
早在50年代,美国学者E. Goffman就从社会学角度提出了“面子行为理论”,建立了最初的礼貌模式。
根据他的解释,面子与“难为情”(embarrassed)、“蒙羞”(humiliated)或“丢脸”(losing face)之类的感情概念有关。
1987年,英国学者布朗(P. Brown)和莱文森(S. Levinson)发表了一篇题为《语言应用的普遍现象:礼貌现象》的文章,第一次对礼貌中的面子问题进行了系统的探讨,因而引起了语言学界的极大关注。
20世纪80年代,英国语言学家利奇(G. Leech)从语用学的角度对交际活动中的礼貌原则重新进行了归纳和分类,认为礼貌原则由得体、慷慨、赞誉、谦虚、一致和同情等六个准则构成。

中英文礼貌用语的差异毕业论文中英文礼貌用语的差异毕业论文Contents摘要...……………………………………………………......………….i Abstract……………………………………………….……….….……..i i Introduction............................................................. . (1)Chapter 1 A Comparative Analysis of Politeness Maxims inE n g l i s h a n dChinese…........................................(2)1.1E n g l i s h P o l i t e n e s sM axims…..….............................................…(2)1.2C h i n e s e P o l i t e n e s sM axims…...................................................(3)Chapter 2 The Main Performance of Different Expression BetweenC h i n e s e a n d E n g l i s h o nP o l i t e n e s s (5)2.1T e r m s o f Address……………...............…………….................(5)2.2T e r m s o f G r e e t i n g s a n d Farewells (7)2.3T e r m s i n C o m p l i m e n t s a n d t h e R e s p o n s e s t oC o m p l i m e n t s (9)2.4T e r m s o f E u p h e m i s m a n d Taboo......................................................1 3 Chapter 3 The Reasons, Effects and Strategies of DifferentE x p r e s s i o nB e t w e e nC h i n e s e a n d E n g l i s h o nP o l i t e n e s s (18)3.1 The Reasons of Different Expression Between Chinese andE n g l i s ho n Politeness.............................................(18)3.2 The Influence of the Different Expression Between Chinesea n dE n g l i s h o n Politeness................................................. ......................2 23.3 The Strategies to the Different Expression Between Chinesea n dE n g l i s h o nPoliteness................................................. ......................2 4 Conclusion.................................................................... .......2 6 Bibliography............................................................... .. . (27)AcknowledgementIntroductionWhen we communicate with other people, we have to obey a lot of rules of manners which have rooted in our daily life. If not, there would appear many misunderstandings. Every nation has its politeness. People use different politeness language in different situations. And we can say politeness language plays an important role in our communication with people around us.People from different countries may have different manners,thus they could encounter difficulties in their communication. As the development of our country, the internationalism is becoming more and more rapidly. We need to communicate with people of the world. But they have their own attitudes towards things which maybe a little bit different or totally different from ours. If we do not understand the cultures of them, absolutely, we will have a lot of difficulties in this process. Sometimes, we are likely to understand one thing in our own perspective. Today, a better understanding of people who come from other cultures is very important. Especially in the cross-culture communication. This article is written tointroduce the different expression between Chinese and English on politeness from different perspectives.Chapter 1A Comparative Analysis of Politeness Maxims in Englishand ChineseIn the past decades, researchers focused on the politeness principle as an important pragmatic principle. The function of politeness, as a social phenomenon, is maintaining social order, reducing conflicts and misunderstanding in communications. We can make our behavior polite with the help of some politeness maxims, such as Cr ice’s Cooperative Principle, Leech’s politeness principles and Gu Yueguo’s politeness principles.1.1 English Politeness MaximsAmong the principles proposed by pragmaticists to explain the phenomena in the use of language in conversation, Crice’s Cooperative Principle is one of the basic ones. But Leech thinks that it fails to explain all the phenomena in language use, especially fails to explain why people tend to use many indirect speech acts to violate Cooperative Principle, so he puts forwardthe Politeness Principle. Here are his six politeness maxims.(1)T act Maxim: It means minimize cost and maximize benefit toothers.(2)G enerosity Maxim: It means minimize benefit and maximizecost to selfs.(3)A pprobation Maxim: It means minimize dispraise and maximizepraise of others.(4)M odesty Maxim: It means minimize praise and maximizedispraise of self.(5)A greement Maxim: It means minimize disagreement betweenself and others while maximize agreement between self and others.(6)S ympathy Maxim: It means minimize antipathy between self andothers while maximize sympathy between self and other.1.2 Chinese Politeness MaximsIn China, the real study of politeness only began in the 1980s when pragmatics was introduced into China. The most important figure in this area is Gu Yueguo. He is a student of Leech and comes from Beijing Foreign Studies University. On the basis of Chinese culture, Gu used L eech’s principle of politeness for reference and summed up four features of Chinese politeness, and later developed them into five politeness。

最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 《京华烟云》中姚木兰和《飘》中斯嘉丽的性格对比2 A Comparative Analysis of English V ocabulary Teaching between China and America at the Primary and Secondary School Level3 A Comparative Study on Two Chinese Versions of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Ode to The West Wind4 礼貌策略在商务信函中的应用5 An Analysis of Beauty and Ugliness in The Picture of Dorian Gray of Oscar Wilde6 论广告英语的修辞特征及其翻译7 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《牡丹亭》中女性主义意识的对比研究8 《最蓝的眼睛》中美国黑人小女孩所承受的三重歧视9 分析戴珍珠耳环的少女10 汤姆叔叔的小屋中汤姆形象分析1112 论凯瑟琳﹒曼斯菲尔德作品中的彼得﹒潘情结13 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的美国梦14 A Comparison of the English Color Terms15 浅析初中生英语写作问题及对策16 从跨文化交际角度看《贵妇画像》中的文化冲突17 A Comparative Study Between the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation18 《了不起的盖茨比》叙述者尼克分析19 浅谈英语颜色词汇的象征意义20 对美国个人主义和中国集体主义的一些讨论21 English to Chinese Translation Methods22 小说《珍珠》中象征主义的运用23 中西跨文化交际中非语言行为的比较研究24 On Contradiction Between Comprehension and Expression in Translation25 礼貌原则在英汉语言文化差异中的应用26 分析汉英篇章衔接和意合形合的关系27 论童话《小王子》的象征创作28 中美教育的比较及对比29 不同的音乐折射不同的文化30 从高中生生理和心理的角度探讨PPT使用的利弊31 简•奥斯丁的婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的体现32 An Analysis of The Bible’s Influence on British and American Literature33 从翻译美学角度谈化妆品商标词的翻译34 英语复合名词的认知语义研究35 探究哈利波特的英雄成长之路36 广告英语的翻译37 二语习得理论对初中英语教学的启示刍议38 The Blindness in King Lear39 东西方人名文化与翻译—以英汉人名为例40 An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is Singing41 高中英语写作作业的反馈及实施效果42 英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析43 欧•亨利短篇小说的特点44 如何提高小学生对英语学习的兴趣45 外交辞令中模糊语言的语用分析46 从思维方式看中英科普文章的差异47 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略48 浅谈在华跨国公司的本土化策略49 Influences of Chinese Classical Poetry on Ezra Pound50 现代信息技术与英语学科教学的有效整合51 剖析简•爱性格的弱点52 Comparison of models of Human Resource Management between East and West53 从“进步”话语解读《苔丝》中环境因素与人物性格54 从莎翁作品透视伊丽莎白时期女性社会地位55 英汉禁忌语的对比分析56 从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的幻灭57 《圣经》对英语习语的影响58 《圣经》与人类文明起源59 英汉恐惧隐喻对比研究60 英语财经报道中的词汇衔接研究61 勃朗特两姐妹创作风格差异探究62 从《通往雨山之路》看美国印第安文化的逐渐衰落63 从语用学角度对英语课堂中委婉语的使用探究64 批评与重新解读《日瓦戈医生》65 英汉动物习语内涵意义的文化差异66 中英语言中动物词汇的文化含义对比67 浅析英语粘着词素及其在词汇教学中的实用价值68 On“Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” in Translation of Business Contract69 Terror of the Soul-An alysis of Features in Poe’s Gothic Fictions70 浅析英语谚语中的女性歧视71 论《荆棘鸟》中人性和宗教信仰的矛盾冲突72 A Comparison of the English Color Terms73 从合作原则角度简要分析《老友记》中乔伊的性格特征74 英汉委婉语中体现的文化异同75 英汉数字习语的翻译76 初中英语教学中的角色扮演77 英语汉源借词研究78 林黛玉和简.爱不同命运的对比79 从电视相亲节目看当代中美女性婚恋观差异80 简爱的独立与反叛性格分析81 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协82 从约翰邓恩的“奇思妙喻”中透视他矛盾的情感观83 论隐喻的本质与功能84 英语动画片中的中国元素探究85 中西方新闻报道看道德观差异86 论地理位置对中美民族性格的影响87 华裔美国文学中的幽灵叙事探析88 Reconstruction of Black Identity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved89 《永别了,武器》的意象分析90 礼貌原则在英语商务信函中的运用91 歇斯底里的舞台自语者——《寻找格林先生》主题解读92 论修辞在英语广告中的应用93 社会因素对汉语中英语外来词的影响94 Domestication and Foreignization in Idioms Translation95 《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析96 从语言角度分析《功夫熊猫》中中西文化的交融97 从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异98 简爱中的批判现实主义和浪漫主义99 传统教法与交际法结合的英语教学探讨100 沃尔玛策略研究101 解析凯瑟琳的爱情与婚姻之分离102 从《印度之行》看福斯特的人文主义思想观103 企业网络营销策略分析104 英汉禁忌语对比研究105 跨文化交际中的语用失误及其对策106 安吉尔的精神悲剧—分析哈代笔下人物的心理发展过程107 词汇教学法在中学英语教学实践中的应用108 从关联理论看《阿甘正传》的字幕翻译109 论《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中象征主义和意识流的运用110 《紫色》中的女性主义解读111 The Pervasive Agitation of Humbert in Lolita112 《等待戈多》中的矛盾分析-分裂的语言与互补的人物113 语用策略在英语商务信函中的应用114 中英文新闻标题的差异115 《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析116 中西方家庭教育对比研究——从《傅雷家书》和《致儿家书》的对比117 从目的论角度分析化妆品品牌翻译118 从目的论角度分析商业电视广告中双关语的翻译119 古诗词英译关于夸张的翻译策略研究120 从功能翻译理论看汉语公示语的英译121 《呼啸山庄》男主人公希斯克里夫的性格分析122 伯莎梅森形象分析123 浅析亨利•詹姆斯小说《螺丝在拧紧》中的哥特成分124 苔丝悲剧的原因与托马斯哈代悲剧意识的分析125 On C-E Translation of Neologisms from the Perspective of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory126 英汉基本颜色词的文化差异及其翻译策略127 从文化差异的四维度读解中法葡萄酒文化128 Angel’s Face, Devil’s Heart—The Degeneration of Dorian Gray in The Picture of Dorian Gray129 谈电影片名的翻译130 《夜访吸血鬼》中的模糊性别观131 Irony Art in Orwell’s Animal Farm132 An Analysis on Shear's Personality in The Bridge on the River Kwai133 A Comparative Analysis of Vanity Fair and Great Expectations134 浅析田纳西•威廉斯剧作《欲望号街车》的同性恋倾向135 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的主要人物性格136 多元智力发展与外语教学137 《诗经》与《圣经•雅歌》中爱情诗的比较研究138 互动在高中英语阅读课的应用139 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒140 A Feminist Reading of Virginia Woolf and A Room of One’s Own141 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述142 论《喧哗与躁动》中的女性形象143 试析中英婚姻生活差异及其原因144 广告英语及其翻译145 Application of Foregrounding Theory to Translation of Simile and Metaphor146 On Feminism in Persuasion147 《老人与海》的主题解析148 浅析《看不见的人》中看得见的种族歧视149 商务英语翻译中的隐喻研究150 英语广告语篇中名物化的研究151 福克纳小说《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》的叙事技巧研究152 中餐菜谱翻译的错误分析153 浅论广告英语的修辞特色154 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中双关语的研究155 《达洛卫夫人》与弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的女性主义156 论视觉小说中的西方神话形象重塑——以《命运之夜》系列为例157 从浪漫主义角度剖析《海上钢琴师》在中国流行的原因158 中英爱情隐喻的对比研究159 从归化与异化之争看四字格的运用160 从模因论视角看年度流行语“给力”161 高中英语反思式教学研究162 斯佳丽,在逆境中成长163 英汉恭维语的对比研究164 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义解读165 论《老人与海》中圣地亚哥性格的双重性166 中西方节日文化差异研究167 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新168 浅议创新型口语教学在农村中的实施169 试论英语词汇教学中的词块教学170 论中美商务沟通中的跨文化意识171 霍桑在《红字》中对人的罪恶的探究172 The English Translating of Chinese Neologisms in Political Documentation: Methods and Strategies173 哥特元素在《宠儿》中的运用174 《查特莱夫人的情人》中肉体与灵魂的平衡175 化学专业学生英语阅读策略研究176 八十年代以来汉语中英语外来语及翻译177 浅谈电影台词的翻译技巧--以《追求幸福》为例178 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响179 谈《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的女性主体意识180 A Summary of Symbols of The Scarlet Letter181 小学英语语音拼读教学182 中国时政新词翻译探析183 论《紫色》中西莉的精神意识的创建184 论《麦田里的守望者》的意义185 从《生活的艺术》看林语堂的人生艺术186 Culture-based Strategies in Translating Ancient Chinese Official Titles187 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格和婚姻观188 商务英语函电的语言和文体特征及其翻译189 从模因论角度研究中文新闻标题中的流行语190 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究191 从翻译美学角度谈汽车商标词的汉译192 报刊英语新词的汉译193 Advertising Language: A Mirror of American Value194 生存危机和渴求改变——黑色幽默小说的主体研究195 简与林黛玉性格及命运对比196 苔丝悲剧人生的起因197 文化背景知识在英语教学中的作用198 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学研究199 <<罗伯特家的苔丝>>中动植物的作用200 英美小说《傲慢与偏见》和《飘》中的女性主体意识比较分析。

英汉礼貌原则对比分析,英语其它论文A Comparative Study of Politeness Principle in Chinese and English Culture[Abstract] As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness and different cultures may lead to pragmatic differences. Because of the cultural differences, sometimes what the Chinese people consider to be polite may not be true according to western culture. To be polite, there are some principles to follow, such as H. P. Grice’s Cooperative Principle, Geoffrey N. Leech’s Politeness Principle, and in China, there are Prof. Gu Yueguo’s five notions of politeness based on the Chinese conception of limao. This paper briefly describes these principles, and also makes a comparative study on Politeness Principle in Chinese and English cultures. Besides, this paper also attempts to shed light on some of the pragmatic differences on politeness between Chinese and western cultures, indicating that typical Chinese and English politeness principles are similar to each other in nature but the differences between them are also playing a significant role in intercultural speech interaction. At the end, this paper analyses another maxim—Culture Self-identity Maxim, and indicates that grammatical mistakes in intercultural communication can be forgiven, but improper use of language can often cause misunderstandings and embarrassments. So the comparative study of Politeness Principle in Chinese and English cultures becomes more important. Meanwhile, to be familiar with the different cultural backgrounds and to choose the right politeness maxims during communication are also very important.[Key Words] politeness; politeness principle; pragmatics differences; intercultural communication英汉礼貌原则对比分析【摘要】众所周知,不同的人对礼貌持有不同的观点,而不同的文化又会导致语用差异。


AbstractLanguage, as part of culture, is influenced by culture. So is courtesy. Courtesy language is the important part of the culture. All the courtesy languages are the mirrors to their cultures. Different cultures between China and West lead to different politeness principles. Courtesy language plays a very important role in the cross-cultural communication. It is the basic element to keep a good relationship. Whether the use of courtesy languages is proper or not will directly influence the communication. This article tries to analyze the cultural differences between Chinese and Western courtesy languages in their causes and effects on the cross-cultural communication, such as: addressing, greeting, compliments and responses and taboos. And, the paper deeply analyzes the causes for the differences from the histories, customs and social norms. The purpose is to know the use of the courtesy language and improve cross-cultural communication.Key words: courtesy language; cultural difference; cross-cultural communication摘要语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的一部分,语言受到文化的影响,是文化的一面镜子。

R.Scollon 和S.W.Scollon在《跨越文化交际一话语分析法》中提到了关联面子(involvement face)和独立面子(independence face)两个原则,一方面我们要参与和别人的活动,并向别人表明我们在参与;另一方面我们要与其它参与者相区别,保持一定程度的独立性。

关键词:跨文化交际;礼貌用语;英汉文化差异;称呼方式;道歉方式;感谢方式;客套话AbstractPoliteness language in cross-cultural communication is a very important topic, which involves the differences between different language cultures. There are many differences in politeness language between English and Chinese cultures,such as the way of addressing, apologizing and expressing gratitude. This paper first explores the concept and significance of politeness language in English and Chinese cultures, and then compares the differences in politeness language between English and Chinese cultures in terms ofways of addressing, apologizing, expressing gratitude, and polite language. analyzes the cultural background behind it. Finally, how to avoid the misuse of politeness language in cross-cultural communication is proposed.Keywords: cross-cultural communication; politeness language; English and Chinese cultural differences; ways of addressing; ways of apologizing; ways of expressing gratitude;polite language一、引言随着经济全球化和文化多元化的发展,跨文化交际已成为一种常见的交际方式。

而英语中可能要说三句不同的话“Have you had your lunch/super/dinner?” 而且他们并不能用来表示问候,除了字面意义,这三句话可能用来暗示一种邀请,但说话人至少要考虑到两个问题:吃的是哪一餐饭,用什么时态,这些问题不清楚,这句话就没法说。
所以,中国人见面时常用的客套话是:“吃过饭了吗?”“你去哪儿?”而与英美人打招呼,不要说“Have you had your meal?”或者“Where are you going?”他们会以为你想邀请他一起外出用餐或你在打听他的私事呢。
他们会想,不请我吃饭,干吗问我吃过饭没有?即使你见他正在用餐,一般也不能说“Are you having meal?”(你在吃饭?)或者“You are going to the dinning room?”(你去吃饭吗?)他们认为这简直是无用的话,明知故问,你不是看见我正在吃饭吗?又如你正巧遇见一个美国人在修理他的汽车,你走过去说声“Hello. ”或者“Hi.”就行了。


毕业设计(论文)题目:中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究A Constructive Study of Politeness in ChineseAnd English Culture学生姓名:蔡美玲学号:0807060128专业班级:B08英语(国际商务)1班指导教师:唐红梅学院:外国语学院2012年4 月中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究摘要语言礼貌是一种普遍的社会现象,广泛地存在于人类社会生活之中。
关键词:礼貌用语; 礼貌原则; 文化; 差异对比A CONSTRUCTIVE STUDY OF POLITENESS IN CHINESEAND ENGLISH CULTUREABSTRACTLanguage Courtesy is a kind of common social phenomenon, which widely occurs in the human society of life, coordinating the people's social relationships and communication activity, maintaining interpersonal harmony,and avoiding the communication conflicts. As China entering the WTO and the forming of the globalized market, the relationship between China and the western countries has become closer, with more frequent activities in politics, economy and culture. So language courtesy is taking a more important role in our social life. In this process, the successful cross-cultural communication, to a great extent, depends on the selection of the appropriate politeness. This paper expounds the common features and different courtesy between Chinese and the western through a constructive study of politeness in Chinese and English culture. On the other hand, the paper expounds different politeness principle and the emphasis of the respective in different cultural background.Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and Learning, it will improve the students' comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication.Key words: polite language; politeness principle; culture;Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese and English (1)2.1 Politeness Principles of English (1)2.1.1 Brown and Levinson’s “face” theory (1)2.1.2 Grice Cooperative Principle (2)2.1.3 Leech’s Politeness Principle (2)2.2 Politeness Principles of Chinese (3)3. A Comparison between Chinese and English Politeness (5)3.1 Terms of Address (5)3.2 Humility Language and Formal L anguage (5)3.3 Terms of Privacy (6)3.4 Terms of Greeting (6)3.5 Terms of Thanks (7)3.6 Terms of Goodbye (8)3.7 Terms of Invitation (8)3.8 Differences Politeness of Cooking Culture (8)3.8.1. The Politeness of Atmosphere on T able (8)3.8.2 The Politeness of Customary Actions on T able (9)4. Reasons for the different & countermeasures (9)4.1 Reasons for the Difference (9)4.1.1 Confucianism and Christianity (10)4.1.2 Philosophy D ifferences (10)4.1.3 Differences of Culture, Thinking and V alue (10)4.2 Countermeasures (11)4.2.1 Countermeasures in English teaching (11)4.2.2 Countermeasures in communication (11)5. Conclusion (13)References (14)1.Introduction“As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society; its main functions are maintaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech acts so as to attain the aim of communication.”[1]Both English and Chinese language has much different restriction in the pragmatic, among which the most important is the restriction of cultural factors. British linguists, Leech listed the six politeness principles according to the English culture characteristic, while Gu YueGuo analysed Chinese culture characteristic and had conclude five politeness principles in his work Politeness, Pragmatics and Culture. Comparing the politeness principles of Gu YueGuo and Leech we can find that there are many politeness norms of differences. It is an effective way to prevent pragmatic failures and promote the communication smoothly by analyzing and comparing these differences scientifically.2.Different Principles of Politeness in Chinese and EnglishPoliteness is the common phenomenon existing in social and group which is the symbol of human civilization and the tool of maintaining interpersonal harmony. People should comply with the politeness principles in order to avoid the failures that cause by different politeness 2.1 Politeness Principles of English2.1.1 Brown and Levinson’s “face” theoryPoliteness, in the interaction, can then be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s face. [2]Early in the 1950s, E Goffman, the United States Scholar, had put forward the “Face Behavior T heory”from sociology. Then in 1978, Brown and Levinson had further put forward the “Mature Face T heory”which tried to take face as a common language phenomenon to research on the basis of Goffman in their work of Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena. The Mature Face Theory of Brown and Levinson is the firsttime to discuss the face problems of politeness systematically from anthropology and philosophy. They thought that face i s ,for every social member ,wanted to gain for the public self-image of them. In the process of interaction, people hope each other can maintain each other's face. Along with the face threat increasing, people use the higher politeness strategies to maintain their face. The face threat level depends on the difference of social distance and social power between the communications.Brown and Levinson divided the face into positive face and negative face. Then politenes s is also divided into the positive manner and negative manner. [3]2.1.2 Grice Cooperative PrincipleGrice, an American linguist, has put forward the Cooperative Principle in people’s conversation. He thought that, “in all the communicati on, the speaker and listener should follow some principles which make the process of communication develop toward the tacit understanding and cooperation. There are four maxims to embody the Cooperative Principle: (1) Quantity Maxim: the information you offer should accord with the conversation, justthe right amount(2). Quality maxim: what you said should be reasonable and true.(3). Relevant maxim: what you said should be related to the content of the front(4). Manner maxim: the word you said should be terse, clear, and systematical. [4]But some people do not comply with this social principle; even some of them violate those in social communication. In other words, the Cooperative Principle can't completely contain the kinds of conversation. According to this, the English linguist Leech thought the root of people violating the Cooperative Principle is that they want to comply with another principles — Politeness Principle. From the Pragmatics and Interpersonal Rhetoric, Leech summed up and classified the Politeness Principle during the social communication. Leech pointed that: the Cooperative Principle guides what we should say, so as to meet the expectations. However, the politeness principle can be maintained the friendship. So the Cooperation Principles and politeness principles can make a supplement each other which restrict people's conversation behaviors.2.1.3 Leech’s Politeness PrincipleEnglish scholar Leech, in his principles of pragmatics, put forward his politeness principle on the basis of Gricean framework. He believed that,”besides Cooperative Principle, Politeness Principle guides and constrains rational people’s conversation as well. It is closelyconnected with Cooperative Principle. Yet on the other hand, it solves the problem why people prefer to use indirect speech in conversation, which cooperative principle can not explain”. Leech’s Politeness Principle is elaborated into six maxims.(1). Maxim of tact: minimize cost to other, maximize benefit to other(2). Maxim of generosity: minimize benefit to yourself, maximize cost to yourself.(3). Maxim of approbation: minimize dispraise to other, maximize praise to other(4). Maxim of modesty: minimize praise of self, maximize dispraise of self,(5). Maxim of agreement: minimize disagreement between self and other; maximizeagreement between self and other.(6). Maxim of sympathy: min imize antipathy between self and other’, maximize s ympathybetween self and other. [5]This is the main content of Leech’s politeness principles. The above criteria have the different emphasis. For example, the maxim of tact and the maxim of generosity, maxim of approbation and maxim of modesty, which is the same, have two different aspects. The maxim of tact is referring to how to treat others which is applied to causative Verbal Behavior “request”. But the maxim of generosity is referring to how to treat self which is applied to commitment Verbal Behavior “promise to help”. Analogously, Approbation maxim is referring to how to treat others while Modesty maxim is referring to how to treat self. The Agreement maxim points out that it is not suitable to express directly the diversity viewpoint with other person. The last maxim, sympathy, stresses out that we should express common mood with others when people are in bad mood.2.2 Politeness Principles of ChineseLike the English speaking countries, the ancient Chinese have made an important discussion on politeness. “道德仁义非礼不成”, “人有礼则安。
中英礼貌用语对比研究 毕业论文

Cultural Differences between Chinese and English on Politeness中英礼貌用语对比研究摘要礼貌是人类文化的普遍现象,广泛的存在于人类社会生活之中,它不仅是人类社会活动的重要准绳,也是人类文明的主要标志。
为了顺利融洽的进行交际,除了建立良好的习俗差异意识,遵守“入境问禁,入国问俗,入门问佛”的礼仪,规范,更重要的还应重视移情,不管是说话人还是听话人,在认知心理上都要乐于接受对方d 的不同文化,想方设法去理解对方的用意。
而英语国家受西方文化影响,较崇尚对等式称呼,表现出平等的文化取向 。

A contrastive study of politeness principle in Chinese andEnglish culture汉英礼貌用语的对比研究【Abstract】With the development of society and culture, communicatio ns between people become more and more important. As we all know, dif ferent people hold different views about politeness and different cul tures may lead to pragmatic differences. Because of the cultural diff erences, sometimes what the Chinese people consider to be polite may not be true according to western culture. As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society, whose main functions are mai ntaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech ac ts so as to attain the aim of communication.To be polite, there are s ome principles to follow. This paper aims at describing these princip les, and also f ocusing on a comparative study on Politeness Principle in Chinese and English cultures.【Keyword】:Politeness Principle; difference; English culture; Chine se culture1. Overview of the Politeness PrincipleIn our daily life, we have to communicate with other people to get in formation, to gain knowledge about a topic or to reach a variety of g oals. To be successful, one has to follow some important strategies. Besides the rule--- the Cooperative Principle(abbrev. CP) of the Amer ican language philosopher and linguist, H.P. Grice, who thought that in order to make the conversation go on, we should obey some basic p rinciples, especially “Cooperative Principle”, bring ing about a gre at development in the concept of conversational implicate, there exis ts another concept --- the Politeness Principle (abbrev. PP), which h as above all been developed by Leech,a famous British linguist. In th e centre of this concept does not stand the information of a conversa tion, but the effect of what is said on the people.2.The basic contents of English and Chinese Politeness Principle2. 1.Theories of the Politeness PrincipleReferring to Searle`s categories of illocutionary acts, Leech points out a subdivision into negative and positive politeness. The negative politeness belongs eminently to the directive group, while positive politeness is dominant in the commissive and expressive group. He int roduces the term "impositives", too. Among those groups there existsa variety of theories and maxims which I’d like to deal with in the following essay.Following Grice’s example in dividing the CP, Leech divides the PP i nto six maxims, each consisting of two sub-maxims.(1) Tact Maxim (in impositives and commissives)a. Minimize cost to others;b. Maximize benefit to others.(2) Generosity Maxim (in impositives and commissives)a. Minimize benefit to self;b. Maximize cost to self.(3) Approbation Maxim (in expressives and assertives)a. Minimize dispraise of others;b. Maximize praise of others.(4)Modesty Maxim (in expressives and assertives)a. Minimize praise of self;b. Maximize dispraise of self.(5) Agreement Maxim (in assertives)a. Minimize disagreement between self and others;b. Maximize agreement between self and others.(6)Sympathy Maxim (in assertives)a. Minimize antipathy between self and others;b. Maximize sympathy between self and othe rs.”The PP’s function lies in that speakers should try to express themse lves in a polite way, in an indirect way and let the hearers sense th eir implication. The purpose of doing this is not to hurt others’ fe eling or make them lose face. So if there is the need of politeness, people in talking must observe PP. In observing the PP, speakers shou ld be always polite to others—minimize cost to other and maximize be nefit to other, so as to make a good impression on other and win the mutual respect.2.2. Chinese Politeness PrincipleWhen it comes to the Chinese scholars who have studied the Chinese Po liteness Principle and contributed significantly to the study of it, I would like to refer to Gu Yueguo , a professor of Beijing Foreign S tudies University. In his articles related to the study of politeness in modern Chinese, Prof. Gu has traced the origin of the motion of p oliteness in the Chinese culture, and has also formulated a different set of politeness maxims, which , he thinks, are more suitable to th e Chinese environment.Gu holds the view that there are basically four notions underlying th e Chinese conception of limao(礼貌),which are respectfulness, modest y, attitudinal warmth and refinement. And he concludes five maxims of limao(礼貌) according to Leech’s Politeness Principle:(1) Respectfulness Maxim: self’s positive appreciation or admirationof others concerning the lat ter’s face, social status, and so on.(2). Appellation Maxim: use proper appellation to address others.(3) Refinement Maxim: self’s demonstration of kindness, consideratio n, and hospitality to others.(4) Consistency Maxim: self’s behaviour to other which meets certain standards.(5) Virtue, Speech and Behaviour Maxim: on motivation, minimize other s’ cost and maximize other s’ benefit; on verbalism, maximize benef it self received and minimize cost self paid out.”3. Comparison between Politeness Principles in English and Chinese We can see that there are some common points of Politeness Principle between English and Chinese. But because of the different culture bac kgrounds, English and Chinese people have different viewpoints on pol iteness. Therefore, when using Politeness Principle, they will have s ome differences.3.1 The difference in Tact MaximMany scholars regard Tact Maxim as the upmost maxim of Politeness Pri nciple, for Tact Maxim, in English culture, is one of the most import ant and useful maxim. when showing some imperatives Tact Maxim is oft en used. But we often speak indirectly to show our politeness, the mo re indirectly we speak the more politeness we are. In English-speakin g countries individualism is considered to be of great value, which i s closely related with the history and culture. It usually refers to the freedom, right and independency of an individual. Therefore, impe rative action is considered as an intrusion to others, even between s uperior and subordinate, eldership and junior, teacher and student. S o they will obey Tact Maxim when they communicate with each other and avoid imposition.To Chinese, who have been overwhelmed by feudalism for more than a th ousand years, it is hard for them to understand individualism. Impera tive action is very common in China. When they say or do something th ey often consider other s’ status and strictly obey the rule of resp ecting elders. For instance:(1) Close the door.(2) Give me a cup of tea.In these two examples, both use imperative sentences. They are consid ered to be polite in China, but westerners do not think so.3.2. The difference in Appellation MaximIn China, either in formal or informal occasions, people often addres s others by using other’s occupation to show respect, when their soc ial positions are considered to be high or respectful, such as Profes sor Li, Teacher Zhang, Dean Sun and so on. If their social positions are considered to be low, such as barber, cleaner, technical worker, cook, plumber and most other people in service profession, people will often call them “shifu”(师傅) instead of their occupations to be polite. To the people in English-speaking countries, this is not the same. In formal situations, they often address people with high socia l position with their professions, such as Professor Green, Chairman Johnson, etc. But they never address people with “teacher or manage r”. In informal occasions, even a professor or a chairman prefers hi mself to be called with his given name to show intimacy to others. An d they tend to call others like this while a Chinese may feel unpleas ant to be called in such a term by unfamiliar person. For example, if a girl named “Yang Sitong (杨丝彤) ” is called as “Sitong(丝彤)” or “tong(彤)” by an ordinary friend, she will look on it as an insu lt.3.3. The difference in Modesty MaximAs for modesty, people all over the world hold the same view that to show modesty is a way to be polite. Leech’s Mo desty Maxim runs as “Minimize praise of self (Maximize dispraise of self)”. But how thi s maxim is adhered to in different cultures is very much a matter of degree. When being complimented, an English-speaking person would rea dily accept the compliment by s aying something like “Thank you” to show his appreciation of the praise, but a Chinese speaker would try to deny the truth of the compliment. They both are being modest and t hey both think they are behaving properly. Yet either of them would t hink the other is being polite. For instance:(1)A: Oh, how beautiful your dress is! B: Thank you.(2)A: Your English is very good. B: Not at all. My English is very poor.In examples (1) and (2) are the typical answers to praise of Engl ish and Chine se people. “The English speaker is being polite to the extent that by accepting and showing appreciation of the compliment; while the Chinese speaker ignoring the factuality of the compliment p aid to him. Because self-denigration has been at the core of the Chin ese notion of politeness for over two thousand years, the Chinese in order to show modesty will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a complimentary remark.3.4. The difference in Sympathy MaximRespecting old people is the virtue of China, for old people in Chin a are the symbol of wisdom. During communication Chinese people often show respect and regard to old people. However, the situation in wes t is just the opposite. In English-speaking countries old people do n ot want to be considered as old. They will do everything in themselve s to prove that they are still young. People in English-speaking coun tries consider old as useless, so they don’t like to be treated as o ld and don’t like to accept other’s sympathy and help. So don’t of fer help too actively when communicate with people in English-speaking countries unless they ask for your help.4. Summary of the comparisonThe comparison of pragmatic differences of politeness between Chinese and English demonstrates that this politeness phenomenon is universa l in all cultures, but its expressions and implications are different from culture to culture. So a good understanding of pragmatic differ ences in politeness can undoubtedly contribute to the avoidance of pr agmatic failures in cross-cultural exchange so as to attain the goal in communication.Besides, grammatical mistakes are easy to be forgiven during intercul tural communication, but improper language use may cause embarrassmen ts and misunderstandings. Therefore, the comparative study of Politen ess Principle in Chinese and English cultures becomes more important. Meanwhile, to be familiar with the different cultural backgrounds an d to choose the right politeness maxims during communication are also very important and useful to intercultural communication.Reference:George Leec h. Principles of Pragmatics. (London & New York: Longman, 1997) 107Jenny Thomas, Meaning in Interaction (London & New York: Longman, 199 7) 155Li Tong. Pragmatic Differences in Politeness Compared between English and Chinese[J] Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University,2003,12,Hu Shangtian. A Probe into the Relation between the Cooperative Princ iple and the Politeness Principle[J].1997,7He Zhaoxiong. Study of Politeness in Chinese and English Culture[J]. 1995,5。

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浅谈中国古词的色彩美在英语中的重现95 英汉新词理据对比研究96 《青春》中的孤独主题分析97 浅谈马克吐温《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的地方特色98 A Study on the Relationship between Geography and Language as Seen in English Idioms99 浅析文化差异对国际贸易的影响100 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译101 一场失败革命的反思——《动物庄园》的主题浅析102 顺句驱动原则下英汉同声传译中英语非动词转换为汉语动词的研究103 The Symbolic Meanings of Colors in Chinese and Western Cultures104 托马斯•哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究105 中西方跨文化商务活动中礼貌的语义差别106 On building-up a welcoming ESL classroom atmosphere in Junior High School under the New Curriculum Standards107 On C-E Translation of Company Profiles from the Perspective of Functional Translation Theory108 浅探高中英语听力教学策略109 An Analysis of Vampire Image in Fevre Dream by George Martin110 从对照艺术看《羊脂球》的人物形象塑造111 论《宠儿》中社区与逃离的关系112 从跨文化角度看文化空缺翻译113 汉语中英语借词及其语言文化影响114 论英语听力难点及解决方法115 《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中的爱情观对比究116 影响高中学生英语学习兴趣因素的调查及分析—以x市高中学生为调查对象117 论《一个小时的故事》中马拉德夫人女性意识的觉醒118 从《麦琪的礼物》看欧亨利的写作手法119 托尼•莫里森《秀拉》中的女性主义120 非传统式英雄——从女性主义批评角度看《名利场》121 评爱伦坡哥特式小说中的恐怖美122 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能123 法国大革命对《西风颂》创作的影响124 中美商务谈判的风格差异125 英语广告语篇中名物化的研究126 英文电影片名的汉译研究127 卡门-波西米亚之花128 基本数字词在中西文化中的差异与翻译129 Grammatical Analysis of Academic Writing130 浅析《野性的呼唤》中的“野性”与“人性”131 通过象征主义、梭罗的自然思想和梭罗的个人主义析《瓦尔登湖》132 浅析《飘》中女主人公斯佳丽的女性意识133 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究134 爱伦•坡的《乌鸦》中的浪漫主义分析135 基于语义场理论的英语词汇习得研究136 中餐菜单英译的归化与异化137 Terror of the Soul-Analysis of Features in Poe’s Gothic Fictions138 《本杰明•富兰克林自传》和《嘉莉妹妹》美国梦的对比研究139 从生态女性主义视角解读《喜福会》140 The Greatness of Jay Gatsby—An Analysis of the Protagonist of The Great Gatsby141 汉语叠词翻译的对等研究142 从电影《阿凡达》透视美国文化143 中西方饮食文化的差异144 从《简•爱》与《藻海无边》看女性话语权的缺失145 语法翻译法与交际法的对比研究146 言语行为理论在戏剧《芭芭拉少校》对白分析中的应用147 英语广告双关语的语用功能148 《麦田守望者》成长主题解析149 从文化角度看中英房地产广告差异150 语结与英语长句的翻译151 《愤怒的葡萄》的生态主义分析152 广告英译汉中的创译原则153 论礼貌策略在商务信函写作中的运用154 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义155 简析比喻在《围城》中的运用156 英汉”黑色”的隐喻的对比研究157 小学任务型英语教学中的课堂游戏研究158 中西跨文化交际中的礼貌问题之比较分析159 《织工马南》中的因果关系说160 论《最危险的游戏》中的生态伦理混乱161 海明威《太阳照样升起》的存在主义表达162 为爱而叛逆——简·爱对爱的渴求的分析163 菲尔丁小说《汤姆琼斯》中的戏剧因素分析164 汉语公示语的英译165 交际法在中学英语的应用166 An Analysis of Harmonious Coexistence Between Nature and Civilization in Wuthering Heights From the Perspective of Eco-criticism167 An Analysis of the Transformation of Scarlett’s Personality in Gone with the Wind168 广告英语中委婉语的语用研究169 论跨文化交际中的体态语170 Sister Carrie:a Girl with Ascending but Unfulfilled Desires171 浅谈中国英语与中式英语之差异172 DOTA游戏英雄名称汉译策略173 哈金小说《等待》中的女性悲剧分析174 女性主义翻译研究——《简•爱》两种中文译本的比较175 An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe176 论《红字》中珠儿的象征意蕴177 福克纳小说《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》的叙事技巧研究178 On Emily Bronte's Self-realization Through the Characters in Wuthering Heights179 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses”in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton180 从适应与选择角度看公示语翻译方法181 模糊语在商务英语谈判中的语用研究182 影响英语阅读速度提高的主要障碍及其解决方法183 从唯美主义角度分析《莎乐美》中邪恶的灵魂184 丧钟为谁而鸣中的罗伯特形象185 神经漫游者中的两个世界186 科技英语语篇中被动语态语篇功能的分析187 从文体风格谈培根散文《论美》的翻译188 狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想189 Cultural Differences in the Non-Verbal Communication190 广告翻译191 中西方鬼怪比较研究192 功能目的论视角下的企业外宣资料的英译研究193 A Miniature of Ambivalence and Self-Discovery as Reflected by Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club194 清教主义和超验主义观照下霍桑的救赎观——以《红字》为例195 The Pursuit of Freedom and Love in E.M. Forster’s A Room with a View196 女性意识的觉醒——评《雨中的猫》中的人物对比描写197 英汉礼貌用语对比研究198 A Cultural Analysis of English and Chinese Names199 从心理学角度谈中国学生英语学习中典型语法错误的产生原因及其应对策略200 英汉礼貌用语及交际策略的对比分析。

二、感谢语英语中的感谢语通常是“Thank you”“Thanks”,表达比较直接和简洁。
在程度上的区分,可以加上“Thank you very much”“Thanks a lot”等来加强感谢的程度。
三、道歉语英语中的道歉语常见的有“Sorry”“I'm sorry”,如果想要更加强调歉意,可以说“I'm terribly sorry”“I'm so sorry”。

关键词:礼貌原则;礼貌用语;语用差异1. 概述众所周知,在现代社会,礼貌是人类社会的一种普遍现象。
正如Leech在他的Principles of Pragmatics指出的那样,礼貌是一个相对的概念,带有明显的民族性。

AbstractThis paper is a comparative study on the different use of polite language between English and Chinese. As an universal phenomenon, politeness exists in all kinds of cultures,which plays a vital role not only in maintaining friendly relationship between human beings but also in creating the harmonious atmosphere conversation. As English-speaking countries and China have different cultures, they use different ways to express their own polite words and deeds, and the different nationalities’ understan ding of polite language always affects the effective cross-culture communication between them. What is more, it would causes unsuccessful cross-cultural communication. A comparative study of polite language between English and Chinese, will urge English learners to reduce the faults in using cross-cultural language, and will simultaneously achieve effective human communication through using appropriately polite expressions.Key Words:polite language; communication; comparative study; cultural differences中文摘要礼貌是人们在频繁的交往中彼此表示尊重与友好的行为规范。

关键词:英语;汉语;礼貌用语;礼貌原则;语用差异AbstractThe huge difference in English and Chinese culture led to the use of polite language differences. In this paper, from the historical origin, pragmatic differences between Chinese and Western Politeness Principle, and the same courtesy expressions generated by the pragmatic differences to discuss, in order to be active, consciously eliminate cultural barriers, to avoid cultural conflicts, seek common ground while reserving differences, so as to ensure the smooth intercultural communication.Key words: English; Chinese; politeness; politeness principle; pragmatic difference.汉英礼貌用语的对比研究一、引言礼貌是文明的象征,礼貌是社会存在的普遍现象。

【关键词】文化差异;礼貌原则;语言策略On the English language courtesy ComparisonXu Chuying【Abstract】This article made in accordance with Leech’s Politeness Principle in English culture and to Mr. Gu Yueguo courtesy of the Chinese culture the principle of comparative studies, and cultural differences between English and Chinese language and politeness strategy analysis, and finally, on the study of the importance of cross-cultural communication.【Key words】Cultural differences Politeness Principle Language Strategy礼貌作为人类文明的体现,它不仅是一种社会现象,也是语言现象。
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