英语的“听”,就是听力,学习英语,要多听,听力很重要,现在我们的这个阶段,正是比较基础的阶段,需要我们大量的听,听懂别人讲的英语,听懂大众讲的英语,听懂bbc ,voa主流频道英文,而在世界每个地方,有些讲的英语都是不一样的,比如日本,印度人讲英语都不一样的,所以这就需要我们大量的练习听力了,学会听懂变种英语,只有先听懂别人说什么,你才知道你要怎么去说。
2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命,3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才There is an old saying: where there is a will, there is a way. It tells us that a strong will is the most essential quality that anyone who wants to achieve success. It can contribute a lot to one’s success.Although “All roads lead to Rome”, none of them is completely smooth. Our life is filled with obstacles which may make us feel so hopeless that we may choose to give up. At the crucial moment, strong will helps a lot. As a matter of fact, the ability to work through difficult situation and unfortunate events with strong will can make one stronger and more capable. In other words, if we want to realize life’s goal, we must keep forging ahead with strong consciousness.From what has been discussed above, we can see that the establishment of tough determination is of great importance to everyone. With a strong will, including our knowledge, we will be able to deal with any situation in our life. Whatever we do, as long as we stick to and do not give up easily, we will realize the goal at last.英语专业论文模板篇二“魅力新声”英语歌唱比赛不仅具有较高的学术含量,而且包含较浓厚的英语文化。
论文关键字:情感过滤效应情感交流过程情感过滤理论(Affective Filters)是在一九八三年由西方语言学家克拉申(Krashen)提出的。
他的理论可用正面图说明:Filter(过滤器)Input(语言习得机制) (学习者的能力)他认为,“在语言教学过程中,老师讲授的语言知识(即Input输入)需经过一个情感过滤器(即filter)的作用方可进入学生的语言习得机制(即languageacquisition device),其后再转换为学生的语言能力(acquirer’s competenc e)。
英语论文范文word 篇二Upon the completion of the thesis, I would like to take this opportunity toexpress my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Peng Xiaohua, who hasgiven me important guidance on the thesis. Without his help and encouragement,my thesis would have been impossible. Besides his help with my thesis,he hasalso given me much advice on the methods of doing research, which is of greatvalue to my future academic life.I am also obliged to other teachers whose lectures have broadened my scopeof vision in British and American literature and help me lay a necessaryfoundation for the writing of the thesis. I am also grateful to all the members ofthe faculty and staff in the College of Foreign Languages who have provided mewith a lot of help and guidance.Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to all the friends andfamily members who have offered me help. Without their help,I could not havefinished my study and this thesis.英语专业论文模板篇三分层次提出教学要求:英语系按照学校的要求把XX级学生以入学成绩为依据分了两个层次,A层次普通学科专业班级,B层次体音美专业班级。
英语专业毕业论⽂英语专业毕业论⽂(精选8篇) ⼤学⽣活要接近尾声了,毕业⽣要通过最后的毕业论⽂,毕业论⽂是⼀种有准备的检验学⽣学习成果的形式,那么应当如何写毕业论⽂呢?以下是⼩编收集整理的英语专业毕业论⽂,供⼤家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。
英语专业毕业论⽂篇1 论⽂摘要:如何提⾼⼤学法语⼆外教学,⼀直是⾼校法语教学研究的重要问题。
关键词:教学⽅法;精讲多练;多媒体;法英对⽐ 21世纪是⼀个以知识经济和经济信息全球化为主要特征的时代,世界经济的⽇益全球化和⼀体化与中国对外开放进程的加速,现代社会科技、通讯、经济、⽂化的进步,使世界交往更加密切。
⼀、⼤学法语⼆外教学⾯临的问题 2002年《⼤学法语⼤纲》明确规定:“⼤学法语教学的⽬的是培养⼀定的阅读能⼒,初步的听、说、读、写、译的能⼒,使学⽣能以法语为⼯具,获取专业所需,为进⼀步提⾼法语⽔平打下较好的基础。
(⼀) 法语⼆外课时和内容相⽐显得过少。
英语语⾔学毕业论⽂(精选多篇)英语语⾔学毕业论⽂(精选多篇)第⼀篇:英语专业毕业论⽂:社会语⾔学the definition of sociolinguistics and its characteristic外语系06接本6班尹珊珊24号[abstract]sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. it ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another. sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language.[key words] sociolinguisticssociolinguistics variationsocial function [content]sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used. it also studies how lects differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individual socio-economic classes. as the usage of a language varies from place to place, and language usage varies among social classes. it is socialists that sociolinguistics studies.the study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determine language in its contextual environment. code-switching is the term given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situations. sociolinguistic differs from sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the language, while the latter’s focus is on the language’s effect on the society. while the study of sociolinguistics is very broad, there are a few fundamental concepts on which most sociolinguistic inquiries depend. sociolinguistics is different from many of the other branches of linguistics in that it studies external as opposed to internal language. internal language applies to the study of language on the abstract level, or in the head, put simply. external language applies to language in social contexts, or outside the head. this distinction is important, because internal language analyses, such as syntax and semantics, operate1on the assumption that all native speakers of a language are quite homogeneous in how they process and perceive language. external language fields, such as sociolinguistics, attempt to explain why this is in fact not the case. these two approaches, while distinct, complement each other in practice.understanding language in society means that one also has to understand the social networks in which language is embedded. this may apply to the macro level of a country or a city, but also to the inter-personal level ofneighborhoods or a single family.sociolinguistics as a field distinct from dialectology was pioneered through the study of language variation in urban areas. whereas dialectology studies the geographic distribution of language variation, sociolinguistics focuses on other sources of variation, among them class. class and occupation is one of the most important linguistic markers found in society.one of the fundamental findings of sociolinguistics, which has been hard to disprove, is that class and language variety are related. as can be implied from the example below, the working class tends to speak less standard language. the lower, middle, and upper middle class will in turn speak closer to the standard. however, the upper class, even members of the upper middle class, may often speak ‘less’ standard than the middle class. this is because not only class, but class aspirations, are important. men and women, on average, tend to use slightly different language styles. these differences tend to be quantitative rather than qualitative. that is, to say that women make more minimal responses than men is akin to saying that men are taller than women. the initial identification of a women’s register was by robin lakoff in 1975, who argued that the style of language served to maintain women’s role in society. a later refinement of this argument was that gender differences in language reflected a power difference. however, both these perspective have the language style ofmen as normat ive, implying that women’s style is inferior. more recently, deborah tannen has compared gender differences in language as more similar to ‘cultural’ differences. comparing conversational goals, she argued that men have a report style,aiming to communicate factual information, whereas women have a rapport style, more concerned with building and maintaining relationships. such differences are pervasive across mediums, including face-to-face conversation, written essays of primary school children, email, and even toilet graffiti. communication styles are always a product of context, and as such, gender differences tend to be most pronounced in single-gender groups. one explanation for this, is that people accommodate their language towards the style of the person they are interacting with. thus, in a mixed-gender group, gender differences tend to be less pronounced. a similarly important observation is that this accommodation is usually towards the language style, not the gender of the person. that is, a polite and empathic male will tend to be accommodated to on thebasis of their being polite and empathic, rather than their being male. sociolinguistics has drawn more and more attention since it became an independent discipline in mid 1960s. but scholars from various disciplines look at sociolinguistics from different perspectives, and carry out sociolinguistic study in different ways. this paper tries to understand sociolinguistics in terms of its definitions and the scope of sociolinguisticstudy to point o ut the lack of comprehensiveness in fishman’’s view on the definition of sociolinguistics.参考⽂献:《社会语⾔学概论》戴庆厦主编商务印书馆《社会语⾔学概论》祝畹瑾编著湖南教育出版社.《语⾔学概论》杨信彰⾼等教育出版社第⼆篇:英语语⾔学论⽂题⽬英语语⾔学论⽂题⽬13论国际商务谈判中的语⾔交际技巧33成⼈世界的童话——从⽂体学⾓度解析现今童话再度流⾏的现象49论⽂化差异与英汉商标互译55浅谈英汉句⼦结构差异59诗意的美和喜剧性幽默62试论⼴告英语的语⾔特点65统觉团对英语初学者词汇学习的影响67外语学习中应该重视中介语的作⽤69新闻报道中的转述动词研究73英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对⽐研究74英汉数字习语的对⽐研究76英译汉中词序的变动78英语⼴告的语⾔特征80英语双关语汉译的可译性限度101词义演变的原因与⽅式137从汉语中英语借词的翻译看⽂化交流138从价值观转换看斯佳丽的⾓⾊特征142从礼貌准则看中英⽂化的异同146从习语看英汉民族的⽂化差异149从英语⼈名中看性别歧视157动词过程类型的选择和话语隐性态度的表达161对母语在英语写作中词汇负迁移现象的思考162对严复译作中“信”的质疑167法律英语⽤词特征分析168法律语⾔翻译与法律⽂体177副词ever的句法环境和语义特征180功能语法视⾓下的英语报纸新闻标题的功能183⼴告⼝号语的语⾔特点189国际商务⽂化之对⽐研究204汉语中双关语的翻译213基于概念隐喻的诗歌解读228论⼴告英语中的幽默265论⼴告英语的语⾔特点268论汉英谚语的语⾔特征280论清教理念与美国西进运动282论莎⼠⽐亚⼗四⾏诗中的时间300论英语⼴告中⼏种常⽤修辞格及其汉译310论尤⾦?奥尼尔的表现主义⼿法324名词化的语篇功能330诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响339浅谈英语虚拟语⽓的语⽤功能340浅谈英语虚拟语⽓及其语⽤功能345浅析⼆⼗世纪计算机英语词汇的构成特点346浅析汉英动物谚语中的⽂化348浅析英汉语⾔中的性别歧视现象及其根源349浅析英语禁忌语及其发展352浅析英语⽆标志被动句356浅议译者能⼒359认知语⾔学⾓度下“within” 的空间隐喻意义365商标英语汉译的原则和⽅法384体育新闻英语⽂体研究375社会语⾔学视野中的⽹络语⾔418新闻英语中的语法特点研究423颜⾊词在英汉互译中的不对应性425移就的审美价值和⽣成基础426以认知为基础的颜⾊隐喻研究428隐喻认知功能研究的新视⾓429隐喻与⼀词多义的关系438英汉被动句对⽐研究439英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因。
因此,EGP教授的是英语语言的普遍现象,而ESP是以EGP为基础,在EGP 的基础上不同专业的变体,是EGP发展的高级阶段。
二、商务英语翻译教学中普遍存在的问题1. 商务英语翻译教学缺乏整体的计划安排。
一、论文1:基于任务型教学法的高中英语阅读教学研究1. 研究方法:采用文献综述、问卷调查、课堂观察等方法,对任务型教学法在高中的应用进行了实证研究。
2. 研究内容:分析了任务型教学法在高中的应用现状,探讨了任务型教学法对提高高中英语阅读教学效果的作用。
3. 研究结论:任务型教学法有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,提高阅读理解能力,培养学生的自主学习能力。
二、论文2:基于翻转课堂的大学英语听说教学研究1. 研究方法:采用实验研究法,对翻转课堂在大学英语听说教学中的应用效果进行了实证研究。
2. 研究内容:探讨了翻转课堂在大学英语听说教学中的应用模式,分析了翻转课堂对提高学生听说能力的作用。
3. 研究结论:翻转课堂有助于提高学生的听说能力,培养学生的自主学习能力,提高课堂教学效果。
三、论文3:基于情境教学的初中英语词汇教学研究1. 研究方法:采用实验研究法,对情境教学在初中英语词汇教学中的应用效果进行了实证研究。
2. 研究内容:探讨了情境教学在初中英语词汇教学中的应用模式,分析了情境教学对提高学生词汇掌握程度的作用。
3. 研究结论:情境教学有助于提高学生的词汇掌握程度,培养学生的语言运用能力,提高课堂教学效果。
四、论文4:基于项目式学习的大学英语写作教学研究1. 研究方法:采用实验研究法,对项目式学习在大学英语写作教学中的应用效果进行了实证研究。
2. 研究内容:探讨了项目式学习在大学英语写作教学中的应用模式,分析了项目式学习对提高学生写作能力的作用。
3. 研究结论:项目式学习有助于提高学生的写作能力,培养学生的创新思维和团队协作能力,提高课堂教学效果。
T echnical English for Oil and GasStorage and T ransportation Engineering Since September this year, we have had a new course called Technical English for oil and gas storage and transportation engineering. Professor Liu is the teacher of this course and she is very well to us. In the teaching of Professor Liu, I get much knowledge and I fell very happy.Now,let me write somethings about my profession with some personnal ideals.Extensive Reading①The title of the first paper I viewed is “Fluid and Hydraulic System”.As far as I am concerned,this paper mainly describes two important contents which are fluid and hydraulic system.The former part of this paper gives an account of Fluid that is a substance which may flow.Its constituent particles may continuously change their positions relative to one another.Moreover,it offers no lasting resistance to the displacement,however great ,of one layer over another.This means that,if the fluid is at rest,no shear force(that is a force tangential to the surface on which it acts)can exist in it.Meanwhile,fluid may be classified as Newtonian or non- Newtonian.In Newtonian fluid there is a linear relation between the magnitude of applied shear stresses and the resulting rate of angulardeformation.In non- Newtonian fluid there is a nonlinear relation between the magnitude of applied shear stresses and the resulting rate of angular deformation.The after part of this paper is concerned with the hydraulic system. I think the ligament between the two sides is “Pascal’s law”. Because all hydraulic systems depend on Pascal’s law,named after Braise Pascal, who discovered the law. This law states that pressurized fluid within a closed container-such as cylinder or pipe-exerts equal force on all of the surfaces of the container. Moreover, in actual hydraulic systems, Pascal’s law defines the basis of the results which are obtained from the system.Thus,pump moves the liquid in the system. The intake of the pump is connected to a liquid source,usually called the tank or reservoir. Atmospheric pressure,pressing on the liquid in the reservior,forces the liquid into the pump.when the pump operates,it forces liquid from the tank into the discharge pipe at a suitable pressure.②The title of the second paper I viewed is “A Discussion on Modern Design Optimization”. In this paper,the author focuses on the theory underlying some of the mathematical methods employed by design optimization procedures.To begin with, this paper treats of the optimization techniques taking one with another. The integration of optimization techniqueshas the power to reduce design costs by shifting the burden from the engineer to the computer. Furthermore,the mathematical rigor of a properly implemented potimization tool can add confidence to the design process.Modern optimization methods perform shape optimizations on components generated within a choice of CAD packages. Ideally, there is seamless data exchange via direct memory transfer between the CAD and FEA applications without the need for file translation. Furthermore, if associativity between the CAD and FEA software exist, any changes made in the CAD geometry are immediately reflected in the FEA model.The second, this paper describe how the optimization problem arises. Consider a three-step process:(1)Generation of geometry of part or assembly in CAD;(2)Creation of FEA mode of part or assembly;(3)Evaluation of results of FEA models.Meanwhile,most optimization problems are made up of three basic components.(1) An objective function which we want to minimize (or maximize). For instance, in designing an automobile panel, we might want to minimize the stress in a particular region.(2) A set of design variables that affect the value of theobjective function. In the automobile panel design problem, the variables used define the geometry and material of the panel.(3) A set of constraints that allow the design variables to have values but exclude others. In the automobile panel design problem, we would probably want limit its weight.The last but not the least, there is no beauideal in the world. Modern design optimization has many benefits and drawbacks. The elimination or reduction of repetitive manual tasks has been the impetus behind many software applications. Automatic design optimization is one of the latest applications used to reduce man-hours at the expense of possibly increasing the computational effort. It is even possible that an automatic design optimization scheme may actually require less computational effort than a manual approach. This is because the mathematical rigor on which these schemes are based may be more efficient than a human-based solution. Of course, these schemes do not replace human intuition, which can occasionally significantly shorten the design cycle. That is, no variable combination of the design parameters is left unconsidered. Thus,designs obtained using design optimization software should be accurate to within the resolution of the overall method.Intensive ReadingOriginal textIndustrial RobotA robot is an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose, manipulating machine with several reprogrammable axes, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications.The key words are reprogrammable and multipurpose because most single-purpose machines do not meet these two requirements. The term “multipurpose”means that the robot can perform many different functions, depending on the program and tooling cureently in use.Over the past two decades, the robot has been introduced into industry to perform many monotonous and often unsafe operations. Because robot can perform certain basic tasks more quickly and accurately than humans, they are being increasingly used in various manufacturing industries.The typical structure of industrial robot consists of 4 major components: the manipulator, the end effector, the power supply and the control system.The manipulator is a mechanical unit that provide motions similar to those of a human arm. It often has a shoulder joint, an elbow and a wrist. It can rotate or slide, stretch out and withdraw inevery possible direction with certain flexibility.The basic mechanical configurations of the robot manipulator are categorized as cartesian, cylindrical, spherical and ariculated. A robot with a cartesian geometry can move its gripper to any position within the cube or rectangle defined as its working volume. Cylindrical coordinate robots can move the gripper within a volume that is described by a cylinder. The cylindrical coordinate robot is positioned in the work area by two linear movements in the X and Y directions and one angular rotation about the axis. Spherical arm geometry robots position the wrist through two rotation and one linear actuation. Articulated industrial robots have an irregular work envelope. This type of robot has two main variants,vertically articulated and horizontally articulated.The end effector attaches itself to the end of robot wrist, also called end-of-arm tooling. It is the device intended for performing the designed operations as a human as a human hand can. End effectors are generally custom-made to meet special handling requirements. Mechanical grippers are the most commonly used and are equipped with two or more fingers. The selection of an appropriate end effector for a specific application depends on such factors as the payload, environment, reliability, and cost.The power supply is the actuator for moving the robot arm,controlling the joints and operating the end effector. The basic types of power sources include electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic. Each source of energy and each type of motor has its own characteristics, advantages and limitations. An ac-powered or dc-powered motor may be used depending on the systerm design and applications. These motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to power the robot. Most new robot use electrical power supply. Pneumatic actuators have been used for high speed, nonservo robots and are often used for powering tooling such as grippers. Hydraulic actuators have been used for heavier lift system, typically where accuracy was not also required.The control system is the communications and information-processing system that gives commands for the movements of the robot. It is the brain of the robot; it sends signals to the power source to move the robot arm to a specific position and to actuate the end effector. It is also the nerves of the robot ; it is reprogrammable to send out sequences of instructions for all movements and actions to be taken by the robot.An open-loop controller is the simplest form of the control system, which controls the robot only by following the predetermined step-by-step instructions. This system does not have a self-correcting capability. A close-loop control system uses feedbacksensors to produce signals that felect the current states of the controlled objects. By comparing those feedback signals with the values set by the programmer, the close-loop controller can conduct the robot to move to the precise position and assume the desired attitude, and the end effector can perform with very high accuracy as the close-loop control system can minimize the discrepancy between the controlled object and the predetermined references.Industrial robots vary widely in size, shape, number of axes, degrees of freedom, and design configuration. Each factor influences the dimensions of the robot’s working envelope or the volume of space within which it can move and perform its designated task. A broader classification of robots can been described as below.Fixed-and V ariable-Sequence Robots. The fixed-sequence robot(also called a pick-and place robot) is programmed for a specific sequence of operation. Its movements are from point to point, and the cycle is repeated continuously. The variable-sequence robot can be programmed for a specific sequence of operations but can be reprogrammed to perform another sequence of operation.Playback Robot. An operator leads or walks the playback robot and its end effector through the desired path. The robot memorizes and records the path and sequence of motions and can repeat them continually without any further action or guidance by the operator.Numerically Controlled Robot. The numerically controlled robot is programmed and operated much like a numerically controlled machine. The robot is servo-controlled by digital data, and its sequence of movements can be changed with relative ease.Intelligent Robot. The intelligent robot is capable of performing some of the functions and tasks carried out by human beings. It is equipped with a variety of sensors with visual and tactile capabilities.The robot is a very special type of production tool; as a result, the applications in which robots are used are quite broad. These applications can be grouped into three categories: material processing, material handing and assembly.In material processing, robot use tools to process the raw material. For example, the robot tools could include a drill and the robot would be able to perform drilling operations on raw material.Material handing consists of the loading, unloading, and transferring of workpieces in manufacturing facilities. These operations can be performed reliably and repeatedly with robots, thereby improving quality and reducing scrap losses.Assembly is another large application area for using robotics. An automatic assembly system can incorporate automatic testing, robot automation and mechanical handing for reducing labor costs,increaing output and eliminating manual handing concerns.What I have learned form the upper paper is listed as followNowadays, along with the fast pace of economic development, more and more Industrial robots have been presented in our living. Industrial robots have many merits and their applications are very abroad in the world.The former three paragraphs of the paper mainly introduce the short and the long of the industrial robots. W e generally realize the functions and use of them. W e know that robots have been used in various vocations. There is a word “reprogrammable”that attracts me in the second paragraph. In my opinion, the term “reprogrammable” implies two things: The robot operates according to a written program, and this program can be written to accommodate a variety of manufacturing tasks.From 4th to 10th paragraph, this paper mainly introduce the structures of robots. There are a large number of professional words which I list as follow.Elbo(肘) wrist(腕) shoulder joint(肩关节) Coordinate(坐标) volume(范围) cylindrical(圆柱的) spherical(球状的) open-loop(开环) close-loop(闭环) articulated(铰接的) cartesian(笛卡尔的) pneumatic(气动的) payload(有效载荷) feedback(反馈) nonservo(非伺服系统) end effector(终端操作机构)When I read the first sentence of the 4th paragraph, I wonde what is the mechanical unit. V ia some reference books, I know that the major of mechanism is the mechanical system. And the mechanical system is decomposed into mechanisms,which can be further decomposed ino mechanical components. In this sense, the mechanical components are the fundamental elements of machinery. On the whole, mechanical components Can be classified as universal and special components.From 11th to 15th paragraph, this paper mainly introduce the classification of robots. In the point, the classification is presented broad sense. as a matter of fact, there are a lot of categorys of the classification. What attracts me is the word “playback”. The original intention of “playback”is “repeatedly play”, but over here, it’s meaning is “示教”.The last four paragraphs mainly introduce several robot applications. At present there are two main types of robots, based on their use: general-purpose autonomous robots(通用机器人)and dedicated robots(专用机器人). Robots can be classified by their specificity of purpose. There are many application in our society nowadays. For example, in our school, they has three main applications: Robotic kits, V irtual tutors and teacher's assistants.Along with various techniques having emerged to develop the science of robotics and robots, One method shows itself that is evolutionary robotics, in which a number of differing robots are submitted to tests. Those which perform best are used as a model to create a subsequent "generation" of robots. Another method is developmental robotics, which tracks changes and development within a single in the areas of problem-solving and other functions.In a word, the prospect of robots is very bright.Appendix: all the papers in my discourse are extracted from the book named Technical English published in Peking University Press that borrowed from the library of my school.。
英语专业课程论文 (1)
山西大同大学《英语测试》课程论文题目:与羊相关好的习语专业:英语学生姓名:张晓君年级:09班级序号:5班学号:090502011538 完成时间:2012 年 6 月成绩:教师签名:Idioms Related to Sheep in English and ChineseAbstract: Language and culture are interwoven with each other, as an important part in idioms, animal idioms reflect the cultural characters distinctively in both Chinese and English, and have rich expressiveness. This paper focuses on sheep related idioms, and discuss sheep’s image, economic, religion, and history reflecting in idioms. The purpose is to better understand cultural elements and meanings of idioms and improve intercultural communicative competence.Key words: Animal Idioms; Sheep; Cultural Characters与“羊”相关的中英文习语摘要:语言和文化是密不可分的,作为习语中的一个重要组成部分,动物习语鲜明地体现了汉语与英语语言的文化特色,并具有丰富的表现力。
关键词:动物习语;羊;文化特色Idioms Related to Sheep in English and Chinese1. IntroductionWhat does idiom mean? It means a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words (qtd. in Ai Suping 183). There are many animal related idioms in both English and Chinese, and sheep is a typical kind of animal. For the relationship between human life and sheep is so close that the idioms about it have become an integral part of human culture. “Without idioms our language would become dull and dry, whereas an appropriate use of them in our speech and writing will add to the strength and vividness of our language” (Yu Fumin and Guo Shanglian 1). They have the properties of profound moral, brevity, expressiveness and rich cultural connotation. Vivid image of sheep, prominent features, are often used to describe the quality and personality of something and somebody, so it’s more vivid. This paper will focus on sheep related idioms by introducing reflection of sheep’s image, economic, religion, and history in them. To learn and study animal idioms by studying the associative meaning of sheep, sheep’s image both in English and Chinese idioms as well as the origin of idioms will help to achieve a thorough understanding, a proper command and a solid grasp of sheep culture in idiom.2. Cultural reflection in sheep related idioms2.1 Image of sheepSheep always give us the image of gentle, pure, delicate and innocent. People often use “like a lamb” to describe someone who is innocent or bright. The fable “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”refers to the person who appears good but actually is vicious and cruel; sometimes it also means that it is more dangerous to disguise. In the saying “lamb fall into a tiger’s mouth”, lamb stands for the weak, which is caught by tiger. Also there are a number of proverbs related to sheep, such as:He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf: the person who is weakwould be mistreated by others.The sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton: be sure not to begfor peace to your enemy.Cast sheep’s eyes at s omebody: send over a charming glanceto somebody.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb: whether steal for big or tiny things, it always be a thief. It means “In for a peeny,in for a pound”.However, to some degree, sheep has its derogatory sense. Black sheep is a kind of sheep which have a fiery temperament, so people use “black sheep” as a metaphor for crasher, aprodigal person or someone who stir for trouble. In chinese, people use hai qun zhi ma (blach horse) to express the same meaning with “black sheep”, which can be seen in zhuangzi.In the times when shepherding a flock of sheep was an important means ofliving, some people believed that the black sheep was a devil incarnationwho would cause misfortune to the flock; others thought that black sheepfailed to meet their masters’ expectations in the exchange of goods simplybecause of their colour. Thus a black sheep came to be employed to refer to aperson regarded as not so respectable or successful as the rest of his familyor group. (He Runfang 44)Other idioms related to sheep have passive meaning too. For example, “shy sheep”means coward; “get one’s goat”means get someone angry;“follow like sheep”is the same as follow blindly; “old goat” refers to pervert or jerk old geezer; and “ride the goat”refers to acceding to the clandestine organization.2.2 EconomicWe all know that industry of raising livestock is developed in England. When shearing wool, they have to gather wool in order not to be wasting because a lot of wool would acatter in fense, but gathering wool is trivial and boring. So people always use “wool-gathering”as a metaphor for boring work. In addition, Wool is important for sheepherder, so it would make them anger if wool was lost. Now “loose one’s wool”always means anger or lost one’s temper. What’s more, “much wool on the back”describe lots of money.2.3 ReligionChiristianity is the most widespread religion in the west. English, as the international language, is greatly influenced by this religion since it was brought to Britain by the Romans (Li Yuping 115). Sheep plays an important role in Christianity solots of stories, characters, sentences and phrases in Bible, which is the principle of Christianity, have become commom idioms in western countries. Christianity regard sheep as humanity, which gets lost easily and should depend on the strength of faith in Christianity to return to the right way, so Jesus names himself as “sheepherder”. The saying “lost lamb” stands for the person who lured by crime easily and being degenerate. According to Matthew in New Testament: “All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep fromthe goat.” From this, “sheep” is used as a metaphor for “good person” and “goat” is used as a metaphor for “bad person”, “to separate /tell the sheep fromthe goat” means distinguish good from bad.“Scapegoat”, means to be blamed for something that someone else did, which originates from ancient Judaism. According to the rule made by Mose, two goats should be sacrificed in the Day Of Atonement (july, 7th), the one is called the Lord's goat, which would be the sacrificial offerings, the other one is called escape goat or scapegoat, which would assume all crimes made by all the people. With both hands pressing in the sheepshead of the escape goat, the pontifex professes that all crimes made by Jewry in last year have trasferred to that goat, then it would be banished to wilderness with Jewry’s crimes carrying away. It should be pointed that in ancient Hebrew Bible, the escape goat is named Azazel, which translated to be “goat that departs” in English, and later commonly called escapegoat. Several examples are as follows:They were made the scapegoats for the misfire of the program.He felt that his boss would throw him to the lions if anything went wrong.The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.2.4 HistoryIn Chinese history, we regarded “hong yang”(red sheep) as great calamity. The ancient people thouhgt that bingwu, and dingwei are years when China would have calamities, further more, bing, and ding act as fire, whose color is red, and wei subordinate to sheep, so they regarded hong yang jie (“red sheep calamity”) as calamity. It can be seen in many ancient books, for example, Chai Wang’s Bing Ding Gui Jian (《丙丁龟鉴》) in Song Dynasty, it recorded that 21 social upheaval happened in years of bingwu and dingwei from the Warring States to the Five Dynasties.Sheep has left deep prints in Chinese culture. In ancient China, yang(sheep) and xiang(lucky) are interchangeable words, we always use san yang kai tai to express auspicious wishes, which commonly seen in the beginning of the year. Because “羊”(yang) and “阳” (yang) have the same pronunciation in Chinese, “三羊开泰”has the same meaning with“三阳开泰”. Some other Chinese idioms about sheep are listed as follows:Wang yang de niu: lose a sheep and get an ox, the gain is greater than the loss, it actually means a blessing in disguise.Wang yang bu lao: mending the fold after a sheep is lost, it means that it's never too late to mend when in trouble in daily life.Qi lu wang yang: lose one’s bearings when the situation is too complicated or changeableRu lang mu yang: like a wolf shepherding the sheep, as a metephor for oppression of the people by bad officials.Shi yang jiu mu: nine shepherds look after ten sheep, it means more officials than the layman.Duo qi wang yang: it is hard for a person to obtain progress and success without persistence in learning and working.Shun shou qian yang: coming from Heroes of the Marshes, later, it is used as a metaphor for people snithing something from the host at his convenience.3. ConclusionLanguage is a mirror of society; all kinds of social phenomena can be revealed in language. That is to say, society has a profound influence on language. On the contrary, language can also affect a society by influencing or even controlling the world view of its speakers (Trudgill 13). As an important part in language, Sheep related idioms, as well as animal idioms, are commonly existing in both English and Chinese. they are not only concise and comprehensive, but also vivid and witty, and closely show a nation’s history, culture, custom, and so on. Analyzing and comparing some English-Chinese animal idioms cultural connotation, we can see clearly that sheep related idioms in any kind of language are not only represent animal symbol, but also have rich cultural connotation.ReferencesTrudgill, P. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. London: Penguin Group, 2000.艾素萍,“英美文化在英语习语中的映射”,《科教文汇》2007年第9期,第183页。
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《学术论文写作》课程论文题目:与“羊”相关的中英文习语专业:英语学生姓名:学号:课程序号:3245 编号:36 完成时间:2011 年 6 月成绩:教师签名:Idioms Related to Sheep in English and ChineseAbstract: Language and culture are interwoven with each other, as an important part in idioms, animal idioms reflect the cultural characters distinctively in both Chinese and English, and have rich expressiveness. This paper focuses on sheep related idioms, and discuss sheep’s image, economic, religion, and history reflecting in idioms. The purpose is to better understand cultural elements and meanings of idioms and improve intercultural communicative competence.Key words: Animal Idioms; Sheep; Cultural Characters与“羊”相关的中英文习语摘要:语言和文化是密不可分的,作为习语中的一个重要组成部分,动物习语鲜明地体现了汉语与英语语言的文化特色,并具有丰富的表现力。
关键词:动物习语;羊;文化特色Idioms Related to Sheep in English and Chinese1. IntroductionWhat does idiom mean? It means a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words (qtd. in Ai Suping 183). There are many animal related idioms in both English and Chinese, and sheep is a typical kind of animal. For the relationship between human life and sheep is so close that the idioms about it have become an integral part of human culture. “Without idioms our language would become dull and dry, whereas an appropriate use of them in our speech and writing will add to the strength and vividness of our language” (Yu Fumin and Guo Shanglian 1). They have the properties of profound moral, brevity, expressiveness and rich cultural connotation. Vivid image of sheep, prominent features, are often used to describe the quality and personality of something and somebody, so it’s more vivid. This paper will focus on sheep related idioms by introducing reflection of sheep’s image, economic, religion, and history in them. To learn and study animal idioms by studying the associative meaning of sheep, sheep’s image both in English and Chinese idioms as well as the origin of idioms will help to achieve a thorough understanding, a proper command and a solid grasp of sheep culture in idiom.2. Cultural reflection in sheep related idioms2.1 Image of sheepSheep always give us the image of gentle, pure, delicate and innocent. People often use “like a lamb” to describe someone who is innocent or bright. The fable “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”refers to the person who appears good but actually is vicious and cruel; sometimes it also means that it is more dangerous to disguise. In the saying “lamb fall into a tiger’s mouth”, lamb stands for the weak, which is caught by tiger. Also there are a number of proverbs related to sheep, such as:He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf: the person who is weakwould be mistreated by others.The sheep who talks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton: be sure not to begfor peace to your enemy.Cast sheep’s eyes at s omebody: send over a charming glanceto somebody.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb: whether steal for big or tiny things, it always be a thief. It means “In for a peeny,in for a pound”.However, to some degree, sheep has its derogatory sense. Black sheep is a kind of sheep which have a fiery temperament, so people use “black sheep” as a metaphor for crasher, aprodigal person or someone who stir for trouble. In chinese, people use hai qun zhi ma (blach horse) to express the same meaning with “black sheep”, which can be seen in zhuangzi.In the times when shepherding a flock of sheep was an important means ofliving, some people believed that the black sheep was a devil incarnationwho would cause misfortune to the flock; others thought that black sheepfailed to meet their masters’ expectations in the exchange of goods simplybecause of their colour. Thus a black sheep came to be employed to refer to aperson regarded as not so respectable or successful as the rest of his familyor group. (He Runfang 44)Other idioms related to sheep have passive meaning too. For example, “shy sheep”means coward; “get one’s goat”means get someone angry;“follow like sheep”is the same as follow blindly; “old goat” refers to pervert or jerk old geezer; and “ride the goat”refers to acceding to the clandestine organization.2.2 EconomicWe all know that industry of raising livestock is developed in England. When shearing wool, they have to gather wool in order not to be wasting because a lot of wool would acatter in fense, but gathering wool is trivial and boring. So people always use “wool-gathering”as a metaphor for boring work. In addition, Wool is important for sheepherder, so it would make them anger if wool was lost. Now “loose one’s wool”always means anger or lost one’s temper. What’s more, “much wool on the back”describe lots of money.2.3 ReligionChiristianity is the most widespread religion in the west. English, as the international language, is greatly influenced by this religion since it was brought to Britain by the Romans (Li Yuping 115). Sheep plays an important role in Christianity solots of stories, characters, sentences and phrases in Bible, which is the principle of Christianity, have become commom idioms in western countries. Christianity regard sheep as humanity, which gets lost easily and should depend on the strength of faith in Christianity to return to the right way, so Jesus names himself as “sheepherder”. The saying “lost lamb” stands for the person who lured by crime easily and being degenerate. According to Matthew in New Testament: “All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep fromthe goat.” From this, “sheep” is used as a metaphor for “good person” and “goat” is used as a metaphor for “bad person”, “to separate /tell the sheep fromthe goat” means distinguish good from bad.“Scapegoat”, means to be blamed for something that someone else did, which originates from ancient Judaism. According to the rule made by Mose, two goats should be sacrificed in the Day Of Atonement (july, 7th), the one is called the Lord's goat, which would be the sacrificial offerings, the other one is called escape goat or scapegoat, which would assume all crimes made by all the people. With both hands pressing in the sheepshead of the escape goat, the pontifex professes that all crimes made by Jewry in last year have trasferred to that goat, then it would be banished to wilderness with Jewry’s crimes carrying away. It should be pointed that in ancient Hebrew Bible, the escape goat is named Azazel, which translated to be “goat that departs” in English, and later commonly called escapegoat. Several examples are as follows:They were made the scapegoats for the misfire of the program.He felt that his boss would throw him to the lions if anything went wrong.The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out.2.4 HistoryIn Chinese history, we regarded “hong yang”(red sheep) as great calamity. The ancient people thouhgt that bingwu, and dingwei are years when China would have calamities, further more, bing, and ding act as fire, whose color is red, and wei subordinate to sheep, so they regarded hong yang jie (“red sheep calamity”) as calamity. It can be seen in many ancient books, for example, Chai Wang’s Bing Ding Gui Jian (《丙丁龟鉴》) in Song Dynasty, it recorded that 21 social upheaval happened in years of bingwu and dingwei from the Warring States to the Five Dynasties.Sheep has left deep prints in Chinese culture. In ancient China, yang(sheep) and xiang(lucky) are interchangeable words, we always use san yang kai tai to express auspicious wishes, which commonly seen in the beginning of the year. Because “羊”(yang) and “阳” (yang) have the same pronunciation in Chinese, “三羊开泰”has the same meaning with“三阳开泰”. Some other Chinese idioms about sheep are listed as follows:Wang yang de niu: lose a sheep and get an ox, the gain is greater than the loss, it actually means a blessing in disguise.Wang yang bu lao: mending the fold after a sheep is lost, it means that it's never too late to mend when in trouble in daily life.Qi lu wang yang: lose one’s bearings when the situation is too complicated or changeableRu lang mu yang: like a wolf shepherding the sheep, as a metephor for oppression of the people by bad officials.Shi yang jiu mu: nine shepherds look after ten sheep, it means more officials than the layman.Duo qi wang yang: it is hard for a person to obtain progress and success without persistence in learning and working.Shun shou qian yang: coming from Heroes of the Marshes, later, it is used as a metaphor for people snithing something from the host at his convenience.3. ConclusionLanguage is a mirror of society; all kinds of social phenomena can be revealed in language. That is to say, society has a profound influence on language. On the contrary, language can also affect a society by influencing or even controlling the world view of its speakers (Trudgill 13). As an important part in language, Sheep related idioms, as well as animal idioms, are commonly existing in both English and Chinese. they are not only concise and comprehensive, but also vivid and witty, and closely show a nation’s history, culture, custom, and so on. Analyzing and comparing some English-Chinese animal idioms cultural connotation, we can see clearly that sheep related idioms in any kind of language are not only represent animal symbol, but also have rich cultural connotation.Works CitedTrudgill, P. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. London: Penguin Group, 2000.艾素萍,“英美文化在英语习语中的映射”,《科教文汇》2007年第9期,第183页。