Swee (GKS) Scholarship is a private sector scholarshipadministered by the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS).Each year, 3 to 4 scholarships are awarded to outstanding individuals from 15 Asia Pacificeconomies (Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, PRC, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar) to pursue undergraduate studies at local universities in Singapore i.e. NationalUniversity of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), SingaporeManagement University (SMU) and Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD).GKS奖学金是由新加坡银行协会管理的私人机构的奖学金。













































在未来的学习和工作中,我将:1. 深入研究法学理论,关注国内外法学动态,为我国法治建设贡献自己的力量。

2. 积极参与法律实践,提高自己的法律实务能力,为人民群众提供优质的法律服务。

3. 培养良好的职业道德,树立正确的价值观,为我国法治事业贡献自己的青春。






















2014年人大法学院博士生复试名单2014-4-9考号姓名考号姓名考号姓名1826 安剑泉1852 谷峻杰1821 李静1680 曹波2155 郭雪军2002 李琳1804 曹克奇1786 韩煦2036 李帅1588 曹伟1704 何婧2003 李万福1650 曹杨1969 何文杰1495 李晓1516 陈蔼婧1713 何小俊1536 李源1479 陈记平1584 何忠凯1573 李振斌1543 陈立莹1856 贺涛1499 连赛君1947 陈帅锋1659 侯隆哲1530 梁如亮1524 陈松涛2105 侯鹏1492 梁曦月2053 陈微(深圳)2054 胡利明1500 林海2092 陈宇1878 黄凡(骨干计划)2107 林智明1679 程国栋1533 黄山杉1938 蔺琴玲1844 程建华1522 纪伦2052 刘斌(深圳)1898 程万华2095 季华1612 刘丹2077 程旸1625 简爱2065 刘飞琴1824 程叶1639 简琨益(骨干计划)1727 刘浩1527 褚湛1784 姜川1605 刘华英1556 崔金鹏1476 蒋海洪1760 刘金厦2069 崔盈1829 蒋言1812 刘琨1884 戴桢钧1519 蒋正阳2160 刘晓2087 邓华1776 焦增军(深圳)1930 刘雁军1548 邓静秋1484 解永照1542 刘莹2060 丁霖2057 金铭1729 刘宇晗1970 董成惠(深圳)1777 景光强(深圳)1862 柳芃2121 董晓敏1832 康晨黎2091 卢微微1531 段瑞群1880 亢晶晶1597 路诚2113 樊熙1690 兰健(骨干计划)1653 吕翰岳2017 付大学1655 兰英科2098 吕昊1961 高碧芬(深圳)1641 雷一鸣2115 吕宁宁1509 高成军1651 李斌1859 马洪鹏1595 高刘阳1789 李东骏1600 马杰(深圳)1749 高一寒1596 李红霞1848 马荣伟1834 高悦1771 李辉1801 葛鑫2010 李金鹏考号姓名考号姓名考号姓名1571 毛圣慧(深圳) 1754 汤从训1756 吴建丽1496 孟祥菡1717 田晓1770 吴烨(骨干计划)1825 缪晓虹1654 童策1872 武健1621 牛帅帅1924 王宝道2044 夏伟亮1943 欧元捷2166 王倡慧子1858 夏壮壮1657 裴大明1475 王陈平1809 肖玉超1666 亓飞2056 王春磊1897 谢财能2078 亓晓萌1912 王德良1908 谢君泽1785 齐协1525 王芳1598 谢鹏1906 乔宇2131 王海波(深圳)2088 徐乃刚1842 秦永志1647 王焕婷1971 徐瑞阳1535 任海宏1619 王俊1537 徐奕斐1819 任家桔2031 王丽娜1466 徐媛媛1706 任俊龙1882 王路真(深圳)1931 徐月笛1719 申晨1980 王美舒1705 许珂1881 沈佳(深圳)1602 王祺(深圳)1698 闫平超1506 沈田1594 王茜1990 杨光1494 沈语衡2046 王倩1904 杨静1733 石宏(深圳)1570 王群(深圳)1979 杨疏影1769 史佳欣(对口支援)1726 王盛雅2134 杨晓丽(深圳)2025 舒丹1552 王书琦1463 杨欣2100 宋姣1469 王文娟1967 姚驰1850 宋珂1472 王汐1618 叶俊泽1560 宋龙飞2094 王小剑1740 叶阳(深圳)1539 孙斌1696 王亚红1800 于海旭1712 孙雷鸣2120 王艳芳2049 于鲁平1681 孙利国2070 王伊晋1988 于宁1515 孙明春2139 王晫2030 余君山1547 孙森森1580 魏新科1652 余倩棠1521 孙少石1544 温学鹏1526 俞阳1613 孙天乐2038 闻韬1866 袁鹏2159 孙忠刚1563 吴敌1604 曾滨(深圳)1831 唐芒花2085 吴官政2161 曾凤辰考号姓名考号姓名1955 翟李鹏1695 赵康1920 张宝成1685 赵卿1895 张瀚文1514 赵一单1952 张鸿绪2000 赵玉东1868 张兰兰1863 赵志毅1806 张蕾蕾1817 郑谧2090 张深深1687 郑庆宇1497 张世金1603 周洁1960 张伟(深圳)1665 周时雨1926 张小洁1689 朱璨1835 张晓曼(骨干计划)1742 朱佳林(深圳)1643 张义健1991 朱战威1903 张永进2138 祝珺1585 张裕欣2034 祝远石2142 张元鑫1562 左晶(对口支援)1462 张强1505 左文盼1736 章晓卉说明:考号为准考证后4位。

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新加坡国立大学法学院提供2014-2015学年博士生研究奖学金,具体内容如下:As Asia’s Global Law School, the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore (NUS Law) is committed to fostering excellence in research by building a strong core of doctoral research students.
The NUS PhD comprises: (i) course work (up to 6 graduate courses, taken in the first year), followed by (ii) a thesis of not more than 80,000 words. Successful applicants will commence their candidature as probationary PhD students and will work under the supervision of a Faculty member at NUS Law. Within 12-18 months of their candidature, probationary PhD students must orally defend an outline of the proposed PhD thesis at the Doctoral Candidate Qualifying Examination (DCQE). Candidates who succeed at DCQE will have their PhD candidature confirmed and may proceed to write the thesis.
Successful PhD applicants will also be recommended for the award of a Graduate Research Scholarship for the duration of their candidature, subject to satisfactory progress, and with a maximum tenure of four years.
The closing date for all applicants is 1 December 2013. Application instructions can be found at
1.A good Bachelor’s degree in Law (LLB/BA) and a good Master’s degree in Law (LLM/BCL/MJur) is the minimum requirement. The Master’s degree in Law should have been awarded within minimum Upper Second Class Honours (or equivalent) and, preferably, with First Class Honours(or equivalent)
2.The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for all foreign applicants except those from English-medium institutions in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA. We strongly prefer the internet-based TOEFL and a minimum score of 100 is required.
3.The selection committee will consider the alignment of the proposed PhD research topic with NUS Law’s research strengths and priorities, which may be found at
4.Applicants are particularly sought within the fields of Asian Legal Studies, Banking and Financial Law, Competition Law, Corporations, Criminal Law, Environmental Law, Insolvency, Intellectual Property, Public International Law, Legal Theory and Legal Philosophy, Shipping and
Maritime Law, and Tax Law
5.Successful applicants recommended for the award of a Graduate Research Scholarship wil receive:(i)a monthly stipend, and (ii) a full tuition fee subsidy. For International Students, the monthly stipend is currently S$2,000. Probationary PhD students who successfully pass the Doctoral Candidate Qualifying Examination (DCQE) will receive an additional monthly stipend of up to $500 per month.
6.The Graduate Research Scholarship and any additional stipends are renewable annually subject to good performance
7.In addition to their annual leave (21 working days), Graduate Research Scholars are eligible to apply for (i) Research and Conference Leave, (ii) Leave of Absence.
8.Graduate Research Scholars who apply successfully for Research and Conference leave will receive additional financial support, capped at a maximum of S$4,000 throughout their degree candidature
All correspondence should be addressed to Admissions (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, Eu Tong Sen Building, 469G Bukit Timah Road.
UK-based applicants may arrange to see Professor Stephen Girvin, Vice Dean。
