



模拟试卷(一)一. 选择题:本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分。


*1. 当x →0时,()f x e x x =--+2321与()g x x =2比较是( )A. f x ()是较g x ()高阶的无穷小量B. f x ()是较g x ()低阶的无穷小量C. f x ()与g x ()是同阶无穷小量,但不是等价无穷小量D. f x ()与g x ()是等价无穷小量解析:()f x g x e x f x g x x x x x x xx x x ()()lim ()()lim lim ==-+=-+=--+-→→→232120023202121,故选C 。

*2. 设函数()()()()f x x x x x =---122003……,则()f '0等于( )A. -2003B. 2003C. -2003!D. 2003!解析:f f x f x x x x x x '()lim()()lim()()()00012200300=--=---→→……=-⨯-⨯⨯-=-()()()!1220032003……选C 3. 设{}{}a b =-=112304,,,,,,则向量a 在向量b 上的投影为( )A. 56B. 1C. -56 D. -1*4. 设y y 12、是二阶线性常系数微分方程y Py P y "'++=120的两个特解,则c y c y 1122+( )A. 是所给方程的解,但不是通解B. 是所给方程的解,但不一定是通解C. 是所给方程的通解D. 不是所给方程的通解解:当y y 12、线性无关时,c y c y 1122+是方程y Py P y "'++=120的通解;当y y 12、线性相关时,不是通解,故应选B 。

*5. 设幂级数ax nnn =∞∑0在x =2处收敛,则该级数在x =-1处必定( ) A. 发散 B. 条件收敛C. 绝对收敛D. 敛散性不能确定解:ax nnn =∞∑0在x =2处收敛,故幂级数的收敛半径R ≥2,收敛区间⊃-()22,,而()()-∈-⊂-122,,R R,故ax nnn =∞∑1在x =-1处绝对收敛。



专升本考试大学语文模拟试卷一套(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:12,分数:38.00)1.下列词语中加线字的读音完全相同的一组是( )(分数:3.20)A.宦官豢养盥洗患得患失风云变幻B.莅临乖戾官吏呕心沥血不寒而栗√C.翌日对弈肄业苦心孤诣雄关险隘D.羡慕汗腺霰弹谄媚阿谀借花献佛解析:B项中加点字读音都为lì;A项中盥(guàn)洗,其余为huàm;C项中“雄关险隘”中的“隘”读音为“aì”,其余为“yì”;D项中谄(chǎn)媚,其余都为“(xiàn)。


2.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是( )(分数:3.20)A.部署备受青睐恰如其分可望而不可即√B.报道伶牙利齿群贤毕至一年之计在于春C.揣度共商国是唾手可得冒天下之大不违D.通谍猝不及防大相径庭盛名之下其实难副解析:B项应为伶牙“俐”齿;c项应为冒天下之大不“韪”;D项应为通“牒”。





3.下列词组中的字释义全部正确的一组是( )(分数:3.20)A.备(准备)尝艰辛名副(符合)其实暴虎冯河(过河不借助工具)B.噤(不作声)若寒蝉明火执仗(拐杖) 大快朵颐(面颊)C.不瘟(沉闷)不火纵横捭阖(开合) 信而有征(验证)√D.宵衣旰(天亮)食否(歹运)极泰来鳞次栉比(整齐的排列)解析:A项:备(完备)尝艰辛;B项:明火执仗(兵器);D项:宵衣旰(天已晚)食。

4.下列各句采用的修辞手法依次是( )(分数:3.20)A.借代、借喻、拟物√B.借代、借喻、拟人C.借喻、借代、拟物D.借喻、借代、拟人解析:①借代,是一种说话或写文章时不直接说出所要表达的人或事物,而是借用与它密切相关的人或事物来代替的修辞方法。



大学英语(专升本)试卷及答案详细版1. The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct________ in applying for a visa .A. patternB. rocedureC. programD. perspective2. I was ________busy preparing for the final exam________I forgot to give you an early reply.A. so;thatB. such;thatC.so;asD.such;as3. It was ________of her to forget what she was told to do, for which she was always criticized by her mother.A. typicalB. particularC.idealD.specific4. First impressions are the most lasting________You never get ________second chance to make a first impression on the sameperson .A .theB. anC.aD./5. ________is said in the report, humans' excessive hunting causes the extinction of many animals.A. asB. WhichC.whereD. What6. What he said just now didn't make any ________.A. thoughtB.ideaC. meaningD.sense7. It is against the bank staff's principles________the account information to others.A.being revealeB.revealC. to revealD revealed8. As a philosopher remarks, thekey________happiness is to think about positive things and stay optimistic.A.onB.inC. ofD.to9. There ________ three dining halls and one big library at this campus.A. wasB.isC.wereD.are10. It was Lucy ________helped me achieve my dream.A. whatB.howC. whoD.whom11. The global village is made up of many countries, each country _________its own distinctive culture.A. havingB. to haveC.hasD. to having12. Diligence usually brings success ,_________laziness often leads to failure.A.orB.forC.soD.while13.Then I run into difficulty, he is always thefirst_________help.A. to be offeredB.to offerC.offerD.offering14 ._________a good idea he put forward yesterday .A. WhereB. HowC. ThatD. What15. You should _________a new skill even if you have graduated from school .A.recommendB assessC. masterD. convince完形填空Have you ever seen the advertisement; Leam a foreign lnnguage in six weeks, _______we will give your moncy back? Of course, it _______heppens quite like that. The only language that is _______ to leam is the mother language.And think _______ exercises are needed for that. Before the Second World War people had usually leamed a foreign language _______ the literature of the country. Now most people want to _______ a foreign language. Every year millions _______ people start leaming it.How do they do it? Some people try at home _______ books and tapes , and others go to evening classes or watch TV programs. _______ they use thelanguage only 2 or 3 times a week, leaming it will_______ along time,like language leaming'at school. A few people try to leam a language fnst by studying for 6 or _______ hours a day. It'вmuch easier to learn the iaog uage in the country where it _______ . But most people are _______ to do this,and many people don't have to do so. Machines and good books will be very_______, but they can not do the students' work. Whether the language is learned quickly or _______ ,it is hard work.1.A.so B.or C.and D.but2.A.nearly B.impossible C.never D.often3.A.easily B.difficult C.able D.easy4.A.how muchB. how long C.how fastD.how many5.A. studied B. to study C. studyingD. study6.A. state B. tell C. speak D.say7. A.to B.on C. with D.of8.A. without B. with C. in D.on9.A.If B. When C.Since D.Until10.A spend e C.take D.cost11. A. some B. moreC.other D.less12.A.speaks B. is speakingC. spokeD. is spoken13.A.able B.possibleC. unableD.incapable14.A.careful B.forgetfulC.wonderfulD.helpful15.A. earnestly B.slowly C.carelessly D.fastPassage 1Computers have become so necessary for modern living that it is difficult to believe they are a relatively recent invention. Undoubtedly, they have proved valuable, but they also have disadvantages. For example, they have increased our already large number of crimes.Hacking was the first computer crime that most of us became aware of. By using their computing expertise, hackers can gain unauthorized access to someone else's computer and make use of the data they find there. They may, for example, find lists of their competitors' clients and use these lists to build up their own businesses or they may use hacking technology to fnd out a rival company's plans. Other hacking activities may be more obviously criminal, because hackers may log on to financial data in someone else's computer and alter it illegally or use it for fraudulent(欺诈的)purposes.The possibility of serious financial fraud has been greatly increased by the modern practice of purchasing goods through the Internet. Apparently, the use of credit cards to pay for purchase has led to many people being swindled(骗取) out of a great deal of money. Banks are working hard to improve online security and to provide safeguards for customers, but frauds are working just as hard to improve their techniques of deceiving people.Many computer users worry about thoir Systems bcing alfected by computor viruses. Pcople who introduce these bugs into other people'8 compuler programs may not intentionally commit a crime but may do so as an act of mischief. The motive does not really matter to people whose data has been deleted or altered or whose files have been corrupted. Computers are part of a highly technical method of working,in which there are constantly new developments. Unfortunately, there is also a constant stream of new developments in the fraud industry associated with them. All computer users must be on their guard.41. From the passage we can know that ________.A. computers are not a relatively new inventionB. computers have proved to be a curse rather than a blessingC. computers have proved to be of utue significanceD. computers have walked into our lives recently42. According to the passage, which of the following can make shopping online safe?A. Improving the banking security systemB. Always using credit cards.C. Withdrawing money from a bank only when you need it .D.Asking friends to shop online for you43.According to the passage, ________.A. computer users must be on guard against computer crimesB. hackers have authorized access to someone else's computerC people don't have to care much about computer virusesD. computer crimes can be prevented easily44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an example of hacking?A. Accessing someone else's financial dataB. Finding out a competitor's plansC. Sending computer viruses to the publicD. Finding the lists of a competitor's clients45. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Advantages of ComputersB Disadvantages of ComputersC. Computer HackinD. Computers Have Become a Must in PeoPassage 2The terms “global warming” and “climate change” are used by many, seemingly interchangeably. But do they really mean the same thing?Scientists shaped the history of the terms while attempting to accurately describe how humans continueto alter the planet. Later, political strategists adopted the terms to influence public opinion.In 1975, geochemist Wallace Broecker introduced the term “climate change” in an article published by Science. In 1979, a National Academy of Sciences report used the term “global warming” to define increases in the Earth’s average surface temperature, while “climate change” more broadly referred to the numerous effects of this increase, such as sea-level rise and ocean acidification (酸化).During the following decades, some industrialists and politicians launched a campaign to sow doubt in the minds of the American public about the ability offossil-fuel use, deforestation and other human activities to influence the planet’s climate.Word use played a critical role in developing that doubt. For example, the language and polls expert Frank Luntz wrote a memo encouraging the use of “climate change” because the phrase sounded less scary than “global warming”, reported the Guardian.However, Luntz’s recommendation wasn’t necessary. A Google Ngram Viewer chart shows that by 1993 climatechange was already more commonly used in books than global warming. By the end of the next decade both words were used more frequently, and climate change was used nearly twice as often as global warming. NASA used the term “climate change” because it more accurately reflects the wide range of changes to the planet caused by increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.The debate isn’t new. A century ago, chemist Svante Arrhenius started one of the first debates over the potential for humans to influence the planet’s climate. Arrhenius calculated the capability of carbon dioxide to trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, but other chemists disagreed. Some argued that humans weren’t producing enough greenhouse gases, while others claimed the effects would be tiny. Now, of course, we know that whatever you call it, human behavior is warming the planet, with grave consequences ahead.51.Why did politicians use the two terms“ "global warming”“ and“ climate change?A) To sway public opinion of the impact of humanactivities on Earth.B) To more accurately describe the consequences ofC) To win more popular votes in their campaign activities.D) To assure the public of the safety of existing industries52. As used in a National Academy of Sciences report.,the term“ "climate change" differs from“ global warming”in that_______A) it sounds less vagueB)it looks more scientifC)it covers more phenomenaD)it is much closer to reality53. What did industrialists of the late20 Oth century resort to in order to mislead Americans?A)Made-up survey resultsB)Hired climate expertsC)False research findingsD)Deliberate choice of words54. Why did NASA choose the term "climate change"?A) To obtain more fundsB.For greater precisionC)For political needsD) To avoid debate55. What is the author's final conclusion?A)Global warming is the more accurate termB) Accuracy of terminology matters in scienceC)Human activities have serious effects on EarthD)Politics interferes with serious scientific debate翻译1.Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.2. You may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.3. She spoke in a way that we had never expected.4. Jack was forced to leave his home town for political reasons.5. My father was looking through the evening paper when he suddenly let out a cry of surprise.作文假如你是李华,你的外国朋友Jason将于下个月来中国旅游,请写信向他介绍下中国有名的城市或者景点( touristattraction)范文一:参考词汇: 政治文化中心political-and-cultural-center历史遗迹historical sites颐和园the Summer. Palace紫禁城the Forbidden City长城the- Great Wall1.【翻译】这位官员坚持说迈克尔在申请签证时没有遵循正确的步骤。



专升本考试大学语文模拟试卷(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:20,分数:30.00)1.《李将军列传》选自( )(分数:1.50)A.《史记》√B.《汉书》C.《左传》D.《战国策》解析:《李将军列传》选自《史记》,记叙了西汉名将李广的战斗生涯,赞扬了他抗击匈奴的卓越功绩。

2.《谏逐客书》点明题旨的方法是( )(分数:1.50)A.开门见山,篇首点题√B.画龙点睛,篇末点题C.首尾叙议,中间点题D.隐含于叙事中解析:《谏逐客书》一文开门见山,提出中心论点,指出驱逐客卿是错误的。

3.《郑伯克段于鄢》中,“多行不义必自毙”所指斥的是( )(分数:1.50)A.武姜B.郑庄公C.共叔段√D.公子吕解析:《郑伯克段于鄢》中,“多行不义必自毙”是郑庄公斥责共叔段的话。

4.在下列诗作中,以弃妇为抒情主人公的是( )(分数:1.50)A.《短歌行》(其一)B.《燕歌行》C.《氓》√D.《长恨歌》解析:《氓》是一首弃妇自诉婚姻悲剧的诗。


5.欧阳修的《五代史伶官传序》是一篇( )(分数:1.50)A.传记B.奏章C.文论D.史论√解析:欧阳修的《五代史伶官传序》是一篇论证严密的著名史论文,论述了国家的兴盛和衰亡取决于人事而非天命的道理。

6.中国诗歌史上,被闻一多称之为“诗中的诗,顶峰上的顶峰”的作品是( )(分数:1.50)A.《春江花月夜》√B.《出塞》C.《离骚》D.《孔雀东南飞》解析:《春江花月夜》是唐诗中的名篇,该诗意境空明,缠绵悱恻,洗净了六朝宫体的浓脂腻粉,词清语丽,韵调优美,脍炙人口,被誉为“孤篇横绝,竟为大家”。


7.《段太尉逸事状》中段太尉以勇气制服的人是( )(分数:1.50)A.朱眦B.白孝德C.焦令谌D.郭晞√解析:段太尉以勇气制服的是郭子仪的三儿子郭晞。




1、外界温度等于或高于皮肤温度时,机体的散热方式是______A.辐射散热B.传导散热C.对流散热D.蒸发散热E.传导和对流散热2、一般成年人的肾小球滤过率为______A.100ml/min B.125ml/min C.250ml/minD.500ml/min E.1000ml/min3、维持与调节机体正常呼吸节律的中枢部位是______A.延髓和脑桥B.脊髓和脑桥C.中脑和脑桥D.脊髓和延髓E.大脑皮质4、下列关于胆汁的描述,正确的是______A.胆汁中含有脂肪消化酶B.胆盐可促进蛋白质的消化和吸收C.消化期时只有胆囊胆汁排入小肠D.胆汁中与消化有关的成分是胆盐E.非消化期无胆汁分泌5、下列哪项不是胃液的成分______A.盐酸B.羧基肽酶原C.黏液D.内因子E.胃蛋白酶原6、安静状态下,体机产热的主要器官是______A.大脑B.心C.肝D.骨骼肌E.皮肤7、重吸收Na+能力最强的部位是______A.近球小管B.远曲小管C.髓袢升支D.髓袢降支E.集合管8、听阈是指刚能引起听觉的______A.某一频率的最大振动强度B.某一频率的最小振动强度C.某一频率的中等振动强度D.某一段频谱的最大振动强度E.任何频率的最大振动强度9、牵涉痛是指______A.伤害性刺激作用于皮肤痛觉感受器B.伤害性刺激作用于内脏痛觉感受器C.肌肉和肌腱受牵拉时所产生的痛觉D.内脏痛引起体表特定部位的疼痛或痛觉过敏E.内脏及腹膜受牵拉时产生的感觉10、调节肾上腺髓质激素分泌的最主要因素是______A.糖皮质激素B.促肾上腺皮质激素C.肾素-血管紧张素D.醛固酮E.交感神经11、下列可以发生总和或整合作用的神经元联系方式是______A.单线式联系B.辐散式联系C.链锁式联系D.聚合式联系E.环式联系12、心室肌有效不应期的长短主要取决于______A.动作电位0期除极的速度B.动作电位2期的长短C.动作电位3期的长短D.阈电位水平的高低E.钠-钾泵功能13、女性,31岁,发热、畏寒5日,每日最高体温达39.8℃,最低体温为39.1℃。



河北省承德市成考专升本2023年大学语文模拟试卷及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(15题)1.茅盾的处女作是()A.《白杨礼赞》B.《蚀》三部曲C.《子夜》D.《腐蚀》2.下列句中加点的词属意动用法的是()A.左右皆笑之,以告。




3. 下列加点字解释正确的是A.以此诟远。




讲:讲话4.郁达夫主编,合编的刊物有()A.《创造月刊》、《雨丝》B.《创造季刊》、《莽原》C.《创造周刊》、《新青年》D.《创造月刊》、《奔流》5.下列各句采用的修辞方法依次是( ) (1)虎兕出于柙,龟玉毁于椟中。




A.拟人比喻对偶夸张B.比喻拟人夸张对偶C.比喻排比夸张对偶D.拟人排比比喻对偶6.《氓》选自《诗经.国风》中的( )A.王风B.秦风C.卫风D.郑风7.“映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音”出自()A.《蜀相》B.《北征》C.《兵车行》D.《登高》8.几个月前,来自一些地方的研究人员演示了使光以每秒17米的缓慢速度通过一堆冰冷的钠原子的过程。







专升本考试大学语文模拟试卷(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:20,分数:30.00)1.《乐府诗集》将乐府诗分为( )大类。


2.《石崇与王恺争豪》选自( )(分数:1.50)A.《世说新语》√B.《左传》C.《聊斋志异》D.《国语》解析:《石崇与王恺争豪》选自《世说新语·汰侈门》,通过写石崇与王恺争豪斗富的故事,揭露了晋代门阀豪富穷极奢侈的生活态度和依仗财势飞扬跋扈、骄横暴戾的品性。

3.苏轼在( )一文中借客之口宣泄政治失意、人生无常的苦闷。


4.相传《诗经》的删定者是( )(分数:1.50)A.刘向B.左丘明C.孔子√D.郭茂倩解析:《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,相传由孔子删定。

5.下列作品属于欧阳修的是( )(分数:1.50)A.《李将军列传》B.《马伶传》C.《段太尉逸事状》D.《五代史伶官传序》√解析:《五代史伶官传序》是欧阳修的一篇论证严密的史论,提出了“盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事”的重要史学观点;《李将军列传》的作者是司马迁;《马伶传》的作者是侯方域;《段太尉逸事状》的作者是柳宗元。

6.下列被誉为“千古隐逸诗人之宗”的诗人是( )(分数:1.50)A.王维B.陶渊明√C.孟浩然D.谢灵运解析:陶渊明是我国文学史上第一个大量写作田园诗的诗人,被认为是田园诗派创始人,被誉为“千古隐逸诗人之宗”。

7.“唐宋八大家”中唐代的两个散文家是( )(分数:1.50)A.柳宗元、王安石B.韩愈、曾巩C.韩愈、柳宗元√D.柳宗元、苏辙解析:“唐宋八大家”又称“唐宋古文八大家”,是我国唐代韩愈、柳宗元和宋代欧阳修、苏洵、苏轼、苏辙、王安石、曾巩八位散文家的合称。



河北省廊坊市成考专升本2023年大学语文模拟试卷及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(15题)1. “问君能有几多愁?恰似一江春水向东流”使用的修辞方法是A.比喻B.拟人C.夸张D.对偶2.下列著作,属于编年体史书的是()A.《论语》B.《战国策》C.《资治通鉴》D.《史记》3. 善于将诗情画意融为一体的唐代诗人A.李白B.孟浩然C.王维D.李商隐4.屈原的创作风格是( )A.现实主义B.自然主义C.浪漫主义D.写实主义5.《麦琪的礼物》揭示人物心理活动的主要方法是( )A.直抒胸臆B.行动和表情描写C.外貌和语言描写D.夸张笔法6. 马致远的《天净沙.秋思》是一篇()A.小令B.套曲C.慢词D.杂剧7.“精神上的缺陷没有一种是不能由相当的学问来补救的”一语出自( )A.培根B.莫泊桑C.富兰克林D.契诃夫8.“孤苦零丁”、“天下为公”、“望洋兴叹”三个成语依次出自A.《季氏将伐颛臾》、《庄子.秋水》、《陈情表》B.《季氏将伐颛臾》、《陈情表》、《礼记.大同》C.《陈情表》、《礼记.大同》、《庄子.秋水》D.《礼记.大同》、《季氏将伐颛臾》、《庄子.秋水》9. 中国现代小说的奠基入是()A.沈从文B.茅盾C.鲁迅D.巴金10. 《张中丞传后叙》的作者是()A.A.韩愈B.欧阳修C.王安石D.柳宗元11.《苦恼》中写马儿挨了鞭子、姚纳挨了脖儿拐,这种表现方法是()A.对比B.类比C.铺垫D.象征12. 修辞方法与其他三句不同的一项是()A.黑暗统治区的人民相信:星星之火,可以燎原。




13.有“曲状元”之称的元代散曲家是( )A.马致远B.王实甫C.关汉卿D.白朴14.“是处红衰翠减,苒苒物华休”所运用的修辞手法是( )A.比喻B.夸张C.比拟D.借代15.下列哪位作家有过国破家亡的经历()A.辛弃疾B.柳永C.李清照D.苏轼二、填空题(10题)16. 张若虚《春江花月夜》“江畔何人初见月,___________,人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。



河北省邯郸市成考专升本2023年大学语文模拟试卷及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(15题)1. 王实甫《西厢记》是一部()A.元杂剧B.明杂剧C.说唱文学D.传奇2.议论文的“三要素”是()A.A.论点、论据、结论B.引论、论据、结论C.立论、驳论、正论D.论点、论据、论证3.忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身出自()A.《季氏将伐颛臾》B.《秋水》C.《陈情表》D.《五代史伶官传序》4. 下列词语书写全部正确的一组是( )A.重迭惩戒诅咒安然无恙B.冒昧印像浮躁脍炙人口C.破绽斑驳辐射残羹冷炙D.噩耗缔造妩媚迫不急待5.下列属于书信体驳论文的是()A.《陈情表》B.《谏逐客书》C.《五代史伶官传序》D.《答司马谏议书》6.下列带点的字解释正确的是( )A.臣侍汤药,未曾废离。




8. “还将旧来意,怜取眼前人”中后句的意思是A.可怜眼前的我B.爱眼前的我C.可怜眼前的新人D.爱眼前的新人9.第1题柳永《八声甘州》中贯穿全词的句子是()。

10. 李后主是指()A.李商隐B.李煌C.李玉景D.李白11.“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”这一句诗出自()A.A.《行路难》B.《杜陵叟》C.《蜀相》D.《泊秦淮》12.《楚辞·九歌·国殇》之“国殇”的含义是:( )A.感伤未成年男子的早逝B.感伤楚国将士斗志的衰败C.鼓舞为楚国捐躯的斗士D.祭奠为楚国捐躯的将士13. 下列各句中没有语病的一组是( )A.保持北京的古都风貌,在北京市旧城区改选中,新的建筑应以故宫和皇城为中心向外分七个层次逐步提高。




河南专升本_模拟_高数(共五套)高等数学模拟试题(一)说明:考试时间120分钟,试卷共150分.一、单项选择题(每小题2分后,共50分后.在每个小题的候选答案中挑选出一个恰当答案,并将其代码写下在题干后的括号内.)1.已知f(x)的定义域为[-1,2],则函数f(x)?f(x?2)?f(2x)的定义域为()(a)[?3,0](b)[?3,1](c)[?11,1](d)[?,0]22x2sin2.limx?0sinx1x=()(a)无穷(b)不存有(c)0(d)1x?0?x?1?1,?3.设f(x)??则x=0是函数f(x)的()x?0,x?0?(a)可去间断点(b)无穷间断点(c)连续点(d)跳跃间断点44.方程x?x?1?0,至少存有一个根的区间就是()1122(c)(2,3)(d)(1,2)(a)(0,)(b)(,1)5.f(x)?(x?x0)??(x)其中?可微,则f?(x0)?()(a)0(b)?(x0)(c)??(x0)(d)?6.设f(x)?xsinn1(x?0)且f(0)?0,则f(x)在x=0处为()xnx?0(a)仅当limf(x)?limxsinx?01?f(0)?0时,才可以微x(b)在任何条件下都可以微(c)当且仅当n>1时才可以微(d)因sin1在x=0处并无定义,所以不容微x7.设f(x)在[a,?)上二次连续函数,且f(a)?0,f?(a)?0,f??(x)?0(x?a),则方程f(x)?0在[a,?)上()(a)没实根(b)存有多个实根第1页共28页(c)存有且仅有一个实根(d)无法推论与否存有实根8.下列函数在[?1,1]上满足罗尔定理条件的是()(a)y?1(b)y?1?xx(c)y?x(x2?1)(d)y?ln(1?x)9.设函数f(x)有连续的二阶导数,且f?(0)?0,limx?0f??(x)?1,则()x(a)f(0)是函数的极大值(b)f(0)是函数的极小值(c)(0,f(0))就是曲线y?f(x)的拐点(d)f(0)不是f(x)的极值,(0,f(0))也不是曲线y?f(x)的拐点10.若d?f(x)??d?g(x)?,则以下各式中不设立的就是()??(a)f(x)?g(x)(b)f?(x)?g?(x)(c)d?f(x)??d?g(x)?(d)d11.由曲线y?f?(x)dxdg?(x)dx?1,直线y?x,x?2所围成图形面积为()x2211(a)?(?x)dx(b)?(x?)dx1x1x222211(c)?(2?)dy??(2?y)dy(d)?(2?)dx??(2?x)dx1111xy12.i?(a)?120x3?2x2?xdx,则求该分数时恰当的作法就是i=()102?20x?1?x?dx(b)?x?x?1?dxx?1?x?dx??21x?x?1?dx(c)?200x?1?x?dx(d)0x?x?1?dx13.对于非零向量a,b满足a?3b?7a?5b,a?4b?7a?2b,则向量a,b夹角为()(b)64(c)(d)32(a)?y2?z2?2x?014.曲线?在xoy平面上投影曲线方程为()z3y22xy22x9(a)(b)z?0??z?0?y2?2x?y2?2x?9(c)?(d)?z3z3第2页共28页15.函数f(x,y)在点(x0,y0)的偏导数存在是f(x,y)在该点连续的()(a)充分条件但不是必要条件(b)必要条件但不是充分条件(c)充要条件(d)既不是充分条件也不是必要条件16.函数z?ln41的定义域为()?arcsin2222x?yx?y(a)1?x2?y2?4(b)1?x2?y2?4(c)1?x2?y2?4(d)1?x2?y2?417.发生改变(a)dx12x22xf(x,y)dy分数次序得()?10dy?422?y5yf(x,y)dx(b)?dy?0122?y2?yf(x,y)dx+?dy?14142y5yf(x,y)dxf(x,y)dx(c)dy02yf(x,y)dx(d)dy012f(x,y)dx+dy218.设d:x2?y2?r2,则(a)dx2?y2dxdy?()rdxdyrd3(b)?2?0drdrr20r(c)20dr02r23rdrr(d)dr2dr2r3003219.直观闭合曲线c所围区域d的面积为()11xdx?xdyydy?xdx(b)2?c2?c11(c)?ydx?xdy(d)?xdy?ydx2c2c1n1?),则级数()20.设un?(?1)ln(n(a)(a)?un?1?n与?un?1?2n收敛(b)2n?un?1?n与un12n都收敛2n(c)?un?1??n收敛而?un?1?发散(d)?un?1?n发散而un1发散21.设级数a收敛(a为常数),则有()?nn?1q(a)q?1(b)q?1(c)q??1(d)q?122.级数nen1nx的发散域就是()(a)x??1(b)x?0(c)0?x?1(d)?1?x?0第3页共28页23.微分方程y2y??x的特解应设为y??()(a)ax(b)ax?b(c)ax?bx(d)ax?bx?c24.过函数y?f(x)的图形上点(0,?2)的切线为:2x?3y?6且该函数满足微分方程y6x,则此函数为()(a)y?x2?2(b)y?3x2?2(c)3y?3x3?2x?6?0(d)y?x?3222x325.微分方程xdy?ydx?y2eydy的吉龙德为()(a)y?x(ex?c)(b)x?y(ey?c)(c)y?x(c?e)(d)x?y(c?e)二、填空题(每小题2分,共30分)1.设f(x)为已连续奇函数且f(2)?1,则limf(x)?______________.x??2xy2.lim(1?3x)x?01sinx?______________.3.曲线y?x?ex在点(0,1)处的切线斜率k?_________________________.4.函数f(x)?x3?x在[0,3]上满足罗尔定理的??_______________.5.函数f(x)?x?2cosx在[0,32?2]上的最大值为_______________.6.曲线f(x)?x?3x?2x?1的拐点为_________________________.7.设f(x)?sinx?cos2x,则f(27)(?)___________________.21x?18.不定积分:?edx?___________________.d2sin2xdx?____________________.9.dx?110.设0e tdt22,则1x20e?xdx=_______________________.11.将xoz平面内曲线z?5x拖x轴转动一周,分解成的转动曲面的方程为______________________________.12.由方程:ex?y?xyz?ez确认的隐函数z?z(x,y)的偏导数n?z=______________.?xxn13.幂级数1??(?1)2的收敛域为____________.nn?1?第4页共28页(?1)nxn14.级数?的和函数s(x)为________________.n2n?015.若d[e?xf(x)]?exdx,则f(x)?________________.三、计算题(每小题5分后,共40分后)1.谋limsin6x?6x.x?02x3dy.dx22.设y?xx?2xxx,求x23.谋分数??(x)dx,其中f(x?1)?ln2,且f[?(x)]?lnx.x?24lnx4.求定积分?1dx.x4?z?z5.设z?f2(x,xy),其中f具备一阶已连续的偏导数,谋,.?x?y6.排序10dxx2eydy.x2127.将f(x)?ex?2x进行为(x+1)的幂级数ZR19其发散域.228.谋微分方程:2x(yex?1)dx?exdy?0的吉龙德.四、应用题(每小题7分后,共21分后)1.用a元钱购料,建造一个宽与深相同的长方体水池,已知四周的单位面积材料费为底面单位面积的材料费的1.2倍,求水池的长与宽各多少米,才能使水池的容积最大?2.由曲线y?x3和直线x?2,y?0围成一平面图形,试求:(1)该平面图形的面积;(2)该平面图形拖y轴转动一周的旋转体体积.3.谋微分方程cosydy?siny?ex的吉龙德.dx12x?ln(1?x).2五、证明题(9分)证明:当x>0时,有x?答案一、单项选择题1.d2.c3.a4.d5.b6.c7.c8.c9.c10.a11.b12.b13.c14.b15.d16.a17.b18.c19.d20.c21.d22.b23.c24.c25.d二、填空题1.-12.e3.24.25.3?6?31x?16.(1,1)7.08.?e229.010.?11.y?z?5x第5页共28页c。



河南省信阳市成考专升本2023年医学综合模拟试卷及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(80题)1. 下列属于条件反射的是( )A.看到酸梅时引起唾液分泌B.食物入口后,引起胃腺分泌C.炎热环境下出汗D.大量饮水后尿量增加E.寒冷环境下皮肤血管收缩2.上肢的浅静脉是()A.贵要静脉B.尺静脉C.桡静脉D.大隐静脉E.肱静脉3. 下列引起腹部外形改变的因素中,错误的是()A.右上腹膨隆一一原发性肝癌B.蛙状腹——腹内充气C.弥漫性腹部膨隆一一巨大腹块D.下腹部隆起——早期妊娠E.全腹膨隆有肠型——肠梗阻4.支配咀嚼肌的神经是()。

A.舌下神经B.下颌神经C.面神经D.动眼神经E.滑车神经5.寄生虫感染多有【】A.嗜酸性粒细胞增多B.淋巴细胞增多C.中性粒细胞增多D.嗜碱性粒细胞增多E.红细胞增多6.急性失血时,最先出现的代偿反应是A.血管的自身调节B.交感神经系统兴奋C.组织液回收增加D.血管紧张素Ⅱ增多E.心率明显加快7. 正常成年人安静时,通气/血流比值的正常值是( )A.0.48B.0.58C.0.64D.0.84E.0.948.胃的容受性舒张是通过下列哪种途径实现的()A.交感神经B.迷走神经末梢释放乙酰胆碱C.迷走神经末梢释放的血管活性肠肽D.壁内神经释放的生长抑素E.肠——胃反射9.手术中输血过程发现手术性渗血不止和低血压时最可能的并发症是( )。

A.过敏性休克B.感染性休克C.出血倾向D.溶血反应E.以上都不是10. 肱二头肌()A.起于肩胛骨的喙突和盂下结节B.受桡神经支配C.止于尺骨鹰嘴D.能屈肩关节伸肘关节E.以上都不是11.直接支配小汗腺活动的神经纤维是( )A.肾上腺素能纤维B.胆碱能纤维C.肽能纤维D.副交感神经节后纤维E.交感神经节前纤维12. 病人诉述的最主要的症状称为A.现病史B.个人史C.既往史D.系统回顾E.主诉13.神经调节的特点是()A.调节幅度小B.作用广泛而持久C.作用迅速、准确和短暂D.反应速度快,持续时间长E.调节的敏感性差14. 关于直肠壶腹的正确叙述是()A.直肠位于盆膈以上的部分B.直肠盆部下段膨大的部分C.直肠下端无腹膜覆盖的部分D.以上都对E.以上都错15.正常肘关节的功能位是( )。



统招专升本英语模拟试卷4一、单选题1、Of all the girls in the class Jane studies the()A.hardB.harderC.hardestD.hardly2、John decided to _____ the present job in order to travel around the world()A.give upB.put upC.wake upD.break up3、—Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.—I wish they()always lateA.weren’tB.hadn’t beenC.wouldn’t beD.wouldn’t have been4、At the 60th anniversary, the guests sitting in the front are those ______ graduates from the university()A.faithfulB.distinguishedC.impressiveD.interesting5、Albert Einstein, a great scientist in the 20th century, once_____ an offer of one thousand dollars a minute to speak on the radio during World War Ⅱ()A.turned downB.turned upC.turned outD.turned in6、He()me to give up the holidays in Spain next month A.hadB.convincedC.agreedD.persuaded7、Tom_____the shopkeeper with overcharging him for the articles he had bought()A.accusedB.chargedD.criticized8、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing()A.in returnB.in turnC.in advanceD.in vain9、Such a skilled tennis player knows how to take_____of his opponent’s (对手) chief weakness()A.useB.advantageC.utilityD.chance10、Send for a doctor quickly. The old man is badly hurt so he needs _____ at once()A.a cooperationB.an operationC.a performanceD.a promotion11、Ryan was late for the conference yesterday()the traffic jamA.becauseC.forD.because of12、People in this area are in()over the heavily polluted airA.doubtB.dangerC.troubleD.suspense13、It is urgent that the seriously wounded soldier()to the war hospital at onceA.is to be sentB.was sentC.must be sentD.be sent14、You might not like the way Sam behaves, but please be kind to him.______ , he is your grandfather()A.After allB.Above allC.In allD.At all15、_____ breaks the law will be punished sooner or later()A.WhoB.SomeoneC.AnyoneD.Whoever16、It was Thomas Edison that()the electric lampA.inventedB.discoveredC.designedD.developed17、Whenever we planned our vacations, mother could always offer some _____ suggestions()A.carefulB.practicalC.effectiveD.efficient18、It is worth()that even the most complex scientific ideas can eventually affect one’s daily lifeA.to rememberB.rememberC.rememberedD.remembering19、We moved to London _____ we could visit our friends more often()A.even ifB.so thatC.in caseD.as if20、The bad weather()the building program by several weeks A.went onB.put onC.set backD.built up21、The twin sisters look so much alike that I could never tell _____()A.who is whoB.whom is whomC.what is whatD.which is which22、The police are _____ the traffic accident that happened yesterday()A.looking down uponB.looking forward toC.looking intoD.looking after23、Many people complain of the rapid()of modern life A.rateB.speedC.paceD.growth24、Please sit down and make yourself()A.in the roomB.fineC.easyD.at home25、When I got my first job, I _____ early. But nowadays I usually stay in bed until late morning()A.could get upB.used to getting upC.was used to get upD.used to get up26、Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to _____ some money()A.pullB.drawC.pickD.gain27、(), he failed in the college entrance examination again A.To disappoint his parentsB.To his parents’ disa ppointmentC.At his parents’ disapprovalD.His parents’ disappointing28、Without your help, we _____ so much()A.will not achieveB.didn’t achieveC.don’t achieveD.would not have achieved29、The grain output of this year is much higher than _____ of last year()A.thatB.suchC.whichD.what30、The whole class couldn’t help _____ when they saw the haircut of their new classmate()A.to laughB.laughingC.laughedD.to be laughing31、A car()Jane’s cat and sp ed awayA.ran overB.ran intoC.ran throughD.ran down32、You()read the article if you don’t want toA.haven’tB.can’tC.mustn’tD.needn’t33、The travelers are going to Taiwan,()they plan to stay for two or three daysA.thatB.whichC.whenD.where34、Feed plants and they grow;()them and they sufferA.disgustB.dismissC.omitD.neglect35、I hadn’t seen him for years, but I_____his voice on the telephone()A.realizedB.discoveredC.acceptedD.recognized36、Only when you have obtained sufficient data()come to sound conclusionA.can youB.would youC.you willD.you can37、The young man cheated his friend of much money, _____ was disgraceful()A.itB.whoC.thatD.which38、We like our English teacher because she often tells()funny stories in classA.usB.ourC.weD.ours39、She finally decided to obtain a _____ from the bank in order to buy a house()A.financeB.capitalC.loanD.profit40、The kidney transplant operation was _____ complicated,so the operating team had to take special care to ensure its success()A.slightlyB.nearlyC.extremelyD.probably二、阅读理解1、It seems obvious that you don’t give away your product for free but this is exactly what indie rock group The Crimea did earlier this year. The band’s reasoning goes like this: more people will download the free album than would pay for it. Therefore more people will hear The Crimea’s music.These people will then pay money for concerts by the band and perhapsbuy a T-shirt or other merchandise. If the band play regular concerts to crowds of 200 or 300 people they can make more money than they would from sales of a CD.There will always be some people who want something they can hold in their hands so they will release the CD into the shops too—but making money through sales of their music isn’t the top priority.The story illustrates the creative thinking going on in the music business in response to dramatic changes over the last few years in the way that people buy music.Sales of music digitally—to computer, phones and MP3 players rose to$2 billion in 2022—an increase of almost 100 percent on the previous year—yet overall record company sales are down. People are simply not buying CDs in record shops in anything like the numbers they used to.This trend looks set to continue so the big question for the music industry is whether they can successfully manage the move to being primarily a digital industry without profits falling to unacceptable levels.There are both positive and negative signs. On the plus side, more and more people are buying music on mobile phones, which allows people to make impulse purchases—they can buy a song as soon as they hear it. Research by the UK mobile operator 3suggested that 75 percent of 16 to 24year olds wanted to buy a track they liked as soon as they heard it. With so much competition for people’s disposable income, a product that you can sell immediately is a big advantage.The bad news for record companies, however, is the amount of music that is downloaded illegally. Piracy—usually in the form of cheaply copied CD—has long been an issue for the music business but the Internet means music can be copied and distributed freely through file-sharing sites on a large scale than ever before.It is this situation that leads bands to start giving away their music for free and promises to make the next few years a very interesting time in the music businessWhat is unusua l about the Crimea’s business plan()A.Their business was given away free on the InternetB.They gave CDs away free in shopsC.They played free concertsD.They charged more for their CDs2、The Crimea hope to make money()A.through CD salesB.by giving concerts and selling T-shirts and other merchandiseC.by selling merchandise on the InternetD.through sales of merchandise in shops3、The Crimea also released CDs for sale in shops because ()A.people who attend their concerts need themB.they want to make extra moneyC.there are still people who prefer CDs to other formats D.people who fail to attend their concerts need them4、What is true about sales of music over the last year() A.Overall, sales are up last yearB.Overall, sales are down last yearC.There is no change compared to previous salesD.It is not mentioned in the passage5、What effect has the Internet had on music piracy()A.It has made it easier to fight piracyB.It has increased the number of pirate CDs availableC.It has made it easier to illegally copy musiD.It has reduced the number of pirate CDs available6、Even plants can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away—straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared(红外线) scanning technologydeveloped for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under attack. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which always includes plants that don’t have pest(害虫) problems. Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. An infrared scanner, on a plane flying at 3,000 feet at night, measured the heat sent out by crops. The data was turned into a color-coded map showing where plants were running fevers. Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.The bad news is that Paley’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term supporters were hard to find.But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt about how the technology works. This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States, says George Oerther of Texas AM.Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department ofAgriculture, thinks long-distance infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade, but only if Paley finds the financial support which he failed to obtain 10 years ago Plant will run a fever when they are______()A.sprayed with pesticidesB.facing an infrared scannerC.troubled with insects or diseaseD.having their temperature taken7、In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to ______()A.draw a color-coded mapB.locate the problem areaC.attract insects and treat diseaseD.estimate the damage to the crops8、Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by ______()A.making use of spot-sprayingB.transforming poisoned rainC.consulting infrared scanning expertsD.detecting crop problems at an early stage9、The difficulty in applying infrared scanning technology to agriculture is ______()A.its high costB.the financial problemC.the decreased productionD.the lack of official support10、The passage mainly talks about the ______()A.problems of cropsB.temperature of plantsC.roles of Paley’s companyD.function of infrared scanning11、It was a fairly sunny day. I had gone down the tower whena blind man came toward me. He kept close to the wall, touching it lightly with his arm. I stood still and looked at him walking toward the ticket office.What does a blind man want to climb up the tower for? I wondered, Not the view certainly, perhaps he wants to jump. Thinking of this terrible reason, I thought I should follow him.He went up slowly and stopped from time to time. I followed him a few steps behind.When he got to the first corner of the bell tower,I approached him. Excuse me, I said as politely as I could, but I am very curious to know why you came up.You’d never guess, he said.Not the view, or the fresh air on this winter day?No. he said.Tell me, then.He smiled.Perhaps climbing up the tower,you have noticed—and yet, not being blind,perhaps you won’t—how the sun pours into the tower through the windows here and there,so that one can feel the cool steps suddenly become quite warm,even in winter. But behind the wall there is shade. There is no place so good as this for feeling the contrast between light and darkness. Though I’m blind, I also want to feel the happiness brought by the sunlight. In fact it isn’t my first time to be here. He said and seemed as pleased as a child. (81)I had never thought that even a blind man could have his way to enjoy the beautiful life.But we often paid no attention to its value because we never lost it.We went down the tower together and I left him. From then on I began to treasure what life has given meWhen did the story happen()A.On a warm day in springB.On a cool day in summerC.On a windy day in autumnD.On a sunny day in winter12、What’s the relation ship between the writer and the blind man()A.StrangersB.FriendsC.RelativesD.Neighbors13、The writer followed the blind man because _____()A.he wanted to offer help to any handicapped personB.he was afraid that the blind man might jump off the tower C.he was curious about the ability of the blind man to climb D.he wanted to go down the tower with the blind man14、Why did the blind man climb the tower()A.Because he wanted to feel the shade behind the wall of the towerB.Because he wanted to have more fresh air up the tower C.Because he wanted to feel the difference between sunlight and shadeD.Because the bell tower was a good and familiar place for him to visit15、What did the writer learn from the blind man()A.One should always love sunny daysB.One should treasure what is lost in lifeC.One should enjoy the changes in lifeD.One should value what life has given him16、When you have completed your college education, you will look for a job suited to your training, interests, and ambition. In most cases, you will visit a likely employer’s office and complete an application form for the position in which you are interested.(83)The employer may then make a decision regarding your ability on the basis of your application form and interview. Throughout your lifetime, however, you may find yourself in other job hunting situations in an attempt to improve your position. As you gain experience, you are likely to become ambitious for better and better jobs. These better jobs often require letters of application and summaries of your background and experience. Therefore, your writing skills may play an important part in obtaining the job you desire.In any job-hunting situation, there are a number of ways you may use your writing skills: to complete an application form, prepare a resume, write an application letter, or write employment follow-up letters. As an ambitious job-hunter, therefore, you should be able to prepare all the written materials that will help you to get the job you wantAccording to the passage, in looking for a job, the students _____()A.must make an arrangement for an interviewB.may follow their interests and ambitionC.will surely get a chance to improve their positionsD.will always visit every employer’s office17、If you want to improve your position and find a better job, it is important to _____()A.improve your writing skillsB.make a decision on the basis of your own desireC.get a job related to your educationD.understand the application form of the company18、To find a job, it is NOT necessary for a student to supply_____()A.a writing sampleB.a letter of applicationC.an application formD.a resume19、Your application for a job should mainly inform the employer of your _____()A.present position and incomeB.former employersC.background and experienceD.former colleagues20、What may be the best title for this passage()A.How to Complete a Job Application FormB.An Introduction to Job-Hunting SituationsC.Writing Skills Help Job-HuntingD.An Attempt to Find Better Jobs三、完形填空1、The mind-success connection is strong, and many obstacles to our success are also mental. Some people rely more on facts, 41 others rely more on feelings. There is no right way to be, but we all have the natural ability to feel our way successfully42 an unlighted path.I learned this 43 I was standing on a curb(路边) in a city in Vietnam(越南). My objective, a restaurant where my husband Tom was 44 for me, stood on the 45 side of the street, I was 46 and could smell the food.But it seemed as if the restaurant were miles away. The street was 47 with motor cycles, bicycles, cars, trucks and buses. Rather than 48 the traffic into two lanes, the yellow lane markers apparently served only to 49 that you were on a paved(铺设的) road.People passed, stopped, turned around and crossed center lines.Traffic flowed both ways in the same lane, and more traffic turned onto the street from side ones. Even when the signal light turned red, traffic 50 to flow as drivers entirely 51 the signal, rushing to me from front, back, sides and all angles.I was ready to abandon lunch with Tom when a local gentleman52 my arm. In English, he kindly said, Crossing the street is not a problem, 53 a dance. With that we stepped 54 the curb and into the chaos(混乱). My heart 55 faster as we walked slowly across. 56 greeting us with sharp horns and angry shouts, drivers saw and adjusted to us. As long as we made no sudden 57, we were fine. I felt as if we were gracefully swimming 58 a school of fish. The traffic flowed smoothly around us, in all directions. 59 I knew it, we were across.Learning to dance through the chaos of traffic is just 60 your feel ings. It’s a combination of intention, timing and trust ()A.asB.whileC.whereD.when2、()A.alongB.withC.besideD.under3、()A.whereB.whatC.whenD.which4、()A.waiting B.looking C.expecting D.seeing5、()A.opposed B.nearbyC.different D.opposite 6、()A.earnest B.hungryC.splendid7、()A.groupedB.pressedC.crowdedD.provided8、()A.dividingB.combining C.cuttingD.joining9、()A.strengthen B.concludeC.indicateD.express10、()A.responded B.transformed C.recovered D.continued 11、()B.ignoredC.rememberedD.misunderstood 12、()A.hitB.ledC.tookD.struck13、()A.besidesB.butC.ratherD.except14、()A.offB.onC.withD.for15、()A.beatB.movedC.leaptD.jumped16、()A.Regardless of B.In spite of C.For lack of D.Instead of17、()A.recognitions B.suspicionsC.movementsD.enjoyments18、()A.underB.throughC.aboveD.between19、()A.AlthoughB.AfterC.WhereD.Before20、()A.followingB.consideringC.astonishingD.appreciating参考答案:【一、单选题】1~5CAABA6~10DBABB11~40点击下载查看答案【二、阅读理解】1~5ABCBC6~10CBABD11~20点击下载查看答案【三、完形填空】1~5BACAD6~10BCACD11~20点击下载查看答案。



11.如果当 x ® 0 时,无穷小量(1 - cos x )与 a sin 2 x 为等阶无穷小量,则a = 2
ò 12.设 f ¢(x) 的一个原函数为 sin ax ,则 xf ¢¢(x)dx =
ò 13. sin x + cos x dx =
3 sin x - cos x
b, c
三、解答题:本大题共 8 小题,共 86 分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤。 得分 评卷人 17.(本小题满分 10 分)
确定常数 a 和 b 的值,使 lim [ x2 + x + 1 - (ax + b)] = 0 x®-¥ 96-4
得分 评卷人 18.(本小题满分 10 分)
ò求Leabharlann xe x dx .10.已知 y = x 是微分方程 y¢ = y + j ( x ) 的解,则j ( x ) 的表达式为
ln x
A. - y 2 x2
B. y2 x2
C. - x 2 y2
D. x2 y2
第Ⅱ卷 (选择题 共 110 分)
B.是 f (x)g(x) 的驻点,但不是极值点
C.是 f (x)g(x) 的极大点
D.是 f (x)g(x) 的极小点
3.已知 f ¢(e x ) = xe-x 且 f (1) = 0 则 f (x) =
A. f (x) = (ln x)2 2
B. ln x
C. f (x) = ln x2 2
D. ln x 2
f (t)dt +



安徽省滁州市成考专升本2023年大学语文模拟试卷及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(15题)1.下列各组句子中,括号中的词的意义和用法不相同的一组是()A.荷锄(者)有菜色;上书谏寡人(者),受中赏B.国家建者(于)北;徘徊(于)斗牛之间C.伏闻陛下(以)灾异屡见,敕群臣尽言无讳;蝉蜕于浊秽,(以)浮游尘埃之外D.诚恐今日(所)言,又为虚文;当其欣于(所)遇,暂得于己2.《天净沙·秋思》的主旨是()A.抒写离别相思之苦B.抒写羁旅行役之思C.抒写国破家亡之哀D.抒写壮志难酬之愤3.在鲁迅的作品集中,标志着中国现代小说开端的是A.《呐喊》B.《彷徨》C.《坟》D.《野草》4.《声声慢》中引词人故乡之思的景物是()。

A.晚来风急B.梧桐细雨C.黄花D.雁过5.通过独特角度表现了一个传统女性无爱的凄凉人生历程,揭示出封建文化对人性与生命的压抑与摧残的篇目是()A.A.老舍《断魂枪》B.吴组缃《蒹竹山房》C.曾国藩《字谕纪泽儿》D.冯梦龙《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》6.本文的主旨是()A.赞美刘一丈B.讽刺官场腐败C.讽刺“才德称位”D.赞美“上下相孚”7.下列关于《孔雀东南飞》的表述,正确的一项是A.最早见于宋人郭茂倩的《乐府诗集》B.是汉代七言体乐府民歌C.故事发生地为汉末建安时期的庐江府D.浪漫主义是其最主要的表现手法,贯穿全篇8.《张中丞传后叙》一文最突出的写作特色是()A.抒情与叙事并重B.议论与叙事并重C.抒情与议论并重D.描写与抒情并重9. 《张中丞传后叙》最突出的写作特色是()A.抒情与叙事并重;B.议论与叙事并重C.议论与抒情并重;D.描写与抒情并重10.苏轼《前赤壁赋》的感情变化线索是()A.A.由乐而悲由悲而喜B.由悲而乐由喜而悲C.由乐而悲由喜而悲D.由悲而乐由悲而喜11.认为“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的思想家是A.孔子B.孟子C.庄子D.左丘明12.《选择与安排》中,作者以“善将兵的人都知道兵在精不在多”为喻来说明()A.A.选择要恰到好处B.安排要有条不紊C.层次要清晰明了D.轻重要分明得当13.“知识就是力量”这句名言是出自()A.A.富兰克林B.培根C.拉封丹D.伏尔泰14.成语“多行不义必自毙”出自()A.A.《寡人之于国也》B.《郑伯克段于鄢》C.《季氏将伐颛臾》D.《秋水》15.()与孟浩然同为盛唐山水田园诗的代表作家,并称王孟。



专升本英语模拟题及答案专升本公共英语模拟试卷(一)Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1 × 40 points)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. She doesn’t know the answer, ____ I’ve told her several times.A. in spiteB. evenC. whileD. although2. He isn’t rich, _____ that he ever will be.A. neither I could imagineB. not could I imagineC. nor could I imagineD. I could not imagine3. There is___ evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.A. sufficientB. plentifulC. adequateD. ample4. It was for this reason _____ Linda refused to accept the offer to work abroad.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. how5. Europe has achieved more in controlling the AIDS virus than Asia in the past ten years, ___ the number of people infected with the virus is going up sharply.A. whenB. thatC. so thatD. where6. The report said a bus went out of _____ control on a highway _____ south of the city and rushed into a river.A.the, the B./, the C.the,/ D./,/7.____all kinds of knowledge, he was admitted to a key university.A.Equipped with B.Having equipped forC.Armed for D.Having armed with8. _____ the job, he should accept it and take greater responsibility.A. Were he givenB. Was he givenC. If he wereD. If were he given9. I advise you not to ask him for advice, as he was not good at getting his ideas ____.A. alongB. awayC. throughD. across10. My money _____. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.A. has run outB. is running outC. has been run outD. is being running out11. Features such as skin color, height, and weight _____ from individual to individual.A. changeB. varyC. alterD. convert12. They were able to get valuable information _____the excellent weather conditions.A. forB. because ofC. as a resultD. as13. You shouldn’t keep _____ like this; you’d better make up your mind right now.A. changedB. changingC. changeD. to change14. You must, _____, be loyal to your boss.A. at the beginningB. after allC. above allD. of course15. The old woman seems to have forgotten everything _____she learnt at school.A. thatB. asD. which16. Her parents were _____ people; they had no money and lived poorly.A. innocentB. legalC. humbleD. merry17. England, Scotland and Wales _____ the island of Great Britain.A. are composed ofB. composed ofC. composeD. are composed into18. _____ the hotel was concerned, it was very uncomfortable and miles from center of the city.A. In respect ofB. As far asC. As forD. As regards19. Crystal _____ I was doing the experiment in the lab this morning.A. andB. likeC. besidesD. as well as20. Marco Polo went across _____ was a vast desert before he arrived in China.A. thatB. whereD. which21. Why does teaching as a career ______ many people?A. apply forB. attract toC. appeal toD. agree with22. Considering the smallness of the house, it is _____ roomy inside.A. relativelyB. relativeC. relatedD. relating23. It has been found that some government leaders _____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.A. employB. takeC. abuseD. overlook24. Young adults _____ older people are more likely to prefer pop and R&B songs.A. other thanB. more thanC. less thanD. rather than25. He never took money with him, because money meant_____ to him.A. nothingB. a lotC. muchD. everything26. Lisa decided to _____ her studies after obtaining her first degree.A. arouseB. pursueC. huntD. confront27. The _____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production increases efficiency greatly.A. effortB. applicationC. requestD. program28. S he is proud of her son, who’s very _____ as a doctor.A. powerlessB. capacityC. competenceD. capable29. Nowadays sending emails to each other is a way many a student _____ what they think.A. conveysB. deliversC. expressD. account30. Rayon(人造丝)___ second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber.A. ranksB. occupiesC. arrangesD. classifies31. The highest _____ of governments has been given to the problem of heavy traffic.A. priorityB. accessC. placeD. attention32. Paul has never done enough _____ for his examinations, which is the real reason for his failure.A. arrangementsB. consumptionC. preparationsD. curricula33. The bank refused to _____ them long-term credits.A. giftB. grantC. presentD. sympathy34. The home is situated within easy access of shops and other_____.A. opportunitiesB. facilitiesC. equipmentD. installments35. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his ____ was seen at its best when he worked with others.A. temperB. appearanceC. talentD. character36.He winked at me to show that he was playing a joke _____the others.A. withB. onC. ofD. about37.The shop take a 20 % _____ off the price of goods.A. discountB. accountC. miscountD. recount38. Weather___, we’ll go out for a walk.A. permittedB. permittingC. permitsD. for permitting39. This is the place where the hero was born and ____.A. grown upB. raisingC. brought upD. growing up40. He couldn’t do anything except just _____ there and worry.A. sitB. sittingC. to sitD. for sittingPart Ⅱ Cloze (1 × 20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.In my 19 years of life, there 41 many wonderful things. University days are the best part of them. I can never forget the days when I 42 my university. I43 by its garden-like campus, its passionate students and especially its learning44 . I fell in love with it soon.After the 45 military training, I get absolutely 46 my studies. The classes given by the teachers are excellent. They give us 47 information not only from our textbooks but also from many other sources as well. They easily arouse my desire to 48 as much as I can.Frankly speaking, at beginning I had some difficulty 49 the teachers. However, through my own efforts and 50 my t eachers’ guidance, I made remarkable progress. Now I have 51 a lot from lectures and many other academic reports.Learning is a long process; I will keep 52 in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. This summer I got out of 53 and entered the real world. A publishing house 54 me a part-time job in compilation and revision. At the beginning I was 55 by my colleagues. But they were really surprised when I translated seven English articles over 6,000 words in only one day. 56 , they began to look at me with 57 eyes. In their opinion I 58 to be a useful and trustworthy colleague. I also realize that only those who bring happiness for others can be 59 happy. So I often take part in activities 60 public welfare.41. A. have been B. were C. being D. are42. A. walked into B. trod on C. went into D. stepped into43. A. was impressing B. was impressed C. impressed D. had impression44. A. weather B. temperature C. atmosphere D. style45. A. ardent B. arduous C. afflictive D. affective46. A. absorbing in B. taken in C. fascinated in D. absorbed in47. A. for B. with C. by D. to48. A. take in B. take up C. take on D. take over49. A. to follow B. followed C. following D. follow50. A. thanks to B. owe to C. due to D. as a result51. A. advantaged B. gained C. acquired D. benefited52. A. hunting B. exploring C. searching D. probing53. A. imaginary B. personal C. the ivory tower D. ideal54. A. offered B. presented C. provided D. supplied55. A. underestimated B. belittled C. flattered D. looked down56. A. Therefore B. Consequently C. Accordingly D. Gradually57. A. respectable B. respectful C. respected D. respective58. A. came out B. proved C. turned out D. bore out59. A. true B. truly C. really D. genuinely60. A. concerning B. concerned C. concern D. to concernPart III Reading Comprehension (2 × 20 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1It is very important to develop a powerful strategy throughout the job hunting process that has three main components: a solid resume format based on your achievements, a dynamic resume cover letter that gets an employer’s attention, and a consistent strategy that binds everything together.FIRS (First Impression Resume Services) offer personallydesigned resume and cover letter strategies and interview training by a Certified Professional ResumeWriter and Certified Employment Interview Professional. Resume samples are classified in “Expert Resumes for Computer and Web Jobs”, “Expert Resumes for Teachers and Educators,” and the upcoming “Expert Resumes for Manufacturing Industry P rofessionals”.After you finish an in-depth interview, your resume format is developed to focus on your career goals, not only on your past job experience. Accomplishments, keywords, and strategic placement of critical information form a dynamic and successful blueprint for your job search (Tip: Search for job-related keywords (nouns) in classified ads in the newspaper or online at job boards). By knowing the right questions to ask, First I mpression can help you look ahead and uncover related information you may have overlooked.We ascribe to a professional Code of Ethics and guarantee prompt, courteous, professional, and ethical services. First Impression offers professional resume writing help, job readiness, and personal support to adults who are in need.61. A good resume design must include _____.A. achievements, cover letter and a consistent strategyB. a solid resume format, grabs an employer's attention; binds everything togetherC. format design, cover design and consistence considerationD. none of the above62. It was most probably that First Impression Resume Services was _____.A. an office that interviews people who are looking for a jobB. an office that gives advice to job-hunting people on how to succeed in getting employedC. an office that interviews people who are looking for a jobD. an office that gives advice to young people who want to start a profession63. What does the office offer?A. A variety of resume samples.B. Interview training.C. Personally designed resumes and cover letter strategies.D. All of the above.64. From the context, we can gue ss that the word “tip” (in paragraph 3) probably means________.A. extremityB. pointC. premiumD. advice65. The office guarantees that _____.A. they will give their services on the basis of the Code of EthicsB. they will give perfect servicesC. they will offer professional help to all kinds of peopleD. all of the abovePassage 2When your parents tell you to “get an education” in order to raise your income, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide manpower for your society, but not so much that you prove an embarrassment to your society.At least, you need to get a high school diploma, without it, you will be occupationally dead unless your name is GeorgeBernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison, and you can successfully drop out in grade school.If possible, get a college degree. With a B.A, you are on the launching pad. But now you have to start to put on the brakes. If you study for a master’s degree, make sure it is an MBA, and is famous law of diminishing returns begins to happen. Do you know, for example, that long-haul truck drivers earn more per year than full professors? Yes, the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $24000. While the full professors can earn just $ 23030.A Ph.D. is the highest degree you can get. Except for a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, if you pursue such a degree in any other field, you will face a dim future. There are more Ph.D.s unemployed or underemployed in this country than any other part of the world.If you become a doctor of philosophy in English or history or anthropology or political science or languages, or worst of all in philosophy, you have the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for our needs, mind you, but for our demands. Thousands of Ph.D.s are driving cars, selling shoes, waiting on table, and filling out applications every month. They may also take a job in some high school or backwater college that pays much less than the doorkeeper earns.You can equate the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you.66. According to the writer, what the society expects of education is to turn out people who ____.A. will not be a disgrace to societyB. will become loyal citizensC. can take care of themselvesD. can meet the na tion’s demands as a source of manpower67. Many PhDs are out of job because _____.A. they are improperly educatedB. they are of little commercial value to their societyC. there are fewer jobs in high schoolsD. they prefer easier jobs that make more money68. The nation is only interested in people _____.A. with diplomasB. who specialize in physics and chemistryC. who are valuable to the gross national productD. both A and C.69. Which of the following is not true?A. Bernard Shaw didn’t finish high schools, nor did Edison.B. One must think carefully before pursuing a master degree.C. The higher your education level, the more money you will earn.D. If you are too well-educated, you’ll be over educated for society’s demands.70. The writer sees education as _____.A. a means of providing job security and financial security and a means of meeting a c ountry’s demands for technical workersB. a way to broaden one’s horizonsC. more important than finding a jobD. an opportunity that everyone should havePassage 3Not all Americans are fit, or even try to be fit. The overallpopulation is becoming heavier, because of bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Some researches estimate that less than half of Americans exercise in their leisure time. Exper ts say that it is not because Americans “don’t know what’s good f or them”? They just don’t do it. Compared to the beginning of the 1980s, 75% of Americans in the 1990s say that physical fitness is more important to them now than it was then. But the National Center for Health Statistics reports that the number of people who are at least 20% over their desirable weight has risen from one in four to one in three Americans.Full of information on nutrition and proper diet is on newspapers and magazines. Television news programs urge people to eat more vegetables and warn of the dangers of high-fat diets and high cholesterol levels, particularly heart disease and certain types of cancer. Since 1994 the government has required uniform labeling so that consumers can compare the fat and calories in the food they buy. More than half ofAmericans say that they pay attention to the nutritional content of the food they eat, but they also eat what they really want whenever they feel like it.Experts say that it is a combination of social, cultural, and psychological factors that determine the way people eat. An article on America’s weight problems refers to “the culture of over-indulgence seemingly ingrained in American life”. “The land of plenty seems destined to include plenty of pounds as well,” they conclude. Part of the problem is that Americans eat larger portions and often go back for second helpings, in contrast to the reasonable amount people in many other countries have.Another factor is Americans’ love of fast food. Some estimates are that 50% of Americans eat pizza once every twoweek, a percentage that is no doubt quite a bit higher among high school and college students. Americans are having more and more hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks at restaurants, not only because they like them, but because these foods are the cheapest items.Another important factor is Americans’ busy lifestyle. Since so many women are working, families are eating a lot of fast food, frozen dinners, and restaurant “takeout”. Some experts think that Americans have really lost control of their eating; it is not possible to limit fat and calories when they eat so much restaurant and packaged food. It takes some time to prepare fresh vegetables and fish; stopping at KFC on the way home from work is a much faster choice. Often American families eat "on the run" instead of sitting down at the table together.71. More than half of Americans do not exercise in their leisure time because______.A. they want to live a comfortable lifeB. they don’t know what’s good for themC. they are busyD. they just don't do it72. The number of overweighed people is _______.A. one in fourB. one in threeC. 20 percent of the populationD. 50 percent73. Wh at does the word “over-indulgence” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Eating too much.B. Extreme work.C. Exercising too much.D. Sleeping too much.74. Americans like fast food because _______.A. it is cheapB. it is available everywhereC. Americans are quite busyD. all of the above75. We infer from the passage that _______.A. Americans usually sit down at the table and enjoy their foodB. Americans often eat at restaurantsC. Americans often eat in a hurryD. Americans often eat with their familiesPassage 4Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy by people. Almost everybody thinks attractive people are healthier and happier, and have better marriage and have more respectable jobs. Consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are kinder on attractive defendants. But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability.While attractiveness is relatively positive for a man in his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to a woman. Handsome male executives were regarded as having more integrity than plainer men; effort and ability were considered to account for their success. While attractive female executives were thought to have less integrity than unattractive ones; their success was attributed not to ability but to factors such as luck.All unattractive women executives were thought to have more integrity and capability than the attractive female executives. It is interesting that the rise of the unattractive overnight success was attributed more to personal relationshipsand less to ability than was that of attractive overnight success.Why are charming women not thought to be capable? An attractive woman is considered to be more feminine (and an attractive man more masculine.) Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage in traditional female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally masculine position appears to lack the “masculine” qualities that are required.This is true even in politics. “If the only clue is how he or she looks, people treat men and women differently,” says Anne Bowman, who recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates. She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photos, one of men and one of women, in order of attractiveness. The students were told the photos were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order that they would vote for them. The results showed that attractive males utterly defeated unattractive men, but the women who had been ranked most attractive invariably received the fewest votes.76. The word “liability” in Paragraph 1 most prob ably means “_______”.A. misfortuneB. instabilityC. disadvantageD. burden77. In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness _______.A. reinforces the feminine qualities requiredB. makes women look more honest and capableC. is of primary importance to womenD. often enables women to succeed quickly78. Bowman’s experiment reveals that when it comes topolitics, attractiveness _____.A. turns out to be an obstacle to menB. affects men and women alikeC. has as little effect on men as on womenD. is more of an obstacle than a benefit to women79. I t can be inferred from the passage that people’s views on beauty are often _____.A. practicalB. prejudicedC. old-fashionedD. radical80. The author writes this passage to _______.A. discuss the negative aspects of being attractiveB. give advice to job seekers who are attractiveC. demand equal rights for womenD. emphasize the importance of appearancePart Ⅳ Translation ( 2 × 10 points)Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81~85 from Chinese into English, and translate sentences 86~90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.81.当我最后终于有时间去医院看他时,已经为时太晚。



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统招专升本语文模拟试卷5一、单选题1、采纳倒叙方式,并以第一人称和第三人称交互叙述的小说是() A.《苦恼》B.《米龙老爹》C.《宝玉挨打》D.《叮嘱》2、《前赤壁赋》中主客对话的客主要情感倾向是()A.功名难就B.适意自然C.人生无常D.乐观豁达3、与成仿吾、郁达夫等组成新文学团体制造社的作家是()A.闻一多B.戴望舒C.朱自清D.郭沫若4、郁达夫的《故都的秋》一文选自散文集()A.《闲书》B.《龙·虎·狗》C.《往事》D.《家乡》5、前期词风清丽动听,后期词风沉哀凄苦的宋代词人是() A.李煜B.柳永C.李清照D.苏轼6、《春江花月夜》所抒发的感情不包括()A.游子思妇的离愁别绪B.对宇宙人生的思考C.真实的生命体验D.对现实社会的愤懑不平7、《谏逐客书》是李斯的作品,这里的书是()A.书记B.书籍C.书信D.上书8、成语祸起萧墙源自()A.《秋水》B.《谏逐客书》C.《史记》D.《季氏将伐颛臾》9、郭沫若在《炉中煤》中,借炉中煤来诉说衷情,这种修辞手法是()A.比方、借代B.拟人、比方C.借代、设问D.设问、拟人10、被誉为中华诗祖辞赋之祖的是()A.李斯B.宋玉C.屈原D.司马迁11、被誉为文化散文杰出代表的作家是()A.余秋雨B.余光中C.郭沫若D.沈从文12、因受佛学禅宗影响颇深,被称为诗佛的是()A.王维B.孟浩然C.刘禹锡D.孟郊13、是处红衰翠减,苒苒物华休所采纳的修辞手法是()B.借代C.比方D.拟人14、以《谏逐客书》为代表的李斯散文最鲜亮的特色是()A.流畅谐偶B.铺陈排比C.质实无华D.诙谐反讽15、王国维在《人间词话》中赞扬诗歌最得风人深致()A.《采薇》B.《山鬼》C.《蒹葭》D.《楚辞》16、把《楚辞》编定成书的人是()A.孔子B.司马迁C.班固D.刘向17、在诗歌中着力表现田园生活怡然得意之乐的东晋诗人是() A.陶渊明B.阮籍D.岑参18、《咬文嚼字》是一篇()A.杂文B.史论C.随笔D.文艺专论19、屈原为因保卫国家而勇敢捐躯的将士们创作的祭歌是() A.《离骚》B.《国殇》C.《涉江》D.《湘夫人》20、刑过不避大臣,赏善不遗匹夫思想代表了()A.墨家思想B.法家思想C.儒家思想D.道家思想二、推断题1、《我用残损的手掌》的是艾青()2、《拣麦穗》一文体现了张洁早期散文清丽婉约的风格特点()3、《废墟》是一篇情理交融的散文()4、清代最优秀的文言短篇小说集是蒲松龄的《聊斋志异》()5、《前赤壁赋》继承了赋家常用的主客问答,伸主抑客的表现手法()6、《神女峰》一诗中金光菊和女贞子的洪流既衬托贞节主义的陈陋,又象征着新道德的觉醒()7、韩愈、柳宗元是盛唐时期古文运动的提倡者()8、文起八代之衰是苏轼对韩愈的评价()9、欧阳修《五代史伶官传序》在详细写法上,采纳了欲抑先扬和对比论证的方法()10、《诗经》收录的是春秋战国时期的诗歌()参考答案:【一、单选题】1~5BCDAC6~10DDDBC11~20点击下载查看答案【二、推断题】1错2对3对4对5对6~10点击下载查看答案。






















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专升本(管理学)模拟试卷7(总分118,考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. 进行控制时,首先要建立标准,关于建立标准,下列说法中哪一种有问题 ( )A. 标准应考虑实际可能B. 标准应考虑实施成本C. 标准应该越高越好D. 标准应考虑顾客需求2. 当代管理机构变革的一大趋势是 ( )A. 管理层次复杂化B. 组织结构扁平化C. 管理幅度日益减少D. 锥型结构更受欢迎3. 梅奥对其领导的霍桑试验进行总结,认为工人是 ( )A. 经济人B. 社会人C. 理性人D. 复杂人4. 目标管理强调的是 ( )A. 方法论B. 以成果为目标的管理C. 工作进度安排D. 个人和管理者的活动5. 下列不属于决策者只寻求满意结果的原因的是 ( )A. 只能满足在于在现有方案中寻找B. 决策者能力的缺乏C. 选择最佳方案需要花大量的时间和金钱D. 决策者只需要有满意的结果6. 根据领导权变理论,领导的有效性取决于 ( )A. 领导者的个人品质B. 固定不变的领导行为C. 领导者是民主型还是放任型D. 领导者是否适应所处的具体环境7. 组织中的等级链虽然可以用来执行统一的命令和保证信息的传递秩序,但这一路线并不总是组织中传递信息最迅速的途径。

为此,法约尔设计了一种既不破坏统一指挥原则,又能缩短信息传递时间的沟通方式是 ( )A. “法约尔桥”B. “法约尔模型”C. “法约尔准则”D. “法约尔链”8. 某企业拟向社会招聘一名办公室主任,要求具备的条件是:具有较强的沟通能力,思想活跃,组织能力强,办事果断干练。

该公司选聘人员所依据的理论是 ( )A. 领导权变理论B. 领导行为理论C. 领导特质理论D. 人性假设理论9. ( )有助于受训人全面了解整个组织的不同工作情况,积累和掌握各种不同的工作经验,从而提高他们的组织和管理协调能力。

A. 职前引导B. 职务轮换C. 在职培训D. 提升培训10. 当必须对重大事件或紧急事件进行迅速处理时,可采用( )策略。

A. 回避B. 迁就C. 强制D. 妥协11. 波特提出的基本战略是指 ( )A. 市场渗透、市场开发、产品开发B. 前向一体化、后向一体化、横向一体化C. 成本领先、特色优势、目标集聚D. 收缩、剥离、清算12. 预先告知某种行为或绩效可能引起不愉快的后果,这种强化方式是 ( )A. 正强化B. 负强化C. 惩罚D. 自然消退13. 管理学形成的标志是19世纪末20世纪初出现的 ( )A. 科学管理理论B. 一般管理理论C. 行政管理理论D. 决策管理理论14. .小郝是一家合资企业的总经理助理,为了提高企业的经济效益,总经理要求他提出一套建立企业有效管理控制系统的可行方案,总经理在提出工作要求时,提醒他一定要做到“牵牛要牵牛鼻子”。


总经理所说的“牛鼻子”是 ( )A. 确定控制对象B. 选择关键控制点C. 制定控制标准D. 采取纠偏措施15. 某企业在推行目标管理中,提出了如下的目标:“质量上台阶,管理上水平,效益创一流,人人争上游。

”该企业所设定的目标存在着哪方面的欠缺 ( )A. 目标缺乏鼓动性B. 目标表达不够清楚C. 目标无法考核D. 目标设定得太高16. 管理者在作为组织的官方代表对外联络时,他扮演的角色是以下哪一角色 ( )A. 信息角色B. 决策角色C. 人际角色D. 业务经营角色17. 以下哪项不是核心能力的特征 ( )A. 延展性B. 独特性C. 价值性D. 物理性18. 韦伯认为( )权威是理想组织形式的基础。

A. 个人崇拜式B. 理性一合法C. 传统式D. 法定19. “集中决策,分散经营”的管理原则体现在 ( )A. 职能型组织结构B. 多维立体组织结构C. 事业部制组织结构D. 直线一职能型组织结构20. 以下不属于20世纪90年代以来管理理论新发展的成果的是 ( )A. 数量管理理论B. 学习型组织C. 核心能力理论D. 精益思想21. 管理的载体是 ( )A. 管理职能B. 组织C. 管理对象D. 管理活动22. 下列方法中的哪一项有利于做到:既可以对管理人员进行培训,又可以帮助组织对其正确的提升,从而有效防止“彼得现象”的发生 ( )A. 制定人力资源规划B. 设置代理职务C. 设计组织结构D. 进行组织变革23. “经济人”假设下的激励理论认为 ( )A. 员工受到尊敬后会被激励B. 员工得到足够报酬则会努力工作C. 被激励的员工会感到满意D. 精神上的激励比物质报酬更能收到好的效果24. ( )是一个组织的精神支柱,是组织文化的核心。

A. 组织的价值观B. 伦理规范C. 组织精神D. 组织素养25. 从外部选聘主管人员是人员配备的一条主要途径,这种做法具有若干有利之处。

下面列举的几条优点中,哪一条不对 ( )A. 为组织带来新鲜血液B. 利用外来优势C. 有利于提高组织的士气,调动工作的积极性D. 有可能缓解内部竞争职位者之间的矛盾26. 在后工业化时期,企业的价值观是 ( )A. 股东利益最大化B. 企业利润最大化兼顾员工利益C. 追求企业相关利益者价值最大化D. 追求企业相关利益者价值最大化同时要保护和增进社会福利27. 管理者在进行经营决策时扮演的角色是 ( )A. 企业家B. 纠纷调解者C. 信息传递者D. 组织发言人28. “金无足赤,人无完人”体现在人员甄选的原则上是 ( )A. 因人设职原则B. 人事动态平衡原则C. 因事择人原则D. 因材器用原则29. 人们希望生活有保障,拥有医疗保险、退休保障、失业保险等,这类需要称为( )。

A. 生理需要B. 安全需要C. 社交需要D. 尊重需要30. 麦克利兰的成就需求论认为,对高层管理者来说最重要的需要是 ( )A. 权力需要B. 社交需要C. 成就需要D. 安全需要31. 企业通过加强市场营销,提高现有产品或服务在现有市场上的市场份额,这是( )A. 市场开发B. 产品开发C. 市场渗透D. 市场营销32. 组织变革的原因来自于 ( )A. 社会进步和科技进步B. 组织成员的更迭C. 组织目标的调整D. 外部原因和内部原因33. 泰罗主张在企业中实行职能工长制,这一组织形式违反了 ( )A. 分工原则B. 权责对等原则C. 统一指挥原则D. 管理幅度原则34. 为了避免一些人在组织中逃避责任或滥用职权,必须坚持 ( )A. 集中统一的原则B. 集权与分权相结合的原则C. 分工与协作相结合的原则D. 责权对等的原则35. 不确定型决策方法中不包括 ( )A. 大中取大法B. 小中取大法C. 最小最大后悔值法D. 盈亏平衡分析法36. 提出管理具有计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制五个要素的管理学家是 ( )A. 泰罗B. 巴纳德C. 孔茨D. 法约尔37. 以下四种做法,哪一种最能说明该组织所采取的是较为分权的做法 ( )A. 采取了多种有利于提高员工个人能力的做法B. 努力使上级领导集中精力于战略管理C. 更多的、较为重要的决策可由较低层次的管理人员做出D. 采取积极措施减轻上级领导的工作负担38. 在下列各项中,不属于财务预算的是 ( )A. 预计收益表B. 现金预算C. 预计资产负债表D. 销售预算39. 数量管理理论的基础是 ( )A. 运筹学B. 决策科学化C. 系统分析D. 权变思想40. 下列不属于反馈控制方法的是 ( )A. 资本预算B. 财务分析C. 成本分析D. 质量分析4. 简答题1. 简述锥型组织结构的优缺点。

2. 简述经营单位组合分析法的四个经营单位。

3. 简述矩阵型结构的优缺点。

4. 结合领导的定义说明领导必须具备哪些因素?5. 简述激励理论的类型。

5. 论述题1. 有效的管理幅度受到哪些因素的影响?2. 目前在各级政府及国有企业中常常出现“人浮于事、机构臃肿、政出多门、扯皮不止”的现象,试用组织理论分析这一现象的本质以及产生这种现象的原因,并提出有效的对策。

6. 案例分析题华为任正非:商业思想家美国《时代》周刊2006年有一期评选出2005年度影响世界的100位名人,华为科技公司总裁任正非是“商界巨子”中唯一入选的中国人。


















” 根据上述材料回答下列两个问题:1. 在千变万化的环境中要进行有效的管理,实现组织目标,就必须掌握必要的管理技能。

那么,管理者应具备什么技能?任正非拥有什么样的管理技能?该技能在案例中是如何体现的?2. 今天,华为成为中国民营企业的标杆,它开创了中国民营企业的先河,仅用10年的时间就将资产扩张了1000倍,成为国际化的大公司。
