SW 系列 液晶显示器 用户手册说明书

SW 系列液晶显示器用户手册2版权版权所有 © 2015 BenQ Corporation 。
未经 BenQ Corporation 事先书面许可,不得以任何形式和电子、机械、磁性、光学、化学、手工以及其它任何方式复制、传播和转录本出版物的任何部分,也不得将任何部分存储到检索系统中或翻译成任何语言或计算机语言。
免责声明BenQ Corporation 对于本文档的内容不提供任何明示或隐含的陈述或担保,特别是针对特殊目的的适销性和适用性不提供任何担保。
另外,BenQ Corporation 保留修订本出版物和随时修改本文档内容且 BenQ Corporation 也有不需通知任何人的权利。
电源安全性• AC 插头使此设备与 AC 电源绝缘。
• 电源线充当可插拔设备的电源断开设备。
• 此产品应按照标记标签上指示的电源类型操作。
• 必须使用大于或等于 H03VV-F 或 H05VV-F 、2G 或 3G 、0.75 mm 2 的专用电源线。
维护和清洁• 清洁。
用不起毛的非磨损布料清洁 LCD 显示器表面。
• 机壳背面或顶部的插槽和开口用于保持通风。
• 请勿将任何物体推入本产品,也不可使任何液体流入其中。
安全警告和预防措施• 如果未遵守本用户手册中的说明,可能导致保修无效。
• 因安装了非原厂软件、部件和/或非原装附件而导致的问题(例如数据丢失和系统故障),所有责任由用户自行承担。
• 请使用原装附件(如电源线),以防止触电和火灾等可能的危险情况发生。
• 系统达到稳定状态需要约 30 分钟(在 BenQ 标准测试条件下)。

液晶是介于固态和液态之间,不但具有固态晶体光学特性,又具有液态流动特性。 它的物理特性包括:黏性(visco-sity)、弹性(elasticity)和极化性(polarizalility)。 其黏性和弹性,使其对于方向不同的作用力具有不同的效果,可实现流动自由能最低 的物理模型及产生自然偏转现象。 极化性使液晶在受到外加电场作用时,很容易产生感应偶极性,形成光电效应。
C909 104 16V (0603)
R919 203 (0603)
IC903 IC902 56A
3 158-4
R922 R920
913 623
913 (0805) (0805)
392 16V (0603)
2、更换良品元件,焊接动作过程: ➢可适量加点助焊剂,以便于焊接。 b 把烙铁头清洁干净,在烙铁头的方位加点焊锡(注意量不要太多)。 ➢用镊子夹住良品元件贴上。 ➢把己沾过锡的烙铁去焊接其中一端,同时要调整另外一端,把元件贴对准。 ➢去掉镊子,焊接另外一端。 ➢在焊接多个脚元件时,应先在一端固定2个脚以上再焊接另外一端,重复上面动作。
AOC 显示器保修和服务信息手册说明书

March 2014 AOC Customer Care and Service Department for EMEA
1. Information and Warranty
1. Introduction 2. AOC Monitor Identity 3. General Warranty Period 4. Dead on Arrival Period (DOA) 5. Pixel Policy 6. What is excluded? 7. Out of Warranty (OOW)
If any defect due to faulty materials and/or workmanship occurs within your warranty period, we will make arrangements for the following service scenario within the warranty period:
We strives to deliver the highest quality products and therefore use some of the industry's most advanced manufacturing processes and practice stringent quality control. However, pixel or sub pixel defects on LCD Monitor panels are sometimes unavoidable. No manufacturer can guarantee that all panels will be free from pixel defects, but we guarantees that any LCD Monitor with an unacceptable number of defects will be repaired or replaced under warranty.

本手册的编写宗旨是:规范维修工程师在进行电脑产品维修过程中的行为, 并为判断及定位故障提供通用的一般方法。我们非常希望这本手册能为广大维修 工程师的维修工作提供帮助,并成为广大工程师的伙伴。
IT技术及网络的发展,使得维修过程日益复杂。维修经验是一个不断积累 的过程,编写这本手册也就是试图将电脑运行过程中所遇到的各种故障加以归 纳,并将优秀工程师的处理经验加以总结和提炼,使之形成联想维修工程师的共 同财富。我们希望,对于刚刚接触维修工作不久的你,或有一定维修经验但希望 进行总结提高的你,这本手册都可以对你在理清解决故障的思路和方法方面有所 帮助。
二、拆卸时需要的注意事项 1、首先拆卸笔记本时需要绝对细心,对准备拆装的部件一定要仔细观察,明确拆
卸顺序、安装部位,必要时用笔记下步骤和要点。 2、当使用合适的工具,如镊子,钩针等工具。但使用时也要小心,不要对电脑造
成人为损伤。 3、拆卸各类电缆(电线)时,不要直接拉拽,而要明确其端口是如何吻合的,然
求及电源 DC 板是否正常。 1。7、先通病,后特殊
根据笔记本电脑故障的共同特点及各个机器型号特有的故障现象,先排除带 有普遍性和规律性的常见故障,然后再去检查特殊的故障,以便逐步缩小故障范 围,由面到点,缩短修理时间。 1。8、先外围,后内部
由于笔记本电脑本身在拆装方面的特殊性,可能不同的机型在拆装同一部件 的难度差别非常大,因此,我们在维修的时候要灵活运用,不能一味墨守成规, 在检测的时候要从简单易查的部件开始,本着解决问题的思路,灵活运用,更好 的为客户服务。,

维修参考手册保密资料仅限内部使用维修手册1目录仪器设备、焊接技巧要求、维修注意事项 (3)CLAA220WA01 PANEL PCB MODULE (4)Connector 接口定义………………………………………………………5~6 PCB Board功能分布图 (7)维修流程图…………………………………………………………………8~10附表一、二、三……………………………………………………………11~14附图一、二、三、四、五…………………………………………………15~19案例一、二、三……………………………………………………………20~21维修手册2仪器设备、焊接技巧要求、维修注意事项1、所需的仪器设备50M以上的示波器(至少50M,波形大致才能看清楚)IC拔焊台防静电温控烙铁静电手环防静电台垫2、焊接技巧要求一定要具备较高的拆、焊接贴片IC、贴片电阻、贴片电容的技术由于IC管脚细小、密集、元器件细小,有些PANEL的元器件是用胶固定在PCB板上,都会增加拆件、焊接的难度焊接工艺要好,焊接的时间过长、频繁,会损坏PCB板,严重者会造成Panel报废3、维修注意事项保内原材不良(可以索赔)的Panel不得维修维修时一定要铺防静电台垫,台垫要清洁干净,防止Panel二次刮伤维修备件的Panel只能是待报废品,如屏裂之类,但MURA、刮伤类不可拆(返厂可再次利用),拆件的Panel要完整的返回,并要在本体上注明已拆件、拆件人、日期等信息。
更换Timing IC时,切记不可用刀片切割,会损坏PCB板。
维修手册3CLAA220WA01 PANEL PCBMODULEPower supplycircuit5vC o n n e c t o r (30P i n )LVDS receiver 2ch Timing controllerCell1680x3x1050Source Driver(x8)G a t e D r i v e r (x 4)Lamp Unit In Backlight维修手册4PIN NO.SYMOBL FUNCTION 1RXO0-minus signal of odd channel 0(LVDS) 2RXO0+plus signal of odd channel 0(LVDS) 3RXO1-minus signal of odd channel 1(LVDS) 4RXO1+plus signal of odd channel 1(LVDS) 5RXO2-minus signal of odd channel 2(LVDS) 6RXO2+plus signal of odd channel 2(LVDS) 7GND ground8RXOC-minus signal of odd clock channel(LVDS)9RXOC+plus signal of odd clock channel(LVDS)10RXO3-minus signal of odd channel 3(LVDS)11RXO3+plus signal of odd channel 3(LVDS)12RXE0-minus signal of even channel 0(LVDS)13RXE0+plus signal of even channel 0(LVDS)14GND ground15RXE1-minus signal of even channel 1(LVDS) Connector PIN 口定义维修手册5Connector PIN口定义16RXE1+plus signal of even channel 1(LVDS)17GND ground18RXE2-minus signal of even channel 2(LVDS)19RXE2+plus signal of even channel 2(LVDS)20RXEC-minus signal of even clock channel(LVDS)21RXEC+plus signal of even clock channel(LVDS)22RXE3-minus signal of even channel 3(LVDS)23RXE3+plus signal of even channel 3(LVDS)24GND ground25NC NC26NC NC27NC NC28VCC power supply input voltage(5.0V)29VCC power supply input voltage(5.0V)30VCC power supply input voltage(5.0V)维修手册6PCB Board 功能分布图维修手册7时序控制GAMMA 校正控制右半屏测试点位VCOM 微调电位器,DC-DC CONTROL3.3V 稳压管左半屏测试点位Source Driver(x8)To Gate Driver 测试点正面图背面图VCOM 测试点白屏维修流程注:测关键电压可参考附表一测TP128或VIN+5V 的点位是否有5V 供电测到为Source IC 或Gate IC 的负载所引起的故障。

第一章:安全须知在进行电器设备维修之前,必须了解和遵守以下安全须知,以确保您的人身安全和设备的正常运行:1. 请确保设备已经断电,并拔掉电源插头,避免触电危险。
2. 在拆卸设备的过程中,请戴上绝缘手套和护目镜,防止意外发生。
3. 如果不确定某些维修步骤,建议请联系专业的维修人员进行操作。
第二章:常见故障及维修方法1. 电源无法启动- 检查电源插头是否插紧,电源插座是否正常供电;- 确认电源开关是否打开;- 如果以上步骤都正常,可能是电源线损坏,需更换电源线。
2. 设备温度过高- 检查设备周围的通风是否通畅,确保散热良好;- 清洁设备内部的灰尘和杂物;- 如果问题依然存在,可能是风扇故障,需要更换风扇。
3. 设备出现杂音- 检查设备是否有松动部件,重新固定相关零件;- 清洁设备内部的灰尘和杂物;- 如果以上步骤都正常,可能是电机故障,需要更换电机。
第三章:维修保养技巧1. 清洁与保养- 定期清洁电器设备的外表面和内部,避免灰尘和污垢积累;- 使用适当的清洁剂和不织布布进行清洁;- 避免使用带有腐蚀性的清洁剂,以免损坏设备表面。
2. 维护电线和插头- 定期检查电线和插头的完整性,如发现损坏或老化现象,及时更换;- 插拔电源插头时,要注意轻拔轻插,避免过度用力导致损坏。
3. 使用电器附件- 选择适合设备型号的附件,确保兼容性;- 使用合适的电器附件能够提高设备的性能和工作效率。
第四章:常见问题解答1. 电器设备无法启动怎么办?如果电器设备无法启动,请先检查电源插座是否正常供电,电源开关是否打开,以及电源线是否损坏。
2. 设备发出异常噪音怎么办?如果设备发出异常噪音,请首先检查设备是否有松动部件,重新固定相关零件。

品牌 AOC
机种 L32DH93/L32DH93-R L42DH93/ L42DH93-R
版本 A00
A01 A02
新增机种名,导入新的电源板(板 2010-1-10
号: 715G3652P02000003S)
- 20 °C ~ + 60 °C
20% ~ 80%
宽 x 高 x 厚(含底座) 792.6x561.5x232.5(mm)
1.2 预设显示模式
电脑格式 编号
640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1360 x 768
编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
分辨率 640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1360 x 768 720 x 480 720 x 480 720 x 576 720 x 576 1280 x 720 1280 x 720 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1080
2. 操作说明
2.1 遥控器操作
电源 按此键可开启/关闭电视。电视不会完 全断电,除非关闭交流电源开关或者 拔下电源插头。

不要把显示器放在靠近热源的地方,如取暖器、气管或阳光直射的地方。 也不要放在灰尘过多或机械振动、冲击的地方。
保留原来的纸箱包装材料,如果您还要运输您的显示器,他们会给您带来便利。 为了得到最大的保护,要用原出厂的包装方式来包装显示器。 为保持液晶显示屏的清洁,要定期的用干净的软布掸拭它。任何的液体都可能会损伤显示屏。 为保持显示器崭新外观,要定期的用软布来清洁它,顽迹可用柔和的清洁剂去除如果不按本文档所述使用控件、进行调整或执行其它任何过程,可能导致电击、触电和 / 或机 械伤害。 请阅读这些预防措施,并遵照这些说明来连接和使用计算机监视器。 预防措施
不要使监视器靠近有水的地方,如浴缸、洗脸盆、厨房水池、洗衣盆、游泳池或潮湿的地下室等。 不要将监视器放置在不稳定的推车上、平台上或桌子上。如果监视器掉落,可能会造成人员伤害并
377 mm 472 mm 205 mm 4.9 kg 6.0 kg
0°- +50° -20°- +60°
10% - 85%(非凝露) 5% - 80%(非凝露)
0~3000m (0~10000 ft)
0~5000m (0~15000 ft)
调整画面 功能控制说明
明亮度 亮度 对比度
Eco Mode
调整数值 0-100 0-100 标准 文本 网络 游戏 电影 运动 伽马 1
说明 调整显示亮度 调整显示对比度 正常使用模式 文本应用模式 网络应用模式 游戏应用模式 观赏电影应用模式 观赏户外运动模式 调整为伽马值 1
图象设置 时钟 聚焦

视频输出 视频 AV OUT
RCA x 1、音频 L / R x 1
电脑输入 音频输出
推荐分辨率 声音输入
音频输出: L/R
用于立体声的耳机迷你型插孔 (3.5ø)
扬声器(内置):两个 10W 扬声器
用于立体声的耳机迷你型插孔 (3.5ø)
垂直频率(Hz) 59.94 60.317 60.004 59.799 30 60 25 50 50 60 25 30
水平频率(KHz) 31.469 37.879 48.363 47.72 15.734 31.5 15.625 31.25 37.5 45 28.125 33.75
2.操作说明----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 2.1 遥控器操作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07 2.2 控制面板 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 2.3 背面信源接口 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 2.4 侧边信源接口 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 2.5 菜单操作------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

安全说明 (4)关于本指南 (4)电源 (5)安装 (6)清洁 (8)其他 (9)安装 (10)标准配置 (10)安装支架底座 (11)调整视角 (12)连接显示器 (13)安装墙壁装配架 (14)调节显示器 (15)设置最佳分辨率 (15)Windows Vista (15)Windows XP (17)Windows ME/2000 (18)快捷键 (19)OSD 调节 (20)明亮度 (21)图像设置 (23)色温 (25)色彩增强 (27)窗口增亮 (29)OSD 设置 (31)其它 (33)重置 (35)退出 (37)LED 指示灯 (39)驱动 (40)显示器驱动 (40)Windows 2000 (40)Windows ME (40)Windows XP (41)Windows Vista (44)Windows 7 (46)i-Menu .............................................................................................................................................................. 51 故障排除 .. (54)规格 (56)主要规格 (56)e-Saver Screen+ ............................................................................................................................................................ 5.. (53)2即插即用 (59)安规信息 (60)FCC注意事项 (60)WEEE声明 (60)有毒有害物质或元素声明 (61)能效等级 (61)安全说明关于本指南下面说明本文档中使用的符号约定。

SolidWorks2016中⽂版完全⾃学⼿册SolidWorks 2016中⽂版完全⾃学⼿册⼀、本书特⾊⼆、本书的组织结构和主要内容三、光盘使⽤说明四、致谢彩图插页1 SOLIDWORKS 2016⼊门1.1 SOLIDWORKS的设计思想1.1.1 三维设计的3个基本概念1.1.2 设计过程1.1.3 设计⽅法1.2 SOLIDWORKS 2016简介1.2.1 启动SOLIDWORKS 20161.2.2 新建⽂件1.2.3 SOLIDWORKS⽤户界⾯1.3 ⽂件管理1.3.1 打开⽂件1.3.2 保存⽂件1.3.3 退出SOLIDWORKS 20161.4 SOLIDWORKS⼯作环境设置1.4.1 设置⼯具栏1.4.2 设置⼯具栏命令按钮1.4.3 设置快捷键1.4.4 设置背景1.4.5 设置实体颜⾊1.4.6 设置单位1.5 SOLIDWORKS术语2 草图绘制基础2.1 草图绘制的基本知识2.1.1 进⼊草图绘制2.1.2 退出草图绘制2.1.3 草图绘制⼯具2.1.4 绘图光标和锁点光标2.2 草图绘制2.2.1 绘制点2.2.2 绘制直线与中⼼线2.2.3 绘制圆2.2.4 绘制圆弧2.2.5 绘制矩形2.2.6 绘制多边形2.2.7 绘制椭圆与部分椭圆2.2.8 绘制抛物线2.2.9 绘制样条曲线2.2.10 绘制草图⽂字2.3 草图编辑2.3.1 绘制圆⾓2.3.2 绘制倒⾓2.3.3 等距实体2.3.4 转换实体引⽤2.3.5 草图剪裁2.3.6 草图延伸2.3.7 分割草图2.3.8 镜向草图2.3.9 线性草图阵列2.3.10 圆周草图阵列2.3.11 移动草图2.3.12 复制草图2.3.13 旋转草图2.3.14 缩放草图2.3.15 伸展草图2.4 尺⼨标注2.4.1 度量单位2.4.2 线性尺⼨的标注2.4.3 直径和半径尺⼨的标注2.4.4 ⾓度尺⼨的标注2.5 ⼏何关系2.5.1 添加⼏何关系2.5.2 ⾃动添加⼏何关系2.5.3 显⽰/删除⼏何关系2.6 综合实例——拨叉草图3 基础特征建模3.1 特征建模基础3.2 参考⼏何体3.2.1 基准⾯3.2.2 基准轴3.2.3 坐标系3.3 拉伸特征3.3.1 拉伸实体特征3.3.2 实例——圆头平键3.3.3 拉伸切除特征3.3.4 实例——盒状体3.4 旋转特征3.4.1 旋转凸台/基体3.4.2 实例——乒乓球3.4.3 旋转切除3.4.4 实例——酒杯3.5 扫描特征3.5.1 凸台/基体扫描3.5.2 切除扫描3.5.3 引导线扫描3.5.4 实例——台灯⽀架3.6 放样特征3.6.1 设置基准⾯3.6.2 凸台放样3.6.3 引导线放样3.6.4 中⼼线放样3.6.5 ⽤分割线放样3.6.6 实例——电源插头3.7 综合实例——摇臂4 附加特征建模4.1 圆⾓特征4.1.1 等半径圆⾓特征4.1.5 变半径圆⾓特征4.1.6 实例——电机4.2 倒⾓特征4.2.1 创建倒⾓特征4.2.2 实例——混合器4.3 圆顶特征4.3.1 创建圆顶特征4.3.2 实例——螺丝⼑4.4 拔模特征4.4.1 创建拔模特征4.4.2 实例——球棒4.5 抽壳特征4.5.1 创建抽壳特征4.5.2 实例——移动轮⽀架4.6 孔特征4.6.1 创建简单直孔4.6.2 创建异型孔4.6.3 实例——锁紧件4.7 筋特征4.7.1 创建筋特征4.7.2 实例——轴承座4.8 ⾃由形特征4.9 ⽐例缩放4.10 综合实例——⽀撑架5 特征编辑5.1 阵列特征5.1.1 线性阵列5.1.2 圆周阵列5.1.3 草图阵列5.1.4 曲线驱动阵列5.1.5 表格驱动阵列5.1.6 实例——电容5.2 镜向特征5.2.1 创建镜向特征5.2.2 实例——台灯灯泡5.3 特征的复制与删除5.4 参数化设计5.4.1 ⽅程式驱动尺⼨5.4.2 系列零件设计表5.5 综合实例——螺母紧固件系列6 特征管理6.1 库特征6.1.1 库特征的创建与编辑6.1.2 将库特征添加到零件中6.2 查询6.2.1 测量6.2.2 质量属性6.2.3 截⾯属性6.3 零件的特征管理6.4 综合实例——斜齿圆柱齿轮7 模型显⽰7.1 视图显⽰7.1.1 显⽰⽅式7.1.2 剖⾯视图7.2 模型显⽰7.2.1 设置零件的颜⾊7.2.2 设置零件的照明度7.2.3 贴图7.2.4 布景7.2.5 光源7.2.6 相机7.3 PhotoView 360渲染7.3.1 加载PhotoView 360插件7.3.2 编辑渲染选项7.3.3 整合预览7.3.4 预览渲染7.3.5 最终渲染7.3.6 排定渲染7.4 综合实例——茶叶盒8 曲线创建8.1 三维草图8.1.1 绘制三维草图8.1.2 实例——办公椅8.2 创建曲线8.2.1 投影曲线8.2.2 组合曲线8.2.3 螺旋线和涡状线8.2.4 实例——弹簧8.2.5 分割线8.2.6 实例——茶杯8.2.7 通过参考点的曲线8.2.8 通过XYZ点的曲线8.3 综合实例——螺钉9 曲⾯创建9.1 创建曲⾯9.1.1 拉伸曲⾯9.1.2 旋转曲⾯9.1.3 扫描曲⾯9.1.4 放样曲⾯9.1.5 等距曲⾯9.1.6 延展曲⾯9.1.7 缝合曲⾯9.1.8 实例——花盆9.2 编辑曲⾯9.2.1 延伸曲⾯9.2.2 剪裁曲⾯9.2.3 填充曲⾯9.2.4 中⾯9.2.5 替换⾯9.2.6 删除⾯9.2.7 移动/复制/旋转曲⾯9.3 综合实例——茶壶模型9.3.1 绘制壶⾝9.3.2 绘制壶盖10 钣⾦设计10.1 概述10.2 钣⾦特征⼯具与钣⾦菜单10.2.1 启⽤钣⾦特征⼯具栏10.2.2 钣⾦菜单10.3 转换钣⾦特征10.3.1 使⽤基体-法兰特征10.3.2 ⽤零件转换为钣⾦的特征10.4 钣⾦特征10.4.1 法兰特征10.4.2 边线法兰10.4.3 斜接法兰10.4.4 褶边特征10.4.5 绘制的折弯特征10.4.6 闭合⾓特征10.4.7 转折特征10.4.8 放样折弯特征10.4.9 切⼝特征10.4.10 展开钣⾦折弯10.4.11 断开边⾓/边⾓剪裁特征10.4.12 通风⼝10.4.13 实例——板卡固定座10.5 钣⾦成形10.5.1 使⽤成形⼯具10.5.2 修改成形⼯具10.5.3 创建新成形⼯具10.6 综合实例——裤形三通管11 焊接设计11.1 概述11.2 焊接基础11.2.1 焊缝形式11.2.2 焊接接头11.3 焊件特征⼯具与焊件菜单11.3.1 启⽤焊件特征⼯具栏11.3.2 焊件菜单11.3.3 启⽤焊件特征⼯具栏11.4 焊件特征11.5 结构构件特征11.5.1 结构构件特征说明11.5.2 结构构件特征创建步骤11.5.3 ⽣成⾃定义结构构件轮廓11.6 剪裁/延伸特征11.6.1 剪裁/延伸特征选项说明11.6.2 剪裁/延伸特征创建步骤11.7 顶端盖特征11.7.1 顶端盖特征选项说明11.7.2 顶端盖特征创建步骤11.8 ⾓撑板特征11.8.1 ⾓撑板特征选项说明11.8.2 ⾓撑板特征创建步骤11.9 圆⾓焊缝特征11.9.1 圆⾓焊缝特征选项说明11.9.2 圆⾓焊缝特征创建步骤11.9.3 实例——⼿推车车架11.10 焊件切割清单11.10.1 更新焊件切割清单11.10.2 将特征排除在切割清单之外11.10.3 ⾃定义焊件切割清单属性11.10.4 焊件⼯程图11.10.5 在焊件⼯程图中⽣成切割清单11.10.6 编辑切割清单11.10.7 添加零件序号11.10.8 ⽣成焊件实体的视图11.11 装配体中焊缝的创建11.11.1 焊接类型11.11.2 焊缝的顶⾯⾼度和半径11.11.3 焊缝结合⾯11.11.4 创建焊缝11.12 综合实例——篮球架11.12.1 绘制底座11.12.2 绘制⽀架11.12.3 绘制篮板11.12.4 渲染12 装配体设计12.1 装配体基本操作12.1.1 创建装配体⽂件12.1.2 插⼊装配零件12.1.3 删除装配零件12.2 定位零部件12.2.1 固定零部件12.2.2 移动零部件12.2.3 旋转零部件12.2.4 添加配合关系12.2.5 删除配合关系12.2.6 修改配合关系12.2.7 SmartMates配合⽅式12.2.8 实例——绘制茶壶装配体12.3 零件的复制、阵列与镜向12.3.1 零件的复制12.3.2 零件的阵列12.3.3 零件的镜向12.4 装配体检查12.4.1 碰撞测试12.4.2 动态间隙12.4.3 体积⼲涉检查12.4.4 装配体统计12.5 爆炸视图12.5.1 ⽣成爆炸视图12.5.2 编辑爆炸视图12.6 装配体的简化12.6.1 零部件显⽰状态的切换12.6.2 零部件压缩状态的切换12.7 综合实例——轴承12.7.1 轴承外圈12.7.2 轴承内圈12.7.3 滚动体12.7.4 ⼦装配体12.7.5 保持架12.7.6 装配零件13 ⼯程图的绘制13.1 ⼯程图的绘制⽅法13.2 定义图纸格式13.3 标准三视图的绘制13.4 模型视图的绘制13.5 派⽣视图的绘制13.5.1 剖⾯视图13.5.2 旋转剖视图13.5.3 投影视图13.5.4 辅助视图13.5.5 局部视图13.5.6 断裂视图13.6 操纵视图13.6.1 移动和旋转视图13.6.2 显⽰和隐藏13.6.3 更改零部件的线型13.6.4 图层13.7 注解的标注13.7.1 注释13.7.2 表⾯粗糙度13.7.3 形位公差13.7.4 基准特征符号13.8 分离⼯程图13.9 打印⼯程图13.10 综合实例——轴⽡⼯程图14 SOLIDWORKS Routing布线与管道设计14.1 SOLIDWORKS Routing基础14.1.1 启动SOLIDWORKS Routing插件14.1.2 SOLIDWORKS Routing装配结构14.1.3 SOLIDWORKS Routing中的⽂件名称14.1.4 线路的类型14.2 Routing系统选项14.2.1 ⼀般步路设定14.2.2 管道/管筒设计14.2.3 电⽓电缆14.3 SOLIDWORKS设计库14.4 步路库管理14.4.1 Routing⽂件位置14.4.2 步路零部件向导14.4.3 电缆电线库14.5 步路⼯具14.5.1 连接点和线路点14.5.2 ⾃动步路14.5.3 电缆夹14.5.4 实例——视频接线14.6 电⽓14.6.1 按“从/到”开始14.6.2 通过拖/放来开始14.6.3 折弯14.6.4 编辑线路14.6.5 平展线路14.6.6 实例——LED灯14.7 管道和管筒14.7.1 弯管零件14.7.2 法兰零件14.7.3 焊接缝隙14.7.4 定义短管14.7.5 管道⼯程图14.8 综合实例——分流管路14.8.1 管路三维模型14.8.2 管路⼯程图思维导图防⽌博客图床图⽚失效,防⽌图⽚源站外链:)思维导图在线编辑链接:。

0M1G1730 6120
0Q1G930 14 47 CR3
A34G0289ABJ 1B
A34G0379ABJ 1B 33
A37G0031 5
067G305V220 3
105摄氏度22UF +-20% 16V
093G2253B J
033G8027 24 H
CONNW TO B12P*2 P*2.0 4505-2
[初三数学]AOC193Sw液晶维修手册电路图ServiceServiceServiceHorizontal Frequency30- 83 kHzTABLE OF CONTENTSDescription Page Description PageANY PERSON ATTEMPTING TO SERVICE THIS CHASSIS MUST FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CHASSIS AND BE AWARE OF THE NECESSARY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO BE USED WHEN SERVICING ELECTRONIC Table Of Contents (1)Revision List (2)1. Monitor Specification (4)2.L C D M o n i t o rD e s c r i p t i o n (5)3. Operation Instruction (6)3.1. Gene ral Instructions (6)3.2. Control Buttons (6)3.3 Adjusting the Picture (7)4.I n p u t/O u t p u tS p e c i f i c a t i o n (10)4.1.I n p u t S i g n a lC o n n e c t o r (10)4.2.F a c t o r y P r e s e t D i s p l a yM o d e s (10)5.2. Electrical Block Diagram (15)6. Schematic (17)6.1 Main Board (17)6.2 Power Board (23)7.P C BLayout (26)7.1 Main Board (26)7.2 Powe r Board (28)8.Maintainability (32)8.1.E q u i p m e n t s a n d T o o l sR e q u i r e m e n t (32)8.2.T r o u b l eShooting (33)9.W h i t e-B a l a n c e,L u m i n a n c eEQUIPMENT CONTAINING HIGH VOLTAGES.Revision ListImportant Safety NoticeProper service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all AOC Company Equipment. The service procedures recommended by AOC and described in this service manual are effective methods of performing service operations. Some of these service operations require the use of tools specially designed for the purpose. The special tools should be used when and as recommended.It is important to note that this manual contains various CAUTIONS and NOTICES which should be carefully read in order to minimize the risk of personal injury to service personnel. The possibility exists that improper service methods may damage the equipment. It is also important to understand that these CAUTIONS and NOTICES ARE NOT EXHAUSTIVE. AOC could not possibly know, evaluate and advise the service trade of all conceivable ways in which service might be done or of the possible hazardous consequences of each way. Consequently, AOC has not undertaken any such broad evaluation. Accordingly, a servicer who uses a service procedure or tool which is not recommended by AOC must first satisfy himself thoroughly that neither his safety nor the safe operation of the equipment will be jeopardized by the service method selected.Hereafter throughout this manual, AOC Company will be referred to as AOC.WARNINGUse of substitute replacement parts, which do not have the same, specified safety characteristics might create shock, fire, or other hazards.Under no circumstances should the original design be modified or altered without written permission from AOC. AOC assumes no liability, express or implied, arising out of any unauthorized modification of design. Servicer assumes all liability.FOR PRODUCTS CONTAINING LASER:DANGER-Invisible laser radiation when open AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM.CAUTION-Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.CAUTION -The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.TO ENSURE THE CONTINUED RELIABILITY OF THIS PRODUCT, USE ONLY ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER'S REPLACEMENT PARTS, WHICH ARE LISTED WITH THEIR PART NUMBERS IN THE PARTS LIST SECTION OF THIS SERVICE MANUAL.Take care during handling the LCD module with backlight unit-Must mount the module using mounting holes arranged in four corners.-Do not press on the panel, edge of the frame strongly or electric shock as this will result in damage to the screen.-Do not scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects, such as pencil or pen as this may result in damage to the panel.-Protect the module from the ESD as it may damage the electronic circuit (C-MOS).-Make certain that treatment person’s body is grounded through wristband.-Do not leave the module in high temperature and in areas of high humidity for a long time.-Avoid contact with water as it may a short circuit within the module.-If the surface of panel becomes dirty, please wipe it off with a soft material. (Cleaning with a dirty or rough cloth may damage the panel.)1. Monitor Specification2. LCD Monitor DescriptionThe LCD Monitor will contain a main board, a power board, which house the flat panel control logic, brightness control logic and DDC.The power board will provide AC to DC Inverter voltage to drive the backlight of panel and the main board chips each voltage.3. Operation Instructions3.1 General InstructionsPress the power button to turn the monitor on or off. The other control knobs are located at front panel of the monitor. By changing these settings, the picture can be adjusted to your personal preferences.-The power cord should be connected.-Connect the video cable from the monitor to the video card.- Press the power button to turn on the monitor. The power indicator will light up.3.2 Control Buttons•Power Button:Press this button to switch ON/OFF of monitor’s power.•MENU / ENTER:Active OSD menu or function adjust confirm or Exit OSD menu when in Brightness/Contrast OSD status.•Contrast:Adjust contrast or function adjust.•Brightness:Adjust brightness or function adjust.•Auto Adjust button / Exit:1. When OSD menu is in active status, this button will act as EXIT-KEY(EXIT OSD menu).2. When OSD menu is in off status, press this button over 2 seconds to activate the Auto Adjustmentfunction.The Auto Adjustment function is used to set the HPos, VPos, Clock and Focus.•Power Indicator:Blue — Full Power mode.Orange — Active-off mode.OSD Lock Function: To lock the OSD, press and hold the MENU button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on. To un-lock the OSD - press and hold the MENU button while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on.NOTES•Do not install the monitor in a location near heat sources such as radiators or air ducts, or in a place subject to direct sunlight, or excessive dust or mechanical vibration or shock.•Save the original shipping carton and packing materials, as they will come in handy if you ever have to ship your monitor.•For maximum protection, repackage your monitor as it was originally packed at the factory.•To keep the monitor looking new, periodically clean it with a soft cloth. Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth lightly dampened with a mild detergent solution. Never use strong solvents such as thinner, benzene, or abrasive cleaners, since these will damage the cabinet. As a safety precaution, always unplug the monitor before cleaning it.3.3 Adjust the Picture1. Press the MENU-button to activate the OSD window.2. Press or to navigate through the functions. Once the desired function is highlighted, press theMENU-button to activate it. If the function selected has a sub-menu, press or again to navigate through the sub-menu functions. Once the desired function is highlighted, press MENU-button to activate it.3. Press or to change the settings of the selected function.4. To exit and save, select the exit function. If you want to adjust any other function, repeat steps 2-3.Main MenuItemMainMenuIconSub MenuItemSub MenuIconDescriptionAdjustRangeReset Value LuminanceContrast Contrast from Digital-register. 0-100Recall CoolContrast ValueBrightness Backlight Adjustment 0-100Recall CoolBrightnessValueImageSetupFocusAdjust Picture Phase to reduceHorizontal-Line noise0-100 Do Auto ConfigClockAdjust picture Clock to reduceVertical-Line noise.0-100 Do Auto ConfigImagePositionH. PositionAdjust the horizontal position ofthe picture.0-100 Do Auto Config V. PositionAdjust the vertical position of thepicture.0-100 Do Auto Config Color Temp. Warm N/ARecall warm Color Temperaturefrom EEPROM.N/AThe ColorTemperature willCool N/A Recall cool Color Temperaturefrom EEPROM.N/Abe set to Cool.The User R/G/Bvalue (default is100) will not beModified byReset function.sRGB N/A Recall sRGB Temperature from EEPROM.N/AUser / Red Red Gain from Digital-register. 0-100User/GreenGreen Gain from Digital-register. 0-100 User / Blue Blue Gain from Digital-register. 0-100Auto Config (Analog-Onl y Model) Yes N/AAuto Adjust the H/V Position,Focus and Clock of picture.N/A N/A No N/ADo not execute Auto Config,return to main menu.N/A N/AOSD Setup H. PositionAdjust the horizontal position ofthe OSD.0-100 50 V. PositionAdjust the vertical position of theOSD.0-100 50 OSDTimeoutAdjust the OSD timeout. 10-120 10Language Language N/A Select the language you like N/A The Language will be set toEnglish.Information InformationN/AShow the resolution, H/Vfrequency and input port ofcurrent input timing.N/A N/AReset Yes N/AClear each old status ofAuto-configuration and set thecolor temperature to Cool.N/A N/A No N/ADo not execute reset, return tomain menu.N/A N/AExit N/A N/A Exit OSD N/A N/A4. Input/Output SpecificationPin Signal Pin Signal1 Red Video 9 5V2 Green Video 10 Detect cable3 Blue Video 11 Monitor Ground4 GND 12 DDC-Serial Data5 GND 13 H- Sync6 GND-R 14 V- Sync7 GND-G 15 DDC-Serial Clock8 GND-BVGA connector layout4.2. Factory Preset Display Modes4.3. Panel SpecificationM190A1-L02 is a 19” wide TFT Liquid Crystal Display module with 4 CCFL Backlight unit and 30 p ins2ch-LVDS interface. This module supports 1440 x 900 WXGA+ mode and can display 16.2M colors. The inverter module for Backlight is not built in.4.3.1 General Feature- Super Wide viewing angle.- Super High contrast ratio- Super fast response time- High color saturation- WXGA+ (1440 x 900 pixels) resolution- DE (Data Enable) only mode- LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) interface- RoHS Compliance4.3.2 Mechanical Information4.3.3 Optical Characteristics Test ConditionsOptical Specification5. Block Diagram 5.1 Software Flow ChartREMARK:5.2 Electrical Block Diagram 5.2.1 Main Board19" LCD Color Monitor AOC 193SW5.2.2 Inverter / Power Board206. Schematic6.1 Main Board21TSU16/56AK SCHEMATIC22H4W3.2R MH1WA24CK LITE6AdjBA CK4TOUCH PANELPOWERA14 BC1.840.1uF/16VA340.1uF3904BP OWE R BTSU16/56AK FOR MYSON512 SWICHB26Sunday, February 06, 2005TitleSize Document Number RevDate:Sheet ofSS14R203A44 onPanel_5V/3.3V6C3.34 H2232425R 327R325R336C2C306R346C314C312220pFR335VC R345R331R349R309R350C308R318C305C310R317R313C301NCR 32656788C307CC I_S EL 6C3042C309DV I NPUTBTSU16/56AK FOR MYSON512 SWITCHC 36Sunday, February 06, 2005TitleSize Document NumberRevDate:SheetofCLK _DD C2R332C317R344R348R347R341NC R343DV I_D ET 6R323C4013077R40127PB4PB1PA[0..9]4PB8PANEL INTERFACEBTSU16/56AK FOR MYSON512 SWITCHA 56Sunday, February 06, 2005TitleSiz e Document NumberRevDate:SheetofPA1PA8LVA0P LVB1M LVB3M PB7PA2LVBCKP PB2LVBCKM LVA2M LVA3M CN503PA[0..9]PB3PB0LVA1M PB6PA7LVB0MPA6LVB1P LVACKP PB5PA9LVA0M PA3PB9PB[0..9]4LVA2P R502PA4LVB0P LVB2P PA0LVA1P LVB3P PA5LVACKM LVA3P LVB2M PB[0..9]2829R623BR651_GC608CON16A35NCQ602PMBS 390622pFLeftR608U601R640NC 0.1uFC6094C6070.001uFVolume R639ER 0.1uFC611R60610K 1/16WR6096.2 Power BoardL103ID PC1942SET1P(715G1299-5)A1.POWERA O C (T o p V i c t o r y ) E l e c t r o n i c s C o ., L t d .A 21Thursday , July 20, 2006Title Siz e Document NumberRevDate:SheetofDIMis signal GNDis power GNDCON102CONN 95G8014 6512L201R2377. PCB Layout 7.1 Main Board7.2 Power Board Inverter BoardAdapter Board8. Maintainability8.1 Equipments and Tools Requirement1. Multi-meter.2. Oscilloscope.3. Pattern Generator.4. DDC Tool with an IBM Compatible Computer.5. Alignment Tool.6. LCD Color Analyzer.7. Service Manual.8. User Manual.8.2 Trouble Shooting 8.2.1 Main BoardNo powerNo picture (LED orange)White screen8.2.2 Power/Inverter Board 1.) No power2.) No Backlight9. White- Balance, Luminance AdjustmentApproximately 30 minutes should be allowed for warm up before proceeding White-Balance adjustment.1. How to do the Chroma-7120 MEM. Channel settingA. Reference to chroma 7120 user guideB. Use “SC” key and “NEXT” key to modify x yY value and use “ID” key to modify theTEXT description Following is the procedure to do white-balance adjust2. Setting the color temp. you wantA. MEM.CHANNEL 3 (7800 color):7800 color temp. parameter is x = 296 ±20, y = 311 ±20, Y = 180 cd/m2 ,B. MEM.CHANNEL 4 (6500 color):6500 color temp. parameter is x = 313±20, y = 329 ±20, Y = 180 cd/m23. Into factory mode of 193SWFirstly, turn off the power and remove the power plug, then press the menu key and plug in at the same time, finally, press the menu again will activate the factory mode, the factory OSD will be at the left top of the screen.4. Bias adjustment:Set the Contrast to 50; Adjust the Brightness to 80.5. Gain adjustment:Move cursor to “-F-” and press MENU keyA. Adjust C2 (7800) color-temperature1. Switch the Chroma-7120 to RGB-Mode (with press “MODE” button)2. Switch the MEM. Channel to Channel 3 (with up or down arrow on chroma 7120)3. The LCD-indicator on chroma 7120 will show x = 296 ±20, y = 311 ±20, Y = 180 cd/m24. Adjust the RED of color1 on factory window until chroma 7120 indicator reached the value R=1005. Adjust the GREEN of color1 on factory window until chroma 7120 indicator reached the value G=1006. Adjust the BLUE of color1 on factory window until chroma 7120 indicator reached the value B=1007. Repeat above procedure (item 4,5,6) until chroma 7120 RGB value meet the tolerance =100±2B. Adjust C1 (6500) color-temperature1. Switch the chroma-7120 to RGB-Mode (with press “MODE” button)2. Switch the to Channel 4(with up or down arrow on chroma 7120)3. The LCD-indicator on chroma 7120 will show x = 313 ±20, y = 329 ±20, Y = 180 cd/m24. Adjust the RED of color3 on factory window until chroma 7120 indicator reached the value R=1005. Adjust the GREEN of color3 on factory window until chroma 7120 indicator reachedthe value G=1006. Adjust the BLUE of color3 on factory window until chroma 7120 indicator reached the value B=1007. Repeat above procedure (item 4,5,6) until chroma 7120 RGB value meet the tolerance =100±2C. Turn the Power-button off to quit from factory mode.19"LCD Color Monitor AOC 190SW4710. Monitor Exploded ViewNo Description Part NO. No Description Part NO. No Description Part NO. 1 BEZEL 034G6346AAS 1B 7 SHIELD Q15G6335 2 13HINGE BRACKET015G6233 1 2 KEY PAD077GB800SOB G8 MYLAR 052G6025 11946 14 HINGE 037G6055 1 3 PANEL-SIDE-BKT 015G6232 2 9MYLAR052G6025 11980 15 STAND 034G1546 GM B 4 PANEL 750GLM90A1211N 10 MAIN FRAME 015G6231 4 16 CLAMP 033G4695 1 C 5 MAIN BOARD CBPC5MM4WBQP 11 REAR COVER 034G6269 GM 2B 17 BASE T34G6203 GM 2B 6POWER BOARDADPC1260AEP12 RUBBER012G6204 118 FOOT PORON012G 394 311. BOM List T95MM4HBWCA2NS。
设置工具栏命令按钮_SolidWorks 2016中文版完全自学手册_[共2页]
![设置工具栏命令按钮_SolidWorks 2016中文版完全自学手册_[共2页]](
29 5 5 5 5 530 31 32 331.4 SOLIDWORKS 工作环境设置1工具栏复选框。
图1-28 “工具栏”快捷菜单(2)单击需要的工具栏,前面复选框的颜色会加深,则图形区中将会显示选择的工具栏;如果单击已经显示的工具栏,前面复选框的颜色会变浅,则图形区中将会隐藏选择的工具栏。
图1-29所示是拖至图形区中的“注解(N )”工具栏,然后单击工具栏右上角的“关闭”按钮,则操作界面中会隐藏该工具栏。
图1-29 “注解(N )”工具栏1.4.2 设置工具栏命令按钮系统默认工具栏中,并没有包括平时所用的所有命令按钮,用户可以根据自己的需要添加或者删除命令按钮。

本监视器具有 VESA DDC2B 能力,符合 VESA DDC 标准。这使得监视器可以将自己的标识告知主机系统,根据所用 DDC 的级别,还可以告知有关其显示能力的其它信息。 DDC2B 是基于 I2C 协议的双向数据信道。主机可以通过 DDC2B 信道请求 EDID 信息。
首次发布日期: 04/2009 1
1.安全与注意事项 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 2.技术规格 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05 3.操作说明及工厂模式调整 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 4. ISP 升级流程-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 5.故障处理流程 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 6.电气方框图 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 7. PCB 分布图 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 8.线路图 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 9.爆炸图 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 10. BOM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 11. BOM 差异比较 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
AOC 16BH83 and L26BH83 显示器 维修手册

维修手册客户机种名销售地区AOC 16BH83 and L26BH83 中国大陆L16BH83 E158MANDW1A4NNL26BH83 E268MANDW1A4NNLCD TV 首次发布日期:2008/8目录1. 安全与注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------032. 技术规格--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------053. 操作说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------064. 工厂模式调整--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135. 故障处理流程--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------156. 线路图-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------197. 电气方框图-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------348. 爆炸图-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------359. BOM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------371. 安全与注意事项为了您的安全在操作本电视之前,请先仔细阅读本手册,并将本手册保存起来以备将来参考。

解决方案: - 确保电源插头已正确插入设备和电源插座。
- 检查电源线是否损坏或松动。
- 尝试使用其他电源线进行测试。
- 如果以上方法仍无法解决问题,请联系售后服务中心。
解决方案: - 检查充电线和适配器是否正常工作。
- 尝试使用其他充电线和适配器进行测试。
- 清洁设备充电接口,确保没有灰尘或污垢堵塞。
解决方案: - 检查显示屏连接线是否松动或损坏。
- 尝试重新启动设备,检查是否能够解决问题。
- 调整显示屏的亮度和对比度设置。
解决方案: - 调整显示屏的色温和色彩校准。
- 检查显示屏是否有损坏或老化的情况,必要时更换显示屏。
解决方案: - 检查存储设备连接是否稳固。
- 尝试使用其他存储设备进行测试。
- 检查设备是否支持所使用的存储设备。
解决方案: - 清洁设备的散热口和风扇,并确保它们能正常工作。
- 检查设备是否放置在通风良好的环境中。
- 如果问题仍然存在,请立即停止使用设备,并联系售后服务中心。
解决方案: - 关闭不必要的后台应用程序。
- 清除设备上的缓存文件和临时文件。
- 更新设备的操作系统和应用程序。
解决方案: - 尝试重新启动设备,看是否能够解决问题。
- 更新设备的操作系统,并重新安装受影响的应用程序。
AOC 2216Sw 用户手册说明书

AOC 2216Sw User’s ManualAbout This GuideThis guide describes the monitor's features, setup, and operation. lnformation in this document is subject to change without notice.The sections are as follows:∙Safety Instructions: lists safety information.∙Setup: describes the initial setup process.∙Using the Monitor: gives an overview of how to use the monitor.∙Drivers: provides driver installation instructions for Windows.∙Technical Support : provides tips and solutions for common problems.∙Product Information: lists the technical specifications of the monitor.∙Warranty Statement: Warranty Statement used in Europe.National ConventionsThe following subsections describe notational conventions used in this document.Notes, Cautions, and WarningsThroughout this guide, blocks of text may be accompanied by an icon and printed in bold type or in italic type. These blocks are notes, cautions, and warnings, and they are used as follows:NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer system.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates the potential for bodily harm and tells you how to avoid the problem.Some warnings may appear in alternate formats and may be unaccompanied by an icon. In such cases, the specific presentation of the warning is mandated by regulatory authority.Product RegistrationPlease link ,select your country or region, log in Product Registration to register.FCC NoticeFCC Class B Radio Frequency Interference Statement WARNING: (FOR FCC CERTIFIED MODELS)NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:1.Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.4.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NOTICE :1.The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment.2.Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.3.The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modification to this equipment. Itis theresponsibilities of the user to correct such interference.WEEE DeclarationDisposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Household in the European Union.This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed of with your other householdwaste.Instead, it is your responsibility to dispose of your waste equipment by handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.The separate collection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product .HG DeclarationSAFETY: Lamp DisposalLAMP(S) INSIDE THIS PRODUCT CONTAIN MERCURY AND MUST BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF ACCORDING TO LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT THE ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCE AT.PrecautionsWARNING: Use of controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified in this documentation may result inexposure to shock, electrical hazards, and/or mechanical hazards.Read and follow these precautions when connecting and using your computer monitor:PRECAUTIONSDo not use the monitor near water, e.g. near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, swimming pool or in a wet basement.∙Do not place the monitor on an unstable cart, stand, or table. If the monitor falls, it can injure a person and cause serious damage to the appliance. Use only a cart or stand recommended by the manufacturer or sold with the monitor. If you mount the monitor on a wall or shelf, use a mounting kit approved by the manufacturer and follow the kit instructions.∙Slots and openings in the back and bottom of the cabinet are provided for ventilation. To ensure reliable operation of the monitor and to protect it from overheating, be sure these openings are not blocked or covered. Do not place the monitor on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface. Do not place the monitor near or over a radiator or heat register. Do not place the monitor ina bookcase or cabinet unless proper ventilation is provided.∙The monitor should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the label. If you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home, consult your dealer or local power company.∙The monitor is equipped with a three-pronged grounded plug, a plug with a third (grounding) pin. This plug will fit only into a grounded power outlet as a safety feature. If your outlet does not accommodate the three-wire plug, have an electrician install the correct outlet, or use an adapter to ground the appliance safely. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounded plug.∙Unplug the unit during a lightning storm or when it will not be used for long periods of time. This will protect the monitor from damage due to power surges.∙Do not overload power strips and extension cords. Overloading can result in fire or electric shock.∙Never push any object into the slot on the monitor cabinet. It could short circuit parts causing a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquids on the monitor.∙Do not attempt to service the monitor yourself; opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous voltages and other hazards. Please refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.∙To ensure satisfactory operation, use the monitor only with UL listed computers which have appropriate configured receptacles marked between 100 -240V AC, Min. 5A.∙The wall socket shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.∙For use only with the attached power adapter (Output 12Vdc) which have UL,CSA listed license(Only for monitors with power adapter).Setup the stand and basePlease setup or remove the base following below steps.Adjusting Viewing Angle∙For optimal viewing it is recommended to look at the full face of the monitor, then adjust the monitor's angle to your own preference.∙Hold the stand so you do not topple the monitor when you change the monitor's angle.∙You are able to adjust the monitor's angle from -5°to 20°.NOTE:Do not touch the LCD screen when you change the angle. It may cause damage or break the LCD screen.Attaching the CablesCable Connections On Back of Monitor and Computer1.Power2.AnalogTurn off your computer before performing the procedure below.1.Connect the power cable to the AC port on the back of the monitor.2.Connect one end of the 15-pin D-Sub cable to the back of the monitor and connect the other end to the computer's D-Subport.3.Turn on your monitor and computer.If your monitor displays an image, installation is complete. If it does not display an image, see Troubleshooting.Attaching Wall Mounting A rmPreparing to Install An Optional Wall Mounting Arm¡¡This monitor can be attached to a wall mounting arm you purchase separately. Disconnect power before this procedure. Follow these steps:1.Remove the base.2.Follow the manufacturer's instructions to assemble the wall mounting arm.3.Place the wall mounting arm onto the back of the monitor. Line up the holes of the arm with the holes in the back of themonitor.4.Insert the 4 screws into the holes and tighten.5.Reconnect the cables.Refer to the user's manual that came with the optional wall mounting arm for instructions on attaching itto the wall.Noted :VESA mounting screw holes are not available for all models, please check with the dealer or official department of AOC.Setting the Optimal ResolutionThe recommended resolution for this monitor is 1680 by 1050. To setup the monitor to this resolution, follow the steps below.1.Click START.2.Click SETTINGS.3.Click CONTROL PANEL.4.Double click DISPLAY.5.Click SETTINGS.6.Set the resolution SLIDE-BAR to 1680 by 1050.External ControlsPress the power button to turn the monitor on or off. The other control knobs are located at front panel of the monitor (See Figure ). By changing these settings, the picture can be adjusted to your personal preferences.* The power cord should be connected.* Press the power button to turn on the monitor. The power indicator will light up.1. Auto Config2. Eco Mode/ down3. Up4. Menu / Enter5. Power Button & IndicatorOSD Settings∙Press the MENU-button to activate the OSD window.∙Press+ or -to navigate through the functions. Once the desired function is highlighted, press the MENU-buttonto activate it.If the function selected has a sub-menu, press or again to navigate through the sub-menu functions.Once the desired function is highlighted, press MENU-button to activate it.∙Press+ or -to change the settings of the selected function. To exit and save, select the exit function. If you want to adjust any other function, repeat steps 2-3.∙OSD Lock Function: To lock the OSD, press and hold the MENUbutton while the monitor is off and then press power button to turn the monitor on. To un-lock the OSD -press and hold the MENUbutton while the monitor is off and thenpress power button to turn the monitor on.∙Press Exit key continually for 7 sec. to turn on or off DDC-CI.DCB AdjustmentWhat is DCB?Dynamic Color Boost (DCB) is an advanced color adjustment technology. Through analyzing RGB signals, DCB creates more vivid and natural images to suit various color environment needs. DCB has two types of color enhancers: “Color Boost” and “Picture Boost” .DCC: Dynamic color controlICM: Intelligent color management1) How to use Color Boost?YCM adjustment:In addition to the basic R (red), G (green), B (blue) color adjustments, Color Boost has added Y (yellow), C (cyanine), and M (magenta) for more color fine-tuning options. YCM adjustments are in the third icon labeled "Color Temperature "in the OSD menu. When adjusting YCM values, RGB values will also be changed automatically due to the color correlation between RGB and YCM.Five color-enhancement settings: To accommodate various display needs, Color Boost also offers 5 different color enhancement modes: Full Enhance, Natural Skin, Green Field, Sky Blue, and Auto-Detect. Please go to the fourth icon labeled “Color Boost” in the OSD menu and select one of the five settings you desire to be turned on.Full Enhance: When "Full Enhance" is turned on, the color saturation of the entire screen is fully enriched, thus all colors become more vibrant.Nature Skin: When "Natural Skin" is turned on, the red and yellow colors are enriched automatically, thus presents human skin with more natural and truer colors. "Natural Skin" setting is ideal for viewing human portrait and detailed skin texture.Green Field: When "Green Field" is turned on, the green color is enriched so that football field and mountain landscape would look more natural and fresh. “Green Field” setting is ideal for watching mountain scenery and outdoor sports.Sky Blue: When"Sky Blue" is turned on, the color blue is being fine-tuned so that the sky or ocean landscape will look more vivid and in-depth. "Sky Blue" setting is ideal for viewing sky and ocean images.Auto Detect: When “Auto Detect” is turned on, every pigment will be detected and self-adjusted to render a lively picture.Demo:Screen divided into two for demonstration purposes.2) How to use Picture Boost?Users can change the color settings of a self-selected zone on the screen. The size and position of the selected zone can also be adjusted. "Picture Boost" is located in the fifth icon labeled "Picture Boost" in the OSD menu. Turn on "Bright Frame" to select a zone on the screen to be enhanced. Please note when adjust or turn on any one of the DCB features, the rest of color settings including DCR will be disabled or return to default.Disclaimer: DCB aftereffects are subject to the resolution and quality of the display content, hence may look different than the above illustrations.DCR AdjustmentWhat is DCR?Dynamic Contrast Ratio (DCR) auto adjusts the brightness of the screen so users can see the darker areas of the displayed content in more depths. By increasing the darkness of the dark areas and the brightness of the bright areas, contrast ratio is uplifted to exceed 2000:1. DCR value varies subject to the original CR values of the LCD module. The higher the original CR, the higher DCR can be achieved. DCR is great for watching movie or video contents.How to Use DCR?Go to the first OSD icon labeled "Luminance", turn on or off DCR as desires. DCR boosts the contrasts between lightness & darkness and enables the viewer to see more layers and details of the picture, especially in the darker areas. Please note when DCR is on, DCB will be disabled.DCR Demos:Disclaimer: DCR aftereffects are subject to the resolution and quality of the display content, hence may look different than the above illustrations.Function Control IllustrationLuminanceAdjust RangeDescriptionBrightness 0-100 Backlight Adjustment Contrast 0-100 Contrast from Digital-register.Eco mode Standard Standard Mode Text Text Mode Internet Internet Mode Game Game Mode Movie Movie Mode Sports Sports ModeGamma Gamma1Adjust to Gamma1 Gamma2Adjust to Gamma 2 Gamma3Adjust to Gamma 3DCR Off Disable dynamic contrast ratio On Enable dynamic contrast ratioImage SetupClock 0-100 Adjust picture Clock to reduce Vertical-Line noise. Focus 0-100 Adjust Picture Phase to reduce Horizontal-Line noise H.Position 0-100 Adjust the verticalposition of the picture.V.Position 0-100 Adjust the horizontal position of the picture.Color Temp.Warm Recall Warm Color Temperature from EEPROM. Normal Recall Normal Color Temperature from EEPROM. Cool Recall Cool Color Temperature from EEPROM. sRGB Recall SRGB Color Temperature from EEPROM.User User-B Blue Gain from Digital-register User-G Green Gain Digital-register.User-R Red Gain from Digital-register User-Y Yellow Gain from Digital-register User-C Cyan Gain from Digital-register User-M Magenta Gain from Digital-registerColor BoostFull Enhance on or off Disable or Enable Full Enhance Mode Nature Skin on or off Disable or Enable Nature Skin Mode Green Field on or off Disable or Enable Green Field Mode Sky-blue on or off Disable or Enable Sky-blue Mode AutoDetect on or off Disable or Enable AutoDetect Mode Demo on or off Disable or Enable DemoPicture BoostFrame Size 0-14Adjust Frame Size Brightness 0-100 Adjust Frame Brightness Contrast 0-100 Adjust Frame ContrastHue 0-100 Adjust Frame Hue Saturation 0-100 Adjust Frame SaturationPosition H. position Adjust Frame horizontal Position V.position Adjust Frame vertical PositionBright Frame on or off Disable or Enable Bright Frame OSD SetupH.Position 0-100 Adjust the verticalposition of OSDV.Position 0-100 Adjust the horizontal position of OSD Timeout 0-100 Adjust the OSD Timeout Language Select the OSD languageExtraAuto Config yes or no Auto adjust the picture to defaultReset yes or no Reset the menu to defaultEXIT/DDC-CI Turn ON/OFF DDC-CI SupportInformation Show the information of the main image and sub-image sourceLED IndicatorsStatus LED Color Full Power Mode Green Active-off Mode OrangeSpecificationsLCD Panel Model number 2216SwDriving system TFT Color LCD Viewable Image Size 548mm diagonal Pixel pitch0.277mm(H) x 0.277mm(V)Video R, G, B Analog lnterfaceSeparate Sync. H/V TTLDisplay Color 16.7 million ColorsDot Clock 165 MHzResolutionHorizontal scan range 30 kHz -80 KHzHorizontal scanSize(Maximum)464.94mmVertical scan range 55 Hz -75 HzVertical scanSize(Maximum)290.58mmOptimal presetresolution1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)Highest presetresolution1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)Plug & Play VESA DDC2B/CIInput Connector D-Sub 15pinInput Video Signal Analog: 0.7Vp-p(standard), 75 OHM, PositivePower Source 100~240VAC, 47~63HzPower ConsumptionActive < 49WStandby < 2WPhysicalCharacteristicsConnector Type 15-pin Mini D-SubDimensions &Weight:Height (with base) 398.6(404.6) mmWidth 505.8 mmDepth 80.7 mmWeight (monitor only) 5 kgWeight (withpackaging)7 kgEnvironmentalTemperature:Operating 0° to 50°Non-Operating -20°to 60°Humidity:Operating 10% to 85% (non-condensing)Non-Operating 5% to 80% (non-condensing)Altitude:Operating 0~ 3000m (0~ 10000 ft )Non-Operating 0~ 5000m (0~ 15000 ft )EPA Energy STAR®ENERGY STAR® is a U.S. registered mark. As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, AOC International (Europe) GmbH has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency.Preset Display ModesSTAND RESOLUTIONHORIZONTALFREQUENCY(kHZ)VERTICALFREQUENCY(Hz) Dos-mode 720 x 400 31.469 70.0VGA 640 x 480 31.469 60.0VGA 640 x 480 37.861 72.0VGA640 x 480 37.50075.0SVGA 800 x 600 35.15656.0SVGA 800 x 600 37.87960.0SVGA800 x 600 48.07772.0SVGA800 x 600 46.87575.0XGA 1024 x 768 48.36360.0XGA 1024 x 768 56.47670.0XGA 1024 x 768 60.02375.0WXGA+ 1440 x 900 55.935 60.0WXGA+ 1440 x 900 55.46960.0WSXGA1680 x 1050 65.29060.0WSXGA 1680 x 1050 64.67060.0Pin AssignmentsPin Number15-Pin Side of the Signal Cable1Video-Red2Video-Green3Video-Blue4N.C.5Ground6GND-R7GND-G8GND-B9+5V10Detect Cable11N.C.12DDC-Serial data13H-sync14V-sync15DDC-Serial clockPlug and PlayPlug & Play DDC2B FeatureThis monitor is equipped with VESA DDC2Bcapabilities according to the VESA DDC STANDARD. It allows the monitor to inform the host system of its identity and, depending on the level of DDC used, communicate additional information about its display capabilities.The DDC2B is a bi-directional data channel based on the I2C protocol. The host can request EDID information over the DDC2B channel.。
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管脚号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
信号电缆的 15 针一端 视频 - 红色 视频 - 绿色 视频 - 蓝色 N.C. 接地 GND-R GND-G GND-B +5V 检测电缆 N.C. DDC- 串行数据 H- 同步 V- 同步 DDC- 串行时钟
警告:如果不按本文档所述使用控件、进行调整或执行其它任何过程,可能导致电击、触电和 / 或机 械伤害。 请阅读这些预防措施,并遵照这些说明来连接和使用计算机监视器。 预防措施
不要使监视器靠近有水的地方,如浴缸、洗脸盆、厨房水池、洗衣盆、游泳池或潮湿的地下室等。 不要将监视器放置在不稳定的推车上、平台上或桌子上。如果监视器掉落,可能会造成人员伤害并
一般规格 面板
物理 特性 环境
市场型号 驱动系统 尺寸 像素间距 视频 独立同步 显示颜色 点时钟 水平扫描范围 水平扫描尺寸(最大) 垂直扫描范围 垂直扫描尺寸(最大) 预设的最佳分辨源
连接器类型 信号电缆类型 尺寸和重量: 高度 (含底座) 宽度 深度 重量(仅监视器) 重量(含包装) 温度 工作时 非工作时 湿度: 工作时 非工作时 海拔高度
FCC 注意事项 FCC B 类无线电频率干扰声明 警告:(对于 FCC 认证的型号) 注意: 本设备已经通过测试,符合 FCC 规定第 15 部分有关 B 类数字设备的限制。这些限制可有效地防 止在居住区使用本设备时产生有害的干扰。本设备会产生、使用并且辐射无线电波,如果不按照说明来安 装和使用,则可能对无线电通信产生有害的干扰。但是,我们并不保证在某些特定位置安装本设备后不会 产生干扰。如果本设备的确对无线电或电视节目接收产生有害干扰(可通过打开和关闭本设备来确定是否 存在干扰),我们希望用户采取下列一项或几项措施来消除干扰: 1. 改变接收天线的方向或位置。 2. 增加本设备和接收器之间的距离。 3. 将本设备和接收器分别接到不同的电路电源插座。 4. 咨询经销商或专业的无线电 / 电视技术人员以寻求帮助。 注意事项: 1. 如果未经有关方面(负责是否符合标准)的明确许可而进行修改或改动,用户将被取消使用本设备的权 利。 2. 应使用屏蔽的接口电缆和交流电源线(如果有)以便符合辐射限制。 3. 制造商对于因未经授权修改本设备而导致的任何无线电和电视干扰不承担责任。解决此类干扰是用户的 责任。 WEEE 声明 欧盟的私人住宅用户对垃圾设备的处理
不要把显示器放在靠近热源的地方,如取暖器、气管或阳光直射的地方。 也不要放在灰尘过多或机械振动、冲击的地方。
保留原来的纸箱包装材料,如果您还要运输您的显示器,他们会给您带来便利。 为了得到最大的保护,要用原出厂的包装方式来包装显示器。 为保持液晶显示屏的清洁,要定期的用干净的软布掸拭它。任何的液体都可能会损伤显示屏。 为保持显示器崭新外观,要定期的用软布来清洁它,顽迹可用柔和的清洁剂去除,不要用强烈的清洁剂,
水平位置 垂直位置
色温 暖色温 常规色 冷色温
色彩增强 全色增强 自然肤色 绿茵场景 蔚蓝风景 自动检测
演示 窗口增亮 窗口尺寸
亮度 对比度
色相 饱和度
增亮 OSD 设置 水平位置
伽马 2 伽马 3 禁用 启用
0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100
微调 蓝 微调 绿 微调 红 自定义黄 自定义蓝 自定义红
导致设备严重损坏。仅使用制造商推荐的或随监视器一起销售的推车或平台。如果将监视器挂在墙 上或架子上,应使用制造商认可的安装工具并按照工具说明进行操作。 机壳后部和底部的槽和开口用于通风目的。为确保监视器可靠运行而不会过热,切勿阻塞或覆盖这 些开口。不要将监视器放置在床、沙发、地毯或类似的表面上。不要将监视器放置在暖气片或热调 节器上面或附近位置。不要将监视器放置在书柜或橱柜中,除非通风良好。 监视器只应使用标签上注明的电源类型。如果您不了解家中的电源类型,请与经销商或当地电力公 司联系。 本监视器配备有一个三相接地插头,其中一个端头接地。为安全起见,该插头应插入接地的电源插 座中。如果三相插头不能插入您的插座,请找电工安装一个正确的插座,或使用适配器将设备安全 接地。不要改变接地插头的安全功能。 遇有雷雨天气或长时间不使用时,应拔掉设备的电源线。这样做可以防止因电压突变而损坏监视器。 不要使电源板或延长线过载。过载可能导致火灾或电击。 切勿将任何异物塞入监视器机壳的开槽内。否则会导致电路短路而引起火灾或电击。切勿使液体溅 落到监视器上。 不要自行维修监视器,打开或拆卸机盖时有高压或其它危险。请委托专业维修人员来进行所有维修 工作。 为确保正常运行,本监视器只应与 UL 列出的计算机一起使用,这些计算机的的插座经过正确配置 并且标记有 100 - 240V AC, Min. 5A 。 墙壁电源应安装在靠近设备的地方并且便于插拔电源线。 仅限使用列有 UL、CSA 授权标记之连接电源变压器(针对带外置电源适配器的产品)。
使用 OSD 调整
1. 按 MENU 按钮激活 OSD 窗口(下图)。按 < 或 >浏览这些功能。 2.如果想要调整的功能突出显示,按 MENU 按钮激活它。如果所选的功能包含有子菜单,再按一下 < 或 >
可以浏览到子菜单功能。如果想要调整的功能突出显示,按 MENU 按钮激活它。 3. 按 < 或 >更改所选功能的设置。要退出和保存,请选择退出功能。 4. 如果您想调整其它任何功能,请重复步骤 2-3。
设置为暖色温 设置为常规色温 设置为冷色温
设置为 sRGB 微调蓝色色温 微调绿色色温 微调红色色温 微调黄色色温 微调青色色温 微调粉红色色温
开启或关闭全色增强模式 开启或关闭自然肤色模式 开启或关闭绿色增强模式 开启或关闭蓝色增强模式 开启或关闭自动增强模式 开启或关闭左画面演示
禁用/启用 禁用/启用 禁用/启用 禁用/启用 禁用/启用 禁用/启用
0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 0-100 水平位置 垂直位置 禁用/启用
调整为伽马值 2 调整为伽马值 3 关闭动态对比度 开启动态对比度
调整图片时钟以降低垂直线噪声 调整图片相位以降低水平线噪声
调整图片的水平位置 调整图片的垂直位置
产品或其包装上的这个标记表示的是,该产品不得与您其他的家庭垃圾一起处理。相反,将您的垃圾设备 交给指定的收集点,使废弃电器设备得以回收,是您的责任。您在处理垃圾设备时将其分类收集与回收, 有助于保护天然资源,并在回收利用时,保护人体健康与环境。有关您可以将垃圾设备放在何处回收的更 多信息,请联系您所在城市的办公室,您购买产品的家庭垃圾处理服务处或商店。 预防措施
客户 AOC
机种名 2016SW
销售地区 中国大陆
首次发布日期: 07/2007
1. 安全与注意事项 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 03 2. 技术规格 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05 3. 操作说明及工厂模式调整 ---------------------------------------------------------- 09 4. ISP 升级流程 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 5. 故障处理流程 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 6. 电气方框图 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 7. PCB 分布图 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 8. 线路图 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 9. 爆炸图 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 10. BOM---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
操作说明 外部控制 按电源开关即可开关显示器。其它功能按键位于前面板下方 。通过调节这些功能键可得到您需要的画面。 * 接好电源线。 * 将信号线接到 PC 机显卡 * 打开显示器把开关打到开机位置,电源指示灯亮。
1. DDC-CI 2. 自动配置键 3. 亮度情景模式/减小 4. 增加 5. 菜单键/选择 6. 电源开关/电源指示灯
调整画面 功能控制说明
明亮度 亮度 对比度
Eco Mode
调整数值 0-100 0-100 标准 文本 网络 游戏 电影 运动 伽马 1
说明 调整显示亮度 调整显示对比度 正常使用模式 文本应用模式 网络应用模式 游戏应用模式 观赏电影应用模式 观赏户外运动模式 调整为伽马值 1