2024年部编版小学语文三年级上册第一单元 第二课时 《花的学校》说课稿附反思含板书和知识点汇总
三、多音字 地dì(地下)de(高兴地) 假jiǎ(真假)jià(假期) 四、近义词: 轰响——轰鸣 湿润——潮湿 碰触——碰撞 急急忙忙——匆匆忙忙 五、反义词: 湿润——干燥 狂喜——沉痛 急急忙忙——从从容容
落luò(落下、掉落、落落大方) 荒huāng(荒凉、饥荒、荒野) 笛dí(笛子、长笛、笛声) 舞wǔ(跳舞、舞蹈、歌舞) 狂kuáng(疯狂、狂风、狂喜) 罚fá(罚款、处罚、惩罚) 假jià(假日、暑假、假期) 互hù(互相、互补、互助) 所suǒ(所以、住所、所有) 够gòu(不够、能够、足够) 猜cāi(猜想、猜测、猜中) 扬yáng(飞扬、飘扬、扬起) 臂bì(双臂、臂力、手臂)
1.边读文边思考问题并交流 2.整体朗读课文,说一说课文主要写了什么内容。 3、学生自由谈谈读课文的感受。 4、画一画
泰戈尔 落荒 笛 狂舞
互 所够
罚假 猜 扬臂
总之,在整个教学过程中,我始终立足让学生在玩中学会, 在动手中提高技能,学生学得轻松愉快。我将继续努力,让 我的课堂教学更高效,更精彩。
(四)、再读质疑,感知大意 1.默读课文,看看自己能提出哪些有价值的问题。 2.指导学生整体朗读课文,说一说课文主要写了什么内容。 3.读了课文,谈谈你读懂了什么?画一画花的学校是什么样的。
【设计意图:注重培养学生质疑、解决问题的能力,从自主提问入手,激发学生的学习兴趣, 促进其对诗歌的理解。】
2.导入新课,引出课题。你们可知道,不但我们有学校连花儿也有学校。如果不信,那 么我们就一起来读一读课文吧。
外研版一年级起点三年级上册英语Module 1第一模块Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK?第一单元你在英国使用筷子吗?1 Listen, point and say.1 听录音,指一指,说一说。
Do you want rice? 你想吃米饭吗?Do you want noodles?你想吃面条吗?Oh, you like meat.哦,你喜欢肉。
2 Listen, point and find "Do you ...?"2 听录音,指一指并找出“Do you...?”I'm hungry.我饿了。
Do you want noodles?你想吃面条吗?Yes, please.好的。
Mm. The noodles are good.嗯。
Oh no! Look at the mess!哦,不!看看这一团糟!Do you use chopsticks in the UK?你在英国使用筷子吗?No, we don't. It's hard for us.不,我们不用。
We use a knife and fork.我们使用刀叉。
It's easy for us.它对我们来说很简单。
3 Listen and say.3 听录音,说一说。
Do you use chopsticks in the UK?你在英国使用筷子吗?No, we don't.不,我们不用。
We use a knife and fork.我们使用刀叉。
Unit 2 I'm eating hamburgers and chips.第二单元我在吃汉堡和薯条。
1 Listen, point and say.1 听录音,指一指并说一说。
What are you eating?你在吃什么?I'm eating grass.我在吃草。
长春版小学语文三年级上册课文内容篇一:长春版小学语文三年级上册全册随堂练习全第一单元秋天来了第一课时一、扩词爽()()()落()()()染()()()骑()()()二、多音字注音组词落——()——()露——()——()三、按课文填空()凉爽的风来了()洁白的云来了()落叶来了()秋歌来了第二课时一、选字填空组成词语彩采色()神()风()长常经()()远()跑愿怨心()()望恩()牙芽豆()()齿()膏)虹()识()恨发()(二、快乐结对金黄的笑脸凉爽的田野神奇的棉花天蓝的葡萄丰收的大海雪白的宝瓶紫红的秋天秋天的味道第一课时一、我有火眼金睛(区别字组词)存()季()翻()在()李()番()二、照样子写勿——忽(忽然)及——()()()——(逗——豆(豆角)净——()()()——(凉——掠(掠夺)难——()()()——(三、词语接龙迫不及待—()—()—()—()保存—()—()—()—()收获—()—()—()—()()()())))第二课时一、补充词语迫()()待()清目()()()一振硕大()()二、我会填神奇的()()凉爽的()()洁白的()()收获的()()()的滋味()的田野()的颜色()的秋香我们去听秋的声音第一课时一、形近字对对碰暖()掠()离()宁缓()凉()篱()咛二、快乐找一找(把不是同类的词划掉)梅花荷花鲜花茶花燕子麻雀天鹅鸭子文具钢笔尺子橡皮四、我会填1、“暖”的音序字母是(),音节是()2、“咛”的部首是(),去掉部首再查()))((3、“掠”字是()结构,第二笔是()4、“雁”字展笔顺——————————————————第二课时一、照样子写一写一排排——————————————————刷刷——————————————————牙刷——刷牙()——()()——()二、填上恰当的词语一片片()一排排()一阵阵()一棵棵()一声声()一只只()一串串()一场场()第二单元汉字家园 2—1 第一课时一、辨字组词。
“山林里的朋友”指谁?对比读下面这两 段话,你有什么发现?
➢ 这时候,窗外十分安静。 ➢ 这时候,窗外十分安静,树枝不摇了,鸟儿不
叫了,蝴蝶停在花朵上,好像都在听同学们读 课文。最有趣的是,跑来了两只猴子。这些山 林里的朋友,是那样好奇地听着。
拟人的手法举例子写出上课时的特点——安 静,这样写给人带来新鲜感,让大家感受更深刻。
2. 华华认为语段中的“róng qiú花”很有新鲜感, 但想象 不出它的样子。聪聪告诉她, 可以根据“___球_____” 字想象“róng qiú 花”的形状; 再联系生活, 通过给 “róng”字组词为_示__例__:__绒__毛___, 来想象“róng qiú 花”的样子。
坪坝 绒球花 绚丽多彩 孔雀舞
认认读读,结合短语认识生字,想一 想:下面短语的新鲜感表现在哪里?
可爱的学校 鲜艳的服装 飘扬的国旗 古老的铜钟 粗壮的枝干 凤尾竹的影子
拓展阅读:找找同类 型的文本进行阅读,画出 你认为有新鲜感的词句进 行积累。
板书设计 大 青 树 下 的 小 学
第二单元 4.古诗三首 山行/杜牧 远上寒山石径斜,白云生处有人家。 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 赠刘景文/苏轼 荷尽已无年好景君须记,正是橙黄橘绿时。 夜书所见/叶绍翁 萧萧梧叶送寒声,江上秋风动客情。 知有儿童挑促织,夜深篱落一灯明。 5.铺满金色巴掌的水泥道 一夜秋风,一夜秋雨。 我背着书包去上学时,天开始放晴了。 啊!多么明朗的天空。 可是,地面还是潮湿的,不时还能看见一个亮晶晶的水洼,映着
“那我马上就会死掉!”红头哭起来。它和草已经一起进了牛的 肚子。
青头又跳到牛身上,隔着肚皮和红头说话:“红头!不要怕,你 会出来的!我听说,牛肚子里一共有四个胃,前三个胃是贮藏食物的, 只有第四个胃才是管消化的!”
“当然有用,等一会儿,牛休息的时候,它要把刚才吞进去的草 重新送回嘴里,然后细嚼慢咽……你是勇敢的蟋蟀,你一定能出来 的”“谢谢你!”红头的声音小的几乎听不见了。它咬着牙不让自己 失去知觉。
秋天的雨,有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。你看,它把*给了银杏树, 黄黄的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇哪扇哪,扇走了夏天的炎热。它把红 色给了枫树,红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,飘哇飘哇,邮来了秋天的凉 爽。金*是给田野的,看,田野像金色的海洋。橙红色是给果树的, 橘子、柿子你挤我碰,争着要人们去摘呢!菊花仙子得到的颜色就更 多了,紫红的、淡黄的、雪白的……美丽的菊花在秋雨里频频点头。
精心整理 听听, 秋的声音, 从远方匆匆地来, 向远方匆匆地去。 听听, 我们去听秋的声音。 习作——写日记
第三单元 8.去年的树 一棵树和一只鸟儿是好朋友。鸟儿站在树枝上,天天给树唱歌。 树呢,天天听着鸟儿唱。 日子一天天过去,寒冷的冬天就要来到了。鸟儿必须离开树,飞 到很远很远的地方去。 树对鸟儿说:“再见了,小鸟!明年春天请你回来,还唱歌给我
三年级上册英语书,第一单元课文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My New English Book!Wow, I'm so excited to start using my new English book this year! It's for third grade and it looks really fun. The cover is bright blue with a friendly cartoon dog waving hello. I can't wait to get started learning more English!The first unit is all about greeting people and introducing yourself. On the first page there is a big picture of two kids meeting each other and saying "Hi! I'm Sam. What's your name?" Then on the next page it shows how to respond by saying "Nice to meet you Sam. I'm Amy."There are lots of practice conversations like this throughout the unit. I've been practicing with my mom and dad at home. "Hi Mom, I'm Sam!" I say. Then my mom replies "Nice to meet you Sam, I'm Mom!" We keep going back and forth like that, switching who is Sam and who is the other person. It's helping me get comfortable with the basics.My favorite part is all the pictures and illustrations. For each conversation, there are fun cartoon drawings that show exactly what is happening. It makes it much easier to understand the words and phrases when I can see the images along with the text. The drawings are really colorful and animated too which makes it enjoyable to look at.In addition to greetings, the unit also covers introductions and how to give basic information about yourself. One section goes over how to say and spell your name. "My name is Sam.S-A-M." Another shows how to say your age. "I'm 8 years old." Then there's how to tell where you're from. "I'm from Seattle."We practiced all of these in class by standing up and doing role plays in front of the class. I got to pretend to be Sam from the book and introduced myself to my classmates. "Hi, I'm Sam. I'm 8 years old and I'm from Seattle." It was a little scary at first, but also kind of fun!There are lots of exercises and activities scattered throughout to reinforce what we're learning. Many of them have us filling in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Like "Nice to _____ you" or "I _____ from Boston." Having to recall and write out the missing parts really helps cement it in my brain.Other activities have us match pictures to the correct phrases, or put conversation lines in the right order. My personal favorites are the puzzles where we have to unscramble letters to spell out new vocabulary words we've learned, like R-N-F-I-D-E (friend) or H-C-E-E-A-T-R (teacher). It's like little brainteasers and makes practicing English feel like playing games.The back section has extra review pages that wrap up each unit. These have lots of recap activities that go over everything we covered, both vocabulary and conversation concepts. I especially appreciated the checklist at the very end where you can track which words and phrases you've fully mastered and which ones you still need more practice with. It's a great way to see your progress!Overall, I'm really liking this new English book so far. The first unit on greetings and introductions was very user-friendly and engaging for students my age. Between the cartoon illustrations, creative exercises, and step-by-step conversation models, it's off to a great start making English feel fun and approachable. I can't wait to dive into the next unit!篇2Unit 1: Hello, My Friends!Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 3rd grader. I just got my new English textbook for this year and I'm really excited to start learning. The first unit is called "Hello, My Friends!" and it's all about meeting new people and introducing yourself. I think that's a great way to start the year!The first lesson was on greeting people. We learned to say "Hello!", "Hi!" and "Hey!" in English. It seems so simple but it's really important to get those basic greetings down. My teacher also taught us "Good morning" for when we arrive at school. I like saying "Good morning" to my friends when I see them at our lockers before class. It makes me feel very grown-up and polite.Then we moved on to introducing ourselves. The textbook had a nice little model dialogue that went like this:A: Hi, I'm Katie. What's your name?B: Hello, my name is Michael. Nice to meet you!We practiced introducing ourselves over and over, switching partners. "Hi, I'm Lily. What's your name?" My friend would respond "Hey, I'm Jake. Nice to meet you, Lily!" It was a little awkward at first but we got the hang of it. Using people's names when you meet them is so important to be friendly.The hardest part was spelling our names. The book taught us to say "Can you spell that please?" if we couldn't understand how to spell someone's name. Like if I met a kid named Xiaoming, I might say "Nice to meet you Xiaoming. Can you spell that please?" Then he would spell out X-I-A-O-M-I-N-G. Some names are really hard to spell!We also learned how to ask "Where are you from?" to find out if someone is from our town or another place. I'm from Springfield, so I practice saying "I'm from Springfield. Where are you from?" A lot of my classmates are from Springfield too, but some are from other towns nearby like Centerville or Oakwood. If someone is from far away, they might say a state or even another country! The boy who sits next to me, Jin, is from South Korea. When I asked him "Where are you from?" he said "I'm from Seoul, South Korea." Well I had certainly never heard of that place before!Towards the end of the unit, we started reviewing everything we learned. We would introduce ourselves, spell our names, ask where the other person is from, and respond. It was a lot to remember at first but now I've got it down:"Hi, I'm Lily!""Nice to meet you Lily, I'm Jake.""Can you spell your name please?""Sure, J-A-K-E. Where are you from Lily?""I'm from Springfield. Where are you from Jake?""I'm from Centerville."See, I've got this down pat! We've been practicing introducing ourselves to the whole class too. I'll go up to the front of the room, and my teacher will be the "new student" that I'm meeting. I'll confidently say "Hello, I'm Lily! What's your name?" And my teacher will respond like a new kid I've never met before. It's really fun and makes me feel like I'm getting ready for the real world.I can't wait to put my skills to use meeting new kids on the playgrounds or in my after-school activities. Making friends is so important, and introducing yourself politely is the first step. English is a great language for meeting people from all over the world. Whether they're from down the street or a totally different country, I'll be ready to greet them with my best "Hello, I'm Lily! Nice to meet you!"I think this first unit was so useful and important. I feel much more confident in my ability to meet new people now. Of course, there's still so much more for me to learn in English class thisyear. I'll keep working hard and paying attention. But I've definitely got a great foundation after learning all about greetings and introductions. Hello world, here I come!篇3My New English TextbookI was so excited when our English teacher Ms. Roberts handed out our brand new English textbooks for the year! The cover was so colorful with fun cartoon characters. I couldn't wait to open it up and see what we'd be learning.The first unit was all about greetings and introductions. It started with a comic strip showing two friends, Michael and Jessica, meeting up at the park. In the first frame, Michael says "Hi Jessica! How are you?" And Jessica replies "I'm great, thanks! How about you?"I already knew the phrases "Hi" and "How are you?" from previous grades. But I was really happy to finally learn some new responses beyond just saying "I'm fine." The comic taught phrases like "I'm great, thanks!" and "Not bad" and "Pretty good."There was also a cute little chant we had to memorize that went:"Hi! Hello!How are you? How are you?I'm great, thanks! I'm great, thanks!How about you? How about you?"We'd go around the classroom chanting it, with one student asking "How are you?" and the other responding "I'm great, thanks! How about you?" It was a really fun way to practice.The next section introduced us to formal greetings like "Good morning" and "Good afternoon." There were examples of when to use each one, like saying "Good morning" before noon and "Good afternoon" after noon until evening.I thought it was silly at first to have so many different greeting options beyond just "Hi." But Ms. Roberts explained that you use more formal greetings when meeting someone new or someone important, like a teacher or principal. Using informal greetings like "Hi" with those people could be rude. So it's good to know the different choices.After greetings, the unit moved onto introducing ourselves. This was tricky because we had to combine some of the greeting phrases with new vocabulary for stating our names and ages.The pattern was:"Good morning/afternoon, my name is [NAME]. I'm [AGE] years old."During our practice conversations, I'd say "Good afternoon, my name is Mike. I'm 8 years old." And my partner would respond with their intro.Remembering to use "years old" after the age number was hard at first. In everyday conversations, we'd just say "I'm 8." But Ms. Roberts kept reminding us that for introductions, you need to say the full "I'm 8 years old."There were also different follow-up questions we learned, like:"How old are you?""Where are you from?""What's your favorite subject?"The unit had lots of example dialogues with those kinds of questions so we could practice putting it all together in a conversational way.My favorite part was learning how to introduce other people, not just ourselves. If Jessica was my friend, I could say "This is my friend Jessica. She's 8 years old too." Isn't that cool?The last part of the unit went into more depth about the different ways to respond to "What's your name?" and "How old are you?" We learned that instead of just stating your age directly, you could say things like:"I'm 8 years old.""I'm 8 and a half.""I'll be 9 next month.""I just turned 8 last week."Being able to give those more detailed responses made me feel like I was really leveling up my English skills.There were also fun cultural lessons, like how in America kids often say "8 and a half" to make their age sound a little older and more grown up. Or how it's polite to respond "I'll be 9 next month" instead of just blurting out your current age randomly.By the end of the unit, I felt like I had mastered all the different greetings, introducing myself, stating my age, and introducing others. I was so proud of myself!The cool thing was that during our last few classes, Ms. Roberts had us role play different scenarios using everything we'd learned. She'd say, "Mike, you're meeting Jessica's parents for the first time. What do you say?"So I'd respond, "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. My name is Mike. I'm 8 years old. It's nice to meet you."Or she'd set up a scene where I was meeting the school principal, so I'd have to use the formal "Good morning" greeting and introduction.It was great practicing all the different possibilities so I'd feel confident using them in real life. I could introduce myself properly to guests or new teachers. I could politely greet the principal or other adults. And I knew all the tricks for answering how old I am in a more natural, conversational way.Who knew learning greetings and introductions could be so fun and interesting? I'm really excited to move onto the next unit in my new English textbook. But I'll definitely keep practicing everything I learned from the first unit so the skills stay fresh. Maybe I could even write a comic book using all the dialogue patterns? Or make up fun role-playing activities to do with my friends? The possibilities are endless!Either way, I'm feeling much more confident in my English abilities already. Thanks to Unit 1, I'm well on my way to becoming an English master!。
人教版小学三年级语文上册全部课文人教版小学语文第五册辅导三年级上册第一单元 1 我们的民族小学 2 金色的草地 3 爬天都峰4* 槐乡的孩子语文园地一第二单元 5 灰雀 6 小摄影师7 奇怪的大石头8* 我不能失信语文园地二第三单元9 古诗两首《夜书所见》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》10 风筝11 秋天的雨12* 听听,秋的声音语文园地三第四单元13 花钟14 蜜蜂15 玩出了名堂16* 找骆驼语文园地四第五单元17 孔子拜师18 盘古开天地19 赵州桥20* 一幅名扬中外的画语文园地五第六单元21 古诗两首《饮湖上初晴后雨》《望天门山》22 富饶的西沙群岛23 美丽的小兴安岭24* 香港,璀璨的明珠语文园地六第七单元25 矛和盾的集合26 科利亚的木匣27 陶罐和铁罐28* 狮子和鹿语文园地七第八单元29 掌声30 一次成功的实验31 给予树32* 好汉查理语文园地七正文第一单元3A-1 我们的民族小学⊙三上⊙一单元⊙人教版【课文 1 】我们的民族小学早晨,从山坡上,从坪坝里,从一条条开着绒球花和太阳花的小路上,走来了许多小学生,有傣族的,有景颇族的,有阿昌族和德昂族的,还有汉族的。
凤尾竹的影子,在洁白的粉墙上摇晃3A-2 金色的草地⊙三上⊙一单元⊙人教版文【课文2 】金色的草地作者:[苏联] 普里希文我们住在乡下,窗前是一大片草地。
部编版语文 三年级上册第一单元课文重点
先生拿着戒尺,走到孙中山跟前,厉声问道:“你会背了 吗?”
先生收起戒尺,摆摆手让孙中山坐下,说:“我原想,书中的 道理,你们长大了自然会知道的。现在你们既然想听,我就讲讲 吧!”
秋天的雨,有一盒五彩缤纷的颜料。你看,它把*给了银杏树, 黄黄的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇哪扇哪,扇走了夏天的炎热。它把 红色给了枫树,红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,飘哇飘哇,邮来了秋天 的凉爽。金*是给田野的,看,田野像金色的海洋。橙红色是给果树 的,橘子、柿子你挤我碰,争着要人们去摘呢!菊花仙子得到的颜 色就更多了,紫红的、淡黄的、雪白的……美丽的菊花在秋雨里频 频点头。
正在这时,一只大黄牛从红头后面慢慢走过来。红头做梦也没 有想到,大黄牛突然低下头来吃草。可怜的红头还没有来得及跳开, 就和草一起被大黄牛吃到嘴里了。
青头大吃一惊,它一下子蹦到牛身上。可是那只牛用尾巴轻轻 一扫,青头就给摔在地上了。青头不顾身上的疼痛,一骨碌爬起来 大声喊:“躲过它的牙齿,牛在这时候从来不会仔细嚼的,它会把 你和草一起吞到肚子里去……”
7.听听,秋的声音 听听, 秋的声音, 大树抖抖手臂, “刷刷”, 是黄叶道别的话音。 听听, 秋的声音, 蟋蟀振动翅膀, “嚁嚁”, 是和阳台告别的歌韵。 一排排大雁追上白云, 撒下一阵暖暖的叮咛; 一阵阵秋风掠过田野,
送来一片丰收的歌吟。 听听, 走进秋, 走进这辽阔的音乐厅, 你好好好地去听 ——秋的声音。 秋的声音, 在每一片叶子里, 在每一朵小花上, 在每一滴汗水里, 在每一颗饱满的谷粒里。 听听, 秋的声音, 从远方匆匆地来, 向远方匆匆地去。 听听, 我们去听秋的声音。
人教部编版三年级语文上册课文原文第一单元1 大青树下的小学早晨,从山坡上,从坪坝里,从一条条开着绒球花和太阳花的小路上,走来了许多小学生,有汉族的,有傣族的,有景颇族的,有阿昌族和德昂族的。
凤尾竹的影子,在洁白的粉墙上摇晃……2 花的学校当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候,润湿的东风走过荒野,在竹林中吹着口笛。
3 不懂就要问孙中山小时候在私塾读书。
三年级英语上册 课文翻译
[00:02.98]UNIT ONE 第一单元[00:04.42]Hello! 你好![00:05.95]Hello! 你好![00:06.79]I'm Zoom.我是祖恩![00:08.57]Hi!嗨![00:09.52]My name's Zip.我是智普![00:11.79]Hello!你好![00:13.08]Hi!嗨![00:14.72]Hello!你好![00:15.83]I'm Sarah.我是莎拉.[00:17.40]What's your name?你叫什么名字?[00:19.49]My name's Chen Jie.我叫陈洁[00:22.17]Bye,Miss White!再见,怀特老师![00:23.90]Goodbye!再见![00:25.71]Hello! 你好![00:26.58]I'm Zoom.我是祖恩![00:28.34]Hi!嗨![00:29.38]My name's Zip.我是智普![00:31.57]Hello!你好![00:32.82]Hi!嗨![00:34.47]Hello!你好![00:35.57]I'm Sarah.我是莎拉.[00:37.20]What's your name?你叫什么名字?[00:39.34]My name's Chen Jie.我叫陈洁[00:41.93]Bye,Miss White!再见,怀特老师![00:43.70]Goodbye!再见![00:45.26]A Let's talk谈一谈[00:47.54]Hello!你好!Hi!嗨![00:49.82]Hello!I'm Wu Yifan.你好!我是吴亦帆. [00:51.64]Hi!I'm Sarah.嗨!我是萨拉.[00:53.66]Goodbye!再见![00:55.09]Bye.Miss White!再见,怀特小姐![00:58.28]Let's play[01:00.07]Hi![01:01.56]I'm Bai Ling[01:03.96]Let's learn学一学[01:05.69]pencil铅笔 pen钢笔 ruler尺子[01:09.85]eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔[01:13.00]Let's do做一做[01:20.40]Show me your pencil.把你的铅笔给我看一看.[01:21.69]Show me your ruler.把你的尺子给我看一看. [01:23.13]Show me your eraser.把你的橡皮给我看一看.[01:24.40]Show me your crayon.把你的蜡笔给我看一看.[01:26.10]Show me your pen.把你的钢笔给我看一看. [01:28.66]Let's make 做一做[01:30.77]Draw yourself.画出自己[01:32.94]Write your name.写上你的名字[01:35.34]Make the holes. 弄两个洞[01:38.52]Thread the string.穿线[01:41.47]Wear the name card.戴上名片[01:44.59]Say your name.说出你的名字.[01:47.50]Hello!你好![01:48.49]I'm Xiao Qiang.我是小强.[01:51.39]Let's sing[01:57.92]Hello,Sarah!do,oh,do.[02:00.41]Hello,John!do,oh,do.[02:03.02]Hello,Mike!do,oh,do.[02:05.60]Hello!Hello!Hello![02:13.42]Hello,Sarah!do,oh,do.[02:15.86]Hello,John!do,oh,do.[02:18.34]Hello,Mike!do,oh,do.[02:20.94]Hello!Hello!Hello![02:24.88][00:02.83]UNIT ONE 第一单元[00:04.30]Hello! 你好![00:05.45]B Let's talk[00:07.76]Hello!I'm Mike.你好!我是迈克.[00:10.44]What's your name?你叫什么名字?[00:12.24]My name's Chen Jie.我叫陈洁.[00:14.61]Bye![00:15.99]See you!再见![00:18.49]Let's play[00:20.48]Hello!你好![00:21.55]What's your name?你叫什么名字?[00:23.91]My name's Sarah.我叫莎拉.[00:26.82]Welcome!欢迎![00:28.90]Let's learn[00:30.51]school学校 bag书包 pencil-case铅笔盒[00:35.01]book书 sharpener铅笔刀[00:38.24]Let's do[00:45.82]Open your pencil-case.打开你的铅笔盒. [00:47.16]Show me your sharpener.把你的铅笔刀给我看一看.[00:48.48]Close your book.合上你的书.[00:49.77]Carry your bag.拿上你的书包.[00:51.22]Go to school.去学校.[00:54.21]Let's check[00:58.00]1.Open the book.打开书.[01:02.36]2.Show me your pencil给我看看你的铅笔. [01:07.34]3.Goodbye Bye.再见.再见.[01:11.83]4.Hello,my name is Mike.你好,我叫迈克. [01:17.42]Let's chant[01:24.97]I have a pencil.Me too![01:27.68]I have a book.Me too![01:30.65]I have a ruler. Me too![01:33.46]I have a bag. Me too![01:36.33]I'm going to school.Me too![01:40.22][ti:wa][00:02.42]UNIT ONE 第一单元[00:03.90]Hello! 你好![00:04.80]C Story time[00:07.28]Hello![00:08.61]Hi!Who's there?嗨!谁在那儿?[00:11.05]Guess!猜一猜.[00:12.27]Are you Tutu?你是图图吗? No![00:15.09]Ha!Ha!I'm Zip.哈!哈!我是Zip.[00:17.24]Hi,Zip!My name's Zoom.嗨,Zip!我叫Zoom. [00:20.98]Let's play!OK?我们一起玩,好吗?[00:23.64]Great!太好了![00:25.43]Culture[00:27.35]Happy Teachers' Day! 教师节快乐! [00:30.11]Thank you!谢谢你们![00:31.93]Let's sing[00:38.88]Hello Happy Teacher's Day![00:41.51]Hello Happy Teacher's Day![00:44.03]Hello Hello Miss White![00:46.75]Hello Happy Teacher's Day![00:54.69]Hello Happy Teacher's Day![00:57.18]Hello Happy Teacher's Day![00:59.77]Hello Hello Miss White![01:02.46]Hello Happy Teacher's Day![01:05.09][00:02.70]UNIT 2 第二单元[00:04.36]Look at Me 看着我[00:06.72]Let's play[00:09.25]Hello! 你好![00:10.27]This is my arm.这是我的胳膊.[00:13.02]Hi!嗨![00:14.27]This is my nose.这是我的鼻子.[00:17.66]Wow!哇![00:19.13]Good morning!早上好![00:21.05]Good morning!早上好![00:23.40]Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴.[00:25.46]Nice to meet you,too.见到你我也很高兴. [00:28.52]Let's play[00:31.07]Hello! 你好![00:32.11]This is my arm.这是我的胳膊.[00:34.75]Hi!嗨![00:36.05]This is my nose.这是我的鼻子.[00:39.43]Wow!哇![00:40.90]Good morning!早上好![00:42.85]Good morning!早上好![00:45.22]Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴. [00:47.28]Nice to meet you,too.见到你我也很高兴. [00:50.54]A Let's talk.[00:53.02]Good morning!早上好![00:54.32]Good morning![00:56.50]Hello!你好!Hi!嗨![00:58.76]This is John.这是约翰.[01:00.30]Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴.[01:01.75]Let's go to school!我们去上学吧![01:03.35]OK!好的![01:05.26]Let's play[01:07.52]Good morning.早上好.[01:09.06]This is Mr .Yu.这是余先生.[01:12.11]Hello!你好![01:13.75]Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你.[01:16.01]Let's learn.[01:17.75]Look at me.看着我.[01:19.42]This is my head.这是我的头.[01:21.53]This is my ear.这是我的耳朵.[01:23.97]This is my eye.这是我的眼睛.[01:26.16]This is my nose.这是我的鼻子.[01:28.28]This is my face.这是我的脸.[01:30.51]This is my mouth.这是我的嘴巴.[01:33.05]Let's do.[01:40.60]Touch your head.摸摸你的头.[01:42.18]Touch your nose.摸摸你的鼻子.[01:43.59]Touch your eye.摸摸你的眼睛.[01:45.05]Touch your mouth.摸摸你的嘴巴.[01:46.70]Touch your ear.摸摸你的耳朵.[01:48.14]Touch your face.摸摸你的脸.[01:51.14]Let's draw[01:53.49]eye 眼睛[01:55.55]ear 耳朵[01:57.63]nose鼻子[01:59.80]eye 眼睛[02:01.81]ear 耳朵[02:03.71]mouth 嘴巴[02:05.50]Let's sing.[02:11.57]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch your nose. [02:15.81]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn around. [02:20.13]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch your head. [02:24.47]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch the ground. [02:33.12]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch your nose. [02:37.36]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,turn around. [02:41.80]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch your head. [02:46.07]Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear,touch the ground. [02:51.16][00:02.46]UNIT TWO 第二单元[00:04.10]Look at Me 看着我[00:05.60]B Let's talk[00:08.14]Hi,Mom!嗨,妈妈![00:09.29]Hi![00:10.67]Mom,this is Mike.妈妈,这是迈克.[00:12.63]Good afternoon,Mike.下午好,迈克. [00:14.56]Good afternoon.下午好.[00:16.38]Nice to meet you.很高兴见到您.[00:18.19]Nice to meet you,too.我也很高心见到你. [00:21.18]Let's play[00:23.23]Good afternoon,Chen Jie.下午好,陈洁. [00:25.55]This is Zoom.我是祖恩.[00:28.37]Hello,Zoom!你好,祖恩![00:30.10]Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你.[00:32.87]Let's learn[00:34.49]Finger手指 body身体 leg腿[00:37.96]foot脚 hand手 arm胳膊[00:41.21]Let's do[00:48.64]Clap your hands 拍拍手[00:49.87]Snap your fingers.捻捻手指.[00:51.43]Wave your arms.挥挥胳膊.[00:52.91]Cross your legs.盘盘腿.[00:54.28]Shake your body.摇摇身体.[00:55.61]Stamp your foot.跺跺脚.[00:58.69]Let's check[01:01.75]1.Touch your nose.摸摸你的鼻子.[01:06.53]2.This is Mike.这是迈克.[01:11.66]3.Let's go to school我们上学去吧. [01:16.96]4.Close your mouth.闭上你的嘴.[01:21.73]Let's chant[01:29.10]Where is your mouth?你的嘴巴在哪儿? [01:30.51]Here it is!在这儿.[01:31.80]Where is your hand?你的手在哪儿? [01:33.11]Here it is![01:34.53]Where is your ear?你的耳朵在哪儿? [01:35.84]Here it is![01:37.35]Where is your nose?你的鼻子在哪儿? [01:38.69]Here it is![01:42.03][00:02.32]UNIT TWO 第二单元[00:03.90]Look at Me 看着我[00:05.25]C Story time[00:08.21]Let's make a puppet.我们做个木偶吧. [00:10.27]Good idea!好主意![00:12.01]First,make the head.首先,我们来做头. [00:14.78]Then,make the body.然后来做身体. [00:17.48]Look!Arms and legs.看,这是胳膊和腿. [00:19.83]Let's play with the puppet.我们来和木偶玩吧.[00:22.23]Oh,no!Don't run away.哦,不!不要跑走. [00:26.28]Culture[00:28.42]Halloween 万圣节[00:30.79]Trick or treat! [00:33.89]Happy Halloween! 万圣节快乐![00:37.25]Thank you! 谢谢![00:39.15]Happy Halloween!万圣节快乐![00:41.57]Let's sing.[00:43.86]……[00:50.23][00:02.74]UNIT THREE 第三单元[00:04.13]Let's Paint我们来画画[00:06.42]let's paint! 我们来画画[00:08.76]OK!好的![00:10.64]Hello,Miss White! 你好,怀特老师![00:12.58]How are you?你好吗?[00:15.12]Fine,thank you.很好,谢谢.[00:17.31]How are you?你好吗?[00:19.11]Very well,thanks.非常好,谢谢.[00:21.28]I like blue.我喜欢蓝色.[00:23.48]Me too.我也是.[00:25.90]let's paint! 我们来画画[00:28.34]OK!好的![00:30.18]Hello,Miss White! 你好,怀特老师![00:32.12]How are you?你好吗?[00:34.66]Fine,thank you.很好,谢谢.[00:36.84]How are you?你好吗?[00:38.63]Very well,thanks.非常好,谢谢.[00:40.82]I like blue.我喜欢蓝色.[00:43.07]Me too.我也是.[00:45.88]A Let's talk[00:48.75]Good morning,Miss Green.早上好,格林小姐. [00:50.55]How are you?你好吗?[00:52.16]Fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢.[00:53.47]Mr.Black,this is Miss White.[00:56.37]Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你.[00:58.13]Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你. [01:01.13]Let's play[01:03.36]Good morning,Sarah.[01:05.43]How are you?[01:07.33]Fine,thank you.[01:10.85]Let's learn[01:12.72]blue蓝色的 green绿色的 yellow黄色的[01:16.74]red 红色的 purple紫色的[01:20.08]Let's do[01:28.29]Show me your red crayon.把你的红色蜡笔给我看.[01:29.66]Show me your blue crayon.把你的蓝色蜡笔给我看.[01:31.16]Show me your green crayon.把你的绿色蜡笔给我看.[01:32.57]Show me your yellow crayon.把你的黄色蜡笔给我看.[01:34.04]Show me purple crayon.把你的紫色蜡笔给看.[01:38.26]Let's paint[01:40.85]Colour the face yellow.把脸画成黄色. [01:44.37]Colour the nose green.把鼻子画成绿色. [01:48.32]Colour the eye blue.把眼睛画成蓝色. [01:52.25]Colour the mouth red.把嘴画成红色. [01:56.15]Colour the ear purple.把耳朵画成紫色. [01:59.66]Let's sing[02:09.96]Who is wearing yellow today?Yellow today? [02:15.80]Yellow today?Who is wearing yellow today? [02:21.63]Who's wearing yellow today?[02:34.13]Who is wearing purple today?Purple today? [02:40.56]Purple today?Who is wearing purple today? [02:46.53]Who is wearing purple today?[02:51.05][00:02.75]UNIT THREE 第三单元[00:04.18]Let's Paint我们来画画[00:05.94]B Let's talk[00:08.64]Hi,Mike!嗨,迈克![00:10.70]Hi,Sarah!How are you?嗨,莎拉!你好吗? [00:13.52]Fine,thanks.我很好,谢谢.[00:14.60]How are you?你好吗?[00:15.79]I'm fine.Thank you.我很好.谢谢.[00:18.44]Let's paint!我们来画画吧![00:20.02]Great!太棒了![00:21.22]Bye,Mom! 妈妈,再见![00:22.40]Bye![00:24.56]Let's Play[00:26.53]Hi,John!嗨,约翰.[00:27.82]How are you?你好吗?[00:29.81]Fine,thank you很好,谢谢你.[00:32.12]Hi,Bai Ling.嗨,白灵.[00:33.96]How are you?你好吗?[00:36.10]Fine.很好.[00:37.20]Hi.嗨[00:39.03]Hi,Mike!嗨,迈克![00:40.68]How are you?你好吗?[00:42.29]Very well,thank.很好,谢谢.[00:45.19]Let's learn[00:47.11]white白色的 pink粉红色的 orange橙色的[00:51.08]brown棕色的 black黑色的[00:54.84]Let's do[01:03.22]Black,black.Stand up.黑色的,黑色的.站起来.[01:06.05]Pink,pink.Sit down.粉红色的,粉红色的.坐下.[01:09.04]Brown,brown.Touch the ground.棕色的,碰一下地. [01:12.00]Orange,orange.Touch your head.橙色的.摸摸你的头.[01:15.05]White,white.Turn around.白色的,白色的.转一圈.[01:20.35]Let's check[01:24.44]1.I like red 我喜欢红色.[01:30.37]2.How are you? 你好吗?[01:36.79]I'm fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢.[01:40.62]3.Show me green 给我看看绿色.[01:46.06]4.Let's paint.OK.我们画画吧.好的. [01:53.45]Let's chant[02:02.35]Pink ball.[02:03.17]Pink ball,purple ball.[02:05.57]Pink ball,purple ball.[02:07.27]Orange ball.[02:08.96]Pink ball,purple ball.[02:10.53]Orange ball,brown ball.[02:13.17]Pink ball,purple ball,[02:14.71]Orange ball,brown ball,[02:16.49]Green ball.[02:20.70]I can see a rainbow!我能看见彩虹! [02:23.77]How about you?你呢?[02:25.54][00:02.35]UNIT THREE 第三单元[00:03.68]Let's Paint我们来画画[00:05.24]C Story time[00:07.59]Good morning,Zoom.早上好,Zoom.[00:09.36]Good morning,Zip.早上好,Zip.[00:10.90]How are you,Zip?你好吗,Zip?[00:12.55]Fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢你.[00:14.22]Wow!Flowers!哇!花![00:16.68]A blue flower.一朵蓝色的花.[00:18.32]A red one.一朵红色的花.[00:19.65]A yellow one.一朵黄色的花.[00:21.78]Look!看![00:22.91]Here is your ticket.这是你的票.[00:24.26]Oh no!哦,不![00:27.20]Culture[00:29.07]Look at my flag.看看我的旗.[00:31.71]It's red and white.它是红白相间的. [00:35.04]My flag is red,white and blue.[00:40.20]CAN 加拿大[00:42.15]PRC中国[00:44.22]USA 美国[00:46.24]UK 英国[00:48.32]Let's sing[00:59.22]Red and yellow and pink and green, [01:03.36]Purple and orange and blue.[01:07.87]I can sing a rainbow,sing a rainbow, [01:12.84]Sing a rainbow now.[01:26.11]Red and yellow and pink and green, [01:30.14]Purple and orange and blue.[01:34.91]I can sing a rainbow,sing a rainbow, [01:39.75]Sing a rainbow now.[01:44.26][00:02.53]Recycle 1 Let's act[00:05.87]Hello!Hi![00:08.49]How are you?你好吗?[00:10.10]Fine,thank you.很好,谢谢.[00:11.02]How are you?你好吗?[00:12.70]Very well,thanks.非常好,谢谢.[00:15.12]Good morning!早上好![00:17.43]Good morning.I'm Bai Ling.早上好.我是白灵.[00:19.84]This is Sarah.这是萨拉.[00:21.83]What's your name?你叫什么名字?[00:23.81]I'm Zip.我是Zip.[00:25.29]My name's Zoom.我的名字叫Zoom.[00:27.38]Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你![00:29.56]Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你. [00:33.02]Hello!你好![00:34.47]Look!Zoom and Zip!看!Zoom和Zip. [00:36.78]Who are you?你是谁?[00:38.86]I'm John.我是约翰.[00:40.83]My name's Mike.我的名字叫迈克.[00:43.38]Bye!Hey![00:46.34]Let's play[00:48.14]Chant and find![00:56.40]What's in the picture?照片里是什么? [00:57.62]Look,look,look![00:59.10]A pencil,a ruler,一只铅笔,一把尺子, [01:00.60]A little red book.一本红色小书.[01:05.03]Pencil-case,sharpener,bag,[01:07.98]Look,look,look![01:10.80]Eraser,crayon,pen,橡皮,蜡笔,钢笔, [01:13.70]And a big blue book.[01:17.92]Chant and colour[01:26.45]Colour this clown,up and down,[01:29.39]Hands pink,ears brown.[01:32.36]Face white,eyes blue,[01:35.41]Hair red,mouth too.[01:41.42]Nose purple,feet grey.[01:44.45]Body orange,hip hooray![01:47.43]Legs black,car yellow,[01:50.33]Happy,happy,happy fellow![01:57.68]Let's make[01:59.69]Make a funny face [02:02.59]1.Copy and cut...[02:06.12]eyes 眼睛[02:07.37]mouth 嘴巴[02:08.55]nose 鼻子[02:09.80]ears 耳朵[02:11.06]2.Choose and paste.[02:14.97]Let's sing[02:17.40]……[03:08.64][00:02.89]UNIT FOUR[00:04.62]We Love Animals 我们爱护动物[00:08.41]I have a panda.我有一只熊猫.[00:11.22]Look at my rabbit.看我的兔子.[00:14.36]Look at my elephant.看我的大象.[00:17.57]Oh,it's lovely.哦,真可爱.[00:20.17]I like it.我喜欢.[00:21.87]Thank you.谢谢.[00:25.00]I have a duck.我有一只鸭子.[00:28.56]May I have a look?我可以看看吗?[00:31.81]Sure!当然可以.[00:34.19]I have a panda.我有一只熊猫.[00:36.96]Look at my rabbit.看我的兔子.[00:40.09]Look at my elephant.看我的大象.[00:43.31]Oh,it's lovely.哦,真可爱.[00:45.93]I like it.我喜欢.[00:47.99]Thank you.谢谢.[00:50.78]I have a duck.我有一只鸭子.[00:54.27]May I have a look?我可以看看吗?[00:57.51]Sure!当然可以.[00:59.43]A Let's talk[01:02.48]Look!I have a rabbit.看!我有一只小兔子.Cool![01:06.95]Look!I have a panda!看!我有一只熊猫!Super![01:11.56]Look!I have a monkey.看!我有一只猴子!Great![01:15.79]Look!I have a zoo.看!我有一个动物园.Wow! [01:20.04]Let's play[01:21.75]Look!看![01:22.97]I have a dog.我有一只狗.[01:25.48]Woof!Woof!汪!汪![01:27.27]Look!看![01:28.24]I have a cat.我有一只猫.[01:31.39]Mew!Mew!喵!喵![01:33.46]Look!看![01:34.54]I have a duck.我有一只鸭子.[01:37.30]Quack!Quack!嘎!嘎![01:39.87]Let's learn[01:41.96]dog小狗 monkey猴子 duck鸭子[01:46.89]panda熊猫 cat小猫 rabbit小兔子[01:52.44]Let's do[02:01.03]Act like a cat.扮演一只小猫.[02:02.53]Act like a duck.扮演一只鸭子.[02:03.99]Act like a panda.扮演一只熊猫.[02:05.43]Act like a monkey.扮演一只猴子[02:07.08]Act like a rabbit.扮演一只小兔子. [02:08.72]Act like a dog.扮演一只小狗.[02:11.41]Let's sing[02:19.70]Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. [02:25.66]And on that farm he had some ducks E I E I O.[02:31.75]With a quack quack here and a quack there, [02:35.28]here a quack,there a quack,everywhere a quack.[02:38.58]Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. [02:44.85]Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. [02:52.16]And on that farm he had some ducks E I E I O.[03:00.04]With a quack quack here and a quack there, [03:04.32]here a quack,there a quack,everywhere a quack.[03:08.38]Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. [03:16.26][00:02.47]UNIT FOUR 第四单元[00:04.25]We Love Animals 我们爱护动物[00:06.81]B Let's talk[00:09.84]I have a Teddy Bear.我有一只玩具熊. [00:11.36]Oh,really?哦是真的吗?[00:13.45]May I have a look?我能看一下吗?[00:15.05]Sure.当然可以.[00:16.49]Here you are.给你.[00:17.52]Thank you.谢谢.[00:19.17]Oh,it's nice!哦,太好了.[00:21.13]I like it.我喜欢.[00:22.65]Thanks.谢谢.[00:25.35]Let's play[00:27.09]I have a rabbit.我有一只兔子.[00:30.33]Really?真的吗?[00:31.74]May I have a look?我可以看看吗?[00:34.67]Sure.当然.[00:36.13]Here you are.给你.[00:39.29]Wow!哇![00:41.61]Let's learn[00:43.81]pig小猪 elephant大象 squirrel松鼠[00:49.18]mouse老鼠 bird小鸟 bear小熊[00:55.19]Let's do[01:03.84]Hunt like a mouse.像老鼠一样觅食. [01:05.72]Walk like an elephant.像大象一样走路. [01:07.18]Climb like a bear.像熊一样爬.[01:08.55]Fly like a bird.像鸟一样飞.[01:09.96]Jump like a squirrel.像松鼠一样跳. [01:13.23]Let's check[01:17.52]1.Look at the panda.看那只熊猫.[01:23.38]2.I have a squirrel.我有一只松鼠. [01:30.51]3.Jump like a rabbit.像兔子一样跳. [01:38.01]4.Fly like a bird.像鸟一样飞.[01:44.15]Let's chant[01:52.75]Look at the cat.看这只猫.[01:54.06]It is fat.它很胖.[01:55.57]Look at the pig.看这只猪.[01:57.02]It is big.它很大.[01:58.65]Look at the monkey.看这只猴子.[02:00.08]It is funny.它很有意思.[02:01.67]Look at the mouse,看这只老鼠.[02:03.21]In my house.Ahhh在我的房子里.啊!! [02:04.65][00:03.34]UNIT FOUR 第四单元[00:04.77]We Love Animals 我们爱护动物[00:07.26]C[00:08.51]Story time[00:10.50]Hello,Pig!Follow me.你好,小猪!跟我来. [00:14.07]Hello,Dog!Follow pig.你好,小狗!跟着小猪.[00:17.00]Follow me.跟我来.[00:19.14]Hello,Duck!Follow dog.你好,鸭子!跟着小狗.[00:22.10]Follow pig.Follow me.跟着小猪.跟我来. [00:25.80]Hello,Rabbit!你好,小兔子![00:27.50]Follow duck.Follow dog.跟着鸭子.跟着小狗.[00:30.13]Follow pig.Follow me.跟着小猪.跟我来. [00:33.72]Don't follow Zoom.不要跟着小熊Zoom. [00:35.45]Follow me,please.请跟我来.[00:38.19]Culture[00:40.78]CHINA 中国[00:42.82]panda 熊猫[00:44.85]CANADA 加拿大[00:46.92]beaver 海狸[00:49.09]USA 美国[00:51.95]eagle 鹰[00:54.55]AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚[00:57.43]kangaroo 袋鼠[00:59.79]Let's sing[01:01.03]……[01:02.86][00:02.68]UNIT FIVE 第五单元[00:04.63]Let's Eat 让我们吃吧[00:06.96]Mmm...嗯...[00:08.42]Have some milk.喝些牛奶吧[00:11.16]Thank you.谢谢你.[00:12.32]You're welcome.不用谢.[00:14.30]Can I have some chicken?我可以要些鸡肉吗? [00:17.22]Sure.当然可以.[00:18.48]Have some cake.吃些蛋糕吧.[00:21.26]Thank you.谢谢.[00:22.69]I like cake.我喜欢蛋糕.[00:25.77]Mmm...嗯...[00:27.26]Have some milk.喝些牛奶吧[00:30.05]Thank you.谢谢你.[00:31.18]You're welcome.不用谢.[00:33.17]Can I have some chicken?我可以要些鸡肉吗? [00:35.98]Sure.当然可以.[00:37.27]Have some cake.吃些蛋糕吧.[00:40.07]Thank you.谢谢.[00:41.50]I like cake.我喜欢蛋糕.[00:44.35]A Let's talk[00:47.28]I like hamburgers.我喜欢吃汉堡.[00:49.92]I like hot dogs.我喜欢吃热狗.[00:52.85]Here you are.给你.[00:54.06]Hot dogs and hamburgers.热狗和汉堡. [00:56.84]Thank you.谢谢.[00:58.97]I like French fries.我喜欢吃炸薯条. [01:01.55]Me,too!我也喜欢.[01:03.27]OK!Have some French fries.好的,给你一些薯条.[01:06.23]Thank you.谢谢.[01:09.25]Let's play[01:11.17]I like chicken.我喜欢鸡肉[01:14.03]I like chicken and French fries.[01:18.28]I like chicken,French fires and bread. [01:24.19]I like chicken...我喜欢鸡肉...... [01:26.69]Let's learn[01:28.55]cake蛋糕 hamburger汉堡 hot dog热狗[01:33.43]chicken鸡肉 French fries炸薯条 bread面包[01:38.96]Let's do[01:47.23]Show me the hamburger.把汉堡给我看看. [01:48.70]Pass me the French fries.把炸薯条递给我. [01:50.26]Cut the bread.把面包切开.[01:51.69]Eat the hot dog.吃热狗吧.[01:53.08]Smell the chicken.闻闻鸡肉的味道. [01:54.55]Make the cake.做一个蛋糕.[01:58.33]Let's make[02:00.16]What do you like? 你喜欢什么?[02:02.58]I like hot dogs.我喜欢热狗. [02:05.49]Food 食物[02:06.80]Name 名字[02:08.36]Mike 迈克[02:10.42]Let's sing[02:18.39]Let's have a picnic today.我们今天去野餐. [02:23.31]Let's have a picnic today.[02:27.84]Let's have a picnic today on such a lovely day![02:43.41]Let's have a picnic today.[02:47.86]Let's have a picnic today on such a lovely day![02:53.77][00:03.45]UNIT FIVE 第五单元[00:05.53]Let's Eat 让我们吃吧[00:07.07]B[00:07.79]Let's talk[00:09.52]Have some juice!喝一些果汁把![00:11.89]No,thanks.I like Coke.不,谢谢.我喜欢可乐.[00:14.08]Me too.我也是.[00:15.65]OK.Here you are.好的,给你们.[00:17.91]Thank you.谢谢.[00:19.38]You're welcome.不用谢.[00:21.02]Can I have some chicken?我能要一些鸡肉吗? [00:23.12]Sure.Here you are.当然可以.给你.[00:24.85]Thank you.谢谢.[00:26.16]You're welcome.[00:28.69]Let's play[00:30.71]Can I have a Coke,please?我能要杯可乐吗? [00:33.75]Here you are.给你.[00:36.12]Thank you.谢谢.[00:37.92]Let's learn[00:39.74]water水 milk牛奶 juice果汁 Coke可乐[00:45.00]tea茶 coffee咖啡[00:48.79]Let's do[00:56.51]Pour the water.倒水[00:57.82]Taste the tea.品品茶.[00:59.41]Smell the coffee.闻闻咖啡[01:00.78]Show me the milk.把牛奶给我看看.[01:02.49]Drink the juice.喝喝果汁.[01:05.80]Let's check[01:08.64]1.Have some hamburger.吃一些汉堡. [01:12.79]2.I like milk.我喜欢牛奶.[01:16.84]3.Have some tea.喝些茶.[01:21.19]4.Can I have some chicken?我能要一些鸡肉吗?[01:24.21]Here you are.给你.[01:26.39]Let's chant[01:34.85]Chicken and fries,[01:37.66]What a surprise![01:39.31]Chicken and fries![01:43.66]Smell the chicken,[01:45.24]Taste the fries.[01:46.73]Dinner is ready,[01:48.17]Open your eyes![01:49.61][00:02.90]UNIT FIVE 第五单元[00:04.83]Let's Eat 让我们吃吧[00:06.45]C[00:07.23]Story time[00:09.04]Can I have a hamburger?我能要个汉堡吗? [00:11.60]Here you are.给你.[00:13.31]Can I have a Coke?我能要杯可乐吗? [00:15.11]Sure.可以.[00:16.65]Can I have some ice-cream?我能要些冰淇淋吗?[00:18.72]Here you are.给你.[00:20.40]Mmm...Good!嗯...太好了![00:23.24]Can I have some French fries?我能要一些炸薯条吗?[00:25.61]OK.Here you are.好的.给你.[00:27.96]Oh,no!My ice-cream!哦,不!我的冰淇淋呀! [00:31.63]Culture[00:33.18]The knife is on the right.刀在右边. [00:36.37]The fork is on the left.叉在左边. [00:39.80]The spoon is beside the knife.汤匙放在刀的旁边.[00:43.71]The plate is in the middle.盘子放在中间. [00:47.29]Let's sing[00:55.33]Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John. [00:59.64]He has lunch with his pyjamas on. [01:03.92]One slipper off and one slipper on. [01:08.25]Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John. [01:19.20]Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John. [01:23.40]He has lunch with his pyjamas on. [01:27.65]One slipper off and one slipper on. [01:32.08]Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John. [01:34.00][00:02.58]UNIT SIX 第六单元[00:04.17]Happy Birthday! 生日快乐![00:06.49]Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐! [00:09.32]This is for you!这是给你的![00:12.04]Thank you.谢谢.[00:13.33]How old are you?你几岁了?[00:15.64]I'm 9.9岁.[00:17.30]How many candles?有多少只蜡烛.[00:19.75]9.9支. [00:21.68]Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐! [00:24.48]This is for you!这是给你的![00:26.92]Thank you.谢谢.[00:28.49]How old are you?你几岁了?[00:30.79]I'm 9.9岁.[00:32.42]How many candles?有多少只蜡烛.[00:34.95]9.9支.[00:36.53]A Let's talk[00:39.02]Hello,Sarah.你好,莎拉.[00:40.54]This is my friend,Wu Yifan.这位是我朋友吴伊帆.[00:43.77]Happy birthday!祝你生日快乐![00:45.35]Thank you.谢谢.[00:46.86]How old are you?你几岁了?[00:48.33]I'm 9.我九岁了.[00:50.24]Let's eat the birthday cake.我们来吃生日蛋糕吧.[00:52.31]Great!太好了![00:53.94]Let's play[00:55.77]How old are you?你几岁了?[00:58.46]I'm 4.我四岁.[01:00.82]Let's learn[01:02.69]one一 two二 three三 four四 five五[01:09.54]six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十[01:17.65]Let's do[01:26.49]Show me 1 and 2.做出一和二的手势. [01:28.19]Show me 3 and 4.做出三和四的手势. [01:29.79]Show me 5 and 6.做出五和六的手势. [01:31.47]Show me 7 and 8.做出七和八的手势. [01:33.09]Show me 9 and 10.做出九和十的手势. [01:37.22]Let's make[01:39.17]1.Fold 折起来.[01:41.66]2.Cut 剪纸[01:44.30]3.Fold back 折回来.[01:47.59]4.Open 打开[01:50.18]5.Push out 压出去[01:53.03]6.Look! 看![01:55.94]A birthday card.一张生日卡片.[01:58.92]Let's sing.[02:08.49]One little,two little,three little candles,[02:12.28]four little,five little,six little candles,[02:16.13]seven little,eight little,nine little candles[02:19.84]ten little candles dance.[02:31.51]Ten little,nine little,eight little candles,[02:35.33]Seven little,six little,five little candles,[02:39.15]four little,three little,two little candles,[02:42.88]one little candle dances.[02:46.54][00:02.66]UNIT SIX 第六单元[00:04.24]Happy Birthday! 生日快乐![00:06.05]C[00:07.03]Story time[00:09.15]Sh!There is Zoom!嘘!小熊Zoom在那儿. [00:12.51]I have two gifts.我有两件礼物.[00:14.80]SURPRISE!惊喜![00:16.89]Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐! [00:20.00]This cake is for you,Zoom.这是给你的蛋糕,小熊.[00:22.63]Thank you.谢谢你们.[00:23.73]Let's eat the cake!我们吃蛋糕吧![00:26.89]Culture[00:28.62]I'm from China.我来自中国.[00:30.92]Our lucky number is 6.我们的幸运数字是6.[00:35.53]I'm from Canada.我来自加拿大.[00:37.97]Our lucky number is 7.我们的幸运数字是7.[00:42.39]Let's sing[00:51.63]Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you![00:58.43]Happy birthday!Happy birthday![01:01.87]Happy birthday to you![01:12.99]Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you![01:19.87]Happy birthday!Happy birthday![01:23.33]Happy birthday to you![01:27.84][00:02.66]Recycle 2 复习2[00:04.50]Let's act[00:06.63]Happy New Year,Miss White!怀特小姐祝你新年快乐![00:09.76]Happy New Year!祝你新年快乐![00:12.10]This is for you!这是送给你的![00:14.37]Thank you.谢谢.[00:16.09]I have gifts for you,too.我也有礼物要送给你.[00:18.69]Thank you.谢谢.[00:20.30]I have a doll!我有一个玩具![00:22.08]Look!I have a car!看!我有一辆小汽车! [00:24.28]May I have a look?我能看一看吗?[00:25.70]Sure!Here you are.当然!给你.[00:27.21]How many cakes?有多少块蛋糕? [00:29.61]8.有八块.[00:30.67]Have some juice.喝点果汁吧.[00:32.40]Thank you.谢谢.[00:33.75]You're welcome.不用谢.[00:35.49]Can I have a cake?我能吃一块蛋糕吗? [00:37.72]Sure!当然![00:39.27]Oh,no!哦,不![00:40.58]Where are they?它们在哪儿?[00:44.20]Let's play[00:46.21]Chant and move[00:50.73]......[01:40.18]Find and match[01:42.77]Help the bird get home..[01:43.00]......[02:27.78]who has no home?谁没有家?[02:31.65]Let's make[02:35.24]Let's make a shaker![02:39.42]1.Get 2 paper cups.拿两个纸杯.[02:44.22]Pour in rice.倒入米.[02:47.28]2.Tape them together.把它们用胶带连在一起.[02:52.16]3.Decorate it.在上面画些画.[02:56.29]4.Shake!Shake!Shake!摇!摇!摇![03:01.88]Let's sing[03:10.87]Happy New Year.Happy New Year to you all. [03:17.07]We are singing.We are dancing.[03:20.31]Happy New Year to you all.[03:30.72]Happy New Year.Happy New Year to you all. [03:37.31]We are singing.We are dancing.[03:40.61]Happy New Year to you all.[03:44.30]。
- 课文主旨:描写了一所边疆小学欢乐祥和的校园生活,体现了我国各民族儿童之间的友爱和团结。
- 生字词:坪(píng)坝(bà)、绒(róng)球花、傣(dǎi)族等生字需要重点掌握。
- 段落结构:课文按照上学前、上课、下课的顺序描写了边疆小学的独特之处。
- 重点句子:“这时候,窗外十分安静,树枝不摇了,鸟儿不叫了,蝴蝶停在花朵上,好像都在听同学们读课文。
- 课文主旨:以儿童的视角,描绘了一群活泼天真,渴望自由的花孩子,富有童真童趣。
- 生字词:荒(huāng)野、口笛(dí)、罚(fá)站等。
- 段落结构:诗歌围绕“花的学校”展开想象,先写在雷云轰响时,花在绿草上跳舞、狂欢;接着写花孩子穿的衣裳和放假时的情景。
- 重点句子:“于是,一群一群的花从无人知道的地方突然跑出来,在绿草上跳舞、狂欢。
- 课文主旨:讲述了一夜秋风,一夜秋雨后,“我”无意中发现上学路上法国梧桐和水泥道的变化,表现了对秋的喜爱和赞美之情。
- 生字词:洼(wā)洼、印(yìn)象、凌(líng)乱等。
- 段落结构:课文按照发现美景 - 欣赏美景 - 珍藏美景的顺序来写。
- 重点句子:“每一片法国梧桐树的落叶,都像一个金色的小巴掌,熨帖地、平展地粘在水泥道上。
- 课文主旨:从秋天的颜色、气味、动植物准备过冬三个方面描写了秋天的雨,展现了一个美丽、丰收、欢乐的秋天。
- 生字词:钥(yào)匙(shi)、缤(bīn)纷、勾(gōu)住等。
- 段落结构:文章采用总分总的结构,开头总写秋天的雨是一把钥匙,中间分别从不同方面描写秋雨,结尾总结全文。
三年级上册英语第一单元《Hello》课文翻译人教(新版)Hello! I'm Zoom. 您好!我是祖姆。
Hello, I'm Mike. 你好,我是迈克。
Hi, I'm Wu yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。
Hi! My name's Zip. 你好!我的名字是次波。
Goodbye! 再见!Bye, Miss White ! 再见,怀特小姐!Hello,I'm Chen Jie. 嗨,你好,我叫陈洁。
What's your name? 你叫什么名字?My name's Sarah. 我叫莎拉。
Hello, I'm Miss White. 你好,我是怀特小姐。
Hello, I'm Wu yifan. 你好,我是吴一凡。
Hi, I'm Sarah. 你好!我是莎拉。
Hello, I'm Liu Xin. 你好!我是刘欣。
Hi, I'm John. 嗨,我是约翰。
I have a ruler. 我有一把尺子。
I have a ruler. Me too ! 我有一支尺子。
我也是!I have a pencil. Me too ! 我有一支铅笔。
我也是!I have a crayon. Me too ! 我有一支蜡笔。
我也是!I have an eraser. Me too ! 我有一块橡皮。
我也是!Hello, I'm Mike. 你好,我是迈克。
What's your name? 你叫什么名字?My name's John. 我是约翰。
Goodbye! 再见!Bye, Miss White ! 再见,怀特小姐!What's your name? 你叫什么名字?My name's Lily. 我的名字是莉莉。
Oh, no! 哦,不!Zoom! your bag! 祖姆!你的包!Open your pencil box. 打开你的铅笔盒。
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