Three little pigs小学英语短故事课本剧阅读课课件PPT
Three little pigs英文故事课件

The second little pig's house is made of sticks. The first little pig and the second little pig are in the house. They are both very afraid. "Little pigs, little , pigs, let me come , in!" says the wolf. ! "No way! We will ! not let you in," say , the two little pigs.
The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig's house. The house is made of hay. "Little pig, little , pig, let me come , in!" says the ! wolf. "No way! I will not ! let you in," says , the little pig.
"I will use sticks to make a house," , says the second little pig. "It will be easy. Then, I will play , with my brother." The second little pig quickly builds his home. He goes outside to play.
"If you don't let me in, , I will blow your house down!" says the ! wolf. The wolf blows hard. The house falls down. The first little pig runs away. He runs to the second little pig's house.
《Three little pigs》PPT

Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with their mother. Dingding and Dongdong are brother pigs.They are very Lazy. They eat and sleep all day. Huahua is the youngest pig. She works all day. She helps her mother to do the housework. One day, the mother said:
Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs for dinner. Mmm.
Dingding: Haha!Building house?Too easy for me! I Only need to put some straw on the ground! Pig huahua: What are you doing, brother? Dingding: I’m building a house with leaves. Huahua:What about you? Dongdong: I’m building a house with sticks. Huahua: But leaves aren’t strong. And sticks aren’t strong. Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. What are you doing, sister? Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong.
《Three little pigs》精选PPT教学课件

Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs for dinner. Mmm.
Dingding: Haha!Building house?Too easy for me! I Only need to put some straw on the ground! Pig huahua: What are you doing, brother? Dingding: I’m building a house with leaves. Huahua:What about you? Dongdong: I’m building a house with sticks. Huahua: But leaves aren’t strong. And sticks aren’t strong. Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. What are you doing, sister? Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong.
Storyteller: The wolf died, they lived happily ever afterwards. Since then, Dingding and Dongdong work hard with Huahua. They work and play together. Three little pigs: Sing a song.
人的一生说白了,也就是三万余天,贫 穷与富 贵,都 是一种 生活境 遇。懂 得爱自 己的人 ,对生 活从来 就没有 过高的 奢望, 只是对 生存的 现状欣 然接受 。漠漠 红尘, 芸芸众 生皆是 客,时 光深处 ,流年 似水, 转瞬间 ,光阴 就会老 去,留 在心头 的,只 是,淡看 流年, 掬一捧 岁月, 握一份 懂得, 红尘纷 扰,我 自心安 ;书一 笔清远 ,盈一 抹恬淡 ,浮华 三千, 只做自 己;人 间有情 ,心中 有爱, 携一米 阳光, 微笑向 暖。
Dingding: Haha!Building house?Too easy for me! I Only need to put some straw on the ground! Pig huahua: What are you doing, brother? Dingding: I’m building a house with leaves. Huahua:What about you? Dongdong: I’m building a house with sticks. Huahua: But leaves aren’t strong. And sticks aren’t strong. Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. What are you doing, sister? Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong.
Storyteller: The wolf died, they lived happily ever afterwards. Since then, Dingding and Dongdong work hard with Huahua. They work and play together. Three little pigs: Sing a song.
人的一生说白了,也就是三万余天,贫 穷与富 贵,都 是一种 生活境 遇。懂 得爱自 己的人 ,对生 活从来 就没有 过高的 奢望, 只是对 生存的 现状欣 然接受 。漠漠 红尘, 芸芸众 生皆是 客,时 光深处 ,流年 似水, 转瞬间 ,光阴 就会老 去,留 在心头 的,只 是,淡看 流年, 掬一捧 岁月, 握一份 懂得, 红尘纷 扰,我 自心安 ;书一 笔清远 ,盈一 抹恬淡 ,浮华 三千, 只做自 己;人 间有情 ,心中 有爱, 携一米 阳光, 微笑向 暖。
the three little pigs三只小猪(课堂PPT)

❖ Pythagoras毕达哥拉斯的哲学思想受到俄耳浦斯的影响,具 有一些神秘主义因素。他认为社会中有三类人,而灵魂属于 轮回的结果。
❖ (但同时从毕达哥拉斯开始,希腊哲学开始产生了数学的传 统。毕达哥拉斯曾用数学研究乐律,而由此所产生的“和谐” 的概念也对以后古希腊的哲学家有重大影响。毕达哥拉斯还 是在西方第一个发现勾股定理(在西方又称毕达哥拉斯定理, Pythagoras' Theorem)的人。
❖ In this version, and most versions of the tale, the pigs are not named. One notable exception is the tale recorded by Andrew Lang in his Green Fairy Book. In his Three Little Pigs, the pigs have names and a birth order: "The eldest of the little pigs was called Browny, the second Whitey, and the youngest and best looking Blacky."
❖ The number and/or pattern of three often appear in fairy tales to provide rhythm and suspense n. 悬疑,焦虑,悬念. The pattern adds drama and suspense while making the story easy to remember and follow. The third event often signals a change and/or ending for the listener/reader. A third time also disallows coincidence such as two repetitive events would suggest.
❖ (但同时从毕达哥拉斯开始,希腊哲学开始产生了数学的传 统。毕达哥拉斯曾用数学研究乐律,而由此所产生的“和谐” 的概念也对以后古希腊的哲学家有重大影响。毕达哥拉斯还 是在西方第一个发现勾股定理(在西方又称毕达哥拉斯定理, Pythagoras' Theorem)的人。
❖ In this version, and most versions of the tale, the pigs are not named. One notable exception is the tale recorded by Andrew Lang in his Green Fairy Book. In his Three Little Pigs, the pigs have names and a birth order: "The eldest of the little pigs was called Browny, the second Whitey, and the youngest and best looking Blacky."
❖ The number and/or pattern of three often appear in fairy tales to provide rhythm and suspense n. 悬疑,焦虑,悬念. The pattern adds drama and suspense while making the story easy to remember and follow. The third event often signals a change and/or ending for the listener/reader. A third time also disallows coincidence such as two repetitive events would suggest.

运用对比强烈的色彩,如红色、黄 色、蓝色等,突出小猪的形象和特 点,吸引观众的注意力。
根据不同的场景和情节,设计丰富 多彩的背景,如森林、房屋、田野 等,营造出故事发生的具体环境。
选择轻松愉快的背景音乐 ,如儿歌、民谣等,营造 出轻松愉悦的氛围,激发 观众的情感共鸣。
第三只小猪在面对大灰狼威胁时 ,没有选择逃避或放弃,而是运 用智慧和勇气想出了解决问题的
通过巧妙地引导大灰狼进入火炉 ,第三只小猪成功制服了敌人,
故事告诉孩子们,在面对困难和 挑战时,要敢于面对并积极寻找 解决问题的办法,而不是逃避或
通过三只小猪的故事,教育孩子们要勤劳、聪明、有远见,不要贪图享乐和懒 惰。同时,也提醒人们要警惕贪婪和短视的行为,以免带来不良后果。
三只小猪离开妈妈,开始独立生 活。
他们决定建造自己的房子,分别 选择了草、木头和砖头作为材料
加入逼真的音效,如小猪 的叫声、风声、雨声等, 增强画面的真实感和观众 的沉浸感。
通过歌曲和舞蹈的结合, 将故事情节和角色情感更 加生动地展现出来,提高 观众的观赏体验。
指导演员深入理解角色特点,通 过语言、动作和表情等细节展现
运用对比强烈的色彩,如红色、黄 色、蓝色等,突出小猪的形象和特 点,吸引观众的注意力。
根据不同的场景和情节,设计丰富 多彩的背景,如森林、房屋、田野 等,营造出故事发生的具体环境。
选择轻松愉快的背景音乐 ,如儿歌、民谣等,营造 出轻松愉悦的氛围,激发 观众的情感共鸣。
第三只小猪在面对大灰狼威胁时 ,没有选择逃避或放弃,而是运 用智慧和勇气想出了解决问题的
通过巧妙地引导大灰狼进入火炉 ,第三只小猪成功制服了敌人,
故事告诉孩子们,在面对困难和 挑战时,要敢于面对并积极寻找 解决问题的办法,而不是逃避或
通过三只小猪的故事,教育孩子们要勤劳、聪明、有远见,不要贪图享乐和懒 惰。同时,也提醒人们要警惕贪婪和短视的行为,以免带来不良后果。
三只小猪离开妈妈,开始独立生 活。
他们决定建造自己的房子,分别 选择了草、木头和砖头作为材料
加入逼真的音效,如小猪 的叫声、风声、雨声等, 增强画面的真实感和观众 的沉浸感。
通过歌曲和舞蹈的结合, 将故事情节和角色情感更 加生动地展现出来,提高 观众的观赏体验。
指导演员深入理解角色特点,通 过语言、动作和表情等细节展现

“There's nothing I can't blow away!! WHOO,WHOO What ? No! "
The wolf ran away.
Afterwards, the other two pigs realized how smart
the youngest pig was. They decided not to be lazy and to work hard from then on.
三只小猪英语故事图文幻灯片 PPT
本PPT课件仅供大家学习使用 请学习完及时删除处理 谢谢!
• once upon a time 从前
• forest 森林
• fail 失败
• diffcult困难
• beat 打,敲
• search their fortunes碰运气 • straw 茅草 • brick砖块
Then ,the woof came to the second pig’s house.
"Ah-ha! A house made of sticks! No problem! WHOO,WHOO!"
At last,the woof came to the third pig’s house.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Thank you !
So at last the mother pig sent the little pigs to search their fortunes .
The lazy first pig built a house with straw!
The fat and hasty second pig built his house using sticks.
The wolf ran away.
Afterwards, the other two pigs realized how smart
the youngest pig was. They decided not to be lazy and to work hard from then on.
三只小猪英语故事图文幻灯片 PPT
本PPT课件仅供大家学习使用 请学习完及时删除处理 谢谢!
• once upon a time 从前
• forest 森林
• fail 失败
• diffcult困难
• beat 打,敲
• search their fortunes碰运气 • straw 茅草 • brick砖块
Then ,the woof came to the second pig’s house.
"Ah-ha! A house made of sticks! No problem! WHOO,WHOO!"
At last,the woof came to the third pig’s house.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Thank you !
So at last the mother pig sent the little pigs to search their fortunes .
The lazy first pig built a house with straw!
The fat and hasty second pig built his house using sticks.
《Three little pigs》PPT优秀课件1

The Implied Meaning
The story of the Three Little Pigs tell us: We shouldn't be lazy if we want to do anything.
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激励学生学习的名言警句 51关于学习或励志的名言警句
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One day, the mother said:
Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make your own houses.
Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. Be careful of the wolf.
Huahua: My house is finished. My house is strong. Wolf: Little pigs. Little pigs. Open your Doors! Brother pigs: No. No. Go away. Wolf: This is very easy. Sticks and leaves aren’t strong. Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down. Dingding and Dongdong run to Huahua’s house.
Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs for dinner. Mmm.
The Implied Meaning
The story of the Three Little Pigs tell us: We shouldn't be lazy if we want to do anything.
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激励学生学习的名言警句 51关于学习或励志的名言警句
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
One day, the mother said:
Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make your own houses.
Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. Be careful of the wolf.
Huahua: My house is finished. My house is strong. Wolf: Little pigs. Little pigs. Open your Doors! Brother pigs: No. No. Go away. Wolf: This is very easy. Sticks and leaves aren’t strong. Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down. Dingding and Dongdong run to Huahua’s house.
Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs for dinner. Mmm.
《Three little pigs》PPT

Brother pigs: Oh, we’re finished. Let’s have a nap. Huahua: My house is finished. My house is strong. Wolf: Little pigs. Little pigs. Open your Doors! Brother pigs: No. No. Go away. Wolf: This is very easy. Sticks and leaves aren’t strong. Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down. Dingding and Dongdong run to Huahua’s house.
The Implied Meaning
The story of the Three Little Pigs tell us: We shouldn't be lazy if we want to do anything.
不要因为众生的愚疑,而带来了自己的烦恼;不要因为众生的无知,而痛苦了你自己。 永远不要埋怨你已经发生的事情,要么就改变它,要么就安静的接受它。 懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正敢的人才能所向披靡。 取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。——拉罗什夫科 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。 凡过于把幸运之事归功于自我的聪明和智谋的人多半是结局很不幸的。 勇猛大胆和坚定的决心能抵得上武器的精良。——达芬奇 生活若剥去了理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。 应当在朋友正是困难的时候给予帮助,不可在事情已经无望之后再说闲话。 心是最大的骗子,别人能骗你一时,而它却会骗你一辈子。 原来时光一直都在,只是我们在飞逝。 树立必信的信念,不要轻易说“我不行”。志在成功,你才能成功。
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Three little pigs
Teacher:Miss Yan
Joseph Jacobs was
born in Sydney,
Australia. He studies
at the Cambridge university(剑桥大学)。 He used ten years to collect(收集) British folk fairy tale(英国民 间童话),the three little pig is one of
Guessing(Байду номын сангаас谜语)
It is fat and it has big ears. It likes sleeping(睡觉).
It can grunt like this “hum, hum(哼哼)…”
• It’s the pig.
What can you see in the picture?
Who built these houses?
said goodbye to their mother
The first little pig built his house out of straw.
This was easy and quick.
straw house
After the song, what will the first pig and the second pig do?
They will…
This story tell us that we should work hard and be a
hard worker.
Thank you! Goodbye!
The second little pig build his house out of sticks.
This was easy and quick, too.
sticks stick house
The third pig built his house out of bricks.
This was difficult and slow.
The wolf came to the brick house. The house was very strong. Can the wolf break in?
The wolf was tired. So he ran away.
Three little pigs were singing a song in the brick house.
bricks brick house
straw house stick house brick house
Which house is stronger?
The wolf came to the straw house. What will he say?
He broke in.
Then the wolf came to the stick house. He broke in, too. The two pigs were scared.