
2.社会主义本质理论对探索怎样建设3.社19会57主年义2月具,有毛重在要《的关实于践正意确义处。理社人会民主内义2.社部本科会矛质学主盾理的义的论1本本问的.邓质质题提小是的》出平创科讲,提新学话为出,内中我“创涵提们社邓新。出寻始会小的邓(找终主平关小1一代义)坚键平种表的我2持在对能.1中本国把科人社9够国质社5发学才会从4先,会展社年,主更进是主作会,人义深生解义为主毛才本层产放制执义在的质次1力生度政理《成所.认社1的产还兴论论长作.识会 发发力刚国和十靠的社主 展展,刚的实大教概会义 才要发建第践关坚育括主本 是求展立一的系2持。,义质 硬、,生,要基》以人一,理 道发大产还务本重发才方从论 理展力力没是成要展资面而把 ,才促,有由果讲社的源强为我 把是进消完中,话会办是调中四们 发(硬先灭全国抓中主法第必国、对 展2道进剥建共住提三义解一)须的科社 生理生削立产“出、经决资采解社学会 产,产,党什(代济前源取放会技主 力是力消还的么1表基进。从和主术义 作)对的除不执是中础科低发义是1的 为吧社3发两完政社9国基的学级展.建第发认 社二国5会展极全地会先本问技到6生设一展识 会、内主,年分巩位主进建题术高产在生才提 主发外义是底化固所义生立,实级力改产是高 义1展一时中我,的决邓产的是力9,革力硬到 建是切间5国最思定怎小力同实和国另3开道了 设党积经共对终想年的样平的时行国家一放理一 的执极验产农达。1,建一发,改民资方中2,个 根政因教党业到(是设月再展我革教本面探是新 本兴素训站、共2对社,强要国开育主指索)适的 任国都的在手一同执会毛调求的放水义出出第创应科 务在的调深时工、富1政主泽,政以平的4了一三造.时学 ,社第动刻坚代.业发裕规义东中一治来,过2解条节性代水 符会一起总持前.和展。律”关社 国个领我始度放发、地主平 合阶要来结社列资才”认这于会 社公域们终形和展社提题。 马级务为。会,本是1识个总主 会有也党是式发更会9出变社 克二关中主保硬的根8路义 主制发的衡。展快主了化会 思6、系国义持道3深本线基 义占生一年量所生、义社.的主社发解用工现理化问的本 基主了条,综谓产人的会需义会生决和业金商,题1完制 本体重主邓合国力民根主要本 基.主变事所平化向业1也,整度 制,大要小国家的享本9义。质 本义化业有方建的是深5的度一变经平力资手受社任理 原6本的服问法设根社对刻表确 的个化验年提和本段到会 1务论 理第质同务题进与本会一党揭.述立 确共,。出社主社和社主基的 ,二理时的行社体主、实示:, 立同确苏“会义会目会3义本提 是节论,基关改会现义社现了.从为 ,富立共社文,社主的主一改矛出 巩、的我本键造主和改会其社中当 使裕了二会明就会义。义、造盾, 固对重国方是。义根造之所会华代 占,中十主程是主基建中的和为 和第社要针这改本基一承主人中 世这国大义度在义本设国基两进 发一会意。靠不造要本本担义民国 界是共以财的国基制内成特本类一 展节主义的(自仅同求完质的本共一 人我产后富重家本度涵果色完矛步 社、义主2己保时。成理历质和切 口们党毛属要直)制的包最伴社成盾推 会中本要的证并,论史,国发 四必领泽于标接正度确括大随会,的进 主国质矛发了举标第的这成展 分须导东人志控确的立(,着主是学改 义特理盾展2社。志五提需是立进 之坚的提民。制处确是1.能社义我说采革 制色论也。会实着章)出要对,步 一持人出,和理立中够会建国,取开 度社的发的践中把。马到奠 的民要社支经,国社充经设强积放 的会提生稳证国解克社定 东民“会配济是历会分济道调极和 必主出了定明历放思会了 方主以下建4广史主体制路要引社 然义变,.史和主主把制 大专苏义的设大上义现度初严导会 要二建化而党上发义义对度 国政为的资和劳最的出和步经格、主 求设。且坚长展的改企基 进党的鉴致本社动深本对社探济区逐义 。确道人极持达生重造业础 入在根社”富主会人刻质资会索结分步现立路民大社数产大基的。 了过本会,是义发民最和本经的构过代社的对的会千力逐发本改社渡原主探全经展真伟根主济理发正渡化会初于促主年概步展完造会时则义索民济中正大本义结论生确的建新主步经进义的括实,成和主期。基自共的成任优构成了处方设中义探济了改阶为现对,对义总本己同国一为社务越的果根理式提国基索文社造级国于这人制 社路政的致家系国会性根本两。供的本化会与剥家建是的度 会线治道富资列家变的一本变类中了成制迅主社削的设一改的 ,第制路。本重的革道、变化不国强立度速义会制社中个造建 这三主度。社大主,路社化,同这大,的发事主度的会国过结立 是节要。会义关人也,1会社性场的标重展业义的本主特.渡合极 世、内人主有系解和是奠主我会质巨思志大的的工结(质义色时起大 界社容民义初。决社2定义国主的大想着意需发业束30。工社期来地 社(会被民原级了会)世了基社义矛而武我义要展化,(业会。,提 会2主概则和3在生把纪理本会经盾深器国同),同实2化主党把高 主对义括专,高一产资中)论制的济,刻。新经遵改总时现新是义在对了 义手制为政第级个资本国强基度阶成在特的通民济循革之并了民党具这资工 运二七度“实一形以料主又调础的级分新别社过主文自4过,举由主在有个本人 动、届 业在一质是式农的.(义一消,初关已民是它会(没主化愿于和的新主过重过主阶 史新社二 的中化上发之民主1工次灭开步系占主要是变4收义不互集平方民()义渡大渡义级 上民会中 社国三已展)分为人商划剥阔确也绝主正中革官能利中改针主3用社时的时工和 又主全 会的改成生坚。主)业时削了立发对义确国,僚命满、的造,主和会期理期商广 一主义会确”为产持初题正者代,广2生优革处革不资阶足典计解对义平的论.的业大 个义改提立。无,积级资的确改的消阔了势命理命仅√本段人型划决于向赎五总和总搞劳 历革造出 改“产第极形本、分造历除前根,理人的没中而民示体了在社3买种路实路糟动 史命的使 造一阶二领式主落(.析成史两景本社论民具有国形基需党范制诸深会的经线践线成人 性理历中 ,化级是导的义后1农为巨极。√的会内体对革成本要的和如刻主)方济的意和为民 的论史国 党”专共、工的村自变分邓中主指部实生命的结建国初实的义积法成主义总自的 伟是经“ 和即政同稳家商半的食。化小国义导矛际产在走社束状设家步现社的极改分体。任食积 大以验稳 政社;致步资业殖阶其们平社革。公下盾出力一农会和况。帮构社会转引造—。务其极 胜一毛步 府会人富前本的民级力吐对1会命有,。发的个村主社之加助想会变导资—要.,力性 利、泽地 采主民。进农社地和的出社第必制中(,发以包义会间强的,变革农本社从是的和 。适东由 取义代”的业会半阶社了 了工表这方是、主封层会最主节级走成共拘造民城国义矛的则求与保会组义主本从在会造中主业 积大段针国手义建状主终义、构农为产泥成为市营改盾建,2中经持主织工义上全一主性国要极化会话,家工改的.况义达本社成村我党武于破主、经造,设以央济社义起商性改体个义。特代转 领,制成采对业造东,劳到质会主包国领装已坏体武济阶成,互向发会基来业中质变人相劳点表变 导“度为取私的方制动共所主要围社导斗有,的装段为(助地展稳本,。国的中民当动的为 ,三、社循营社大定者同作义有城会中争的而半夺掌我1合方,定制走共国出长者社中工 稳改会序)会国正。富的改工市国。现且殖取握开国作分和,度互产营贫发的。会国业 步”主渐商必主里逐确裕理造人、经武成促民政了始社的权平促在助3党经穷,时主共国 前即义进业须义步的这论二道阶武济民.装结进半权主。会优和新过进我合领济落“期义产, 进对本的实把改行形阶一概、路级装基取斗论了封的要从越扩民渡生国作导、后统内改党由 的个质步行思造革成级社括党和、夺础得争,生建道经中主性大主与产初道的半筹,造人新 方体领论骤委2想命了政会,在历农取。��

2013职称英语考试答案2013年职称英语真题答案(综合类、理工类、卫生类仅供参考) 2013年职称英语考试落下帷幕,笔者及时整理了2013年职称英语真题答案(A级、B级、C级),由于时间仓促,有不对请指证,相互学习。
预祝大家取得好成绩!2013年职称英语综合类A级答案: 1 Mary has blended... A mixed 2 They agreed to... B change 3 The economy continued...C show 4 A notably short...C remarkably 5 The dentist has...A take ou 6 It is absurd ...A ridiculous 7 A lot of people ... B polluted 8 The room.... C dark 9 The index is the...A measure 10 It’s prudent ...B sensible 11 He is renowned...D well-known 12 You have to be patient ...A maintain 13 She stood there... D shaking 14 Medical facilities ...C improved 15 Mary looked...D exhausted 16 Japan has...A Right 17 Russia was...A Right 18 All African countries...B Wrong 19 The Soviet Union...B Wrong 20 Australia is one...C Not mentioned 21 China did ...A Right 22 Many high ...C Not mentioned 23 Paragraph 2 B Inte2013年职称英语考试综合类B级答案(代码23):1-20 题21423,22132 ,22113 ,44112, 21-40题 23561 ,52146,23122 ,23144 ,41-65 题 24211 ,65214,22114,33241 ,214222013职称英语考试综合类C级答案(代码33)1-15 BDADB CADBA BDCAA 16-22 ABBCA AC 23-30 AFCAC BEC 31-45 BDACA BBADC BADBC 46-50 CDBFA 51-65 ABDCC CABCD CADCA2013职称英语考试理工类A级答案(代码13):6-10 AACAB11-15 CADBB 16-20 CABBC 21-25 AACFE 26-30 ABCDE 31-35 DDABC 36-40 BADCC 41-45 BACBC 46-50 AFEDB 51-55 ABDDC 56-60 DBADC 61-65 DCBBA2013职称英语考试理工类B级答案(代码22) 1-10 32323 34434 11-20 12331 13213 21-30 31526 35264 31-40 12434 42312 41-50 33124 64314 51-60 32132 41234 61-65 211412013年职称英语考试卫生类A级答案:1.many... claims.答案doubtful 2.the ..... town. cautious 3. rumors.....problems spread 4.the..... years undamage 5.the .....members rejected 7.she......wedding wiped 8. w fundamental 9. the.....soon end 10. the .....lead polluted e....down break 14 this.... destroyed turned dead 15. they.....problem importance 2013职称英语卫生类B级考试答案:16.paul.... cultures. not mentioned 17. wkman...results right 18.Americans....guines not mentioned 19.ekman........everywhere right 20.Two.....thing right 21.fear......change nor mentioned 22 people....other right 23.paregraph1. E description... 24.paragreph2. C necessity... 25.paragraph3. D research... 26.paragraph4. F factors.. 27.Techniques.... F improve.. 28there.... B show.. 29.the .... D affect.. 30.the .... E be specially...。

1The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A generalB inflexibleC complexD direct2Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A sendB hearC confirmD spread3Come out,or I’ll bust the door down.A breakB shutC setD beat4The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A nakedB blindC cautiousD private5The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A shortenB startC endD resume6The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A rejectedB submittedC consideredD approved7The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A unknownB undamagedCunusual D unstable8The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A pollutedB treatedCtested D corrupted9The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A reliableB effectiveCsimple D alternative10This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A turned deadB become extinctCpassed by D carried away11She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.A wipedB injectedCremoved D produced12Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A doubtfulB untouchedC certainD silent13They didn't seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A existenceB causeC importanceD situation14Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A moralB regularChard D fundamental15Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A argueB competeC claimD wish第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。


cihui-call[phone] a branch[a division]Abandoned[given up] abided by[adhered to] abnormal[unusual] accelerate[step up]Account[consideration] accumulate[collect] Accumulate[build up] achieved[attained]Adverse[unfavorable] An abundant[a plentiful]an improved[a better]advisable[wise]Annoying[irritating] anyhow[anyway]Appalling[dreadful] asserted[stated firmly]at once[immediately] attend[go to]authentically[genuinely] ban[forbid] breaks[beats] called off[cancelled] capabilities[abilities] childish[immature] complete[finish]Concise[short and clear] conversation[talk] Consideration[account] courteous[respectful] Coverage[reportage] credible[convincing] Deliberately[intentionally] deadly[fatal] damaging[harmful]decent[honest]demolished[pulled down]densely[compactly] diligent[hardworking]dimly[faintly]diverse[varied]draft[formulate]eligible[qualified] eternal[everlasting]eventually[finally] exhaustive[extremely thorough] exhibit[show] extract[take out]fascinated[intrigued] finds fault with[criticizes] framework[skeleton] given up[abandoned] gangsters[violent criminals] grasped[took hold of] harness[utilize] hazard[danger] identify[name] insist on[demand] immense[enormous]in conjunction[together] inevitable[certain] insane[crazy] into account[consideration] invaluable[extremely useful] isolated[solitary] lately[recently] lawful[legal] lure[attraction] made up his mind[decided] manual[physical] mighty[very strong] mildly[gently] mock[laugh at] motives[reasons] now and then[occasionally] occasionally[sometimes] Occurred[happened] Omitted to [failed to] Overtook[passed] Particularly[especially] Permitted[allowed] Physician[doctor] Practically[almost]principal organizers[planners] proposed[suggested] provoked[elicited] put up with[tolerate]puzzle[mystery] rarely[seldom] readily[willingly] regret[sorry] relied on[depended on]removed[took off]residents[occupants]safe[secure]scared[frightened] Seldom[rarely] Settle[solve] Shine[polish] Shocked[surprised] Space[room]Speeds[velocities]Steadily[continuously] summit[top of the mountain] take out[extract] take…into account [take…into consideration] terminated[put an end to] try[test]tolerate[put up with] uneasy[anxious]vague[imprecise] without bias[fairly] yuedupanduan-right or wrong or not mentioned【a new start】1.Detox begins after Christmas[R] 2.Many pregnant women[W] 3.Both the[W] 4.The French and the Italians[R] 5. ON the whole[N] 6.A positive[R] 7. Food[W]【“own”your Children’s Education】21.According[N]2.you should read[W]3. Children[N]4.If parents[R]5.it is very[R]6.Parents[N]7. Governmental[N]【TV game shows】[R] 2.the principle[W] 3.Prizes[N] 4.one of the TV[W] 5.the huge[W] 6.Nowadays[R] 7.winners[W]【smoking】41.It is easy[W]2.smoking reduces[R]3.smoking may[R]4.there is evidence[N]5.Male smokers[W]6.Nicotine is poisonous[R]7.filters and low[W] 【plants and mankind】51.It is logical[R]2.people cannot survive[R]3.tribes living[W]4.our direct[W]5.Today people[W]6.people living[R]7. once mankind[W] 【Brands】61.“Brand”[R]2.A brand name[W] 3.Trademarks[W] 4. some people[R] 5.Among[R] 6.penncrest[W] 7. when classifying[R] 【Moderate earthquake strikes England】71.During[W]2.The Channel[N]3.it was reported[R]4.France and[N]5.the country’s[W]6.musson[R]7.it can be inferred[R]【Easy learning】81.Babies[R]2.an[N]3.finnish[N]4.the three[W]5.the study[R]6. If[W]7. Cheour’s[W]【The first settlement in north America】91.We[W]2.among[R]3.with John[W]4. there[W]5.the first attempt[R]6.The name Virginia[R]7.the name new England[N]【The workers’ role in management】101.Traditional[N]2.in[R]3.Since[W]4.Before[W]5. the[R]6. one[N]7. an[W] 【Computer Mouse】111.Most computer [W]2.According[N]3.The computer[R]4.The key[R]5.When an[W]6.The most[N]7.The optical[R]【American sports】121.Hunting[N] 2.Professional[R] 3.Baseball shares[R] 4.football[R] 5.Many Americans[W] 6.basketball[N] 7. horse-racing[R] gai kuo da yi-【The making of a success story】11 IKEA is ;IKEA’s name;IKEA first;In 1953;In 1956;Today there1.two-[the origin of IKEA]2.three-[specialization in selling furniture]3.four-[success brought by the introduction of showrooms]4.five-[flat packaging-a feature of IKEA]5.even when-[Ingvar Kamprad]6.[IKEA began]-and years later became7.Customers liked-[here they can see]8.as flat packaging-[it is highly]【The paper chase】-“Running a ;Create a space;When in doubt;Set aside;Think of1.Two-[find a place to work on]2.three-[get rid of unimportant things]3.Four-[Dealing with Bills]4.five-[what is a good filing system]5.Stephanie Denton is expert-[in paper chase]6.You can put-[that it is easily reached]7.Coupons should –[they are useless]8.Mentally flexible-[that different people have different requirements] 【English and English community】There is;A speech;We may;English serves;Learning1.Two-[the definition]2. Three-[the composition]3.Four-[the wide use of English]4.five-[the advantages of learning a second Language]5.Only through-[can a speech]6. the idea of [that of a speech]7.Speakers-[for the sake]8.An understanding-[has played an important]【Alaska】In 1959;In those sections;Alaska is;Arctic;In 1896;The gold1.Three-[land and population]2.four-[the natives of the land]3. Five-[transportation problem]4. six-[rich resources of the state]5.For as long as[shines day and night]6.According to-[only a very small]7. Alaska was originally-[by the united]8.Gold did –[as fish does]【why does food cost so much】In 1959;Many blame;But farmers;Of the;Who then;Vegetables and;Economists remind;It appears1.Three-[farmers’denial]2.four-[middlemen’s limited]3. Five-[a surprising]4. six-[the Cost of Convenience]5.Many people-[to agree on]6. the farmers-[nor have the middlemen]7. Housewives- [by buying prepared food]8. The economists-[the popularization]【How we form first impression】We all;The answer;if you see ; when we stereotype;however 1.Two-[Comparing] 2.three-[illustration of] 3.four-[comment on] 4.Five-[ways of] 5.Sensory information-[the sights and] 6.you interpret-[the meaning of] 7.the way we -[the immature] 8. we can use–[the most complex]【How to argue with your boss】Before you;If you`re mad;Terrible disputes;Your boss;To deal 1.Two-[don’t go in] 2.three-[Make the issue] 3.four-[propose your solution] 4.Five-[put yourself] 5.If you want-[how he is feeling] 6.It is necessary-[what you] 7.It is not wise-[without suggesting] 8. You must be –[the boss may have] 【Earthquake】Every year;there are;the actual;In order;Certain phenomena;1.Two-[intensities of earthquakes]2. three-[cause of earthquakes]3.four-[earthquake’s forecast]4.five-[indications of earthquakes]5.Not all damage-[by the quake itself]6.Not all earthquakes-[to cause damage of]7.Scientists have been-[of a possible]8.Earthquakes can –[the unusual] 【Transport and trade】Transport is;The great;Transport also;By moving;Commerce requires 1two-[Importance]2three-[higher]3four-[Birth]4five-[role of]5the development-[has]6only when-[is it possible]7transport has-[at any time]8in the trade-[the transport]【Washoe learned American sign language】an animal;Research scientists;however;Scientists like;Debate continues1one-[General information]2two-[Report]3three -[Debate on]4four -[Reason why]5Washoe could-[when she]6Some scientists-[if the Gardeners,]7Washoe taught-[while she]8The experimenters-[because she]11【Is there a way to keep the Britain’s economy growing】In today`s;Britain;Although the;However;In fact1.Two-[gift]2.three-[strength of ]3.four-[weakness]4.five-[“servant”]5.Every country-[to feed]6.the British-[to worry]7.the creative-[to make]8.many-[to do] 【Intelligence:a changed view】Intelligence;Today;There are;Two major;These research;The modern 1.Two-[effect] 2.four-[main] 3.five-[a changed] 4.six-[Impact on]5.It was once-[that intelligence] 6.More-[and partly] 7.It can-[have a better] 8.Children were-[born to be more intelligent] Yuedulijie-【Telling tales about people】11This passage–[the characteristics] 2.Helen Keller- [an autobiography] 3. Autobiography writers -[want to present]4.the writer-[defining it]5.Diverse [varied] 【Outside……】21.An-[will not]2.American-[building]3.Who-[she’sa senior student]4.What-[passion]5.The-[polish] 【Milosevic’s death】31.Where-[in prison]2.which-[he was extremely]3. all of –[his parents]4.Why was-[to remove the Serbians’]5.What happened-[Yugoslavia broke up] 【Feast on turkey and good wishes at thanksgiving】1.On Halloween-[ghosts] 2. when-[on thanksgiving] 3.thanksgiving-[providing them with] 4. many children-[they can stay] 5.the first-[1620]【Sion-Japan Animosity Lessens】51.Which…true-[The…important]2.according-[aims at]3.In.the-[30.2;43.2]4.Which…ties?-[trade]5.The survey…-[an overwhelming]【TV shows and long bus trips】61.According –[advertisements]2.What-[to talk]3. The writer of …favor-[no billboards]4.the writer feels-[they both]5.The writer thinks-[exciting] 【Modern sun worshippers】71.The writer-[they wish]2.In paragraph 2-[to show]3.According…others?-[Spain]4.the latter–[every year]5. According …beaches?-[Rainy weather] 【The changing middle class】81.The information-[a social]2.A common-[the family]3.in the years-[prosperous]4.The phrase. -[a restatement]5. The world -[as a group ] 【Single-parent Kids Do Best】91.With which-[two…children]2.according …offspring?-[the young males]3.What-[Experiment]4.according…conflict?-[the offspring’s]5.According …influenced by –[ecological factors] 【A Letter from Alan】101.Why has-[to inform…plans ]2.Why is…opinion[because it is a place…nature]3.What will[A building on]4.Alan says [have less money]5.Which of these[SAY NO TO]【The development of Ballet】111.this passage[the way ballet]2.An important[Louis XIV]3.You can conclude[will continue ]4.the information[in chronological order]5.the word pageants[elaborate shows]【smuggling】121.The dog-[it had a very]2. how many methods-[as many]3.How many pounds…in 1994-[25770]4.which-[small smugglers]5. what-[varied]【The Barbie dolls】131.when-[to be]2.who-[Harold…,Ruth…]3.It can- [build]4.where did-[Lilli]5.which-[she does not] 【Sleep】141.The question-[because shift]2.according…,is that -[your life]3.according…,to be-[to employ]4.in the second-[the third week]5.in the last-[another routine] 【Orbital Space Plane】151.the orbital-[carrying]2.From-[NASA’s]3.when- [Years]4.Besides-[a space ambulance]5.According–[be equally]【The Sahara】161.This passage[life in]2.Rainfall [less than five]3.The Sahara[a place of contrasts]4.The phrase[the Sahara]5.In this[group ]【Eiffel Is an Eyeful】171.Why-[Tourists of]2.what seems-[Visitors prefer]3.which statement-[he climbed 747]4.what did –[Conducting]5.which of –[Visitors can imagine…] 【Goal of American Education】181.Which…education-[To give]2.it is-[the]3.American–[acquisition…creative]4.According-[the students]5.which…countries?-[Its underlying] 【The family】191Another[What ?] 2.A nuclear[a married] 3.the information…in [an anthropology] 4.The information…through[pointing out similarities] 5.The word[readiness to]【Tales of the Terrible Past】201.This passage[two novels]2.Beloved [in Ohio]3.The writer seems [the books ]4.The writer emphasizes [portrayal]5.The word[terrible] 【Spacing in Animals1】211.Which…Distance?-[distance between an animal]2.If an-[begin to attack]3.According-[psychological]4.which…group”-[strip of land]5.Ihe example-[social …factors]【Some Things We Know about Language】221.In-[any]2.According…languages-[complicated]3.the author-[just as sophisticated]4.Which-[some]5.According…in?-[vocabulary]【The Only Way Is Up】231.”…these-[want to]2. the difficulty-[the lack]3.when-[most]4.Which-[Uninteresting]5.Psychologists-[in a]【Clone Farm】241.Which statement-[cloned]2.Which institution-[the US’s]3.In the-[chickens could]4.which of-[Origen has]5.The technology-[farmers]【Income】251.This passage-[the…personal income]2.Which-[the money]3.it call-[corporation profits]4.according-[the money not]5.The passage –[people…unwillingly] 【Seeing the World Centuries Ago】261.This passage[where]2.Ibo[throughout]3.the books[they told]4.the overall[chronological]5.In this[give proof of]【Importance of Services】271.The first-[services are important]2.Between-[32.4 million service jobs]3.Many-[most of the fast…low-paying jobs]4. The importance-[by]5.what-[their prices]【The National Park Service】281.Why-[because…there] 2.which-[they protect]3.the-[molding]4.What is –[it is …Park Service]5. what will-[the work]【Find Yourself Packing…Friends】291.Who-[their friends]2.which of-[people]3.According-[friends affected]4. Which factor-[Life style]5.In what-[Social]【”Lucky” Lord Lucan —Alive or Dead】301the public[Lord Lucan has]2.it[it] 3Aspinall[sinking] 4.Lucan could[thought he might] 5.Ex[was really] 【Pool Watch】311.AI-[artificial]2.what-[It can distinguish]3.how- [It alerts]4.Which-[He runs]5.the word –[rated] 【the Cherokee nation】321.The-[in the southeastern]2.One of-[writing]3.A law-[force]4.when-[all of]5.Many-[they did ] 【Oseola McCarty】33 gave her life1.this[she…university]2.She managed[she had worked]3.She gave[She wanted…life]4.when [hundreds of people]5.McCarty[of her generosity] 【To have and have not】341.Why[To have]2.What attracted[the light]3.the writer found[of top]4.what was[she seemed]5.the writer disliked[he saw]BuQuanDuanWen-【What we take from andGive to the Sea】- [edafb]w...r/A...n/N...s/S...s/W...p/【Teamwork in Tourism】- [cbfea]T...ms/T...rs/I...s/A...s/T...es/【Happy Birthday to You]】-[bfacd]B...s/T...l/A...n/A...e/T...1962/【The First Four Minutes】- [deabc]E...s/H...m/In...s/M...s/In...e/【Financial Risks】-[cbdae] C/O/T/P/F/ 【Mobile phones】- [cbead] I/B/F/H/Then/ 【The World’s Longest Bridge】-[cbefd]I/W/The/They.... ss/They.... ere/【Public relations】-[cfabd]Pu....es/Po/Pu....nt/F/M/【Heat is killer】-[edfca] So/Se…ve/Do/M/Su 【Ants as a …Change】-[fdabc]O/They/This/Y/E/【Virtual driver】-[dceaf] B/This/It/E/H 【Obesity Causes Global Warming】-[bdfce]I/U/N/T/S/WanXinTianKong 1【A life with birds】For nearly…Better/top/From/for/offered/hesitation/aware/ maintaining/make/devotes/fact/keep/At first/keen/all [bdcad cabba dccbb]2【A Lucky Break】-Actor Antonio…Doing/plays/During/kept/scenes/keen/eventually/opp onent/so/take/reminded/dreamed/up/another/pitch3【Global Warming】-Few people now question…put/in/ever/risk/According/such/severe/rise/pressure/ amount/off/favour/stations/however/several4【A Success Story】-At 19,Ben Way is …made/What/told/properly/wrong/provided/unable/ encouraged/charging/set/devote/couple/doing/ overcome/worth [bdbca adcbd cabad]5【Traffic in Our Cities】-The volume …of/persuade/approach/increasing/bringing in/breaks/ known/number/fixed/dealing/outskirts/final/thing/ give up/kept [adabc cdbac adbcb]6【Teaching and Learning】-Many teachers believe information/ideal/learning/with/responsible/assigned /minimum/how/particularly/sources/prefer/too/ besides/limited/approach [dbcdc cbdac dadbc] 7【The Difference between】-what makes different…account/what/even/program/sense/in/find/rise/ information/serves/acquire/learning/might/in/arise 8【Look on The Bright Side】-Do you ever …expected/fears/fun/like/about/according/result/offer/ likely/attitude/depend/goes/other/regard/get on9【The First Bicycle】-The history of …delighted/enlarged/use/shape/hard/ground/appealed holding/injuries/speed/direction/turn/spinning/ combination/origin [adabd bbccd acdca]10【Working Mothers】-Carefully conducted …view/number/afford/necessity/cut/comes/across/In reality/matter/perfectly/members/plenty of/attached/ do/quality [acacb dccba cdbda]。

1. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. hearC. confirmD. spread2. Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A. competeB. argueC. claimD. wish3. The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A. treatedB. pollutedC. testedD. corrupted4. Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A. doubtfulB. untouchedC. certainD. silent5. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. fundamentalB. moralC. regularD. hard6. They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A. existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation7. She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A. wipedB. producedC. injectedD. removed8. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A. shortenB. endC. startD. resume9. The rules are too rigid to allow for humane error.A. generalB. complexC. inflexibleD. direct10. The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A. undamagedB. unknownC. unusualD. unstable11. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A. reliableB. effectiveC. alternativeD. simple12. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private13. The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A. rejectedB. submittedC. approvedD. considered14. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A. shutB. breakC. setD. beat15. This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A. turned deadB. passed byC. carried awayD. become extinct第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分Mau Piailug, Ocean NavigatorMau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methodsIn early 1976, a fisherman, led an expedition in which he sailed a traditional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti. The Polynesian V oyaging Society had organized the expedition. Its purpose was to find out if seafarers (海员in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without navigational instruments, or whether the islands had been populated by accident. At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea.He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south. However, he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way. The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did itHis grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby. He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different places. Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the positions of the stars. Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars. Mau himself became a keen teacher, passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost. He explained the position of the stars to his students, but heallowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.16. At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. Mau was familiar with the sea around Tahiti.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Mau could not afford a compass or charts.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Mau learnt navigation skills from his grandfather.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. Mau used stones to memories where the stars were situated in the sky.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23-30题,每题1分,共8分下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个最佳标题;(2第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。

1 The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A generalB inflexibleC complexD direct2 Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A sendB hearC confirmD spread3 Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A breakB shutC setD beat4 The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A nakedB blindC cautiousD private5 The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A shortenB startC endD resume6 The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A rejectedB submittedC consideredD approved7 The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A unknownB undamagedC unusualD unstable8 The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A pollutedB treatedC testedD corrupted9 The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A reliableB effectiveC simpleD alternative10 This species has nearly died out because its habitat Is being destroyed.A turned deadB become extinctC passed byD carried away11 She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A wipedB injectedC removedD produced12 Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A doubtfulB untouchedC certainD silent13 They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A existenceB causeC importanceD situation14 Respect for life Is a cardinal principle of the law.A moralB regularC hardD fundamental15 Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A argueB competeC claimD wish第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A ;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B ;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

Toads are Arthritic and in PainArthritis (关节炎)is an illness that can cause pain and swelling in your bones. Toads (蟾蜍),a big problem in the north of Australia, are suffering from painful arthritis in their legs and backbone, a new study has shown. The toads that jump the fastest are more likely to be larger and to have longer legs. _____________ (46)The large yellow toads, native to South and Central America, were introduced into thenorth-eastern Australian state of Queensland in 1935 in an attempt to stop beetles and other insects from destroying sugarcane crops. Now up to 200 million of the poisonous toads exist in the country, and they are rapidly spreading through the state of Northern Territory at a rate of up to 60 km a year. The toads can now be found across more than one million square kilometres.__________(47) A Venezuelan poison virus was tried in the 1990s but had to be abandoned after it was found to also kill native frog species.The toads have severely affected ecosystems in Australia. Animals, and sometimes pets, that eat the toads die immediately from their poison, and the toads themselves eat anything they can fit inside their mouth. ___________(48)A co-author of the new study, Rick Shine, a professor at the University of Sydney, says that little attention has been given to the problems that toads face. Rick and his colleagues studied nearly 500 toads from Queensland and the Northern Territory and found that those in the latter state were very different. They were active, sprinting down roads and breeding quickly.According to the results of the study, the fastest toads travel nearly one kilometre a night___________(49) But speed and strength come at a price-arthritis of the legs and backbone due to constant pressure placed on them.In laboratory tests, the researchers found that after about 15 minutes of hopping, arthritic toads would travel less distance with each hop (跳跃).__________(50) These toads are so programmed to move, apparently, that even when in pain the toads travelled as fast and as far as the healthy ones, continuing their constant march across the landscape.A. Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.B. Toads are not built to be road runners — they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.C. But this advantage also has a big drawback — up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer fromarthritis.D. But arthritis didn’t slow down toads outside the laboratory, the researchers found.E. The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.F. Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances,while the others are being leftbehind.第6部分:完形填空(第51-65题,每题1分,共15分)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。

1. the rules are too (rigid) to allow for human error.a. inflexibleb. generalc. complexd. direct2. this species has nearly (died out) because its habitat is being destroyed.a. turned deadb. passed byc. carried awayd. become extinct3. the contract between the two companies will (expire) soon.a. shortenb. endc. start4. three world-class tennis players came to (content) for this title.a. argueb. claimc. wishd. compete5. the methods of communication used during the war were (primitive).a. simpleb. reliablec. effectived. alternative6. respect for life is a (cardinal) principle of the law.a. moralb. regularc. fundamentald. hard7. the drinking water has became (contaminated) with lead.a. pollutedb. treatedd. corrupted8. come out, or i’ll (bust) the door down.a. shutb. setc. breakd. beat9. she (shed) a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.a. wipedb. injectedc. producedd. removed10. they didn’t seem to appreciate the (magnitude) of the problem.a. existenceb. importancec. caused. situation11. the tower remains (intact) ever after two hundred years.a. unknownc. undamagedd. unstable12. many experts remain (skeptical) about his claims.a. doubtfulb. untouchedc. certaind. silent13. the proposal was (endorsed) the majority of members.a. rejectedb. submittedc. consideredd. approved14. rumors began to (circulate) about his financial problems.a. sendb. spreadc. heard. confirm15. the police will need to keep a (wary) eye on this area of town.b. cautiousc. blindd. private答案:1——15 adbda caccb cadbb第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择a;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择b;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择c。
2013年职称英语考试综合类B级试题及答案_(二)包含新增文章) 22013年职称英语考试综合类B级

1 The high-speed trains can have a major impact on travel preferences.A forceB influenceC surpriseD power2 Can you follow the plot?A changeB investigateC writeD understand3 Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.A physicalB mentalC naturalD hard4 In the latter case the outcome can be serious indeedA resultB judgmentC decisionD event5 Norman Blamey is an artist of deep convictions.奢靡化学教案与老百姓的的劳作吃穿作对比化学教案其中描写“乐声之多与市井言语对比”的句子是:“A statementsB beliefsC suggestionsD claims6 Up to now, the work has been easy.A SoB So longC So thatD So far7 The report advocated setting up day training colleges.A supposedB excitedC suggestedD discussed8 Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employedA ThereforeB AfterwardsC HoweverD Furthermore9 The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.A viewB sightC lookD point10 Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.A tenselyB nearlyC carefullyD closely11 The union representative put across her argument very effectively.A explainedB inventedC consideredD accepted12 He talks tough but has a tender heart.A heavyB strongC kindD wild13 It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.A makingB takingC discussingD expecting14 Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producingA wasteB buyC useD sell15 The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters.A functionB abilityC powerD volume第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。

2013年职称英语(综合类)C级真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 词汇选项 2. 阅读判断 3. 概括大意与完成句子 4. 阅读理解 5. 补全短文6. 完形填空词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。
1.This was an unexceptionally brutal attack.A.openB.suddenC.cruelD.direct正确答案:C解析:题意:这无疑是一次残忍的攻击。
A项意为“公开的,敞开的”,例:Banks closed on Friday afternoon and did not open again untilMonday morning.银行星期五下午关门,直到星期一上午才营业。
B项意为“突然的意外的”,例:He was zonked by the sudden accident.他被这场意外的事故惊呆了。
C项意为“残酷的,残忍的”,例:The cruel woman abandoned her child.那个狠心的女人遗弃了自己的孩子。
D项意为“直接的”,例:The event constitutes a direct threat to her.这个事件对她构成了直接的威胁。
2.The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine.A.bottomB.surfaceC.topD.structure正确答案:D解析:题意:这个框架要足够结实以便支撑引擎。
A项意为“底部”,例:He had worked in the theatre for many years,starting at the bottom.他从最基础的做起,已经从事戏剧工作很多年了。

A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Bad habits may return when we are under pressure.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Researchers were surprised by the answer that the volunteers gave in the first test.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. The volunteers found the test more difficult when they did it the second time.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond what to get rid of.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. If we develop bad habits early in life, they are harder to get rid of.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~30题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第1~4段每段1选择个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。
Pedestrians Only?1 The concept of traffic-free shopping areas goes back a long time. During the Middle Ages, traffic-free shopping areas were built in Middle Eastern countries to allow people to shop in comfort and, more importantly, safety. As far back as 2,000 years ago, road traffic was banned from central Rome during the day to allow for the free movement of pedestrians (行人) and was only allowed in at night when shops and markets had closed for the day. In most other cities, however, pedestrians were forced to share the streets with horses, coaches and, later, with cars and other motorised vehicles.2 The modern, traffic-free shopping street was born in Europe in the 1960s, when both city populations and car ownership increased rapidly. Dirty gases from cars and the risks involved in crossing the road were beginning to make shopping an unpleasant and dangerous experience. Many believed the time was right for experimenting with car-free streets, and shopping areas seemed the best place to start.3 At first, there was resistance from shopkeepers. They believed that such a move would be bad for business. They argued that people would avoid streets if they were unable to get to them in their cars. When the first streets in Europe were closed to traffic, there were even noisy demonstrations, as many shopkeepers predicted they would lose customers.4 However, research carried out afterwards in several European cities revealed some unexpected statistics. In Munich, Cologne and Hamburg, visitors to shopping areas increased by 50 percent. On Copenhagen's main shopping street, shopkeepers reported sales increases of 25-40 percent. Shopkeepers in Minneapolis, the USA. were so impressed when they learnt this that they even offered to pay for the construction and maintenance costs of their own traffic-free streets.5 With the arrival of the traffic-free shopping street, many shops, especially those selling things like clothes, food and smaller luxury items, prospered. Unfortunately, it wasn’t good news for everyone, as shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances (电器) actually saw their sates drop. Many of these were forced to move elsewhere, away from the city centre.23. Paragraph 1________24. Paragraph 2________25. Paragraph 3________26. Paragraph 4________A Facing protests from shop ownersB Increase in sales and customersC An idea from ancient historyD A need for changeE An experiment that went wrongF Popularity of online shopping27. Traffic-free shopping streets first developed in________.28. In the 1960s, dirty gases from cars made shopping________.29. Shopkeepers mistakenly believed the car-free streets would keep away________.30. The arrival of the traffic-free shopping street made many ________ lose their business.A customersB pedestriansC furniture sellersD Middle Eastern countriesE a bad experienceF North America第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。

词汇:(理工B/卫生B可参考)1、 bust-break(Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.)2、 wary—cautious(The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.)3、 rigid—inflexible(The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.)4、 incredible—unbelievable(It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already.)5、 migrate—travel(These animals migrate south annually in search of food.)6、 circulate—spread(Rumers began to circulate about his financial problems.)7、 came across—found by chance(She came across three children sleeping under a bridge.)8、as regards—about(I have little information as regards her fitness for the post.)9、manipulate—influence(As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.)10、 tempted—attracted(He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company.)11、digest—understand(He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.)12、 anchored—fixed(Make sure the table is securely anchored.)13、aggressive—offensive(She gets aggressive when she is drunk.)14、 peculiar—strange(There was something peculiar in the way he smiles.)15、 expire—end(The contract between the two companies will expire soon.)第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

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1、I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events.A bringB putC separateD set答案:C职业培训教育网名师解析:detach意为“使分离,使分开”,故用separate替换。
又如:Detach the white part of the application form and keep it.把申请表的白色部分撕下存底。
2、The odd thing was that he didn't recognize me.A realB strangeC wholeD same答案:B职业培训教育网名师解析:odd意思是“奇怪的,古怪的”,与strange “奇怪的”同义。
又如:Her father was an odd man.她父亲是个古怪的人o real “真正的”,whole “完整的”,same “同样的”。
3、That performance was pretty impressive.A veryB completelyC beautifullyD equally答案:A6、We found shelter from the rain under the trees.A defenseB standingC protection 0 room答案:C职业培训教育网名师解析:shelter的意思是“遮嫩”,在这里可以用protection “保护”替换。

2013年职称英语考试热点问题及备考方法(如教材、词典等问题) 2013大家网职称英语扣扣群:162129103;138778487
2013年职称英语考试热点问题及备考方法(如教材、词典等问题) 2013大家网职称英语扣扣群:162129103;138778487
2013年职称英语考试热点问题及备考方法(如教材、词典等问题) 2013大家网职称英语扣扣群:162129103;138778487

1. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. hearC. confirmD. spread2. Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A. competeB. argueC. claimD. wish3. The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A. treatedB. pollutedC. testedD. corrupted4. Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A. doubtfulB. untouchedC. certainD. silent5. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. fundamentalB. moralC. regularD. hard6. They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A. existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation7. She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A. wipedB. producedC. injectedD. removed8. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A. shortenB. endC. startD. resume9. The rules are too rigid to allow for humane error.A. generalB. complexC. inflexibleD. direct10. The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A. undamagedB. unknownC. unusualD. unstable11. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A. reliableB. effectiveC. alternativeD. simple12. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private13. The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A. rejectedB. submittedC. approvedD. considered14. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A. shutB. breakC. setD. beat15. This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A. turned deadB. passed byC. carried awayD. become extinct第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分)Mau Piailug, Ocean NavigatorMau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methodsIn early 1976, a fisherman, led an expedition in which he sailed a traditional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti. The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organized the expedition. Its purpose was to find out if seafarers (海员)in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without navigational instruments, or whether the islands had been populated by accident. At the time, Mau was the only man alive whoknew how to navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea.He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south. However, he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way. The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did itHis grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby. He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different places. Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the positions of the stars. Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star. The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars. Mau himself became a keen teacher, passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost. He explained the position of the stars to his students, but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.16. At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. Mau was familiar with the sea around Tahiti.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Mau could not afford a compass or charts.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Mau learnt navigation skills from his grandfather.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. Mau used stones to memories where the stars were situated in the sky.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23-30题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。

1.Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A.fundamentalB.moralC.regularD.hard【答案】A【解析】句意:尊重生命是法律的基本原则。
fundamental 根本的。
2.The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A.rejectedB.approvedC.submittedD.considered【答案】B【解析】句意:这个提议被多数成员所赞同。
3.Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A.untouchedB.certainC.silentD.doubtful【答案】D【解析】句意:许多专家还是怀疑他的说法。
4.This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A.turned deadB.passed byC.carried awayD.become extinct【答案】D【解析】句意:这个物种几乎要灭绝了,由于它的栖息地正在被破坏。

A Doctor in the HouseBrushing your teeth twice a day should keep the dentist away. But if a group of scientific researchers have their wish, it will make the rest of your body healthy too.______ (46) It Is one of many gadgets (小装置)proposed by engineers and doctors at the Center for Future Health in New York — others include a pair of glasses that help to jog your memory, and a home camera designed to check for cancer.The devices seem fanciful, but the basic principles are simple. The gadgets should make it easy for people to detect illness long before it strikes and so seek treatment far earlier than normal._____(47) In the long run, the technology may even prevent Illness by encouraging us to lead healthier lives.Intelligent bandages (绷带)are a good example. Powerful sensors within the bandage could quickly identify tiny amounts of bacteria in a wound and determine which antibiotics(抗生素)would work best. ______ (48)Socks are long overdue for a makeover. In the future they will be able to automatically detect the amount of pressure in your foot and alert you when an ulcer (溃瘍)is coming up.All the projects should have far-reaching implications, but the biggest single development is a melanoma (黑瘤)monitor designed to give early warnings of cancer.______(49) If a problem is found, the system would advise you to get a check –up at your doctor’s surgery.If all this sounds troublesome, then help is at hand. _____(50) A standard computer would be able to understand your voice and answer questions about your symptoms in plain English and in a way which would calm your nerves.A The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complications.B The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compareit with previous images.C A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in USA.D Instead of relying on hi-tech hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home andeasy-to-use gadgets.E Experts are also working on a―digital doctor‖,complete with a comforting bedside manner.F That is going to be the difficult part.第6部分:完形填空(第51-65题,每题1分,共15分)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空自确定1个最佳选项。