



专科三年学习计划英语专业I. IntroductionAs a student majoring in English in a specialized college, I have set up a three-year study plan to fully develop my language skills, cultural understanding, and professional knowledge in this field. This study plan aims to provide a clear direction for my academic and personal development, as well as to ensure a successful completion of my undergraduate studies.II. First Year: Foundation BuildingIn the first year of my study, I will focus on laying a solid foundation in English language skills and basic knowledge of English literature and culture. This will include courses on English grammar, writing, vocabulary, phonetics, and oral expression. I will also take courses in British and American literature, as well as cultural and historical studies of English-speaking countries.In addition to academic courses, I will actively participate in extracurricular activities such as English corners, debate clubs, and public speaking contests to enhance my practical language skills and gain exposure to different English-speaking cultures.III. Second Year: Deepening and SpecializationIn the second year, I plan to deepen my understanding of English language and culture, while also beginning to specialize in a particular area of interest. I will take advanced courses in English language and literature, including courses on literary criticism, linguistic studies, and English language teaching.I also plan to take elective courses in areas such as translation and interpretation, creative writing, and English for specific purposes. I will actively seek out internship opportunities or part-time jobs related to my major, to gain practical experience and apply the knowledge I have learned in real-world settings.IV. Third Year: Consolidation and Preparation for FutureIn the final year of my undergraduate study, I will focus on consolidating my knowledge and skills in English language and literature, while also preparing for my future career or further studies. I will take advanced courses in my areas of interest, and write a graduation thesis on a topic related to my future career plan.I will also actively participate in academic conferences, seminars, and workshops to broaden my horizon and exchange ideas with scholars and professionals in the field. I will seek out opportunities for research projects or teaching assistantships to gain further experience and prepare for my future career in academia or the language-related industry. V. ConclusionIn conclusion, this three-year study plan outlines my academic and personal development as a student majoring in English in a specialized college. It provides a clear roadmap for my undergraduate studies and future career development, and I am fully committed to following this plan and making the most of my college experience. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and a strong passion for the English language and culture, I will be able to achieve my academic and career goals and make a positive contribution to the field of English studies.。


“From now on I will consider language to be a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.” --Noam Chomsky (1928- ): Syntactic Structures (1957)

内容上, 既要传授基础理论知识也要反映语 言学中的最新发展,要求学生理解深,力求 贯通,比较,自创。 观点上,不拘泥于一派之说。要求学生了解 各派理论并分析其优劣。

讲授本书内容可详可简,授课教师可根据学 校的教学方案和学生程度进行调整。

对课程总体内容的了解 对语言和语言学基本原理的理解 对语言和语言学专门知识的理解和分析
“A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which the members of a society interact in terms of their total culture.” --George Trager: The Field of Linguistics (1949)
What does “language” mean?

1. in general language can mean what a person says or said 2. in particular , use of language, a constant way of speaking or writing 3. variety of language 4. specific language 5. the common features of all human languages



Chapter 1 Introduction: Why Project Management?True/False1) Projects have a process orientation. F2) Client interest in a project is highest during the termination and conceptual phases. T Multiple Choice1). A project typically has:A) A defined start and end date.B) A defined start date but no defined end date.C) No defined start but a defined end date.D) No defined start or end date.2) Which of the following statements about project success criteria is best?A) Project cost is an external performance measure.B) Completion time is an internal performance measure.C) Client acceptance is an internal performance measure.D) Client acceptance is often referred to as conducting a quality check.Short Answer1) What changes in the business environment have necessitated a greater use of projectmanagement skills?Chapter 2 The Organizational Context: Strategy, Structure, andCultureTrue/False1) The same project managed in the same fashion may succeed in one organization but failin another. T2) Organizational culture can be influenced in a variety of ways, including by rewardsystems and key organizational members. TMultiple Choice1) Which of the following is not an element of strategic management?A) formulating cross-functional decisionsB) implementing cross-functional decisionsC) evaluating cross-functional decisionsD) eliminating cross-functional decisions2) Companies that are structured by grouping people performing similar activities intodepartments are:A) project organizations.B) functional organizations.C) matrix organizationsD) departmental organizations.Chapter 3 Project SelectionTrue/False1) A simplified scoring model addresses all the weakness of a checklist model for projectscreening. T2) The present value of money is lower the further out in the future I expect to spend it. F Multiple Choice1) An internal operating issue in project screening and selection is:A) expected return on investment.B) change in physical environment.C) patent protection.D) chance that the firm’s goodwill will suffer due to the quality of the finished project.2) A project with the chance for a big payout may be funded if an important criterion is:A) cost.B) opportunity.C) top management pressure.D) risk.Short Answer1) What is the time value of money principle and how does it apply to project selection?P91, the front halfChapter 4 Leadership and the Project ManagerTrue/False1) The most important characteristic of a project leader is ability to inspire. F2) The new leader must make a conscious effort to distance himself from the people beingled. FMultiple Choice1) A project champion is:A) a project manager that always completes projects within the allotted time frame.B) a sponsor in top management that is keenly interested i n the project’s success.C) a project manager that always completes projects within the allotted budget.D) a project manager that always completes projects within the allotted time frame andunder budget.2) Which of the following is a traditional duty of a project champion?A) cheerleaderB) visionaryC) politicianD) technical understandingChapter 5 Scope ManagementTrue/False1) Scope management is the function controlling a project in terms of its goals andobjectives during the execution phase. F2) Scope reporting not only identifies the type of information that will be reported, but alsoto whom it will be reported and with what frequency. TMultiple Choice1) Which of these is not a typical element of a statement of work?A) introduction and backgroundB) a list of activities needed to complete the projectC) technical description of the projectD) timeline and milestones2) In the case of projects developed for external clients, work authorization typicallyaddresses:A) budget linkage.B) audit trail establishment.C) resource requirements.D) contractual obligations.Chapter 6 Project Team Building, Conflict, and Negotiation True/False1) The first step in assembling a project team is to talk to potential team members. F2) Cross-functional cooperation directly influences both the actual implementation of theproject and the team members’ assessment that the project experience was worthwhile. T Multiple Choice1) Project management people skills include:A) team building.B) scheduling.C) budgeting.D) project evaluation.2) Which of these factors does not influence cross-functional cooperation?A) accessibilityB) physical proximityC) rules and proceduresD) self-efficacy.Short Answer1)What are the steps in assembling a project team? Which is most critical? Why? P183Chapter 7 Risk ManagementTrue/False1) The risk is highest in the earliest phase of the project life cycle. T2) Contingency reserves require a construction company to hold back some funds in anaccount just in case something happens that increases the overall project cost. T Multiple Choice1) Risk management is a:A) three stage process.B) four stage process.C) five stage process.D) six stage process2) The probability that legal and managerial structures put together to develop and operatethe project will not perform well is:A) operating risk.B) political risk.C) organizational risk.D) integration risk.Chapter 8 Cost Estimation and BudgetingTrue/False1) Direct costs are those clearly assigned to the aspect of the project that generated the cost.T2) Material is an example of a cost that is recurring, variable and direct. TMultiple Choice1) Which of the following is a direct cost?A) laborB) rentC) depreciation on equipmentD) health benefits2) Workers paid $15.00 per hour with an overhead charge of 1.45 and a personal timeallowance of 1.15, have what total direct labor cost for an 8-hour work day?A) $151.30B) $174.00C) $200.10D) $236.80Chapter 9 Project Scheduling: Networks, Duration Estimation, and Critical Path True/False1) Preceding activities are those that must occur before others can be done. T2) A backward pass is performed when it is necessary to undo some work that has beenperformed in order to complete it properly. FMultiple Choice1) The least amount of float is found:A) in a resource-limited schedule.B) after a burst activity.C) on the critical path.D) after a merge activity.2) An activity has an optimistic time estimate of 15 days, a most likely estimate of 24 days,and a pessimistic estimate of 40 days. What is the expected duration of the activity?A) less than 27 days but greater than or equal to 26 daysB) less than 26 days but greater than or equal to 25 daysC) less than 25 days but greater than or equal to 24 daysD) less than 24 daysChapter 10 Project Scheduling: Lagging, Crashing, and Activity Networks True/False1) Finish to start lags are the same as additional activity slack. F2) The critical path may not contain a dummy activity. TMultiple Choice1) The most common type of logical sequencing between tasks is referred to as the:A) finish to start relationshipB) finish to finish relationship.C) start to start relationship.D) start to finish relationship.2) An activity performed by a subcontractor is scheduled for 20 weeks at an anticipated costof $100,000. Due to slippage on the critical path you need to reduce this activity by three weeks. If the subcontractor informs you that the activity can be completed in 15 weeks for $200,000, what is the slope for the activity?A) $20,000 per weekB) $33,333 per weekC) $5,000 per weekD) $13,333 per weekShort Answer1) What are the strengths and weaknesses of AOA and AON techniques?Chapter 11 Critical Chain Project SchedulingTrue/False1) If people believe that they built extra time into their initial estimates, they are usuallymore likely to begin project work right away. T2) The critical chain is usually the same as the critical path. FMultiple Choice1) The first step in TOC methodology is to:A) identify the constraint.B) exploit the constraint.C) subordinate the system to the constraint.D) elevate the constraint.2) In order to estimate completion of a Gaussian, or lognormal, distributed activity time witha 90% or higher degree of confidence, the time may be overestimated by as much as:A) 20%.B) 80%.C) 160%.D) 200%.Chapter 12 Resource ManagementTrue/False1) All that is needed to create a resource loading calendar is the Work Breakdown Structureand the activity network. T2) In-process inventory represents the amount of work waiting to be completed but delayeddue to unavailable resources. TMultiple Choice1) A project that must be finished by December 31st is:A) time constrained. P381B) resource constrained.C) mix-constrained.D) capacity constrained.2) The amounts of individual resources that a schedule requires during a specific timeperiods is referred to as the resource’s:A) loading.B) capacity.C) constraint.D) drag.Chapter 13 Project Evaluation and ControlTrue/False1) Gap analysis refers to any measurement process that first determines the goals and thenthe degree to which the actual performance lives up to those goals. F2) The project implementation profile assesses the performance of the project team withrespect to 10 critical success factors and can be used on an ongoing project. TMultiple Choice1) The first step in the control cycle is:A) setting a goal.B) measuring progress.C) comparing actual with planned performance.D) taking action.2) The project baseline is established by combining data from the:A) work breakdown structure and the project budget.B) time-phased project budget and the PERT chart.C) S-curve and the project budget.D) time-phased project budget and the work breakdown structure.Chapter 14 Project Close-Out and Termination True or false1) A project that is terminated by extinction is not completed successfully. T2) Closeout activities are typically among the highest priority activities in a project. F Multiple Choice1) The termination of Boeing’s Sonic Cruiser project is an example of:A) termination by extinction.B) termination by addition.C) termination by integration.D) termination by starvation.。

专业英语Introduction of General Chemistry

专业英语Introduction of General Chemistry

nonmetal ['non'metl] n.非金属(元素)
formula [ˈfɔ:mjələ] n.公式
product ['prodakt] n.产品,产物
reactant [riˈæktənt] n.反应物
symbol [simbal] n.符号,记号,象征
balance [ˈbæləns] n.秤,天平,平衡
商洛学院化学工程与现代材料学院 化学专业英语多媒体课件
Professional English of Chemistry
Lesson 5 Introduction of GenExpressions
chemistry [kemistri] n.化学 matter [ˈmætə(r)] n.物质,实质 substance [ˈsʌbstəns] n.物质,实质,主旨 reactive [ri(i)'asktiv] adj.反应的,起反作 用的 decompose [.diikam‘pauz] v.分解 decomposition [dikomp‘zijan] n.分解 element [elimant] n.元素 solution [səˈlu:ʃn] n.溶液 aqueous [ˈeɪkwiəs] adj.水的,水成的 proton [prauton] n.质子 compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n.化合物 phase [feiz] n.相 nucleus ['njuiklias] n.核子 electron [ɪˈlektrɒn] n.电子 component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n.成分
Properties that involve substances changing into other substances are called chemical properties. The changes are called chemical changes or chemical reactions. Substances that react rapidly with many other substances are said to be reactive. Reactions in which substances combine to form more complex substances are called combination reactions and reactions in which substances break down (decompose) into simpler substances are called decomposition reactions.


❖ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
❖Teach students the most useful language study skills (reading, writing,speaking and listening);
❖Emphasize critical thinking and inquiry in academic subjects like math, science, physics or English literature;
❖Help students learn about their chosen destination or academic concern and what to expect when they get there.
《学术英语(理工)》(Academic English for Science and Engineering) 主编: 蔡基刚 外语教学与研究出版社
❖ The physiological theory centers upon how our body, specifically our brains, function during the REM phase of sleep. Proponents of this theory believe that we dream to exercise the synapses, or pathways, between brain cells, and that dreaming takes over where the active and awake brain leaves off. When awake, our brains constantly transmit and receive messages, which course through our billions of brain cells to their appropriate destinations, and keep our bodies in perpetual motion. Dreams replace thng Purposes



(完整版)船舶专业英语(课文+翻译)Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。

or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。

竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。

This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

国际贸易专业英语 introduction 4(demand and supply)

国际贸易专业英语 introduction 4(demand and supply)
Equilibrium Price: $2000 Equilibrium quantity: 40,000 Consumer Surplus: c Producer Surplus: h
2.2 Two National Markets and the Opening of Trade
Arbitrage: buying something in one market and reselling the same thing in another market to profit from a price difference. 套利:通过在一个市场上买入 某物,在另一个市场上卖出某 物而赚取差价的行为。
2.2.2 Welfare Effects of International Trade
b+d n
2.2.2 Welfare Effects of International Trade
Effects in the Importing Country (The U.S.A) ①Effects on Consumers and Producers Consumer Surplus:
2.2.2 Welfare Effects of International Trade
Effects in the Importing Country (The U.S.A) ②Net National Gains
The one-dollar, one-vote metric says that the analyst will value any dollar of gain or loss equally, regardless of who experience it.



机电专业英语1. Introduction机电专业英语 (Electromechanical Engineering English)是指在机械工程和电气工程领域中所使用的英语技术术语和语言表达。



2. Electromechanical Engineering Overview机电工程涉及领域广泛,包括机械设计、自动控制、电力系统、传感技术等。




3. Key Terminology and Vocabulary在机电专业英语中,有一些关键的术语和词汇是机电工程师必须掌握的。

比如:- Mechanical Engineering: 机械工程- Electrical Engineering: 电气工程- Control Systems: 控制系统- Power Systems: 电力系统- Sensors and Actuators: 传感器与执行器- Robotics: 机器人技术- Automation: 自动化- CAD/CAM: 计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造4. Technical Documentation在机电工程中,技术文档是非常重要的一环。




5. International Communication机电工程师通常需要与来自不同国家的同行、客户和供应商进行交流。





英语专业介绍说明文作文范文英文回答:Introduction to the English Major.The English major is a broad-based liberal arts degree that provides students with a comprehensive understandingof the English language, literature, and culture. It offers a rigorous foundation in critical thinking, reading, writing, and communication skills, as well as a deep appreciation for the power and beauty of language.Coursework.The English major curriculum typically includes a coreof foundational courses in English language, literature,and writing. Students also choose from a wide range of elective courses that may focus on literary periods, genres, authors, or cultural themes. Common course topics include:English Grammar and Usage.Introduction to Literature.Literary Analysis.Composition and Rhetoric.British Literature.American Literature.World Literature.Creative Writing.Benefits.Pursuing an English major offers numerous benefits, including:Enhanced Critical Thinking Skills: English coursestrain students to analyze, interpret, and evaluate texts, developing their critical thinking abilities.Strong Communication Skills: Writing, speaking, and presentation assignments foster excellent communication skills, both written and oral.Cultural Literacy: Exposure to a diverse range of literary works provides students with a deep understandingof different cultures and perspectives.Preparation for Diverse Careers: An English degree provides a solid foundation for careers in writing, editing, teaching, law, journalism, and public relations.Personal Enrichment: Studying English fosters alifelong love of reading and a deep appreciation for theart of language.Career Options.Graduates with English degrees are well-qualified for avariety of careers that value written and communication skills. Some common career paths include:Writer.Editor.Teacher.Librarian.Journalist.Lawyer.Public Relations Specialist.Marketing Specialist.Communications Manager.Conclusion.The English major is an excellent choice for students who are passionate about language, literature, and cultural exploration. It provides a strong academic foundation, develops essential skills, and opens doors to a wide rangeof career opportunities. Whether students aspire to write, teach, or pursue other professions, an English degree will equip them with the tools and knowledge to succeed.中文回答:英语专业介绍说明文。


主讲教师:吴 超
English for Biology Students
国家教育部为使我国高等教育与国际接轨,适应当前科 技迅猛发展的形势,提出今后部分专业使用英文原版教材。
专业英语的学习与基础英语的学习是相辅相成的,学好基础 英语有利于专业英语的学习,认真学习专业英语又会促进词 汇量的增长和阅读能力的提高。
常用前缀 7. hepta,sept(i) 七 heptane 庚烷 heptose 庚糖 heptoglobin七珠蛋白 heptagon septilateral 七边形 8. oct八 octpus 章鱼 octagon八角形 octane 辛烷 octase 辛糖 9. enne,nona九 nonapeptide 九肽 enneahedron 九面体 10. deca,deka 十 decapod 十足目动物 decahedron 十面体 decagram 十克
macro 大,巨大,多
macrophage巨噬细胞 macroelement常量元素 macromolecular大分子
micro 微,小
polymerase 聚合酶 multichain多链的 multicistronic mRNA多顺反子mRNA multicopy多拷贝

城市轨道交通专业英语 1 Introduction

城市轨道交通专业英语 1 Introduction

Learning Objectives
In this unit, you will: learn different kinds of urban rail transit; learn about the metro system in the world, China and Guangzhou; learn some useful expressions for talking about subway trips; enhance your presentation skill by working out a presentation on world’s metro systems.
• Task1. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or False (F) according to your understanding of the passage. ( F) 1. Metro systems are usually built in suburban areas.. ( T) 2. All countries do not use the same term to refer to a metro system. ( F) 3. China has the longest metro system is in China while America has the second longest. ( F) 4. In China, all metro systems are built in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and the Jingjinji region whose economy is developing fast. ( T) 5. More metro systems will be built in China.



All sessions take place on both Mondays and Wednesdays (18-1)Week 1-3 (No lessons)Week 4 Introduction to the course: English Grammar (syllabus, teaching plan, description of assessment, self-introduction) / Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy // Sentence structureWeek 5 Subject-verb Concord (I), (II)Week 6 Noun and noun phrase // Genitive nounWeek 7 (Sports meeting 27th, Oct.)Week 8 Determiners (I), (II)Week 9 Pronoun (I), (II) //Verb and Verb Phrase // Tense and aspect (I), (II)Week 10 Verb and Verb Phrase // Tense and aspect (I), (II)Week 11 Means of expressing future time / Passive voice (I), (II)Week 12 Subjunctive mood / Auxiliaries (I), (II)Week 13 Infinitive (I), (II), / -ing participle, / -ed participleWeek 14 Adjective and adjective phrase / adverb and adverb phrase / Comparison and comparative construction / preposition and prepositonal phraseWeek 15 Statement, question, command, exclamation / Existential sentence / It-pattern / CoordinationWeek 16 Subordination (I), (II) / Relative clause/ conditional sentence / direct and indirect speechWeek 17 Modification / substituion / ellipsisWeek 18 Postponement, fronting and inversion / From sentence to textWeek 19-20 Testing WeeksOutline for each weekWeek 4 Introduction to the course: English Grammar (syllabus, teaching plan, description of assessment, self-introduction) / Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy // Sentence structure1. Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (Introduction Section)Grammar is the structural system of a language. The grammar of the English language is organized into five ranks: the sentence, the clause, the phrase, the word and the morpheme. Each ran is composed of one or more than one grammatical unit of the immediate lower rank. Thus the sentence is a grammatical unit that consists of one or more than one clause; the clause, one or more than onegrammatical unit while the morphem is the minimum or the lowest rank. A full sentence can generally be segmented rank by rank down to its smallest constituents—the morphemes.0.1 MerphemesThe morphese is the minimum or smallest grammatical unit, also the smallest meaningful element of speech. Morpheses fall into two categories: free morphemes and bound morpheses.1) Free morphemes2) Bound morphemes3) Allomorphs0.2 WordsThe word is composed of one or more than one morpheme. Words can be classified in two ways:1) Classification in terms of word-formation2) Classification in terms of grammatical function0.3 PhrasesThe phrase is composed of one or more than one word. Generally, the phrase is a group of word organized in a specific way with a key word as its head. The word class of the head determines the class of the phrase and the way in which the words are organized.1) The noun phrase2) The verb phrase3) The adjective phrase4) The adverb phrase5) The preepositonal phrase0.4 ClausesThe clause is composed of one or more than more phrase. A full-fledged clause is structurally a sequence of phrases and logically a construction of ―subject+ predicate‖.2) Simple and complex clauses3) Main and subordinate clauses4) Finite and non-finite clauses5) Verbless clauses0.5 SentencesThe sentence is the highest rank of grammatical unit. Based on one or more than one clause, the sentence is also the basic linguistic unit of connected discourse; it can stand alone and perform a function in social communication. Thus, a sentence can be defined as a grammatical unit that can stand by its and perform a communicative function.1) Full and minor sentences2) Simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences2. Sentence structure (Lecture 1)Owing to the fact that sentences in authentic language differ structurally in thousands of ways, what is described here as sentence structure, sentence elements, or sentence patterns is only concerned with the simple sentence, or rather with the clause.1.1 Clause elementAs has been pointed out before, the clause or the simple sentence is structurally a sequence of phrases and logically a construction of ―subject +predicate‖. That is to say, the clause or the simple sentence is not just an agglomeration of phrase; it is a group of phrases organized into a con struction of ―subject +predicate‖.1) Subject and predicate2) Two ways of sentence analysis1.2 Basic clause types and their transformation and expansionIn terms of the different combinations of clause elements, English clauses can be classified into seven types. Innumberable authentic sentences are structured on the basis of these clause types.1) Basic clause types2) Transformation and expansion of basic clause typesThe basic clause types and their variants can also be expanded levels, and these larger units can again be expanded throughWeek 5 Subject-verb Concord (I), (II)Lecture 2: Subject-verb Concord (I)By subject-verb concord is meant agreement between subject and predicate verb in number.2.1 Guiding principlesThere are three principles guiding subject-verb concord; they are principles of grammatical concord, notional concord and proximity.1) Grammatical concordThe principle of grammatical concord refers to the rule that the verb must match its subject in number. If the subject is plural, the verb should take the plural form; if, on the other hand, the subject is singular or is a mass noun, the verb should take the singular form, eg:Both boys have their own merits.Every girl comes on time.Much effort is wasted.Difficulties arise when this principle comes into conflict with the other two principles: principle of notional concord and principle of proximity.2) Notional concordThe principle of notional concord refers to the rule that the verb can sometimes agree with the subject according to the notion of number rather than to the actual presence of the grammatical marker for that notion, eg:The government have asked the country to decide by a vote.Fifteen miles seems like a long walk to me.3) ProximityThe principle of proximity denotes agreement of the verb with a closely preceding noun phrase in preference to agreement with the head of the noun phrase that functions as subject, eg:Either my brothers or my father is coming.No one except his own supporters agree with him.Neither Julia nor I am going.Note that grammatical concord is the basic principle, but when the subject is realized by a collective noun, a coordinate form or an2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in –sThere are quite a few nouns that end in –s but which are not countable. Some of these nouns are treated as singular, some as plural, and some either as singular or as plural. All this can be dealt with under the following headings.1) Disease and game names ending in –sNames of disease ending in –s are mostly treated as singular, but there are a few such names (as measles and rickets) which can be used either as singular or as plural.Game anmes ending in –s are generally used as singular with the exception of cards which is usually treated as plural.2) Subject names ending in –icsNames of subjects ending in –ics are generally singular nouns, but some such nouns are treated as plural when used in other senses than subject names. Compare:Acoustics is the science of sound.The acoustics in the new concert hall are faultless.Economics is a required course for all the students.The economics of the project are still being considered.3) Geographical names ending in –sGeographical names such as the names of archipelagos, mountain ranges, straits and falls are generally used as plural, except for a few treated as singular when used as country names, eg:The Himalayas have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance.In early January 1976, the Netherlands was hit by its worst storm since 1953.4) Other nouns ending in –sNames for things made of two parts such as scissors, pincers, etc are usually used as plural. But when they are preceded by such unit nouns as a pair of and two pairs of, the number form of the following verb is generally determined by the number marker of the unit noun.Nouns usually taking plural endings such as archives, arms and clothes are generally used as plural with the exception of whereabouts, dramatics, etc which may be treated either as plural or as singular.Nouns ending in –ing such as clippings, diggings, etc are generally used as plural with the exception of tidings which can be used both ways.There are also nouns such as barracks and headquarters whose singular and plural number share the same form. These nouns are2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns as subjectCollective nouns are singular in form but plural in meaning. The choice between grammatical and notional concord is mostly dictated by usage.1) Collective nouns usually used as pluralThese include people, police, cattle, militia, poultry, vermin, etc.:The Chinese people are a great people.Domestic cattle provide us with milk, beef and hides.2) Collective nouns usually used as singularThese include foliage, machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise, etc.:All the merchandise has arrived undamaged.All the machinery in the factory is made in China.3) Collective nouns used either as plural or as singularThere are collective nouns that can be used either as plural or as singular. The choice of the verb form following such nouns depends on the exact meaning of the noun in a specific context. When the noun is used in the sense of a collective as a whole, the verb takes the singular form. If, on the other hand, the noun is used in the sense of the individuals that make the collective, the verb takes the plural form. Compare:The anti-crime committee is to make its report tomorrow.The committee are divided in opinion about this problem.That group of soldiers is a top-notch fighting unit.That group of soldiers have the best ratings of individual performance.4) A committee of, etc + plural nounWhen a plural noun is preceded by a committee of / a board of / a panel of, the verb usually takes the singular form, eg.:A committee of finve men and three women is to consider the matter.The board of directors is responsible for the management of the company.Lecture 3: Subject-verb Concord (II)This lecture deals with problems of concord with a coordinate construction, a quantitative expression, or a nominal clause as subject.3.1 Problems of concord with a coordinate subjectThe following rules are to be observed in the case of a coordinate subject.1) Coordination with ―and‖ or ―both … and‖Coordination by ―and‖ or ―both … and‖ is usually treated as plural when it refers to two or more than two persons / things, but it is treated as singular when it refers to only one person or thing. Compare:Both Pauline and Bob have gone fishing on Miramar Lake.Rain, hail and wind have caused an estimated $ 200,000,000 damage to crops and liverstock.The secretary and treasurer was absent from the meeting.Ham and eggs is a good breakfast.2) Coordination with ―or‖ / ―either … or‖, ―nor‖ / ―neither … nor‖, ―not only … but also‖Here the problem of concord is generally deal with according to the principle of proximity. But in informal style, items coordinated by ―neither … nor‖ or ―not only … but also‖ can sometimes be regarded as plural, eg:My sisters or my brother is likely to be at home.Either my father or my brothers are coming.Neither the players nor the coach was / (were) overconfident.Not only the switches but also the old wiring has / (have) been changed.3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subjectQuantitative expresssions fall into two categories: definite and indefinite.1) Concond with expression of definite quantity as subject2) Concorn with expression of indefinite quantity as subject3.3 Other problems of subject-vern concordThere are other problems of subject-verb concord that are worth mentioning.1) Problems of concord with a nominal clause as subjectWhen the subject is a nominal clause introduced by what, who, which, how, why, whether, etc, the verb usually takes the singular form. Bu t when two or more such clauses are coordinated by and or both … and, a plural verb is required.2) Subject-verb concord with a non-finite clause as subjectWhen subject is a non-finite clause, the verb of the main clause usually takes the singualr form. But when two or more such clauses are coordinated by and, the verb of the main clause takes the singualr form when the subject refers to one thing, and the plural form when the subect refers to separate things.3) Subject-verb concord in relative clausesIn the construction of ―one of + plural noun + relative clause‖, the principle of grammatical concord is generally observed. Sometimes, especially in British English, in order to lay emphasis on ―one‖, the verb can be also take the singular for m. When ―one”is proceded by ―the‖ or ―the only‖, the verb can only be singular.4) Subject-verb concord in cleft-sentencesIn cleft-sentences, subject-verb concord in that- / who-clause is generally determined by the number of the focal element functioning as subject in the clause. There is one point that should be noted: When the focal element is ―I‖, the verb TO BE in the follo wing who- / that-clause usually agrees whti ―I‖ in both person and number; if, on the other hand, the focal element is ―me‖ instead of ―I‖, the verb TO BE in the following who- / that-clause should take the third person singular number.5) Subject-verb concord in existential sentencesIn existential sentences, subject-verb concord is generally determined by the numb er of the ―notional subject‖, but in informal style, expecially in spoken language, the verb often agrees with the ―formal subject‖ and takes the singular form, even thoug h the notional subject is plural. When the notionaly subject is a coordinate construction, the verb form goes with the first coordinate element of the notional subject, singular or plural.Week 6 Noun and noun phrase // Genitive nounLecture 4 Noun and Noun PhraseAs has been pointed out, the noun phrase is a phrase with a noun as its head. It is the noun head that determines the way the noun phrase is organized.4.1 Classification of nouns and function of noun phrases1) Classification of nounsNouns can be classified according to word formation, lexical meaning and grammatical form.a) Simple, compound and derivative nounsAccording to word formation, nouns can be divided into simple, compound and derivative nouns. A simple noun is a noun that contains only one free morpheme (e.g. man, chair, land, faith). A compound noun is a noun that is composed of two or more morphemes (mostly free morphemes) (eg: armchair, farmland, seaside, roommate). A derivative noun is a noun that comes from a verb, an adjective or a simple noun with affix (prefix, or suffix, eg.: arrangement, greatness, patriotism, forget-me-not).b) Proper and common nounsAccording to lexical meaning, nouns fall into two major categories: proper nouns and common nouns. A proper noun is a name used for a particular person, place or thing, and spelt with a capital initial letter (eg: Anderson, Britain, The New York Times). A common noun is a name common to a class of people, things or abstract ideas. Common nouns can be further classified into individual, collective, material, and abstract nouns (eg: boy, tiger, family, team, water, air, honesty, glory).c) Count and noncount nounsAccording to grammatical form, noun can be divided into two classes: count nouns and noncount nouns. A count noun (or countable noun) is a noun that has a plural and which can collocate with numbers and with such determiners as a(No, many, few, these, those, several. etc. (eg: a car, two cars, many cars, several cars). A noncount noun (or uncountable noun) is a noun that cannot go with the above-mentioned words (eg: bread, furniture, merchandise).2) Function of noun phrasesThe noun phrase can function as all the elements in a sentence except the predicate verb:Children at play seldom remember what time it is. (Subject)That was an attractive little black chair. (Subject complement)In the hall I saw some extremely valuable pictures. (object)They elected him chairman of the board. (object complement)Mr Brown, director of the coal mine, should be responsible for the accident. (appositive)Teachers should be concerned about the students’ moral culture. (prepositional complementation)He returned last night. (adverbial)A photo is taken each time this button is pushed. (conjunction)(Keys to 4A: 1. description 2.arrangement 3.attendance 4.peculiarity 5.expectation 6.argument 7.dependence 8.originality 9.exaggeration 10.measurement 11.purity 12.persistence 13.extension 14.statement 15.generosity 16.entrance 17.loneliness 18.forgetfulness 19.happiness 20.seriousness)4.2 Number forms of nounsNumber is a grammatical distinction which determines whether a noun or determiner is singular or plural.1) Regular and irregular pluralIndividual nouns are all countable and therefore have singular and plural forms. The singular form of an individual noun, which shares the same form as the base of the word, can take such determiners as a(n) and one (eg: a/ one desk, an / one article).The plural form of an individual noun can be regular or irregular. The regular plural is formed by adding –s or –es tho the base,ending of the noun (eg: tooth—teeth, man—men, mouse—mice, child—children, ox—oxen).irregular plurals also include some words of foreign origin, borrowed from Greek, Latin or French. The plural forms of these borrowed words are known as ―foreign plurals‖, eg:basis—bases, criterion—criteria, stratum—strata, alumnus—alumniSome borrowed words have two plural forms: a foreign plural and an English plural, eg:medium—media—mediumsindex—indices—indexesformula—formulae—formulascurriculum—curricula—curriculumsFor some nouns, their singular and plural number share the same form, eg:A deer—ten dear, one fish—several fish, a Japanese—a group of Japanese, an aircraft—a hundred aircraft2) Number forms of the collective, material, abstract and proper nouna) Number forms of the collective nounSome collective nouns are countable, some are not. Countable collective nouns behave just like individual nouns. An uncountable collective noun has no plural form. If we want to count the number, we will have to use a kind of individual noun related semantically to the collective (eg: a piece of furniture, two articles of equipment)b) Number forms of the material nounMaterial nouns are generally uncountable and have no plural forms. But there are some such items that cen be used either uncountably or countably. When used to mean the material itself, they are uncountable, but when used in other senses, for example, two coffees in the sense of ― two cupfuls of coffee‖, they are countable, behaving just like individual nouns.. There are als o material nouns that can take plural endings, for example, sands/w aters in the sense of ―large expanse of sand or water‖ and foods/fruits in the sense of ―a variety of food or fruit‖; these nouns, though ending in –s, remain uncountable.c) Number forms of the abstract nounAbstr5act nouns are mostly uncountable. They cannot take such determiners as a(n)/ one or plural forms. But there are a few abstract nouns (eg: a victory—two victories) that are countable like individual nouns. There are also abstract nouns that have plural endings but which are uncountbale.In the case of some abstract nouns, the mere addition of a plural ending has the effect of changing the meaning of the base.We meet once a year to exchange our teaching experience. (经验)We told each other our experiences in foreign countries.(经历)d) Number forms of the proper nounProper nouns are unique reference and therefore have no plural forms, except for such proper names as the United States, the Philipines, the Netherlands, etc which are themselves plural in form. When a proper noun takes a plural endings, it takes on some characteristics of a common noun, eg:Have you invited the Browns?There are two Miss Smiths/Misses Smith in our class.4.3 PartitivesPartitives, also called unit nouns, are commonly used to denote a part of a whole or the quantity of an undifferentiated mass. Both count and noncount nouns can enter partitive constructions. With plural count nouns, partitive constructions can denote the idea of ―a group‖, ―a pack‖, etc. With noncount nouns, such constructions can achieve countability. Partitives fall into the following categories:1) General partitives2) Partitives related to the shape of things3) Partitives related to volume4) Partitives related the state of action5) Partitives denoting pairs, groups, flocks, etc.Week 7 (Sports meeting, 27th, Oct. Friday)Week 8 Determiners (I), (II) // Pronoun (I), (II)Lecture 6Determiner (I)Words that precede any premodifying adjectives in a noun phrase and which denote such referential meanings as specific reference, generic reference, definite quantity or indefinite quantity are referred to as determiners.Determiners, as a class of words, include: articles (definite article, indefinite article, zero article), possessive determiners, genitive nouns, demonstrative determiners, relative determiners, interrogative determiners, indefinite determiners, cardinal and ordinal numerals, fractional and multiplicative numerals, and other quantifiers.The head of a noun phrase limits the choice of determiners, and when more than one determiner occurs in the noun phrase, there is the problem of word order between determiners.6.1 Collocations between determiners and nounsThe choice of determiners is closely related to what might be called the three classes of nouns: singular count nouns, plural count2) Determiners with singular count nouns only3) Determiners with plural count nouns only4) Determiners with noncount nouns only5) Determiners with singulars and plural count nouns only6) Determiners with singular and noncount nouns only7) Determiners with plural and noncount nouns only6.2 Collocations between determinersAs has been mentioned before, besides the collocations between determiners and nouns, there is the problem of word order between determiners if a noun phrase contains more than one determiner.1) Central determiners, predeterminers and postdeterminersAccording to their potential position, determiners fall into three subclasses: central determiners, predeterminers and postdeterminers.2) Word order of three subclasses of determinersWhen a noun phrase contains all three subclas ses of determiners, their normal order is ―predeterminer + central determiner + postdeterminer(s)‖:All the four studentsAll these last few daysBoth his two sisters6.3 A comparative study of some determiner usage1)many, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of2)(a) few, (a) little3)some, any4)all, both, every, each, either, either, neither, anyII. Lecture 7Determiners (II) ArticlesEnglish has two articles: the definite and the indefinite article. As we know, all English common nouns have article contrast, so with plural count nouns and noncount nouns, the absence of an article signals the presence of another kind of article—the zero article. It is in this sense that we may also say that English has three articles—the definite, the indefinite, and the zero article.7.1 Generic and specific referenceIn discussing the use of articles, we must distinguish between generic and specific reference.1) Generic referenceWhen we say the reference is generic, we are talking about any member representative of a class of people or things. All the three forms of article (the, a(n), and zero) can be used generically to refer to the member of a class as a whole.2) Specific referenceSpecific reference is different from generic reference in that it does not refer to a class of people or things in general but to a particular specimen of the class. Specific reference falls into two kinds: definite specific reference and indefinite specific reference.3) Anaphoric, cataphoric and situational referenceDefinite specific reference can be anaphoric, cataphoric, or situa tional. The word anaphoric means ―pointing backward‖. When what is referred to occurs in a previous context and the definite article has to point backward for its meaning, this is known as ―anaphoric reference‖. The anaphoric use of the definite article is called ―anaphoric THE‖. Eg.He ordered a book some time ago. The book has now arrived.His car struck a tree; you can still see the mark on the tree.Catephoric reference is also a kind of definite specific reference. The word cataphoric means ―pointing forward‖. When the referential meaning of the definite article is determined by what follows the article and the head, and the article has to point forward for its own interpretation, that is cataphoric reference. The cataphoric use of the definite artic le is called ―cataphoric THE‖. Eg.Is this the train for Shanghai?This is the place where I first met her.Situational reference is a kind of definite specific reference that depends not on any referent that has occurred in the context but solely on the common knowledge shared by speaker and hearer or on a specific situation in which the reference is made clear. Situational reference is most commonly denoted by the definite article, but in certain situations the same function can also be performed by zero. Eg.What’s on the radio?How’s the cough today?Shut the door, please.common nouns, but also because there are too many exceptions to the rules guiding the use of articles. As a matter of fact, the choice of an article in quite a few idiomatic expressions is just a matter of usage which is difficult or even impossible to explain in terms of a few grammatical rules. The following is a brief description of the use of articles with different classes of noun.1) article in use with proper noun2) article in use with common noun3) other uses of articlesWeek 9 Pronoun (I), (II)Lecture 8Pronouns (I)Pronouns are a varied closed-calss words with nominal function. English has a developed pronoun system, comprising personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflective pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, and indefinite pronouns. The present lecture will deal with the concord of pronouns (and corresponding determiners) with their antecedents in number, gender and person.8.1 Pronoun concord in numberPersonal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflective pronouns, and corresponding determiners have their singular and plural forms. The number contrast of pronouns differs from that of nouns in that pronoun number contrast is morphologically unrelated, as in I / we, he /they, as opposed to the typical regular formation of noun plurals: boy / boys.The choice of pronoun number forms is generally determined by the number of its antecedent, that is to say, a pronoun must agree with its antecedent in number. Here are a few points that merit our attention.1) Pronoun concord with every-, some-, any- compounds as antecedentWhen the antecedent is compound such as everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, the pronoun and the corresponding determiner usually follow the principle of grammatical concord and take the singular form. But in informal style, they can follow the principle of notional concord and take the plural form, esp. when the antecedent is everybody or everyone. Note that with everything, something, anything and nothing, the pronoun and corresponding determiner can only take the singular form.Anybody can attend the meeting if he is interested.Everybody talked at the top of his voice.Everyone was clapping their hands.Anything on the table can be thrown away, can’t it?。



《语言学概论(英)》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16083302课程名称:语言学概论(英)英文名称:Introduction to Linguistics For Students of English课程类别:专业课学时:32学时学分:2学分适用对象: 英语专业考核方式:考查先修课程:专业技能课二、课程简介《语言学概论(英)》课程是英语专业必修课程,为英语语言文学各专业本科生提供语言学的基础理论知识。




Introduction to Linguistics for Students of English is a compulsory course, providing the students of English majors with some basic theories and specialized knowledge in linguistics. The course, starting from Saussure’s language views, introduces the important research achievements in the scope of linguistics, important distinctions in linguistics, definition of language, design features of language and functions of language. The important points of this course lie in the description of sound system, structure system and meaning system, namely, the core branches of linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics from perspectives of structuralism, generative grammar. Meanwhile, Marxist language view will be used to evaluate some linguistic theories and approaches. After the study of the course, the students will learn the basic concepts and theories in linguistics and methods for linguistic researches. They are expected to be able to apply the linguistic concepts and theories to analyze and explain language phenomena.三、课程性质与教学目的《语言学概论(英)》课程是为英语专业本科生开设的英语专业必修课之一。











具体课程内容与学时分配如下(各部分所列详细内容为其要点内容):第一部分课程导学(Course Guide),1学时:为何要学语言学?如何学?教学规划第二部分导言(Preliminaries),2学时:语言的定义、语言的本质特征、语言的功能、语言学的性质及研究范围、语言学简史第三部分语音学与音位学(Phonetics and Phonology),3学时:语音学的范围、英语语音的描述与分类、音素、音位学的范围、音位分析、超音位分析第四部分形态学(Morphology),3学时:词的定义、词位、词素、构词法第五部分句法学(Syntax),3学时:句法研究的性质与范围、词类、转换生成语法、功能句法第六部分语义学(Semantics),3学时:语义学研究范围、词义分析、词之间的意义关系、句子与命题、句子意义分析、句之间的意义关系、语义变化机制第七部分语用学(Pragmatics),3学时:语用学研究范围、指示语、预设、言语行为理论、合作原则、会话含意理论、会话分析第八部分话语分析(Discourse analysis),3学时:话语分析研究范围、信息结构、衔接与连贯、话语标记语、多模态语篇分析、批评话语分析第九部分社会语言学(Sociolinguistics),3学时:社会语言学研究范围、语言变体、语言与性别、语码选择、语言规划、社会语言学研究方法第十部分文体学(Stylistics),3学时:研究范围、文体标记、文体分析的语言学方法、实用文体学第十一部分心理语言学(Psycholinguistics),3学时:语言产生、语言理解、语言习得第十二部分认知语言学(Cognitive linguistics),3学时:范畴与范畴化、概念隐喻、概念转喻、意象图式、识解、象似性第十三部分应用语言学(Applied Linguistics),3学时:二语习得、错误分析、中介语、二语教学、语言测试五、课程教材及主要参考资料教材:文旭,《语言学导论》(Linguistics: An Introduction)。

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The Requirements for this course • Class attendance • Active participation in the classroom discussions • Fulfillment of the assignments: (exercises & group project) • Examination
What does grammar mean?
Grammar is a mechanism which makes people speak and write in a meaningful way.
form grammar meaning
In this sense, grammar is something that associates Form and Meaning.
Grammatical Hierarchy
• Grammar is the structural system of a language. The grammar of the English language consists of five layers of structure:
sentence clause phrase word morpheme
Attention, please!
• According to the curriculum schedule, we are expected to finish this course within an academic term. It is apparent that we cannot cover every section of the book in the class hours. In this situation, we particularly encourage self-access learning on the part of students. Specifically, everyone needs to make sure that he/she should read through every single page of the course book and finish all the assignments.
What does grammar mean?
• Grammar is a set of rules that regulate people‟s speech and writing, esp. writing, to fit into a proper form.
• Language is a rule-governed system.
• 章振邦,2009,《新编英语语法教程》(第五版),上海 外语教育出版社。
• 张道真, 2004,《实用英语语法》, 外语教学和研究出 版社。 • 薄冰、何政安,2004,《新编英语语法》,世界知识出版 社。 • Quirk, R. et al, 1985. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, London: Longman Group Ltd.
The Goals for this Course
• To get a comprehensive view of English grammar system and enhance our grammatical competence so that we may qualify as English majors; • To deepen our understandings about some basic grammatical notions and their applications, especially in the field of language teaching & learning; • To get some preliminary knowledge about the main streams of theory in grammar so as to prepare for the future research work.
Grammatical Hierarchy
• Sentence is the highest rank of grammatical unit while the morpheme is the minimum or lowest rank. A full sentence can generally be segmented rank by rank down to its smallest constituents---- the morphemes, e.g. Sentence
How do we view linguistic facts?
Consider the following sentences: A: Who‟s knocking at the door? B: It‟s I/me. Ted sings better than I / me.
Who / whom are you waiting for?
NP Det N VP Aux Adv MV PP Prep Det N
These under-graduate-s are rapid-ly improv-ing in their writ-ing.
The Schedule
Weeks 1-8 9 10-16 Key Events Routine teaching & learning Mid-term exam Routine teaching & learning Revision & Final exam
Note: The schedule is subject to changes due to unexpected reasons.
• Note: To ease the difficulty in learning, it is strongly recommended that we memorize the grammatical jargons (terms) in English.
Reference course books
• According to Stephen D. Krashen‟s learning and acquisition hypothesis, • the learning of our mother-tongue is a natural, implicit, and unconscious process known as acquisition. • the learning of English is a planned, explicit, and conscious process known as learning.
金真木又—— /u/2101278245
Lecture 1 Introduction
• How many tenses are there in English? • Would you be surprised if someone tells you that English has only two tenses: present & past? that English sentences do not have attributive? • How would you account for the ungrammaticality of the following sentences? *His all books are on the desk. *My that dictionary was bought last year. • Would you call “can, may, should, must…” modal verbs or modal auxiliaries?
A Course of Practical English Grammar for Students of English
Cheng Zhenquan
School of Foreign Studies, SCNU
Contact info.
• Public mail: grammarcheng@ password: ??? • Contact me: • zhenquancheng@
• Note: Taking the formality of language into account, sometimes it‟s difficult to say whether a sentence is grammatical or not. As language learners, we should bear in mind that less formal or less standard sayings do not necessarily mean ungrammaticality. They are also acceptable in some social context. But we should give preference to the formal and standard forms.
The status of grammar in language system
Language system
Sound system Phonetics & phonology Form system Morphology & syntax Meaning system Semantics & pragmatics