软管 外连 接尺寸
举例说明 如需定购1CA43-15-8的O型圈,则订货号为:OR12.5X2X 如需定购1C970-20-10的O型圈,则订货号为:OR17X2.5X
OR4.5X1.5X OR6.5X1.5X OR8.5X1.5X OR10.5X1.5X OR12.5X2X OR16X2X OR20X2X OR26X2X OR32X2.5X OR39X2.5X OR4.5X1.5X OR6.5X1.5X OR8.5X1.5X OR10.5X1.5X OR12.5X2X OR14X2X OR17X2.5X OR22X2.5X OR27X2.5X OR35X2.5X
Catalogue 4400/CH
O 型圈
正常订货情况下,派克接头所配的O型圈材料为耐臭氧的丁晴橡 胶,其使用温度范围为
特殊O型圈: 氟橡胶 三元乙丙
-30 °C 至 +105 °C
接头解析 接头螺纹-特征
接头解析 接头螺纹-特征
接头解析 接头螺纹-特征 牙形角和锥度:
接头解析 接头螺纹-特征
接头解析 接头螺纹-特征
常用接头公制螺 纹螺距:1.0mm 、1.5mm、2.0mm
接头密封 形式
• 24°扣咬型(切入型)
– 接头体、管套、螺母组成
– Ferulok,EO,EO-2,Compression,Compress-Align, Air Brake,Vibra-Lok,Poly-Tite
– 例:Ferulok, EO :卡套扣咬住(切入)管外壁,形 成密封。
接头密封 形式
接头解析 接头螺纹
接头解析 接头螺纹
• 平行螺纹只能提供机 械支持力
• 通过其他方式来完成 密封例如: O-ring
接头解析 接头螺纹
接头解析 接头螺纹
• 锥形螺纹有2方面作用:
密封 (通常需要其他辅
• 英制螺纹 • 公制螺纹
螺纹型式 英制螺纹
管螺纹: 管螺纹有锥形螺纹的特征 可提供机械支撑力和密封,通常还需使用密 封剂防止泄漏。
国家标准管螺纹和英国标准管螺纹的主 要区别在于牙形角 美国国家标准管螺纹:60度 英国标准管螺纹:55度
螺纹型式 英制螺纹
管螺纹(续): 多种形式管螺纹 干式密封:SAEJ476A和ANSI B1.20.3螺纹系列
Parker派克A-LOK系列双卡套接头派克的 A-LOK双卡套接头系列产品能够为仪器仪表,过程控制和分析⾏业等提供稳定的⽆泄漏密封连接。
根据⾏业标准,派克的 A-LOK管接头采⽤316不锈钢制造,其它材质如:6Mo合⾦,825合⾦,625合⾦和C-276合⾦可选。
该管接头适⽤于不同规格的钢管,英制管外径从1/16” 到 2” ,公制管外径从2mm到25mm。
Parker A-LOK two ferrule compression tube fittings are designed to provide reliable leak-free connections for instrumentation, process and control, and analyzer applications that specify a two ferrule system. Manufactured to the highest quality standards, these tube fittings are available in a broad range of sizes, corrosion resistant materials and configurations.As standard, Parker A-LOK tube fitting are manufactured from heat code traceable 316 stainless steel. Other materials include 6Mo, Alloy 825, Alloy 625 and Alloy C-276. Straight fittings are machined from cold finished bar stock, while shaped bodies are machined from close grain forgings.The fittings are available for imperial pipe sizes from 1/16” through to 2” O.D., and for metric sizes from 2 mm through to 25 mm O.D.市场:- 半导体/微电⼦- 化⼯- ⽯化- 电⼒- 核能- 油⽓- 科研机构特征和优势:- 拥有⼴泛的可选结构;卡套管-外螺纹接头卡套管-内螺纹接头联合接头卡套转换接头37扩⼝ (AN) 与 A-LOK 转换接头O型圈密封管接头卡套管转焊接接头⾊谱分析⽤接头软管接头- 采⽤ Suparcase™ 表⾯硬化处理⼯艺- 硬化处理后的卡套能够提供⽆泄漏连接- 螺母内壁经镀银处理,减少螺纹咬死现象发⽣应⽤:- 蒸汽管线- 海上井⼝控⾯板- 传感线路。
parker 接头简介Parker 接头,是美国ParkerHannifin 公司德国工厂的德国工程师Ermto(埃米托)发明于上世纪30 年代,为了纪念其用其名字命名为parker接头,parker接头又名parker卡套式管接头。
Parker接头在中国------parker 接头特性:派克卡套式管接头因其特有的装配方便(仅需两把扳手)而广受欢迎。
parker 接头材质及规格Parker 管接头的材料除了最常见的碳钢镀锌以外,还提供铜和不锈钢两种材料,以适应不同的流体或环境条件。
Parker管接头具有50多种不同的形式,可供各种不同应用场合的灵活选择,加上许多parker功能管接头,如旋转接头、球阀、单向阀、截止阀、测压接头等与parker 管接头配合使用,可大大方便系统的配套,提高系统密封的可靠性。
PARKER 液压软管具有防腐、耐高温、抗拉强度高,柔韧性好等诸多性能,而被广泛采用在各行业的液压工程中,派克软管有一层至多层钢丝编织增强层(6层以上),有低、中、高、超高三种压力等级,有轻、重两系列,公称通径在3 — 32mm。
– 例:Ferulok, EO :卡套扣咬住(切入)管外壁,形成 密封。
接头密封 形式
密封形式Leabharlann • 24°扣咬型(切入型) 续
– 例:EO-2: 功能螺母把弹性密封圈、金属 定位环、卡套集合为一体 – 由功能螺母、接头体(可与EO互换)组成 – 弹性密封圈提供密封功能 – 定位环咬住(切入)管外壁。
谢 谢!
UNF 螺纹命名: 3/4-20 UNF 尺寸 螺距 型式 12 20 UNF
接头解析 接头螺纹-命名
• 公制螺纹:公制-螺纹尺寸-螺距 例: 螺纹尺寸=12,螺距=1.5mm 螺纹命名: M12*1.5 公制 尺寸 螺距 M 12 1.5
螺纹型式 英制螺纹
BSPT/BSPP: 在欧洲、日本等国使用广泛 BSPT螺纹是锥形螺纹,与NPT螺纹型式相似 BSPP螺纹是直螺纹,与NPSM螺纹型式相似
螺纹型式 公制螺纹
ISO 261公制平行螺纹:
符合ISO 6149和ISO 9974标准 ISO 6149使用公制平行螺纹直提供机械支撑力 密封型式同SAE J1926相似
接头基础 知识
接头基础 知识
• • • • 什么是接头? 其功能是什么? 接头解析 螺纹型式 接头密封型式
什么是接头? 其功能是什么?
使用接头的目的:各种流体动力元件间的液 压或气压管路的连接需要各种类型的接头。 把管联接到液压系统上. 接头提供防渗漏密封 和系统的接口
油口端&管末端: 接头是一种连接流体动力系统元件的连接件 ,所有的接头除了堵头、堵帽之外,都至少 有两个端口。
接头密封 形式
首先大家都知道常见的派克液压接头螺纹形式有以下六种:1. NPT/NPTF(美制管螺纹)2. UN/UNF(美制直螺纹)3. 英制锥管螺纹(BSPT) (JIS-PT)4. 英制直管螺纹(BSPP) (JIS-PF)5. 公制锥螺纹6. 公制直螺纹然后记住下面3点:1.螺纹:确定该螺纹是直螺纹还是锥螺纹。
2. 螺距:测量螺距,注意螺距有两种表示方法。
1 .DIN超轻系列(LL):内螺纹60°外锥与外螺纹60°紧密的结合在一起,两者都是公制直螺纹。
标准:DIN 20078-31),派克外连接代号:C0DN 螺纹公制外螺纹大径A(mm)内螺纹小径B(mm)20 M30X1.5 30 28.5025 M38X1.5 38 36.5032 M45X1.5 45 43.5040 M52X1.5 52 50.5050 M65X2 65 632 .DIN轻系列(L)及重系列(S)不带O型圈结构:此类60°外锥接头可与24°或60°内锥相配合,三者均为公制直螺纹。
标准:DIN20078-21)已作废,尚无替代标准轻系列外连接端的派克代号:C3,C4,C5,C63 .DIN24°轻系列(L)和重系列(S)带O型圈结构外螺纹接头为公制直螺纹带24°内锥接头,内螺纹接头为公制直螺纹配24°外锥带O型圈结构标准:ISO 12151-2/ISO 8434-1&ISO 8434-4(原DIN20078-4,5,8,9)派克轻系列外连接型号:CA,CE,CF,D0派克重系列外连接型号:C9,0C,1C,D2钢管外径规格公制螺纹内螺纹小径(mm)外螺纹大径(mm)钢管深入高度6 6L M12X1.5 10.5 12 76 6S M14X1.5 12.5 14 78 8L M14X1.5 12.5 14 78 8S M16X1.5 14.5 16 7 10 10L M16X1.5 14.5 16 7 10 10S M18X1.5 16.5 18 7.5 12 12L M18X1.5 16.5 18 7 12 12S M20X1.5 18.5 20 7.514 14S M22X1.5 20.5 22 815 15L M22X1.5 20.5 22 716 16S M24X1.5 22.5 24 8.5 18 18L M26X1.5 24.5 26 7.5 20 20S M30X2 27.9 30 10.5 22 22L M30X2 27.9 30 7.5 25 25S M36X2 33.9 36 1228 28L M36X2 33.9 36 7.530 30S M42X2 39.9 42 13.535 35L M45X2 42.9 45 10.538 38S M52X2 49.9 52 1642 42L M52X2 49.9 52 11二、英制标准管螺纹(BSP)BSP英制管螺纹接头也是采用金属斜面硬密封或金属面带O型圈的弹性密封结构,密封锥面的角度为60°。
Parker与伊顿管接头对照表 2
![Parker与伊顿管接头对照表 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/59b7a1c858f5f61fb7366669.png)
买液压接头找李三189********QQ1029242671 Parker与伊顿管接头对照表序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号1GE12LM14×1.5EDOMDA3C1CM-18-14WD2AS10LX1CW-16-103AS12LX1CW-18-124AS15LX1CW-22-155AS18LX1CW-26-186AS20SX1DW-30-207AS22LX1CW-30-228AS25SX1DW-36-259AS28LX1CW-36-2810AS30SX1DW-42-3011AS35LX1CW-45-3512AS42LX1CW-52-4213EGE08LMEDA3C2MC-12-14WD14EGE10LMEDA3C2MC-14-16WD15EGE18LMEDA3C2MC-22-26WD16EGE28LMEDA3C2MC-33-36WD17EGE42LMEDA3C2MC-48-52WD18EL10LOMDA3C CC-1619CC-22EL15LOMDA3C20CC-30EL22LOMDA3C21CC-45EL35LOMDA3C22ET22LOMDA3C BC-3023EW10LOMDA3C2C9-1624EW12LOMDA3C2C9-1825EW15LOMDA3C2C9-2226EW18LOMDA3C2C9-2627EW20SOMDA3C2D9-3028EW25SOMDA3C2D9-3629EW30SOMDA3C2D9-4230EW35LOMDA3C2C9-4531G10ZLA3C1C-1632GE08LREDOMDA3C1CG-16-0433GE08LREDOMDA3C1CB-14-04WD34GE10LM12×1.5EDOMDA3C1CM-16-12WD35GE10LM18×1.5EDOMDA31CM-16-18WD序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号36GE10LM22×1.5EDA3C1CM-18-22WD37GE10LMEDOMDA3C1CM-16-14WD38GE10LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CB-16-08WD39GE10LR1/4EDOMDA3C1CB-16-04WD40GE12LM18×1.5EDOMDA3C1CM-18WD41GE12LMEDOMDA3C1CM-18-16WD42GE12LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CB-18-08WD43GE12LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CB-18-08WD44GE15LM22×1.5A3CX1CM-22WD45GE15LMEDOMDA3C1CM-22-18WD46GE18LMEDOMDA3C1CM-26-22WD47GE18LR3/4EDOMDA3C1CB-26-12WD48GE18LREDOMDA3C1CB-26-08WD49GE20SMEDOMDA3C1DM-30-27WD50GE22LM22×1.5EDOMA3C1CM-30-22WD51GE22LMEDOMDA3C1CM-30-26WD52GE22LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CB-30-08WD53GE25SMEDOMDA3C1DM-36-33WD54GE25SREDOMDA3C1DB-36-16WD55GE28L15/16UNFOMDA3C1DO-36-1656GE28LMEDOMDA3C1CM-36-33WD57GE30SMEDOMDA3C1DM-42WD58GE35LMEDOMDA3C1CM-45-42WD59GE35LR1EDOMDA3C1CB-45-16WD60GE35LREDOMDA3C1CB-45-20WD61GE42LMEDOMDA3C1CM-52-48WD62GFS64/25SOM1DFS-36-16序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号63GZ10LA3C3C-1664WH10LMKDSO31CI-16-1465SKA10×22WC-10X266SKA12×22WC-12×2.067SKA15×2.52WC-15X268SKA18×2.52WC-18X269SKA20×32WD-20X2.570SKA22×2.52WC-22×2.5(22*2)71SKA25×32WD-25X372SKA28×3(22)2WC-28X2.5(23)73SKA30×32WD-30X374SKA35×3.5(22)2WC-35X3(29)75SKA42×4(34)2WC-42X3(36)76T10LA3CX AC-1677T12LA3CX AC-1878T20SA3CX AD-3079T22LA3C AC-3080T25SA3CX AD-3681T35LA3C AC-4582W12LA3CX1C9-1883WEE10LMOR3C1CH9-16-14OG84WEE15LMOR3C1CH9-22-18OG85WEE18LMOR3C1CH9-26-22OG86SMK20-7/16UNF-PE-KK CSH7/16UNF87SMK20-G1/4-PC CSHG1/4/WD88SMK20-M10×1-PC CSHM10×1/WD89SMK20-M12×1.5-PC CSHM12×1.5/WD90SMK20-M14×1.5-PC CSHM14×1.5/WD91SMK20-M16×1.5-PB CSHM16×1.5/WD 92SKK20-10L-PK CSHS10-L93SMK20-12L-PK CSHS12-L94SMK20-8L-PK CSHS8-L95SMK20-9/16UNF-P CSH9/16UNF96G08LA3C1C-1497G10ZLA3C1C-1698G12LA3CX1C-1899G15ZLA3C1C-22100G28LA3CX1C-36序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号101W08LA3CX1C9-14102W10ZLA3C1C9-16103W12LA3CX1C9-18104W18LA3CX1C9-26105W22LA3CX1C9-30106W28LA3CX1C9-36107W42LA3CX1C9-52108EGE12LR1/4EDA3C1CB-18-04WD109GE08LREDOMDA3C1CG-16-04110WEE10LMOR3C1CH9-16-14OG111WEE15LMOR3C1CH9-22-18OG112WEE18LMOR3C1CH9-26-22OG113GE08L7/16UNFOMDA3C1CO-14-04114GE10L7/16UNFOMDA3C1CO-16-04115GE12L9/16UNFOMDA3C1CO-18-06116GE12L7/8UNFOMADA3C1CO-18-10117GE15L3/4-16UNFOMDA3C1CO-22-08118GE15L7/8UNFOMDA3C1CO-22-10119GE22L11/16UNFOMDA3C1CO-30-12120GE22L15/16UNFOMDA3C1CO-30-16121GE35L15/16UNOMDA3C1CO-45-16122GE35L15/8UNOMDA3C1CO-45-20123GE42L15/8UNFOMDA3C1CO-52-20124AS10LX1CW-16-10125AS12LX1CW-18-15126AS15LX1CW-22-15127AS18LX1CW-26-18128AS22LX1CW-30-22129AS28LX1CW-36-28130AS35LX1CW-45-35131AS42LX1CW-52-42132G30SA3CX1D-42133W20SA3CX1D9-30134W30SA3CX1D9-42135W38SA3C Parker1D9-52序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号136AS14S1DW-22-14137AS16SX1DW-24-16138AS20SX1DW-30-20139AS25SX1DW-36-25140AS30SX1DW-42-30141AS38SX1DW-52-38142RED10/08LOM3C2C-14-16143RED12/08LOM3C2C-14-18144RED15/08LOM3C2C-14-22145RED18/08LOM3C2C-14-26146RED12/10LOM3C2C-16-18147RED15/10LOM3C2C-16-22148RED18/10LOM3C2C-16-26149RED28/10LOM3C2C-16-36150RED15/12LOM3C2C-18-22151RED18/12LOMD2C-18-26152RED22/12LA3C2C-18-30153RED18/15LOMDA3C2C-22-26154RED22/15LOM3C2C-22-30155RED28/15LOM3C2C-22-36156RED22/18LOM3C2C-26-30157RED28/18LOM3C2C-26-36158RED42/18LOM3C2C-26-52159RED28/22LOM3C2C-30-36160RED35/22LOM3C2C-30-45161RED42/22LOM3C2C-30-52162RED35/28LOM3C2C-36-45163EW08LOMDA3C2C9-14164EW10LOMDA3C2C9-16165EW12LOMDA3C2C9-18166EW15LOMDA3C2C9-22167EW18LOMDA3C2C9-26168EW22LOMDA3C2C9-30169EW28LOMDA3C2C9-36序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号170EW35LOMDA3C2C9-45171EW42LOMDA3C2C9-52172RED30/16SOM3C2D-24-42173RED30S/22SINDA3C2D-30-42174RED30/25SOMDA3C2D-36-42175EW14SMOMDA3C2D9-22176EW16SOMDA3C2D9-24177EW25SOMDA3C2D9-36178EW30SOMDA3C2D9-42179EW38SOMDA3C2D9-52180EGE08LMEDA3C2MC-12-14WD181EGE10LMEDA3C2MC-14-16WD182EGE12LM-ED2MC-16-18WD183EGE15LMEDA3C2MC-18-22WD184EGE18LMEDA3C2MC-22-26WD185EGE22LMEDA3C2MC-26-30WD186EGE28LMEDA3C2MC-33-36WD187EGE35LMEDA3C2MC-42-45WD188EGE42LMEDA3C2MC-48-52WD189EGE10SMEDA3C2MD-16-18WD190SKA10×22WC-10×2.0191SKA12×22WC-12×2.0192SKA15×2.52WC-15×2.0193SKA18×2.52WC-18×2.0194SKA22×2.52WC-22×2.5195SKA28×32WC-28×2.5196SKA35×3.52WC-35×3.0197SKA42×42WC-42X3.0198SKA20×32WD-20×2.5199SKA25×32WD-25×3.0200SKA30×32WD-30×3.0201GZ08LA3C3C-14202GZ10LA3C3C-16203GZ12LA3C3C-18204GZ15LA3C3C-22205GZ18LA3C3C-26206GZ22LA3C3C-30207GZ28LA3C3C-36序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号208GZ35LA3C3C-45209GZ20SA3C3D-30210GZ25SA3C3D-36211SV08LOMDA3C6C-14LN212SV10LOMDA3C6C-16LN213SV12LOMDA3C6C-18LN214SV15LOMDA3C6C-22LN215SV18LOMDA3C6C-26LN216SV22LOMDA3C6C-30LN217SV35LOMDA3C6C-45LN218SV16SOMDA3C6D-24LN219SV25SOMDA3C6D-36LN220SV30SOMDA3C6D-42LN221SV38SOMDA3C6D-52LN222T08LA3CX AC-14223TR08/12/08LA3CX AC-14-14-18224T10LA3CX AC-16225T12LA3CX AC-18226T15LA3CX AC-22227T18LA3CX AC-26228T22LA3C AC-30229T28LA3CX AC-36230T35LA3C AC-45231T16SA3CX AD-24232T25SA3CX AD-36233T30SA3CX AD-42234ET08LOMDA3C BC-14235ET10LOMDA3C BC-16236ET12LOMDA3C BC-18237ET15LOMDA3C BC-22238ET18LOMDA3C BC-26239ET22LOMDA3C BC-30240ET28LOMDA3C BC-36241ET35LOMDA3C BC-45242ET42LOMDA3C BC-52243ET16SOMDA3C BD-24244ET20SOMDA3C BD-30245ET25SOMDA3C BD-36246ET30SOMDA3C BD-42247ET38SOMDA3C BD-52248EL08LOMDA3C CC-14249EL10LOMDA3C CC-16250EL12LOMDA3C CC-18251EL15LOMDA3C CC-22序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号252EL18LOMDA3C CC-26253EL22LOMDA3C CC-30254EL28LOMDA3C CC-36255EL35LOMDA3C CC-45256EL42LOMDA3C CC-52257EL16SOMDA3C CD-24258EL20SOMDA3C CD-30259EL25SOMDA3C CD-36260EL30SOMDA3C CD-42261K10LA3CX XC-16262K12LA3CX XC-18263K15LA3CX XC-22264GE35LR1EDOMDA3C1CB-45-16WD265GE15LR1/4EDA3C1CB-22-04WD266SMK20-15L-PK Stauff CSHS15-L267SMK20-18L-PK Stauff CSHS18-L268G08LA3CX Parker1C-14RN269GE08LR1/8EDOMDA3C1CB-14-02WD270GE18LREDOMDA3C1CB-26-08WD271GE18LR3/4EDOMDA3C1CB-26-12WD272GE25SR1/2EDOMDA3C1DB-36-08WD273GE06LREDOMDA3C1CG-12-02274GE06LR1/4EDA3C1CG-12-04275GE08LREDOMDA3C1CG-14-04276GE08LR3/8EDOMDA3C1CG-14-06277GE08LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CG-14-08278GE10LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CG-16-08279GE10LR3/8EDOMDA3C1CG-16-06280GE12LREDOMDA3C1CG-18-06281GE12LR1/2EDOMDA3C1CG-18-08282GE15LR3/8EDOMDA3C1CG-22-06283GE15LREDOMDA3C1CG-22-08284GE15LR3/4EDOMDA3C1CG-22-12序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号285GE18LR3/4EDOMDA3C1CG-26-12286GE18LREDOMDA3C1CG-26-08287GE22LREDOMDA3C1CG-30-12288GE22LR1EDOMDA3C1CG-30-16289GE28LREDOMDA3C1CG-36-16290GE35LREDOMDA3C1CG-45-20291GE42LREDOMDA3C1CG-52-24292GE06SREDOMDA3C1DG-14-04293GE08SREDOMDA3C1DG-16-04294GE10SREDOMDA3C1DG-18-06295GE16SREDOMDA3CParker1DG-24-08296GE20SREDOMDA3C1DG-30-12 297GE25SR3/4EDOMDA3C1DG-36-12 298GE25SREDOMDA3C1DG-36-16 299GE30SR1EDOMA3C1DG-42-16 300GE30SREDOMDA3C1DG-42-20301GE38SR11/4EDOMDA3C1DG-52-20302GE38SREDOMDA3C1DG-52-24 303AS08LX1CW-14-08 304AS08LX1DW-14-06 305AS12LX1DW-18-10 306EGE08LREDA3C2GC-04-14307EGE10LREDA3C2GC-04-16308EGE12LREDA3C2GC-06-18309EGE15LREDA3C2GC-08-22310EGE22LREDA3C2GC-12-30311SKA16×22WD-16×2312SKA16×22WD-20×3.0313SKA30×32WD-30×4.0序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号314SKA38×62WD-38×5315GZ12LA3C GZ12LA3C316GZ10LA3C GZ10LA3C317TR08/10/08LA3CX AC-14-16-14318TR10/08/10LCX AC-16-14-16319TR12/08/12LA3CX AC-18-14-18320TR12/15/12LA3CXparkerAC-18-22-18322TR22/15/15LCX AC-22-22-30323TR18/15/18LA3CX AC-26-22-26324TR22/18/18LCX AC-26-26-30325TR22/18/22LCX AC-30-26-30326TR28/22/22LCX AC-30-30-36327TR28/15/28LA3C AC-36-22-36328TR25/16/25SA3CX AD-36-24-36329M42×2/M36×2/φ54AD-36-42-36330WEE08LROM3C C1CG9-14-04OG331WEE12LROR3C1CG9-18-06OG332WEE15LROR3C1CG9-22-08OG333WEE18LROR3C1CG9-26-12OG334WEE22LROR3C1CG9-30-12OG335WEE28LROR3C1CG9-36-16OG336WEE35LROR3C1CG9-45-20OG337WEE12SROMDA3C1DG9-20-06OG338WEE30SROMD1DG9-42-20OG339GE18LM18×1.5EDOMDA3C1CM-26-18WD340GE12L3/4UNFOMDA3C1CO-18-08341GE18L7/8UNFOMDA3C1CO-26-10342GE08S7/16UNFOMDA3C1DO-16-04343EGE16SREDOM3C2BD-08-24WD344EGE28LREDA3C2GC-16-36序号Parker规格型号伊顿规格型号345EGE35LREDA3C2GC-20-45346EGE42LREDA3C2GC-24-52347EGE16SREDOM3C2GD-08-24348EGE30SREDA3C2GD-20-42349EL08SOMDA3C Parker CD-16350WA0601400FIRG-F-G1/4351WA0601700FIRG-M-G1/4352WA0603400A13-F-G1/2353WA0603700A13-M-G1/2354WA0604400A15-F-G3/4355WA0604700A15-M-G3/4356WA0605400A17-F-G1357WA0605700A17-M-G1358HA0506500HD0516100/16200(全套)A21-F-G1-1/4A21-M-G1-1/4359WA0602400A9-F-G3/8360WA0602700A9-M-G3/8361HS12-1-L1522A13-F-L15-SCHOTT 362HS12-2-L1522A13-M-L15-SCHOTT 363HS08-1-L1016A7-F-L10-SCHOTT 364HS08-2-L1016A7-M-L10-SCHOTT 365HS10-1-L1218A9-F-L12-SCHOTT 366HS10-2-L1218A9-M-L12-SCHOTT。
★ PARKER液压快速接头
产品符合 UNI EN ISO9001和UNI ISO/TS 16949标准要求,其设计和制造完全满足性能和质量要求。
尺寸:1/4” - 2”
压力: 最高可达105MPA
常用工业标准:ISO 7241-1
ISO 7241-2
ISO 16028
Technical HandbookAb-28German DIN Hose Fittings (DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung)Often referred to as metric fittings these fittings seal using the angled sealing surfaces (metal to metal) or the combination of metal to metal with O-rings.They are available in very light (LL), light series (L) or heavy series (S)The sealing face angles are either 24° with or without O-rings, or 24°/60° universal cones.Identification is made by measuring the thread size and also the tube outside diameter.Defined by the outside diameter and the pitch (distance between 2 crests of the thread)example: M22x1.5 - pitch of 1,5mmDIN Very Light Series (LL)The male 60° cone will mate with the female 60° cone only.The male has a 60° sealing angle (seat) and straight metric thread. The female has a 60° seat and straight metric thread.StandardDIN 20078 Part 3 1)Parker end configurations C0DIN Light (L) and Heavy Series (S) without O-ringThe male 60° cone will mate with the female universal 24° or 60° cone only.The male has a 60° sealing angle (seat) and straight metric threads. The female has a 24° and 60° universal seat and straight metric threads.StandardDIN 20078 Part 2 1)(previously known as DIN 20078 A, D & E)Parker end configurations light series: C3, C4, C5, C6(Often also referred to as “Ball nose cones”)without O-ringEuropean Thread T ypes German DIN Hose Fittings1)obsolete standard, no exact replacementCatalogue 4400/UKfittings seal through the thread interface mechanism. Care should be taken not to confuse the BSPT fitting with the NPTF male fitting. BSPT has a 55° thread angle. NPTFThese fittings have BSP parallel threads but the sealing surface is flat. The seal is made when the composite seal is compressedSEE 0ARKER ADAPTERS RANGE3IZE "30 ! " " MM"30 ! " MM MM 4UBE "30 FEMALE SWIVEL mAT SEAT 0ARKER END CONlGURATIONS " " " 4UBETechnical HandbookFrench Metric 24° Cone Gas FittingsTypical to the French market the French Gas fittings have a 24° sealing surfaces seat with metric straight threads. Although similar to German DIN fittings the threads differ in some sizes as the French Gas fittings have fine threads in all sizes whereas the German DIN fittings use standard threads in the larger sizes.The sealing mechanism is metal to metal.European Thread T ypesFrench Gas fittingsTechnical HandbookStandardSAE J516Parker end configuration01North American Thread T ypesNPTF / SAE JIC 37°This type of fitting uses the thread interfaceto seal and as such has a tapered threadthat deforms and forms the seal.They have 30° sealing angle surfaces,forming a 60° inverted (concave) seat.The fittings are most frequently seen onmachines of US origin.The NPTF male will mate with the NPTF,NPSF, or NPSM females.Care should be taken not to confuse theNPTF fitting with the BSPT male fitting.NPTF fittings have a 60° thread angle.BSPT has a 55° thread angle.ØA dimension is measuredon the 4th pitch of the thread SAE JIC 37°TH PITCH OF THE THREADDryseal American Standard Taper Pipe Thread (NPTF)0ARKER END CONlGURATIONS 6Code 61 and Code 620RESSURE R -0A 03)North American Thread T ypes / Japanese Fittings4-Bolt Split Flange / JIS。
目 录技术信息认证证书 .................................................................................................................................... B -2简介 ........................................................................................................................................... B -5硬管接头产品及应用概览 ........................................................................................................... B -6PSR 卡套及特点 .........................................................................................................................B-8DPR 不锈钢卡套及特点 ...........................................................................................................B-10EO-2 型接头及特点..................................................................................................................B-11EO2-FORM 型接头及特点 .......................................................................................................B-13O-Lok ® 型接头及特点 ..............................................................................................................B-15如何选择合适的硬管接头产品..................................................................................................B-17硬管接头产品的国际标准 .........................................................................................................B-25推荐使用的钢管 .......................................................................................................................B-26温度的压降影响 .......................................................................................................................B-28表面处理 ..................................................................................................................................B-29介质兼容性表 ...........................................................................................................................B-30安全指南 ..................................................................................................................................B-32装配指南装配流程简介 ...........................................................................................................................B-33EO 卡套接头装配指南 .............................................................................................................B-34EO-2 卡套接头装配指南 ..........................................................................................................B-38EO 安装工具检查.....................................................................................................................B-42EO2-FORM 装配指南 ..............................................................................................................B-43EO2-FROM 安装工具检查 .......................................................................................................B-48O-Lok ® 装配指南 .....................................................................................................................B-49Parflange ® 工具检查及夹具调整..............................................................................................B-52油口端安装指导 .......................................................................................................................B-53目录可调向接头及旋转螺母安装指导 ..............................................................................................B-57法兰连接安装指导....................................................................................................................B-59硬管布管指导 ..........................................................................................................................B-60安装设备KONU 锥面规 ..........................................................................................................................B-62AKL 测距仪 .............................................................................................................................B-63EO-KARRYMAT.......................................................................................................................B-64EOMAT UNI ............................................................................................................................B-65EO2-FORM F3 ........................................................................................................................B-69KARRYFLARE .........................................................................................................................B-72Parflange ® 1025 ......................................................................................................................B-75Parflange ® 50 .........................................................................................................................B-76EO-NIROMINT ........................................................................................................................B-81手动去毛刺工具 .......................................................................................................................B-82电动去毛刺工具 .......................................................................................................................B-82螺纹识别包 ..............................................................................................................................B-82接头产品EO 接头产品目录.....................................................................................................................B-83如何订购EO 接头......................................................................................................................B-87阀 产品目录..............................................................................................................................B-163阀 技术信息 .............................................................................................................................B-165EO 旋转接头 ............................................................................................................................B-187旋转接头技术信息....................................................................................................................B-188O-Lok ® 产品目录 ...................................................................................................................B-200如何订购O-Lok ® 接头 ..............................................................................................................B-203公制钢管信息及订货 ..............................................................................................................B-236钢管管夹概览 ...........................................................................................................................B-240目录作为管路元件供应商,派克一直致力于为您提供一个更高压力,更易安装,无需维护的无泄漏液压系统。
Applications requiring the ParLock system
• Hydrostatic transmissions (combine harvesters, large tractors, excavators, etc.)
• Vibratory hammers
• Large injection moulding machines
Parker’s colour-coded die sets No loose parts to mismatch or misplace – die set segments linked together. Die sets provide 360° evenly applied crimping forces for an ideal crimp result.
Technical Handbook
Parkrimp No-Skive and ParLock System
Along with the ever-growing power and efficiency of construction, agriculture and other machinery and increasing working pressures and flow
The perfect match The complete system from one source. No-Skive hose, No-Skive fitting and crimping machine with world-wide guarantee and availability.
Parkalign® Parker’s exclusive Parkalign® positions the fitting in the dies perfectly every time.
D r y T e c h no l o g yIntroductionProduct selectionUltimate target is to fi nd the “best solution”. This optimumsolution provides high system reliability, easy assemblycharacteristics, low maintenance effort and avoids the useof exotic components.This “best solution” is not the ultimately achieveable tech-nology, but an adequate solution which fulfi ls the require-ments of the individual application with minimum systemcost.The “best solution” looks different depending on the spe-cifi c criteria of the given application.Dry TechnologyModern TFDE fi ttings are designed for high reliability, easyassembly and lowest toal cost performance.These products are marked Dry Technology and indicated greyin selection charts.Parker recommends to select only Dry Technology products forall new designs.Design criteria for fi tting selectionStep 1First clarify all design criteria for the given application orproject.Step 2Then determine the “best solution” product. Use selectioncharts on following pages.Application● Hydraulic● Pneumatic● central lubrication● process industry● severenessAssembly● Mass production● On-site installation● Industrial assembly● Field repairSpecifi cations● International standards●End user specifi cation● approvals● availabilityEnvironment● weather● humidity● Stationary/mobileSpace● Space limitations●T ube bending capabilitiesFlow rate● Volume flow● medium viscosity● System dynamics● T ube selectionMedium●hydraulic oil type● Compressed air● Water/seawater● other fluidsTemperature● Medium● Environment● Operation/standstillPressure● System pressure● Pressure peaksBest solution● zero leakage● high reliability● easy assembly●low total cost● standard products123Material selection: Fitting materialEnvironment● select fi tting material withsuitable corrosion resistanceMedium● select compatible fi tting materialTemperature● check suitability123Material selection: Sealing materialMedium●select compatible fi tting materialTemperature● check suitabilityAssembly●Prefer elastomer sealing for easyassembly and economic service123LL/L/S Series selection for EO fi ttingsPressure● select series with adequatepressure performanceSpace● select series according to available spaceSpecifi cation● prefer L or S series for best availability1234Tube end selectionPressure● select connection type with adequate pressure performance● prefer elastomeric seal for most reliable sealing performanceAssembly● select product with adequate assembly processSpace● select most suitable productSpecifi cation● fi tting type according to project specifi cation1234Tube end selectionPressure● select connection type withadequate pressure● prefer elastomeric seal for most reliable sealing performanceAssembly● select product with adequate assembly processSpace● select most suitable productSpecifi cation● fi tting type according to project specifi cation3512Space● select fl ange typeaccording to available spaceSpecifi cation● select fl ange type according to project specifi cationPressure● select fl ange type connection with adequate pressure performanceApplication● select suitable fl ange type for specifi c applicationFlange type selection12Port/Stud selectionPressure●select connection withadequate pressureperformance Temperature●Use elastomeric sealwhen suitable43Application● select standard connection for specifi c applicationPort/Stud selectionAssembly ● prefer O-Ring/ ED-sealfor easy assembly and economic service ● avoid tapered threads5Port/Stud selectionSpecifi cation● select connection type according to projectspecifi cation● prefer international standards ● select ISO 6149 for new designs12Systematic fi tting selectionOrientable Fitting SelectionPressure ● pre-select orientable fi ttingwith suffi cient pressure performance● prefer elastomeric seal for most reliable sealing performanceFlow Rate● select optimum solution for best fl ow rate and available space34Systematic fi tting selectionOrientable Fitting SelectionSpace● select optimum solution foravailable space and best fl owAssembly● check, if assembly process issuitable5Systematic fi tting selection ApprovalsParker tube fi ttings are recognized by various acceptance or-ganizations, among which are:Germanischer Lloyd (GL)Lloyds Register of Shipping (LR)Det Norske Veritas (DNV)American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMS)China Classifi cation Society (CCS)Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (DVGW)For other applications, Parker tube fittings also approved by diverse national authorities.Numerous original equipment manufacturers and end-users of various industries have approved Parker tube fi ttings.Attention:T ype Approvals usually are limited to certain products, appli-cations, working conditions, validity time or other restrictions. We gladly inform you on your individual application and send out the required documentation.StandardisationSpecifi cation● select fi ttings according tointernational standardisation● check specifi cation of end-customer/end user● consider project-specifi cguidelines●avoid non-standard itemsSystematic fi tting selectionTube Specifi cationsubes with metric outside diametersTGood bendability and weldability.2) T olerance on large tube OD’s not as tight as EO tube.3) Precision tubes for very high pressure hydraulic applications. Tight tolerances for easy handling.Good bendability and weldability.4) T olerance on large tube OD’s not as tight as EO tube.5) Recommended EO standard precision tubes for high pressure hydraulic applications. Tight tolerances (same as steel tubes) for easy handling.Good weldability and corrosion resistance. ( ) = on request6) Recommended EO standard precision tubes for high pressure hydraulic applications. Tight tolerances (same as steel tubes) for easy handling.Good weldability. ( ) = on request7) Common tube, OD. tolerance not as tight as EO tube. Good weldability and corrosion resistance. ( ) = T olerance at 42 mm tube OD is too large8) Common tube, OD. tolerance not as tight as EO tube. ( ) = T olerance at 42 mm tube OD is too large9) Common tube, OD. tolerance not as tight as EO tube. ( ) = T olerance at 42 mm tube OD is too large10) Used in Pneumatic (low pressure) applications. ( ) = Only for tube with smooth outer and inner surface.11) Support sleeve “VH” may be required, e.g. for R250-28x1.5.* = For DPR/PSR/EO-2 systems: thin walled tubes which need a support sleeve require tighter tolerance class T4. T ube O.D. tolerance class D3 is not recommended. D3 may reduce function and capability of the tube connection systems.Systematic fi tting selectionTube Specifi cationsubes with imperial (inch) outside diametersT1) Recommended EO tubes for Hydraulic/Pneumatic applications2) Common tubes in North-America3) Recommended tubes for Hydraulic/Pneumatic applications. Good weldability and corrosion resistance4) T ubes in North-AmericaD r yT ec h n o lo g y Systematic fi tting selectionDry technology versus traditional technologyEO-2 versus bite type+ Elastomeric seal + Suffi ciant seal volume to compensate tube tolerance + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress+ Clear hit-home-feel at assembly + Easy assembly check+ Integrated preassembly tool + No stress of inner cone of fi tting body + No wear of preassembly tools+ Direct assembly of stainless steel tubes possible (EO-2)+ No galling of stainless steel threads+ Existing tools and EOMA T machines can be used for effi cient assembly (EO-2)+ All parts integrated in Functional Nut (EO-2)+ No confusion of individual ferrules + Less handling effort+ Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced+ ISO-standardised (DIN EN ISO 8434-1)+ Million times proven product since 1993 (EO-2)+ Interchangeable with EO Progressive Ring (EO-2)– Higher component cost than traditional bite-type fi ttings + Low total cost+ Best value for end user + Mandatory specifi ed from various industries, such as:automotive production, injection molding, mobile equipment, shipbuilding and offshore exploration+ Globally gaining popularityBite typeEO-2Fitting selection summaryT raditional bite-type fi ttings have been originally devel-oped and designed for operating conditions of fl uidpowersystems completely different from todays and future mar-ket requirements.New products and improved assembly technologies have been developed and introduced by Parker to fulfi ll todays and future requirements of the operators of fl uidpower equipment. This new tube fi tting generation and the ac-cording assembly methods are classifi ed as Dry Technology . All qualifying products are explicitly Dry Technology -labelled throughout this catalogue.For all new designs of ● hydraulic systems ● pneumatic systems,● coolant systems,● lubrication systems and ● sprinkler systemsonly Dry Technology -classifi ed components should be se-lected.Dr yT e c h n o lo g y Dr yT e c hn o l o g y Systematic fi tting selectionO-Lok ® versus traditional Triple-Lok ®+ Higher pressure resistance than T riple-Lok ®+ Elastomeric seal + Suffi ciant seal volume to compensate tube tolerance + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress+ Clear hit-home-feel at assembly + Easy assembly check + Easy installation of fl at-face components + Superior vibration resistance+ Parfl ange ® orbital flanging technology + Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced+ ISO-standardised (DIN EN ISO 8434-2)+ Million times proven product– Higher component cost than T riple-Lok ®– Parfl ange ® machine required + braze sleeves can be used for fi eld repair + Low total cost+ Best value for end user + Mandatory specifi ed from various industries, such as:agricultural equipment, mobile construction machines, injec-tion molding+ Globally gaining popularityEO2-FORM versus traditional Weld nipple+ Safe, form-fi t connection + Easy assembly process+ trouble-free with zinc-plated tube + Elastomeric seal + Suffi ciant seal volume to compensate tube tolerance + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress+ Clear hit-home-feel at assembly + Easy assembly check + Easy tube preparation + Easy quality inspection + No rework of welding+ Use of existing EO-2 seals + Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced+ ISO-standardised (DIN EN ISO 8434-1/-4)+ Basic product EO-2 is million times proven+ Interchangeable with EO Progressive Ring (EO-2)+ No new or additional components required– Higher component cost than traditional bite-type fi ttings – EO2-FORM machine required + EO-2 can be used for fi eld repair + Low total cost+ Best value for end user+ Approved for application in hydraulic presses, injection mold-ing, lifts, waterlocks and shipbuilding + Globally gaining popularityTriple-Lok ®O-Lok ®Weld nippleEO2-FORMDr yT e c h no lo g y r yT e c hn o l o g y Systematic fi tting selectionSwivel adjustable versus traditional standpipe+ Elastomeric seal + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress+ Superior pressure rating + High mechanical strength+ No blow-out at incomplete assembly + Easy fi tting installation+ No stress of inner cone of fi tting body + No wear of preassembly tools + Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced+ ISO-standardised (DIN EN ISO 8434-1/-4)+ Milliontimes proven product since 1970+ Interchangeable with EO standpipe fi ttings– Higher component cost than traditional standpipe fi ttings + Low total cost+ Best value for end user + Mandatory specifi ed from various industries, such as:automotive production, injection molding, mobile equipment, shipbuilding and offshore exploration+ Most frequently used and still gaining popularityMale stud with Eolastic or O-ring seal versus traditional Metal sealt apered thread + Elastomeric seal + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress+ Superior pressure rating+ Clear hit-home-feel at assembly + No damage to port surface+ Assembly and performance almost independant of port material + Low assembly torques+ No metal sealing edge which may be damaged at transport or handling + Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced+ ISO-standardised (ISO 1179/ISO 6149/DIN ISO 6149)+ Million times proven product since 1964+ Interchangeable with traditional fi ttings + Wider product range and better availability– Higher component cost than traditional bite-type fi ttings + Low total cost+ Best value for end user + Mandatory specifi ed from various industries, such as:automotive production, injection molding, mobile equipment, shipbuilding and offshore exploration+ Most frequently used and still gaining popularityStandpipeswivelMetal sealED-sealtaperO-ringD ry Te c h no lo g y Dr yT e c h n o lo gy Systematic fi tting selectionLocknut Adjustables versus tapered thread + Elastomeric seal + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress + Good fl ow characteristic + 360° orientable+ More compact than swivel orientable combination + No additional sealant required + Clear hit-home-feel at assembly + No damage to port surface+ Assembly and performance almost independant of port material + Low assembly torques+ Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced + Interchangeable with traditional fi ttings+ Available in 90°, 45° elbow, T - and Run-T -confi guration – Machined spot surface required + Lower price than Banjo fi ttings + Low total cost+ Best value for end user + Globally gaining popularityHigh pressure banjo versus traditional low pressure elbow+ Elastomeric seal + High degree of fi ne sealing+ Long-term reliability without retightening + No air ingress + 360° orientable + Compact design+ Suitable for high pressure applications + Matching small spot surface + Clear hit-home-feel at assembly + No damage to port surface+ Assembly and performance almost independant of port material + Seal does not fall off+ Only one hollow bolt needs to be tightened + No hidden screw+ Unlimited repeated assembly + Seal can be individually replaced+ Million times proven product since 1980+ Interchangeable with traditional fi ttings + Available in 90°elbow and T -confi guration – Slight fl ow restriction + Low total cost+ Best value for end user + Globally gaining popularitytaperLocknutLow pressureHigh pressureErmetoOriginal Performance dataFormula:(100%–20fitting 200C PN °=×400100bar %%)=320bar 62(100%–t 200CPN ube bar °=×3100%21,5%)=284barPressure ratingPressure reductions and temperaturesRequired pressure reductions (dependant on the material) with reference to the catalogue pressures for higher temperatures. Both metal fitting material and elastomeric sealing compound have to be selected according to the temperature range of the system.Attention: Fluid Compatibility see page C5.Perbunan = registered trademark of Bayer 1) 35% (if not extra shown in PN-Column “MS” for Brass)2) EPDM is not compatible with oil (not nor-mally held in Stock)Calculation example:PN fitting 16S/71 = 400 bar T emperature = 200°C Material = Stainless steelPressure reduction fittings = 20%Pressure reduction tubes = 21,5%PN tube 16 w 2.5/71, DIN 2413 III = 362 barNominal pressure PNThe Nominal pressure PN is a figure relating to the pressure rat-ing of a fluid component for continuous dynamic applications. It is rounded to correspond to internationally standardised ratings. Logical series of fittings are grouped together, with the nominal pressure of the group being that of the “lowest common denomi-nator” within the group.Internationally, these nominal pressures are recognised and serve to match common sizes of components together. Parker tube fittings meet or exceed common standardised pressure rat-ings.T o prove the long term dynamic load resistance, components are tested under pressure impulse conditions of PN × 1.33, at 1Hz for 1 million cycles. Static test burst pressures are at least 4 times the PN value.Exception: for ball valves the static test burst pressures are at least 1.5 times the PN value according to DIN 3230 T5 and ISO5108.Permissible operating temperatureAmbient temperature of hydraulic and pneumatic applications Temperature not permissibleSealings NBR e.g. N552-90, Perbunan (registered trademark of Bayer) FKM e.g. V894-90EPDM e.g. E540-80PTFE e.g. T eflon® (registered trademark of DuPont)POM e.g. Delrin (registered trademark of DuPont)MaterialsFittings Raw materialMaterialFitting typeEO O-Lok®Triple-Lok®Designation2)MaterialNo.Standard USDesignation2)Bodies Nuts Ferrules WeldfittingsBodies Nuts Sleeves Bodies Nuts SleevesSteel Barstock 11SMnPb30 1.0718 DINEN10277-3SAE 12L14X X X X X Free cuttingsteel11SMn30 1.0715 DINEN10277-3SAE 1213X46S20 1.0727DINEN10277-3SAE 1146XForgings15S10 1.0710DIN 1651XFree cuttingsteel11SMn30modified1.0715 DINEN10087SAE 1213modified X X 36SMn14 1.0764 DINEN10087XC45 modified 1.0503 DIN EN10083SAE 1045modified X X X ExtrusionsteelC10C 1.0214 DIN EN SAE C1010X X X X X WeldablesteelC15 1.0401DIN10277-3XOther Steel at the manufacturers discretion special heat treated X XStainless steel Barstock X6CrNiMoTi17-12-21.4571 DINEN10088ANSI 316TIX X XX2CrNiMo17-13-21.4404 DINEN10088ANSI 316LX X X X X X Forgings X6CrNiMoTi17-12-21.4571 DINEN10088ANSI 316TIX X XX5CrNiMo17-12-21.4401 DINEN10088ANSI 316X X X X X X Other Stainless steel at the manufacturers discretion special heat treated XBrass Barstock CuZn35Ni2 2.0540 DIN17660X X XASTMB16/B453CA360/345X X X X X X Forgings CuZn35Ni2 2.0540 DIN17660XASTMB124CA377X X1) Non standard fitting types like e.g. banjo fittings, rotary fittings, adjustable fittings with locknut and flanges might be made from different materials.2) Equivalent materials may be usedForging: 11 SMn 30+Bi (similar to 1.0715/DIN EN 10087)Straight: 11 SMn Pb30 (1.0718/DIN EN 102773)Surface treatmentParker tube fittings from steel are delivered worldwide with a high quality surface protection:Galvanic zinc plated and bright passivated with special sealer (suffix CF).Why zinc plated?The requirements for corrosion resistance of tube fittings have been increasing in the past few years. Increasingly tube systems are not painted. Higher demands are re-quested also for an aesthetic point of view.The traditional black-grey surface “phosphated and oiled” (Znphr5f – DIN 50942) used for tube connections in the past does not longer meet these demands. An galvanized deposit zinc layer offers the following advantages: The cor-rosion resistance increases significantly due to a plating of min. 8 R and additional sealing by chromating process. In case of scratches or nicks – which are unavoidable d uring assembly – zinc develops a cathodical protection of the steel fitting body against localised corrosion and abrasion.The corrosion resistance of the CF surface is 400% above zinc plated surfaces to meet highest requirements. The CF surface is also Cr(VI)-free to avoid any contamination in the manufacturing process and meets current regulations e.g. European “End of Life Vehicles“ directive.The silver bright colour due to the chromating or passiva-tion process offers an attractive appearance.All major TFDE manufacturing locations are equipped with their own modern galvanic plants. The process control is specially orientated to the tube fitting product.The users of Parker fittings benefit from:– homogeneous thickness of plating (average 13 μm), measured on outside contour for good screwable threads– high quality above-average concerning avoidance of nicks– very good corrosion resistanceContinuous corrosion tests like salt spray tests according to ISO 9227/5% NaCI show an average resistance of 500 hr in contrast to white rust and 700 hr in contrast to red rust for CF surfaces.Particular fitting series or fitting components and valves are delivered with other or modified surfaces for functional reasons or for better differentiation.Surface protection/SurfaceMaterial Fittingsystem Fitting type CF/Cr3*Zinc platedbrightpassivatedCF+ GlidecoatingA3KZinc platedbrightpassivatedZnphr5fblackphosphatedPlainno coatingPlain+ GlidecoatingPlain+ InsidesilverSteel EO-2Fitting bodies XFunctional nuts XEO Fitting bodies XNuts XProgressive stop rings XWeld fittings X EO2-FORM Bodies and nuts from EO are usedO-Lok®Fitting bodies XNuts XParflange® sleeves XBrazing sleeves X Triple-Lok®Fitting bodies XNuts XSleeves XStainless steel EO-2Fitting bodies XFunctional nutsup to 12-L/10-SXFunctional nutsfrom 15-L/12-S XA3K according to DIN EN ISO 4042 / Znphr5f according to DIN EN ISO 3892 and DIN 50942O-Lok and Triple-Lok parts are plated Cr3 and conform to FC-F01 specification, 120 hours to white rust, 240 hours to red rust.Fluid compatibilityBoth metal fitting material and elastomeric seal compound have to be selected according to the fluid used.Standard recommendations for static seals based on experience and sealing compound manufacturers specification. For use of sealing compounds that are used for dynamic seals like rotary fittings or non-return-valves, see note at end of table.Surface protection/SurfaceMaterial Fitting system Fitting typeCF/Cr3* Zinc plated bright passivatedCF + Glide coatingA3KZinc plated bright passivatedZnphr5f blackphosphatedPlainno coatingPlain + Glide coatingPlain + Inside silverStainless steelEOFitting bodiesXNuts up to 12-L/10-S XNuts from 15-L/12-S XProgressive ringsXEO2-FORM Bodies and nuts from EO are used O-Lok ®Fitting bodies X Nuts X SleevesX Triple-Lok ®Fitting bodies X Nuts X SleevesX Brass All systemsFitting bodies X NutsX Sleeves & ferrulesXFitting material Sealing materialFluid Steel Stainless steelBrass NBR FKM EPDM Acetone 211331Acetylene 213332Air (oil free)111111Ammonia liquid 213231Ammonia gas, cold 113131Animal oils (Lard oil)222112Aral, Vitam BAF 11X 113Argon 111111Asphalt313213ASTM-Oil, no. 1111113ASTM-Oil, no. 2111113ASTM-Oil, no. 3111113ASTM-Oil, no. 4111213ATF oil111113Automotive brake fluid 111331Benzene111313Brine (sodium chloride)X 2X 111Butane113113Carbon bisulphide 11331X Carbon dioxide 111121Carbon oxide111111Castrol, Biotec HVX 11X 113Chlorine (dry)31331X Compressed air 111111Crude oil 213213Fitting material Sealing materialFluid Steel Stainless steel Brass NBR FKM EPDM Cutting oil11X131 DEA, Econa E2211X1X3 DEA, Econa E4611X1X3 Diesel fuel111113 ECOOL11X11X ESSO, Univis 1311X113 ESSO, Univis 2611X113 ESSO, Univis 3211X113 ESSO, Univis 4611X113 Ethanol (Ethylacohol)111131 Ether111332 FINA, Biohydran RS 3811X113 Flue gas31332X FRAGOL, Hydrolub 12511X1X3 Freon 11X X1223 Freon 12131213 Freon 22311323 Gasoline211213 Gas, liquid propane (LPG)111113 Glycerine212111 Glycol (Ethylenglykol)112111 Heating fuel oil111113 Helium111111 Houghton Safe 112011X311 Houghton Safe 62011X121 Hydrochlorid acid323312 Hydrogen31X333 Hydrogen peroxide313312 Hydrolube111111 Iodine313212 Kerosene111113 Lubricating oil SAE 10,20,30,40,50111113 Methane111113 Methanol111131 MIL-F-8192 (JP-9)111313 MIL-H-5606111113 MIL-H-6083111113 MIL-H-7083111121 MIL-H-8446 (MLO-8515)112213 MIL-L-2104 & 2104B111113 MIL-L-7808213213 Mineral oil111113 Natural gas112113 Natural gas, untreated321)3333 Natural mineral oil113213 Neon311111 Nitric acid313323 Nitrogen111111 Oil113113 Oxygen (gas, cold)312333 Ozone113311 Petrolatum111113 Petroleum oil111113 Phosphoric acid331312 Plantohyd 32 S11X1X3 Plantohyd 40 N11X113 Propane111113R134A111331Applicability: 1 = satisfactory NBR = e.g. Perbunan (registered trademark of Bayer)2 = fair FKM3 = not recommended X = unsufficiant data1) Untreated natural gas requires stainless steel with reduced material hardness.2) Brass is resistant against crack under normal circumstances. If overloaded (e.g. by overassembly) the resistance especially against ammo-niac and nitric derivatives can be negatively influenced. This might cause the defect of the connection.This fluid compatibility chart is only applicable on so called “static seals”, such as O-rings and profile sealing rings (e.g. ED-seal, DOZ-seal) in tube fitting and flange systems.For fluid compatibility data of valves, rotary fittings or other multi-function components please review the relevant product pages.Fitting material Sealing materialFluidSteel Stainless steelBrass NBR FKM EPDM Sea Water323111SHELL, Naturelle HF-E-4611X 113SHELL, Tellus Oil DO 3211X 113Silicone oil 11X 111Skydrol 500113331Skydrol 7000113321Soap solutions 313111Steam212331Stoddard solvent 112113Sulphur dioxide 313331Sulphuric acid 323313T oluol111323T ransmission fluid 111113T richlorethane 21X 313Turpentine 213113Water 2112)121Xylol 111313Biodegradable oilsDue to environmental concerns and new legislation bio-degradable oils are rapidly gaining importance for both mobile and stationary applications. The usage of non-in-flammable fluids will remain limited to special applications like mining, steel mills and heavy machines.MediaBiodegradable oils can be classified into 3 categories: HEPG (Glycol based fluids)+ Wide temperature range (–45°C … 100°C)+ Very stable against ageing+ NBR and FKM seals are compatible+ Moderate viscosity change with temperature+ Water soluble– Not mixable with mineral oils or HEES, HETG types– Careful flushing recommended when changing from mineral oil– Paints can be dissolved– Care required with material compatibility(e.g. do not use any zinc containing materials)– Density > 1,100 kg/m3 possible design changes– Price?HETG (Vegetable-based fluids)+ Mixable with mineral oils+ Normal sealing material are compatible(e.g. NBR or FKM)+ Good lubricating properties+ Paint resistant to fluid+ Viscosity changes with temperature are moderate– Limited temperature range (–25°C to +70°C)– Max. temperature not to be exceeded– Limited lifetime– UV and ozone sensitive– Beware of water take-up (cracking?)– Price?HEES (Synthetic ester based fluids)+ Wide temperature range(–30°C … +90°C or over 100°C with some variants)+ Good lifetime+ Mixable with mineral oils+ Normal sealing materials compatible(FKM and NBR recommended)+ Machine paints resistant to fluid+ Viscosity changes with temperature are moderate+ Good lubricating properties– Danger of hydrolysis with water take-up(filters, dryer, occlusion)– Price?CompatibilityGenerally, TFDE steel fittings with standard NBR seals aresuitable for most applications.Suitable sealing compoundsExperience shows that media compatibility is not a critical issue for static seals used on tube fittings. In doubt p lease contact TFDE application engineering.Pragmatic approachIf there is doubt about switching over to softseal fitting s ystems (ISO6149/Eolastic/O-Lok®/EO-2), it might be a good idea to have a close look on the existing hydraulic system. If NBR seals perform well on hoses, cylinders, valves or filters there is nothing to worry about standard TFDE fittings. Usually the design engineers know when special seal compounds like FKM have to be used.。
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