《Engineering Circuit Analysis》教材评介
Engineering Circuit Analysis Eighth Edition Course Design IntroductionThe purpose of this course design is to guide students in understanding circuit analysis principles using the Engineering Circuit Analysis Eighth Edition textbook by William H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly, and Steven M. Durbin.The course is assumed to be taught in an academic setting with students having a basic understanding of circuitanalysis concepts. The length of the course is 16 weeks with three hours of class per week and an additional hour for laboratory experiments.Learning OutcomesBy the end of this course, students should be able to: •Apply circuit analysis principles to analyze DC and AC circuits•Analyze the behavior of active circuits such as amplifiers and oscillators•Understand LTI (linear time-invariant) systems and their response to different input signals•Analyze circuits using Laplace transform and frequency domn techniques•Use MATLAB to solve circuit analysis problems and simulate circuitsCourse ContentWeek 1-2: Introduction and DC Circuit Analysis•Course introduction, syllabus review•Voltage, current, resistance, power, Ohm’s law•Kirchhoff’s laws, nodal and mesh analysis•Circuit theorems: superposition, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems•Applications: voltage and current dividers, Wheatstone bridgeWeek 3-4: Capacitors and Inductors•Capacitance, charge and energy stored in capacitors •Inductance, flux and energy stored in inductors•Series and parallel combinations of capacitors and inductors•Time domn analysis of RC and RL circuits•Transient analysis of first-order circuitsWeek 5-6: AC Circuit Analysis•AC circuits, phasors and complex numbers•Circuit analysis using phasors•Reactance, impedance and admittance•Applications: filters, resonance, transformers Week 7-8: LTI Systems and Frequency Domn Analysis •LTI systems: impulse response, step response, transfer function•Fourier series and Fourier transform•Frequency response: Bode plots, frequency domn analysis•Filters: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-stop Week 9-10: Amplifiers•Basics of amplifiers, types of amplifiers•Amplifier characteristics: gn, input and output resistances, bandwidth•BJT amplifiers: biasing, small-signal models, analysis using hybrid-pi model•FET amplifiers: biasing, small-signal models, analysis using T-model•Applications: differential amplifiers, operational amplifiersWeek 11-12: Oscillators•Basics of oscillators, feedback concept•Conditions for oscillation, types of oscillators •Analysis of LC oscillator•Analysis of crystal oscillator•Frequency stability and feedback compensation Week 13-14: Laplace Transform•Introduction to Laplace transform•Laplace transform properties•Circuit analysis using Laplace transform•Inverse Laplace transform•Applications: circuit analysis of second-order circuits.Week 15-16: MATLAB•Introduction to MATLAB•Numeric computation using MATLAB•Symbolic computation using MATLAB•Circuit analysis using MATLAB•Laboratory experiments.AssessmentThe course will be assessed through a combination of homework assignments, quizzes, laboratory experiments, and a final examination. The weightage for each component is as follows:•Homework assignments: 20%•Quizzes: 20%•Laboratory experiments: 20%•Final examination: 40%ConclusionThis course design is intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of circuit analysis principles using the Engineering Circuit Analysis Eighth Edition textbook. It is expected to equip students with the skills to analyze and design circuits using both time domn and frequency domn techniques. The laboratory experiments and MATLAB assignments will help students to develop practical skills for circuit analysis.。
1. 《电动力学》(作者: Griffiths)
2. 《电动力学》(作者:Jackson)
3. 《电动力学讲义》(作者:徐兆森)
国外教材 电路
1. 《电路》(第5版)作者:James W. Nilsson,Susan A. Riedel
2. 《Principles of Circuit Analysis》(第2版)作者:Robert G. Meyer
3. 《Circuit Analysis》(第11版)作者:Charles K. Alexander,Matthew N. Petersen
Circuit Analysis Basics Teaching Design (EN Version) BackgroundCircuit analysis is a fundamental topic in electrical engineering.It is important for students to understand the principles and techniques of circuit analysis in order to solve more complex problems inelectrical and electronic systems.English proficiency has become a crucial skill in many fields, including engineering. In order to provide high-quality education to international students and enhance their English language skills, it is necessary to design a curriculum that incorporates both circuit analysis basics and English language learning.mThe m of this teaching design is to provide a comprehensive introduction to circuit analysis basics in English. The course willcover the fundamenta l principles of circuit analysis, including Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, and nodal and mesh analysis. Additionally, this course will m to improve students’ English language skills in technical communication, such as reading and writing circuit diagrams and conducting group discussions.Learning Outcomes•Understand the fundamental principles of circuit analysis and their applications.•Develop proficiency in technical communication using English.•Analyze simple circuits using Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws.•Apply nodal and mesh analysis to solve complex circuits.•Design and analyze basic circuits using a breadboard. SyllabusModule 1: Introduction to Circuit Analysis•Overview of electrical circuits•Current, voltage, and power•Passive and active components•Circuit diagrams and symbols•Introduction to circuit analysis basicsModule 2: Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws•Resistive circuits•Ohm’s Law and its applications•Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)•Series and parallel circuits•Voltage and current divisionModule 3: Nodal and Mesh Analysis•Nodal analysis and its applications•Mesh analysis and its applications•Superposition principle and its applications•Source transformationModule 4: Breadboarding and Circuit Design•Breadboarding basics•Designing circuits using a breadboard•Analyzing and testing breadboarded circuits•Introduction to circuit simulation softwareModule 5: Technical Communication in Circuit Analysis•Terminology and vocabulary in circuit analysis•Reading and writing circuit diagrams in English•Conducting successful group discussions•Preparing and presenting technical reports and presentations AssessmentThe course will be assessed using a variety of methods, including written assignments, quizzes, laboratory reports, and presentations. Students will also be required to complete a final project, in which they will design and analyze a basic circuit using a breadboard.ConclusionThis teaching design provides a comprehensive introduction tocircuit analysis basics in English. By incorporating technical communication skills and practical hands-on experience, students will gn a deeper understanding of circuit analysis principles and techniques, as well as improved English language skills.。
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition:Teaching DesignIntroductionThis teaching design is intended for instructors who are teaching Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition, to undergraduateelectrical engineering students. The purpose of this teaching design is to provide suggestions for how to organize the course, what topics to cover in each class, and what assignments to give to the students. The course is assumed to cover the first eight chapters of the textbook, which cover basic circ uit analysis techniques such as Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, and nodal and mesh analysis.Course DesignCourse OverviewThe course is designed to be a comprehensive study of engineering circuit analysis techniques, with a focus on basic linear circuits. The course is divided into two mn parts: theory and application. In the theory part, students will learn the fundamental concepts of circuit analysis and will be introduced to various circuit analysis techniques. In the application part, students will learn how to apply these techniques to solve real-world engineering problems.Course ObjectivesThe objectives of the course are:•To teach students the fundamental concepts of circuit analysis.•To teach students various circuit analysis techniques.•To teach students how to apply these techniques to solve real-world engineering problems.•To teach students how to design basic circuits.•To prepare students for further study in electrical engineering.Course ScheduleThe course is designed to cover the first eight chapters of the textbook in a 16-week semester. The following is a tentative schedule of what topics will be covered in each class:Week 1•Introduction to circuit analysis•History of circuit analysis•Units and standards•Voltage and currentWeek 2•Power and energy•Kirchhoff’s laws•Series-parallel circuitsWeek 3•Voltage and current division•Source transformation•Node-voltage analysisWeek 4•Mesh-current analysis•Superposition•Thevenin’s and Norton’s theoremsWeek 5•Maximum power transfer•Delta-to-wye and wye-to-delta transformations•Capacitors and inductorsWeek 6•First-order circuits•Second-order circuits•Sinusoidal sourcesWeek 7•Phasors•Impedance and admittance•Series and parallel resonanceWeek 8•Two-port networks•Transmission parameters•Hybrid parametersWeek 9-16•Applications of circuit analysis to electronic circuits•Design and analysis of amplifiers•Design and analysis of filters•Design and analysis of oscillators•Design and analysis of power supplies•Design and analysis of digital circuitsCourse MaterialsThe mn textbook for the course is Engineering Circuit Analysis,Eighth Edition by William H. Hayt Jr. and Jack E. Kemmerly. In addition, students will need access to a calculator, graph paper, and a computer with a circuit analysis software package such as SPICE.AssignmentsThe following types of assignments are suggested for this course: •Weekly problem sets, consisting of 10-12 problems based on the material covered in the previous week’s lectures.•Midterm exams, consisting of a mixture of short-answer questions and problem-solving questions. The exam questions should cover all the material covered up to that point in the course.•Final exam, covering all the material covered in the course.•Design project, where students design and build a basic electronic circuit and report on its performance.•Homework assignments, consisting of readings and online exercises to help students review the material covered in class.AssessmentThe final grade for the course should be based on a combination of the student’s performance on assignments and exams. The following grading scheme is suggested:•Weekly problem sets: 30%•Midterm exams: 30%•Final exam: 40%ConclusionThis teaching design is meant to be flexible and can be adapted to fit the needs of each instructor. However, it is suggested that the instructor use this as a starting point for organizing their course and assignments. By following this teaching design, students should be well-prepared for further study in electrical engineering and should have a good understanding of basic circuit analysis techniques.。
值得一提的是,陈老师介绍的一部专著--William T. Thomson和Marie Dillon Dahleh合作完成的Theory of Vibration withApplication(5th edtion),是我学习振动力学的主要书籍之一。
陈老师介绍的另一部教材是Daniel J. Inman的Engineering Vibrations,也是国际上广受好评的振动力学书籍,由于这本书没有电子版,于是我就从图书馆借来(由于山口大学图书馆没有,还是从其他大学图书馆转借),复印后我反复阅读了多遍,获益很深,他的另一部专著--Vibration with Control,是学习振动控制的优秀教材,也是我经常翻阅参考的振动专业书籍之一。
另外,有一部陈老师没有提到的专著就是Ray W. Clough和Joseph Penzien合著的Dynamics of Structures,这是一部极其经典的结构动力学著作,它偏重于土木结构方面,这本书的电子版在网上广泛流传,也因此它成为我开始学习振动力学的第一本书籍,后来在深入学习有限元时,才知道在有限元发展历程中,‘有限元’这一名词是Ray W. Clough 在20世纪50年代首先提出的,他对有限元的发展以及有限元的工程应用做出了了很大贡献。
《电路分析基础I》课程教学大纲英文名称:Electrie Circuit I一、课程说明1 •课程的性质电路课程理论严密、逻辑性强、有广阔的工程背景,是电工类及电子信息类等专业必修的一门重要的学科基础必修课。
学习电路课程,对培养学生的科学思维能力, 提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,都有重要的作用,为学习后续课程以及今后从事工程技术工作打下必要的基础。
主要参考书目:(1)向国菊等编著.电路典型题解(第二版).北京:清华大学出版社,1995(2)范世贵主编.电路基础.西安:西北工业大学出版社,2000(3)邹其洪编.电工电子实验与计算机仿真.北京:电子工业出版社,2003(4)邱关源编.《电路》(第三版).北京:高等教育出版社,1989(5)W订liam H. hayt 编.《Engineering Circuit Analysis》.北京:电子工业出版社,20037.主要教学方法与手段:本课程采用课堂教学。
0 引言
近来 , 随着通讯专业的发展, 电子通讯专业人才 十分抢手 , 而该专业的理论对 初学者显得既抽象又
的 作一 体介 特点 具 绍。
1 启发性贯穿教材始终
本书从历史 、 科学人物的介绍开始, 力求用深入
浅出的方式, 由易到难 , 循序渐近地展开 , 翻开《 工程
艰深 , 得花很大力气才能掌握 , 普遍认为学 习电子专 业较其他学科为难。东南大学 出版社出版的燕 思远 教授编著的《 工程 电路分析 》 书, 一 可说在培养学生 攀登世界科学高峰的勇气和毅力方 面作了一 次尝 试, 该书以图文并茂 的形式 , 别具一格地将启发性 、
Ab ta t Th e t o k ‘ ay i fE g n eig Cic i ’i ite y p o e s r Ya iu n a d p b sr c : e tx b o An lss o n ie rn r ut s s wr tn b r fs o h Sy a n u - l h d b h EU rs ,wh c e g sh u itc r c ia n u d me tln t rs it h a i cr u t i e yteS s p es ih m r e e r i ,p a tc l d f n a n a au e n o t e b sc ic i s a t e r en o sse tyc n ie e samo ea sr c n e r tdfiu tk o e g ,wih a lb r tv h o y b ig c n itn l o sd r da r b ta ta d la n — i c l n wld e f t n ea o a ie
d n sa d f rh rao s h i e r i gd sr n n o a iet o g t i t d i i u t.Co s q e ty, e t n u t e r u et erla nn e iea d in v tv h u h s n su yn cr i g c s neunl su e t l a c m p ih t ercr ut t d t la a ta d a tv o t r . t d n swl co I l h i ic i su y wih p e s n n ciep su e s s Ke wo d a ay i o n i e rn i ut ;h o y o ic i a ay i e rsi t r p a t a a u e f n y r s:n lss f gn e i g cr is t e r fc u t n lss e c r h u it n u e; r ci l t r ;u — ca c n d m e t 1 au e: n v t n a n a n t r i o ai n o
Engineering Circuit Analysis-CH2-2016-Mar-18
Ch2 Basic Analysis Methods to Circuits 2.2 Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis
Branch Analysis P2.2 How do we find I1 and I2, I3?
Mesh 1: 14 0.5I1 0.4I 2 12 0 2 0.4 I 2 I1 4 0.8I 2 0.5
Ch2 Basic Analysis Methods to Circuits 2.1 Equivalent Circuits
Equivalent Circuits Network
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Two-terminal Circuits Network
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Vs E2 I 2 R2 2 0.4 I 2 E I R 12 0.4 I 2 I3 2 2 2 R3 80 R1 0.5 2 0.4 I 2 12 0.4 I 2 I2 I 2 2.14A I1 2.29A I 3 0.14A 0.5 80
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Ch2 Basic Analysis Methods to Circuits 2.1 Equivalent Circuits
Equivalent Resistance
How do we find I1 and I2?
I1 R1 I2 R2
工程电路分析英文版第七版教学设计 (3)
Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition - TeachingDesignIntroductionEngineering Circuit Analysis is a fundamental course in electrical and electronic engineering curricula. The course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to analyze and design circuits commonly found in electrical and electronic systems. The course covers a range of topics, including basic circuit laws and theorems, circuit analysis techniques, and circuit design principles.This teaching design focuses on the 7th edition of EngineeringCircuit Analysis by William H. Hayt Jr. The book covers the concepts and principles of circuit analysis in a clear and concise way, making it an excellent resource for educators and students.Course ObjectivesThe objectives of this course are to:•Understand the basic concepts and principles of circuit analysis•Analyze simple circuits using Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, and circuit theorems•Analyze complex circuits using network theorems, nodal analysis, and mesh analysis•Understand the behavior of circuits with reactive elements, such as capacitors and inductors•Analyze circuits with operational amplifiers and digital circuits•Apply circuit analysis techniques to practical problems in electrical and electronic engineeringCourse OutlineThe course will cover the following topics:1.Basic Concepts and Laws–Voltage, Current, and Resistance–Ohm’s Law–Kirchhoff’s Laws–Power and Energy2.Circuit Analysis Techniques–Series Circuits–Parallel Circuits–Series-Parallel Circuits–Voltage and Current Division–Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems–Maximum Power Transfer3.Circuit Analysis Methods–Nodal Analysis–Mesh Analysis–Superposition–Source Transformation–Delta-Wye Transformation4.Reactive Elements–Capacitors•Capacitance and Charge•Energy Storage•Series and Parallel Capacitors –Inductors•Inductance and Flux•Energy Storage•Series and Parallel Inductors 5.AC Circuits–Sinusoidal Waveforms–Phasors–Impedance and Admittance–AC Circuit Analysis–Resonance6.Operational Amplifiers–Ideal Op-Amp–Inverting and Non-inverting Amplifiers–Summing and Difference Amplifiers–Integrators and Differentiators7.Digital Circuits–Boolean Algebra–Logic Gates–Combinational Logic–Sequential LogicTeaching MethodologyThe course will be taught using a combination of lectures, tutorials, and hands-on exercises. The lectures will provide the theoretical background for each topic, while the tutorials will provide practical examples and problem-solving exercises. The hands-on exercises will be conducted in a laboratory setting, allowing students to apply their knowledge in a practical setting.The course will also involve group assignments and projects,allowing students to work collaboratively on practical problems in electrical and electronics engineering. The assignments and projectswill involve the use of software tools, such as Simulink and Multisim,to simulate and analyze circuits.AssessmentThe course assessment will consist of the following components:1.Mid-term Examination (25%)2.Group Assignments (25%)boratory Assignments (25%)4.Final Examination (25%)ConclusionThis teaching design provides an overview of the course objectives, outline, teaching methodology, and assessment for Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition. The course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to analyze and design circuits commonly found in electrical and electronic systems. The course willprovide students with practical experience in using software tools to simulate and analyze circuits and will involve group assignments and projects to foster collaborative problem-solving skills.。
s yl n t e a d pub ihi g f r s Some t ls n o m . hou ht r nsa i g t e b k a s r e r s nt d. And, s me g s on t a l tn he t xt oo l o a e r p e e e o c n r t u e to r o os d f r d o c e e s gg s i ns a e pr p e orou ome tc ee t oma ne i il e t o o t uc i n. s i l c r g tc fed t x bo k c ns r to Ke wo d : l c r ma e i i l ou s ;t x b k c ns r to y r s e e t o gn tc fe d c r e e t oo o t uc i n;f r i n t xt ok o e g e bo
新 版 内 容 中最 大 变 化 是 重 新 编 写 了传 输 线 内 容, 并放 置在 电磁波 章节 之前 的第 1 章 。将传 输线 1
的处 理与 电路定 理 的方 法衔 接 起 来 , 门以 电压 和 专 电流形式 介绍 波的 现象 与应用 。将 电感 和 电容 的概 念作 为 已知 参 数 来 处 理 , 依 赖 于 其 它 任 何 章 节 。 不
内容 。新 版 书对第 6 中约 4 % 的 习题 做 了更新 , 版 O 增加 了许 多新 习题 。 新 版 每 一章 内容 中 , 然 给 出 了在 正 文 中穿 插 仍 的大量 例题 , 助读 者加 强 对新 学 概念 的理 解 。安 帮 排 了许多 练习题 , 给 出了精选 的每 章末 习题 , 还 每道 练 习题之 后都 给 出了答案 。该 书还帮 助读 者立 刻检 查对 所学 内容 的理 解 程度 , 助读 者 练 习所 学过 的 帮 知识 。每 章末 的奇数 题号 习题 , 附录 中给 出答 案 。 在
Engineering Circuit Analysis (7th Edition) - Teaching Plan Course OverviewThe course is designed for undergraduate students whomajor in electrical engineering. The course ms to equip students with a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of engineering circuit analysis. Topics covered in this course include circuit laws and analysis techniques, operational amplifiers, capacitors, inductors, AC circuits, transistor circuits, and time response analysis.Learning OutcomesUpon completion of this course, students should be able to: •Demonstrate a sound understanding of fundamental electrical circuit analysis theory and concepts.•Analyze and solve electrical circuit problems usinga range of techniques and methods.•Identify and describe different types of circuits, their components, and their behaviors.•Understand the principles of electronic devices and circuit design.•Effectively use software tools to d in the analysis and synthesis of circuits.Course StructureWeek 1-3: Circuit Laws and Techniques•Introduction to circuit analysis and circuit laws•Analysis of resistive circuits•Analysis of circuits with independent and dependent sources•Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems•Capacitors and inductors•Analysis of RC, RL, and RLC circuitsWeek 4-6: Operational Amplifiers and Circuits•Introduction to operational amplifiers (op-amps)•The ideal op-amp model and op-amp circuits•The non-inverting and inverting amplifier•Summing, difference, and integrator op-amp circuits •Applications of op-amps in voltage regulators and filtersWeek 7-9: AC Circuits•Sinusoidal waveforms and phasors•AC circuit analysis using phasors•Frequency response and resonance•AC power and power factor•Three-phase circuitsWeek 10-12: Transistor Circuits•Introduction to transistors•Transistor models and parameters•Common-emitter and common-collector amplifier circuits•Class A, B, and AB amplifier circuits•Feedback amplifiersWeek 13-15: Time Response Analysis•Introduction to time domn analysis•The natural and step responses of first-order circuits•The natural and step responses of second-order circuits•The Laplace transform and circuit analysis Teaching MethodologyThe course will consist of 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of laboratory sessions per week. In the lecture sessions, the instructor will introduce new concepts, theories, and techniques, and provide examples to illustrate their application. Students will be encouraged to ask questions, participate in discussions, and complete weekly assignments.In the laboratory sessions, students will work in groupsto conduct hands-on experiments using electrical circuit simulation software. They will explore the principles and application of various circuit components and analyze their behaviors under different conditions. They will also be required to prepare and present a laboratory report on a selected topic.AssessmentThe assessment of this course will be based on the following:•30%: In-class quizzes and assignments•30%: Mid-term exam•40%: Final examThe in-class quizzes and assignments will assess the students’ understanding of the course material and their ability to apply the concepts and theories in problem-solving. The mid-term and final exams will test the students’ comprehension of the course material, their analytical skills, and their ability to express their ideas effectively.ConclusionThrough this course, students will gn a solid foundationin engineering circuit analysis, enabling them to pursue further studies in electrical engineering or enter careers in this field. The course will provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze and design electrical circuits, and to be able to work effectively with electronic devices.。
contents •引言•中国小学科学教科书•新加坡小学科学教科书•中新小学科学教科书的比较分析•教育启示与建议•结论与展望目录引言研究目的和背景研究目的通过对中国和新西兰小学科学教科书关于“电路与电能”的内容进行比较,旨在了解两国教科书在内容选取、呈现方式和培养目标等方面的异同,以期为我国小学科学教育的改革提供参考。