考试时间: 周一一、名词解释(20分)5道1.累积优先股累积优先股(Cumulative preferred shares):是指当公司在某个时期内的盈利不足以支付优先股股息时, 则累计到次年或以后某一年盈利时, 在普通股的红利发放之前, 连同本年优先股的股息一并发放。
2.货币市场货币市场是短期资金市场, 是指融资期限在一年以下的金融市场, 是金融市场的重要组成部分。
其一般不记名、不可以提前支取, 但可以在二级市场上流通和转让。
4.欧洲债券一国筹资者在本国以外的国际债券市场上发行的, 以第三国货币为面值并由一国或几国金融机构组成辛迪加承销的证券。
5.证券投资基金证券投资基金是一种利益共享、风险共提的集合证券投资方式, 即通过发行基金份额, 集中投资者的资金, 由基金托管人托管, 由基金管理人管理和运用资金, 从事股票、债券等金融工具投资, 并将投资收益按照基金投资的投资比例进行分配的一种间接投资方式。
6.金融租赁由出租人根据承租人的要求, 按照双方事先合同约定, 向承租人指定的出卖人, 购买承租人指定的固定资产, 在出租人拥有固定资产所有权的前提下, 以承租人支付所有租金为条件, 将一个时期该固定资产的占有、使用和收益权让渡给承租人, 具有融资和融物的双重功能。
7、ETF在交易所上市交易, 基金份额可变的一种开放式基金。
投资者既可以在二级市场买卖ETF份额, 也可以向基金管理公司申购或赎回ETF份额, 但必须以一篮子股票(或少量现金)换取基金份额或以基金份额换回一篮子股票(或少量现金)8、股指期货以股票价格指数为标的的标准化期货合约, 双方约定在未来的某个特定日期, 按照事先确定的股价指数大小, 进行标的指数的买卖。
双方交易的是一定期后的股指价格水平, 通过现金结算差价来进行交割。
例题 1:假设市场上有一个一年期的债券,面值为 1000 元,年利率为 5%,那么该债券的现值是多少?解答:现值=未来现金流/(1 +利率)^期限= 1000 ×(1 + 5%)/(1 + 5%)^ 1= 1000 元知识点 1:货币市场与资本市场货币市场是短期资金融通的市场,交易期限通常在一年以内,如短期国债、商业票据等。
例题 2:比较货币市场工具和资本市场工具的特点。
知识点 2:直接融资与间接融资直接融资是资金供求双方直接进行资金融通,如发行股票、债券等。
例题 3:分析直接融资和间接融资对企业和投资者的影响。
例题 4:商业银行的主要业务有哪些?解答:包括负债业务(吸收存款)、资产业务(发放贷款、投资等)和中间业务(结算、代理等)。
知识点 1:中央银行的职能中央银行具有发行货币、制定和执行货币政策、监管金融机构等职能。
例题 5:当经济过热时,中央银行可能采取什么货币政策?解答:可能提高利率、提高法定存款准备金率、卖出有价证券等,以减少货币供应量,抑制经济过热。
《金融市场与金融机构》题集一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.下列哪一项不属于金融市场的功能?A. 资源配置B. 风险分散C. 价格发现D. 商品交易2.下列哪一项是货币市场的特点?A. 长期性B. 高风险性C. 高流动性D. 低流动性3.下列哪一项不是金融机构的主要功能?A. 资金中介B. 支付中介C. 信息服务D. 商品生产4.下列哪一项属于资本市场的工具?A. 国库券B. 商业票据C. 股票D. 银行定期存款5.下列哪一项是中央银行的主要职能?A. 吸收公众存款B. 发行货币C. 提供商业贷款D. 经营保险业务6.下列哪一项不是商业银行的业务?A. 吸收存款B. 发放贷款C. 办理结算D. 发行股票7.下列哪一项属于金融衍生品?A. 债券B. 股票C. 期货D. 存款8.下列哪一项是证券市场的特点?A. 交易对象固定B. 交易价格不固定C. 交易场所不固定D. 交易时间不固定9.下列哪一项是投资银行的主要业务?A. 吸收公众存款B. 发放贷款C. 证券承销与交易D. 办理保险10.下列哪一项不是金融市场的构成要素?A. 市场主体B. 市场客体C. 市场价格D. 市场环境二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1.金融市场按照交易工具的期限可以分为______和______。
金融市场与金融机构一、填空题✌债券价格为 美元,永久性的年偿付 美元,则到期收益率为( )面值为 美元的 年期零息债到期收益率为 ,则其当前价格为( )如果美国与英国的利率分别为 和 ,那么英镑相当于美元的预期升值率为( )如果当前 年期利率水平为 , 年期利率水平为 ,则预期一年后的 年期利率水平为( )假设当期利率水平为 ,如果利率升至 。
某久期为 年的债券其价值为() 假定可口可乐公司的股票以 的固定比率增长,刚分配的股利为每股 美元,假定必要回报率为 ,则其股票的理论价格为()美元。
某德国产汽车售价为 美元,如果汇率为 美元兑换 欧元,则该汽车的美元价格应当为( )美元。
二、单项选择 如果收益率曲线向上倾斜,则一下( )是市场细分理论的结论。
✌短期利润将会上升 短期利率将会下降 短期利率不会变化 无法确定随机游走行为认为股价变动是( )的,因此( )有效市场假说。
✌可预测,支持 可预测,不支持 不可预测,支持 不可预测,不支持垃圾债券是指( )✌处理垃圾业务的公司所发的债券 熊猫债券 低信用等级债券 扬基债券穆迪公司评级为 ♋♋等级的公司债券风险收益一般会( )评级为 等级的公司债券。
✌大于 小于 等于 无法确定保险公司要求投保人必须提供详细的个人信息,目的是为了规避( ) ✌逆向选择 道德风险 交易成本 政府管制不能解决信息不对称问题的措施包括( ✆✌鼓励私人企业生产并销售信息 政府管制以增加信息披露金融中介机构的出现 企业更多依赖债券融资而非银行融资 年期住房抵押贷款的等额本金分期还款方式第一年还款额主要是偿还( )部分,第 年主要是偿还( )部分。
✌本金;利息 本金;本金 利息;本金 利息;利息假定其他情况不变,未来 年中国的生产率水平相对于美国持续上升,则人民币将会( )✌升值 贬值 不变 不确定保险公司在确定保费时,一般需要借助于( ✆✌大数定律 货币中性 保险利益 以上都不对下列有关利率期限结构理论的结论正确的是( )✌纯预期理论假设长短期债券之间不能完全替代市场细分理论不能解释长短期利率之间变动的相关性流动性溢价理论认为收益率曲线向右上方倾斜意味着未来短期利率水平将会上升以上结论都不对冲销式干预中需对外汇干预导致的( )变动✌货币供应量 汇率 外汇储备 以上都不对货币中性理论认为,从长期看来,货币供应量的大幅增加将导致利率水平的( )✌上升 下降 不变 以上都不对 商业扩张初期,随着财富增加,对债券的需求会( ),需求曲线将会( )移动。
2.2 Structure of Financial Markets 6) Which of the following statements about the characteristics of debt and equities is true? A) They can both be long-term financial instruments. B) Bond holders are residual claimants. C) The income from bonds is typically more variable than that from equities. D) Bonds pay dividends. Answer: A 7) Forty or so dealers establish a "market" in these securities by standing ready to buy and sell them. A) Secondary stocks B) Surplus stocks C) U.S. government bonds D) Common stocks Answer: C 8) Secondary markets make financial instruments more A) solid. B) vapid. C) liquid. D) risky. Answer: C 9) An important financial institution that assists in the initial sale of securities in the primary market is the A) investment bank. B) commercial bank. C) stock exchange. D) brokerage house. Answer: A
A、政府债券B、融资债券C、公司债券D、金融债券正确答案:B2、在证券投资组合理论的各种模型中,反映证券组合期望收益水平和多个因素风险水平之间均衡关系的模型是( )。
A、套利定价模型B、多因素模型C、资本资产定价模型D、特征线模型正确答案:A3、按照发行者不同,下列哪类不属于大额可转让定期存单( )。
A、扬基存单B、欧洲美元存单C、银行存单D、国内存单正确答案:C4、当再投资风险高于利率风险时,以下哪项为正确解释?( )A、预期长期利率将高于短期利率B、预期市场利率会持续上升C、可能出现短期利率高于长期利率的现象D、预期市场利率水平不变正确答案:C5、某公司每股盈利为0.58元,同行业可比公司平均市盈率倍数为30,则该公司的股票价值为( )元。
A、流动性较差B、收益较少C、流动性较好D、收益较高正确答案:A7、股东的权益在利润和资产分配上表现为索取公司对债务还本付息后的剩余收益,即剩余( )。
A、追偿权B、索取权C、补偿权D、控制权正确答案:B8、以下哪个不是当代外汇市场的特点?()A、外汇市场变动平稳B、宏观经济变量对外汇市场的影响作用日趋显著C、政府对外汇市场的联合干预日趋加强D、金融创新层出不穷正确答案:A9、股本权证与股票期权的区别主要在于( )。
A、套汇交易B、期汇交易C、套利交易D、现汇交易正确答案:A11、下列属于债券价值属性的是( )。
1. 二战前,世界上最大的黄金市场是( )
2. 以下不属于证券交易所的职责的是( )
3. 政府债券的风险主要变现为( )
4. 贴现债券的实际收益率与票面利率相比( )
5. 我国证券交易所的组织形式是( )
6. 下列市场中属于资本市场的有( )
7. 以下( )发行方式,承销商要承担全部发行失败的风险。
8. 投机性货币需求与利率水平之间呈( )
9. 股票在证券交易所挂牌买卖,称为( )
10. 商业银行向中央银行所作的票据转让行为叫( )
北外1603奥鹏远程教育--金融市场与机构 参考答案
第一单元单选题1 下列不属于初级市场活动内容的是()。
A. 发行股票B. 发行债券C. 转让股票D. 增发股票2 下列关于初级市场与二级市场关系的论述正确的是()。
A. 初级市场是二级市场的前提B. 二级市场是初级市场的前提C. 没有二级市场初级市场仍可存在D. 没有初级市场二级市场仍可存在3 目前我国有()家证券交易所。
A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 44 目前一些经济发达国家以证券交易方式实现的金融交易,已占有越来越大的份额。
A. 资本化B. 市场化C. 证券化D. 电子化5 金融市场上的交易主体指金融市场的()。
A. 供给者B. 需求者C. 管理者D. 参加者6 下列不属于直接金融工具的是()。
A. 可转让大额定期存单B. 公司债券C. 股票D. 政府债券7 短期资金市场又称为()。
A. 初级市场B. 货币市场C. 资本市场D. 次级市场8 下列属于短期资金市场的是()。
A. 票据市场B. 债券市场C. 资本市场D. 股票市场9 长期资金市场又称为()。
A. 初级市场B. 货币市场C. 资本市场D. 次级市场1 0 下列属于所有权凭证的金融工具是()。
A. 公司债券B. 股票C. 政府债券D. 可转让大额定期存单 第一单元判断题1 新证券的发行,有公募与私募两种形式。
√2 可转换债券是利率衍生工具的一种。
×3 期货合约的买卖双方可能形成的收益或损失都是有限的。
×4 ×5 ×6 偿还期限是指债务人必须全部归还利息之前所经历的时间。
×7 ×8 ×9 二级市场的主要场所是证券交易所,但也扩及交易所之外。
√1 0 金融市场发达与否是一国金融发达程度及制度选择取向的重要标志。
金融知识复习题一、单选题第一章金融机构1、世界上最早创建信用合作社的是哪个国家?(A)A.德国B.英国C.美国D.荷兰2、中国第一家农村信用社成立于(A)A.河北香河B.河南新乡C.湖北襄阳D.山西晋城3、我国现行国有商业银行体制实行的是(A)A.一级法人制B.层层控股制C.多级法人制D.股份制4、金融租赁公司的资本总额不得低于风险资产的(A)A.10%B.15%C.20%D.25%5、国家开发银行成立时财政全额拨付的注册资本金为(C)A.300亿B.400亿C.500亿D.600亿6、合作制在决策过程中采取(A)A.一人一票制B.一股一票制C.多股控制制D.集中决策制7、1716年,世界最早的财务公司起源于哪国?(C)A.英国B.荷兰C.法国D.意大利8、金融资产管理公司属于(B)A.银行机构B.非银行金融机构C.信托机构D.证券机构9、信托关系人的组成是有(C)A.单方面B.双方C.多方D.无数方10、中国人民银行成立于哪一年?(B)A.1947年B.1948年C.1949年D.1950年11、改革开放后,在我国北京设立的第一家外资银行代表处是(A)A.日本输出入银行B.花旗银行C.汇丰银行D.荷兰银行12、城市商业银行业务经营的原则是(B)A、为地方经济中的大型企业服务B.为地方经济中的中小型企业服务C.为外资企业服务D.为个体经济服务13、中国邮政储蓄机构的服务对象是(A)A.个人B.机构C.国家D.国外投资者14、1995年以后,中国人民银行成为我国的(A)A.中央银行B.商业银行C.国有商业银行D.政策性银行15、1347年,世界上第一张海运保险单签发,这位商人是哪国人?(D)A.英国B.荷兰C.西班牙D.意大利16、我国金融机构的雏形始于(A)A.唐代B.宋代C.明代D.清代17、中国农业发展银行成立时财政全额拨付的注册资本金为(C)A.100亿B.150亿C.200亿D.300亿18、中国人民银行颁布的《企业集团财务公司管理办法》是哪一年?(A)A.2000年B.1999年C.2001年D.2002年19、根据《国务院关于农村金融体制改革的决定》规定,我国农村信用社与农业银行脱钩是哪一年?(C)A.1994年B.1995年C.1996年D.1997年第二章金融市场1、在期权交易中,如果你预测某种股票的价格会上涨,则应(A)A.买入看涨期权B.卖出看涨期权C.买入看跌期权D.买入双重期权2、根据有关规定,我国基金收益每年至少分配一次,分配比例不得低于基金净收益的(B)A.80%B.90%C.50%D.60%3、我国企业国内发行债券所筹集的资金可用于(A)A.固定资产投资B.房地产买卖C.股票交易D.期货交易4、我国第一大发债主体是(B)A.中央银行C.股份公司D.政策性银行5、一进口商预测外汇汇率可能会上升,为回避未来增加支付金额的风险,他可以采(A)A、多头套期保值 B.空头套期保值 C.空头投机 D.套利操作6、目前我国唯一的一家黄金交易所是(A)A、上海黄金交易所B.北京黄金交易所C.大连黄金交易所D.郑州黄金交易所7、1981—1985年期间,我国国债市场的特点是(D)A.发行市场化程度高B.只有流通市场C.发行和流通都很市场化D.只有发行,基本上没有流通市场8、某投资者在1994年12月1日以122元购买了面值100元的1992年发行的五年期国债券,并持到1996年12月1日以145元卖出,则其持有期间收益率为(A)A.9.43%B.3.77%C.4.6%D.7.38%9、下面属于财产保险的附加费中的项目是(D)A.营业费B.监管费C.保险税金D.保险赔款10、当看跌期权的履约价格高于相关期货价格时,该期权被称为(A)A.实值期权B.虚值期权D.欧式期权11、保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议,是一种(A)A.民事合同B.刑事合同C.不具有法律关系的民事合同D.不能转让的合同12、股票指数期货的结算采用(A)A.现金B.某种股票C.股价指数D.一揽子股票13、按照中国人民银行的规定,各银行每月日平均拆入资金余额,不得超过其上月末各项存款余额的(A)A.5%B.4%C.6%D.3%14、股份有限公司收益分配的顺序是(A)A.债权人—优先股—普通股B.优先股—债权人—普通股C.普通股—优先股—债权人D.债权人—普通股—优先股15、理论上,下列债券中票面利率最低的应该是(D)A.金融债券B.企业债券C.地方债券D.国债券16、股价指数不能反映(C)A.一揽子股票的价格变动B.某地区股票价格的变动C.某一只股票价格的变动D.某行业股票价格的变动17、我国同业拆借市场的英文简称是(D)A.HIBORB.LIBORC.SIBORD.CHIBOR18、附息债券一般采用的发行价格是(C)A.溢价发行B.折价发行C.面值发行D.贴现发行19、世界上最早出现的期权交易所是(A)A、芝加哥期权交易所B.荷兰的欧洲期权交易所C.伦敦股票交易所 D.纽约股票交易所20、高换手率的股票表明(A)A.股票流动性好B.股票风险较小C.股价起伏不大D.投机性小21、《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》规定,设立股份有限公司,公开发行股票,发起人认购的股本数额不得少于公司拟发行总额的(C)A.30%B.25%C.35%D.10%22、目前世界上黄金储备量最大的国家是(B)A.南非B.美国C.印度D.德国23、期货合约中唯一的变量是(C)A.交割时间B.交易量C.资产价格D.交易地点24、普通股股东享有的权利是(D)A、优先清偿权B.优先分配权C.股息固定D.优先认购公司新发股票25、美国的证券交易场外市场被称为(D)A.、AIM B、EURONM C、SASDAQ D、NASDAQ26、优先股不享有的权利是(D)A.优先清偿权B.优先分配权C.股息固定D.优先认购公司新发股票27、目前国外债券市场上有,我国债券市场上还不存在的品种是(B)A.中央政府债券B.地方政府债券C.金融债D.企业债28、股票发行中一般不被世界各国所采用的发行价格是(C)A.面值发行B.溢价发行C.折价发行D.中间价发行29、证券投资基金风险的承担者是(A)A.投资者B.基金托管人C.基金管理人D.投资者和基金管理人30、某交易者在纽约证券交易所拥有10000手某种股票的同时,为防止股票价格下跌的风险,他在期货市场上做空相关股票指数期货,此类交易者可称为(C)A.投机者B.套利者C.套期保值者D.跨商品套利者第三章金融调控:1、具有使货币总量成倍扩张或收缩能力的货币是指(A)A.基础货币B.M0C.M1D.M22、货币供应量成倍扩张或收缩的程度,在数量上常常用概念表示为(C)A.现金发行B.邮政储蓄在中央银行的转存款C.货币乘数D.存款准备金3、以利率或价格为标的,旨在发现银行间市场的实际利率水平、商业银行对利率的预期。
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复习题Chapter 2Overview of the Financial System1.Financial markets have the basic function of A(a) bringing together people with funds to lend and people who want to borrow funds.(b) assuring that the swings in the business cycle are less pronounced.(c) assuring that governments need never resort to printing money.(d) both (a) and (b) of the above.(e) both (b) and (c) of the above.2. Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance? E(a) A corporation’s stock is traded in an ov er-the-counter market.(b) People buy shares in a mutual fund.(c) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.(d) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-countermarkets.(e) None of the above.3. Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance? B(a) A corporation’s stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.(b) A corporation buys commercial paper issued by another corporation.(c) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper from the issuing corporation.(d) Both (a) and (b) of the above.(e) Both (b) and (c) of the above.4.Intermediaries who link buyers and sellers by buying and selling securities at stated prices are called D(a) investment bankers.(b) traders.(c) brokers.(d) dealers.(e) none of the above.5. An important financial institution that assists in the initial sale of securities in the primary market is the A(a) investment bank.(b) commercial bank.(c) stock exchange.(d) brokerage house.6. Which of the following statements about financial markets and securities are true? D(a) Most common stocks are traded over-the-counter, although the largest corporations have their shares traded at organized stock exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange.(b) A corporation acquires new funds only when its securities are sold in the primary market.(c) Money market securities are usually more widely traded than longer-term securities and so tend to be more liquid.(d) All of the above are true.(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.7. Which of the following statements about financial markets and securities are true? C(a) A bond is a long-term security that promises to make periodic payments called dividends to the firm’s residual claimants.(b) A debt instrument is intermediate term if its maturity is less than one year.(c) A debt instrument is long term if its maturity is ten years or longer.(d) The maturity of a debt instrument is the time (term) that has elapsed since it was issued.8. Which of the following can be described as involving indirect finance? DA. A bank buys a U.S. Treasury bill from one of its depositors.B. A corporation buys commercial paper issued by another corporation.C. A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the primary market.D.Both A and C of the above.9. Financial intermediaries _______D__________________________________________.A.exist because there are substantial information and transaction costs in the economyB.improve the lot of the small saverC.are involved in the process of indirect financeD.do all of the above10. Bonds that are sold in a foreign country and are denominated in that country’s currency are known as A(a) foreign bonds.(b) Eurobonds.(c) Eurocurrencies.(d) Eurodollars.11. Bonds that are sold in a foreign country and are denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which they are sold are known as B(a) foreign bonds.(b) Eurobonds.(c) Eurocurrencies.(d) Eurodollars.10. Financial intermediaries D(a) exist because there are substantial information and transaction costs in the economy.(b) improve the lot of the small saver.(c) are involved in the process of indirect finance.(d) do all of the above.(e) do only (a) and (b) of the above.Chapter 3What Do Interest Rates Mean and What Is Their Role in Valuation?12.A coupon bond pays the owner of the bond B(a) the same amount every month until maturity date.(b) a fixed interest payment every period and repays the face value at the maturity date.(c) the face value of the bond plus an interest payment once the maturity date has beenreached.(d) the face value at the maturity date.(e) none of the above.13.A bond’s future payments are called its A(a) cash flows.(b) maturity values.(c) discounted present values.(d) yields to maturity.14. A credit market instrument that pays the owner the face value of the security at thematurity dateand nothing prior to then is called a D(a) simple loan.(b) fixed-payment loan.(c) coupon bond.(d) discount bond.15.(I) A simple loan requires the borrower to repay the principal at the maturity date alongwith an interest payment. (II) A discount bond is bought at a price below its face value, and the face value is repaid at the maturity date. C(a) (I) is true, (II) false.(b) (I) is false, (II) true.(c) Both are true.(d) Both are false.16. Which of the following are true of coupon bonds? D(a) The owner of a coupon bond receives a fixed interest payment every year until thematurity date, when the face or par value is repaid.(b) U.S. Treasury bonds and notes are examples of coupon bonds.(c) Corporate bonds are examples of coupon bonds.(d) All of the above.(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above.17. If a $10,000 face value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $5,000, thenits yield to maturity is D&C(a) 5 percent.(b) 10 percent.(c) 50 percent.(d) 100 percent.18 If a $5,000 face value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $5,000, then itsyield to maturity is A(a) 0 percent.(b) 5 percent.(c) 10 percent.(d) 20 percent.19. The Fisher equation states that D(a) the nominal interest rate equals the real interest rate plus the expected rate ofinflation.(b) the real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate less the expected rate ofinflation.(c) the nominal interest rate equals the real interest rate less the expected rate ofinflation.(d) both (a) and (b) of the above are true.(e) both (a) and (c) of the above are true.20 If you expect the inflation rate to be 15 percent next year and a one-year bond has ayield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond is D(a) 7 percent.(b) 22 percent.(c) –15 percent.(d) –8 percent.(e) none of the above.21. Which of the following $1,000 face value securities has the highest yield to maturity? CA. A 5 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000B. A 10 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000C. A 12 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000D. A 12 percent coupon bond selling for $1,10022. If a $5,000 coupon bond has a coupon rate of 13 percent, then the coupon payment every year Ais _________.A. $650B. $1,300C. $130D. None of the above23 If you expect the inflation rate to be 5 percent next year and a one-year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond is C(a) –12 percent.(b) –2 percent.(c) 2 percent.(d) 12 percent.Chapter 4Why Do Interest Rates Change?24. When the price of a bond is below the equilibrium price, there is excess _________ inthe bond market and the price will _________.C&A(a) demand; rise(b) demand; fall(c) supply; fall(d) supply; rise25 When the price of a bond is _________ the equilibrium price, there is an excess supplyof bonds and the price will _________.B(a) above; rise(b) above; fall(c) below; fall(d) below; rise26. When the price of a bond is _________ the equilibrium price, there is an excessdemand for bonds and the price will _________.D(a) above; rise(b) above; fall(c) below; fall(d) below; rise27. When the interest rate on a bond is above the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.B(a) demand; rise(b) demand; fall(c) supply; fall(d) supply; rise28. When the interest rate on a bond is below the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.D(a) demand; rise(b) demand; fall(c) supply; fall(d) supply; rise29.When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A(a) above; demand; fall(b) above; demand; rise(c) below; supply; fall(d) above; supply; rise30. When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there isexcess _________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.C(a) below; demand; rise(b) below; demand; fall(c) below; supply; rise(d) above; supply; fall31.. When the demand for bonds _________ or the supply of bonds _________, interest rate rise. D(a) increases; increases(b) increases; decreases(c) decreases; decreases(d) decreases; increases32. When the demand for bonds _________ or the supply of bonds _________, interestrates fall. B(a) increases; increases(b) increases; decreases(c) decreases; decreases(d) decreases; increases33 When the demand for bonds _________ or the supply of bonds _________, bond pricesrise. A(a) increases; decreases(b) decreases; increases(c) decreases; decreases(d) increases; increases34. What is the return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $900one year later? CA. 5 percentB. 10 percentC. –5 percentD. –10 percent12. As the price of a bond _________ and the expected return _________, bonds become more attractive Ato investors and the quantity demanded rises.A. falls; risesB. falls; fallsC. rises; risesD. rises; falls35. Considering the following diagram. The most likely cause of the increase in the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) ________ in the ______________. A A. increase; expected inflation rate B. decrease; expected inflation rate. C. increase; government budget deficit D. decrease; government budget deficitChapter 5How Do Risk and Term Structure Affect Interest Rates?36. (I) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporatebonds to the right. (II) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the left. D(a) (I) is true, (II) false.(b) (I) is false, (II) true.(c) Both are true.(d) Both are false.37 (I) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporatebonds to the left. (II) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the right. C(a) (I) is true, (II) false.(b) (I) is false, (II) true.(c) Both are true.(d) Both are false.38. When budget talks between congressional Republicans and President Clinton occurredin late 1995, fear of a government default _________, Treasury bond values _________, and interest rates on Treasury bonds _________. A(a) rose; fell; rose(b) rose; rose; rose(c) fell; rose; fell(d) fell; fell; fell39. The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. governmentbonds _________ during the Great Depression. C(a) was reversed(b) narrowed significantly(c) widened significantly(d) did not change40. As a result of the Enron collapse and bankruptcy, the demand for low quality corporatebonds _________, the demand for high quality corporate bonds _________, and therisk spread _________. B(a) increased; decreased; was unchanged(b) decreased; increased; increased(c) increased; decreased; decreased(d) decreased; increased; was unchanged41. Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s are agencies that C(a) help investors collect when corporations default on their bonds.(b) advise municipal bond issuers on the tax exempt status of their bonds.(c) produce information about the probability of default on corporate bonds.(d) maintain liquid markets for corporate bonds.42If Moody’s or Standard and Poor’s downgrades its rating on a corporate bond, the demand for the bond _________ and its yield _________. B&D(a) increases; decreases(b) decreases; increases(c) increases; increases(d) decreases; decreases43. Corporate bonds are not as liquid as government bonds because A(a) fewer bonds for any one corporation are traded, making them more costly to sell.(b) the corporate bond rating must be calculated each time they are traded.(c) corporate bonds are not callable.(d) all of the above.(e) only (a) and (b) of the above.44 Which of the following statements are true? A(a) Because coupon payments on municipal bonds are exempt from federal income tax,the expected after-tax return on them will be higher for individuals in higherincome tax brackets.(b) An increase in tax rates will increase the demand for Treasury bonds, loweringtheir interest rates.(c) Interest rates on municipal bonds will be higher than on comparable bonds withoutthe tax exemption.(d) Only (a) and (b) are true statements.45. When a municipal bond is given tax-free status, the demand for municipal bonds shifts_________, causing the interest rate on the bond to _________ D(a) leftward; rise.(b) leftward; fall.(c) rightward; rise.(d) rightward; fall.46. If a corporation begins to suffer large losses, then the default risk on its bonds will_________ and theequilibrium interest rate on these bonds will ___________.CA. increase; decreaseB. decrease; increaseC. increase; increaseD. decrease; decrease47. According to the pure expectations theory of the term structure,______________________________.DA. when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates areexpected to rise in the futureB. when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected todecline in the futureC. buyers of bonds prefer short-term to long-term bondsD. only A and B of the aboveChapter 9The Money Markets48. Brokerage firms that offered money market security accounts in the 1970s had a costadvantage over banks in attracting funds because the brokerage firms E(a) were not subject to deposit reserve requirements.(b) were not subject to the deposit interest rate ceilings.(c) were not limited in how much they could borrow from depositors.(d) had the advantage of all the above.(e) had the advantage of only (a) and (b) of the above.49 Which of the following statements about the money market are true? E(a) Not all commercial banks deal for their customers in the secondary market.(b) Money markets are used extensively by businesses both to warehouse surplus fundsand to raise short-term funds.(c) The single most influential participant in the U.S. money market is the U.S.Treasury Department.(d) All of the above are true.(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.50. Which of the following statements about the money markets are true? D(a) Most money market securities do not pay interest. Instead the investor pays less forthe security than it will be worth when it matures.(b) Pension funds invest a portion of their assets in the money market to have sufficientliquidity to meet their obligations.(c) Unlike most participants in the money market, the U.S. Treasury Department isalways a demander of money market funds and never a supplier.(d) All of the above are true.(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.51. Which of the following are true statements about participants in the money markets? D(a) Large banks participate in the money markets by selling large negotiable CDs.(b) The U.S. government and corporations borrow in the money markets because cashinflows and outflows are rarely synchronized.(c) The Federal Reserve is the single most influential participant in the U.S. moneymarket.(d) All of the above are true.(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.52. The most influential participant(s) in the U.S. money market A(a) is the Federal Reserve.(b) is the U.S. Treasury Department.(c) are the large money center banks.(d) are the investment banks that underwrite securities.53. The Fed is an active participant in money markets mainly because of its responsibilityto B(a) lower borrowing costs to encourage capital investment.(b) control the money supply.(c) increase the interest income of retirees holding money market instruments.(d) assist the Securities and Exchange Commission in regulating the behavior othermoney market participants.54. Commercial banks are large holders of _________ and are the major issuer of_________. B(a) negotiable certificates of deposit; U.S. government securities(b) U.S. government securities; negotiable certificates of deposit(c) commercial paper; Eurodollars(d) Eurodollars; commercial paper55. The primary function of large diversified brokerage firms in the money market is to B(a) sell money market securities to the Federal Reserve for its open market operations.(b) make a market for money market securities by maintaining an inventory fromwhich to buyor sell.(c) buy money market securities from corporations that need liquidity.(d) buy T-bills from the U.S. Treasury Department.56. Finance companies raise funds in the money market by selling A(a) commercial paper.(b) federal funds.(c) negotiable certificates of deposit.(d) Eurodollars.57. Finance companies play a unique role in money markets by A(a) giving consumers indirect access to money markets.(b) combining consumers’ investments to purchase money market securities on theirbehalf.(c) borrowing in capital markets to finance purchases of money market securities.(d) assisting the government in its sales of U.S. Treasury securities.10. Money market securities have all the following characteristics except they are not______________. BA. short termB. moneyC. low riskD. very liquid11. Which of the following statements about the money markets are true? DA. Most money market securities do not pay interest. Instead the investor pays less forthe security than it will be worth when it matures.B. Pension funds invest a portion of their assets in the money market to have sufficientliquidity to meet their obligations.C. Unlike most participants in the money market, the U.S. Treasury Department isalways a demander of money market funds and never a supplier.D. All of the above are true.Chapter 1058. A firm that chooses to finance a new plant by issuing money market securities C(a) must incur the cost of issuing new securities to roll over its debt.(b) runs the risk of having to pay higher interest rates when it rolls over its debt.(c) incurs both the cost of reissuing securities and the risk of having to pay higherinterest rates on the new debt.(d) is more likely to profit if interest rates rise while the plant is being constructed.59. The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to B(a) reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.(b) reduce the risk that interest rates will rise before they pay off their debt.(c) reduce monthly interest payments, as interest rates tend to be higher on short-termthanlong-term debt instruments.(d) reduce total interest payments over the life of the debt.60. A firm will borrow long-term A(a) if the extra interest cost of borrowing long-term is less than the expected cost ofrising interest rates before it retires its debt.(b) if the extra interest cost of borrowing short-term due to rising interest rates does notexceed the expected premium that is paid for borrowing long term.(c) if short-term interest rates are expected to decline during the term of the debt.(d) if long-term interest rates are expected to decline during the term of the debt.61. The primary issuers of capital market securities include B(a) the federal and local governments.(b) the federal and local governments, and corporations.(c) the federal and local governments, corporations, and financial institutions.(d) local governments and corporations.62. Governments never issue stock because A(a) they cannot sell ownership claims.(b) the Constitution expressly forbids it.(c) both (a) and (b) of the above.(d) neither (a) nor (b) of the above.63 (I) The primary issuers of capital market securities are federal and local governments, and corporations. (II) Governments never issue stock because they cannot sell ownership claims. C(a) (I) is true, (II) false.(b) (I) is false, (II) true.(c) Both are true.(d) Both are false.64 (I) The primary issuers of capital market securities are financial institutions.(II) The largest purchasers of capital market securities are corporations. D(a) (I) is true, (II) false.(b) (I) is false, (II) true.(c) Both are true.(d) Both are false.65 The distribution of a firm’s capital between debt and equity is its D(a) leverage ratio.(b) liability structure(c) acid ratio.(d) capital structure.66 The largest purchasers of capital market securities are A(a) households.(b) corporations(c) governments.(d) central banks.67. Individuals and households frequently purchase capital market securities throughfinancial institutions such as E(a) mutual funds.(b) pension funds.(c) money market mutual funds.(d) all of the above.(e) only (a) and (b) of the above.68 (I) Municipal bonds that are issued to pay for essential public projects are exempt fromfederal taxation. (II) General obligation bonds do not have specific assets pledged assecurity or a specific source of revenue allocated for their repayment. C(a) (I) is true, (II) false.(b) (I) is false, (II) true.(c) Both are true.(d) Both are false.69. The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to ________________. BA. reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debtB. reduce the risk that interest rates will rise before they pay off their debtC. reduce monthly interest payments, as interest rates tend to be higher on short-termthan long-term debt instrumentsD. reduce total interest payments over the life of the debt70. Restrictive covenants can ____D______________________________________.A. limit the amount of dividends the firm can payB. limit the ability of the firm to issue additional debtC. restrict the ability of the firm to enter into a merger agreementD. do all of the aboveChapter 13The Foreign Exchange Market71. If the dollar _________ from 1.2 euros per dollar to 0.8 euros per dollar, the euro_________ from 0.83 dollars to 1.25 dollars per euro. D(a) appreciates; appreciates(b) appreciates; depreciates(c) depreciates; depreciates(d) depreciates; appreciates72. If the dollar appreciates from 0.8 euros per dollar to 1.2 euros per dollar, the eurodepreciates from _________ dollars to _________ dollars per euro. A(a) 1.25; 0.83(b) 0.83; 1.25(c) 0.67; 1.50(d) 1.50; 0.6773 If the dollar depreciates relative to the Swiss franc, D(a) Swiss chocolate will become more expensive in the United States.(b) American computers will become less expensive in Switzerland.(c) Swiss chocolate will become cheaper in the United States.(d) both (a) and (b) of the above.74. If the dollar appreciates relative to the Swiss franc, C(a) Swiss chocolate will become more expensive in the United States.(b) American computers will become less expensive in Switzerland.(c) Swiss chocolate will become cheaper in the United States.(d) both (a) and (b) of the above.75. When the exchange rate for the euro changes from $1.00 to $1.20 then, holding everything else constant, the euro has A(a) appreciated and German cars sold in the United States become more expensive.(b) appreciated and German cars sold in the United States become less expensive.(c) depreciated and American wheat sold in Germany becomes more expensive.(d) depreciated and American wheat sold in Germany becomes less expensive.76 If the 2005 inflation rate in Britain is 6 percent, and the inflation rate in the U.S. is 4percent, then the theory of purchasing power parity predicts that, during 2005, the value of the British pound in terms of U.S. dollars will D(a) rise by 10 percent.(b) rise by 2 percent.(c) fall by 10 percent.(d) fall by 2 percent.(e) do none of the above.77. The theory of purchasing power parity cannot fully explain exchange rate movementsbecause D(a) not all goods are identical in different countries.(b) monetary policy differs across countries.(c) some goods are not traded between countries.(d) both (a) and (c) of the above.(e) both (b) and (c) of the above.78. The theory of purchasing power parity cannot fully explain exchange rate movementsbecause C(a) all goods are identical even if produced in different countries.(b) monetary policy differs across countries.(c) some goods are not traded between countries.(d) fiscal policy differs across countries.79. Increased demand for a country’s _________ causes its currency to appreciate in thelong run, while increased demand for _________ causes its currency to depreciate. C(a) imports; imports(b) imports; exports(c) exports; imports(d) exports; exports80 If the demand for _________ goods decreases relative to _________ goods, the domestic currency will depreciate. D(a) foreign; domestic(b) foreign; foreign(c) domestic; domestic(d) domestic; foreign81 Consider the following statements. C(I) A share of common stock in a firm represents an ownership interest in that firm.(II) A share of preferred stock is as much like a bond as it is like common stock.A. (I) is true, (II) false.B. (I) is false, (II) true.C. Both are true.D. Both arefalse.82. A stock currently sells for $25 per share and pays $0.24 per year in dividends. What is aninvestor’s valuation of this stock if she expects it to be selling for $30 in one year and requires15 percent return on equity investments? BA. $30.24B. $26.30C. $26.09D. $27.7483. In the long run, a rise in a country’s price level (relative to the foreign price level) causes itscurrency to _________, while a rise in the country’s relative productivity cause s its currencyto __________. CA. appreciate; appreciateB. appreciate; depreciateC. depreciate; appreciateD. depreciate; depreciate84. When François the Foreigner considers the expected return on dollar deposits in terms offoreign currency, the expected return must be adjusted for____________________________. AA. any expected appreciation or depreciation of the dollarB. the interest rates on foreign depositsC. both A and B of the aboveD. neither A nor B of the aboveChapter 14The International Financial System85 When the central bank allows the purchase or sale of domestic currency to have aneffect on the monetary base, it is called B(a) a sterilized foreign exchange intervention.(b) an unsterilized foreign exchange intervention.(c) an exchange rate feedback rule.(d) a money neutral foreign exchange intervention.86 A foreign exchange intervention with an offsetting open market operation that leavesthe monetary base unchanged is called B(a) an unsterilized foreign exchange intervention.。