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compound curve 复合曲线compound grider 合成梁compound load 合成荷载compound order 合成柱型compound pile 组合桩

compound section 复式断面compound wall 组合墙compregnated wood 胶合压缩木材compressed air 压缩空气compressed air ejector 压气喷射器compressed air gun 喷涂枪compressed air jack 气动千斤顶compressed air pile hammer 压缩空气打桩锤

compressed air shield d(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。)riving 压缩空气盾构掘进

compressed air station 压缩机站compressed concrete 压制混凝土compressed flange 受压凸缘compressed member 受压构件compressed straw slab 草制纸板compressed union 承压缝compressibility 压缩性

compressibility factor 压缩系数compression 压缩

compression area 受压面积compression coefficient 压缩系数compression curve 压缩曲线compression efficiency 压缩效率compression element 压缩构件compression face 受压面

compression failure 压缩破坏compression fiber 受压纤维compression flange 受压凸缘compression joint 承压缝

compression member 压缩构件compression refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机

compression reinforcement 受压钢筋compression strength 抗压强度compression tank 受压容器compression test 压缩试验compression testing machine 压缩试验机compression wave 压力波

compressive force 压缩力compressive load 压缩负载compressive reinforcement 受压钢筋compressive strain 压缩变形compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压缩应力compressive zone 受压区compressor 压缩机

compressor station 压缩机站compressor unit 压缩机组computation 计算

computation of stresses 应力计算computational mistake 计算误差computed strength 计算强度computer aided design 计算机辅助设计

concave camber 凹面

concave joint 凹缝

concealed conduit 暗管concentrated force 集中力concentrated load 集中载荷concentration of construction 集中施工concentration of dust 尘埃浓度concentration of population 人口集中度concert hall 音乐厅

conch 半园形屋顶

concourse 中央大厅

concrete 混凝土

concrete accelerator 混凝土速凝剂concrete additive 混凝土掺合料concrete admixture 混凝土掺合料concrete aggregate 混凝土骨料

concrete antifreezer 混凝土防冻剂concrete arch 混凝土拱

concrete area 混凝土面积

concrete base 混凝土底座

concrete batching plant 混凝土分批搅拌装置

concrete beam 混凝土梁

concrete bed 混凝土底座

concrete belt placing tower 混凝土带输送灌注塔

concrete bent construction 混凝土排架结构

concrete bin 混凝土贮料斗

concrete blanket 混凝土罩面concrete blinding coat 混凝土填充面层

concrete block 混凝土砌块concrete block construction 混凝土块结构

concrete block pavement 混凝土块铺砌

concrete blockwork 混凝土块砌筑concrete bonding plaster 混凝土粘结灰泥

concrete breaker 混凝土破碎机concrete brick 混凝土砖

concrete bridge 混凝土桥

concrete bucket 混凝土吊罐concrete buggy 混凝土手推车concrete caisson 混凝土沉箱concrete cap 混凝土柱帽

concrete carriageway 混凝土车道concrete cart 混凝土独轮手推车concrete casting 混凝土浇灌concrete catch gutter 混凝土溜槽concrete ceiling 混凝土顶棚concrete central mix plant 混凝土搅拌装置concrete chute 混凝土运送溜槽

concrete chuting cable crane 滑槽运送混凝土用死起重设备

concrete coloring 混凝土着色

concrete compacted by jolting 振实混凝土concrete compactor 混凝土压实器concrete composition 混凝土成分concrete compression strength 混凝土抗压强度

concrete consistence 混凝土稠度concrete construction 混凝土构造物concrete conveying pipe 混凝土输送管concrete core 混凝土心

concrete core slab 混凝土空心板concrete core unit 混凝土空心板concrete cover 混凝土保护层

concrete crushing strength 混凝土抗压强度

concrete curing 混凝土养护

concrete cutting machine 混凝土切断机concrete dam 混凝土坝

concrete deposit 浇注混凝土
