
Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house.2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。
Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes.3.打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。
It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets.4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。
I think Chris is after my job.5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。
She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her.6.那些树枝干而易断。
The branches were dry and brittle.7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。
The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said.8.地面向海倾斜。
The land slopes down to the sea.9.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。
His pockets were bulging with money.10.我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。
I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare.第三单元1.这样的好机会千载难逢。
An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon.2.这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。
The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission.3.她知道他的话一句真的也没有。

unit11.The people in the flooded area are hungry for provisions, food, clothes and medicine.2.As he sat up late watching TV, (it's) no wonder that he looks so tired.3.If I were you, I wouldn't get involved with/in those complicated affairs.4.Her skills are so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply works of art.5.I know it was my fault but there is no need to rub it in.6.This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.7.The government declared that its foreign currency reserve is strong enough to resist the financial crisisunit21. The rescue team set off at the first light of day to search for the missing child.2. Although the goalkeeper tried his best, he missed the ball.3. The news was so unexpected that she caught her breath in surprise.4. Seeing the footballer score a goal, the spectators burst into thunderous applause.5. Who do you think you are? –You’re the last person I would like to talk to about this matter!6. The girl fixed her eyes intently on the telephone when she was waiting for her boyfriend's call7. When the boy fell off his little bike, his father encouraged him to try again.unit31.The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune to what was said.2.Air pollution is caused by industries and vehicles which release large amounts of waste gas into atmosphere.3.The doctor required me to wear goggles at work to prevent foreign objects from getting into my eyes.4.As parents can pass on their chromosomes to their offspring, some diseases are hereditary.5.He possesses a remarkable talent for doing business, but we don't see him as a potential leader in business circle.6.The epoch-making summit conference was beamed by satellite all over the world.unit41.Many developing countries after independence were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.2.In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose an anti-dumping tariff on imported products.3.Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.4.Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops.5.I've lived in Shanghai so long that I look upon the city as my second home6.The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.7.In the face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor.unit51.We took pity on the couple waiting for a bus in the rain and gave them a lift.2.He finds it difficult to put up with the noise of the construction site.3.Mary and John fell out of love finally. They are not even on speaking terms now.4.Listeners' letters on this topic have been coming in thick and fast.5.I came upon this bundle of letters when I was sorting out the documents.6.My boss is so conservative that another of my great ideas has bitten the dust.7.Smoking does more harm than good to the health.8.The manager was late for the meeting because he was detained in the office by some unexpected visitors.9.Installing computers has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork.unit61.Parents must accompany their children to school because the traffic is too busy on the road.2.Loaded with packs, I was unable to walk fast.3.He made several attempts before finally passing the university entrance examinations.4.Young people tend to feel disdain for anything old-fashioned.5.This novel testifies to his rich knowledge of the culture of the tribe.6.Due to a backlog of paper work, the company had to put off interviewing the job applicants.7.The teacher pointed out that there were several places in his performance that were out of tuneunit71.An opportunity as good as this arises / occurs only once in a blue moon.2.The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother's handbag without permission.3.She did not give credence to a single word of his story.4.Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students' mistakes.5.I took it for granted you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.6.Thanks to the manager's repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work.7.He's furious with her now, but he'll forgive her soon. It's just / only a matter of a few hours, that's all.unit81.He failed to make it as a pop singer, but he turned out to be a successful businessman.2. The thrilling plot of the movie captured the hearts of the audience.3. One of the company’s main concerns is to ensure the safety of its employees.4. The retired president was unwilling to let go of his privileges.5. Nancy could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes.6. The best way to strengthen our bond is not to give gifts but to exchange our opinions frankly.7. You’ll end up in hospital if you drive your car like this.8. In truth we feared for her safety although we didn’t let it be known.unit91. The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.2. Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality.3. What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.4. The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.5. The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.6. She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.7. Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of the small town.8. Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.5. That was in 1550. He was to sail to the New World of America the following year. (Future in the past)unit101.The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside.2.Owing to the policy of reform, the small town is thriving day by day.3.Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points?4.At times I wonder if rote learning is worthwhile.5.The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearing gradually.6.Thanks to the improvement in export sales, the company has successfully fulfilled its marketing plan.unit111.If you can’t afford to pay in cash, you can buy the car on credit.2.I said I’d help him and that’s what I’m going to do. I shall keep my word.3.I've a stake in this company and don't wish to see it go bankrupt.4.With the development of industrial production, the old feudal system began to fall apart.5.He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.6.The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative to learn more subjects.7.Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.unit121.They were deprived of normal childhood happiness by the war.2.Blossoming valleys and the beautiful colours of autumn lure numerous visitors into the mountains.3.What he said meant in essence that he didn't support our plan.4.Having sold the house, she had a considerable amount of money at her disposal.5.There are some things that I don't like about this job. but by and large it's quite enjoyable.6.They bribed the congressman with a large sum of money to get his support for their proposal at the meeting.7.The policy has not only produced obvious short-term effects but will also exert a long-term influence on the future development of society.8.Influenced by the international economic crisis, many of the local companies are in the grip of a recession.unit131.They usually leave off work at 5 o’clock, but today they have to work overtime.2.All the museums and art galleries in the city are open to the public for free / free of charge.3.It’s very discouraging to be sne ered at by them all the time.4.She has been a little run down lately and the doctor has advised her to take a short holiday.5.The whole city is bathed in a sea of joy today.6.It’s very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curta in.7.I booked two film tickets by phone yesterday in the name of Thomasunit141.There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.2.Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eating wild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.3.This area has been marked off as a future playground.4.There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.5.The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.6.They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.7.At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.8.He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.unit151.She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.2.The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age.3.After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature.4.Let's dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.5.These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very efficient indeed.6.The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to no avail.7.Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children.。

Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house.2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。
Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes.3.打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。
It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets.4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。
I think Chris is after my job.5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。
She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her.6.那些树枝干而易断。
The branches were dry and brittle.7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。
The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said.8.地面向海倾斜。
The land slopes down to the sea.9.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。
His pockets were bulging with money.10.我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。
I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare.第三单元1.这样的好机会千载难逢。
An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon.2.这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。
The boy felt guilty f or taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission.3.她知道他的话一句真的也没有。

1. The people in the flooded area are hungry for provisions, food, clothes and medicine.2. As he sat up late watching TV, (it's) no wonder that he looks so tired.3.If I were you, I wouldn't get involved with/in those complicated affairs.4. Her skills are so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply works of art.5.I know it was my fault but there is no need to rub it in.6. This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.7. The government declared that its foreign currency reserve is strong enough to resist the financial crisis unit21. The rescue team set off at the first light of day to search for the missing child.2. Although the goalkeeper tried his best, he missed the ball.3. The news was so unexpected that she caught her breath in surprise.4. Seeing the footballer score a goal, the spectators burst into thunderous applause.5. Who do you think you are? —You' re the last person I would like to talk to about this matter!6. The girl fixed her eyes intently on the telephone when she was waiting for her boyfriend's call7. When the boy fell off his little bike, his father encouraged him to tryunit31. The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune to what was said.2. Air pollution is caused by industries and vehicles which release large amounts of waste gas into atmosphere.3. The doctor required me to wear goggles at work to prevent foreign objects from getting into my eyes.4. As parents can pass on their chromosomes to their offspring, some diseases are hereditary.5. He possesses a remarkable talent for doing business, but we don't see him as a potential leader in business circle.6. The epoch-making summit conference was beamed by satellite all over the world.unit41. Many developing countries after independence were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.2.In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose an anti-dumping tariff on imported products.3. Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.4. Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops.5.I've lived in Shanghai so long that I look upon the city as my second home6.The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.7.In the face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor. unit51. We took pity on the couple waiting for a bus in the rain and gave them a lift.2. He finds it difficult to put up with the noise of the construction site.3. Mary and John fell out of love finally. They are not even on speaking terms now.4. Listeners' letters on this topic have been coming in thick and fast.5.I came upon this bundle of letters when I was sorting out the documents.6.My boss is so conservative that another of my great ideas has bitten the dust.7.Smoking does more harm than good to the health.8. The manager was late for the meeting because he was detained in the office by some unexpected visitors.9.Installing computers has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork. unit61. Parents must accompany their children to school because the traffic is too busy on the road.2. Loaded with packs, I was unable to walk fast.3. He made several attempts before finally passing the university entrance examinations.4. Young people tend to feel disdain for anything old-fashioned.5. This novel testifies to his rich knowledge of the culture of the tribe.6. Due to a backlog of paper work, the company had to put off interviewing the job applicants.7. The teacher pointed out that there were several places in his performance that were out of tuneunit71. An opportunity as good as this arises / occurs only once in a blue moon.2. The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother's handbag without permission.3.She did not give credence to a single word of his story.4. Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students' mistakes.5.I took it for granted you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.6.Thanks to the manager's repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work.7. He's furious with her now, but he'll forgive her soon. It's just / only a matter of a few hours, that's all.unit81. He failed to make it as a pop singer, but he turned out to be a successful businessman.2. The thrilling plot of the movie captured the hearts of the audience.3. One of the company ' s main concerns is to ensure the safety of its employees.4. The retired president was unwilling to let go of his privileges.5. Nancy could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes.6. The best way to strengthen our bond is not to give gifts but to exchange our opinions frankly.7. You ' ll end up in hospital if you drive your car like this.8. In truth we feared for her safety although we didn ' t let it be known unit91. The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.2. Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality.3. What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.4. The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.5. The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.6. She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.7. Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of thesmall town.8. Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.5. Thatwas in 1550. He was to sail to the New World of America the following year. (Future in the past) unit101. The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside.2.Owing to the policy of reform, the small town is thriving day by day.3. Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points?4. At times I wonder if rote learning is worthwhile.5. The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearing gradually.6. Thanks to the improvement in export sales, the company has successfully fulfilled its marketing plan.unit111.If you can 't afford to pay in cash, you can buy the car on credit.2.I said I 'd help him and that ' s what I 'm going to do. I shall keep my word.3.I've a stake in this company and don't wish to see it go bankrupt.4.With the development of industrial production, the old feudal system began to fall apart.5. He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.6. The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative to learn more subjects.7.Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.unit121. They were deprived of normal childhood happiness by the war.2. Blossoming valleys and the beautiful colours of autumn lure numerous visitors into the mountains.3. What he said meant in essence that he didn't support our plan.4. Having sold the house, she had a considerable amount of money at her disposal.5. There are some things that I don't like about this job. but by and large it's quite enjoyable.6. They bribed the congressman with a large sum of money to get his support for their proposal at the meeting.7. The policy has not only produced obvious short-term effects but will also exert a long-term influence on the future development of society. 8.Influenced by the international economic crisis, many of the local companies are in the grip of a recession.unit131.They usually leave off work at 5 o ck, but to'dacylothey have to work overtime.2. All the museums and art galleries in the city are open to the public for free / free of charge.3.It ' s very discouraging to be sneered at by them all the time.4.She has been a little run down lately and the doctor has advised her to take a short holiday.5. The whole city is bathed in a sea of joy today.6.It ' s very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain.7.I booked two film tickets by phone yesterday in the name of Thomas unit141.There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.2. Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eating wild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.3. This area has been marked off as a future playground.4. There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.5. The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.6. They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.7. At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.8. He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.unit151.She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.2.The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age.3. After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature.4. Let's dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.5. These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very efficient indeed.6. The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to noavail.7. Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children.。

UNIT 11. 遭受水灾地区的人民急切需要食品,衣服和药品。
(be hungry for)The people in the flooded area are hungry for provisions / food, clothes and medicine.2. 他整夜看电视连续剧,难怪他看上去这么累。
(no wonder)As he sat up late watching TV all night, (it's) no wonder that he looked so tired. 3. 如果我是你的话,我不会卷入那些复杂的事情。
(involve)If I were you I wouldn't get / be involved in those complicated affairs.4. 她的手艺非常好,做的蛋糕简直是艺术品。
(work of art)Her workmanship is so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply works of art.5. 我知道这是我的不对,但也没有必要老是说个没完。
(rub it in)I know it is my fault, but there is no need to rub it in.6. 这种工作要求要很有耐心。
(call for)This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.7. 政府说有足够的外汇储备抵制金融风暴。
(enough to)The government declares that its foreign currency reserve is strong enough to resist the financial crisis.Unit 21. 新闻界经常批评她,但她早已对此满不在乎了。

综合教程⼤学英语4课本译⽂及课后答案《⼤学英语4 》复习⾃整理2017年6⽉20⽇柏映⽻版权所有,请勿翻印第⼀单元MAN AND NATURE⼀.TEXTA(P4-7)课⽂翻译:⼈在⾃然界亚历⼭⼤?斯伯⾦1 ⼈类⽣活在⼤⾃然的王国⾥。
2 ⼈类不仅⽣活在⼤⾃然之中,同时也在改变着⼤⾃然。
3 随着社会的发展,⼈类对⼤⾃然的直接依赖越来越少,⽽间接的依赖却越来越多。
4 然⽽,随着岁⽉的流逝,⼈类越来越关注的是在何处以及如何得到⽣产所需的不可替代的⾃然资源的问题。
5 ⽬前,⼈与⾃然以及⾃然与社会整体之间过去存在的动态平衡,已呈现崩溃的迹象。
6 现代技术的特征是⽣产和使⽤⽇益丰富的⼈⼯合成产品。

Unit 11.I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub but the young man never turned up.我安排他们在小酒吧见面,但那个小伙子一直都没有来。
(turn up)2.You cannot tell merely from appearance whether things will turn out unfavorable to us or not.你无法仅凭表象判断形势是否会变得对我们不利。
(tell from appearance)3.The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of the country.那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了国家最高的荣誉。
(stand in the gap)4.Tha chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinions.主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。
(yield to)5.They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。
(ups and downs)6.There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.这次演讲我将说明两个问题。
(address oneself to)7.We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.我们正筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。

Unit One(1). I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub but the young man neverturned up.(2)Y ou cannot tell merely from appearance whether things will turn out unfavorableto us or not.(3)The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of thecountry.(4) The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to hisopinion.(5)They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.(6)There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.(7)We are planning a big Christmas party in your honor.(8)Hearing that tune threw my mind back to my childhood.(1) The pigeon was wedged in the fork of a branch but fell off after a while.(2) The payment that the motorist will have to make will be proportional to theamount of damage he has done to the other person’s car.(3) Y ou can only enter the cave by inching through a narrow tunnel on your stomach.(4) She stammered some apology as she sidled towards the door.(5) He to ok pains to explain to me that I was being dismissed not because I didn’t domy work well but because the company could not pay my wages.(6) The enlistment of young soldiers infused new hope and morale into the army.(7) Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn, no other boys dare go on it.(8) The man following her made her uneasy and she couldn’t help quickening hersteps.1. For the past 15 years, doctors have tried to treat this disease with anticancer drugs,equivalent of a hammer. to beat down the body's defense forces.2. There's no denying that smoking is addictive. And once you are addicted , it's very difficult to get rid of the habit.3. In a Japanese-made video game, players can simulate the experience ofAIDS from HIV infection until death.4. I'm sure he was in earnest when he said that you could use this money tocontinue your study of music.5. We can only increase production at the expense of quality, which could ruin the company's reputation.6. The explorers were confronted with an insurmountable valley.7. A teacher of foreign language should possess at the very least a graduate degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach high school.8. I soon perceived that I couldn’t make him change his mind.1. Their cattle were branded with the letter C.2. In this season Brooks has really come into his own as a goal scorer.3. An economic crisis is hanging over that country.4. He is the man who really gives the order, but he always remains in thebackground.5. After dispatching the messenger, what is left for us to do is nothing but to wait.6, Y ou just have to call and he's here in a flash.7. They have lived in the shadow of war for totally seventeen years.8. These are the last seven Northeast Tigers in existence. If human beings failed to protect them, the tigers of this species would face extinction.1. Y our remarks border on rudeness.2. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help.3. On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.4. A person’s appearance makes a difference in how others judge him.5. Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.6. Having inherited a considerable wealth, the twin sisters were eager to show off their jewelry.7. Public interest has once again shifted focus on the changes in the urban environment.8. In contrast, even the most modern aircraft look clumsy and slow.1. The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.2. I saw, in my mind's eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son's death.3. His walk reminds me of the way his father used to walk.4. I mixed the dates up and arrived on a wrong day.5. Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter was accepted by Oxford University.6. Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for being filtered by the government or the media.7. The Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election.8. After he inherited his father's estate, he was immersed in all kinds of pleasure.1. The tape recorder secretly installed in the office of the Secretary of Treasury brought the government down in no more than 3 months.2. Any action that is detrimental to the cause of peace will be condemned by the people of the world.3. The decisions made by the two ministers to resign are departures from the hard-nosed, fight-to-the-finish tradition of politics.4. The negotiations with the workers got bogged down for the third time on the question of working hours.5. Louisa Clarke is a very pleasant girl, yet sometimes her judgment is clouded by her hot temper and jealousy.6. He had to work harder or to be sent away from school. In this circumstance, what alternatives were left to him? He had to choose the former.7. Richard is too much at home here to need the host’s invitation for lengthening his visit.8. She was badly taken in by his honest-looking appearance.1. For the sake of your family, you should look before you leap and not take so many risks.2. I felt a bit out of sorts after last night's heavy drink.3. His father pulled endless wires and got him a position in an inflated government department.4. If you read his letter carefully, you can find his real intention between the lines.5. I knew I was downright rude to him, but I found excuses for myself.6. Many of the outstanding figures of the past were exceptionally versatile. Leonardo da Vinc i, for in stance, rolled a painter and an inventor into one.7. He finally killed himself after being under the torment of insomnia for many years.8. He was struck dumb with amazement.1. Search lights fingered across the black water.2. Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman became more careful and made his rounds once every hour.3. He sticked to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.4. He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.5. In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.6. That man's behaviour looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but now and then he steals a furtive glance at the passers-by.7. The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so sweeping that it has dwarfed all its neighbours.8. In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.1. People were flooding in from the surrounding countryside.2. His performance has come close to perfection.3. Mary was in a daze all the way to London.4. In this mountain retreat you can find the best climate in the country.5. He leaned back into his seat and relaxed,savoring the comfort.6. What makes this young couple proud is that their child could recite poems from memory at the age of three.7. He repeated in public what he had said in private.8. A family vibrant with life and love is to be built with the joint efforts of all its members.1. John's friends said he was mistaken, but he stood his ground.2. The wounded elephant charged at the tree with terrific violence.3. He shrugged off our questions; he would not tell us what had happened.4. The detective discovered among them his long-sought prey.5. A good holiday will buck you up.6. He saluted, spun round and bounced out.7. He took out a gun and shot his opponent in a fit of rage.8. He jumped at any chance of getting a promotion.1. I'll give you a week to sort your men out, then I expect things to run smoothly.2. Whenever we move to a new house, we always cling to too many possessions.3. She is such a talkative woman that whenever she takes her turn to start talking, her words will come out in rapid succession.4. He will always help in time of need, on this you can reckon.5. He slid his pistol into his pocket.6. My mind is in a whirl with all this noise, so I cannot think clearly.7. The farmer took in the lost travelers for the night.8. He smiled, relishing the idea of a long journey.1. In the old days women in Japan were more confined to the household.2. This is a dull interlude in a speech sparkling with witticism.3. While some basketball players like Michael Jordan were renowned for their magic skills, others were notorious for their scandals.4. We all marveled at the perfection of his medical skills.5. It is said that it took primitive men months or even years to fashion a single tool from stones.6. The students hovered round their teacher, hoping to hear the examination results.7. A strong sense of responsibility set him on taking over this hazardous task.8. Nobody's got anything against you at all. Get that idea out of your head.1. The government spared no effort to support our environmental protection projects.2.She had no knowledge of Chinese history, geography and culture before she came to China.3. The fire that broke out in the kindergarten endangered 23 children's lives.4. We tried our best to head Henry off the topic, because we knew he would reveal confidential information.5. The sonorous voice of the speaker is echoing round the hall.6. Industry and loyalty sometimes compensate for the lack of ability.7. As far as I know, he was one of the few people who got out of the rat race.8. He left a few men behind to clean up the last of the enemy positions.1. The conquerors imposed harsh conditions of peace, on the defeated enemy.2. I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.3. He admitted the expediency of the law but questioned its morality.4. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the London Zoo felt obliged to investigate.5. He is totally unscrupulous---he would steal money from anyone.6. Now, in the first place what made you go so suddenly, and in the second why did you leave no message?7. Chinese parents traditionally have placed a great deal of importance on the education of their children.8. For 5 years he had been wandering around and dared not go back home because he thought that he had failed to live up to his parents' expectation.1. My whole morning's work has been put out of gear by that mishap.2. By hiding himself among the bushes, he at last flung off his pursuers.3. We must make every effort to wipe out the injustice in the system.4. The soldiers held on to that isolated position until reinforcements arrived.5. In front of all the facts, he was compelled to admit that he had stolen that confidential document.6. His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international.7. They are about to harness some of their most sensitive technologies against cancer.8. At the beginning of May 1945,it was clear even to the most zealous of Hitler's followers that his “Thousand Y ear Reich”was doomed.。

Unit 1Passage A1.With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.2.He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.3.Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.4.At best he's ambitious, at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.5.We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.Passage B1.We are now comfortably established in our new house.2.Traffic accidents are likely to happen at that intersection.3.Up to now we have only discussed the issue froma husband's standpoint.4.He never studied Japanese; what he knows was picked up while he was living in Japan.5.He handled a difficult argument skillfully. Unit 2Passage A1.He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be.2.As for her father, she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby.3.Staying up late will undermine one's health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it.4.The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.5.The girl decided to open up and tell the police what she had seen.Passage B1.Excessive exercises do more harm than good to one's health. Therefore we must control the amount of exercise we do.2.He made a few attempts to join in their conversation, but he gave up because of timidness.3.Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed.4.Making a comparison between Chinese and American cultures will help you to adapt to your study environment in the US.5.It is a traditional Chinese virtue for the young on the buses to yield their seats to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Unit 3Passage A1.It is simply unbelievable for him to charge 500 dollars for a haircut.2.People grant you the privilege, so you should serve the people wholeheartedly.3.The weather forecast is very important so that we can decide when to go to sea.4.The sound of guns violated the usual calm of Sunday morning, and people had a strong feeling that the war was coming.5.Even though you read three pages per minute, you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend.Passage B1.He can beat his opponent easily without giving a second thought.2.With little or no knowledge of driving, he drove the car onto the road.3.It is illegal to make an unauthorized change in the construction of the bridge.4.I could accept this fact calmly because I knew ifI weren't able to finish the mission, chances were that the team would be defeated.5.Children in remote mountain areas are lacking in scientific and cultural knowledge.Unit 4Passage A1.Young as my sister is, she already knows for sure what career she is going to follow.2.My uncle, whose photo I showed you yesterday, will come to see us this afternoon.3.It is because of its very functional flexibility that makes English become a global language.4.In the name of our research center we are very glad to pass on our greetings to you,our overseas guests.5.This new engine is superior to the old ones in that it consumes much less fuel.Passage B1.He suggested at the board meeting that the easy task (should) be left to Mary whose health is poor.2.Mr. Brown, who is in Hong Kong now, has a lot of teaching experience and will come to teach our students in the spring.3.This is the best hotel in our city in which the food is very good and the same is true of the service.4.In order to attract more passengers, the captain assured all the passengers of the safety of traveling by ship.5.His new car, for which he paid ¥150000, was seriously damaged in an accident and was beyond repair.Unit 5Passage A1.The airplane they boarded soared out of sight as soon as it took off.2.At the meeting, the two sides had a very hot debate. The reformers put forward many reforming measures, but conservatives were in opposition to the proposed changes.3.In the long run, we should learn more about science and technology. Besides the major subject, the knowledge of computers, English and driving is necessary in our work.4.She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in quest to achieve the perfect body.5.Every the morning in the park some old people are doing physical exercises there, chatting with each other.Passage B1.I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.2.When it comes to music, she gets very excited and chatted endlessly with you.3.Whatever you do, don’t tell her or the world will know.4.We’d only just met, but I was already struck quite forcibly by her extreme intelligence.5.She said she was going to America, which brought me up short.Unit 6Passage A1.She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.2.Experiments showed that non-smokers committed fewer errors than smokers.3.Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins.4.Despite the wonderful acting, the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.5.Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.Passage B1.We don’t think your proposal quite in place, so you should give it up.2.When he arrived, he found nothing but the aged and the sick at home.3.Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts.4.In terms of employment, the hotel industry is the second largest industry in this country.5.Everyone in this country has the right to live where he wants to, regardless of the color of his skin.Unit 7Passage A1.Although he said he had done a lot for the case, his success was at least in part due to luck.2.The issue to be discussed is critical, because it will determine the future of many people.3.I’ll try my best to avoid imposing my ideas on others.4.Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in such a situation.5.College life is referred to as the most beautiful period of one’s life.Passage B1.Generally speaking he is quite learned, especially in the field of mathematic science. However, when it comes to the politics, he knows nothing.2.According to the survey they made of the 1000 workers who missed out on the chance to go to university, the failure in the college entrance examinations had a profound effect on their later life.3.Owing to the cost rise, employers refuse to pay the retirement pension for their employees. On the flip side, employees are unwilling to stay in the same company for their whole lives.4.Since you have told me who should take the responsibility for the matter, I will not pursue any further.5.I will try to set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise even in the busiest season.Unit 7Passage A1.No matter what difficulties we come across, we should try our best to overcome them.2.Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue.3.Today, people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of our times.4.Children take a fancy to cartoons.。

英文翻译:Human beings live in the realm of nature.They are not only dwellers in nature,but also transformers of it.With the development of society and its economy,pepole tend to become less dependent on nature directly,but indirectly their dependence grows. Human beings are connected with nature by “blood ”ties.No one can live outside nature.However,the previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down .Problems such as the population explosion,ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources has become major factors keeping human society from being further developed.Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human being is the wise organization of production and care for Mother Nature.第二单元目前,许多人都享受着过去历代人想象不到的物质和技术进步带来的好处。

全新版大学英语综合教程第四册课后习题答案及课文翻译全新版大学英语综合教程课后答案完整版免费下载Appendix IKey to Exercises (Units 1-8)Unit 1Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:The song you are about to hear is based on a true story. It tells the tale of the sinking of a ship called The Edmund Fitzgerald that was caught in a storm on Lake Superior back in November 1975, with the loss of all on board.Lake Superior is an enormous lake and the wind can at times make it dangerous to shipping, whipping up huge waves. November is a particularly dangerous month for such storms. This had long ago been noticed by a local native American tribe, the Chippewa, who used to speak of how death threatened from the lake when storm clouds gathered in November. According to legend, the big lake, which they called Gitche Gumee, was without mercy in that month, never giving up those it had marked for death.It is this legend that starts the song before it moves on to talk of The Edmund Fitzgerald. The Edmund Fitzgerald, like many other ships that sail the lake, was built to carry iron ore. Filled with ore theseships lie low in the water and can find themselves in difficulties in rough weather. So, with a full load on board we can imagine the anxiety that must have begun to creep into the hearts of the sailors on board The Edmund Fitzgerald as they felt the cold wind beginning to rise and heard the sound of it singing as it blew through the wires. For, despite the fact that the captain and crew were all experienced, "well-seasoned" as the song says, they all knew the dangers of November storms. Before long their worse fears started to come true and the storm had risen to a hurricane. The despair of the crew is captured in the words of the cook. First he comes on deck to tell the sailors it is too rough to cook, they will have to wait for their supper. The next we hear from him he is saying - $6 - Appendix Igoodbye to his shipmates. Water is pouring into the ship. The captain sends out a distress signal, but that is the last that is heard from the ship. It is swallowed up by the lake, leaving nothing behind but the mourning families of the twenty-nine sailors and the sound of the church bell ringing in their memory.Now lets listen to the song:The Wreck of the Edmund FitzgeraldGordon LightfootThe legend lives on from the Chippewa on downOr the big lake they call Gitche GumeeTke lake, it is said, rfever gives up her deadWhen the skies or November turn gloomyWitk a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons moreThan the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed emptyThat good ship and true was a hone to be chewedWhen the gales of November came earlyTke skip was tke pride of tke American side Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin As tke kig freigkters go, it was kigger tkan most Witk a crew and good captain well seasoned Concluding some terms witk a couple of steel firms Wken tkey left fully loaded for Cleveland And later tkat nigkt wken tke skips kell rang Could it ke tke nortk wind tkeyd been feeling Tke wind in tke wires made a tattle-tale soundAnd a wave broke over tke railingAnd every man knew, as tke captain did tooTwas tke witck of Novemker come stealingTke dawn came late and the breakfast had to waitWken the Gales of November came slashingWhen afternoon came it was freezing rainIn the face of a hurricane west windAppendix 1 - 6? -When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck sayingFellas1, its too rough to reed ya2At seven PM a main hatchway caved in, he saidFellas, its heen good to know yaThe captain wired in he had water coming inAnd the good ship and crew was in perilAnd later that night when his lights went out of sightCame the wreck of the Edmund FitzgeraldDoes any one know where the love of God goes When the waves turn the minutes to hours The searchers all say theyd have made Whitefish Bay If theyd put fifteen more miles hehind her They might have split up or they might have capsized They may have broke deep and took water And all that remains is the faces and the names Of the wives and the sons and the daughters JLake Huron rolls, Superior singsIn the rooms of her icewater mansionOld Michigan steams like a young mans dreamsThe islands and hays are for sportsmenAnd farther helow Lake OntarioTakes in what Lake Erie can send herAnd the iron boats go as the mariners all knowWith the Gales of November rememberedIn a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed In the Maritime Sailors Cathedral The church hell chimed til it rang twenty-nine times For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald■■.??. !1 fella: (slang) fellow2 ya: (slang) you- 66 - Appendix 1Trie legend lives on irom the Chippewa on down Or the nig lake they call Gitche Gumee Superior, they said, never gives up her dead When the gales or November come earlyPart II Text Alexf Organization": ■■■■■■ -Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1-2 Introduction — Both Napoleons and Hitlers military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter.Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleons military campaign against Russia Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitlers military campaign against the Soviet UnionPart Four Para 21 Conclusion—The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign.2.Sections Paragraphs Main IdeasSection One Paras 12-13 Hitlers blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalins scorched earth policySection Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and StalingradSection Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the warVocabularyI. 1. 1) alliance3) stroke5) minus7) declarations2) heroic 4) limp6) regions 8) siege全新版大学英语综合教程课后答下载文件预览://sundxs/pic/original/soft/答案/公共基础课/大学英语/全新版大学英语第一册综合教程练习答案及课文译文.rar//sundxs/pic/original/soft/答案/公共基础课/大学英语/全新版大学英语第二册综合教程练习答案及课文译文.rar//sundxs/pic/original/soft/答案/公共基础课/大学英语/全新版大学英语第三册综合教程练习答案及课文译文.rar//sundxs/pic/original/soft/答案/公共基础课/大学英语/全新版大学英语第四册综合教程练习答案及课文译文.rar。

全新版大学英语综合教程4课后翻译答案Unit 11)The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. The division commander(营长)instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. By a stroke of luck, the marsh froze over because of the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.Unit 2Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized transportation, changing forever the waypeople live, travel, and do business. On the other hand, theyhave brought hazards, especiallyhighway fatalities. However, today the application of computer technology and electronic sensors indesigning and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminate most of traffic accidents. Forexample, electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to startup the engine. They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out fromorbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in traffic jams.Unit 3Well begun, half done,as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do hishomework while seeking employment.From my standpoint, whether or not one has done hishomework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of100,000 dollars a years in a largecomputer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers whointerview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor tolearn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chance of success.Unit 4Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas to look for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important. At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese students have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimisticoutlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trend and copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.Unit 5For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel. He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indiffer ent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.Unit 6Today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, and to possess more. Lots of people hold the wrong perception that happiness lies in working hard and earning well/ good money.Many women today feel the same stress to work and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities.Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to toil longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of our time to stay and communicate the feeling with our families. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.。

If you ask me, real life is not all it's cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It's just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all that's before I've had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I'm interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won't even last till the end of the year, let alone till I'm 60。

第一章1、这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.2、这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3、这个公司已经发展成为这个地区主要的化工生产基地之一This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region.4、鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值是不可避免的Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.5、政府号召市民就控制水污染问题献计献策,但相应却不强烈The government's call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens.6、天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.7、科学家曾一度认为没有比原子更小的东西了,但现在大多数人都知道原子是由更小的粒子构成的At one time scientists thought that there was nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller particles.8、这些同学对世界杯十分关注,每天至少花两个小时看比赛的现场直播The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV.9、因为得不到贷款,无法按时开业,这家百货商店损失惨重The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not start business on time.10、我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入We can't go there for a walk because there is a navy base there, which is off limits to tourists.第二章1、他的确懂得很多理论,但是,一碰到实际工作就显得非常无知He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant.2、最新调查表明,大多数市民支持政府再建一个新图书馆的计划The latest survey shows / showed that the majority of the citizens support / supported the government's plan to build a new library.3、这两个国家之所以能够成功的达成科学技术合作协定是因为有利于他们进行合作的好几种因素一直在发挥作用The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.4、我在上小学的时候就看过那部电影,可就是一时想不起它的名字来I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won't come to mind for the moment.5、尽管他每天平均工作12个小时,他仍然陷于重重债务之中He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.6、有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好的律师没有关系Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is irrelevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not.7、橱柜被安装到墙里,既节约空间,使用起来又方便The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.8、这些工人挣得钱比我们多,可话又说回来,他们的工作也危险的多These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is that their job is more dangerous.9、海伦在大学理学的是经济学,与此同时她吧哲学作为第二专业来学习Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy as her second major.10、重要的是你们要自己发现问题和解决问题,我是否到现场去无关紧要what is most important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves. It makes no difference whether I go there or not.第三章1、大多数人都坚信法庭一定会严惩那些银行抢劫犯Most people strongly believe that the court will no doubt punish the bank robbers severely.2、在为治疗这种疾病而进行的长期探索中,医疗工作者克服了一个又一个困难The medical workers overcame one difficulty after another in their long-term quest for a cure for the disease.3、根据所获得的情报,警察封锁了街道并且抓获了抢劫银行的罪犯Acting on the information they received, the police closed off the streets and caught the bank robbers.4、听说这家刚建成的电视机厂第一年就能生产50万台电视机,我们都感到惊讶We were amazed at learning that the newly-built TV factory can produce 500,000 TV sets in the first year.5、政府正在调查这么多人下岗的原因,并设法帮助下岗工人再就业The government is looking into the causes of so many layoffs and is trying to help the laid-off workers to be re-employed.6、为了扩大产品的销售,这家公司采取多种措施,开扩市场,改进服务To expand the sales of its product, the company has taken up various measures to open up new markets and to improve itsservices.7、他的学习荒废到如此程度,要在一个月赶上别的同学恐怕是不可能的He has neglected his studies to such an extent that I am afraid it is impossible for him to catch up with the other students in a month.8、那家烟花爆竹厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例上个月关门了The fireworks factory was closed last month for failing to comply with the government safety regulations.9、我们的足球队能否战胜对手,还要等到比赛结束后才知道It remains to be seen whether our football team can beat its opponent.10、史密斯先生预言,新近发现的石油储藏再加上新技术的利用,会让原油的价格降下来Mr. Smith predicted that the recent oil discoveries, together with the use of new technologies, would lead to a decline in the price of crude oil.第四章1、随着她个人生活的细节越来越多地被媒体披露出来,她不得不辞去公司总经理的职务As more and more details of her private life were disclosed by the media, she was compelled to resign her post as general manager2、她对自己的新工作很满意,因为这份工作正好与她的兴趣相符She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.3、我买了这件衬衣,因为它的价格从300元减到了80元。

全新版大学英语综合教程4课后翻译答案Unit 11)The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. The division commander(营长)instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. By a stroke of luck, the marsh froze over because of the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.Unit 2Automobiles have, since their invention, revolutionized transportation, changing forever the waypeople live, travel, and do business. On the other hand, they have brought hazards, especiallyhighway fatalities. However, today the application of computer technology and electronic sensors indesigning and manufacturing cars makes it possible to eliminate most of traffic accidents. Forexample, electronic sensors mounted in your car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to startup the engine. They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out fromorbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in traffic jams.Unit 3Well begun, half done,as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do hishomework while seeking employment.From my standpoint, whether or not one has done hishomework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of100,000 dollars a years in a large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers whointerview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor tolearn as much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chance of success.Unit 4Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urbanareas to look for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important. At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese students have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trend and copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.Unit 5For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel. He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indiffer ent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.Unit 6Today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, and to possess more. Lots of people hold the wrong perception that happiness lies in working hard and earning well/ good money.Many women today feel the same stress to work and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities.Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to toil longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of our time to stay and communicate the feeling with our families. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.。

7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.I.yo.as.me.rea.lif.i.no.al.it’.cracke.u.t.be.Twelv.year.a.schoo.an.thre.year.a.university.teacher.ba ngin.o.abou.opportunitie.i.th.bi.wid.worl.beyon.ou.sheltere.lif.a.students.an.wha.d..find?Tr.a..migh.t.sta.cheerful.al..eve.ge.i.hassle.sometime.wit.peopl.(especiall.boys.god.whe.wil.the.gr o.up?).bu.mostl.wit.money.It’.jus.s.expensiv.ou.here.Everyon.want..slic.of.you.Th.Inlan.Revenu.wan ndlor.want.th.rent.gas.water.e in.in.an.al.that’.befor.I’v.ha.anythin.t.eat.An.the.som.brigh.spar.call.m.ou.o.th.blue.askin.i.I’.intereste.i.buyin..pension.A.thi. rate..won’s.til.th.en.o.th.year.le.alon.til.I’.60.(.翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。
)依我看, 现实生活与人们想象的不一样。
我们上了12年的中、小学, 又上了3年的大学, 这期间老师们一直在没完没了地谈论在安宁的学生生活之外那个广阔天地里的各种机会, 可我遇到的又是什么呢?无论我怎么想保持心情愉快, 麻烦事总是接踵而来:有时是跟人争吵(尤其是跟男孩, 天哪!他们什么时候才能长大?), 但通常是为钱发愁。

有些人,我们明知道是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没结局Unit 1II. TranslationThe offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance. The divi?sion commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and began attacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. The enemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered. Unit 2■II. TranslationAutomobiles changed the world during the 20th century, particularly in the United States and other industrialized nations. They are indeed of great use to us, but they have brought some hazards as well, such as noise and air pollution, and highway fatalities. It is reported that automo?bile accidents rank among the leading causes of death and injury throughout the world. Fortu?nately modern innovators are reinventing the automobile. New propulsion systems, fuels, de?signs, and means of manufacturing cars have all developed rapidly in the past decade. For ex?ample, by using the satellite-aided global positioning system (GPS), a computer in the automobile can locate the vehicle's precise position, and with the application of sensors, smart cars can eliminate most car accidents.Unit 3iII. TranslationWell begun is half done, as the saying goes. It is extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seeking employment. From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearly makes a difference in his chance of success.I have a friend who is earning somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 thousand dollarsa year in a large computer software company. He told me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospective employees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor to learn as much about his prospective employer as possible don't have much of a chance of success.- 106 - Appendix IUnit 4II. TranslationProfessor Huntington's paper greatly inspired me. According to him, in a plural /pluralistic society, there will inevitably be different opinions. The key is to deal with them in such a way that they can play a constructive rather than destructive role.He argues that in a plural/pluralistic society we must stress/attach importance to interper?sonal relationships, cooperation, and looking at issues from the perspective of other people. If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disre?spect, the whole society may be paralyzed.I am convinced that if we put into practice the ideas mentioned above, then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization.Unit 5II. TranslationFor my own part. I should certainly hesitate to hire a clerk on his face/appearance alone. Appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might well commit an error in judg?ment if you went by appearances only with people like Edward Hyde Burton, the character created by Maugham. As far as appearance and manners were concerned, Burton seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes. Kind, gentle and candid, he was described by many as one of the most respectable people on earth. Nevertheless, he turned out to be cruel to a friend in need of his help. He insulted and fooled Turner who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Turner's death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.Unit 6II. TranslationThere is no question that today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, to possess more, and to become a success. Workaholism, a modern addiction, has thus arisen. The cause of workaholism is the perception that by working longer hours and com?pleting more projects, we will enhance our self-worth. Many women today feel the same stress to produce and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder a variety of domestic responsibilities. Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to labor longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.mo)Unit 7II. TranslationA severe earthquake occurred all of a sudden at 10a.m. yesterday in a rural area, about 200 kilometers east of the city. Initial reports coming out of the region indicate the earthquake has caused widespread devastation/damage and heavy casualties. Many adolescents were among those injured or killed. Yet it remains obscure exactly how many people were hurt and killed as the entire area has been enveloped in rubble. However, one thing is certain: many of the survivors may face years of pain and suffering. Local people were clearly shaken by this reminder oftheir mortality. Some religious ones have gathered to pray that it will never recur. Unit 8II. TranslationLast Wednesday my classmate Caroline and I visited Zhouzhuang, a well-known town looped all around by streams. When we arrived at the town, Caroline was so excited that she darted towards the first bridge she saw and began singing loudly there. Suddenly her voice hushed when she found that she had startled a flock of ducks not too far from us. Now as Caroline was dying for a boat ride, we decided to tour the town by boat. Now loud, now soft, Caroline talked to all the creatures in the stream and was fussing about everything while I looked at the boats gliding over the water in all silence. Though we did not see anything spectacular, we enjoyed every minute in the town that lies out of the range of the heavy traffic and noise of the large city.Zhouzhuang is worth visiting and, time permitting, I'd like to go there again.。
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unit11.The people in the flooded area are hungry for provisions, food, clothes and medicine.2.As he sat up late watching TV, (it's) no wonder that he looks so tired.3.If I were you, I wouldn't get involved with/in those complicated affairs.4.Her skills are so excellent that the cakes she makes are simply works of art.5.I know it was my fault but there is no need to rub it in.6.This sort of work calls for a lot of patience.7.The government declared that its foreign currency reserve is strong enough to resist the financial crisisunit21. The rescue team set off at the first light of day to search for the missing child.2. Although the goalkeeper tried his best, he missed the ball.3. The news was so unexpected that she caught her breath in surprise.4. Seeing the footballer score a goal, the spectators burst into thunderous applause.5. Who do you think you are? –You’re the last person I would like to talk to about this matter!6. The girl fixed her eyes intently on the telephone when she was waiting for her boyfriend's call7. When the boy fell off his little bike, his father encouraged him to try again.unit31.The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune to what was said.2.Air pollution is caused by industries and vehicles which release large amounts of waste gas into atmosphere.3.The doctor required me to wear goggles at work to prevent foreign objects from getting into my eyes.4.As parents can pass on their chromosomes to their offspring, some diseases are hereditary.5.He possesses a remarkable talent for doing business, but we don't see him as a potential leader in business circle.6.The epoch-making summit conference was beamed by satellite all over the world.unit41.Many developing countries after independence were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.2.In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose an anti-dumping tariff on imported products.3.Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.4.Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to theinvading enemy troops.5.I've lived in Shanghai so long that I look upon the city as my second home6.The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.7.In the face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor. unit51.We took pity on the couple waiting for a bus in the rain and gave thema lift.2.He finds it difficult to put up with the noise of the construction site.3.Mary and John fell out of love finally. They are not even on speaking terms now.4.Listeners' letters on this topic have been coming in thick and fast.5.I came upon this bundle of letters when I was sorting out the documents.6.My boss is so conservative that another of my great ideas has bitten the dust.7.Smoking does more harm than good to the health.8.The manager was late for the meeting because he was detained in the office by some unexpected visitors.9.Installing computers has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork. unit61.Parents must accompany their children to school because the traffic is too busy on the road.2.Loaded with packs, I was unable to walk fast.3.He made several attempts before finally passing the university entrance examinations.4.Young people tend to feel disdain for anything old-fashioned.5.This novel testifies to his rich knowledge of the culture of the tribe.6.Due to a backlog of paper work, the company had to put off interviewing the job applicants.7.The teacher pointed out that there were several places in his performance that were out of tuneunit71.An opportunity as good as this arises / occurs only once in a blue moon.2.The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother's handbag without permission.3.She did not give credence to a single word of his story.4.Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students' mistakes.5.I took it for granted you'd want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.6.Thanks to the manager's repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work.7.He's furious with her now, but he'll forgive her soon. It's just / only a matter of a few hours, that's all.unit81.He failed to make it as a pop singer, but he turned out to be a successful businessman.2. The thrilling plot of the movie captured the hearts of the audience.3. One of the company’s main concerns is to ensure the safety of its employees.4. The retired president was unwilling to let go of his privileges.5. Nancy could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes.6. The best way to strengthen our bond is not to give gifts but to exchange our opinions frankly.7. You’ll end up in hospital if you drive your car like this.8. In truth we feared for her safety although we didn’t let it be known. unit91. The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.2. Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality.3. What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.4. The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.5. The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.6. She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.7. Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of thesmall town.8. Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.5. That was in 1550. He was to sail to the New World of America the following year. (Future in the past)unit101.The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside.2.Owing to the policy of reform, the small town is thriving day by day.3.Could you read through this for me and highlight the important points?4.At times I wonder if rote learning is worthwhile.5.The superstitions that used to prevail in Old China are disappearing gradually.6.Thanks to the improvement in export sales, the company has successfully fulfilled its marketing plan.unit111.If you can’t afford to pay in cash, you can buy the car on credit.2.I said I’d help him and that’s what I’m going to do. I shall keep my word.3.I've a stake in this company and don't wish to see it go bankrupt.4.With the development of industrial production, the old feudal system began to fall apart.5.He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.6.The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative to learn more subjects.7.Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.unit121.They were deprived of normal childhood happiness by the war.2.Blossoming valleys and the beautiful colours of autumn lure numerous visitors into the mountains.3.What he said meant in essence that he didn't support our plan.4.Having sold the house, she had a considerable amount of money at her disposal.5.There are some things that I don't like about this job. but by and large it's quite enjoyable.6.They bribed the congressman with a large sum of money to get his support for their proposal at the meeting.7.The policy has not only produced obvious short-term effects but will also exert a long-term influence on the future development of society. 8.Influenced by the international economic crisis, many of the local companies are in the grip of a recession.unit131.They usually leave off work at 5 o’clo ck, but today they have to work overtime.2.All the museums and art galleries in the city are open to the public forfree / free of charge.3.It’s very discouraging to be sneered at by them all the time.4.She has been a little run down lately and the doctor has advised her to take a short holiday.5.The whole city is bathed in a sea of joy today.6.It’s very dark outside, and the sky is covered, as it were, with a black curtain.7.I booked two film tickets by phone yesterday in the name of Thomas unit141.There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.2.Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eating wild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.3.This area has been marked off as a future playground.4.There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.5.The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.6.They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.7.At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.8.He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.unit151.She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.2.The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age.3.After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature.4.Let's dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.5.These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very efficient indeed.6.The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to no avail.7.Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children.。