托福阅读8种题型介绍一、细节题特征:没有特征(因为其他题型都有各自的特征)数量:每篇3-6题难度:变化很大策略:随机应变二、选非题特征:NOT/EXCEPT数量:每篇1题难度:较低策略:一定要做对三、推理题特征:infer、imply数量:每篇1-2题难度:很高策略:可以放四、修辞题:特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影(2)个选项的开头为TO+关键动词(这些动词代表某个修饰手法,这样的动词很少,所以遇到都要记住)PS:这类题目有可能会变形五、词汇题特征:(1)题干与原文被打上了阴影(2)以the word/phrase开头数量:每篇3-6题难度:非常简单策略:一定要做对六、指代题特征:(1)原文与题干被打上阴影(2)打上阴影的是某个代词数量:1题难度:较低(可以直接测试语法能力)策略:要做对七、复述题特征:(1)原文中一个完整的句子被打上阴影(2)题干为:which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.数量:1题难度:很难或者很简单八、插句题特征:黑色小方框(■)数量:1题难度:较低策略:要做对九、归总题特征:两排六个选项数量:1题难度:1分很简单,2分有点难策略:保1争2新增题型(参考TPO5):四选二题型:是细节题的变形全文归纳题:可以去归总题找答案第二部分各题型解题技巧串讲阅读的步骤:第1步:把动滚动条拉到底再拉到顶第2步:点review键,做完词汇题(不看原文),同时关注一下是否有选非题(因为与原文对应的东西很多)第3步:边看边做阅读,要按顺序做(因为托福阅读,题目顺序和题目对应原文的顺序几乎一致。
托福阅读句子简化题解题技巧实例讲解下面,我们来看官方真题Official3Desertification这篇文章的句子简化题:The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendousnumbers of people affected, as well as from thegreat difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.A Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects largeareas of land and great numbers of people.B Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread overlarge areas of land.C The spread of deserts is considered a very seriousproblem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countriesare involved in the effort.D Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless thepopulation is reduced in the vast areas affected.很多托福考生在做句子简化题时,习惯性地把待简化的句子翻译成中文,那样做其实不仅慢,而且很容易乱。
托福阅读题型否定事实信息题实例解析 (1)
托福阅读否定事实信息题例题4:Paragraph 3:Over long periods of time, substances whose physical and chemicalproperties change with the ambient climate at the time can be deposited in asystematic way to provide a continuous record of changes in those propertiesovertime, sometimes for hundreds or thousands of years. Generally, the layeringoccurs on an annual basis, hence the observed changes in the records can bedated. Information on temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of the climatethat can be inferred from the systematic changes in properties is usuallyreferred to as proxy data. Proxy temperature records have been reconstructedfrom ice core drilled out of the central Greenland ice cap, calcite shellsembedded in layered lake sediments in Western Europe, ocean floor sediment coresfrom the tropical Atlantic Ocean, ice cores from Peruvian glaciers, and icecores from eastern Antarctica. While these records provide broadly consistentindications that temperature variations can occur on a global scale, there arenonetheless some intriguing differences, which suggest that the pattern oftemperature variations in regional climates can also differ significantly fromeach other.Paragraph 4:What the proxy records make abundantly clear is that there havebeen significant natural changes in the climate over timescales longer than a few thousand years. Equally striking, however, is the relative stability of the climate in the past 10.000 years (the Holocene period).According to paragraphs 3 and 4, proxy data have suggested all of the following about the climate EXCEPT:1.Regional climates may change overtime.2.The climate has changed very little in the past 10.000 years.3.Global temperatures vary more than regional temperatures.4.Important natural changes in climate have occurred over large timescales. 托福阅读否定事实信息题练习题答案:3。
A错,不是那个meteor ten miles wide,是那个区域;B的biggest没说也没有相关信息可以推断,而且太绝对;C正确,原文第二句说收集了大致两吨的碎片,碎片都有两吨了,那meteor自然不止两吨,所以C正确;D的more pieces 原文没有信息可以推断,不选。
3.这个句子看上去有点儿复杂,但把没用的部分去掉之后,剩下的东西并不多,只有when blabla,A包含各种各样的objects,后面的一大堆东西都是修饰objects的,所以正确答案是B。
A选项的A form原文没说,而且cloud of gas and dust got trapped原文也没说;C和D的主干完全错误。
原文说一些C包含了melting之后剩下的颗粒,这些怎么样的颗粒一定是在高温下nebular dust were fused的时候形成的。
都说了这些颗粒是survive过了melting event,也就是说别的都融化了,所以这些颗粒比较神奇,答案是B。
A和C 明显不对,D稍靠谱,但没有B好,而且本段最后还说是enigma,是一个谜。
6.以presence of grains inside some of the chondrules做关键词定位至第四句,也就是刚才词汇题所在的那句,说C包含了melting之后剩下的颗粒,这些神奇的颗粒一定是在高温下nebular dust were fused的时候形成的,然后快速冷却,所以正确答案是B。
托福阅读例题分析及答案The answer to the question "What types of long-term stability do ecosystems achieve?" may be found in the passage's consideration of the assembly rules that underlie the structure of plant communities. Plant communities are able to achieve long-term stability assemblages through a combination of structuring factors that create both environmental filtering and species sorting. Environmental filtering results from the spatial heterogeneity found within plant communities, which creates micro-environments that select for certain traits. For example, some shaded areas may be more moist, while others may be drier. Species sorting results from the plant species' abilities to disperse and occupy different niches within the plant community. This process results in species becoming spatially separated, which reduces competition and increases stability.The assembly rules that underlie the structure of plant communities are key to understanding long-term stability in ecosystems. The assembly rules dictate which species can occupy certain niches, and in turn influence the species richness and diversity of theplant community. A plant community's species richness and diversity directly impact its ability to withstand environmental change. Plant communities with high species richness and diversity are more likely to have keystone species, which are essential to the health and function of the ecosystem. Keystone species play a particularly important role in maintaining ecosystem stability.A plant community's long-term stability also depends on its resiliency, or its ability to bounce back from environmental change or disturbance. Resilient plant communities are more likely to withstand perturbations, such as herbivore outbreaks or severe weather events, and are better able to recover once the disturbance has passed. Key factors influencing plant community resiliency include species richness and diversity, community evenness, and functional group diversity. Plant communities with high species richness and diversity are more likely to have keystone species, which are essential to the health and function of the ecosystem.The answer to the question "What are some factors that influence plant community assembly?" may be found in the passage's discussion of extrfloral nectaries.Extrfloral nectaries are structures located at the base of each sepal that attract several different species of ants. These ants provide protection to the plant by defending it from herbivores and competing plant species. In return for this protection, the plant provides the ants with nectar, which the ants collect and store in their underground chambers. These chambers serve as a source of water and food for the ants, as well as a refuge in case of emergency.The extrfloral nectary example is used to demonstrate how plants can attract specific pollinators or herbivore controllers to increase the health and function of the ecosystem. This is turn助于increase plant community assembly and long-term stability.答案示例:生态系统可以达到哪些类型的长期稳定性?答:生态系统可以达到的环境过滤和物种分类的长期稳定性。
2.以二十世纪做关键词定位至最后一句,说二十世纪的后几十年人们更多花功夫在理解和记录rock art的abundance上,所以正确答案是D,understanding and documenting。
原文说australian rock art的stylicorganization究竟是什么,是否有可能怎么样一个sequence或者一种pattern,所以答案是C。
原文说rock art的年龄一直在怎么样,接着又说因为有新发现,所以更早的定年出现了,所以年龄是被改变了,D正确。
6.原句的结构是frequency导致专家采用了一个term,lead to说明存在因果关系,正确答案是 B。
Role of Play in DevelopmentPlay is easier to define with examples than withconcepts. In any case, in animals it consists ofleaping, running, climbing, throwing, wrestling, andother movements, either along, with objects, or withother animals. Depending on the species, play may be primarily for socialinteraction,exercise, or exploration. One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that itinvolves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance—dominance, predation,competition, and real fighting. Thus, whether play occurs or not depends on the intention ofthe animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.用例证来定义玩耍要比用概念简单得多。
托福阅读推理题解题信息点讲解托福阅读解题需要留意这些信息点: 1. 日期和数字 2. 各类关键词表示多少的副词: many , some, much of, several , a few ,most …;情态动词:may, can , could…;表示过去的:used to be , was, were , at one time, previously ;表示不是唯一的:not only ,not exclusively等。
托福阅读考试题目解释说明(5篇)托福阅读考试题目解释说明第3篇Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor戴着面具身着盛装的人们,经常扮演各种其他人物、动物或超自然生灵,并且作为一个扮演者所能做的,就是期盼一个在狩猎或战役中获胜、降雨的来临,阳光的重现的结果。
托福阅读考试题目解释说明第4篇though we are to speaking of the films made before 1972 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word,虽然我们习惯于谈到1972年以前的电影是无声的,但用一句完全感性的话来说电影从来就不是没有声音的。
托福考试阅读题目详细解析(17)【待插入句子】On the other hand, amphibians in very hot climates use secret ions from the mucus glands to decrease their temperature through evaporative co oling on the skin.【待插入段落】Physiological adaptations can assist amphibians in colonizing habitatswhere extreme conditions prevail. The tolerance range in body temperatu re represents the range of temperatures within which a species can survive. One species of North American newt is still active when temperatures drop to -2°C while one South American frog feels comfortable even when temperatures measure d to 41°C—the highest body temperature measured in a free-ranging amphibian. [■] Recently it has been shown that some North American frog and toad species can survive up to five days with a body temperature of -6°C with approximately one-third of their body fluids frozen. [■] The other tissues are protected be cause they contain the frost-protective agents glycerin or glucose. [■] Additi onally, in many species the tolerance boundaries are flexible and can change as a result of acclimatization (long-term exposure to particular conditions).[■]答案1.首先公布答案:3rd square;2.看到待插入句子中有one the other hand,这是个典型的两方面对比!给我们的是另一方面,那么前面一定要出现跟这部分内容对立的一方面。
托福阅读答案1.dramatic剧烈的,戏剧化的,就单词本身能够想到drama戏剧,所以这个应该是戏剧的形容词,原文后句说在几十米的垂直距离内,树木完全被低矮的灌木和草取代了,所以变化非常剧烈,A渐渐B复杂C可见的都不靠谱2.以lower timberline做关键词定位至本段最后一句,说有lower timberline是因为a lack of moisture,缺乏湿度,等于A选项中的没有水3.分别以upper timberline和lower timberline为关键词定位至本段倒数两句,不管是upper timberline还是lower timberline都是快速的过渡带,树还是有的,只是在向草原等等过渡,所以A错,既然是过渡,也就是边界了,B对,C没说,只有lower timberline缺水,所以D说both错4.以deciduous trees做关键词定位至原文的第三句和第四句,根据第四句说有的地方的timberline是由落叶树构成的,所以timberline上还是有落叶树的,所以选项A和B说反,D项moisture原文没说,第三句说timberline 通常是常绿树构成的,第四句说有的时候也出现落叶树,所以常绿树比落叶树出现的概率大,所以C正确5.attain获得,想到相似的obtain和retain,原文说中高纬度的树木会变形,在山脊处怎么样更高,后半句的whereas所在句与之并列,其中reach greater heights应该和考的那部分是并列的,所以attain也是reach 之意,答案是achieve,A要求B反对抵抗D忍耐都不对6.并列句,往前找,找主语,trees是正确答案,此外,被暴露在大风之下的应该是树,山谷山脊和高度都不靠谱7.prone可能,倾向于。
原文说热带地区山谷是更有利于生长的地方因为那里怎么样干涸,比较有利生长当然不容易干涸,C和D的意思都是能干涸,所以都不对,A适应不靠谱,所以B正确8..以middle and upper latitudes做关键词定位至原文第三四两句,说中高纬度地区树木在很大程度上受到积雪覆盖的时长和深度的影响,山谷地区积雪深,时间长,所以树长得不好,所以是negatively affected,选项B 和C与原文相反,D违反常识9.原句说风速增加而且会给树木很大压力,已经被blablabla证实。
In the 1600's when the Spanish moved into what later was to become the southwestern United States, they encountered the ancestors of the modern-day Pueblo, Hopi , and Zuni peoples. These ancestors, known variously as the Basket Makers, the Anasazi, or the Ancient Ones, had lived in the area for at least 2,000 years. They were an advanced agricultural people who used irrigation to help grow their crops. The Anasazi lived in houses constructed of adobe and wood. Anasazi houses were originally built in pits and were entered from the roof. But around the year 700 A.D., the Anasazi began to build their homes above ground and join them together into rambling multistoried complexes, which the Spanish called pueblos or villages. Separate subterranean rooms in these pueblos known as kivas or chapels were set aside for religious ceremonials. Each kiva had a fire pit and a hole that was believed to lead to the underworld. The largest pueblos had five stories and more than 800 rooms. The Anasazi family was matrilinear, that is, descent was traced through the female. The sacred objects of the family were under the control of the oldest female, but the ritual ceremonies were conducted by her brother or son. Women owned the rooms in the pueblo and the crops, once they were harvested. While still growing, crops belonged to the man who,in contrast to most other Native American groups, planted them. The women made baskets and pottery, the men wove textile and crafted turpoise jewelry. Each village had two chiefs. The village chief dealt with land disputes and religious affairs. The war chief led the men in fighting during occasional conflicts that broke out with neighboring villages and directed the men in community building projects. The cohesive political and social organization of the Anasazi made it almost impossible for other groups to conquer them. 复述题 这是最简单的题型,但也是托福阅读部分除词汇题外出现得最多的定位原⽂,问题就迎刃⽽解。
请看下面例题:Decades before this disaster,environmentalist had predicted just such an enormous oil spill in this areabecause of the treacherous nature of the waters due to the submerged reefs,icebergs, and violent storms there. They had urged that oil be transported tothe continental United States by land-based pipeline rather than by oil tankeror by undersea pipeline to reduce the potential damage to the environment posedby the threat of an oil spill.Which point is NOT made by theenvironmentalist mentioned in paragraph 2?A. That a huge oil spill in thewaters off Alaska was possible.B. That the waters off the coastof Alaska were dangerous for ships.C. That oil tanker should not beused to transport oil from Alaska.D. That an undersea pipeline waspreferable to a land-based pipeline.这道题题干中提到的environmentalist是整个该段的主语,故不能作为关键信息词。
实例解析托福阅读选非题对于这种题型,解题步骤如下:1. 鉴别题型:大写单词EXCEPT / NOT2. 审题:查找题干核心词3. 定位:确定出题区间,找到列举信息4. 排解:排解符合原文要求的三个选项下面我们借官方真题Official例题来看看选非题的解题过程。
官方真题Official34-3 Protection of Plants by Insects【Paragraph 5】Extrafloralnectaries at the base of each sepal attract several kinds of insects, but 96 percent of them are ants, several different species of them. When buds are still small, less than aquarter of an inch long, the sepal nectaries are already present and producing nectar. They continue to do so as the flower develops and while the fruit matures. Observations leave little doubt that ants protect morning glory flowers and fruits from the combined enemy force of grasshoppers, caterpillars,and seed beetles. Bentley compares the seed production of six plants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were occupied by ants. Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants occupied byants bore 211 seeds per plant. Although antsare not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drive them away by nipping at their feet.Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they laytheir eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.12. According to paragraph 5, antsdefend morning glory plants from seed beetles in each of the following waysEXCEPTA. driving adult beetles off the plants by nipping at their feetB. catching and eating adult beetlesC. eating beetle eggs they find on developing fruitsD. making it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruitsEXCEPT选非过程:1. 审题:找到题干核心词seed beetles2. 定位:确定出题区间,找到列举信息Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drivethem away by nipping at their feet. Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.3. 排解:排解符合原文要求的三个选项,留意选项的同义改写B. catching and eating adult beetles抓捕和吃掉成年甲壳虫= the ants prey onthe adult beetles 蚂蚁捕食成年甲壳虫C. eating beetle eggs they find on developing fruits吃掉在水果上的甲壳虫卵= eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay 蚂蚁吃掉甲壳虫胜利产下的卵D. making it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruits使甲壳虫很难再发育的水果上产卵= disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits 蚂蚁干扰正在水果上产卵的雌性甲壳虫有同学说,A选项nipping at their feet(夹它们的脚)也对应了原文they drive them away by nipping at their feet,那我们来看看nipping at their feet这句话原句详细信息:Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers,they drive them away by nipping at their feet.尽管蚂蚁还不足以大到能够杀死或严峻损害蚂蚱,但是蚂蚁可以通过夹它们的脚赶走蚂蚱。
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实例解析托福阅读选非题对于这种题型,解题步骤如下:1. 鉴别题型:大写单词EXCEPT / NOT2. 审题:寻找题干核心词3. 定位:确定出题区间,找到列举信息4. 排除:排除符合原文要求的三个选项下面我们借官方真题Official例题来看看选非题的解题过程。
官方真题Official34-3 Protection of Plants by Insects【Paragraph 5】Extrafloralnectaries at the base of each sepal attract several kinds of insects, but 96 percent of them are ants, several different species of them. When buds are still small, less than aquarter of an inch long, the sepal nectaries are already present and producing nectar. They continue to do so as the flowerdevelops and while the fruit matures. Observations leave little doubt that ants protect morning glory flowers and fruits from the combined enemy force of grasshoppers, caterpillars,and seed beetles. Bentley compares the seed production of six plants that grew where there were no ants with that of seventeen plants that were occupied by ants. Unprotected plants bore only 45 seeds per plant, but plants occupied byants bore 211 seeds per plant. Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drive them away by nipping at their feet.Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they laytheir eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.12. According to paragraph 5, antsdefend morning glory plants from seed beetles in each of the following waysEXCEPTA. driving adult beetles off the plants by nipping at their feetB. catching and eating adult beetlesC. eating beetle eggs they find on developing fruitsD. making it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruitsEXCEPT选非过程:1. 审题:找到题干核心词seed beetles2. 定位:确定出题区间,找到列举信息Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers, they drivethem away by nipping at their feet. Seed beetles are more vulnerable because they are much smaller than grasshoppers. The ants prey on the adult beetles, disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay.3. 排除:排除符合原文要求的三个选项,注意选项的同义改写B. catching and eating adult beetles抓捕和吃掉成年甲壳虫= the ants prey onthe adult beetles 蚂蚁捕食成年甲壳虫C. eating beetle eggs they find on developing fruits吃掉在水果上的甲壳虫卵= eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay 蚂蚁吃掉甲壳虫成功产下的卵D. making it difficult for beetles to lay eggs on developing fruits 使甲壳虫很难再发育的水果上产卵= disturb females as they lay their eggs on developing fruits 蚂蚁干扰正在水果上产卵的雌性甲壳虫有同学说,A选项nipping at their feet(夹它们的脚)也对应了原文they drive them away by nipping at their feet,那我们来看看nipping at their feet这句话原句具体信息:Although ants are not big enough to kill or seriously injure grasshoppers,they drive them away by nipping at their feet.尽管蚂蚁还不足以大到能够杀死或严重伤害蚂蚱,但是蚂蚁可以通过夹它们的脚赶走蚂蚱。
所以,本题最后的答案是:ATIPS:1. 符合题干要求的三个选项一般以列举形式出现,比如a, b, and c;或者first,second 、moreover / furthermore, third / final等。
2. 当四个选项都在原文当中出现时,必定有一个答非所问,请注意看清题干要求官方真题Official20-1 Westward Migration【Paragraph 2】Why were these hundreds of thousands of settlers—most of them farmers, some of them artisans—drawn away from the cleared fields and established cities and villages of the East? Certain characteristics of American society help to explain this remarkable migration. The European ancestors of someAmericans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic. Many of those who experienced this sharp break there after lacked the ties that had bound them and their ancestors to a single place. Moreover, European society was relatively stratified; occupation and social status were inherited. In American society, however, the class structure was less rigid; some people changed occupations easily and believed it was their duty to improve their social and economic position. As a result, many Americans were an inveterately restless, rootless, and ambitious people. Therefore, these social traits helped to produce the nomadic and daring settlers who kept pushing westward beyond the fringes of settlement. In addition, there were other immigrants who migrated west in search of newhomes,material success, and better lives.4. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are reasons why Americans migrated westward EXCEPTA. the desire to move from one place to the nextB. the hope of improving their socioeconomic statusC. the opportunity to change jobsD. the need to escape religious or political crises点评:本题是一道非常经典的选非题,很多同学在做本题时都会很快的排除D选项,因为D:the need to escapereligious or political crises实在太容易在原文当中找到对应的句子:The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece ofland until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic.所以,很多同学在排除D选项之后,好得意哟!但,D选项就是咱们的正确答案!What!!!下面,我们来看一下解题过程。