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1 Greetings

Meeting a Guest

Tour guide Li Ming is at the airport to meet Mr. and Mrs. Taylor from the United States.

Li Ming: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Taylor from the States?

Mr. Taylor: Yes, I am.

Li Ming: Oh, Mr. Taylor, welcome to Beijing. I am Li Ming, your local guide from China Comfort Travel Service.

Mr. Taylor: Hello, Li. Thank you for coming to meet us. This is my wife, Judy.

Li Ming: Nice to meet you.

Mrs. Taylor: Nice to meet you, too.

Li Ming: Did you have a pleasant flight?

Mrs. Taylor: Yes, very; pleasant.

Li Ming: Have you got your luggage?

Mr. Taylor: Yes, everything is here.

Li Ming: Our car is parked outside. Shall we go now?

Mr. Taylor: OK. Let's go.

Li Ming: Can I give you a hand?

Mr, Taylor: Oh, no, thank you. Judy and I can manage.

Wang Gang: Oh, Mr. Brown. Welcome to Shanghai .I'm Wang Gang, your local guide.

Mr. Brown: Glad to meet you, Wang.

Wang Gang: Glad to meet you too, Mr. Brown. How was your trip?

Mr. Brown: Fine. We had a very pleasant trip.

Wang Gang: How many pieces of luggage do you have?

Mr. Brown: 32 altogether. And here are the luggage checks.

Wang Gang: Good. I’ll ask the red cap to take care of them.

Wang Gang: Is everybody here now? Our bus is outside.

Mr. Brown: Oh, let me see. Yes, everyone is here.

Wang Gang: Shall we go now?

2 Group check-in 团队入住

Scene 1

(A: Local guide; B:Tour leader; C:Receptionist)

C: Good evening! Welcome to our hotel.

A: Good evening! I’d like to have two suites, five singles and four twins.

C: Have you made a reservation?

A: Yes. We’ve booked them for our tour group from the Unite States. I’m from China International Travel Service and the group code is ZJCITS-A0509024 with 17 passengers.

C: I’m sorry, but I don’t see your reservation here.

A: I’m sure we have made a reservation. I reconfirmed① it before I came. Could you check again or contact the Sales Department?

C: All right. Let me check again. Ah, yes, here it is. Two suites,

five singles and four twins for CITS.

B: Any problem?

A: No, everything is all right.

B: Are the rooms ready?

C: Yes, they are. But can I have your passports, please?

B: Sure. Here you are.

C: Thank you. Would you please fill in these registration forms?

B: The forms are finished. Shall we have the keys to our rooms?

C: Here are the keys. Have a good stay in our hotel.

B: Thank you. We will.

Scene 2

(A: Guide; B: Tour leader; C: Receptionist)

A: Mr. Smith, let’s first make sure of the rooming. We’ve booked 11 twins for 22 people according to the name list you sent us. Is that O.K.?

B: Well, thank you. But one of the tour members, that’s number 8 on the name list,

insists on having a single room. Is it possible to split one twin room into two singles?

A: I see. Let me talk with the receptionist about it. (To the receptionist) Hello, I’m the local guide of the Inter Pacific Tour. C: Just a moment, sir. Let me check the list. Yes, we are holding 11 twins for two nights for you.

A: That’s right. But there is a change. Can we have 10 twins and 2 singles instead?

C: Yes, we do have single rooms at the moment. But you’ll have to pay for the other single.

A: I see. What’s the room rate?

C: The rate is $50 per night. You will stay for two nights.

B: O.K. Here is $100.

C: Thank you. May I see your group visa, please?

B: Yes, sure. Here you are.
