计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 7

Unit 7 The Fundamentals of ComputerSoftwareText 1 Data StructureA data structure is a data type. Its values are composed of component elements that are related by some structure.Since a data structure is a data type, it has a set of operations on its values. In addition, there may be operations that act on its component elements. The operations of a structured data type might not only act on the values of the data type, they might also act on component elements of the data structure.The data type’s arrays and record s are native to many programming languages. By using the pointer data type and dynamic memory allocation, many programming languages also provide the facilities for constructing linked structures. The first two higher-level abstract data types are stacks and queues. They are extremely important to computing.A stack is a data type. Its major attributes are the way the insertion and deletion of its elements. The only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most recently. Such a structure is said to have a last-in/first-out (LIFO) behavior.Queues are familiar to us. The line of people waiting for service at a bank is an example of queues. The main feature of queues is that they follow a first-come/first-served rule. In queues, the earliest element inserted is the first served. In social settings, the rule appeals to our sense of equality and fairness.There are many applications of the first-in/first-out (FIFO) protocol of queues in computing. For example, the line of I/O requests waiting for access to a disk drive might be a queue. The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might also be a queue.参考译文数据结构数据结构是一种数据类型,其值是由通过某种结构相互关联的组成元素所构成的。
计算机专业英语及翻译Unit 10

Unit 10 Program DesignText 1 Computer LanguagesComputer languages have undergone dramatic evolution since the first electronic computers were built. Early on, programmers worked with the most primitive computer instructions—machine language. These instructions were represented by long strings of ones and zeroes. Soon, assembly language was invented. It maps machine instructions to human-readable mnemonics, such as ADD and MOV.In time, higher-level languages evolved, such as PASCAL, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, and JA V A. These languages let people work with something approximating words and sentences, such as Let I = 100. These instructions were translated back into machine language by interpreters and compilers. An interpreter translates a program as it reads it, turning the program instructions, or code, directly into actions. A compiler translates the code into an intermediary form. This step is called compiling, and produces an object file. The compiler then invokes a linker, which turns the object file into an executable program.Because interpreters read the code as it is written and execute the code on the spot, interpreters are easy for the programmer to work with. Compilers, however, introduce the extra steps of compiling and linking the code, which is inconvenient. Because the time-consuming task of translating the source code into machine language has already been accomplished, compilers produce a program that is very fast each time it is run.The problems programmers are asked to solve have been changing. Today's programs use sophisticated "user-friendly interfaces," involving multiple windows, menus, and dialog boxes. The programs written to support this new approach are far more complex than those written just ten years ago. Generally, as programming requirements have changed, both languages and the techniques used for writing programs have evolved.参考译文计算机语言自从第一批电子计算机诞生以来,计算机语言已经发生了戏剧性的变化。

Text Aputer is an electronic equipment which can make arithmetic and logical calculation process information rapidly and automatically.计算机是一种能够高速、自动地进行算术和逻辑运算及信息处理的电子设备。
3.The purpose of inventing and developing computer is to make arithmetic calculations rapidly accurately.发明和开发计算机的目的是使算术运算快速准确。
4.Production management ,data counting,office automation,traffic dispatching,information retrieval all belong to this field.生产管理,数据统计,办公自动化,通信调度,信息检索都属于这一领域。
5.Real-time means that the time of computer’s calculating and controlling may match the time of controlled object’s practical running or working. 实时意味着计算机的计算和控制的时间符合受控对象的实际运行或工作的时间。
Text B1.Perhaps the most significant date in the history of computers is the year 1936.it was in this year that the first “computer”was developed。
It was created by Konrad Zuse and dubbed the ZI Computer.也许在计算机历史上最显著日期是今年1936.它是在今年的第一个“电脑”被开发,它由康拉德·楚泽创建,并冠以ZI计算机。

2.(P17)The most important piece of graphics hardware is the graphics card, which is the piece of equipment that renders out all images and sends them to a display. There are two types of graphics cards: integrated and dedicated. An integrated graphics card, usually by Intel for use in their computers, is bound to the motherboard and shares RAM (Random Access Memory) with the CPU, reducing the total amount of RAM available. This is undesirable for running programs and applications that use a large amount of video memory. A dedicated graphics card has its own RAM and Processor for generating its images, and does not slow down the computer. Dedicated graphics cards also have higher performance than integrated graphics cards. It is possible to have both dedicated and integrated graphicscard, however once a dedicated graphics card is installed, the integrated card will no longer function until the dedicated card is removed.

专业计算机英文作文带翻译英文,As a professional in the field of computer science, I have always been passionate about technology and its applications in various industries. My journey in this field started during my undergraduate studies, where I was exposed to the fundamentals of programming, algorithms, and data structures. The more I delved into the subject, the more I realized the immense potential and impact of computer science on our daily lives.One of the most exciting aspects of my profession is the constant innovation and evolution of technology. For example, the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning has revolutionized the way we approach problem-solving and decision-making. These technologies have been applied in diverse fields, from healthcare to finance, and have significantly improved efficiency and accuracy.In addition to the technical skills, my profession alsorequires strong problem-solving abilities and critical thinking. I often find myself tackling complex issues and devising creative solutions to overcome them. This aspect of my work keeps me engaged and motivated, as I enjoy the challenge of unraveling intricate problems.Moreover, communication and collaboration are essential in my profession. I frequently work in multidisciplinary teams, where I have to effectively communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. This requires me to be articulate and adaptable in my communication style, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.Overall, being a professional in computer science is not just about writing code or developing software. It encompasses a wide range of skills and qualities, from technical expertise to problem-solving and communication. I am proud to be a part of this dynamic and fast-paced industry, and I look forward to contributing to its continuous growth and innovation.中文,作为计算机科学领域的专业人士,我一直对技术及其在各个行业中的应用充满热情。

Guest editora vehicle of 一种手段productivity生产力perceive 感知empirical means:经验方法the prolonged exponential growth:长期的指数增长Fidelity:保真度energy harvesting:能源获取Ubiquitous computing:普适计算Photosynthesis :光合作用incident light 入射光coated 覆盖的humidity 湿度moisture gradients:湿气梯度semiconductor fabrication:半导体制造Acoustic:声学的Miniaturization:小型化Photons:光子,量子Concentrations:浓度Tailored:定制的Spectrum:光谱sophisticated heterogeneous systems:复杂的异构系统Fusion:融合=aggregationQualitative 定性的Diffusion:扩散duty-cycle:占空比spatial dimension:空间范围Dissemination:散播Pervasive:普遍的Trajectory:轨道Ambient:周围的②leachMicrosensors:微传感器Cluster: 名词:簇动词:分簇Cluster head:簇头Hierarchy 分层Application-Specific 应用相关的In terms of 按照Aggregate聚合Diffusion:传播Dissipated:耗散Timeline 时间轴Backs off:后退Dissipation:耗散spread-spectrum:扩频intra-cluster:簇内Outperform:胜过③pegasisHomogeneous:同质的fusion :融合aggregationFuse:v. 融合Humidity:湿度Beacon:信标timestamp 时间戳in terms of :就...而言greedy approach:贪婪算法truncated chain:截断链Critical:关键的propagation delays:传播延迟Dissipate:v.发散SNR:信噪比Joules:焦耳The upper bound:上限tier:等级token :令牌,象征Dense:密集的Sparse:稀疏的Heuristic:启发式Outperforms:胜过Preliminary:初步的Exponential:指数的traveling salesman problem 旅行商问题tradeoff 代价④z-macLatency:时间延迟Robust:鲁棒性slot assignment:时隙分配multiple access control:多址接入控制Aggregate:聚合duty cycle:占空比the overhead of:开销Vendors:厂商surface-mount:表面贴装hand-soldering:手工焊接Predetermined:预定的Stochastic:随机的Explicit Contention Notification:明确竞争通知Unicast:单播Congestion:拥塞Benchmark:基准Preamble:头部⑤A building。

CHAPTER 619. SYSTEM UNIT (P150)The system unit, also known as the system cabinet, is a container that houses most系统单元该系统的单位,又称系统机柜,是一个容器,里面大部分构成一个计算机系统的电子元件。
微型计算机中,有四种基本类型:桌面系统的单位,笔记本电脑系统的单位,平板电脑系统的单位,掌上电脑系统的单位2. SYSTEM BOARD (P153)The system board is also known as the motherboard. The system board is the系统板也被称为主板。
21. (P154)Sockets provide a connection point for small specialized electronic parts called套接字提供了一个小的芯片专门的电子零件的连接点。
22. MICROPROCESSOR (P155)In a microcomputer system, the central processing unit (CPU) or processor is 在微机系统中,中央处理单元(CPU)或处理器包含一个单一的芯片上称为微处理器。
计算机专业英语教程 第四版 部分翻译和简答题

翻译:1、C++’s advantages include strong typing, operator overloading, and less emphasis on the preprocessor.C++的优点包括强类型,运算符重载和较少地强调预处理器。
2、A program instruction or a piece of data is stored in a specific primary storage location called an address.程序指令和数据是存储在主存中一个特殊的位置,称为地址空间3、A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various instructions. This is possible not because computer processors are now so technologically advanced that they can ‘understand’ these langu ages. You should translate from programming languages into machine language which can be understood by the computer processors. Compilers can accomplish this task. This does mean that a high-level language program is not directly executable: it must be compiled to produce processor program, which is executable.高级语言是一门人工的我们可以写入各种各样指令的语言。

第4章操作系统第一部分阅读和翻译A部分 Windows 71. 简介Windows 7是微软最新发布的windows版本,这一系列微软制造的操作系统主要用于个人电脑,其中包括家庭和商业台式电脑、笔记本电脑、上网本、平板电脑、和媒体中心电脑。
(见图4.1)Windows 7于2009年7月22日开始生产,并在2009年10月22日零售,这个时间距其推出其前任Windows Vista不到三年时间。
与Windows 7相对应的Windows server 2008 R2,也是同年发布。
不像其前一操作系统vista,windows7 引入了大量的新特性,更集中于增量升级的windows线,目标是兼容已经在vista中兼容的应用程序和硬件。
微软在2008年的报告中关注于对于多点触控的支持,以及一个重新设计的windows shell和一个新的任务栏,并将其称之为Superbar,还有一个称之为家庭组的网络系统,注重性能改进。
之前版本的windows 系统中的一些标准的应用程序,包括windows日历,windows邮件,windows movie maker,和windows相片画廊在windows 7中并没有包含进来,而大多数是作为Windows Live Essentials套件单独免费进行提供的。
2. 发展最初,微软计划用一个代号为Blackcomb的windows版本来继承Windows XP(代号惠斯勒)和Windows Server 2003。
然而,一个临时的,更小的,代号为Longhorn 的版本在2003年发布了。
在2003年,相继有三个主要病毒暴露了windows操作系统的一些漏洞,微软改变了其的发展重点,搁置了Longhorn的主要开发工作,主要开发windows xp和windows server 2003的服务包。

Translation:1.When unprocessed data is sent to the computer with the help of input devices, the data isprocessed and sent to output devices.输入设备将未处理的数据发送到计算机时,数据将被处理并发送到输出设备。
2.The control unit, ALU, and registers are collectively known as a central processing unit(CPU).控制单元,ALU和寄存器统称为中央处理器(CPU)。
3.The CPU contains a special set of memory cells called registers that can be read and writtento much more rapidly than the main memory area.CPU包含一组称为寄存器的特殊存储器单元,读取和写入寄存器的速度比在主存储器更快。
4. A computer can store any kind of information in memory if it can be representednumerically.只要能表示为数字,计算机就能将任何类型的信息存储在存储器中。
5.Control systems in advanced computers may change the order of execution of someinstructions to improve performance.高级计算机中的控制系统可以改变某些指令的执行顺序以提高性能。
6.On computers that can provide parallel processing, an operating system can manage howto divide the program so that it runs on more than one processor at a time.在可以提供并行处理的电脑上,操作系统可以管理如何分解程序,以便在多个处理器中同时运行该程序。

Chapter 11.multi-core processor(多核处理器)------It is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing units called “cores”, which are the units that read and execute program instructions.它是集成了两个或两个以上称为“核”的处理单元的计算部件,具有读取和执行程序指令的单元。
2.graphics processing unit(GPU)(图形处理单元)------A graphics processing unit, also occasionally called visual processing unit(VPU),is a specialized processor. It is designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.它是一个图形处理单元,有时也被称为视觉处理单元VPU,一个专门的处理器。
3.Wearable computer(可穿戴电脑)------A wearable computer, also known as a body-borne computer or wearable ,is a miniature electronic device that is worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing.穿戴式电脑,也被称为人体电脑或穿戴电脑,是一种微型电子设备,由持有者佩戴在身上或者衣服上。

Figure 1-1 illustrates how all input/output (I/O)is “read to” or “written from” primary storage. In the figure, an inquiry (input) is made on a VDT. The inquiry, in the form of a message, is routed to primary storage over a channel (such as a coaxial cable). The message is interpreted, and the processor initiates action to retrieve the appropriate program and data from secondary storage [3].The program and data are “loaded”, or moves, to primary storage from secondary storage. This is a nondestructive read process. That is, the program and data that are read reside in both primary storage (temporarily) and secondary storage (permanently). The data are manipulated according to program instructions, and a report is written from primary storage to a printer.

计算机专业英语翻译参考1.(P1) Computer science deals with the theoreticalfoundations of information and computation, together with practical techniques for the implementation and application of these foundations, such as programming language theory, computational complexity theory, computer graphics and human-computer interaction.计算机科学涉及信息和计算的理论基础,以及这些基础的实施和应用的实际技术,如编程语言理论,计算复杂性理论,计算机图形学和人机交互。
2.(P17) The most important piece of graphics hardware isthe graphics card, which is the piece of equipment that renders out all images and sends them to a display.There are two types of graphics cards: integrated and dedicated. An integrated graphics card, usually by Intel for use in their computers, is bound to the motherboard and shares RAM (Random Access Memory) with the CPU, reducing the total amount of RAM available. This is undesirable for running programs and applications that use a large amount of video memory. A dedicated graphics card has its own RAM and Processor for generating its images, and does not slow down the computer. Dedicated graphics cards also have higher performance than integrated graphicscards. It is possible to have both dedicated and integrated graphics card, however once a dedicated graphics card is installed, the integrated card will no longer function until the dedicated card is removed.最重要的一块图形硬件是显卡,是一件呈现出所有的图像,并将它们发送到一个显示器的设备。

计算机专业英语单词**Unit 1 the development of computer technologyApprentice学徒n. Numerical数字的a. Integrator积分器n.Installation安装n. Semiconductor半导体n. Numerical数字的a. Share份额n.Mainframe主机n. House给…提供住房v. Stride进步n.Component元件n. Chip芯片n.Miniature微小化v. Circuit电路n.Kit一套n.Hurdle困难n.Simplify简化v.Drop-out辍学n.Fledgling刚刚起步的a. Unprecedented前所未有的a. Spreadsheet电子表格n. Automate自动化v. Band结合v.(与together连用)Novice初学者n.Abruptly突然地ad. Dub配制v.Prestige声望n.Fad时尚n.Retrieve检索v.Legitimate合法的a.**unit 2 computer systemComponent构建n. Calculation预料n. Payroll工资单n. Balance平衡vt. Chequebook账本n. Vary变化v.Diagram图解,图表n. Motherboard主板n. Memory内存n.Storage存储n.Data数据n.Process处理v. 处理过程n. Megabyte兆字节n. Floppy软盘n.Permanent永久性的a. Character字符n.Removable可移动的a. Command指令n.Keyboard键盘n.Remote遥控的a.Monitor监控器,显示器n. Display显示v.Text文本n.Graphical图表的a. Image图像n.Screen屏幕n.Feature(以…为)特征v. Resolution 分辨率n. Co-ordinate坐标n. Refresh刷新v.Specify列举v.Flicker闪烁v.Mouse鼠标n.Invert倒转v.Trackball轨迹球n. Button按钮n.Update改动v.Movement位移n.Printer打印机n.Available可用的a. Modem(modulator/demodulator)调制解调器n.Via通过,以…为媒介prep.**Unit 3 floppy drivesFloppy软磁盘 n. Drive驱动器n.Head磁头n.Diskette磁盘n.Mechanism机械装备,机械作用n.Actuator拖动装置n. Erasure删除n.Minimal最小的a.Spindle主轴n.Torque扭矩n.Compensation补偿,调整n. Sticky粘性的a.Slippery表面光滑的a. Strobe测速仪n.Fluorescent发光的a. Rim轮缘n.Wagon运货车n.Interface接口,界面n. Faceplate面板n. Ribbon丝带n.Weird奇异的a.Daisy菊花链n.Configuration配置n. Configure排列v. Jumper跳线(插座)n. Terminate 终止n. Terminator终端器n. Termination终端器装置n. Echo反射信号n.Resistor电阻器n. Solder焊接v.**unit 4 unx operating systemOverview概论n.Flavor流行,味道n. Hierarchical分层a. Portability轻便n. Kernel内核n.Assembler汇编语言n. Debugger排除故障n. Compiler程序编制器n. Outline概要n.Enforce执行v.Prompt提示,提问n. Time-slicing时间片n. Interval间歇n.Restore恢复v.Remainder余数n. Reside保存v.Swap交换v.Shuttle往复运动v.Degrade降低v.Type打字v.thrash反复地做v.priority优先n.dynamically动态地,高性能的ad.multitasking多任务n. foreground前台,前述事项n. background后台n ampersand符号&(and)n.**unit 5 programming languageSyntax句法n.Punctuation标点n.Execute运行vt.Dumb呆板的a.ManiSequence顺序n. Incorporate结合,吸收vt. Abstract使…抽象化,提取vt. Variable变量n.Constant常数n.Troubleshoot故障寻找v. Assembler汇编语言n. Parameter参数n.Numerical数字的a.Access接近,存取,访问n. Routine惯例n.Compiler自动编码器,编译程序n.Interpreter解释器n. Devise设计,制定v. Underlie成为…的基础v. Streamline做成流线型v. String字符串n.Matrix矩阵n.Facilitate促进v.Icon图标n.Simulate模仿v.Random随机的a.Procedural程序性a. Cyclical循环的a.Footnote注脚n.Script脚本v.Library库n.Function函数,功能n.Segment部分n.Inherit继承v.Spark使闪耀,激励v. Spectrum范围,幅度n.**unit 6 computer application office solutionRecipe秘诀n.Compatible兼容a. Archive存档v.Resolution分辨率n. Pixel像素n.Pitch斜度n.Dock连接v.Serial串行的a.Port端口n.Plug-in插入n.Peripheral外围的a. Interpolate改写v. Duplexing双向的a. Collate 整理v.Staple钉住v.Cropping剪切方法n. Audit查账n./v. Implement实施v. Surge浪涌n./v.** unit 7 A new officeVersion版本n.Suite组件n.Productivity生产力n. Application应用程序n. Betaβ软件测试版本n. Bill宣布v.Ambitious有抱负的a. Release发表v./n. Steer使…朝向…v. Integration 结合n. Unveil新发售v. Initiative率先,提倡n. Sweeping彻底的a. Collaboration合作n. Recognition识别n.Native本机的a.Component组件n.Linchpin关键,中心点n. Move提议,步骤n. Repository资料库n. Pivot要点n.Chart图表n.Integrate结合v.Quote报价n.Ticker股票行情自动收录机n.Workflow工作流程n. Upcoming即将到来的a. Interval间隔n.Say(插于句中)例如v. Personalize使…个性化v. Interactive交互的a. Miscellaneous杂货的,其他的a.Deployment展开n. Routine例行程序n. Tally计算,符合v. Conjunction 结合n.**unit 8 Introduction to browsersBrowser浏览器n.Transfer转移v.Layout布局,装配图n. Hypertext超文本n. Tutorial辅导n.Cursor光标n.Abbreviate缩写v. Format格式n.Access存取,访问n. Session会话n.Rescue营救v.Randomly随机的ad. Navigation导航n. Image图片n.Intuitive直观的a. respectively分别ad. Default默认n.Clickable可点击的a.**unit 9 MultimediaEssentially本质上ad. Integration集成n. Audio音频的a.Static静止的a.Animation动画片n. Capability能力,性能n. Convert变换v.In-line内部的a.Graphics图形n.Conversion转换n.External外部的a.Flexible灵活a.Tailor使适应v.Configure使成型,设置v. Setting环境,领域n. Platform平台n.Native内部的a.Installation装置n. Availability有效,可利用n. Synchronize同步化v. Extension扩展名,辅助设备n.Virtual虚拟的,实际上的a. Originate发起,创办v. Synchronization同步n. Plu** unit 10 local area networkGateway网关n.Formatting格式化n. Backspace后移n.Keystroke击键n.Update使现代化,修改v. Buffer缓冲n.Flexibility灵活性n. Interface界面,接口n. Protocol协议,草药n. Workstation工作站n. Attribute属性,特征n. Vector矢量n.Stand-alone独立的a. Console控制台n.Node节点n.Mainframe主机n.Computational计算的a. Mundane世俗的a.Intense强烈的,高度的a. Router路由器n.Evolve进化v.Forward促进,转交,发送v. Monitor监视,检验v. Traffic通行n.Hierarchical分层的a. Administrator管理人员n. Invisible不可见的a. Elsewhere在别处ad.** unit 11what is the internetInterconnect使相互连接v. Surf冲浪v.Bookmark书签n.Brokerage佣金n.Site网站n.Resume简历n.Pornographic色情的a. Filter过滤v.Evaluate评价v.Praise提出v.Hallow视为神圣v.Database数据库n.Specify指定,详记v. Keyword关键字n.Facility设施,工具n. Ala按… prep.Acronym首字母缩写词n. Newsgroup新闻组n.Forums论坛会n.Target目标n.Index索引n.Bury隐藏,埋葬v.Somewhere在附近,在某处ad. Cyberspace网络空间n. Stuff材料,资料n. Bill账单n.** unit 12 electronic data interchangeEquivalent相等物n.Procurement取得,造成n. Process活动,作用,步骤n. Facilitate推进v. Hitherto迄今ad.Architecture组织,建筑学n. Transmit传送v.Dispatch派送v.Compliance屈服n.Explicit明确的a.Moderately适中的ad. Sophisticated复杂的a. Infrastructure基础n. Retention保持n.Participant参与者n. Implement贯彻,完成v. Advantageous有利的a. Inventory存货n.Distribution分配,销售n. Automate使自动化v.Rationalize使合理化v. Catalyst催化剂n.Boundary边界n.Commence开始,倡导v. Cocomitant伴随a./伴随情况n. Coordinate协调v.Incompatible不能并立adj. Address委托,解决v. Transcription抄写,翻译n. Incidence发生,影响范围n. Transaction交易,业务n.** unit 13 beginners guide to ecommerceMug抢劫v.Interchangeably互换的ad. Issue发布v.Anonymous匿名的a.Transaction买卖n.Merchant商人n.Identity身份n.Merchandise商品n.Indorse=endorse签名v. Encode把…编码v.Cybercash=e-money=emoney电子货币n.Encrypt把…加密v. Receipt收据,接受n. Credit信誉n.Initiate开始v.Transfer移动n.Bond债券n.Corporate共同的a. Ship输送v.Format版式n.Broker经纪人n.Account账目n.Offset抵消v.Template样板模式n. Insurmountable不可逾越的a.Retailer零售商n. Expire到期v.Notify通知v.Transpire发生v. Fraud欺诈n.Lease租用v.Alternative选择n. Access存取v.Ascertain确定v. Legitimate合法的a. Leery多疑的a.Contest对…提出异议v. Chargeback退款n. Expense开支n.Would-be未来的a. Typically向来,普通ad. Stringent严格Eligibility 合格,候选资格n.** unit 14 virusReplicate复制v. Halt停止n.Transmit传播v.Security安全n.Infection感染n. Mechanism机制n. Intrigue激起(sb.的)好奇心v.Payload荷载n.Trigger引发n./v.Overwrite修改v. Sector扇区n.Random随机n.Unresponsive未反应的a. Flash快速n.Bootstrap引导(程序)n. Ultraviolet紫外线n. Dedicated专用的a. Executable可执行的a. Stub片断n.Object对象nFunction函数n.Align排队n.Even偶数的a.Alignment排队n. Chunk块n.Slack闲散的a.Variant变量n.Peculiarity独特性n. Linker连接器n.Fragment碎片n.Allocate分配v.Crucial关键的a. Deem认为v.Hook占用n./v. Interrupt中断n. Descriptor描述n. Privilege特权n. Handler管理器n. Alter改变v.**useful phrases词组Make great/rapid strides 取得很大进步In the form of以…形式 At the rate of以…速度 Be accustomed to习惯于 A matter of大约All levels of各行各业的 A number of许多Be made up of由…构成 Depend upon取决于Be concerned about关心,涉及Refer to称为Take away取下,拿走Up to直到Be locate in/on位于Dial up拨号Associate with与…联合 In addition to此外…还有 Attach to把…附在Be measured in以…为衡量单位 Coat with镀以…For this reason因此Serve as充当Distinct form截然不同 Confuse A with B把A和B相混淆Trick…into哄骗For the most part大部分 Build in插入Equip…with装备In short总之Derive…form由…而来 In total总计,全体A set of一套Carry on继续进行Present sb. With sth.把sth.送给sb.Interact with与…相互作用 Be similar to与…相似 Consist of由…构成Divide…by以…来除Give access to得到,到达,准许出入Be adapted to适应于On the fly匆忙地Be restricted with把…看做一致 Be restricted to仅限 Plug in(可分开用)接上插头通电 By comparison相比之下 Take over接管,占领Sit back放松,休息Take…off除去,跃起By the name of名叫…的 Call for呼吁Build in内建Function as作为…而起作用 Integrate with与…结合 At timed intervals定期的 Beef up加强In conjunction with与…结合 Be similar to与…相似 Figure out算出,解决 Correspond to与…一致 Be likely(unlikely)to/that可能(不可能)发生某事Set up安装Distinguish…form…区分 In doubt拿不准A variety of各种各样的 Plug in接上插头通电 By comparison相比之下Take over接管,占领 Sit back放松Take…off除去,跃起 By the name of名字叫…的 Call for呼叫,要Build in内建Function as作为…而起作用 Integrate with与…结合 At timed intervals定期 Beef up加强In conjunction with与…结合 Be similar to与…相似 Figure out算出Correspond to与…一致 Be likely(unlikely)to/that可能(不可能)发生sth.Set up安Distinguish…from…区分In doubt拿不准A variety of各种各样的 Deal with处理,论谈 Tailor to使适应…的需要Choose to愿意Be concerned with牵涉 In term of就…来说Relieve…from减轻,解除Range from…to从…到…不等 Log in注册,进入In turn依次Split…into分成All over到处Click on单击Start out起始于Communicate with与…通信 Compare with与…相比Contrast with与…对照Together with连同,和…一道 Lead to导致A range of范围Result in导致Be every bit as和…完全一样 Specialize in专门从事…As opposed to相比之下Have difficulty/trouble(in)doing…做sth.有困难End up结束Be capable of能够Consist of由…组成Meet the condition of满足…的条件 Over and over again一再地,反复地Bring to使人复生/恢复知觉 At the end of在…结束Apart from除…之外。

●计算机专业英语翻译部分●Data is a collection of un-organized facts, which can include words, numbers, images, andsounds.●数据是未经组织的事实的集合,数据可以包括单词,数字,图像和声音.● A computer consists of a variety of hardware components that work together with software toperform calculations(计算), organize data, and communicate with other computer.●计算机由许多硬件部件构成,这些硬件与软件一起工作,以便执行计算,组织数据及与其他计算机通信的任务.●These hardware components include input devices, output devices, a system unit, storagedevices, and communications devices.●硬件部件包括输入设备,输出设备,系统单元,存储设备和通信设备.●An input device allows a user to enter data and commands into the memory of a computer.●输入设备让用户向计算机存储器输入数据和命令.●Storage differs from memory ,which can hold these items permanently(永久的),whereasmemory holds these memory holds items only temporarily(暂时的)。
●外存储器与内存储器不同,外存储器能永久保存数据而内存储器仅临时保存.●Four common storage devices are a floppy disk drive, a hard disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, and aDVD-ROM drive.●四种常用的外存设备分别是:软盘驱动器,硬盘驱动器,CD-ROM驱动器和DVD-ROM驱动器.●Television?and?data?can?be?mixed?on?one?cable.?●宽带能用于多个方面。

1.1A Closer Look at the Processor and PrimaryStorage仔细看看处理器和主存储器We have learned that all computers have similar capabilities and perform essentially the same functions, although some might be faster than others. We have also learned that a computer system has input, output, storage, and processing components; that the processor is the “intelligence” of a computer system; and that a single computer system may have several processors. We have discussed how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called bits. We are now ready to expose the inner workings of the nucleus of the computer system — the processor.我们已经知道,所有的计算机都具有相似的能力,并且在本质上执行相同的功能,尽管一些可能会比另一些快一点。

vacuum tubes 真空管
Census Bureau 人口普查局
thousands of 成千上万的
known as 通常所说的,以……著称
ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) 电子数字积分计算机,ENIAC计算机 EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) 延迟存储电子自动计算机 BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) 二进制自动计算机
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
1. The trends of computer hardware and software 2. Basic characteristics of modern computers 3. Major characteristics of the four generations of modern computers
很难确切地说现代计算机是什么时候发明的。从20世纪30年代到40年 代,制造了许多类似计算机的机器。但是这些机器大部分没有今天我们所 说的计算机的所有特征。这些特性是:机器是电子的,具有储存的程序, 而且是通用的。
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
4. 了解科技英语的特点,掌握科技英语翻译要点
Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers
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流行的杀毒软件包括Norton AntiVirus、Kapspersky Anti-Virus、F-Secure Anti-Virus、Windows Defender和Avast等。

Unit 8 Computer NetworkingText 1 D ata CommunicationsThe end equipment can be computers; printers; keyboards; CRTs; and so on.They are either generates the digital information for transmission or uses the received digital data. This equipment generally operates digital information internally in word units.DTE is data terminal equipment. A station controller STACO is the corresponding unit at the secondaries. At one time; the DTE was the last piece of equipment that belonged to the subscriber in a data link system. Between the DTEs; first is the modem; and then is the communications equipment. The communication equipment is owned and maintained by Telco. Data communications equipment DCE accepts the serial data stream from the DTE. And DCE converts it to some form of analog signal suitable for transmission on voice-grade lines. At the receive end; the DCE performs the reverse function. It converts the received analog signal to a serial digital data stream. The simplest form of DCE is a modem modulator/demodulator or data set. At the transmit end; the modem can be considered a form of digital-to-analog converter.While at the receive end; it can be considered a form of analog-to-digital converter.参考译文数据通信终端设备可以是计算机、打印机、键盘、CRT等..它们可以生成要发送的数字信息;也可以使用所接收的数字数据..这种设备通常在内部以字为单位处理数字信息..DTE一般称为数据终端设备..辅助设备一方的相应设备是工作站控制器STACO..同时;DTE也是数据链路系统中属于用户端的最后一个设备..在两个DTE之间;先是调制解调器;接着是属于Telco电话公司维护的通信设备..数据通信设备DCE从DTE接收串行数据流;并将其转换成适合于在语音线路上发送的某种模拟信号形式..在接收端;DCE完成相反的功能;把接收到的模拟信号转换成串行数字数据流..最简单的DCE是调制解调器或数据传送机..在发送端;调制解调器可以视为一种数/模转换器;而在接收端则可视为一种模/数转换器..Text 2 A rchitecture of Computer Networks Computer network is a complex unit; it consists of two or more connected computing units. It is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing. Design of a network and its logical structure should comply with a set of design principles. They include: the organization of functions; the description of data formats and procedure.In the following two sections we will discuss two important network architectures; the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP reference model.(1)the OSI reference modelThe OSI open systems interconnection model was created by the ISO. This model is a foundation for comparing protocols; However; more protocols deviate from the rules set up by the OSI model.The OSI model has seven layers. Note that the OSI model itself is not a network architecture.It just tells what each layer should do. However; ISO has also produced standards for all the layers. Each one has been published as a separate international standard.(2)the TCP/IP reference modelTCP/IP is a communication protocol; it provides many different networking services.The TCP/IP Internet protocol suite is formed from two standards: the TCP Transmission Control Protocol and the IP Internet Protocol. TCP means it is on the transport layer. IP means it is on the network layer. On top of the transport layer is the application layer. It contains all the higher-level protocols. The early ones included virtual terminal TELNET; file transfer FTP; electronic mail SMTP and domain name service DNS.As we know; TCP/IP is the foundation of the Internet.These protocols are continually changing and evolving to support the needs of the user community.参考译文计算机网络结构计算机网络是由两个或多个计算机设备互连而成的一种复合系统;它用于数据通信和资源共享..网络设计及其逻辑结构应该遵循一套设计原则;其中包括:功能的组织以及数据格式和过程的说明..在下面的两小节里;我们将讨论两个重要的网络体系结构;即OSI参考模型和TCP/IP参考模型..(1)OSI参考模型OSI模型开放系统互联参考模型是由国际标准化组织ISO开发的一个建议..相对于其他协议来说;此种模式为基础模式..然而;更多的协议是背离OSI模型的..OSI模型有7层..应该注意的是;OSI模型本身并不是一种网络体系结构;它只是说明每一层应该做什么..然而;ISO还是对各层制定了标准;每一层都是作为一个单独的国际标准来颁布的..(2)TCP/IP参考模型TCP/IP参考模型是一种传输协议;提供了许多不同的网络服务..TCP/IP协议组由TCP传输控制协议和IP网际协议两部分组成..TCP表明是处于传输层;IP意为是在网络层..在传输层上面是应用层..应用层包括所有高层协议..早期的协议包括虚拟终端TELNET、文件传送协议FTP、电子邮件SMTP和域名服务DNS..现在我们知道;TCP/IP协议是因特网的基础..这些协议在用户们的支持下不断地改变和进化着..Text 3 L ocal Area NetworkA LAN Local area data network is a group of computers. The work devices connected together usually within the same building. By definition; the connections must be high-speed and relatively inexpensive e.g. token ring or Ethernet. For example; a LAN may be used to interconnect workstations distributed around offices within a single building or a group of buildings such as a university campus.LANs consist of carefully selected groups of components hardware and software. They are configured for the specific requirements of the organization. A LAN is generally limited to the size of a department or an organization. And a LAN often consists of 2 to 100 devices. LANs usually contain resources such as servers; printers; and connections to other networks through internetworking devices. The internetworking devices include switches and routers.In the next section we will discuss the structure of the different types of LAN.(1)TopologyMost wide area networks; such as the PSTN; use a mesh sometimes referred to as a network topology.With LANs; however; the limited physical separation of the subscriber DTEs allows simpler topologies to be used. The four topologies in common use are star;bus; ring and hub.The most widespread topology for LANs designed to function as data communication subnetworks for the interconnection of local computer-based equipment is the hub topology. It is a variation of the bus and ring.(2)Transmission mediaTwisted pair; coaxial cable and optical fibre are the three main types of transmission medium used for LANs.(3)Medium access control methodsTwo techniques have been adopted for use of the medium access control in the LANs. One is carrier-sense-multiple-access with collision detection; and the other is control token.参考译文局域网局域数据网局域网由若干计算机组成..通常是一幢楼内的工作设备被连接在一起..通过定义可知;这种连接一定是高速并且相对廉价的如:令牌网和以太网..例如;一个局域网可以把一幢楼里或像大学校园内楼群里的各个办公室的工作站连在一起..局域网是由精心挑选的各组设备硬件和软件构成的..它们根据组织的各种特殊需要来配置..局域网的大小一般限制在一个部门或者一个组织;由2~100台电脑组成..局域网经常包含一些资源;如一些服务器和打印机;而且可以通过网络设备与其他的网络连接..这些网络设备包括交换机和路由器等..接下来;我们将讨论不同类型局域网的结构..(1)拓扑结构大多数广域网;如公共电话交换网PSTN;使用网状有时称为网络拓扑结构;而局域网由于用户数据终端设备相距很近;可采用简单的拓扑结构..常用的有星形、总线、环形和集线器等4种拓扑结构..应用最广的、用于互连本部门计算机设备以进行数据通信的局域网拓扑结构是集线器拓扑结构..这种拓扑结构是总线和环形拓扑结构的变种..(2)传输媒体双绞线、同轴电缆和光纤是局域网采用的3种主要传输媒体..(3)媒体访问控制方法局域网中采用了两种媒体访问控制技术;一种是载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测技术CSMA/CD;另一种是令牌控制技术..Text 4 I nternetThe Internet is used by millions of people across the world to communicate business and personal information. The Internet is huge. Then we will talk about the difference of “an internet”and “the Internet”.An internet note the lower case "i" is a computer network. It allows computers with distinctive software and hardware to communicate. Many kinds of computers can be connected to an internet.Each computer can serve a specialized role. It offers a wide variety of services to its users.The Internet is specific kind of internet. In The Internet Passport; the Internet will be defined as the network of networks. It follows a set of rules known as the "Internet Protocol IP suite".But what does this mean to you It means that any computer that is connected to the Internet can communicate with any other Internet computer. From the user's perspective; this works much like the telephone system works. You can dial from your phone to any other phone on the system; no matter what kind of telephone you have; you only need to know the phone number of the person you want to reach.With an Internet connection you can get some of the basic services available are:E-mail. It’s a fast; easy; and inexpensive way tocommunicate with other Internet users around the world.Telnet. It allows a user to log into a remote computer asthough it were a local system.FTP. It allows a user to transfer virtually every kind offile that can be stored on a computer from oneInternet-connected computer to another.Usenet news. It’s a distributed bulletin board whichoffers a combination news and discussion service onthousands of topics.World Wide Web . It’s a hypertext interface to Internetinformation resources. Also; through an Internetconnection; you can:access online library catalogs.copy computer files or software from archives.access databases for teaching or research.obtain free electronic books.use educational and information services.use directory services to find Internet users.access supercomputer sites.It was estimated that at this rapid growth everyone in the world would have an e-mail address in the near future.参考译文互联网因特网是世界上很多人用来进行商业贸易和个人信息交流的网络;它非常巨大..接下来;我们将讨论互联网及因特网..互联网internet注意小写字母i是一种计算机网络;该网络上的计算机在通信时可以使用不同的软件和硬件..多种计算机都可以连入互联网;每台计算机都可以有一独特作用..一个互联网可以向它的用户提供各式各样的业务..因特网Internet是一种专用互联网..因特网在它的证书中定义为网络的网络;该网络使用了一组叫做互联网协议IP组的规则..但对你来说;这意味着什么呢这表明连接到因特网上的计算机可以与因特网上任何其他计算机通信..从用户的角度来看;其工作方式很像电话系统的工作方式..在电话系统内;可以从你的电话机拨打任何其他电话;而不管你使用什么样的电话机;你只需知道对方的电话号码即可..你可以通过因特网得到的基本服务如下:电子邮件..它是与世界范围内的因特网用户进行联系的一种快速、方便、廉价的交流方式..远程登录..允许用户连接到远程计算机上;就像这台远程计算机是本地机一样..文件传输协议..该协议可以将存储在计算机上的各种文件;从因特网上的一台计算机传送给另一台计算机..新闻组网络系统..一种分布式的电子公告牌;它能提供有关上千种话题的新闻和讨论服务..万维网..一种因特网信息资源的超文本界面..访问在线图书馆目录..从计算机档案库存储器中拷贝文件或软件..访问教学或科研数据库..获取免费电子图书..使用教育和信息服务..使用目录服务以查找因特网用户..访问超级计算机站点..估计以这样的高速发展;在不久的将来世界上每个人都将拥有至少一个电子邮件地址..Text 5 T he World Wide WebThe World Wide Web also known as or Web is one of the fastest-growing Internet software applications. It is an architectural framework. It linked documents spread out over thousands of machines for accessing all over the Internet.The World Wide Web ties the computers together into a vast collection of interactive multimedia resources. The is a way of exchange information between computers on the Internet.The Web is built around hypertext and hypermedia. A hypertext document has certain keywords or phrases linked to other online documents. A person reading a hypertext document about mobile phone; for example; might be able to select the highlighted word “Nokia 3310”; and he call up another document giving more information about that particular type. With documents intertwined by links into a web of information; you can select paths to browse online resources;a process often referred to as surfing.Hypermedia extends the concept of hypertext to other forms of information. They include: images; sounds; and even video clips. If a person read a hypermedia document about mobile phones; then he might select a video show of a phone and hear the ring of it.The World Wide Web also subsumes previous Internet information systems such as Gopher and FTP. These resources can still be accessed through the Web. But the Web offered by these more restricted connection methods. Now the Web provides a wealth of additional capabilities.Thousands of computers around the world are now connected to the Web. They offer a huge variety of information and services to visitors. These online documents are generally referred to as pages. They are composed and supported by various people and organizations. Web pages are available for an amazing variety of tasks ranging from the playful to the serious. You can get many services access Web pages. For example; you can search database of mailing lists; you can see pictures of your favorite band and their concert schedule; or you can take a “tour” through a foreign country. Thousands of links to new services are added to the Web each day; and its growth has been explosive.参考译文万维网万维网又称或Web是因特网上发展最快的应用软件之一..它是一种结构化框架;用于访问遍布在因特网上的成千上万台机器中的链接文档..万维网把这些计算机连接成了一个巨大的交互式多媒体资源库;它是因特网上的计算机之间进行信息交流的一种方式..Web是用超文本和超媒体设计的..超文本文档中的一些关键词或短语被链接到了其他的在线文档中..例如;某人在阅读一篇有关移动电话的超文本文档时;如果他选择高亮显示的词“诺基亚3310”;就能链接到另一篇有关这一类型移动电话的文章;从而可以获取更多的信息..网络文章通过链接形成了一个网络信息资源库;用户可以选择路径来浏览这些在线资源;这种行为通常被称为“网上冲浪”..超媒体将超文本的概念扩展到了其他的信息形式;其中包括图片、声音;甚至是录像剪辑..在超媒体文档中阅读有关移动电话的文章时;读者可以选择关于该电话的视频演示;还能听见铃声..万维网也包括了以前的因特网信息系统;如Gopher 和FTP..这些资源仍然可以通过网络访问;但是以前那些连接方式的局限性很大;现在的网络提供了许多先辈们没能提供的功能..现在世界上成千上万的计算机都连接到了网络上;而且为访问者提供了相当多的信息和服务..这些由不同的人和组织编写和支持的在线文档被称为网页..Web网页可以跨越从诙谐到严肃的各种风格..通过访问网页;用户可以查看邮件数据库;查阅自己喜爱的乐队的图片和他们的演出时间表;或去国外周游一圈..现在每天都会增加上千种新的服务链接;万维网已经飞速发展起来了..。

计算机专业英语翻译及课后答案Unit Nine: The InternetUnit Nine/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. research2. ICANN或the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers3. router; gateway4. temporary/dial-up; permanent/dedicated5. ISP或Internet service provider6. network; host7. decimal8. mnemonicII. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2. IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3. autonomous system 自主系统4. dial-up connection 拨号连接5. network identifier 网络标识符6. binary notation 二进制记数法7. mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8. Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9. name server 名称服务器10. Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11. 助记地址mnemonic address12. 网吧cyber cafe13. 宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14. 顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15. 因特网编址Internet addressing16. 点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17. 因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18. 专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19. 主机地址host address20. 硬件与软件支持hardware and software supportIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:Early computer networks used leased telephone company lines for their connections. Telephone company systems of that time established a single connection between sender and receiver for each telephone call, and that connection carried all data along a single path. Whena company wanted to connect computers it owned at two different locations, the company placed a telephone call to establish the connection, and then connected one computer to eachend of that single connection.The U. S. Defense Department was concerned about the inherent risk of thissingle-channel method for connecting computers, and its researchers developed a differentmethod of sending information through multiple channels. In this method, files and messagesare broken into packets that are labeled electronically with codes for their origins, sequences,and destinations. In 1969, Defense Department researchers in the Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (ARPA) used this network model to connect four computers into a network called theARPANET. The ARPANET was the earliest of the networks that eventually combined to become what we now call the Internet. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, many researchers in the academic community connected to the ARPANET and contributed to the technological developments that increased its speed and efficiency.IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 因特网只是提供了将许许多多的计算机连接在一起的物理与逻辑基础结构。
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Ch4:1.Desktop publishing programs mix text and graphics to createprofessional publications.Image editors create and modify bitmap image files.Illustration programs modify vector images.Image galleries are libraries of electronic images, widely available from the Web.A graphics suite is a collection of individual graphics programs sold as a unit.2.Video editing software allows you to reorganize, add effects, and moreto digital video. Audio editing software allows you to c reate and edit audio clips. You can add audio effects, like filters, to your tracks.3.Multimedia integrates all sorts of media, including video, music, voice,graphics, and text into one presentation.The creation of multimedia presentations involves four steps:Plan and analyze, design, create, and support.4.Creating a site is called Web authoring. Web sites are an interactivemultimedia form of communication.Web authoring programs are specifically designed to create Web sites.5.Three areas are virtual reality, knowledge-based system, and robotics. VR creates computer-generated simulated environments. Knowledge-based (expert) systems are programs that duplicate the knowledge that humans use to perform specific tasks. Robotics is concerned with developing and using robots.Ch5:1.System software works with end users, application software, andcomputer hardware to handle the majority of technical details. Operating systems, Utilities, Device drivers and Language translators. 2.Operating systems’ functions include managing resources, providing auser interface, and running applications between different applications stored in memory.Three categories of operating systems are Embedded, Network, Stand-alone.3.Windows, Mac OS, and Linux are all OS.Windows is the most widely used operating system. It designed to runwith Intel and Intel-compatible microprocessors. Mac OS is an innovative, powerful, easy-to –use operating system; designed to run with Macintosh computers. UNIX was originally designed to run on minicomputers in network environments.4.Utilities are specialized programs designed to make computing easier. Troubleshooting, Antivirus programs, uninstall programs, backup programs.Utility suites combine several programs into one package.5.Device driver works with the operating system to allowcommunication between the device and rest of the computer system. Windows’Add Printer Wizard provides step-by-step guidance for selecting the appropriate printer driver and installing that driver. Windows Update automates the process of updating device drivers.Ch6:1.Four basic types are: desk-top, notebook, tablet PC, and handheld. Desktop system units contain the system’s electronic components and selected secondary storage devices.Notebook system units contain the electronic components, selected secondary secondary storage devices, and input devices.Tablet PC system units are highly portable devices that support the use ofa stylus or pen to input commands and data.2.It has two basic components: the control unit and the arithmetic-logicunit. The control unit tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a program’ instructions. The arithmetic-logic unit performs arithmetic and logical operations.3.Memory holds data, instructions, and information. There are threetypes of memory chips:RAM chips hold the program and data is presently processing. RAM are temporary or volatile because their contents are lost if power is disrupted. ROM chips have programs built into them at the factory. They are nonvolatile storage and control essential system operations.CMOS chip provide flexibility and expandability to computer systems.4.●Graphics cards connect the system board to the computer’s monitor.●Sound cards accept audio input from a microphone and c onvert it intoa form that can be processed by the computer.●Modem cards allow distant computers to communicate with eachother.●Network interface cards are used to connect a computer to one ormore other computers.●TV tuner cards changes the TV signal into one that can be displayedon your monitor.5.●Serial ports are used to connect many devices to the system unit.●Parallel ports are used to connect external devices that need tosend or receive a lot of data over a short distance.●Universal serial bus ports are faster and can be used to connectseveral devices to the system unit.●FireWire ports provide connections to specialized FireWiredevices such as camcorders.Tow specialty ports:MIDI ports are used to connect musical instruments such as electronic keyboards.IrDA ports provide wireless mechanism for transferring data between devices.Ch7:1.Input devices translate words, images, and actions into a form acomputer can process.Output is data or information processed by a computer. Output devices translate processed text, graphics, audio, and video into a form humans can understand.2.P2023.P203-2044.Output is data or information processed by a computer. Output devices translate processed text, graphics, audio, and video into a form humans can understand.bination devices combine input and output capabilitiesFax Machines send and receive images via standard telephone lines.Multifunctional devices typically combine the capabilities of a scanner, printer, fax, and copy machine.Internet Telephones receive and send voice communication.Terminals are input and output devices that connect to a mainframe or other type of computer.。