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1. give n2. at a gla nee3. flue ncy4. Give n5. hopefully7. defi ne8. looked him up9. no good10. quoted, con text11. guida nee12. immediate13. disgust14. come across15. put into practice16. scope1. washed his hands of2. give n3. putt ing …into practice4. was confron ted with5. coun teri ng6. were reduced to eat ing7. at a gla nee8. took refuge in9. less practicable10. coun tered11. dedicati on12. in disgust13. relied on14. for their part15. gave up as he was confron ted with evide nee.6. The in cide nt should be viewed in the wider con text of the political turmoil of that time.四1. has come dow n2. came to3. comes out4. come up with5. come in6. came across7. has come about8. come off9. come to10. give up11. was give n back12. gave away13. gave out14. give in15. gives off/out cloze1. express2. both3. inten ded4. still5. where6. pers onal7. of8. them9. make10. before11. still12. before13. flue nt14. while15. eno ugh16. on17. in18. In19. Fi nd20. Who21. carefully22. to23. possible24. make25. depe nd第一课Vocabulary work1. Without suitable en terta inment, these young people ofte n get bored and take refuge in drinking and tak ing drugs.2. The school washed its hands of the students 'behavior during the spring recess.3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks.4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner 's dictionary.5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon26. than27. made28. use29. phrases30. above31. on32. dem on strate33. out34. writ ing Passage Tran slati onTo master a large vocabulary is crucial to the flue ncy in a foreig n Ian guage. It is showed by the statistics which are uno fficial but freque ntly quoted concerning the Cambridge First Certificate exam in ati on that those stude nts with a vocabulary of less tha n 3,500 words are less likely to succeed in the exam. The latest research also in dicates that n ative speaker of En glish knows at least 16,000 English words, whe n he has received educati on un til he's 18 or more. Uni ess you are proficie nt in a Ian guage such as Spanish or Germa n, there is no shortcut to a large vocabulary: you have to depe nd on dilige nee and dedicati on. Of course, you can infer from con text the meaning of some new words you come across in read in g., but ofte n you have to con sult a dict ionary to clarify the exact meanin gs. A practical method to lear n new words may be read ing widely, especially readi ng those in terest ing and excit ing. Repeatedly, the same books is often beneficial to you: each time you read it you 'll learn different new words, and the familiar con text also helps you to en grave these new words on your mind deeply.un precede nteddime nsions for the Un ited States.6 . Even to this day, the hunger he suffered in his childhood still haunts him. 7 . Robert overcame his shyn ess which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary 's presence.8 . The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price. 四 1.I don 't think it isrealistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in n eed of help. 2.More and more people are beingawake ned to the urge nt n eed of combat ing air polluti on. 3.There are visible sig ns that some of the time-ho nored old traditi ons and values are no Ion ger cherished by the young people. 4.Many of us find the no ti on of a boun dless uni verse is hard to grasp. 5.There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulati on s, it is little won der that a han dful of speculators got rich overni ght. 6.An un precede ntedboom in tourism brought sudde n prosperity to the small border tow n, which was formerly in habited by only three hun dred people. 7.In the light of this in formati on, that country already has the第二课Vocabulary work1. Noti ons in habited2. Denial3. In depe ndent4. Realistic5. Pass for6. Con seque nt7. A han dful of8. As opposed to9.Urged in flue ntial10 . Eternal 11. In search of 12 . Cherish 13 . Related14 . Deni al, was opposed to 15 . Haunted 16 . Discerned I.Combat2 . Capabilities3 . Eternal4 . Opposed to5 . In search of6 . Stake …on7 . No won der8 . In the light of9 . Discern 10 . Paralyzed II.Crying out for12 . Awaken to 13 . Consequent 14 . Sensitive to1. She showed a complete lack of in terest in the subject un der discussi on. 2 . Now that she 's got a pa-ttme job, she is finan cially in depe ndent of her family.3 . As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in n eed, regardless of the reas ons for their n eed.4 . These stars are barely visible to the n aked eyes.5 . The depressi on that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of capabilities to make nu clear weap ons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his frien ds, he staked all his money on high-risk ven tures.Cloze1. Other2. Magaz ines3. Con sider4. Times5. An swered6. Ways7. Questi ons8. Offer9. Differ10. For11. Themselves12. To13. Ope n14. Mak ing15. So16. Si ngle17. With18. Others19. You ng20. Private21. Tha n22. Curriculum23. Kin ds24. Should25. Amount26. Or27. Charge28. WhatError Correcti on1 .Must-ca n2 .Start-starti ng3 .Go后加to4 .Learn 后力口from5 .That-what6 .Are-were7 .You前加if8 .Imagi native-u ni maginative9 .In spite - despite10 .W ay+out第三课Vocabulary work1. Accord in gly2. Credits3. Ideal4. Hono rable5. Con ceive of6. Defect7. In short8. Premise9. Objective10. Co ncept11. Triumph12. In duce13. Vicious14. Ven ture15. As the case may be16. verified1. ideal2. objective3. n egative about4. hono rable5. exter nal6. as the case may be7. premise8. prevailed upon9. defects10. accord in gly11. is not con siste nt with12. con structed13. conceive of14. verify15. in duce16. vicious1. This medici ne is for exter nal use, not to be take n orally.2. It n ever occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purely out ofmalice.3. At the receptio n, anatmosphere of warm frien dshipprevailed there.4. Many wome n canidentify with the movie 'sheroine, who struggles to gainrespect and fulfill her ambti ons.5. He claimed credit forthe success of this project eventhough he had con tributed verylittle.6. Wome n are ofte n thefirst to fall victim to risi ng unemployme nt at a time of recession.7. What he does isncon siste nt with her says.8. I will start working orpursue graduate studies,as the case may be.四1. Set up2. Set aside3. Set back4. Set out5. Set about6. Set off7. Was going on8. Went out9. Go by10. Has gone without11. Go after12. Went through with13. Go over14. Go into15. Went off16. Are going in forCloze1. As2. In3. Con firm4. Stupid5. Way6. Rather7. That8. Out9. Lon ger10. How11. From12. Sales13. To14. Co ntin ued15. More16. Still17. Not18. Self-image19. Certai n20. From21. From22. comePassage Tran slati onIf you set out to do some bus in ess butfailed, do not lose your con fide nee.There are great differe nces betwee n that"I failed three times ”and that afailure ” . As long as you try to learn fromyou failure in stead of holdi ng a n egativeview about yourself or iden tify ing withfailure, you are very likely to succeed inthe future. Have you ever thought that thosewho have failed aga in and aga in are alwaysthe victims of bad self-image? They failedofte n because of not exter nal reas ons butinternal reas ons. Coun tless examplesverify that if those people could beprevailed on to cha nge their view and setup positive self-image, their performa neewould cha nge miraculously. Success can comeat any time, whe never you are thirty, fortyor whe n it seems that you have failed allyour life. Success in early years is sweet, but the late one is more tasty.第四课Vocabulary work1. Bless ing2. Borders3. Childish4. Desperatio n5. Mercy6. Sig nature7. Steadily8. Stand out9. Came over10 . Broke his heart11. Pay back12 . Flung13 . Consent14.Hold your ton gue1. Held his ton gue2. Bless ing to3. Flung4. Forgive5. Tha nkful6. Pay you back7. Did me a bad turn8. Border9. Mercy10. With the consent1. For God 's sake, tell me how you feel about the whole arran geme nt.2. Our military forces are fully prepared for the executi on of the order of the military commissi on.3. They have so far collected more tha n 5,000 sig natures for the petiti on aga inst the new land developme nt.4. His con diti on has gone steadily worse since he was defeated in the preside ntial elect ion.5. A feeli ng of faintn ess sudde nly came over me, so that I had to lie dow n.6. It will break your mother 's heart when she finds out that you 're cheated on exams and had bee n dismissed from school.7. As an extremely accomplished violinist, he stood out from 10. Taken upall the other amateur 11. Take inmusicia ns. 12. Take up8. His recomme nding 13. Paying foryou to the pers onnel 14. Paid offman ager did you a good 15. Pay backturn. 16. Pay up, paid up四17. Paid off.1.Somebody says that the Clozebest resp onse to un fair 1. Upcriticisms is to forgive and 2. Drewforget. 3. Bel ong2. For God 's sake, why 4. Outdidn 't you call me? 5. Like3. I kicked the door ope n 6. Awaywith desperati on, and 7. Preseneefound him lying in the bed 8. Afteruncon sciously. 9. Bewildered4. The mecha nician flung 10. Histhe tools with an ger, n ever 11. Into con ti nue. 12. Over5.Mark was so childish 13. Onthat he left the meeti ng 14. Voicejust because some 15. Con tracted represe ntatives con tested 16. Onhis ideas. 17. Must6. She was tha nkful that 18. Arrestedshe kept her job whe n 19. Truemost of her co-workers 20. Stillwere laid off. 21. With7.Courage, selfless ness 22. Toand stre ngth of will sta nd 23. Outout all over the Gadfly. 24. With8.If you build an exte nsion 25. Seizedto your house without the 26. Faultconsent of the local 27. In sta ntpla nning authorities, you 28. Struckwill be ordered to 29. Overdemolish/pull dow n what 30. Butyou have built. 31. Rou nd五32. alo ne1. Took off Error Correcti on2. Take to 1. obvious 前力口 of3. Took on 2. Furthermore-However4. Taken on 3. To-o n5. Took for 4. Look-see6. Takes after 5. Non e-all7. Took dow n 6. Other-a no ther8. Take n in 7. Violate-violati ng9. Took over 8. Fiction 前加 in9. In volvi ng-i nvolved10. Are-were第五课Vocabulary work1.Dist in guish between2 .In practice3 .To the con trary4 .Procedures5 .In prin ciple6 .Proporti onal7 .Rebels8 .Strive for9. Replaced10 . Outcome11. Adopted12 . Criterion13 . Abandoned14 . Appo in ted15. Banned16 . Effective17 . Formulated18 . Ingredients19 . Circulated20 . Retain21 . Rebel22 . condemned1. took his word for it2. formulated3. in practice4. met with5. represe nting6. strive7. imme nse8. infin ite9. adopt10. appo in ted11. circulates12. reta ining13. are subjected to14. its outcome15. modified16. condemned17. suppress ing18. largely19. in gredie nt20. criteria1. Take my word for it, you 'll buyPassage Tran slati onScien tists are a small group of peoplewho are strivi ng to gain in sight into nature and seek for laws in the superficialdisorder. They have a special ability tothink and an alyze, and un limited patienee in observ ing and collect ing date.However , not all scientific discoveriescan be ascribed to abilities and patie nee;they usually connect closely with creativeimag in ati on. Of course, the leap ofimagination is often the first step leadingto discoveries. Moreover , scie ntists arefamous for their hon esty. They put a highpremium on hon esty, mainly becausethat hon esty is card inal to their career.Every theory they put forward has to befurther tested. Every error and lie aresure to be found. So, if finding someevide nee con tradict ion with their ideas,scie ntists modify even aba ndon theirideas, in stead of con ceali ng them. Inthis way, they accumulate an imme nseamount of kno wledge, which can help usun dersta nd ourselves and surr oundingsbetter.no thi ng but trouble if youbuy that house.2. Dr. Li has always bee ncredited with being able to understa nd and sympathize withhis patie nts.3. If I don ' t hearanything to the con trary, Icome to meet you on July 8th.4. It 's veiiyiportant tofollow the safety procedureslaid dow n in the service manual.5. The police found outwhat the terrorists were up tobefore they could carry outtheir bomb attack.6. The new Medicareprogram puts a high premium onpreve nti on and primary care.7. Back the n at home wewere banned to read children's comics because my pare ntsthought they were not a goodin flue nee.8. It is very esse ntialthat childre n be taught todistinguish right from wrong.9. The nu mber of representatives of each state isproportional to the size ofits populatio n.10. A no velist cannot be agreat on uni ess he has a welldeveloped in sight into human n ature.11. More and more peoplehave come to realize thatcancer of the lung has more todo with smok ing tha n withanything else.12. Late frosts acco untfor the poor fruit-crop ofthis year.13. An effective way toreduce labor cost is to userobots replaci ng workers.14. What's the matter withyou today? WhateverI say you con tradict.Cloze1. Questi ons2. Solv3. Out4. Betwee n5. Establish ing 6 These7. With8Science9. Do 10. In11. So'121 Uni verse13. Highest14. Dislikes15. Did16. Un pleasa nt17. Believe18. Hear19. Flyi ng20. Breathe21. Age22. Terms23. Reverse24. Serve25. Those26. Themselves27. to。



第一课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1. given2. at a glance3. fluency4. Given5. hopefully7. define8. looked him up9. no good10. quoted, context11. guidance12. immediate13. disgust14. come across15. put into practice16. scope二1. washed his hands of2. given3. putting…into practice4. was confronted with5. countering6. were reduced to eating7. at a glance8. took refuge in9. less practicable10. countered11. dedication12. in disgust13. relied on14. for their part15. gave up三1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs.2. T he school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks.4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary.5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence.6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四1. has come down2. came to3. comes out4. come up with5. come in6. came across7. has come about8. come off9. come to10. give up11. was given back12. gave away13. gave out14. give in15. gives off/outcloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of8. them9. make10. before11. still12. before13. fluent14. while15. enough16. on17. in18. In19. Find20. Who21. carefully22. to23. possible24. make25. depend26. than27. made28. use29. phrases30. above31. on32. demonstrate33. out34. writingPassage TranslationTo master a large vocabulary is crucial to the fluency in a foreign language. It is showed by the statistics which are unofficial but frequently quoted concerning the Cambridge First Certificate examination that those students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are less likely to succeed in the exam. The latest research also indicates that native speaker of English knows at least 16,000 English words, when he has received education until he’s 18 or more. Unless you are proficient in a language such as Spanish or German, there is no shortcut to a large vocabulary: you have to depend on diligence and dedication. Of course, you can infer from context the meaning of some new words you come across in reading., but often you have to consult a dictionary to clarify the exact meanings. A practical method to learn new words may be reading widely, especially reading those interesting and exciting. Repeatedly, the same books is often beneficial to you: each time you read it you’ll learn different new words, and the familiar context also helps you to engrave these new words on your mind deeply.第二课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(2u)(2010-07-20 14:15:35)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Notions inhabited2.Denial3.Independent4.Realistic5.Pass for6.Consequent7.A handful of8.As opposed to9.Urged influential10.Eternal11.In search of12.Cherish13.Related14.Denial, was opposed to15.Haunted16.Discerned二1.Combat2.Capabilities3.Eternal4.Opposed to5.In search of6.Stake …on7.No wonder8.In the light of9.Discern10.Paralyzed11.Crying out for12.Awaken to13.Consequent14.Sensitive to三1.She showed a complete lack of interest in the subject under discussion.2.Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3.As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need.4.These stars are barely visible to the naked eyes.5.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the United States.6.Even to this day, the hunger he suffered in his childhood still haunts him.7.Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence. 8.The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.四1. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe is hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Cloze1. Other2. Magazines3. Consider4. Times5. Answered6. Ways7. Questions8. Offer9. Differ10. For11. Themselves12. To13. Open14. Making15. So16. Single17. With18. Others19. Young20. Private21. Than22. Curriculum23. Kinds24. Should25. Amount26. Or27. Charge28. WhatError Correction1.Must-can2.Start-starting3.Go后加to4.Learn后加from 5.That-what6.Are-were7.You 前加if 8.Imaginative-unimaginative 9.Inspite - despite 10.Way+out第三课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(3u)(2010-07-20 14:37:55)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1. Accordingly2. Credits3. Ideal4. Honorable5. Conceive of6. Defect7. In short8. Premise9. Objective10. Concept11. Triumph12. Induce13. Vicious14. Venture15. As the case may be16. verified二1. ideal2. objective3. negative about4. honorable5. external6. as the case may be7. premise8. prevailed upon9. defects10. accordingly11. is not consistent with12. constructed13. conceive of14. verify15. induce16. vicious三1. This medicine is for external use, not to be taken orally.2. It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purely out of malice.3. At the reception, an atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed there.4. Many women can ident ify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respect and fulfill her ambtions.5. He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributed very little.6. Women are often the first to fall victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7. What he does isn’t consistent with her says.8. I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.四1. Set up2. Set aside3. Set back4. Set out5. Set about6. Set off7. Was going on8. Went out9. Go by10. Has gone without11. Go after12. Went through with13. Go over14. Go into15. Went off16. Are going in forCloze1. As2. In3. Confirm4. Stupid5. Way6. Rather7. That8. Out9. Longer10. How11. From12. Sales13. To14. Continued15. More16. Still17. Not18. Self-image19. Certain20. From21. From22. comePassage TranslationIf you set out to do some business but failed, do not lose your confidence. There are great differences between that “I failed three times” and that “I am a failure”. As long as y ou try to learn from you failure instead of holding a negative view about yourself or identifying with failure, you are very likely to succeed in the future. Have you ever thought that those who have failed again and again are always the victims of bad self-image? They failed often because of not external reasons but internal reasons. Countless examples verify that if those people could be prevailed on to change their view and set up positive self-image, their performance would change miraculously. Success can come at any time, whenever you are thirty, forty or when it seems that you have failed all your life. Success in early years is sweet, but the late one is more tasty.第四课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(4u)(2010-07-20 15:01:33)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Blessing2.Borders3.Childish4.Desperation5.Mercy6.Signature7.Steadily8.Stand out9.Came over10.Broke his heart11.Pay back12.Flung13.Consent14.Hold your tongue二1. Held his tongue2. Blessing to3. Flung4. Forgive5. Thankful6. Pay you back7. Did me a bad turn8. Border9. Mercy10. With the consent三1. For God’s sake, tell me how you feel abou t the whole arrangement.2. Our military forces are fully prepared for the execution of the order of the military commission.3. They have so far collected more than 5,000 signatures for the petition against the new land development.4. His condition has gone steadily worse since he was defeated in the presidential election.5. A feeling of faintness suddenly came over me, so that I had to lie down.6. It will break your mother’s heart when she finds out that you’re cheated on exams and had been dismissed from school.7. As an extremely accomplished violinist, he stood out from all the other amateur musicians.8. His recommending you to the personnel manager did you a good turn.四1. Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticisms is to forgive and forget.2. For God’s sake, why didn’t you call me?3. I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconsciously.4. The mechanician flung the tools with anger, never to continue.5. Mark was so childish that he left the meeting just because some representatives contested his ideas.6. She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off.7. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.8. If you build an extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you will be ordered to demolish/pull down what you have built.五1. Took off2. Take to3. Took on4. Taken on5. Took for6. Takes after7. Took down8. Taken in9. Took over10. Taken up11. Take in12. Take up13. Paying for14. Paid off15. Pay back16. Pay up, paid up17. Paid off.Cloze1. Up2. Drew3. Belong4. Out5. Like6. Away7. Presence8. After9. Bewildered10. His11. In12. Over13. On14. V oice15. Contracted16. On17. Must18. Arrested19. True20. Still21. With22. To23. Out24. With25. Seized26. Fault27. Instant28. Struck29. Over30. But31. Round32. aloneError Correction1. obvious 前加of2. Furthermore-However3. To-on4. Look-see5. None-all6. Other-another7. Violate-violating8. Fiction前加in9. Involving-involved10. Are-were第五课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(5u)(2010-07-20 15:29:33)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Distinguish between2.In practice3.To the contrary4.Procedures5.In principle6.Proportional7.Rebels8.Strive for9.Replaced10.Outcome11.Adopted12.Criterion13.Abandoned14.Appointed15.Banned16.Effective17.Formulated18.Ingredients19.Circulated20.Retain21.Rebel22.condemned二1. took his word for it2. formulated4. met with5. representing6. strive7. immense8. infinite9. adopt10. appointed11. circulates12. retaining13. are subjected to14. its outcome15. modified16. condemned17. suppressing18. largely19. ingredient20. criteria三1. Take my word for it, you’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house.2. Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3. If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come to meet you on July 8th.4. It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5. The police found out what the terrorists were up to before they could carry out their bomb attack.6. The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.7. Back then at home we were banned to read children’s comics because my parents thought they were not a good influence.8. It is very essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.9. The number of representatives of each state is proportional to the size of its population.10. A novelist cannot be a great on unless he has a well developed insight into human nature.11. More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.12. Late frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.13. An effective way to reduce labor cost is to use robots replacing workers.14. What’s the matter with you today? Whatever I say you contradict.Cloze1. Questions2. Solving3. Out4. Between6. These7. With8. Science9. Do10. In11. So12. Universe13. Highest14. Dislikes15. Did16. Unpleasant17. Believe18. Hear19. Flying20. Breathe21. Age22. Terms23. Reverse24. Serve25. Those26. Themselves27. toPassage TranslationScientists are a small group of people who are striving to gain insight into nature and seek for laws in the superficial disorder. They have a special ability to think and analyze, and unlimited patience in observing and collecting date. However , not all scientific discoveries can be ascribed to abilities and patience; they usually connect closely with creative imagination. Of course, the leap of imagination is often the first step leading to discoveries. Moreover , scientists are famous for their honesty. They put a high premium on honesty, mainly because that honesty is cardinal to their career. Every theory they put forward has to be further tested. Every error and lie are sure to be found. So, if finding some evidence contradiction with their ideas, scientists modify even abandon their ideas, instead of concealing them. In this way, they accumulate an immense amount of knowledge, which can help us understand ourselves and surroundings better.分享第六课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(6u)(2010-07-20 15:53:05)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work1. Smoothly2. Handicap3. For fear4. Clumsy5. Make a point of6. As a matter of course7. Highlight8. Took great delight in9. Ill at ease10. Adapt11. Role12. Oblivious13. Revolt14. At the mercy of15. Just as well16. Flight二1. Departure2. Clumsy3. Ill at ease4. Bump into5. Handicaps6. Highlights7. Takes great delight in8. At the mercy of9. For fear10. Oblivious to11. Role12. Smoothly13. Sore14. Trapping15. Unloading16. Collapsed三1. It took Bob about two weeks to adapt himself to his new job as sales manager.2. The manager’s secretary makes a point of arriving at he office fifteen minutes early every moring.3. It’s just as well you didn’t come yesterday, we were not here.4. The small grocer was at the mercy of the people he owed money to.5. Bank officials always ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money.6. It revolted me to learn that the world spent so much money on arms while millions of people were dying of hunger.1. The highlight of the circus performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting amused all the spectators.2. It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Ai rline yesterday-it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were killed.3. He never considered that when somebody wanted to help the handicapped girl, she would feel ill at ease.4. As a person taking delight in controlling everything and getting interest from ordering, Charles adapted quickly the new role of the company’s general manger.5. In the past twelve years, Amy has learned to live depending on herself. She takes delight in self-reliance and doing everything by herself.6. Amy refused to go out with Charles as a matter of course, because she disliked to be treated as a handicapped person dependent on others.五1.Pull(yourself) together2.Pulled down3.Pulled in4.Pull through5.Pulled up6.Pulling out7.Pull on8.Pulled out9.Look up10.Looked on11.Look up to12.Look out13.Look up14.Look into15.Looked on16.Look down upon17.Look back18.Looking through19.Looked over20.Looked inCloze1. Am2. Remember3. Color4. Again5. Things6. Occurred7. Day8. Blind9. Prefer10. Them11. What12. To13. Make14. More15. Easy16. In17. Call18. See19. Learn20. That21. Have22. Rest23. Self-confidence24. Something25. Despite26. Person27. Where28. Series29. Time30. No31. Reach32. Failure33. But34. madeError Correction1. by-in2. or-and3. described as4. controllable-uncontrollable5. power-powers6. joined-entered7. be blind8. years-year9. it去掉10. breaking-broken第七课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(7u)(2010-07-20 16:15:28)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Virtual2.Reconciliation3.Deliberately4.Fury5.Essence6.Rational7.Get to the point8.Go out of my mind9.Immersed in10.Precisely11.In the midst12.Lost his nerve13.Supreme14.Apology15.Invasion16.Muttering二1. Lousy2. Lost my nerve3. Immersed in4. Alleged5. Deliberately6. Involving her in7. Upset8. Ironic9. Get to the point10. Fury11. Hang up12. Rational13. The instant14. Fierce15. Instantly16. Squeeze三1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them wanted the reconciliation and become friends again, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady took fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to know with instinct which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I must make an apology-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.四1. Cut off2. Cut back3. Cut in4. Cut across5. Cut down6. Cuts in7. Cut off8. Cut off9. Hangs back10. Hang up11. Hanging about12. Hung together13. Hang on14. Hang on toCloze1. Other2. With3. Increased4. For5. Last6. Who7. Adult8. Summed9. In10. Who11. Better12. Teach13. Without14. As15. View16. Generation17. Granted18. Only19. Decision20. importantPassage TranslationOne day, we received an invitation from my father to his sixtieth birthday party. Jenny regarded it as my father’s actively reaching out to a reconciliation, so we should accept it. I was in the midst of abstracting an important case and preparing for the coming examinations at that time, hence I only used the simplest words to tell her no day to reconcile forever. My refusal apparently madeJenny depressed, but as a rational woman, she didn’t quarrel with me. She just tried to persuade me. But it only made me furious, thinking that Jenny made me upset deliberately. I must have been crazy them, because I did a thing for which I would never forgive myself-I shouted at Jenny and hurled the telephone at her. But once I threw it, I regretted. When I turned back to see her, she had disappeared.I went out to look for her everywhere, but in vain. I was scared to death, not knowing what to do next. When I was going to give up, I suddenly saw Jenny sitting in front of our house. I walked forward to her, saying “Jenny, I’m sorry-” But she interrupted my apology and said, ”love means not ever having to say you’re sorry.”分享第八课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(8u)(2010-07-09 11:45:47)转载标签:教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary Work一1.dense2.accompanied3.confess4.fascinated5.evoked6.voluntary7.intellect8.in sequence9.chorus 10.distinguished himself 11.deviated from 12.lit up 13.over the hill 14.talking shop15.put...back together 16.uncertain二1.fascinated2.distinguished himself3.an amazing4.accompany5.confess6.random7.reigned over 8.overwhelmed 9.glows10.boundary 11.deviated from 12.distinguished13.dimensions e to anything 15.over the hill16.broke down三1.To my surprise,they agreed to all our demands.2.Television has robbed cinema of its popularity.3.The government is defending its economic policies against a chorus of criticism.4.The manager's explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5.When the doctor told him he had lung cancer,Jim was to so overwhelmed that he didn't know what to do.6.The new method deviated totally from the traditional approach and the results were far moresatisfactory.四1.When I was a child,I was fascinated by the idea of taking a round-the-world journey,and used to stay in my grandfather's sanctum for several hours,rolling the globe and imagining the places to travel.2.This afternoon a time bomb exploded at one of the largest supermarkets in London,which evoked a great horror among people.3.Accompanied with his father,Bill went to the police station and confessed to the policeman that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4.After engaged to Jane,Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life.Before long the distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5.Professor Stone was well-known for his sternness.But, to people's surprise, his speech at his daughter's wedding last Saturday was jolly and full of humor.6.To our surprise, there are so many people willing to do voluntary work for the community's benefit.五1.broke up2.broke out3.have broken through4.broke down5.broke in6.broke down7.had been broken into 8.broke away from 9.broke in10.breaks up 11.turn into12.turned in 13.turn up 14.was turned down15.turning out 16.have turned ... into 17.turn down18.had turned over 19.turned out20.turned ...over 21.turn in 22.turned upcloze1.first2.wheelchair3.height4.weigh5.suffered6.worsening7.harmed8.things9.is 10.difficult 11.those 12.down13.hold 14.take 15.if 16.details17.at 18.to 19.books 20.progress21.conferences 22.disease 23.stay w25.difficult 26.simplestError Correction1.been diagnosed2.progress-progressvie3.with-on4.satisfy-satisfying5.apparent-apparently6.the-/7.belief-disbelief8.annoyed-annoying9.have-having10.nurse-nurses第九课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(9u)(2010-07-09 11:18:18)转载标签:教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary Work一1.on the right track2.wary ofes down to4.conservative5.historical6.corporate7.leap8.sum up 9.weighted down 10.luxury11.guarantee 12.policy 13.lucky14.stack the odds against 15.diminished 16.take a chance二1.will come down to2.terrific3.shooting from the hip4.out of date5.lucky6.make a move7.sum up 8.on the right track9.weighted down 10.holding out for11.guarantee 12.ruthless13.target 14.wary of15.a certainty 16.gamble三1.There is nothing you can say that will diminish his enthusiasm for the project.2.He has so many enemies in the town that the odds are heavily stacked against his being elected to the council.3.There is still no certainty that a cease-fire agreement will be reached between the two sides.4.It's always been Dr.Dryden's policy never to lie to his patients.5.Sleeping in a warm bed was a luxury for the earthquake victims.6.A lot of new words are out of date very quickly.四1.brought out2.bring up3.brought to4.bring...together5.bringing down6.bringing back7.bring about 8.bring down 9.bring out10.brought (them)together 11.held(us)back/up12.holding out for 13.hold on to 14.hold on15.hold in/back 16.held out/on 17.held up18.hold back 19.hold (himself)inclozeputer2.problem3.much4.with5.to6.people7.look8.more9.to 10.with 11.do 12.way13.what 14.in 15.affect 16.get17.die 18.with 19.many 20.run21.a 22.how 23.how 24.and25.take 26.now第十课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(10u)(2010-07-06 12:17:01)转载标签:大学英语课后习题答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary Work一1.guilty of2.flames3.equality4.reminds of5.was stripped of6.bankrupt7.destiny8.legitimate9.despair 10.discrimination11.architect 12.had underestimated 13.cool off 14.horror15.threshold 16.crippled二1.fallen heir to2.obligation3.legitimate4.fatigue5.fatal6.thirst7.transforms8.bankrupt9.In a sense 10.defaulted on11.speeding up 12.sacred 13.tied up with 14.horror 15.underestimate16.cool off三1.The man confessed he had been guilty of theft.2.David got in despair as he read the examination questions.3.We are on the threshold of a new era in genetic engineering.4.He was stripped of his knighthood after he was found guilty.5.A taste of power left him with a thirst for more power.6.Some of the basic industries of that country have been crippled as a result of a series of strikes. 四1.The increasing prosperity of the country in a sense owes the government's policy of economic reform.2.The Negro leader regarded it as his sacred obligation to devote himself to realizing racial equality.3.In 1976, the three main architects of the People's Republic-Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Zedong died in sequence.4.I reminded that he had the headmaster more than once of his promise to protect the retired teachers' legitimate behalf.5.The main idea of the story is that one's destiny ties up with the whole country's.6.The riches the youth fell heir to made him realize his dream.五1.stood up for2.stand by3.stand up for4.stood for5.stand by6.stand up to7.stood out8.stand for9.sit in 10.sat on11.sit down 12.will sit for/sat for 13.sit up for 14.sitting on15.sits upClose1.form2.free3.colonial4.nonviolent5.unjust6.lives7.to 8.could 9.of 10.segregation 11.conditions 12.already13.came 14.returning 15.when 16.on 17.not 18.spread19.attend 20.decided sted 22.effective ws 24.victoryeError Correction1.is前面加it2.done-made3.Yet-For4.difficult-easy5.historical-history6.and-but7.appear-disappear8.dissatisfied-satisfied 9.true-truth 10.was-were。


It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated when his efforts appear to produce less obvious results. He finds that students who were easy to teach, because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice, hesitate when confronted with the vast untouched area of English vocabulary and usage which falls outside the scope of basic textbooks. He sees them struggling because the language they thought they knew now appears to consist of abewilderingvariety of idioms, clichéd and accepted phrases with different meanings in different contexts. It is hard to convince them that they are still making progress towards fluency and that their English is certain to improve, given time and dedication.
The Fifth Freedom



每个单元的汉翻英和英翻汉在文档最后5Unit1Study&PracticeⅡ. Paragraph Analysis1. a2. c3. b4. c 5 .b 6 .cⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1) given 2) at a glance 3)fluency 4)Given 5) hopefully 6) define7)looked(him)up 8) no good 9)context 10)guidance11) immediate 12) disgust 13) come across 14)recognition15)scope2.1) washed his hands of 2) given 3) was confronted with 4) countering5) were reduced to eating 6) at a glance 7) took refuge in8) less practicable 9) countered 10) dedication 11) in disgust12) relied on 13) shorts-cuts to3,1) Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and takerefuge in drinking and taking drugs.2) The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3) His cruel remarks reduced the innocent girl to tears.4) Many difficult words are out of the scope of this learner’s dictionary.5) The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with the evidence.6) The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil ofthat time.4.1) has come down 2) came to 3) comes out 4)come up to5) come in 6) came across 7) has come about 8) come off9) come to 10) give up 11) was given back 12) give away13) gave out 14)give in 15) gives off/outⅣ.Cloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of 8.them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In19. find 20. who 21. carefully 22. to 23. possible 24. make25. depend 26. than 27. made 28. use 29. phrases 30. above31. on 32. demonstrate 33. out 34. writingⅤ. Passage Translation(省略)Reading ActivityExercise A1.d2.d3.b4.c5.c6.c7.d8.c9.dExercise B1. d2. h3. g4. c5. f6. a7. j8. I9. b 10. e 1. flexible 2. haphazard 3. established 4. land 5. mediocrity6. identical7. assurance8. device9. a host of 10. quadrupledUnit 2Study &PracticeII. Comprehension Questions5. b6. c7. c 10. aIII. Paragraph Analysis: The Outline(Paras.3-6) We are losing this fifth freedom through three misunderstanding(Paras.4)A. The first misunderstanding is that of the meaning of democracy.We think that democracy in education means gearing all courses to the middlelevel.We reject special programs and schools for superior students as undemocratic.(Paras.5)B. The second misunderstanding is that of the meaning of happiness.This misunderstanding results from our stress on comfort rather than onaccomplishment.The stress on material well-being has been reflected in the schools by too littlediscipline and too easy subjects.(Paras.6)C. The third misunderstanding is that of ultimate values.These values have been denied in recent teacher education.The inevitable result in mass selfishness is already evident.(Paras.7-9)IV.To assure our children the freedom to develop, we must challenge their abilities.(Paras.7)A.We can give them a demanding curriculum.Michelangelo did not learn to paint by doodling.Mozart did not become a pianist by watching television.They, like Eve Curie and Helen Keller, were challenged by disciplined training.(Paras.8)B.We can give them the right to failure.We must not give high school diplomas without regard to merit.We must be realistic about failure to meet standards and must teach our childrenrealism.(Paras.9) C.We can give them the best values we know.We can show them what history has taught us to be true.These truths may inspire us to make a “ringing message”that could mean true freedomfor them.IV. Vocabulary Activities1) notion, inhabited 2)denial 3) independent 4) realistic5)passed for 6) consequent 7) a handful of 8) as opposed to9) urged, influential 10) eternal 11) descendants 12) cherish13) related 14) denial, was opposed to 15) haunted 16) discerned2.1) combat 2) capabilities 3) eternal 4) opposed to 5) outstanding6) stake… on 7) no wonder 8) In the light of 9) discern10) paralyzed 11) crying for 12) awaken to 13) consequent14) sensitive to3.1) No wonder that the children are excited, this is the first time they’ve beenabroad.2) Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3) As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless ofthe reasons for their food.4) The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedenteddimensions for the United States.5) Even to this day, the memory of hunger in his childhood still haunts him.6) Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence.7) The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.4.1) I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact,he himself is in need of help.2) More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating airpollution.3) There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4) Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5) There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonderthat a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6) An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small bordertown, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7) In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilitiesto make nuclear weapons.8) Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money onhighrisk ventures.5.1) Early rising makes for good health.2) I don’t know, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face.3) I’m sorry I can’t quite make out what you mean.4) No, she made the whole thing up.5) Well, I have to make up the hour we lost in Chicago.6) I learned from his wife that he had passed away before my letter reached him.7) I think it can pass for silk.8) It says the storm will pass off before dark.9) Well, I passed it on the manager.10) Perhaps we can pass on the next one.11) I think he will pass it over for this once.Ⅴ. Cloze1. other2. magazines3. consider4. times5. answered6. ways7. questions8. offer9. differ 10. for11. themselves 12. to 13 .open 14. making 15. so 16. single17. with 18. Others 19. young 20. private 21. than22. curriculum 23. kinds 24. Should 25. amount 26. or27. charge 28. whatⅥ. Error Correction1. must-----can2. start---starting3. to(which you go)4. (learn)from5. that---what6. are---were7. (as)if8. imaginative---unimaginative9. Inspite---Despite 10. (way)outReading ActivityExercise A1.a2.d3.c4.b5.d6.c7. c8.dExercise B1.e2.f3.g4.h5.j6.b7.c8.a9.d 10.i1. go against the grain2. bent on3. elite4. preoccupied with5. echo6. set in my ways7.on his mind8. get through9. were lingering 10.wary ofUnit3Study&PracticeⅡ.Comprehension Questions3. c 6. b 9. d 11. bⅢ. Outlining Activity1. The most important psychological discovery of this century is the discovery ofthe “self-image”.A.Self-image is our opinion of ourselves.B.All of us have it and we do not question its validity, but proceed to actupon it just as if it were true.2.This self-image becomes a golden key to living a better life because of twoimportant discoveries.3.The first important discovery is that all our actions, feelings, behavior andabilities are always consistent with this self-images.A.People tend to act like the sort of person they think themselves to be.B.Self-image is a base upon which their entire personality and behavior arebuilt.C.They are unaware of the true causes of their troubles.4.The second important discovery is that one’s self-image can be changed at anytime in his life.A.Up to now our efforts at change have been directed to the circumference ofthe self instead of the center.B.“Positive thinking” about a particular thing will not help as long as wehold a negative self-image.5.Prescott Lecky is often mentioned because he was a pioneer in self-imagepsychology.A.He was a school teacher and made experiment on thousands of students to helpthemChange their self-images.B.He believed that if a student could change his self-image, his learningability would change too.C.The real trouble with those students was an inadequate or negativeself-image.IV. Vocabulary Activities1.1) accordingly 2) credits 3) ideal 4) honorable 5) conceive of6) defect 7) conception 8) premise 9) objective 10) lies in11) have borne out 12) induce 13) vicious 14) venture15) as the case may be2.1) ideal 2) objective 3) negative about 4) honorable 5) external6) as the case may be 7) premise 8) prevailed upon 9) defects10) accordingly 11) is not consistent/inconsistent with12) a miraculous 13) conceive of 14) verified 15)induce 16)vicious 3.1) This medicine is for external use ,not to be taken orally.2) It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purelyout of malice.3) An atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed at the reception.4) Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respectand fulfill her ambitions.5) He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributedvery little.6) Women are often the first to victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7) What he does is not consistent with what he says.8) I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.4.1) set up 2) set side 3) set back 4) set out 5) set about 6) set off 7) was going on 8) went on 9) go by 10) has gone without11) go after 12) went through with 13)go over 14) go into15) went off 16) are going in forV. Cloze.1) as 2) in 3) confirm 4) stupid 5) way 6) rather 7) that8) out 9) longer 10) how 11) from 12) sales 13) to14) continued 15) more 16) still 17) not 18) self-image19) certain 20) from 21) from 22) comeReading ActivityExerciseA1. c2. c3. d 4 a 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. c 9. d10. a 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. cExerciseBI.1. h2. i3. c4. f5. b6. d7. j8. a9. e 10. g II.1. transition2. unique3. spontaneous4. status quo5. appropriate6. potentials7. facilitate8. enhance9. rigid 10. break away from11. equivalents 12. orthodoxUnit4Study & PracticeIII. Vocabulary Activities1.1) ahead of the pack 2) priorities 3) permissive 4) be tailored to5)assumption 6) eligible 7) stopped by 8) correlation 9) in between 10) prestigious 11) enrich 12) Excessive 13) the norm 14) rot15) epidemic 16) presume/presumed 17) exceptional 18) took charge of2.1) looked upon as 2) sprouted up 3) more likely than not 4) presumed5) eligible 6) correlation 7) take the initiative to 8) competence 9) tremendous 10) staying ahead of the pack 11) exceptional12) self-esteem 13) carve out 14) involved in3.1) Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are all exceptional in academic excellence.2) Statistics show that violent crime has been an epidemic in all big U.S. citied.3) Don’t you think high school students are being pushed too hard for good grades.4) Rational persons are most unlikely to go to extremes, for they tend to stick tothe middle ground they’ve occupied.5) For a team, the most important thing is to have close teamwork ; the rest willtake care of itself6) We should be as concerned with the development of variety as with the improvementon quality.4.1) Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on theirchildren to be exceptional in everything.2) Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by severalprestigious, American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3) Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier agesin hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4) In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but willbe out the next.5) More likely than not, what this“new” parenting idea brings about will be“superproblems” rather than “super kids”.6) Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to takeresponsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievement.7) In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To mysurprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8) Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.5.1) looking forward …to 2) looked on 3) look up to /look on 4) Look out5) look up 6)look into 7) looked upon as 8) look down on9) look back 10) Look through 11) looked over 12) looking back on 13) took off 14) take to 15) took on 16) taken on17) took…for 18) takes after/took after 19) took down 20) taken in21)took over 22) taken up 23) take in 24) take upIV. Cloze1.just2. around3. directions4. why5. major6. in7. with8. language9. pairs 10. makes 11. to 12. groups 13. low-status 14. hold 15. skill 16. purpose 17. in 18. out 19. case 20. men 21. where 22. which 23. by 24. from 25. costV. Error Correction1. tried-managed2. (in)the(mid-1970s)3. handwriting-handwritten4. eighth-eight5. for-/6.illterate-literate7.to-for8. parenting-parental 9. between-of 10. for-toReading ActivityExercise A1.N2.N3.Y4.NG5. in the college dining hall/went through all sorts of interviews6. A full-time job supervising student labor in the dining hall7. settle for a job as a bookstore clerk8. mild irony9. a classicist working in the capacity as a bookstore clerk10. It’s about time college graduates from the class of’86 started their lucky orunlucky life journey! Or: It’s about time for college graduates from the class of 1986 to start their lucky or unlucky life journey!Exercise B1. thrive on2. minimal3. persisted in4. ultimate5. aptitude6.plight7. enthusiastic 8. otherwise 9. is/was supervising 10. inquiries11. entails 12. simultaneous 13. desperate for 14.be taken into account 15.pursue 16.prospective 17. at the mercy of 18. recession19. contagious 20. unconcernedUnit5Study&PracticeⅠ. Comprehension Questions3.c4.d5.b 7.d 8.d 11.bⅡ. Outlining Activity3. The Church banned Copernicus’ book, burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo for popularizing Copernicus’ and his own scientific ideas.4. Every age has one or more groups of intellectual rebels who are persecuted, condemned or suppressed; but to a later age, they seem harmless and often essential to the improvement of human conditions.5. Most people have believed that the enormous success of science is due to the use of a scientific method by scientists and Galileo is known as the “Father of the Scientific Method”.6. Rather than the scientific method, the scientific attitude is the key to the successof science.7. Scientists must accept facts whether they like them or not and they must be good at changing their minds because the purpose of science is not to defend their beliefs but to improve them.8. Honesty is the most valuable quality of scientists because it is not only essential to the progress of science but also a matter of self-interest to the scientists themselves.Ⅲ. Vocabulary Activities1.1) distinguish between 2) opposition 3) to the contrary 4) procedures 5) in principle 6)proportional 7) rebels 8) strive for9) Predictions 10) outcome 11) criterion 12) adopted13) speculation 14) banned 15) outweigh 16) formulated, represented 17) ingredients 18) circulated 19) retain 20) pointed out21) condemned2. 1) took his word for it 2) formulated 3) adequate 4) met with5) representing 6)strive 7) immense 8) infinite 9) adopt10) persecuted 11) circulates 12) retaining 13) are subjected to14) its outcome 15) modified 16) condemned 17) suppressing18) largely 19) ingredient 20)criteria3. 1) You’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.2) Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3) If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come and meet you on July 8th.4) It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5) The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.6) Children’s comics were banned back then at home because my parents thought they weren’t a good influence.7) It’s essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.8) The number of representatives each state is entitled to is proportional to the size of its population.9) A novelist cannot be a great one unless he has a well-developed insight into human nature.10) More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.11) Late frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.12) What’s the matter with you today! Everything I say you contradict.Ⅳ. Cloze1.questions2. solving3. out4. between5. establishing6. these7. with8. science9. do 10. in 11. so 12. universe 13. highest 14. dislikes 15. did 16. unpleasant 17. believe18. hear 19. flying 20. breathe 21. age 22. terms23. reverse 24. serve 25. those 26. themselves 27. toReading ActivityExercise A1. c2. c3. a4. d5. d6. Behavioral: b, c, e, g, h, i Medical: a, d, fExerciseB1. c2. e3. a4. f5. g6. b7. d8. j9. h 10. i1. serves you right2. precede3. data4. evaluate5. backs/backed up6. dramatically7. radical8. undergraduates9. plainly 10. deliveredUnit6Ⅲ. Vocabulary1.1. virtual2. reconciliation3. deliberately4. precedent5. essence6. rational7. get to the point8. go out of my mind 9. immersed in 10. cut (you) off11. scared to death 12. lost his nerve 13. Supreme14. apology 15. invasion 16. muttering2.1. awaiting2. lost my never3. immersed in4. alleged5. deliberately6. involving her in7. in celebration of8. ironic 9. get to the point 10. yelled 11. is in need of12. rational 13. fierce 14. squeeze3.1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them were ready for a reconciliation, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady nearly died of fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I have an apology to make to you-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.4.1. cut off2. cut back/cut down3. cut in4. cut across5. cut down6. cuts in7. cut (Oliver) off8. cut off9. hangs back 10.hang up 11. hanging about12. hang together 13. hang on 14. hang on toⅣ. Cloze1. other2. with3. increased4. for5. last/past6. who7. adult/grown-up8. summed9. in 10. who11. better 12. teach 13. without 14. as 15. view16. generation 17. granted 18. only 19. decision 20. importantReading ActivityExercise A1. d2. T, T, X, T, F, F, T, F3. b, c, e4. c5. d6. 2, 3; 4, 5; 6, 17 Exercise B1. j2. f3. e4. h5. c6. g7. l8. b9. d 10. k11. a 12. i1. fragrance2. knocked off3. cozy4. gasped5. discharged6. furnished7. smashed8. for dear life9. clinhing10. tipped 11. shove 12. scrubbedUnit7Study & PracticeⅡ. Comprehension Questions1. d2. b3. c4. d5. b6. c7. d8. d9. d 10. bⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1. dense2. accompanied3. theses4. disorderly5. evoked6. voluntary7. intellect8. in sequence9. deterioration10. distinguished himself 11. deviated from 12.lit up13. over the hill 14. talking shop 15. put…back together16. uncertain2.1. was confined to2. distinguished himself3. irresistible4. accompany5. accurately6. (a year) to the day7. reigned from8. overwhelmed 12. clumsy 3. come to anything 14. over the hill15. broke down3.1. To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.2. They had to overcome formidable obstacles if they want to finish the taskon time.3. She managed to maneuver her car into the parking space.4. The manager’s explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5. When the doctor told him he had lung cancer, Jim was overwhelmed.6.The new method deviated sharply from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.4.1. When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of travelling round the world that I would spend hours in my grandfather’s spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I would like to visit.2. A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of London’s biggest supermarkets, evoking a great panic among the population.3. Accompanied by his father, Bill went to the police station ago confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4. After getting engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5. Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness. But, to everyone’s surprise, the speech he made at his daughter’s wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.6. It’s amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community.5.1. broke up2. broke out3. have broken through4. break down5. broke in6. broke down7. had been broken into8. broke away from 9. broke in 10. breaks up 11. turn into12. turned in 13. turn up 14. was turned down 15. turning out16. have turned over 17. turn down 18. had turned over19. turned out 20. turned over 21. turn in 22. turned upⅣ. Cloze1. first2. wheelchair3. height4. weigh5. suffered6. worsening7. harmed8. things9. is 10. difficult11. those 12. down 13. hold 14. take 15. if 16. details17. at 18. to 19. books 20. progress 21. conferences22. disease 23. stay 24. law 25. difficult 26. simplestⅤ. Error-Correction1. had-was/had been2. progress-progressive3. (carry) on4. satisfy-satisfying5. apparent-apparently6. the-/7. belief-disbelief 8. annoyed-annoying 9. have-having10. nurse-nursesReading ActivityExercise A1. a2. b3. a4. b5. d6. c7. d8. dExercise B1. e2. g3. c4. h5. i6. b7. j8. a9. f 10. d1. petty2. Compassion3. dormant4. subtleties5. chronic6. impending7. accustomed8. quiver9. compulsory 10. phasePassage Translation(汉翻英)Unit 1Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings.A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.Unit 21. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Unit 3If you started on some venture and failed, do not despair/lose heart. There is a world of difference between “ I have failed three times” and “I am a failure”. So long as you do not hold a negative concept of self or identify with failures but try to learn from them, you stand a good chance to succeed in the future. Does it ever occur to you that those who fail repeatedly are often victims of a poor self-image? Often their failures are due to internal causes rather than external causes. Numerous cases have borne it out that if they can be induced to change their viewpoint and construct a positive self-image, miraculous changes may take place in their performance. Success can come anytime --- at thirty, forty or even after a lifetime of apparent failure. Early triumphs may be sweet, but success in later life often tastes even better.Unit 41. Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everything.2. Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3. Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4. In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next.5. More likely than not, what this “new” parenting idea brings about will be “super problems” rather than “super kids”.6. Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to take responsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievements.7. In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To my surprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8. Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.Unit 5Scientists are a small group of people who strive to gain insights into nature, seeking order in seeming disorder. They are credited with a special ability to think and analyze, and with infinite patience in making observations and collecting data. But ability and patience do not account for all scientific discoveries, which often have。



每个单元的汉翻英和英翻汉在文档最后5Unit1Study&PracticeⅡ. Paragraph Analysis1. a2. c3. b4. c 5 .b 6 .cⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1) given 2) at a glance 3)fluency 4)Given 5) hopefully 6) define7)looked(him)up 8) no good 9)context 10)guidance11) immediate 12) disgust 13) come across 14)recognition15)scope2.1) washed his hands of 2) given 3) was confronted with 4) countering5) were reduced to eating 6) at a glance 7) took refuge in8) less practicable 9) countered 10) dedication 11) in disgust12) relied on 13) shorts-cuts to3,1) Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and takerefuge in drinking and taking drugs.2) The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3) His cruel remarks reduced the innocent girl to tears.4) Many difficult words are out of the scope of this learner’s dictionary.5) The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with the evidence.6) The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil ofthat time.4.1) has come down 2) came to 3) comes out 4)come up to5) come in 6) came across 7) has come about 8) come off9) come to 10) give up 11) was given back 12) give away13) gave out 14)give in 15) gives off/outⅣ.Cloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of 8.them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In19. find 20. who 21. carefully 22. to 23. possible 24. make25. depend 26. than 27. made 28. use 29. phrases 30. above31. on 32. demonstrate 33. out 34. writingⅤ. Passage Translation(省略)Reading ActivityExercise A1.d2.d3.b4.c5.c6.c7.d8.c9.dExercise B1. d2. h3. g4. c5. f6. a7. j8. I9. b 10. e 1. flexible 2. haphazard 3. established 4. land 5. mediocrity6. identical7. assurance8. device9. a host of 10. quadrupledUnit 2Study &PracticeII. Comprehension Questions5. b6. c7. c 10. aIII. Paragraph Analysis: The Outline(Paras.3-6) We are losing this fifth freedom through three misunderstanding(Paras.4)A. The first misunderstanding is that of the meaning of democracy.We think that democracy in education means gearing all courses to the middlelevel.We reject special programs and schools for superior students as undemocratic.(Paras.5)B. The second misunderstanding is that of the meaning of happiness.This misunderstanding results from our stress on comfort rather than onaccomplishment.The stress on material well-being has been reflected in the schools by too littlediscipline and too easy subjects.(Paras.6)C. The third misunderstanding is that of ultimate values.These values have been denied in recent teacher education.The inevitable result in mass selfishness is already evident.(Paras.7-9)IV.To assure our children the freedom to develop, we must challenge their abilities.(Paras.7)A.We can give them a demanding curriculum.Michelangelo did not learn to paint by doodling.Mozart did not become a pianist by watching television.They, like Eve Curie and Helen Keller, were challenged by disciplined training.(Paras.8)B.We can give them the right to failure.We must not give high school diplomas without regard to merit.We must be realistic about failure to meet standards and must teach our childrenrealism.(Paras.9) C.We can give them the best values we know.We can show them what history has taught us to be true.These truths may inspire us to make a “ringing message”that could mean true freedomfor them.IV. Vocabulary Activities1) notion, inhabited 2)denial 3) independent 4) realistic5)passed for 6) consequent 7) a handful of 8) as opposed to9) urged, influential 10) eternal 11) descendants 12) cherish13) related 14) denial, was opposed to 15) haunted 16) discerned2.1) combat 2) capabilities 3) eternal 4) opposed to 5) outstanding6) stake… on 7) no wonder 8) In the light of 9) discern10) paralyzed 11) crying for 12) awaken to 13) consequent14) sensitive to3.1) No wonder that the children are excited, this is the first time they’ve beenabroad.2) Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3) As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless ofthe reasons for their food.4) The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedenteddimensions for the United States.5) Even to this day, the memory of hunger in his childhood still haunts him.6) Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence.7) The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.4.1) I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact,he himself is in need of help.2) More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating airpollution.3) There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4) Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5) There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonderthat a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6) An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small bordertown, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7) In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilitiesto make nuclear weapons.8) Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money onhighrisk ventures.5.1) Early rising makes for good health.2) I don’t know, I couldn’t make out the expression on his face.3) I’m sorry I can’t quite make out what you mean.4) No, she made the whole thing up.5) Well, I have to make up the hour we lost in Chicago.6) I learned from his wife that he had passed away before my letter reached him.7) I think it can pass for silk.8) It says the storm will pass off before dark.9) Well, I passed it on the manager.10) Perhaps we can pass on the next one.11) I think he will pass it over for this once.Ⅴ. Cloze1. other2. magazines3. consider4. times5. answered6. ways7. questions8. offer9. differ 10. for11. themselves 12. to 13 .open 14. making 15. so 16. single17. with 18. Others 19. young 20. private 21. than22. curriculum 23. kinds 24. Should 25. amount 26. or27. charge 28. whatⅥ. Error Correction1. must-----can2. start---starting3. to(which you go)4. (learn)from5. that---what6. are---were7. (as)if8. imaginative---unimaginative9. Inspite---Despite 10. (way)outReading ActivityExercise A1.a2.d3.c4.b5.d6.c7. c8.dExercise B1.e2.f3.g4.h5.j6.b7.c8.a9.d 10.i1. go against the grain2. bent on3. elite4. preoccupied with5. echo6. set in my ways7.on his mind8. get through9. were lingering 10.wary ofUnit3Study&PracticeⅡ.Comprehension Questions3. c 6. b 9. d 11. bⅢ. Outlining Activity1. The most important psychological discovery of this century is the discovery ofthe “self-image”.A.Self-image is our opinion of ourselves.B.All of us have it and we do not question its validity, but proceed to actupon it just as if it were true.2.This self-image becomes a golden key to living a better life because of twoimportant discoveries.3.The first important discovery is that all our actions, feelings, behavior andabilities are always consistent with this self-images.A.People tend to act like the sort of person they think themselves to be.B.Self-image is a base upon which their entire personality and behavior arebuilt.C.They are unaware of the true causes of their troubles.4.The second important discovery is that one’s self-image can be changed at anytime in his life.A.Up to now our efforts at change have been directed to the circumference ofthe self instead of the center.B.“Positive thinking” about a particular thing will not help as long as wehold a negative self-image.5.Prescott Lecky is often mentioned because he was a pioneer in self-imagepsychology.A.He was a school teacher and made experiment on thousands of students to helpthemChange their self-images.B.He believed that if a student could change his self-image, his learningability would change too.C.The real trouble with those students was an inadequate or negativeself-image.IV. Vocabulary Activities1.1) accordingly 2) credits 3) ideal 4) honorable 5) conceive of6) defect 7) conception 8) premise 9) objective 10) lies in11) have borne out 12) induce 13) vicious 14) venture15) as the case may be2.1) ideal 2) objective 3) negative about 4) honorable 5) external6) as the case may be 7) premise 8) prevailed upon 9) defects10) accordingly 11) is not consistent/inconsistent with12) a miraculous 13) conceive of 14) verified 15)induce 16)vicious 3.1) This medicine is for external use ,not to be taken orally.2) It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purelyout of malice.3) An atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed at the reception.4) Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respectand fulfill her ambitions.5) He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributedvery little.6) Women are often the first to victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7) What he does is not consistent with what he says.8) I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.4.1) set up 2) set side 3) set back 4) set out 5) set about 6) set off 7) was going on 8) went on 9) go by 10) has gone without11) go after 12) went through with 13)go over 14) go into15) went off 16) are going in forV. Cloze.1) as 2) in 3) confirm 4) stupid 5) way 6) rather 7) that8) out 9) longer 10) how 11) from 12) sales 13) to14) continued 15) more 16) still 17) not 18) self-image19) certain 20) from 21) from 22) comeReading ActivityExerciseA1. c2. c3. d 4 a 5. c 6. d 7. d 8. c 9. d10. a 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. cExerciseBI.1. h2. i3. c4. f5. b6. d7. j8. a9. e 10. g II.1. transition2. unique3. spontaneous4. status quo5. appropriate6. potentials7. facilitate8. enhance9. rigid 10. break away from11. equivalents 12. orthodoxUnit4Study & PracticeIII. Vocabulary Activities1.1) ahead of the pack 2) priorities 3) permissive 4) be tailored to5)assumption 6) eligible 7) stopped by 8) correlation 9) in between 10) prestigious 11) enrich 12) Excessive 13) the norm 14) rot15) epidemic 16) presume/presumed 17) exceptional 18) took charge of2.1) looked upon as 2) sprouted up 3) more likely than not 4) presumed5) eligible 6) correlation 7) take the initiative to 8) competence 9) tremendous 10) staying ahead of the pack 11) exceptional12) self-esteem 13) carve out 14) involved in3.1) Harvard, Yale, and Stanford are all exceptional in academic excellence.2) Statistics show that violent crime has been an epidemic in all big U.S. citied.3) Don’t you think high school students are being pushed too hard for good grades.4) Rational persons are most unlikely to go to extremes, for they tend to stick tothe middle ground they’ve occupied.5) For a team, the most important thing is to have close teamwork ; the rest willtake care of itself6) We should be as concerned with the development of variety as with the improvementon quality.4.1) Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on theirchildren to be exceptional in everything.2) Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by severalprestigious, American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3) Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier agesin hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4) In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but willbe out the next.5) More likely than not, what this“new” parenting idea brings about will be“superproblems” rather than “super kids”.6) Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to takeresponsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievement.7) In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To mysurprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8) Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.5.1) looking forward …to 2) looked on 3) look up to /look on 4) Look out5) look up 6)look into 7) looked upon as 8) look down on9) look back 10) Look through 11) looked over 12) looking back on 13) took off 14) take to 15) took on 16) taken on17) took…for 18) takes after/took after 19) took down 20) taken in21)took over 22) taken up 23) take in 24) take upIV. Cloze1.just2. around3. directions4. why5. major6. in7. with8. language9. pairs 10. makes 11. to 12. groups 13. low-status 14. hold 15. skill 16. purpose 17. in 18. out 19. case 20. men 21. where 22. which 23. by 24. from 25. costV. Error Correction1. tried-managed2. (in)the(mid-1970s)3. handwriting-handwritten4. eighth-eight5. for-/6.illterate-literate7.to-for8. parenting-parental 9. between-of 10. for-toReading ActivityExercise A1.N2.N3.Y4.NG5. in the college dining hall/went through all sorts of interviews6. A full-time job supervising student labor in the dining hall7. settle for a job as a bookstore clerk8. mild irony9. a classicist working in the capacity as a bookstore clerk10. It’s about time college graduates from the class of’86 started their lucky orunlucky life journey! Or: It’s about time for college graduates from the class of 1986 to start their lucky or unlucky life journey!Exercise B1. thrive on2. minimal3. persisted in4. ultimate5. aptitude6.plight7. enthusiastic 8. otherwise 9. is/was supervising 10. inquiries11. entails 12. simultaneous 13. desperate for 14.be taken into account 15.pursue 16.prospective 17. at the mercy of 18. recession19. contagious 20. unconcernedUnit5Study&PracticeⅠ. Comprehension Questions3.c4.d5.b 7.d 8.d 11.bⅡ. Outlining Activity3. The Church banned Copernicus’ book, burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo for popularizing Copernicus’ and his own scientific ideas.4. Every age has one or more groups of intellectual rebels who are persecuted, condemned or suppressed; but to a later age, they seem harmless and often essential to the improvement of human conditions.5. Most people have believed that the enormous success of science is due to the use of a scientific method by scientists and Galileo is known as the “Father of the Scientific Method”.6. Rather than the scientific method, the scientific attitude is the key to the successof science.7. Scientists must accept facts whether they like them or not and they must be good at changing their minds because the purpose of science is not to defend their beliefs but to improve them.8. Honesty is the most valuable quality of scientists because it is not only essential to the progress of science but also a matter of self-interest to the scientists themselves.Ⅲ. Vocabulary Activities1.1) distinguish between 2) opposition 3) to the contrary 4) procedures 5) in principle 6)proportional 7) rebels 8) strive for9) Predictions 10) outcome 11) criterion 12) adopted13) speculation 14) banned 15) outweigh 16) formulated, represented 17) ingredients 18) circulated 19) retain 20) pointed out21) condemned2. 1) took his word for it 2) formulated 3) adequate 4) met with5) representing 6)strive 7) immense 8) infinite 9) adopt10) persecuted 11) circulates 12) retaining 13) are subjected to14) its outcome 15) modified 16) condemned 17) suppressing18) largely 19) ingredient 20)criteria3. 1) You’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.2) Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3) If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come and meet you on July 8th.4) It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5) The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.6) Children’s comics were banned back then at home because my parents thought they weren’t a good influence.7) It’s essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.8) The number of representatives each state is entitled to is proportional to the size of its population.9) A novelist cannot be a great one unless he has a well-developed insight into human nature.10) More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.11) Late frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.12) What’s the matter with you today! Everything I say you contradict.Ⅳ. Cloze1.questions2. solving3. out4. between5. establishing6. these7. with8. science9. do 10. in 11. so 12. universe 13. highest 14. dislikes 15. did 16. unpleasant 17. believe18. hear 19. flying 20. breathe 21. age 22. terms23. reverse 24. serve 25. those 26. themselves 27. toReading ActivityExercise A1. c2. c3. a4. d5. d6. Behavioral: b, c, e, g, h, i Medical: a, d, fExerciseB1. c2. e3. a4. f5. g6. b7. d8. j9. h 10. i1. serves you right2. precede3. data4. evaluate5. backs/backed up6. dramatically7. radical8. undergraduates9. plainly 10. deliveredUnit6Ⅲ. Vocabulary1.1. virtual2. reconciliation3. deliberately4. precedent5. essence6. rational7. get to the point8. go out of my mind 9. immersed in 10. cut (you) off11. scared to death 12. lost his nerve 13. Supreme14. apology 15. invasion 16. muttering2.1. awaiting2. lost my never3. immersed in4. alleged5. deliberately6. involving her in7. in celebration of8. ironic 9. get to the point 10. yelled 11. is in need of12. rational 13. fierce 14. squeeze3.1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them were ready for a reconciliation, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady nearly died of fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I have an apology to make to you-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.4.1. cut off2. cut back/cut down3. cut in4. cut across5. cut down6. cuts in7. cut (Oliver) off8. cut off9. hangs back 10.hang up 11. hanging about12. hang together 13. hang on 14. hang on toⅣ. Cloze1. other2. with3. increased4. for5. last/past6. who7. adult/grown-up8. summed9. in 10. who11. better 12. teach 13. without 14. as 15. view16. generation 17. granted 18. only 19. decision 20. importantReading ActivityExercise A1. d2. T, T, X, T, F, F, T, F3. b, c, e4. c5. d6. 2, 3; 4, 5; 6, 17 Exercise B1. j2. f3. e4. h5. c6. g7. l8. b9. d 10. k11. a 12. i1. fragrance2. knocked off3. cozy4. gasped5. discharged6. furnished7. smashed8. for dear life9. clinhing10. tipped 11. shove 12. scrubbedUnit7Study & PracticeⅡ. Comprehension Questions1. d2. b3. c4. d5. b6. c7. d8. d9. d 10. bⅢ.Vocabulary Activities1.1. dense2. accompanied3. theses4. disorderly5. evoked6. voluntary7. intellect8. in sequence9. deterioration10. distinguished himself 11. deviated from 12.lit up13. over the hill 14. talking shop 15. put…back together16. uncertain2.1. was confined to2. distinguished himself3. irresistible4. accompany5. accurately6. (a year) to the day7. reigned from8. overwhelmed 12. clumsy 3. come to anything 14. over the hill15. broke down3.1. To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.2. They had to overcome formidable obstacles if they want to finish the taskon time.3. She managed to maneuver her car into the parking space.4. The manager’s explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5. When the doctor told him he had lung cancer, Jim was overwhelmed.6.The new method deviated sharply from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.4.1. When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of travelling round the world that I would spend hours in my grandfather’s spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I would like to visit.2. A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of London’s biggest supermarkets, evoking a great panic among the population.3. Accompanied by his father, Bill went to the police station ago confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4. After getting engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5. Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness. But, to everyone’s surprise, the speech he made at his daughter’s wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.6. It’s amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community.5.1. broke up2. broke out3. have broken through4. break down5. broke in6. broke down7. had been broken into8. broke away from 9. broke in 10. breaks up 11. turn into12. turned in 13. turn up 14. was turned down 15. turning out16. have turned over 17. turn down 18. had turned over19. turned out 20. turned over 21. turn in 22. turned upⅣ. Cloze1. first2. wheelchair3. height4. weigh5. suffered6. worsening7. harmed8. things9. is 10. difficult11. those 12. down 13. hold 14. take 15. if 16. details17. at 18. to 19. books 20. progress 21. conferences22. disease 23. stay 24. law 25. difficult 26. simplestⅤ. Error-Correction1. had-was/had been2. progress-progressive3. (carry) on4. satisfy-satisfying5. apparent-apparently6. the-/7. belief-disbelief 8. annoyed-annoying 9. have-having10. nurse-nursesReading ActivityExercise A1. a2. b3. a4. b5. d6. c7. d8. dExercise B1. e2. g3. c4. h5. i6. b7. j8. a9. f 10. d1. petty2. Compassion3. dormant4. subtleties5. chronic6. impending7. accustomed8. quiver9. compulsory 10. phasePassage Translation(汉翻英)Unit 1Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language. An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam. Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words. And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. Of course you can figure out from the context the meanings of some new words you come across in your reading, but more often than not you have to look them up in a dictionary in order to be clear about their accurate meanings.A practicable way to pick up new words is, perhaps, to read a lot, preferably stories that you find interesting or exciting. It often pays to read the same book over and over again: each time you read it you will learn different new words, and the familiar context helps to fix them in your mind.Unit 21. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and valuesare no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Unit 3If you started on some venture and failed, do not despair/lose heart. There is a world of difference between “ I have failed three times” and “I am a failure”. So long as you do not hold a negative concept of self or identify with failures but try to learn from them, you stand a good chance to succeed in the future. Does it ever occur to you that those who fail repeatedly are often victims of a poor self-image? Often their failures are due to internal causes rather than external causes. Numerous cases have borne it out that if they can be induced to change their viewpoint and construct a positive self-image, miraculous changes may take place in their performance. Success can come anytime --- at thirty, forty or even after a lifetime of apparent failure. Early triumphs may be sweet, but success in later life often tastes even better.Unit 41. Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everything.2. Owing to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3. Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4. In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next.5. More likely than not, what this “new” parenting idea brings about will be “super problems” rather than “super kids”.6. Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to take responsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievements.7. In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To my surprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8. Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.Unit 5Scientists are a small group of people who strive to gain insights into nature, seeking order in seeming disorder. They are credited with a special ability to think and analyze, and with infinite patience in making observations and collecting data. But ability and patience do not account for all scientific discoveries, which often have。



Invisible manSome aboutTurn come across/meet withIn contradiction 互相矛盾self-contradictory 自相矛盾Naïve childish 天真Freak of nature abnormal 天生畸形Pertain relate with /connect withExult feel excited/ fell happyUndermine damage secretlyMeekest humble最温顺的Fierce strong firm坚定的Sulk show anger/disappointment生气Curse 诅咒spidingHumbleness谦卑Essence something essentialMight as well do 不妨Neat 整洁的Portable movable 可搬运的Ring场地Misgiving anxiety焦点Detract divert 分散转移Issue supply /provide 发放供给Usher v direct /guide指引招待指挥n 领座的人Vibrat shake/tramble颤抖Cluster 簇/串A blast of a wave of 一股Irrational unreasonable不合理的To caress touch gentlyCling stick to/adhere to坚持,附着在Fling throw/cast 扔Detached indifferent超脱的冷漠的Slipping and sliding 滑倒Sobe calm 清醒的Blindfold 蒙面Stumble walk unsteadily蹒跚Saliva liquid dropping from mouth唾液Prone脸朝下Lead牵Mill grind/smash 磨碎Erect upset/vertical正直的,垂直的Weave connecting together编织,交错Agonizing mental/physical suffering痛苦的Round 回合Leap jump跳Smash mill/grind 碾碎Rank 等级distinguishing恶心的coarse粗俗的Stale not freshBlank indifference冷漠Punch 用拳头重击Glisten shine 闪光Soak 下沉Swell 肿了Daze be wilder 困惑,迷惑Speculate guess推测Vacant empty/spare空白的Dimensions 维度Crumple fold大山谷Freckled 斑点的雀斑的Lunged for rush for 冲向run to跑向Frantically crazilyScoop 铲子try hard to get sth scoop news挖新闻scooper 狗仔队Contortion twist扭曲Foul 恶臭的Seared burn seriouslyIn a flash in a minuteLimp weakExtol highly praiseVessel 大船Heed pay attention toCast 扔Gulp swallowEnthusiasm passion /zealEmphasis 重点Nauseated vomit 恶心Render 1 提交2 服从顺从perform 3表演4使5 render to提供。



大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案Vocabulary work一1. given2. at a glance3. fluency4. Given5. hopefully7. define8. looked him up9. no good10. quoted, context11. guidance12. immediate13. disgust14. come across15. put into practice16. scope二1. washed his hands of2. given3. putting…into practice4. was confronted with5. countering6. were reduced to eating7. at a glance8. took refuge in9. less practicable10. countered11. dedication12. in disgust13. relied on14. for their part15. gave up三1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs.2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks.4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary.5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence.6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time.四1. has come down2. came to3. comes out4. come up with5. come in6. came across7. has come about8. come off9. come to10. give up11. was given back12. gave away13. gave out14. give in15. gives off/outcloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of8. them9. make10. before11. still12. before13. fluent14. while15. enough16. on17. in18. In19. Find20. Who21. carefully22. to23. possible24. make25. depend26. than27. made28. use29. phrases30. above31. on32. demonstrate33. out34. writingPassage TranslationTo master a large vocabulary is crucial to the fluency in a foreign language. It is showed by the statistics which are unofficial but frequently quoted concerning the Cambridge First Certificate examination that those students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are less likely to succeed in the exam. The latest research also indicates that native speaker of English knows at least 16,000 English words, when he has received educati on until he’s 18 or more. Unless you are proficient in a language such as Spanish or German, there is no shortcut to a large vocabulary: you have to depend on diligence and dedication. Of course, you can infer from context the meaning of some new words you come across in reading., but often you have to consult adictionary to clarify the exact meanings. A practical method to learn new words may be reading widely, especially reading those interesting and exciting. Repeatedly, the same books is often beneficial to you: each time you read it you’ll learn different new words, and the familiar context also helps you to engrave these new words on your mind deeply.第二课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(2u) (2010-07-20 14:15:35)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary work一1. Notions inhabited2. Denial3. Independent4. Realistic5. Pass for6. Consequent7. A handful of8. As opposed to9. Urged influential10. Eternal11. In search of12. Cherish13. Related14. Denial, was opposed to 15. Haunted16. Discerned二1. Combat2. Capabilities3. Eternal4. Opposed to5. In search of6.Stake … on7. No wonder8. In the light of9. Discern10. Paralyzed11. Crying out for12. Awaken to13. Consequent14. Sensitive to三1. She showed a complete lack of interest in the subject under discussion.2.Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3. As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need.4. These stars are barely visible to the naked eyes.5. The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the United States.6. Even to this day, the hunger he suffered in his childhood still haunts him.7. Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence.8. The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.四1. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe is hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Cloze1. Other2. Magazines3. Consider4. Times5. Answered6. Ways7. Questions8. Offer9. Differ10. For11. Themselves12. To13. Open14. Making15. So16. Single17. With18. Others19. Young20. Private21. Than22. Curriculum23. Kinds24. Should25. Amount26. Or27. Charge28. WhatError Correction 1. Must-can 2. Start-starting3. Go后加to4. Learn后加from5. That-what6. Are-were7. You 前加if8. Imaginative-unimaginative9. Inspite - despite10. Way+out第三课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(3u) (2010-07-20 14:37:55)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary work一1. Accordingly2. Credits3. Ideal4. Honorable5. Conceive of6. Defect7. In short8. Premise9. Objective10. Concept11. Triumph12. Induce13. Vicious14. Venture15. As the case may be16. verified二1. ideal2. objective3. negative about4. honorable5. external6. as the case may be7. premise8. prevailed upon9. defects10. accordingly11. is not consistent with12. constructed13. conceive of14. verify15. induce16. vicious三1. This medicine is for external use, not to be taken orally.2. It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purely out of malice.3. At the reception, an atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed there.4. Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respect and fulfill her ambtions.5. He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributed very little.6. Women are often the first to fall victim to rising unemployment ata time of recession.7. What he does isn’t consistent with her says.8. I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.四1. Set up2. Set aside3. Set back4. Set out5. Set about6. Set off7. Was going on8. Went out9. Go by10. Has gone without11. Go after12. Went through with13. Go over14. Go into15. Went off16. Are going in forCloze1. As2. In3. Confirm4. Stupid5. Way6. Rather7. That8. Out9. Longer10. How11. From12. Sales13. To14. Continued15. More16. Still17. Not18. Self-image19. Certain20. From21. From22. comePassage TranslationIf you set out to do some business but failed, do not lose your confidence. There are great differences between that “I failed threetimes” and that “I am a failure”. As long as you try to learn from you failure instead of holding a negative view about yourself or identifying with failure, you are very likely to succeed in the future. Have you ever thought that those who have failed again and again are always the victims of bad self-image They failed often because of not external reasons but internal reasons. Countless examples verify that if those people could be prevailed on to change their view and set up positive self-image, their performance would change miraculously. Success can come at any time, whenever you are thirty, forty or when it seems that you have failed all your life. Success in early years is sweet, but the late one is more tasty.第四课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(4u) (2010-07-20 15:01:33)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary work一1. Blessing2. Borders3. Childish4. Desperation5. Mercy6. Signature7. Steadily8. Stand out9. Came over10. Broke his heart 11. Pay back 12. Flung13. Consent14. Hold your tongue 二1. Held his tongue2. Blessing to3. Flung4. Forgive5. Thankful6. Pay you back7. Did me a bad turn8. Border9. Mercy10. With the consent三1. For God’s sake, tell me how you feel about the whole arrangement.2. Our military forces are fully prepared for the execution of the order of the military commission.3. They have so far collected more than 5,000 signatures for the petition against the new land development.4. His condition has gone steadily worse since he was defeated in the presidential election.5. A feeling of faintness suddenly came over me, so that I had to lie down.6. It will brea k your mother’s heart when she finds out that you’re cheated on exams and had been dismissed from school.7. As an extremely accomplished violinist, he stood out from all the other amateur musicians.8. His recommending you to the personnel manager did you a good turn.四1. Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticisms is to forgive and forget.2. For God’s sake, why didn’t you call me3. I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconsciously.4. The mechanician flung the tools with anger, never to continue.5. Mark was so childish that he left the meeting just because some representatives contested his ideas.6. She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off.7. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.8. If you build an extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you will be ordered to demolish/pull down what you have built.五1. Took off2. Take to3. Took on4. Taken on5. Took for6. Takes after7. Took down8. Taken in9. Took over10. Taken up11. Take in12. Take up13. Paying for14. Paid off15. Pay back16. Pay up, paid up17. Paid off.Cloze1. Up2. Drew3. Belong4. Out5. Like6. Away7. Presence8. After9. Bewildered10. His11. In12. Over13. On14. Voice15. Contracted16. On17. Must18. Arrested19. True20. Still21. With22. To23. Out24. With25. Seized26. Fault27. Instant28. Struck29. Over30. But31. Round32. aloneError Correction1. obvious 前加of2. Furthermore-However3. To-on4. Look-see5. None-all6. Other-another7. Violate-violating8. Fiction前加in9. Involving-involved10. Are-were第五课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(5u) (2010-07-20 15:29:33)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary work一1. Distinguish between 2. In practice3. To the contrary 4. Procedures5. In principle6. Proportional7. Rebels8. Strive for9. Replaced10. Outcome 11. Adopted 12. Criterion 13. Abandoned 14. Appointed 15. Banned 16. Effective 17. Formulated 18. Ingredients 19. Circulated 20. Retain 21. Rebel22. condemned 二1. took his word for it2. formulated3. in practice4. met with5. representing6. strive7. immense8. infinite9. adopt10. appointed11. circulates12. retaining13. are subjected to14. its outcome15. modified16. condemned17. suppressing18. largely19. ingredient20. criteria三1. Take my word for it, you’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house.2. Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3. If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come to meet you on July 8th.4. It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5. The police found out what the terrorists were up to before they could carry out their bomb attack.6. The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.7. Back then at home we were banned to read children’s comics because my parents thought they were not a good influence.8. It is very essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.9. The number of representatives of each state is proportional to the size of its population.10. A novelist cannot be a great on unless he has a well developed insight into human nature.11. More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.12. Late frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.13. An effective way to reduce labor cost is to use robots replacing workers.14. What’s the matter with you today Whatever I say you contradict.Cloze1. Questions2. Solving3. Out4. Between5. Establishing6. These7. With8. Science9. Do10. In11. So12. Universe13. Highest14. Dislikes15. Did16. Unpleasant17. Believe18. Hear19. Flying20. Breathe21. Age22. Terms23. Reverse24. Serve25. Those26. Themselves27. toPassage TranslationScientists are a small group of people who are striving to gain insight into nature and seek for laws in the superficial disorder. They have a special ability to think and analyze, and unlimited patience in observing and collecting date. However , not all scientific discoveries can be ascribed to abilities and patience; they usually connect closely with creative imagination. Of course, the leap of imagination is often the first step leading to discoveries. Moreover , scientists are famous for their honesty. They put a high premium on honesty, mainly because thathonesty is cardinal to their career. Every theory they put forward has to be further tested. Every error and lie are sure to be found. So, if finding some evidence contradiction with their ideas, scientists modify even abandon their ideas, instead of concealing them. In this way, they accumulate an immense amount of knowledge, which can help us understand ourselves and surroundings better.分享第六课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(6u) (2010-07-20 15:53:05)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary work一1. Smoothly2. Handicap3. For fear4. Clumsy5. Make a point of6. As a matter of course7. Highlight8. Took great delight in9. Ill at ease10. Adapt11. Role12. Oblivious13. Revolt14. At the mercy of15. Just as well16. Flight二1. Departure2. Clumsy3. Ill at ease4. Bump into5. Handicaps6. Highlights7. Takes great delight in8. At the mercy of9. For fear10. Oblivious to11. Role12. Smoothly13. Sore14. Trapping15. Unloading16. Collapsed三1. It took Bob about two weeks to adapt himself to his new job as sales manager.2. The manager’s s ecretary makes a point of arriving at he office fifteen minutes early every moring.3. It’s just as well you didn’t come yesterday, we were not here.4. The small grocer was at the mercy of the people he owed money to.5. Bank officials always ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money.6. It revolted me to learn that the world spent so much money on arms while millions of people were dying of hunger.四1. The highlight of the circus performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting amused all the spectators.2. It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Airline yesterday-it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were killed.3. He never considered that when somebody wanted to help the handicapped girl, she would feel ill at ease.4. As a person taking delight in controlling everything and getting interest from ordering, Charles adapted quickly the new role of the company’s g eneral manger.5. In the past twelve years, Amy has learned to live depending on herself. She takes delight in self-reliance and doing everything by herself.6. Amy refused to go out with Charles as a matter of course, because she disliked to be treated as a handicapped person dependent on others.五1. Pull(yourself) together2. Pulled down3. Pulled in4. Pull through5. Pulled up6. Pulling out7. Pull on8. Pulled out9. Look up10. Looked on 11. Look up to 12. Look out 13. Look up 14. Look into 15. Looked on 16. Look down upon 17. Look back 18. Looking through 19. Looked over 20. Looked in Cloze1. Am2. Remember3. Color4. Again5. Things6. Occurred7. Day8. Blind9. Prefer10. Them12. To13. Make14. More15. Easy16. In17. Call18. See19. Learn20. That21. Have22. Rest23. Self-confidence24. Something25. Despite26. Person27. Where28. Series29. Time30. No31. Reach32. Failure34. madeError Correction1. by-in2. or-and3. described as4. controllable-uncontrollable5. power-powers6. joined-entered7. be blind8. years-year9. it去掉10. breaking-broken第七课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(7u) (2010-07-20 16:15:28)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary work一1. Virtual2. Reconciliation3. Deliberately4. Fury5. Essence6. Rational7. Get to the point8. Go out of my mind9. Immersed in10. Precisely11. In the midst12. Lost his nerve13. Supreme14. Apology15. Invasion16. Muttering二1. Lousy2. Lost my nerve3. Immersed in4. Alleged5. Deliberately6. Involving her in7. Upset8. Ironic9. Get to the point10. Fury11. Hang up12. Rational13. The instant14. Fierce15. Instantly16. Squeeze三1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them wanted the reconciliation and become friends again, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady took fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to know with instinct which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I must make an apology-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.四1. Cut off2. Cut back3. Cut in4. Cut across5. Cut down6. Cuts in7. Cut off8. Cut off9. Hangs back10. Hang up11. Hanging about12. Hung together13. Hang on14. Hang on toCloze1. Other2. With3. Increased4. For5. Last6. Who7. Adult8. Summed9. In10. Who11. Better12. Teach13. Without14. As15. View16. Generation17. Granted18. Only19. Decision20. importantPassage TranslationOne day, we received an invitation from my father to his sixtieth birthday party. Jenny regard ed it as my father’s actively reaching out to a reconciliation, so we should accept it. I was in the midst of abstractingan important case and preparing for the coming examinations at that time, hence I only used the simplest words to tell her no day to reconcile forever. My refusal apparently made Jenny depressed, but as a rational woman, she didn’t quarrel with me. She just tried to persuade me. But it only made me furious, thinking that Jenny made me upset deliberately. I must have been crazy them, because I did a thing for which I would never forgive myself-I shouted at Jenny and hurled the telephone at her. But once I threw it, I regretted. When I turned back to see her, she had disappeared.I went out to look for her everywhere, but in vain. I was scared to death, not knowing what to do next. When I was going to give up, I suddenly saw Jenny sitting in front of our house. I walked forward to her, saying “Jenny, I’m sorry-” But she interrupted my apology and said, ”love means not ever having to say you’re sorry.”分享第八课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(8u) (2010-07-09 11:45:47)转载标签:教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary Work一sequencehimself from up the hill shop...back together二himself amazingoverfromto anything the hilldown三my surprise,they agreed to all our demands.has robbed cinema of its popularity.government is defending its economic policies against a chorus of criticism.manager's explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees. the doctor told him he had lung cancer,Jim was to so overwhelmed that he didn't know what to do.new method deviated totally from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.四I was a child,I was fascinated by the idea of taking a round-the-world journey,and used to stay in my grandfather's sanctum for several hours,rolling the globe and imagining the places to travel.afternoon a time bomb exploded at one of the largest supermarkets in London,which evoked a great horror among people.with his father,Bill went to the police station and confessed to the policeman that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.engaged to Jane,Stephen started working hard for the first time in his long the distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.Stone was well-known for his , to people's surprise, his speech at his daughter's wedding last Saturday was jolly and full of humor.our surprise, there are so many people willing to do voluntary work for the community's benefit.up out broken throughdown in downbeen broken into away from in up intoin up turned downout turned ... into downturned over out...over in upclozeError Correctiondiagnosed第九课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(9u) (2010-07-09 11:18:18)转载标签:教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary Work一the right track of down toup downthe odds against a chance二come down to from the hipof date a moveup the right trackdown out forofcertainty三is nothing you can say that will diminish his enthusiasm for the project. has so many enemies in the town that the odds are heavily stacked against his being elected to the council.is still no certainty that a cease-fire agreement will be reached between the two sides.'s always been 's policy never to lie to his patients.in a warm bed was a luxury for the earthquake victims.lot of new words are out of date very quickly.四out up to...together down backabout down out(them)together (us)back/up out for on to onin/back out/on upback (himself)incloze第十课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(10u) (2010-07-06 12:17:01)转载标签:大学英语课后习题答案教育分类:大学英语Vocabulary Work一of of stripped ofunderestimated off二heir toa sense onup up withoff三man confessed he had been guilty of theft.got in despair as he read the examination questions.are on the threshold of a new era in genetic engineering.was stripped of his knighthood after he was found guilty.taste of power left him with a thirst for more power.of the basic industries of that country have been crippled as a result of a series of strikes.四increasing prosperity of the country in a sense owes the government's policy of economic reform.Negro leader regarded it as his sacred obligation to devote himself to realizing racial equality.1976, the three main architects of the People's Republic-Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Zedong died in sequence.reminded that he had the headmaster more than once of his promise to protect the retired teachers' legitimate behalf.main idea of the story is that one's destiny ties up with the whole country's.riches the youth fell heir to made him realize his dream.五up for by up for for byup to out for in ondown sit for/sat for up for onupCloseError Correction 前面加it。



Vocabulary work一1. given2. at a glance3. fluency4. Given5. hopefully6. For its part7. define8. looked him up9. no good10. quoted, context11. guidance12. immediate13. disgust14. come across15. put into practice16. scope二1. washed his hands of2. given3. putting…into practice4. was confronted with5. countering6. were reduced to eating7. at a glance8. took refuge in9. less practicable10. countered11. dedication12. in disgust13. relied on14. for their part15. gave up三1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs.2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavio r during the spring recess.3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks.4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary.5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence.6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time.四1. has come down2. came to3. comes out4. come up with5. come in6. came across7. has come about8. come off9. come to10. give up11. was given back12. gave away13. gave out14. give in15. gives off/out cloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal8. them9. make10. before11. still12. before13. fluent14. while15. enough16. on17. in18. In19. Find21. carefully22. to23. possible24. make25. depend26. than27. made28. use29. phrases30. above31. on32. demonstrate34. writingPassage TranslationTo master a large vocabulary is crucial to the fluency in a foreign language. It is showed by the statistics which are unofficial but frequently quoted concerning the Cambridge First Certificate examination that those students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are less likely to succeed in the exam. The latest research also indicates that native speaker of English knows at least 16,000 English words, when he has received education until he’s 18 or more. Unless you are proficient in a language such as Spanish or German, there is no shortcut to a large vocabulary: you have to depend on diligence and dedication. Of course, you can infer from context the meaning of some new words you come across in reading., but often you have to consult a dictionary to clarify the exact meanings. A practical method to learn new words may be reading widely, especially reading those interesting and exciting. Repeatedly, the same books is often beneficial to you: each time you read it you’ll learn different new words, and the familiar context also helps you to engrave these new words on your mind deeply.Vocabulary work一1.Notions inhabited 2.Denial 3.Independent 4.Realistic5.Pass for 6.Consequent7.A handful of8.As opposed to 9.Urged influential 10.Eternal 11.In search of 12.Cherish 13.Related14.Denial, was opposed to 15.Haunted 16.Discerned二1.Combat2.Capabilities3.Eternal4.Opposed to5.In search of6.Stake … on7.No wonder8.In the light of9.Discern10.Paralyzed11.Crying out for12.Awaken to13.Consequent14.Sensitive to三1.She showed a complete lack of interest in the subject under discussion.2.Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3.As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need.4.These stars are barely visible to the naked eyes.5.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the United States.6.Even to this day, the hunger he suffered in his childhood still haunts him.7.Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence.8.The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.四1. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe is hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Cloze1. Other2. Magazines3. Consider4. Times5. Answered6. Ways7. Questions8. Offer9. Differ10. For11. Themselves12. To13. Open14. Making15. So16. Single17. With18. Others19. Young20. Private21. Than22. Curriculum23. Kinds24. Should25. Amount26. Or27. Charge28. WhatError Correction1.Must-can2.Start-starting3.Go后加to4.Learn后加from5.That-what6.Are-were7.You 前加if8.Imaginative-unimaginative9.Inspite - despite10.Way+out Vocabulary work6一1. Smoothly2. Handicap3. For fear4. Clumsy5. Make a point of6. As a matter of course7. Highlight8. Took great delight in9. Ill at ease10. Adapt11. Role12. Oblivious13. Revolt14. At the mercy of15. Just as well16. Flight二1. Departure2. Clumsy3. Ill at ease4. Bump into5. Handicaps6. Highlights7. Takes great delight in8. At the mercy of9. For fear10. Oblivious to11. Role12. Smoothly13. Sore14. Trapping15. Unloading16. Collapsed三1. It took Bob about two weeks to adapt himself to his new job as sales manager.2. The manager’s secretary make s a point of arriving at he office fifteen minutes early every moring.3. It’s just as well you didn’t come yesterday, we were not here.4. The small grocer was at the mercy of the people he owed money to.5. Bank officials always ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money.6. It revolted me to learn that the world spent so much money on arms while millions of people were dying of hunger.四1. The highlight of the circus performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting amused all the spectators.2. It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Airline yesterday-it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were killed.3. He never considered that when somebody wanted to help the handicapped girl, she would feel ill at ease.4. As a person taking delight in controlling everything and getting interest from ordering, Charles adapted quickly the new role of the company’s generalmanger.5. In the past twelve years, Amy has learned to live depending on herself. She takes delight in self-reliance and doing everything by herself.6. Amy refused to go out with Charles as a matter of course, because she disliked to be treated as a handicapped person dependent on others.五1.Pull(yourself) together2.Pulled down3.Pulled in4.Pull through5.Pulled up6.Pulling out7.Pull on8.Pulled out9.Look up10.Looked on11.Look up to12.Look out13.Look up14.Look into15.Looked on16.Look down upon17.Look back18.Looking through19.Looked over20.Looked in Cloze2. Remember3. Color4. Again5. Things6. Occurred7. Day8. Blind9. Prefer10. Them11. What12. To13. Make15. Easy16. In17. Call18. See19. Learn20. That21. Have22. Rest23. Self-confidence24. Something25. Despite26. Person28. Series29. Time30. No31. Reach32. Failure33. But34. madeError Correction1. by-in2. or-and3. described as4. controllable-uncontrollable5. power-powers6. joined-entered7. be blind8. years-year9. it去掉10. breaking-broken Vocabulary work一1.Virtual2.Reconciliation3.Deliberately4.Fury5.Essence6.Rational7.Get to the point 8.Go out of my mind 9.Immersed in 10.Precisely 11.In the midst 12.Lost his nerve 13.Supreme 14.Apology 15.Invasion 16.Muttering二1. Lousy2. Lost my nerve3. Immersed in4. Alleged5. Deliberately6. Involving her in7. Upset8. Ironic9. Get to the point10. Fury11. Hang up12. Rational13. The instant14. Fierce15. Instantly16. Squeeze三1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them wanted the reconciliation and become friends again, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady took fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to know with instinct which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I must make an apology-I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.四1. Cut off2. Cut back3. Cut in4. Cut across5. Cut down6. Cuts in7. Cut off8. Cut off9. Hangs back10. Hang up11. Hanging about12. Hung together13. Hang on14. Hang on toCloze1. Other2. With3. Increased4. For5. Last6. Who7. Adult8. Summed9. In10. Who11. Better12. Teach13. Without14. As15. View16. Generation17. Granted18. Only19. Decision20. importantPassage TranslationOne day, we received an invitation from my father to his sixtieth birthday party. Jenny regarded it as my father’s actively reaching out to a reconciliation, so we should accept it. I was in the midst of abstracting an important case and preparing for the coming examinations at that time, hence I only used the simplest words to tell her no day to reconcile forever. My refusal apparently made Jenny depressed, but as a rational woman, she didn’t quarrel with me. She just tried to persuade me. But it only made me furious, thinking that Jenny made me upset deliberately. I must have been crazy them, because I did a thing for which I would never forgivemyself-I shouted at Jenny and hurled the telephone at her. But once I threw it, I regretted. When I turned back to see her, she had disappeared.I went out to look for her everywhere, but in vain. I was scared to death, not knowing what to do next. When I was going to give up, I suddenly saw Jenny sitting in front of our house. I walked forward to her, saying “Jenny, I’m sorry-” But she interrupted my apology and said, ”love means not ever having to say you’re sorry.”。

大学英语精读 第五册 英译汉复习资料

大学英语精读 第五册 英译汉复习资料

大学英语精读第五册英译汉复习资料第一单元 First day: Give us 15 Minutes a Day1.No haphazard hit-or-miss methods will do.漫无计划,随随便便的方法是不起作用的。

2.It has long since been satisfactorily established that a high executive does not have a large vocabulary merely because of the opportunities of his position. That would be putting the cart before the horse.长期以来人们就满意地发现:高级行政管理人员之所以拥有大的词汇量,并非仅仅因为其所处的职位给了他许多机会。


3. A command of English will not only improve the processes of your mind. It will give you assurance; build your self-confidence; lend color to your personality; increase your popularity.掌握英语不仅可以改进你的思维方式,它还给你信心,令你自信,是你的个性更真实可信,使你更受欢迎。

4.Words are explosive. Phrases are packed with TNT.A simple word can destroy a friendship, landa large order.词汇具有爆炸性。



5.There are entertaining verbal calisthenics here, colorful facts about language, and many excursions among the words that keep our speech the rich, flexible, lively means of communication that it is.书中有引人入胜的词语操练,有丰富多彩的语言知识,有可供漫游的词语园地,正是这些词语使得我们的语言一直像现在这样成为丰富、灵活、生动的交际手段。



现代大学英语精读第5册1-7翻译[精选5篇]第一篇:现代大学英语精读第5册1-7翻译Lesson 1 Where Do We Go from Here 1.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个善意的谎言要好。










Lesson 2 Two Kinds B.Sentences 1.我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花,而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷毛。













Lesson 1Vocabulary1. Manhood:the state of being human2. White lie:harmless or trivial lie,esp.one told in order to avoid hurting sb.3. black sheep:person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family orgroup4. To upset: to defeat5. Affirmation:stating sth.as truth firmly and forcefully6. To strain: to make the greatest possible effort7. Off base: mistaken8. (a) want (of) : lack of9. Ringing cry: rallying callParagraph1. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.2. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.3. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when a negro is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.4. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.Power in its best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.5. At that time economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s ability and talents.At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made (or how wealthy he was).6. …the absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber.A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right andwrong.7. It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster, or by animal necessity.This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.8. …when the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated.…when the unfair practice of judhing human value by the amount of money a person has irs done away with.9. He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality.Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.10. Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds.Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination.Translation1. A white lie is better than a black lie.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。



第一课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1. given2. at a glance3. fluency4. Given5. hopefully7. define8. looked him up9. no good10. quoted, context11. guidance12. immediate13. disgust14. come across15. put into practice16. scope二1. washed his hands of2. given3. putting…into practice4. was confronted with5. countering6. were reduced to eating7. at a glance8. took refuge in9. less practicable10. countered11. dedication12. in disgust13. relied on14. for their part15. gave up三1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs.2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks.4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary.5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence.6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time.四1. has come down2. came to3. comes out4. come up with5. come in6. came across7. has come about8. come off9. come to10. give up11. was given back12. gave away13. gave out14. give in15. gives off/outcloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of8. them9. make10. before11. still12. before13. fluent14. while15. enough16. on17. in18. In19. Find20. Who21. carefully22. to23. possible24. make25. depend26. than27. made28. use29. phrases30. above31. on32. demonstrate33. out34. writingPassage TranslationTo master a large vocabulary is crucial to the fluency in a foreign language. It is showed by the statistics which are unofficial but frequently quoted concerning the Cambridge First Certificate examination that those students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are less likely to succeed in the exam. The latest research also indicates that native speaker of English knows at least 16,000 English words, when he has received education until he’s 18 or more. Unless you are proficient in a language such as Spanish or German, there is no shortcut to a large vocabulary: you have to depend on diligence and dedication. Of course, you can infer from context the meaning of some new words you come across in reading., but often you have to consult a dictionary to clarify the exact meanings. A practical method to learn new words may be reading widely, especially reading those interesting and exciting. Repeatedly, the same books is often beneficial to you: each time you read it you’ll learn different new words, and the familiar context also helps you to engrave these new words on your mind deeply. 第二课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(2u)(2010-07-20 14:15:35)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Notions inhabited2.Denial3.Independent4.Realistic5.Pass for6.Consequent7.A handful of8.As opposed to9.Urged influential10.Eternal11.In search of12.Cherish13.Related14.Denial, was opposed to15.Haunted16.Discerned二1.Combat2.Capabilities3.Eternal4.Opposed to5.In search of6.Stake …on7.No wonder8.In the light of9.Discern10.Paralyzed 11.Crying out for 12.Awaken to 13.Consequent 14.Sensitive to三1.She showed a complete lack of interest in the subject under discussion.2.Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family.3.As a charity, we provide food and shelterfor people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need.4.These stars are barely visible to the naked eyes.5.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the United States.6.Even to this day, the hunger he suffered in his childhood still haunts him.7.Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence. 8.The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the oil price.四1. I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help. As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2. More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3. There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4. Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe is hard to grasp.5. There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder thata handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7. In the light of this information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8. Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends, he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.Cloze1. Other2. Magazines3. Consider4. Times5. Answered6. Ways7. Questions8. Offer9. Differ10. For11. Themselves12. To13. Open14. Making15. So16. Single17. With18. Others19. Young20. Private21. Than22. Curriculum23. Kinds24. Should25. Amount26. Or27. Charge28. WhatError Correction1.Must-can2.Start-starting3.Go后加to4.Learn后加from5.That-what6.Are-were7.You 前加if8.Imaginative-unimaginative9.Inspite - despite10.Way+out第三课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(3u)(2010-07-20 14:37:55)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1. Accordingly2. Credits3. Ideal4. Honorable5. Conceive of6. Defect7. In short8. Premise9. Objective10. Concept11. Triumph12. Induce13. Vicious14. Venture15. As the case may be16. verified二1. ideal2. objective3. negative about4. honorable5. external6. as the case may be7. premise8. prevailed upon9. defects10. accordingly11. is not consistent with12. constructed13. conceive of14. verify15. induce16. vicious三1. This medicine is for external use, not to be taken orally.2. It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purely out of malice.3. At the reception, an atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed there.4. Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respect and fulfill her ambtions.5. He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributed very little.6. Women are often the first to fall victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7. What he does isn’t consistent with her says.8. I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the case may be.四1. Set up2. Set aside3. Set back4. Set out5. Set about6. Set off7. Was going on8. Went out9. Go by10. Has gone without11. Go after12. Went through with13. Go over14. Go into15. Went off16. Are going in forCloze1. As2. In3. Confirm4. Stupid5. Way6. Rather7. That8. Out9. Longer10. How11. From12. Sales13. To14. Continued15. More16. Still17. Not18. Self-image19. Certain20. From21. From22. comePassage TranslationIf you set out to do some business but failed, do not lose your confidence. There are great differences between that “I failed three times” and that “I am a failure”. As long as you try to learn from you failure instead of holding a negative view about yourself or identifying with failure, you are very likely to succeed in the future. Have you ever thought that those who have failed again and again are always the victims of bad self-image? They failed often because of not external reasons but internal reasons. Countless examples verify that if those people could be prevailed on to change their view and set up positive self-image, their performance would change miraculously. Success can come at any time, whenever you are thirty, forty or when it seems that you have failed all your life. Success in early years is sweet, but the late one is more tasty.第四课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(4u)(2010-07-20 15:01:33)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Blessing2.Borders3.Childish 4.Desperation5.Mercy6.Signature7.Steadily8.Stand out9.Came over10.Broke his heart 11.Pay back12.Flung13.Consent14.Hold your tongue二1. Held his tongue2. Blessing to3. Flung4. Forgive5. Thankful6. Pay you back7. Did me a bad turn8. Border9. Mercy10. With the consent三1. For God’s sake, tell me how you feel about the whole arrangement.2. Our military forces are fully prepared for the execution of the order of the military commission.3. They have so far collected more than 5,000 signatures for the petition against the new land development.4. His condition has gone steadily worse since he was defeated in the presidential election.5. A feeling of faintness suddenly came over me, so that I had to lie down.6. It will break your mother’s heart when she finds out that you’re cheated on exams and had been dismissed from school.7. As an extremely accomplished violinist, he stood out from all the other amateur musicians.8. His recommending you to the personnel manager did you a good turn.四1. Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticisms is to forgive and forget.2. For God’s sake, why didn’t you call me?3. I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconsciously.4. The mechanician flung the tools with anger, never to continue.5. Mark was so childish that he left the meeting just because some representatives contested his ideas.6. She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off.7. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.8. If you build an extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you will be ordered to demolish/pull down what you have built.五1. Took off2. Take to3. Took on4. Taken on5. Took for6. Takes after7. Took down8. Taken in9. Took over10. Taken up11. Take in12. Take up13. Paying for14. Paid off15. Pay back16. Pay up, paid up17. Paid off.Cloze1. Up2. Drew3. Belong4. Out5. Like6. Away7. Presence8. After9. Bewildered10. His11. In12. Over13. On14. V oice15. Contracted16. On17. Must18. Arrested19. True20. Still21. With22. To23. Out24. With25. Seized26. Fault27. Instant28. Struck29. Over30. But31. Round32. aloneError Correction1. obvious 前加of2. Furthermore-However3. To-on4. Look-see5. None-all6. Other-another7. Violate-violating8. Fiction前加in9. Involving-involved10. Are-were第五课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(5u)(2010-07-20 15:29:33)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Distinguish between2.In practice3.To the contrary4.Procedures5.In principle6.Proportional7.Rebels8.Strive for9.Replaced10.Outcome 11.Adopted 12.Criterion 13.Abandoned 14.Appointed 15.Banned 16.Effective 17.Formulated 18.Ingredients 19.Circulated 20.Retain21.Rebel 22.condemned二1. took his word for it2. formulated3. in practice4. met with5. representing6. strive7. immense8. infinite 9. adopt10. appointed11. circulates12. retaining13. are subjected to14. its outcome15. modified16. condemned17. suppressing18. largely19. ingredient20. criteria三1. Take my word for it, you’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house.2. Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3. If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come to meet you on July 8th.4. It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5. The police found out what the terrorists were up to before they could carry out their bomb attack.6. The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.7. Back then at home we were banned to read children’s comics because my paren ts thought they were not a good influence.8. It is very essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.9. The number of representatives of each state is proportional to the size of its population.10. A novelist cannot be a great on unless he has a well developed insight into human nature.11. More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.12. Late frosts account for the poorfruit-crop of this year.13. An effective way to reduce labor cost is to use robots replacing workers.14. What’s the matter with you today? Whatever I say you contradict.Cloze1. Questions2. Solving3. Out4. Between5. Establishing6. These7. With8. Science9. Do10. In11. So12. Universe13. Highest14. Dislikes15. Did16. Unpleasant17. Believe18. Hear19. Flying20. Breathe21. Age22. Terms23. Reverse24. Serve25. Those26. Themselves27. toPassage TranslationScientists are a small group of people who are striving to gain insight into nature and seek for laws in the superficial disorder. They have a special ability to think and analyze, and unlimited patience in observing and collecting date. However , not all scientific discoveries can be ascribed to abilities and patience; they usually connect closely with creative imagination. Of course, the leap of imagination is often the first step leading to discoveries. Moreover , scientists are famous for their honesty. They put a high premium on honesty, mainly because that honesty is cardinal to their career. Every theory they put forward has to be further tested. Every error and lie are sure to be found. So, if finding some evidence contradiction with their ideas, scientists modify even abandon their ideas, instead of concealing them. In this way, they accumulate an immense amount of knowledge, which can help us understand ourselves and surroundings better.分享第六课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(6u)(2010-07-20 15:53:05)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1. Smoothly2. Handicap3. For fear4. Clumsy5. Make a point of6. As a matter of course7. Highlight8. Took great delight in9. Ill at ease10. Adapt11. Role12. Oblivious13. Revolt14. At the mercy of15. Just as well16. Flight二1. Departure2. Clumsy3. Ill at ease4. Bump into5. Handicaps6. Highlights7. Takes great delight in8. At the mercy of9. For fear10. Oblivious to11. Role12. Smoothly13. Sore14. Trapping15. Unloading16. Collapsed三1. It took Bob about two weeks to adapt himself to his new job as sales manager.2. The manager’s secretary makes a point of arriving at he office fifteen minutes early every moring.3. It’s just as well you didn’t come yesterday, we were not here.4. The small grocer was at the mercy of the people he owed money to.5. Bank officials always ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money.6. It revolted me to learn that the world spent so much money on arms while millions of people were dying of hunger.四1. The highlight of the circus performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting amused all the spectators.2. It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Airline yesterday-it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were killed.3. He never considered that when somebody wanted to help the handicapped girl, she would feel ill at ease.4. As a person taking delight in controlling everything and getting interest from ordering, Charles adapted quickly the new role of the company’s general manger.5. In the past twelve years, Amy has learned to live depending on herself. She takes delight in self-reliance and doing everything by herself.6. Amy refused to go out with Charles as a matter of course, because she disliked to be treated as a handicapped person dependent on others.五1.Pull(yourself) together2.Pulled down3.Pulled in4.Pull through5.Pulled up6.Pulling out7.Pull on8.Pulled out9.Look up10.Looked on11.Look up to12.Look out13.Look up14.Look into 15.Looked on16.Look down upon 17.Look back 18.Looking through 19.Looked over 20.Looked inCloze1. Am2. Remember3. Color4. Again5. Things6. Occurred7. Day8. Blind9. Prefer10. Them11. What12. To13. Make14. More15. Easy16. In17. Call18. See19. Learn20. That21. Have22. Rest23. Self-confidence24. Something25. Despite26. Person27. Where28. Series29. Time30. No31. Reach32. Failure33. But34. madeError Correction1. by-in2. or-and3. described as4. controllable-uncontrollable5. power-powers6. joined-entered7. be blind8. years-year9. it去掉10. breaking-broken第七课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(7u)(2010-07-20 16:15:28)转载标签:答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary work一1.Virtual2.Reconciliation3.Deliberately4.Fury5.Essence6.Rational7.Get to the point8.Go out of my mind9.Immersed in10.Precisely11.In the midst12.Lost his nerve 13.Supreme 14.Apology 15.Invasion 16.Muttering二1. Lousy2. Lost my nerve3. Immersed in4. Alleged5. Deliberately6. Involving her in7. Upset8. Ironic9. Get to the point10. Fury11. Hang up12. Rational13. The instant14. Fierce15. Instantly16. Squeeze三1. Because of the ban k’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them wanted the reconciliation and become friends again, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady took fright when agunman suddenly appeared in front of her. 4. Bob seems to know with instinct which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I must make an apology-I’m afraidI opened your letter by mistake.四1. Cut off2. Cut back3. Cut in4. Cut across5. Cut down6. Cuts in7. Cut off8. Cut off9. Hangs back10. Hang up11. Hanging about12. Hung together13. Hang on14. Hang on toCloze1. Other2. With3. Increased4. For5. Last6. Who7. Adult8. Summed9. In10. Who11. Better12. Teach13. Without14. As15. View16. Generation17. Granted18. Only19. Decision20. important Passage TranslationOne day, we received an invitation from my father to his sixtieth birthday party. Jenny regarded it as my father’s actively reaching out to a reconciliation, so we should accept it.I was in the midst of abstracting an important case and preparing for the coming examinations at that time, hence I only used the simplest words to tell her no day to reconcile forever. My refusal apparently made Jenny depressed, but as a rational woman, she didn’t quarrel with me. She just tried to persuade me. But it only made me furious, thinking that Jenny made me upset deliberately. I must have been crazy them, because I did a thing for which I would never forgive myself-I shouted at Jenny and hurled the telephone at her. But once I threw it, I regretted. When I turned back to see her, she had disappeared.I went out to look for her everywhere, but in vain. I was scared to death, not knowing what to do next. When I was going to give up, I suddenly saw Jenny sitting in front of our house. I walked forward to her, saying “Jenny, I’m sorry-” But she interrupted my apology and said, ”love means not ever having to say you’re sorry.”分享第八课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(8u)(2010-07-09 11:45:47)转载标签:教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary Work一1.dense2.accompanied3.confess4.fascinated5.evoked6.voluntary7.intellect8.in sequence9.chorus 10.distinguished himself 11.deviated from 12.lit up 13.over the hill 14.talking shop15.put...back together16.uncertain二1.fascinated2.distinguished himself3.an amazing4.accompany5.confess6.random7.reigned over 8.overwhelmed9.glows10.boundary 11.deviated from12.distinguished13.dimensions e to anything15.over the hill16.broke down三1.To my surprise,they agreed to all our demands.2.Television has robbed cinema of its popularity.3.The government is defending its economic policies against a chorus of criticism.4.The manager's explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5.When the doctor told him he had lung cancer,Jim was to so overwhelmed that he didn't know what to do.6.The new method deviated totally from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.四1.When I was a child,I was fascinated by the idea of taking a round-the-world journey,and used to stay in my grandfather's sanctum for several hours,rolling the globe and imagining the places to travel.2.This afternoon a time bomb exploded at one of the largest supermarkets in London,which evoked a great horror among people.3.Accompanied with his father,Bill went to the police station and confessed to the policeman that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4.After engaged to Jane,Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life.Before long the distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5.Professor Stone was well-known for his sternness.But, to people's surprise, his speech at his daughter's wedding last Saturday was jolly and full of humor.6.To our surprise, there are so many people willing to do voluntary work for the community's benefit.五1.broke up2.broke out3.have broken through4.broke down5.broke in6.broke down7.had been broken into 8.broke away from 9.broke in10.breaks up 11.turn into 12.turned in 13.turn up 14.was turned down15.turning out 16.have turned ... into17.turn down18.had turned over 19.turned out 20.turned ...over 21.turn in 22.turned up cloze1.first2.wheelchair3.height4.weigh5.suffered6.worsening7.harmed8.things9.is 10.difficult 11.those12.down13.hold 14.take 15.if16.details17.at 18.to 19.books20.progress21.conferences 22.disease 23.stay w25.difficult 26.simplestError Correction1.been diagnosed2.progress-progressvie3.with-on4.satisfy-satisfying5.apparent-apparently6.the-/7.belief-disbelief8.annoyed-annoying9.have-having10.nurse-nurses第九课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(9u)(2010-07-09 11:18:18)转载标签:教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary Work一1.on the right track2.wary ofes down to4.conservative5.historical6.corporate7.leap8.sum up 9.weighted down10.luxury11.guarantee 12.policy13.lucky14.stack the odds against 15.diminished 16.take a chance二1.will come down to2.terrific3.shooting from the hip4.out of date5.lucky6.make a move7.sum up 8.on the right track9.weighted down 10.holding out for 11.guarantee 12.ruthless13.target 14.wary of15.a certainty 16.gamble三1.There is nothing you can say that will diminish his enthusiasm for the project.2.He has so many enemies in the town that the odds are heavily stacked against his being elected to the council.3.There is still no certainty that a cease-fire agreement will be reached between the two sides.4.It's always been Dr.Dryden's policy never to lie to his patients.5.Sleeping in a warm bed was a luxury for the earthquake victims.6.A lot of new words are out of date very quickly.四1.brought out2.bring up3.brought to4.bring...together5.bringing down6.bringing back7.bring about 8.bring down9.bring out10.brought (them)together11.held(us)back/up12.holding out for 13.hold on to14.hold on15.hold in/back 16.held out/on17.held up18.hold back 19.hold (himself)in clozeputer2.problem3.much4.with5.to6.people7.look8.more9.to 10.with 11.do12.way13.what 14.in 15.affect16.get17.die 18.with 19.many20.run21.a 22.how 23.how24.and25.take 26.now第十课大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(10u)(2010-07-06 12:17:01)转载标签:大学英语课后习题答案教育分类:大学英语V ocabulary Work一1.guilty of2.flames3.equality4.reminds of5.was stripped of6.bankrupt7.destiny8.legitimate9.despair 10.discrimination11.architect 12.had underestimated 13.cool off 14.horror15.threshold 16.crippled二1.fallen heir to2.obligation3.legitimate4.fatigue5.fatal6.thirst7.transforms8.bankrupt9.In a sense 10.defaulted on 11.speeding up 12.sacred 13.tied up with 14.horror15.underestimate16.cool off三1.The man confessed he had been guilty of theft.2.David got in despair as he read the examination questions.3.We are on the threshold of a new era in genetic engineering.4.He was stripped of his knighthood after he was found guilty.5.A taste of power left him with a thirst for more power.6.Some of the basic industries of that country have been crippled as a result of a series of strikes.四1.The increasing prosperity of the country in a sense owes the government's policy of economic reform.2.The Negro leader regarded it as his sacred obligation to devote himself to realizing racial equality.3.In 1976, the three main architects of the People's Republic-Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Zedong died in sequence.4.I reminded that he had the headmaster more than once of his promise to protect the retired teachers' legitimate behalf.5.The main idea of the story is that one's destiny ties up with the whole country's.6.The riches the youth fell heir to made him realize his dream.五1.stood up for2.stand by3.stand up for4.stood for5.stand by6.stand up to7.stood out8.stand for9.sit in 10.sat on11.sit down 12.will sit for/sat for 13.sit up for 14.sitting on15.sits upClose1.form2.free3.colonial4.nonviolent5.unjust6.lives7.to 8.could 9.of 10.segregation 11.conditions 12.already 13.came 14.returning 15.when 16.on 17.not 18.spread19.attend 20.decided sted 22.effective ws 24.victory eError Correction1.is前面加it2.done-made3.Yet-For4.difficult-easy5.historical-history6.and-but7.appear-disappear8.dissatisfied-satisfied 9.true-truth 10.was-were答案略有出入。



Unit 1V ocabulary work一1. given2. at a glance3. fluency4. Given5. hopefully7. define8. looked him up9. no good10. quoted, context11. guidance12. immediate13. disgust14. come across15. put into practice16. scope二1. washed his hands of2. given3. putting…into practice4. was confronted with5. countering6. were reduced to eating7. at a glance8. took refuge in9. less practicable10. countered11. dedication12. in disgust13. relied on14. for their part15. gave up三1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs.2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess.3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks.4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary.5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted withevidence.6. The incident shouldbe viewed in the widercontext of the politicalturmoil of that time.四1. has come down2. came to3. comes out4. come up with5. come in6. came across7. has come about8. come off9. come to10. give up11. was given back12. gave away13. gave out14. give in15. gives off/outcloze1. express2. both3. intended4. still5. where6. personal7. of8. them9. make10. before11. still12. before13. fluent14. while15. enough16. on17. in18. In19. Find20. Who21. carefully22. to23. possible24. make25. depend26. than27. made28. use29. phrases30. above31. on32. demonstrate33. out34. writingPassage T ranslationTo master a large vocabulary is crucial tothe fluency in a foreign language. It isshowed by the statistics which areunofficial but frequently quoted concerningthe Cambridge First Certificate examinationthat those students with a vocabulary of lessthan 3,500 words are less likely to succeedin the exam. The latest research alsoindicates that native speaker of Englishknows at least 16,000 English words, whenhe has received education until he’s 18 ormore. Unless you are proficient in alanguage such as Spanish or German, thereis no shortcut to a large vocabulary: youhave to depend on diligence and dedication.Of course, you can infer from context themeaning of some new words you comeacross in reading., but often you have toconsult a dictionary to clarify the exactmeanings. A practical method to learn newwords may be reading widely, especiallyreading those interesting and exciting.Repeatedly, the same books is oftenbeneficial to you: each time you read ityo u’ll learn different new words, and thefamiliar context also helps you to engravethese new words on your mind deeply.第二课V ocabulary work一1.Notions inhabited2.Denial3.Independent4.Realistic5.Pass for6.Consequent7.A handful of8.As opposed to9.Urged influential10.Eternal11.In search of12.Cherish13.Related14.Denial, was opposed to 15.Haunted16.Discerned二1.Combat2.Capabilities3.Eternal4.Opposed to5.In search of6.Stake …on7.No wonder8.In the light of9.Discern10.Paralyzed11.Crying out for12.A waken to13.Consequent14.Sensitive to三1.She showed a complete lack of interest in the subject under discussion.2.Now that she’s got a part-time job, she is financially independent of her family. 3.As a charity, we provide food and shelter for people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need.4.These stars are barely visible to the naked eyes.5.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the United States. 6.Even to this day, the hunger he suffered in his childhood still haunts him. 7.Robert overcame his shyness which had formerly paralyzed him in Mary’s presence. 8.The fall in the cost ofliving is directly related tothe drop in the oil price.四1. I don’t think it isrealistic to turn to him forhelp. As a matter of fact, hehimself is in need of help.2. More and morepeople are being awakenedto the urgent need ofcombating air pollution.3. There are visiblesigns that some of thetime-honored old traditionsand values are no longercherished by the youngpeople.4. Many of us findthe notion of a boundlessuniverse is hard to grasp.5. There being somany loopholes in the lawsand regulations, it is littlewonder that a handful ofspeculators got richovernight.6. An unprecedentedboom in tourism broughtsudden prosperity to thesmall border town, whichwas formerly inhabited byonly three hundred people.7. In the light of thisinformation, that countryalready has the capabilities tomake nuclear weapons.8. Regardless ofrepeated warnings from hisfriends, he staked all hismoney on high-risk ventures.Cloze1. Other2. Magazines3. Consider4. Times5. Answered6. Ways7. Questions8. Offer9. Differ10. For11. Themselves12. To13. Open14. Making15. So16. Single17. With18. Others19. Y oung20. Private21. Than22. Curriculum23. Kinds24. Should25. Amount26. Or27. Charge28. WhatError Correction1.Must-can2.Start-starting3.Go后加to4.Learn后加from5.That-what6.Are-were7.Y ou 前加if8.Imaginative-unimaginative9.Inspite - despite10.Way+out第三课V ocabulary work一1. Accordingly2. Credits3. Ideal4. Honorable5. Conceive of6. Defect7. In short8. Premise9. Objective10. Concept11. Triumph12. Induce13. V icious14. V enture15. As the case may be16. verified二1. ideal2. objective3. negative about4. honorable5. external6. as the case may be7. premise8. prevailed upon9. defects10. accordingly11. is not consistent with12. constructed13. conceive of14. verify15. induce16. vicious三1. This medicine is for external use, not to be taken orally.2. It never occurred to him that people could deliberately do harm to others purely out of malice.3. At the reception, an atmosphere of warm friendship prevailed there.4. Many women can identify with the movie’s heroine, who struggles to gain respect and fulfill her ambtions.5. He claimed credit for the success of this project even though he had contributed very little.6. Women are often the first to fall victim to rising unemployment at a time of recession.7. What he does isn’t consistent with her says.8. I will start working or pursue graduate studies, as the casemay be.四1. Set up2. Set aside3. Set back4. Set out5. Set about6. Set off7. Was going on8. Went out9. Go by10. Has gone without11. Go after12. Went through with13. Go over14. Go into15. Went off16. Are going in forCloze1. As2. In3. Confirm4. Stupid5. Way6. Rather7. That8. Out9. Longer10. How11. From12. Sales13. To14. Continued15. More16. Still17. Not18. Self-image19. Certain20. From21. From22. comePassage TranslationIf you set out to do somebusiness but failed, do notlose your confidence. Thereare great differences between that “I failedthree times” and that “I am a failure”. Aslong as you try to learn from you failureinstead of holding a negative view aboutyourself or identifying with failure, you arevery likely to succeed in the future. Haveyou ever thought that those who have failedagain and again are always the victims ofbad self-image? They failed often becauseof not external reasons but internal reasons.Countless examples verify that if thosepeople could be prevailed on to changetheir view and set up positive self-image,their performance would changemiraculously. Success can come at any time,whenever you are thirty, forty or when itseems that you have failed all your life.Success in early years is sweet, but the lateone is more tasty.第四课V ocabulary work一1.Blessing2.Borders3.Childish4.Desperation5.Mercy6.Signature7.Steadily8.Stand out9.Came over10.Broke his heart11.Pay back12.Flung13.Consent14.Hold your tongue二1. Held his tongue2. Blessing to3. Flung4. Forgive5. Thankful6. Pay you back7. Did me a bad turn8. Border9. Mercy10. With the consent三1. For God’s sake, tell me how you feel about the whole arrangement.2. Our military forces are fully prepared for the execution of the order of the military commission.3. They have so far collected more than 5,000 signatures for the petition against the new land development.4. His condition has gone steadily worse since he was defeated in the presidential election.5. A feeling of faintness suddenly came over me, so that I had to lie down.6. It will break your mother’s heart when she finds out that you’re cheated on exams and had been dismissed from school.7. As an extremely accomplished violinist, he stood out from all the other amateur musicians.8. His recommending you to the personnel manager did you a good turn.四1. Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticisms is to forgive and forget.2. For God’s sake, why didn’t you call me?3. I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconsciously.4. The mechanician flung the tools with anger, never to continue.5. Mark was so childish that he left the meeting just because some representatives contested his ideas.6. She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off.7. Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.8. If you build an extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you willbe ordered to demolish/pulldown what you have built.五1. Took off2. Take to3. Took on4. Taken on5. Took for6. Takes after7. Took down8. Taken in9. Took over10. Taken up11. Take in12. Take up13. Paying for14. Paid off15. Pay back16. Pay up, paid up17. Paid off.Cloze1. Up2. Drew3. Belong4. Out5. Like6. A way7. Presence8. After9. Bewildered10. His11. In12. Over13. On14. V oice15. Contracted16. On17. Must18. Arrested19. True20. Still21. With22. To23. Out24. With25. Seized26. Fault27. Instant28. Struck29. Over30. But31. Round32. aloneError Correction1. obvious 前加of2. Furthermore-However3. To-on4. Look-see5. None-all6. Other-another7. V iolate-violating8. Fiction前加in9. Involving-involved10. Are-were第五课V ocabulary work一1.Distinguish between2.In practice3.To the contrary4.Procedures5.In principle6.Proportional7.Rebels8.Strive for9.Replaced10.Outcome11.Adopted12.Criterion13.Abandoned14.Appointed15.Banned16.Effective17.Formulated18.Ingredients19.Circulated20.Retain21.Rebel22.condemned二1. took his word for it2. formulated3. in practice4. met with5. representing6. strive7. immense8. infinite9. adopt10. appointed11. circulates12. retaining13. are subjected to14. its outcome15. modified16. condemned17. suppressing18. largely19. ingredient20. criteria三1. Take my word for it, you’ll buy nothing but trouble if you buy that house.2. Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3. If I don’t hear anything to the contrary, I’ll come to meet you on July 8th.4. It’s very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the service manual.5. The police found out what the terrorists were up to before they could carry out their bomb attack.6. The new Medicare program putsa high premium on prevention and primary care.7. Back then at home we were banned to read children’s comics because my parents thought they were not a good influence.8. It is very essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.9. The number of representatives of each state is proportional tothe size of its population.10. A novelist cannot be agreat on unless he has a welldeveloped insight intohuman nature.11. More and more peoplehave come to realize thatcancer of the lung has moreto do with smoking than withanything else.12. Late frosts account forthe poor fruit-crop of thisyear.13. An effective way toreduce labor cost is to userobots replacing workers.14. What’s the matterwith you today? Whatever Isay you contradict.Cloze1. Questions2. Solving3. Out4. Between5. Establishing6. These7. With8. Science9. Do10. In11. So12. Universe13. Highest14. Dislikes15. Did16. Unpleasant17. Believe18. Hear19. Flying20. Breathe21. Age22. Terms23. Reverse24. Serve25. Those26. Themselves27. toPassage TranslationScientists are a small group of people whoare striving to gain insight into nature andseek for laws in the superficial disorder.They have a special ability to think andanalyze, and unlimited patience inobserving and collecting date. However ,not all scientific discoveries can be ascribedto abilities and patience; they usuallyconnect closely with creative imagination.Of course, the leap of imagination is oftenthe first step leading to discoveries.Moreover , scientists are famous for theirhonesty. They put a high premium onhonesty, mainly because that honesty iscardinal to their career. Every theory theyput forward has to be further tested. Everyerror and lie are sure to be found. So, iffinding some evidence contradiction withtheir ideas, scientists modify even abandontheir ideas, instead of concealing them. Inthis way, they accumulate an immenseamount of knowledge, which can help usunderstand ourselves and surroundingsbetter.第六课V ocabulary work一1. Smoothly2. Handicap3. For fear4. Clumsy5. Make a point of6. As a matter of course7. Highlight8. Took great delight in9. Ill at ease10. Adapt11. Role12. Oblivious13. Revolt14. At the mercy of15. Just as well16. Flight二1. Departure2. Clumsy3. Ill at ease4. Bump into5. Handicaps6. Highlights7. Takes great delight in8. At the mercy of9. For fear10. Oblivious to11. Role12. Smoothly13. Sore14. Trapping15. Unloading16. Collapsed三1. It took Bob about two weeks to adapt himself to his new job as sales manager.2. The manager’s secretary makes a point of arriving at he office fifteen minutes early every moring.3. It’s just as well you didn’t come yesterday, we were not here.4. The small grocer was at the mercy of the people he owed money to.5. Bank officials always ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money.6. It revolted me to learn that the world spent so much money on arms while millions of people were dying of hunger.四1. The highlight of the circus performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting amused all the spectators.2. It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Airline yesterday-it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were killed.3. He never considered that when somebody wanted to help thehandicapped girl, she wouldfeel ill at ease.4. As a person takingdelight in controllingeverything and gettinginterest from ordering,Charles adapted quickly thenew role of the company’sgeneral manger.5. In the past twelveyears, Amy has learned tolive depending on herself.She takes delight inself-reliance and doingeverything by herself.6. Amy refused to goout with Charles as a matterof course, because shedisliked to be treated as ahandicapped persondependent on others.五1.Pull(yourself) together2.Pulled down3.Pulled in4.Pull through5.Pulled up6.Pulling out7.Pull on8.Pulled out9.Look up10.Looked on11.Look up to12.Look out13.Look up14.Look into15.Looked on16.Look down upon17.Look back18.Looking through19.Looked over20.Looked inCloze1. Am2. Remember3. Color4. Again5. Things6. Occurred7. Day8. Blind9. Prefer10. Them11. What12. To13. Make14. More15. Easy16. In17. Call18. See19. Learn20. That21. Have22. Rest23. Self-confidence24. Something25. Despite26. Person27. Where28. Series29. Time30. No31. Reach32. Failure33. But34. madeError Correction1. by-in2. or-and3. described as4. controllable-uncontrollable5. power-powers6. joined-entered7. be blind8. years-year9. it去掉10. breaking-broken第七课V ocabulary work一1.V irtual2.Reconciliation3.Deliberately4.Fury5.Essence6.Rational7.Get to the point8.Go out of my mind9.Immersed in10.Precisely11.In the midst 12.Lost his nerve 13.Supreme 14.Apology 15.Invasion 16.Muttering二1. Lousy2. Lost my nerve3. Immersed in4. Alleged5. Deliberately6. Involving her in7. Upset8. Ironic9. Get to the point10. Fury11. Hang up12. Rational13. The instant14. Fierce15. Instantly16. Squeeze三1. Because of the bank’s refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them wanted the reconciliation and become friends again, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady took fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to know with instinct which products will sell.5. The organizers ofthe appeal are reaching out tothe public in order to gettheir help.6. I must make anapology-I’m afraid I openedyour letter by mistake.四1. Cut off2. Cut back3. Cut in4. Cut across5. Cut down6. Cuts in7. Cut off8. Cut off9. Hangs back10. Hang up11. Hanging about12. Hung together13. Hang on14. Hang on toCloze1. Other2. With3. Increased4. For5. Last6. Who7. Adult8. Summed9. In10. Who11. Better12. Teach13. Without14. As15. V iew16. Generation17. Granted18. Only19. Decision20. importantPassage TranslationOne day, we received aninvitation from my father tohis sixtieth birthday party. Jenny regarded itas my father’s actively reaching out to areconciliation, so we should accept it. I wasin the midst of abstracting an importantcase and preparing for the comingexaminations at that time, hence I only usedthe simplest words to tell her no day toreconcile forever. My refusal apparentlymade Jenny depressed, but as a rationalwoman, she didn’t quarrel with me. She justtried to persuade me. But it only made mefurious, thinking that Jenny made me upsetdeliberately. I must have been crazy them,because I did a thing for which I wouldnever forgive myself-I shouted at Jenny andhurled the telephone at her. But once Ithrew it, I regretted. When I turned back tosee her, she had disappeared.I went out to look for her everywhere, butin vain. I was scared to death, not knowingwhat to do next. When I was going to giveup, I suddenly saw Jenny sitting in front ofour house. I walked forward to her, saying“Jenny, I’m sorry-” But she interrupted myapology and said, ”love means not everhaving to say you’re sorry.”第八课V ocabulary Work一1.dense2.accompanied3.confess4.fascinated5.evoked6.voluntary7.intellect 8.in sequence 9.chorus10.distinguished himself11.deviated from 12.lit up13.over the hill 14.talking shop15.put...back together16.uncertain二1.fascinated2.distinguished himself3.an amazing4.accompany5.confess6.random7.reigned over 8.overwhelmed9.glows10.boundary 11.deviated from12.distinguished13.dimensions e to anything15.over the hill16.broke down三1.To my surprise,they agreed to all our demands.2.Television has robbed cinema of its popularity.3.The government is defending its economic policies against a chorus of criticism.4.The manager's explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5.When the doctor told him he had lung cancer,Jim was to so overwhelmed that he didn't know what to do.6.The new method deviated totally from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.四1.When I was a child,I was fascinated by the idea of taking a round-the-world journey,and used to stay in my grandfather's sanctum for several hours,rolling the globe and imagining the places to travel.2.This afternoon a time bomb exploded at one of the largest supermarkets in London,which evoked a great horror among people.3.Accompanied with his father,Bill went to the police station and confessed to the policeman that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before.4.After engaged to Jane,Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life.Before long the distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5.Professor Stone was well-known for his sternness.But, to people's surprise, his speech at his daughter's wedding last Saturday was jolly and full of humor.6.To our surprise, there are so many people willing to do voluntary work for the community's benefit.五1.broke up2.broke out3.have broken through4.broke down5.broke in6.broke down7.had been broken into8.broke away from9.broke in10.breaks up11.turn into12.turned in 13.turn up14.was turned down15.turning out 16.haveturned ... into 17.turndown18.had turned over19.turned out20.turned ...over 21.turn in22.turned upcloze1.first2.wheelchair3.height4.weigh5.suffered6.worsening7.harmed8.things9.is 10.difficult11.those 12.down13.hold 14.take15.if 16.details17.at 18.to19.books 20.progress21.conferences 22.disease23.stay w25.difficult 26.simplestError Correction1.been diagnosed2.progress-progressvie3.with-on4.satisfy-satisfying5.apparent-apparently6.the-/7.belief-disbelief8.annoyed-annoying9.have-having10.nurse-nurses第九课V ocabulary Work一1.on the right track2.wary ofes down to4.conservative5.historical6.corporate7.leap8.sum up 9.weighteddown 10.luxury11.guarantee 12.policy13.lucky14.stack the odds against 15.diminished16.take a chance二1.will come down to2.terrific3.shooting from the hip4.out of date5.lucky6.make a move7.sum up 8.on the righttrack9.weighted down 10.holding outfor11.guarantee 12.ruthless13.target 14.wary of15.a certainty 16.gamble三1.There is nothing you can say that willdiminish his enthusiasm for the project.2.He has so many enemies in the town thatthe odds are heavily stacked against hisbeing elected to the council.3.There is still no certainty that a cease-fireagreement will be reached between the twosides.4.It's always been Dr.Dryden's policy neverto lie to his patients.5.Sleeping in a warm bed was a luxury forthe earthquake victims.6.A lot of new words are out of date veryquickly.四1.brought out2.bring up3.brought to4.bring...together5.bringing down6.bringing back7.bring about 8.bring down9.bring out10.brought (them)together11.held(us)back/up12.holding out for 13.hold on to14.hold on15.hold in/back 16.held out/on17.held up18.hold back 19.hold (himself)in clozeputer2.problem3.much4.with5.to6.people7.look8.more9.to 10.with 11.do12.way13.what 14.in 15.affect16.get17.die 18.with 19.many20.run21.a 22.how 23.how24.and25.take 26.now第十课V ocabulary Work一1.guilty of2.flames3.equality4.reminds of5.was stripped of6.bankrupt7.destiny8.legitimate9.despair 10.discrimination11.architect 12.had underestimated 13.cool off 14.horror15.threshold 16.crippled二1.fallen heir to2.obligation3.legitimate4.fatigue5.fatal6.thirst7.transforms8.bankrupt9.In a sense 10.defaulted on11.speeding up 12.sacred 13.tied up with 14.horror15.underestimate16.cool off三1.The man confessed he had been guilty of theft.2.David got in despair as he read the examination questions.3.We are on the threshold ofa new era in geneticengineering.4.He was stripped of hisknighthood after he wasfound guilty.5.A taste of power left himwith a thirst for more power.6.Some of the basicindustries of that countryhave been crippled as a resultof a series of strikes.四1.The increasing prosperityof the country in a senseowes the government'spolicy of economic reform.2.The Negro leader regardedit as his sacred obligation todevote himself to realizingracial equality.3.In 1976, the three mainarchitects of the People'sRepublic-Premier Zhou Enlai,Marshal Zhu De andChairman Mao Zedong diedin sequence.4.I reminded that he had theheadmaster more than onceof his promise to protect theretired teachers' legitimatebehalf.5.The main idea of the storyis that one's destiny ties upwith the whole country's.6.The riches the youth fellheir to made him realize hisdream.五1.stood up for2.stand by3.stand up for4.stoodfor 5.stand by6.stand up to7.stoodout 8.stand for9.sit in 10.sat on11.sit down 12.willsit for/sat for 13.sit up for14.sitting on 15.sits upClose1.form2.free3.colonial4.nonviolent5.unjust6.lives7.to 8.could 9.of10.segregation 11.conditions 12.already13.came 14.returning 15.when16.on 17.not18.spread19.attend 20.decided sted22.effective ws 24.victoryeError Correction1.is前面加it2.done-made3.Y et-For4.difficult-easy5.historical-history6.and-but7.appear-disappear8.dissatisfied-satisfied 9.true-truth10.was-were。



第五册第一单元选词填空B5U1P71) The bank has discovered that on any _____ day, transactions in cash seldom exceed one million. given 该银行发现每天现金交易都很少超过一百万元。

2) One could tell _____ that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily. at a glance 人们一眼就能看出她不是那种会轻言放弃的人。

3) Applicants for this position need _____ in at least one foreign language. fluency 这个职位需要至少一门外语流利的求职者。

4) _____ patience, the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved. Given 只要有耐心,这个物种的人工繁育是可以实现的。

5)So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, _____, will hit a new record this year. hopefully 目前为止天气很好,今年庄稼产量很有希望创历史新高。

6) An employment contract should _____ the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms. define 劳动合同应该用明确的条款界定雇佣方和受雇方的权利和义务。

7) “How did you get the information about this author?”“I _____ him _____in Who’s Who.”looked…up 你是怎么得到这个自己的信息的?我在《名人录》中查到的。



精读5 翻译Unit 1Passage Translation1.掌握大量的词汇对于达到一门外语的流利程度是至关重要的。

Mastering a large number of words is essential to achieving fluency in a foreign language.2.一个非官方的但却是经常被引用的有关剑桥初级证书英语考试(Cambridge First Certificate Examination)的数字表明,词汇量少于三千五百词的学生不大可能在这项考试中成功。

An unofficial, but often quoted, figure for the Cambridge First Certificate examination suggests that students with a vocabulary of less than 3,500 words are unlikely to be successful in the exam.3.最近的研究也表明,其母语为英语的受教育至18岁或18岁以上的人至少认识一万六千个英语词Current research also suggests that native English speakers who have been educated up to 18 years old or beyond know at least 16,000 English words4.除非你已经会讲一种像西班牙语或德语这样的语言,要获得大的英语词汇量是没有捷径可走的:你就得依靠勤奋和专注And unless you already speak a language like Spanish or German, there are no shortcuts to a large vocabulary in English: you just have to rely on diligence and dedication. 5当然,你可以从上下文猜出你阅读中遇到的一些生词的意思,但往往你得查词典才能搞清楚它们的确切意思。

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大学英语精读第五册 Unit 2Translation Chinese to English1.我认为向他求助是不现实的。


I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help.As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help.2.越来越多的人正在意识到与空气污染作斗争的迫切需要。

More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution.3.有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和价值观念采不再被年轻人珍视。

There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.4.我们许多人觉得宇宙无限这一概念难以理解。

Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp.5. 因为法律和规章中有许多漏洞(loophole),一小撮投机倒把者一夜之间暴富就没有什么奇怪了。

There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight.6. 旅游事业的空前兴旺使这个从前只住有三百人的边境小镇突然繁荣起来。

An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people.7.根据这一信息,该国已经具有制造核武器的能力。

In the light of the information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons.8.他不顾朋友的反复警告,把所有的钱都投向了高风险企业。

Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends,he staked all his money on high-risk ventures.大学英语精读第五册 Unit 4TRANSLATION Chinese to English1. 有人说对于不公正的批评的最好反映是原谅和忘却(不念旧恶)。

Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticies is to forgive and forget.2. 天哪,你为什么不给我打电话?For God’s sake, why didn’t you call you?3.绝望之中,我一脚把门踢开,结果发现他躺在床上,已经昏迷不醒。

I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconciously.4.那机修工气愤地把工具扔到一边,再也不肯干了。

The mechanician flung the tools with anger, never to continue.5.马克也太孩子气了,就因为有些代表对他的想法提出质疑他就退出了会议。

Mark was so childish that he left the meeting just because some representatives contested his ideas.6.她很感激的是她保住了自己的工作而大多数工友都下了岗。

She was thankful that she kept her job when most of her co-workers were laid off. 7.勇敢、无私和意志力在牛虻身上全都表现得很突出。

Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly. 8.如果你没有得到当地规划部门的同意扩建(build all extension)你的房屋,你将被责令拆除(demolish)扩建的部分.If you build and extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities, you will be ordered to demolish / pull down what you have built.大学英语精读第五册 Test Paper1TRANSLATION Chinese to English1. 外语学习者提高其流利程度的一个可行的方法是通过阅读学会大量的词汇及其习惯用法。

A practicable way for foreign language learners to improve their fluency is to learn large numbers of words and their idiomatic usage through reading.2. 不断困扰第三世界的一个问题是如何快速发展经济而不损害环境。

An eternal problem that haunts the third world countries is how to develop the economy quickly without damaging the environment.3.收取这么高的罚款跟银行方便顾客的概念很不一致。

It is hardly consistent with the concept of “user-friendly”banking to charge these high fines.4.邦德一把抓住这个凶狼的袭击者,并把他摔倒在地上。

Bond grabbed hold of the vicious attacker and flung him to the ground.5.我们必须建立起一个有效的传媒网络以使信息能快速传播。

We must set up an effective media network to allow information to circulate rapidly.大学英语精读第五册 Unit 6TRANSLATION Chinese to English1. 马戏团演出最精彩的部分是大熊猫的表演,它笨拙而滑稽的动作逗乐了所有的观众。

The highlight of the circus’ performance was the panda’s representation. Its clumsy and funny acting caused every audience to laugh.2. 幸好你昨天没有搭乘瑞士航空公司的班机—它起飞一个小时后即坠毁,机上229人全部身亡。

It’s just as well you didn’t take the flight of Swiss Airline yesterday – itcrashed one hour after taking off and all the 229 people on plane were dead.3. 他从来没有想到,当有人提出帮助那个患有残疾的姑娘时,她会感到局促不安。

He never considered that when somebody wanted to help the handicap girl, she would feel ill at ease.4.作为一个喜欢控制一切、从发号施令中得到很大乐趣的人,查尔斯很快就适应了公司总经理的新角色。

As a person taking delight in controling everything and getting interest from ordering, Charle adapted quickly the new role of the company’s president. 5.在过去12年里,艾米已学会靠自己过日子。


In the past twelve years, Amy has learned to live depending on herself. She takes delight in self – reliance and doing everything by herself.6. 艾米拒绝跟查尔斯外出是理所当然的事,因为她不喜欢被当作依赖他人的残疾人看待。

Amy refused to go out with Charles as a matter of course, because she disliked to be treated as a handicap person depending on others.大学英语精读第五册 Unit 81. 我小时候完全被周游世界的想法迷住了,常在爷爷的书房里一呆几个小时,一边转动着地球仪,一边梦想着去游览的地方。

When I was a child, I was totally fascinated by the idea of traveling around the world, I spent several hours in my grandfather’s study, rolling the globe as imagining the places to travel.2. 今天下午一枚定时炸弹在伦敦最大的超市之一爆炸,在人们中间引起极大恐慌。

A timing bomb exploded at one of the largest supermarkets in London this afternoon, causing a great panic among the people.3. 在父亲的陪同下,比尔去了警察局,对警官坦白说他曾在两周前抢了一位老人的金表。
