


For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. "The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says. "China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market.If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China-its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways."
A. Helen Mirren.B. Peter Morgan.
C. Dylan Baker.D. Stephen Daldry.
23. Which play will you go to if you are interested in American history?
A.Animals Out of Paper.B.The Audience.
The Audience
Helen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan,about Queen Elizabeth II of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty years. Stephen Daldry directs. Also starring Dylan Baker and Judith Ivey. Previews begin Feb.14.(Schoenfeld,236 W.45th St.212-239-6200.)




◆活学活⽤根据所学技巧,完成以下读写任务Theautomobilehasmanyadvantages.Aboveall,itofferspeoplefreedomtogowhereverandwhenevertheywanttogo.ThebasicpurposeofamotorvehicleistogetfrompointAtopointBascheaply,quickly,andsafelyaspossible.However,tomostpeople,carsarealsopersonalfantasymachinesthatserveassymbolsofpower,success,speed,excitemen Inaddition,muchoftheworld'seconomyisbuiltonproducingmotorvehiclesandsupplyingroa ds,services,andrepairsforthosevehicles.Halfoftheworld'spaychecksareautorelated.IntheUnitedStates,oneofeverysixdollarsspentandoneofeverysixnon-farmjobsareconnectedtotheautomobileorrelatedindustries,suchasoil,steel,rubber,plastics,automobileservices,andhighwayconstruction.Inspiteoftheiradvantages,motorvehicleshavemanyharmfuleffectsonhumanlivesandonair,water,land,andwildliferesources.Theautomobilemaybethemostdestructivemachineeverinvented.Thoughwetendtodenyit,ridingincarsisoneofthemostdangerousthingswedoinourdailylives.Since1885,whenKarlBenzbuiltthefirstautomobile,almost18millionpeoplehavebeenkilledbymotorvehicles.Everyyear,carsandtrucksworldwidekillanaverageof250,000people-asmanyaswerekilledintheatomicbombattacksonHiroshimaandNagasaki-andinjureorpermanentlydisabletenmillionmore.Halfoftheworld'speoplewil lbeinvolvedinanautoaccidentatsometimeduringtheirlives.Sincetheautomobilewasintroduced,almostthreemillionAmericanshavebeenkilledonthehighways-abouttwicethenumberofAmericanskilledonthebattlefieldinallU、S.wars.Inadditiontothetragiclossoflife,theseaccidentscostAmericansocietyabout$60billionannuallyinlostincomea ndininsurance(保险),administrative(⾏政的),andlegalexpenses. Streetsthatusedtobeforpeoplearenowforcars.Pedestriansandpeoplerid ingbicyclesinthestreetsaresubjectedtonoise,pollution,stress,anddanger. Motorvehiclesarethelargestsourceofairpollution,producingahazeofsmogovertheworld'scities.IntheUnitedStates,theyproduceatleast50%ofthecountry'sairpollution.Ⅰ.根据短⽂,写⼀篇30~50词左右的摘要_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______Ⅱ.根据所读短⽂,选出最正确答案1、Carsrepresentpeople's________.A、occupationB、identityC、lifestyleD、fame2、Accordingtothepassage,theaveragenumberofpeoplekilledannuallyintrafficaccidentsaroundtheworl dis__________________________________________________________________ ______.A、18millionB、250,000C、halfoftheworld'spopulationD、60million3、Aseriousenvironmentalproblemresultingfromautomobilesis________.A、tragiclossoflifeB、trafficjamsC、airpollutionD、mentalstress4、Itcanbeinferredfromthispassagethatautomobiles________________________ ________________________________________________.A、areanimportantpartoftheworld'seconomyB、arebecominglessdangerousC、willproducelessairpollutioninthefutureD、arekillingmorepeopleinrecentyearsthaninthepast5、Thetitlethatsuitsthepassagebestis________.A、AutomobileandEconomyB、AutomobileandtheEnvironmentC、TheProblemswiththeAutomobileD、AdvantagesandDisadvantagesoftheAutomobile参考答案ⅠAutomobileshavebothadvantagesanddisadvantages.Theycangetpeopleanywhereandbringthemgoodfeelings,aswellasjobopportunities.Butinthemeantime,theykillandinjurepeople,costalotofmoneyandpollutetheearthweliveon.Ⅱ1~5:BBCAD***********************************************结束社会⽣活类---〔⼀〕[2018·宁夏六校联考]In1986,whenCarloPetrinifirstcoinedtheterm“SlowFood,”heorganizedlocallyinhisnativeItalytopreservethefoodandwinecultureandp rotestfastfood.Today,slowfoodhasspreadto132countrieswithover85,000members,addres singworldwideissueslikefarmerequityandenvironmental_stewardship—theactionspeopletaketorespecttherightsofalllivingthingsandallenvironm ents,tocontributetohealthyandlivablecommunities.CharacterizedbySlowFoodInternationalas“good,clean,andfairfood,”slowfoodmustenrichtheeaters'life,havenonegativeimpactonhumanorenvironmentalhealth,andcompensatefairlyforfoodproducers'work. TheaverageAmericanmealtravelsabout1,500milestoitsfinaldestination ,withproducingoffoodtravelingbyplanefromoverseasandotheritemsshippeda crossthecountry.However,costforfoodtravelandheavyprocessingarenottheonlyproblemsinthefoodindu strythattheenvironmentfaces.Industrialagriculturealsohasunsustainable practiceslikeinefficientwateruseanddecreasedbiodiversity.Ourideasinfe edingourselvesareexceptional,butatvariouspointsourtechnologiescomeintoconflictwithnature'swaysofdoingthings.Agreatmanyofthehealthandenviro nmentalproblemscreatedbyourfoodsystemowetoourattemptstooversimplifynaturescomplexities,atboththegrowingandtheeatingendsofourfoodchain.“Slowing”food,bypurchasinglocallyandsustainably,allowsconsumerstoreducetheimpa ctof“foodmiles”anddevelopacloserrelationshipwiththeirfoodproducers.“Weneedtochangeourfoodsystem,”saidDavidPrior,organizerofSlowFoodNationEat-In.“Ourcurrentfoodsystemissickandweneedtosupportfarmersandagricultureto ensurethateveryonehastherighttonutritiousfood.”36、Themainideaofthepassagecanbesummarizedas________.A、whyslowfoodissoimportantB、thefoodandwinecultureisrichinItalyC、whatyou'reeatingalwaystravelsalongwayD、slowfoodmakesthecurrentfoodsystemsick37、Accordingtothesecondparagraph,“environmentalstewardship”refersto________.A、measuresofenvironmentalprotectionsB、waystoestablishhealthyandlivablecommunitiesC、people'sadmirationforallthecreaturesontheearthD、actionstoprotecttherightsofalllivingthingsandenvironment38、Slowfood'scharacteristicdoesn'tliein________.A、improvingthequalityofeaters'lifeB、providingafairpayforfoodworkersC、beingfriendlytohumanandenvironmentalhealthD、developingalooserelationshipwithfoodproducers39、WhatisDavidPrior'sattitudetowardscurrentfoodsystem?A、Suspicious.B、Unsatisfied.C、Indifferent.D、Supportive.【要点综述】本⽂的作者告诉我们,如果想吃得更健康、更营养,那就提倡“慢⾷物”吧!36、A主旨⼤意题。


D. She's unable to meet her schedule.
25. What does the underlined phrase“tug at the heartstrings”in paragraph 2 mean ?
A. Encourage team work.B. Appeal to feeling.
My Favourite Books
Jo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列)of lifestyle books. Here she picks her top reads.
I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.”



2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试·全国Ⅱ卷英语答案解析第一部分听力1.【答案】B2.【答案】C3.【答案】B4.【答案】A5.【答案】C6.【答案】C7.【答案】A8.【答案】B9.【答案】A10.【答案】C11.【答案】B12.【答案】A13.【答案】C14.【答案】C15.【答案】B16.【答案】A17.【答案】C18.【答案】A19.【答案】B20.【答案】A第二部分阅读理解第一节A【文章大意】本文介绍了Jo Usmar最喜欢的四本书。

21.【答案】C【解析】由标题My Favourite Books以及第一段最后一句话"Here she picks her top reads"可知,文章是以Jo Usmar的口吻进行写作的。


【考点】代词指代22.【答案】C【解析】根据After Dark 部分中的"It's about two sisters-Eri,a model who either won't or can't stop sleeping,and Mari,a young student"可知答案为C。

【考查能力】细节理解23.【答案】D【解析】根据Gone Girl部分中的"but the horor story is brilliant"可知答案为D。


24.【答案】C【解析】根据第一段第一句"You can use me as a last resort(选择),and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it"和第二段中的"the unwilling parent "可推断,这位家长不想做志愿者工作。



【答案】21. B 22. D 23. D【文章大意与解析】文章体裁:本文为应用文。



根据Summer Company部分中的“Summer Company provides students with ...awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses”可知“Summer Company为学生提供高达3000美元的奖励,来开始和经营他们自己的暑期业务”。

“start and run their own summer businesses”即“为开办新的业务”,这对应B项中的“runn new businesses”,二者是词义之间的转述关系。



根据Stewardship Youth Ranger Program部分中的第二段“Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31 this year.”可知“符合条件的学生:16岁或17岁的学生,但在今年12月31日之前未满18岁”。




根据Summer Employment Opportunities部分中的最后一段最后一句“Who is eligible: ...Some positions require students to be 15to 24 or up to 29 f or persons with a disability”,可知Summer Employment Opportunities有些职位是给残疾人的。



哈尔滨2019高考英语:阅读理解练习(3)及解析或解析阅读细节理解篇******[201***深圳第二次调研]词数:322体裁:说明文难度:3KANDAHAR,Afghanistan–--Afghansburnedtiresandchanted“DeathtoAmerica”afterU.StroopsfiredMonday(April12,2017)onacivilianbusnearKandahar,killingfourpe opleandwoundingmorethanadozen.Afghanistan’spresidentaccusedNATOofbreakingitscommitmenttosafeguardcivilianlives.TheattackangeredAfghanofficialsandthepublicinKandahar,theTaliban’sbirthplace,anddealtablowtoU.SandNATOeffortstowinpopularsupportforacomingoffens ivetodrivetheinsurgents(叛乱分子)fromthebiggestcityinthesouth.NATOexpressedregretforthelossofcivilianlivesand saiditwasinvestigating.Nearly200Afghansblockedhighwaywheretheshootingoccurred,burningtires,firingw eaponsandchanting“DeathtoAmerica”andotherslogans.Theyalsocalledfortheouster(forcingsomebodyoutofapasition)ofAfgh anPresidentHamidKarzai,aKandaharnativewhohasbeenappealingforthepeopleheretosupp orttheU.S-ledcampaignagainsttheTaliban.“TheAmericansareconstantlykillingourciviliansandthegovernmentisnotdemandin ganexplanation,”protesterMohammadRazaqsaid.“WedemandjusticefromtheKarzaigovernmentandthepunishmentofthosesoldiersresponsi ble.”Kandahar,acityofaboutahalfmillionpeople,isnominallyundergovernmentcontrol,b uttheTalibanhavesteppedupinfiltration(浸润),stagingattacksandthreateninglocalpeople.“Theseforeignershavetheirenemies,butkillingAfghansisnottheanswer,”saidAbdulHadi,whosellshomemadeherbalmedicineinapublicmarket.Hesaidinternational forcesshouldpublishascheduleoftheirpatrols(巡逻)soAfghanscankeepoutoftheway.“Betteryet,IwouldliketoseethemleaveAfghanistan,”headded.HajiZahir,whorunsatransportfirm,saiditwastimeforU.S.andotherforeignforcesto withdrawfromthecountry.“Theysaytheywanttobringsecurity.Itisalllies,lies.TheykillAfghans.Thatisnot thewaytobringsecurity,”Zahirsaid.46、Accordingtothepassage,wecansafelyconcludethat.A、AmericansoldiersarekillingTalibanseffectivelyB、AngerrisesasUStroopskill4AfghansonabusC、NATOexpressedgreatdissatisfactionwithAmericantroopsD、AfghanPresidentHamidKarzairequiredNATOtowithdraw47、TheunderlinedwordinParagraph5nominallymostprobablymeans.A、completelyunknowntothepeopleintheworldB、partiallywell-knowntothepeopleacrosstheglobeC、bearingthenameofafamouspersonaroundtheworldD、officiallydescribedassomething,whenthisisnotreallytrue48、AsforNATOsoldiers’rudeaction,AbdulHadiis.A、absolutelyangryandupsetB、alittlepleasedbutimpatientC、veryangryanddissatisfiedD、impatientbutbearable49、Wecaninferfromthepassagethat.A、NATOtroopscancompletelycontrolAfghanistanB、NATOtroopscanbringsecuritytoAfghanistanC、AfghanswillacceptNATO’scontrolsoonerorlaterD、it’simpossibleforNATOtoconquerAfghanistananditspeople50、Whichstatementis true accordingtothepassage?A、NATOfailstowinpopularsupportforacomingoffensive.B、KandaharisthemostimportantcityinAfghanistan.C、NATOhasreallybroughtsecuritytoAfghanistan.D、NATOtroopswillwithdrawfromAfghanistaninthenearfuture.这是一篇新闻报道,讲述美军士兵枪杀四名阿富汗平民引起阿富汗人民的愤怒之情。



2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(47)及解析A(·全国卷,B) Forthosewhostudythedevelopmentofintelligence(智力)intheanimalworld,self­awarenessisanimportantmeasurement.Ananimalthatisaware(意识)ofitselfhasahighlevelofintelligence.Awarenesscanbetestedbystudyingwhethertheanimalrecognizesitselfinthemirror,t hatis,itsownreflectedimage(反射出的影像).Manyanimalsfailthisexercisebitterly,payingverylittleattentiontothereflected image.Onlyhumans,andsomeintelligentanimalslikeapesanddolphins,havebeenshowntorecognizethattheimageinthemirrorisofthemselves.Nowanotheranimalhasjoinedtheclub.IntheProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofScie nces,researchersreportthatanAsianelephanthaspassedthemirrorself­reflectiontest.“Wethoughtthatelephantswerethenextimportantanimal,”saidDianaReissoftheWildlifeConservationSociety,anauthorofthestudywithJoshuaM.Pl otnikandFansB.M.deWaalofEmoryUniversity.Withthei rlargebrains,Reisssaid,elephants“seemedlikecousinstoapesanddolphins.”TheresearcherstestedHappy.MaxineandPatty,threeelephantsattheBronxZoo.Theypu tan8­foot­squaremirroronawalloftheanimals'playarea(outofthesightofzoovisitors)andrecorded whathappenedwithcameras,includingonebuiltinthemirror.Theelephantsusedtheirlongnosestofindwhatwasbehindit,andtoexaminepartsoftheirbodies.Ofthethree,Happythenpassedthetest,inwhichaclearmarkwaspaintedononesideofherface.Shecouldtellthemarkwastherebylook inginthemirror,andsheusedthemirrortotouchthemarkwithherlongnose.DianaReisssaid,“Weknewelephantswereintelligent,butnowwecantalkabouttheirintelligenceinabetter way.”文章通过实验说明能意识到自身形象的动物具有高智商。



2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(43)及解析A(·四川卷,A) It's5:00inthemorningwhenthealarm(闹钟)ringsinmyears.Irolloutofbedandwalkblindlythroughthedarkintothebathroom.Iturn onthelightandputonmyglasses.ThehouseisstillasIwalkdownstairswhilemyhusbandandth uallyIgoforalongrun,buttodayIchoosemyfavoriteexerciseD VD,Insanity.Sweatpoursdownmyfaceandintomyeyes.MyheartracesasIforcemybodytofinis heachmovement.AsIneartheendoftheexercise,Ifeelextremelytired,butasmileisonmyfac e.It'snotasmilebecausetheDVDisover,butasmileofsuccessfrompushingmybodytoitsextr emelimit.Somepeopleenjoyshopping,smoking,food,work,orevenchocolate.ButIneedexerciset ogetthrougheachday.Someshakeheadswhentheyseemerunthroughthetown.Othersgethurtwh enIrefusetotryjustonebiteoftheirgrandmother'schocolatecake.Theyraisetheireyebro ws,surprisedbymy“nothankyou,”orbymychoicetohaveasalad.Overtheyears,Ihavelearnedit'sokaytojustsay“no”.Ishouldn'tfeelsorryforrefusingfoodthatIdon'twanttoeat.Sowhatdrivesmetorolloutofbedat5:00A、m.?Whatgivesmethereasontojustsaynotoicecream?Commitment.Acommitmenttochangemylifew ithawaythatreducesdailyanxiety,increasesself­confidenceandenergy,extendslifeandaboveallimprovesmybodyshape.Thisisthepointwhereasmileappearsonmyf aceasIlookatmyselfinthemirrorortryonmyfavoritepairofjeansthatnowfitjustright.It 'sthroughcommitmentandsweatthatIcanmakeadifferencewithinmyselfinsideandout.一个每天按时起床锻炼身体的女人,一个有着自己个性与喜好的女人,为了保持自己的体型,降低压力,提高自信,坚持着这种日复一日的锻炼,让自己每天都挂着笑容面对生活。



2019高考英语(昆明)阅读理解(10)(解析)Afarmergrewsomevegetablesinhisgarden.Onedayhiswifewasillandhehadnomoney.Hehadto sellsomecabbagesandcarrotsinthemarket.Thenextmorninghetooktwobasketsofvegetable stotown.Butitwasraininghardthatafternoonandtherewerefewpeopleinthestreet.Whenhi svegetablesweresoldout,itwasdark.Heboughtsomemedicineandhurriedtohisvillage. Onhiswayhomehesawapersonlyingonthesnow.Heplacedhisbasketsonthegroundandwasgoing tohelpthepersontogetup.Atthattimehefounditwasadeadmanandtherewasmuchbloodonhisb ody.Hewassoafraidthatheranawayquickly,withouttakingthebasketswithhim. Thenextafternoonthefarmerwassenttothepolicestation.Havingshownthebaskets,anoffi cerasked,“Aretheseyours?”“Yes,sir.”thefarmeransweredtimidly(胆怯地).“Haveyoukilledtheman?”“No,no,sir.”thefarmersaidinahurry.“Whendidyouseethedeadman?”“Aboutsevenlastevening.”“Didyouseewhokilledtheman?”“No,sir.”Theofficerbroughtoutaknifeandasked,“Haveyouseenityet?”“No,sir.”Theofficerbecameangryandtoldthepolicementobeathimupandsenthimintoprison. Thateveningtheofficerwentontrying.Pointingtotheknife,heaskedagain,“Haveyouseenityet?”“Yes,sir.”Theofficerwashappyandasked,“Whenandwhere?”“Isawitherethisafternoon,sir.”1.Thefarmerdecidedtosellthevegetablesto_______.A.buysomefoodforhisfamilyB.buysomemedicineforhiswifeC.gotoseeadoctorD.gotothecinema2.Thefarmerdidn’tsellouthisvegetablesuntiltheeveningbecause_______.A.theyweretoobadB.theywereveryexpensiveC.itrainedhardthatmorningD.peoplewouldn’tgooutonsuchabadday3.As_______,thefarmerdecidedtohelpthepersontostandup.A.hewasreadytohelpothersB.thepersonwasoneofhisfriendsC.hethoughtthepersonwouldthankhimD.hethoughtthepersonhaddrunktoomuch4.Thefarmerranawayquicklybecause_______.A.thepolicemenwerecomingtowardshimB.hiswifewaswaitingforhimathomeC.hewasafraidtoseeadeadmanD.itwassolatethathecouldn’tstaythereanylonger5.Theofficertriedthefarmerto_______.A.knowwhohadkilledthemanB.knowifhehadseenthedeadmanC.askwhenhesawthedeadmanD.askifhehadseentheknife【答案与解析】本文讲述了一个胆小的农民遇到一个死人,而被警察传讯的故事。

高考英语真题有关“天气”话题的阅读完型深度解析含答案练习 备战2019高考

高考英语真题有关“天气”话题的阅读完型深度解析含答案练习 备战2019高考









Why do the English Love Weather-speak①It is widely known that any English conversation begins with The Weather. Such a fixation with the weather finds expression in Dr. Johnson’s famous comment that “When two English meet, their first talk is of weather.” Though Johnson’s observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago, most commentators fail to ②come up with a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that, as the English weather is not at all exciting, the obsession with it can hardly be understood. He argues that “To an outsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is that there is not very much of it.” Simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in the British Isles.Jeremy Paxman, however, disagrees with Bryson, arguing that the English weather is by nature attractive. Bryson is wrong, he says, because the English preference for the weather③has nothing to do with the natural phenomena. “The interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.” According to him, the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.Bryson and Paxman④stand for common misconceptions about the weather-speak among the English. Bothcommentators, somehow, are missing the point. The English weather conversation is not really about the weather at all. English weather-speak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows conversations starting with weather-speak are not requests for weather data. Rather, they are routine greetings, conversation starters or the blank “fillers”.⑤In other words, English weather-speak is a means of social bonding.英国人为何偏爱谈论天气众所周知任何一段英语对话都是以谈论天气开始的。



2019年全国2卷高考英语试题解析第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)AMy Favourite BooksJo Usmar is a writer for Cosmopolitan and co-author of the This Book Will series(系列)of lifestyle books.Here she picks her top reads.MatildaRoald DahlI once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahl's writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words.Matilda's battles with her cruel me parents and the bossy headmisres,Miss Trunchbull,are equally fumy and frightening,but they're also aspirational.After DarkHaruki MurakamiIt’s about two sisters-Eri,a model who either won’t or can’t stop sleeping,and Mari,a young student.In trying to connect to her sister.Mari starts changing her life and discovers a world of diverse”night people”who are hiding secrets.Gone GirlGillian FynnThere was a bit of me that didn't want to love this when everyone else on the planet did but the horror story is brilliant.There's tension and anxiety from the beginning as Nick and Amy battle foryour trust.It's a real whodunit and the frustration when you realise what's going on is horribly enjoyableThe StandStephen KingThis is an excellent fantasy novel from one of the best storytellers around.After a serious flu outbreak wipes out99.4%of the world's population,a battle unfolds between good and evil among those let.Randall Flagg is one of the scariest characters ever.21.Who does"I"refer to in the text?A.Stephen King.B.Gillian Flynn.C.Jo Usmar.D.Roald Dahl22.Which of the following tells about Mari and Eri?A.Cosmopolitan.B.Matilda.C.After Dark.D.The Stand.23.What kind of book is G one Girl?)A.A folk tale.B.A biography.C.A love story.D.A horror story.【答案】21.C22.C23.D这是一篇说明文。




1.【答案】A【解析】根据第一出戏剧的名称Animals Out of Paper及该部分中的"Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph, in which an origami(折纸术)artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio"可知答案。

【考点】细节理解2.【答案】D【解析】题干问的是"谁执导了The Audience?"。

根据该部分中的"Stephen Daldry directs"可知答案。

【考点】细节理解3.【答案】C【解析】根据第三出戏剧Hamilton首句"Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton, in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story"可知,Hamilton是关于美国历史的戏剧。


4.【答案】B【解析】根据第三段最后一句"The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences"可知,这次在纽约的展览拥有破纪录的出席人数,故选B。

【考点】细节理解5.【答案】A【解析】根据第四段中的"Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion-they are central to is movement"可知,中国女性不仅是时尚的消费者,她们还是时尚发展的核心。


The Piccolis grew up the children of Italian immigrants in Watertown. Corrado, a translator for the Army during WWII, was killed in action in Europe.
Before hearing from Zac, Adeline hadn’t realized the medal was missing. Like many military medals, the one Zac’smother had found was a family treasure.“Thismedal was very precious to my parents. Only on special occasions(场合) would they take it out and let us hold it in our hands,”Adeline says.
24.What does the expression“money with no strings attached”in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Money spent without hesitation.
B.Money not legally made.
C.Money offered without conditions.
Through the Internet, Zac tracked down Corrado’s sister Adeline Rockko. But when he finally reached her, the woman flooded him with questions:“Who are you?What antique shop?”However, when she hung up, she regretted the way she had handled the call. So she called Zac back and apologized. Soon she drove to meet Zac in Watertown, N.Y.“At that point, I knew she meant business,”Zac says.“To drive eight hours to come to see me.”



2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国卷1)英语答案解析第一部分听力1.【答案】B2.【答案】A3.【答案】B4.【答案】C5.【答案】A6.【答案】C7.【答案】B8.【答案】A9.【答案】C10.【答案】C11.【答案】B12.【答案】A13.【答案】C14.【答案】A15.【答案】B16.【答案】A17.【答案】C18.【答案】B19.【答案】A20.【答案】C第二部分阅读理解第一节21.【答案】B【解析】根据Summer Company 部分中的Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.可知,Summer Company 为学生提供实践性的商业培训和高达3000美元的奖励,以启动和经营他们自己的暑期业务。

" start and run their own summer businesses”即“为开办新的业务”,这对应B项中的“runn new businesses ”,二者是词义之间的转述关系。


【考点】细节理解22.【答案】D【解析】根据Stewardship Youth Ranger Program部分中Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31 this yeailT知,符合条件的学生是16岁或17岁的学生,但在今年12月31日之前未满18岁。



【考点】细节理解23.【答案】D【解析】根据Summer Employment Opportunities部分中最后一句Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability可知,Summer Employment Opportunities有些职位是给残疾人的。










whisper to myself “轻声告诉自己”。



根据句意以及句子结构可知,空处为非谓语动词作定语;动词mark与Earth Day之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词短语作定语。








7.【答案】suggests/suggested/has suggested【解析】你就读的大学的名字真的很重要吗?关于这个问题的研究表明,对于大多数学生来说,答案是否定的。





2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国 III卷)英语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。







第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。

1.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library.B. In a bookstore.C. In a classroom. 【答案】B【解析】【详解】此为听力题,解析略。

2.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How does the woman feel now?A. Relaxed.B. Excited.C. Tired.【答案】C【解析】【详解】此为听力题,解析略。

3.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How much will the man pay?A. $520.B. $80.C. $100.【答案】B【解析】【详解】此为听力题,解析略。

4.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What does the man tell Jane to do?A. Postpone his appointment.B. Meet Mr. Douglas.C. Return at 3o’clock.【答案】A【解析】【详解】此为听力题,解析略。










AZachariah Fike has an unusual hobby.He finds old military(军队的)medals for sale in antique stores and on the Intemet.But unlike most collectors,Zac tracks down the medals9rightful owners, and returns them.His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his mother,a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A.G.Piccoli,found in an antique shop.Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Heart-he earned one himself in a war as a soldier.So when his mother gave him the medal,he knew right away what he had to do.Through the Internet Zac tracked down Corrado's sister Adeline Rockko.But when he finally reached her,the woman flooded him with questions:"Who are you?What antique shop?" However,when she hung up,she regretted the way she had handled the call.So she called Zac back and apologized.Soon she drove to meet Zac in Watertown,N.Y"At that point, I knew she meant business,"Zac says."To drive eight hours to come to see me."The Piccolis grew up the children of Italian immigrants in Watertown.Corrado,a translator forthe Army during WWII,was killed in action in Europe.Before hearing from Zac,Adeline hadn't realized the medal was missing.Like many military medals,the one Zac's mother had found was a family treasure."This medal was very precious to my parents.Only on special occasions(场合)would they take it out and let us hold it in our hands," Adeline says.As a child,Adeline couldn't understand why the medal was so significant."But as I grew older,"Adeline says,"and missed my brother more and more,I realized that was the only thing we had left."Corrado Piccoli's Purple Heart medal now hangs at the Italian American Civic Association in Watertown.Zac recently returned another lost medal to a family in Alabama.Since he first reunited Corrado's medal,Zac says his record is now5for5.21.Where did Zac get a Purple Heart medal for himself?A.In the army.B.In an antique shop.C.From his mother.D.From Adeline Rockko.22.What did Zac realize when Adeline drove to meet him?A.She was very impolite.B.She was serious about the medal.C.She suspected his honesty.D.She came from a wealthy family.23.What made Adeline treasure the Purple Heart?A.Her parents'advice.B.Her knowledge of antiques.C.Her childhood dream.D.Her memory of her brother.【答案】21.A22.B23.D【解析】这是一篇记叙文。



2019高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(49)及解析A(·全国卷,A) Since1984,Philadelphiahasbeencleaningupitsact.Onebyone,graffiti­coveredwallsarebeingchangedintooutdoorart.Sofar,morethan1,800murals(壁画)havebeenpainted.PhiladelphianowhasmoremuralsthananyotherAmericancity.Thewallsthatwereonceuglywithgraffiti(涂鸦)arenowcoveredwithbeautifulpicturesofhistoricalheroesandmodernart,thankstothe MuralArtsProgram(MAP).Itsworkmakesschoolsandpublicplacesattractive,anditscitize nsveryproud.TheprogrambeganaspartofPhiladelphia'sAnti­GraffitiNetwork.JaneGoldenistheMAP'sartisticdirector.“Whenpeopleaskmewhatourprogramisabout,”shesays,“Ianswerthemwithoneword:hope.”Eachyear,theMAPoffersyouthartprogramsandworkshops.Someone­timegraffitiwritersevenhelppaintMAPmurals.TheMAP'swork,saysGolden,isallaboutdevelopingasenseofcommunity(社区).Whenaneighborhoodrequestsamural,theMAPworkswiththepeopletheretodevelopamessage.Somemessageshavebeen “SafeStreets,”“LoveandCare,”and“PeaceWalk.”styear,theworkerspainted140murals.“Themakingofamuralenterspeople'scollectivememoryasanextraordinary,pleasantmomentinneighborhoodhistory,”saysGolden,whobeganasamuralistinLosAngeles.本文论述了费城通过MAP这一项目逐步地将墙体上的涂鸦变成了一种室外艺术形式——壁画,从而给人们带来了新的希望。








祝各位考生考试顺利!第I卷注意事项:1. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号2. 本卷共55小题,共95分。


例:Stand over there _____________ you'll be able to see it better.A. orB. andC. butD. while答案是B。

1.—I guess you want to go play tennis.—__________. That’s exactly what I was thinking too.A. I didn’t get itB. It’s up to youC. You never knowD. You read my mind【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。






“you read my mind”意为“你知我心”,符合语境,故选D。

2.I __________ to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldn’t manage it.A. had hopedB. am hopingC. have hopedD. would hope【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查过去完成时。



2019全国一卷高考英语试题解析第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)ANeed a Job This Summer?The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs.The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program.Not a student?Go to the government website to learn about programs and online tools available to help people under30build skills,find a job or start businesses all year round.Jobs for YouthIf you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province,you could be eligible(符合条件)for this program.Which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training.Who is eligible:Youth15-18years old in select communities(社区).Summer CompanySummer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000to start and run their own summer businesses.Who is eligible:Students aged15-29,returning to school in the fall.Stewardship Youth Ranger ProgramYou could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.Who is eligible:Students aged16or17at time of hire,but not turning18before December 31this year.Summer Employment Opportunities(机会)Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program,students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service,its related agencies and community groups.Who is eligible:Students aged15or older.Some positions require students to be15to24or up to29for persons with a disability.21.What is special about Summer Company?A.It requires no training before employment.B.It provides awards for running new businesses.C.It allows one to work in the natural environment.D.It offers more summer job opportunities.22.What is the age range required by Stewardship Youth Ranger Program?A.15-18.B.15-24.C.15-29.D.16-17.23.Which program favors the disabled?A.Jobs for Youth.B.Summer Company.C.Stewardship Youth Ranger Program.D.Summer Employment Opportunities.【答案】21.B22.D23.D本文为应用文。

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” 网络版英语文章也有可能成为阅读理解命题的材料。

Reading Strategies: ScanningScanning is one way to look for the information you want to find in a reading. To scan is to read very quickly in order to get some specific (特定的)pieces of information.For instance, you scan to get information about time, names, places and numbers, etc. Before you scan, you have to decide what information you are looking for, and think about the forms it may take. Then you have to decide where you need to look to find the information you want. And finally, move your eyes as quickly as possible down the page until you find the information you need and read it carefully. When you find what you need, you may stop reading any further.扫读是一种快速阅读方法,目的是为了获得特定信息。




导入范例1首先要学会区分Facts & Opinions distinguish facts from opinions均为第一个是事实Facts 第二个是观点Opinions导入范例2 细节理解扫读法解题AMusicOpera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September.The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone:241-2742. .Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723-1182 for more information. .Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend. /home.asp.21. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?A. 241-2742.B. 723-1182.C. 381-3300.D. 232-6220.22. When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?A. February.B. May.C. August.D. November.21-22 ABThe most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently,compared to infrequent readers,have more books in the home,more books purchased for them,parents who read more often,and parents who set aside time for them to read.31.How should parents encourage their children to read more?A.Act as role models for them.B.Ask then to write book reports.C.Set up reading groups for them.D.Talk with their reading class teachers.Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can't forget that deep relationships wouldn't even exist if it weren't for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease (润滑剂)for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast ."Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk, "he explains. "The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”33. What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?A. Showing good manners.B. Relating to other people.C. Focusing on a topic.D. Making business deals.With a 3D printer, a cook can print complicated chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake. Not everybody can do that — it takes years of experience, buta printer makes it easy. A restaurant in Spain uses a Foodini to “re-create forms and pieces” of food that are “exactly the same,” freeing cooks to complete other tasks. In another restaurant, all of the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed, rather than farm to table.46. What benefit does 3D printing bring to food production?A. It helps cooks to create new dishes.B. It saves time and effort in cooking.C. It improves the cooking conditions.D. It contributes to restaurant decorations.The global population is expected to grow to 9.6 billion by 2050, and some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. Sustainability is becoming a necessity. 3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution. Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids (水解胶体) from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原料). 3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissions. Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.47. What can we learn about 3D food printing from Paragraphs 3?A. It solves food shortages easily.B. It quickens the transportation of food.C. It needs no space for the storage of food.D. It uses renewable materials as sources of food.To find out if the special quality was more widespread in birds, the researchers sought the red-backed fairy wren, another species of Australian songbird. First they collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and after hatching. Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and number of notes. A computer analysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks, ranking them by similarity.59.What are Kleindorfer's findings based on?A.Similarities between the calls moms and chicks.B.The observation of fairy wrens across Australia.C.The data collected from Queensland's locals.D.Controlled experiments on wrens and other birds.To produce electricity on a large scale, a commercial wind farm will have to use bigger turbines than Hywind does, but it's difficult enough to balance such a large turbine so high on a floating spar in the middle of the ocean. To make that turbine heavier, the whole spar's to design a new kind of wind turbine, one whose gearbox (变速箱) sits at sea level rather than behind the blades.2. To balance a bigger turbine high on a flatting spar, a new type of turbine is to be designed with its gearbox sitting _____.A. on the sea floorB. on the spar topC. at sea levelD. behind the bladesHywind is a test run, but the benefits for perfecting floating wind-farm technology could be extremely large. Out at sea, the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore, whereall existing offshore windmills are planted. Deep-sea farms are invisible from land, which helps overcome the windmill-as-eyesore objection. If the technology catches on, it will open up vast areas of the planet's surface to one of the best low-carbon power sources available.3. Wide applications of deepwater wind power technology can _____.A. solve the technical problems of deepwater windmillsB. make financial profits by producing more turbinesC. settle the arguments about environmental problemsD. explore low-carbon power resources available at seaShay and his father had walked past a park where some boys Shay knew were playing baseball.Shay asked, "Do you think they"ll let me play?" Shay"s father knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but the father also understood that if his son,mentally and physically disabled, were allowed to play, it would give him a muchneeded sense of belonging andsome confidence.1. Not expecting much, Shay"s father still asked the boy if Shay could play, mainly because the father ________.A. noticed some of the boys on the field were hesitatingB. guessed his presence would affect the boys" decisionC. learned some of the boys on the field knew Shay wellD. understood Shay did need a feeling of being acceptedIn my living room,there is a plaque (匾) that advises me to“Bloom (开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy.I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s,when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville,Kentucky.The job responsibilities required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program.Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who“bloomed”in her remote area.Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County,Kentucky,Appalachian Mountain area.To get to her school from the town of Harlan,I followed a road winding around the mountain.In the eight¬mile journey,I crossed the same railroad track five times,giving the possibility of getting caught by the same train five times.Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains,I found it depressing.The poverty level was shocking and the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.From the moment of my arrival at the little school,all gloom (忧郁) disappeared.Upon arriving at Dorothy’s classroom.I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen.The children had been prepared to show me their latest projects.Dorothy told me with a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for“dinner”(lunch).In case you don’t know,poke greens are a weed¬type plant that grows wild,especially on poor ground.Dorothy never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students.Her enthusiasm never cooled down.When it came time to sit for the testing and interviewing required to receive her Child Development Associate Certification,Dorothy was ready.She came to the assessment and passed in all areas.Afterward,she invited me to the one¬and¬only steak house in the area to celebrate her victory,as if she had received her Ph.D.degree.After the meal,she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand.She said it was a family heirloom (传家宝),but to me it is a treasured symbol of appreciation and pride that cannot be matched with things.小题1:“Early Childhood Development”in Paragraph 1 refers to________.A.a program directed by DorothyB.a course given by the authorC.an activity held by the studentsD.an organization sponsored by Union college小题2:In the journey,the author was most disappointed at seeing________.A.the long trackB.the poor housesC.the same trainD.the winding roadMusicOpera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August,with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone:241–2742. .Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723–1182 for more information. .SymphonyOrchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381–3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall and in summer at Riverbend. /home.asp.College Conservatory of Music (CCM):Performances are onthemain campus(校园)of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known Lasalle Quartet, CCM’s Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556–4183./events/calendar.Riverbend Music Theater: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference).Big name shows all summer long! Phone:232–6220. http:///.1. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?A. 241–2742.B. 723–1182.C. 381–3300.D. 232–6220.2. When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?A.February.B. May. C. August. D. November.3.Where can student go for free performances with their I.D. cards?A.Music Hall.B.Memorial Hall.C.Patricia Cobbett Theater.D. Riverbend Music Theater.When I told my father that I was moving to Des Moines, Iowa, he told me about the only time he had been there. It was in the 1930s, when he was an editor if the literary magazine of Southern Methodist University(SMU)in Dallas, Texas. He also worked as a professor at SMU, and there was a girl student in his class who suffered from a serious back disease. She couldn;t afford the operation because her family was poor.Her mother ran a boardinghouse in Galveston, a seaside town near Houston, Texas. She was cleaning out the attic(阁楼)one day when she came across an old dusty manuscript(手稿). On its top page were the words, “By O. Henry”. It was a nice story, and she sent it to her daughter atSMU, who showed it to my father. My father had never read the story before, but it sounded like O. Henry, and he knew that O. Henry had once lived in Houston. So it was possible that the famous author had gone to the beach and stayed in the Gainestown boardinghouse, and had written the story there and left the manuscript behind by accident. My father visited an O. Henry expert at Columbia University in New York, who authenticated the story as O. Henry’s. My father then set out to sell it. Eventfully, he foud himself in Des Moines, meeting with Gardner Cowles, a top editor at the Des Moines Register. Cowles loves the story and bought it on the spot. My father took the money to the girl. It was just enough for her to have the operation she so desperately needed.My father never told me what the O. Henry story was about. But i doubt that it could have been better than his own story.小题1:Who found the O. Henry’s manuscript?A.The girl’s mother.B.The author’s father.C.The girl.D.The author.小题2:Which of the following might explain the fact that the manuscript was found in the attic?A.O. Henry once worked in Houston.B.O. Henry once stayed in Galveston.C.O. Henry once moved to Des Moines.D.O. Henry once taught at SMU.小题3:According to the text, why did the author’s father go to Des Moines?A.To sell the O. Henry story.B.To meet the author himself.C.To talk with the O. Henry expert.D.To give money to the girl.The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smart-phones, writing by hand has become something of nostalgic (怀旧的)skill. However, while today's educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful-both in school and in life.Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says it's important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks-both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate.1. What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?A. The absence of blackboard in classroom.B. The use of new technologies in teaching.C. The lack of practice in handwriting.D. The popular use of smartphones.2. Berninger's study published in 2009 ___________.A. focused on the difference between writing by hand and on a computer.B. indicated that students prefer to write with a pen and paper.C. found that good essays are made up of long sentences.D. discussed the importance of writing speed.Welcome to your future life!You get up in the morning and look into the mirror.Your face is firm and young-looking.In 2035, medical technology is better than ever.Many people your age could live to be 150,so at 40, you're not old at all.And your parents just had an anti-aging(抗衰老的)treatment.Now, all three of look the same age!You say to your shirt, ”Turn red.” It changes from blue to red.In 2035, “smart clothes” contain particles(粒子)much smaller than the cells in your body.The particles can be programmed to change clothes' color or pattern.We can learn from the text that in the future ________.A.people will never get oldB.everyone will look the sameC.red will be the most popular colorD.clothes will be able to change their patternIt’s such a happy-looking library, painted yellow, decorated with palm-tree stickers and sheltered from the Florida sun by its own roof. About the size of a microwave oven, it’s pedestrian-friendly, too, waiting for book lovers next to a sidewalk in Palm Beach country Estates, along the northern boundary of Palm Beach Gardens.It’s a library built with love.A year ago, shortly after Janey Henriksen saw a Brian Williams report about the Little Free Library organization, a Wisconsin-based nonprofit that aims to promote literacy and build a sense of community in a neighborhood by making books freely available, she announced to her family of four, “That’s what we’re going to do for our spring break!”Son Austin, now a 10th-grader, didn’t see the point of building a library that resembles a mailbox. But Janey insisted, and husband Peter unwillingly got to work. The 51-year-old owner of a ship supply company modified a small wooden house that he’d built years earlier for daughter Abbie’s toy horses, and made a door of glass.小题1:In what way is the library “pedestrian-friendly”?A.It owns a yellow roof.B.It stands near a sidewalk.C.It protects book lovers from the sun.D.It uses palm-tree stickers as decorations.小题2:Janey got the idea to build a library from __________.A.a visit to Brian Williams B.a spring break with her familyC.a book sent by one of her neighbors D.a report on a Wisconsin-based organizationIn 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theatre in Edinburgh. The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.It quickly attracted famous names such as Alec Guinness, Richard Button, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras(交响乐团). It became fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly.At the Same time, the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge to the official festival. Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in1947, in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform, and they did so in a public house disused for years.Soon, groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University, and later from theuniversities of Oxford and Cambridge, Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theatre by little-known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.【小题1】What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning?A.To bring Europe together again.B.To honor heroes of World War II.C.To introduce young theatre groups.D.To attract great artists from Europe.【小题2】Why did some uninvited theatre groups come to Edinburgh in 1947?A.They owned a public house there.B.They came to take up a challenge.C.They thought they were also famous.D.They wanted to take part in the festival.As more and more people speak the global languages of English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic, other languages are rapidly disappearing. In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations-UNESCO and National Geographic among them –have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect.Mark Turin, a scientist at the Macmillan Center, Yale University, who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas, is following in that tradition. His recently published book, A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture, grows out of his experience living, looking and raising a family in a village in Nepal.Documenting the Tangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin, who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayans reaches of India, Nepal, Bhutan, and China. But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materials- including photographs, films, tap recordings, and field notes-which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection.Now, through the two organizations that he has founded-the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project- Turin has started a campaign to make such documents, found in libraries and stores around the world, available not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected.Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet. Turin notes,the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.小题1:Many scholars are making efforts to _____.A.promote global languagesB.rescue the disappearing languagesC.search for language communitiesD.set up languages research organizations.小题2:What is Turin’s book based on?A.The cultural statics in India.B.The documents available at Yale.C.His language research in Britain.D.His personal experience in Nepal.小题3:Which of the following best describe Turin’s Work?A.Write sell and donate.B.Record,repeat and reward.C.Collect,protect and reconnect.D.Design, experiment and report.You are the collector in the gallery of your life. You collect. You might not mean to but you do. One out of three people collects tangible(有形的)things such as cats, photos and noisy toys.There are among some 40 collections that are being shown at “The Museum Of”—the first of several new museums which, over the next two years, will exhibit the objects accumulated by unknown collectors. In doing so, they will promote a popular culture of museums, not what museums normally represent.Some of the collections are fairly common—records, model houses. Others are strangely beautiful—branches that have fallen from tree, for example. But they all reveal (显露)a lot of things: ask someone what they collect and their answers will tell you who they are.Other on the way include “The museum of Collectors” and “The Museum of Me.”These new ones, it is hoped, will build on the success of “The Museum Of.” The thinkers behind the project want to explore why people collect, and what it means to do so. They hope that visitors who may not have considered themselves collectors will begin to see they, too, collect.Some collectors say they started or stopped making collections at important point: the beginning or end of adolescence—“it’s a growing-up thing; you stop when you grow up,”says one. Other painful times are mentioned, such as the end of a relationship. For time and life can seem so uncontrollable that a steady serial(顺序排列的)arrangement is comforting.小题1:How will the new museums promote a popular culture of museums?A.By collecting more tangible things.B.By showing what ordinary people have collected.C.By correcting what museums normally represent.D.By accumulating 40 collections two years from now.小题2:What can be learned about collectors from their collections?A.Who they are.B.How old they are.C.Where they were born.D.Why they might not mean to collect.小题3:Which of the following is an aim of the new museums?A.To help people sell their collections.B.To encourage more people to collect.C.To study the significance of collecting.D.To find out why people visit museums.小题4:According to the last paragraph, people may stop collecting when theyA.become adultsB.feel happy with lifeC.are ready for a relationshipD.feel time to he uncontrollableKeep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. If you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When you’re cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. I you must leave them outside for a long time, make sure they have a warm, solid shelter against the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of non-frozen water.If left alone outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely when they are left outdoors, and provide them with shelter of good quality. Keep an eye on your pet’s water. Sometimes owners don’t realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can’t get anything to drink. Animals that don’t have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside, which may contain something unhealthy for them.42. Why are pet owners asked to stay with their pets when they are out in cold weather?A. To know when to bring them inside.B. To keep them from eating bad food.C. To help them find shelters.D. To keep them company.43. If pets are left on their own outdoors in cold weather, they may ___.A. run short of clean waterB. dig deep holes for funC. dirty the snow nearbyD. get lost in the wildMark and his brother Jason both were looking at the shining new computer enviously, Jason was determined not to go against their father"s wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. He loved experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.“Dad will be really mad if he finds out you"ve been playing with his new computer.” Jason said, “He told us not to touch it.”“He won’t find out,” Mark said. “I’ll just have a quick look and shut it down.”Mark had been scolded before for touching his father’s equipment. But his curiosity was difficult to control and this new computer really puzzled him.小题1:Why did Mark touch the computer against his father’s warning?A.He wanted to take a voyage.B.He wanted to practice his skill.C.He was so much attracted by it.D.He was eager to do an experiment.Irene entered the University of Paris in 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics. When World War I began, Irene went to help her mother, who was using X-ray facilities (设备)to help save the lives of wounded soldiers. Irene continued the work by developing X-ray facilities in military hospitals in France and Belgium. Her services were recognized in the form of a Military’s Medal by the French government. In 1918, Irene became her mother’s assistant at the Curie Institute. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot joined the Institute, and Irene taught him the techniques required for his work. They soon fell in love and were married in 1926. Their daughter Helene was born in 1927 and their son Pierre five years later.36. Why was Irene Curie awarded a Military Medal?A. Because she received a degree in mathematics.B. Because she contributed to saving the wounded.C. Because she won the Nobel Prize with Frederic.D. Because she worked as a helper to her mother.37. Where did Irene Curie meet her husband Frederic Joliot?A. At the Curie Institute.B. At the university of Paris.C. At a military hospital.D. At the College of Sevigne.Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences.To the Egyptians, green was a color that represented the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven.Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures.In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring good fortune in the New Year.For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious beliefs.Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils(灾祸).People's choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies' reactions(反应)toward them.Green is said to be the most restful color.It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically.People who work in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.Red can cause a person's blood pressure to rise and increase people's appetites(食欲).Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant.Similarly, many commercial websites will have a red “Buy Now” button because red is a color that easily catches a person's eye....小题1:Muslims regard green as a symbol of heaven mainly because of their _____ .A.cultural values B.commercial purposesC.personal experiences D.physical reactions to the color小题2:Why will many commercial websites have a red “Buy Now” button?A.To relax people physically.B.To increase people’s appetites.C.To encourage people to make a purchase.D.To cause a person’s blood pressure to rise.Mark and his brother Jason both were looking at the shining new computer enviously, Jason was determined not to go against their father"s wishes but Mark was more adventurous than his brother. He loved experimenting and his aim was to become a scientist like his father.“Dad will be really mad if he finds out you"ve been playing with his new computer.” Jason said, “He told us not to touch it.”“He won’t find out,” Mark said. “I"ll just have a quick look and shut it down.”Mark had been scolded before for touching his father"s equipment. But his curiosity was difficult to control and this new computer really puzzled him.It was a strange-looking machine — one his dad had brought home from the laboratory where he worked. “It’s an experimental model," his father had explained, “so don’t touch it under any circumstances.” But his father"s warning only made Mark more curious. Without any further thought, Mark turned on the power switch. The computer burst into life and seconds later, the screen turned into colors, shifting and changing and then two big white words appeared in the centre of the screen: “SPACE TRANSPORTER.”。
