
以下是一些往年面试问题,这些题目都能在课本中找到相关内容:1.波函数的意义2.干涉、衍射的定义以及区别3.时间相干性,空间相干性定义4.激光器的分类5.反转粒子数的分布描述6.信息光学中的抽样定理7.自然光变成偏振光的方法8.天空为什么是蓝色的,夕阳为什么是红色的ser的英文全称和含义10.瑞利判据11.像差的分类和各自含义,以及如何校正球差12.量子力学中波函数的定义13.信息光学中光学全息关于波前记录和再现14.光线的基本传播定律15.孔径光阑和视场光阑的定义及区别,以及摆放位置D和CMOS的英文全称17.旋度和散度的物理意义18.简述线性系统,是否满足叠加原理?是否能计算功率?19.通信系统的组成部分20.XXX散射21.偏振的定义22.液晶显示器的英文全称和缩写23.激光产生的三个基本条件24.介绍全息投影的特点25.线性平移系统和线性不变系统26.如何计算干涉条纹27.计算机的接口28.光在水中传播时的波长、频率、速度The third step is to draw ns from the PPT。

南京邮电大学研究生英语口语复试题南京邮电大学学院:现代邮政学院专业:计算机技术英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍(2min)→抽题目英译汉(5min)→对话(5min)英语口语题目:1、为什么报考南京邮电大学?2、你的家乡是哪里,你喜欢你家乡的什么3、读过的书;是否做过研究4、Where will you get your bachelor's degree;please introduce your university5、最敬佩的人是谁6、去过什么有趣地方7、介绍本科专业8、为这次复试做了哪些准备9、喜欢什么天气、什么季节10、喜欢什么歌手11、你来过南京吗,你喜欢去哪里旅游学院:电光学院专业:光学工程英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍(5min)→抽一小段话阅读(1min)→翻译(1min)学院:电子与光学工程、微电子学院专业:电路与系统学硕英语口语考试过程:抽题,观看一段英文视频(类似新闻的形式,大约3分钟),然后用中英双语总结。
→老师根据视频内容提问(大约2-3个)英语口语题目:1、关于狂犬病病毒话题(病因,后果,全球对该病毒的研究)2、关于整容话题(行业情况,人对整容的态度)学院:通信与信息工程学院专业:电子与通信工程英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍(2min)→老师随机问问题(4min)英语口语题目:1、你的家乡是哪里?介绍你们家乡的美景或美食2、读过的书,并且介绍这本书的内容3、(南京考生)高中选择的学习模式是什么?高考考了多少分……4、为什么会考研?有没有什么契机5、为什么会选择考南京邮电大学?6、你觉得南京是一个什么样的城市7、本科的专业是什么?8、大学是哪里的?大学的环境怎么样?学院:电光学院专业:电通学硕英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍(3min)→读故事回答故事相关问题(3min)英语口语问题:具体口语问题根据故事决定学院:通信与信息工程学院专业:信号与信息处理学硕英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍(5min)→抽题目回答问题(5min)→翻译词汇(3min)英语口语题目:1、你的家乡是哪里2、读过的书3、你去过哪些著名的地方4、介绍一些5G的概念翻译:deep learning学院:自动化学院、人工智能学院专业:控制工程英语口语考试过程:英语自我介绍(3min)→抽题目回答问题(3min)→翻译英文文献(4min)英语口语题目:01、你对南京的印象如何02、你对南京邮电大学的印象如何03、你为什么选择南邮04、你之前本科读什么专业,是否跨考05、简单介绍一下你本科学校06、说说你本科四年的生活07、有什么兴趣爱好与优劣势08、研究生期间的规划是什么09、你参加过什么比赛获得过哪些奖项10、为什么选择读研究生翻译:Machine Learning;deep learning;convolutional neural network;data mining;Networked control。

这个时候很紧张,感觉说话声音都有些发颤,接着自我暗示了一下,之后就好多了,但之后问题又基本都不会了,唉……专业文献: 给你一张纸,平时考试试卷大小,上面有大约七八段不同的专业文献,自己选择一段,先读一遍再翻译,当时我也没怎么细看,就看到右上角一段是关于LCD的,右下角是关于量子力学的,由于复试之前专门准备过各个专业课英文名,所以Quantum Mechanic还是认识的,没敢再看其他的,就说读右下角这段吧。

长春光机所光学工程复试内容1. 复试内容概述长春光机所光学工程复试是考察考生对光学工程方面的理论知识、实践技能、综合素质以及英语水平的一项考试。
2. 笔试内容笔试内容主要包括以下几个方面:1. 光学基础理论:包括光学波动理论、光学几何理论、光学物理学等基础理论。
2. 光学实验技术:包括光学测量技术、光学检测技术、光学成像技术等实验技术。
3. 光学工程应用:包括光学仪器的设计、制造、测试、校准以及光学系统的调试、优化等应用知识。
4. 光学材料与器件:包括各种光学材料的性能特点和应用、光学器件的设计原理和制造工艺等知识。
3. 面试内容面试内容主要包括以下几个方面:1. 英语口语表达能力:考生需要用英语进行自我介绍和回答面试官提出的问题。
2. 综合素质:考察考生的综合素质,包括思维能力、分析问题的能力、解决问题的能力、团队合作能力等。
3. 专业素养:考察考生对光学工程领域的了解和掌握程度,包括对光学基础理论、光学实验技术、光学工程应用等方面的理解和应用。
4. 职业规划:考察考生对未来职业发展的规划和认识,包括对行业发展趋势的了解和对个人职业发展方向的定位。
4. 总结长春光机所光学工程复试是一项综合性较强的考试,要求考生具备扎实的理论基础和实践技能,同时也要注重考察考生的综合素质和英语水平。

[ 原创] 浙江大学光学工程复试参考题目CMOS?面是叫我用英语介绍我们学校给美国客人激光....三能级系统...4 能级系统二者的比较.,...一进去先读和翻译一段文章。
五六十字吧,单词都认识就是不知道意思--__-- 还有就是立方的英文忘了。
(用单光子的杨氏干涉实验证明)光电信息导论1. 激光的工作原理,. 近红外的波长范围. 问的是半导体的能带结构4. 问了下单个光子通过杨氏干涉实验的现象是什么问了一下常用的光电转换器件是什么。
什么是成像有哪些光电转换器件,各自的原理是什么,灵敏度哪个高哪个低各种传感器的反应时间比较,ccd 的为多少倍增管的二次发射原理是什么……关于焦距可调的液晶透镜问题,翻译文章时,不会的单词一定要老老实实问老师,激光测距的具体原理是什么在时域或者空域上采集了n 个采样点,傅氏变换后,变成几个点解释一下拉氏不变量的具体含义让用英文说自己学过的课程7.问了一下对哪些方面有兴趣,是否想读博士等。
我说是光电检测方面,于是又问了一下散射的原因..调q 激光器.Q-switch 的principle学的最好的科是什么.我觉得面试中做得比较好的地方就是一直保持微笑,还有用眼神与每一位老师交流,再有火星探测器上的热探测仪IR 是什么东东。

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------浙江大学光学工程复试参考题目1、激光的全称,其特性和应用激光一词在英文中是“Laser”,是“Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”的缩写,意为“受激发射的辐射光放大”。

浙江大学光电系:激光的全称望远镜的物镜直径选择几何光学的7种误差.全息技术.成像原理.用处.傅立叶变换的频谱和光波频谱有什么区别傅立叶频谱和光学波长的频率光线 WDMMTF:调制传递函数MTF Modulation Transfer Function目前分析镜头的解像力跟反差再现能力使用比较科学的方法.以景物调制度为自变量,相应影像的调制度为因变量的函数。
摸电.数电.D/A.A/DCCD激光的应用领域空间相干.时间相干.1 光谱中的频率和傅立叶光学中的频率是一回事吗?不是的话分别代表什么、2 望远镜的物镜孔径是不是越大越好?瑞利判据是啥3 什么是4f系统,什么是频谱面?激光通过狭缝后在频谱面上的现象?如果狭缝变窄,频谱如何变化4 什么是粒子数反转,解释一下5 如果能级宽度变大,那么跃迁后发出的光向红光还是蓝光方向移动6 如果接受器和光源相对运动方向是互相接近的,那么接受器的光谱向哪个方向频移先写下来,免得以后有人问起来时候忘了色散/.频率和色散的关系.放大镜...显微镜(目前最大的放大率是3000)....光阑..;.1.老师会请你用英文进行自我介绍.主要包括:在大学四年中你学了哪些课程;你的兴趣爱好;你希望在后续的学习中从事哪方面的研究等.(注:你的兴趣爱好将在第三部分再次被提问)2.就是与专业相关的一些问题,一般每人问三题.(见后附题目)3.你的兴趣爱好可能会关系到将来选择的导师及研究方向,故老师会在这个方面问的比较深,要做好充分的准备,比如喜欢光通讯的就应该将<光纤通讯技术>这本书多看看.D(电荷耦合器件)是什么的缩写?(charge-coupled device)请用英文简述它的工作原理以及它的应用领域ps.这道题几乎是每个人都要问到的,需要引起重视.2.MTF和OTF是什么的缩写?含义是什么?otf:调制传递函数和相位传递函数的总称. 通常,评价光学系统成像质量的方法有:瑞利判断、中心点亮度判断、分辨率、点列图和光学传递函数。

A复试英语-高频问题11 Why did you make the decision for exam?您为什么要决定参加此次考试?I think there are three reasons for me to make this decision.Firstly,l want to learn more aboutthis major.I enjoy doing works in media very much, but my knowledge of this field is still at asuperficial level.Secondly,l want to improve my education level.lt's obvious that a common bachelor's degree is not enough, especially in this fast-pacecity, with highly educated people from allover the stly,l hope to entera good platform to meet more excellent people.So,l chose to keep learning to improve myself and made the decision for postgraduate exam.我认为做出这个决定的原因有三点。
2 introduce your university experience !介绍您的大学经历!During the past four years,l have been study in Henan Universty of Science and Technology.I helped tutors manage lab and obtained a good result.I have learned a lot of practical experience, such as how to operate experimental instruments.What's more,l have attended the competition of student innovation and entrepreneurship as a member and writer,which practiced my teamwork ability.在过去的四年中,我在河南科技大学学习。


(先英文后中文吧) Hello, everybody, my name is xxx, My personality alacrity is bright, I like to make friend, enjoying to read some books about philosophy usually, I like discussing problems with my friends together, I feel very happy to Know everyone, Hoping to get along with everyone delectation in the day of aftertime.大家好,我是xxx,我的性格活泼开朗,喜欢交流,日常生活中我喜欢看一些哲学性的书,很喜欢和朋友一起探讨问题,非常高兴认识大家,在之后的生活里能够和大家相处融洽。
篇二:考研英语自我介绍及各个专业所对应的英语翻译考研英语自我介绍及各专业所对应英语翻译自我介绍(self-introduce)(1开场白)Good morning, my dear my dear professors. I feel so glad to meet all of you here.( 2.姓名,英文名,毕业院校,毕业专业,毕业学院) My name is ****, I am *** years old. I major in***** in the institute of**** in china university of petroleum in Qingdao ,My undergraduate period will be accomplished in July this year; and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to your university. (3.性格,爱好,实践经验)Generally speaking , I am a hard working student. I had an outstanding performance during my college life, and had won the scholarship for two times. When I decided to take part in The first National Petroleum Engineering Design Competition organized by your university, our group overcame several difficulties, we searched for information on the internet or in the library, used special softwares such as petrel and Eclipse to create model and make analysis, we tried our best and had learned a lot in the process, and our hard work paid off , we won the Excellenc e Award . What’s more, i am a person with great perseverance. I will try my best to finish a thing no matter how difficult it is. i once used C programming language to write a application programs about “how to query personal information quickly ” in a com petition .when i was sophomore(['s?f?m?:]), i found public elective course ****very interesting, so i persisted in studying it throughout the second semester while most of my schoolmates chose to give up. My**** name **** ,which means ****t, was given by my teacher. In my spare time, I like reading books, especially history books, I also like playing tennis and ping pang, I also like English very much, I am fond of watching English films, I do believe learning a foreigner language is a way to communicate with aliens, and maybe a tool to change one’s life. There is still along way for me to learn English well enough, and I will try my best. (爱好若时间不够可以省略) ( 4为什么想读研,将来愿意从事的方向,读研时的打算)考研原因(reasons for my choice)During the past four years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge, but gradually, I realize it is not enough, further study is still urgentfor me to realize self-value. Life is short, so it is necessary to take every chance for self-development, especially in the competitive modern society. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study) There must be many things to learn if I were enrolled into my ideal research field. I hope I can build up a systematic ([,sisti'm?tik])view of ****engineering. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. ( On the other hand, I am dreaming of the participation of some relevant projects of my major, for this reason, I will get more experience in practice.) In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.(5.结束语)ok, that is all, thank you for your attention.2你的家庭(about family)In my family, there are four members, my farther, my mother, my elder brother and I. My parents are famers, like other working people they are industrious , kindhearted and they bear hardships without complaint .their excellent character have a great influence on me. I went back to help them with the farm work every summer vacation. My brother encouraged me to pursue advanced studies though he himself didn’t go to university. I love my family members and they love me, too. When I make a success, they are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I failed, instead of blaming, they always share sorrowwith me, and encourage me not to give up. During my preparation for graduate examination, the support from my family is always my momentum([m?u'ment?m]). Their love is unselfish, I am deeply affected, so I will do all what I can to repay them.3.介绍你的家乡(about hometown)I come from Dongying , a beautiful city in Shandong province. It is a modern Internationalization city with dense highways network and distinctive appearance. The city lies in the eastern part of the province. It is the center city on the Yellow River Delta, where the Yellow River, China's second largest water system, empties into the sea. It is also the home for China's second largest oil base, the Shengli Oilfield . Many celebrities were born here, the most famous one is sun wu .You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”。

Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I e from ******, the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July, xx. In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO. ****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you.I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *******. Frequently I exchange with other people by making ments in the forum on line. In addition, during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician. So, I have a parative good mand of work application. I am able tooperate the puter well. I am skillful in searching for information on Inter. I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite. Anyway, I feel great pity for our country's team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will spare no effort to master a good mand of advance ******.Hello, my professors.It's a fine day today,and i'm very pleased to meet you here.First of all,i'd like to introduce myself to you.My name is ***,my hometown is ***,which is a really beautiful city.Even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in biology science.Every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a biology scientist (just like ZHU KE ZHEN).I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by myself.Still today i think that interest is the best teacher in one's whole life (and knowledge es from practice).Second, i will introduce my major in the university.My major is Biological Engineering in *** University.It has a great relationship with biology scince.Their relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,biology science,which often finds new discoveries and theories, is at the head of the river.And my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.When both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry.Four years' university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practicalability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). In the university life,i have made many good friends.They help me improve my study and research ability, do ererythingjust like a man,and often give me good example to follow.Besides what i have introduced myself above,i also have many interests in my spare time.I like playingfootball,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.Drawing and writing is another favor to me.Above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in biology scince,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.Good morning, teachers, I am honored to be informed to have this interview.Introduce yourselfFirst let me introduce myself, my name is XX, 23 years old, and David is my English name. I am open-minded, easy to adapt, patible with my friends, and willing to help others.Introduce your collegeI studied in XX University. Although it is not well know, I still appreciate it, because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities. During my college years, I have made rapid and great progress in many areas, as a student, I work very hard, and obtain scholarship many times, as a monitor, I work earnestly, also gain good ments from teachers and classmates, working as a member of Student Union, I strive to finish any assignment perfectly. In a word, I learned a lot in my college life.Introduce your familyIn my family, there are three members, my farther, my mother, and I. My parents are workers, my father works very hard, and he is always fully oupied, so most of the housework is done by my mother, of course, while I am at home, I would help her. I love my parents and they love me, too. When I make a suess, they are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I failed, instead of blaming, they always share sorrow with me, and encourageme not to give up. During my preparation for graduate examination, the support from my family is always my momentum. Parents’love is unselfish, I am deeply affected, so I will do all what I can to repay them.Introduce your hometownMy hometown is XX, a young city in XX Province. It is famous for its XX and XX. There are great scenes here, XX, XX, XX, and so on. Each year, many people e here for tour and investment. So I believe that, with the joint effortsof every person, a better future of XX is ing(round the corner).Introduce your reason for preparing the postgraduate examDuring the past four years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value. Life is precious, it is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-development, especially in thepetitive modern society. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education.Why do you choose to study in our department?I am deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when connecting to the web site of your department. In addition, I am attracted by the process of XX, and want to do something for XX. As the proverb saysprocess is theactivity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. If I got a chance to study here, I would like to continue to aept professional training, in order to get ready for working in the future. I hope I can achieve my goal soon.About your future plansWhat do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?There must be many things to learn if I were enrolled into my ideal research field. I hope I can build up a systematic view of XX, especially in the fields of XX. Sincerely, my wish is to get a plete prehension of XX. On the other hand, I am dreaming of theparticipation of some relevant projects of my major, for this reason, I will get more experience in practice. And what‘s more, I expect to continue my study for doctorate degree, if it is possible. In a word, I am looking forward to making up a solid foundation for future profession which is based on three years of study here.Do you have any hobbies?In my spare time, I like reading books, collecting cards and coins, playing volleyball, municating with friends, and so on.I also like English very much, I am fond of watching English films and listening to English songs, I passed College English Test Band six in September, xx, I do believe there is still a long way for me to learn English well enough, however I will not shrink back, Because I realize that English is a bridge connected our country with the outside world. Learning English is the most direct and available method for intercourse among countries and alsouseful for us to get advanced knowledge and technology fromother nations.Good morning, teachers.I am very glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is XX, 25 years old. I e from Weifang, a beautiful city of Shandong Province. I graduated from mercial College in July,xx and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in X. When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading "the florilegium of Mao ZeDong". From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretical works` and aumulated great interests in theory study, especially in Marxism.I have a dream, a dream of my study. I wish devote my whole life and energy into the development of the Marxism. If I have the opportunity to study in abc University, I'll dabble in as much as document about the specialty aspossible. If it is possible, I want to get the primary aomplishment in my major, at least, a stable basis.Personally, for today's China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a process of construction. That's to say, we should understand Marxism mostly from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually.模板,内容仅供参考。

1.光的干涉(Interference of light):若干个光波相遇时产生的光强分布不等于由各个成员波单独造成的光强分布之和,而出现明暗相间的现象。
A number of light waves meet , the light intensity distribution(强度分布) is not equal to separate caused by the various members of the wave intensity distribution and the emergence(出现)of the phenomenon of light and dark .相干条件:只有两列光波的频率相同,相位差恒定,振动方向相同的相干光,才能产生光的干涉。
Coherence [kəu'hiərəns] conditions:Only two light wave frequency(频率), the phase(相位差) constant(恒定), the direction of vibration(振动方向)of the same coherent light(相干光)in order to produce the interference of light.(干涉)由两个普通独立光源发出的光,不可能具有相同的频率,更不可能存在固定的相差,因此,不能产生干涉现象。
The light emitted by the two ordinary independent light sources , can not have the same frequency , the less likely there is a fixed(固定的) phase difference , therefore, can not produce interference .2. 光的衍射(The diffraction of light):光绕过障碍物偏离直线传播路径而进入阴影区里的现象,叫光的衍射。


北京理工大学考研《光学工程》复试题——回忆版第一篇:北京理工大学考研《光学工程》复试题——回忆版专业课笔试应用光学 25分1.光线的概念、光线与波面的关系2.光学系统中常用的基面与基点有哪些,作图表示3照相物镜的相对孔径?显微物镜的数值孔径?4望远镜的工作原理?望远镜的视场放大率、角放大率和垂轴放大率之间的关系5计算题:已知显微物镜的垂轴放大率和共轭距离求物镜的焦距;已知目镜的放大倍数求目镜的焦距;求显微镜的组合焦距3.近视和远视各有什么特点4.计算题高斯公式简单应用5.MTF简单计算电子技术 251.单管放大电路有哪几种基本接法?对电流、电压的放大能力如何2.滤波器的功能及常用滤波器有哪些3.直流负反馈有什么作用?交流负反馈各在什么条件下引入?4.简单的线性运放计算5.画出5V直流电源的连接图(整流,滤波,稳压的连接)6.A/D的转换精度计算1.TTL与COMS的区别2.桥式整流+3端稳压管连线3.直流负反馈和交流负反馈的作用,对电路参数的影响4.A/D,D/A转换的一些基本概念5.时序逻辑电路有什么特点,举3种时序电路常用器件光电技术 251.填空:光电效应光电发射效应内光电效应,光子效应?内光电效应?外光电效应?2.判断题:CCD的构成及传输时的一些参数的影响(4道)光学系统调焦,判断哪些是白噪声3.问答:常用的光电探测系统的组成框图及简要说明4.问答:常用的红外探测器有哪些?说说其原理,并比较其优缺点5.问答:用什么器件或手段能将二维图像信号转为视频信号输出?(摄像器件)计算机基础 251.填空二进制转化为十进制和十六进制2.填空:多媒体中图像的保存及传输时间的计算(3个空)3.问答:微机中常用的总线及功能简单描叙4.问答:微机常用的接口有哪些,并说说其功能5.问答:ROM、EPROM、RAM、DRAM各代表什么含义,有什么区别?1用C语言编程,找出100到200之间的素数2计算机的硬件有哪些?简述其功能3反码,补码的计算,两数相加时是否溢出?数电和模电和应光好好看,微机原理及接口技术和光电器件及理论看看就行面试题什么叫自适应光学?什么叫视场?透镜的参数(孔径,焦距,相对孔径)什么是约翰逊准则?电话是谁发明的?有线电报无线电报是谁发明的?还问过:物光的知识(爱里斑,菲涅尔反射透射,P`S波的振动方向),毕业论文,参加过的科技活动,激光是怎么产生的英语面试自我介绍介绍自己的家乡大学学过的课程其他同学被问的的问题:怎样看待光学工程,天空为什么是蓝色的记得题型是12道题先5道,内容有激光原理、物理光学、电子技术基础、大学物理。

英语改成选择题了,难度骤减,有词义辨析,长句理解,翻译单词几种类型,我把我印象深刻的说一下:1 电流电阻电感电路等的英文2 光强的定义,一句话3 安培表的等级,ammeter grade,没看明白这个4 霍尔效应5 费马原理伯努利原理功能原理计算题就是一个子弹撞木块,一个知道波长求能量自我介绍要求介绍专业及课程专业课,有点难度,覆盖面很广,依然我印象深刻的如下:1 空间频率及阿贝成像2 爱因斯坦的光与物质作用3 激光的几种理论模型(4种)4 复折射率5 激光特点6 激光器基本结构7 反转粒子数形成条件8 空间滤波9 单缝衍射双缝干涉多缝干涉光强计算式,及波形10 影响激光横模的损耗及共同特点11 为什么谐振腔能输出高相干度的激光12 瑞丽判据13 纵模间隔计算驻波计算14 正常色散与反常色散,并利用公式计算15 圆偏光16 时间相干性和空间相干性17 巴俾涅原理好了就这么多了,总是还是要扎实基础,祝各位考生都顺利过关~!复试后记:最后说下考录的情况,今年中大的复试线是300分,很低,但是光工只招收5个人,对!除掉免试的之后只有5个名额,33个人复试,很多炮灰。

1、 What is your undergraduate major? How do you like your major?My major is economics. I like my major very much and I quite enjoy my learning journey for the past four years. That’s why I would like to go onto further studies in this area.2、 Why did you choose our university?I choose Beijing Foreign Studies University because of the following reasons. Firstly, it has been my dream place for years as it owns the top quality facilities for language training and the best environment for conducting research in this area. Secondly, I could learn up-to-date knowledge and real world experience to get ready to launch into my chosen career after graduating. Therefore, I could receive a first-class education with a focus on practical skills and professional relevance, giving me excellence prospects for employment and career development.3、How do you plan to study in your postgraduate program?In my opinion, the study method is quite important for research. So firstly, I will choose a certain approach in my study area with your guidance. Then I will draw a pragmatic research plan and time schedule, as I hope that I can form a systematic view of my major. Thirdly, I would familiarize myself with thelatest development of this area by reading books and journals. I do hope that I can get somewhere in this field. If necessary, I will continue my research and study to pursue a doctor’s degree.4、 Why do you change your major for your postgraduate study?I change my major for two main reasons. One is that I am quite interested in economics. In my spare time, I often read books on economics, like An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations written by Adam Smith, Principles of Economics written by N.Gregory Mankiw, and Intermediate Microeconomics written by Hal Ronald Varian. The more I read those books and relevant articles, the more fascinated I’m in economics. The other is that economics is likely to bring more employment and development opportunities to me than psychology. That’s why I choose economics as my future domain.5、 If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?I would like to seize the opportunity for the following reasons. For one thing, I could enhance my overall knowledge and understanding of my subject while exposing myself to English and developing my intercultural skills. For another, I could increase my independence and self-confidence as well as widen my network of friends and future contacts.。
【精品文档】考研英语面试自我介绍光电工程专业-范文word版 (3页)

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考研英语面试自我介绍光电工程专业【一】Respected Professors,Good afternoon! I'm great honored to meet you here.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction.I'm ,26 years old , born in city , Province.In the year of ,I entered University, majoring in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 years'study,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college.After my graduation in June ,I worked in company. I got a position in the Technology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was awarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the year . The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department,responsible for developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company. Two major customers,Henan Provincipal Department of Transportation and Henan Provincial Department of Personnel, are under my work.However,with time going on ,the more I experienced, theclearer I realized that I'm really interested in the Enterprise Management .I find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed . I'm eager to learn more about management and I hope I can study further in this University.So I resigned in August , 201X and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half year's hard work, I'm finally standingbefore your honorable professors now. I'm really excited. Though I've sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, I believe it's worthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be prepared. Thank you !考研英语面试自我介绍光电工程专业【二】Good afternoon,my dear professors:I'm glad to be here for your interview.First of all,I'd like to introduce myself to you.(套话),My name is BY,and I will finish my undergraduate education in ** Medical College this June.My hometownis MAS,a beautiful city in AH province.It is famous as the industry of steel.But the environment is well.People often says it'sa flawer of Changjiang River.(介绍自己及自己的背景,重点突出,简洁明了) Everyone have a dream,and even when I was a young girl,my dream is to be a doctor,relief people from misery and turn to the healthy life.Five years' college education give me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,ando lot of practices to inprove myself.(我个人认为这个排比句很好,但是不要说得像在背书)It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability.I plan to focus my research in cariology and endodontics(龋病和牙髓病).And I hope I can have a systematic view of it and making asolid foundation for future profession after three years study here.Besides above,I also have many interests in my spare time.I like swimming and playing piano.Generally speaking,I am a hard working student especially do the things I love.I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.(介绍自己的优点,想怎么夸怎么夸)OK,thank you for giving me the chance.I hope to see you again and soon.(结束语)考研英语面试自我介绍光电工程专业【三】Hello, my professors.It's a fine day today,and i'm very pleased to meet you here.First of all,i'd like to introduce myself to you.My name is ***,my hometown is ***,which is a really beautiful city.Even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in biology science.Every。


研究生英文面试问题1. Tell me about yourself.2. Why did you choose to pursue a graduate degree?3. What qualities do you possess that make you a strong candidate for this program?4. Why did you choose our university and this particular program?5. Can you describe your research experience and any specific projects you have worked on?6. How do you plan to contribute to the research community at our university?7. Can you discuss any challenges or obstacles you have faced in your academic or research journey, and how you overcame them?8. What are your long-term career goals and how does this program align with them?9. How do you prioritize and manage your time to balance academic and personal commitments?10. What skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from this program, and how will it support your future endeavors?11. Can you discuss a time when you had to work in a team or collaborate with others to achieve a common goal?12. How do you handle constructive criticism and feedback?13. Are there any specific professors or research areas in our program that interest you, and why?14. Can you discuss any relevant extracurricular activities or leadership positions you have held?15. What do you believe sets you apart from other applicants?。
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1.光的干涉(Interference of light):若干个光波相遇时产生的光强分布不等于由各个成员波单独造成的光强分布之和,而出现明暗相间的现象。
A number of light waves meet , the light intensity distribution(强度分布) is not equal to separate caused by the various members of the wave intensity distribution and the emergence(出现)of the phenomenon of light and dark .相干条件:只有两列光波的频率相同,相位差恒定,振动方向相同的相干光,才能产生光的干涉。
Coherence [kəu'hiərəns] conditions:Only two light wave frequency(频率), the phase(相位差) constant(恒定), the direction of vibration(振动方向)of the same coherent light(相干光)in order to produce the interference of light.(干涉)由两个普通独立光源发出的光,不可能具有相同的频率,更不可能存在固定的相差,因此,不能产生干涉现象。
The light emitted by the two ordinary independent light sources , can not have the same frequency , the less likely there is a fixed(固定的) phase difference , therefore, can not produce interference .2. 光的衍射(The diffraction of light):光绕过障碍物偏离直线传播路径而进入阴影区里的现象,叫光的衍射。
Light around obstacles to deviate from(偏离) a straight line path into the shadow zone phenomenon , called the diffraction of light .光的衍射和光的干涉一样证明了光具有波动性。
包括:单缝衍射、圆孔衍射、圆板衍射及泊松亮斑Light diffraction(光的衍射)and interference of ligh as that (一样、证明了)the light with the volatility(波动性).Include: single-slit diffraction , circular aperture diffraction , diffraction of the circular plate and the Poisson bright spot .3. 光的色散(Dispersion of light)指的是复色光分解为单色光的现象It is the phenomenon of the polychromatic light is decomposed / break up/resolve into monochromatic.[,mɔnəukrəu'mætik](单色的:single colour) .Multicolor['mʌlti,kʌlə]: 多色的在光学中,对于不同的波长,有不同的介质折射率n(λ),当白光通过三棱镜后,由于棱镜对各种颜色光的偏折程度不同,从而在空间上被分离的现象。
For different wavelengths shows different refractive index n (λ) in the optical medium ,when white light through a prism(棱镜) , due to Prism deflection on a variety of colors of light in varying degrees, resulting in spatial separationphenomenon.一般波长越小,折射率越大;紫色光折射率大,红色光折射率小。
General the smaller the wavelength , the refractive index of the greater ;The purple light refractive index greater than the refractive index of the red light.4 .光的折反射①反射(The reflection of light):一种光学现象,指光在传播到不同物质时,在分界面上改变传播方向又返回原来物质中的现象。
An optical phenomenon , the light spread to different substances to change the direction of propagation / transmission in the boundary surface returned to the original physical phenomenon .②折射(Refraction [ri'frækʃən] of light):光从一种透明介质斜射入另一种透明介质时,传播方向发生偏折,这种现象叫光的折射Light slanting(斜射) from a transparent medium into another transparent medium , the propagation direction appears deflection , this phenomenon is called refraction of light.不同之处:光的折射与光的反射一样都是发生在两种介质的交界处,只是反射光返回原介质中,而折射光则进入到另一种介质中。
Light refraction and reflection of light are also appear in the joint of two media , but the reflected light returns to the original medium , the refraction of light into another medium.Note: at the joint of the two media , both refraction , but also reflected . Reflected light and the incident light at the speed of light , refraction of light speed is different with incident light .5 .光的偏振(Polarization of light)①线偏振光②圆偏振光③椭圆偏振光④部分偏振光⑤非偏振光(自然光)①Linearly polarized light ②Circularly polarized light ③elliptically polarizedlight ④ partially polarized light ⑤ Natural light光的偏振(polarization of light)振动方向在垂直于传播方向规律性变化的现象。
The phenomenon of vibration(振动/shake) direction perpendicular(垂直) to the propagation direction changed regularly.It is one of the most obvious sign of the shear wave is different from other longitudinal wave.Light wave electric vector vibration of the spatial distribution of the direction of propagation of light lost symmetry(对称) of the phenomenon is called polarization of light . Only transverse waves can produce a polarization phenomenon , so the polarization of light is another example of the wave nature of light .6 .光电效应(Photoelectric effect)当光照射到物体上使物体发射电子或电导率发生变化或产生电动势等改变了物体电学特性的现象称为光电效应。
When light shines on the object so that objects emit electrons or conductivity change or generates an electromotive force to change the object of the electrical properties of the phenomenon known as Photoelectric effect .Photoelectric effect can divide into the external photoelectric effect and the internal photoelectric effect . When the phenomenon is produced in surface ,it is called external photoelectric effect , when it happens inside ,we call it internal photoelectric !The internal photoelectric effect includes Photovoltaic effect and Photoconductive effect.7. 空间频率和时间频率(Spatial frequency and time frequency)所谓空间频率是指在一定方向上的单位空间(距离)波动的周期数。